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Chapter 9

Developing Good work ethic

1. The definition of term

 Work is both personal and social activity. As a personal activity

2. The Meaning of Work in the Holy Bible

 From the biblical point of view, God is seen as the author of work and He also
blessed and sanctified work. In the old testament of god did not only create man. He is also
the author of work. In Genesis Chapter 1. God creates a pattern of work and rest for us to

3. The theological Meaning of Work According to to St. Thomas Aquinas

 The Angelic doctor of the church, St. Thomas Aquinas enumerates four of work in
his treatise entitled Summa Theologica

 1. It provides for one daily livelihood

 2. It prevents idleness which is a source of many evils:

 3. It curbs the rebellious flesh: and

 4. It enables man to give aims from his material

The Human Perspective of Work

 Work-------Worker---------- Other Workers

 Object – is a task to be done

 Subject- the human person

 Context- others

 When he works :

 1. he accomplishes something

 2. He defines himself

 3. He measures his work as a person

 4. he develop himself

 5. He provides an occasion to relate with others

5. How to enjoy Work and create Spiritual Values in workplace

 1. Practice the Golden Rule

 2. Guard your mouth

 3. stop the green jokes

 4. Practice ethical behavior

 5. Learn to forgive

 6. Be generous

 7. Respect superior and coworkers

 8. Be considerate

 9. Perform your work and fulfill your duties to the best of your ability

 10. be a grateful person

6. Basic Duties of Employers

 1. Respect the dignity of the workers

 2Appreciate their workers.

 3. Never treat them as slaves for making money

 4. Never assign them task beyond their strength, nor employ them in work not suited to thei
age or gender.

 5. Give them commensurate and fair wages.

 6. Provide for their health and social recreation

 7. Provide them time for the practice of their religion

 8. Instruct them on how to use their money wisely.

 9. Instruct them to love their family: and

 10. Provide them with opportunities for promorion

7.Basic Duties of workers

 1. Work Honestly and comply with all agreements :

 2. Never injure capital, Nor steal from te employer

 3. Never outrage the person of the employer

 4. Never employ deceit or violence in presenting a cause.

 5. Never consult with “agilators” or men of evil principles.

8. Protestant work ethics

 Martin Luther(1483-1546) who strated the reformation During the renaissance

period as a protest against some of the doctrines of the catholic church also come up with a
new perspective of work for his followers.

Max weber who developed further the protestant Work ethic which has founded on Calvinist

HARDWORK--------- SUCCES-------------- HEAVEN

all men must work, even the rich, because to work is the will of GOD.

Review questions:

1. What right etiquette need by the workers?

2. How to interact with your co workers?
3. What rights ethics are needed to communicate to your manager?

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