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Science Lesson Plan Template (50pts)

Teacher Candidate: Sarah Rhoades

Lesson Overview 

Title: Seeds on the Move

Big Idea/Focus Question: How do plants disperse their seeds and why is this important?

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Common Core Standards:  -Plants depend on water and light to grow (SCI)
Science: -Plants depend on animals for pollination or to move their seeds around (SCI)
Science:?? -Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words
Reading: and phrases in a text (READING RI.1.4) (​Words: migrate, burr, swished,
Writing: riverbank, pellet)
Math: -With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or
Social Studies: gather information from provided sources to answer a question (WRITING
3pts W.1.8)
-Draw a picture graph and bar graph to represent a data set with up to four
categories. Solve simple put-together, take-apart, and compare problems using
information presented in a bar graph (MATH 2.MD.D.10) --
-Collaboration requires group members to respect the rights and opinions of
others (SS Civic Participation and Skills Gr 1 #9)

Instructional Objectives:  -I can explain what basic needs seeds need to grow. (SCI)
Kid-friendly “I can” statements for -I can describe several different ways that seeds can be dispersed. (SCI)
each standard.
Science: -I can explain why it is important for seeds to be dispersed. (SCI)
Science: -I can ask and answer questions to find the meaning of words and phrases in a
Science: text. (R)
Reading: -I can recall information from experiences or other sources to answer a
Writing: question. (W)
Social Studies: -I can draw a picture or bar graph to represent a data set with up to four
3pts categories. (M)
-I can work in my group and respect my fellow group members (SS)

Instructional Materials,  Picture book: “Who Will Plant a Tree” by Jerry Pallotta. Illustrated by Tom
Equipment & Technology: ​List Leonard.
the texts, materials & technology Fluffy mittens
the teacher & students will use Seeds
during the lesson. 1pt
Video: Seed Song -- ​

Safety Concerns:​ List materials Seeds will be used during experiment. It could be possible that children swallow
or parts of the lesson where seeds.
safety will need to be addressed Another concern is that a student may be allergic to seeds.
in the lesson. 1pt We will have to make sure that we take precautions before the lesson.

Possible Misconceptions:  Plants are not alive. Leaves take in water. Soil provides a support structure and
Briefly describe the possible food for plants. Seeds are small objects (macaroni… macaroni will grow if
misconceptions students may planted). Seeds are all inside, grass and trees don’t have seeds, seeds won’t
have about the concept grow if taken from a fruit. If a child swallows a seed, it will not grow inside their
addressed in this lesson. 2pts stomach.

Lesson Procedures
Engage-​-Sierra (15min)

❏ to assess and activate prior knowledge.
❏ to capture students’ interest.
❏ to pose questions based on the objectives that the students will try and answer during the explore phase. 2pts

Activities:​ How will you (Done With Whole Class)

accomplish the purpose above ● Ask Questions: What are seeds? What do we know about them? What
(reading, demonstration, video, are they for?
crazy statistics, interesting ● Read Aloud
pictures)? Note if activities are
independent, partners, small
group, or whole class.​ ​2pts

Guiding Questions:​ What ● What animals did we see in the book?

questions will you ask to guide the ● What seeds did we see?
activities? 2pts ● How did the acorn get planted?

Assessment:​ How will the ● Have students draw a picture of their favorite way a seed may travel.
students sum up or assess what ● Have them discuss in groups what they drew and how that seed is
they have done in (teacher actually dispersed.
observation, small group ● The teacher will go around and listen in and look at the pictures the
discussion, class discussion, students drew.
notebook/journal, lab write-up,
oral presentation, poster,
quiz/test)?​ ​2pts
Explore -- ​ Morgan (30-35 min)

❏ to decipher what hands-on/minds-on activities the students will be doing.
❏ to decide how students will use the materials for discovery.
❏ to ask the big idea/focus question to guide the students’ exploration.
❏ to gage responses to questions asked about the exploration. 2pts

