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Working With Special Groups

COURSE: Early Childhood Education II UNIT C of Children and Child Care


ESSENTIAL Apply procedures and strategies for working with

5.00 C3 13%
STANDARD: special groups of children.

OBJECTIVE: 5.01 C3 6% Apply procedures for infant care.

Essential Question:
• What steps should be followed for hand washing before and after feeding and diapering infants?
• What steps should be followed for feeding infants?
• What steps should be followed when diapering infants?
• What steps should be followed with infant naptimes?


Hand washing before and after feeding and before and after diapering*

1. Provide liquid soap and tempered water

2. Rub hands vigorously with soap and tempered water for 15 seconds
3. Wash all surfaces of the hands; include the backs of hands, palms, wrists, under
fingernails and between fingers
4. Rinse well for 10 seconds
5. Dry hands with a paper towel or other hand-drying device
6. Turn off faucet with a paper towel or other method without contaminating hands

(NC Rule 15A NCAC 18A .2803, Hand washing)

1. Immediately label and refrigerate breast or formula bottles of milk
2. Discard any formula or breast milk that has not been refrigerated for two hours
3. Remove bottle from refrigerator and run warm water over it to bring to room
4. Hold infant while bottle feeding; if old enough to hold bottle, place in age-appropriate
5. Watch for signs of fullness: (a) crying in response to bottle, (b) turning head away, (c)
closing mouth tightly, (d) pushing away bottle or breast, and (e) stopping sucking
6. Stop feeding when child shows signs of fullness
7. Discard after one hour any used formula left in the bottle

1* Child Care Center Handbook, Division of Child Development, NC Dept. of Health and Human Services,
Oct. 2009
OBJECTIVE: 5.01 C3 6% Apply procedures for infant care.

1. Gather supplies before placing child on diapering surface
2. Don disposable gloves if needed
(Should be used if caregiver has cuts, sores, or chapping on hands)
3. Use disposable towelette or moistened paper towel to clean child, wiping front to back
4. Dispose of gloves, if used, soiled towelettes, and diaper in a plastic-lined, covered receptacle
5. Wipe hands with disposable towelette or moistened paper towel
6. Slide a clean diaper under the child, applying diapering products if needed, using facial or toilet
tissue, discarding tissue in a plastic-lined, covered receptacle
7. Fasten diaper and place clothing on child
8. Wash child’s hands in accordance with Rule .2803 from previous page of Unpacked Content. If
child is unable to support his/her head, clean the child’s hands with a disposable towelette or
moistened paper towel, then dry the child’s hands and return the child to a supervised area
9. Spray entire diapering surface with detergent solution and wipe clean; use disposable paper
10. Spray entire diapering surface with approved disinfecting solution and allow to remain on
surface for two minutes or as specified by the manufacturer, or air-dry
11. Wash hands in accordance with Rule .2803, even if disposable gloves are used by the caregiver
(NC Rule 15A NCAC 18A.2819 Diapering and Diaper Changing Facilities)

1. Schedule naps with parent preferences in mind; stagger naps to meet individual needs
2. Use music and stories to calm infants just before naptime
3. If feeding is needed just before naptime, hold infant to feed bottle; never prop bottle or give
bottle to infant lying in crib
4. To reduce risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), place infant on his/her back in a crib
with a firm mattress, avoiding use of fluffy animals, pillows, and other objects in the crib. Only
place a child in an alternative sleep position if a physician’s recommendation for a sleep position
waiver is on file in the center.

2* Child Care Center Handbook, Division of Child Development, NC Dept. of Health and Human Services,
Oct. 2009

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