Recognizing Phonological and Morphological Elements A. Phonemic Pair, Vowels

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Recognizing Phonological and Morphological Elements

A. Phonemic pair, vowels

 Based on syllabus: siswa mendengar interaksi sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan
permintaan maaf.
 Objective:Tujuan dari tes ini adalah pengenalan fonologi bahasa dalam percakapan
interaksi sapaan. Item ini digunakan untuk menguji seberapa baik peserta tes memahami
fonem vowel dalam pembicaraan interaksi sapaan.

1. Man : “Hallo, Dyah. How are you today?”

Woman : “Not good, but I hope this pain disappear soon.”
What the woman say?
a. She hope these pen disappear soon.
b. He hope these pain disappear soon.
c. She hope these pain disappear soon.
d. He hope these pen disappear soon.
Analisa: soal tersebut valid, karena sesuai dengan silabus yaitu tentang percakapan interaksi
sapaan yang digunkan untuk menguji ponem vowel siswa.
Dan tes ini juga reliability, karena tes ini mudah dan sering digunkan dikehidupan sehari-hari
sehingga test-takers mudah untuk menjawab tes tersebut.

B. Phonemic pair, consonant

 Based on syllabus: mengidentifikasi bunyi ʃ dan ʧ.
 Objective:the objective of this item is recognition of phonological of a language to identify
sounds,ʃ. This item is used to test how well the test-takers understand the
consonantphoneme in sounds.

2. Woman : “What are you doing here?”

Man : “I came to comfort her, but she shooed me away.”=

What the man say?

a. He came to comfort her, but she shooed him away.
b. She came to comfort him, but he shooed her away.
c. He came to comfort her, but she shued him away.
d. She came to comfort him, but he shued her away.
Analisa: soal tersebut valid, karena sesuai dengan silabus Yaitu bunyi ʃ dan ʧ. Dan tes ini
menguji siswa tentang bunyi ʃ. Tes ini reliable because the conversation is easy and it can be
happened in real life, so the students can answer it.

C. Morphological pair, -ed ending

 Based on syllabus: siswa mendengar interaksi perkenalan diri.
 Objective:tujuan dari tes ini adalah pengenalan morpological bahasa dalam interaksi
perkenalan diri. Item ini digunakan untuk menguji seberapa baik peserta tes memahami
morpem yang berakhiran –eddalam dialog interaksi perkenalan diri.

3. Woman : “Hallo, I am Indah. I am a student of English study program at UMRAH.”

Man : “Hi, Indah. Nice to meet you. Do you really like english?”
Woman : “Not really, because I liked math so much when I was in elementary school.”
What does the woman say?
a. She like math so much.
b. She liked math so much.
c. She likes math so much.
d. I liking math so much.
Analisa: soal tersebut valid, karena sesuai dengan silabus, dan reliable because tes ini sangat
dapat diandalkan. Tes ini mudah dimngerti siswa, nak berapa kalipun dites hasilnya tetap sama

D. Stress pattern in can’t

 Based on syllabus: siswa mendengar interaksi sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan
permintaan maaf.
 Objective: the objective of this item is recognition of morphological of a language in a
conversation of apology. This item is used to test how well the test-takers understand the
term can’t in a conversation of apology.
4. Man : “ Hallo, Dyah. Will you go with me to the party tonight?”
Woman : “ I’m sorry, I can’t join with you.”
What the woman say?
a. She can join with him.
b. She can’t join the party.
c. He can go to the party with his friend.
d. He can’t invite the party.
Analisa: Tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus yaitu percakapan permintaan maaf, yang
disini tes ini dibuat untuk menguji pemahaman sejauh mana siswa ngerti penekanan kata can dan
can’t. Tes ini reliable karena mudah untuk dijawab dan berapakalipun tes ini di uji, hasilnya akan
tetap sama. Siswa dapat menganalisa jawaban itu can’t dengan kata bantu “i’m sorry”.

E. One-word stimulus
 Based on syllabus: siswa mendengar interaksi sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan
permintaan maaf.
 Objective: the objective of this item is recognition of morphological one-word
stimulus of a language. This item is used to test how well the test-takers understand
one-word stimulus in greeting.

