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1871-72 Wine of Reality

Fasces: Most people will say, “I don’t care!” and they don’t see the importance in these
images however symbols and definitions of words hold secret meanings. The secret meanings
should greatly disturb you and fortunate is the one that marvels and seeks!
All that have eyes better look and all that have ears better listen!
You must pray to the Father in Jesus’ name that you understand this message! Or you won’t!
This is Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address.

Notice the symbolism to the left (and right not pictured) of Trump; the Fascists’ symbol with
the axe included. Also notice the Eagle holding the world symbol to the left.

This is called the symbol of Fasces

What does Fasces mean? = Fascist!

What is Fascism?

(Wikipedia and the Webster dictionary)

Fascist symbolism - Wikipedia
The original symbol of fascism, in Italy under Benito
Mussolini, was the fasces. This is an ancient Imperial Roman
symbol of power carried by lictors in front of magistrates; a
bundle of sticks featuring an axe, indicating the power over
life and death.

Fascism | Definition of Fascism by Merriam-Webster

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the
Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a
centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic
and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

The fascist symbol means:

• Ancient Imperial Roman symbol of power
• Dictatorial Leader
• Racist
• The axe symbol = power over life and death
• Lictor = sentences punishments
• Magistrates = enforces punishments
• Forceable suppression

Since the Etruscan Civilization 500BC to present day, the fasces have been
used during the transition from a governed land of the people to a
dictatorship. Every dictatorship in world history has used the fasces
symbol during the transition!

This is Hitler and Mussolini two horrible dictators that were responsible for the deaths of
millions of people. (Eagle on top of the Nazi Circle)

Fasces: The sticks are the people, broken and gathered, is the ancient Greek meaning. In
ancient Greek the fasces were used during a nation’s transition to Authoritarianism. The same
exact thing that happened when Hitler made Germany a dictatorship in 1933 and Mussolini
made Italy a dictatorship in 1925.

adjective: authoritarian
favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.
o showing a lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others; domineering; dictatorial.
"he had an authoritarian and at times belligerent manner"
noun: authoritarian; plural noun: authoritarian

In ancient Roman the fasces symbol was used in transition from changing the
government from the rule of a governor to the rule of a dictator. Governor rules for the
people and a dictator does as he pleases! Like ancient Rome, both Germany and Italy
have used the symbol the same way to dictatorship.
Here is my warning: The United States is doing the same today!
In a dictatorship people are not citizens (people) of the land but slaves to the government.
American History of the Fasces Symbol
There is nothing recorded!!!! Here is a visual over the years.

Barrack Obama 2010

Richard Nixon 1970 / John Kennedy 60’s

Dwight D Eisenhower 50’s

This is President Harry S. Truman that took over for president Roosevelt when he died in office
in 1945. This is the first year of these styled fasces as you will see in the older State of the
Union Addresses…
(A Bronze Remembrance… next to pillars… remember this!)
The Fasces symbol changed the axe’s position in 1945 after Roosevelt died in office.

1933 State of the Union Address Franklin D Roosevelt

1913 State of the Union Address Woodrow Wilson. Notice the axe is raised above the fasces

Notice how Lincoln rest his hands on the two fasces. Notice his left hand out like an axe and
his right foot is like an axe (in the Fasces). This is an image that is telling you “slavery!!!”
Definitions of words and symbols are very important to know! People have remembered
Lincoln’s hands and feet being positioned exactly the same: both hands on pillars and the
feet aligned but now the right foot and left hand have moved!!! Mandela Effect? Abe Lincoln
Monument? Was the Fasces always there and only a few or nobody noticed, or is it part of
the Mandela Effect??? Did the fasces just appear one day???
I believe that Abraham Lincoln was the very first president identified with the fasces symbol
and every president since has carried forth this plan!
So, from the years 1865-1872 there has been a plan to enslave the United States citizens
Yes! However, the plan started long before then…
In “A Taste from the Wine of Astonishment” I write about the “Treaty of Paris 1783”. What is
the 1783 Treaty of Paris? The end of the “Revolutionary War agreement between the United
States and the Royalty of Britain.”
We are told the United States faced the final straw when a “Tea Tax” was placed on tea so this
pushed the U.S. into war against England (do to over-taxing).
We are told the U.S. won the war of Independence, yet, the Treaty of 1783 the U.S. signs
away all logging rights, natural resources, the Mississippi River and others were given to the
Royal Family. We are told the U.S. won the war but signed away great resources to the British.
Again, a war started over a tea tax that the U.S. wins and then sign away major resources of
the country???
READ the document!

Many articles say that the Treaty of Paris and other laws passed in the 1700’s and 1800’s made
the U.S. an owned corporation and not a country!
Owned by the Royal Family!
I believe that Lincoln freed the slaves in 1865 but I believe it was only for a seven-year-
period. In 1872 there was a law passed concerning mining rights that took away the average
American’s rights to certain materials. A lot has been added over the years to this original law
and people are fined or even have been incarcerated due to this law, and more and more of
such acts and laws have been passed, that take away rights, put in place against the U.S.
citizens. I believe 1871 was the end of free men (non-born slaves) BIRTH CERTIFICATES
Benito Mussolini said, “If you pluck a chicken one feather at a time, people don’t notice! ”

