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Lesson Plan

Upper Division, 7th grade: ELA

May 10 Thursday (9:55am)

Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.

Learning Targets (SWBAT) I can create a campaign for social activism.

Questions to ask What is Social Activism? Social Activist?

What is Social Justice?
What are some examples of Activism?
How old do you have to be to be a Social Activist?

Lesson Structure 1. Do Now:

1. Do now: a. Review learning target
10 minutes b. Classroom Expectations
2. Mini c. Define social justice: “the view that everyone deserves
Lesson/Active equal economic, political and social rights and
Learning opportunities.
checking for d. Define Social Activism: influencing public policy for social
understanding justice
15 minutes f. I will be more cautious of my gender references. For
3. Guided example, “you guys”. Everytime I say it I will do 3 push
Practice/Active ups. Instead of you guys, I will say “changemakers”
Learning/check 2. Watch video of 11 year old girl speaking out against gun
for violence: ​
understanding a. Discussion: How old do you have to be to be a social
strategy Activist?
10 minutes b. Who is she representing? Why?
4. Application c. What does she want to change?
“You d. What did she do to address her concern?
do”/checking for e. What does walking out symbolize?
understanding 3. What kind of Social Activist do you want to be today?
strategy a. Examine your own biases, backgrounds, and beliefs. I
35 minutes chose to change how I address people
5. Exit ticket/ b. Show examples from website:
Debrief/ Next
steps c. Students create in groups their own social activist goal
10 minutes 4. Students complete worksheet: creating a campaign
5. Students share their campaigns

Differentiation: Purposeful grouping

Support Extend Provide support for small groups
Extra Materials for Scaffolding: glossary of definitions on the worksheet
unable to follow along

Assessment for Exit slip

Learning Participation in discussion

Homework none

Social Activism:
-video of 11 year old speaking out against gun violence

I need:
White board & pens
Poster paper

Students need:
Binder paper

To print:

1. Do Now: ​7 minutes
a. Review learning target
b. Classroom Expectations
-stay seated
-raise your hand, do not call out Ms. Jones or it is a demerit
-voice level=low, talking to only your group
c. Define Social Activism​ is
how a citizen zeroes in on a problem, formulates a
solution, then does the work necessary to see that
solution come to life.
Define social justice​: the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political
and social rights and opportunities.
2​. Watch video​ of 11 year old girl speaking out against gun violence: ​5 minutes
d. Discussion​: ​5 minutes
i. How old do you have to be to be a social Activist?
ii. Who is she representing? Why?
iii. What does she want to change?
I will be more cautious of my gender references. For example, “you guys”. Everytime I say it I
will do 3 push ups. Instead of you guys, I will say “changemakers”

3. Students create in groups their own social activist goal​ 5 minutes

iv. “Know that not all students feel the same
way about these issues.​”
a. Show examples on ​

4. Students create their own campaign ​20 minutes

5. Students share the campaigns they chose and the campaigns they created ​10 minutes
Name of ALL group members:_______________________________

Social Activism:
how a citizen zeroes in on a problem,
formulates a solution, then does the
work necessary to see that solution
come to life
1. Go to ​
2. Find one organization you & your group would want to participate in and describe it.

When we have time, we could do​ ____________________________________________.

This campaign is helping​ ____________________________________________​by​__________

3. Create your own social activist campaign

Cause: ​(see the list on for ideas on causes)

Problem: ​Write down a fact about the problem.

The Solution​: Your creative idea that could help solve this problem.

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