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Version 2007


September 2007
Table Of Contents
FracproPT 2007 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Getting Started ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Welcome to FracproPT 2007.......................................................................................................................................... 1
What Is New in FracproPT 2007? .................................................................................................................................. 2
System Requirements .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Software Installation ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
WARNING! Attaching the Security Key .......................................................................................................................... 9
Technical Support........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Email Technical Support............................................................................................................................................... 11
How Do I Submit a Problem Report? ........................................................................................................................... 12
Installation Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................................... 13
Installation Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................................... 13
FracproPT Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 53
System Overview.......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Starting a New Input File .............................................................................................................................................. 54
Retrieving Saved Input Files......................................................................................................................................... 55
Saving Input Files and Model Results .......................................................................................................................... 56
Keyboard Help [Shift+F1] ............................................................................................................................................. 57
File Naming Conventions ............................................................................................................................................. 59
FracproPT Main Screen [F2] ........................................................................................................................................ 60
Navigation Tree ............................................................................................................................................................ 62
Fracture Design Mode...................................................................................................................................................... 64
Overview - Fracture Design Mode ................................................................................................................................ 64
Well & Treatment Information - F3 ............................................................................................................................... 65
Fracture Design Options - F4 ....................................................................................................................................... 66
Wellbore Configuration - F7.......................................................................................................................................... 71
Heat Transfer Parameters - Shift + F9 ......................................................................................................................... 84
Reservoir Parameters - F9 ........................................................................................................................................... 86
Multiple Fractures - Shift + F7 .................................................................................................................................... 113
Fluid & Proppant Selection - F5.................................................................................................................................. 115
Treatment Selection - F8 ............................................................................................................................................ 147
Fracture Design Control - F10 .................................................................................................................................... 155
Quick Fracture Design Mode.......................................................................................................................................... 158
Quick Fracture Design Control ................................................................................................................................... 158
FracproPTXPRESS .................................................................................................................................................... 161
Fracture Analysis Mode.................................................................................................................................................. 161
Overview - Fracture Analysis Mode............................................................................................................................ 161
Well and Treatment Information - F3 .......................................................................................................................... 161
Fracture Analysis Options - F4 ................................................................................................................................... 165
Real-Time Use............................................................................................................................................................ 172
Channel Inputs for Model - Shift + F6......................................................................................................................... 175
Wellbore Configuration - F7........................................................................................................................................ 179
Heat Transfer Parameters - Shift + F9 ....................................................................................................................... 193
Reservoir Parameters - F9 ......................................................................................................................................... 196
Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 .............................................................................................................................. 227
Treatment Schedule - F6 ............................................................................................................................................ 269

Table Of Contents

Fracture Analysis Control - F10 .................................................................................................................................. 287

Pressure Analysis ....................................................................................................................................................... 290
Multiple Fractures - Shift + F7 .................................................................................................................................... 349
Quick Minifrac Analysis Mode ........................................................................................................................................ 356
Quick Minifrac Control ................................................................................................................................................ 356
FracproPTXPRESS .................................................................................................................................................... 358
Production Analysis Mode.............................................................................................................................................. 359
Overview - Production Analysis Mode ........................................................................................................................ 359
Well & Treatment Information - F3 ............................................................................................................................. 359
Production Analysis Options - F4 ............................................................................................................................... 360
Channel Inputs for Model - Shift + F6......................................................................................................................... 363
Reservoir Parameters - F9 ......................................................................................................................................... 367
Wellbore Configuration - F7........................................................................................................................................ 374
Fracture Parameters and Proppant Selection - F5..................................................................................................... 375
Production Analysis Economic Data - F8 ................................................................................................................... 383
Well Production - F6 ................................................................................................................................................... 385
Production Analysis Control - F10 .............................................................................................................................. 391
Production Matching - Ctrl + F8.................................................................................................................................. 392
Quick Comparison ...................................................................................................................................................... 395
Reservoir Simulator File Generation (F10) ................................................................................................................. 396
Economic Optimization................................................................................................................................................... 418
Overview - Economic Optimization Mode................................................................................................................... 418
Based on Fracture Dimensions .................................................................................................................................. 418
Based on Treatment Schedule ................................................................................................................................... 505
FracproXCHANGE ......................................................................................................................................................... 596
FracproPTXCHANGE ................................................................................................................................................. 596
Viewing Output - Numeric Display, Plots and Pictures .................................................................................................. 597
Screen Templates....................................................................................................................................................... 597
Numeric Output and Display....................................................................................................................................... 599
System Messages - Alt + F1....................................................................................................................................... 608
Report Setup - Shift + F2............................................................................................................................................ 608
FracproPT Data Plots ................................................................................................................................................. 614
FracproPT Data Pictures ............................................................................................................................................ 649
Printing FracproPT Output.......................................................................................................................................... 678
Comparing Output from Different Simulations............................................................................................................ 681
Wellbore Schematics .................................................................................................................................................. 684
3D Wellbore Viewer .................................................................................................................................................... 686
Logs Viewer / Layers Editor........................................................................................................................................ 691
Exporting, Importing, & Editing Data .............................................................................................................................. 735
Data Conversion and Editing - Ctrl + F3..................................................................................................................... 735
ASCII Data Output ...................................................................................................................................................... 736
Importing Treatment Data with DataConvertPT ......................................................................................................... 740
Editing Treatment Data with DataEditPT.................................................................................................................... 741
Model Recording......................................................................................................................................................... 742
Real-Time Data Acquisition (DataAcqPT) ...................................................................................................................... 744
Real-Time Data Acquisition (DataAcqPT) .................................................................................................................. 744
Configuring FracproPT ................................................................................................................................................... 744
Screen Templates....................................................................................................................................................... 744
FracproPT Model Parameters - Shift + F3.................................................................................................................. 747

FracproPT 2007

System Configuration ................................................................................................................................................. 767

Tutorials.......................................................................................................................................................................... 775
Fracture Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................ 775
Fracture Design and Optimization .............................................................................................................................. 795
Production Analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 797
Editing a Database ..................................................................................................................................................... 799
Minifrac Analysis......................................................................................................................................................... 803
Examples........................................................................................................................................................................ 809
Fracture Analysis - Realistic Dimensions Example .................................................................................................... 809
Fracture Analysis - Tortuosity Example ...................................................................................................................... 813
Technical Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 816
Overview..................................................................................................................................................................... 816
Wellbore Model........................................................................................................................................................... 816
Fracture Geometry Model........................................................................................................................................... 818
Leakoff Model ............................................................................................................................................................. 822
Heat Transfer Models ................................................................................................................................................. 824
Proppant Transport Model .......................................................................................................................................... 826
Acid Fracturing Model................................................................................................................................................. 827
Production Analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 827
Real-Data Fracture Pressure Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 852
4 Basic Steps.............................................................................................................................................................. 852
Net Pressure Matching Guidelines ............................................................................................................................. 854
Real-Time Use............................................................................................................................................................ 859
Detailed Guidlines and Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 860
Technical References..................................................................................................................................................... 877
Technical References ................................................................................................................................................. 877
Technical Reference for ResSim Interface ................................................................................................................. 883
What Was New in Prior Versions? ................................................................................................................................. 888
What Was New in FracproPT 10.3? ........................................................................................................................... 888
What Was New in FracproPT 10.2 ............................................................................................................................. 889
What Was New in FracproPT 10.1 ............................................................................................................................. 892
What Was New in FracproPT 10.0 ............................................................................................................................. 895
DataAcqPT - Data Acquisition Server ............................................................................................................................ 900
DataAcqPT - Table of Contents.................................................................................................................................. 900
DataAcqPT - Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 900
DataAcqPT - Main Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 900
DataAcqPT - Display and Control Bar ........................................................................................................................ 902
DataAcqPT - Status Bar ............................................................................................................................................. 904
DataAcqPT - Data Acquisition Setup Wizard ............................................................................................................... 904
DataConvertPT - Convert and Merge ASCII Data ......................................................................................................... 921
DataConvertPT - Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... 921
DataConvertPT - Overview......................................................................................................................................... 922
DataConvertPT - Functions: Menu Bar ...................................................................................................................... 922
DataConvertPT - Functions: Input File Window ......................................................................................................... 923
DataConvertPT - Handling Time-Based Input Data ................................................................................................... 924
DataConvertPT - Handling Depth-Based Input Data.................................................................................................. 924
DataConvertPT - Build Custom Input Format Screen ................................................................................................ 925
DataConvertPT - ASCII Data Output .......................................................................................................................... 926
DataEditPT - Database Editor ........................................................................................................................................ 926