5. Woman : “Good morning, students. How are you today?”

Man : “I’m fine, thank you.”
What does the man say?
A. Wine
B. Vine
C. Pine
D. Fine

Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus yang berhubungan dengan interaksi sapaan. It
is reliable because this test is easy to understand, and students can answer it well.

Paraphrase recognition
A. Sentence paraphrase
 Based on syllabus: menulis nama tempat yang terdapat dalam peta sesuai rekaman dalam
 Objective: the objective of this item is recognition of paraphrase of a language. This item is
used to test how well the test-takers paraphrase a self-introducing.
6. Direction: Now, you have to listen carefully to Reno’s introduction!
Man : “Good morning, Friends. Today, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Reno Apriano. I am Japanese.”
Which one is true according to the man’s statements?
a. Reno is comfortable in Japan.
b. Reno wants to come to Japan.
c. Reno come from Japan.
d. Reno likes Japan.
Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus yang berhubungan dengan nama suatu tempat.
Dalam tes ini siswa akan mendengar nama tempat, dan siswa harus mampu menyimpulkan hasil
dari dialog atau tes tersebut. Dan tes ini reliable.

 Based on syllabus: mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan informasi dalam rekaman.

 Objective: the objective of this item is recognition of paraphrase of a language. This item is
used to test how well the test-takers paraphrase a self-introducing.
7. Woman : “Mom, where are you? This is my friend, Alice. She come from Arabia.”
Which one is true according to the woman’s statements?
a. Her woman is Arabian.
b. She come from Arabia.
c. Her friend is Indonesian people.
d. Her friend is Arabian.
Analisa: tes ini svalid karena sesuai dengan silabus yang mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan
informasi, dan tes ini juga reliable karena tes ini dapat diandalkan karena tes ini hasilnya akan
tetaap sama jika di uji berapa kalipun.

 Based on syllabus: mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan informasi dalam rekaman.

 Objective:the objective of this item is recognition of paraphrase of a language.
This item is used to test how well the test-takers paraphrase a talk of reason.

8. Direction : Listen carefully to what the woman says!

Woman : “My party is fun because you can attend.”
Which one is true according to the woman’s statements?

a. He wants to come to her party.

b. I want you to come in my party.
c. You and I likes a party.
d. My party is fun because of you.

Analisa: tes ini svalid karena sesuai dengan silabus yang mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan
informasi, dan tes ini juga reliable karena tes ini dapat diandalkan karena tes ini hasilnya akan
tetap sama jika di uji berapa kalipun.

B. Dialogue paraphrase
 Based on syllabus: mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan informasi dalam rekaman.
 Objective: the objective of this item is recognition of paraphrase of a language. Item ini
digunakan untuk menguji seberapa baik para test-taker memparafrasakan pengenalan diri
tentang asal, alamat, dll (nama tempat).

9. Woman : “Hi, Alif. My name is Raifa.”

Man : “Hi, Raifa. It’s nice to meet you. Do you come from Indonesia? “
Woman : “No. I come from Korea.”
Which one is true according to the dialogue?
a. Alif lives in Korea.
b. Raifa is Korean.
c. Raifa loves Korea.
d. Alif wants to go to Korea.
Analisa: Analisa: tes ini svalid karena sesuai dengan silabus yang mencocokkan jawaban
berdasarkan informasi, dan tes ini juga reliable karena tes ini dapat diandalkan karena tes ini
hasilnya akan tetap sama jika di uji berapa kalipun.

 Based on syllabus: mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan informasi dalam rekaman.

 Objective:the objective of this item is recognition of paraphrase of a language.
This item is used to test how well the test-takers paraphrase of dialog
10. Man : “Hello, Rose. How's life?”
Woman : “Hi, Jack. I’m Okay. Nice to meet you. Are you single?”
Man : “No, I am married.”
Which one is true according to the man’s statements?

a. He is married.
b. He is single
c. She is married
d. She is single.
Analisa: Analisa: tes ini svalid karena sesuai dengan silabus yang mencocokkan jawaban
berdasarkan informasi, dan tes ini juga reliable karena tes ini dapat diandalkan karena tes ini
hasilnya akan tetap sama jika di uji berapa kalipun.

