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Create – Applications From Ideas

Written Response Submission Template

Please see Assessment Overview and Performance Task Directions for Student for the task
directions and recommended word counts.

Program Purpose and Development


I made an app using the Thunkable platform that allows users to "text" over wifi
from one android device to another. The purpose of the app is free texting. The
video shows a demonstration of texts being sent to the online database where
they are transmitted to other devices running the app.


The process to make the app work involved a lot of trial and error. Two
incremental points in the development process inculded adjusting font and
component measurements as well as how I wanted the user interface to look.
One difficulty i encountered was correctly linking my app to the Firebase online
database which was resolved by generating a new "token" that was then able to
succesfully link the app and database. Another difficulty was deciding how to
display messages when they are sent. To resolve this I decided to use one label
that updates each time a meassage is sent to the database. All development
described was completed independently.

AP Computer Science Principles Effective Fall 2017 Page 1 of 3


In this block of code, a necessary algorithm for the proper funtioning of the app
is displayed. This is the block that, in connection with the online database,
receives the messages from incoming devices and makes the decision, if the tag
matches, to then display that message. It works together with other algorithms
to pass messages back and forth between users to ultimately serve as a free way
to text online.

AP Computer Science Principles Effective Fall 2017 Page 2 of 3


This procedure uses other procedures to simplify the code and make it look more
concise. This abstraction really manages the codes complexity because there are
several lines of code in each of the inner procedures that really don't need to be
seen in this block, but still allows another programmer to easily understand what
the code is meant to perform.

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