Table Of Contents

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 926

DataEditPT - Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 926
DataEditPT - Database Plot Window.......................................................................................................................... 927
DataEditPT - Cursor Editing Mode ................................................................................................................................. 927
DataEditPT - Editing Functions .................................................................................................................................. 928
DataEditPT - Edit Channel Data Screen .................................................................................................................... 928
DataEditPT - Channel Information Screen ................................................................................................................. 930
DataEditPT - Preferences Screen .............................................................................................................................. 930
Channel Preferences .................................................................................................................................................. 931
Plot Preferences - Channel Info ................................................................................................................................. 933
Frame Preferences - Frame ....................................................................................................................................... 935
DataEditPT - Menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 936
DataEditPT - Toolbar .................................................................................................................................................. 938

FracproPT 2007
Getting Started
Welcome to FracproPT 2007
The FracproPT system is specifically designed to provide engineers with the most comprehensive tools for hydraulic
fracturing design and analysis. More than just another hydraulic fracture model, practical utilization of actual treatment
data is the central theme that separates FracproPT from competing products. The use of real data offers engineers much
better understanding of their well's response, with resulting procedures that reflect the reality of what is occurring in the
reservoir, before, during, and after fracture treatments.
FracproPT was developed for Gas Research Institute's (GRI) Gas Supply Program. It is being used in many commercial
applications on gas, oil, and geothermal reservoirs throughout the world. The lumped-parameter 3D fracture model (which
should not be confused with so-called pseudo-3D models) adequately represents the level of complexity and reality of
hydraulic fracturing.
FracproPT was developed to implement the insight gained from observing actual fracture treatments, as well as results
obtained from properly scaled laboratory models. It uses lumped-parameter functional coefficients determined from these
sources to solve reliably and efficiently for fracture dimensions, proppant placement, and net fracturing pressure. Further
details on the general approach may be found in the FracproPT Technical Description and Reference sections of Help.
What Can You Do with FracproPT?

There are four modes of operation on the MAIN screen [F2] providing fracture treatment design and analysis
functions coupled with reservoir simulation. These modes are described in detail in their respective sections in Help.

Relationship between FracproPT operation modes.

Fracture Design Mode

FracproPT 2007

This mode generates a design treatment schedule. The user enters desired dimensionless conductivity and can evaluate
economic fracture half-length optimum. FracproPT helps the user in proppant and fluid selection and generates a
suggested treatment schedule for achieving desired length and conductivity.

Fracture Analysis Mode

This mode allows detailed pre-frac design, real-data analysis, and net pressure history matching. The real-data analysis
may be either in real-time, or post-frac with previously acquired real data. This mode allows estimation of the created
fracture geometry, determine fracture closure stress using minifrac analysis, and analysis of near-wellbore tortuosity to
determine premature screen-out potential.

Production Analysis Mode

This mode is used to predict or history match the production behavior of fractured or non-fractured wells. In this mode,
FracproPT passes the proppant-concentration profile determined from its fracture propagation and proppant transport
models to a reservoir simulator where the effect on well productivity is modeled. This is essential for evaluating success of
past treatments and relevant economics of future treatments.

Economic Optimization Mode

This mode connects FracproPT's fracture analysis mode with its production analysis mode in a treatment-size
optimization loop. This mode is used to roughly scope, and then accurately determine, the economically optimal treatment

What Is New in FracproPT 2007?

FracproPT version 2007 is the seventh version of Gas Technology Institute’s (GTI) revolutionary fracture-stimulation
engineering software from Pinnacle Technologies.
To learn more about us, visit the World Wide Web page of Pinnacle Technologies.
Pinnacle Technologies was licensed by GRI in late March 1999 to develop, support, and market their FracproPT fracture
analysis system.
We have made significant enhancements, and we have added numerous useful new features in FracproPT version 2007.
Our goals for this release were improving ease-of-use, adding important information in the proppant and fluid libraries,
providing the user with new modes allowing quick designs and diagnostic analysis as well as incorporating many other
user requests.
Some of the major changes and additions to FracproPT version 2007 are:
New FracproPT Modes

• FracproXPRESS Design mode: Single screen Fracture Design

• FracproXPRESS Minifrac mode: Single screen Minifrac Analysis
• FracproXCHANGE: Limited version of FracproPT. Wellbore-only mode, without fracturing simulator
and its associated screens
New Modules

• Log Analysis Wizard for Log-Layer Editor for Layers tab of Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen
• Halliburton Material Library:
o Add / Select Halliburton Fluid screen from Fluid Selection tab of Fluid and Proppant
Selection - F5 screen
o Edit Halliburton Fluid screen from Fluid Selection tab of Fluid and Proppant Selection
- F5 screen
• Save screen lay-out in templates: in main menu View > Screen Templates > Template Manager
and View > Save Screen Layout
New or Redesigned Screens

• Select Proppant screen: from Proppant Selection tab of Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5
• Plot Display List - Alt + F8 screen
• Numeric Display: display real-time data in separate, configurable screens
New Screen Tabs

• Fracture Diagnostic Results tab for Well&Treatment Information - F3 screen

FracproPT 2007

• Fracture Extension Pressure tab for Minifrac Analysis - Shift + F8 screen

• Excel Report Content tab: for Report Setup - Shift + F2 screen
New Plots

• Proppant Sieve Distribution plot: Sieve Dist. button in Proppant Data screen
New Plot Functionality

• Step-Down Test Analysis Plot: improved tool automatically locates step-down test, zooms in, and
inserts re-designed step markers
• Minimum, Maximum, Average values: for XY plot channels over user-selected time periods (in XY
plot, Cursor Editing Mode, select begin point on curve, select Begin button, select end point on curve,
select End button, from main menu select Plot > Edit > Channel Min/Max)
• Improved XY plot begin / end dividers for time axis: for staging, step-down, min/max/average (green
and red vertical lines with white horizontal bar at the top of the plot)
• Floatable XY plots: can be placed outside of main FracproPT screen (Floating Plot button in Plot
Display List - Alt + F8 screen)
• Display coordinates for points when they are not on a channel curve (but, for example, on a tangent
• Color schemes for plots: full color instead of 16 colors
New Functionality

• Fully automatic interaction between FracproPT and DataAcpPT

o No operator intervention necessary
o No need to define maximum acquisition time
o Change incoming channel number, order and definition on the fly during real-time data
• Set Lithology Properties dialog: for General Single Scale Reservoir Data-Entry, in Reservoir
Parameters - F9 screen, in Layers tab, double-clicking on row headers for Stress, Young's
Modulus, Poisson's Ratio, Fracture Toughness, Composite Layering, and Pore Fluid
• Set Values dialog: in Treatment Schedule - F6 screen, in Design / Actual Treatment Schedule
tab, double-clicking on row headers for Flow Rate, Prop Conc, and Stage Length
• Current Flush Volume counter: in 1D / 2D Schematic Wellbore View screen
• Resizable screens: Treatment Schedule - F6 screen, Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen, and Plot
Display List - Alt + F8 screen
• Compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista operating system
New Input Fields and Controls

• Additional Properties tab of Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen

• HC Type section with Gas Well or Oil Well radio buttons
• Drainage Area section with X-Direction Extent, Y- Direction Extent, and Well Spacing fields
• Suggest Viscosity and Compressibility button
• Proppant Selection tab of Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen
• Source column
• Proppant Data screen
• Source, Date of Measurements, Independent Lab Verification, and Comments fields
• Turbulence Coeff a / b Low / High Stress, and Threshold Stress fields
• Stress Cycle Exponent field
• Sieve Dist button in Plot Data field
• Proppant Perm Damage screen

FracproPT 2007

• Suggest value based on fluid type drop-down listbox

• Fracture Filter Cake section with Fracture Filtercake Thickness field and Include Filtercake
effects on Fracture Conductivity checkbox
• Additional Damage Effects section with Include effect of temperature on proppant
permeability checkbox and Include effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability
• Permeability Diagram, Conductivity Diagram, and Beta Factor Diagram buttons
• Design Treatment Schedule tab of Treatment Schedule - F6 screen
• Edit Schedule button in Fracture Analysis mode
• Treatment Selection - F8 screen in Fracture Design mode,
Fracture Parameters - F5 screen in Production Anaysis mode, and
Treatment Schedule - F6 screen, Design Settings tab in Economic Optimization mode
• Use Effective Propped Length checkbox
New Library Data

• Baker Oil Tools fluids in Fluid Library in Select Fluid screen

• non-Stim-Lab proppants in Proppant Library in Select Proppant screen
New Channels

• Fracture Analysis channel type

• Dimension Channels channel group: Etched Propped Length
• Other Channels channel group: Avg Bottomhole Slurry Rate, Surf Total Proppant Conc,
Dim’ls Cond Ratio, Avg Acid Conc in Frac, Surf Acid Conc
• Production Analysis channel type: Incremental Cash Flow
• Economic Optimization channel type: Final App Prop Len
• Friction Channels channel type: Total Friction, Observed Friction
(in Select Channel screen for data plots)
Improved Navigation

• Βackward and forward icons: in main toolbar

New Help Functionality

• Microsoft HTML Help with many new features instead of Microsoft WinHelp
• Getting Started and Installation Troubleshooting Help with diagnostic / repair applications
Discontinued FracproPT Functionality

• 3D Layered Analytical Model radio button in Model Options section of Production Analysis
Options - F4 screen
• Start Receiving Data from DataAcqPT / Stop Receiving Data from DataAcqPT button in Real-
Time Control - Ctrl + F1 screen
• Min and Max columns in Channel Inputs for Model - Shift + F6 screen: no more clipping of input

System Requirements
FracproPT requires the following resources from your computer system:

• Operating System: Windows NT, 2000, XP, or Vista (Administrator access may be required for
• CPU: Pentium or better
• RAM: 1,024 MB minimum, 2048 MB recommended
• Hard Disk: 150 MB, since FracproPT uses 60 MB for the program and associated files.

