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SSI 3013

Name & matric Marini binti Mohd Isa (D20151070952)

Nor Afifah binti Saaidi (D20151070993)
Ramizah binti Abdull Rahman (D20151070992)

Title Data Logger

Group A
Lecturer’s name Encik Azmi bin Ibrahim


No Title Pages
1. Introduction of data logger 3

2. Advantage and disadvatages of data logger 4

3. Example of data logger : Photosynthesis 5-9

Engage 5

Empower 6-8

Enhance 9

Extension 9

4 Conclusion 10

5 References 10


Data logger is an instrument that collect measurements of temperature, light intensity,

relative humidity, voltage, pressure, on/off and open/closed state changes. Data-logging

implies data collection with storage for later data processing. A data-logging system has three

main components: an interface to link to a computer, sensors and software. While planning to

purchase a data-logging system, the following points need to be considered as well: purchasing

strategy, organising resources, features and prices. Data-logging implies data collection with

storage for later data processing. A data-logging system has three main components: an

interface to link to a computer, sensors and software. While planning to purchase a data-logging

system, the following points need to be considered as well: purchasing strategy, organising

resources, features and prices.

The data logger is first connected to a personal computer. Specific software is then used

to select logging parameters and initiate the logger. The logger records each measurement and

stores it in memory along with the time and date. The logger is then reconnected to the personal

computer and the software is used again to readout the data and view the measurements as a

graph or table showing the profile over time. The data collected can be exported to a

spreadsheet for further manipulation.

There are a few types of data logger and the differences between various data loggers

are based on how they that data is recorded and stored. The basic difference between the two

data logger types is that one type allows the data to be stored in a memory, to be retrieved at a

later time, while the other type automatically records the data on paper, for immediate viewing

and analysis. Many data loggers combine these two functions, usually unequally, with the

emphasis on either the ability to transfer the data or to provide a printout of it.



1. The data logging can work as per its design. Some equipments log data 24 hours a day

and 365 days of year while some logs data only during its predefined period.

2. Measurements are always taken at the right time. Unlike a human the computer will not

forget to take a reading or take a reading too late or too early.

3. It can be used in remote or dangerous situations. Data logging devices can be sent to

places that humans cannot easily get to. For example to the planet Mars, into the bottom

of a volcano, or onto a roof of a tall building to get to a weather station.

4. It is very accurate as likelihood of human error is not there.

5. Graphs and tables of results can be produced automatically by the data logging



1. It requires initial investment cost to start using the data logging service. Moreover the

equipment is expensive for small tasks.

2. Often all the features are not available in data logger equipment and hence requires

modification in the software or application.

3. If data logging equipment malfunctions, some data could be lost or will not be


4. Certain data logging equipment can take readings only during interval configured at

the start.

5. Basic training is needed to use the equipment.



1. Why we said plant needs light for photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis occurs when green plants use the energy of light to convert carbon

dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) into carbohydrates.

2. What is the relationship between the oxygen produced and the reaction of


Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and some bacteria and protists

synthesize sugar molecules from carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight. Photosynthesis

can be divided into two stages which are the light dependent reaction and the light

independent reactions. During the light reactions, an electron is stripped from a water

molecule freeing the oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The free oxygen atom combines

with another free oxygen atom to produce oxygen gas which is then released.

3. How the light affect the photosynthesis?

Without enough light, a plant cannot photosynthesise very quickly, even if there is

plenty of water and carbon dioxide. Increasing the light intensity will boost the speed

of photosynthesis.

Planning and doing your experiment
Title: The rate of photosynthesis by measuring the oxygen.

Sensor : Light and oxygen

Table 1: The rate of photosynthesis

Time (hr) D02 sat. Light level

(%) (%)

0 0 25 75

1 10 79 0

2 20 5 0

3 30 110 55

4 40 20 0

5 50 100 75


Graph 1:
Daily variation of dissolved oxygen and light intensity


1. What does the graph tell you about the changes in dissolved oxygen level during


Based on the graph, dissolve oxygen fluctuating according to light intensity.

2. Why does the oxygen level change?

During the day, photosynthesis occur, the food are converted into energy, plant use

carbon dioxide and released oxygen. When the light intensity is high, the plant produce

more oxygen. Thus, the oxygen level change according to the light intensity.

3. How do the graph change with respect to each other?

As the light intensity increase, the concentration of dissolve oxygen increase.

4. What is the end product of this experiment? State the equation of photosynthesis.

End product of this experiment is glucose and water. Photosynthesis is the conversion

of carbon dioxide and water to synthesize nutrition (energy) in the presence of sunlight,

whilst releasing oxygen as a byproduct.

The equation is given as below:


How photosynthesis can provide energy to humankind?

If we are discussing about photosynthesis, the first thing that across our mind would be a tree

or a plant because this process usually occur in plant. But how is it happened? We consume plant as

our food but how energy can be absorbed into our body?

Plants that stored solar energy in their bodies millions of years ago by means of

photosynthesis, and animals that ate these plants, gave rise to the petroleum or energy with which

we are familiar, underground and under high pressure, after a period of millions of years. Coal and

natural gas came into being in the same way. In short, the solar energy stored in plants thanks to

photosynthesis was placed at our disposal after millions of years had passed.

Similarly, the energy you obtain from the food you eat is simply the solar energy stored by

plants. The energy you obtain from animal foodstuffs is also the energy those animals obtained from

plants. The source of energy is always the Sun, and the system that makes this energy useable by

human beings is always photosynthesis. You cannot acquire the energy you possess by means of any

system other than photosynthesis.


What living organisms are responsible for photosynthesis? What cell organelle is responsible

for the absorption of light in the photosynthesis process in plants and algae?

There are many organisms (including all animals) that do not use photosynthesis. There are

also autotrophic organisms that do not perform photosynthesis but which do perform

chemosynthesis. Plants, algae and cyanobacteria are photosynthetic organisms. In plants and

algae, light is absorbed by chlorophyll, a molecule present in cytoplasmic organelles called



Data logger is another way that can be use in our education system. This is because, by

using this kind of method, we can improve our teaching and learning method. Data logger is

important because it can provide students with critical thinking while they were answering the

question while doing and can provide them a clear instruction on how to do an experiment.

Students also can get involved in class activity if the teacher introduced data logger learning

program. The result provide by data logger also trusted as it gives us an accurate result. It is

also can produced graphs and tables automatically by the data logging software. So it is clear

that data logger can give benefits to the learners especially student during learning process.


Photosynthesis. (2018). Biology Q&As. Retrieved 25 March 2018, from https://www.biology-

Data Logging: Advantages and Disadvantages. (2018).

Retrieved 25 March 2018, from

The vital importance of photosynthesis to life on earth - (2018). Retrieved 25 March 2018, from

Chemistry for Biologists: Photosynthesis. (2018). Retrieved 25 March 2018, from


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