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Heat Recovery Steam Generators Refining and Petrochemical
Waste Heat Boilers Power Generation
Fired Packaged Watertube Boilers Manufacturing & Institutional
Specialty Boilers Food Processing

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APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com

Modeling and optimization of pressure distillation
to achieve pharma-grade THF
Establishing a plastics processing sector in NE India
CFD simulation in chemical reaction engineering

How to speed up the development
of a new commercial adsorbent

Asia and Europe join the feedstock evolution
with steam crackers
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APRIL 2018 | Volume 97 Number 4




29 Modeling and optimization of pressure distillation 4 Industry Perspectives
to achieve pharma-grade THF
8 Business Trends
V. Shirpurkar
96 Advertiser Index
35 Energy losses from the radiant firebox wall of pyrolysis furnaces
A. Bueno, V. Regueira and L. Leite 97 Marketplace

41 CFD simulation in chemical reaction engineering 98 Events

R. Aglave and T. Eppinger
49 Establishing a plastics processing sector in NE India—A short analysis
P. Phukan 7 Editorial Comment
PROCESS ENGINEERING production for modern life

55 Aqueous chemistry principles applied to refinery processes 15 Reliability

R. Cardoso Guidance for a lube sampling program

19 Africa
PROCESS OPTIMIZATION The challenge of investing
63 Speed up the development of new commercial adsorbents—Part 1 in Africa’s additional capacities
B. Sungnoen, W. Wittanadecha and W. Tanthapanichakoon 23 Petrochemicals
69 An optimized approach to choosing solvent Ethylene and polyethylene—
for the liquid-liquid extraction process An outlook to 2022
A. Gupta and S. Jain 27 Engineering Case Histories
Case 100: Was sloshing
73 Enhancing refinery profitability with a novel offgas conversion technology the cause of a failure?
A. Aronson, D. Zaziski and D. Carter


M–77 Maintenance—A value-added expense Industry Metrics
M. Rhodes and L. Nichols Global Project Data
85 Optimize your insulation to reduce costs
J. Petersen, S. O’Hearn and M. Rabeh
89 How pipeline management becomes part of a plant safety strategy
C. Liston


93 Measuring steam flow to flares
M. Menezes


GP-1 Technology and Business Information for the Global Gas Processing Industry

Cover Image: BP para-Xylene Technology at Reliance Industries Ltd.’s PX-4 Plant in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.
The technology is licensed By CB&I. Photo courtesy of BP.
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China holds nearly half of all Managing Editor
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Over the past decade, the Asia-Pacific region has been the Contributing Editor Alissa Leeton
Contributing Editor ARC Advisory Group
leader in total active projects in all sectors of the downstream pro- Contributing Editor Anthony Sofronas
cessing industry. Developing nations in the region have made sig-
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4 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
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Comment Lee.Nichols@HydrocarbonProcessing.com

Petrochemicals—Advancing production for modern life

This issue of Hydrocarbon Process- ance on crude oil export revenues. Over INSIDE THIS ISSUE
ing is devoted primarily to the topic the past several years, the region has
of petrochemicals; and rightly so. The
petrochemical industry has seen incred-
made capital-intensive investments in all
sectors of the oil and gas industry. This 23 Petrochemicals.
The global ethylene and
polyethylene markets have changed
ible growth over the past several years. includes multibillion-dollar petrochemi-
According to Hydrocarbon Processing’s cal complexes to meet global demand. over the past several years. New demand
Construction Boxscore Database, more The US is fully monetizing its shale gas centers are emerging, along with growth
in supply, especially from the Asia-
than 250 new petrochemical projects production. The readily-available, cheap
Pacific, Middle East and US regions.
have been announced since 2015. The ethane feedstock has provided a boon
This work details the global ethylene and
global petrochemicals sector represents for petrochemical producers, especially
polyethylene markets, including supply
approximately 42% of all downstream along the US Gulf Coast. The region will and demand forecasts and pricing trends.
projects that have been announced over witness more than 10 MMtpy of new eth-
the past 3 yr.
In total, petrochemical producers have
announced more than $100 B in new pet-
ylene capacity begin operations by the
end of the decade. A second wave of new
ethane crackers could add more than 5
28 Special Focus.
The petrochemical sector
continues to search for innovative ways
rochemical capacity investments in the MMtpy of new capacity post 2020, and to adapt to changes in economics and
past 3 yr. The majority of this new capaci- could include the genesis of a new petro- market demands. This month’s Special
ty will be in the Asia-Pacific region, where chemical hub in the northeast US. Many Focus explores techniques to increase
developing nations are showing increas- of these projects include ethylene deriva- petrochemical production efficiency
ing demand for petrochemical products. tive units, with the largest increase in new and optimize operations.
Within the petrochemical sector, polyethylene (PE) capacity. Including
Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and the US
are the leading regions in active projects
both integrated and grassroots PE plants,
the US will add approximately 8 MMtpy 63 Process Optimization.
A major recurring problem
during new adsorbent development is
(FIG. 1). These three regions represent of new PE capacity by 2020.
researchers being trapped in an infinite
approximately 75% of total active pet- This sector of the industry is seeing
“loop” due to impractical or unrealistic
rochemical projects. The Asia-Pacific one of the largest expansions to ever oc- adsorbent performance targets at
region is led by projects in China and cur. Modern life would not be possible laboratory scale, which can result in
India. Both countries are boosting their without the ingenuity and products pro- odd engineering design, unsatisfactory
production of petrochemical products to duced by the petrochemical industry. financial return and repeat development
meet increasing demand. From life-saving equipment to food pack- work, as well as budget overruns
The Middle East is making a con- aging—and everything in between—the and unnecessary delays. To enhance
certed effort to diversify its downstream petrochemical industry is an engine for the success rate, the authors have
portfolio as a means of reducing its reli- the advancement of everyday life. proposed an alternative that envisions
commercial ends and helps overcome
the loop challenge.
6% Africa
24% US 85 Environment and Safety.
Corrosion under insulation

37% Asia-Pacific (CUI) is a common problem that is shared

by the oil and gas, refining, petrochemical

15% Middle East and manufacturing industries. CUI often

remains undetected until the insulation
2% Latin America is removed or a leak occurs. This type
of corrosion is a common root cause for
2% Canada loss of primary containment leading to
4% Western Europe HSE incidents, equipment repairs and
10% Eastern Europe/Russia/CIS unplanned downtime. However, proper
insulation specifications during front-end
FIG. 1. Total active petrochemical market share by region. Source: Hydrocarbon Processing’s
engineering can greatly reduce CUI risks
Construction Boxscore Database.
and lifecycle costs.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 7

| Business Trends
In Europe and Asia, most steam crackers have been designed to
use naphtha as a feedstock for ethylene production, with close
integration to upstream refinery operations. European and Asian
producers find themselves at a cost disadvantage to their Middle
Eastern and US competitors when crude prices are high. Asian
producers have some advantage due to strong economic growth and
healthy downstream demand. However, European producers are at a
significant disadvantage if they rely solely on naphtha cracking, as
this process comes with high costs and lower profitability. This month’s
Business Trends focuses on the dynamics of petrochemical production
in Asia and Europe, and the rise of feedstock flexibility in operations.

Photo: Aerial view on construction of Petronas’ Pengerang Integrated Complex

in Malaysia. Along with a 300-Mbpd refinery, the complex will consist of a
steam cracker capable of producing nearly 1.3 MMtpy of ethylene. The project
received Hydrocarbon Processing’s Top Petrochemical Project award of 2017.
Photo courtesy of Petronas.
J. DUFFY, Argus, UK and P. MORSE, Argus, Houston, Texas

Business Trends

Asia and Europe join the feedstock evolution

with steam crackers
Steam crackers lay at the heart of petrochemical operations. Low NGL feedstock prices were particularly appealing
These units process various feedstocks into the key petrochemi- when crude prices soared above $100/bbl, and margins to
cal building blocks of ethylene, propylene, benzene, etc. In 2016, produce ethylene from lighter feedstock were much lower.
steam crackers accounted for 97% of ethylene, 47% of propylene However, changing the feedstock to expand ethylene pro-
and 32% of benzene produced worldwide. Operations at these duction has a downstream impact on the volume and ratio of
critical units have a fundamental impact on the profitability of coproducts produced by the steam cracker (see p. 10, “The
petrochemical manufacturers, and feedstock selection can be significance of feedstocks”).
the most important contributor to financial success. A significant development resulting from the shift to lighter
Since the start of shale gas production in the US in 2009, feedstocks at steam crackers is the reduction in propylene pro-
natural gas liquids (NGL) production—including ethane, pro- duction. New processes have emerged to address the propyl-
pane and butane—has risen sharply, and monthly production ene supply gap (e.g., on-purpose propylene production). Pro-
has more than doubled in the past 6 yr. As NGL production pane dehydrogenation (PDH) has become an important tool
climbed in a period of high crude oil prices, US petrochemical to replace lost propylene volumes. For reference, an in-depth
producers made investments to add flexibility to their steam article on the increase in on-purpose propylene production—
crackers to run lighter and cheaper feedstocks, or chose to build “Propane dehydrogenation technology is transforming the
new units that are optimized to run light feedstocks, especially propylene business”—was published in the December 2017
ethane (FIG. 1). issue of Hydrocarbon Processing.
More than 11 MMtpy of new US ethylene capacity is start-
ing operations or will begin production over the next few years, EUROPE
with additional units proposed to follow. After more than a Over the past 7 yr, Western European cracker producers
decade of declining competitiveness for US petrochemicals, have invested in feedstock flexibility. The increase in invest-
the wealth of ethane supply has quickly translated to new in- ments has raised the share of ethylene production from NGL
vestment. The largest of these new units—producing up to feedstocks from 26% in 2007 to nearly 40% in 2017 (FIG. 2).
1.5 MMtpy of ethylene—are just beginning to operate now: Most of this investment has been along the coast, where logis-
Dow Chemical began operations of its new cracker at Freeport, tics are easier to optimize and/or ethane feedstock is available.
Texas in September 2017; Chevron Phillips is commissioning Inland crackers have been slower to invest in LPG cracking
its unit at Cedar Bayou, Texas this spring; and ExxonMobil’s flexibility due to logistics constraints and increased costs.
Baytown, Texas unit is expected to startup by mid-year. In addition to NGL investments, crackers across Europe,
Many of these units are designed to maximize the use of where possible, have invested in refinery integration, which al-
inexpensive ethane feedstock, which provides the maximum
production of ethylene based on feedstock input. As ship-
ping logistics capabilities have expanded in recent years, these
lighter feedstocks are now available in other regions. In turn,
cracker operators have followed the investment path to enable
Percent of feed

production with these NGL.
In Europe and Asia, most steam crackers have been de-
signed to use naphtha as a feedstock for ethylene production,
with close integration to upstream refinery operations. Euro-
pean and Asian producers find themselves at a cost disadvan-
tage to their Middle Eastern and US competitors when crude 0
prices are high. Asian producers have some advantage due to 1Q11 1Q12 1Q13 1Q14 1Q15 1Q16 1Q17
strong economic growth and healthy downstream demand. Ethane Propane Butanes Naphtha/C4+
However, European producers are at a significant disadvantage
if they rely solely on naphtha cracking due to high costs and FIG. 1. US steam cracker feedstocks, 2011–2018. Source: American Fuel
and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM).
lower profitability.
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 9
Business Trends

lows low-value refinery streams to pass to the cracker, where ibility. Inland crackers tend to source their feedstock from ad-
their value is uplifted to naphtha value. This is a widespread jacent refineries or import via barge or rail tank cars. Coastal
activity in which gasoil, hydro-wax and refinery offgas streams crackers tend to have a mixture of feedstock supply sources
are integrated into downstream crackers. These investments are ranging from adjacent refinery supply to ship-bound imports.
more attractive for inland crackers, and the authors believe this Downstream ethylene derivative units tend to be on the
trend is likely to continue. same sites as the crackers or linked by ethylene pipelines. The
The majority of European crackers are located along the crackers in the Benelux region, and the majority of those in Ger-
coast and are often adjacent to refinery complexes. Inland many, are linked by an open-access ethylene pipeline known as
crackers, especially those in Central and Eastern Europe, tend the ARG, a reference to the consortium that owns and operates
to be on isolated sites with limited feedstock or product flex- the pipeline—Aethylen Rohrleitungs Gesellschaft. This gives
those crackers a high degree of “ethylene integration” and al-
lows for significant intra-site integration.
The significance In contrast to ethylene, where movements are limited to
pipeline or ship, propylene can also be moved by barge and
of feedstocks rail. This allows for greater distribution of propylene supplies
to downstream consuming units.
Historically, approximately 25% of Western European eth-
Feedstock has a significant impact on the product mix ylene production has been produced from natural gas feed-
available from a steam cracker. The exact production fig- stock, with more than 10% based on North Sea ethane and the
ures vary according to the process technology, but dif- balance from propane/butane (LPG) cracking at a number
ferent feedstocks can significantly affect the products of sites. Those crackers integrated to North Sea ethane have
produced by the steam cracker. Steam cracker operators enjoyed a significant cost advantage over their naphtha-based
can balance their feedstocks to manage their coproduct competitors, while those crackers with the flexibility to crack
production ratios, but this is dependent on a number of LPG have frequently enjoyed a competitive advantage in the
variables, including cracker flexibility. summer months when LPG costs have traditionally been sig-
Steam cracker operators must balance the complex in- nificantly below naphtha. Large-cargo propane and coastal
tegration of feedstock supply, asset capability and down- butane cargoes have tended to be the primary sources of LPG
stream demand. The feedstock choice will depend on supply for coastal crackers. A small but steady market in rail
price, the energy required to crack the feedstock, the pro- supply to inland facilities is present, as well. Large-cargo bu-
portions of produced products and the capability to pro- tane supplies are beginning to play an increasing role in the
cess these products downstream. Cracker performance is market as reliable supply becomes available from the US and as
managed to ensure that the asset is used in the most ef- investments in import facilities are completed.
ficient way possible. Investments in feedstock flexibility have tended to be
The downstream demand is also balanced to ensure made at the coastal crackers, which have access to deep-sea
that the cracker produces adequate quantities of each LPG imports. Inland crackers have significant infrastructure
product to meet the requirements of customers. The loca- challenges to overcome before they can readily access the low-
tion of the cracker, and its proximity to various markets, cost LPG volumes available deep-sea. Some are looking to im-
will impact these decisions. Models to estimate the ap- prove their railcar handling and offloading facilities. Others
proximate operating margins for steam crackers are based are looking further at optimizing and potentially integrating
on assumed prices for feedstocks and products, and as- cracker and refining operations. In all cases, cracker operators
set capability. However, it is not unusual for two separate are investing in feedstock flexibility rather than wholesale sub-
cracker operators, with similar feedstock flexibility, to stitution of naphtha for LPG. In some instances, this can give
make different feedstock choices due to internal strategic a cracker operator the capability to process either propane or
and commercial demands.
Per t of ethylene


0.8 20
0.6 15
0.4 10
0.2 5
0.0 0
Ethane Propane Butane Naphtha Gasoil
1Q12 3Q12 1Q13 3Q13 1Q14 3Q14 1Q15 3Q15 1Q16 3Q16 1Q17 3Q17
Ethylene Propylene C4s Pygas Fuel
Propane Butane LPG Ethane
Split of coproducts per feedstock type for every ton of ethylene
FIG. 2. Quarterly Western European ethylene production from light
produced. Source: Argus.
feedstock. Source: Petrochemicals Europe and Argus.

10 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Business Trends

butane, or both, at the same time. A concern remains about A strong belief exists that excess LPG availability and further
the long-term competitiveness of LPG cracking because of rationalization of gasoline production will force the price of
seasonal prices—either heating-related propane demand or naphtha lower and increase its competitiveness compared to
butane value for gasoline blending, both of which typically LPG. In the end, those producers who look at all of these op-
raise prices in winter. As a result, most producers are retain- tions—while continuing to extend their feedstock flexibility to
ing their naphtha cracking capability and will optimize their capitalize on low-cost LPG—will be the ones to prosper.
feedstock choice based on the economics of the day and their
own unique positions. ASIA
The exception to this approach has been the move by some Steam crackers in Asia rely primarily on naphtha as a feed-
cracker operators to invest in ethane cracking, based on ethane stock. Many production units in the region are highly integrat-
imports from the US. Some players have found an answer to the ed with downstream chemical production, such as polymers
declining ethane supply from the North Sea, while others have and intermediate chemicals, and rely on the broad production
chosen to eliminate naphtha from their feedslate and baseload mix when naphtha is the feedstock. Many crackers in this re-
their units with ethane and LPG. In the latter case, these op- gion were built as standalone units and rely on imported and/
erators tend to be less constrained by coproduct demands than or transported naphtha for operations. Some existing crackers
most of the other cracker operators in Europe. They are also are configured to run LPG feedstock produced at nearby refin-
exclusively located at the coast. In 2017, more than 1.25 MMt eries, but the ratio of light feed is typically limited and access
of ethylene was produced in Europe from imported US ethane. can be constrained by refinery operations.
European producers have some level of protection from the Profitability has been strong in the petrochemical sector,
monthly contract price mechanism, which remains closely re- and is encouraging these steam cracker expansions. The refin-
lated to naphtha production costs. However, the role of LPG ing sector has not seen the same level of new investment, which
in the economics of ethylene and propylene production in Eu- means that feedstock for many of these units must be imported.
rope is feeding through to product pricing. Several companies have announced plans for new units
Some producers will respond to this challenge by rational- with the capability to use a broad feedstock mix that includes
izing high-cost production assets, while others will seek to both liquid (naphtha) and gas (LPG) feedslates (TABLE 1). The
maximize their coproduct production, along with efforts to movement of naphtha is routine in the region, but LPG logis-
differentiate the derivatives and eliminate commodity grades. tics provide a new challenge.

Select 151 at www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com/RS

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 201811
Business Trends

TABLE 1. New Chinese crackers and proposed feedstock mix

Company Location Startup Ethylene capacity, Mtpy Feedstock mix
CNOOC Shell Petrochemicals Huizhou, Guangdong 2018 1,200 Naphtha and LPG
Hengli Petrochemical Dalian, Liaoning 2019 1,500 Light naphtha
Zhejiang Petrochemical Zhoushan, Zhejiang 2019 1,400 Naphtha and LPG
SP Chemicals Taixing, Jiangsu 2020 650 Ethane and propane
Sinopec-KPC Zhanjiang, Guangdong 2020 800 Naphtha and LPG
Sinopec Hainan Petrochemical Danzhou, Hainan 2021 1,000 Naphtha and LPG
Gulei refinery Gulei, Fujian 2021 800 Naphtha and LPG
Jiangsu Shenghong Petrochemical Lianyungang, Jiangsu 2021 1,100 Naphtha and LPG
Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Quanzhou, Fujian 2021 1,100 Naphtha and LPG
Zhejiang Petrochemical Zhoushan, Zhejiang 2021 1,400 Naphtha and LPG
Wanhua Chemical Yantai, Shandong 2022 1,000 LPG

capability must be developed to facilitate the very large cargoes

that are typical for international shipments. Considering the
7,768 significant infrastructure requirements, the aggressive timeline
for some of these projects may not be achievable.
Regardless of location, margin expansion is the key driver
for companies enlarging the feedstock flexibility of their crack-
ers. Operations of these complex units require careful attention
to the varying prices of possible feedstocks and the volatile val-
27,445 ues of the downstream products.
The result of this dynamic has been evident for much of
2017 when US propane values were elevated compared to
other regions, and as a portion of crude value. Many cracker
operators, in Asia in particular, switched back to naphtha as a
2,718 steam cracker feed to boost profitability. Simultaneously, PDH
operations maintained robust margins as propylene prices re-
83 mained strong through most of 2017.
Residential Agricultural Industrial Commercial As the extent of feedstock flexibility increases across all ma-
Transport Refinery fuel Petrochemicals Other jor regions, markets will have to contend with increased volatil-
FIG. 3. Chinese LPG consumption by sector (Mtpy), 2017. Source: Argus. ity among feedstock and product prices as participants jockey
for position in this competitive industry. What is clear is that
the petrochemicals sector is becoming a larger portion of NGL
Propane imports to the region have been rapidly increas- demand worldwide, and will be a contributor to pricing trends
ing in recent years, with the primary outlet in the petrochemi- in these markets.
cals sector to feed PDH units for the exclusive production of
propylene (FIG. 3). Propane and butane are increasingly being JOE DUFFY is a principal in Argus Consulting, with a focus
directed to new steam crackers for ethylene and coproduct on petrochemicals in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
He previously worked for ICI, Huntsman and SABIC,
production, as well. It is important to note that high demand where he was responsible for the business management
growth in Asia is spurring new investment in light crackers, in of SABIC’s olefins business in Europe. Dr. Duffy has worked
contrast to the conversion of existing units in Europe where on a number of projects covering the structure of the
tepid demand growth limits new construction. European olefins markets, investments in new feedstock
flexibility and investment opportunities in the Middle East. Dr. Duffy has
China’s LPG imports hit a new record in 2017, increasing an undergraduate degree and a PhD from the University of Glasgow.
more than 14% year-over-year to 18.4 MMtpy. Most cargoes
are sent to terminals in eastern China where several PDH units PAIGE MARIE MORSE leads the propylene service
are operating—in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong. The steam for Argus. She began her career in research and
development and moved to commercial roles at Shell,
cracker plans are spread across a wider region, and it is impor- Dow and Sunoco. Her projects included market development
tant to note that the necessary infrastructure is not yet in place for new intermediates and plastics, and strategic planning
to supply imported feedstock for many of these facilities. Lo- for chemical and refining businesses. Additionally, she led
global marketing efforts for Clariant’s catalyst business
cal port and terminal infrastructure to handle these pressur- in Germany, and has deep knowledge of chemical, refining and polymer
ized and/or refrigerated gases are critical requirements to gain catalysis. Dr. Morse holds a BA in chemistry from Kenyon College, and
international access to these feedstocks. Additionally, storage a PhD in chemistry from the University of Illinois.

12 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com

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Industry Metrics

US refinery margins showed seasonal y–o–y growth, mainly supported Global refining margins, 2017–2018*
by gasoline and diesel stocks drawdowns due to refinery maintenance. 18
European product markets were supported by higher gasoline demand 16 WTI, US Gulf
14 Brent, Rotterdam

Margins, US$/bbl
and improved fuel oil export opportunities. Asia markets recorded gains 12 Oman, Singapore
across the barrel, except in the diesel complex. 10
An expanded version of Industry Metrics can be found 6
online at HydrocarbonProcessing.com. 4













US gas production (Bcfd) and prices (US$/Mcf)
100 7 Global refining utilization rates, 2017–2018*
6 100
Gas prices, US$/Mcf
Production, Bcfd

Utilization rates, %
60 4
40 3
Monthly price (Henry Hub) 2
20 12-month price avg. 80 US Japan
Production 1 EU 16 Singapore
0 0 75












2015 2016 2017 2018
Production equals US marketed production, wet gas. Source: EIA.

Selected world oil prices, US$/bbl US Gulf cracking spread vs. WTI, 2017–2018*
80 50
40 Prem. gasoline Diesel
W. Texas Inter.
Cracking spread, US$/bbl

70 Jet/kero Fuel oil

Brent Blend 30
Oil prices, US$/bbl

60 Dubai Fateh
Source: DOE 20
50 10
40 0













2016 2017 2018

World liquid fuel supply and demand, MMbpd Rotterdam cracking spread vs. Brent, 2017–2018*
104 6 30
Stock change and balance
Stock change and balance, MMbpd

102 5
Cracking spread, US$/bbl
Supply and demand, MMbpd

World supply
100 4 15
World demand
98 3
96 2 Prem. gasoline Gasoil
0 Jet/kero Fuel oil
94 1
92 0
90 -1 -15
88 -2














2013-Q1 2014-Q1 2015-Q1 2016-Q1 2017-Q1 2018-Q1 2019-Q1

Source: EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook, March 2018
Singapore cracking spread vs. Oman, 2017–2018*
Brent dated vs. sour grades
(Urals and Dubai) spread, 2017–2018*
Cracking spread, US$/bbl

6 10
Light sweet/medium sour
crude spread, US$/bbl

4 Urals Prem. gasoline Gasoil

0 Jet/kero Fuel oil


























* Material published permission of the OPEC Secretariat; copyright 2018;

all rights reserved; OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report, March 2018.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 14–A


Global Project Data

According to Hydrocarbon Processing’s Construction Boxscore 70% of active petrochemical projects globally are in preconstruction
Database and HPI Market Data 2018, total capital expenditures phases. The majority of petrochemical product demand is stemming
(CAPEX) in the global petrochemical sector are more than $440 B. from developing nations in non-OECD countries. These nations
The majority of these projects are located in the Asia-Pacific, Middle are showing signs of growing populations with more disposable
East and US regions. When broken down by activity level, nearly incomes, which spurs demand for petrochemical products.

6 3
US 55
25 34 Middle East
Petrochemical projects 24 23 Africa
Total capital expenditures, $B
Latin America Asia-Pacific

Active petrochemical projects vs. total announced

petrochemical capital expenditures (US $B) by region

30 30
29 29 6% Africa
25 25 24 24% US
20 20 19 33% Asia-Pacific

13% Middle East
6% Latin America
1% Canada
6% Western Europe
Jan.- Feb.- Mar.- April- May- June- July- Aug.- Sept.- Oct.- Nov.- Dec.- Jan.- Feb.- Mar.- 11% Eastern Europe/Russia/CIS
17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18

Boxscore new project announcements, Market share analysis of active

January 2017–present petrochemical projects by region

Detailed and up-to-date information for active construction projects in the refining,
gas processing and petrochemical industries across the globe | ConstructionBoxscore.com

14–B APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Reliability Heinz.Bloch@HydrocarbonProcessing.com

Guidance for a lube sampling program

Suppose your manager asked you to be involved in setting trucks are not always sufficiently clean.
up a lube sampling program. In that case, be prepared to answer 4. Bearings located in housings with open vents and/or
many follow-up questions from the plant’s upper management. fitted with cheap, simple bearing housing protector seals
We became aware of this issue when a reliability engineer was (and, occasionally, those fitted with radially outward-
recently asked such questions by his leadership team and we moving O-rings) tend to experience premature bearing
tried to provide some answers. failure. Pump bearing housings with closed/plugged
This engineer recognized that Step 1 would be to sample the vents and/or superior bearing housing protector seals
lube oil his facility received from a supplier before allowing the (the ones with axially moving O-rings) are likely to enjoy
oil to reach its final in-plant destination. His question was if, in considerably longer bearing life.
our experience, we had come across or knew of a statistic that 5. Oil with inadequate viscosity will have too thin an oil
showed approximately what percentage of bearing failures were film. As a consequence, the bearings will run hot and fail
typically attributable to “unclean” lubricants. He believed that prematurely. Oil with excessive viscosity will not remove
if we do not sample our lube oil, then we may not be aware of enough heat from the bearings. In many instances, oil
how contaminated the oil might be. He rightly feared that dirty rings will experience speed retardation with oils that are
oil will contribute to shorter bearing life on rotating equipment. too thick, or in shaft systems that are not truly horizontal,
Reliability-focused users have occasionally received “fresh or with oil rings that are out-of-round because they were
oil” that did not meet the International Standards Organization’s not stress-relief annealed. In that instance, failure risk
(ISO’s) code requirements for that product. Instances have also increases exponentially because the oil ring may swing
been reported where the viscosity of the oil was not narrowly back and forth like a pendulum. If, in addition, an oil ring
specified by the customer or the equipment manufacturer. The slews sideways and contacts other surfaces, then abrasive
reliability engineer had been asked by his managers what product particles will definitely contaminate the oil.2
deviations should be caught before the oil was introduced to the 6. Occasionally, carelessly designed bearing housings or
equipment. He wanted to show his leadership that, given X pump housing bores allow lubricant to collect behind a bearing.
failures over a time period, Y% of those failures could be either Trapped oil tends to overheat and turn into carbon black.3
drastically reduced or eliminated by taking this oil sampling mea- 7. Oil sampling alone may help increase equipment life,
sure. He was pressed for answers and asked for guidance. but violating the other requirements will still cause
Although numerical answers can be found in literature, they failures. This is a bit like putting better tires on an
may not apply to this engineer’s situation. Statistics depend on automobile while allowing the front end to be out of
such variables as parts-per-million of unclean components in alignment and refusing to replace cracked rubber boots
the incoming oil, the size of dirt particles, the type of bearing that surround the car’s constant-velocity joints. Better
protector seal installed on the bearing housing, how often the tires alone will be a move in the right direction; however,
oil is changed, etc. the life of one’s new tires will disappoint unless other
However, we can attempt to answer several of the engineer’s causes are addressed, as well.
questions in a somewhat general way: 8. Be sure to take oil samples from points that are
1. Sampling the incoming oil is indeed recommended. representative of base oil chemistry, additive package,
Depending on the original source, the mode of transport and wear particle type, size and count. The more
and the chain of custody, an estimated 50%–60% of representative the sample, the more accurate the
lubricants do not meet the buyer’s specifications or the diagnosis. Sample points from pressurized systems
cleanliness claims made by various lubricant providers. differ from those selected for non-circulating systems.
2. Examining all bearing failures, somewhere between Also, be aware that maximum data density will be
40% and 60% of these failures are attributed to dirty oil. found downstream of bearings and upstream of filters.
SKF and others have published these data. However, Take samples with the machine running at operating
SKF makes no distinction between oil as delivered and temperature and under normal load. Samples from “dead
oil cleanliness observed when bearings are in distress.1 legs” are undesirable; samples from ports connected
3. Given the preceding information, we believe that the to an elbow are preferred because they originate in a
origin of dirty oil in a refinery’s equipment is equally turbulent, well-mixed zone.
divided between occurrences outside of the recipient’s 9. Once a sampling point is selected, a sample must
gate and bad practices tolerated inside the recipient’s be pulled without altering its integrity or mixing
gate. The interiors of the oil tanks in bulk delivery ratio. In days past, we have often asked for expert
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 15

input from Oklahoma-based Noria Corp. and performance appraisal will prove revealing. Better yet,
heeded the company’s advice. Noria cautions against reading experience-based books and implementing their
contaminating samples, and provides guidance on the recommendations will show up in failure reductions.4
level to which sample bottles are to be filled (60%– As the reliability engineer seeks a service provider, we asked
70%). This company describes sampling procedures him to specify and elevate his expectations and to communicate
in six steps and recommends sampling frequency for them to interested analysis laboratories. He might pick an expert
different equipment categories. It even recommends laboratory that tells him where specific high-metal and/or high-
if the work is best performed by an onsite portable mineral readings originate in a particular machine, and if a pre-
instrument approach or if it would be best to have a cautionary shutdown and oil change are recommended.
contract with an expert analysis laboratory.
Needless to say, the user must choose between 1
Bloch, H. P. and K. Bannister, Practical Lubrication for Industrial Facilities, 3rd Ed.,
simply replacing oil in small machines and analyzing the Fairmont Press, Lilburn, Georgia, 2016.
oil to determine its remaining life. We have often applied 2
Bloch, H. P., Pump Wisdom: Problem Solving for Operators and Specialists, John
the “automobile analogy” to discuss the choice issue: Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2011.
Bloch, H. P. and A. R. Budris, Pump User’s Handbook: Life Extension, 4th Ed., The
Once our car is on a hydraulic lift and we are ready to Fairmont Press, Lilburn, Georgia, 2014.
change the oil, it will not be cost-effective to send off a 4
Bloch, H. P., Petrochemical Machinery Insights, Elsevier Publishing Company,
sample for analysis. Five liters of oil are likely to cost less Oxford, UK and Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2016.
than what a laboratory would charge for a full analysis.1 HEINZ P. BLOCH resides in Montgomery, Texas.
10. Consulting applicable references may be of interest to His professional career commenced in 1962 and
the engineer. We estimated that repairing an average included long-term assignments as Exxon Chemical’s
API-style pump at his plant will cost $13,000.4 Avoiding Regional Machinery Specialist for the US. He has
authored or co-written more than 700 publications,
even a single repair by finding and implementing among them 20 comprehensive books on practical
answers in a $100 book will yield a 130:1 payback. Our machinery management, failure analysis, failure
recommendation is for management to share the cost avoidance, compressors, steam turbines, pumps, oil
mist lubrication and practical lubrication for industry.
of acquiring technical books. A good manager will see Mr. Bloch holds BS and MS degrees (cum laude) in
the extent to which these books have been consulted; mechanical engineering. He is an ASME Life Fellow
two or three questions asked during the employee’s next and was awarded lifetime registration as a Professional Engineer in New Jersey.


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Africa Nairobi, Kenya

The challenge of investing in Africa’s

additional capacities
According to BP’s Statistical Review difficult, especially since African govern- Financial woes are holding back
of World Energy 2017, Africa’s total ments favor fuel subsidies and give pri- planned rehabilitation projects at Nige-
crude oil production is approximately ority to projects that provide leadership ria’s four existing refineries. The nation’s
7.9 MMbpd. Nearly 78% of the conti- with political capital. refineries suffer from operational prob-
nent’s oil production is located in four Despite these challenges, new refin- lems due to insufficient management
countries—Algeria, Angola, Egypt and eries have been announced in countries and a lack of regular maintenance. The
Nigeria. The region’s crude oil produc- such as Angola, Chad, Ivory Coast, Mo- primary goal of Nigerian National Pe-
tion significantly outweighs its refining zambique, Nigeria, South Africa, South troleum Corp.’s (NNPC’s) rehabilitation
capacity, and its oil production is more Sudan and Uganda. According to Hy- program is to upgrade its existing facili-
than double the amount it consumes. drocarbon Processing’s Construction Box- ties to boost utilization to at least 90%.
However, lack of investment, along with score Database, Nigeria and Egypt hold It is not clear how Nigeria intends to
failing infrastructure and inadequate re- the largest market share in active refining finance the rehabilitation of its refiner-
fining capacity are forcing the continent projects on the continent. A breakdown ies, which are operated by NNPC affili-
to rely on imports to satisfy increasing of active refining project market share in ates—Port Harcourt Refining Co. Ltd.,
fuel demand. Most African refineries Africa includes: Warri Refining and Petrochemical Co.
operate well below capacity, and the ma- • Algeria—11% Ltd., and Kaduna Refining and Petro-
jority of new refining investments rarely • Egypt—23% chemical Co. Ltd. The refineries, which
progress beyond the initial concept stage. • Nigeria—34% previously underwent a $500 MM reha-
As a result, refined-product imports have • South Africa—14% bilitation phase, have a collective utiliza-
increased for years. Africa’s oil demand is • Other—17%. tion capacity of below 20%.
forecast to increase from approximately Nigeria and Egypt represent nearly In June 2017, Nigeria’s Petroleum
4.3 MMbpd in 2017 to nearly 5 MMbpd 60% of all refining projects in the region. Resources minister, Ibe Kachikwu, indi-
in 2023, according to the International However, unanswered questions include cated that Nigeria needs $1.2 B to restore
Energy Agency’s Oil 2018 report. the amount of financing that will be and upgrade its domestic refining system.
The region’s underperforming refin- needed to develop these refining plans, This cost includes the installation of new
ery output has stagnated at around 2.1 and the best public or private investment technology to enable the facilities to com-
MMbpd or less. As this trend contin- model to ensure that these investments ply with global emissions requirements.
ues, Africa’s oil producing countries are actually happen. The government has put in place a team
grappling with the question of whether to produce a financing model that could
to embark on upgrades of their existing Nigeria. One capital-intensive project is help attract potential investors; however,
refineries or to build additional facilities being built by the private sector. Located no firm agreements have been reached to
to satisfy demand. Although the region’s in Nigeria’s Lekki Free Trade Zone, the help finance this program. The Nigerian
crude oil production is more than enough $10-B Dangote Industries Ltd. (DIL) government had also issued 25 licenses
to satisfy demand, the low utilization of integrated complex is being developed to private investors to build refineries in
the continent’s refineries forces Africa to by Africa’s richest man—Aliko Dangote. the country, but no progress has been
import refined products. At present, Af- The project, which will consist of an oil made on these endeavors. A lack of funds
rica exports a significant amount of crude refinery, petrochemical plant and fertilizer and government-backed fuel subsidies
oil to countries in the Middle East and manufacturing facility, is one of the few in make investing in new midstream and
Europe. These refiners are more capable Africa that has seen progress in mobiliz- downstream processing operations unat-
of processing the crude oil, at a cheaper ing financing. In 2013, DIL announced it tractive to private and public investors.
cost, than are African refiners. had received financing commitments of
Across sub-Sahara Africa, refinery approximately $6.7 B from 12 banks, with Uganda. In August 2017, the Ugandan
utilization rates are expected to remain the remaining $3 B to come from equity. government confirmed that it had award-
low, unless announced plans to ramp The refinery will be operated by DIL’s ed the Albertine Graben Refinery Consor-
up investments for the expansion and subsidiary, Dangote Oil Refinery Co. Ltd. tium (GE Oil and Gas, YAATRA Ventures
improvement of the quality of refined Once completed, the facility will be the LLC, Intracontinent Asset Holdings Ltd.
products come to fruition. This may be largest single-train refinery in the world. and Saipem SpA) as the preferred bidder
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 19

for the development of its 60-Mbpd re- Before the consortium was awarded hopeful that the project will be imple-
finery. The facility will process crude oil the contract for the $4-B project, Ugan- mented on a timely basis.
from the Hoima oil fields that are being da had offered Tanzania and Kenya an
developed by Total SA and Tullow Oil Plc. 8% equity stake each in the refinery. Angola. The struggle to raise adequate
According to a statement by Uganda’s Tanzania accepted to pay $150.4 MM for financing for crude processing projects in
Ministry of Energy, the winning consor- its share, while Kenya expressed interest Africa is best epitomized by the delayed
tium “... proposed to government a financ- in a 2.5% stake rather than the 8% offer. 200-Mbpd Lobito refinery project in An-
ing approach and a path to establish, de- Total SA announced in late 2016 that it gola. The $8-B refinery was proposed by
velop and operate a commercially viable would take a 10% share of the refinery Angola’s national oil company Sonangol.
refinery company with a strategic benefit project. With the addition of multiple Although no financing commitments were
to the country and the region.” equity stakes in the project, Uganda is in place, the company began site works on
the project. In late 2016, Sonangol an-
nounced it was suspending construction
of the refinery due to unfavorable eco-
nomic conditions in the oil market.
After failing to attract international
financial suitors, along with a lack of po-
litical goodwill on the part of the Angolan
government, Sonangol had to suspend the
construction to allow for the “reassess-
ment of the strategic vision of develop-
ment and implementation” of the refinery
and marine terminal project.

Capacity rationing. By 2040, the Inter-

national Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts
that approximately 400 Mpbd of African
refining capacity will be shuttered if ad-
ditional investments are not made to up-
grade the facilities. If investments come to
fruition, however, the continent could see
an increase in utilization rates, along with
an additional 800 Mbpd of new capacity
by 2040. This ambitious capacity expan-
sion and upgrade program would cost ap-
proximately $40 B, according to the IEA.
An additional $15 B would be required
for regular maintenance. Although the ad-
ditional refining capacity and moderniza-
tion of existing facilities are needed, they
MEG RECLAMATION, may not be high on the list of priorities.
African countries will need to find ways
TRUST THE PIONEER to fund these projects, or risk a future of
import dependence.
freelance journalist based
15 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN MEG in Nairobi, Kenya. He has
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had numerous articles
Reclamation Process developed by CCR Technologies Ltd. published in several
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Previously, Mr. Oirere
recovery efficiency while minimizing waste effluent. worked for Kenyan national
newspapers, including the Daily Nation, Kenya Times
www.prosernat.com and The People Daily, where he served in various
capacities as correspondent, business reporter and sub-
editor. He earned a higher degree in journalism from the
London School of Journalism and is also a member of
the Association of Business Executives (ABE).
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Petrochemicals PCI Wood Mackenzie, London, UK

Ethylene and polyethylene—An outlook to 2022

ETHYLENE—NEARLY A Due to the commoditized nature of size. Typically, ethylene trade occurs in
CENTURY IN THE MAKING the ethylene industry, unit cost of pro- the form of derivative chemicals, such as
duction is critical for competitiveness. polyethylene (PE), ethylene glycol, ethyl-
The first petrochemical-based produc- Feedstock utilization has the largest bear- ene dichloride/vinyl and ethylbenzene/
tion of ethylene occurred nearly a century ing on cash cost, but scale-of-asset and styrene. These derivatives are further pro-
ago. Since then, the industry has under- wider integration within a petrochemical cessed into a wide range of durable and
gone a momentous evolution. The global complex are very important, as well. The non-durable plastic applications. Ethylene
market has grown significantly, reaching overall cost curve for the ethylene indus- is converted into several other smaller
approximately 154 MMtpy at the end try in 2017 is shown in FIG. 1. and more specialist applications, as well.
of 2017. Production and consumption The first half of the cost curve supply Therefore, overall demand tends to track
of ethylene is truly global, with the larg- generally reflects gas-based (ethane and GDP developments on a global basis, with
est markets being in the US, Europe, the LPG) production of ethylene in locations ethylene demand expected to outpace
Middle East and China. such as the Middle East and North Amer- global GDP growth over the next 5 yr.
Over the next 5 yr, the industry is set ica (NA). The right half of the curve gen-
to expand at an average annual growth erally reflects liquids (naphtha) produc- POLYETHYLENE—THE LARGEST
rate of 3.6%/yr, taking the market size tion of ethylene in locations such as Asia
to 184 MMtpy by 2022. The sheer size and Europe. The lower crude oil pricing
of the market and relatively high growth seen since 4Q 2014 has altered the shape AND THERMOPLASTIC
rates translate into significant year-on- of the cost curve, directly reducing the BY MARKET SIZE
year movements. To satisfy this rapidly advantage of gas-based production over Accounting for approximately 60% of
growing demand, approximately four or liquids-based production. It has also total ethylene demand, PE is the largest
five world-scale facilities (i.e., approxi- made final investment decisions in the derivative of ethylene and a commodity
mately 1.5 MMtpy) must begin opera- ethylene industry more difficult to assess plastic. PE is a family of three different
tions each year. To the early 2020s, major on a long-term basis. polymers—high-density PE (HDPE),
capacity additions are taking place pre- In its primary form, ethylene trans- low-density PE (LDPE) and linear-low
dominantly in the US and China. portation costs are very high; therefore, density PE (LLDPE). LDPE, discovered
To satisfy the global supply of ethyl- trade in this form contributes only ap- in the 1940s, is the oldest of the three
ene, several production routes are used. proximately 2%–3% of the global market forms of PE and shares a lower density
The largest route is steam cracking of
both gas and liquid hydrocarbon feed- 1,400
stocks. Typical gas-based feedstocks are
ethane, propane and butane. The most 1,200
dominant liquid feedstocks are naphtha,
condensate, gasoil and hydrowax. These 1,000
Global ethylene cash cost, US$/t

streams are provided to the ethylene in-

dustry via the oil refining or gas process-
ing industries.
Alternative routes to ethylene pro-
duction are the coal-to-olefins (CTO) 600
and methanol-to-olefins (MTO) pro-
cesses. These types of processes are used 400
only on an industrial scale within China.
A small amount of ethylene is also pro-
duced from other routes, such as bio-
based or catalytic cracking. A developing
route to produce ethylene that is gaining 0 30,000 60,000 90,000 120,000 150,000
attention in the industry is the direct Ethylene production in metric tons, 2017
conversion of crude oil to ethylene (and
other chemicals). FIG. 1. Global ethylene cost curve (ex-works basis), 2017.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 23


with the youngest member of the PE fam- A paradigm shift in the PE industry. (FIG. 4). PE demand is supported by ris-
ily—LLDPE. Both lower-density PEs are In 2017, NA ushered in a new era of PE ing demand for consumer goods, which
primarily used in the production of film capacity additions. New NA PE capacity is tends to increase faster than the overall
for packaging. HDPE is more versatile largely based on advantaged ethylene pro- economy. Asia is the primariy driver for
and can be used in many different appli- duction via ethane feedstock. Nine new global demand growth, with countries
cations, mainly non-durable, but also in world-scale steam crackers will enter the such as China, Vietnam, India and Indo-
durable products, such as plastic pipes. market between 2017 and 2019, bring- nesia showing impressive growth rates
PE demand tends to increase slightly ing online 5 MMtpy of new PE capacity. over the next 5 yr.
above GDP growth. This trend is due As these capacity additions far exceed do- As new NA PE capacity comes online,
to the public’s requirement of everyday mestic demand growth, the region will use there will be a period of oversupply; how-
essentials (e.g., domestic cleaning prod- its feedstock advantage to establish itself as ever, a quick recovery is expected around
ucts, trash bags, packaged foods, etc.), a cost-competitive exporter of PE. Global 2019 as demand catches up with supply.
regardless of the state of the economy. PE capacity is approximately 110 MMt,
Film is the largest application (FIG. 2) for and new NA PE capacity will account for Negative impact on global prices
PE demand, with most of this film end- half of new global capacity to 2019. and margins in the near term. Over
ing up in the packaging sector. Film will In 2018, NA will solidify itself as a PE the next several years, the global PE in-
continue to drive global demand growth, exporting force, which will bring about a dustry will see PE prices and margins im-
with the growth of online retailers, such disruption to existing trade flows around pacted due to excess resin supply and de-
as Amazon and Alibaba. the world (FIG. 3). Traditional exporting mand fundamentals. With incrementally
regions, such as the Middle East, will face larger volumes of PE entering the export
more competition and force exporters to markets, the industry will witness a down-
explore other markets outside of their tra- ward price movement, thus squeezing
ditional trade relationships. margins in 2018. This trend has already
begun in certain regions. For example,
Is the world ready for this new PE the spread between ethylene prices and
capacity? Global PE demand is expect- contracted HDPE in Europe was above
ed to be fairly robust over the next 5 yr, $200/t until September 2017. After 3Q
with an average annual growth rate of 2017, the spread began to narrow as new
4.5%/yr. This growth rate will increase PE volumes from the Middle East and the
FIG. 2. Global PE demand, 2017. PE’s market size to 117 MMtpy by 2022 US began impacting domestic margins.

