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TeleCheck Software User Guide

Published Version History

Version Date of issue Changes

0.1 12/04/2017 Initial draft
1.0 12/04/2017 Initial release
2.0 27/04/2017 Amendments to figure labels

Responsible for Review: Keith Thornicroft

Product Development Manager

Responsible for Approval: Barry Elborn

Production Manager

Distribution List

1 Project electronic file

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IC0521-UG-002 version 2.0 © Copyright Plant Integrity Ltd 2016
TeleCheck Software User Guide

1. Summary ........................................................................................................................ 4
2. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
3. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 4
4. Requirements ................................................................................................................. 4
4.1. Possible Internet Connections ................................................................................. 5
4.2. Network connection between the Teletest and the PC ............................................ 5
5. Communications Overview ............................................................................................. 5
6. Hardware Overview ........................................................................................................ 6
7. Operation Overview........................................................................................................ 7
8. Software Installation ....................................................................................................... 7
9. Hardware Installation...................................................................................................... 8
9.1. Connecting the air hose: ......................................................................................... 8
9.2. Disconnecting the air hose: ..................................................................................... 9
9.3. Attaching the Overcurrent DLM box: ....................................................................... 9
9.4. Removing the Overcurrent DLM box: .................................................................... 10
10. Software Operation ................................................................................................... 10
10.1. Arranging a conformity check ............................................................................ 10
10.2. Establishing the remote conformity check connections ...................................... 10
10.2.1. Testing and troubleshooting your Teletest connection ................................ 11
10.2.2. Testing and troubleshooting your TeleCheck server connection ................. 12
11. Actions required during conformity check.................................................................. 12
11.1. Connecting and disconnecting the air hose........................................................ 12
11.2. Connecting and disconnecting the Overcurrent DLM box .................................. 12
12. After the conformity check ........................................................................................ 12

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TeleCheck Software User Guide

This document describes the need for Plant Integrity’s remote conformity check service, the
technology behind the service and how to configure and operate the supplied software
(TeleCheck) and hardware to ensure a successful remote conformity check.

It is important that the Teletest Focus is periodically assessed to ensure that it continues to
perform optimally and that the inspection and diagnostic results produced by the unit can be
relied upon.

In the past, for customers with Teletest Focus units based at remote sites, the process of
conformity checking has been inconvenient:
1) The Teletest is removed from operations for a considerable period of time.
2) The Teletest needs to be protectively packaged.
3) Customs documentation needs to be generated.
4) Couriers need to be commissioned.
5) The Teletest needs to be delivered.
This protracted process needs to be repeated for the return trip. The process is risky,
expensive and consumes a great deal of resource and time during which the Teletest
resource is unavailable.

The procedure involves using the Teletest to generate and acquire signals and observing the
processes to ensure that both are within specification. If the processes are not within
specification, adjustments can be made to bring them back into specification or the unit can
be dispatched for repair. The observation of the processes and adjustments to the operation
of a Teletest can be performed over a network connection. The physical distance over which
this network connection can be established is global in scale; provided appropriate
connections can be made to global intermediate networks e.g. the internet.

The remote conformity check product provides the hardware to facilitate the observation of
the generation and acquisition processes and software (TeleCheck) to establish the
connection, over the internet, between the Teletest unit and the conformity engineer at Plant
Integrity. This document describes what the customer should do in order to achieve a
successful, convenient, low-cost conformity check.

This document relates exclusively to the customer operation of the software and hardware of
the remote conformity check product. The design and operation details are provided in other
documents. This document does not guide the conformity check engineer or the IT engineer
supervising the process.

The following items and facilities will be required:
1) A PC running Windows 7/8/10.
2) An internet connection for the PC allowing TCP/IP connections to port 22 on external servers
(Secure Shell connections).
3) The Plant Integrity TeleCheck Software.
4) A Teletest Focus requiring a conformity check with a fully charged battery.
5) A network connection to which both the PC and the Teletest are connected.

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TeleCheck Software User Guide


The TeleCheck product tolerates a variety of internet connections with a variety of speeds.
The software has been tested with:
1) A conventional, cabled or wireless connection to a corporate/domestic/commercial network
with an internet connection.
2) An internet connection via the mobile ‘phone network e.g. USB 3G/4G modem or smartphone
wireless hotspot.
The following connections between the PC and the Teletest are supported:
1) Wireless connection between the Teletest and the PC.
2) Point-to-point cabled connection between the Teletest and the PC.
3) Both the Teletest and PC both independently connected to a corporate/domestic/commercial
local area network (LAN).

