Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains

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Principal and Deviatoric Stresses

and Strains
Engineering components are normally subjected to a range of externally
applied normal and shear stresses. However, there exists an element (in any
component) in a highly specific orientation such that the only resultant
stresses are normal stresses. These are known as principal stresses. Similarly,
there exist principal strains in a unique element on which only normal
strains are imposed.
For any failure analysis of materials, whether ductile or brittle, the
principal stresses are required since they represent the maximum and
minimum stresses, or the maximum differential stress values.
Most materials are strong if loaded hydrostatically, but fail when sub-
jected to a deviatoric load. It is therefore often necessary to split a stress
state into two components: an average hydrostatic stress state and a devia-
toric stress state. The latter is the overall stress state minus the effect of
average hydrostatic stress, representing the mechanical/stress behavior
of a range of porous materials such as rocks. For this reason the deviatoric
stress state becomes an important element of any failure criterion used for
rock materials.
Principal and deviatoric stresses and strains are studied in detail in this
chapter with the intention of providing a basis for the failure criteria that
will be introduced in Chapter 5.


Assuming the stress state of Equation 1.3, we transform these stresses in
space, and the stress components will change according to the transfor-
mation law. It is noted that this complicates the exact definition of stress, as
the stress matrices may look quite different, although they may describe
the same stress state if transformed to another orientation. This problem
can be avoided using principal stresses.

Petroleum Rock Mechanics

DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-385546-6.00003-6
 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
All rights reserved.
28 Principal Stresses


Figure 3.1 Mohr’s circle for a two dimensional stress state and principal stresses.

If we rotate our coordinate system to an orientation where all shear

stresses disappear, the normal stresses are then defined as principal
stresses. This is illustrated, for a simple two-dimensional domain, by
a Mohr’s circle as shown in Figure 3.1.

Note 3.1: To draw a Mohr’s circle from a given two dimensional stress
(i) mark sx and sy along the normal stress axis (consider compression as
positive for rock materials),
(ii) along the shear stress axis, mark out t xy at sx, and -t xy at sy, and
(iii) draw a line between the two points and make a circle about this
diagonal line.

The principal stresses can therefore be defined as:

2 3 2 3
sx t xy t xz s1 0 0
6 7 6 7
½s ¼ 4 t xy sy t yz 5 ¼ 4 0 s2 0 5 ð3:1Þ
t xz t yz sz 0 0 s3
Equation 3.1 represents a set of homogeneous linear equations.
By moving the right-hand matrix to the left-hand side and taking the
determinant, a solution for the principal stresses can be found:
 sx  s t xy t xz 
 t xy sy  s t yz ¼0 ð3:2Þ
 t xz t yz sz  s 

To determine the principal stresses, the above determinant has to be

expanded and solved. The result is a cubic equation as follows:
Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains 29

s3  I 1 s2  I 2 s  I 3 ¼ 0 ð3:3Þ
I 1 ¼ sx þ sy þ sz
I 2 ¼ t 2xy þ t 2xz þ t 2yz  sx sy  sx sz  sy sz
I 3 ¼ sx ðsy sz  t 2yz Þ  t xy ðt xy sz  t xz t yz Þ þ t xz ðt xy t yz  t xz sy Þ
I1, I2 and I3 are known as invariants because they remain unchanged for
a given stress state regardless of the orientation of the coordinate system.
Equation 3.4 always has three real roots. These roots are called principal
stresses, i.e. s1, s2 and s3 where s1 > s2>s3. They are also known as the
eigenvalues of the stress state matrix.