North America Latin America and the Caribbean Principal Analyst for the
Greater Europe Middle East EMEARC region for Wood
20 Africa Asia (ex-China)
Oceania China Mackenzie. In this role,
10 he is integral in developing
Polyethylene, MMt

Wood Mackenzie’s light

0 olefins forecast for the
EMEARC region. His
previous work experience
includes being a Senior
Consultant with CMAI
and both project and
-30 operations-based positions in the olefins division
2005 2010 2015 2020 for SABIC Europe. Mr. Kirby holds a chemical
engineering degree from the University of
FIG. 3. Global PE trade balances. Source: Wood Mackenzie. Manchester and is a chartered engineer with the
Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).

160 91 AFSAR HUSSAIN is a

Capacity Research Analyst for
140 Production 90 the EMEARC region
Operating rate 89 for Wood Mackenzie.
120 His primary focus is on the
Global polyethylene, MMt

88 polyolefins market, and

Operating rate, %

his responsibilities include

80 PE and polypropylene
86 global commodity reports,
60 supply and demand, and
trade and price forecasting
40 84 for the EMEARC region.
20 Previous to joining Wood Mackenzie, Mr. Hussain
83 was a global data product development analyst for
0 82 ICIS and a process development scientist within
2005 2010 2015 2020 the biotechnology industry. Mr. Hussain holds a degree
from the University College of London and a BEng
FIG. 4. Overview of global PE supply and demand to 2022. Source: Wood Mackenzie.
degree in biochemical engineering.

24 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
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Case Histories http://mechanicalengineeringhelp.com

Case 100: Was sloshing the cause of a failure?

Some situations in failure analysis demand an understanding fn
of the wave motion of a liquid wave in a tank, called “sloshing.” h
Mixers agitating a product, tank trucks making sharp turns, ships
Spill Spill
carrying liquid products or a floating roof tank undergoing seis-
mic activities are examples of sloshing. A case history was used as
a preliminary investigation into why some internal components
in a very large, complex, agitated processing tank were failing.
Sloshing can be demonstrated by the sudden, side-to-side
movement of a cup of coffee on a table, as shown in FIG. 1. The
fluid will keep moving back and forth in a wave action after the Motion Motion
cup motion has stopped. This is the liquid’s first-mode natural
FIG. 1. Sloshing, as demonstrated by liquid in a cup.
frequency and is usually the most severe. However, if the cup
was forced to move back and forth horizontally or stirred at this
frequency, the wave could become quite large and might even F fn
spill out of the cup. This base movement would be called the
excitation frequency. h
This excitation could also be caused by several agitators in a
stationary tank. The wave height, h, depends on the magnitude
of the motion. When the wave impacts internal components,
damage can occur. This can be envisioned as the force, F, the
sloshing wave in the coffee cup would have on a cover area, A,
as shown in FIG. 2.
The fundamental natural frequency, fn , can be calculated us-
ing Eq. 1:
fn = 0.42 × [1 ÷ z] ⁄ cps (1)

The z term is the amount of mass that is in motion. In large,

shallow tanks, an approximation is z ≈ h, and the wave h rises D
and falls at frequency fn .
The velocity the wave moves up with is V = h ÷ t, where t = FIG. 2. Sloshing force hitting a cup cover.
1 ÷ fn , so V = h × fn
The F of the water wave that is capable of developing if it that require further consideration, and also those that might be
impacts a component that has a contact area A is shown in Eq. 2: unimportant. In this case, a rubbing wear analysis was needed.
F = 1.93 × A × V2 lbf (2) The result showed that clearances had to be tightened up.

Consider the force on a component in a large, shallow, agitat- LITERATURE CITED

ed tank with a diameter, D, of 200 ft and a component contact Complete literature cited available online at HydrocarbonProcessing.com.
area, A, of 100 ft2. The wave height was determined by observa- NOTE
tion of the agitated tank to be h ≈ 8 ft. From this, fn = 0.15 hz, V Case 99 was published in HP in January. For past cases, please visit
= 1.2 ft/sec, and F = 280 lbf . This fluctuating F cycles from 0 lb HydrocarbonProcessing.com.
to 280 lb. The force impacts about 5 MM times per year on the TONY SOFRONAS, D. Eng, was the worldwide
component, and so it can be used to analyze fatigue and wear. lead mechanical engineer for ExxonMobil Chemicals
While rough, these calculations were somewhat validated by before retiring. He now owns Engineered Products,
viewing through windows on this specialized tank. The slosh- which provides consulting and engineering seminars
on machinery and pressure vessels. Dr. Sofronas
ing wave action was chaotic, with heavy impacts on the tank has authored several engineering books and
wall at approximately the sloshing frequency. numerous technical articles on analytical methods.
Such preliminary screening investigations are useful to ei-
ther accept, dismiss or gather more data on a probable cause.
They can alert the investigation team to items of significance
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 27
| Special Focus
According to Hydrocarbon Processing’s HPI Market Data 2018,
worldwide spending in the petrochemical sector will reach
nearly $180 B in 2018. The Asia-Pacific, Middle East and US
regions will lead the charge in building new petrochemical
capacity to satisfy regional and global demand. The global
petrochemical sector is seeking more flexibility and efficiency
so that it can quickly adapt to future market changes. This
month’s Special Focus explores the innovative technical
approaches being applied in the petrochemical industry to
increase energy process efficiency and optimize production.

Photo: A night view of Jiaxing Petrochemical‘s PTA line with INVISTA’s

P8 technology. Photo courtesy of Invista.
Special Focus Petrochemical Technology
V. SHIRPURKAR, Saudi International Petrochemical Co.
(SIPCHEM), Jubail, Saudi Arabia

Modeling and optimization of pressure distillation

to achieve pharma-grade THF
This case study details the production break the azeotrope by the pressure swing tion of the column. The stripping media
of tetrahydrofuran (THF), with a purity of technique. The aqueous solution contains used is low-pressure steam that is directly
99.96 wt% and water moisture of less than more than 60 wt% water, and is read- injected at the bottom of column T-1.
200 parts per million (ppm). In this work, ily concentrated by low-boiling azeotrope The temperature at the bottom is the
a systematic study of the separation of the composition. The THF is further distilled most critical to avoid the slippage of THF
THF-water mixture, with a high-pressure, in a high-pressure distillation column to to the bottom. The total condenser serves
rigorous distillation method, was per- shift the THF-water azeotrope composi- as the THF stripper column condenser.
formed to break the binary azeotrope and tion by 12% water at 9 barg pressure. The condensed THF-rich liquid is collect-
achieve moisture of less than 150 ppm. A schematic diagram of the pressure ed in the THF stripper reflux drum. The
The two packed beds were used with mel- swing distillation process for the THF and condensed liquid is then fed to column
lapack packing materials, which provide water binary system is shown in FIG. 1. The T-2 as feed, with part of the liquid recycled
extensive purification at a lower pressure function of the T-1 column is to strip off back to column T-1 as reflux by the THF
drop at a high mass transfer rate. THF and THF from the THF/effluent stream re- stripper reflux pumps. Tower T-1 is oper-
water formed a minimum boiling azeo- ceived from the polyester process plant. ated slightly above atmospheric pressure.
trope at 64.2°C. The moisture was signifi- Column T-2 is used to strip off water from Pressure is controlled by the manipulating
cantly reduced to a range of 35 ppm–200 the THF/effluent stream received from condensing area of the condenser.
ppm in the THF product. The process THF stripper column T-1, primarily to Column T-3 removes lighter compo-
feasibility analysis study was performed break the binary azeotrope. Water-free nents and impurities, such as 2-methyl
by rigorous simulation, with a proprietary THF can be sent to the THF purification THF (MTHF), 3-MTHF and 2-3 di-
process simulation software.a The simula- columns (T-3 and T-4) to further enrich hydrofuran (DHF) from the top of the
tion results were then implemented at the the quality of the THF to the required overhead reflux. The product stream
distributed control system (DCS) operat- grade. The THF/water stream is preheated passes to the final purification column (T-
ing window as revised operating condi- at an elevated temperature by using the T-1 4). The heavier components, including
tions. Based on several samples tested in bottom wastewater stream as heating fluid. THF, dimethyl succinate (DMS), n-bu-
a laboratory, the analytical and simulation Preheated THF/water enters the top sec- tanol, gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) and
results matched. The column’s hydraulic
performance was checked to obtain the
design limitation. The steady-state model
found no hydraulic separation issue in
the column. The model results summary
showed “zero ppm” moisture in the prod-
uct; however, in reality, it reached between
35 ppm–200 ppm. The online analyzer Crude THF
25 wt% T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4
setup was installed at various locations to Low boiler THF product
find and verify the moisture content.
The THF refining section consists of a LP
series of four packed towers designed with
Heavy boiler
a low-pressure (LP) steam reboiler, direct-
injection LLP steam and a condenser at
subcooled temperatures. The purpose
of the recovery unit is to purify crude oil
from 35 wt% to 99.95 wt%. Crude THF is
generated as a byproduct from the polyes- FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the pressure swing distillation process for the THF and water
ter reaction. The THF will be purified to binary system.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 29

Petrochemical Technology

1-butanediol, are removed from the bot- constituents. Indeed, 64.2°C is the mini- Modeling and optimization of THF
tom of the column, and the refined prod- mum temperature at which any THF/ recovery. The separation of THF and
uct cut is removed from the top for storage. water solution can boil at atmospheric
the water stream was carried out by us-
ing a rigorous, pressure-
swing distillation method
Before a simulation is run in the simulation software, to measure hydraulic and
thermal performance of the
it is necessary to establish operating conditions. columns at constant liquid/
vapor loading.
The sensitivity analysis will determine which values of some The distributions of
parameters give the highest purity in the distillate, with liquid and vapor flows in
packed towers T-1 and T-2
moderate energy consumption (condenser and reboiler duty). are the key components in
mass transfer. The driving
force for liquid is downflow,
Thermodynamics and separation. pressure. In general, a positive azeotrope and pressure differential moves the vapor
The non-random, two-liquid (NRTL) boils at a lower temperature than any oth- up through each section. The surface-wet-
model was used to calculate the vapor er ratio of its constituents. ted packing contact area required for mass
phase non-idealities for the modeling of In the first column, which operates at transfer was found to be in an intact posi-
the high-pressure column, along with rig- a lower pressure of 1 bar, the high-boiling tion and provided sufficient area for uni-
orous simulation to understand the vapor- component water is removed as a bot- form mass transfer, as per the temperature
liquid equilibrium relationship. Since this toms stream. The composition of the profile. Vapor flow is adjusted on the high-
column operates around an atmospheric overhead product is as close as possible to er side for efficient liquid-vapor contact-
pressure, isobaric experimental data of that of the azeotrope at this pressure. The ing, and to ensure that weeping prevention
the THF and water mixture at 1.013 bar pressure is increased to 9 barg in the sec- loss does not assist entrainment column
is calculated by using the NRTL model. ond column. At this higher pressure, the flooding. Limitations in the mass transfer
The theoretical stages of each distillation azeotrope forms at a lower concentration area or packing geometry were not ob-
column were fixed according to height of the low-boiling component (THF), served. Due to the high bottom tempera-
equivalent to theoretical plate (HETP), which can then be removed as bottoms. tures of column T-2, a noticeable loss of
including a condenser and a reboiler. The overhead product of the second col- THF product recovery was observed.
THF and water form a minimum- umn is returned to the first column in the Before a simulation is run in the simu-
boiling azeotrope, or positive azeotrope, vapor state after pressure reduction. THF lation software, it is necessary to establish
at 95% water and 5% water composition mole fraction and temperature of the the operating conditions. To do so, a sen-
(by weight). THF boils at 65°C (water azeotrope, as a function of pressure, are sitivity analysis should be completed. This
boils at 100°C), but the azeotrope boils explained in the vapor-liquid equilibrium analysis will determine which values of
at 64.2°C, which is lower than either of its (VLE) diagram (FIG. 2). some parameters give the highest purity in
the distillate, with moderate energy con-
1.0 sumption (condenser and reboiler duty).

0.9 Sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity

analysis was completed using proprietary
software.a The analysis evaluated different
0.7 variables over the THF distillate compo-
sition of 99.95 wt% and 200 ppm of water,
Mol fraction of THF in vapor

0.6 as well as the condenser and reboiler duty.

The variables tested were the number of
theoretical stages, reflux ratio, the loca-
0.4 tion of the feed stage plate, the reboiler
duty and the condenser duty.
0.3 The purpose of this column is to con-
centrate the THF near an azeotrope point
between THF and water, as well as to re-
0.1 move water as a column bottom stream.
The complete miscibility of THF with
0.0 water is one factor that distinguishes THF
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Mol fraction of THF in liquid from the other ethers commonly used for
organic reactions. If the aqueous solution
FIG. 2. VLE diagram of the THF mole fraction and temperature of the azeotrope as a function contains more than 5 wt% water, it can
of pressure.
be readily concentrated by distillation to
30 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
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Petrochemical Technology

10,000 by increasing the draw amount from the

Ultimate capacity
Minimum pressure drop per unit packed height (frictional) top reflux. The rest of the column’s ther-
Pressure drop per unit packed height
Allowable pressure drop per unit packed height (frictional) modynamics are kept unchanged.
8,000 112.54 mm water/m
Ultimate capacity
Minimum liquid rate
Constant V/L Column T-4 (THF purifier) perfor-
Vapor mass flow, kg/h

Operating point mance. The primary purpose of this

49.37 mm water/m
6,000 column is to distill high boilers from the
THF to obtain on-spec, dry pharmaceuti-
21.65 mm water/m cal-grade THF at the top of the column.
4,000 Column T-4 (final purification) receives
9.50 mm water/m Operating point
the low-boiler free THF. The heavy, rich
concentration of components in the col-
2,000 4.17 mm water/m umn was hydrogenated into DMS. Further
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 reactions produce GBL and BDO chemi-
Liquid mass flow, kg/h cals. Dehydrogenation of these compo-
nents results in decomposition into THF
FIG. 3. Performance of column T-2’s water stripper.
and water in an acidic environment. The
pH of the rich, organic concentration is
100 165 measured to 2.5 acidity, which is highly
90 acidic in nature.
80 160
The reaction kinetics under the acidic



TXY diagram (water +THF), %




70 155 phase include:


Temperature, °C
60 1. DMS + H-H r GBL + methanol

50 150 2. GBL + H-H r BDO

40 3. BDO r THF + water.

30 145

Water % Therefore, the level was reduced in


20 THF %
Temperature °C 140 column T-4 to minimize the residence
time. The temperature was reduced to
0 135
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 90°C to create unfavorable conditions for
Stage DMS decomposition.
FIG. 4. Temperature vs. composition profile of column T-2 at each stage.
Results, discussion and recommen-
dations. The simulation and optimiza-
the low-boiling azeotrope composition, steam flow to the reboiler, according to tion work for the distillation process be-
which is 94.7 wt% THF at atmospheric the TXY diagram in FIG. 3 and high-water tween a crude-THF mixture with water
pressure. The performance of each stage THF recycle to T-1 (FIG. 4). An increase of components was completed by using an
was tested at 100% load, and the pressure the water content in the bottom product of NRTL model and proprietary simula-
drop across the bed was found to be well column T-2 is adjusted to 159.4°C. tion software. The results of this program
within the design limit. The maximum The performance of the packed col- were implemented at the actual plant
allowable pressure drop is 12 mbar at umn is calculated by converting HETP level and achieved successful separa-
62.7% flooding. However, the actual re- into 20 stages. Each stage, at 100% load, tion. THF is used as a solvent to manu-
sults were well within the flooding range is checked, with the pressure drop across facture paint, adhesives, impression ink,
of 56%. The operating point, at constant the bed being well within the design limit. pharmaceutical products, etc. It is also
V/L, was significantly below the ultimate The maximum allowable pressure drop is an intermediate product and monomer.
capacity of the column. No loss of sensi- 5.75 mbar at 62.1% flooding. However, THF dehydration is a process of special
tivity at high vapor velocity was observed. the actual results were well within flood- economic concern since anhydrous THF
The tower pressure drop was checked to ing range at maximum hydraulic load. The demand is increasing.
discriminate between flooding and weep- operating point at constant V/L is below
ing across the packing. No indication of the ultimate capacity of the column. How- a
Refers to Aspen Plus Radfrac modeling software
weeping or dumping was observed. ever, all of the columns are designed for
capacity factor at 80% flooding. VIJAY SHIRPURKAR is a
Column T-2 (water stripper) perfor- Senior Process Engineer
mance. The performance of column T-2’s Column T-3 (THF purifier) perfor- at SIPCHEM. He has 14 yr of
technical service and plant
water stripper is shown in FIG. 3. The pres- mance. The purpose of this column is to operational experience
sure helps to produce a dry THF stream purify THF from the low boilers, particu- in the refining and petrochemical
that is up to 30 ppm. The azeotrope over- larly the 2-3 DHF. The reflux stream in the industries. He has published
multiple papers in various international publications.
head composition is recycled to the atmo- top is enriched with the 2-3 DHF and THF He holds a degree in chemical engineering from
spheric distillation in column T-1. Column water mixture. The low boiler fractions, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,
T-2’s bottom temperature is controlled by especially water, are efficiently removed Maharashtra, India.

32 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
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Special Focus Petrochemical Technology
A. BUENO and V. REGUEIRA, Braskem, Camaçari, Brazil;
and L. LEITE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Energy losses from the radiant firebox wall

of pyrolysis furnaces
The steam cracking unit is highly en- Field data collection. To quantify the not only by monitoring thermal behavior,
ergy demanding, requiring high-severity heat losses, the temperatures of the walls but also by identifying and evaluating the
pyrolysis furnaces to break the carbon- of the radiation zone of the two furnac- complexity of the operational problem.a
carbon bonds, as well as high pressure es—both comprising the same technol- An important variable to be set in
for the purification of its products. This ogy—were measured. Both furnaces the camera is emissivity value.2 To de-
process means a high compression ratio began operations in 1978 and were man- termine the emissivity value of the wall,
of the cracked gas compressor and a high ufactured by ABB Lummus Global (pres- it is important to use an adhesive with
frigorific demand for fractionation of ently CB&I Lummus). well-known emissivity (ε = 0.97) to cali-
products, with close boiling points.1 Since A simplified design of the pyrolysis brate the camera. For the furnaces under
the onset of this technological develop- furnaces is shown in FIG. 1. The tempera- consideration, the appropriate emissivity
ment, the licensors have been striving to tures of the north, south, east and west value was 0.95. It was possible to identify
reduce the amount of energy demanded walls were measured, excluding the burn- that, in regions where external wall tem-
per ton of ethylene produced. Most of the er boxes. The refractories used on the peratures exceeded 100°C, the paint on
energy required, 70%–80% of the total, is walls of the radiant firebox of these two the furnace wall was damaged (FIG. 2),
spent on the furnaces. furnaces are ceramic fiber modules. which presents the output of some ther-
A study of the wall heat loss of the radi- The temperature of the top surface of mographic measurements.
ant fireboxes was carried out by Braskem the radiant firebox was not measured be- A digital anemometer was used to
at the Camaçari Industrial Complex in the cause of many interferences that impacted measure the wind speed and ambient
Brazilian State of Bahia. This manufactur- its measurement (piping, non-flat areas,
ing site has two lines of ethylene produc- etc.). However, for the calculation of heat
tion, the first of which was commissioned losses in this zone, the closest tempera-
in 1978. A field data collection plan was ture information at the top of this piece of
performed for two pyrolysis furnaces of equipment was taken into consideration.
the ethylene production hardware. The In this work, the assessment of the heat
main goal was to obtain field data to im- losses of the convection zone was not
prove the performance of the unit and considered since it is a region with lower
conserve energy, establishing future pro- temperatures—ranging from 150°C at
cedures for optimizing the timeframe of the top of the convection box to 700°C in
the refractory replacement of the pyroly- the first bank above the crossover—while
sis furnaces. Considering that the petro- the radiation zone operates at 1,200°C.
chemical complex has 22 furnaces, the Therefore, lower losses occurred in the
expectation was to achieve a substantial convection section. In addition, access to
reduction of natural gas consumption. collect data in this area is limited since the
Moreover, a reduction of greenhouse gas furnaces have a back-to-back design.
12 m

emissions was an additional benefit ob- To measure the wall temperatures in

tained from the optimization program. the radiant firebox, a thermographic de-
vice was used. The device has an infrared
Methodology. The methodology is di- thermographic camera that detects infra-
vided into two parts. First, the premises red energy and converts it into an elec-
for the field data collection of the two py- tronic signal, producing images and per-

rolysis furnaces will be shown. Second, the forming temperature calculations. The 1.7 m
main equations to quantify energy losses heat detected by a thermographic camera
FIG. 1. Dimensions of the pyrolysis furnace.
in a radiant firebox surface are described. can be quantified or measured accurately,
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 35
Petrochemical Technology

temperature.b Measurements were made radiation zone of the pyrolysis furnaces coefficient for area z (Btu/ft2/h/°F).
using the ASME PTC 4 standard of 1998 was calculated using ASME PTC 4. The This correlation is based on an
as reference.3 The data collection was loss of energy in the radiant firebox sur- ambient temperature of 25°C and
carried out at operation conditions close faces is indirectly determined by measur- emissivity of 0.8. The uncertainty
to the design data: ing the temperature of the firebox wall of this correlation can be 20%.
• Feed ratio between real at different ground levels, the ambient Afz = The flat projected surface area
and design = 0.96 temperature and the wind speed near the of the casing/lagging over the
• COT ratio between real measuring point. Then, the energy loss insulation for location z (ft2).
and design = 0.99 can be calculated using Eq. 1–3: For zones with protuberances,
• DS/HC ratio between real only the flat projected area of
and design = 1.04 QrLSrc = Cl ∑(Hcaz + Hraz) Afz the face adjacent to the hot
Considering the typical climate con- (TMnAfz – TMnAz) surface is included in the total
ditions of the Camaçari industrial area, Hcaz = the larger of 0.2(TMnAfz – flat projected area.
(2) TMnAfz = Average surface
which does not show great ambient tem- TMnAz) ⁄ or 0.35VAz ⁄

perature fluctuations throughout the four Hraz = 0.847 + 2.367 × temperature of area z (°F).
seasons, the field data collection was car- 10–3TDi + 2.94 × 10–6TDi2 (3) TMnAz = Average ambient
ried out in October (spring season). + 1.37 × 10–9TDi3 temperature of area z (°F).
The local ambient air temperature
Thermal equations. After the field data where: is the temperature measured
were collected, the wall heat loss of the QrLSrc = Energy loss due to surface at 2 ft–5 ft of the wall surface.
radiation (Btu/h). TDi = (TMnAfz – TMnAz).
Cl = Unit conversion (1 for Btu/h VAz = Average wind velocity (ft/s)
or 0.293 W/h/Btu). near the surface. Typically
Hcaz = Convection heat transfer measured at 2 ft–5 ft of the surface.
coefficient for area z (Btu/ft2/h/°F). To quantify the potential energy loss
Hraz = Radiation heat transfer that can be saved in the pyrolysis fur-

FIG. 3. Wall thermal map of Furnace 1.

FIG. 2. Temperature measurements on the

walls of Furnace 1. FIG. 4. Wall thermal map of Furnace 2.

36APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Petrochemical Technology

naces using appropriated insulation, the Feasibility analysis. To evaluate the cracking unit.
reference to minimize the wall heat losses feasibility of the refractory replacement 2. Cost of replacement: If the
was considered 60°C, according to the in a furnace, two important economic refractory and insulation are
manufacturer’s project data. Any value aspects need to be analyzed: replaced more frequently,
above that indicates a potential gap in the 1. Reduction of variable costs: lower temperatures on the wall
energy economy of the furnaces, consid- As the refractory and insulation surfaces take place; however,
ering the replacement of insulation and degrade and lose their protective the maintenance cost increases.
refractories. This temperature is taken characteristics, the wall heat loss Therefore, the challenge is to find the
as reference by insulation manufacturers increases, demanding higher fuel optimal point between these two costs,
and technology licensors. gas consumption, which impacts since the ultimate goal is to reduce the
the production cost of the steam total cost.
Results. The results are presented in two
parts. First, a thermal analysis was made
using the field data and the equations
presented previously. In the second part,
a feasibility analysis was made to suggest
the best time to replace the refractory
and insulation in the pyrolysis furnaces.

Energy efficiency analysis. Taking

into consideration the previously pre-
sented equations, the furnace wall energy
losses and their overall efficiency impact
were calculated. Also, the heat losses
were calculated for theoretical cases, con-
sidering the average wall temperature of
60°C, such as:
1. In the case where the average
wall temperature of the furnace
is 60°C, there is a loss of 1.756
GJ/h, which corresponds to
1.29% of the furnace efficiency.
2. With the temperatures ACCURATE • FAST • CUSTOMIZABLE
obtained for Furnace 1 (FIG. 3),
there is a loss of 2.712 GJ/h, TM

which corresponds to 1.99%

of furnace efficiency.
3. With the temperatures obtained
for Furnace 2 (FIG. 4), there is
a loss of 3.041 GJ/h, or 2.23%
of furnace efficiency.
As indicated by the results, an in- Join other process industry leaders
crease of only 10°C in the average tem- now benefitting from Exchanger Optimizer.
perature of the furnace wall causes a rel-
evant impact on the furnace efficiency, • Design heat exchanger systems to minimize the total
increasing the variable cost of the unit. installed cost of the plant
Considering that a cracking unit usually
has many pyrolysis furnaces, the energy • Evaluate revamp scenarios including bundle replacements,
impact can be substantial. For example, metallurgy upgrades, or enhanced tubing
considering two steam cracking units
with 22 furnaces, such as in the Cama- • Generate customizable and region-specific estimates
çari Industrial Complex, an inefficiency • Share data with HTRI Xchanger Suite®
of 0.5% above the reference case can
increase the energy consumption by
184,241 GJ/year. This consumption CONTACT HTRI FOR
is equal to the annual consumption of
7,170 Brazilian people, considering the MORE INFORMATION.
per capita consumption reported by the www.htri.net
National Energy Balance.4
Select 154 at www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com/RS
Petrochemical Technology

800 above the optimal values recommended

734 in literature. Through the analyses, it was
verified that a complete thermographic
600 monitoring of the metal radiant firebox of
the furnace is essential to detect regions
500 with high heat losses.
Cost, $ y/m2

471 Variable costs, $ y/m2 The accurate measurement of the fur-

400 Maintenance costs 1, $ y/m2 nace wall temperatures made possible
Maintenance costs 2, $ y/m2
300 Maintenance costs 3, $ y/m2 the calculation of the energy losses in
222 the radiation zone and the evaluation of
200 the economic impact caused by this in-
efficiency, which can be more than $1.5
MM/yr for a cracker with 22 furnaces.
0 It is necessary to evaluate savings in
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
∆T wall, °C
variable costs, the maintenance cost of
refractories and insulation replacement to
FIG. 5. Optimum points for refractory replacement. define the best timeframe for the substitu-
tion of those materials, which guarantees
To determine a favorable time interval tory during preventive maintenance shut- the lowest total cost for this equipment
to replace the refractory, a variable cost downs, which usually occur during the campaign. The outcome of this study
curve was plotted as a function of the wall coil life campaign. Typically, furnaces are also enhances the importance of regu-
temperature differential, applying the shut down every 6 yr to replace the coils larly monitoring the wall temperature of
equations described in the methodology of the radiation section. the furnace radiant firebox to establish a
and determining the additional energy Considering 60°C as the recommend- proper insulation recovery policy.
lost. The additional energy calculated was ed wall temperature and taking into ac- In addition, the study also contributed
converted into fuel gas consumption, us- count the actual measured wall tempera- to the reduction of greenhouse gas emis-
ing its lowest calorific value (LHV). To ture of the furnaces and the differential sions, with a potential reduction of 10,423
quantify the additional cost, the gas price wall temperature obtained (∆T), some t/yr of CO2 for the Camaçari site.
quotation of Bahiagás,5 the local power considerations can be made: NOTES
distributor, was used. 1. If the differential wall temperature a
Refers to FLIR thermal imaging camera technology
In relation to the total cost of the re- increases 5°C or more in a 6-yr b
Refers to Benetech GM 816 anemometer
fractory replacement, it is important to campaign, which corresponds REFERENCES
calculate manpower and insulation mate- to an increase of the wall 1
Leite, L. F., “Light olefins: Technology, market and
rial costs for each of the following steps: temperature of less than 1°C/y, economical aspects,” Interciência, 2013.
• Refractory and insulation removal the refractory should be replaced
Incropera, F. and Dewitt, D., Fundamentals of Heat
and Mass Transfer, 4th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
• Application of the new refractory, after the sixth year. 1996.
considering the cost of ceramic 2. If the differential wall temperature 3
ASME, STD ASME PTC 4, American Society of
fiber modules increases 9°C or more in a 3-yr Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1998.
• Coating application on the refractory campaign, which corresponds
Ministry of Mines and Energy—Brazil, “National
Energy Balance,” 2015.
• Removal and installation of to an increase of 3°C/y or more, 5
Bahiagás, Natural gas price table, 2015.
the burners. the refractory should be replaced
ADMAR BUENO has worked nearly
The results of the feasibility analysis after the third year. 10 yr in the petrochemicals and
are shown in FIG. 5. The analyst aimed at 3. If the wall differential temperature energy sectors. He is a Process
defining a better timeframe to replace the increases 25°C or more in a Engineer at Braskem’s Camaçari
insulation. All replacement costs were 1-yr campaign, the refractory ethylene plant in Brazil, where he
oversees pyrolysis furnace
calculated per square meter of insulation should be replaced yearly. performance.
area. This figure shows three maintenance If a proper refractory replacement
DR. LUIZ LEITE has 35 yr of
costs for different replacement frequen- policy is adopted, it is possible to estimate experience in process design,
cies: Maintenance Cost 1 considered potential annual energy savings for the Ca- research and development,
that insulation is replaced every year, and maçari Industrial Complex of $1,547,985. planning and managing activities in
refining and petrochemical projects
maintenance Cost 2 considered refrac- This amount was calculated assuming that at Petrobras. At present, he is an
tory restoration every 3 yr, and this cost the other 20 furnaces of the site present a Associate Professor at Federal
is reported on an annual basis. Mainte- similar energy loss to Furnaces 1 and 2. University of Rio de Janeiro’s School of Chemistry.
nance Cost 3, also reported on an annual VICTOR REGUEIRA graduated as
basis, considered that the substitution Takeaways. In view of the results ob- a Chemical Engineer from the
would take place every 6 yr. The reason tained, it was possible to deduct that the Federal University of Bahia and is
finishing his MS degree in industrial
for generating these curves with different pyrolysis Furnaces 1 and 2 at the Ca- engineering. He was an intern
replacement timeframes is due to the pos- maçari Industrial Complex present en- at Braskem’s ethylene plant during
sibility of restoring the damaged refrac- ergy losses from the radiant firebox walls the development of this work.

38 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
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CFD simulation in chemical reaction engineering

Reaction engineering is a branch of • Lab scale: Analysis of kinetics, scale and is used to predict key variables
chemical engineering that deals with the catalysis, thermodynamics, material in reactor behavior, including the reac-
design and optimization of chemical reac- properties and toxicity tion parameters, material properties,
tors. The goal is to optimize the transport • Reactor selection: Analysis of flow toxicity, ideal operating conditions and
processes (heat transfer, mass transfer and regime, heat release, residence time catalysts best suited for the job, as well
mixing) to improve the yield/conversion distribution (RTD), liquid hourly as preliminary reactor dimensions. Next
of desired products and to ensure the safe space velocity (LHSV), as well as comes the preliminary reactor configura-
operation of the reactor. This means maxi- gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) tion, followed by scale-up and simulation
mizing yield while minimizing costs. These • Engineering with idealized models: of a pilot-scale design. Finding the “sweet
costs could be related to the cost of feed- Analysis of plug flow or continuous spot” for the pilot-scale design is typical-
stock, energy input, heat removal or cool- stirred tank reactors (CSTR), ly the stiffest challenge during the design
ing, stirring or agitation, pumping to in- volume sizing, overall heat transfer process, as the affected parameters are
crease pressure, frictional pressure loss, etc. • Preliminary configuration: linked non-linearly to each other, which
From the standpoint of computational Analysis of vessel configuration, means that each of the sub-processes
fluid dynamics (CFD), reaction engineer- internals, baffles and coils scales differently.
ing is the application of transport phe- • Scale-up simulations: Pilot-scale
nomenon and chemical kinetics knowl- design, scale-up parameters and Conceptualization
Final design
edge to industrial systems. Chemical design space exploration simulation
kinetics—the study of rates of chemical • Final design: Extrapolation from
processes—is founded on the experimen- scale-up rules, flow modeling, Preliminary
Lab scale Commercialization
tal study of how different conditions influ- safety, risk and runaway analysis,
ence the speed of a chemical reaction, its dynamic modeling Engineering with
Reactor selection
mechanism and transition states, and the • Commercializing: Startup, idealized models
development of mathematical models of troubleshooting and operating
the reaction’s characteristics. training. FIG. 2. Phases of reactor design and scale-
Initial engineering begins with an ide- up where CFD can add visibility, fidelity and
confidence beyond experimental data alone.
Reactor design and CFD. Reactor de- alized reactor model sized to lab/bench
sign includes several key facets: Phase, or
state of the reactants and products (solid,
Updated model selection
gas, liquid or aqueous/dissolved in wa- Phase Reacting for multi-component
ter); reaction type (single, multiple, par- G-L, S-L,
gas reacting
allel series or polymerization); whether Flow mode G-L-S, G-S Reaction
types: Single
a catalyst is involved; flow distribution Batch parallel-series, Reacting species
Semi-batch Flamelet
and mixing; transport of the species; Continuous polymerization transport
and mode of operation (i.e., batch, semi- Flame propagation
batch or continuous). Most crucial are the Reactor Complex
underlying transport processes—fluid Transport generated Kinetic rate
design Reaction types: chemistry manifold
Mass transfer
flow, heat transfer, mass transfer and reac- Heat transfer
tions—which is where CFD simulation Diffusion Steady laminar
Eddy breakup CFM
can add substantial value. Reaction Flow
In reactor design, the process of tak- and safety distribution
Coking, poisoning Homogeneity TFC
ing the discovery of a new chemical with Chain and Dispersion Chemical
novel properties from lab to commercial runaway Mixing equilibrium
production involves many steps (FIG. 1):
• Conceptualization: Analysis of new FIG. 1. Essential aspects of chemical FIG. 3. List of available reaction models for
reactor design. gas phase reaction flows.
chemistry and the business case
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 41
Petrochemical Technology

If a larger capacity is desired, an in- cient; however, this does not apply to the model is scaled with turbulence scales, it
crease in the geometric size may be suffi- reaction, heat transfer or mixing. If the may result in extremely high revolutions
per minute, or a geometrically unfeasible
design. As a result, many different designs
can be created, depending on the scale-up
rule used. Achieving the perfect scale-up
model requires design space exploration
to find the optimum result.
Final design is accomplished through
extrapolation from scale-up rules, de-
tailed flow modeling, assessment of safety
risks and runaway reactions, and dynamic
modeling of the entire system to see how
the predicted reactions will work at plant
scale. At each stage of the design process
(FIG. 2), CFD can provide predictive ca-
pability, design exploration and optimiza-
tion at better fidelity, speed and cost than
can experimental data alone.
FIG. 4. Eddy breakup model of glass furnace showing flame zone and region of NOX formation Reaction models. Depending on the
within overall combustion chamber.
physics of the reaction, a wide range of
chemical reaction models are available in
a proprietary modeling system,a regard-
less of whether the reaction is carried
out in the gas phase or liquid phase, and
whether a catalyst is present. Models that
are supported include:
• Gas phase reactions may be simple
combustion reactions, or reactions
that take place inside tubes, such
as those in cracker furnaces where
heat is supplied externally.
• Liquid phase reactions may
involve polymerization schemes
or series-parallel liquid reactions
with meso-/micro-mixing.
• Custom reactions involve
enzymatic reactions and
fermentation, as well as user coding.
• In cases where detailed chemical
kinetics of a reaction need to be
developed, modified or modeled in
FIG. 5. Proprietary modeling results for a coupled 1D/3D simulation of a steam
methane reformer.
ideal flow conditions, a dedicated,
proprietary tool is available.

Gas phase reacting flow models. The

most basic types of flow models are for
gas phase reacting flows where the differ-
ent species (feedstocks) enter the reactor
non-premixed, completely mixed or part-
ly premixed. For each category, a host of
proprietary models are available to simu-
late the reaction (FIG. 3).
Some of these models are regarded
as tabulated chemistry models to reduce
computation times, while others make use
FIG. 6. Digital analysis providing flamelet libraries and lookup tables for gas and surface of detailed chemistry using the previously
chemistry to the modeling system.
mentioned proprietary tool. An example
42 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Petrochemical Technology

is a simple glass furnace, where air and furnace. FIG. 5 shows the model results for port reaction mechanisms to perform sen-
fuel enter the domain non-premixed. One a coupled 1D/3D simulation of a steam sitivity analysis, validate experimental data
simple proprietary model, shown in FIG. 4, methane reformer providing the axial and simplify the reaction mechanisms for
highlights the flame zone, the approximate distribution of temperature, heat flux and use in CFD simulations (FIG. 6).
region where NOX is formed, and the re- species concentration.
mainder of the combustion chamber. In Surface chemistry formulation. An
this case, critical considerations in design Chemical kinetics modeling tool. A important class of detailed chemistry sim-
and operation of the reactor include not standalone, gas phase, detailed chemical ulations is surface chemistry. In these ac-
only heat transfer, but also the production kinetics modeling toolb can be used for tions, the reactants are initially adsorbed
of pollutant species, such as NOx. simulating ideal (simplified) reactor mod- onto a surface medium that acts as a cata-
Validation studies conducted for this els. These models help develop and im- lyst for the reaction. After the reaction,
reactor design are summarized in FIG. 4.
The top right plot shows the temperature
profile at a location of 0.9 m downstream
from the fuel inlet. The green dots show
experimental measurements, while the PARATHERM PROVIDES
blue line shows simulation results from a
proprietary modeling system. Good agree-
ment is visible between the two, providing
the necessary confidence and predictive
capability for designing and operating this
type of reactor safely.
Also important is species concentra-
tion, such as the O2 mole fraction at the FOR THERMAL FLUID SYSTEM USERS
same location, which is shown 0.9 m
from the fuel inlet. In FIG. 4, the bottom
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while heat is supplied by combustion out-
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Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 43

Petrochemical Technology

the products are desorbed and the surface solver in the proprietary model, or using ing material impregnated with catalysts
is left unchanged. global reaction mechanisms. One ap- to improve the contact between the two
Surface chemistry can be modeled plication where surface chemistry is im- phases in the reaction.
either with detailed chemistry formula- portant is designing packed-bed reactors, Design challenges include the accurate
tions using the stiff differential equation which consist of tubes filled with a pack- prediction of heat transfer, which is critical
for the safe operation of such reactors. The
modeling of such reactors provides critical
insights into heat transfer if representative
random packing is generated, and if con-
tact resolution in meshing can be carried
out efficiently and accurately (FIG. 7).
The proprietary modeling system pro-
vides an automated way to model and
simulate packed-bed reactors. Through
a graphical user interface, the designer
can specify geometry conditions, particle
properties, wall properties and particle-
to-particle interactions, as well as other
fluid properties and heat transfer simula-
tions. Once these specifications are de-
FIG. 7. The proprietary model provides an automated process to model and simulate fined, the catalyst bed is generated using a
packed-bed reactors. built-in element modeling capability. The
modeling system creates a mesh includ-
ing boundary layers, and then progresses
to carry out the CFD simulation, followed
85 Experiment by post-processing, to show radial and ax-
Model ial porosity, velocity profiles, heat transfer
and reactions, if necessary.
Power, W

Multiphase systems. Performing lab-
70 scale tests and validating them in a CFD
65 simulation is an essential part of the scale-
up operation. Such validation provides the
0.00 0.00 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 necessary confidence in the robustness
Solids loading and fidelity of the model to make predic-
tions at plant scales, where measurements
FIG. 9. Power consumption comparison of experiment, simulation and correlation. The contours may not be possible. One such example of
plot on the right shows the solids volume fraction for various solids loadings.
determining the power calculation for a
varying solids concentration (10 wt%, 20
wt%, 30 wt% and 40 wt%) is given.

FIG. 10. Physical configuration of reactors is critical to predicting the product of many liquid FIG. 8. Schematic of the lab-scale mixing
phase micro-mixing reactions. vessel used in solids suspension experiments.

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Petrochemical Technology

In this example, a four-bladed, tem must be matched to those available tact micro-mixing model, which gives
pitched-bladed turbine (FIG. 8) was used in literature for geometric ratios, material higher accuracy compared to an eddy
to suspend sand (particle size 190 μm) in properties and solids concentrations. breakup model (used as standard for gas
water at a speed of 600 rpm. The liquid Most of the time, it is impossible to phase reactions). The eddy contact model
and solid densities were 1,000 kg/m3 and find a good match from the geometries calculates a reaction time scale based on
2,483 kg/m3, respectively. The tank had and material properties for cases available the scalar dissipation rate, and uses this
a height and diameter of 0.34 m, whereas in literature for factor S to those for a given scale to calculate the reaction rate (FIG. 11).
the impeller diameter was 0.19 m. design requirement; therefore, the confi-
Results (FIG. 9) show that simulation dence to choose the right power number Customized reaction models: Fer-
predictions not only accurately validate is very low. This uncertainty results in mentation and biochemical reac-
power consumption data, but also predict inaccurate power prediction from corre- tions. Another kind of flow reaction
that the increase in power is sub-parity. lation-based methods, as shown in FIG. 10. consists of fermentation and biochemical
Common correlations that are used to reactions. In these reactions, sugar is con-
predict power require the lookup of a Liquid phase reactions: Micro-mix- verted to acid, and either gases or alcohol
power number from available charts in lit- ing. Liquid phase reactions differ signifi- are produced through a complex reaction
erature. The conditions of the given sys- cantly from gas phase reactions because chemistry. Reaction rates differ, starting
the diffusivity of liquids is much lower with a log phase followed by an exponen-
than their viscosity. Therefore, reactions tial phase, then a deceleration phase and,
94 can be strongly influenced by scalar gradi- finally, a stationary phase. Each phase has
92 ents. The most important difference pres- a defined reaction rate. All of these phases
ent in many liquid phase reactions is the can be defined in the modeling system us-
phenomenon of micro-mixing, or mixing ing the custom reaction definitions avail-
% yield

88 at the molecular scale. able through the user-defined functions

86 In the reaction shown in FIG. 10, wheth- or field functions (FIG. 12).
er the reaction will preferentially form
84 Experiment product S or product R depends on the Takeaway. The capabilities available in
82 Eddy contact micro-mixing physical configuration of the reactor. In the modeling system allow reaction engi-
80 this schematic, for example, the location at neers to look at the transport processes in
3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 which species B is added—at the top of the various reactor types, including packed-
vessel, or instead close to the impeller— bed reactors, fluidization, stirred reactors,
FIG. 11. Comparison of predicted yield values can make a significant difference in results. bubble columns and membrane reactors,
obtained by eddy contact micro-mixing, and The proprietary model allows accurate as well as the various high-temperature
eddy breakup models with experimental modeling and prediction of these micro- processes in gas phase reactions.
measurements for liquid phase reaction. mixing effects by providing an eddy con- Even in established processes, the
underlying transport processes are cru-
cial for reactor design, and they open up
possibilities for improvement. For each
of those transport processes, the model-
ing system provides ways and capabilities
to model and discover better reactor de-
signs, faster.
The STAR-CCM+ modeling system
DARS (Digital Analysis of Reacting Systems)

RAVINDRA AGLAVE is the Director

for Energy and Process Industries in
the Simulation and Test (STS) sub-
segment of Siemens PLM Software.
In this role, he is responsible for
bringing new modeling and physics
knowledge into CFD simulation
code that can be deployed in the industry.

application specialist for chemical
and process industries in the STS
sub-segment of Siemens PLM
Software. In this role, he is
responsible for expanding the use
of CFD into new application areas,
FIG. 12. The proprietary modeling system provides numerous ways and capabilities
along with bridging the gap between the software
to model reactors.
development and the users.

46APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
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Special Focus Petrochemical Technology
P. K. PHUKAN, Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd.,
Lepetkata, Dibrugarh, Assam, India

Establishing a plastics processing sector

in NE India—A short analysis
The Assam gas cracker project was incorporated in January 2007 to oper- BCPL—A CASE STUDY
proposed as a part of the implementa- ate the facility. A natural gas supply commitment
tion of the Assam Accord, which was BCPL’s petrochemical complex is lo- from India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corp.
signed on August 15, 1985. In January cated at Lepetkata, India. The principal (ONGC), combined with moderate
1991, a letter of intent was issued by end products produced are 220 Mtpy pricing, have provided a strong eco-
Assam Industrial Development Corp. of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) nomic advantage to BCPL, which pro-
(AIDC) to set up a 300-Mtpy petro- and linear low-density polyethylene cesses natural gas and natural gas liquids
chemical gas cracker complex. Due to (LLDPE), as well as 60 Mtpy of poly- (NGL) into intermediate chemicals and
the inherent disadvantages of locating a propylene (PP). The other products in- an array of finished polymer products.
project in Assam, the government could clude hydrogenated pyrolysis gasoline BCPL’s share in the existing manu-
not attract a JV partner, despite its best and pyrolysis fuel oil. The plant’s con- facturing capacity is shown in FIG. 2.
efforts. Therefore, the Assam Govern- figuration is shown in FIG. 1. The impact of India’s chemical indus-
ment approached the Central Govern- Considering the risks associated try buildout will be felt not just in the
ment in April 1992 for fiscal conces- with setting up a greenfield mega-proj- northeastern states of India, which have
sions to neutralize the disadvantages of ect in Assam, it was imperative that the a per-capita polymer consumption of 2.8
setting up the project in Assam. viability of the project be sufficiently kg, but also across all Indian states where
A Memorandum of Understanding ensured. This required reducing the per-capita polymer consumption is 9.7
was signed between the Government level of investment, ensuring feedstock kg (FIG. 3). A breakout of plastics con-
of Assam and Reliance Industries Ltd. availability at a reasonable cost and se- sumption in India is shown in FIG. 4.
(RIL) in May 1994, which created the curing competitive finished product BCPL’s petrochemical complex is a
company Reliance Assam Petrochemi- pricing considering the remote location first step toward the buildout of a region-
cals Ltd. (RAPL) to implement the of the plant. Since the petrochemicals al petrochemical hub and manufacturing
project. However, RAPL did not start business is cyclical in nature, the proj- renaissance in the plastics and chemi-
work on the project due to an insuffi- ect financials must be sound enough to cals sector in northeast India. The hope
cient supply of natural gas. RAPL de- absorb the polymer price fluctuations. is that new and existing companies will
manded that the shortfall in natural gas
be compensated by LPG at the cost of From oil
Captive power
natural gas, but the project remained a Lean gas Rich gas plant
non-starter. 4.62 MMm3d 6 MMm3d Butene-1
8.9 Mtpy
In 2003, a meeting of Indian govern- 18-in. rich gas pipeline
Gas 47 km
ment officials was held to discuss pro- compresssion/dehydration Cracker complex, LLDPE/HDPE
viding a subsidy for the associated gas Duliajan Lepetkata
18-in. lean gas pipeline 220 Mtpy
feedstock to be used for the complex. It 47 km
was decided that GAIL would examine GAIL, Lakwa
C2/C3 plant PP
the feasibility of taking up the project 26,715 TPA GSU—6 MMm3d 60 Mtpy
4-in. C2+ liquid pipeline
on its own. GAIL also indicated the Rich gas Lean gas 47 km
1 MMm3d 0.77 MMm3d Ethylene—220 Mtpy
assistance needed from other public- Pyro gasoline
Propylene—60 Mtpy 43 Mtpy
sector undertakings and the support ONGC, Lakwa
needed from the Indian government for Naphtha Fuel oil
setting up the project. 160 Mtpy through 9.728 Mtpy
Finally, the Cabinet Committee on railway wagons
Total polymer production
Economic Affairs approved the project 280 Mtpy
in 2006. The JV company Brahmaputra
Cracker and Polymer Ltd. (BCPL) was FIG. 1. Configuration of BCPL’s petrochemical complex.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 49

Petrochemical Technology

take advantage of the PE and PP being • The bidders’ response for the o Having the licensors expedite their
produced by BCPL, and the intermedi- ethane cracking unit (ECU) final datasheets at the earliest.
ates produced from other potential re- was poor, which led to a delay o Commencing procurement
gional cracker facilities. in finalizing the licensor for the and engineering activities,
The following focuses on the gas ECU. Subsequently, selecting based on preliminary datasheets,
cracker project and includes the project’s the licensor for the downstream instead of waiting for the
challenges, innovation, cost and comple- units (i.e., PE and PP units) was final process packages.
tion. The project’s concept-to-commis- also delayed. Several actions o Completing the site office,
sioning scope is shown in FIG. 5. were taken to make up the construction substations and
slippage in the project’s schedule. receiving substation buildings
Project challenges. Major challenges Those included: by adopting unconventional
that needed to be overcome during the ο Signing the licensing agreements construction techniques.
initial and construction phases of the as soon as the licensors were o Executing basic and detailed
project included: selected. engineering from Engineers
India Ltd.’s regional offices.
o Having process licensors supply
critical equipment and long-
lead item datasheets, piping
and instrumentation diagrams
(P&IDs), equipment layouts,
etc., within 12 wk–16 wk against
the contractual date of 26 wk–
36 wk. The ECU’s licensor was
also asked to provide the heater’s
detailed engineering package
within 36 wk rather than the
contractual timeframe of 54 wk.
• A delay in authorization from
the statutory authority regarding
minor minerals used in the project.
This obstacle was overcome by
persistent persuasion with different
statutory bodies.
• Frequent theft/sabotage
and misplacement of project
materials. This challenge
FIG. 2. Existing thermoplastics manufacturing capacity in India.
was overcome by instituting
enhanced security measures.
• Loss of working days due to
120 frequent strikes. The project
Global average is 27 kg developers kept up relentless
100 India China Russia Brazil US
dialogues with local administration
EU Mexico Argentina Columbia Future US—90 kg and appropriate labor to
overcome this challenge.
Per-capita polymer consumption, kg

80 • Site grading and piling work was

60 The Indian scenario 9% Eastern

China—46 kg (as per FICCI, CPMA)
• 2007–2012, polymer 23% Northern
40 growth at CAGR of 10.3%
• PP—12%
• PE—9% 47% Western
India toward end of decade—28 kg • PVC—11%
20 • Demand growth projected
for polymers in 2012–2017: 10.3%
21% Southern
India—9.7 kg
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
GDP per capita, $US
FIG. 4. Plastics consumption in India by
FIG. 3. Polymer consumption by region. region. Source: IOCL, Tata Strategic.

50 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Petrochemical Technology

affected due to incessant rain. fractionators, due to inadequate column, etc.).

To ensure that work and the road/rail infrastructure and the • Unavailability of high-capacity
movement of equipment and unavailability of a nearby port. cranes, which led to a delay
labor during monsoon season This challenge was overcome in erecting heavy equipment.
continued, site grading contractors by transporting equipment in Nevertheless, BCPL developed the
were advised to complete the a knocked-down state by waterways site condition on a priority basis
construction activities for approach and roadways, as well as by and hired a high-capacity crane
roads along with culverts and fabricating units onsite (e.g., PE from outside agencies.
drains at the working sites. polymerization reactor, purge • The project’s budget increased from
• A delay in readiness of utilities
due to the lackluster approach
of lump-sum turnkey (LSTK)
contractors. This challenge was met
by offloading some of the contracts
(e.g., LSTK) and positioned the risk
and cost to the main contractor.
• Scarcity of water due to the
disruption of an HT cable. To
fulfill the demand for raw water,
additional wells were drilled.
• Paucity of requisite skilled and
unskilled manpower. To fulfill
labor needs, experienced contract
manpower was outsourced.
• A delay in the erection of major
pieces of equipment, such as
the purge column and ethylene FIG. 5. The BCPL gas cracker project’s concept-to-commissioning route.

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Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 51
Petrochemical Technology

nearly $853 MM to approximately through a similar sequence of phases. De- sioning of the DM plant and CPP. The
$1.56 B. The increased cost was cisions taken throughout the entire proj- project developers stored rainwater in the
due to a high-escalation rate during ect are complex and are based on the best DM plant’s raw water reservoir to supply
the global recession (2008–2010), information available at that time. This the desired specification of DM water to
a prolonged monsoon season and information is sometimes incomplete or the CPP. This operation helped overcome
several additional factors during the conflicting due to the uniqueness of con- the delay in commissioning CPP and
initial and final stages of the project. cept to commissioning. The correctness steam generation, which helped supply
• A dearth of industrial culture and of these decisions is not apparent until the power and the required steam for steam
awareness/aptitude among people plant is commissioned and operating. blowing the VHP, HP, MP and LP steam
in the region about the benefits During the detailed design stage, the lines. The output between regeneration
of petrochemical products. The plant’s hardware is constructed and is de- was reduced, and the regeneration cycle
project developers worked, trained fined in detail. The design has a major in- was increased in the DM plant.
and interacted with the workers fluence on the success of commissioning, There was a scarcity of nitrogen due
to make them conscious about but some features that have a large effect to a delay in commissioning the nitrogen
their work and safety procedures. on commissioning were overlooked dur- plant. Liquid nitrogen/nitrogen cylinders
The commissioning of a modern chem- ing this project. were procured from other agencies to mit-
ical plant is a complex and difficult exercise. igate the demand for passivation, inertiza-
The final stage of a major project involves Challenges during the precommis- tion, seal gas, blanketing, etc.
the authorization, design, construction sion, commissioning and startup Due to a lack of plant/instrument air,
and startup of the plant. Commissioning is phases. The readiness of utilities is a key cardboard blasting of different pipelines
the time when the quality of work carried factor to start precommissioning/com- was carried out with the help of a rented
out during earlier phases of the project is missioning activities, but the scenario portable air compressor. Hydroblasting,
validated, and confirmation is made that a was very difficult due to the lackluster ap- rotomould cleaning, chemical cleaning and
return on the investment commences. proach of the LSTK contractors. A limita- degreasing were carried out to clean the
Between the original conception of the tion in raw water storage, along with high pipelines for different services. Due to the
project and the beneficial production of silica content in the raw water intake well, lack of heat load in the circuit, passivation
chemicals, all chemical plant projects pass were major reasons for a delay in commis- of the cooling water circuit was delayed.

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52 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Petrochemical Technology

Multiple pieces of equipment, pipes/ tor in northeast India. Part 2 will provide tions or organizations that author may or may not be
associated with in professional or personal capacity,
fittings, structural steels, etc., were dam- an analysis on India’s northeast petro- unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are
aged due to improper storage. Since chemical region, and if a petrochemical not intended to malign any organization, company
equipment supplied by the vendor/ hub can exist in the region. or individual.
mechanical contractor was not properly
PRANJAL KUMAR PHUKAN has more than 22 yr of
protected and/or cleaned, commission- Next month. Part 2 will appear in the experience in the field of procurement and contract
ing of the refrigeration package was de- May issue of Hydrocarbon Processing. management in the automotive, telecommunication
layed since precommissioning activities and petrochemical sectors. He is affiliated with
DISCLAIMER various international and domestic organizations
required more time than anticipated. Any views or opinions represented in this pre- of repute. Dr. Phukan is a published author, and he
Several additional challenges that sentation are personal and belong solely to the belongs to numerous organizations, associations and
needed to be overcome by the project author and do not represent those of people, institu- councils. He is a professional and chartered engineer.
team included:
• A breakdown of the No. 2

Biggest Combustion
utility boiler in the CPP
during commissioning.
• Damage to 68 pole structures

Challenges In the World?

of the HT overhead transmission
line during a cyclone.
• Leakage in the cold box of the

No Problem.
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• A delay in commissioning of
other units (e.g., the GDU and
GSU) due to the remote location.
• A shortage in natural gas supply Zeeco pioneered Low and Ultra Low NOx Thermal Oxidizers. From sulfur
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from other agencies. There was muscle of Zeeco.
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The operator procured additional • Most experienced combustion team in the industry
butene-1 feedstock through • Packaged, rapid deployment vertical and horizontal TO units
various domestic sources. BCPL available
is also considering receiving
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butene-1 through bulk imports,
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as well as building a 10-Mtpy
• Waste heat recovery, Low NOx or Ultra Low NOx applications
butene-1 plant. The plant also
suffered from a shortage of
propylene feed for the PP plant
due to the scarcity of natural
gas and/or naphtha, which was
procured through various sources.
The PP plant had problems
starting up due to a problem
with the inlet dryer. This challenge
was overcome by modifying the
dryer outlet to recirculate the
maximum amount of propylene
to storage during the initial
startup of the PP unit reactor. Burners | Flares | Thermal Oxidizers | Vapor Control ®

The project developers have created

solutions to overcome the many chal- Aftermarket: Parts, Service & Engineered Solutions
lenges faced in starting operations of the
BCPL petrochemical complex. BCPL’s
petrochemical complex is a first step Zeeco Inc.
toward the buildout of a regional petro- 22151 E. 91st St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 USA
chemical hub and manufacturing renais- +1 918-258-8551 ©Zeeco, Inc. 2018

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Aqueous chemistry principles

applied to refinery processes
In the petroleum refining industry, pH measurement and collected in the overhead collection drum is used
adjustment are extremely important. When pH is not properly to monitor and control pH by the addition of a
monitored and controlled, chemical consumption increases, neutralizing amine. Iron is also tested to determine
corrosion causes equipment and pipe failures, and products loss of metal within the system. However, the iron test
go off-specification—all of which affect company profits and result may be misleading under certain combination
unit utilization. of pH and total sulfur concentration in the overhead
Along with acid-base theory, precipitation equilibrium is system, as will be discussed later.
another basic chemistry principle that is often overlooked. Widespread misunderstanding exists of the acid-base theory,
Salt deposition occurs because aqueous solutions reach the pH definition and precipitation equilibrium, consequently af-
salt solubility limit. Moreover, precipitation of certain salts can fecting how to apply theory to practice. At times, an assessment
take place by merely changing pH. Examples of applications of can be performed by merely consulting an ionization constant
acid-base theory and precipitation equilibrium in the refining table that provides enough information to properly explain a re-
sector include: action that is taking place, or to avoid a problem.
• Wastewater treatment, which is directly affected by This article presents examples of acids and bases encoun-
pH and is the most important variable in the coagulation tered in the refining industry and how to avoid issues with salt
process. In wastewater treatment, pH is used to control solubility. A review of basic concepts is followed by examples of
and optimize biological activity and to prevent corrosion how the theory can be applied with real case studies.
and/or neutralize effluent to discharge limits (generally
a pH range). Aqueous chemistry principles. Key aqueous chemistry
• Proper desalter operation is the first step for optimum principles are described in the following sections.
control of corrosion and fouling in a petroleum Solubility.1,2 The solubility of a particular compound in wa-
refining distillation process. Acidification of desalter ter can be described as the maximum quantity that this com-
washwater, when correctly carried out, has improved pound (called solute) can be in solution right before another
desalter operations and helped prevent atmospheric phase (solid, liquid or gas) of this pure compound is formed.
crude distillation tower overhead fouling and corrosion. The solubility product constant (at a given temperature) can
The type and quantity of acid used, and the brine be derived from the solubility of a salt, and vice versa. Tables
pH requirement, depend on the type of water used with solubilities and solubility product constants can be found
in desalting and the type of amines to be “extracted,” in literature.3 As an example, the solubility product constant
respectively. As an example, caution should be exercised (Ksp ) for iron sulfide ( Fe +2(aq) + S–2(aq) ! FeS(s) ) saturated
if the washwater and/or the crude oil have high levels solution is shown in Eq. 1:
of calcium, and if citric or sulfuric acid is used.
[Fe+2] × [S–2] = K sp (1)
The higher the injection rates of these acids,
the higher the chance of forming calcium precipitate where the concentration of each ion is raised to a power equal to
in the desalter and downstream system. its coefficient in the chemical equation.
• Hydrogen chloride formed by the hydrolysis of calcium Given Eq. 1, suppose that an iron sulfide solution is to be
and magnesium salts will evolve in the crude distillation generated from two solutions (iron choride and sodium bisul-
tower and form hydrochloric acid in the cold sections fide/sulfide, for example), such that the calculated molarity of
when water reaches its dewpoint, leading to severe, Fe+2 can be multiplied by the molarity of S–2 for the final blend.
localized corrosion. Hydrogen chloride can also combine Three conditions can be achieved:
with amines to form salts in the overhead system, leading 1. [Fe+2] × [S–2] < Ksp The blend would generate
to under-deposit corrosion. Water wash helps prevent the an unsaturated solution,
problem by diluting acid and dissolving salts. The water and more Fe+2 and/or S–2
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 55
Process Engineering

could be added to the solution Strong acids. At this point, it is worth differentiating be-
before a precipitate (free solid tween weak and strong acids. To simplify, a strong acid is an acid
phase of FeS) is formed. that, when in aqueous solution, is completely ionized. An ex-
2. [Fe+2] × [S–2] = Ksp The blend would generate ample of these strong acids are HNO3, H2SO4, HClO4, HCl and
a saturated solution, as previously HI. Any of these acids will ionize completely in water; therefore,
defined, and any more Fe+2 and/or if a solution of 0.01 mol/l of HNO3 is prepared, then 0.01 mol/l
S–2 added to the solution will cause of H3O+ is formed according to Eq. 5:
the formation of an FeS precipitate.
HNO3 + H2O → H3O+(aq) + NO3–(aq) (5)
3. [Fe+2] × [S–2] > Ksp The blend would generate
a saturated solution and a Here, the pH will be 2. Due to complete ionization, the pH
precipitate of FeS, upon blending of a strong acid solution can be easily calculated. If a solution
of the two initial solutions. of 10–3 gmol/l of HNO3 is prepared, the pH will be 3. If a solu-
Acid-base theory.1,2 The basic and acidic properties of di- tion of 10–4 gmol/l of HNO3 is prepared, the pH will be 4. If a
luted aqueous solutions are dependent on the equilibrium that solution of 10–6 gmol/l of HNO3 is prepared, the pH will be
involves water, the solvent. The equilibrium constant for pure 6. However, if a solution of 10–8 gmol/l of HNO3 is prepared,
water ionization is Kw , which has a value of 1 × 10–14 at 77°F does it make sense to say that the pH of an acid solution will
(25°C). The water ionization reaction follows and, due to the be 8? The answer is no. The amount of acid is so small that
low ionization constant, pure water has a very small concentra- the hydrogen ion formed will interfere in the equilibrium of
tion of H3O+(aq) and HO–(aq), as shown in Eqs. 2 and 3: ionization of water. When this equilibrium is taken into con-
sideration, the pH will be 6.96.
H 2O + H 2O ! H 3O+(aq) + HO–(aq) (2)
Equilibrium for weak acids. Weak acids will ionize in wa-
ter according to their ionization constant and, therefore, only a
Kw = [H3O+] × [HO–] = 1 × 10–14 (3)
small portion of the acid molecules will generate hydrogen ions
Note: H2O, as a solvent, does not appear in the equation be- (H3O+). The equilibrium reaction and equation are represented
cause its concentration does not change since the ionization is in Eqs. 6 and 7 for acetic acid:
extremely small.
A solution becomes acidic or basic due to an imbalance in H 3CCOOH(aq) + H 2O !
the concentration of H3O+(aq) and HO–(aq). When they are the H 3O+(aq) + H 3CCOO−(aq)
same, the solution is neutral; if H3O+(aq) > HO–(aq), then the so-
lution is acidic; converserly, if H3O+(aq) < HO–(aq), then the solu- [H 3O+ ][H 3CCOO− ]
tion is basic. Ka = = 1.8 × 10−5 (7)
The power of the hydrogen ion, or pH, is a simple way to
quantify the concentration of hydrogen ion in solution defined as where Ka is the acid ionization constant for acetic acid at 77°F.
pH = –log [H3O+]. That way, if [H3O+] = 10–3 gmol/l, the pH is 3. For a generic acid, the ionization equilibrium equation is
Applying the logarithm to the water ionization equation given by Eq. 8:
(Eq. 3) and using the power of the hydrogen ion and hydroxide
([H3O+ ] × [B − ])
definitions, Eq. 4 can be derived: Ka = , based on
[HB] (8)
–log Kw = –log [H3O+] –log [HO–] = –log 1 × 10–14
→ pKw = pH + pOH = 14
(4) HB(aq) + H2O ! H3O+(aq) + B −(aq)

where pKw is merely –logKw. With a mathematical treatment, the above equation can be
written as shown in Eqs. 9–11:
1. Apply logarithm to the equation and multiply by –1:
–logK a = –log[H 3O+ ] + log (9)
[B– ]
2. Using the definition of the power of hydrogen:
Mol fraction of species

0.5 pKa = pH + log – ,where pK a is merely –logKa (10)
(H2A) pKa1
[B ]
(HA–) pKa2 3. Rearranging Eq. 10:
log – = pKa – pH (11)
[B ]
From this last equation, the following derivations can be de-
0.0 fined:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [HB]
pH • If the pH is equal to pK a , then log – = 0
[B ]
FIG. 1. Distribution curve for acid species. and [HB] is equal to [B–]

56 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
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Process Engineering

• If the pH is lower than pKa (i.e., pH = pKa – 2), Chlorine is slightly soluble in water, according to Eq. 12, and
[HB] equilibrium will shift to the left as pH drops below 3:
then log – = 2 and [HB] is 100 times higher than [B– ]
[B ]
Cl 2(g) + 2H 2O ! HClO(aq) + H 3O+(aq) + Cl –(aq) (12)
• If the pH is higher than pKa (i.e., pH = pKa + 2),
then log – = –2 and [HB] is 100 times lower than [B– ] It is also desirable to keep a margin above pH = 3 in case of
[B ]
upsets. For example, pH = 3.5 can be used as a monitored target.
This treatment allows for the determination of which form When pH started to approach 3 due to issues related to the
is predominant in a solution, according to the solution pH. The regeneration system, a question arose: Can the cooling water
distribution curve for the generic diprotic acid species (H2A, flowrate be increased to readjust the pH? The answer is yes,
HA– and A–2) in a solution with pKa1 = 5 and pKa2 = 9 is pre- but the net effect would be minimal. One of the issues was
sented in FIG. 1. that the cooling water valve flowrate was already operating at
The application of these two concepts—solubility and acid- nearly 100% open. Even with an unlimited rate of cooling wa-
base theories—for real refinery cases will prove their importance. ter available to the unit, a hydraulic limit would be imposed by
the gravity draining line since the flow of water would need to
Case studies for the refining industry. The following be massively increased (TABLE 1).
sections highlight examples of refinery case studies for the ap- A logarithmic scale is used to measure pH, meaning that for
plied concepts. every one unit of change on the pH scale, there is a tenfold dif-
Case 1. In a continuous catalyst regeneration reformer unit, ference in the hydrogen ion (acid) concentration. This is why,
a scrubber is used to treat the offgas from the catalyst regenera- for even a minute increase of 0.1 in the pH, 30% more water is
tor. The gas is treated to eliminate HCl(g) and Cl2(g) and avoid needed, as shown in TABLE 1.
environmental issues, as well as to prevent corrosion to nearby The solution for this problem is the addition of an alkaline
equipment, piping and structures. solution to the scrubber system.
The scrubber for this case study uses once-through cooling Case 2. Caustic solution is used to neutralize acidic streams,
water (inlet pH of approximately 7.5) to contact the offgases either as a pretreatment for further processing or as final clean-
from the catalyst regenerator. Gas removal efficiency is moni- ing before disposal:
tored by maintaining a minimum flow of cooling water to the • Pretreatment example: A sulfuric acid alkylation
scrubber and keeping the effluent water pH above 3 (FIG. 2). unit where a liquid stream from the refrigeration
system is pretreated in a caustic wash to neutralize
Scrubbed gas
SO2 , a byproduct of the alkylation reaction, prior to
fractionation in a depropanizer
Cooling water pH = 7.5
• Cleaning prior to disposal example: A particular sulfur
removal unit where the flue gas, rich in SO2 from the
absorbent regenerator, is treated by caustic prior to
Valve output 90% disposal to atmosphere.
In both cases, caustic is used and the neutralization process
can be described according to Eq. 13 (formation of weak sulfu-
rous acid with pKa1 = 1.85 and pKa2 = 7.2) and Eq. 14 (neutral-
ization of sulfurous acid by caustic):
SO2(g or l) + H2O ! H3O +(aq) + HSO 3 –(aq) (13)
H3O+(aq) + HSO3–(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) →
Acid gas (CO2, Cl2, HCl) 2H2O + Na2SO3(aq) (14)
Based on pKa2, even with a fairly diluted caustic solution,
pH ≥ 3 the equilibrium would be forced to the right, and all SO2 that
is properly contacted would be neutralized by caustic. As an ex-
FIG. 2. Scrubber for acid gases. ample, a diluted caustic solution of 0.1 wt% would have a pH
above 13, much higher than pKa2.
A process engineer would then be tempted to spend caustic
TABLE 1. Flow requirement to increase effluent pH* to the limit. However, the solubility in aqueous solution for so-
Cooling water flowrate Effluent pH dium sulfite is lower than that for sodium hydroxide, as shown
Base case 3
in TABLE 2. Another important factor is that the sodium sulfite
solubility reaches a maximum, and then starts dropping with an
1.3 times base case 3.1 increase in temperature.
1.6 times base case 3.2 Data from TABLE 2 can be used to calculate the solubility
3.2 times base case 3.5 product for sodium sulfite:
*The buffering effect was not considered, and it would reduce the amount of water
1. Conversion of solubility in wt% into molarity leads
required. to 2.55 gmol/l. At 86°F, the solubility is 26.3 g of
58 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
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Process Engineering

TABLE 2. Solubility in water for sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium sulfite (Na2SO3)3
Temperature, °F 77 86 104 122 140 158
NaOH, wt% 50 53 58 63 67 71
Na2SO3, wt% 23.5 26.3 27.3 25.9 24.8 23.7

10,000 batches to be replaced more often (or makeup to be increased),

but would also allow the caustic solution to be spent more with-
1,000 10 ppm total sulfides
100 ppm total sulfides out the risk of salt precipitation, fouling and plugging equipment.
500 ppm total sulfides Case 3. The overhead system of a crude distillation unit is
always closely monitored to avoid or control corrosion. Neu-
10 tralizers and amines are added, and pH and iron of the water
collected in the overhead system are monitored as key perfor-
ppm, Fe+2

1.00 mance indicators. The iron content of the water collected in wa-
ter wash systems in hydrotreater and hydrockacker units is also
constantly monitored.
0.01 Monitoring and keeping the iron content below 0.5 ppm in
the process water is considered an accepted practice to control
0.001 corrosion. However, low iron results do not necessarily indicate
that corrosion is not taking place in the system.
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 Iron sulfide (FeS) with a product of solubility constant on
the order of 10–17gmol2/l2 is highly insoluble in water. If FeS is
FIG. 3. Soluble iron that can be detected. precipitated in the system (Eq. 19), then the water sample anal-
ysis will not indicate the real amount of iron generated due to
corrosion; or, it may not detect any iron at all due to the detec-
Na2SO3/100 g of solution, and solution density is 1.22 g/ tion limit of the analytical lab equipment:
ml, leading to 320.86 g of Na2SO3/l of solution. With the
Fe +2(aq) + S–2(aq) ! FeS(s) (19)
molecular weight of 126 g/gmol, the result is 2.55 gmol/l.
2. For the solubility product estimation, 2.55 gmol/l of Measuring soluble iron in the process water will be effective
saturated solution of Na2SO3 will generate [Na+] = 5.09 only in the presence of two important parameters:
gmol/l and [SO3–2] = 2.55 gmol/l. From the solubility- • Where the pH is controlled
product constant definition in Eq. 1, the Ksp for Na2SO3 • What is the concentration of total sulfides (H2S, HS–
can be calculated as shown in Eq. 15: and S–2) in the water.
FIG. 3 illustrates the limitations of the iron test, if not evalu-
Ksp for Na2SO3 = [Na+]2 × [SO3–2] = 5.092 ×
(15) ated along with the pH and total sulfides being collected in
2.55 = 66.05 gmol3/l3
the water. Sulfides in the water will be distributed according
If the treatment process uses 18 wt% caustic solution to to the pH, similar to that indicated in FIG. 1. FIG. 3 was built
remove SO2, then the system will depart as follows: 18 g of using pK1 = 6.81 and pK2 = 12.24 at 104°F as the ionization
NaOH/100 g of solution × 1.18 g/ml → 212.4 g of NaOH/l of constants for the H2S/HS –/S –2 system, and 2 × 10–17gmol2/l2
solution. With a molecular weight of 40 g/gmol, this caustic solu- as the product of the solubility constant for FeS.4 The curves
tion would have 5.31 gmol/l. From Eq. 14, every gmol of Na2SO3 indicate the maximum concentration of iron that can be found
formed consumes 2 gmols of NaOH. If caustic is spent all the way in the solution according to the concentration of total sulfides
to 0.63 gmol/l (still generating a pH > 13), then an Na2SO3 solu- and the pH.
tion of 2.34 gmol/l would be formed, and any further absorbed If the process water analysis reveals that the concentration
SO2(g) would cause precipitation of Na2SO3 to occur. The solubil- of total sulfides (H2S, HS– and S–2) is 10 ppm, the pH is 5 and
ity product would be exceeded, as shown in Eqs. 16–18: the soluble iron content is 0.4 ppm, then corrosion is within
From [Na2SO3] = 2.34 gmol/l → [SO3–2] = acceptable limits. This is an acceptable conclusion because,
2.34 gmol/l and [Na+] = 4.68 gmol/l (16) as indicated in FIG. 3, for the abovementioned conditions, the
maximum concentration of iron in solution would be approxi-
The remaining [NaOH] contributes
(17) mately 4 ppm, which is higher than the reported iron analysis.
to additional [Na+] = 0.63 gmol/l
Alternatively, if total sulfides are the same but the pH is 6,
[Na+]2 × [SO3–2] = [4.68 + 0.63]2 × [2.34] = then corrosion may be taking place and iron analysis is not a
66 gmol3/l3 (18)
good indicator for it. Note that, for 10 ppm total sulfides and
Note: In Eq. 17, the contribution is due to a common-ion effect. pH = 6, the maximum concentration of iron in solution would
The higher the initial caustic concentration, the higher the be approximately 0.05 ppm. The higher the pH, the higher will
chances of salt precipitation occurring. Using a more diluted be the concentration of S–2, and the lower will be the ion iron
caustic solution (e.g., 12%), the precipitation would not occur; that can be found in solution.
instead, the caustic would be depleted and SO2 breakthrough At relatively low pH (e.g., 5.5), depending on the concentra-
would take place. A lower caustic concentration would require tion of total sulfides in water, severe corrosion may be taking
60 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Process Engineering

place. Most of the ion iron formed will precipitate as FeS and 1E-02
linger in the equipment/pipe. The iron test performed in the
pH increase
process water will be misleading, as it will indicate less than 0.5
ppm iron in the solution, which is accepted as a good indication
of corrosion control. (HCO3–)

Species concentration in gmoI/l

Case 4. Propane, butanes and butylenes are some of the 1E-04
streams in a refinery that are caustic-treated to remove mercap-
tans. After the caustic treatment, a water wash system may be 1E-05
used to help avoid the effects that caustic carryover may have on
downstream equipment or process. Two of these effects are (1)
alkaline stress corrosion cracking, if the stream goes to a distil- 1E-06
lation tower; and (2) excessive acid consumption in the case of
butylenes fed to an alkylation unit. 1E-07
In one of the water wash systems, boiler feedwater (BFW)
was being used to contact a mixture of butane/butylene. The pH 1E-08
of the water leaving the bottom ranged from 7.5–10, depending 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
on the freshwater flowrate and the amount of caustic carryover. pH
The supply of BFW was curtailed, and well water was routed FIG. 4. Predominant species graph.
to the water wash system. After a couple of weeks, the pressure
started to build up in the vessel, approaching the relief valve set
pressure. As a result, the level controller in the bottom of the TABLE 3. Comparison between well water and BFW
water wash vessel opened wide, thereby forcing the total fresh-
Constituent Well water, mg/l BFW, mg/l
water flowrate to be reduced. Fortunately, a planned outage was
soon scheduled to start. Calcium 32 < 0.05
How does this problem occur? How did the operation of the Magnesium 8 < 0.15
water wash tower become compromised simply by changing Bicarbonate 80 7
the source of the water? A comparison of analyses for BFW and
well water (TABLE 3) can reveal the source of the problem.
BFW contains insignificant amounts of calcium, magnesium the underlying cause of a problem limits the application of basic
and bicarbonates ions. In a different manner, well water con- chemistry principles.
tains calcium and magnesium bicarbonate salts that are soluble. However, even in the absence of a good reference for acid
When well water contacts the hydrocarbon stream containing ionization and solubility product constants, a lab test can easily
carryover caustic, sparingly soluble calcium carbonate and mag- mimic process conditions, either by blending solutions and/or
nesium hydroxide may be formed due to an increase in pH and by making pH adjustments and observing the results.
the consequent shift in the carbonate species equilibrium from The cases in this article exemplify some of the reasons to
HCO3– to CO3–2, according to Eq. 20: better understand how chemistry can affect the operation of
refinery processes by:
HCO3–(aq) + OH –(aq) ! H 2O + CO3–2(aq) (20) • Showing how a quick assessment can avoid deposits
in equipment and pipes that can eventually lead to
The higher the pH, the higher will be the concentration of an outage
carbonate and hydroxide ions in solution (predominant species • Explaining how a corrosion problem can be brought
graph according to the pH is presented in FIG. 4). When solubil- to the surface, even though routine iron analysis may
ity limits are exceeded, solid calcium carbonate and magnesium not indicate any issues
hydroxide precipitates, as shown in Eqs. 21 and 22: • Proving that even apparently simple changes may have
drastic consequences—e.g., the replacement of BFW
Mg –2(aq) + 2 OH –(aq) ! Mg(OH)2(s) (21) with well water.
Ca –2(aq) + CO3–2(aq) ! CaCO3(s) (22) 1
Pauling, L., General Chemistry, 3rd Ed., Dover Publications Inc., US, 1988.
Masterson, W. L. and C. N. Hurley, Chemistry: Principles and Reactions, 3rd Ed.,
In this case study, due to the concentration of magnesium Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1997.
and calcium, only calcium carbonate precipitated and, conse-
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 87th Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Florida, 2007.
quently, accumulated in the contacting devices (trays or pack- 4
Perrin, D. D., Dissociation Constants of Inorganic Acids and Bases in Aqueous
ing), in the water wash system and in the water outlet line. This Solution, Butterworth & Co., 1969.
caused the pressure to build up and the water level control valve
to open wide. RODRIGO CARDOSO is an Area Manager for Phillips 66 Westlake
Refinery. He has 13 yr of experience as Process Engineer and
previously worked as a Chemical Expert for the Federal Police
Takeaway. The concepts presented in this article are simple, in Brazil. Mr. Cardoso holds a BS degree in chemical engineering
but simplicity does not always mean that the concepts are easy from Rio de Janeiro Federal University and an MS degree from
to understand or put into practice. The lack of understanding of the French Institute of Petroleum (IFP School).

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 61



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Speed up the development of new commercial

adsorbents—Part 1
In the conventional development ap- parameter over the entire development an overview of the scale-up procedure
proach, a multi-stage process begins in process. The derived performance tar- starting from the lab until benefit return,
the laboratory, moves to the pilot plant, gets give meaningful, practical, lab-scale in terms of accumulative investment and
and ends at the commercial unit, often adsorbent development targets for the re- freedom of design parameters.
before any financial benefits are realized. searcher that take into account pilot and First, the selection of adsorbent can-
A major recurring problem during new commercial perspectives. The authors’ didates and the determination of their
adsorbent development is that research- experience has shown that this proposed final recipes are attempted at the lab scale
ers may become trapped in a seemingly alternative approach can effectively help through screening and the study of ad-
infinite “loop” because impractical (and conquer the loop in the conventional sorbent performance, which is closely
sometimes unrealistic) adsorbent per- scale-up procedure. related to such basic adsorbent proper-
formance targets in laboratory scale can ties as density, void fraction, particle size
result in “strange” engineering design, The conventional adsorber scale- distribution, specific surface area and
repeat development work, unsatisfactory up method. Typically, the conventional pore size distribution, crush strength and
financial return, budget overrun and un- method for adsorber design1 always advis- attrition resistance.
necessary delay. es that the development and commercial- In addition, adsorption equilibrium
To enhance the success rate, an alter- ization of a new adsorbent should be car- and kinetic parameters in terms of ad-
native method to help conquer the loop is ried out in three major steps: laboratory or sorption isotherm and effective diffusiv-
proposed here. The novel method, which bench scale, pilot or demonstration plant, ity of single or multiple adsorbates are
envisions commercial ends, consists of and, finally, commercial scale. FIG. 1 shows investigated over the interested range of
two distinct phases. In Phase 1, a first
draft of the commercial adsorber design
is created, along with an economic assess- Laboratory Pilot unit Commercial unit Benefit return
ment. The second phase is essentially a
sensitivity analysis to determine the per- Freedom
formance targets of the new adsorbent to of design Project
be developed in a lab scale. Numerous
adsorber design cases are calculated and
compared to identify influential deci- Time
sions coming from previous steps.
Part 1 of this article presents a step- Candidate
by-step sensitivity analysis to determine Adsorbent Infinite loop
the performance targets of a new adsor- screening Pilot test
bent to be developed. In Part 2, which investment Pr-commercial
will appear in the May issue of Hydrocar- test
bon Processing, a demonstration of how to Commercial
apply the proposed method will be giv- unit package
en, including the graphic display of key
analysis results. Consequently, the devel-
opment team can gain valuable insight FIG. 1. Overview of the conventional scale-up procedure, starting from the lab and ending at
benefit return.
into the roles played by each key design
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 63
Process Optimization

As illustrated in FIG. 2, the effective
range of performance targets of new ad-
Chemical Physical
properties properties sorbent for the development research-
Phase 2 Possible adsorbent ers is to be completed in two phases of
Regenerability Capacity and Particle size Crush performance target development under the proposed meth-
selectivity strength
odology. In the first phase, the overall
configuration and dimensions of the
adsorber are estimated with the aid of
1st draft full commercial adsorber package Economic analysis order-of-magnitude cost estimation,2
sensitivity study which is based on existing performance
of adsorbent candidates in the lab scale
Phase 1 and design criteria of a commercial unit.
Process Adsorbent As a result, parameters with a high degree
Design criteria Economic aspect
constraints screening
Problem statement
of design freedom can be earmarked and
and lab information suitably confined at this stage with small
Engineering Business R&D costs involved. The second phase is es-
sentially a sensitivity study to determine
FIG. 2. Systemetic diagram of the new procedure to determine effective range of adsorbent the adsorbent performance targets. Nu-
performance target. merous adsorber design cases are calcu-
lated and compared to identify influen-
tial decisions derived from the previous
TABLE 1. Process constraints and plicable costs are unacceptable, it will be phase. To make decisions on adsorbent
design criteria necessary to return to the first step of the performance targets, the upper and low-
Parameter Value
loop, shown as a dotted circle in FIG. 1. er limits of the project’s return benefits
Based on the authors’ experience, the (such as EBITDA, % EBITDA on invest-
m, kg/hr 75,453
conventional scale-up method often fails ment, % IRR, % ROI, or any suitable in-
C0, kg/m3 0.12 to satisfactorily lead to successful com- dicators) are to be investigated. A more
Ct, kg/m 3
0.012 mercialization in terms of accumulative detailed description and explanation of
ρfluid, kg/m 3
investment due to the death valley loop the two phases, along with an actual ex-
during new adsorbent development. The ample, are included here.
µ fluid, kg/m/sec 5.777 × 10–4 larger the number of loop repetitions,
Pop, kg/cm2a 4 the higher the accumulated investment PHASE 1: FIRST DRAFT
Top , °C 35 will become, not to mention the lost op-
tcycle, day 10
portunities due to longer delays in proj-
ect completion. DESIGN AND ECONOMIC
ΔPallowance , kg/cm2 1 Conquering the loop. To ensure the All major process constraints and
success of new adsorbent development, design criteria needed to determine the
concentration and temperature. The pi- the business direction and engineering draft version of the commercial unit,
lot-scale adsorber used to test adsorbent design must be clearly established and such as product purity, equipment loca-
performance is designed to represent a known from the beginning of the process. tion, etc., must be stipulated as in the ex-
scaled-down version of the envisioned Companies must provide a framework of ample shown in TABLE 1.
commercial unit, which is usually a con- adsorption technology in terms of an eco- In the adsorbent screening process,
tinuous fixed-bed adsorber. This step re- nomic performance index to allow rea- the most important characteristics of
veals that key performance factors, such sonable investment to achieve desirable an adsorbent are adsorption capacity
as pressure drop, flow distribution and project benefits. The engineering support and selectivity. An engineer may conve-
a suitable cooling system (if required to team must understand how to play with niently use some apparent adsorption
control adsorption temperature), can be process parameters—from the initial ad- isotherm as a basis of calculation. Gen-
affected to a significant degree by mass sorbent development phase to the final erally, the particle-based Reynolds num-
and heat transfer effects and adsorber phase—when designing the pilot and ber of the fluid that passes through the
length-to-diameter ratio. commercial adsorber. FIG. 1 clearly shows bed voidage in lab or pilot scale must be
The sizing of the commercial adsor- that a high degree of freedom of process designed to be equal to that of the com-
bent bed is also determined by process parameters can be found at the labora- mercial scale to ensure that the overall
constraints involving feedrate and com- tory scale. To quickly conquer the loop, rate of mass transfer will be essentially
position, and cycle time requirement. the adsorbent development team must be equal. First, the adsorption capacity is
The optimal adsorbent candidate is ul- able to frame these parameters as allow- required in design and must be estimat-
timately decided by economic evalua- able minimum or maximum values that ed. Here, the Wheer-Jonas equation3,4 is
tion, process severity and safety. If the are due to numerous process constraints selected to estimate the capacity of ad-
resulting adsorbent performance and ap- based on commercial perspectives. sorbent via breakthrough curve in a con-
64 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Process Optimization

tinuous fixed-bed experiment, as shown To calculate the pressure drop across For example, land costs may be excluded
in Eq. 1: the bed, the modified Ergun equation6 from the list if the equipment is installed
(Eq. 6) can be used to give a correct value at the owner’s site. On the other hand, an
q 0 M q 0 ρ b ⎛ C0 – C t ⎞ for each shape of the adsorbent: engineer that cannot obtain a reasonable
t cycle = – ln (1)
C0Q C 0 k v ⎜⎝ C t ⎟⎠ cost list during design might resort to a