Designing assessment task: responsive listening

A. Appropriate response to a question
 Based on syllabus: merespon pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan informasi dalam dialog.
 Objective: tujuan dari tes ini adalah pengenalan wh-question 'why' dantanggapannya. Item
ini digunakan untuk menguji seberapa baik peserta tes memberikan respons yang tepat
dalam menyebutkan alasan.

11. Man : “Why do people need vacation?”

What is the most probably answer to the question?
a. To the beach and traveling.
b. Because they need to relieve their stress.
c. Because he is my boyfriend.
d. Because it was such a beautiful place.

Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: merespon pertanyaan yang berhubungan
dengan informasi dalam dialog. Dan Tes ini reliable because the conversation is easy and it can
be happened in real life, so the students can answer it.
 Objective: tujuan dari tes ini adalah pengenalan wh-question 'when' dantanggapannya. Item
ini digunakan untuk menguji seberapa baik peserta tes memberikan respons yang tepat
dalam menyebutkan wakt.
12. Woman : “When will you arrive here?”
What is the most probably answer to the question?
a. At the home.
b. At 7 PM
c. In grandma’s house.
d. For five hours.
Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: merespon pertanyaan yang berhubungan
dengan informasi dalam dialog. Dan Tes ini reliable because the conversation is easy and it can
be happened in real life, so the students can answer it. Karena tes nya when, maka jawabannya
adalah tentang waktu.

 Objective: tujuan dari tes ini adalah pengenalan wh-question 'how' dantanggapannya. Item
ini digunakan untuk menguji seberapa baik peserta tes memberikan respons yang tepat
dalam menyebutkan jumlah.

13. How many types of text in english?

What is the most probably answer to the question?
a. There are five types of text.
b. Descriptive, Procedure, Narative, Recount dan Report.
c. Yes, I know it.
d. In about an hour.
Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: merespon pertanyaan yang berhubungan
dengan informasi dalam dialog. Dan Tes ini reliable because the conversation is easy and it can
be happened in real life, so the students can answer it. Karena tes nya how, maka jawabannya
adalah tentang jumlah.

 Objective:tujuan dari tes ini adalah pengenalan yes/no-question dantanggapannya.Item ini

digunakan untuk menguji seberapa baik peserta tes memberikan respon yang sesuai dalam
rekaman dialog tentang ya atau tidak jawabannya.
14. Woman : “Do you like me?”
What is the most probably answer to the question?
a. Yes, I like you.
b. Yes, you’re so cute.
c. Yes, about of you.
d. Yes, you like me.
Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: merespon pertanyaan yang berhubungan
dengan informasi dalam dialog. Dan Tes ini reliable because the conversation is easy and it can
be happened in real life, so the students can answer it.Hanya saja tes ini terlalu mudah untuk
anak tingkat smp.

B. Open-endedresponse to a question
 Based on syllabus: mendengarkan percakapan telepon/ komunikatif (pemesanan hotel)
 Objective:tujuan dari item tes ini adalah pengenalan wh-question 'what' dantanggapannya.
Item ini digunakan untuk menguji seberapa baik para pengambil tes memberikan sebuah
open-ended respon.
15. Woman : “Hallo, Aston’s Hotel, can I help you?”
Man : “Hallo miss, I want to reserve a room for two people.”
Woman : “What kind of room you want? VIP or economical?”

What is the most probably answer to the question?

a. Yes, I want it.
b. I want VIP room.
c. I will use that room this afternoon
d. Oh ok, thank you very much.
Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: mendengarkan percakapan telepon/
komunikatif (pemesanan hotel). Dan tes ini reliable karena dapat diandalkan konsisten

Designing assessment task: selective listening

Listening Cloze
 Based on syllabus: teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi
orang, hewan, benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana.
 Objective:tujuan dari tes ini adalah pengenalan tentang teks deskripsi. Tes ini digunakan
untuk menguji seberapa baik peserta didik memahami teks deskripsi dengan cara mengisi
kalimat yang rumpang (listening cloze) , dan juga bertujuan untuk menguji vocabulary dan
grammar test-taker.

Direction: choose the most appropriate noun phrase to fill the gap!
My Lovely Cat
I have a stray cat as my pet. He is really (16)__________. He loved to (17)________with me
and the new things he found. He has orange and white fur, his fur is so soft and I like to
(18)________it for him. He has a long(19)_______. He likes to play with it. He is also
always try to (20) __________ his tail sometimes. I also like to hold him in my hand, when i
hold him like that he will fall asleep.

16. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. Playful
b. Player
c. Carefull
d. Beautiful

17. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. Pray
b. Play
c. Pay
d. Buy
18. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. Hit
b. Hold
c. Rubs
d. Kick
19. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. Bill
b. Feet
c. Hair
d. Tail
20. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. Catch
b. Wactch
c. Take
d. Reach

Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang, hewan, benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, dan tes ini
mendeskripsikan hewan. Tes ini reliable karena dapat diandalkan ketahan tes nya saat pengujian
yang lain waktu.

Listening cloze
 Based on syllabus: siswa mendengar berbagai lagu bahasa inggris.
 Objective:Tes ini digunakan untuk menguji seberapa baik peserta didik memahami teks
listening dengan cara mengisi kalimat yang rumpang
Direction: I have a great song that can motivate your learning. Please listen carefully, and
fill in the following phrase.

Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars

[Verse 1] Her eyes, her eyes
make the stars look like they're not (21)_____ And when you smile
Her hair, her hair The whole world stops and (24)_____for a while
falls perfectly without her trying 'Cause girl you're amazing
She's so beautiful Just the way you are
And I tell her everyday (yeahh)
[Verse 2]
I know, I know Her lips, her lips
When I (22)______her she won't believe me I could kiss them all day if she let me
And it's so, it's so Her laugh, her laughshe hates but I think it's so
Sad to think that she don't see what I see sexy
But everytime she asks me "Do I look okay?" She's so beautiful
I say And I tell her everyday

[Chorus] Oh you know, you know, you know

I'd never ask you to change
When I see your face
If perfects what you're (25)_____ for
There's not a thing that I would change
Then just stay the same
'Cause you're (23)_______
So don't even bother asking if you look okay
Just the way you are
'Cause you know I'll say

21. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. Shiny
b. Shining
c. Shine
d. Sun shine
22. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. Completed
b. Compared
c. Compliment
d. Completely
23. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. Interesting
b. Exciting
c. Entertain
d. Amazing
24. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. Stares
b. Star
c. Start
d. Stared
25. Which one is the most appropriate answer to fill the gap?
a. trying
b. searching
c. asking
d. changing
Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: siswa mendengar berbagai lagu bahasa
inggris. Dan tes ini reliable karena mudah dimengerti siswa dengan tes yang menggunakan lagu-
lagu akan lebih membuat tes itu menarik dan akan mendapatkan hasil jawaban yang memuaskan.

Information transfer
A. Information transfer: multiple-picture-cued selection
 Based on syllabus: mengidentifikasi gambar dengan informasi dalam rekaman.
 Objective:the objective of this item is recognition of description. This item is used to test
how well test-takers understand the description with multiple-picture in listening test.
Direction: listen carefully and choose the correct picture!
Test-takers hear:

26. Choose the correct picture. Both car doors are open. it's daylight but both headlamps are on.
The man who's repairing the car is lying underneath it. There is a girl. The girl sees the man
working hard, and she doesn't help him.

Test-takers see:
Answer: B.

Test-takers hear:

27. Choose the correct picture. A man with blue clothes stops and stares at a yellow butterfly
beside the cross-road brings a luggage. Behind him there is a big building.

Test-takers see:



Answer: B
Analisa: beberapa tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: mengidentifikasi gambar dengan
informasi dalam rekaman.dan tes ini reliable karena dapat diandalkan konsisten jawabannya.

B. Information transfer: single-picture-cued verbal multiple-choice

 Based on syllabus: mencocokkana jawaban berdasarkan informasi dalam rekaman yang
mendeskripsikan gambar.
 Objective:the objective of this item is recognition of description. This item is used to test
how well test-takers’ ability in describing a situation or event.
28. Take a look on the picture!
A picture of three people hovering in the air, wearing the same clothes and wearing a hijab of the
same color. From the picture it can be seen that the three of them are very happy. (on record)

What is the women most probably doing?

a. They are speaking with friends.

b. They are not happy.
c. They wore the same dress and the same hijab color.
d. They are working at the island.