Symbols: (Wikipedia)
A perched eagle clutching a fasces was a common symbol used on
Italian Fascist uniforms.
This is Mussolini’s logo when he was the dictator over Italy. Another
symbol of Fascism is the “Cauldron”. They carry the Olympic torch and
light a cauldron before the Olympic games. Latin Meaning: To occupy the
thinker. “Control” (I believe the burning sticks are Hell’s Fire!) The cauldron is spoke about in the apocrypha
There are many articles online, that say Donald Trump may try to become a dictator of the
U.S. however he already is!!! Birth Certificates were originally given to slaves only. The birth
certificate represented the slave as a piece of property!
Between the years of 1872 and 1933 Birth Certificates were assigned to the average
“citizens” of the United States. Your birth certificate has a number on it. That number is a
bond number that can be looked up on the New York Stock Exchange. We all have a value on
the NYSE… (Look it up!!!) Each person in the United States is seen as a valued commodity and
is assessed a worth!!! This means the citizens of the Unites States are viewed as possessions.
Slaves to the government!!!!!!! After the Great Depression the U.S. changed from gold and
silver to base the dollar’s value to the souls of man!
Why the symbols? Why is it all hidden? This is a plan since 1865?
How could this be possible?
A plan carried out over hundreds of years?
Here is the answer, very simply, (It’s the Devil)
Most will not believe however the answer is correct! The Devil!
I will show you the answers through the apocrypha Bible and the authorized bible!
What is the “Apocrypha Bible”?
There are approximately 60 English versions of the bible today. Every modern-day version of
those 60 bibles comes from one version: The King James “Authorized” Version that was
released in 1611. Authorized meaning: the gentiles (non-Jews) were allowed to view and
possess this book. The other books of the ancient bible became the “Apocrypha” and were
hidden. Before 1611, there was a thousand-year period that the Children of Israel were not
allowed to view the bible. The church was the only place they could hear about the books’
contents. The knowledge was taken away!
1 Maccabees 1:56 through 58 New Revised Standard Edition Apocrypha
56 The books of the law that they found they tore to pieces and burned with
57 Anyone found possessing the book of the covenant, or anyone who adhered
to the law, was condemned to death by decree of the king.
58 They kept using violence against Israel, against those who were found month
after month in the towns.

Apocrypha is originally a Latin word: The word's origin is the Medieval Latin adjective
apocryphus, "secret, or non-canonical", from the Greek adjective ἀπόκρυφος
(apokryphos), "obscure", from the verb ἀποκρύπτειν (apokryptein), "to hide away".
Until the King James, they hid the “known” bible, keeping a great knowledge from
generations of gentiles. Every modern version of the bible is based off the original King James
“Authorized” version. There was still a concealed portion of the bible (Apocrypha)
(Gentiles are Non-Jews)
This is most important to know:

There are two types of Jews: (1) Born a Jew by blood and soul (2) Gentiles that follow
There are two different types of people on earth: Jews and Gentiles and the difference is not
their religion but their blood and souls. Jews have souls of fire and Gentiles have souls of light.
They are different blood; positive (gentiles) and negative (Jews)!
Jews = Sons of God / Gentiles = Children of Israel
In 2 Maccabees 8 the followers of the Jewish faith are gathered into slavery. These Jews are
the Gentiles that follow the Jewish faith; not the Assyrian Jews; they are the bloodline.
To sum the Old Testament, apocrypha, bible up… we have overlords that look identical to us
and are our enemy. They are the prestigious people of this life. We invaded their land
“Nineveh”; not intentionally, but we came to their land! We asked their god to be our god and
overtook their land. (the violent stories of Exodus and Numbers) The penny presents them
taking it back!” Remembrances on the currency!
Trump “Make America Great Again” 2016
Hitler “Make Germany Great Again” 1933

The penny; it’s meaning is horrible and it can be found in (1 Maccabees) the hidden Old
Testament (Apocrypha) book. To read the apocrypha Old Testament helps us to understand,
“Why the world is, the way it is!” (Assyrians and their slaves) Apocrypha = True History
Ordered by the King and executed by Judas of Maccabees (With Apollo’s Sword / Council of 9)
43 All the Gentiles accepted the command of the king. Many even from Israel
gladly adopted his religion; they sacrificed to idols and profaned the sabbath.
A Religion that Violates God’s Law (Accepted through Violence)
44 And the king sent letters by messengers to Jerusalem and the towns of Judah;
he directed them to follow customs strange to the land,
Practices the Children of Israel did not do when they had the Book of Law!!!

45 to forbid burnt offerings and sacrifices and drink offerings in the sanctuary, to
profane sabbaths and festivals,
46 to defile the sanctuary and the priests,
47 to build altars and sacred precincts and shrines for idols, to sacrifice swine
and other unclean animals,
A knowledge was taken, and a bad religion was given to the children of Israel!
Why can we not eat some animals?
The answer is the zodiac, explained in “A Taste from the Wine of Astonishment! Deuteronomy 14 is
the food list to avoid!

2 Maccabees 4:10 When the king assented and Jason came to office, he at
once shifted his compatriots over to the Greek way of life.
11 He set aside the existing royal concessions to the Jews, secured through John
the father of Eupolemus, who went on the mission to establish friendship and
alliance with the Romans; and he destroyed the lawful ways of living and
introduced new customs contrary to the law.

2 Maccabees 6:1 Not long after this, the king sent an Athenian senator to compel
the Jews to forsake the laws of their ancestors and no longer to live by the
laws of God;

2 Maccabees 6:2 also to pollute the temple in Jerusalem and to call it the temple
of Olympian Zeus, and to call the one in Gerizim the temple of Zeus-the-Friend-
of-Strangers, as did the people who lived in that place.

This is the establishing of the Jewish Faith, not for the Jews but to deceive the
children of Israel! Judaism and all of its branches (Christianity) = Violates God’s

Fasces! Hell’s chambers

(Gathered Sticks) Notice Lincoln’s image in the middle. Man trapped inside.

I use the New Revised Standard Version of the Apocrypha Bible
Here is an online link:
For the “Authorized” bible I use the King James.