An average stress is defined as:
sm ¼ sx þ sy þ sz ð3:5Þ
By decomposing an existing stress state as given in Equation 1.3, we
may define the total stress as the sum of the average stress and another stress
term, which is known as deviatoric stress as given below:
2 3 2 3
sx t xy t xz sm 0 0
6 7 6 7
4 t xy sy t yz 5 ¼ 4 0 sm 0 5
t xz t yz sz 0 0 sm
2 3
ðsx  sm Þ t xy t xz
6 7
þ4 t xy ðsy  sm Þ t yz 5 ð3:6Þ
t xz t yz ðsz  sm Þ
The reason for splitting the stress into two components is that many
failure mechanisms are caused by the deviatoric stresses.
It can easily be seen that the deviatoric stress actually reflects the shear
stress level. It is therefore important to also determine the principal devia-
toric stresses. The method used is identical to that of Equation 3.2, except
sx is replaced by sx-sm and so on. The deviatoric invariants can therefore
30 General Interpretation of Principal Stresses

be obtained by substituting the normal stress components in the invariants

of Equation 3.4. The result is:
J1 ¼ 0
J 2 ¼ ðs1  s2 Þ2 þ ðs1  s3 Þ2 þ ðs2  s3 Þ2 ð3:7Þ
1 2
J 3 ¼ I 3 þ I 1 I 2 þ I 31
3 27

Note 3.2: The physical interpretation of the above invariants is that any
stress state can be decomposed into its hydrostatic and deviatoric stress
components. The hydrostatic component causes volume change in the
body, but no shape change. The deviatoric component is the reason for
the shape change, and the eventual rise in the shear stresses.

Equation J2 is often used in calculations of shear strength of materials,

and it is known as Von Mises theory of failure. This will be discussed in
Chapter 5.


In the following we will consider three geometric descriptions of the
principal stresses.
If all three principal stresses are equal, no shear stresses will exist. This
means that the principal stresses exist in all directions. If the stress state is
plotted in space, it can be presented as a sphere. This is shown in Figure 3.2,
and is known as hydrostatic state of stress.


Figure 3.2 Hydrostatic stress state representation for equal principal stresses.
Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains 31


Figure 3.3 Geometry used to load two equal principal stresses.

A more complex case arises when two of the principal stresses are
equal, but different from the third. There will be symmetry in the plane
which is orthogonal to the third stress component. A geometric presen-
tation of this stress state is shown in Figure 3.3.
When rock core plugs are tested in the laboratory, the cylindrical stress
state of Figure 3.3 is normally used. Later we will show that this stress state
is also often used for wellbore instability analysis.
The third stress state is the so-called triaxial stress state. In this case all
principal stresses have different magnitudes, as shown in Figure 3.4.

Note 3.3: It can be observed that there are no shear stresses in the
hydrostatic stress state and it would be shown as a point on the normal
stress axis. It can therefore be concluded that:
(i) shear stresses arise when the principal stresses are different,
(ii) a fluid under compression is in hydrostatic equilibrium, and finally,
(iii) a fluid at rest cannot transmit shear stresses.


Figure 3.4 A triaxial stress loading system.

32 Two-Dimensional Stress Analysis


Considering a two-dimensional loading case, where there is no stress along
the z-axis, we would like to find the principal stresses. For this case, the
stresses are sz ¼ t xz ¼ t yz ¼ 0, and Equation 1.3 is simplified to:
2 3
sx t xy 0  
6 7 sx t xy
½s ¼ 4 t xy sy 0 5 ¼ ð3:8Þ
t xy sy
0 0 0
The invariants of Equation 3.4 can also be simplified to:
I 1 ¼ sx þ sy
I 2 ¼ t 2xy  sx sy ð3:9Þ
I3 ¼ 0
and the equation for the principal stresses becomes:
s s2  I 1 s  I 2 ¼ 0

s2  sx þ sy s  t 2xy  sx sy ¼ 0

which is a quadratic equation. This equation has two roots, which are
given by:
s ffi
1   1   2
s1;2 ¼ sx þ sy W sx  sy þ t 2xy ð3:10Þ
2 2

where s1 and s2 are the maximum and minimum principal stresses.

Equation 3.10 in fact represents the equation for Mohr’s circle, as shown
in Figure 3.5.
We use the method defined in Chapter 2 and develop the stress
transformation equations for this two-dimensional case.
Figure 3.6a shows a cube, with unit depth, loaded in two directions.
Across this cube there is an arbitrary plane which makes an angle of u with
vertical direction. We will find the normal and shear stresses acting on the
inclined line using the method defined in Section 2.3.
Since the forces shown in Figure 3.6b must be in equilibrium, we
perform a force balance normal to and along the plane.
Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains 33


Figure 3.5 Mohr’s circle for a two-dimensional stress state.

