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Medallion Report Card

Book Title: Spark Out
Author: n/a
Genre: Thriller

Our decision regarding your book was based on the following assessment. For more details about this process please read the
ABOUT US/HOW WE DO IT section of our website.


The book was rated on the following criteria using this scale:
5 = Excellent, 4 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 2 = Poor, 1 = Very Poor, 0 = Not Rated

Title 4
Intriguing, forceful, appropriate to the story

Cover 4
Striking, professional looking, appropriate to the story

Plot 5
Original, compelling, engaging, coherent

Characters 5
Interesting, appealing, believable

Dialogue 5
Authentic, quotable, advances the story

Writing Style 5
Distinctive voice, pleasing rhythm, evocative

Chapters 4
Logical flow, advance the story, build momentum

Copy Editing 5
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choice

Content (Developmental) Editing 5

Structure, coherence, continuity, accuracy

Formatting 4
Front matter, layout, font

Additional Comments

To be honest I only picked this book as there was not much to choose from - best of a bad lot, I thought and boy! was I wrong.
This is an absolute gem of a book. There were times when I just couldn't put it down. It was not only the main story line about
Big Mo and his band of villains, but the other sub plots of his long suffering wife and little Chucky that really made this a
brilliant novel. Some characters who you wouldn't want to meet in a back alley - but they all have their human side too.
Some parts were tough to take due to their violent nature but overall the book is well worth it. The author paints a vivid word
picture of the time and place. He also deftly captures the good, the bad and the ugly elements of the human soul.

Wow! What a great read. The story is down and dirty, visceral, occasionally violent and yet it is also engaging and strangely
compelling. The author has a great street voice and skillfully weaves anger, passion and pathos into his story. I truly had a
hard time putting it down and I look forward to the book for which this was a prequel. Bravo.

In addition to the numerical ratings, we ask our readers to leave a few brief comments or suggestions to help an author
enhance their writing skills, especially if the reader is unable to rate a book on one or more of the above criteria. Please
note, however, that not all readers choose to leave a comment.

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