Activities: ​How will you Animal/Human (Mitten)

accomplish the purpose above Station #1
(build models, collect data, make ● Students will work in small groups for 3-4 minutes each to observe how
and test predictions)? Note if animals/humans assist in the dispersal of seeds
activities are independent, ● Students will be given 3 trays
partners, small group, or whole ○ tray one: ____ seeds
class. 2pts ○ tray two: ____ seeds
○ tray three: ____ seeds
● Students will...
○ Put on glove (maybe sock)
○ Push hand into first tray
○ Push hand into second tray
○ Push hand into third tray
○ Push hand into first tray
● ***Questions to be answered in Notebook Chart
○ Predict which dispersal way the station represented
○ Is it a good or bad way?

Station #2
● Students will work in small groups for 3-4 minutes each to observe how
water assists in the dispersal of seeds
● Students will be given a tray of water with floating seeds and a straw
● Students will…
○ Use the straws to blow seeds around
○ See if they can move seeds from one side of tray to other
● ***Questions to be answered in Notebook Chart
○ Predict which dispersal way the station represented
○ Is it a good or bad way?

Fan (wind)
Station #3
● Students will work in small groups of 3-4 minutes each to observe how
wind assists in the dispersal of seeds
● Students will be given 3 different types of seeds and a fan
● Students will…
○ Drop seeds in front of fan
○ Observe how the seeds move
● ***Questions to be answered in Notebook Chart
○ Predict which dispersal way the station represented
○ Is it a good or bad way?

Station #4
● Video ​
● Students will…
○ Watch video
● ***Questions to be answered in Notebook Chart
○ Predict which dispersal way the station represented
○ Is it a good or bad way?

Station #5
● Students will…
○ Stand at station
○ Hold pinecone out in their hand and drop it
● ***Questions to be answered in Notebook Chart
○ Predict which dispersal way the station represented
○ Is it a good or bad way?

Guiding Questions:​ What Begin activity by asking:​ what have we been talking about so far?
questions will you ask to guide the → Guide them towards answer of plants and seeds
activities? 2pts From there ask what we know about plants? What do they need to grow big
enough to make their own seeds?
→ Guide towards sunlight, nutrients and water
So when plants get sun and water, they can grow big enough to make seeds of
their own. What then happens to those seeds to move them around? Let’s think
back to our book?
→ Guiding answers towards animals, water, wind, force, and gravity

Assessment:​ How will the **Prediction which way seeds move the farthest?
students sum up or assess what ** seeing their charts as they are working at stations
they have done in (teacher
observation, small group
discussion, class discussion,
notebook/journal, lab write-up,
oral presentation, poster,
quiz/test)?​ ​2pts
Explain --​ Allie ​(at least 10 minutes)
❏ to allow students to share what they have discovered.
❏ to introduce the vocabulary that connects to the learning.
❏ to create questions or techniques that will help students connect their discovery to the concept.
❏ to gage responses to questions asked about the explanation. 2pts
Key Vocabulary: ​List the science ● Seed: a small unit of a plant that will reproduce
vocabulary from the lesson along ● Dispersal: how things are moved over a large area
with the definitions. 2pts ● Dormant: a seed that is living but is not growing yet
● Force: a physical action or movement from strength or energy
● Gravity: the force that pulls all objects towards the center of the earth
Activities​: How will you 1. Discuss the chart that they made in Explore of the stations and their
accomplish the purpose above predictions of which methods were which. Go over all five stations as a
(class discussion, taking minimal whole class and what each method is really called, and tell them the
notes, creating diagrams)? Note if correct method for each station.
activities are independent, 2. After that discussion with the whole class, display all five vocabulary
partners, small group, or whole words with their definitions.
class. 2pts 3. Then, I will prompt the whole class by asking them to think about the
book and the stations and then come up with a sentence in their group
that incorporates as many vocabulary words as they can while still
making sense. I will tell the whole class that whichever group comes up
with the most accurate sentence with the most vocabulary words will
receive candy.
4. While each group shares their sentence with the whole class, I will keep
a tally on the board of how many vocabulary words each group uses.
Whichever group has the most will “win.” If there is a tie, we will have the
class put their head down and vote.