29. Take a look on the picture!

A pictures of three sisters plus a boy sitting with his mother celebrating a small party. Each style
seems to have a story.They are sisters who are compact.(on record)

What is the they most probably doing?

a. They are best friends since childhood.

b. Three sisters celerating a small party.
c. The three sisters were not good at taking pictures.
d. They are eating together.

30. Take a look on the picture!

A picture of a woman enjoying the scenery and smiling sweetly. he sat on a large stone. she wore
pink watches. (on record)

What is the woman most probably doing?

a. The woman sat on a rock and smiled.

b. The woman is fixing her pink watch.
c. The woman was standing enjoying the breeze.
d. The view was very beautiful, but the lady was not happy.
Analisa: beberapa tes diatas valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: mencocokkana jawaban
berdasarkan informasi dalam rekaman yang mendeskripsikan gambar. Tes tersebut reliable,
mudah di jawab siswa karena jawabannya pasti sama dan tidak berubah jika dites berulang kali.

C. Information transfer: chart-filling

 Based on syllabus: mencocokkana jawaban berdasarkan informasi dalam rekaman.
 Objective: the objective of this item is recognition of procedure text. Tujuan dari tes ini adalah
untuk menguji sejauhmana siswa mampu mencocokkan jawaban berdasrkan informasi yang
didengar dan mencocokkannya kedalam tabel.

Test-takers hear:
Now you will hear information about how to make spicy fried rice. The information will be
given twice. The first time just listen carefully. The second time, there will be a pause after
each sentence. Fill in the steps blank with the correct information. The example has already
been filled in.

You will hear: what are the ingredients to make spicy fried rice and step by step.
You will fill in the steps to provide the information.
Now, listen to the information about how to make spicy fried rice. Remember, you will first
hear all the sentence, then you will hear each sentence separately with time to fill in your

How to Make Spicy Fried Rice


• Two plates of rice • Butter or vegetable oil

• Five chillies • An egg
• 1 clove of garlic • Soy sauce
• 3 colves of onion bawang merah • Salt


1. Firstly, puree chillies, garlic, and onion by using pestle. Or, for the easier way, you can use
blender as the alternative.
2. Then, heat the vegetable oil of butter on a pan.
3. Next, add the puree seasoning on the hot oil.
4. After that, add the egg and stir it well. Mix them on the pan. You may add more egg to get
more tasty fried rice.
5. Then, add the other ingredients such as chicken, sausages, beef, mushrooms, and pea.
6. Next, add salt and sweet soy sauce.
7. After that, add the rice and mix them well.
8. Before serving it, taste it first to make sure that the taste is good enough.
9. Finally, the spicy fried rice is ready to serve.
Now listen a second time. There will be a pause after each sentence to give you time to fill in
the chart.

31. Test-takers fill in the blank:

FIRSTLY puree chillies, garlic, and onion by using pestle.



THIRD the puree seasoning on the hot ________________








Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: mencocokkana jawaban berdasarkan
informasi dalam rekaman yang mendeskripsikan gambar. Tes ini reliable karena ketahanan tes
ini dapat diandalkan, dan jawabannya akan tetap sama seperti itu.

Sentence Repitition
 Based on syllabus: menulis kembali kalimat-kalimat dalam bentuk komparatif.
 Objective: the objective of this item is recognizing of the description. This item is used to
test how well the test-takers comprehend the description of a process.

Direction: listen carefully and try to comprehend all points you have listened!
Test-takers hear:


Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like duckbill. Platypus is a
native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.
Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick,
and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus' eyes and head are
small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light.

Platypus lives in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually dig burrows in the streams
or river banks. The burrows are blocked with soil to protect it from intruders and flooding. In the
other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow to stay.

32. What is the size of the platypus body? Please retell based on what you listened!
Answer: _____________________________________
( jawaban yang tepat ada di paragraf kedua)

33. What is the female platypus’ habit? Please retell based on what you listened!
Answer: _____________________________________
( jawaban yang tepat ada di paragraf ketiga)

Test-takers hear:
My Bestfriend
I have a bestfriend, she is very cute and beautiful, her name is Angle. She is a very diligent and
friendly girl. Many people say that she is a beautiful girl because she is friendly and very

34. Who is Angle?Please retell based on what you listened!

Answer: ______________________________________
( jawabannya: Angle is a beautiful girl because she is friendly and very diligent.)