As a first approximation, the cycle time

= KRe p a + bRe p ) (6)
grassroots capital estimate to obtain a
conservative budget.
3 2
in this article considers only the adsorp- ⎛ 1– ε ⎞ µ
tion period, since regeneration is usually ⎝ ε ⎠ ρf d 3p PHASE 2: DETERMINE THE
carried out in parallel to adsorption in
the industry and constitutes a small frac- FIG. 3 and TABLE 3 summarize the first
tion of the cycle time. The effect of this draft of commercial adsorber design and TARGETS FROM COMMERCIAL
approximation on the regeneration cost corresponding process data, respectively. PLANT PERSPECTIVES
is partly taken care of in the design tem- At this stage, we are ready to make or- The second phase is essentially a sen-
perature of the adsorption vessel (mate- der-of-magnitude cost estimates (Class 5) sitivity analysis to determine the perfor-
rial class), and the cost of regeneration to evaluate the economic feasibility of the mance targets of the new adsorbent to
gas is assumed to be negligible, as this gas adsorber unit. Economic analysis gener-
is usually available in a commercial plant. ally involves:
The corresponding overall adsorp- • Capital expenditures (CAPEX),
tion rate can be roughly estimated with as shown in TABLE 4
the semi-empirical equation reported by • Operating costs (OPEX),
Lodewyckx and Wood5 in Eq. 2: such as utilities, raw materials
and coproduct.
k v = 421.64 × β 1/3 × v 3/4
L ×
(2) These factors are used to calculate the
⎛ q0 ⎞ manufacturing expense (TABLE 5). Here,
d –3/2
p ⎜⎝ M ⎟⎠ the focus is placed only on the adsorp-
tion system without considering the
TABLE 2 shows the laboratory-scale costs of the adsorbent. It should be not-
data used in the adsorbent performance ed that, although the total bare module
screening step. cost is dependent on the type of process,
The total volume of fluid treated per the main equipment usually consists of
cycle can be calculated by Eq. 3: a number of pressure changes, process
Vt = Qt cycle (3) vessels and heat exchangers. The major
purpose of cost estimation here is not to FIG. 3. First draft of commercial adsorber
The engineer should estimate the ac- make a comprehensive list of cost items. design.
tual mass of adsorbent Mdesign in a conser-
vative manner (Eq. 4): TABLE 3. Summary of process data used in adsorber design
Mdesign = CF × M (4) Description Adsorber Unit
The bed volume of adsorbent required Orientation Vertical
is calculated from Eq. 5: Average fluid density 1,200 kg/m3
M design Operating temperature 35 °C
Vbed = (5)
ρ bulk Operating pressure 4 kg/cm2(g)
Design temperature 400 °C
TABLE 2. Laboratory-scale data used
Design pressure, internal 10 kg/cm2(g)
in the adsorbent performance
screening step Maximum cycle time 3.2 Day
Parameter Value Adsorbent XYZ'sorbent
q0, kg/kg 0.17 Packing method Dense loading
β 5.77 × 10 –5
Solid density 1,738 kg/m3
MW, kg/kmole 155.24 Total packed height 6,925 mm
shape Cylinders Inside diameter of shell 1,000 mm
dp, m 0.0016 Length between tangent line 9,300 mm
ρp, kg/m 3
1,737 Insulation type Fire protection
Packing method Dense loading Total pressure drop 1 kg/cm2
Fcs, N 44.48 Corrosion allowance 1 mm

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 65

Process Optimization

be developed. Numerous adsorber de- a particular economic variable under a Consideration of total investment
sign cases are calculated and compared given set of process constraints. The key per maximum cycle time. The evalu-
to identify influential decisions origi- points in FIG. 4 are briefly explained be- ation of adsorbent candidates is inaccu-
nating from previous steps. As shown fore a calculation example is shown to rate if it considers only total investment.
in FIG. 4, the step-by-step sensitivity enhance understanding. The total investment is divided by the
analysis is carried out to investigate and maximum cycle time to obtain a normal-
determine the various values of adsor- Knowing the maximum cycle time. ized decision variable.
bent performance that are impacted by The cycle time is mainly determined by
the maximum (equilibrium) adsorbent Practical bed depth-over-diameter
TABLE 4. CAPEX estimates for an capacity, provided that all operating con- ratio. Generally, the optimal height of
adsorber based on adsorbent screening ditions are the same. After this maximum the pressure vessel (vertical adsorber)
information is reached or neared, the spent adsorbent is based on several parameters, such as
Capital cost calculation must either be disposed of or regenerat- maximum internal pressure, allowable
Total bare module $US ed for repeated use. stress, corrosion allowance and joint ef-
Normally, nearly all industrial adsor- ficiency. To obtain practical, safe vessel
Vessel and internal 259,819
bents would be regenerated for reasons design, the engineer should prescribe a
Pump and drivers 60,000 such as high replacement costs, disposal practical range of bed depth-over-diam-
Subtotal 319,819 limitation and costs, etc. The researcher eter ratio for the maximum design case.
ISBL should develop a regeneration method
using the available utility in the plant Regime of adsorbent capacity ef-
Misc. equipment 95,946
to minimize costs. While the cycle time fect on total capital investment.
Piping 575,674 can easily be prolonged by using a larger An example of the relationship between
Instrument and control 95,946 quantity of adsorbent, the maximum adsorbent capacity and total capital in-
Electrical 63,964 quantity is limited by the predetermined vestment, which can be divided into two
maximum allowable pressure drop. As regimes or zones, as shown in FIG. 5. In
Civil 95,946
shown in Eq. 6, pressure drop across the the first zone (left), which is controlled
Structure and building 63,964 bed is a function of the Reynolds num- by adsorbent capacity, the vessel cost is
Lagging and paint 31,982 ber (fluid velocity), bed length, adsor- dominant when adsorbent capacity is
Sub-total 1,023,421 bent particle size, shape and bulk density, small due to the high cost of the big ad-
which depends on the packing method. sorber, high adsorbent loading and land
Fixed capital investment 1,862,626
(including OSBL) To estimate the maximum cycle time, the costs, etc. The second zone (right) is
pressure drop allowance is considered to controlled by throughput or production
Startup expenses 37,253
be the limiting factor. Therefore, the final rate. As adsorbent capacity increases, the
Working capital 372,525 shape of the new adsorbent is also inves- cost of the vessel decreases. However, the
Land cost 55,879 tigated in the calculation example. costs of other auxiliary equipment, such
Contingency 279,394 as pumps, heat exchangers, etc., do not
Knowing the maximum cycle time increase. These equipment costs depend
Fee 55,879
directly on the throughput. Researchers
Total capital investment 2,663,555 need not spend extra effort to maximize
Consideration of total investment per the capacity of adsorbent during the de-
TABLE 5. Manufacturing cost estimates maximum cycle time velopment step.
for an adsorber based on adsorbent
screening information Optimizing adsorbent particle den-
Manufacturing expenses Practical bed depth-over-diameter ratio sity. Generally, when the adsorbent
calculation $US/yr particle density increases, its crushing
Operating labor – strength will increase while the required
Regime of adsorbent capacity effect on adsorber volume will tend to decrease,
Supervisory and clerical labor –
total capital investment provided that the adsorbent capacity
Utilities – does not significantly decrease due to a
Maintenance and repairs 204,888 reduction of pore volume. Therefore, re-
Operating supplies 30,733 Optimizing adsorbent particle density searchers should attempt to densify the
adsorbent particle as much as practical.
Laboratory charges 74,504
FIG. 6 shows an example of the relation-
Local taxes 37,252 ship between adsorbent capacity and
Crushing forces acting on adsorbent particle
Insurance 18,626 total capital cost with particle density
Administrative costs 111,757 as a parameter. When particle density is
FIG. 4. Step-by-step sensitivity analysis doubled, the adsorbent capacity decreas-
Financing 266,355 to determine the performance targets es slightly, resulting in a lower capital
Total manufacturing expenses 744,117 of a new adsorbent to be developed.
investment. The key point is to densify
66 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Process Optimization

Adsorbent capacity
Adsorbent capacity Production rate controlled regime is shifted
controlled controlled

Particle density = 1,500 kg/m3

Total capital investment, $MM

Total capital investment, $MM

dp = 3.2 pill: raking
Particle density = 1,500 kg/m3 Particle density = 3,000 kg/m3
dp = 3.3 pill: raking dp = 3.2 pill: raking

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Apparent adsorbent capacity, kg/kg Apparent adsorbent capacity, kg/kg

FIG. 5. Relationship between adsorbent capacity and total FIG. 6. Relationship between adsorbent capacity and total
capital investment. capital cost.

adsorbent particles as much as practical, Ct Effluent adsorbate concentration, kg/m3 Iss. 5, 2003.
CF Conservative factor 6
Nemec, D. and J. Levec, “Flow through packed bed
with minimal loss of adsorbent capacity dp Equivalent particle diameter, m reactors: 1. Single-phase flow,” Chemical Engineering
and enhanced crushing strength. ε Bed voidage Science, Vol. 60, Iss. 24, 2005.
Fes Crushing force, N
Crushing forces acting on an ad- K Dimension constant = 1.02 × 10–5, BAMRUNG SUNGNOEN is a
kg/cm2/Pa Process Technology Engineer
sorbent particle. In addition to the kv The overall adsorption rate coefficient, hr–1 for the SCG Chemicals Co. Ltd.
effects of temperature and pressure, the L Bed depth, m Process Technology Center in
net crushing force acting on an adsor- M Mass of adsorbent required, kg Thailand. He provides technical
MDesign Design mass of adsorbent, kg
bent particle depends on the direction MW Molecular weight, g/mole
support for scale-up, from
laboratory to pilot scale, involving
of fluid flow, pressure drop across the m Mass throughput in adsorber, kg/hr heterogeneous catalyst and adsorbent. He has
bed, accumulative weight of particles μ Fluid viscosity, kg/m/sec worked in various roles within the process design,
and liquid holdup. As shown in Eq. 6, Pop Operating pressure, kg/cm2(a) research and development sections. He received
ΔPAllowance Maximum pressure drop allowance, kg/cm2 BS (1st ranking in class) and MS degrees in chemical
pressure drop depends on fluid density ΔPBed Pressure drop across bed, kg/cm2 engineering from Naresuan and Chulalongkorn
and velocity (Reynolds number), flow Q Fluid volumetric flowrate, m3/hr Universities, respectively.
regime, bed depth, and particle size and q0 Equilibrium adsorbate uptake per adsorbent
shape. Normally, downward-flowing from Thomas model, kg/kg WIBOON WITTANADECHA
Rep Packed-bed Reynolds number, dimensionless is a Lead Engineer at the
pressure drop is frequently a cause of ρb Bulk density of adsorbent, kg/m3 SCG Chemicals Co. Ltd. Process
particle attrition and breakage. To avoid ρp Particle density of adsorbent, kg/m3 Technology Center in Thailand.
particle crushing during operation, the ρf Fluid density, kg/m3 As a Production Engineer
Top Operating temperature, °C
net crushing force must not exceed the tcycle Cycle time, hr
for petrochemical plants,
he provides his knowledge
average single particle crushing strength. Vt Volume treated per cycle, hr and technical support for new technology
For a conservative design, the net crush- V
L Linear velocity through bed, m/sec development of olefin and vinyl chain production.
ing force should not exceed half of the Mr. Wittanadecha has been published in numerous
LITERATURE CITED international industry publications.
crushing strength. 1
Knaebel, S. K., “Adsorption,” Section 14 in Albright,
L. F., Albright Chemical Engineering Handbook, 1st WIWUT TANTHAPANICHAKOON
Next month. In the May issue of Hydro- Ed., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca is a full-time Technology Adviser
carbon Processing, Part 2 of this article Raton, Florida, 2009. at the SCG Chemicals Co. Ltd.
Couper, J. R., et al., “Process Economics,” Section Process Technology Center in
will show a detailed calculation example 9 in Green, D. W. and R. H. Perry, Perry’s Chemical Thailand, and Emeritus Professor
to aid the reader’s understanding and Engineers’ Handbook, 8th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New of the Tokyo Institute of Technology
the application results of the proposed York, New York, 2008. in Japan, and at Chulalongkorn
Wheerler, A. and A. J. Robell, “Performance of University in Thailand. Dr. Tanthapanichakoon has
fixed-bed catalytic reactors with poison in the feed,” 40 yr of teaching and research experience in heat
Journal of Catalysis, Vol. 13, Iss. 3, 1969. and mass transfer operations, particle technology,
Jonas, L. A. and J. A. Rehrmann, “Predictive equa- aerosol engineering, and process analysis and
a Blake–Kozeny–Carman constant-viscous tions in gas adsorption kinetics,” Carbon, Vol. 11, simulation. He was the founding Executive Director
term of the Ergun equation, dimensionless Iss. 1, 1973. of the National Nanotechnology Center at the
b Blake–Kozeny–Carman constant-inertial 5
Wood, G. O. and P. Lodewyckx, “An extended equa- National Science and Technology Development
term of the Ergun equation, dimensionless tion for rate coefficients for adsorption of organic Agency in Thailand. He holds a BEng (ChE) degree
β The affinity coefficient vapors and gases on activated carbons in air-puri- from Kyoto University in Japan, and a PhD (ChE)
C0 Influent adsorbate concentration, kg/m3 fying respirator cartridges,” AIHA Journal, Vol. 64, from The University of Texas at Austin.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 67

Liquefied Natural Gas


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A. GUPTA and S. JAIN, Reliance Industries Ltd.,
Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

An optimized approach to choosing solvent

for the liquid-liquid extraction process
Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is a traditional method used Structural constraints and chemical stability. While form-
for separating a specific component (solute) from the carrier ing structures from a set of basic groups, we need to form struc-
liquid phase. The process works on the principle of difference turally-feasible molecules. Therefore, molecules are screened
in solubility of the component in the carrier liquid and sol- with valence balance constraints,4 which further reduces the
vent. The higher solubility of the component to be extracted number of potential solvents.
in the solvent compared to other components in the carrier Besides structural constraints, a combination of rules for dif-
liquid results in the formation of two phases. These phases are ferent UNIFAC groups are defined to generate chemically fea-
commonly referred to as extract phase (rich in the target com- sible structures.3 These groups are categorized into type K, type
ponent) and raffinate phase (lean in the target component). M, type J and type L. Restrictions are imposed on the attach-
Choosing the right solvent for extraction is key to the success ment of certain categories of groups (e.g., type K groups can-
of the extraction process, and the efficiency of the solvent not be combined with type K and type L groups). Hydrogen
drives the economics of the process. The LLE process usu- peroxide (HO-OH) is formed from a combination of two type
ally has an extraction column followed by a solvent recovery K OH groups. Although HO-OH is physically viable, it should
column. The solvent recovery column accounts for 97% of the be avoided due to high reactivity.5 Aside from the stability of
operating cost in comparison to 3% for the extraction column. the molecules that are formed, the combination rule also takes
When selecting a solvent, the ease of separation from the sol- into account the proximity effect of certain groups, leading to
vent needs to be considered, along with higher affinity toward unreliable UNIFAC predictions. Out of approximately 104
the desired component. structurally feasible molecules, approximately 103 molecules
The properties of interest for a solvent required for the LLE satisfy both the structural and combination rules shown in Eq.
process can be predicted from the group contribution (GC) 2; hence, they form chemically stable compounds.
method, which is based on the structure of the molecule. Both
the pure component and mixture properties are important Pure component property constraints. Certain pure com-
in selecting the solvent for extraction, and GC model param- ponent properties are desired for an LLE solvent, such as melt-
eters for the estimation of these properties can be obtained ing point, boiling point, viscosity, density and interfacial tension.
from literature.1,2 The database for the estimation of mixture The solvent’s melting point should be lower than the extraction
properties (UNIFAC-GC model) consists of 39 groups and temperature so that it is in the liquid phase. From the extraction
18 compounds. Pure component parameters (GC model) are column, the mixture of solute and solvent is fed to the solvent
available for all of these basic groups. Consisting of 39 groups, recovery column, which is usually a distillation column. For
the size of the search space in solvent design problems is huge. easier separation of the solute from the solvent, it is desirable to
It consists of approximately 106 number of molecules that can have high relative volatility (> 1).6 The restriction on minimum
be formed when considering a maximum of five groups in a boiling temperature is imposed to ensure lower vapor pressure
molecule. However, the search space can be reduced by apply- of the solvent at the operating conditions. High viscosity leads
ing step-by-step filtering criteria, as depicted in FIG. 1.
Selection of Structural Pure Mixture
Exclusion of unstable groups. Certain type of groups can stable and chemical component properties
groups feasibility property
be omitted from the list of basic groups, which are known to constraints
form unstable compounds. Due to chemical instability, carb-
aldehyde and olefinic groups can be omitted from the list of • 106 to 104 • 104 to 103 • 103 to 102 • Shortlisted
basic groups, along with chloride-based groups due to corro-
sion problems.3 The complexity of the solvent design problem
is brought down significantly, as approximately 104 number of FIG. 1. Sequential methodology of screening solvents for the LLE
process (the number of solvent molecules are reduced at each step).
combinations are possible.
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 201869
Process Optimization

to problems with handling, storage and pumping; therefore, the 1 MWA

viscosity of the solvent should be as low as possible. The den- Solvent power(sp) = (5)
γ∞ MWS
sity difference between the solvent and raffinate phase leads to A ,S
a clear phase separation, so a difference greater than 150 kg/m3 γ∞
is recommended.7 If all other target properties of the extraction A ,B MWB
Distribution coefficient (m) = (6)
solvent are met, then the solvent-raffinate pair, with a small dif- γ∞ MWS
A ,S
ference in density, can be separated using a centrifugal extractor.
When a solvent with small interfacial tension is added to the B ,S MWA
Selectivity (β ) = (7)
LLE feed mixture, small droplets are formed, which provide a γ∞ MWB
high surface area for mass transfer. However, settling becomes A ,S
difficult and there is a chance of formation of stable emulsion. 1 MWS
Solvent loss (sl) = (8)
With higher interfacial tension, though higher amounts of en- γ∞ MWB
ergy are required to increase the interface area, this scenario is S ,B

preferred over the formation of stable emulsion.8 Ideally, medi- where:

um-level interfacial tension is required for an LLE solvent. A = Solute
Various GC models are available in literature for the estima- B = Solvent
tion of pure component properties of organic compounds. For S = Carrier liquid
example, the GC model developed by Joback and Reid2 is sim- γ ∞ = Activity coefficient of component i in solvent phase S.
i ,S
plistic to integrate in the solvent design framework; therefore, it
is used to estimate the pure component properties. Among the The mixture properties of the solvent play an important
properties of interest for the LLE solvent, GC parameters are role in affecting the process parameters. The higher the sol-
available for melting point, boiling point and viscosity in this vent selectivity, the lower the number of extraction stages re-
work.2 Physical property constraints (shown in Eq. 3–4) further quired to achieve the target purity of extract. Solvent power
reduce the number of solvent molecules to approximately 102. (capacity) is related to the amount of solvent required for ex-
The step-by-step constraints applied to select the solvent for the traction, and so it affects the size of the extractor and recov-
LLE process are summarized in Eq. 1–4: ery columns. Solvents with a higher capacity require a lower
solvent-to-feed ratio, hence the cost of removal of the solvent
∑n j (2 – v j ) = 2 (1) in the recovery column is reduced, as well. The distribution of
j target solute in both phases can be described by the distribu-
type K ≤ type M + type J / 2 (2) tion coefficient. Both the capacity and distribution coefficient
equations (Eq. 5–6) are related to each other. If we take the
Tm ≤ 300 K (3) ratio of these two equations
T solvent
> 333 K (4) ⎛ ⎞
⎜ sp = 1 MWA ⎟

where: ⎜ m γ ∞ MWB ⎟ ,
Tb = Normal boiling point ⎝ A ,B ⎠
Tm = Melting point then it is independent of solvent properties. Therefore, solvent
type K, type M, type J = Categories defined for different power has a direct positive effect on the distribution coeffi-
types of groups cient, and either solvent power or distribution coefficient can
nj, vj = Number and valency of groups of type j in the be used to describe the solvent performance. Solvent loss is
molecule. related to the miscibility gap, which should be higher for the
creation of two liquid phases.8 The reduction in concentration
Solvent performance indicators for extraction. While pure of the solvent in the raffinate phase improves the miscibility
component properties of solvent molecules are important, ther- gap; therefore, a higher concentration of solute in the feed can
modynamic properties of mixture will ultimately determine the be handled. A lower loss of solvent improves the selectivity
effectiveness of the solvent for LLE. The performance of the sol- of solute in the extract phase, and so a lower amount of other
vent in a solution is evaluated in terms of various mixture proper- components are obtained. Out of approximately 102 molecules
ties, such as selectivity and distribution coefficient. Essentially, obtained after applying physical property constraints, we can
the primary objective of the solvent for efficient extraction is to further screen the solvents by evaluating mixture properties.
obtain the maximum concentration of solute in the extract phase. The application of the solvent design methodology is illus-
This process is done to selectively extract the solute, with a mini- trated by applying it for n-heptane/toluene separation, which is
mum concentration of other components, in the extract phase a well-known separation problem encountered in oil refineries.
and to lower the solvent miscibility in the raffinate phase to mini- The conventional method of selecting the solvent involves per-
mize loss of the solvent. The process objectives for the solvent forming experiments with a set of solvents and then choosing
are generally expressed as functions of infinite dilution activity the one possessing the required target properties. With the help
coefficients (Eq. 5–8) and calculated in terms of solvent power, of the GC method, the target properties can be predicted based
distribution coefficient, selectivity and solvent loss.6 Activity co- on the structure of the molecule. In the conventional method,
efficient values can be calculated from the UNIFAC-GC meth- search space is restricted to a set of commercially known sol-
od.9 Equations for solvent performance indicators are as follows: vents, while the capability of the GC-based method allows for
70 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Process Optimization

TABLE 1. A list of optimal solvents for the extraction of toluene from n-heptane
Solvent β sp m sl Tm (°K) T bsolute – T bsolvent (°K) ∆ρ (kg/m3) η (cP)
(CH2)4SO2 29.27 0.23 0.27 0.0019 300 a
175 a
576 A
CH3O(CH2)3 CH2CN 21.83 0.95 1.11 0.007 244 78 NA NAb
(CH3)2SO 20.62 0.31 0.36 0.00045 291a 79a 416a 2
Furfural 15.45 0.63 0.73 0.04 236 a
52 a
568 a
(CH2)2CH3CO CH2CN 11.11 0.51 0.6 0.006 272 109 NA NAb
(OHCH2CH2)2O 4.49 0.1 0.12 0.02 263 136 572a 35.7
(CH2)2OHCH2CN 6.14 0.26 0.3 0.005 260 102 NA NAb
Properties are taken from literature, and other properties are predicted from GC models.
GC parameters for viscosity are not available for –CN and NO2 in the literature.2

the exploration of a large number of combinations and decreas- Takeaways. The selection of the optimal solvent is the most
es the experimental effort extensively. For validation, experi- critical part for the performance of an LLE process. A brute force
ments can be performed with the set of shortlisted candidates. approach to performing experiments with various solvents, and
then choosing the one with optimal properties, will be expen-
CASE STUDY: DESIGN OF A SOLVENT FOR THE sive and might not obtain the best solvent available. With the
EXTRACTION OF TOLUENE FROM N-HEPTANE help of computational methods, it is shown that one can explore
We have elaborated the systematic procedure for designing a large number of solvent molecules and screen the molecules
a solvent for extraction by applying various physical and struc- sequentially with various criteria, such as structural and physical
tural constraints. It is shown that with this procedure, one can property constraints. Computational effort is also brought down
bring down the computational complexity to a large extent. by decomposing the problem. The discussed methodology for
For this case study, we have restricted the design to aliphatic solvent design is applied to a well-known separation problem of
solvents. However, the described procedure is a generalized ap- n-heptane and toluene. (CH2)4 SO2 is obtained in the potential
proach for the molecular design of solvents and can be applied list of solvents, which is commercially used for this separation.
to the design of various type of solvents, such as aromatic and The method is generic, and it can be applied in different LLE
ionic liquids, with some additional structural constraints. separation problems for the design of suitable solvents.
For the separation problem of toluene and n-heptane, 1,057
molecules are found to be structurally feasible. Out of 1,057 LITERATURE CITED
solvents, 203 solvents satisfy both the melting point and boil- 1
Magnussen, T., P. Rasmussen and A. Fredenslund, “UNIFAC parameter table
for prediction of liquid-liquid equilibriums,” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
ing point constraints, as shown in Eq. 3–4. Designed solvents Process Design and Development, 1981.
should exhibit a higher selectivity toward the dissolution of 2
Joback, K. G. and R. C. Reid, “Estimation of pure component properties from
toluene rather than n-heptane, a higher capacity for extraction group contributions,” Chemical Engineering Communications, 1987.
of toluene and a lower concentration of solvent in the heptane-
Brignole, E., S. Bottini and R. Gani, “A strategy for the design and selection of
solvents for separation processes,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 1986.
rich phase. Some of the optimal solvents obtained from the sol- 4
Odele, O. and S. Macchietto, “Computer-aided molecular design: A novel method
vent design procedure are listed in TABLE 1. It would be ideal to for optimal solvent selection,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 1993.
have both high selectivity and high solvent power; however, for 5
Harini, M., J. Adhikari and K. Y. Rani, “A review of property estimation methods
and computational schemes for rational solvent design: A focus on pharmaceuti-
many solvents, these properties follow the opposite trend. Typi- cals,” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013.
cally, solvents with high selectivity have a lower solvent power.8 Complete literature cited available online at HydrocarbonProcessing.com.
The similar behavior can be observed for the first five solvents
(in descending order of selectivity) listed in TABLE 1. To illus- AJAY GUPTA is the Assistant Vice President of refining R&D at
trate, dimethyl sulfoxide [(CH3)2SO] is superior to sulfolane Reliance Industries Ltd. in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India. He holds
[(CH2)4 SO2 ] in terms of solvent power, distribution coefficient BS and MS degrees, as well as a PhD, all in chemical engineering
from the Indian Institute of Technology at Delhi, India.
and solvent loss, but it has lower selectivity than (CH2)4 SO2 . His experience includes implementation of advanced process
A solvent must be chosen with a compromise between the tar- control strategies in fluid catalytic cracking and crude distillation
get properties. For further screening of the solvents listed in units; development of reactor models for various chemical
processes, including effect of scale; and application of computational fluid
TABLE 1, process model calculations need to be performed to
dynamics for solving problems in the refining and petrochemical industries.
evaluate the exact compositions of both the extract and raffinate
phases. Finally, experiments are required to validate the results. SHANU JAIN is a Research Scientist in Reliance Industries Ltd.’s
(CH2)4 SO2 is found to possess the highest selectivity among refining R&D group. She previously worked for Halliburton’s
technology center as a technical professional in cementing
the list of optimal solvents. It is also the industrially known sol- R&D. Her experience consists of multi-objective optimization,
vent for the extraction of n-heptane from toluene. Although computer-aided molecular design of ionic liquids,
separation of toluene from n-heptane is a well-known problem computational fluid dynamics, nonlinear regression,
engineering software development and polymer reaction
and efficient organic solvents have already been identified, the engineering. Ms. Jain completed her BCh of technology degree in chemical
solvent design procedure is generic and is applicable for design- engineering from the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Jaipur, and
ing a solvent for any LLE process. an MS degree from the IIT in Bombay, India.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 71


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Enhancing refinery profitability

with a novel offgas conversion technology
The refining industry is challenged must enter new markets and establish buy- disruption. Utilizing a compact, modular,
every day to optimize product slates that ers and supply chain solutions for these lo- skid-mounted design, most of the system
comply with market demand, product gistically challenging products. As a result, can be procured and assembled offsite.
specifications, environmental regulations many refiners opt to simply use gas as fuel, Site preparation, primarily foundation
and refining-petrochemical integration, and value it for its Btu (energy value) by work and utility tie-ins, can occur concur-
all while remaining profitable. Typically, burning it for power within the refinery rently with minimal impact on refinery
this means running less-expensive, heavi- operation. Rather than burning this offgas operations. Final onsite installation of the
er crudes with higher severity processing, for heat or power, what if there was a way modules can then be done during a routine
resulting in increased refinery fuel gas to turn it into a valuable commodity? maintenance turnaround, providing less in-
production. The ability of refiners to ef- terference and downtime when compared
fectively manage fuel gas production has Chemical conversion of refinery with a typical FCCU revamp project.
a direct impact on operational flexibility offgas. An attractive and alternative ap- A block diagram of the offgas conver-
and profitability. proach is to use one or more chemical sion process is shown in FIG. 1. Offgas
reactions to convert the fuel gas compo- from the refinery FCCU and/or DCU,
Refinery offgas recovery. Refiners nents into high-value liquids that are al- typically downstream of the amine unit,
long on fuel gas often alter refinery op- ready produced and sold by the refinery. can be bypassed from the fuel gas system
erations to meet fuel gas constraints, flare This approach provides a much simpler, and redirected to the conversion system.
fuel gas or sell it at a discount. Some re- lower-cost and more-effective solution for After compression, simple guard beds
finery fuel gas streams contain significant maximizing the value of offgas streams. are provided for selective contaminate
quantities of valuable light olefins (ethyl- While such conversion processes are tech- removal (primarily sulfur-containing
ene and propylene), hydrogen and natural nically feasible, their implementation has organics, metals and basic nitrogen spe-
gas liquids (NGL), typically from fluid been limited, in part, due to complications cies), which affect product quality and/
catalytic crackers (FCC) and delayed cok- with low component concentrations, as or downstream process units. Other
ing units (DCU). well as the need for extensive contaminant common impurities in the offgas, such as
Past approaches for extracting value removal, both of which adversely impact oxygen, carbon dioxide (CO2 ), nitrogen
from the fuel gas fall within two categories: economic conversion. oxide (NOx ) and water, remain in the
1. Using recovery systems stream since the conversion catalyst and
to extract and purify the Offgas conversion technology. Re- downstream units are not impacted.
valuable components cently, a new proprietary process technol- After pretreatment, the compressed
2. Simply using the stream as fuel ogy has been developed that selectively feedstream enters the reactor section,
to generate onsite heat or power. converts dilute concentrations of light ole- which contains a proprietary catalyst
Recovery systems can offer greater po- fins to a high-octane, low-sulfur gasoline and a multi-reactor system. The catalyst
tential uplift in value; however, they come blendstock and LPG.a The process uses is based on a commercially proven cata-
with several technical, operational and robust, commercially proven catalysts that lyst system that has been modified to se-
financial hurdles. These systems involve have been engineered to directly process lectively oligomerize dilute light olefins
complex, capital and energy-intensive the stream, without requiring extensive streams to longer hydrocarbon chains in
compression, front-end gas treatment contaminant treatment. the gasoline range. Typical of this class of
and cryogenic fractionation. Installation The process also meets important catalyst, the catalyst will deactivate during
of these systems can require significant needs that most refiners have for the adop- operation due to coking until conversion
downtime, which negatively impacts refin- tion of a new technology: small footprint, of light olefins falls below a target level.
ery operations. Furthermore, the refiner easy installation and limited operational Full catalyst activity and gasoline selectiv-
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 73
Process Optimization

ity can then be fully restored by simple, As a catalyst bed nears the end of activ- Refinery case study. To quantify the
in-situ regeneration for coke removal via ity, identified by olefin breakthrough, the economic and operational benefits of the
dilute air combustion. reactor is switched out to regeneration offgas conversion technology, several case
Based on capacity requirements, the mode, while the freshly regenerated reac- studies within a US Gulf Coast refinery
reactor system consists of at least three tor is returned to operation. are examined using a linear programing
adiabatic fixed-bed reactors in parallel. Finally, a separation section is used to (LP) model.
The reactor set is run in a cyclic or swing recover the liquid hydrocarbon products. The configuration of the refinery is
mode, similar to a cyclic catalytic reform- The products are a high-octane, ultra- shown in FIG. 2. The refinery processes 200
er, to ensure continuous operation. In low-sulfur gasoline blendstock stream Mbpd of crude oil, with a product slate of
the typical operating configuration, one (TABLE 1), an LPG coproduct and clean gasoline (87 octane and 91 octane), diesel
reactor is offline in catalyst regeneration gas that is returned to the refinery fuel fuel, LPG, coke and sulfur. An equal split
mode, while the other reactors simulta- gas system. Based on the refinery’s needs, of heavy and light crude is selected as a
neously operate with catalyst at various the final characteristics of the gasoline typical feed for this benchmark refinery.
(staggered) stages of deactivation. Stag- blendstock, such as octane and product In the low-sulfur, reformulated gaso-
gered reactors help maintain high conver- grade, can be adjusted through control of line world, refiners have been relegated
sion and consistent product composition. the reactor operating conditions. to producing blendstocks instead of fin-
ished gasolines. For simplicity, the cases
Return to prepared were based on producing blend-
In-situ catalyst regeneration fuel gas
stocks that can be used for conventional
FCCU and DCU gasoline finishing or reformulated oxy-
offgas feed
genate blending to meet the needs at the
Modular product pump for regular unleaded, mid-grade

Pretreatment recovery and and premium-grade finished gasolines.
separations unit
The base case is configured with an
Gasoline 80-Mbpd nominal feed FCCU and a 50-
blendstock Mbpd nominal feed DCU, with offgas
directed to the fuel gas system. Two oper-
ating modes of the FCCU are considered,
TABLE 1. Characteristics of the
gasoline blendstock from the
FIG. 1. Block flow diagram of offgas conversion process scheme. offgas conversion process
Property Value
Saturated gas plant Isomerate to
and naphtha Octane RON 96
LPG gasoline blending
stabilization Octane MON 84
Naphtha HDS Isomerization Reformate to
and splitter and reforming gasoline blending RVP, psi 8
Total aromatics, vol% 35
DS FCC gasoline to
gasoline blending Total olefins, vol% 20
Kerosine Benzene, vol% < 0.1
50/50 Arabian Alkylate to Sulfur, ppm <1
Light/Heavy crude Gasoline gasoline blending
Crude HDS
TABLE 2. Total offgas composition
Distillate to (FCCU + DCU) with FCCU operated in
Distillate diesel blending a gasoline mode and an olefin mode
HDS/HDA Alkylation
Gasoline Olefin
Composition mode, mol% mode, mol%
Methane 43.3 39.5
unsaturated Ethane 22.1 17.3
Vacuum gas plant
distillation Propane 0.4 0.5
HDS Offgas n-Butane 0.5 0.6
Distillate to
diesel blending conversion i-Butane 0.6 0.8
Ethylene 9.6 19.3
Delayed Coke Propylene 2 2.5
Butenes 3.9 4.9
Hydrogen 16.5 13.6
FIG. 2. Configuration of the refinery examined in the case study. H 2O 1.1 1.1

74 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Process Optimization

a gasoline production mode and an olefin olefin mode system. Costs are based on ap- chemical engineering from the University
of California, Berkeley, a BS degree in chemical
mode. In the gasoline mode, the operating plying scaled factors from a Class 4 capital engineering from the University of Illinois and
conditions of the FCCU are selected to estimate and include TIC for inside battery an MBA degree from the University of Michigan.
boost the output of gasoline, whereas the limits (ISBL), a 25% allowance for outside
DR. DAVID ZAZISKI is the Director
olefin mode production is shifted to pro- battery limits (OSBL) considerations, and of Business Development, External
duce additional propylene using ZSM-5 an overall contingency factor of 10%. Affairs and Communications
catalyst additives in the FCCU. Addition- Relating this investment to the net op- for Siluria Technologies. Over the
al ethylene is produced in the olefin mode erating margin, a payout time of 1.2 yr–1.4 past 15 yr, Dr. Zaziski has worked at
the intersection of new technology,
and serves as additional feedstock for liq- yr is derived. This demonstrates the attrac- public policy and commercializing
uid fuel production using the offgas con- tiveness of the technology since a refiner’s products from concept in areas including energy,
version process. The offgas composition criterion for economic viability is typically cleantech, aerospace, nanotechnology and defense.
Dr. Zaziski holds a PhD in chemistry from the
for each mode is displayed in TABLE 2. As a simple payout time of less than 2 yr–3 yr. University of California, Berkeley and a BS degree
expected, the offgas in the FCCU olefin in chemistry from the University of Michigan.
mode has overall higher concentrations of Takeaway. The refining industry has
DANIEL CARTER is the Director
small-chain olefins. been searching for an economic means of of Global Consultancy within
The offgas conversion technology is recovering the value of light olefins in the Wood’s Process Technology
included in the refinery configuration fuel gas for many years. The offgas conver- and Consulting service line.
(see blue colored block in FIG. 2) by re-di- sion process described herein provides an His responsibilities include
consultancy and pre-FEED business
recting the FCCU and DCU offgas from alternative for these dilute olefins, which development and project execution
the fuel gas system to the conversion unit. otherwise are burned as fuel. The conver- in the onshore upstream, midstream, LNG, refining
The output products, approximately 750 sion process presents refiners with an at- and petrochemical business lines globally. Mr. Carter
bpd–1.5 Mbpd gasoline blendstock and tractive and unique option to convert the earned an MBA degree from Warwick Business
School and an MS degree in chemical and bioprocess
LPG, are combined with the existing re- under-valued components into high-value engineering from the University of Wales,
finery product streams. The energy con- liquids that are already produced and sold Swansea. He is a Fellow of the Institution of
tent extracted from the offgas is replaced by the refinery. The process also offers re- Chemical Engineers and a chartered engineer.
with additional natural gas, as needed, to finers additional flexibility in the way the
TABLE 3. Feedstock and product pricing
maintain the fuel gas system balance. FFCU can be operated to further enhance
used in the case study
The LP model was used to investigate operating margins.
the effect of integration of the offgas con- Product Price, $ US
version technology into the refinery pro- NOTES Natural gas 2.94/MMBtu
cess flow. The objective function of the LP
Refers to Wood and Siluria Technologies’ Modus
Ethane 0.23/gal
process technology.
model is optimized by maximizing the re- Propane 0.59/gal
finery net operating margin. TABLE 3 shows ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
n-Butane 0.80/gal
feedstock and product pricing assump- The authors would like to recognize Pete Czerpak,
Senior Process Engineer with Siluria Technologies, i-Butane 0.81/gal
tions used in the analysis, which reflect
and Dr. Jimmy Vajifdar, Process Technology Specialist Gasoline—87 octane 1.48/gal
present approximate market conditions. with Wood, for their contributions for the simulation,
figures and LP modeling results presented in the work. Gasoline—91 octane 1.61/gal
Case study results. Side-by-side eco- Ultra-low-sulfur diesel 1.56/gal
nomic comparisons are made between ANDREW ARONSON is a Senior
Technical BD Analyst for Siluria Light crude 46.64/bbl
the base refinery case and those in which Technologies. He has worked Heavy crude 44.35/bbl
the offgas conversion unit is included for Siluria since 2010, and has
(TABLE 4), as obtained from the LP model. specialized in process development, PG propylene 850/Mt
The results show that the offgas conver- project management, and is Coke 35/Mt
focused on commercializing the
sion unit expands product revenue by Modus technology. Mr. Aronson holds an MS degree in Sulfur 80/Mt
approximately 1%. This is partially offset
by a modest increase to feedstock and op- TABLE 4. Side-by-side comparison of the economic impact of using an offgas
erating cost, largely driven from the pur- conversion process at a US Gulf Coast refinery
chase of additional low-cost natural gas to
FCC in gasoline mode FCC in olefin mode
replace the missing olefins in the fuel gas
system. On a net operating margin basis, With offgas With offgas
Base case conversion Base case conversion
the refinery profits are enhanced by $29
MM/yr–$34 MM/yr, depending on the Product revenue, $MM/d 13.27 13.37 13.54 13.67
operating mode of the FCCU. Feedstock costs, $MM/d (9.2) (9.21) (9.17) (9.2)
To evaluate the economic viability of Operating cost, $MM/d (0.05) (0.05) (0.11) (0.1)
the offgas conversion technology, a simple
Net operating margin, $MM/d 4.02 4.11 4.26 4.37
payout time for this investment is calcu-
lated. The total installed cost (TIC) of the Delta NOM, $/d 86,850 104,335
conversion unit is estimated at $35 MM Annual Delta NOM, $/yr* 28,661,000 34,431,000
for the gasoline mode and $49 MM for the * Based on 330 operating days per year

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 75


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Special Supplement to

Maintenance—A value-added expense CORPORATE PROFILES

M–78 Curtiss-Wright EST Group M–81 Victaulic M–83
Clean Harbors M–84

Layher Scaffolding provides support to refinery expansion,
modification and maintenance projects.


