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SCHOOL ADVANCED PIANO PLAYING (EXERCISES) BY RAFAEL JOSEFFY G.SCHIRMER New York 1, Five-finger Exercises 2. Three-finger Exercises with ‘Supporting Finger 3. Passing Under and Over Scale-exercises 4. Trills 5. Arpeggios 6. Thirds 7. Sixths 8 Octaves 9. Chromatic Exercises 10, Changing Fingers on One Key (Repetitions) s7 Repetitions without Changing Fingers (Light Wrist-work) 66 For Developing the Inde- pendence and Strength of the Fingers (Paired Notes) 68 Chords, Wrist-exercises 76 Alternation and Interlacing of the Hands 80 Various Styles of Touch a5, ‘Thumb-Exercises 88 . Sliding from the Black Keys %° The Glissando 2 Skips 93 6 1 12, 13. Embellishments Extended Chordsand Figures 100 Stretches Exercises in “piano” and “pianissimo” . Rhythmical Studies 104 113 17 1. Fiinffingeriibungen 2. Dreifingeriibungen mit Stiitz- finger 3. Uber- und Untersetzen Skaleniibungen 4. Triller 5. Arpeggien 6. Terzen 7. Sexten 8. Oktaven 9. Chromatische Ubungen 10. Fingerwechsel auf einer Taste 11, Repetitionen onne Finger- wechsel (Handgelenk) 12, Zur Entwickelung der Selb- stindigkeit und Kraft der Finger (Doppelgriffe) 8 13, Akkorde. Handgelenktibungen6 14. Abldsen und Ineinandergrei- fen der Hande % 15. Verschiedene Anschlagsarten 85 16, Daumen-Ubungen a8 17. Herabgleiten von den Ober- tasten 18, Glissando 19. Spriinge 20. Verzierungen 21. Ubungen in weiter Lage 22, Spanniibungen 23. “Piano” und “pianissimo” Ubungen 24, Rhythmische Studien Five-finger Exercises. 1. Fiinffingeriibungen. ‘i RAFAEL JOSEFFY resaet Praets 1. eae spout tees eltee, mm. Sagan soldat sting tase: | Vv. sgaais v. s2eans Copyright, £902 by @ Sehirmen. Ine Copyright renewal assigned, 1980, to 6. Schirmer Inc, to266e, pees Prints nine. 5.4 ‘Through all the keys, Durch alle Tonarten. tones Three- finger Exercises Dreifingeriibungen with Supporting Finger. mit Stiitzfinger. A. ba as saa mmm Fraeascoaoss b. oa pees tsaaee J. ee arers] toues Abeass tezaes 16268 2 Passing Under and Over. 3. Wber-und Untersetzen. agtg $etatare 1 4214 Siaierar . legato ir pearnyEn = Pecrrierrs Hitenisne Ser we par altaiais sie legato wareieat ee 2 Te teat STetess 2 eZ2bserdioer fabpeadzbaes Shas uses Taek To et Sese Tee reT se ? oat 1 aLeses PyeSgrrsere=s 3 tegato Wei 3t? gresy 2 Leotagtfiaag SePassstst Btastaas SUITES ET So tass — Peasies Bach hand alone. 2toe. Jede Hand allein. Bitte. ery ISTHE, npyonoetitatt EPtaRasataerst sasatsasaay 1 @yaeaestagi2 ta3t Steno Sf tenato- eee ee os 2 Tar et an 2 Bach hand alone. Jede Hand alleta, Stowly. Langsam. en 7 5 | legato motto fe 2Do,not strike the little notes, but bring the teumb | *) Die preinen Noten werden nicht angeschlagen. PaeEa Bem Scale -exercises 1 Scaleniibungen. Lape 2 Through all the Keys Durehite Tonarten oe = 3 7) weer“) The scale fingering must always be observed here. | #) Der Fingersatz der Scalen wird hier stets beibehalten, ey a t6268 10 *) Or right hand alone, © oder reohte Hand allein. #* Or left hand alone. +9) oder linke Hand allein. e As before ote 268 +)" (Wie vorher. e288 Triller. ‘Trills. a, Moderato. ‘ bp Allegro. f t9268 loderato. 4. 16 a, Moderato. Iv. n Moderato. b Allegro 9208 Arpeggios. | Arpeggien. 