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Gloria Anzaldiia Borderlands la hrontera The New Mestiza aunt lute books ecetreaers copie ©1987 by Glia Azan Aig te Pina ‘or ae Book Company Porson ty Ri” i ape in Can Sa 8. . de senerd ata enn in WA, se dda mab gan i ere “pee RON: Cay nae Se 2 onc an xe sip: Pe Wn Des Sin ping Grace Harms and Comp Te Fo Bags CA Production: Cindy Chary tare rae Die etonde Pape atin ona Francs Sake Wier tay of Comer aan Patio Date Acknowledgements Toyou who walked with meupon my path and whol out s hand whea I seunbled, to yom who brasbed past me tcrossrods never to sch me sein; fo you wham I never chanced to mer but who inhabi bordeands sda co mine: to yu for whom the Bordelas swnkowwn trey; to Kit Quan foe foeding me and listening to me rat and to Melani Kaye/Kantcowiy,forbelivingin meand being there forme Joan Pinkvos, ry editor ane publisher, midwifeexear Aiouve, whose understanding, citing, and balanced mitre of gentle prodding and pressure ne only helped me bring this “aby to erm, but helped wo create i chese images and words se for yon To the production staff a Spinseers/Aunt Lite wh bone prestre of sponsible delines well. Martha Davis hse valuable and exellent copy-ediing has nade the material re reduble ad cohesive: Debra DeBont who worked hint Tacd to keep the book on schedule, Pum Wilson ard Grace won to Frances Doughey, Jeanie Ramos, Juth Waterman, Keptise, Randy Cones, Janet Asipny MisthaN” Quine JMands Coey and lana Dyhewossiafor het suppor a ment, a8 well as feedback on varie pees 019 stadenrsandcoleagues nthe ADP program in Vermin Women's Voices Wesing Workshup, UCSC, and wees ripated aay wing workshops in NYC New Haves, 9c Retkley. Oakland, nd Austin, Tens, ia pt Olson, Paula Ross, Mary Alancrag, Maya Valverde, ‘Tirsa Quiones, Beth Brant, Chrys, Hla Pere. jroria Roles, Chriscan McEwen, Roe Calvert, Ning and Lida Sacer a at sad ties atten] eebemitomel i) + 1 The Homeland, Aztlan 0 eee conn El otro México lata Mien gue asi hemos comstaide sl espace er logue a ido ert nacional Eb fererae de todos maestros hermanos 1 ltinsamericanos gue an bide ‘progrertan on Tigtes del Nee! “The sees del morte... compose the beget single cribe fc navion of Ansshinabeg Jndians) found inthe Unie Seaes Today. Somecal themseivesChicsns ands thenelver st people whise tur homeland s Aztin [tbe US Southwest) Wind wagging st my seve feet sinking io the sand Tstand atthe ge mete eaeth touches oes where the ran overlap pent coming Topetoer thes tines td places wc clas ‘Across the border in Mexiso Sask sioncre of hones ied by waves, lls crumbling int the es Silver waves marbled wit spume ishing a hole unde he border fence, i | covey i) Sa bi) i: | met oad Tee aren A / Bt Main “Miro of mar acer de cere om order Fell Pak con ar bachoner de asa, a Easter Sony resurrection Glebe browarBlt n my teas. go el Hovde del mar, respi del eve, iy heat surges to the Beat of te 6 Tove pay ze ol the sn he gl sil ry of anges, Je aogy sel of these seeping ino me walk chcough the hole inthe feoce othe ther side ‘Uovder my finger feel the gety wire rte by (39 Yeats tf the aly Bese of thes, Seesth he iv hy ‘Monica clench die soe Bl crs, fn aer itentering tbe US. press my hand ro dhe see erein— chainlink lene cued wih led barbed wice— ippling from the sen where Tijuana tooches San Diggo tilling over mounains ‘od pis ‘ad deserts this “Tora Corin” curing intel fo Grande lowing dow tote Hatands ‘hehe Magic Valley of South Texas ics th empeying ino the Gul. 1.950 mile dong open wound ‘Being a pueblo, x aloe, feming down te length of body, Staking fence rox ia my flesh, plies me spits me “This is my home this chin edge of arbre. Bar he ski of thst 8 ap Theses cannot deed, ES ol mar does ae stp modes. ‘Toshow the white man wae though ey Yomapa lew