Figure 1 Two examples of network connections

The provided document “Ethernet & Wi-Fi Setup User Guide” will assist in connecting the PC
and Teletest MK4 unit together, if required.

For most wired or wireless corporate/domestic/commercial local area networks (LANs), the
network to which all of the PCs and devices in an office or a home are connected, there is a
“router” which provides a connection to the internet. The router allows PCs and other devices
connected to the LAN to connect to websites and other resources on the internet. The router
often incorporates a “firewall” which prevents unwanted connections from outside the LAN
from giving unauthorised access to resources connected to the LAN. The router protects
PCs on the customers LAN but also prevents connections to the customer’s PC or the
attached Teletest.

As part of the Plant Integrity Remote Conformity Check Service, Plant Integrity provides a
server to which a connection from the customer’s PC can be made by the supplied software.
During the conformity check process, Plant Integrity also connects to the server. Both the
customer and Plant Integrity connections to the server are bidirectional. Plant Integrity is able
to connect to the Teletest at the customer’s location by sending and receiving information
over the connections to the server. The software on the customer’s PC then takes traffic to
and from the server and passes it to and from the Teletest which it has access to.

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TeleCheck Software User Guide

Please ensure you check the equipment provided before proceeding. You should have the
 Protective case with attached pressure vessel
 Memory stick containing the following:
o Teletest Software
o User Manual
o Installation Guide
o Ethernet & WiFi Setup User Guide
 Air hose
 Overcurrent DLM box

Air hose Pressure


Overcurrent stick
DLM box

Figure 2 Provided Equipment

a b c
Figure 3 Memory stick (a), rear (b) and front (c) of Overcurrent DLM box

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TeleCheck Software User Guide

The conformity check will proceed as follows:

Once the TeleCheck software is running and is connected to Plant Integrity Ltd, the first step
is to ensure the Teletest MK4 unit pump is operating correctly. This will involve connecting
the supplied pressure vessel to the Teletest unit’s air connector using the supplied air hose.
The second stage is to test the operation of the components within the Teletest unit. This will
involve attaching the Overcurrent DLM box at a certain point.

Please see the diagram below which details an example situation:

Figure 4 TeleCheck connection overview

Plug the supplied memory stick into your computer and view the contents of the memory
stick. On it, you will find an installer called “TeleCheck”. Start the installer by double clicking
on it. The installer will initially display a licence agreement and disclaimer. Please read the
agreement and, if you agree with it, accept it and complete the installation by simply clicking
“next” at each stage. You can change the default installation location if required. When the
program is installed, close the window showing the contents of the memory stick.

You will find a shortcut to the TeleCheck software placed on your desktop with the same
name as the installer file. Double click the shortcut, and shortly after a command window
opens, you will be presented with a window as follows:

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TeleCheck Software User Guide

Figure 5 Running TeleCheck software

The software is now running and is ready to accept the information supplied to you (server
name, user name and password) as part of the TeleCheck service.

You can connect the air connector to the Teletest unit’s air connector as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 Teletest Unit air connector

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TeleCheck Software User Guide

Now connect the other end to the Pressure Vessel connector as follows:

Figure 7 Connecting the air hose to pressure vessel

Push connector fully onto the Pressure Vessel connector (Figure 7a) and engage the locking
handle (Figure 7b).

The Pressure Vessel and Teletest unit are now connected.


Follow the above steps in reverse. Personal protective equipment such as eye and ear
protection is recommended for this stage if the pressure vessel is pressurised. Gently
raise the locking handle, keeping a firm hold of the connector. When the locking handle is
disengaged, any air pressure will be released suddenly. Once this is complete, you can
disconnect the air hose from the Teletest unit. This is done by pulling the connector surround
away from the Teletest unit.