5208 Allegro. aks Pettis og ces ad plegaty ae = 24 In this first exerese bol each finger down firmly. f CEE OO tease I. Bei der ersten Chung jeden Finger fest liegen lassen. "Through all the keye. Durch alle Tonarten. 26 bog a ty = > 1 Hf i | e te | He 1 po Ss th ob S | = - 2 af pig t i a 7 ef Begedes > > = > > Se SS ee mn spe, 4s 4 be é = bee a feos Pa fe fey, i. £ 2 ac] * b be ie *) f ashe | pie 2 | > $ 0208 — or De ap rggaa == PB Legions tat ¢ % hus ssbteh al P leggicro 3a 4 sass IL. bes In this first exercise hold each finger down firmly. In der ersten Chung jeden Finger fest liegen lassen. "Through all the keys. Durch alle Tonarten, ‘Through all the keys. Dureh alle Tonarten. 0468 84 9268 az Black keys only. Iv. Obertasten allein. Also withuat accent, forte and piano. 2 “Auch ohne Accent, forte and piano. a4 Thirds. Terzen. s0088 4 “ah *® Also practise through several octavs. a + a 2 i ‘*)Auch im Umfang von mehreren Octaven zu ben. | t ‘Through all the keys, Durch alle Tonarten. 2 t aa Bach hand alone. Jede Hand allein legatissing | ys 39 Tea 34 Allegro moderato. 5 i 5 5 setene ~<| 6268 40 a. b. | | | $8068 Sixths. — Moderato, P P, if NE] Pit mosso as legato Sexten. _ ‘Throagh all the keys Durch alle Tonarten. aL Die linke Hand zwei Octaven tiefer. eet ete. Moderato. a. Teguto 5 fs sass Ps ‘Through all the keys, Durch alleTonarten. Each hand alone. ede Hand allein. 5 4s pad s0208 Octaven. B F F FR ee en 45 stace. 555555 555 it Wegsielo gey gd geese Stree.” 058 ten ten ten ten Pa tenten, » ten ten ten ten ee 7 tenten: ete. ate ‘Through at the keys. swroe gbeE : rough ys. ¥ _ th Durch alle Tonarten. 2 Wrist-stroke, Throw back the hand quickly before the +) Anschlag vom Handgeletk - die Hand wird vor dor Pa re Se-rasch emporgeschnellt, Hold the arm easily. Die Haltung des Armes ungezwungen ‘*) After sufficient preparation, practise also with the 4th | **)Nach geniigender Vorbereitung, auch mit dem 4ten Fin- finger onthe white keys and the dé finger on the black keys. | -yerauf der welysen und dem Sten auf der Obertaste 20 ‘tiben. Equally adapted for the study of sbroken”¥ctaves. | Ebenso 2um Stadium der, gcbrochenes”Oltaven reine! 48 wn it i wie OH *) In skips, use the tb finger only. | +) Bei Spriingen der ste Pinger ausschliesslich, 0) Employ the fingering 4 4 in legato-playing. +0) Der Fingersats: 4 4 ist beim Zegato anzuwenden, ar 7 Through wl keys, Durch alle Tonarten. ce 3 Through airkeys Dureh allo Tonarton te0s 49 saan 9 be # ie 2 uh the 8 tinghr trough, | Durehweg mit dem.fintten Finger. 50 Legato, H > =) s) Sesto aos eet ay * Through all keys. Durch alle Tonarten, stacento legatissino ote. 2 52 Chromatic Exercises. Chromatische Ubungen. p leggiero Rechte Hand allein Right hand alone. Pot Pt siete . Fn te Left hgnd glone. Linke Hand allein ae Mey 2h 12 a 14g 0208 ; 3 ee eee a ten. y ten. E bepud, a eve et i ten. ten, Allegro moderato, ieee cht auras 2 ae cht hand alone, Rechte Hand allein. 2d Allegro. id bd he ? . a Left hand alone. Linke Hand allein =e! 35 a tthe ae Rte ee hemee sat cree eee Rechte Hand allein, 24 56 ad alone, Right has Hand allein, 3 Rechte Rechte Hand allein. ‘ Linke Hand allein : aa 7 4 Right hand alone, Left hand alone. Linke Hand allein Left hand alone, o * 5 Right hand alpne, Left hand alone, Linke Hand allein Changing Fingers on One Key (Repetitions). Fingerwechsel auf einer Taste. os + coe » peas oaee 2 \g abe St Fi TI EE ce. | *) Die gebundenen Noten sind lautlos doch krittiz Anauschlagen 9) Strike the tied notes sitenty, but wi IL. Linke Hand eine Octave tiefer. 