1 Maccabees 14:48 + 49 New Revised Standard Edition Apocrypha

48 And they gave orders to inscribe this
decree on bronze tablets, to put them up in
a conspicuous place in the precincts of
the sanctuary,
49 and to deposit copies of them in the
treasury, so that Simon and his sons might
have them.

Conspicuous places meaning: in front

of everyone’s faces! State of the Union
Address, Statue of Liberty’s New
Colossus inscription, on and in
courthouses, copies of currency and

This United States currency is called a Mercury Dime and it was printed during the years 1916
until 1945. Mercury is known as the messenger of the planet Venus. The planet Venus in Latin
is called Lucifer. Mercury goes by many names and another one is Hermes. (NOTICE: FASCES on dimes)

This is today’s dime with F.D. Roosevelt on the front and the Fasces on back including the
cauldron, the fruit tree and vine plant. (Very important!)

EPLURIBUSUNUM is a 13-letter word that I am sure has to do with the 13-sign zodiac but the
word its self, definition is “God approving our actions”. The front says, “IN GOD WE TRUST”.

These images are pictures from the Buffalo City Hall building and they explain what the plants mean. Buffalo
City Hall is an apocalypse building! The images that you see on the back of the dime is the future slavery of
mankind! (Isaiah 2:4) After this life ends the horrible torture-slavery begins (Google: STRAWMAN)

3 Maccabees 2:28
28 "None of those who do not sacrifice shall enter their sanctuaries, and all Jews
shall be subjected to a registration involving poll tax and to the status of slaves.
Those who object to this are to be taken by force and put to death;
3 Maccabees 4
14 The entire race was to be registered individually, not for the hard labor that
has been briefly mentioned before, but to be tortured with the outrages that he had
ordered, and at the end to be destroyed in the space of a single day.
3 Maccabees 6
34 Those who had previously believed that the Jews would be destroyed and
become food for birds, and had joyfully registered them, groaned as they
themselves were overcome by disgrace, and their fire-breathing boldness was
ignominiously quenched.
Notice the single space of a day… eternity will be a never-ending single day… there is no sleep
in the after-life, according to God’s books! The Registry is slavery (its in 1 Maccabees) Hard
work in this life and torture in the after-life!

This is Buffalo, New York’s City Hall Building and these are some of the images that you can
find on the outside of the building however every image inside the building, outside the
building, on buildings around this building and symbols on the cities’ infrastructure around the
building have serious significance:
First, in front of the Building stands on obelisk. Obelisks are used in black magic. An enormous
obelisk is erected in every city of the world. All obelisks are erected for people who died
untimely deaths (Murdered) with their dedication plaque always facing the north. This obelisk
in Buffalo, NY was erected for the shooting death of President William McKinley in 1901.

There are many occult symbols in the overhead picture of Buffalo City Hall (Bottom building in
the center). The obelisk has the universe symbol around it (4-sided/ 4-seasons). The universe is
the zodiac and by studying Job 38:32 across every English version of the bible, you will find
that the universe is Lucifer. Easiest described by the Greek gods being named as the planets.

Olympian Gods and Goddesses Greek Deity Roman Name Role Aphrodite Venus goddess of love and beauty
Apollo Apollo god of the sun, arts, and medicine; ideal of male beauty Ares Mars god of war Artemis Diana
goddess of hunting and protector of wild animals Athena Minerva goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts
Demeter Ceres goddess of grain, farming, and soil Hephaestus Vulcan god of fire, volcanoes, and industry
Hera Juno queen of the gods, protector of marriage and childbirth Hermes Mercury messenger of the gods,
patron of travelers, merchants, and thieves Hestia Vesta goddess of the hearth Poseidon Neptune god of the
sea Zeus Jupiter king of the gods
The assembly of these Olympian Gods is Lucifer … this also is the Council of Nine
This will shock most, all the Greek gods listed are found in the bible. Demeter (Ceres) is the
Goddess of the Harvest and she is featured on Buffalo’s City Hall Building and the other Greek
gods are here too…

To the right is Demeter (Ceres) the Goddess of the Harvest. To the left is the horn being blown
which represents the day of the coming of the Lord!
What is the Harvest??? The Children of the Covenant! Jesus and Lucifer (aka: the assembly of
gods / the zodiac) made a covenant over mankind before God. The back of the dime
represents what Lucifer will do to the people. Cauldron = burnt in Hell’s fire, the plants will be
the others to harvest.
Hell’s fire will be the followers of the religion Judaism and all its branches that came from
the Catholic religion (Christian Science) Born Again, Baptist, Methodist, Jehovah Witnesses,
Mormons and so on…. Atheists + Polytheists will have the worst punishment in the fire.
The trees will be the Muslims (that follow Islamic instructors) and the Druids, escaping the
physical pain of hell but not escaping hell…. There will be no joy for them. Planted as trees in
the soil of the land of the covenant. Although the Quran repeats the bible is real, Islamic
instruction denies it! You must be Muslim when you die but do not follow the religion!!!
Here is Zeus on Buffalo City Hall, Hermes (wings on head) Aphrodite (nude)

Pentagrams surround the building!

This image from Buffalo’s City Hall

building is two serpents raising up
and notice the birds (Phoenix) in
stone on the two outside images.
Inside the birds there are 3 pyramids
with arrows pointing down to them,
the middle pyramid is glowing and
has two vultures flying away from it.
In between the two birds and below
the pyramid is an obelisk. This is
Revelation of the Bible.

Here is Hermes on Buffalo’s City Hall building. Hermes is
holding a “Pan Flute” Aleister Crowley the Satanist says the
pan flute is used to summons Satan. Hermes is also known as
Mercury. This is general knowledge and is found in the bible.
Most people have no idea who Hermes is; yet he is on the
American Mercury Dime, his image is in every city of the
world… Hermes, Mercury, Agni are just a few of the names he
goes by, but his traits are always the same; the God of
sacrifice, commerce, medicine and more… he is the protector
of the liars and thieves also, he guides the dead!