M. RHODES and L. NICHOLS, Hydrocarbon Processing, Houston, Texas

The following focuses on one of the include maintenance materials, contract timated 38.5% to $1.26 B in 2018, while
most integral aspects of the downstream maintenance labor, and equipment pur- the chemicals processing sector will see
industry (or any industry, for that mat- chase or rental. An estimated 75% of main- a 4% increase to $1.81 B, and the power
ter): maintenance. Maintenance helps tenance costs are typically spent on rou- sector will grow by 9.3% to $3.54 B. The
ensure efficient and safe operations. tine maintenance that can be performed consultancy says that other US industries
Since it is crucial to facility operations, without significant downtime. The re- (pipelines, alternative fuels, metals, pulp
operators dedicate a sizable portion of maining 25% of maintenance spending and paper, food and beverage, manu-
their budgets for maintenance activities. goes toward costly TARs and outages. facturing and pharmaceuticals) will fall
However, we have seen maintenance These costs are compulsory to maintain- 4.7% to $3.82 B.
activities delayed due to the drop in oil ing reliability and effectiveness, and ex- LNG facility expenditures are expected
prices over the past 2 yr. Many refiners tending the lifetime of vital equipment. to increase through to 2022, with signifi-
around the world held off, or delayed, Environmental and safety compliance are cant additional capacity forecast to come
scheduled maintenance/turnarounds to also an important factor that must be con- onstream in Asia, Asia-Pacific and North
take advantage of high margins. sidered in any maintenance budget. America. Rising demand for refined prod-
Change in the global petroleum, oil and The editors of Hydrocarbon Processing ucts and natural gas—in line with popula-
gas, refining and petrochemical industries forecast that the hydrocarbon processing tion growth, economic development and
is constant. As the economies of develop- industry’s capital, maintenance and oper- an aging population of assets—will act as
ing countries continue to strengthen and ating budgets will exceed $360 B in 2018. robust long-term drivers for downstream
new sources of crude oil emerge, grass- Nearly $60 B is expected to be spent on maintenance expenditures.
root refinery projects are being continu- maintenance activities (TABLE 1). This Decisions concerning what materials
ally planned, and maintenance, upgrades, forecast for maintenance spending rep- and equipment will be purchased (and
revamps and retrofits for existing refiner- resents approximately 16% of the total when), are made by a consensus of man-
ies are increasingly frequent. spending projected for the downstream agement and personnel across a wide
In these industries, downtime can industry in 2018. spectrum of departments and engineer-
lead to significant revenue losses—some- Significant price pressure during the ing disciplines of the hydrocarbon pro-
times millions of dollars—for owners oil price downturn has heavily impacted cessing industry (HPI), including main-
and operators. Assets must perform reli- the downstream maintenance market, tenance and operations.
ably at the required capacity to achieve according to Douglas-Westwood’s World
customer commitments, and financial Downstream Maintenance Market Forecast Labor. Recent deferrals of planned main-
and schedule targets. (FIG. 1). In 2016, global downstream tenance TAR activity are leading to an
Because owners and operators seek maintenance spending fell 26% compared increased demand for craft labor. Any
to avoid unplanned shutdowns or plant to 2014 levels. However, most indus- delay in TAR execution adds to produc-
turnarounds (TARs), retrofits and up- try experts believe that the downstream tion losses. Improved refining margins are
grades that disrupt production, they are maintenance market, which saw increas- encouraging more capital project activities
continuously seeking new ways to reduce ing expenditures in 2017 to approximate- that are being executed during the main-
total lifecycle maintenance costs and reli- ly $54 B, will continue to recover with tenance TAR window than ever before.
ability-related production losses. Mainte- year-on-year growth from 2018–2022. Capacity additions coming onstream
nance costs make up a fundamental share During the next 5 yr, global maintenance in the near-term will compete for work
of the total costs for equipment. Refiners spending is forecast to rise at a 3.5% com- crews. An industry trend is the inclusion
are willing to spend the capital to im- pound annual growth rate (CAGR). of more capital project work in the out-
prove, but they must weigh those expens- Despite having a lower maintenance age, commonly approaching as much as
es against the costs of lost production. cost per facility relative to refineries, petro- one-third of the labor hours in the out-
Scheduled maintenance and turnarounds chemical facilities are forecast to account age duration. The downstream industry’s
are opportunities to increase safety, reli- for the largest proportion of downstream workforce needs fall into two general cat-
ability, environmental performance and maintenance expenditures between 2018 egories: retaining the present workforce,
profitability. Large and aging facilities are and 2022, with a 42% market share. whether by extending their careers or uti-
expected to support increased mainte- North America will continue to repre- lizing their industrial expertise in an advi-
nance expenditure to sustain production sent the largest share of the downstream sory or mentoring capacity; and attract-
levels and reduce downtime. maintenance market during this period, ing the next generation of skilled talent to
Maintenance costs in downstream as- with regional expenditures forecast to fill the positions of retiring professionals.
sets, which can account for 30%–50% of reach $105 B. US refiners will increase An API-sponsored report states that, de-
a facility’s operating expenses (OPEX), planned maintenance spending by an es- spite the recent market downturn, there

M–78 MAINTENANCE AND TURNAROUNDS | APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com


will be more than 1.3 MM job opportu- Because they are best positioned to efficiency and maximizing profits, routine
nities in the oil, gas and petrochemical identify and treat hazards, operators must maintenance programs and the accompa-
industries over the next 20 yr. know what to look for, how to respond, be nying expenditures monitor equipment
In the next 5 yr–7 yr, approximately trained to perform basic front-line main- health to identify potential problems,
50% of the workforce will retire in what tenance tasks—such as cleaning, lubrica- proactively correct any issues before a
many are calling the “great crew change.” tion, specific adjustments, inspections failure occurs and allow processing units
The next generation of engineers, op- and quick repairs—and to know when to to run at top condition.
erators, technicians and skilled workers reach out for help should the task appear The budget allotted for facility and
must step up to continue the pursuit of beyond their capabilities. During equip- unit maintenance, equipment and ma-
technological innovations and industry ment cleaning, operators are also inspect- terials is crucial to maintain reliable, ef-
growth. The graying of the workforce is ing and identifying specific sources of ficient and profitable operations, as well
inevitable, and the oil and gas business is contamination, debris, corrosion and as to extend the lifetime of vital and often
cyclical and subject to price-driven fluc- leaks. Inspections enable operators to be expensive equipment. Maintenance pro-
tuations that result in periods of hiring the eyes and ears of maintenance activi- cedures and programs are not only vital
and layoffs. These market fluctuations ties by identifying defects early. These ac- to crucial pieces of equipment, but also to
are further complicating the process of tivities can be called “operator-performed the safety of refinery and plant personnel.
attracting, recruiting and retaining em- minor maintenance,” which involves Preventive maintenance (PM) pro-
ployees. To fill job openings, hiring man- small minor maintenance tasks that help grams are a key element of managing as-
agers are prioritizing hard skills, particu- ensure the continued reliable operations sets proactively, allowing hydrocarbon
larly for positions that have a direct effect of various pieces of equipment. When processing industry processing units to
on asset maintenance. completed in a routine, timely way, minor run at maximum efficiency, monitoring
The ebb and flow of energy prices is maintenance helps avoid condition and equipment health to identify potential
leading the oil and gas industry to focus on performance degradation and required problems and correcting issues before a
the best ways to attract and retain talented equipment outages. failure occurs. PM is based on two over-
workers in both lean and flush times. arching concepts: asset failure predic-
A huge chasm of experience exists Predictive/preventive maintenance. tion, and repairing equipment before it
between new people coming into the in- Maintenance expenditures are a proac- does fail. Performing repetitive mainte-
dustry—and fewer are coming in—and tive and necessary expense. As one of the nance on assets, at a set frequency, will
the more experienced group that is mov- key components in maintaining a facility’s prolong equipment life and ensure that
ing out. Succession planning is needed.
The bigger players in the industry are TABLE 1. 2018 worldwide spending by budget, $ B
becoming adept at maintaining a steady
stream of talent. However, the situation US OUS Total
seems to be more difficult for smaller re- Capital 33 111 144
finers, which may be afraid that they can- Maintenance 5 52 57
not afford and retain qualified person- Operating* 48 112 160
nel. Many companies are outsourcing
Total 86 275 361
their condition-based programs as they
*Excluding feedstock and maintenance costs
shrink their number of in-house mainte-
nance personnel. 90
While some maintenance activities Africa Asia
require formal training, many routine 80 Asia-Pacific Eastern Europe and FSU
tasks can be taught to the next genera- Latin America Middle East
70 North America Western Europe
tion internally using reliability engineers
(RE), original equipment manufactur-
ers (OEM) instruction manuals and in-
Expenditures, $ B

house experts. As they progress toward 50

the end of their careers, experienced
maintenance craftspeople are often 40
underutilized as a resource for cross-
training operators and new personnel. 30
Knowledge transfer through on-the-job 20
training utilizes the skills of those who
routinely work with equipment and en- 10
courages a vested interest in equipment
reliability. Operator care tasks also free 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
up maintenance craftspeople for more
proactive maintenance (i.e., preventive FIG. 1. Global downstream maintenance expenditures ($ B), 2013–2022.
and predictive maintenance). Source: Douglas-Westwood.



they remain in optimal condition, reduce Companies are becoming increas- Cybersecurity. PdM technology and the
the likelihood of potential safety inci- ingly reliant on technology to provide digitalization of the refinery/plant does
dents and unplanned breakdowns, and asset management techniques and data. come at a risk. With any type of remote
minimize long-term maintenance costs. While this is helpful, collecting data is not sensing technology, it is at risk for cyberat-
While set-schedule equipment main- enough on its own: implementing reliable tacks. Owners and operators have recog-
tenance is an accepted industry practice predictive maintenance requires diligent nized the potential risks and impacts of
to preserve uptime and reduce costs, analysis of that data. cyberwarfare and cybercrime, and while
many refining and petrochemical facili- PdM technologies offer an alterna- many organizations have adopted their
ties are transitioning from preventive to tive to intrusive overhauls and rebuilds, framework for industrial cybersecurity
predictive maintenance. With the digitali- as well as the ability to monitor and track control systems, many struggle to imple-
zation of the plant, sensors on equipment an asset’s mechanical condition to deter- ment effective programs.
can notify plant personnel in advance mine the optimum time for an overhaul According to the Department of
of needed maintenance (i.e., predictive or repair. If properly executed, asset run Homeland Security (DHS), the aver-
maintenance). Different companies have durations can be extended, unnecessary age length of time between a security
developed—and are perfecting—mul- work is eliminated and the frequency of breach and detection exceeds 240 days.
tiple tools and resources to aid plant per- shutdowns or turnarounds is reduced. The DHS processes approximately 300
sonnel in all facets of operations. These An effective predictive maintenance instances each day, and top concerns in-
resources are ensuring the move to better, program will provide a proactive ap- clude cyberattacks on the energy, finan-
more efficient maintenance programs, ac- proach to scheduling. This allows work cial and healthcare sectors. The agency
tionable items and operations. to be thoroughly planned and the parts recommends five rule sets that every orga-
Predictive maintenance (PdM) is mod- ordered ahead of time. While a reactive nization should consider when construct-
eled around the concept that repairs should maintenance approach to unplanned ing its framework to combat cyberattacks:
be made only when they are actually need- equipment failure tends to bring havoc • Identification—Companies must
ed, which enables improved planning, in- to labor availability and existing mainte- conduct an asset evaluation
creases uptime, improves the bottom line nance schedules, a proactive approach re- that includes intellectual
and enhances the efficiency of planned duces equipment downtime and increases property, personnel information
outages by eliminating unnecessary work. cost efficiency. and technologies.
• Protection—Key information
should be protected, and not all
information is created equal.
• Detection—It is important to
catch the attack as (or before)
it is happening. Training and
up-to-date methods and
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business,” but rather as value-added service
to ensure the optimal use of equipment.

M–80 MAINTENANCE AND TURNAROUNDS | APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com



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Select 82 at www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com/RS


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“At Clean Harbors, we make safety a fundamental part of our corpo-
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ing the highest possible quality of service to each and every customer that
will continue to guide our decision-making as a company.”
Adding more than 60 operating locations across the United States Tank Cleaning. Complete tank cleaning, dewatering and materi-
Clean Harbors provides a broad range of services to an extensive cus- als processing services are designed to help keep tanks and storage
tomer base, served by 1,400 additional employees and operating a systems safe, inspection-ready and operating at the highest possible
sizable service fleet of specialized vehicles and equipment. efficiency level. The company’s proprietary technology includes Gator™,
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Many in the industry agree that customers will see a direct and immedi- INDUSTRIAL SERVICES
ate benefit. For more than 20 years, Clean Harbors has provided expert Over the years, Clean Harbors has built a complete portfolio of envi-
on-site industrial services to companies throughout North America. An ongo- ronmental and industrial services, eliminating the cost and complexity of
ing commitment to excellence is an essential part of the company’s credo— managing multiple specialty providers. With one call, expert help is avail-
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continue to meet the needs of a growing customer base. Services include: tional bottom-line value. Additional industrial services offerings include:
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Chemical Cleaning, Decontamination & Disposal. This process requires ronmental, energy and industrial services to petrochemical, chemical,
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experienced team using the industry’s most technologically advanced range of services that include end-to-end hazardous waste management,
methodologies, the company’s turnkey approach includes a unique ability emergency response, industrial cleaning and maintenance, and recycling
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Select 160 at www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com/RS

and Safety
BP, Houston, Texas

Optimize your insulation to reduce costs

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is a common problem Challenge the need for insulation. Due to limited data at
that is shared by the oil and gas (onshore and offshore), refin- the design stage, it is common practice for the project team to
ing, petrochemical, power and manufacturing industries. CUI use conservative assumptions when estimating process proper-
refers to the external corrosion of steel piping and vessels under ties. This approach leads the project team to recommend the in-
insulation due to the penetration of water (FIG. 1). Inspection stallation of insulation on equipment (e.g., piping, vessels, tanks,
technologies for detecting CUI are limited, and the probabil- etc.) where it may not be needed. This increases potential CUI
ity of detection depends greatly on the extent of inspection and risk to equipment where it should not exist from the beginning.
insulation removal. CUI often remains undetected until the in-
sulation is removed or a leak occurs. This type of corrosion is a Challenge heat conservation insulation. To address this
common root cause for loss of primary containment (LOPC), problem, BP evaluated the need for insulation on equipment on
leading to health, safety and environment (HSE) incidents, operating platforms in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) using the op-
equipment repairs and unplanned downtime. Costs associated erating data available. The approach was kept simple. A heat loss
with such events can escalate into millions of dollars. transfer study was performed on all equipment that was insulat-
At the design phase, project teams often engineer and plan ed for heat conservation (FIG. 3). Process simulation tools were
to insulate much more equipment than is necessary. As a re- used to accurately calculate the heat loss without insulation.
sult, both the risk of CUI and the lifecycle cost of insulation in- Conservative assumptions were used for ambient conditions in
creases. Thorough front-end engineering and proper insulation the simulation (e.g., high wind velocity and low ambient tem-
specifications can greatly reduce CUI risk and lifecycle cost. peratures). The following two questions were then answered to
The justification for insulation should be made both during the determine if insulation would be required for conserving heat:
design phase and after a facility is operating to ensure that in- 1. Is a heater present in the system that can compensate
sulation coverage is optimized. After a facility is in operation, for the heat loss if the insulation is removed?
it is important to verify the assumptions made during design, 2. Are there operability reasons for keeping the insulation
to determine if any insulation can be permanently removed (e.g., separation efficiency)?
and to verify that insulation was installed per specification. An
inspection and maintenance plan for insulation will increase Challenge personnel protection insulation. Engineer-
short-term cost, but it can greatly reduce long-term CUI risk, as ing specifications and regulatory authorities frequently list the
well as help reduce HSE incidents, production and repair costs
associated with potential LOPC.
CUI risk and cost of insulation on pressure equipment can
result in:
• HSE incidents
• Lost or deferred production
• Higher initial installation cost
• Higher insulation inspection/maintenance cost
• Higher CUI inspection cost/decreased inspection quality
• Regulatory and reputational consequences.

Solution. The best prevention for CUI is no insulation at all.

As such, any insulation that is not required for heat/cold con-
servation, personnel burn protection, condensation prevention
or acoustic control should be permanently removed. Where
insulation is required only for personnel burn protection, the
insulation should be replaced with caged burn protection or a
FIG. 1. Image of active CUI in a facility.
thermal insulating coating system (FIG. 2).
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 85
Environment and Safety

maximum allowable surface operating temperature for equip- 1. In the past 365 d, did the temperature of the fluid
ment (typically in the range of 140°F–160°F) without person- passing through the equipment get high enough
nel protection. Above this temperature, personnel protection is for a duration long enough to heat the equipment
installed. Note: ASTM’s “Standard Guide for Heated System above the acceptable surface operating temperature?
Surface Conditions that Produce Contact Burn Injuries” pro- Note: Temperature readings in the field can be used
vides guidance on how to determine acceptable surface operat- to support this—field temperature readings should
ing temperature for industrial equipment. reflect worst-case conditions (i.e., ideally, the highest
For personnel protection insulation, BP analyzed operating process and ambient temperature).
data trends to determine if equipment was operating at or above 2. Are there planned changes to the process (i.e., new
the maximum allowed surface operating temperature (FIG. 4). wells or new units) in which the temperature of the
Four questions were answered to determine the need for per- fluid is expected to exceed the acceptable surface
sonnel protection insulation: operating temperature?
3. Is the equipment normally accessible to human touch
(e.g., a height of 0 ft–7 ft above walking levels and
laterally 0 in–18 in from any walkway or walk space)?
4. Is the fluid inside the equipment stagnant or at a dead
end (e.g., relief valve inlet piping and drain lines in
which relieving or draining activity length is too short
to increase the temperature of the equipment above
acceptable surface operating temperature, or so short
that it does not result in significant risk)?

Understand insulation options and minimize CUI risk. In-

sulation is used in industry on many types of equipment, includ-
ing pressure vessels, tanks, piping, buildings, structural steel and
junction boxes. Typically, insulation has one or more purposes
based on assumptions made during design and is used to keep
the equipment from contacting the atmosphere directly.

Heat/cold conservation. Heat and cold conservation is a

common type of insulation used to decrease the heat lost to or
gained from the environment. This type of insulation is used to
help maintain process temperatures and acts as personnel pro-
tection. If insulation is required for process temperature reasons,
then choose an insulation material and design that will minimize
the chance of CUI. Some insulation considerations for minimiz-
FIG. 2. Thermal insulating coating system applied in place of
ing the impact of CUI are:
conventional insulation to prevent CUI.
Heat conservation
Is insulation Yes
required for heat Keep insulation

Can heat input Is insulation

Yes No
be increased to make up required for personnel Remove insulation
for the heat loss? protection? Is the
Is temperature Yes Is the fluid No equipment Yes
of the fluid above in the pipe normally
maximum allowed? stagnant? accessible?
No Consider replacing Consider replacing
insulation with burn insulation with burn
Is there an cage or coating cage or coating
operability reason for
keeping insulation?
No Yes
Remove insulation
Keep insulation

FIG. 3. Heat conservation insulation flow diagram. FIG. 4. Personnel protection insulation flow diagram.

86 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Environment and Safety

• Ensure that a robust insulation specification and quality the maximum allowed surface operating temperature
control plan for installing insulation is in place. c. Where insulation is installed as a barrier between
• Choose an insulation material with low-moisture a potential release of flammable fluid and a very
permeability and low-water retention characteristics. hot surface, a protective cage cannot be used.
• Minimize the use of insulation blankets. Where insulation Where there is a differential temperature between the equip-
blankets are used, ensure that they are installed with ment and the ambient air, condensation can occur and cause
the seam at the bottom and/or a drain hole at the external corrosion issues. Insulation (or insulative coating) to
bottom to allow water to drain. prevent condensation can be installed on such equipment (see
• Design insulation installation to allow water to drain. considerations under heat/cold insulation).
• Minimize or eliminate insulation on flanges/bolting, Acoustic insulation can be used to mitigate noise from pro-
valves and instrumentation. cess equipment. Typically, this type of insulation is localized
• Minimize insulation penetrations (e.g., supports, (e.g., on a valve). An alternative to insulation is mandating the
nozzles). Ensure adequate spacing between insulated use of hearing protection or double hearing protection around
equipment and adjacent structures/equipment to allow the equipment. If insulation is installed, refer to considerations
for the installation of insulation without incurring for heat/cold insulation to minimize CUI risk.
penetrations to the insulation jacketing. Consider using Insulation materials and their properties vary greatly. Con-
load-bearing insulation on piping to eliminate insulation sult with your insulation vendor to determine the best insula-
penetration at supports. tion solution for your situation. Generalized properties of typi-
• Ensure that coating under the insulation is appropriate cal insulations include:
and is applied correctly. • Mineral wool: Retains water, is cost effective and has
• Consider installing shelters around high-consequence very good insulating properties.
insulated equipment to prevent precipitation from • Closed cell foam glass: Should not retain water,
contacting equipment. high material/installation cost and moderate
• Design insulation supports to allow drainage and insulating properties.
minimize contact with equipment. • Calcium silicate: Retains water, has a moderate
• Choose a jacket material that does not interfere material/installation cost and good insulating
with CUI non-destructive examination (NDE). properties. Note: Calcium silicate made prior to

Personnel protection. This type of protection is installed on

equipment where the temperature could cause injury if person-
nel encountered it and insulation for heat/cold conservation is Idrojet s.r.l. & Idrokid s.r.l.
not required. Where personnel protection is required, solutions proudly presents...
to consider are: ...your full line of heat exchangers maintenance product
1. Protective cage with standoffs
a. Choose a design that allows visual inspection
to be performed (i.e., use an expanded metal cage
and not perforated jacket)
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risk between the standoff and the pipe/vessel

2. Insulative coating AUTOJET E930 / I 930-5 SERIES 2000

a. Potential limitation with a coating is that ultrasonic

testing (UT) will not work through some of
these coatings, and the coating would have to be
removed if UT spot measurements or UT scans
were to be executed
b. Consider the temperature limit of the coating
c. Consider temperature cycles during startup/ STRADDLE CARRIER SERIES 20T
shutdown of equipment when choosing a coating,
as coating failure can occur if the rate of temperature
change exceeds that which the coating can handle
3. Insulation
a. If insulation must be used for personnel protection,
pick a material and design that will minimize
heat/cold insulation) Idrojet s.r.l. Idrokid s.r.l.
b. Where personnel protection is required on very hot Via Luigi Pirandello s.n. Via Luigi Pirandello s.n.
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protective cage may reach temperatures higher than
Select 161 at www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com/RS
Environment and Safety

2002 can leach out corrosive chemicals if wet. ings, and a significant amount of capital can be saved through
• Cellular perlite: Should not retain water, has a high optimizing the installations’ insulation.
material/installation cost and moderate insulating CUI imposes high safety and financial risks to a facility. It can
properties. be seen from the methodology implemented in this work that
• Flexible elastomeric foam: Should not retain water, the risks and costs associated with CUI can be significantly re-
has a high material/installation cost and moderate duced by utilizing operating conditions and field data. Removal
insulating properties. of the insulation, where it is not required, will reduce the likeli-
• Insulation blankets: Retain water, have a high material/ hood of process safety consequences and/or financial losses due
installation cost and low insulating properties. to plant shutdowns (production losses) and repair costs.
• Insulative coatings: Should not retain water,
have a high material/installation cost and various MUHANNAD RABEH is a Principal Process Engineer in the
insulating properties Discipline Engineering Team supporting Gulf of Mexico (GoM)
operations for BP America. With 13 yr of experience
in process and facilities engineering, he specializes in process
Findings and takeaways. BP has evaluated insulation require- optimization and process safety improvement. Mr. Rabeh
ments for piping for several offshore platform assets. The results holds a Bch degree in chemical engineering and material
are shown in TABLE 1. Approximately half of the evaluated lines sciences from the University of Oklahoma.
can have the insulation removed or replaced with cages or coat-
SHAWN O’HEARN is an Inspection Engineer supporting
deepwater operations in the GoM for BP America. He has
TABLE 1. Evaluation of four offshore platforms in regards to more than 10 yr of experience in inspection, integrity
insulation requirements management and mechanical engineering in the upstream
and midstream oil and gas industry.
Platform Platform Platform Platform
1 2 3 4
Lines with insulation to 31% 24% 47% 10% JONATHAN PETERSEN is a Senior Integrity Management
be permanently removed Engineer, supporting deepwater operations in the GoM
for BP America. He has more than 25 yr of experience in
Lines with insulation to 42% 44% 14% 26% engineering and integrity management positions in the oil
be replaced with a burn and gas, refining and production industries.
cage or coating

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Editor/Associate Publisher
Hydrocarbon Processing

88 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
and Safety
C. LISTON, HIMA Americas, Houston, Texas

How pipeline management becomes

part of a plant safety strategy
A typical refinery or chemical plant as guidelines for operators to help miti- • Reliability—A measure of the
contains miles of pipelines. Identifying gate the risks and consequences of leaks. system’s ability to accurately assess
and correcting leaks in these pipelines These standards include: whether a leak exists or not.
can be problematic. The potential cost of • API 1160—Overall standard • Accuracy—The ability of a system
remediation and possible financial penal- to cover all pipeline integrity to estimate leak parameters such
ties due to pipeline leaks in plants has in- management as leak flowrate, total volume lost
creased, along with the threat of damage to • API 1130—Design and and leak location.
the operator’s reputation from the possible implementation of leak detection • Robustness—The ability of a
negative environmental impact (FIG. 1). systems system to continue to function
Operators have low confidence in • API 1149—Theoretical during unusual hydraulic conditions
commercially available leak detection calculations of possible leak or when data is compromised.
systems, so they often delay action when detection system performance
an alarm is received from a leak detection • API 1175—Standard for the The evolution of leak detection. The
system, risking both financial resources selection, operation, maintenance industry’s response to these standards, and
and corporate reputation. Fortunately, and continuous improvement to leak detection overall, has been evolu-
the reliability of detection systems has of leak detection systems. tionary. This evolution can be represented
improved. These systems have been ad- as a set of four steps. The first step—which
opted into an innovative new approach, What to look for. Many operators do will be referred to as Leak Detection 1.0—
which is a hybrid leak detection solution not know what to look for when search- uses a single method chosen from the
based on a safety integrity level 3 (SIL 3) ing for a reliable leak detection system. A many available. It is worth reviewing these
safety controller. By tightly integrating combination of factors exist that must be alternatives, as they are not only used for
safety-related hardware and monitoring evaluated to find the best solution. The Leak Detection 1.0, but also provide the
software, the solution ensures the long- four primary factors include: building blocks for the more recent evo-
term availability and safety of a plant’s • Sensitivity—A combination of the lutionary stages. The detection methods
pipelines. It also contributes to reducing size of a detectable leak and the must first be classified by whether they are
the adverse consequences of incidents, time required to detect it. externally or internally based. The exter-
improves safety by minimizing the size of
leaks and protects the reputation of the
plant and its operator.

The need for standards. Continued

improvement of leak detection is neces-
sary since hundreds of pipeline incidents
are reported every year, and these num-
bers have not seen improvement over the
last 15 yr. The leading causes of these in-
cidents are material defects, followed by
corrosion, excavation damage and incor-
rect operation—although excavation has
figured more significantly in past years.
The American Petroleum Institute (API)
FIG. 1. Leak incident cost escalation.
has released a set of standards to be used
Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 89
Environment and Safety

nal methods discussed are acoustic sensor, The last external method uses a vapor measured flow deviates from the model, a
fiber optic cable and vapor sensor. sensor. A vapor-sensing tube, installed leak is identified. To design a reliable sys-
Acoustic sensors are distributed along along the entire length of the pipeline, tem with minimal false alarms, the noise
the pipeline to detect internal noise levels. contains air moving at a constant speed level should be continuously inspected to
Any leak produces a low-frequency acous- toward a sensor at the end of the pipeline. modify the models. RTTM works very well
tic noise at its location, which the sensors During a scan, an electrolysis cell emits in transient conditions, and can potentially
can detect. This method’s advantage is its a test peak of hydrogen. If vapor from a use existing flow, pressure, temperature
sensitivity to small leaks, while its disad- leak is detected, the system will calculate and density instrumentation. However, it is
vantages include a high number of false where the leak is based on timing differ- very expensive to program, and continuous
alarms, which can be caused by vehicles, ences between the vapor peak and hy- tuning is required. Training costs for opera-
valves or pumps, and the fact that the drogen peak arrivals at the sensor. Leak tors to tune the system must be allocated,
method’s efficiency and accuracy is de- location and size accuracy is high, but the and it is not always possible to obtain all of
pendent on the operator’s skill level. installation price is also steep. Scanning is the parameters necessary for programming.
Fiber-optic leak sensing depends on in- performed only once or twice a day rather The volume balance method is based
stalling a fiber optic cable along the entire than continuously, so a leak could become on the principle of the conservation of
pipeline length. This cable monitors con- extremely large by the time it is detected. mass; what goes in must come out, unless
tinuously for temperature changes caused there is a leak. This method is also used in
by pipeline leaks. This method’s advan- Internal methods. Five internal or com- some supervisory control and data acquisi-
tages are high leak location accuracy and putational pipeline monitoring (CPM) tion (SCADA) systems. The compensated
theft identification. However, it has a high methods are available. The first is a statisti- volume balance variant is the optimum
installation cost, leak identification times cal analysis method that relies on the pipe- variant to use in a leak detection system,
can be slow, stability over time is unprov- line pressure and flow profiles reacting to as this optimizes its functionality. This ver-
en and the entire pipeline must be exca- a leak in a typical manner. These profile sion of the method accounts for changes in
vated to install the cable. Additionally, the reactions can be calculated by using the both pressure and temperature. Rising tem-
method does not yield any leak size data. correlation between inlet and outlet flow, peratures result in expansion, and building
as well as inlet and outlet pressure. Unfor- pressures cause compression. This method
tunately, without a steady-state condition, uses proven technology and algorithms,
this correlation does not exist. This means utilizes existing instrumentation with min-
that the method does not work in tran- imal programming, and remains effective
sient conditions, and leak location tends in transient conditions. However, it can
to be of low accuracy, improving only as estimate only the leak location.
the leak continues. However, this method The pressure drop method is a simple
does have the advantage of utilizing exist- approach that uses existing instrumenta-
ing instrumentation. tion; during shutdown conditions, a pres-
Real-time transient modeling (RTTM) sure drop indicates a leak. This method
uses basic physical laws, such as conser- can detect the smallest of leaks—known
vation of mass, conservation of momen- as seepages. However, it too can estimate
tum and conservation of energy, to create only the leak location.
mathematical models of the flow within The negative pressure wave method
the pipeline. The pressure and flow pro- works on the principle that as a leak oc-
FIG. 2. Optimal leak detection methods. files are calculated in time steps. When the curs, it generates a negative pressure wave
of a known velocity both upstream and
downstream of the leak. The leak loca-
tion can be calculated by comparing the
arrival times of the negative wave at each
transmitter. The method utilizes existing
instrumentation to provide extreme leak
sensitivity and excellent leak location ac-
curacy, with a reduction in false alarms.

Leak Detection 2.0 and 3.0. With

the ‘building block’ detection methods
in mind, Leak Detection 2.0 simultane-
ously uses multiple leak detection meth-
ods to provide comprehensive coverage.
The approach is a combination of the best
three internal leak detection methods:
Enhanced pressure wave, compensated
FIG. 3. A hybrid solution for advanced leak detection.
volume balance and the pressure drop
90 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Environment and Safety

method (FIG. 2). By applying these meth- lowered as necessary. These systems are Takeaways. The use of a hybrid ap-
odologies simultaneously, system avail- used particularly in environmentally sensi- proach solution for pipeline manage-
ability can be ensured for all phases of the tive areas where a delayed response can be ment offers plant operators consider-
pipeline, while also significantly reducing damaging to the environment. able benefits. Uninterrupted operation
false alarms. This approach reduces pro- and maximum availability are ensured,
gramming costs for the plant operator. Ad- A hybrid solution. Leak Detection 4.0 while the system complies with present
ditionally, the system requires little, if any, is an innovative approach that integrates and upcoming global safety standards
tuning to compensate for changes in the the leak detection methodologies of Leak according to SIL 3. This type of system
physical properties of the pipeline, such as Detection 2.0 with an SIL 3 safety system ensures maximum functional safety and
corrosion or debris buildup. with ESD capability. This method creates extremely high reliability by automati-
The next evolutionary phase, Leak a hybrid solution to optimize a plant’s leak cally shutting down affected areas during
Detection 3.0, introduces the concept of detection system (FIG. 3). critical situations. As a result, it cuts pipe-
emergency shutdown (ESD) action, as This solution can be installed as a line operating costs, significantly reduces
well as monitoring. It concerns detection complete pipeline management automa- false alarms and increases the profitability
of ruptures, which are more serious than tion solution to help improve safety in re- of installations.
leaks and must be handled accordingly. fineries and chemical plants. The solution NOTES
Typically, a leak is classified as a rupture if controls and regulates safety-related pro- a
Refers to HIMA’s FLOWorX leak detection software
it reaches or exceeds approximately 30% of cesses for uninterrupted operation over b
Refers to HIMA’s HIMax system
the pipeline flowrate, although the precise the plant’s entire lifecycle. It can continu-
value is defined by each plant operator’s ously monitor pipelines, shut them down CHRIS LISTON holds a BS degree in
individual risk analysis. Rupture detection automatically in hazard situations and civil engineering from the University
of Kansas. He has worked in the oil
systems were created as standalone sys- prevent or significantly reduce damage. and gas industry for most of his
tems operating independently of the leak This hybrid approach helps prevent false career. As a Regional Sales Manager
detection implementation, and are de- alarms, and allows unlimited alterations, for HIMA Americas for the past few
years, he has served as the subject
signed to shut down a pipeline in the event modifications, extensions, improvements matter expert for pipeline management systems. In
of a rupture. The leak percentage threshold and even mandatory proof tests while the that capacity, Mr. Liston covers midstream companies
at which the system reacts can be raised or plant is in operation. and pipeline EPCs throughout North America.

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Process Control
and Instrumentation
M. MENEZES, Emerson Automation Solutions,

Measuring steam flow to flares

Refinery flare stacks are designed to CC Refinery MACT1 and 40 CFR Part
combust all manner of unrecoverable hy- 63, subpart UUU Refinery MACT2—
drocarbon gases and vapors to avoid put- require accurate measurement of steam
ting them into the atmosphere in their flow to refinery flares. US refineries must
original form. Steam is commonly added comply by January 2019, but since imple-
to the flare feed to assist mixing, ensure menting most solutions requires a pro-
complete combustion of those hydro- cess shutdown for installation, refineries
carbons and avoid the formation of ugly should start planning immediately.
plumes of black smoke. Although the regulation applies to
The mixture of steam and hydrocar- only refineries at present, many observers
bon feed must be optimized since add- expect it will be extended to chemical and
ing either too much or too little steam petrochemical plants with steam-assist FIG. 2. This conditioning orifice plate
can reduce combustion efficiency and flare stacks. includes a built-in flow conditioner to
increase the emissions of volatile organic minimize required straight pipe runs
upstream of the flowmeter.
compounds (VOCs) that are supposed to Dealing with erratic volumes. The
be consumed. For this reason, new Envi- amount of hydrocarbon flowing to the
ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) reg- flare can vary widely, depending on oper-
ulations—EPA 40 CFR Part 63, subpart ating conditions or process upsets. A stack

FIG. 3. This multivariable steam flowmeter

with utility-grade isolation valves is suitable
FIG. 1. Two steam flowmeters are required to achieve the needed turndown. for clean, low-pressure steam measurement.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 93

Process Control and Instrumentation

gas flow range of 100:1 is not uncommon, • A large line with a high-steam • A high-steam on/off valve that
so to comply with the regulation, meter- flowmeter for 0%–100% of flow. opens the large line and will be
ing of the steam-assist flow must cover This line probably already exists closed at low-steam flowrates.
the same range. To achieve this wide and has some type of flowmeter. Measurements from the two flow-
turndown range with the required ±5% • A small line with a low-steam meters are added in the control system
of mass flow accuracy, two parallel steam flowmeter for approximately for total flow. A single final steam control
flow lines are necessary (FIG. 1), each with 0%–10% of flow. This line will valve is shown for steam throttling, but in
an appropriate flowmeter: probably need to be added. 100:1 turndown applications two control
valves may be required, one in each line.

Measurement best practices. This

parallel meter approach requires two
steam flowmeters, each with a turndown
range of approximately 10:1. This type of
performance can be achieved using multi-
variable transmitters, which must have
specific capabilities:
• Accurate and stable measurements
of differential pressure
(characterized for low flow), static
FIG. 4. This multivariable steam flowmeter is designed to accurately measure medium- pressure and temperature.
to high-pressure steam and refinery process fluid flows. • An onboard flow computer to
calculate mass flow using accurate
steam tables and gas expansion
factors. This is more accurate than
a simplified DCS calculation,
which assumes that steam follows
the ideal gas law.
Ideally, this device should be preengi-
neered, preconfigured, preassembled and
leak tested with the primary flow element.
Since the flowline is disturbed at the tee
immediately upstream of the flowmeters,
it is unlikely that the 10+ diameters of
straight pipe typically needed to ensure ac-
curacy will be available.
To obtain high accuracy without straight
pipe, the flowmeter should include a flow-
straightening primary element, such as a
conditioning plate (FIG. 2). To minimize
total installed cost with clean and low-pres-
sure steam, some users specify that the con-
FIG. 5. This multivariable steam flowmeter is designed for installation on small pipes. ditioning plate be integrated into a drop-in,
wafer-style flowmeter with utility-grade
5.0 needle-valve isolation (FIG. 3). The flow-
4.0 meter assembly should include an integrat-
3.0 ed temperature sensor and a multi-variable
transmitter. For accurate placement, the as-
Rate of accuracy, +/– %

1.0 sembly should include an alignment ring to
0.0 ensure self-centering during installation.
-1.0 For medium- to high-pressure steam,
-2.0 DP flowmeter 1 most refineries specify process-grade iso-
-3.0 DP flowmeter 2 lation valves. The meter shown in FIG. 4
Zero, flowrates unit: lb/hr
-4.0 includes fire-safe roddable valves, an inte-
-5.0 grated conditioning plate to compensate
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000
Flowrate, lb/hr for a lack of straight pipe, and 150-lb or
600-lb ANSI flanged connections.
FIG. 6. Multivariable steam flowmeter performance quantified over turndown, with and without Where small pipe diameters (< 1.5 in.)
gas expansion factor dynamic calculation.
are used, obtaining sufficient straight pipe
94 APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Process Control and Instrumentation

to stabilize flow is usually not a concern, to make steam table calculations. This is other applications. Many suppliers offer in-
so a traditional orifice plate can be used. typical of older flowmeters, and it makes situ verification as an onsite service as well.
However, the individual installing the de- the ±5% system accuracy goal difficult to
vice should ensure the plate is correctly achieve at high flows. The solution is to Related applications. Refineries seek-
centered and uses a honed-meter run. upgrade DP flowmeter 2 to newer tech- ing to solve the steam-to-flares monitor-
Where small pipes are involved, variations nology capable of more accurate measure- ing requirement should address other
in the pipe’s internal diameter, roundness ment, thereby bringing regulatory com- flare-related applications, some of which
and smoothness can be disruptive to flow pliance along with other benefits. are also EPA-mandated, including:
stability and reduce accuracy. One ap- • Positive indication that the flare is on
proach to dealing with these issues is to Periodic meter verification. The EPA • Flow measurement of natural gas
use an integral orifice assembly (FIG. 5). requires a flow sensor calibration check used for pilot or Btu assist
For any of these options, the supplier at least biennially. For some technologies, • Flare temperature
must provide performance calculations this every-other-year test requires a trip to • Identification of which pressure
for each meter to confirm the EPA’s re- an expensive offsite flow lab, or onsite test- relief devices (PRVs) or rupture
quired performance of ±5% of mass flow. ing using inline flow-proving equipment. discs are causing elevated flaring.
These calculations must include both Unfortunately, inline verification cannot Refineries can comply with the new
flowmeters over the entire flow range un- be performed with variable steam flow, EPA requirements using simple, familiar
der the installed conditions (FIG. 6). which exists whenever the plant is operat- and cost-effective technologies. How-
FIG. 6 shows how both differential pres- ing. For a typical refinery shutting down ever, given the January 2019 deadline for
sure (DP) flowmeter 1 and DP flowmeter less often than every 2 yr, the only way to implementation, the work needs to begin
2 are characterized for flow, maximizing meet the EPA requirement for 2-yr verifi- now. Compliance will typically involve
the operating range. Moreover, DP flow- cation is to install the meter in a bypass. engineering and installing new devices
meter 1 also includes an onboard dynamic Fortunately, in-situ verification is sim- and piping, along with integrating these
gas expansion factor calculation as flow ple and inexpensive for a high-stability DP devices into the control system. This can
changes. Unfortunately, DP flowmeter flowmeter, and the process should already be a substantial undertaking, but the tech-
2 still uses older density-compensating be familiar to any instrument technician nologies required to implement a solution
techniques, or it depends on the DCS who uses the same type of transmitters in are proven and available.


IN THE DOWNSTREAM August 30, 2018 | Houstonian Hotel | Houston, Texas

Awards Nominations Close April 12th

The editors of Hydrocarbon Processing are thrilled to announce the 2nd
annual Hydrocarbon Processing Awards. 2018 Award Categories include:


• Best Automation Technology • Lifetime Achievement
• Best Catalyst Technology • Most Promising Engineer
• Best “Digitalization”
• Best Flow Control Technology
• Best Gas Processing Technology To RSVP or Sponsor
• Best HSE in a Project this Exciting Event:
• Best Instrument Technology Contact your Hydrocarbon
• Best Modeling Technology Processing representative or
Melissa Smith, Events Director,
• Best Petrochemical Technology
at +1 (713) 520-4475 or
• Best Refining Technology Melissa.Smith@GulfPub.com.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 95

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Touchscreen purged more than 10,000 transmitters already in

panels meet additional use, the new IECEx certification provides
users, no matter their location, with a
UL and NFPA certifications global solution that has product perfor-
Ross Systems and Controls (SysCon) mance and reliability. This new certifica-
recently completed the qualification to tion allows customers with a global reach
self-certify its touchscreen purged panels to benefit from a reduced inventory since
(FIG. 1) as meeting the rigorous standards they can stock fewer part numbers.
of Underwriters Laboratories’ UL-698A The new certification expands LORD
Code and the National Fire Protection Sensing’s intrinsically safe offering to near-
Association’s NFPA-496 Code. UL-698A ly all pressure, temperature, load/force/
covers industrial control panels designed torque and external 4-20 mA transmitter
for hazardous locations, including the use amplifier designs using a single set of uni-
of intrinsically safe barriers. NFPA-496 versal electronics. The upgraded electron-
standards relate to purged and pressur- ics platform provides improved EMI im-
ized enclosures. Purge systems are an al- munity for noisier applications like drilling
ternative to traditional NEMA 7, 9 explo- and fracking. The new electronics filtering FIG. 1. Purged NEMA 4 cabinet meeting UL,
sion proof enclosures and are suitable for ensures low noise signals in the harshest NFPA intrinsic safety
most all hazardous locations, including: environments without sacrificing mea-
• Class 1, Division 1 and 2 for gas surement fidelity and signal bandwidth.
and vapor environments Select 2 at www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com/RS
• Class 2, Division 1 and 2
for dust environments. Testing tools for tube
Depending on regulatory or aesthetic
requirements, purge panel enclosures can
leak detection in
be NEMA 4 carbon steel or NEMA 4x heat exchangers,
stainless steel. condensers and boilers
Ross SysCon manufactures controls Curtiss-Wright EST Group has re-
for Ross Mixers and Blenders, as well as leased its G-160 Tube Testing Tools for FIG. 2. Hazardous location transmission
other types of equipment and processes. leak detection in heat exchangers, con- sensors available globally
The recently acquired ability to self-cer- densers and boilers. The new ergonomic
tify enables Ross SysCon to offer UL and design features simple one-handed push- is ever needed for gasoline, diesel fuel, jet
NFPA labels on explosion-proof panels button actuation, patent-pending grippers fuel or other refined petroleum products.
at a lower price without the additional and durable lightweight cast-aluminum The latest improvement to the Red
cost for a third-party inspection. The new housing. Up to 10 tubes per minute can Goose focuses on easy maintenance. The
certifications are in addition to UL-508A be tested using less force, which increas- Red Goose v2 has been designed with a
(non-hazardous control panels), which es operator safety. G-160 Tube Testing unique “through valve” mounting when
Ross SysCon has maintained. Tools are capable of testing tubes ranging installed. This allows complete mainte-
Select 1 at www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com/RS from 0.28 in.–1.81 in. (7.1 mm–46 mm). nance or removal, totally independent of
Select 3 at www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com/RS pipeline operations. In addition, an easy
Hazardous location retractable scoop is used during pigging
Pipeline inline sampling or scraping operations. If the scoop is
transmitter sensors not retracted, a spring-loaded pivot will
meet global intrinsically system provides allow the pig to push the scoop out of
safe standards easy maintenance the way and the product sampling can
LORD Sensing, Stellar Technology Originally developed for areas where quickly resume.
has announced that its 4-20 mA Hazard- pumps could not be used, the Red Goose The Dynatrol Red Goose v2 combines
ous Location Transmitter Sensors now uses product velocity to sample petro- with the company’s pipeline pressure-
meet the latest global intrinsically safe leum products from pipelines at flowing rated Density Cell v2 to obtain double-
standards (FIG. 2). Certified to CSA and conditions. The systems consists of no sealed protection against leaks.
ATEX certifications since 2004 and with moving parts during operation. No pump Select 4 at www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com/RS

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2018 98-A



R.L. (Randy) Jespersen The Weir Group PLC The DowDuPont board of Alfa Laval Inc. has Frans B. Roozendaal
has been appointed has appointed Graham directors has appointed appointed Jo Vanhoren as joined the management
Executive Chairman, Vanhegan as Chief Jim Fitterling, the former President and CEO, as well board at Frames in
Pipeline, for Steelhead Legal Officer (CLO) and COO for the Materials as President of Alfa Laval’s March 2018, and will
LNG, and will sit on its Company Secretary. Science Division of North American “cluster.” replace Jacques Melman
board of directors. He joins Weir from DowDuPont, and President Previous appointments as CEO, who will continue
Mr. Jespersen’s career international exploration and COO of The Dow include General Manager to serve Frames as COO.
began with Dome and production company Chemical Co., to the role for Alfa Laval’s Air Together with Ronald
Petroleum, followed by ConocoPhillips, where his of CEO of the intended Business Center; Managing Vochteloo, who has been
Amoco in Calgary and roles have included Deputy Materials Science Co., Director of Alfa Laval CFO since 2016, they will
Houston, Texas. In 1996, General Counsel and VP to be called Dow, upon Iberica (Spain and form the management
he joined Terasen Inc. of business development. intended separation of Portugal); and President board at Frames.
(now FortisBC), where he He will be a member of the company. Additionally, of the Southern Europe
held various senior roles, Weir’s Group Executive, Howard Ungerleider, CFO “cluster” in 2017.
including VP of gas supply. will also lead the Group’s of DowDuPont, and Vice The National Association of
Mr. Jespersen assumed corporate business Chairman and CFO for Manufacturers (NAM) has
the role of President and development function. The Dow Chemical Co., The Society of Protective made two appointments.
CEO of Terasen Gas in will serve as President Coatings (SSPC) has James Metcalf, chairman
2002 until his retirement and CFO of the intended honored Carboline with of the board for NCI
in 2010. Mr. Jespersen Motion Industries Inc.’s Materials Science Co. two awards. Carboline Building Systems Inc., and
has also served as chair parent company, Genuine Both will continue to Technical Director of Leandro Lecheta, chief
of both the Canadian Parts Co. (GPC), has named serve in their present Innovation Mary Roley, operating officer (COO),
Gas Association and the Motion Industries President roles at DowDuPont who has been with the NAFTA, CNH Industrial,
Western Energy Institute. and CEO Tim Breen as until the completion of company for more than have been named to the
its 2017 GPC Manager the division’s intended 27 yr, received the Women NAM board of directors.
of the Year. He became separation, which is in Coatings Impact Award,
Mark W. Albers, Senior VP Executive VP and COO for expected by 2Q 2019. which recognizes women
of Exxon Mobil Corp. has US operations in 2011, and who have contributed Technical Toolboxes has
retired after more than 38 was named President in to creating a positive appointed Drew Lafleur
yr of service. Throughout 2013 before becoming the Marathon Petroleum Corp. impact on the culture of as Chief Technology
his career, which began company’s President and has appointed Kristina A. the coatings industry. The Officer. He acquired
with Exxon USA in 1979, CEO the following year. Kazarian as VP of investor company also received the more than a decade of
Mr. Albers held a variety relations. Ms. Kazarian George Campbell Award, experience in a range of
of senior managerial will serve as a corporate which recognizes a single engineering roles within
positions in development, McDermott International, officer for both MPC and outstanding achievement ConocoPhillips.
operations, production Inc. (NYSE:MDR) and MPLX, the master limited in the completion of
and engineering. Chicago Bridge & Iron partner sponsored by a difficult or complex
Company N.V. have MPC, and report to MPC industrial coatings project. The Turbomachinery
selected the executive Chairman and CEO Gary Laboratory, a center of the
Porvair Filtration Group leadership team and R. Heminger. Ms. Kazarian Texas A&M Engineering
has named Roberto integrated organizational previously served as Porvair Filtration Group Experiment Station
Malagoli as the new structure of the combined Managing Director of MLP, has enhanced its position (TEES) and part of The
Business Development company, effective Midstream and Refiners in South Asia with the Texas A&M University
Manager for Southern upon the close of the Equity Research at Credit appointment of a National System, has named
Europe. Mr. Malagoli transaction. David Suisse. Prior to that role, Sales Representative, Dr. Eric Petersen as its
has more than 25 yr of Dickson, President and she was Managing Director Harish Shah. Mr. Shah new director. Dr. Petersen’s
experience in the filtration CEO for McDermott of MLP and Midstream has more than 28 yr of research encompasses
and process sectors, and will continue in that Equity Research at expertise in the filtration gas dynamics, propulsion,
will support customers in role for the combined Deutsche Bank AG. Her industry, and will oversee combustion, shock
the original equipment company; Stuart Spence, career began at Fidelity growth in the OEM and waves, chemical kinetics,
manufacturers (OEM), Executive VP and CFO Management & Research process markets, focusing optical diagnostics and
chemical process, printing, for McDermott, will also Co., where she served as on chemical process, spectroscopy, laminar
pharmaceutical, and food continue in that role for an analyst specializing in pharmaceutical, polymer and turbulent flames,
and beverage sectors. the combined company. various energy subsectors. melt and inkjet. and rocket combustion.