58 Through all the faye, as ve lower. an as i Left hand Dureh alle Tonarten. 321 a. baoas aa bases 1 89 SE ETE a ET ° Allegro miolto. _ 7 - p leggier be * SE ———— - Moderato. : i - | Allegro, 5, § Allegro. ~~ eee ee eee OO Allegro moderato. aa § t ub teen Staccato Moderato. = , ; vanes Through all the keys, Dureh alle Tonarten tees8 ba 10 6 ttt legagie; cry a. ey staggate ¢ Suck 66 i. Repetitions without Changing Fingers. Repetitionen ohne Fingerwechsel. (ight Wrist-work.) (Handgelenk.) Pycreean asia o£ Eheleea 2 ageie f af staccato = 12. For Developing the Independence and Strength | Zur Entwicklung der Selbstindigkeit und of the Fingers. (Paired Notes) Kraft der Finger. (Doppelgritfe) » legato Boss 7. 4S aa so Tea 2 *) Bach measure 4 times, +) deter Tokt 4 mal, | eee = ad Through all the Keys. . Duel alle Tonarien, 16368 su88 Moderato. a # 4 soe Allegro. Rae BP lego molto iz, pao ae bd 18. Chords. Wrist- exercises. | a i \ Akkorde, Handgelenkiibungen. staccato e leggiera 4 . ‘Through all the keys. Ture alle Tonarten. ‘i f ie HE 2 ce ‘The inner parts very distinct. | Die Sittetstimmen sehr deutlich. bs allegra, by - Biss ctes 8 Allegro moderato. b Mace leggterd $a 04 845 Allegro. 14908 athe inner parts very distinc » Die Mittelstimmen sehr deutlich. Moderato. 7 Allegro. anf stace.e molto legsriere Vivace. cai Mette? 2 rn pleggiero Allegro. S marteliate 9268 14. Alternation and Interlacing Ablésen und Ineinandergreifen of the Hands. der Hinde. 5 Through several keys. = Durch mebrere Tonarten, a2 aa sa 14 16268 Pi mosso. pans Rate te Ras Soar b oo = Sat RS = Andante, legato P branguillo { | fe wee, 85 Various Styles of Touch. | Verschiedene Anschlagsarten. 6368 legato. Tee 13 | gat leg. hee: leg. Sai giate. D| evajesdreadsdae ee cd ‘Through all the Keys. Durch alle Tonarten. ! | tal 16. Thumb -exercises. | Daumen-Ubungen. ‘Abs Allegro. Right hand slone, Rechte Hand allen, a 4 = = legato ad ore stares legato pease! : taal amar: en eee fa oS eS ore ‘stace: ete Left hand alone. Linke Hand allein. stace., 1 stace, 6968 89 Allegro Allegro molto. Mian e tea stearate eee ata tatetat fe ete, Petet ot ee eter i — 268 90 17. Sliding from the Black Keys. Herabgleiten von den Obertasten. # % legato, forte ere 2% 1 oe 18. 3483 The Glissando Glissando 10269 ‘Staccato ¢ leggiero om 0208, so108 96 Embellishments. Verzierungen, & aes Andante. pogtits o p> kegs ety? * Pa * | * cad tee8 Andante tranquillo. oe 97 a Pg legate Sel Durch alle Tonarten, | | f | Allegretto. 5&6 % Moderato. S legato P Allegro. ‘ 4 legro. fg 4 b. Moderato. wz , eee p lesgriero Andante. b. tnt eo 0 Allegro molto. z 424 Allegro vivace. leat bas ae | s6268 wes 123 ae c. Moderato. 5 5 a Legato srs] teyeses aes 54 AR OBS : Stace, 16208 e ‘b. Pitt mosso. nf. Allegro non troppo. 5 be | C | ! 16268 126 , Moderato Eo ‘Stacel legato tc. Pose! Through all the keys, Durch alle Tonarten, 1! oe = = | - | 427 Moderato. legate 34 bas tozes s620"

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