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Based on the given scenario, answer the following questions:

1. Identify the broad problem area.

Factors that number of walk in customer is decreasing because of customer make online

2. Develop theoretical framework.

Save cost

Save time Shopping

Variety of product

3. Suggest TWO (2) theories that related to the framework.

a) From the perspective of consumers and in comparison with traditional shopping, online
shopping has its own advantages and benefits (Kim et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2012). First,
online shopping enables consumers to purchase products and services at any point of
time and wherever they are located. Second, online shopping allows consumers to save
money, effort, and time when purchasing products. For example, comparisons among
online retailers in terms of prices for a certain product can be done easily and efficiently
in online shopping. Third, online shopping offers consumers the ability to search and
collect more information and with a high level of transparency and convenience. We
assume that such benefits would have a significant and positive effect on consumers’
attitudes toward online shopping (Delafrooz et al., 2011).
b) A survey of 208 US Midwestern Internet users reveals, first, that the nature of Internet
shopping (IS) is a function of consumers’ domain specific IS Innovativeness, not only
in regard to product purchasing (as has been previously observed) but also to visiting
sites for product information. Second, IS innovativeness is positively associated with
the variety of product classes shopped online, and this association is stronger with
popular than with unpopular product classes. Third, the impact of IS innovativeness is
in addition to, and not simply a reflection of, the positive contribution to online
shopping made by the prevalence of online shopping in one’s social setting.

4. Develop THREE (3) research objectives and THREE (3) research questions.
a. Research Objective:
i. To determine the relationship between save cost and online shopping.
ii. To determine the relationship between save time and online shopping.
iii. To determine the relationship between variety of product and online shopping.
b. Research Question:
i. What is the relationship between save cost and online shopping?
ii. What is the relationship between save time and online shopping?
iii. What is the relationship between variety of product and online shopping?

5. Develop THREE (3) non-directional null hypotheses and THREE (3) directional
alternative hypotheses.
a. Non-directional null hypotheses
i. There is no significant difference in relationship between online shopping and save
ii. There is no significant difference in influence of online shopping and save time.
iii. There is no significant difference in relationship online shopping and variety of
b. Directional alternative hypotheses.

i. There is significant difference in relationship between online shopping and save


ii. There is significant difference in influence of online shopping and save time.

iii. There is significant difference in relationship online shopping and variety of


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