tht Fe by of i ‘This and wa Ban once, ‘wisiodaanays ‘And wil, Yor we pene ed ‘mando gebach? del 2 4 patado me eed pag ee "lo parents tnt Quel Virgen de Gea me oi Araya, 9 mesiansiie ldo The US-Menican border amid be World grates agin the fistances And ge he chemorthapesapnin hia mowers ab loyal BOR ples that resales sso da ‘A border i» diving linet sow seep analy 4 FM berderodisavapucandundmiaed lnc 2 SP proral rene os anatesanaany ngSCEeEADY so ain ea ob 2 ts Los srverados ie bee squnes ate 8 Bec cee ee ea So he pee heal dat hor heb coe the ohh ae rest conser the nabs of he enh ce ee hae thy Con ns or oy lb apd, main giguse shoe MET ire" inhabtantareve ingore Ee A a eer tS a z - Toe Hon An or Mes ‘ho align themselves with whites Tension grip the inhabitants (ithe Borderlands Tikes vies, Arrange od wate ede there and death is a0 seranger, In the feds Us migrs My ava saying, "No corr, doe une They think you'r del eto lu the cof ‘om, Pedra etiedofbeingenight He covldn speak English, could’ tl them he wae ith generstion Amer: an Sin paper he aid nor exer his Bit ceria Soak in “the felis La migra took him away while we Snatched, Sef lenaron. He ied to sie when he looked Bick are orsige is fse Burl sar she shame pushinalis head down, Is the eile weight of share hundh bis ‘Shoulders The deported hint Guadalajara by plane. The furthest he'd ever ben co Menico was Reyes, 2 small ower town oppante Hidalgo, Tenet, aot far fom McAllen. Pedeo walked all she way to the Valle. Selo esarom sin wn centavo a pobre. Se vino andsndo derde Ganda. Daring the orginal peoping of the Ameria, the fits, inbaitante gested serots the Bring Struts nd waked 00h ‘cro the continent The oldest evidence of humankind inthe US-—the Chicanor ancient Indian anceatry-—mas Tose ia ‘Texas and ba bevn dated to 39000 B C*Ia the Southwest United ‘Sater archeologats have fond20000-yerr-aldcampster ofthe Indians who migsaved through. or petmanerrlyoecopied, the Southwest, Azlan—land af the herons, and of whiteness, he [dene pace of origin of che Asteca. in 1000 BC. descendents of the original Cochive people migeted into what is sow Mexico and Cental America and became the dieetancestrsofmanyof te Mexican people (The (Cochise care ofthe Soutbwest i the parent culture of the ‘Aztecs. The Uto-Aztecaa languages stemmed from the ngusge tthe Cochise people" The Aree [the Nahas word for Deople cf Azlin) lef the Southern 1168 AD. ae ayn baat, Un pier cami Poe Horn, Ala / Blt Ma Comin oto rms tern ela "cava dol oigen” fox actecss guerra dos Htctopcka aitsilopach the Gos of War, guided ther x the place (chat later became Meni Cy} whereas eagle with a withing Serpent in is beak perched on acacts The eagle synbolzes the Spt (asthe su, the fates), the se-pea symbolizes the sul as the earth che mathe). Together. they symbolize the stogale [erweeathe spiritual cles mai ard the underworl/etthy Feminine. The symbec serfs of the sxpont eo the “higher smasculae powers idiates that the patearchalonderadaleesdy ‘ngaished the feminine and mattaschal order in pee Calmbian Ameri [Ac the beginning ofthe 16th century, the Spaniards and Hernia Cores invaded Mexico and, wth the help of rebes fat the Aatecs nad subjogted conquered it Before the Conguest there were ewenty-tive elon Indian people Mexico and the ‘Yocutin Imiediecly after the Conquest, the Tian population hudbeen reduced eo under seven milion By 1650, onlyone-and Shaltmilion pore-blonied Indians remained. "The meta Who were genetically equipped survive smal pox, esses, and typhas (Old World diseases wo which thenaiveshad po imma i) founded a new hybrid race ond inherited Central nd South ‘Arperic E1327 mci sma nua ara alerting el mexicans {people of mined Indian and Spanish boos), a ce that had never evista before. Chicanos, Mesican- Americans, are the