Test-takers hear:
Rose flower is one of the flower plants that have special characteristics that are seen from several
forms and characteristics of the plant. Rose flowers are usually used as an ornamental plant
because it has beautiful shapes and colors. Rose plants are a group of seed plants in the form of
trees with woody stems.

35. Why roses are often used as an ornamental plant?Please retell based on what you listened!
Answer: _________________________________________
( jawabannya ada di kalimat kedua.)
 Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus syllabus: menulis kembali kalimat-kalimat
dalam bentuk komparatif. Tes ini kurang reliable karena jawabannya bisa saja berbeda-beda.
Tetapi baik untuk pengujian skills siswa seperti listening dan writing.

 Based on syllabus: menulis kembali kalimat-kalimat dalam bentuk komparatif.
 Objective:tujuan dari tes ini adalah untuk menguji sejauh mana peserta mampu menguasai
tes listening, dan untuk menguji kemampuan siswa dalam mendengar dan menulis.
 Direction: Dengarkan dengan seksama rekaman berikut. Rekaman akan diputar sebanyak tiga kali.
Pada pemutaran rekaman yang pertama siswa harus mendengarkan dengan tepat, apa yang
dibicarakan dalam rekaman tersebut. Dan pada pemutaran rekaman yang kedua, rekaman akan lebih
slow, dan sembari mendengarkan siswa juga harus mencatat apa yang mereka dengar dari rekaman.
Dan pemutaran rekaman yang terakhir, kembali normal, dan siswa bisa mengecek kembali hasil
jawaban mereka.

Test-takers hear:
First reading (natural speed, no pauses, test-takers listen for gist):

My lovely mother
I have a lovely mother. Her name is Wati. She is the best mother in the world for me. She
always helps me and is always there whenever I need her or whenever I need a help. She always
listens to my stories and my problems and she likes to give me the best advices.
My mother was born on September, 20th 1968. She has a beautiful face as me, or she is
even more beautiful than me. She has an oval face with chubby cheeks. She has wavy short hair.
Her eyes are black as well as her hair.
My mother has a loud voice because she is a teacher so that she is used to talk loudly so
that all of her students are able to listen to her clearly in the class.Moreover, my mom has a soft
heart. She can easily cry if there is a thing or even a little thing touch her heart.
My mother is a discipline person. Since she was young, my mother is always used to be
discipline and is used to put everything in its place. She likes everything tidy.
My mother is the best mother in the world for me. I want to be like her and I want to
educate my children later in the future just like the way she educates me until I become someone
independent and diligent. I really love my mother.

Second reading (slowed speed, pause at each II break, test-takers write):

My lovely mother
I have a lovely mother.// Her name is Wati.// She is the best mother in the world for me.//
She always helps me// and is always there whenever I need her// or whenever I need a help.// She
always listens to my stories and my problems// and she likes to give me the best advices.//
My mother was born on September,// 20th 1968.// She has a beautiful face as me,// or she
is even more beautiful than me.// She has an oval face with chubby cheeks.// She has wavy short
hair.// Her eyes are black as well as her hair.//
My mother has a loud voice// because she is a teacher so that// she is used to talk loudly
so that// all of her students are able to listen to her clearly in the class.//Moreover,// my mom has
a soft heart.// She can easily cry if there is a thing or even a little thing touch her heart.//
My mother is a discipline person.// Since she was young,// my mother is always used to
be discipline// and is used to put everything in its place.// She likes everything tidy.//
My mother is the best mother in the world for me.// I want to be like her// and I want to
educate my children later in the future just like the way she educates me// until I become
someone independent and diligent.// I really love my mother.//

Third reading (natural speed, test-takers check their work).

36. Write the first paragraph!

Answer: _______________________________

37. Write the second paragragh!

Answer: _______________________________

38. Write the third paragraph!

Answer: ______________________________

39. Write the forth paragraph!

Answer: ______________________________

40. Write the last paragraph!

Answer: ______________________________
Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: menulis kembali kalimat-kalimat dalam
bentuk komparatif. Tes ini kurang reliable karena tes terlalu panjang untuk ditulis kembali setiap
paragraph nya, sehingga akan ada banyak variasi jawaban.

