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Teaching Team:  Lesson Topic/Title: 

Emily Steele, Jackson Ritz, William McMahan, Cate  The Real Side to Brazil 
Waggoner, Maya Hook   
Subject Area/Grade Level:  History: May 16th 
6th, 7th, or 8th  O’henry: May 18th 
Objectives/Standards (refer to specific TEKS): (For 8th) 
(3) Geography. The student uses geographic tools to answer geographic questions. The student is expected to:
(A) pose and answer geographic questions, including: Where is it located? Why is it there? What is significant about its
location? How is its location related to the location of other people, places, and environments?;
(B) pose and answer questions about geographic distributions and patterns for various world regions and countries shown
on maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases;
(C) compare various world regions and countries using data from geographic tools, including maps, graphs, charts,
databases, and models; and.
(3) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions
about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to
support their understanding. Students are expected to:
(A) infer the implicit theme of a work of fiction, distinguishing theme from the topic;
Essential Learnings (What do you want the students to learn about your culture?) 
We want the students to learn more about what the real side of Rio De Janeiro is really like. A lot of the 
areas in Brazil are not just beaches and tourism but there are lots of families and real people having to live 
here. We want to leave them knowing more about how the people there actually have to live. Many of the 
communities and slums don’t get any recognition because the government wants to hide that they never try 
to help them. We want to teach them about the corruption from the government and the violence in these 
What will the students be doing? Create a step by step  What will the teachers be doing? How will you 
list of activities that will appeal to a variety of learners:  check for understanding or assess learning? 
(Have kids seperated into groups at different tables when   
the come in)  The teacher can help by making sure the 
(2 min)Introduction​- We are Austin High students...etc…  students say on task.  
(4 min)Ask​- what they think of Brazil, specifically Rio de   
Janeiro.  The teachers will each have a station that they 
(4 min)Tell​- A little about the book and a little about the  are an expert on.  
movie we did.   
(3 min)KWL​- Give them a KWL chart and ask them to fill it  Teachers will be engaging and exited so that the 
out throughout the stations. Do the know part as a class.  kids will want to learn.  
(7 min,25 min overall)Stations​-   
Station 1)Show them some of the cultural aspects of brazil  At the end of every station there will be a little 
such as carnival and let them sample a brigadeiro.   debrief on what you learned.  
Station 2)Show them the slums of rio de janeiro such as   
the one the author of our book lived in and explain how   
corruption has a huge roll in these areas.   
Station 3)Take a few notes on the some facts about the   
police brutality and jails in Brazil.    
Station 4)Learn a few historical facts about brazil,   
including some of the wars and when guns were introduced   
into their societies.   
Station 5)Teach them a cultural dance that is usually   
danced during carnival. Give them masks with feathers to   
put on.    
(5 min)KL Chart​- Ask class what they learned from the   
stations and discuss that as a class.   
Interdisciplinary Connections: (What part of your lesson involves English? What types of activities relate 
to Social Studies?) 
Our lesson plan incorporates parts of english because they will have to write things they either learned or 
knew on a chart. They will also be learning about how a book can involve the culture of a region. 
Levels of Thinking in Lesson:  Closure: 
  Students learn more about culture and corruption in 
__!__ Knowledge (Remember)    other areas of the world. Brazil 
_____ Comprehension (Understand)  
__!__ Application   
__!__ Analysis  
_____ Evaluation (Critique) 
__!___ Synthesis (Create)   
Teaching Team Roles and Responsibilities: (Who will teach which aspect of the lesson? What is each 
person responsible for preparing/bringing/researching/creating?) 
KL Chart-Everyone 
Station 1)Emily 
Station 2)Jackson 
Station 3)Maya 
Station 4)William 
Station 5)Cate 
KL Chart-Everyone 
Station more in depth...
Station 1)
- Have a presentation ready with lots of pictures of brazil and rio de janeiro. Include pictures of some
of the foods there and show them what a brigadeiro is when it is eaten. Give them one and let them eat
-Give them a sample of a brigadeiro

Station 2)
- Showing a short documentary about the slums of rio de janeiro and getting insight from the children
we will be teaching and showing this video to. I will ask how this video changed their view on Rio and
how they might view the city now as a whole.
Station 3)
-Went through a powerpoint of the economy and how it differentiates throughout Rio. I also ask the
students what they already knew.
Station 4)
- Learn a few historical facts about brazil, including some of the wars and when guns were introduced
into their societies. The kids don’t have to take notes during this, just listen.

Station 5)
Student will start off by making some masks. They will have feathers and different decorations to
make them with. Then they will learn to samba and have a samba competition.

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