olfeping of those ise matings ‘Our Spaney naan, and mertisa ancestors explored sad sealed parts of the US Southwese a eaiy a4 the sistent encry: For every gol-hungryeongstiado and sou-hongry Iasonary who came north from Menic, ten co rwenty Indias od metizor ment slong as porters in othe eapacties® Foe the ions, this contutted «serum to the plas uf origin, ‘Atlin, thus making Chicanos originally and secondarily in {enous co rhe Southwest ans and metions from certs Mexico intermatried with Norh America Indians The contin sl atermarrage between Mexican and Amteran Indias 40d Spaniards formed an even geste mesticje “Teen An ot Misr i desierro/ Toe Los Land Enoncee coed la ongre tno sabe of indo que bacer, Deana guitar outer Uatlne gue djender lindo eco mwero J caer do pe Levante, Nangulef Araac tio wna pee tne ogre quer chara Jaws tones esbaoler Tos que les ben ovr, ‘hy ton es propor chienos a gue les gutta se pon Lesbntte Paiabnene “A Wioleta Parr, "Arauco tiene ana pena Jn the 1800s, Anglos igre illegally into Texas, which ‘vas then par of Meso in rear and greater numbers end [radully dove the tejanor (nave Texans of Mexican dese) {om thee lanl, comentting all manner of atrvcties aginst them. Ther ileal invasion forced Mexia fights wae to keep its Texas tervvory, The Batle ofthe Alamo, in which tbe Mea (forces vanquished the whites, became, for he whites, he Symbolfortheeowarely and ilinos character ofthe Mesicans. Te became (and sil) 2 Syabol that legitimized the white imperil takeover. Wich the captae of Santa Anaa later in 1886, Texas became a repabie Tenor lost their land and, overt became the fseigers Yl mad del erone (eh tend el ator Santa Anna, om toque w ha bac es cin amorere Qu acoso no 10 conforman fm al ovo de les nat? Wieder may eleganter {yagalmasonos en nas rom the Menican corrido, Del pelipry del Intereencin'® Tae asl Ain / Blt Mn In 1846, the US ined Meni wat, US. oops invaded and occupied Mexico, forcing ber fo give up alist allo hor tation, whats dow Texas, New Meso, Aron, Colorado snd California. ‘With the victory of the US. forces over the Mexican in he US.Mexicin War, lor mortesmercenos pushed the Tests border down 100 miles, rom el no Neco too is Grande South Texas ceased to be part of the Menican stat of Tamm (es. Separsted from Mexico, the Native Mescan-Texsn 0 Tanger Tooke toward Mexico a8 home; the Souths becsine ‘ur homeland once mote. The Border fence shat divies the Mexican pele washornon Februny 2 1838 with hesigsangof the Teaty of Gusdlupetdalgo Ie et 100000 Mesiean 2eison tis side, annexed by congue along with te land. The [indestablished by thereat sBelonging we excans wa sco odled away from ewes The eaty wes sever ono fd estietion, teh de, hae never Been made he jstice and benevolence of God wel forbid cha Texas shoud gain Becomes howling wilderness ‘td nly by saagen or henightod byte ignorance and superseion, he anarchy ao rpine of Mexican miele, The AnglorAmersan race are desting! ‘a be forever the proprietors of this and of promise sna lien Theic ows will govern thei learning wil enlighten i, ‘heir emerpie wll improve ‘The foks range its boundless pears, foc them ts fer lands wil ik lsueaat harvest. ‘The wildeaess of Tezas hasbeen redeemed ‘by Anglo-American blood & enterprve “Willam H. Wharcon? “The Gringo, lacked into the fiction of white superiority, Seized complet polis power sipping lian sad Mest Of thelr la while hei feet were atl rooted in i Com ef Alesiero ye exlo fuimos derwiador,destroncado, deri ‘TheHoneland Asia Ear Mie ‘edos—we were jerked out by the ros, suncaed dsembo ‘weed, dispossessed and separsted fom our Mest and 0 Fistor. Many, under the dvca of Angle certorisn, abandoned ‘homes and ranches and went to Messe. Some stayed ad poe ‘ested But athe courts, aw enforcement oficial ad govern ‘mencoffcials notonly ignored thir pleas bu penalned te for ‘hei efforsfejena bd no ther ecooee But arte ealaon “after Mexicio-Amercan reusters cobbed acai in Browinslle, Texas on October 18, 1913, Anglo vigils groope began Iyoching Chicanos. Texas Rangers mould the them sto thebrushandsieo! them One hondred Chicanos were illed ina :matter of months, whole Flies ited. Seven thousand fled { Mexico, leaving their small ranches aed farms ‘The Anglo, rai that che mesiap® would sek iepenence fom the US, robe ia 20000 army troops to put an end tothe social protest movement in South Texas. Race haeed had fly {emented ito an all cut wa” My geandaother fos al he atl, they stole hee nd “Drought hit South Texas,” my mother els me. "Lesimrs se paso bien sea lor animales comenarona ortincede eM ‘pare mario de wn neaceateackdjande + mama pregoaaty com cho duercor wich eight kids and one om te way, Yo fl la ‘mayor toa dies aos The nex je the drouph cotinsedy Sqrad ok and oth Salerno done ema ty {broslond,pssasBlnce ballooning othe skies El igntente {tc stl no ain pobre madre ada pond co chin of het ianadoAsractgabacho layer tok he land away mamabadt Pulses No habla gli, she did't know how toa for fire case the mone.” Mi father's mother, Mamma Latha also lnuthercerena Foca while we got 812.50 a yea for the" mies sights fsx acres of cemetery ll hat was eto he ancestral lands Mam Techs had asked tht we bury he hese beside het husband. El cemeterio erabe crcado. But there wat 2 fence ‘ound th cemetery, chained snd padlockedby the ranch owners ofthe surrounding land. We couldn't even get in co ise the _xaves, michlessBeryher there, Today ite sl padlocked The Sign reads "Keep ewe Trespass willbe hot" Inthe 1930s see Anglo agribusiness corporations chested ‘he sll Chicano landowners of thee la, he conporaions hed gangs of mesieano o pall oa the brsh, chaparral aod ‘cto and to ierigae the desert. The ld they tiled over had See Betoged 6 many of hem ot ha ben secon all By them Later the Anglo brought in hage machines and rot plow andhad he Mesicnsserape he landelea of natural vegetation Inmy childhood law che eof drland farming I wienessed the lund cleared; sa the hoge pipes congetedtounderwatersouces Scking up in she sr As ciren, we'd go thing some oF {hose canals when they were fll a! hut foe sakes them Sshen they wece dry. Tn the 1980s Tsaw the la, ext up into ‘houses of net rectangles and squares, constandy beng [uted Iache gromthsenson the seed of any kind ie ‘vegetable had onto be stack in the round inorder to grow Morebig lind ocporstions came ina Bought wp the remain land ‘To make living my father became shareropper Rio acme Incorporated knoe him sed mney and livingexpenses Acharves time, y father repaid the lan 4d forked oner 40% (of the earringe. Sometimes we exned les than me owed, bat fas the corporations fred well Some had majo holdings ia Tegeable trucking, Hvestock auctions od cotton gies. ALO iether we lived on three socesive Rio farms: the second was jacent othe King Ranch and inched dairy Fam the tied Sasa chicken fam. [remember the hte feathers of tree ‘Mousa Leghorn chickensblanketng che land or acres around -Mysister mother and leased, weighed sod packaged ens (For year afterwards I couldn stomach the right-of an egg) ] Femmember my motheratesding some the meetings sporsered Dyveltmeanisg whites fom io Farme They lked abet good ‘ution, health and held age babeqoes The oly hing ‘age fo my far from those years ae moder echniqs of {ood canning sod ¢fod-stnied book they peated made up of recipes fom Rio Farms’ Merican women, How prod my ‘other wast ave her recipe oc enchiladas eoloade!ins bok cruzer del mojade/ egal Crossing "Abora ya vengo wa ba pas lorr dee Concha, upon being eorted with her unknown mother jst before the mother des “om Israel Rodrigue