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talt tn^4 A
E-V l \.J

. Oral communication uses words with We wrrte srowiy lhan rfit speak
fewer syllables than the written language. Once tlB uttemnce is sp€#ed trlere's no way 2 tal<e it back aN I dies in
lhe #ind Unlike tte wrilten latm ils deurent* atd En be shifted

ln Soaken
. Written English cansists of neat, correst . Yo{.i must kBn the sotind syslem of !h€ lansuage
canlan aac
. You mrist also knor htr lh€ sounds cti5n€a ifi tast spa6{h.
. The Englisi ffd system varies
. Speech usually consists of idea units. h welTT€t{
. we replffi the Deu$s. ir,tffitim atrj tha hesitation that shom itr
sp*ciEs wiF! Pu{dElion {..::-} in yriling.
. Affi1 + s*elirlg
. Diaisclt Yoehjlry

. b€€.Eo . gdy!{}
. lqs . S€*ctra
. "ldortwnagoiotileptrV, .tgotclraHrdykyou
h.Eit*x.rdsbo.irE adclfr.." Repetition is built in to language it seif
. bdy6'l . l&lc &
. bdifia " @,
. at#Ecan'tedt rlhot 'tbhelglo!'rll@!ilftJearlr8
' rertoru," Necessary for effective
. .
. rqddtra*+$rs€rsrtr . hareb
. tqJda . hafia g-oMMuNrcATroN
. "lhafiada6tf6hdE

1-The rciyff rs presrlt jn spokea ErgI+ iSE) hrt abst in wriden
E6siish ('WE)

llYritten: 2- yw ffi Sst into about body langugc md rcysmenl in SE b{J! mt

in WE
I Want to go to the store 3- ihe Gsltres in SE are nesectec s cverlookod but m WE mistakes
#e Be vi$Dle and ffiaued s,hich accsrits {ry tha need tv
r*r€ aaas-dcy in YrE

Spoken : 4-SE is flue*cy bisad while WE is accuracy baacd

I wanna go duh the store s in sE the mrd i3 losl wl'lile in wE the word is presenl in lfont of the
lf you doubt that "to" becomes "duh,"
&rn SE trrs sipl is aDsnt so cannot b€ revrsed rn'l{E lhe ss,pl is
oreEmi and €n ba revised

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