FracproPT 2007

• Video Card: 1280 x 1024 minimum

• Com Port: 9 pin serial port, or USB port and USB/serial converter for real-time data acquisition using
DataAcqPT. DataAcqPT can also read real time information from a shared network file.

Software Installation
FracproPT version 10.3 includes a new version of the security-key software from the manufacturer. Therefore, if you
are updating a previously installed network version of FracproPT you must first reinstall the Network License Server
Software on your FracproPT network server computer (that is, as if you were installing for the first time). If you are
updating a previously installed standalone version of FracproPT, there are no additional steps necessary.
Installation Package

• If you have previously installed FracproPT on your computer, this package contains only the
installation CD with your upgrade to Version 10.3.
• If you are installing FracproPT for the first time, there are various combinations for the contents of
this package, based on the following preferences:
ƒ Installation CD and a hardware security key (or "dongle") imprinted with a 5-digit number smaller
than 11000, and a License Activation Disk imprinted with the same 5-digit number. This licensing
option uses Rainbow Technologies’ SentinelLM™ system tied to a dongleID.
ƒ Installation CD and a hardware security key (or "dongle") imprinted with a 5-digit number between
11000 and 20000. This licensing option uses Rainbow Technologies’ Superpro™ system tied to a
ƒ Installation CD and a License Activation Disk imprinted with a 5-digit number larger than 20000.
This licensing option uses Rainbow Technologies’ SentinelLM™ system tied to a DiskID. In this
case, someone from Pinnacle Technologies has requested you to run an application (wechoid.exe)
that reads this disk ID information from your computer, and has used this information to generate
the file on your License Activation Disk.
Installation Instructions

Attach the Security Key

FracproPT utilizes a hardware based security key connected to the computer’s parallel or USB port.
Do not attach the security key during computer boot up, as this may destroy the device. You must attach the security
key either before powering up the computer or after waiting until the Windows desktop appears.
Connecting parallel-port devices other than printers (for example, tape drives, external hard disks, other storage
devices, etc.) may result in destruction of the security key.
• For standalone installations – Attach the security key to the computer on which the software is to be
installed and then proceed with the installation instructions shown below for a single-user or
standalone version of FracproPT.
• For network installations – Ask your system or network administrator to attach the security key to the
network server, and then proceed with Steps 1 through 6 of the installation instructions shown below
for a network version of FracproPT. Once the licensing software is installed on the server, you will
also need to follow Steps 7 through 12 of the installation instructions shown below for a network
version of FracproPT on each client computer where the software will be running. The client
computers do not require a security key when running the network version.
Any computer on your network (that is, in network computing terms, any client computer) can function as the so-
called network server computer for FracproPT. In fact, many network administrators prefer not to use the true
network server for this function.

Installing FracproPT from the installation CD

• The installation will start automatically when you insert the CD.
• If the installation does not start automatically, use Explorer or the Run command to execute the
SETUP.EXE file found in the main folder on the installation CD (for example, D:\SETUP.EXE).

FracproPT 2007

Installing FracproPT from the hard disk

• If you copy the installation CD contents to your hard disk, or if you download FracproPT from our
web page, run the SETUP.EXE file found in the appropriate folder (depending on where you
downloaded or copied the installation files) using either Explorer or the Run command.

Choosing an installation type (Standalone or Network)

• For single-copy licenses, choose Standalone when prompted during the installation and follow the
instructions shown below.
• For network installations, FracproPT ’s network license server software must first be installed on
the network server computer. To do this, select License Server when prompted during the
installation on the network server computer. After restarting the server and ensuring that the network
license server software is running, install FracproPT on any network computer by selecting Network
when prompted during installation and following the instructions shown below.

To install a single-user or standalone version of FracproPT

ƒ Shut down the computer and attach the security key to the printer port (LPT port). For USB key, first install
the software and then insert the USB key after re-starting the computer. Re-start the computer, and then
close all applications that are running, including those that may not be readily visible. To accomplish the
latter, press [Ctrl+Alt+Del] simultaneously to open the Close Program window, then highlight and select
End Task for each application shown except for Explorer and Systray.
ƒ Insert the FracproPT CD. Setup should start automatically; if it does not, use Explorer or the Run
command to execute the SETUP.EXE file found in the main folder on the installation compact disc (for
example, D:\SETUP.EXE).
ƒ Follow the setup instructions on the screen. Click "Next" on the "Welcome", "License Agreement" and
"User Information" screens.
ƒ When you see the Select Components screen during setup, choose Standalone and continue to follow the
ƒ When prompted, enter the five-digit serial number imprinted on your hardware security key and/or License
Activation Diskette.
• If your dongle serial number is smaller than 11000, the setup application will look for a previous
installation. If you have installed FracproPT before, the installation will automatically copy the
license file (named LSERVRC, without a file extension) to the appropriate directory (if you have
chosen the default installation path, this is C:\PROGRAM FILES\PINNACLE
TECHNOLOGIES\FRACPROPT\PROGRAM). If you have not installed FracproPT before,
please insert the License Activation Diskette to complete the installation.
• If your serial number is between 11000 and 20000, you have completed the installation and may
proceed to step 6. The LSERVRC is not used in this case.
• If your License Activation Diskette serial number is larger than 20000, the setup application
will look for a previous installation. If you have installed FracproPT before, the installation will
automatically copy the license file (named LSERVRC, without a file extension) to the appropriate
directory (if you have chosen the default installation path, this is C:\PROGRAM
FracproPT before, please insert the License Activation Diskette to complete the installation.
You do not need a dongle in this case.
ƒ Re-start the computer.

To install a Network version of FracproPT:

Before installing a network version of FracproPT, you must have installed the Network-License Server software on
some computer in your network; that computer can be, but does not have to be, your actual network server. If the
Network-License Server software has already been installed (or upgraded for FracproPT Version 10) on some
computer in the network, skip to 7.
ƒ Close all programs that are running, including those that may not be readily visible. To accomplish the
latter, press [CTRL+ALT+DEL] simultaneously to open the Close Program window, then highlight and
select End Task for each application shown except Explorer and Systray.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Insert the FracproPT CD. Setup should start automatically; if it does not, use Explorer or the Run
command to execute the SETUP.EXE file found in the main folder on the installation compact disc (for
example, D:\SETUP.EXE).
ƒ Follow the setup instructions on the screen. Click "Next" on the "Welcome", "License Agreement" and
"User Information" screens.
ƒ When you see the Select Components screen during setup, choose License Server and continue to follow
the instructions.
ƒ When you get to the "Installing License Code" screen, you are prompted for the current location to the
LSERVRC file. As it is on the floppy, keep the "Path" to a: This should already be selected. Insert the
floppy with the LSERVRC file. This file is now automatically copied to the following directory: C:\Program
Files\Rainbow Technologies\sentLM\Server.
ƒ Re-start the computer. The license server software will automatically start. Make sure that the license
server is running before going to the next step.
ƒ You can now install FracproPT on any computer in the network, including the computer on which the
Network-License Server software is installed, by doing the following:
ƒ Close all programs that are running, including those that may not be readily visible. To accomplish the
latter, press [Ctrl+Alt+Del] simultaneously to open the Close Program window, then highlight and select
End Task for each application shown except Explorer and Systray.
ƒ Insert the FracproPT CD. Setup should start automatically; if it does not, use Explorer or the Run
command to execute the SETUP.EXE file found in the main folder on the installation compact disc (for
example, D:\SETUP.EXE).
ƒ Follow the setup instructions on the screen. Click "Next" on the "Welcome", "License Agreement" and
"User Information" screens.
ƒ When you see the "Select Components" screen during setup, choose "Network" (the second button from
the top) and continue to follow the instructions. Please note that you do NOT need the floppy with the
LSERVRC file for the User computer!
ƒ The first time FracproPT is started, it takes a while before it has found the Network License Server
computer. This may take up to 2 minutes. The next time you start FracproPT, it will remember the
location of the Network License Server, and licence authorization will be faster. In case this does not work,
do the following:
• Open the file "FracproPT_net.txt" using Notepad. You can find this file on the C:\PROGRAM
the word "Network". Save the file and close it.
• Open the file "FracproPT_server.txt" using Notepad. You can find this file on the C:\PROGRAM FILES\PINNACLE
TECHNOLOGIES\FRACPROPT\PROGRAM directory. On the first line, type the IP address (for example: of the Network Server Computer or the path to that computer (for example: \\networkcomputername).
Save the file and close it.
• Try running FracproPT again.