fi, ‘Nowator for pobas™ excite Lar gringo had not stoppedat the border By the ‘nd of he nineteenth century posts landowners in Mes, inparenerhipwith US colonizing compasies a dpossesed rllions of Indians of tee lands Ceres, Mexico and bet ghty milion cians ave aenost completely dependent onthe Us-market. The Mesian governmentand wealthy guwersare Jn parinershipwieh sich Ametiincnglomesstes Ameria Motors, ITT and Ds Poot which own factories called saguiadoras Ove foethofall Mexicans work mapuader ‘ost are young women, Next to oi mayaadorar ne Menicos Second grate source of US dollars Work eight co twee Fours day to wire in backup ghee of US. autos or solder rinsculewites in TV set is rot the Meican way. While he trompen ace inthe magiiladora, the chilean are lee on there ‘Own Many roam the see, become pat of ebofo gangs. The Infusion uf the values ofthe white cle, coupled with the ‘exploiationy thateleare sschanging he Mexican ayo ite “The devluation uf the peo and Mesicos dependency 00 the US have broghton what the Mexican cl act No bay ‘abajo. Hal of the Mecanpeopleste unemployed Inthe US. 3 anor woman can makeeighe times what they cin Mexico. By March, 1987, 1.088 pesos werewowh one US dolar Tremere ‘when {was growing up in Texas bow wed eos the border at Reynosa or ogres tobuy sugar or medicines when the delat swa8 worth eight poy and iy center Latrasese For many mesicanos del or ado, the dice is to sayin Mexico and starve oc move north and lve. Dien gue fade mexicano siempre tata dele computa elas Bran de ‘stem grongar nba ta conguste del a poder del wort do Ertador Unidor Em cada Chica y mestcano sive af ite dad tesoro territorial perdido, Nowth Amnrices cal his et £0 the homeland theslen iavasion “Ae eaeva voteerin” ta ancion “Amalia Soath of she border, called Nocth Amesce's rubbish dump bby Chicanos, mencanosongzegae inthe plaas otal about che ‘est way ects Smugglers, coyser,puradarer,euganhdores approach these people or ae sgt ft by thee “cad dicen Iacbacbor a echirel dé maja “Now among the slien gods with ‘weapons of agi aL “Navajo protection song song sen going into Bae * We have tradition of migration, raditon of long walks. Tosay were witnessing le mpracn de os fucbler mexico the return odyssey 0 the historical mythoiogesl Ate. Tis time che aff from sot to noth ‘Bletorno tothe promived lan rst began with he odions from the incerior of Menio nthe mrtioo: that cre withthe ‘omguisedors in he 1300s Lasnigration continued i the ext thre centuries sain hi sener.tcomsnued withthe brace {1 whi belped to build ote roads sod who picaed out frie “Tory thousands of Mesians ae consing te bude lay and legally: ten milion people widhot documents have cetuened 2 {he Southwest, acces, nameless, avis, and mith Hey ciara" (cockroach). Trembling with fear, yet filled with ourage, 8 ‘courage bor of desperation Barefoot sod wesucnted Meson ithhandslikeboor sales gather at night server where two Worlds merge cresting whit Resgancalea fring ama ae ‘The convergence has ened s shock clare, a border clases third county a clowed county. Without Bence of bridges, che "mojador (werback) fost on aflaable rafts across eo Grende oc made oe swim acoss faked, cutchingsheiclecbesene heitheads Hlldig ote te {F385 they pull shemseves along the benks with» prayer to Virgen de Guadalape on theic ips: Ay irgencta maven. madre deme tn endo ‘The Border Patol hides behind the local McDonalds onthe ‘outskirts of Brownsnile Tenasoesume other border town They ‘se traps around the river bods benesth he bridge ™ Haters 2 {emy rem uniforms stalk sad track hese conic teupes by ‘the powerful nighvisionofelecronceneing devices laren the ground or moanted on Border Patrol vans. Cotnered by sights, tesked whe deieaems stretch over thee endo ‘ojudos ae hance, locked i jeeps, and thea