The force balance normal to the plane is:

sA  sy ðAsinuÞsinu  sx ðAcosuÞcosu  t xy ðAcosuÞsinu
 t xy ðAsinuÞcosu
which produces the following equation of the plane normal stress:
sx þ sy sx  sy
s¼ þ cos2u þ t xy sin2u ð3:11Þ
2 2
The force balance along the plane gives:
tA  t xy ðAcosuÞcosu  sx ðAcosuÞsinu  t xy ðAsinuÞsinu
 sy ðAsinuÞcosu

Figure 3.6 Two-dimensional stresses acting on a cube, (a) Stress definitions,

(b) Force balance.
34 Two-Dimensional Stress Analysis

which in turn gives the plane shear stress as:

sx  sy
t ¼ t xy cos2u  sin2u ð3:12Þ
Using Equations 3.11 and 3.12 to describe the stress state on the
plane, we now study the properties of some solutions, such as at extreme
Introducing angle up as the angle of maximum normal stresses, or the
orientation of the principal planes, and, us as the angle or the orientation
of maximum positive and negative shear stresses, differentiating Equations
3.11 and 3.12 will give:
¼  sx  sy sin2up þ 2t xy cos2up ¼ 0
2t xy
tan 2up ¼ ð3:13Þ
sx  sy
¼ 2t xy sin2us  sx  sy cos2us ¼ 0
sx  sy
tan2us ¼ ð3:14Þ
2t xy

It is apparent that the above external values are the inverse of one
another. It can therefore be shown that the following relationship exists
between these extremes:

up ¼ 45 us ð3:15Þ
Equation 3.15 indicates that the plane of the maximum shear stress
occurs at 45 to the principal planes. This is a very important result, which
can be observed in a tension test of ductile and brittle steel bars as shown in
Figure 3.7. The resulting failure often has the shape of a cone at an angle of
about 45 .
Using Equation 3.15, the maximum shear stress can be expressed, after
some manipulation, by the following equation:
Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains 35


Figure 3.7 (a) A standard tension test specimen, (b) A typical ductile material during
fracture, (c) A typical brittle material during fracture.

sx  sy
t max ¼ þ t 2xy ð3:16Þ
Another expression for the maximum shear stress can be given based
on the principal stresses, by:
s1  s2
t max ¼ ð3:17Þ

Note 3.4: Maximum shear stress is equal to one-half the difference of the
principal stresses.

We will learn later in Chapter 5 that rocks in general have shear

strength, which exhibit an internal friction. This will be seen in the
Mohr-Coulomb shear strength criterion. In these cases, the failure angle
will be different.


In Chapter 2 we learnt that by replacing s with « and t with g=2, we can
use the same transformation system for strains. Similar methods can be
used to determine principal strains, hydrostatic and deviatoric strains, and
strain invariants.
The Mohr’s circle for strain, shown below (Figure 3.8), is similar to
Figure 3.1. One important difference is that only half of the total shear
strain is used in the plot.
36 Properties of Strain


Figure 3.8 Mohr’s circle for strains.

3.1: The matrix below defines a given stress state. Determine the principal stresses.
2 3
14 2 2
6 7
½s  ¼ 4 2 11 5 5
2 5 11

Solution: The three invariants are:

I 1 ¼ 14 þ 11 þ 11 ¼ 36

I 2 ¼ 22 þ 22 þ 52  14  11  14  11  11  11 ¼ 396

I 3 ¼ 14ð11  11  52 Þ  2ð2  11  2  5Þ þ 2ð2  5  2  11Þ ¼ 1296

Equation 3.3 becomes:

s3  36s2  396s  1296 ¼ 0

The roots are 18, 12 and 6. The principal stresses can now be written as:
2 3
18 0 0
6 7
½s ¼ 6
4 0 12 07
0 0 6