Special Instructions for Installing FracproPT Network License Server

ƒ Before installing the FracproPT license server on one of your server machines, check to see if there are
any existing SentinelLM license servers on your network. Either check with your IT department, or run the
LSWhere.exe program, which is included on your FracproPT installation CD in the \Sentinel\
ƒ If the lswhere program does not show any existing SentinelLM license servers running, then you can
proceed with the standard installation of the license server software on the CD.
ƒ If the lswhere program does show another license server running, then you do not need to install the
license server program again, unless the existing license server is an old version, which is not compatible
with the license file used for FracproPT. This is not too likely, so it is best to first try to use this existing
license server.
ƒ Go to the server machine where the license server is installed (the lswhere program will give you the IP
address of the server) and locate the installation directory of the license server (if you can't find it easily,
just do a search for the file called lservrc). In order to add your FracproPT licenses to the existing licenses
in the lservrc file, you need to open both files, and append the lines from the lservrc file supplied by
Pinnacle to the existing lservrc file on your license server machine. It is good to make a backup copy of the
existing lservrc file before editing it (i.e. lservrc.bak). Once you have modified and saved the lservrc file,
you need to restart the license server program. To do this, simply run the lsrvdown.exe program, giving as
argument the server name (i.e. lsrvdown server01) or shut the server program down using the control
panel and then restart it. Remember, if the license server program is already installed on the server
computer, you shouldn't need to reboot the server machine. If, however, the other SentinelLM licenses you

FracproPT 2007

are using are not locked to a computer ID (dongle) and the Rainbow SuperPro parallel port driver is not
installed on your server, then you may need to reboot the server computer.
ƒ If you have more than one server machine on your network, and you wish to install redundant license
server installations (to ensure availability of licenses, even if one server goes down), you need to also
check to see if the LSHOST environment variable is being used by any applications to force the
applications to look at a particular server. If, for example, you already have ApplicationA, which has a
SentinelLM license server installed on Server01, and you want to install a separate SentinelLM license
server on Server02 for your FracproPT licenses (if there are too many dongles on Server01 already), then
you need to check and make sure that there isn't an LSHOST environment variable set to Server01. If this
is the case, it will force all applications to look for license servers only on Server01, so FracproPT will not
see the new license server installled on Server02. To fix this problem, simply edit your environment
variables, so that LSHOST now equals Server01:Server02. Use a colon to separate different host names.
ƒ Once you have installed the license server, or updated the lservrc file on an exisiting license server, you
should make a test by going to one of your client machines, and running the WLMAdmin program from the
installation CD-ROM. This should show you the IP address of the server where you installed the
FracproPT licenses, and the licenses should show up as Feature 0. If the IP address of the server shows
up, but not the Feature, this means there is a problem with the license file or the parallel port driver.
Double check that the SuperPro driver is correctly installed on the license server machine and that the
dongle is correctly inserted. You can double check this by running the SentinelMedic program on the
license server machine, to make sure that the dongle is communicating with the computer. If the dongle is
being seen, but the license still doesn't work, then the problem could be that the already installed license
server is too old to read the new license files. In this case, you need to replace the existing license server
with the newer version supplied on our CD-ROM. In order to do this, you have to first shut-down the
existing license server (using lsrvdown.exe) then run the license server installation on the CD-ROM.
Remember not to overwrite the existing merged lservrc file, so if you have already merged an existing
lservrc file with the new one supplied with FracproPT, when you run the license server installation press
cancel when it asks you to put in the license diskette.
ƒ Special note for Windows XP: Under Windows XP, the current version of WLMAdmin will not be able to do
a broadcast to find the license server process. In this case, use the option to define a server list to hard
enter the IP address or name of the server in WLMAdmin. Likewise, you will need to specify the name of
the server machine in the FracproPT_server.txt file, as described in the previous section.

What to do with the License Activation Disk?

• If you choose a Standalone installation of FracproPT or you are installing the Network-License
Server software, you will be prompted to insert the License Activation Disk.
• You may, if you wish, copy the contents of the diskette (one file named LSERVRC, without a filename
extension) to your hard disk. If you do this, you will need to remember where this file is and enter that
location when prompted to insert the diskette during installation.
• Remember that there is a specific diskette for each specific security key with a serial number smaller
than 11000. You must have either the diskette itself or its contents available (for example, copied to
hard disk) during installation or re-installation of FracproPT.
• If you are simply installing a new version of FracproPT, you will not need to use the diskette.
Detailed Information about the License Activation Disk
FracproPT uses a security system that may work somewhat differently than what you were used to with other programs
that use hardware security keys.
During the installation process you will be asked to insert the License Activation Disk that comes with your security key.
This diskette contains a file (named LSERVRC) whose contents are an encrypted code that is locked to your security key.
After you insert the diskette, the encrypted code file is copied to the FracproPT program folder (for example,
encrypted code is checked against the security key.

Can I use someone else’s security key with my FracproPT installation?

Yes, you can, even though your installation will not automatically work with any other security key. There are two ways to
accomplish this if you have a key with a number smaller than 11000:

ƒ Rename or copy your own LSERVRC file to a different location and then copy the LSERVRC file that
corresponds to the new security key being used to the FracproPT program folder.
ƒ Alternatively, append the encrypted code from one LSERVRC file to another. You can easily do this by
opening LSERVRC with Notepad or some other text editor and copying into it the encryption code that is
associated with new FracproPT security key. You can have as many license codes in one LSERVRC file
as you want.

FracproPT 2007

If you have a dongle with a number between 11000 and 20000, transfer of the dongle to another computer is sufficient to
make FracproPT run.
If you have a DiskID license, you cannot run FracproPT on any other computers.

What happens if I lose or damage my License Activation Disk or LSERVRC file?

If you lose or damage your diskette, or if the encryption code in LSERVRC becomes corrupted, please contact us and we
will provide you with the original encryption code. In most cases, we can simply email this file to you, and you can copy it
that contains the FracproPT.exe that you want to run.

Note for Windows XP users with a Superpro dongle (dongle number between
11000 and 20000)
On Windows XP - Home Edition as well as Professional Edition - the Sentinel System Driver for the parallel key as well as
the USB key may not recognize the Sentinel SuperPro for a couple of minutes after boot up or until the key is reinserted
into the computer. The service may not load at all if the user is not an administrator and they log on as a non-privileged
According to Rainbow Technologies, this behavior is linked to the Sentinel Service not starting as a system-service,
despite the fact that it is 'automatically' loaded as a user service and should be loaded during start-up of the system. This
is no problem under Windows NT and Windows 2000. However, Windows XP seems to delay the loading of the service
until required to do so. Users will see errors such as 'error -3' 'key not found' which may be interpreted as a key or driver
Please check with your system administrator to do the following steps. Please go to the "Start" button on the bottom left of
the screen, select "Run" and type "regedit". This will allow you to edit the registry. Changes to the registry can have a
significant effect on the performance of your computer, so please consult your system administrator BEFORE you make
this change. For the parallel port driver go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Sentinel and
double click on Start and set Value Data from 2 to 1 (0x00000001). After that, exit the registry after making this change
and start FracproPT.
This solution has been tested successfully by the key manufacturer, Rainbow Technologies. The SuperPro key was
recognized in all instances whereas before it had failed initially until some time after boot up or after an administrator had
logged on.

WARNING! Attaching the Security Key

Do not attach the security key during computer boot up, as this may destroy the device. You must attach the security
key either before powering up the computer or after waiting until the Windows desktop appears.
Connecting parallel-port devices other than printers (for example, tape drives, external hard disks, other storage
devices, etc.) may result in destruction of the security key.