Communicative stimulus-response tasks:

A. Dialogue and multiple-choice comprehension items
 Based on syllabus: mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan informasi dari rekaman.
 Objective: the objective of this item is recognizing of criticize and description of someone’s
problem. In this item, the test-takers’ comprehension of the dialogue will be tested.

Test-takers hear: Directions: Now you will hear a conversation between a guest and Dyah. You
will hear the conversation two times. After you hear the conversation the second time, choose the
correct answer for questions 1-3 below. Mark your answers on the answer sheet provided.

Zeba : “ Hi, Novita. How’s it going today?”

Novita : “ Oh, hi, Zeba. Oh, so-so. I’m a little tired.”
Zeba : “ Really. Why is that? Didn’t you sleep very well last night?”
Novita : “ I slept OK, but not enough. I read a book last night and I just couldn’t put it down.”
Zeba : “ What book was that?”
Novita : “ Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata.”
Zeba : “ You’re a fan of Andrea Hirata, aren’t you? I’ve read some of his novels. I like Sang
Pemimpi. Have you read it?”
Novita : “ Not yet. Is it interesting?”
Zeba : “ It’s a nice novel, actually. I suggest you read the book.”
Novita : “ Can you lend me the book until next week?”
Zeba : “ I’m afraid I can’t. I don’t have it now. Olivia is reading the book.”
Novita : “ Will you let me know if she has finished reading it?”
Zeba : “ Sure, I will.”

41. Why Novita feel tired?

a. Because she read a book last night and I just couldn’t put it down.
b. Because she read a novel, Sang Pemimpi.
c. Because she has finished reading some novels like Sang Pemimpi.
d. Because she afraid.

42. Who is the author of the novels Laskar Pelangi?

a. Zeba
b. Novita
c. Olivia
d. Andrea Hinata

43. “……Olivia is reading the book.” What book is meant?

a. Laskar Pelangi
b. Sang Pemimpi
c. Dilan 90
d. Dilan 91

44. Did Novita sleep very well last night?

a. Yes, she slept OK, but not enough.
b. No, she is not.
c. She always sleep in the morning.
d. She can’t sleep.

45. “….I’ve read some of his novels. I like Sang

Pemimpi….” Who said that sentence?
a. Olivia
b. Zeba
c. Andrea
d. Novita
 Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan
informasi dari rekaman. Dan tes ini reliable karena mudah untuk dijawab dan jawabannya

B. Dialogue and questions on details

 Based on syllabus: mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan informasi dari rekaman.
 Objective: the objective of this item is recognizing of praise. In this item, the test-takers’
comprehension of the dialogue’s details will be tested.

Direction: You will hear a conversation between a Lecturer·and Reno. The tape will play the
conversation twice. After you hear the conversation a second time, choose the correct answers on
your test sheet.

Lecturer : “Where is your homework?”

Reno : “Uhm, I do not do it, Ma’am.”
Lecturer : “Why don’t you do that?”
Reno : “Because I have too many tasks to do. And lately I'm busy preparing for
teaching practice.”
Lecturer : “Do you think this material is not important?”
Reno : “It's not like that, uh, okay, I'm not feeling well right now, my condition is
worsening because lack of rest.”
Lecturer : “It's not my business.”
Reno : “I'm sorry, Ma’am. May I collect my homework afterwards?”
Lecturer : “I give you one day to do it.”
Reno : “Oh my God, hmm, how about 2 days, ma'am?”
Lecturer : “What will you do for these two days? I think that's too long.”
Reno : “All right, ma'am. Tomorrow is ready my homework.”

Test-takers read:

46. Why did Reno not do his homework?

a. Because he is busy preparing for teaching practice.
b. Because he is a lazy man.
c. Because he is busy teaching at school

47. How is Reno's current condition?

a. He is fine.
b. He feels scared.
c. His condition is worsening because lack of rest.
48. How long will Reno do his homework again?
a. two days.
b. One day.
c. Three days.

Analisa: Analisa: tes ini valid karena sesuai dengan silabus: mencocokkan jawaban berdasarkan
informasi dari rekaman. Dan tes ini reliable karena mudah untuk dijawab dan jawabannya

The analysis of validity:

All of these tests are valid, because each material tested is taken from a syllabus of secondary
school. It means that the test-takers have learnt these materials before.

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