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ChE 103

Separation Processes
Spring 2015
Lectures: TuTh 12:00-1:50 PM, Room: BH 5249
Recitations: F 8:00-8:50, 4:00-4:50 PM Rooms: BH 5436 and 5280 respectively

Instructor: Professor Selim Senkan, Boelter Hall 5532B

E-mail:, Office Hrs: TuTh 11:00-12:00 PM and 2:00-3:00 PM

TA: Daniel Noon

E-mail:, OH: TBA

Readers: Danielle (Dani) Sink


Cory Williams

Textbook: Separation Process Principles, 3rd Edition

J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley, D.K. Roper, John Wiley NJ, 2011

Course Organization:
There will be 3 closed-book examinations. Depending on the class performance during the first 2
exams, there may or may not be a cumulative final. The class may also voluntarily elect to have a
final instead of a third midterm. Their tentative scheduling and weight towards the final grade are:

Three midterms Two midterms, one cumulative final

Thursday, April 23, 2015 30% 25%
Thursday, May 14, 2015 30% 25%
Thursday, June 4, 2015 30% 40%

Homeworks will be given roughly every week and together contribute 10% of your final grade. They
are all tentatively due on Tuesdays. However, if you have an overall homework score less than 50%
(i.e. 5% of your final grade), your final letter grade will be reduced by one letter grade. Check the
class web site before starting the homework to get the latest information.

Useful Hints for the Course:

1. Do your reading assignment before the class. Lectures complement text book material; they are
not a substitute for them.
2. Do all the homeworks as if they are exams. That is, put some time pressure on yourself during
the homeworks to develop skills to work under time limitations.
3. Collaborate with others only after you studied and attempted to solve the homework problems
yourself first.
4. Help others if asked, but try to avoid asking for help before trying your best to solve the
problems on your own.
ChE 103
Separation Processes

1. Introduction to Separation Processes Reading assignment: Chapter 1

Homework: 1.8, 1.24, 1.33

2. Thermodynamics of Separation Reading assignment: Chapter 2

Operations Homework: 2.2, 2.10, 2.24

3. Mass Transfer Rates and Diffusion Reading assignment: Chapter 3

Homework: 3.2, 3.6, 3.18, 3.26, 3.33, 3.34

4. Single Equilibrium Stage, Flash Reading assignment: Chapter 4.1-4.5, 4.7-4.9

Homework: 4.6, 4.15, 4.24, 4.46

5. Cascades and Hybrid Systems Reading Assignment: Chapter 5.1-5.4

Homework: 5.8, 5.12

6. Absorption and Stripping Reading assignment: Chapter 6

Homework: 6.1, 6.8, 6.10, 6.24

7. Distillation Continuous, Batch Reading assignment: Chapter 7, Chapter 13.1-13.2

Homework: 7.6, 7.8, 7.12, 13.2

8. Ternary Liquid-Liquid Extraction Reading assignment: Chapter 8.1-8.3, 8.6

Homework: 8.12, 8.18

9. Membrane Separations Reading assignment: Chapter 14

Homework: 14.4, 14.21

10. Adsorption, Ion Exchange, Reading assignment: Chapter 15.1-15.4

Chromatography Homework: 15.4, 15.12

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