Technical Support
Whenever you have any questions or problems with the software, or when you have suggestions for improvements, we
urge you to contact someone at Pinnacle Technologies. The following resources are available to you:

• Online FracproPT Help system – This should be your first choice in trying to find answers to
whatever questions you may have. From any screen within FracproPT, pushing the F1 button will
take you directly to the Help section related to that screen. The Index of Help can be used to search
for Key-Words related to topics.
• Hardcopy of Help Documentation – If you would like to print any part, or all, of the Help document,
a PDF file (FracproPT 2007 Manual.pdf) is provided on the FracproPT Installation CD. Please note
that this file is copied to your hard disk during FracproPT installation. This file can be found in the
Documentation folder.
• Email – Send an email to by selecting from the main menu Help | Email
Technical Support. The message is actually sent to several people at Pinnacle Technologies who will
work together on your problem or request. All the necessary files will be attached to your email so our
staff can more easily determine the problem you may be having. By using this email method, and by
attaching all necessary file, you are assured to get the fastest response possible. Of course, you may
also send email individually to the primary technical support contacts listed below.
• World Wide Web – Check our website periodically at (or for periodic updates to FracproPT. It contains news on support issues and

FracproPT 2007

our latest Service Patches to the software. You can download these at
• Telephone or fax – You may also telephone or fax us for technical support, suggestions, or general
comments. While there are quite a number of people at each location of Pinnacle Technologies that
can provide you with support for FracproPT, the following table lists the two primary technical support

Office Primary Telephone Fax E-mail

Location Contact Number Number Address

Houston, Neill + 1 (281) + 1

Texas Northington 876-2323 (281)

Delft (The Josef + 31-15- + 31-15-

Netherlands) Shaoul 219-0062 215-

If it is impossible to reach any of the above contacts, please refer to the people below as secondary technical support

Office Additional Telephone Fax E-mail

Location Contact Number Number Address

Houston, Xinghui Liu + 1 (281) + 1

Texas 876-2323 (281)

Houston, Mike + 1 (281) + 1

Texas Mayerhofer 876-2323 (281)

Bakersfield, Bill Minner + 1 (661) + 1

California 335-7712 (661)

Denver, Leen + 1 (720) + 1

Colorado Weijers 344-3464 (303)

Calgary, Ron Gusek + 1 (403) + 1

Alberta 516-2260 (403)
(Canada) 516-

Boston, Igor Stelin + 1 (781) + 1

Massachusetts 316-1698 (781)

Moscow Brian + 7-495- + 7-495-

(Russia) Davidson 781-4820 781-

Houston, Craig + 1 (281) + 1

Texas Cipolla 876-2323 (281)

FracproPT 2007


For FracproPT support in languages other than English, please contact:

Preferred Telephone Fax E-mail

Contact Number Number Address

Aggie Brian + 7-495- + 7-495-

Davidson 781-4820 781-

Chinese Xinghui Liu + 1 (281) + 1

876-2323 (281)

Dutch Leen + 1 (415) + 1

Weijers 861-1097 (415)

German Mike + 1 (281) (281)

Mayerhofer 876-2323 876-

Hindi Tony Singh + 1 (661) + 1

335-7712 (661)

Punjabi Tony Singh + 1 (661) + 1

335-7712 (661)

Russian Igor Stelin + 1 (781) + 1

316-1698 (781)

Let Us Hear From You

We are excited about this newest version of FracproPT. Our primary goal is to provide our users, which includes us, with
the best tool possible for designing, analyzing, and optimizing fracture stimulations. A major step toward achieving that
goal will come from giving the customer what they want, a point that cannot be overemphasized.
We already have many plans, but we want to know what you would like to see in the software. If you already have
something in mind, please call, fax, or email us.

Email Technical Support

The Send Email screen is accessed by selecting from the main menu Help > Email Technical Support.

You can directly email technical support from within FracproPT. This can be useful because FracproPT will make sure
that all the necessary analysis files are attached, making it easier for engineers from Pinnacle to determine the nature of
your problems.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Email Technical Support screen

• To / E-mail address: By default, the program assumes that you want to send this information to Pinnacle’s
Technical Support at However, you can also overwrite this and send your email to others.
Multiple addresses should be separated by a semi colon.
• Subject: Please state the problem here.
• Attach...: Click this button to launch a window to attach other files. Files names will appear in the list to the right of
this button.
• Remove: Removes any files that are highlighted in the list to the right of this button
• Send: Clicking on this button will open the default e-mail composer with the e-mail message.

How Do I Submit a Problem Report?
The best way to submit a comprehensive problem report to Technical Support is to select from the main menu Help >
Email Technical Support.
The generated e-mail message is actually sent to several people at Pinnacle Technologies who will work together on your
problem or request.
Please enter as much detailed information about your problem as is feasible. The more information you provide, the
easier it will be for Technical Support to diagnose and reproduce your problem.
All the necessary files will automatically be attached to your e-mail message so that our staff can more easily diagnose
and reproduce the problem that you may be experiencing.
By using this e-mail method, and by attaching all necessary file, you are assured to receive the fastest response possible.

FracproPT 2007

Send Email screen.

Installation Troubleshooting
Installation Troubleshooting

How Do I Install the Latest Version of FracproPT?

The latest release and service pack for FracproPT can be downloaded from the Pinnacle web site at:

Request Password
ƒ Request a password for the FracproPT installation ZIP file by contacting Technical Support.
ƒ You will receive an e-mail message from Technical Support with the requested password.

Download and Install Latest Release

ƒ Log in as a user with Administrator rights.
ƒ The latest release for FracproPT can be downloaded from the Pinnacle web site at:
ƒ Select the hyperlink FracproPT.
ƒ Save the file FracproPT 10.3 04-06-05 [web].exe (or similar) to a convenient location on your hard disk.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Execute the file FracproPT 10.3 04-06-05 [web].exe (or similar).

ƒ Select the Browse button to select a convenient location on your hard disk. Press the Unzip button to
extract the files.
ƒ Copy the password from the e-mail message that you obtained from Technical Support and paste it into
the password dialog screen when prompted to do so. Refrain from typing the password into the dialog
screen, to avoid typographical errors.
ƒ Navigate to the folder where you extracted the files, and execute the file setup.exe.
ƒ The setup program will guide your through the installation process.

Download and Install Latest Service Pack

ƒ Log in as a user with Administrator rights.
ƒ The latest service pack for FracproPT can be downloaded from the Pinnacle web site at:
ƒ Select the hyperlink Service Pack v.10.3.38 (or similar).
ƒ Save the file FracproPTServicePackv10_3_38.exe (or similar) to a convenient location on your hard disk.
ƒ Execute the file FracproPTServicePackv10_3_38.exe (or similar).
ƒ The setup program will guide your through the installation process.

How Do I Uninstall FracproPT?

To completely uninstall FracproPT, you need to execute the Windows InstallShield uninstaller application. You cannot
simply delete the files in the FracproPT program folder.

ƒ Log in as a user with Administrator rights.

ƒ Make sure that FracproPT is not running.
ƒ From the Desktop, select Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs,
from My Computer, select Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
ƒ Select the button Change or Remove Programs.
ƒ Select the entry FracproPT.
ƒ Select the button Remove.
ƒ Confirm the removal of FracproPT when prompted to do so.

How Do I Reset FracproPT with CleanUpPT?

If FracproPT appears to be malfunctioning (for example, it crashes during startup, or graphics screens do not appear
properly), a basic repair or uninstallation / reinstallation may not be sufficient. In this case, you can use the CleanUpPT
utility, which will reset FracproPT by removing configuration files registry entries for FracproPT.

Only perform these procedures as a last resort, if everything else fails.

ƒ Log in as a user with Administrator rights.

ƒ Make sure that FracproPT is not running.
ƒ Execute the program CleanUpPT.exe, which is located in the FracproPT program folder (by default
located at C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\Program\).
ƒ Select the button Clean Now.
ƒ After the application is finished, it will automatically start FracproPT.
ƒ FracproPT will automatically regenerate all items that were removed by CleanUpPT.

FracproPT 2007

CleanUpPT screen.

How Do I Start the Installation of FracproPT from a CD-ROM?

Before you start the installation of FracproPT, please uninstall any previous versions of FracproPT first.

To start the installation of FracproPT from the installation CD-ROM:

ƒ Log in as a user with Administrator rights.

ƒ Insert the CD-ROM into the CD drive.
ƒ The installation should start automatically.

The Installation Does Not Start Automatically
ƒ Use Windows File Explorer to navigate to the CD drive (for example, drive D:)
ƒ Execute the file Setup.exe from the main folder on the installation CD.
You Cannot Find the File Setup.exe on the CD-ROM
Windows XP may be hiding common file name extensions. In this case, you would see up to six different files with the
name Setup.
You can locate the file setup.exe by locating the Setup file for which:
• the icon looks like a computer.