Lift the flap on the Teletest unit that covers the DLM socket, labelled “TOOL LEAD”:

Figure 8 Overcurrent DLM box and DLM socket

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IC0521-UG-002 version 2.0 © Copyright Plant Integrity Ltd 2016
TeleCheck Software User Guide

Push the Overcurrent DLM box connector into the Teletest unit’s DLM socket, ensuring the
locking handle is in the unlocked position, shown in Figure 9a. Now engage the locking
handle by turning it 90 degrees clockwise, as shown in Figure 9b.

a - unlocked b - locked
Figure 9 Attaching Overcurrent DLM box to DLM socket


To remove the Overcurrent DLM box, simply follow the instructions above in reverse. Turn
the locking handle 90 degrees anti-clockwise, and pull the Overcurrent DLM box out of the
Teletest unit’s DLM socket.


Prior to running the software, please ensure that the Teletest is connected to the computer
which will be used for the conformity check and that Teletest software is able to
communicate with the unit. Make a note of the IP address used to connect to the Teletest
and then close the Teletest software.


You may contact Plant Integrity Ltd via the following methods:
- Phone: +44 (0)1223 893994
- Email:

The results of the arrangement will be made via an email or phone call supplying the
 The date and time of the conformity check
 A single, private, one-time use username & password
 The name of a conformity check server which will be required by the TeleCheck software.


Please run the TeleCheck program using the shortcut on the desktop. Once the window
shown in Section 8 appears, please input your provided server if different to the default, and
enter your username and password. Now press the connect button. If the connection is
successful, you will see the word “Connected” highlighted in green, as shown in Figure 10.

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TeleCheck Software User Guide

Figure 10 Connected to Plant Integrity Ltd

If it doesn’t, you will see an error message appear saying it could not connect using the
inputted settings as shown in Figure 11. This figure shows an error when connecting to the
TeleCheck server. A similar error message is produced if the software cannot communicate
with the Teletest Focus unit.

Figure 11 Software Error Message

If this is the case, please follow the testing and troubleshooting steps listed below in Section
0 and Section 10.2.1.

10.2.1. Testing and troubleshooting your Teletest connection

For Teletest Ethernet and Wireless configuration, please refer to the “Ethernet & WiFi Setup
User Guide”, located on the memory stick provided. Please note, if your PC is connected to
the internet via Ethernet, you will need to connect to the Teletest MK4 unit via Wi-Fi, or vice

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TeleCheck Software User Guide

10.2.2. Testing and troubleshooting your TeleCheck server connection

Note: If you require a proxy server to access the internet, it will be very unlikely that a
connection can be made to the TeleCheck server.

To check if you have internet access, simply open a web browser and navigate to an
external web page, such as a search engine, and attempt to search for something. If you get
results, you have an active working internet connection. If not, you can perform the following
 Check you are either connected to the correct wireless network or if using Ethernet, ensure
the cable is fully inserted at both ends.
 Check another known working PC’s internet connection if possible
 Speak to your IT department/technician for further assistance


During the conformity check, the conformity technician will take you through all of the
required steps. During the period of conformity checking, please be prepared to perform any
action requested by the conformity technician, the conformity check may take approximately
one hour and the technician may make a request at any moment


Upon the conformity technician’s request, please connect the air hose as described in
Section 9.1 Connecting the air hose:.

Once the technician starts the pump test, you will hear the pump activate, and you will see
the pressure reading on the front panel display of the Teletest unit start increasing. The
pressure gauge reading on the pressure vessel will also start increasing. This will stop at
60psi. The test will be performed three times, with a final test taking around 10 minutes to
complete. After each test, the technician will request you depressurise the pressure vessel.
This is described in Section 9.2.

NOTE: During the test, please monitor the pressure gauge to ensure the pressure does not
exceed 60psi. In the unlikely event that this happen, please immediately turn off the Teletest
unit and release the air hose locking handle, as shown in Section 9.2.


Upon the conformity technician’s request, please connect the Overcurrent DLM box as
described in Section 9.3. This test will take approximately one hour to complete, depending
on the speed of the internet connection. Once the test is completed, the technician will
request you disconnect the Overcurrent DLM box, as described in Section 9.4


Once the conformity check has been completed, you will be verbally informed of the results,
i.e. whether the unit has passed calibration or not, and if the unit passes, you will also be
provided with a Certificate of Conformity via email. If the unit fails calibration, a return should
be arranged.

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IC0521-UG-002 version 2.0 © Copyright Plant Integrity Ltd 2016
Plant Integrity Limited
Granta Park
Great Abington
Cambridge CB21 6AL
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1223 893994


Registered in England: 3341703

VAT Number GB688 7236 75

Plant Integrity Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TWI Ltd

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