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Lizzie Ochs

Miss Burke

Honors World History


The big three, Wilson, Clemenceau, and Lloyd George came together after WWI to sign

the Treaty of Versailles. These three men represented America, France, and Britain. Widespread

trends that were going on in the world at this time and prior to WWI were imperialism,

industrialization, and militarism/warfare. These trends caused WWI because countries liked the

idea of taking over other countries and having an abundance of power. They had pride in their

country and wanted to have a strong military in case of war. The Treaty of Versailles, signed

after WWI, was a settlement that would strive to give peace to all nations, make Germany pay

for the war they caused, and give independence to the smaller countries in the world.

Document 1 includes points from Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen points. Wilson explains

that all foreign troops should be removed from Russia. He also says that Russia should be

allowed to stand on their own feet, but still be welcomed and given assistance when needed.

These points show a peaceful approach by Wilson, with him wanting to help Europe. Document

2 also is a reference from Woodrow Wilson, the American president. He says that all countries

wants and needs should be respected and listened to. He wants to give smaller countries a more

independent fell where they can show their own wants and determinations. He mentions that they

all have to be in agreement of peace with the smaller nations, in allowing them to stand on their

own two feet. In Document 4, Lloyd George speaks of peace. He says the main goal is to protect

the world from another major war. He also says they should demand reparations from Germany.
This is the correct course of action and will help ensure further peace. Once again, in Document

4, Wilson expresses his desire for world peace. He mentions that the U.S. entered the war, not

only to help themselves, but that the world would be a safer place to live. Document 8 shows that

after WWI was over, many countries’ land was restored, and actions were made to help these

countries recover. Some major examples of this were, the west countries helping the independent

nations, until they could stand alone, French territories being restored, Japan gaining back their

Chinese colonies. This assistance helped these countries to recover.

Another aspect of the Treaty of Versailles was that Germany had to pay reparations for

the war. This was just because they caused the war, and it was only fair that they pay, to ensure

peace. In Document 8, Article 159-160 says German military will be reduced. This helps to

ensure Germany won’t be able to cause major damage to neighboring European countries. In

Article 231, Germany accepts responsibility for the war. Document 7 shows how bad Germany

really was. It was so bad that people showed money was of no value to them. People would burn

their money to heat their houses and German children would use the money as a toy. This shows

how unstable Germany’s economy really was. Germany needed help from other nations to help

ensure peace. Document 5 shows peace terms being shoved down Germany’s throat. Germany

probably needed these peace terms to help them get back on track after the war. The big three

were just trying to help Germany be stable again, to ensure peace and prevent another major

world was from occurring.

Document 1 is extremely relevant because it shows Wilson’s intense desire for peace. He

is trying to do and say everything he can to enforce these peaceful actions and help the people in

European countries obtain peace and get back on their feet. Document 2 shows the helping of the

recover of Europe post WWI. Countries in Europe will be given the chance to be independent
with the help when needed. Document 7 can be related to the Great Depression in America.

Around 1911, after the war, Germany’s economy was a disaster. Just like America’s was in the

1930’s. The big three were trying to obtain peace with Germany and the other countries of the

world by signing the Treaty of Versailles.

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