This is what it means by guides the dead: Notice the Cadeacus (snakes and wings)

The medical industry uses the Caduceus of Hermes to represent its self. The reason why??? It
is Lucifer! All medicines come from poisonous plants that is why there are bad side-effects and
with continued use, the medicines will cause death! We have oxygen-based bodies and the
medical industry gives complex bacteria as a remedy when our medicines should be oxygen
based. This is why the people that use FOOD-GRADE Hydrogen Peroxide do not get sick! It’s a
big blast of oxygen and oxygen kills bacteria.
Lucifer is medicine!

Here is Hermes and the other (12) totaling 14 Olympians (including the baby of Isis) on a
mural on Main St. across from Buffalo’s City Hall building. The next picture is across the street
from Buffalo’s City Hall building; Hermes on the Old Courthouse building:
Hermes is everywhere yet, so few will know who he is
(Lucifer). People will know the expensive shoes, hats and
Hermes’ stores but not know of any of these images… nor
care to learn!
Matthew 7:8 King James Version (KJV)
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that
seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be
Symbols and definitions of words are very important to know… Why?

Revelation 13:17 King James Version (KJV)

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or
the number of his name
The Fasces is a mark of the beast!
Those that seek will find and those that do not, will perish in the worst of worst fates! The
symbolism, names, numbers of names, and words have to be there due to the covenant of the
Morning Stars!

Hosea 4:6 King James Version (KJV)

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I
will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of
thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Mankind is in war with the devil however most have no clue! Few, believe in Satan and the
ones that do, greatly underestimate his influence! He is the prince of this world. Mankind has
a horrible future coming very soon! There are four great beasts; Satan, Lucifer, Set and Amun

Why doesn’t Jesus stop this?

John 18:36 King James Version (KJV)
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then
would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom
not from hence.
Be Aware this is NOT Jesus’ world!!! Also, you are NOT to fight!!!
Through the Apocrypha bible, those that search will find: the Assyrians are Jews /Zionist!
Hitler the dictator was killing Jews, right?
The answer is Hitler was killing Jews, but he wasn’t killing Jews! Religion not Bloodline
Jesus’ scripture:

Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy
of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

First notice: anything in (PARENTHISIS) is publisher’s interpretations and NOT God’s word….
Disregard anything in Parenthesis!!!!!! In ALL of God’s books!
Notice the Blasphemy of them that say they are Jews but are of the “Synagogue” (Church) of
Satan. The answer is in the Apocrypha Old Testament (1 Maccabees). The Jewish religion is
fake, and they serve a god named Baal or Balaam. Baal is fake! Serving another god is a
violation of the first commandment. (Fake or Not!)
Judas started the religion and called it Judaism (named after himself and the Judeans)
Judaism was spilt with Solomon and Chislev. (Christmas) Solomon made it 8 days (Hanukah)
and Judas made it one day the 25th of Chislev (December) and this was the beginning of
Christianity (Roman Catholic) Named after Jesus rather than the Father; again, a violation of
the first commandment.
Jews are a bloodline of the Assyrians (Tobit of the Old Testament apocrypha reflects this).
Judas, Jonathan and Simon were the three to overtake the children of Israel. The bible
repeats its self as does all of God’s books and so does time…. Simon of the Bible is Donald Trump:
(1 Maccabees 13, 14, 15) Simon and Trump comparisons:
• Simon built the walls of Jerusalem / Trump’s Mexican wall
1 Maccabees 13:10 So he assembled all the warriors and hurried to complete the
walls of Jerusalem, and he fortified it on every side.
• Simon spent a great deal of his own money to be leader / Trump spent 66 million
1 Maccabees 14:32 New Revised Standard Edition Apocrypha then Simon rose up and
fought for his nation. He spent great sums of his own money; he armed
the soldiers of his nation and paid them wages.

• Simon put restrictions on trade to starve people / Trump places tariffs on imports and
goes after food stamps allowance
1 Maccabees 13 New Revised Standard Edition Apocrypha
• 49 Those who were in the citadel at Jerusalem were prevented from going
in and out to buy and sell in the country. So they were very hungry, and
many of them perished from famine.

1 Maccabees 13:27 So they made a record on bronze tablets and put it on

pillars on Mount Zion. This is a copy of what they wrote: "On the eighteenth day of
Elul, in the one hundred seventy-second year, which is the third year of the great
high priest Simon,
Bronze fasces and the bronze penny! “Pillars” pillars in different
versions of the bible, interchanges with the name “Obelisks”
• Simon exalts his people / Trump make America great again!
1 Maccabees 14:35 "The people saw Simon's
faithfulness and the glory that he had resolved to win for
his nation, and they made him their leader and high
priest, because he had done all these things and
because of the justice and loyalty that he had maintained
toward his nation. He sought in every way to exalt his
Notice: to “WIN”… Trump used this word repeatedly in his campaign
Next is 1 Maccabees 14:40 through 14:45 New Revised Standard Edition Apocrypha
1 Maccabees 14:40 For he had heard that the Jews were addressed by the
Romans as friends and allies and brothers, and that the Romans had received the
envoys of Simon with honor.

This part most will not believe however the ones that read this book and continue
learning, will have clear answers…

Vladimir Putin Julius Caesar

They look very similar and the reason why will be explained!
41 "The Jews and their priests have resolved that Simon should be their leader
and high priest forever, until a trustworthy prophet should arise,
Simon the high priest until the trustworthy prophet should arise… David comes next
… the Star of David is Saturn and Saturn in the occult is identified as Satan!
42 and that he should be governor over them and that he should take charge of the
sanctuary and appoint officials over its tasks and over the country and the
weapons and the strongholds, and that he should take charge of the sanctuary,
Donald Trump is organizing a military parade, only communist nations and
dictatorships are known for these demonstrations of weaponry in the world. War
• Simon is known by his golden buckle / This is Trump’s “Golden Buckle Presidential Coin”:

43 and that he should be obeyed by all, and that all contracts in the country should
be written in his name, and that he should be clothed in purple and wear gold.