98–B APRIL 2018 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com

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GasProcessingNews.com | MARCH/APRIL 2018

Challenges and opportunities for equation-based hydrates prediction
Proper regeneration of molecular sieves in TSA processes
Supervision of gas turbine speed and axial load
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At CERAWeek by IHS Markit, held GasProcessingNews.com | MARCH/APRIL 2018
in Houston in March, IEA Director Fatih
Birol said that the world would soon see a
major second wave of shale gas production
from the US in response to higher energy
prices and growing demand from India and
China. However, the issue remains that US
shale plays (FIG. 1) will require infrastruc-
A. BLUME, ture buildout to continue pumping at high
Editor rates. Infrastructure companies tradition-
ally require a commitment of 30 yr or more
to build a pipeline, but rapid decline rates for shale wells or the
exit of drillers from a region can impact pipeline utilization rates.
The IEA expects capital investment in shale drilling over the next
5 yr to significantly impact future production volumes. GP


11 Challenges and opportunities
for equation-based hydrates prediction
C. Bahubali, A. Gopalan and G. B. Nounchi

19 Proper regeneration of molecular sieves
in TSA processes—Part 2
S. Jain

FIG. 1. US shale plays. Source: US EIA.
25 Go East, young man: Eastern Canada
offers viability for LNG projects—Part 2
P. O. Box 2608
Houston, Texas 77252-2608, USA
J. G. Baguley and S. Atha
Phone: +1 (713) 529-4301
Fax: +1 (713) 520-4433 TURBOMACHINERY
www.GasProcessingNews.com Editorial@GasProcessingNews.com
31 Supervise gas turbine speed and axial load
PUBLISHER Catherine Watkins to control exhaust temperature
EDITORIAL S. Boulanouar, A. Hafaifa and K. Abdellah
Editor Adrienne Blume
Managing Editor
Technical Editor
Mike Rhodes
Bob Andrew FLARING
Editor/Associate Publisher,
Hydrocarbon Processing
Lee Nichols
37 Minimize �laring with modi�ications
MAGAZINE PRODUCTION to �lare gas recovery unit
Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone H. R. Kalat Jari and A. Borhani
Manager, Advertising Production Cheryl Willis
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Assistant Manager, Editorial Production Lindsey Craun
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Graphic Designer Andreina Keller
Mozambique and Tanzania’s drive
See Sales Offices, page 42. to monetize natural gas resources
Copyright © 2018 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Gas Processing News ................................................. 4
President/CEO John Royall US Industry Metrics .....................................................7
Vice President
Alan Millis
Andy McDowell
New in Gas Processing Technology ........................ 41
Vice President Ron Higgins
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Cover Image: Gassco’s gas processing plant at Kollsnes,
Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone
Other Gulf Publishing Company titles include: Hydrocarbon Processing , World Oil ,
® ® Norway is one of Europe’s largest, with a capacity of
Petroleum Economist ©, Pipeline & Gas Journal and Underground Construction. 143 MMm3d of natural gas and 69 Mbpd of NGL.
B. ANDREW, Technical Editor

Egyptian firm BP energy outlook: Gas demand increase through switching

to buy $15 B of In its 2018 Energy Bcf/d Gas consumption by sector Gas share by sector
Outlook, BP sees natural
Israeli natural gas gas growing strongly,
Transport Industry
An Egyptian company will supported by broad Non-combusted Non-combusted Buildings
demand, marked increases 500 Power
buy $15 B of Israeli natural 40%
in low-cost supplies, and
gas, as announced in two 10-yr Buildings
the continuing expansion in 400
agreements, a major deal that 30%
LNG supplies increasing the Transport
Israel hopes will strengthen global availability of gas. 300
diplomatic ties. In BP’s “evolving 20%
The partners in Israel’s transition” scenario, natural 200
Tamar and Leviathan offshore gas growth is supported
gas fields said they would by a number of factors: 100
supply the private Egyptian firm increasing levels of
Dolphinus Holdings with around industrialization and power 0 0%
64 Bm3 of gas over a decade. demand (particularly in 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040
Half of the supply will come from emerging Asia and Africa);
each field, and the proceeds will continued coal-to-gas switching (especially in China); and the increasing availability of low-cost supplies
be shared equally. (in North America and the Middle East).
Israel’s Prime Minister, The US and the Middle East (Qatar and Iran) will contribute more than half of the incremental production.
Benjamin Netanyahu, said the By 2040, the US is expected to account for almost 25% of global gas production, ahead of both the
Middle East and the CIS (each accounting for around 20%).
agreements would “…strengthen
Global LNG supplies more than double over the Outlook, with approximately 40% of that expansion
our economy (and) strengthen occurring over the next 5 yr.
regional ties.” Israel’s energy The sustained growth in global LNG supplies will greatly increase the availability of gas around the world,
minister, Yuval Steinitz, called with LNG volumes overtaking inter-regional pipeline shipments in the early 2020s.
it the most significant export
deal with Egypt since the
neighbors signed their historic LNG market needs $200-B investment AGA to host Young
peace treaty in 1979. to meet demand Professionals
Israel’s Delek Group Ltd.
and Texas-based Noble Energy Program at
Inc. have led both gas projects. 2018 WGC
Leviathan, located about 80
mi (130 km) west of Haifa, was The American Gas Association
discovered in December 2010 (AGA) will host a Young
and is scheduled to start Professionals Program during
the 27th annual World Gas
producing by the end of 2019.
Conference (WGC), to be held
Exports from Tamar, which
June 25–29 in Washington DC.
began production in 2013, The program provides
are expected to start sometime an excellent opportunity for
between the second half of promising young professionals
2020 and the end of 2021. In its 2018 LNG Outlook, Royal Dutch Shell forecast that more than in the energy sector to learn from
Delek characterized Dolphinus $200 B of investment in LNG is needed to meet a boom in demand top leaders in the natural gas
as a natural gas trading by 2030. industry and network with their
company that plans to supply The LNG market is set to continue its rapid expansion into 2020 peers from around the world.
large industrial and commercial as facilities approved for construction in the first half of the decade
The agenda will include
consumers in Egypt. It added that come online. The new developments are expected to easily meet
engaging panel discussions on
sharp growth in LNG consumption.
Egypt had amended regulations critical industry issues, such as
While LNG demand is expected to expand from 293 MMtpy in 2017
to allow private groups to import preparing for an evolving career,
to approximately 500 MMtpy by 2030, supplies are seen slipping to
gas. The companies did not recruiting the next generation
300 MMtpy due to a lack of new projects and natural declines in
specify when supplies to Egypt of industry leaders, and global
existing production.
would start, and the delivery perspectives on the future of
method has yet to be settled. natural gas.
Egyptian Petroleum Minister
Anadarko announces Mozambique Additionally, participants
Tarek El Molla told the private LNG agreement will benefit from access to the
WGC exhibition hall, where will
Egyptian television channel ON E Anadarko announced that they will have the opportunity
that outstanding disputes would Mozambique LNG1 Co. Pte. Ltd., for one-on-one interactions with
need to be resolved before the the jointly-owned sales entity exhibitors from across the globe.
deal could be finalized. Molla’s of the Mozambique Area 1 To date, the following
comments refer to Egypt’s co-venturers, has entered into a speakers have confirmed their
challenge to a 2015 ruling by long-term LNG sale and purchase participation:
the International Chamber of agreement (SPA) with Électricité • David Carroll, President,
Commerce ordering Egypt to de France SA (EDF). The offtake International Gas Union
pay $2 B in compensation, after agreement calls for the supply of 1.2 MMtpy of LNG for a term of 15 yr. • Daniel Yergin, Vice
a deal to export gas to Israel, via The Anadarko-operated Mozambique LNG project will be Chairman, IHS Markit
pipeline, collapsed in 2012 due to Mozambique’s first onshore LNG development, initially consisting of • Ryan Lance, Chairman and
months of attacks by insurgents two LNG trains with a total nameplate capacity of 12.88 MMtpy. Chief Executive Officer,
on Egypt’s Sinai peninsula. The project will support the development of the Golfinho/Atum fields. ConocoPhillips.

4 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com
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B. ANDREW, Technical Editor

Dominion’s Southern Gas Corridor to Europe touts energy security

Cove Point LNG The fourth ministerial meeting
of the Southern Gas Corridor
begins operations (SGC) advisory council was
On March 9, the Dominion recently held in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Energy Cove Point LNG facility European Commission (EC)
Vice President for Energy Union,
in Maryland exported its first
Maros Sefcovic, said that the EU
LNG cargo during its final stage
is ready to discuss Iran’s wish
of commissioning. The cargo to join the SGC with all partners
was loaded on Royal Dutch of the project. Sefcovic further
Shell’s LNG carrier, Gemmata, noted that for Iranian gas to be
which has a capacity of 3 Bft3. delivered to Europe, necessary
Its destination and buyer were infrastructures should be
not reported. The Federal Energy provided in the country.
Regulatory Committee (FERC) The SGC is an initiative of the
granted approval for Cove Point EC for natural gas supply from
to officially begin commercial the Caspian and Middle Eastern
operations on March 5. regions to Europe. The goals of
Cove Point has a design the SGC are to reduce Europe’s
capacity to liquefy up to 0.75 dependency on Russian gas and add diverse sources of energy supply.
Bft3d of natural gas. The gas is The route from Azerbaijan to Europe consists of the South Caucasus Pipeline, the Trans-Anatolian
Pipeline and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline. The total investment of this route is estimated at $45 B.
sourced from the high-producing
Marcellus and Utica shale plays.
Cove Point is the only LNG export Novatek looks to Saudi Aramco for Arctic LNG-2
facility on the US East Coast Russia’s Novatek is interested in Saudi Aramco joining the Arctic LNG-2 plant as a partner, according to the
and the second export facility Russian gas producer’s head, Leonid Mikhelson. The interest highlights the growing ties between Russia and
operating in the Lower 48 states Saudi Arabia. Without disclosing details, Novatek—which is Russia’s largest non-state natural gas producer—
after Sabine Pass in Louisiana, and Saudi Aramco said that they have signed a memorandum on cooperation. Both countries have been
which began commercial instrumental in implementing a global pact on cutting oil production by almost 1.8 MMbpd. Novatek plans to
operations in 2016. launch its second LNG project in the nearby Gydan peninsula in 2022–2023.


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VISIT HY 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com
A. BLUME, Editor

According to data from the EIA’s Petroleum Supply Monthly

publication, released in February, US production of natural gas
plant liquids (NGL) increased for the 12th straight year in 2017.
Output climbed to a record 3.74 MMbpd, representing a 6.4%
increase over 2016 volumes. The EIA also forecast in its Short- ENGINEERED + PATENTED
Term Energy Outlook that NGL production will increase by 15%
this year as the ethane market continues to expand. If realized,
this expansion would be the second-highest rise recorded after ZERO LEAKAGE
the 16% increase seen in 2014. GP ON/OFF & FLOW CONTROL
US gas production (Bcfd) and prices ($/Mcf)
100 7 100

Gas prices, $/Mcf

Production, Bcfd

Production, Bcfd
60 4 2”-24” 60

40 3 40
Monthly price (Henry Hub) 2
20 12-month price avg. 20
Production 1
0 0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018
Production equals U.S. marketed production, wet gas. Source: EIA.

US natural gas spot prices at Henry Hub DOWNSTREAM

and NGL spot prices at Mont Belvieu, $/MMBtu SEAT
Natural gasoline SEAT
20 Butane 20
NGPL composite
15 Natural gas spot prices (Henry Hub) 15




0 0
Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.
2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018
Source: US EIA

US natural gas plant field production of NGL,

LPG, ethane and propane, Mbpd
50 40

US gas plant field production, Mbpd
US gas plant field production, Mbpd


30 25
Ethane/ethylene PH (936) 539-5770 FAX (936) 539-2990 20
20 Propane/propylene

Dec.- Jan.- Feb.- Mar.- April- May- June- July- Aug.- Sept.- Oct.- Nov.- Dec.-
2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 API & ISO CERTIFIED
Source: US EIA

Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 7

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Mozambique and Tanzania’s drive

to monetize natural gas resources
S. OIRERE, Contributing Writer

Mozambique and Tanzania hold an A consortium of ExxonMobil, Statoil, new petroleum laws do not apply to pre-
estimated 180 Tft3 and 57 Tft3 of proven Ophir, Shell and Tanzania Petroleum De- vious contracts or concessions. As an ex-
natural gas reserves, respectively. Al- velopment Corp. has agreed to develop a ample, this is why South African petro-
though the countries are two of Africa’s 10-metric-MMtpy onshore LNG export chemical giant Sasol—the sole natural gas
biggest holders of proven natural gas re- facility valued at $30 B. The facility would producer in Mozambique at present, with
serves, they are grappling with uncertain- be built near the coastal city of Lindi in production capacity of 135 Bft3 of natu-
ties surrounding hydrocarbon industry southeastern Tanzania. The consortium ral gas at the Pande and Temane onshore
regulations and a prolonged cycle of low signed a draft agreement on the develop- fields—can allocate only 18 Bft3 (approxi-
oil and gas prices. These circumstances ment of the project in early 2017, although mately 13%) of its total yield for domes-
have forced Mozambique and Tanzania the estimated completion and startup tic consumption. Sasol exports the rest to
to postpone key natural gas monetiza- dates have been moved several times. South Africa through an 862-km pipeline.
tion projects. Under the initial proposal, the project In addition, Mozambique’s govern-
Mozambique instated its New Petro- was to be commenced in 1Q 2017 and ment has explained the procedures for
leum Law in 2015 to replace regulations completed in 2024, but it is unlikely that the sale of associated and nonassociated
established in 2004 and updated in 2008; this deadline will be met. Analysts believe gas, and what will happen if a concession
however, many specifics of the law are still it will take at least 5 yr for the project to holder decides not to carry out the sale.
unclear. In a similar scenario, Tanzania’s reach a final investment decision, and an- The law also creates a decommissioning
recently approved oil and gas laws provide other 5 yr to build the multibillion-dollar fund, and explains how interest in a con-
no clear roadmap on production, com- LNG terminal. cession can be transferred and how a con-
mercial processing, liquefaction, transpor- cession is managed.
tation, storage or distribution of its natural Gas gains in the power sector. Tan-
gas resources. zania is scaling up consumption of do- Upstream endeavors. Two interna-
Tanzania’s regulations also pose a mestic natural gas by expanding its gas- tional exploration and production (E&P)
threat to new investment, as the govern- fired electricity generation capacity. The companies—Italy’s Eni SpA and Texas-
ment insists that the laws be applied retro- country plans to develop 2,000 MW of based Anadarko Petroleum Corp.—have
actively. This would give the government new, gas-fired power plants by 2018. announced major discoveries in offshore
the power to renegotiate already-signed However, compared to its neighbor, Blocks 1 and 4. After oil and gas prices
contracts, and even to throw out those Mozambique, development of Tanza- stabilize, it is expected that more inter-
contracts not favoring national interests. nia’s natural gas resources is still in its national oil and gas companies will be
nascent phase, despite the modest prog- encouraged to seek E&P opportunities in
LNG plans face challenges. The imple- ress achieved in the sector. Mozambique Mozambique, especially with the more oil
mentation of the new laws comes at a time holds an estimated 180 Tft3 of recover- and gas investment-friendly regulations.
when international oil and gas companies able natural gas resources, mostly in the Even with the old petroleum laws, a
operating in the two countries are at dif- northern Rovuma basin. conducive environment has existed for
ferent stages of developing two separate Since 2015, Mozambique has provid- mergers and acquisitions in Mozam-
gas liquefaction export projects worth a ed a clearer regulatory framework for its bique’s upstream sector. For example, the
collective $37 B. natural gas development program, with laws accommodated the entry of lead-
A late-2016 report on Tanzania’s hy- the introduction of new petroleum laws ing Asian national oil companies, such
drocarbon sector by industry research that apply to new concessions, new inves- as Petronas of Malaysia, Mitsui of Japan,
firm Business Monitor International tors and international oil companies keen CNPC of China, ONGC Videsh of India
stated, “Several key fiscal and regulatory to expand their operations in the country. and PTTEP of Thailand. Other partners
uncertainties remain, including those Project development plans submitted in Mozambique’s Rovuma basin conces-
relating to taxation, domestic supply ob- by international oil companies for gov- sion areas include Bharat Petroleum Re-
ligations and local content requirements ernment approval must have a clause that sources Ventures, Tullow, Wentworth Re-
… Further clarification will be needed commits to the allocation of 25% of the oil sources and Maurel & Prom.
before a final investment decision can be or gas produced for domestic consump- Anadarko, the operator of offshore
taken [on an LNG project].” tion. Unlike in Tanzania, Mozambique’s Block 1 (26.5% working interest) has
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 9

made modest progress. It announced in design, building and operation of marine be installed in the south part of Area 4 off-
July 2017 that it had signed an agreement facilities for its proposed, two-train LNG shore Mozambique, in the deep waters of
with Mozambique’s government for the project (FIG. 1). the Rovuma basin.
The US oil and gas E&P company, In June 2017, Eni said that the FLNG
which has partnered in Block 1 with Em- project will be financed through a project
presa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos EP, finance structure that will cover approxi-
Mitsui E&P Mozambique Area 1 Ltd., mately 60% ($4.7 B) of its cost, making it
ONGC Videsh Ltd., Bharat PetroRe- the first FLNG unit to be financed in this
sources Ltd., PTT Exploration & Produc- way. At least 15 major international banks
tion Plc. and Oil India Ltd., is developing and five export credit agencies have sub-
the first onshore LNG plant with a capac- scribed to the financing agreement. GP
ity of 12 metric MMtpy.
FLNG in Mozambique. Italy’s Eni, the freelance journalist
based in Nairobi, Kenya.
operator of Area 4, has made substantial He has spent more than
progress in the commercialization of Mo- 10 yr covering various
zambique’s natural gas resources. sectors of Africa’s
economy, and has had
In September 2017, Eni picked RINA numerous articles
Services as the preferred certification au- published in several
thority for the design and fabrication of international publications
subsea structures and equipment for its and websites. Previously,
Mr. Oirere worked
$7-B Coral South FLNG unit, which is for Kenyan national newspapers, including the
part of Eni’s Coral South Development Daily Nation, Kenya Times and People Daily,
Project. RINA will also provide techno- where he served in various capacities as
correspondent, business reporter and sub-editor.
FIG. 1. Location of the Anadarko-led logical validation services for the project. He earned a higher degree in journalism from the
consortium’s proposed Mozambique The 3.4-metric-MMtpy FLNG unit, the London School of Journalism, and is also a member
LNG terminal. Source: Mozambique LNG. first in Africa and the third globally, will of the Association of Business Executives (ABE).

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10MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

Challenges and opportunities

for equation-based hydrates prediction
C. BAHUBALI and A. GOPALAN, WOOD AMEC Foster Wheeler Ltd., Chennai, India;
and G. B. NOUNCHI, WOOD AMEC Foster Wheeler and Partners Engineering Co., Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia

Gas hydrates may form in any location the host molecules, and the other com- Structure I gas hydrates are formed
where free gas, water, and the appropriate pounds, which stabilize the crystals, are when cavities link together through their
temperature and pressure exist, such as called the guest molecules. The hydrates vertices. Since dodecahedra are unable
in natural gas production, transportation crystals have complex, three-dimensional to pack together precisely, a tetradecahe-
and processing systems. Hydrates may structures in which the water molecules
Size (A) Hydrate former Cavities occupied
form and partially or completely constrict form cages. The guest molecules are
the gas flowrate in the well bottom zone trapped in these cages. The stabilization 3
of a layer; in the fountain tubing column resulting from the guest molecule entrap- No hydrates

or the annular space of a well bore; in well ment is thought to be caused by Van der
top pipes or near well top equipment; in Waals forces, which describe the attraction
field pipelines and installations; in trans- between molecules that is not the result
port gas pipelines and product pipelines; of electrostatic attraction. The H2 bond
or in underground gas storage systems. is different from Van der Waals forces in
The cost to the hydrocarbon process- that it is attributed to strong electrostatic Kr 512 + 512 64
4 Structure II
ing industry to mitigate the formation of attraction; however, some still classify the
gas hydrates is estimated to represent 5%– H2 bond as a Van der Waals force. 5⅔ H2O
8% of total plant cost. In a survey of 110 No bonding occurs between the guest O2
companies, flow assurance was listed as the and host molecules in gas hydrates. The CH4
biggest problem in offshore energy devel- guest molecules rotate freely inside the
opment. Deep Star, a consortium of com- cages built up from the host molecules. Xe H2S
panies focused on Gulf of Mexico deep- This rotation has been measured by spec- 512 + 512 62
5¾ H2O
water development technology issues, has troscopic means. No hydrates without 5 Structure I
concluded that replacement of hydrates- guest molecules have been found in nature. CO2
plugged lines in deepwater environments Clathrates (inclusion compounds) are
may cost an average of $1 MM/mi.1 stabilized by the weak attractive interac-
This article explains the various meth- tions between the guest and water mole- C2H6 512 + 62
ods of hydrates prediction, and examines cules. However, the guest species have size 7⅔ H2O Structure I
empirical equations with experimental restrictions. This arises from the fact that C-C3H6

data and hydrates formation conditions there are a limited number of cage types 6
during gas expansion. It also outlines the that encapsulate guest molecules without (CH2)3 O
technical challenges of predicting hy- deviation of the ideal H2 bond lengths C3H6
drates formation conditions. and angles. The cages are not necessarily
dependent on the temperature and pres- Iso-C4H10
Hydrates background. Gas hydrates sure of the guest compound being in equi- 512 + 64
are solid crystalline compounds wherein librium with clathrate hydrates.2,3 17 H2O
Structure II
guest molecules are trapped, in a cage-like The formation of hydrates requires
framework of the host molecules, without three prerequisites: 7
forming a chemical bond. As a result of 1. Low temperature and high pressure n-C4H10
its hydrogen (H2) bond, water can form 2. Presence of hydrates formers, such No SI or SII
hydrates. The H2 bond causes water mol- as CH4, C2H4, CO2 and H2S
ecules to align in regular orientations. The 3. A sufficient amount of water.2
presence of certain compounds causes
the aligned molecules to stabilize, and a Hydrates structures.4 The possible
solid mixture precipitates. types of hydrates structures are described FIG. 1. Comparison of guest molecule sizes
and cavities occupied.3
The water molecules are referred to as in the following sections.
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 11

TABLE 1. Elements present in different types of gas hydrates

Hydrate structure type and characteristics Elements present
Structure I, all cavities filled Argon, krypton, xenon, nitrogen, oxygen, methane, ethane, ethyne, carbon dioxide, carbon
disulfide, carbonyl sulfide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen selenide, phosphine, nitrous oxide,
fluoromethane, difluoromethane, trifluoromethane, tetrafluoromethane
Structure I, small cavities empty Chlorine, bromine, bromine chloride, chlorine dioxide, sulfur dioxide, arsine, methyl mercaptan,
ethane, bromomethane, chloromethane, chlorofluoromethane, chlorodifluoromethane,
fluoroethane, ethylene oxide, cyclopropane
Structure II, small cavities empty Sulfur hexafluoride, ethane, propane, propene, cyclopropane, 2-methylpropane, cyclopentane,
cyclopentene, dimethyl ether, nitromethane, dichloromethane, chloroform, chloroethane,
1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, iodomethane, 1,1-difluoroethane, fluoroethane,
bromoethane, bromodifluoroethane, bromotrifluoroethane, dibromodifluoroethane,
fluorodichloromethane, fluorotrichloromethane, difluorodichloromethane, 1-chloro-1,1-
difluoroethane, difluorobromochloromethane, chloroethene
Substances forming gas hydrates when Radon, n-butane, 2-methylbutane, cyclopentane, methylcyclopentane, benzene, chloropicrin
in the presence of a strong hydrate former (trichloronitromethane), dimethylsulfide, carbontetrachloride, trichlorobromomethane,
dibromomethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane,
1,1,1-trifluoro-2-chloroethane, bromoethane, 1,2-dibromoethane, iodoethane, 1,1-dichloroethene,
1,1,2-trichloroethene, 1,1,2-trifluoroethene, bromoethene, 1,1-dibromoethene, iodoethene,
1-chloropropane, 1-bromopropane, 2-bromopropane, allylchloride (3-chloropropene),
allylbromide (3-bromopropene), 2-chlorobutane, 2-bromobutane

50 Structure I gas hydrates have a simple

40 structure, made from two types of cag-
es—a dodecahedron and a tetradecahe-
30 dron. A dodecahedron is a 12-sided poly-
hedron where each face is a pentagon. A
tetradecahedron is a 14-sided polyhedron
with 12 pentagonal faces and two hexago-
nal faces. Dodecahedron cages are smaller
10 than tetradecahedron cages.
Stable hydrates can form without a
guest molecule occupying all of the cages.
5 The degree of saturation is a function of
temperature and pressure. The actual
Pressure, MPa

composition of hydrates is not the theo-

3 retical composition. The theoretical for-
Methane mula for hydrates is X × 5 (3/4H2O), where
2 X is the hydrates former. If the guest mol-
ecules occupy only large cages, then the
formula for hydrates is X × 7 (2/3H2O).
Structure II gas hydrates are formed
1 0.6
when the pentagonal dodecahedron cavi-
ties link together through face sharing. As
a result of this arrangement, a hexadeca-
0.5 0.8 hedron—a polyhedron with 12 pentago-
0.9 nal and four hexagonal faces—is created.
0.3 The hexadecahedron has a cubic cell
1.0 GG constant of 17°A, and 136 water mol-
0.2 ecules are associated in each cell. These
263 268 273 278 283 288 293
Temperature, K form 16 small and eight relatively large
cavities. A hexadecahedron is constructed
FIG. 2. The gas gravity method of hydrates prediction.5 from two types of cages—a dodecahe-
dron cage and a hexadecahedron cage.
dron—a polyhedron with 12 pentagonal Each tetradecahedron has a cubic cell Dodecahedron cages are smaller than the
and two hexagonal faces—is created. constant of 12°A. Forty-six molecules tetradecahedron cages.
Oxygen (O2) atoms of these water mol- of water constitute the unit cell, two of If the guest molecule occupies all of
ecules are arranged in such a manner that which are small and contain only one the cages, then the theoretical formula for
two pentagonal dodecahedra and six tet- guest molecule. The other six cavities can hydrates is X × 5 (2/3H2O), where X is the
radecahedra are formed. house relatively larger molecules. hydrates former. If the guest molecule oc-
12 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

cupies only large cages, then the theoreti- such as butane and isobutane, then the timates the hydrates formation tempera-
cal composition is X × 17H2O. method may estimate the same hydrates ture within 1.7°C, giving an advantage
Structure H gas hydrates are less formation temperature or pressure, even over the gas gravity and K-Factor meth-
common than either Structure I or Struc- when the hydrates are of different types. ods in that it can be used for sour gases.
ture II hydrates. Structure H hydrates re- B. F. Towler and S. Mokhatab devel- Hammerschmidt method. The
quire small molecules, such as methane oped an equation (Eq. 1) based on the Hammerschmidt method8 gives a good
and a type H former. They are construct- gas gravity chart that predicts the hy- prediction with low temperature and
ed of three types of cages—a regular do- drates forming temperature, where P is pressure. It is used as an initial value for
decahedron; an irregular dodecahedron pressure and GG is gas gravity:5 the prediction of hydrates condition, as
with three square faces, six pentagonal Th = 13.47 log (P) + 34.27 log described in Eq. 2:
faces and three hexagonal faces; and an (GG) – 1.675 [log (P) × (1) Th = 8.9 P 0.285 (2)
irregular icosahedron, a 20-sided polyhe- log (GG)] – 20.35
dron with 12 pentagonal faces and eight Motiee method. The recommended
hexagonal faces. A Structure H hydrate K-Factor method. Wilcox et al.’s K- use of the Motiee method9 (Eq. 3) is
contains 34 water molecules. Factor method3,7 is based on distribu- when the gas gravity is less than 0.65 and
The theoretical formula is Y × 5X × tion coefficients (K i values) for compo- the temperature is greater than 60°F at
34H2O. Here, X represents the small mol- nents on a water-free basis. It is accurate pressures greater than 2,000 psi:
ecule that enters only small cages, and Y for pure components and cannot predict Th = –238.24469 + 78.99667 log
represents the large molecule that enters hydrates for liquids. This method is (P) – 5.352544[log (P)]2 +
only large cages. In Structure H hydrates, limited to hydrates-formation pressures 349.473877 (GG) – (3)
the largest cage can accommodate up to up to 28 MPa (4,000 psia) for meth- 150.854675 (GG)2 –
five argon atoms. ane, ethane and propane; up to 14 MPa 27.604065[log(P)] (GG)
FIG. 1 shows a comparison of guest (2,000 psia) for isobutane and hydrogen
molecule sizes and cavities occupied.3 sulfide; and up to 7 MPa (1,000 psia) for Berge method. The Berge method8
TABLE 1 lists the elements present in dif- carbon dioxide. In general, the recom- is used to predict hydrates-forming tem-
ferent types of gas hydrates. mended use of this method is 0 < T > peratures with Eqs. 4 and 5:
20°C, 0.7 < P > 7 MPa.
Hydrate prediction. The following sec- Baillie-Wichert method. The For 0.555 ≤ GG < 0.58: Th = –96.03
tions explain the various methods of hy- Baillie-Wichert method6,7 is a graphical + 25.37 × ln P – 0.64 × (ln P)2
drates prediction for different kinds of gas method used for gas gravities between + (GG – 0.555) ÷ 0.025 ×
hydrates. 0.6 and 1. This method accounts for the [80.61 × P + 1.16 × 104 ÷ (4)
Gas gravity method. The gas gravity presence of H2S (up to 50%) and pro- (P + 596.16) – (–96.03 +
method (FIG. 2) is used to predict gas hy- pane (up to 10%). The chart (FIG. 3) es- 25.37 × ln P – 0.64 × (ln P)2)]
drates forming conditions. This method
is mentioned in the Gas Processors Sup- 50
C3 adjustment, °F
pliers Association (GPSA) Engineering 40
Data Book. The GPSA gas gravity meth-
od is accurate up to 65°; beyond that, it 20
slightly overestimates the temperature. 3,000
Gas gravity is defined as the molecu- –10 10 2,000
lar weight of the gas divided by the mo-
lecular weight of air. To use this chart, °F–5 5 °F 1,500
the gas gravity is calculated for the lowest 0 0 1,000
temperature of the pipeline or the process 0 .25 .5 .75 .9 1 2 3 4 6 8 900
°C % 800
specified. The pressure at which hydrates Pressure × 10–3, psia 700
form is read directly from the chart at the 600
appropriate intersection of gas gravity H2S, %
p s ia 400
and temperature. re, 0 2 5 10 20 30 50
ssu 40
The chart is available for gas gravities Pre 300
of 0.6 to 1. If the point is on the top left 200
side of the graph for the corresponding
temperature, pressure and gas gravity,
then it is in the hydrates region. If the 1.0
Gas gravity

point falls on the right side of the graph, 0.9

then it is in the hydrates-free region. 0.7
This method does not indicate the type 0.6
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
of hydrates, however. It considers only the Temperature, °F
gas gravity of the components. If two com-
FIG. 3. Estimate of hydrates-formation temperature within 1.7°C.
ponents have equal molecular weights,
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 13

For 0.58 ≤ GG < 1: Th = {80.61 × formation conditions. For a pressure With a crystal structure change, a sig-
P – 2.1 × 104 – 1.22 × 103 ÷ greater than 6,000 psia, natural gas warms nificantly different thermodynamic state
(GG – 0.535) – [1.23 × 104 + (5) up during the sudden expansion. FIG. 4 (three-phase temperature and pressure)
1.71 × 103 ÷ (GG – 0.509)]} ÷ and FIG. 5 show gas expansion charts for a is required for stability. Propane fits only
{P – [(–260.42 – 15.18 ÷ 0.6-gravity and 0.7-gravity natural gas.10 into the 512 × 64 cavity of Structure II hy-
(GG – 0.535)]} Specifications of the hydrates forma- drates. C3H8 is too large to occupy any
tion, as shown in FIG. 4, include: other cavity.
Some researchers recorded bad per- • Initial pressure = 1,500 psi For CH4 , the diameter ratio in the 512
formance with increased GG when the • Molecular weight = 17.8763 cavities of Structure I hydrates (0.86) and
temperature was less than 50°F and the • Final pressure = 600 psia Structure II hydrates (0.87) differ by 1.5%.
pressure was less than 200 psi. The Berge • Initial temperature = 100°F Pure methane is stabilized in Structure I
method gives better prediction when the • Carbon dioxide = 0.02 hydrates only by the additional stability
GG is equal to 0.555. • Methane = 0.86 of molecules in the 512 × 64 cavity, with a
The Makogon method. Makogon • Ethane = 0.06 small amount of propane to encourage the
developed a correlation based on the • Propane = 0.03 stability of Structure II hydrates.
GG for hydrates prediction, as shown in • i-butane = 0.005 The similar size ratios of methane in
Eqs. 6–8: • n-butane = 0.005 the 512 cavities and the large degree of sta-
• H2S = 0.02 bility that propane provides (0.94) to the
ln P = 2.3026β + 0.1144 (T + KT 2) (6) The hydrates will not form at the final large cages of Structure II hydrates enable
Where β = 2.681 – 3.811 γ + condition of temperature and pressure, but a structure transition. Therefore, the con-
1.679 γ2 (7) they will form below 500 psia. If the initial cept of a guest-to-cavity-size ratio (and
K = –0.006 + 0.011 γ + 0.011 γ2 (8) temperature is higher than 110°F, then hy- hydrates structure change) can provide
drates will not form even at atmospheric molecular comprehension of a substantial
where P = pressure in Pa, T = temperature pressure, since the isotherm of 110°F does decrease in equilibrium pressure required
in degrees Kelvin and γ = GG. not intersect the 1,500-psia line. for a small composition change.
The Kobayashi method. Kobayashi The Structure II stability from a small
et al. developed a correlation based on Role of hydrates structure in predic- amount of propane encourages most nat-
the GG for hydrates prediction. It is not tion. In all three hydrates structures, each ural gases to form Structure II hydrates,
recommended for use above 62°F, above cavity can contain a maximum of one because most reservoirs contain small
1,500 psia or above a GG of 0.9. The cor- guest molecule at normal pressure. At high amounts of propane. Gas mixtures of meth-
relation is shown in Eq. 9: pressure, nitrogen, hydrogen, methane and ane and ethane form Structure II clathrate
T = 1 ÷ [A1 + A2 (ln γg) + A3 (ln P) + argon can multiply and occupy the larger hydrates in certain composition ranges, de-
A4 (ln γg)2 + A5 (ln γg) (ln P) + cavities of Structure II hydrates. Note: At spite the fact that pure methane and pure
A6 (ln P)2 + A7 (ln γg)3 + A8 normal pressure (i.e., less than 30 Mpa at ethane gases normally form Structure I hy-
(ln γg)2 (ln P) + A9 (ln γg) (9) approximately 260K–290K), molecules drates. Methane and ethane mixtures form
(ln P)2 + A10 (ln P)3 + A11 below 3.5°A become too small to stabilize more stable hydrates for three reasons:
(ln γg)4 + A12 (ln γg)3 (ln P) + any cavity; whereas molecules above 7.5°A 1. Empty Structure II hydrates have
A13 (ln γg)2 (ln P)2 + A14 (ln γg) are too large to fit into any cavity of Struc- a lower chemical potential value
(ln P)3 + A15 (ln P)4] ture I or Structure II hydrates. than empty Structure I hydrates
Some molecules, such as propane and 2. The ratio of the number of larger
where A1 = 2.7707715 × 10–3; A2 = isobutene, can stabilize only the larger cages to the number of water
–2.782238 × 10–3; A3 = –5.649288 × 10–4; cavities of Structure II hydrates. When a molecules for Structure I
A4 = –1.298593 × 10–3; A5 = 1407119 × 10–3; molecule stabilizes the small cavities of a hydrates is much larger than
A6 = 1.785744 × 10–4; A7 = 1.130284 × 10–3; structure, it will also enter the large cavi- that for Structure II hydrates
A8 = 5.9728235 × 10–4; A9 = –2.3279181 ties of that structure. It is known that the 3. The free energy of the larger
× 10–4; A10 = –2.6840758 × 10–5; A11 = smallest guest molecules (Ar, Kr, N2 and cage occupancy for Structure II
4.6610555 × 103; A12 = 5.5542412 × 10–4; O2) form Structure II hydrates, rather hydrates is lower than that
A13 = –1.4727765 × 10–5; A14 = 1.3938082 than Structure I hydrates. for Structure I hydrates,
× 10–5; A15 = 1.4885010 × 10–6; and where The addition of a small amount of a for both methane and ethane.
P = Pressure in Pa, T = Temperature in second, larger hydrocarbon sometimes The first and third factors contribute
degrees Fahrenheit and γg = GG. has a dramatic effect on the hydrates to the stabilization of Structure II hy-
It is recommended that all of the equa- formation pressure. For example, pure drates, while the second factor contrib-
tions be tested with experimental values. methane forms hydrates with pure water utes to stabilizing Structure I hydrates.
at 280.4 K and 5.35 MPa; yet, hydrates are The preferential structure for a given con-
Hydrates formation during sudden ex- formed at 3.12 MPa with 99% CH4 plus dition is determined by the competition
pansion.5 During sudden gas expansion, 1% C3H8. The pressure decrease is caused among these three factors.
gas experiences the Joule–Thomson ( JT) by a hydrates crystal change from Struc- As one illustration, simple hydrates of
effect. Gas expansion charts are available ture I (with pure methane) to Structure C3H8 and i-C4H10 have a similar ∆Hd of
for various GGs that encourage hydrates II (with 99% methane plus 1% propane). 129 and 133 KJ/mol because they occupy
14 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

the 512 × 64 cavity, although their size-to- From the above, it was found that less • Hydration number—the number
cavity ratios are somewhat different (0.94 energy is required to dissociate hydrates of water molecules in the hydrates
and 0.98). The similarity of ∆Hd is remark- structures with both cavities filled than per guest molecule—are not
able, but it is principally due to the occupa- those with one cavity filled. It has been explained by the equations.
tion of the 512 × 62 cavity. Similarly, C2H6 suggested that collisions of the guest • Binary hydrates, ternary hydrates,
(∆Hd = 72 KJ/mol) and CO2 (∆Hd = 73 molecules with the cavity wall weaken in- multi-component hydrates, single-
KJ/mol) are in the 512 × 62 cavity. CH4 and teractions between the hydrogen bonds, component hydrates, hydrates in
H2S (∆Hd within 3% of each other) occu- which is also reflected in a high value of black oil, hydrates in gas condensate
py both 512 and 512 × 62 as simple hydrates. thermal expansion. To a fair engineering and Structure H hydrates are not
The mixture of C3H8 plus CH4 has approximation, ∆Hd is: addressed by these equations.
a value of ∆Hd = 70 KJ/mol over a wide 1. A function not only of the • Structural transitions are not
range of composition. In such mixtures, hydrogen bonds in the crystal, addressed in these equations.
C3H8 occupies most of the 512 × 64 cavi- but also of cavity occupation For example, nitrogen hydrates can
ties, while CH4 occupies only a small 2. Independent of guest form both Structure I and Structure
number of 512 × 64 and possibly 512. Most components and mixtures of II hydrates. Nitrogen will occupy
natural gases (which commonly form similar-size components within the large cages of Structure I and
Structure II hydrates) have similar val- a limited size range. Structure II hydrates. Benzene is a
ues of ∆Hd. Note: Mixtures that fill both very large molecule and, therefore,
types of Structure II cavities have a lower Limitations of empirical/graphical cannot form Structure II hydrates
value of ∆Hd (79 KJ/mol) than compo- hydrates prediction. The preceding hy- without the presence of a helper
nents such as C3H8, which fill only the 512 drates prediction strategies are character- molecule, such as methane.
× 64 cavity (∆Hd = 129 KJ/mol). ized by a number of limitations: • Molecular shape is not considered.
Similarly, over a wide range of compo- • The equations and graphs do not For example, xenon is a spherical
sitions of methane and ethane, ∆Hd values provide details about the three molecule. Xenon hydrates do not
are similar (74 KJ/mol) for components hydrates structures themselves. form beyond 3,800 bar pressure;
entering both cavities of Structure I hy- • The equations and graphs do however, hydrates do form at
drates. Identical arguments may be used not provide details about the 356K and 8,578 bar.
to explain similar ∆Hd values of 79.5 KJ/ cage occupancy; however, the • Retrograde behavior is not
mol +/– 7 KJ/mol for Structure H binary occupancy ratio shows different addressed.
mixtures with methane, since all three trends at different pressure and • The equations do not consider the
cavities are occupied. temperature conditions. inhibitor type—i.e., the natural
10,000 10,000
175 189
8,000 8,000
temperature, °F 170 Initial 184
6,000 6,000
160 temperature, °F 180
5,000 5,000
4,000 170
150 160
3,000 3,000
130 150
120 140
2,000 2,000 130
110 120
1,500 100 110
Initial pressure, psia

Initial pressure, psia

90 100
80 90
1,000 1,000
800 80
60 70
600 600
500 500
50 60
400 400

300 50
40 300

200 200
150 150
100 100
100 150 200 300 400 600 800 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,000 100 150 200 300 400 600 800 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,000
Final pressure, psia Final pressure, psia

FIG. 4. Gas expansion chart for a 0.6-gravity natural gas. FIG. 5. Gas expansion chart for a 0.7-gravity natural gas.

Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 15


inhibitor associated with well fluids, • In the case of solid flow regimes, Hydrates formation conditions have
such as brine and salts. the impacts of cohesion and plug been predicted with the use of GPSA gas
• The equations do not consider formation via slugging dropout and expansion charts, which have their own
the presence of surfactants. pickup must be studied. pressure and GG limitations. With care-
• Transient fluid flow conditions • The impact of condensed water ful selection of empirical equations, these
and environmental factors are vs. produced water, rust, sand or equations can be used for the initial estima-
not considered. asphaltenes must be studied, along tion of hydrates-formation conditions. GP
with emulsification.
Prediction challenges. Several hydrates • The role of biology must be studied. 1
Welling and Associates, “Flow assurance still leading
thermodynamic areas exist for which • In the case of pump hydraulics, concern among producers,” Offshore, October 2000.
data are urgently needed to make accu- the enhanced breakage rate, the 2
Taylor, C. E. and J. T. Kwan, Advances in the Study
rate predictions: different agglomeration due to of Gas Hydrates, Kluwer Academic Publishers, New
• At higher process pressures, differing turbulence, the impacts York, New York, 2004.
Sloan, Jr., E. D., Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases, 2nd
the database will require pressures of increases in pressure drop, Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, January 1998.
higher than 10,000 psia. Generally, the impacts of constant rate vs. 4
American Petroleum Institute, Technical Data Book,
the hydrates database stops at constant pressure pumping, 6th Ed., 1997.
Tower, B. F. and S. Mokhatab, “Quickly estimate
4,000 psia. and the impacts of materials of hydrate formation conditions in natural gases,”
• Many gases contain considerable construction must be studied. Hydrocarbon Processing, April 2005.
amounts of acid gases, carbon Due to the dearth of information avail- 6
GPSA, GPSA Engineering Data Book, 11th Ed.,
dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. able on these subjects, hydrates prediction 1998.
Carrol, J. J., Natural Gas Hydrates: A Guide for
Insufficient data have been obtained can become complex and inaccurate. Engineers, Gulf Professional Publishing, 2003.
on acid gas systems for an accurate 8
Fattah, K. A. A., “Evaluation of empirical correla-
comparison of prediction programs. Recommendations. During their investi- tions for natural gas hydrate prediction,” Oil and Gas
Business, 2004.
Especially lacking is water content gation, the authors found that none of the 9
Motiee, M., “Estimate possibility of hydrates,”
data for acid gases in equilibrium empirical equations predicted hydrates for- Hydrocarbon Processing, July 1991.
with hydrates, without free water. mation conditions accurately. The Motiee 10
Elgibaly, A. A. and A. M. Elkamel, “A new correla-
• More black oil data is needed. method predicts hydrates formation con- tion for predicting hydrate formation conditions for
various gas mixtures and inhibitors,” J. of Fluid Phase
• No hydrates phase fraction data is ditions with less error, with the exception Equilibria, Vol. 152, 1998.
available in the literature against of propane hydrates. The Motiee method
which to compare these predictions. was most accurate at a gas gravity of less CHANDRAGUPTHAN BAHUBALI
than 0.65, a temperature greater than 60°F is a Principal Process Engineer
at WOOD AMEC Foster Wheeler
Future directions. The authors suggest and a pressure greater than 2,000 psi. Ltd. He has more than 14 yr of
several directions for future clarifica- The Hammerschmidt method slightly post-graduate experience on oil
tion and study of gas hydrates prediction overestimated the hydrates-formation and gas projects. He holds an
methods: conditions for methane and propane hy- MS degree in refining and
petrochemical engineering from the University
• The effects of subcooling, drates, resulting in a wide deviation from of Petroleum and Energy Studies in Dehradun, India,
agglomeration rates (i.e., the experimental results. In the case of and a BS degree in chemical engineering from
mechanical agglomeration, fast ethane hydrates, the Hammerschmidt Madras University in Chennai, India. He has authored
a number of articles on flow assurance, gas hydrates,
sintering via continued freezing, equation gave various degrees of deviation fixed-bed reactors and economics.
slow sintering via diffusion), with respect to various pressure tests. This
additives and corrosion inhibitors equation resulted in high degrees of error ASHWIN GOPALAN is a Process
are not yet completely understood for propane hydrates. Engineer at WOOD AMEC Foster
Wheeler Ltd. He holds a BS degree
by the scientific community. The Makogen equation showed a in chemical engineering from the
• In the case of gas-liquid multiphase mixed response (underestimates and, in National Institute of Technology
flow, the effects of solids in some cases, overestimates), and the de- in Tiruchirappalli, India. His areas
hydraulics (e.g., pressure drop, gree of error was quite high. B. F. Towler’s of interest include mathematical
modeling, simulation, and the process design of heat
liquid holdup, gas-liquid flow correlation, based on the GPSA’s GG exchangers and special-case depressurization and
regime) call for a detailed study. chart, largely overestimated hydrates for- vent systems. He has presented papers at national
• The misting droplet deposition mation conditions in all cases. symposiums on the sustainability of natural resources.
rate, size and effect of the presence The Berge method also largely over- GIRISH BABU NOUNCHI is a
of liquid hydrocarbons, and the estimates hydrates formation conditions. Senior Pipeline Engineer at WOOD
relationships between these factors, It usually showed poor performance with AMEC Foster Wheeler and Partners
must be studied in further detail. increasing GG, a temperature of less than Engineering Co. in Al-Khobar,
Saudi Arabia. He has more than
• In the case of slurry flow, the 50°F and a pressure of less than 200 psi. 12 yr of post-graduate experience
rheological study of the relationship However, it gives better performance in oil and gas pipelines. He holds an
between viscosity vs. crystal shape, when the GG is equal to 0.55. MS degree in pipeline engineering from the University
of Petroleum and Energy Studies, and a BS degree
size and volume fraction, with Kobayashi’s equation largely overesti- in mechanical engineering from Andhra University
respect to hydrates formation and mates hydrates formation conditions in in Visakhapatnam, India. He has published a number
growth, must be studied. all cases. of papers on flow assurance and gas hydrates.

16 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com
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Proper regeneration of molecular sieves

in TSA processes—Part 2
S. JAIN, Arkema France, La Garenne-Colombes, France

The regeneration of molecular sieves is the most crucial step A good design ratio of height to diameter (H/D) is also im-
in temperature swing adsorption (TSA) processes. It deter- portant to optimize pressure drop and regeneration gas flow re-
mines the performance and operating cost of molecular sieves quirements. As a general rule, an H/D ratio of 0.7–3 for gas ap-
over a given lifetime. It is well known that molecular sieves age plication, and of 1.5–5 for liquid application, is recommended.
with each regeneration cycle. The adsorption process on the The flow direction is equally important. To optimize the
molecular sieve is a complex phenomenon and often poses chal- vessel diameter and the flow pattern, adsorption is generally
lenges for the design and operation of the units, due to a num- performed downflow for gas feeds and upflow for liquid feeds.
ber of parameters that govern the efficiency of such processes. Heating is always preferred as the countercurrent of the adsorp-
Poor design decisions and deviations from design conditions tion to prevent the bulk water desorbed from the equilibrium
can cause a wide range of operating issues in a molecular sieve zone from entering into the mass transfer zone (MTZ). This
unit. Most of the damage from these upsets or deviations from setup provides the lowest residual loading at the end of regen-
design conditions usually occurs during the regeneration step. eration and ensures a low outlet impurity content during the
If not addressed properly, these upsets can result in reduced adsorption phase.
lifetime, increased pressure drop across beds, loss of product Cooling is also a preferred countercurrent of the adsorption
quality, formation of hydrates, increased system corrosion or to minimize piping and instrumentation, unless some impurity
increased plant downtime—all of which have cost implications. is susceptible to adsorption; in this case, cooling can be co-cur-
It is, therefore, important to properly design and operate the re- rent to avoid adsorption in the MTZ. For liquid applications,
generation phase of molecular sieves. heating is performed by a gas or vaporized dry product flowing
The main design principles and recommendations for the downward. The cooling flows downward also, unless liquid is
regeneration step in TSA processes are presented here, along used to cool the bed or the cooling gas contains some impurity
with ways to address key issues concerning troubleshooting, that is susceptible to adsorption.
optimizing and adapting plant operations under different con- In some cases, a higher flowrate is required. For example, a
straints. Part 1, published in the January/February 2018 issue, higher flowrate may be needed if the regeneration is performed
focused on the general design philosophy and key operating at high pressure, or if the residence time needs to be reduced to
parameters. Part 2 concentrates on the regeneration gas and minimize the coadsorption of certain impurities or side reac-
contaminants. tions (e.g., if ethylene is present in the regeneration gas).
The design and operation of the regeneration phase will gov-
Type of regeneration gas and flow. Different types of gases ern whether the residual water remains stable or increases with
can be used to perform regeneration. In natural gas applications, time, thereby affecting the capacity for adsorption during the
the product gas is often used as the regeneration gas that is re- adsorption phase and, therefore, affecting the lifetime of the mo-
cycled upstream of the process. In petrochemical and refinery lecular sieve. Regeneration flowrates are significantly lower than
units, the regeneration gas (e.g., fuel gas, H2 , CH4 , N2 , tail gas, the feed flowrates during the adsorption phase and are more
residue gas, offgas, C2 /C3 /C4 , etc.) can be used. susceptible to fall into the channeling regime. As a result, suf-
Physical properties of regeneration gas—including molecu- ficient flowrate and pressure drop per length are crucial to avoid
lar weight, heat capacity, temperature, pressure, density, viscos- channeling in the bed during the regeneration phase, which can
ity and, sometimes, the contaminants present in gas—are im- avoid rapid residual water buildup. In gas applications, channel-
portant to determine flow. ing can occur if the pressure drop per unit length is below 0.01
The flow regime is a key design parameter. The fluid velocity psi/ft. On the other hand, lifting of the bed can occur if the pres-
should be in the acceptable range to prevent any channeling or sure drop per unit length is greater than 0.25 psi/ft.
bed lifting: Channeling is less critical during the cooling phase; how-
• For gas streams, the regime should not be more than ever, if present during the heating phase, channeling can lead
7,000 lb/hr-ft2 (maximum velocity around 5 m/min). to incomplete regeneration. This may result in high localized
• For liquid streams, the turbulent flow plus maximum and overall residual impurity content inside the bed at the end
velocity should be approximately 0.6 m/min–0.8 m/min of regeneration, which will affect the performance and lifetime
for good contact between the liquid and solid phases. of the unit.
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 19

A case was studied using a CFD model,14 wherein the break- the regenerated molecular sieve with the appropriate flowrate,
through time of aged molecular sieves was compared with a and the blue curve represents the molecular sieve regenerated
case where the regeneration flowrate was 10 times lower (in with a low regeneration flowrate in the channeling regime. As
the channeling regime). FIG. 10 shows the influence of a low gas expected, the residual water buildup with the lower regenera-
flowrate (leading to channeling) on the residual water content tion flowrate was significantly higher as compared with the base
on the molecular sieve bed after regeneration. In the first case, case; the breakthrough time decreased by approximately 1 hr.
a higher gas flowrate (0.13 m3/sec) is used, which results in Note: With this low regeneration flowrate (corresponding to
an average residual water content of 2% (kg of water/100 kg the channeling regime), sometimes no significant reduction in
of molecular sieve) and a maximum of 3.8% (usually observed residual water is seen, even with a longer heating time, especially
near the wall, due to the radial temperature gradient). when the regeneration pressure is very high, as shown in FIG. 10.
In the second case, a lower gas flowrate (0.013 m3/sec) is The obvious impact of a decreased adsorption time, which
used with a longer heating time. This results in an average re- leads to an increased number of cycles, is an approximate 10%
sidual water content of 2.6% and a maximum of 8.5% (usually decrease in the lifetime of a molecular sieve. An approximate
observed near the wall, due to the temperature gradient). It can 5% increase of regeneration duty (due to increased heating tem-
be deduced that using a lower gas flowrate (in the channeling perature and heating time) was required to limit the impact, al-
regime) not only leads to a higher residual water content, but though not significantly.
also widens the gap between the maximum and minimum re- In adsorption, if premature breakthrough is seen on only one
sidual water content across the bed that can adversely impact vessel out of several vessels in parallel, it may be due to unequal
the performance (i.e., outlet impurity specification). flow distribution resulting from the bed configuration. Possible
FIG. 11 illustrates three breakthrough curves. The red curve contributing factors are differences in bed loading amounts or
represents the fresh molecular sieve, the green curve represents dates, coking, liquid carryover, grid failure on a bed or fluidi-
zation. Unequal flow distribution can also be detected through
the pressure drop across the vessels in adsorption. FIG. 12 shows
Q gas = 0.013n3/s; mean a three-vessel configuration with two vessels in adsorption in
0.14 Q gas = 0.013no3/s; max
Q gas = 0.013n3/s; mean parallel. The pressure drop across Vessel A is shown to be lower
Q gas = 0.013no3/s; max than that across Vessels B and C.

Presence of olefins. As previously mentioned, the molecular

Absorbed H2O, kg/kg

sieve ages with time, and its capacity decreases slowly. One of
the main reasons is that the porosity is partially fouled by car-
bonaceous components. These compounds, often referred to as
“coke,” are caused by either heavy hydrocarbons (HC) present in
the feed and which sometimes remain in the bed along the cy-
cles, or by olefins (e.g., ethylene, propylene, etc.) that polymerize
in contact with the molecular sieve to form long-chain polymers.
0.02 As a result of fouling, the MTZ is lengthened and the overall
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 porosity is decreased. Normal fouling is taken into account in
Time, hr
the unit design, among other factors that define the product ag-
FIG. 10. Influence of channeling (low gas flowrate) on residual water ing rate. However, in some cases, fouling is more significant than
after regeneration. anticipated, leading to premature breakthrough. The real issue is
that a part of the deposit is not removed during regeneration and
350 is subject to cracking and “polymerization.” It ultimately forms
Before regeneration heavy, growing carbonaceous deposits that build up in the po-
300 After regeneration/base flowrate rosity,15,16 especially at zeolite acidic sites.
After regeneration/low flowrate

Pressure drop, Vessel A Pressure drop, Vessel B Pressure drop, Vessel C
H2O concentration, ppmv


Pressure drop



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time, hr Time

FIG. 11. Channeling during regeneration phase. FIG. 12. Unequal flow distribution shown by difference in pressure drop.

20 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

This problem is quite common in cracked gas drying appli- an exceptional regeneration should be performed at high tem-
cations, where olefins (especially ethylene) are not only present perature (230°C) and a longer time. This can be repeated until
in feed, but also sometimes in the regeneration gas. The use of all residual water is removed and the unit returns to normal op-
3A (3-angstrom-pore) molecular sieves in such applications is, erating conditions.
therefore, mandatory to selectively adsorb water and minimize However, if the concentration lasts above 1 mol% for a lon-
ethylene coadsorption and the side reactions resulting from it. ger duration (or, in some cases, 2 mol%–2.5 mol% can be pres-
In spite of this precaution, fouling of the molecular sieve still ent throughout the lifetime), in those cases, a multistep heat-
occurs, especially when ethylene is present in the regeneration ing, as illustrated in FIG. 14, is recommended. The first step, at
gas. When ethylene comes into contact with the polar surface of 100°C–120°C, is done to prevent retrograde condensation. The
the molecular sieve at high temperature, it has the tendency to second step, at 170°C, lasts for the majority of the heating time
open its double bond and combine with other molecules, lead- and removes the bulk of the adsorbed water. The third step, at
ing to long-chain polymers. This is why the molecular sieve of- 230°C, lasts for 1 hr–2 hr and is the finishing step to decrease
ten appears greyish/black at the end of its lifetime in cracked gas the residual water, especially from the MTZ, to respect the out-
drying applications, as shown in FIG. 13. let specifications.
The heating procedure can be adapted in such cases, depend- FIG. 15 illustrates the water concentration (Xi = Initial, Xe =
ing on the concentration of ethylene in the regeneration gas. For End) inside the molecular sieve bed, in equilibrium, in the MTZ
an ethylene concentration of less than 0.5 mol%, no particular and in the fresh zone, for a new sieve (A), after adsorption (B),
precaution is required. For a concentration between 0.5 mol% after heating at a high temperature of 230°C (C), after heating
and 1 mol%, the coking damage is limited, and it is sufficient to at 170°C instead of 230°C (D), and after multistep heating at
take some design margin on the adsorption capacity during the 170°C followed by 230°C (E).
design process. Sometimes, a decrease in regeneration tempera- It can be seen that, for the new sieve, very little water is pres-
ture from 230°C to 210°C can also be helpful. ent (typically less than 0.5%) when it is delivered from a mo-
For a concentration above 1%, which tends to occur when lecular sieve supplier (Case A). After the first adsorption cycle
one or two expanders are down, resulting in an ethylene concen- (when the adsorption capacity is at a maximum), the water
tration of 0.5%–5%, the heating procedure should be adapted. If content in the sieve is approximately 23%, with the equilibrium
the deviations last for only a couple of cycles, then it is recom- zone completely saturated (Case B). This sieve, when heated at
mended to regenerate at 170°C–180°C. This process will limit 230°C, will desorb most of the water, and the residual water after
the ethylene reaction to polymers, but at the same time give a heating is about 3% (Case C). The outlet specifications of 0.1
high residual water content in the molecular sieve bed at the end ppmv–1 ppmv can be easily obtained.
of heating. It will also reduce the adsorption capacity in the con- However, if the heating was performed at 170°C instead of
secutive adsorption cycle, and water will continue to accumulate at 230°C, then the higher residual water is left both in the equi-
during approximately two more cycles. At the end of a couple librium as well as in the MTZ, with the bed average at about 5%
more cycles, when the ethylene concentration is back to normal, (Case D). This bed, when switched to adsorption, may not be

FIG. 13. Molecular sieve with coking.

230°C (3A)/280°C (4A)

Finishing heating
step to reduce
residual water

Temperature, °C

Main heating step to minimize

reaction and remove at bulk
100-120°C of adsorbed water
Intermediate step
to avoid retro Temperature inlet

Heating time, hr

FIG. 14. Multistep heating to minimize side reactions and maximize FIG. 15. Water concentration in molecular sieve as a function of the
water desorption. heating temperature profile.

Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 21


able to meet a stringent specification of 0.1 ppmv–1 ppmv, and O2 can be converted, and that significant problems start with O2
the adsorption time will decrease due to the lower adsorption concentrations in the feed as low as 15 ppmv–20 ppmv.
capacity. This will increase the number of regenerations and re- The second effect is that, in the presence of sulfur com-
duce the lifetime. pounds like hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and even at ambient tem-
To avoid this scenario, multistep heating is preferred, with the perature, O2 forms sulfur dioxide and water, and, ultimately, el-
majority of the heating step at 170°C followed by a finishing step emental sulfur. This elemental sulfur is deposited in the porous
at 230°C. Here, the residual water is decreased both in the equi- structure, and clusters can form and partially block the flowrate,
librium and in the MTZ (more importantly in the MTZ, as the leading to channeling, high pressure drop and, eventually, pre-
heating time at 230°C is short), giving a bed average of 4% (Case mature breakthrough.
E). The advantage of this step is that the ethylene reactions are While the second problem is difficult to address, except by
limited at 170°C, while the bulk of the water is removed. When minimizing sulfur and O2 levels as much as possible, efficient an-
heated at 230°C for 1 hr–2 hr, even though ethylene reactions swers exist for the first issue. A closed-loop regeneration scheme
take place, the residual water is decreased significantly, at least or the use of O2 and sulfur removal adsorbent are often cited in
from the MTZ, to continue respecting the stringent outlet speci- literature.18 However, these solutions involve high capital and op-
fications. FIG. 16 shows the evolution of residual water in the mo- erational cost, with little proof of meeting the stringent specifica-
lecular sieve over time for the preceeding five cases. tion of 0.1 ppmv. Recommendations for the design are as follows:
• If O2 content in the regeneration gas is lower than 20
Presence of oxygen. The presence of O2 , especially in natural ppmv–30 ppmv, then no specific action or design margin/
gas from a pipeline, is sometimes reported (generally at low lev- provision is required because the effect is not significant.
els in the range of 10 ppmv–50 ppmv, but sometimes as high as • The “grey zone” is 50 ppmv–100 ppmv. This needs to
100 ppmv–1,000 ppmv). The reasons for the presence of O2 are be taken into account within a robust design. For such
not always obvious, and several possible explanations related to a level of O2 , the recommendations are as follows:
processes or equipment (e.g., compressors, pipe maintenance) o A multistep heating procedure, with most of the
are found. O2 can be present in the feed and/or in the regenera- time spent at a temperature of 170°C, that prevents
tion gas, which often have the same origin. O2 conversion but allows most of the water to be
O2 has two potential negative effects. The first includes desorbed. It should include a 1 hr–2 hr finishing step
oxidation reactions—i.e., the partial or complete combustion at the end at a higher final temperature. This will allow
of HCs.17 In natural gas drying, the regeneration gas is mainly some of the O2 to convert, but it is still necessary to
composed of methane; most of the time, a slipstream of the desorb water from the sieve down to low residuals that
dried gas is used. When passing through the heater, iron ox- are compatible with the LNG specification.
ides—which cover the steel surfaces, and are favored by the o The use of a 3A molecular sieve is recommended
presence of O2 —can catalyze the oxidation of the HCs at typi- because it minimizes the residual “O2 origin” water
cal regeneration temperatures (250°C–300°C). pickup on the sieve during regeneration, and also
Once initiated, and if O2 is present, the combustion reac- because 3A generally shows lower catalytic behavior
tions continue and propagate in the vessel. Methane and O2 compared to any other type of sieve.
form water and carbon dioxide, which impact the desired final o Some design margins need to be taken with regard to
specifications by increasing the residuals in the reactivated bed. the vessel diameter (to allow a slightly higher pressure
Reactions involving heavier HCs are more complex and can drop evolution) and the length of the MTZ.
lead to intermediates, such as oxygenates and olefins, which ul- • High values of 100 ppmv–1,000 ppmv often come from
timately form heavy coke deposits. As a result, the MTZ length pipeline specifications. However, in reality, the values
and the overall adsorption capacity of the molecular sieves are are significantly lower. These measurements can be
rapidly affected. In serious cases, pressure drop can rapidly and ascertained only through analytical measurements. In
significantly increase. It has been shown that up to 50% of the the case of high values, the same recommendation must
be applied. However, the total number of regeneration
cycles over the lifetime should be reduced during the
design process.
20 A
Residual water, kg H2O 100 kg MS

C Presence of methanol. The presence of methanol during the
15 D adsorption phase not only generates competition for water by
extending its MTZ due to the coadsorption of methanol, but
10 it can also potentially damage the molecular sieve during the
regeneration phase, as methanol has a strong tendency to form
coke at a high temperature.
The recommendation for the design of the adsorption phase
is to take into account the coadsorption of methanol and the
Heating time, hr eventual reduction of the MTZ for water. For the regeneration
phase, two precautions need to be taken: (1) The temperature
FIG. 16. Evolution of residual water in the molecular sieve, with time ramps need to be further decreased to 1°C/min–2°C/min,
as a function of the heating temperature profile.
and (2) the intermediate heating step should be performed at
22 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

80°C–100°C, instead of at 100°C–120°C, for the case where 120

At HC dewpoint, a slight decrease
only water is present. in pressure leads to liquid
Heavy gas MW 22.2 g/mol
Presence of HC retrograde condensation. Molecular sieves 80

Pressure, Atm.
can be exposed to liquid HC through a phenomenon known Lean gas MW 17.4 g/mol
as “retrograde condensation.” This phenomenon is difficult to 60
L+G for heavy Gas
diagnose, but is scientifically proven and admitted by a majority G only for lean
of authors.19,20,21,22 Liquid L+G
FIG. 17 shows two cases—a lean gas and a heavier one—with 20
the corresponding phase diagrams (also known as the “PT en-
velope.”)15,23 It shows that a heavy gas at HC dewpoint, when 100 150 200 250 300 350
operated at high pressure, can be subject to HC condensation Temperature, K
when the pressure is decreased. For such a gas, liquids can be FIG. 17. PT envelope for natural gas.
expected to form due to the pressure drop across the bed (see
the dashed arrow in FIG. 17).
Although this can be numerically simulated, it is difficult to caution during design and troubleshooting. This article series
accurately estimate how much liquid is formed and stays in the focuses on the TSA processes, used in the majority of units in
molecular sieves’ porosity. The HC deposit blocks access to mi- the oil and gas industry, where the regeneration is performed by
cropores, and therefore extends the MTZ, which results in an increasing temperature.
overall decrease in adsorption capacity. In addition, the heavier Regeneration is the most crucial step that determines the
HC can crack and polymerize during the regeneration, thereby performance and the operating cost of molecular sieves over a
building up and worsening the problem. Pressure drop increas- given lifetime. The main design principles and recommenda-
es, and channeling may appear. For such gases at HC dewpoint, tions for the regeneration were discussed. Major parameters,
the most efficient solution is to preheat the inlet stream by 3°C– including temperature, time, pressure, regeneration gas type,
5°C and adapt the regeneration pressure, if required. flow-related issues and contaminant-related issues, were ad-
dressed, along with how these parameters can be adapted under
COS formation. When “sour” natural gas containing H2S and process deviations.
CO2 comes into contact with a molecular sieve, COS and water The recommendations in this article series will help not only
are formed.15 Normally, COS should be avoided or minimized EPC companies in designing new projects, but also natural gas,
as much as possible, with the main concern being if it converts petrochemical and refinery operators in optimizing and trouble-
back to H2S in the presence of water in some downstream pro- shooting existing units to increase their lifetime, control pres-
cesses, it causes corrosion problems. The higher the concentra- sure drop, control product quality and decrease plant downtime,
tion of H2S and CO2 , the higher the COS formation. The COS which will bring significant CAPEX and OPEX savings.
formation also increases with increasing temperature, pressure
and residence time. However, the COS formation rate is re- End of series. Part 1 of this article appeared in the January/
duced in the presence of water. February issue of Gas Processing. GP
To minimize COS formation, temperature and pressure
should be kept as low as possible. Lower regeneration tempera- 14
Jain, S., T. Boucheres, L. Gomes and A. Ghoussoub, “Use of CFD modeling to
ture will also result in high residual water and less COS forma- optimize capital and operational costs of molecular sieve units,” GPA Europe
tion. This reduced temperature can be compensated by increas- Annual Conference, Athens, Greece, May 2016.
ing the gas flowrate, which will eventually decrease the residence 15
Terrigeol, A., “Molecular sieves contaminants: Effects, consequences and mitiga-
time and reduce COS formation. Furthermore, during the ad- tion,” GPA Europe Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 2012.
Wang, B., “Zeolite deactivation during hydrocarbon reactions: Characterisation
sorption phase, the maximum bed should be utilized for water of coke precursors and acidity, product distribution,” PhD Thesis, University of
adsorption. Ideally, this is a breakthrough time operation instead London, UK, December 2007.
of a fixed adsorption time operation. Finally, proper selection of 17
Bancroft, W. G., K. R. Clark and G. Corvini, “Beware of oxygen during gas drying,”
Hydrocarbon Processing, 1975.
the molecular sieve type can also reduce COS formation. 18
McIlroy, C. et al., “Successful mitigation of oxygen and higher hydrocarbon pres-
ence in treating pipeline natural gas for North American LNG projects,” Gas
Other contaminants. A number of other contaminants15 and Processors Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 2015.
process deviations, like water carryover, amines carryover, acid Complete literature cited available at GasProcessingNews.com.
attack, caustic attack, salts (NaCl), oils (typically from com- SANDEEP JAIN is a Global Technical Sales Manager at Arkema
pressor lube systems), amine-based corrosion inhibitors, heavy Group. He joined Arkema Group in 2009 and spent 6 yr in the
sulfurs, glycols, etc., can potentially impact molecular sieve per- acrylics business as a Process Engineer and a Projects
formance. However, little can be done to adapt the regeneration Coordinator. He joined Arkema’s CECA Molecular Sieve
Department in 2015 as Market Manager, Oil and Gas. He is now
procedure when the issue needs to be addressed elsewhere in Global Technical Sales Manager for CECA’s worldwide oil and
the upstream process. gas project activity. He is also the Global Technical Manager and
Area Manager for sales in Africa. Dr. Jain’s experience includes sales, marketing and
project management. Also, his strong engineering and research and development
Takeaway. Molecular sieves are an efficient, reliable and
(R&D) background has led to the publication of more than 30 articles, chapters
proven separation/purification technology. However, the ad- and patents. He holds a PhD in process engineering, an MS degree in process
sorption and regeneration phases are complex and require pre- engineering and a BS degree in chemical engineering.

Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 23



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Go East, young man: Eastern Canada

offers viability for LNG projects—Part 2
J. G. BAGULEY, LNG Ltd., Houston, Texas; and S. ATHA, Houston, Texas

In Part 1 of this article, which appeared the western route, despite initially look- as the region has been highly
in the January/February 2018 issue, the ing like the wrong direction. industrialized for generations.
history of Canadian natural gas develop- The map in FIG. 5 shows possible gas Expanded industry generates more
ment, key technical considerations and paths into the Bear Head LNG site at jobs and an improved tax base to
the case for the West were addressed. Point Tupper on Cape Breton Island on enable communities to grow and
Part 2 develops the case for moving Ca- the eastern tip of Nova Scotia, including thrive, and provides opportunities
nadian gas exports eastward by comparing the proposed pathway from the western for young adults to raise their
and contrasting key elements in “West vs. shale fields to the site. children nearer to their families.
East” LNG export opportunities. • First Nations support. Key to
Advantages of going east. A number any development in Canada, the
Canadian exports: The case for the of compelling advantages exist to mov- First Nations bands in Eastern
East. A quick glance at the map (FIG. 5) ing Western and Central gas eastward, Canada are collaborative,
shows why proponents of the Alberta including: organized, cohesive and supportive
and British Columbia shale gas fields • Regulatory climate. East Coast of responsible industrial
have typically looked west—the shortest project sites in established, highly developments through mutual
distance between two points is always a industrialized zones can be utilized, benefit agreements, which
straight line. In addition, the shipping dis- thereby reducing the concerns document project commitments
tances to traditional, premium Asian mar- and environmental approval for long-term benefits to their
kets are shortest from Western Canada. uncertainties challenging West groups. These benefits commonly
However, monetizing stranded gas assets Coast projects. include specialized training,
is anything but a straightforward process. • Regional community support. technical training and internship
In this case, that straight-line pathway has Communities on the East Coast opportunities, in addition to
become paved with difficulty. are generally more accepting of business opportunities and
As highlighted in Part 1 of this article, responsible industrial development, JV relationships.
to date, many have tried but all have
failed to deliver on the promise of West-
ern Canadian LNG exports, with liter-
ally hundreds of millions invested to no
avail. LNG project opportunities have
a shelf life; demand windows of oppor-
tunity can be closed by developments
in other regions [e.g., US Gulf Coast
(USGC), Mozambique, Tanzania, Rus-
sia], not to open again for years. Western
Canada project proponents have been
forced to delay, defer, redesign, optimize,
relocate, negotiate and campaign in their
quest to monetize their increasingly
stranded reserves.
All is not lost, however, as an alternate
path is emerging. Transporting the gas
east instead of west provides a viable op-
portunity to reach markets. The world is
indeed round, and the “case for the East”
FIG. 5. Gas paths to Eastern Canada.
has several compelling advantages over
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 25

• Labor market. Nova Scotia, that are in search of a new business their sizeable gas investments
in particular, has an extensive purpose after the US shale gas without having to tap corporate
industrial history and is home to a revolution. The new sections of capital or credit lines.
large, skilled labor pool, including the pipelines necessary to reach
workers who have been supporting the Canadian Eastern Seaboard Eastward challenges and solutions.
projects in Canada’s oil sands and would traverse more benign Despite the significant advantages high-
are eager to work closer to home. landscapes and largely fall lighted in this work, the challenges that
Union “no-strike” provisions can within existing rights of way. accompany Canadian East Coast oppor-
be negotiated to provide project • Regional synergy. Canada is tunities must be recognized and accom-
delivery certainty. engaged in a national program modated. These challenges include:
• Site access and regional to phase out all coal-fired power • Gas supply. Four potential gas
infrastructure. Unlike the plants by 2030 on the basis of supply paths could service East
areas around northwest Pacific environmental concerns. One Coast projects:
project sites, substantial regional of the barriers to this goal is that 1. US export gas/Marcellus.
infrastructure is available in the Atlantic Canada (the maritime At present, two proposed
Nova Scotia tidewater area. Cape provinces of Nova Scotia, New Eastern Canada export
Breton Island is home to several Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, plants have shared approval
industrial developments, and all- and Newfoundland and Labrador) for the export of up to 0.82
weather roads provide ready access face declining gas availability as Bsft3d of US-sourced natural
to industrial parks and job sites. existing fields (i.e., Sable Island) gas through the Maritimes
Electrical power, freshwater and are depleting, and new exploration & Northeast Pipeline into
housing are readily available, and is limited. Goldboro, Nova Scotia, to
industrial services providers are In Nova Scotia, for example, both US free trade agreement
present in the region. 2016 natural gas production was (FTA) and non-FTA nations.
• Plant siting. Excellent project site less than half of that measured While this is a significant
opportunities are widely available, in 2005.9 In 2007, Nova Scotia supply that approaches
and are commonly located in produced 76% of its electrical commercially practical
existing industrial parks zoned for power from coal, 13% from natural quantities (i.e., nominally
facilities development. Extensive gas/oil, 9% from renewables and 6 Mtpa of LNG), the
site preparation is not required, as 3% from imported power. The existing East Coast pipeline
these areas are generally relatively early 2017 breakdown saw coal at infrastructure lacks the
level and on firm rock foundations, 68%, but natural gas down to just ability to access the low-cost
negating the need for massive soil 8%. By 2020, the target is to reduce portion of the Marcellus
and civil works commonplace at coal further, to 38%, with natural Shale and is insufficient to
West Coast sites. gas/oil falling to 6% on continually guarantee continuous flow
• Marine siting. Similar to the eroding supply. Achieving the 0% of this gas during the year,
plant sites, the marine zones coal target by 2030 without the particularly during the
are commonly located within opportunity to increase the natural winter when consumption
existing deepwater ports and/or gas component appears impossible, in Boston, Massachusetts
shipping zones. They are ice-free and is further complicated by the and Portland, Maine is
or all-weather zones, with minimal need for gas in support of home seasonably high. An expansion
marine infrastructure development heating and other industrial use. By of the pipeline infrastructure
requirements, enabling reduced initiating LNG exports out of Nova and/or an alternate route
overall facility costs to be realized. Scotia, the availability of natural would be necessary to
• Seismic zones. Projects on the gas in the region will actually enable this gas supply, and
Pacific Coast sit on the “ring increase, rather than decrease. is problematic in the present
of fire” and are subject to very • Investment capital and cash (but possibly evolving)
stringent earthquake and tsunami flow. Proponents of Western US regulatory climate.
design parameters. East Coast British Columbia projects would 2. Existing offshore Canadian
projects sit in a benign seismic be required to finance, build and gas fields. The Sable gas
zone, reducing both construction operate the liquefaction plants field has brought gas into
risks and project costs while and associated infrastructure. the Goldboro/Point Tupper
increasing LNG delivery certainty. Conversely, a tolling structure area since the late 1990s, but
• Pipeline route. Pipelines to would be applied to projects production is declining and
the west require crossing the in Eastern Canada, freeing up decommissioning is imminent.
Rocky Mountains and sensitive the balance sheet investment Associated gas from the White
wilderness areas. The route east obligations faced by the West Rose oil field, located 350
would leverage almost 2,000 mi of Coast projects. This would enable km east of Nova Scotia, is
existing, underutilized pipelines Western gas producers to monetize potentially available; however,
26 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

a pipeline is not considered

technically feasible from this
location, and CNG delivery
to an onshore LNG facility
is not economic at present.
3. New deepwater offshore gas.
Limited exploration is Providing client-focused, self-performed EPC
underway in potential new services with exceptional safety RECORDS and
fields offshore Nova Scotia. It is
anticipated that the associated
optimized cost and schedules
gas from these fields will
eventually develop into a viable Our multi-faceted, fully-integrated expertise
LNG plant feed gas source, but helps you achieve project planning and funding
with an extended timeframe of
unknown duration.
requests, engineering and construction, as well
4. Western Canadian shale gas. as startup and maintenance.
The existing Canadian
mainline gas transmission
network is available to carry
natural gas from the Western
gas fields to the vicinity of the
Ontario–Quebec provincial
border (FIG. 4). An additional FEED
pipeline of approximately
1,600 km (length dependent
on the routing) would be
necessary to bring gas from SCHEDULING
that point into Goldboro,
near the East Coast. Canada
is home to a massive
infrastructure of 510 Mkm of ENGINEERING
transmission and distribution
pipelines, of which 78 Mkm
are high-pressure transmission
pipelines. The existing PROCUREMENT
TransCanada mainlines run
a total of 14.1 Mkm.10 The
terrain for the new lines is non-
mountainous, and additional URY CONSTRUCTION
offtake opportunities are
available along the route,
further enhancing economics 2 N
while mitigating project risks. CONVENTIO 5-18 STARTUP, COMMISSIONING, &
• Pipeline transportation costs. AUSTIN, A AL
As the US shale expansion took A F P M IN TERNATION NCE
2018 FERE
hold and flows in the TransCanada
mainlines decreased, toll fees P NIO, MARC
regulated by the Canadian SAN ANTO
National Energy Board (NEB)
were initially increased to account
for the declining revenues at
the expense of the remaining
customers. Firm transportation visit SAULSBURY.COM/SERVICES today
(including fuel) tolls between to learn HOW WE CAN BEST HELP you.
the Alberta Dawn hub in Eastern
Canada increased by 73% between
2006 and 2013. Subsequently, the
pipeline tolling rates. Increased
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 201827

TABLE 3. Summary comparison of project parameters on West Coast and East Coast
Challenge West Coast LNG solution East Coast LNG solution
Gas supply Gas reserves located in Horn River, Montney and other Primary supply expected from Western Canada shale plays,
regional shale areas with additional opportunities from offshore Nova Scotia
and regional associated and non-associated supplies,
plus Marcellus US shale gas
Environmental Stringent environmental regulations, broad concerns, Stringent environmental regulations, available industrial
problematic and challenging approval conditions, park sites with established history of heavy industrial
highly conditional development facilitates environmental assessment approvals
Community Mixed; generally supportive, but with highly vocal and Cohesive and collaborative First Nations bands supportive
visible pockets of strong community opposition, including of responsible development; general community
from some of the 32 First Nations bands in British Columbia acceptance of responsible development bringing jobs
concerned with direct and indirect upstream impacts and opportunities to industrial areas
LNG regulatory Unfamiliar with LNG, rigid regulatory system with delays Existing regional regulatory framework with Canaport
framework in approvals, uncertain tax treatment, uncertainties LNG import terminal in New Brunswick in operation
regarding electrical power supply and use obligations since 2008; demonstrated ability to secure key permits
to enable construction initiation
GHG emissions Costly GHG emissions mitigation measures required by GHG emissions intensity limits achievable using a
limits projects to meet provincial requirements, substantial import combination of Nova Scotia power grid supply, together
power from renewable sources necessary if levels are to be with a highly efficient LNG process technology using
achieved in practice ammonia precooled mixed-refrigerant liquefaction, coupled
with combined-cycle refrigeration drivers
Seismic Project sites are on the seismic "ring of fire" and are subject Benign seismic zone, reducing construction and project
to very stringent earthquake and tsunami design parameters costs; no tsunami threat
Gas pipelines Pipelines transit difficult Rocky Mountain terrain and pristine Pipelines pass relatively benign landscapes and existing
wilderness environment, with no complimentary offtake rights-of-way; existing opportunities to improve regional
markets along the route availability of natural gas along pipelines, further reducing
use of coal and other higher-carbon fuels
Labor Limited and expensive skilled craft labor market compounded Available skilled craft labor market; collaborative trade
by highly remote site locations, leading to higher labor costs unions provide negotiated labor rates for project
construction cost certainties
Shipping Closer to mature Asian markets with limited growth potential Optimum to many markets and growth areas in Europe,
South America, the Middle East and India; the Suez Canal
and the Panama Canal provide global transit routes
Site infrastructure Greenfield locations with minimal existing industrial Existing industrial regions with ready access to electrical
infrastructure and services, leading to increased project costs power, freshwater, housing and industry services
Project economics Significant balance sheet exposure with LNG plants and Gas reserve owners can use a tolling model for transport
pipelines financed, built and operated by gas reserve owners and liquefaction, minimizing balance sheet investment
Project cost High cost due to extensive infrastructure necessary to Moderate costs due to ease of site access, greater regional
enable both construction and long-term operation; CAPEX/t infrastructure, lower construction costs and favorable site
expected to be nominally four times that of USGC projects conditions; CAPEX/t equivalent to USGC project costs
is achievable

usage on the lines holds the investments by Chinese private systems—are able to deliver LNG
potential for further reductions, and state-owned companies projects at CAPEX levels of less
as the cost can be spread across into Canadian oil and gas assets than $800 Mtpy–$1,000/Mtpy.
more flowing molecules. reached CAD 40 B. Much of this The best projects (i.e., Magnolia
• Momentum. Substantial investment was made with a view LNG) are able to approach the
investments were made by both toward West Coast LNG exports. $500/Mtpy level. Canadian
Canadian and international In the corporate world, to change projects must deliver a “cost stack”
energy companies (i.e., Petronas, direction completely can be (i.e., cost of gas plus transport
KOGAS, Mitsubishi, PetroChina, difficult; it takes time and plus CAPEX plus OPEX plus
CNOOC, Repsol, Sinopec, careful consideration. equity plus financing) that is
Shell and Woodside). Oil and • USGC competition. The best competitive with that which can
gas acquisition deals involving project locations on the USGC— be achieved on the USGC.
Canadian companies have run into particularly expansion projects and • Shipping distances. LNG shipping
the tens of billions of dollars. For those brownfield facilities with distances from the Canadian
example, between 2005 and 2015, existing LNG storage and loading maritimes to Asia are obviously
28 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

longer than those from British

Columbia’s West Coast. Conversely,
shipping to Europe, South America
and even parts of India are shorter.
Cross-basin cargo swaps should be
much easier to execute, given the
close proximity to the European
market (roughly half the distance
relative to USGC producers) can
also be utilized to offset excessive
shipping differentials.
Overall, despite the longer physical
distance from the prolific Western Canada
shale gas plays to the Canadian East Coast,
compared to the West Coast, compelling
advantages (including regulatory certain-
ty) point to the east, representing a new
opportunity for gas producers (TABLE 3).