• the Type column displays Application.

Display Known File Name Extensions in Windows XP

You can enable the display of known file name extensions in Windows XP by:

ƒ Select in Windows File Explorer from the main menu Tools > Folder Options....
ƒ In the section Advanced settings, unselect the checkbox Hide extensions for known file types.
ƒ Select the button OK.

FracproPT 2007

How Do I Start the Installation of FracproPT from a Hard Disk?

Before you start the installation of FracproPT, please uninstall FracproPT first.

If you copied the contents of the FracproPT installation CD to your hard disk, or if you downloaded FracproPT from
Pinnacle's web site, you can start the installation of FracproPT from the hard disk:

ƒ Use Windows File Explorer to locate the folder where you copied or extracted the FracproPT installation
ƒ Execute the file setup.exe.

You Cannot Find the File Setup.exe in the Folder
Windows XP may be hiding common file name extensions. In this case, you would see up to six different files with the
name setup.
You can locate the file setup.exe by locating the setup file for which:
• the icon looks like a computer.

• the Type column displays Application.

Display Known File Name Extensions in Windows XP

You can enable the display of known file name extensions in Windows XP by:

• Select in Windows File Explorer from the main menu Tools > Folder Options....
• In the section Advanced settings, unselect the checkbox Hide extensions for known file types.
• Select the button OK.

How Do I Install FracproPT?

Before you install FracproPT, please uninstall any previous versions of FracproPT first.

To install FracproPT:

ƒ Start the installation from a CD-ROM or from the hard disk.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Welcome screen, select the button Next >.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Setup - Welcome screen.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - License Agreement screen, read and print (using the button Print) the license
agreement, select the radio button I accept the terms of the license agreement, and select the button
Next >.

FracproPT Setup - License Agreement screen.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Customer Information screen:

ƒ enter your User Name and your Company Name,
ƒ for the field Install this application for, select one of the two radio buttons
ƒ Anyone who uses this computer (all users) or
ƒ Only for me (), and
ƒ select the button Next >.

FracproPT Setup - Customer Information screen.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen, select one of the four buttons
ƒ 30 Day Demo,
ƒ Standalone,
ƒ Network / Standalone, or
ƒ License Server.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen.

How Do I Install a 30 Day Demo Version of FracproPT?

This is a continuation of the topic How Do I Install FracproPT?

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen, select the button 30 Day Demo.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Choose Destination Location screen, select the button Browse... to navigate
to a convenient location on your hard disk (by default C:\Program Files\Pinnacle
Technologies\FracproPT 2007\), and select the button Next >.

FracproPT Setup - Choose Destination Location screen.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Start Copying Files screen, verify the Current Settings, and select the button
Next >.

FracproPT Setup - Start Copying Files screen

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Complete screen, select the button Finish.

FracproPT Setup - Complete screen

FracproPT 2007

ƒ To start FracproPT, from the Desktop select Start > All Programs > Pinnacle Technologies >
FracproPT 2007 > FracproPT.
This this does not work, shut down and restart the computer, and try again.

How Do I Install a Standalone Version of FracproPT?

This is a continuation of the topic How Do I Install FracproPT?

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen, select the button Standalone.

FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Choose Destination Location screen, select the button Browse... to navigate
to a convenient location on your hard disk (by default C:\Program Files\Pinnacle
Technologies\FracproPT 2007\), and select the button Next >.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Setup - Choose Destination Location screen.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Start Copying Files screen, verify the Current Settings, and select the button
Next >.

FracproPT Setup - Start Copying Files screen

FracproPT 2007

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Installing License Code screen, enter the five-digit serial number from the
hardware security key or the License Activation Disk, and select the button Next >.
If you will be using an electronic license file, enter the Serial Number of 12000.

FracproPT Setup - Installing License Code screen.

ƒ If the serial number is less than 11000 or greater than 20000, the setup application will look for a previous
installation of FracproPT.
a. If you have installed FracproPT before, the installation will automatically copy the electronic
license file lservrc to the FracproPT program folder (by default located at C:\Program
Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\Program\). The installation is complete.
b. If you have not installed FracproPT before, in the Installation License Code screen, select
the button Browse... to navigate to the location of the electronic license file lservrc (for
example, on the License Activation Disk).

The electronic license file lservrc contains an encrypted code that is associated with the
hardware license key. The tronic license file lservrc is copied to the FracproPT program folder
(by default located at C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\Program\).

Installing License Code screen.

FracproPT 2007

i. If the serial number is less than 11000, a hardware license key is needed.
ii. If the serial number is greater than 20000, a hardware license key is not needed.
• If the serial number is between 11000 and 20000, the electronic license file lservrc is not used. The
installation is complete.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Complete screen, select the button Finish.

FracproPT Setup - Complete screen

ƒ Attach the hardware license key to its port (refer to the topic Warning: Attaching the Security Key) or install
the electronic license file.
ƒ To start FracproPT, from the Desktop select Start > All Programs > Pinnacle Technologies >
FracproPT 2007 > FracproPT.
This this does not work, shut down and restart the computer, and try again.

How Do I Install a Network / Standalone Version of FracproPT?

This is a continuation of the topic How Do I Install FracproPT?

For network installations,the network license server software for FracproPT must first be installed on the network server
computer. After restarting the server and ensuring that the network license server software is running, FracproPT can be
installed on any network computer.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen, select the button Network / Standalone.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Choose Destination Location screen, select the button Browse... to navigate
to a convenient location on your hard disk (by default C:\Program Files\Pinnacle
Technologies\FracproPT 2007\), and select the button Next >.

FracproPT Setup - Choose Destination Location screen.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Start Copying Files screen, verify the Current Settings, and select the button
Next >.

FracproPT Setup - Start Copying Files screen

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Installing License Code screen, enter the five-digit serial number from the
hardware security key or the License Activation Disk, and select the button Next >.
If you will be using an electronic license file, enter the Serial Number of 12000.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Setup - Installing License Code screen.

ƒ If the serial number is less than 11000 or greater than 20000, the setup application will look for a previous
installation of FracproPT.
a. If you have installed FracproPT before, the installation will automatically copy the electronic
license file lservrc to the FracproPT program folder (by default located at C:\Program
Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\Program\). The installation is complete.
b. If you have not installed FracproPT before, in the Installation License Code screen, select
the button Browse... to navigate to the location of the electronic license file lservrc (for
example, on the License Activation Disk).

The electronic license file lservrc contains an encrypted code that is associated with the
hardware license key. The tronic license file lservrc is copied to the FracproPT program folder
(by default located at C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\Program\).

Installing License Code screen.

i. If the serial number is less than 11000, a hardware license key is needed.
ii. If the serial number is greater than 20000, a hardware license key is not needed.

FracproPT 2007

• If the serial number is between 11000 and 20000, the electronic license file lservrc is not used. The
installation is complete.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Complete screen, select the button Finish.

FracproPT Setup - Complete screen

ƒ Attach the hardware license key to its port (refer to the topic Warning: Attaching the Security Key) or install
the electronic license file.
ƒ To start FracproPT, from the Desktop select Start > All Programs > Pinnacle Technologies >
FracproPT 2007 > FracproPT.
This this does not work, shut down and restart the computer, and try again.

After installation, the first time FracproPT is started, it takes some time before it has found the Network License Server
computer. This may take up to 2 minutes. The next time FracproPT is started, it will remember the location of the
Network License Server, and the authorization of the licence will be much faster.

How Do I Install a Network Server for FracproPT?

This is a continuation of the topic How Do I Install FracproPT?

Any computer on the network (that is, in terms of network computing, any client computer) can function as the so-called
network server computer for FracproPT. In fact, many network administrators prefer not to use the true network server for
this function.

Before installing the FracproPT license server on a server computers, verify whether there are any existing SentinelLM
license servers on the network. Either check with your Information Technology (IT) department, or execute the program
LSWhere.exe, which is located on the FracproPT installation CD in the folder \Sentinel\\Win32\.
If the program LSWhere program does not report any existing SentinelLM license servers running, then you can proceed
with the standard installation of the license server software.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen, select the button Network Server.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Setup - Select Features screen.

ƒ In the FracproPT 2007 - InstallShield Wizard screen, confirm that all license servers have been stopped
by selecting the button OK.

FracproPT 2007 - InstallShield Wizard screen.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Start Copying Files screen, verify the Current Settings, and select the button
Next >.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Setup - Start Copying Files screen

ƒ In the Installation License Code screen, select the button Browse... to navigate to the location of the
electronic license file lservrc (for example, on the License Activation Disk).