44 "None of the people or priests shall be permitted to nullify any of these decisions
or to oppose what he says, or to convene an assembly in the country without his
permission, or to be clothed in purple or put on a gold buckle.
Whenever you see Trump speaking he will wear a black or dark purple suit. These colors
have the same meaning as catholic priest because he is a high priest of the occult.
Trump and Simon are both obsessed with gold. Donald Trump’s airplane (Boeing 757)
has enough 24K-gold inside of it to cover a full Grey-Hound bus (Air-Force-One comparison article
by the Guardian Dec 7, 2016)
45 Whoever acts contrary to these decisions or rejects any of them shall be
liable to punishment."
Trump already orders away the media who ask him the wrong questions!

1 Maccabees 15:21 Therefore if any scoundrels have fled to you from their
country, hand them over to the high priest Simon, so that he may punish them
according to their law."
Mexicans crossing the border are of Catholic faith (Branch of Judaism). United
States funded cartels force them to the borders, take the children (for reasons to be
explained) and destroys the parents. No Mexicans will return to Mexico… Also,
homeless people are disappearing along the border… most of the stories about
homeless Americans missing are coming from articles wrote in different countries
(primarily European countries).

Luke 5:10 King James Version (KJV)

10 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon.

And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.
Simon will gather mankind. This is part of the covenant! Hitler gathered the followers of the Jewish faith
as part of the covenant and all six-million that were killed are in hell’s pit now and will remain there all of
eternity! World War 2 was equivalent to a first installment on an agreement to pay.
Matthew 17:25 King James Version (KJV)
25 He saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying, What

thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their
own children, or of strangers?
If you watch the news or read the headlines, Trump is separating refugee children from their
families… I describe why they want the children in “A Taste from the Wine of Astonishment”
3 Maccabees 1:8 Since the Jews had sent some of their council and elders to
greet him, to bring him gifts of welcome, and to congratulate him on what had
happened, he was all the more eager to visit them as soon as possible.
Headline Links: Trump eager to meet Vladimir Putin, but officials warn U.S. should ...
1. Cached
Jun 26, 2017 - WASHINGTON -- President Donald Trump is eager to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin with full
diplomatic bells and whistles when the ...
Trump says Kim Jong Un wants to meet 'as soon as possible' and calls ...
1. Cached
Apr 24, 2018 - Trump has proven eager to meet with and conduct diplomacy with Kim despite spending almost all of
2017 threatening North Korea with ...

Acts 8:18 King James Version (KJV)

18 And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was

given, he offered them money

Google Trump offers everyone money… read the countless articles: From World leaders, CBS, to cover
scandals and more!
Matthew 10:4 King James Version (KJV)
4 Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.

In Numbers 13 and 14 the Children of Israel encounter the Canaanites and said they were
giants in Numbers 13:33. (Studied across every English version) Nephilim are giant
grasshoppers (Prey Mantis). The Children of Israel took their land (Exodus and Numbers) and
they want it back now! Their land was called Nineveh… Sounds like 9-11 minus the “Ven” at
the end. 9-11 was the wake-up call to the Children of Israel! (Nephilim= Bird/Reptilian/insects;
shape-shifting, evil spirits = Zion)
Canaanite = Giants = Nephilim = Assyrians = Jews = Zion (all the same… the Bibles show this!)
Other similarities between Trump and Simon you can find in the Apocrypha:
(All in 1 Maccabees (13-15)

• Simon invades the land of his ancestors (the Assyrians) / Trump attacks Syria
• Simon is known for gold / Trump’s inside of his plane and his wife are covered in gold!
• Simon is known for sending letters to his military leaders / Trump sends a letter to the
North Korean leader Kim and tweets to and about other leaders
• Simon always wore black for priesthood and purple for pride / Trump is always seen in
black or dark purple suits
• Simon came in as a nice guy to the people / Trump was accepted by many
• Simon was the Patriot (Authorized Bible) Trump uses the “Patriot Act” to pay for the Wall
• Simon was the “Eager One” (Authorized Bible) Headlines with Trump and Putin (Russia)+ Kim
(North Korea) + Xi (China) keep including Trump as the eager one!

Simon (the high priest) was to enforce the punishment according to the Jew’s law! Trump
will liberate his people and (just like in 2 Maccabees) make slaves of the Children of Israel!
(The followers of the Jewish faith!) They trick the children into contracts… it’s all in the Old
Testament Apocrypha!!! You must read 1 Maccabees 13-15 (at least) Trump is separating
families and Jeff Sessions of his staff is giving the bible as the reason! Romans 13!!!!
Romans 13 King James Version (KJV)
13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers
that be are ordained of God.
2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall
receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power?
do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
God put the world leaders in charge, not for good works but evil!... Trump is a repeated
name in God’s books… The apocrypha book from the book of Mormon called “Doctrines and
Covenants”, Jesus repeats, “God will send his Trump!” Doctrines and Covenants is a book
about the end of the world as we know it. Zion is returned their land and the Church of Jesus
Christ will be established in their land. Some reading this may have heard this biblical
statement before, “The Church of Jesus Christ is established on a rock!”
What does a church on a rock mean?
The rock is the word of God… this means understanding… (learning and seeking knowledge),
this means faith… (believing God’s word) The Church of Jesus Christ is yet to come!!!
Again, I often hear people, that can see what is happening with the Zionist, saying, “We need
to fight!” but we are commanded not to fight!
2 Esdras 74-76:
74 Listen, my elect ones, says the Lord; the days of tribulation are at hand, but
I will deliver you from them.
75 Do not fear or doubt, for God is your guide.
76 You who keep my commandments and precepts, says the Lord God, must not
let your sins weigh you down, or your iniquities prevail over you.
God puts the leaders in charge to do evil but will deliver us if our sins and inequities are in
check? Why?
Lamentations 3:38 King James Version (KJV)
38 Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?