Guiding Questions:​ What ● What do the stations represent?

questions will you ask to guide the ● How were the seeds dispersed in Station 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?
activities? 2pts ● Think back to the book we read and the stations we did--how can you
use what we talked about there to create a sentence describing our
vocabulary words? Make sure you use the words to tell us what they

Assessment:​ How will the ● The sentences the groups come up with will be the assessment. The
students sum up or assess what sentences will show their understanding of the content and their
they have done in (teacher understanding of the vocabulary words.
observation, small group
discussion, class discussion,
notebook/journal, lab write-up,
oral presentation, poster,
quiz/test)?​ ​2pts
Elaborate -- ​Carolyn ​(10 min)
❏ to achieve a deeper understanding of the concept.
❏ to apply the new knowledge in their daily lives or a new situation.
❏ to identify and correct any remaining misconceptions. 2pts

Activities:​ How will you - ask the whole class why seed dispersal is important?
accomplish the purpose above - A: because plants need to get enough sunlight, water, and
(build models, collect data, make nutrients to support themselves.
and test predictions-could be on a - tell the class to stand up and pick a spot in the room--do NOT move your
smaller scale, or even using feet from your spot.
technology)? Note if activities are - teachers will go in different places around the room and throw colored
independent, partners, small smarties in the air to represent sunlight, H2O, and nutrients
group, or whole class. 2pts - students have to try to get all of the necessary things to live without
moving their feet and only reaching their arms out.
- discuss what type of dispersal method was used in the activity and have
each student write their favorite method on a sticky note and put it on the
bar graph on the board

Guiding Questions:​ What - why is seed dispersal important?

questions will you ask to guide the - in our activity, what type of seed dispersal was used?
activities? 2pts - was it successful or unsuccessful? why?

Assessment:​ How will the

students sum up or assess what - whole group discussion and activity
they have done in (teacher
observation, small group - at the end of the activity, students will discuss with their table their
discussion, class discussion, favorite type of seed dispersal and why?
drawing/chart/table/diagram, - students will put their sticky notes on a bar graph and will record the data
notebook/journal, lab write-up, in their science notebooks
oral presentation, poster,
quiz/test)?​ ​2pts
Evaluate​:Sarah ​(5-10 min)

❏ to assess the students after the lesson is completed.
❏ to allow students to demonstrate that they have achieved the science lesson objectives.
❏ to allow students to summarize the big idea/focus question. 2pts

Assessment: ​How will you ● Students will be given an assessment over the information through a
accomplish the purpose above cartoon strip
(teacher observation, small group ● Cartoon strip:​ students will pick one seed of their choice from the types
discussion, class discussion, discussed throughout the lesson, and draw and label a picture to answer
drawing/chart/table/diagram, the questions in each box
notebook/journal, lab write-up, ○ Four boxes:
oral presentation, poster, ■ First box: “What Is Your Seed?”
quiz/test)? 2pts ■ Second box: “What Does It Need To Grow?”
■ Third box: “How Is It Dispersed?”
■ Fourth box: “Why Is It Dispersed This Way?”
● Have members from each table come up to the front of the room and
show/explain their answers to the class
● Compare and contrast the answers between group members
● Leave time for any further questions

Differentiation​: Give a brief Differentiation for Explain:

description of how you could ● Students above grade level:
differentiate the explore, explain, ○ introduce the vocab and have them write down the definitions that
or​ elaborate lesson for: they already know, and then work in a small group to fill in
● students above grade missing definitions
level ○ go over the definitions as a class
● students below grade ○ have them write their own short story individually using the vocab
level words, as well as draw pictures that correlate with each word
● students who are English along the way
language learners 2pts ● Students below grade level:
○ introduce photos/pictures of the vocab words before drawing their
own pictures, so that they get a better understanding of the
○ include more small group discussions throughout the lesson
● ELL students:
○ introduce photos/pictures of the vocab words before drawing their
own pictures, so that they get a better understanding of the
○ have them still draw another picture that correlates with the words
in a small group later

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