The electronic license file lservrc contains an encrypted code that is associated with the hardware license
key. The tronic license file lservrc is copied to the FracproPT program folder (by default located at
C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\Program\).

Installing License Code screen.

ƒ In the FracproPT Setup - Complete screen, select the button Finish.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Setup - Complete screen

ƒ Attach the hardware license key to its port (refer to the topic Warning: Attaching the Security Key) or install
the 12000electronic license file.
ƒ If the network license server does not work, shut down and restart the computer.

How Do I Enable Standalone and Network / Standalone Mode Without Reinstalling

To switch between Standalone mode and Network/Standalone mode without reinstalling FracproPT:

FracproPT ASCII Text Files

Enable Standalone Mode
ƒ Verify using a text editor (for example, Microsoft Windows Notepad) that the file FracproPT_net.txt
contains the text Standalone on the first line, and no other text.
If yes, then FracproPT is in Standalone mode.
If no, then modify the file so that the first line contains the text Standalone (with no other text in the file).
Enable Network/Standalone Mode
ƒ Verify using a text editor (for example, Microsoft Windows Notepad) that the file FracproPT_net.txt
contains the text Network on the first line, and no other text.
If yes, then FracproPT is in Network / Standalone mode.
If no, then modify the file so that the first line contains the text Network (with no other text in the file).
30-Day Demo Version

Why Is the 30-Day Demo Version Not Working?

Demo Expired
If your trial license period (by default 30 days) has expired, then the 30-day demo version is disabled.

FracproPT 2007

It is not possible to extend the 30-day license period by manipulating the clock of the computer. Tampering with the clock
of the computer will be detected, and this will permanently set a time-tampering flag on the computer. Moreover, any
FracproPT license that checks for time-tampering will be disabled, even if they have not yet expired. Please contact
Technical Support.

Previous Demo Version Installed

The 30 day demo version of FracproPT may not work on a computer, if at any time in the past, another demo version of
FracproPT was installed on that same computer. If your computer has been used by someone else in the past (that is, if
the computer was not completely new when you received it), please consider the (even remote) possibility that perhaps a
previous user may have tried FracproPT in the past on your computer. Please note that even reinstallation of the
operating system may not be sufficient to reset the 30-day demo version of FracproPT. Please contact Technical

Changed Date
If someone tried to change their date while using an electronic license file for FracproPT (which includes the 30-day
demo), this could set the time-tampering flag on the computer. Any FracproPT license that checks for time-tampering will
be disabled, even if they have not yet expired. Please contact Technical Support.
Electronic License Files

How Do I Obtain My Locking Code?

You can obtaining your computer’s locking code (from either FracproPT or the SentinelLM Host Information Utility).
This locking code will be used by Technical Support to generate your electronic license file.

Obtain Locking Code from FracproPT

ƒ Start FracproPT.
ƒ From the Security dialog, make a note of Your Machine’s Locking Code. The locking code consists of
five characters. In the following example, the locking code is 1E8B9.

Security dialog with Machine’s Locking Code.

Obtain Locking Code from SentinelLM Host Information Utility

ƒ The file Locking_Code_Tool.exe can be downloaded from the web site of Pinnacle Techologies at under the heading FracproPT and the heading Support.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ The file Locking_Code_Tool.exe is also located in the FracproPT folder (by default located at
C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\) under the subfolder License
ƒ The file wechoid.exe is also located on the FracproPT installation CD-ROM under the subfolder
Use the SentinelLM Host Information Utility
ƒ Execute the file Locking_Code_Tool.exe or wechoid.exe (or similar).
ƒ In the section Locking Criteria, select the checkbox DiskID, and unselect all other checkboxes (unless
instructed otherwise by Technical Support).
ƒ In the section Locking Data, verify that Selector is equal to 0x4 and make a note of the Code. The first
two characters 0x indicate that the code is displayed in hexadecimal notation, and they can be ignored.
The locking code consists of five characters. In the following example, the locking code is 1E8B9.

SentinelLM Host Information Utility

How Do I Request an Electronic License File?

You can request an electronic license file (provided that you are eligible) by obtaining your computer’s locking code, and
then requesting the electronic license file from Technical Support.

Obtain Locking Code

Refer to the topic How Do I Obtain My Locking Code?

Request Electronic License File

FracproPT 2007

Contact Technical Support and provide them with the locking code, your contact information, and a brief description of
why you need the electronic license file.

How Do I Receive and Install an Electronic License File?

Request Emergency License Code

Refer to the topics:
• How Do I Obtain My Locking Code?
• How Do I Request an Electronic License File?

Receive Electronic License File

ƒ After you request an electronic license file from Technical Support, if you are eligible for an electronic
license file, you will receive an e-mail message from Technical Support.

Install Electronic License File

ƒ Save the file lservrc.txt that is attached to the e-mail message to the FracproPT program folder, which is
located by default at C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 10.3\Program\.
ƒ Rename the file lservrc.txt to lservrc (that is, without the file name extension .txt).
You may want to back-up the old lservrc file in that folder first, just in case.
Please be aware of the fact that Windows XP does not always display file name extensions such as .txt.
For this reason, please be certain to rename to attached file from lservrc.txt to lservrc. The license file is
sent with a file name extension to avoid confusion when Windows XP sometimes adds a .dat extension to
files without any extension.
ƒ Save a back-up copy of this new lservrc license file to a safe location.
ƒ Start FracproPT from the exact same folder that you used to install the lservrc file (by double-clicking the
file FracproPT.exe).
Do not test this installation by using FracproPT icons on the desktop, the taskbar or the Start menu, since
they could potentially be directed at another FracproPT installation folder. After you verified that this
installation was succesful, you can use these FracproPT icons again of course.

Display Known File Name Extensions in Windows XP

You can enable the display of known file name extensions in Windows XP by:

ƒ Select in Windows File Explorer from the main menu Tools > Folder Options....
ƒ In the section Advanced settings, unselect the checkbox Hide extensions for known file types.
ƒ Select the button OK.

How Do I Receive and Install an Emergency License?

An emergency license is an electronic code that can be generated by Technical Support, and entered by the user in
FracproPT. This will allow the user to run FracproPT with limited functionality for a limited time in the event of a license
failure when e-mail access is limited (for example, in the field).

Request Emergency License Code

Refer to the topics:
• How Do I Obtain My Locking Code?
• How Do I Request an Electronic License File?

Receive Emergency License Code

Send Code by SMS to Mobile Telephone
Technical Support can send the emergency license code to your mobile telephone via short message service (SMS), that
is, text messaging
Send Code by Telephone
Technical Support can send the emergency license code to you via mobile telephone by using a phonetic alphabet

FracproPT 2007

Install Emergency License Code

Enter and Verify Length in Microsoft Word
• Start Microsoft Word.
• Enter electronic license code.
• From main menu, select File > Properties entry.
• In Document Properties screen, select Statistics tab.
• In Statistics table, in Characters: row, read its Value: should be 27.
• Press OK button or Cancel button to close Document Properties screen.

Microsoft Word - Document Properties screen.

Copy from Microsoft Word

• From main menu, select Edit > Select All; or press Ctrl + A key combination; or double-click on electronic
license code.
• From main menu, select Edit > Copy; or press Ctrl + C key combination; or right-click on electronic license
code and select Copy.
Paste to FracproPT
• Start FracproPT.
• In Security screen, select Enter Emergency License button.

FracproPT 2007

Security screen.

• In Enter Emergency License screen, press Ctrl + V key combination; or right-click in text box and select
• Select OK button to close Enter Emergency License screen.

Enter Emergency License screen.

• Select OK button to restart FracproPT.

• Ignore but acknowledge (by selecting the OK button) informational messages.

What Happens If I Lose or Damage my License Activation Disk or lservrc File?

If you lose or damage your license activation disk or the electronic license file lservrc, please contact Technical Support
with your contact information. Technical Support will send a copy of the electronic license file lservrc to you by e-mail.

To reinstall the electronic license file lservrc, please refer to the topic How Do I Install an Electronic License File?.

Please save a back-up copy of the lservrc license file to a safe location.

Can I Use Someone Else's Electronic License File?

If you are using an electronic license file, then you cannot use it to run FracproPT on any other computers (more
specifically, any other hard disk) other than the one that it was created for.

Why Is the Electronic License File Not Working?

Please also refer to the topic How Do I Install an Electronic License File?.

Incorrect Electronic License File

The electronic license file lservrc must match your computer’s locking code.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ To determine the value of your computer’s locking code , please refer to the topic How Do I Obtain an
Electronic License File?.
ƒ To determine whether the electronic license file lservrc matches your computer’s locking code, send your
electronic license file lservrc to Technical Support, together with your contact information.