If you have ever heard, “The Mystery of God”, this is it! Good and Evil are One! You need to
learn this and understand this meaning!!! (Yin-Yang) All gods and man bow to the Father,
whether they want or not, he is the King of Kings and the tyrant; and Jesus is the mercy of our
master! Jesus is a servant to the Father and a mediator between God and man! Those that
seek God will find understanding… those that don’t will regret!!!
While presenting themselves with the fasces symbol, Hitler and Mussolini transformed their
governments from democratic nations to dictatorships; This has been repeated throughout
world history starting with the Etruscan Civilization; taking away all the people’s rights,
enslaving and leading them to war! Trump is doing and will do the same!
The United States of America is already a dictatorship and things are about to change!
I am sorry to bring you this news however I also have a knowledge that “could” protect you
and your families… “could” meaning: it is up to you!

Fasces and the starry universe/

Watch This Video:

After Simon builds the wall:

1 Esdras 2:19 Now if this city is built and the walls finished, they will not only
refuse to pay tribute but will even resist kings.
20 Since the building of the temple is now going on, we think it best not to
neglect such a matter,
Simon Builds the Temple
1 Esdras 4:55 He wrote that the support for the Levites should be provided until the
day when the temple would be finished and Jerusalem built.

56 He wrote that land and wages should be provided for all who guarded the
57 And he sent back from Babylon all the vessels that Cyrus had set apart;
everything that Cyrus had ordered to be done, he also commanded to be done
and to be sent to Jerusalem.

Notice: Cyrus orders the temple to be built in Jerusalem

Now check out this Temple Coin recently printed in Israel:

1 Esdras 5:44 Some of the heads of families, when they came to the temple of
God that is in Jerusalem, vowed that, to the best of their ability, they would erect
the house on its site,
45 and that they would give to the sacred treasury for the work a thousand minas
of gold, five thousand minas of silver, and one hundred priests' vestments.
Trump and Cyrus / The Temple is to be built in Jerusalem and notice: “The Sacred Treasury”

1 Esdras 5:54 They gave money to the masons and the carpenters, and food and
If you ever see a masonic lodge bible (Blue book) that is only assigned to freemason
lodge members… the preface is filled with pictures and plans of the construction of the
1 Esdras 8:23 "And you, Ezra, according to the wisdom of God, appoint judges and
justices to judge all those who know the law of your God, throughout all Syria and
Phoenicia; and you shall teach it to those who do not know it.
God has given me a great gift to interpret and understand the scriptures. I share it
with you to protect you and the ones you love… please take the advice I offer!
24 All who transgress the law of your God or the law of the kingdom shall be
strictly punished, whether by death or some other punishment, either fine or
You are a slave and in a war that you had no clue of and you are facing a terrible fate if you
cannot find the Christ of God… Those that seek shall find!!!

The German words say, “A Nazi Travels to Palestine”

The existence of this coin demonstrates the connection between the Nazi party and the Jews. This coin
recently sold in auction for $850.00 and is believed to have been produced in the 1930’s.

2-Maccabees 14:37 A certain Razis, one of the elders of Jerusalem, was

denounced to Nicanor as a man who loved his compatriots and was very well
thought of and for his goodwill was called father of the Jews.
38 In former times, when there was no mingling with the Gentiles, he had been
accused of Judaism, and he had most zealously risked body and life for Judaism.

Racist comes from Razis (A Jewish term) Remember Fasces means Racist!

Mark 3:16 King James Version (KJV)

16 And Simon he surnamed Peter;

Through this scripture’s knowledge and reading “A Taste from the Wine of Astonishment” you will
know exactly who Donald Trump is!!! Hint: Peter is the Pan!

Acts 8:9 King James Version (KJV)
9But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and
bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:

Trump / Make America Great … the man with the highest esteem! Used Sorcery and Bewitched people,
while calling himself, “The Great One!”: Black Magic

(Putin/Trump combined and Aleister Crowley) Enlarge these two pictures and analize them! They don’t look
the same until you analize them:

• Notice: the chins are both three oval shapes with a large one in the middle and two
smaller ones on the side. (Notice in the middle of the chin on both pictures the same
line is there)
• The roundness of the the chin going to the ears.
• The noses are identical and the cheek lines on the sides of it
• The bottom half of the ears are identical and atop come to a point
• Notice the lips the top lip is identical and if you look closely at the bottom lip (his right)
our left his lip protrudes and the right recedes on both images
• Although the Putin/Trump eyes are blurred … if you look you will see the eyebrows, eye
bags and indentation between the eyes are the same
• Same High Cheek bones
What you are seeing is called “EGOS” of a magician! Multiple places, Multiple lives… President
Aleister Crowley!!!
The first book of the New Testament, the second page of the Quran, the first page of the
Vedas (Rig-Veda) all talk about the same thing: the ones that can see, hear and understand…
if you read this full book you may be one of them? Know this: you received a special gift from
God because most will not see, hear or understand. In the apocrypha of Thomas (You all must
read this book) Jesus says the number is between 1 in 1,000 to 2 in 10,000. Very few will find
understanding and even less will make it to heaven! If you can see, that means you have found
God’s favor, but it doesn’t mean that you are a sure-lock for heaven; it means you will be
judged more strictly than the rest! Those that see have a job to do! Do your job the best that
you can because the greatest reward awaits you!
What does the Eagle Mean?
The eagle represents in the last days the most-high shall have
three vicious kings rise. The vision of Daniel; Its starts as a three
headed bird with a mouth on its stomach then it is transformed
into two heads as a king dies in their sleep. The single head eagle
represents the end. 2 Esdras 12 tells the prophecy; for those that
wish to learn. The Apocrypha is true history!!!
Jesus says this scripture:

Luke 14:26 King James Version (KJV)

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren,

and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Cannot be a disciple unless you hate your family and yourself? Yes! Here is the explanation: When
you tell people what you see, they cannot understand you because they are cursed! Your simple reasoning
and obvious evidence, to them, is absurd and you will be angry with them as they will become angry with
you! Also notice: “his own life” in the scripture; before we obtained this knowledge, we all lived much
differently in wrong doings. Now, when we warn people, Satan will bring forth our previous wrong
doings and keep it fresh in their minds when we warn them. So, yes, we will hate our own lives too! You
will hate your previous-self!

If you tell someone, and they reject the information; please know that you are not allowed to pray for
their understanding because that is between them and God. If a loved one passed, you can pray for them,
and based on your actions, God may forgive them!!! (2 Maccabees)

Revelation 21:8 King James Version (KJV) (said by Jesus)
8But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and
sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and
brimstone: which is the second death.

FEAR only fear God the Father!!!, UNBELIEVERS (You better Believe + Seek!!!) ABOMINABLE don’t be
terrible people!!!, WHOREMONGERS watch your eyes and actions!!! Sorcerers; have no involvement
with witchcraft, meditation techniques, yoga, wearing beads or charms IDOLATERS; carry no idols, all
organized religions except Islam are idolaters but beware of Islamic instruction (example prayer beads
and caps… both violations to God’s Law in Islamic teachings) and ALL LIARS (and thieves)
Hebrews 12:29 King James Version (KJV)
29 For our God is a consuming fire.

Beware: God is fire!!! A raging fire of anger! Anger is pleasure mixed with pain! His Christ is mercy! Find
him!!! Fear, Obey, Understand, (Learn) Pray and Repent constantly!

We are God’s Slaves or we are God’s Enemy! God is very good to his Slaves! The Nephilim (Locust) control
this world under God’s order; a dome world, controlled weather, news and everything we see (Mandela
Effect) is them and their powerful control; an unperceivable intelligence! Pray, Pray, Pray + Repent!!!


My Opinion; What is the Mandela Effect?

Almost all the people who speak about the Mandela Effect connect the phenomenon to
science’s “String Theory”: Multiple Universes that overlap one another. Jesus speaks of
Pleroma as being a parallel universe in the Apocrypha of John and in Greek Mythology
Zeus was said to have split all mankind in half so they’re never be complete and always be
searching for their other half…
People that follow the String Theory are mostly drawn to science and science fiction and
do not include God in to their equations. Why? They are Blinded by Science!” (LIES)
In our life-time, we all received signs from God, in the link for further learning, I offer a few
of the signs that I originally missed. People in life choose what they want; people also choose
what they want to believe, and this is based on their hearts. Most people see the adventure
and dream up ideas in their mind of what the string theory may be, with endless possibilities,
and reject the idea of being slaves to a tyrant god! Rejecting the Truth and the Law!!!
2 Thessalonians 2 King James Version (KJV)
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received
not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
What is the Mandela Effect? The Mandela Effect started in 2013 when Nelsen Mandela’s
death was announced. Many people remember Mandela dying in prison during the late 1980’s
or early 90’s. Since that point many people recall the past differently than others.
We are on a flat, domed earth in a completely controlled reality! Earth Quakes, Mudslides,
Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis, Storms, Floods, the Rain, the Wind, along with everything you
see on a media device screen is controlled! Controlled by the Assyrians / Nephilim / Arcturians
/ Anunnaki / others (Zionist) and ordered by God! They show the warnings! We are in a world
of magic!!! This is an Illuminati Card and they are explained through the upcoming link…
Orbital Mind Control Lasers?
Satellites, Control Towers, 5G Routers,
Cell Phones, Tablets and others. A
correlated system by an unperceivable
intelligence. When you think of a
farmer and his sheep; know this: we are
controlled in the same manor, only an
infinity more! Our world and past are
magic and can be altered! Pray and
Repent Always!
Prayer is our only protection! And
Remember: In Hebrew WWW is 666…
the internet is Satan’s device!
My Merit: (this is all explained in detail
through the upcoming link) it started
for me as a small child and I would
speak about a dream I had. Life’s
terribleness caused me to lose belief in
the God I was taught to believe in. I was
never a true atheist, but I did share a lot of the same views until a light hit me 10 years ago.
Since that point I read: The Bible, Quran front to back, and studied the books almost every day
since the event. Other reads and studies include: Old Testament Apocrypha, Ethiopian Version
of the Book of Enoch, Apocrypha of Thomas, Aleister Crowley’s Book of Magic in Theory and

Practice and books that I have read deep into but have yet to complete: Egyptian Book of the
Dead, the Vedas (Hindu based book) Book of Mormon / Apocrypha and other Crowley books.
(I prayed for understanding of the writings / you must too!)