The corresponding directions for these principal stresses are obtained by inserting
each of the principal stresses into the following equation. The directions are the eigen-
vectors of the matrix, corresponding to the eigenvalues given above.
2 32
ðsx  si Þ t xy t xz ni1
6 76 7
6 t xy ðsy  si Þ t yz 76 ni2 7 ¼ ½0
4 54 5
t xz t yz ðsz  si Þ ni3

Inserting the three principal stresses from above, the following principal directional
cosines are obtained:
Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains 37

n11 ¼ n12 ¼ n13 ¼ pffiffiffi n31 ¼ 0
2 1
n21 ¼ pffiffiffi n32 ¼  pffiffiffi
6 2
1 1
n22 ¼ n22 ¼  pffiffiffi n33 ¼ pffiffiffi
6 2
Here the following trigonometric relationship is used:
n2i1 þ n2i2 þ n2i3 ¼ 1

3.2: A clay sample is being tested in a shear box. The following measurements are
«x ¼ 0
«y ¼ 0:8% compression
g xy ¼ 0:6%

Determine the principal strains and their directions.

Solution: The result is shown in Figure 3.9 below:


Figure 3.9 Principal strains and their orientations.


Figure 3.10 Principal strains and their orientations.

38 Properties of Strain

From Figure 3.9 the double angle between the measurements and the principal
strains is 37 degrees. This implies that the principal strains are inclined at 18.5 degrees
from vertical, as shown in Figure 3.10.

3.1: Show that the two stress matrices given below actually represent the same stress
state, and that their difference is due to the different orientation of the co-ordinate
2 3 2 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi 3
14 2 2 15  3 6
6 7 6 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi 7
½s ¼ 4 2 11 5 5 ½s ¼ 4  3 9 3 2 5
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
2 5 11 6 3 2 12

3.2: Data from a compression test of brittle sandstone has been put into a matrix, as
given below:
100 20
½s ¼
20 30

(a) The sample breaks at an angle of 45 degrees to the axis. What is the physical
meaning of this?
(b) Plot the Mohr’s circle for the data. Determine the principal stresses and the max-
imum shear stress.
3.3: The results of a geotechnical test are set into a stress state matrix with units of kN/
m2 (kPa) as given below. The coordinate system used is (x, y, z).
2 3
90 30 0
6 7
½s ¼ 4 30 120 30 5
0 30 90

(a) Determine the principal stresses.

(b) Determine the average stress and the second deviatoric invariant.
(c) Split the stress matrix into a hydrostatic and a deviatoric part.
(d) Determine the maximum shear stress and its approximate direction.
(e) Compute the stress matrix if the co-ordinate system is rotated 45 degrees around
the z-axis.
3.4: Compute the scalar product of the direction cosines:
njm nkm ¼ djk

and conclude that the three principal stresses are always orthogonal. Apply this to
Problem 3.3, and show that the principal stress directions are orthogonal by satisfying
the following conditions:
Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains 39

djk ¼ 1 if j¼k
djk ¼ 0 if j„k

3.5: Consider a two-dimensional stress state given below in the (x, y) coordinate
sx ¼ 2500 ; sy ¼ 5200 : t x ¼ 3700

Assuming all stresses are given in PSI and tension is positive.

(a) Find the magnitude and direction of the principal stresses and show the results in a
plot of Mohr circle.
(b) Find the magnitude and direction of the maximum shear stress and mark the results
in the Mohr circle of section (a).
3.6: Consider a three-dimensional stress state given as below in MN/m2 (MPa) unit of
measurement and assume compression is positive.
sxx ¼ 20:69 ; syy ¼ 13:79 ; t xy ¼ 0

szz ¼ 27:59 ; t zx ¼ 0 ; t yz ¼ 17:24

(a) Find the magnitude and direction of the principal stresses and plot the results in a
Mohr circle.
(b) Find the stress state in a three-dimensional coordinate system (x’, y’, z’) which is
created by rotating x and y axis 30 counter-clockwise about the z axis and plot the
old and new coordinate systems.

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