Competitive Exams: Political Science Mcqs (Practice-Test 86 of 150)

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4/25/2018----Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice Test 86 of 150)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi,

Sindhi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telgu - Examrace----Downloaded from

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Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice-Test 86 of

150) Translate

1. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer:

List-I (Views about legal theory of sovereignty) List-II (Thinkers)

a. The theory of sovereign state has broken down a. H J Laski

b. It would be of lasting benefit to Political Science if the b. JN Figgis

whole concept of sovereignty were surrendered
c. SirHenryMai11
c. A sovereign power is the centre of gravity in a mass of
d. AD Lindsa

d. The state in the sense of an absolute super-entity has never



a. 4 2 3 1

b. 4 1 3 2

c. 3 2 4 1

d. 3 1 4 2

2. The authority to declare war or peace under the Indian Constitution is vested in

a. The Prime Minister

b. The Defense Minister

c. The Parliament

d. The President

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4/25/2018----Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice Test 86 of 150)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi,
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3. When the Crown assumed direct responsibility for the Government of India in 1858. All
Powers: Legislative, Administrative and Financial came to be concentrated in the

a. Viceroy and Governor General

b. Secretary of State for India and his Council

c. Viceroy's Council

d. Lieutenant Governor and Viceroy

4. One of the objectives of All India States Peoples Conference was to

a. Establish responsible governments in prince1 states

b. Oppose the influence of the congress in princely stales

c. Suppress the Praja Mandals in princely states

d. Establish a federation of princely states

5. The members of the Constituent Assembly were

a. Directly elected by the people

b. Nominated by the Governor General

c. Elected b the Legislatures of various provinces and nominated b the rulers of the
princely states

d. Nominated by the Congress and the

Muslim League

6. Who described the Government of Indian Act, 1935 as “a new charter of bondage”

a. Mahataina Gandhi

b. Jawaharlal Nehru

c. Sardar Patel

d. Rajendra Prasad

7. Between the 15th August, 1947 when the country become free and the 26thJanuaiy, 1950,
when she declared it self a democratic sovereign republic, the Government of India
functioned under the provisions of

a. The Government of India Act, 1935

b. The Indian Independence Act, 1947

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4/25/2018----Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice Test 86 of 150)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi,
Sindhi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telgu - Examrace----Downloaded from

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c. The Indian (Provisional Constitution) Order. 1947

d. None of the above

8. Fundamental rights guaranteed in the Indian Constitution can be suspended only by

a. A proclamation of national emergency

b. An act passed b the parliament

c. An amendment of the constitution

d. The judicial decisions of the supreme court

9. Which one of the following is NOT a Constitutional prerogative of the President of India

a. Returning a Legislative Bill for reconsideration

b. Returning of Financial bill for reconsideration

c. Dissolving the Lok Sabha

d. Summoning the Rajya Sabha

10. The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is elected by

a. Elected members of Rajya Sabha

b. All members of Rajya Sabha

c. Elected members of Parliament

d. All members of Parliament

11. Political development syndrome, in new of Behavioral theorists, does NOT include

a. Equality involving popular rule

b. Capacity involving efficiency

c. Differentiation involving specialization

d. Homogeneity involving unity

12. Which of the following are NOT the basic principles o Divine Origin Theory?

a. The king is the embodiment of reason and knows best what is good for his subjects.

b. Government is the outcome of human aggression.

c. Will is the basis of the Stale.

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4/25/2018----Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice Test 86 of 150)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi,
Sindhi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telgu - Examrace----Downloaded from

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a. 1, 2 and 3

b. 1 and 2

c. 2 and 3

d. 1 and 3

13. Consider the following statements: Aristolle's classification of Constitution is based on

a. The size of States

b. The ends pursued by Stales

c. The kinds of authority exercised by the Government

Of these statements

a. 1 2 and 3 are correct

b. 1 and 2 are correct

c. 2 and 3 are correct

d. 1 and 3 are correct

14. Dialectical theory of Hegel is applied to the explanation of the

a. Progress of society and its institutions including the state

b. Origin of state and society

c. Nature and functions of the state

d. Philosophy of poverty and exploitation

15. Which one of the following Fundamental

Rights is guaranteed only to the citizens of

India and not to the foreigners living in


1. Equality before law and equal protection of law

2. Freedom of speech and expression

3. Right to life and liberty

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4/25/2018----Competitive Exams: Political Science MCQs (Practice Test 86 of 150)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi,
Sindhi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telgu - Examrace----Downloaded from

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4. Right to the freedom of religion

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