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Mas Group, LLC

Telling Your Story Through Social Media

● What differentiates you from your competition? Brand Storytelling

○ Your Brand Storytelling Formula = Hook + Plot + Resolution

● Hook
○ Hook Elements:
■ Attention Grabbing
■ Disruptive Moment

● Plot
○ Plot Elements:
■ Characters
■ Drama
■ Suspense
■ Mystery of Not-Knowing

● Resolution
○ Resolution Elements:
■ Outcome
■ Where you are now
■ Call To Action
■ Have Others Take An Action From Your Story
● i.e. Follow Your Social Media Channels
● Buy Something From You
● Email You
● Join Contests
● Offer Discounts By Taking Action

○ Enhance your story with ​congruency​ on all platforms (website & social
media channels)
■ Your content does not need to be identical
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Practice Telling Your Story


REVIEW​: Is your hook compelling? Is it attention-grabbing? Does it spark

curiosity? Would it intrigue someone to know more about your story?

ADVANCED​ ​ ​TRAINING​: Record yourself on video reciting your h ​ ook.

Practicing your modulation, tonality, and public speaking will train you for
your pitch to potential clients.
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REVIEW​: Does your plot include characters, drama, mystery, suspense,

novelty? Would your audience be engaged in your plot?

ADVANCED​ ​TRAINING​: Record yourself on video reciting your p ​ lot. Stay

away from rambling to your potential clients. Practicing your plot aloud will
help you keep your story clear and concise.
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REVIEW​: Does your resolution include your outcome? Is your “Call To

Action” clear to your audience? Is your CTA persuasive?

ADVANCED​ ​TRAINING​: Record yourself on video reciting your r​ esolution.

Your “Call To Action” must be clear, simple, and easy for your audience to

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