kicked ack cons the border ‘Onc osu every chee is auhe Some erento enact tof psatge as may ts three tesa day Some of hexe who roake it cross undeeced fll prey co Mena reees such as ‘hose in Srmuggers‘Caryon onthe America sie of the border feat Tijuana As telagees in homeland that doesnot want ‘hem, aay find a welcome band holding ut only sulfesag, pin, ad ign death "Those wb make (pas the checking points of the Border Patrol find themselves in the midst of 150 years of racism 0 Chicano barrios in the Southwest and in big nothorn cic, [singin men's borderlad,caugheberween being ested aseriminalsabeingabl ext, berween resistance abd por tason the legal efagees ae cme ofthe poorest ad the mcs exploited of an) peoples the US. Ii legal for Mexicans to Stock without geen cards But big fazning combines frm bonses and emggers who Bring the in make money of the ‘wetbcks™ labor—shey don't have to pay federal minimam sige, o ensure adeguste housing or sanitary condition “The Mexican woman especialy a sb- Often the coyore (omoggier) dove’ feed her for days or lee her go *0 the Bachroom Often he rapes er oe els he ino postition. She Cinnot cal on county or state ealch or economic resoures becrase she doesnt Know English and she fears deportation American emplojersarequckto akeadvanrage of et helpless nena. She cafe go home’ She's sold her house, her furneie, Sortowed from fiends in order to pay the coyote who charger ber four or five chousund dollars to snuggle esto Chicago, She ‘may work a8 live-in maid fr white, Chicano ot Latino hone olds foras ites $13 week: Orwork inthe garment indus, Aohotel work Icated and wosvied abou: her flyback hore, Blea of geting cought and deported, living wieh as many 38 fifteen peopl in one rom, the mexicana sues serious belch problems. Se enferma de lor nervon, de ue presi La mojed a sor idocumentda dy threatened io this couotey Not only does she have to eantend with sexes! ‘lence, ba ik all women, she Tepe to 4 sense of pyc] Ihlpiessness Av 2 refuge, she leaves the fomilise 2nd safe homeground to venture into woknows and poribly dangerous Thisiser home this hin edge af ‘rbwive 2 Movimientos de rebeldia y las culturas que traicionan tot movimientor de rebel que tenemos ene t fre nossro los mewianosrargen como ros desboesnados mis sonar, como mi aa gee on end deca? haces tnd de obedecer de alae aceptrem met rebels encimita de ui carne Debio demi bamillda snide std nnacarsimatotelte parcexpionr Mecona ‘nay caro mi rebeldisacalabrade con deseo} dad, Iiniondome hat eoepe,ctpotente [Me entra wne aba cuando alguien mi mami, gle ‘i entra defor angler die bas ety be ts congener mis decor epee, Hable pura Fut may bocconaErundiferentea Imacior valor de micaeura No me dj dels bombre. No fat buen n obedione era resto, Veo sot pato tod mi via botando las tnmbres los eatre de i caltara gue me taionan Tambitn veo la costambrer que pore empo te ben ‘rovada y tt covtmbres de rsipelors ls agoras. it Acapitemyacomingtolerance,for this Cicanslagverade ‘ndependons i cnstce “The Sueogth of My Rebellion [Inve a vid memoey of ald photograph: Lam six years old stand berween my father and mother, head ecked othe ‘a, the toes of my fst fee sripping the ground. 1 old my smother hand ‘Tothisday'm not sure where ound the strength oleae te sore, the meter, disengage om my fay mer, font andalltuepicure soto Thad oles Rome old find mysele, find my own tnticicnarre beiedwnder the ‘ero that tad eon ipod on me Taste fist insixpeeraionsoervethe Valley, the only tone inyfaiy to ever leave ome But I dd eave al the fares of me: Rep the sound of my owe Beng On ie malbed vay, taking with me the lad the Valley Texas, Gad i ‘amino y me urged. May ondariogs i Bia Beco et my ‘wn accord me diem. "imo te gut la mal ida?” ‘Aca very cal ag hada sttong ene of who Iwas and