Canadian East Coast case study: FIG. 6. The Bear Head project site today.
The Bear Head LNG project. In 2004,
Anadarko Petroleum Corp. acquired a
255-acre (103-hectare) tract of land and The specifics of the Bear Head LNG chiefs, resulting from a collaborative
water lot property in the Point Tupper project demonstrate many advantages of process to ensure First Nations
Industrial Park on Cape Breton Island in a Canadian East Coast location: participation in the project and
Richmond County, Nova Scotia. • Regulatory certainty. The Bear benefits for the community.
Anadarko’s intent was to site the Bear Head LNG terminal and the In addition, the Native Council
Head LNG import terminal for gas sup- associated Bear Paw feeder pipeline of Nova Scotia (NCNS) has been
ply to the regional and Eastern US mar- (a 63-km, 42-in., high-pressure line closely involved in the overall
kets. Bear Head was one of nearly 50 from Goldboro to the project site) regulatory and agreements
import terminals proposed for North have secured all necessary permits processes. Both Nova Scotia
America in the face of rapidly declining and authorizations to construct, Environment and the Nova
conventional onshore and offshore natu- ship and export the gas. These Scotia Office of Aboriginal
ral gas production. permits include Environmental Affairs have approved the project
The site was ideal for industrial de- Assessment, Transport Canada/ Communications Plan with the
velopment for a number of reasons, with TERMPOL marine permits, Mi’kmak chiefs and the NCNS.
the established Industrial Park having Fisheries and Oceans Canada Bear Head has made an early
an existing coal-fired power plant, an oil authorization, Navigable Waters demonstration of its commitment
storage terminal, an NGL fractionation Protection Act Authorizations, to the community by using a
plant, a paper mill and a coal import ma- NEB Import/Export Approval, First Nations-owned company to
rine terminal. construction permits and, if US- provide site safety and security
The LNG import terminal received sourced gas is used, US Department since LNG Ltd.’s acquisition of the
its environmental permits in 2005. Con- of Energy non-FTA export property in 2014.
struction was started, including site clear- authorization. The project is ready • Union agreement. Bear Head has
ing and preparation, and the building of for construction, from a regulatory put in place a formal agreement
roads, drainage, fencing and foundations standpoint. between the project, the Nova
for two LNG storage tanks. However, In addition, the project Scotia Construction Labour
rapid evolution in the energy markets continues to put in place approvals Relations Association Ltd. (CLRA)
(i.e., shale gas) caused the project to be for associated documentation, and regional labor organizations
put on hold in 2007. including the Greenhouse Gas (12 in total), laying out the
LNG Ltd., the Australia-based parent Management Plan, Emissions conditions and agreements under
company of both Bear Head LNG and Management Plan, Avian which the Bear Head and Bear Paw
Magnolia LNG, acquired the project site Management Plan, First Nations projects will be built.
7 yr later, in 2014. LNG Ltd. initiated Communications Plan and regional • Regional community support.
design works for the Bear Head LNG Complaint Resolution Plan. Point Tupper, an industrial park near
export plant and expanded the property • First Nations support. The project Port Hawkesbury, is home to heavy
package to 327 acres to accommodate an has established an MOU, followed industry, including an oil storage
eventual 12-Mtpy LNG production ca- by a Mutual Benefits Agreement terminal, a gas processing facility,
pacity (FIG. 6). with the Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq a paper mill and a coal-fired power
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 29

A few projects will likely find a commercial path West Coast projects, despite the longer
pipeline transport requirements.
at some point in the future, but, in the meantime,
Takeaway. Substantial investments have
producers are able to contemplate a viable and been made by multiple parties intent on
complementary near-term solution to the east. monetizing Western Canada shale gas
resources via LNG projects on British
Columbia’s coastline. These investments
station. The region is welcoming to nominal jetty, 150 m long, from the amount to many billions of dollars, includ-
responsible industrial development. shoreline to the loading platform, ing acreage acquisitions. Extensive infra-
• Regional infrastructure to reach the 15-m water depth. structure development needs, high project
availability. The Bear Head An adjacent material offloading costs, environmental concerns and com-
project site is located in an existing facility will be installed for modules munity issues have combined to effectively
industrial park near the town of and materials, tug docking and close this route as a viable solution to date.
Port Hawkesbury, and is accessible ongoing services support. A few of these projects will likely find a
by all-weather roads maintained commercial path at some point in the fu-
by Richmond County. Municipal Economics. The focus of this work is ture, but, in the meantime, producers are
water, sewage, electricity, phones, technical, but a brief discussion of eco- able to contemplate a viable and comple-
cellular, internet and medical nomic issues provides a more complete mentary near-term solution to the east.
services are available. profile. Compared to proposed British Gas producers have the opportunity to
The site is close enough to Columbian West Coast projects, Bear bring these resources to market now, by
existing population centers to be Head LNG provides a number of substan- following the advice of Horace Greeley
readily accessible, yet sufficiently tial economic advantages: and looking in a new direction—this time,
remote to enable excellent • Low-cost, energy-efficient, patented East instead of West.
safety and security separation. liquefaction process technology
Neighboring facilities are all heavy • CAPEX ($/t) comparable with the End of series. Part 1 of this article ap-
industrial. The region is a 3-hr drive best of the USGC projects peared in the January/February issue of
from Halifax, and a 2.5-hr transit • Compact, five-module, mid-scale Gas Processing. GP
from the Halifax international design, with minimal site hookups
airport, making it highly accessible • Optimal site location and civil/ LITERATURE CITED
from anywhere in the world. environmental/seismic conditions
Canada National Energy Board, Government of
Canada, “Marketable natural gas production in
• Job site. The job site is ideal for • Available skilled labor pool and Canada,” December 4, 2017, online: https://www.
siting and construction. It is clear no camps neb-one.gc.ca/nrg/sttstc/ntrlgs/stt/mrktblntrlg-
and level due to earlier site prep • Existing infrastructure and prior sprdctn-eng.html
Gomes, I., “Natural gas in Canada: What are the
activities, and roads and drainage civil improvements options going forward?” Oxford Institute for Energy
are in place. The facilities are fenced, • Lower OPEX due to higher Studies, May 2015.
on rock with no piling required, and efficiency, better site accessibility
sufficiently elevated above sea level and greater available regional JOHN G. BAGULEY serves as
Chief Operating Officer for the
to enable good drainage without infrastructure Magnolia LNG and Bear Head
affecting marine shipping access. • Low-risk pipeline featuring existing LNG projects, and as Chief Technical
The site is of sufficient size to enable rights-of-way, no mountain range Officer for LNG Ltd. His involvement
the eventual installation of up to six crossing and markets along the route in international LNG project
development and delivery spans
2.5-Mtpy mid-scale LNG trains. • No capital outlay by gas producers nearly 37 yr and includes project management,
• Marine site. The site is located on (i.e., all-tolling model) engineering, construction and commissioning roles.
the Straight of Canso and is ideal • Viable and current monetization He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from
Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan,
for LNG loading and shipping. solution for Western Canada and is a registered Professional Engineer in Texas.
The straight is ice-free all year, gas reserves
due to the construction of a rock- • Ability to “book” stranded gas SCOTT ATHA was formerly
filled causeway to Cape Breton reserves, increasing revenue Director of LNG Marketing
and Commercial Strategy
Island in the 1950s that blocks ice replacement value and share price for Bear Head LNG in Houston,
flows. No breakwater is needed, • LNG cargo arbitrage opportunities Texas. He joined Bear Head
no construction or maintenance within the Atlantic Basin and from Gazprom Marketing
dredging is required, and the straight across the Middle East and and Trading, where he was
responsible for leading the commercial
is wide enough that a turning circle Pacific Rim markets development of long-term LNG supply and
does not need to be constructed. • Diversity into resource holder’s marketing opportunities in the Americas from
Existing marine traffic is light. global LNG supply portfolio. 2007 to 2014. Mr. Atha has 15 yr of experience in
the oil and gas industry, with concentrations in the
The seabed is rock, and deep Overall, it is anticipated that the Bear LNG, midstream and upstream sectors. He holds
water is available very close to shore, Head project can put LNG on the water a BS degree in industrial engineering from the
requiring the construction of only a in Nova Scotia for a lower total cost than Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.

30 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

Supervise gas turbine speed and axial load

to control exhaust temperature
S. BOULANOUAR, A. HAFAIFA and K. ABDELLAH, Applied Automation and
Industrial Diagnostics Laboratory, University of Djelfa, Algeria

Supervision and control of gas turbines are complex tasks minimum fuel stroke reference (FSR) and allows manual con-
that require expert experience. However, it is difficult to ensure trol of the FSR. FIG. 1 shows a simplified diagram of a gas turbine
the availability of experts at all times and at all sites. and its control system. Input and output signals include the ro-
This article proposes the building of an expert system, tational speed (N), the temperature of the absorbed air (T0 ),
based on practical, cumulative experiences and system knowl- the exhaust temperature (TX ) and the mechanical power. The
edge, to regulate and ensure the supervision and control of gas gas turbine speed depends on the intake air and the gas volume.
turbine variables. This system would enable the prediction Fuzzy logic is a suitable tool for building the supervisory
of abnormal turbine operating scenarios, thereby reducing control laws with the following objectives:
turbine downtime, limiting production losses and reducing • Determine the fuel flow (the reference signal controlling
maintenance costs. the fuel flow FSR), depending on the rotational speed
• Obtain the exhaust temperature control over a range
Introduction. The complexity of the supervision of a gas tur- of ambient temperatures.
bine lies in the difficulty of obtaining a detailed mathematical Overheating manifests in the increase in exhaust tempera-
model, as well as in the randomness and fluctuating behaviors ture (TExhaust ). Beyond certain overheating limits, a destruction
of the variables to be controlled in this machine. During gas risk exists for the hot part, particularly the internal combustion
turbine operation, the monitoring system is provided to ensure chamber of the gas turbine, the nozzle of the gas turbine and
its control and protection. However, a suitable monitoring sys- possibly the moving blades of the turbine (FIG. 2).11
tem must be developed to monitor the gas turbine parameters Overheating is a more frequent occurrence at the startup
and to achieve the necessary flexibility for meeting the differ- stage due to startup anomalies—e.g., rapid acceleration can
ent types of loads imposed on the turbine.1–3 cause overheating. However, permanent overheating is pos-
Gas can be fired and burned only within a narrow ratio of sible if the efficiency of the compressor and the gas turbine are
air to fuel. The temperature is dependent on the percentage of deteriorated. Therefore, the measuring and recording of TExhaust
intake air. On the other hand, if the speed of the gas turbine is classified for simple display, for alarm or to halt startup.
cannot be measured, then the amount of absorbed air cannot In any case, the cause of overheating must be uncovered if
be measured with sufficient precision so that it can be used in the startup overheating exceeds certain limits. The startup
the control of the exhaust temperature.4–6
This article proposes artificial intelligence techniques, based Speed
on the use of fuzzy logic, for the design and implementation of Exaust gas temperature
an intelligent controller for a gas turbine. A mathematical mod-
el based on thermodynamic variations is used to describe the

behavior of a gas turbine to improve its operation.

Gas turbine supervision system. The performance of a Compressor Turbine


gas turbine is influenced by the temperature of the intake air,

which varies considerably during different seasons. This sen- Cumbustion system
sitivity to seasonal and temperature variation adversely affects
the operation of the gas turbine.1,7–10 During proper gas turbine Wf
Inlet guid vane and positioner Fuel system
operation, increases in speed rate and exhaust temperature are
limited to protect turbine components against excessive ther-
Signal to the IGV positioner
mal and mechanical stresses.
Increases in acceleration and temperature are independently
controlled by the closed loop of the temperature and speed con- Control unit
Signal to the
trol systems. These operating rates are limited by the control fuel system
circuit, and the fuel control signals are sent by the control soft-
FIG. 1. Control system of a gas turbine.
ware launch. In addition, the software sets the maximum and
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 31

must be stopped, and the fuel accumulation in the combustion perature during the transition period should not exceed 80%
chamber must be purged.11–13 In this case, limits for TExhaust can above the reference temperature.
be classified for simple display, for alarm or for shutdown. In FIG. 5, the evolution of the temperatures in the gas tur-
The typical process flow of a gas turbine is shown in FIG. 3. bine is shown. The temperature due to air compression reaches
In this study, the gas turbine supervision consists of three con- approximately 115°C, and the outlet of the low-pressure wheel
trol loops: temperature reaches approximately 450°C.
• Room temperature control—i.e., temperature at the The low-pressure compressor, the high-pressure compres-
compressor intake, T1 = TA sor, the combustor and the high-pressure impeller (HPI) tem-
• Turbine combustion chamber temperature control, TCC peratures reach 115°C, 500°C, 1,200°C and 840°C, respectively.
• Turbine shaft rotational speed control, N. Thermodynamic cycle of a gas turbine. The thermody-
Temperature and speed controls are activated during an namic cycle is represented in a temperature vs. specific entropy
abnormal operating state, where the maximum power of a gas (T–s) diagram, based on a Brayton cycle of temperature and
turbine exceeds the operating limit, which depends on the shaft shown in FIG. 6. The theoretical cycle gas turbine comprises:
speed and the ambient temperature. A simplified representa- Input temperature, T1 , which represents the compressor intake
tion of a gas turbine model is shown in FIG. 4. value T1 = TA ; and the temperature (T2 ) representing the end of
Controlling the temperature of a gas turbine limits the tem- the isentropic compression. The gas temperature increases in the
perature of the exhaust gas by reducing the fuel flow, as the air combustion chamber from T2 to T3 , and the temperature value
flow decreases with the speed of the shaft. For a given gas tur- T3 is determined from the balance of the combustion chamber.
bine, the reference temperature is 513°C. The maximum tem- In the last step, the gases expand adiabatically in the turbine (step
T3 to T4 ). These transformations are expressed in Eqs. 1–4:
ΔW + ΔQ = ΔH (1)
WComb = M × CP × (T2 – T1 ) (2)
Q Comb = M × CP × (T3 – T2 ) (3)
WExpansion = M × CP × (T3 – T4 ) (4)
FIG. 7 shows the temperature evolution in different sections
of the gas turbine, from the temperature from air compression
(approximately 115°C) to the temperature of the output wheel
of low pressure (approximately 450°C).

Gas turbine variables control. The control of TExhaust is

performed with a computer that receives signals from the 12
thermocouples (TC ) distributed on the second-stage turbine
blade. The computer interprets and compares different val-
ues, and then calculates the average temperature and sends it
FIG. 2. Gas turbine showing side intake air and side exhaust. to the PLC.
When the input turbine temperature is high, the turbine
blades become deformed. To limit T4 , a temperature control
Fuel flow Mechanical power is implemented. The output temperature of the power turbine
Air flow
Gas turbine Measured exhaust gas is often used as a control variable because the measurement of
Inlet air temperature temperature T4 is difficult to obtain. Temperature control can be achieved
Atmospheric air pressure Measured shaft speed

FIG. 3. Control variables of a gas turbine. 1,200


1,000 HPC
Temperature DLE
800 HPT
Speed Minimum value Fuel system 600
control selection dynamics

control Power 200
Gas turbine

FIG. 4. Simplified representation of a gas turbine model. FIG. 5. Evolution of the temperatures in various turbine components.

32 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

by using a proportional-integral (PI) controller. The transfer The gas turbine torque characteristics are a function of the
function for this controller is shown in Eq. 5: fuel flow, and the turbine speed is essentially linear, as de-
⎛ 1 ⎞ scribed in Eq. 10:
G(s) = k2 × ⎜ 1 + (5)
⎝ T2 s ⎟⎠ f2 = 1.3 × (Wf – 0.23) + 0.5 × (1 – N) (10)
The transfer function describing the characteristics of the ther- For acceleration control, the gas turbine can easily pack
mocouples can be expressed as shown in Eq. 6: when its speed increases rapidly. However, the acceleration
1 control is introduced to avoid such overspend. The tempera-
G(s) = (6) ture control and acceleration control of the subsystem are per-
2.5s + 1 formed using a PI regulator. The transfer function is shown in
The exhaust temperature is expressed by Eq. 7. It is depen- Eqs. 11 and 12:
dent on the reference temperature, the fuel and the initial speed.
TExhaust 79.19S 2 + 344.5S + 372.3
f1 = TExhaust = TR – 700 × (1 – Wf ) + 500 × (1 – N) (7) G3 (s) = = (11)
F(S) S 2 + 3.266S + 0.9384
Temperature control can be achieved based on the control TExhaust (S) –119S 2 + 312.2S – 148.6
block presented in Eq. 8: G4 (s) = = (12)
IGV(S) S 2 + 3.266S + 0.9384
TExhaust (S) 0.7975S 2 + 0.8849S −1.42 The fuel flowrates are the outputs for the three control sub-
G1(s) = = 2 (8)
TAmb (S) S + 3.266S + 0.9384 systems. After selection by a minimum selector, the final result
is used to control the parameters of the gas turbine. Under nor-
As the compressor intake temperature increases, the spe- mal circumstances, the shaft speed control subsystem has the
cific compression work increases, while the air mass flowrate decisive effect. The temperature control and acceleration con-
decreases due to a decrease in specific gravity. Accordingly, trol are generally ineffective, except under special conditions.
the turbine efficiency and the useful work (and, therefore, the
power) decrease. 10 1,000 Temperature, °C
If the temperature decreases, the reverse scenario occurs. 9 900
FIG. 9 shows an example of how power, specific fuel consump- 8 800
tion and exhaust gas flow are influenced by the ambient tem- 7 700
perature.3,10,14–20 The variation of the reference temperature, Tυ , 6 600
Pressure, bar

depends on the fluctuation of the ambient temperature, TAmb . Temperature

5 500
For the shaft speed control, the difference setting mode is 400
applied to the shaft speed control subsystem. A proportion
3 300
control method is used in the proportional integral-derivative
2 200
(PID) controller. It is reasonable to consider the controller as a Pressure
1 100
control loop proportion of single control inertia. The transfer 0 0
function is given in Eq. 9:
1 2 3 4 5 6
TExhaust (S) 21.98S + 207.6S + 327.2 FIG. 7. Temperature evolution in different parts of the gas turbine.
G2 (s) = = 2 (9)
N(S) S + 3.266S + 0.9384
Measured exhaust Corrected exhaust
temperature 1 1 – GSH temperature
1 + TTR S 1 + TSH S
3 Thermocouple Radiation shield

FIG. 8. Exhaust temperature measurement block.



Specific consumption
Variation, %

4 105
2 95

Power produced

1 270 285 290 325

Temperature, °C
FIG. 9. Influence of ambient temperature on the performance
FIG. 6. Diagram from temperature Brayton cycle. of a gas turbine.

Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 33


NM NS Z PS PM This article proposes the implementation of an intel-

ligent controller for the gas turbine, based on fuzzy logic
0.8 (TABLE 1).21–25 The fuzzy membership function structure of
the selected controller is shown in FIG. 10. To achieve the pro-
Membership, °

0.6 posed approach, a simulation model is required that is able to

0.4 describe the behavior of the gas turbine to ensure the opti-
mum behavior of the system under study. The gas turbine sys-
0.2 tem has two variables—input variables and output variables:
• Input variables: The ambient air temperature (TA ),
combustion chamber temperature (TCC ) and the
–1.0 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 shaft rotation speed of the gas turbine (N).
Input variable, TA, speed and TCC
• Output variables: The fuel flow signals (DSC).
TABLE 1. Interference (fuzzy logic) rules
Temperature Ambient
of combustion temperature, TAmb
Membership, °

chamber, TCC
Speed of NM PB PB PM PM PS
0.2 rotation, N
0.0 Z PM PM PS Z Z
–1.0 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 PS PM PS PS Z Z
Output variable, FSR
FIG. 10. Membership function of different linguistic variables. Note: NB = Negative big, NM= Negative mean, NS = Negative small, PS = Positive small,
PM = Positive mean, PB = Positive big

FIG. 11. Change in working capital, according to the TCC and speed, with the variation of FSR function of TCC and TA.








-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

FIG. 12. Variation of the FSR, depending on the ambient temperature and the speed of rotation, with the variation of the FSR function of the
combustion chamber temperature.

34 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

0.15 0.3

0.10 0.2

0.05 0.1

0.00 0.0

-0.05 -0.1

-0.10 -0.2

-0.15 -0.3

-0.20 -0.4
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Ta Speed

FIG. 13. Variation of the FSR, depending on the ambient temperature, with the variation of the FSR function of the shaft speed of rotation
of the turbine.

Simulation results. Validation tests were performed to evalu- Radiation shield

ate the performance and the capacity of the proposed control System: G1
approach. FIGS. 11–13 show the three-phase function of tem- 0.95 Time, sec: 48.9

perature. In these results, the DSC is adapted to the combus- Amplitude: 0.997
tion system of the gas turbine for the application in different
phases of operation (startup, overheating, acceleration and
the normal operating conditions of a gas turbine) and under 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
climate effects. Changes in the DSC from the temperature of Time, sec
the combustion chamber and the ambient temperature of the Thermocouple
intake air, as well as from the shaft speed of rotation of the gas System: G2
turbine, are shown in FIGS. 14 and 15, respectively. Settling time, sec: 6.65

FIG. 16 shows the temperature response of the exhaust gas 0.5

speed and the fuel flow by IGV. The temperature reaches
constant value at the steady state after the transitory period.
The increasing value during the transient temperature does 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not exceed the thresholds of protection; therefore, the gas Time, sec
turbine does not come out of the operating mode during the FIG. 14. Radiation response of the shield and thermocouple.
startup stage.
From the control system used, it can be concluded that:
• During the initial startup period, the FSR is maintained Step response
at zero until it reaches the ignition speed and the purge
System: G
of the gas turbine is completed 300 Settling time, sec: 12.2
• The ignition FSR level is required and the ignition
is applied 250
• After the heating period, the fuel supply to the gas 200

turbine is gradually increased at a predetermined rate

until the FSR reaches a fixed limit of acceleration 150
• As the gas turbine accelerates to reach the rated speed,
the airflow increases to provide more fuel. 100
When the FSR of the gas turbine is under speed control,
the fixed limit of fuel is transferred from the level of accel-
eration to the maximum level. However, the FSR that is ef- 0
fectively applied is kept at the required level by the speed 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time, sec
control system.
FIG. 15. Step response of the speed.
Takeaway. Fuzzy logic has been used to control the gas tur-
bine at various stages of operation (launch, startup and accel- bine operation. Its output can be increased by reducing the
eration) by the optimization of the FSR and the minimization compressor intake temperature, which is achieved by intro-
of the energy absorbed by the gas turbine. ducing cooling air into the compressor. The temperature of
An increase in ambient temperature will slow the gas tur- the exhaust gas is also controlled by increasing the air flow.
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 35

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logic control rules ensure the oscillation damping of the sys- Procedia CIRP, Vol. 33, 2015.
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Tran, V. T., B.-S. Yang and A. C. C. Tan, “Multi-step ahead direct prediction for
the machine condition prognosis using regression trees and neuro-fuzzy sys-
LITERATURE CITED tems,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36, No. 5, 2009.
Benyounes, A., A. Hafaifa and A. Daoudi, “Takagi Sugeno models identification
based on fuzzy data construction: Gas turbine investigation,” Proceedings of the SAADAT BOULANOUAR holds BS and MS degrees in
1st International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics electrical engineering. He is preparing his PhD thesis on
(ICAAID 2015), Djelfa, Algeria, March 29–30, 2015. automatic control at the University of Djelfa. The aim of his
Hafaifa, A., M. Guemana and A. Daoudi, “Vibration supervision in gas turbine PhD research is improvement of the reliability of industrial
based on parity space approach to increasing efficiency,” Journal of Vibration and systems, based on the development of a prognostic system.
Control, Vol. 21, June 2015.
Ewins, D. J., “Control of vibration and resonance in aero engines and rotating
machinery—An overview,” International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,
Vol. 87, No. 9, 2010. AHMED HAFAIFA holds a state engineering degree in applied
Mohamed, B. R., A. Hafaifa and G. Mouloud, “Vibration modeling improves automation, and an MS degree in applied automation and
pipeline performance, costs,” Oil & Gas Journal, Vol. 113, No. 3, 2015. control systems. He also holds a PhD in applied automation
Grondahl, C. M., M. E. Guiler, G. E. Jurczynski and R. Zell, “Performance and and signal processing from Boumerdes University. He is a
reliability improvements for MS3002 and MS5001 turbines in pipeline appli- Professor in Reliability Engineering at the Science and
cations,” Proceedings of the 37th Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technology Department at the University of Djelfa in Djelfa,
Conference, Industry Applications Society, Houston, Texas, 1990. Algeria. Dr. Hafaifa is also the founder of the Applied
Kanoglu, M., I. Dincer and M. A. Rosen, “Understanding energy and exergy Automation and Industrial Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Djelfa.
efficiencies for improved energy management in power plants,” Energy Policy, Vol. He supervises PhD students and coordinates several industrial research projects
35, No. 1, 2007. for applied automation and reliability of industrial systems. His research interests
Saadat, B., A. Hafaifa and K. Abdallaha, “Modélisation des vibrations appliquée include modeling and control of industrial systems, reliability engineering, fault
à la prise de décision pour le diagnostic d’une turbine à gaz,” Proceedings of the detection and isolation in industrial systems, intelligent systems based on fuzzy
1st Colloque International sur les Hydrocarbures, Energies et Environnement logic and neural networks. Dr. Hafaifa also serves on several national and
(HCEE), Ouargla, Algeria, November 23–24, 2014. international commissions and collaborative research activities.
Forbes, G. L. and R. B. Randall, “Simulated gas turbine casing response to rotor
blade pressure excitation,” Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Congress on KOUZOU ABDELLAH holds a state engineering degree from
Applied Mechanics, ACAM 2007, Brisbane, Australia. the University of Tiaret, an MS degree from the University
Kessentini, S., S. Choura, F. Najar and M. A. Franchek, “Modeling and dynam- of Boumerdes and a PhD from the Polytechnics Superior
ics of a horizontal axis wind turbine,” Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 16, National School. He is the Dean of the faculty of Sciences and
No. 13, 2010. Technology at Djelfa University in Algeria, where he has been
Cuffaro, V., F. Curà and R. Sesana, “Advanced life assessment methods for gas the President of the scientific council of the faculty since
turbine engine components,” Procedia Engineering, Vol. 74, 2014. June 2014. He is also a collaborator and researcher at Texas
Guemana, M., S. Aissani and A. Hafaifa, “Use a new calibration method for gas A&M University at Qatar, and he was a researcher with Technische Universität
pipelines: An advanced method improves calibrating orifice flowmeters while of Muenchen in Germany from 2010–2012. Dr. Abdellah is a senior member of
reducing maintenance costs,” Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 90, No. 8, 2011. the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a senior member of the
Saadat, B., A. Hafaifa and K. Abdallaha, “Analyse des vibrations dans les turbines International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology
à gaz par une approche d’optimisation basée sur un système expert,” Proceedings and a member of the International Association of Engineers.

36 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

Minimize flaring with modifications

to flare gas recovery unit
H. R. KALAT JARI and A. BORHANI, Sazeh Engineering Consultants, Tehran, Iran

Every refinery has a pressure relief and high-pressure or medium-pressure flare) drum located a short distance away from
flare system to enable safe handling and should be considered during the design the flare stack. Water seals can be used
disposal of hydrocarbon vapors and liq- of seal drums and connection facilities. only for a conventional pipe flare tip and
uids. The flare gas recovery unit (FGRU) Based on the data shown in TABLE 1, are not compatible with a high backpres-
provides many benefits to the end user, the designer should review options for sure. They must avoid discharging gas to
including a reduction of plant fuel and reducing backpressure. For example, the sewer and through the vent that is
steam consumption, an increase in flare backpressure should not exceed 10% of used as a vacuum breaker on the seal leg.
tip life, a rapid return on investment, a set pressure for the conventional valve; Water seals protect the upstream
decrease in plant emissions and a reduc- balanced or pilot valves may be consid- headers and flare drum against air in-
tion in continuous flare operation. ered if backpressure is excessive. Other gress, mainly when the purge gas is
A variety of strategies exist for mini- possible remedies include making jump- stopped and particularly during mainte-
mizing flaring. These strategies include overs to relieve local backpressure, re- nance. In addition to increasing the ef-
the use of plant practices and existing placing pipes and pressure safety valves ficiency of the FGR operation, deep seal
equipment to control processes that pro- (PSVs), running a parallel flare line, and drums provide a higher level of safety in
duce waste gases. Equipment must be moving a load to a different part of the the overall system design.
properly maintained to minimize leaks flare system. The data in TABLE 1 may be If the volume of flare gas that is re-
into the waste gas header. Another strat- useful for the selection of FGRUs during lieved to the flare system exceeds the
egy encompasses an improved under- plant retrofitting. capacity of the FGRU, then the pressure
standing of how waste gases are produced in the flare header will increase until it
under a given set of conditions, so that Typical scenarios for FGRU. In exceeds the backpressure exerted on the
those conditions can be avoided. an FGRU with a water seal drum
FIG. 2, header by the liquid seal. In this event,
This might mean recycling waste gas- is shown for a hypothetical Scenario 1. excess gas volume will pass through the
es back into the process or using alterna- The FGRU could be installed at the bot- liquid seal drum and to the flare, where it
tive technologies that produce less waste. tom of the flare stack or on a water seal will be burned. The seal drum should be
Another example is the FGRU (FIG. 1),
which can capture waste gases that would
have been flared, either for use in the
plant or for sale. Purge gas

Plant practices: FGRU study rules.

The consideration of flare gas recovery in Flare stack
Flare seal drum
a low-pressure (LP) flare package system Knockout drum
in a typical gas plant is discussed here. As CWR
per the utility summary for the plant, flar- Flare knockout drum Knockout drum
Fuel gas
ing is divided into two main categories: Existing system
normal continuous LP flaring and inter- New Compressor CWR Compressor
stage 1 stage 2 CWS Fuel gas treater
mittent flaring.
The definition of the flare gas recov-
ery unit covers only the recovery of nor-
mal continuous flaring streams, including
Pump out
flash and stripping gas. Intermittent flar-
ing includes gases flared during unex-
pected shutdowns or in abnormal unit Flare knockout drum pump
operating conditions. Intermittent flaring
FIG. 1. Typical flare gas recovery unit.
cases (e.g., emergency depressuring in the
Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 37

TABLE 1. PSV specifications in LP flare system in gas processing plant

Set Relative Back- Calculated Delta back-
Capacity, Tail pipe pressure, temperature, pressure, maximum allowable pressure,
Unit Tag no. kg/hr size, in. barg °C barg backpressure, barg barg
MEG regeneration PSV-46 180 2 3.5 150 0.01 0.25a 0.24
PSV-36 4,000 6 3.5 37 0.18 1.35 1.17
Condensate PSV-06 A/B 21,000 12 3.5 170 0.14 0.24a 0.1
stabilization unit
PSV-08B 13,500 8 0.6 36 0.08 0.2 a
Sulfur recovery PSV-11 4,500 4 5 165 0.07 0.3 a
PSV-09 15,000 8 6 214 0.2 0.27 a
PSV-12 52,000 18 3.5 205 0.28 0.29a 0.01
Backup stabilization PSV-07 43,000 12 3.5 245 0.05 0.05 a
PSV-09B 7,000 8 0.7 17 0.04 0.55 0.51
Propane and butane PSV-51 16,000 6 3.5 0.6 0.25 1.2 0.95
treatment units
PSV-41 7,000 6 3.5 39 0.07 0.27a 0.2
Sour water PSV-15 980 3 12 200 0.02 0.22 a
stripping unit
PSV-75 980 3 12 200 0.02 0.22 a
PSV-76 18,500 12 3.5 150 0.02 0.55 0.53
PSV-17 2,700 6 8 182 0.04 0.24a 0.2
PSV-26 1,500 6 3.5 155 0.04 0.2 a
PSV-86 1,500 6 3.5 155 0.03 0.13a 0.1
The type of PSVs and the related backpressure will be rechecked during the engineering stage.

Gas outlet that breaks the seal, or to incorrect tun- p = Maximum allowable header
ing of compressor controls. In general, backpressure, psi
the compressor should be placed so that ρ = Sealing liquid density, lb/ft3.
the effect of process unit shutdowns will The vessel-free area for gas flow above
not affect its availability. Conventional the liquid level should be a minimum of 3
compressor control strategy calls for an ft, or three times the inlet pipe cross-sec-
adjustment to the (net) discharge flow of tional area, to prevent surges of gas flow
Gas inlet
Water the compressor to maintain constant suc- to the flare and to provide space for dis-
tion pressure. A suction pressure of ap- engagement. API RP 521 states that surg-
proximately 1 psig is high enough to pre- ing in seal drums can be minimized with
Water level vent air ingress and low enough to allow the use of V-notches on the end of the dip
overflow the existing relief valves to perform prop- leg. If the water sloshes in the seal drum,
erly. The suction pressure is determined it will cause pulsations in the gas flow to
FIG. 2. Seal drum schematic. by the seal liquid height in the seal drum. the flare, resulting in noise and light dis-
In a deep seal drum, the depth of the turbances. For this reason, most facilities
sealing fluid is designed to be equal to prefer to use either a displacement seal or
of a similar design philosophy as that in the staging pressure of the staged flare a perforated anti-slosh baffle.
API Recommended Practice (RP) 521. A system. The overflow chamber can be Scenario 2 describes a fast-opening
vertical configuration may be preferable designed to automatically flow back into valve (FIG. 3). The flare stack should be
to a horizontal one, for spatial reasons. the sealing chamber after the gas veloc- isolated from the part of the flare system
Rather than using a baffle weir and drain ity decreases below the rate required for where gas is recovered by a fail-open,
system, a liquid level regulation and pref- closing off the second stage. The depth quick-opening shutoff valve that opens
erential hydrocarbon skimming may be of the liquid seal drum must be consid- only during abnormal or emergency flar-
accomplished using multiple standpipes ered when calculating the relief header ing. This valve should be provided with a
of differing heights. backpressure. The height of the liquid bypass loop containing a bursting disc, as
Experience has shown the need for seal can be determined using Eq. 1: a secondary form of protection, to avoid
attention to vessel internals to prevent the flare system becoming dependent on
h = 144 × p/ρ (1)
troublesome wave action of the dis- instrumentation and valve operation.
turbed seal fluid. Such disturbances may where: The recovery line between the flare
occur due to an excursion in flare flow h = Net height of liquid seal, ft system and the main process should be
38 MARCH/APRIL 2018 | GasProcessingNews.com

To flare stack
TABLE 2. Comparison of seal drum and FOV in LP flare system with ignition system
Case Seal drum Fast-opening valve
Bursting disc
Maximum allowable back PSV replacement PSV replacement should be reviewed
pressure is mandatory during the engineering stage
Vacuum design Not applicable; seal drum size During vacuum conditions,
will be increased based FOV automatically closes FOV
on vacuum design To flare gas recovery system
Relief system Rupture disk (or pin valve) Rupture disk (or pin valve)
is necessary is necessary
Liquid carryover Not applicable No impact
Freezing (or ice balling) Not applicable Not applicable
Disadvantages Flare knockout drum
Utility water supply Required Not applicable FIG. 3. Fast-opening valve schematic.
Sump water drum Required Not applicable
Civil, piping and Applicable Applicable To flare stack
construction works
Flare gas from process units
Liquid carryover May occur Not applicable

equipped with a valve that closes when the system pressure by closing the block Recovered
flaring gas. Where a flare gas recovery valves. The BD rupture pressure is less Liquid
flare gas seal drum
system is provided, the recovery system defined compared with a BPV. Not only
should be sized to accommodate the sum is the BD more complicated to change Compressor Surge tank
of the normal flow of gas into the flare out when activated, but it is also consid-
FIG. 4. Location of compressor in an FGRU.
or vent system (if one exists) plus the ered to be more suitable as a second level
anticipated leakage from relief valves, of protection to the active device.
blowdown valves and process pressure The BPV should be set as low as are well-suited for discharge pressures
spill-off valves. The opening mechanism possible without being activated by the up to approximately 150 psig, but their
must react quickly and safely to handle regular dynamic behavior of the system. efficiency is not as high as other tech-
the dynamic effects associated with the The BD should be set as high as possible nologies at approximately 25%–30% of
opening of blowdown valves or large re- to prevent activation and simultaneously full load. These compressors work by
lief valves. The opening mechanism must avoid overpressure of the closed part mixing gas with liquid (normally water)
prevent excessive pressure buildup in the of the flare system. Continuous purge, and, therefore, require a separation ves-
flare system while opening. The compo- normally by nitrogen, is required down- sel post-compression. These compres-
nents considered for closure of the flare stream of the FOV when it is closed to sors have the advantage of being able
system are the actuated fast-opening prevent air ingress into the main flare to accept some liquids and particulates
valve (FOV), the bursting disc (BD) and stack, and also to remove any residual, in the gas. Additionally, they operate at
the buckle pin valve (BPV). unburned hydrocarbon gas. relatively low speeds and have low main-
The opening time for an FOV is ap- tenance demands.
proximately 2 sec. Once activated, the Compressors in FGRU package. Slid-
FOV remains open until it is manually ing vane compressors operate with a Water seal drum or FOV. The advan-
reset after normal operating conditions variable speed drive unit and, therefore, tages and disadvantage of seal drums and
have been reestablished. The opening offer high efficiency. The location of FOVs are shown in TABLE 2. GP
function of a BPV is similar to that of a a compressor in an FGRU package is
PSV; however, the BPV does not close shown in FIG. 4. A sliding vane compres- HAMID REZA KALAT JARI is
after opening, as the guard pin is perma- sor can include a built-in 3:1 turndown. Head of the process department
at Sazeh Consultants in Tehran, Iran.
nently buckled. The BPV has a very fast The maximum outlet pressure for slid- He has worked at the Sazeh process
reaction. Also, the distribution of activa- ing vane compressors is approximately department for more than 16 yr.
tion pressure is quite narrow and is there- 150 psig, and the heat of compression is Previously, he worked at Total Fina
Elf and National Iranian Gas Co.
fore considered suitable as a first level of passed into the gas, so gas after-cooling is
protection in addition to the active device. required. The advantages of sliding vane ALI BORHANI is the Lead
The BD is extremely fast-opening, compressors lie in their efficiency (ap- Process Engineer in the process
but it suffers from a relatively wide dis- proximately 65%–75%), their low power department at Sazeh Consultants.
He has worked at the Sazeh
tribution of the actual bursting pressure. usage and their flexibility of operation. process department for more
Replacement of the BD after activation Liquid ring compressors are the in- than 5 yr. Previously, he worked
requires isolation of the BD fixture from dustry standard for FGR systems. They at Iranian Oil & Gas Co.

Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 39

Liquefied Natural Gas


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B. ANDREW, Technical Editor

YESCO introduces Global support extended for remote facility operations

Schneider Electric One year after the launch of its first remote operations center in
software solution France, Air Liquide has inaugurated its Smart Innovative Operations
(SIO) Center for the Southeast Asia-Pacific region, located in Kuala
YESCO Co. Ltd., a South Lumpur, Malaysia.
Korea-based natural gas supplier, The SIO Center enables the remote management of production
has implemented a Schneider for 18 Air Liquide large-industries production units spanning eight
Electric Monitoring and Control countries across the region. It also enables the optimization of energy
software solution, part of consumption and the improvement of reliability at these sites.
Schneider Electric’s Industrial The SIO Center integrates, optimizes and remotely controls the operations of Air Liquide’s production
Software Platform. Benefits units, leveraging predictive analytics and digital technologies. These capabilities allow Air Liquide to better
include improved operational predict and accommodate changing customer needs across the region, especially for the supply of oxygen,
efficiency, and greater access and nitrogen, argon and hydrogen.
visibility to operational data. The new SIO Center complements the facility the Group opened in Shanghai in September 2017,
The Industrial Internet of dedicated to production units in China.
Things (IIoT), combined with Through big data combined with human intelligence, the workflow of each Air Liquide production unit
modern supervisory control linked to the SIO Center is adapted in real time to the needs of each customer. The SIO Center enables
and data acquisition (SCADA) ongoing responsiveness to customer demand, improves production unit energy efficiency, and leverages
systems, offers the potential to predictive maintenance to ensure continuous facility run time.
gain greater access and insights In the connected plants, new digital technologies are being deployed to simplify maintenance and
from a broader array of assets inspection management operations. For example, connected eyeglasses allow operators to interface with
and devices for improved data- experts located elsewhere, as they are assisted in their daily tasks by virtual reality-based training.
driven decision support. This IIoT
application allows oil and gas
companies to be more proactive
LNG transfer with emergency Optimize gas
with maintenance and safety release coupling turbine efficiency
management programs.
YESCO implemented Alpha Process
Schneider Electric’s System Controls has expanded
Platform as a SCADA solution to its family of Emergency
gain better access to data that Release Collar (ERC)
was often not readily available Couplings to support
to improve performance. After a the transfer of LNG
5-mos deployment and 9 mos of to floating storage
utilization, the following benefits and regasification
were achieved: units (FSRUs).
• Increased customer With the increased
satisfaction, brought about use of FSRUs as
through a streamlined moored storage
and more holistic systems terminals, Alpha has
management solution. Orbital Gas Systems North
developed a 10-in. America’s GasPTi device is used
With this solution, version of its field-
asset management and in process control applications to
tested, mechanical emergency release coupling system, capable of optimize efficiency and minimize
equipment trends can be managing the ship-to-ship transfer of 2,250 m3 of LNG per hour per line.
more proactively managed, maintenance for gas-fired
This will enable, when operating across multiple lines, the ERC systems to compressor turbines.
helping reduce unplanned
support the optimum transfer flow for an FSRU of 10 m3/hr–12,000 m3/hr. GasPTi combines two patented
downtime and service
The technology incorporates an engineered solution to manage gas technologies—the GasPT
low-pressure drops, which ensures that the transfer can achieve high analyzer and the VE Technology
• A heightened level of
safety management flowrates. Installed aboard the FSRU, Alpha Process Controls’ coupling sample probe and system—
through better visibility will be part of the pipeline that connects to the LNG carrier. to create a method to
and understanding of It features a two-stage operation that enables the controlled determine natural gas quality
when maintenance shutdown of internal valves (ESD1) and the coupling separation in a cost-efficient manner.
activities should be (ESD2), and can be operated mechanically or through an operator- First deployed in 2015, the
scheduled and performed. controlled separation. The ERC can be specified with a pre-ESD1 alarm, speed and accuracy of the GasPTi
• Reduced personnel which detects ship separation, and is linked to the ESD1 system to shut device allows customers to
time with more efficient down flow lines. precisely control the air-to-fuel
predictive maintenance This safety feature complements the ERC’s innovative, inbuilt ratio injected into its turbines to
and data analysis, which damping system to reduce the effects of pressure spikes, should the decrease fuel consumption, reduce
frees resources to perform coupling be called upon to separate during full flow transfer in the emissions and improve turbine
other, value-added tasks. case of a separation event, such as vessel drift. efficiency and life expectancy.

Lower boiloff rate LNG containment system

Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering has developed Solidus, a membrane-type cargo containment
system. Solidus maximizes containment system safety with two metallic barriers and an insulation material
developed in cooperation with BASF.
Solidus is said to have a daily LNG boiloff rate of 0.049%, which is 30% higher than the lowest level
of 0.07%. This means that a 170-Mm3 LNG carrier can transport its cargoes more efficiently and can deliver
more LNG each year.
According to Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, the total LNG cargo that can be saved by
using the Solidus system is estimated to be worth approximately $11.25 MM during its 25-yr operation.

Gas Processing | MARCH/APRIL 2018 41

B. ANDREW, Technical Editor

Axens completes Global patents for LNG with no external refrigerant

study for gas UK-based Gasconsult Ltd. was awarded a patent
supply to Curaçao in China for its ZR-LNG liquefaction technology. This
award complements its existing UK patent and pending
Axens will perform pre-FEED applications in Australia, Canada, Europe, India, Japan,
engineering work to supply natural Korea, Malaysia, Mexico and the US.
gas from Venezuela to Refineria ZR-LNG achieves liquefaction without external
Isla Curaçao B.V. in Curacao. The refrigerants, using feed natural gas in an optimized system
project is part of the Refineria Isla of expanders. The elimination of external refrigerant
modernization project. The overall infrastructure reduces cost, weight and footprint, making
objective is to provide positive the process well-suited to FLNG.
impacts on both the environment The absence of nitrogen or mixed hydrocarbon
and refinery economics. These refrigerants makes the process particularly suited for
benefits will be achieved through remote locations where refrigerant supply cost and
the conversion of fired equipment logistics may be problematic.
from heavy fuel oil to natural gas. ZR-LNG is said to achieve a power demand equal to or lower than single mixed-refrigerant processes,
SOX, NOX and particle emissions and approximately 25% lower than dual nitrogen-expander schemes.
will be reduced to under stringent
international standards.
The required gas treatment
Air Products acquires Shell coal gasification technology
facilities comprise a molecular Air Products has agreed to acquire Royal Dutch Shell’s coal gasification technology business, as well as
sieve dehydration unit, Shell’s patent portfolio for liquids (residue) gasification. Air Products has extended its onsite supply model to
hydrocarbon dewpointing and use coal gasification to generate synthesis gas (syngas) for major projects.
gas compression. Treated gas Shell has been at the forefront of gasification innovation over the past 50 yr. Gasification technologies
will be transported through a offer a way to convert various, lower-value feedstocks in a lower-emissions manner into syngas. Air Products
16-in. subsea pipeline, can then provide this syngas to customers to make higher-value products.
approximately 90 km in length. Air Liquide emphasized that the acquisition supports its continued focus on providing a full scope of
Pipeline construction and the industrial gases, rather than a strategic shift into technology licensing.
upgrade of fired equipment inside In addition, Air Liquide and Shell have also formed a strategic alliance in liquids gasification to provide a
the refinery are expected to be range of solutions to the market, including engineering, procurement and construction activities and plant
completed by 2021. operations, as well as technology licensing.


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