God allows those that seek to interpret the writings. Although the Bible and all of God’s
books are in English, it takes the Holy Spirit for understanding. The Holy Spirit allows us to see,
hear and understand. Many have heard the calling however only a few will be successful! You
must seek God!!!
All the Books that I mentioned interconnect terms, words and speak about the same things. All
the books piece together a great
puzzle! … (Messiah Illuminati
The Great Day of Jesus’ Coming!
For the ones that learned the
law and obeyed Jesus this will be
a great day that will never end!
For those that didn’t will face the
most unpleasant of surprises!
Jesus says we must support the
Zionist cause and not fight or
run! Jesus is not coming to
liberate the world but to destroy
it! He will burn the earth with
fire and cast the law breakers
into the pit of Hell for all
eternity. Jesus is our savior, but
we also must have obeyed him
in order to be saved! Jesus will
come in an hour that no man will
know, and everyone will be
surprised… Pray and repent
constantly!!! Pray against temptation of sin because you do not want a blemish on you in the
coming hour! The sun will rise from the south (darkened), when Satan will regain power of his
domain. All will be gathered! Do not: fight, run or hide; we will be separated! Have faith pray
always, repent to the Father in Jesus’ name, for all to see, and Jesus shall restore everything!
Again, I repeat this to you: Read 4 Maccabees

My Top 10 Proofs of the Existence of God
1. Obelisks A sorcerer’s stone is an obelisk and an enormous one stands in every city of
the world with an occult symbol around them that can only be seen from the sky. These
obelisks around the world are clear evidence of black magic being practiced and its
being practiced by the ones in control of the world. Obelisks are proof that a hidden
faction, who runs the world, still practices the ancient Egyptian / Roman religion. If a
giant lollipop stood in every city of the world, you would question, “Why and who cares
so much about Lollipops? What is the significance?” You must seek and understand the
reason for the obelisks that cover the world’s landscape! A hidden religion in front of
our eyes! Learn about obelisks!!!
2. Freemason Lodges A freemason lodge is in every community of the world. All nations no
matter the system of government has mason lodges throughout its landscape. Known
freemason leaders like A.E. Waite, Aleister Crowley and Eli Levi write about the events inside
of the lodges. All that read will find the events extremely shocking and undeniable
evidence of God! On mason lodges you’ll see FA&M (Fire, Air and Mem = Water (Mem in
Ancient Egyptian Mythology is water) F A&M is the base for witchcraft. (Pentagram)
3. The Existence of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) you can find them on Facebook! The
“OTO” is a sex occult that was started in Germany around the time of the rise of Adolf
Hitler and the founder was Aleister Crowley “the World’s most renowned Satanist”.
Today the OTO is located around the world and the Buffalo, NY chapter is called the
“Pyramid Lodge”. If you choose to find them on Facebook, you will see there is no
physical location for them, but they will post their meeting places. The places they meet
are after hours; they meet in colleges, recreation centers and Churches of Christianity.
(Read Maccabees before going to house of Christianity… it’s not what you think!) The
OTO is Blood, Sex, Magic and you can read about their rituals in Aleister Crowley’s book
“Magick in Theory and Practice”
4. Symbolism there is a scripture Revelation 13:17 that declares the mark of the beasts
must be shown. All Modern-day corporate logos originated in the ancient world. The
symbols interconnect to black magic and are used in the practice. The same symbolism
is repeated throughout the world. If you look at war planes; they ALL have a variant of
the same symbol of Amun-Ra the Egyptian God. Repeated symbols like: Eye, 13, 33, 4,
Sun, Triangle, Eagle
5. Mathematics: Both the Quran and Bible say that knowledge of the ancient civilizations
of Egypt and Ethiopia and their great power are enough evidence to prove the existence
of God. It’s the math! The Great Pyramid of Giza would fit in a circle perfectly. (3.16 they
knew pie) Bible Code demonstrates perfect mathematics, The Golden Ratio 1.618 (Phi)
and 666 = 6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons make up an atom in human DNA.
6. Birth Certificates: were originally given to slaves only (pre-Civil War). Your birth
certificate has a number on it. That number is a bond number that can be looked up on
the New York Stock Exchange. We all have a value on the NYSE… (Look it up!!!) Each
person in the United States is seen as a valued commodity and is assessed a worth!!!
This means the citizens of the United States are viewed as possessions… Owned by the
7. The Illuminati Card Game was released in 1982 and there is no question the cards have
told the future: 9-11, the United States Presidents, GMO’s, conspiracies today and
telling our future through images. Look at them!!!
8. Venus the Morning and Evening Star When the sun rises in the eastern morning sky
(every morning) you will see two stars that stay lite longer than the rest. The bigger one
is Venus and the smaller one is Sirius (Planets). In the Evening, the first star will arise in
the western sky is the planet Venus. This is common knowledge and very clear evidence
that Venus travels around the earth! Science isn’t telling us the truth! The planet Venus
in the language Latin (the Church’s language) is called “Lucifer”.
9. Lord’s Prayer Read Forward in Reverse Order (2 times) The “Our Father” prayer as it is
written in the bible Matthew 6:13-17. The prayer was said by Christ to protect
mankind… to recite it backwards two times denounces your protection…The Devil will
appear!!! Atheists will be tormented, burnt and thirst in hell however if they say the
prayer, in Hell they will not thirst but face eternal mental torment in delusions of horror
(the Witch’s Covenant)
10. God’s Books … disregard the prefaces, footnotes and the (interpretations) the scriptures are real!
ALL God’s books interconnect answers and tell the same things: Our past, the now and
the future. All that read the books will find them “Greatly Disturbing” but those that
marvel and seek, will find a great reward!!! After you read and hear a prestigious
speaker talk about the bible you’ll then realize, “How deep the deception is!”

Pray and Repent constantly!!!! Pray to the Father in Jesus’ name (the first-born sacrifice)
All Praise and Glory to the Father, Amen!

Continue learning:

Notice: “They’ll never get it, even when the saucers are flying overhead.” God’s books say no
matter what I show or how I show it; people will not understand! Only their hearts will allow
them to see… seek with a pure heart and try to erase the lies we were taught!


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