what ws shad wbat wa fie hada stsbbora wil ered Sostacy o mobic my sol ner my own reaimeoire Me gn my own termsnomater bow sosiblcto ater hey were Foca Even se achildl would oc obey twasTany “Instead ironing my vounges betes’ shirts or leaning the copbord. would pass many hour seying tein, panting, wring Every i of sel ith 1 prnwakingy gathered took 3 Beating smesicany iin my system 1 ama cute, wherever 1 go Lcty mean my back, Not me so out my people but they ne. So yes, though ‘home permentesevery sinew andcarilage ia my body. T 00a Mead of going home. Thoogh Til defend my tace abd culare thea tej reached by nom-mesicano,comorcoel malta de Ini cular abhor some of my caer ways ow keen ‘women, come burras, ourstengths used apuinstus lowly barat raring somali with dignny The ality to serve, cui the ‘ales, sour highest vite Tabor ow my cleare makes mach favicatares of ts mea. No, do aot yale yes of the be into which 1 was born an understand why the more tinged ‘th Anglo bod, the more adamaney my coheed snd okra Sisters glorify these colored. eltres values —t0 ole the ‘extreme devaluation oft by the white clare ls alegciate Fraction But | wll ot glonty dose aspects of my eure which Ihave jared me and which have injured me inthe mae uf rowerng me. ‘So, don't give me our tenets and your laws. Done give me yourlatewarmnie What waorisanaccounting withall bree faltres™ white, Mexican, Ian T nant the Fredo wo eave Sd chisel ny oe face to sagas dhe bleeding with ase. fashion my own gods aut of ey eates. Andi going hore Aenied me then wil have oud arcu my space makings few caltareana calla motn—with my Own limber, 2) (ove bricks 0 morar and my ww erin archiectte "The Woueding ofthe iia Mextze Ear earner indias que desprecemor worotro or mesic nosasssome despreomsr) condenamrorasuerra madre Mali ‘nal Nor condenamor a nsooras mitmec. Eite rca void, emigo exer [Not me sold ou ay people br they se, Mafinal Tee, ‘oc Mansi, bacmne Kaown as fs Crnpadethe locked one She has become de bad word that passes dozen tines a ay from the lips of Cnianoe. Whore, promitie, the woman ho Sold out het people to the Spuniaeds ae epithets Chicos spit ‘ee mi conte "The worst Kindo betayal len making selieve hat the Indian woman insite becrver We, indy mera, pole the Indian ins, rate snd conden he. Male te has ‘one god jobon Sonor costae que raion Lard snmiestasombrLaChingade Hassel, Catone Som lat (he npomon Lament a bis pons ‘Note so oun people they me Becavse ofthe color af ay shin hey Betayed ne. The dark-ianed woman bas be Silenced, gags, cage, bound into serviade wich maccge, Budgeoned for 300 years, seized and csroted inthe te fitncentary.Fors00 eas ate harbeenslnve,a force of hep labor, alot by the Spaniard the Ang by hee own people (anda Mesoamerica her ot under the Indian pasiarchs was not free of wounding) For 300 years she as iv able, she was not hued. Many times she wished ro spe, o aco protests to challenge. The odds mece heal against her She hier fs. Ings; she bid her teuthe she conceded her fire, bur she hep ‘Mokingthe inner flame She emined faceless snd yokes bat 2 light shone theough her vei of lene. Ard though se mas Unable to spread her ims ad though foe her right 04 the Pa fas sunk under the eat and there son, she coins to ‘end the flame The spine of he fre spars het to ight for het ‘ovaskin and piece of ground costandon,»groand foun which To view the words perspectives omnepround where she ca Plumb he chances eoosinta her ow n ample meta heat She wai ill che waters ae nor so urbueat athe mounts ot So slippery with sleet. Buttered and bruised she wats het rss throwing her back upon herself ae the yeni ple of the feminine Coalalopend waits with he. Aiton ls soled prospers rw rebel Bela Yledad Ble prorpora

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