Electronic License File With File Name Extension

The electronic license file needs to have the name lservrc, without any file name extension.
Please be aware of the fact that Windows XP does not always display file name extensions such as .txt. For this reason,
please be certain that the electronic license file has the name lservrc.and not lservrc.txt.
The license file is sent with a file name extension to avoid confusion when Windows XP sometimes adds a .dat extension
to files without any extension.

Electronic License File Not in Same Location As FracproPT Executable File

The license file lservrc must be located in the exact same folder as the FracproPT executable file FracproPT.exe.
Do not test the installation of the license file lservrc by using FracproPT icons on the desktop, the taskbar or the Start
menu, since they could potentially be directed at another FracproPT installation folder. After you verified that the
installation of the license file lservrc was succesful, you can use these FracproPT icons again of course.

Changed Date
If someone tried to change the date on their computer while using an electronic license file for FracproPT (which includes
the 30-day demo), this could set the time-tampering flag on the computer. Any FracproPT license that checks for time-
tampering will be disabled, even if it has not yet expired.
Hardware License Keys

How Do I Determine That a USB Key Is Powered On?

Verify that the light-emitting diode (LED) on the Universal Serial Bus (USB) key is turned on.

If yes, then the USB key is powered on.

In no, then the USB key is defective.

How Do I Troubleshoot a USB Key with Windows Device Manager?

ƒ Attach the USB key to its port, and detach all other keys from their ports.
ƒ Verify that the green LED on the USB key is on.
If yes, then proceed to step 2).
If no, then your USB key is probably defective. Please contact Technical Support.
ƒ From the desktop, select Start > Control Panel>System>Hardware > Device Manager > Universal
Serial Bus controllers. Verify that the entry Safenet USB SuperPro/UltraPro or Sentinel Hardware
Keys is present.
If yes, then the USB key has been detected.
If no, then check the key on a different USB port on the same computer and / or check the key on another
computer. If this fails, please contact Technical Support..

FracproPT 2007

Windows Device Manager screen.

ƒ Verify that the icon to the immediate left of the entry Safenet USB SuperPro/UltraPro or Sentinel
Hardware Keys from step 2) is not an exclamation mark (!) or a cross (x).
If yes, then the USB key is working properly.
If no, then the driver for the USB key is not installed properly. Uninstall and then reinstall the driver.
ƒ Verify that the driver is communicating properly by executing the Sentinel SuperPro Medic or the Sentinel
Advance Medic.

FracproPT 2007

How Do I Troubleshoot a Hardware Key with Sentinel SuperPro Medic?

The Sentinel SuperPro Medic utility is used to detect that a Sentinel hardware key, a Sentinel driver, the Sentinel
servers and all of its components are installed properly and working fine.

ƒ The Sentinel SuperPro Medic utility can be downloaded from the Sentinel Support section of the SafeNet
web site:
ƒ Select the hyperlink Sentinel SuperPro (although other hyperlinks may work too).
ƒ From the table with the heading Other Downloads, select the hyperlink Sentinel SuperPro
ƒ Save the file SuperproMedic.exe (or similar) to a convenient location on your hard disk.
ƒ The file Bitlock_Troubleshooter.exe is also located on the web site of Pinnacle Techologies at under the heading Support.
ƒ The file Bitlock_Troubleshooter.exe is also located in the FracproPT folder (by default located at
C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\) under the subfolder License

Use the Sentinel SuperPro Medic Utility

ƒ Attach the hardware key to its port (refer to the topic Warning: Attaching the Security Key).
ƒ Execute the file SuperproMedic.exe or Bitlock_Troubleshooter.exe (or similar). This will extract the
program files to a convenient location on your hard disk, and start the Sentinel SuperPro Medic utility.
ƒ Select the Mode to be STANDALONE.
ƒ Select the button Find SuperPro.
Verify that Status is 0 and Description is Success
If yes, then the Sentinel driver, server, and hardware key are installed and communicating properly.
If no, then select the button Medic Says for additional information. If this is not useful information for you,
then contact Technical Support.

FracproPT 2007

SafeNet Sentinel SuperProp Medic screen.

How Do I Troubleshoot a Hardware Key with Sentinel Advanced Medic?

The Sentinel Advanced Medic (SAM) utility is used to detect that a Sentinel hardware key, a Sentinel driver, the Sentinel
servers and all of its components are installed properly and working fine. Using the Sentinel Advanced Medic, you can
also generate log file for analyzing any issues. The Sentinel Advanced Medic does not need to be installed on your
computer; its multiple program files need to be extracted from the single archive file, however.

ƒ The Sentinel Advanced Medic utility can be downloaded from the Sentinel Support section of the
SafeNet web site:
ƒ Select the hyperlink Sentinel SuperPro (although other hyperlinks may work too).
ƒ From the table with the heading Other Downloads, select the hyperlink Sentinel Advanced
ƒ Save the file sam.1.2.exe (or similar) to a convenient location on your hard disk.
ƒ Execute the file sam.1.2.exe (or similar), and extract the program files into a convenient location
on your hard disk. An actual installation of Sentinel Advanced Medic is not required.
ƒ The file License_Troubleshooter.exe is also located on the web site of Pinnacle Techologies at under the heading Support.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ The file License__Troubleshooter.exe is also located in the FracproPT folder (by default located at
C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\) under the subfolder License

Use the Sentinel Advanced Medic Utility

ƒ Attach the hardware key to its port (refer to the topic Warning: Attaching the Security Key).
ƒ Execute the file skdt_gui.exe or License__Troubleshooter.exe (or similar)
ƒ Select the Troubleshoot button.
ƒ Verify that the three following entries in the section Basic Checks have a green checkmark to their
immediate left:
• Sentinel Driver Installation
• Sentinel Driver Communication
• Sentinel Key Communication
If yes, then the Sentinel driver and hardware key are installed and communicating properly.
If no, then please contact Technical Support.
The Basic Check for Sentinel Server Communication is optional and can be ignored.
ƒ To create a log file (to send to Technical Support), select the Enable Logging check box. This will create
a log file named SentinelLog.txt in the folder with Sentinel Advanced Medic.

SafeNet Sentinel Advanced Medic screen.

How Do I Use Someone Else’s Hardware Key?

If you are using a USB key, then you can exchange your keys freely without making any modification to FracproPT.

Parallel Port Key with Serial Number Between 11000 and 20000
If you are using a parallel port key, then you can exchange your keys freely without making any modification to

FracproPT 2007

Parallel Port Key with Serial Number Less Than 11000

If you are using a parallel port key with a serial number of less than 11000, then you need to either:

• Rename or copy your own lservrc file to a different location, and then copy the lservrc file that
corresponds to the new hardware key being used to the FracproPT program folder. This folder is
located by default at C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT\Program\.
• Append the encrypted code from one lserevrc file to another. You can accomplish this by opening
the lservrc file with a text editor such as Notepad and copying and pasting the encryption code that is
associated with new FracproPT hardware key. You can list as many license codes in a single lservrc
file as you want.

Why Does Windows XP Not Recognize the Hardware Key?

Superpro Hardware Key With Serial Number Between 11000 and 20000
On Windows XP (Home Edition and Professional Edition), the Sentinel System Driver for the parallel key as well as the
USB key may not recognize the Sentinel SuperPro hardware key for a couple of minutes after boot-up or until the key is
reinserted into the computer. The service may not load at all if you are not a user with Administrator rights.
According to the vendor, this behavior is related to the Sentinel Service not starting as a system-service, despite the fact
that it is automatically loaded as a user service and should be loaded during start-up of the system. This is no problem
under Windows NT and Windows 2000. However, Windows XP seems to delay the loading of the service until required to
do so. You will see error messages such as error -3 or key not found, which may be interpreted as a key or driver
Please contact your system administrator to perform the following steps as an Administrator:

ƒ From the desktop, select Start > Run..., enter regedit and select the button OK.
ƒ In the Registry Editor, for the parallel port driver, select from the left panel HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >
SYSTEM > ControlSet001 > Services > Sentinel, double click on Start, and modify Value Data from 2 to
1 (that is, 0x00000001).
ƒ Select from the main top menu File > Exit.
ƒ Start FracproPT.
Modifications to the registry can have a significant effect on the performance of your computer. Consequently, please
consult your system administrator before you make this change.
This solution has been tested successfully by the vendor. The SuperPro key was recognized in all instances whereas
before it had failed initially until some time after boot-up or after an administrator had logged on.

How Do I Use a 25-Pin Key If My Computer Does Not Have a Parallel Port?

To add a parallel port to a laptop computer, you can use a PC card [that is, a Personal Computer Memory Card
International Association (PCMCIA) card] to parallel port adapter / converter.
Ensure that the PC card [that is, the PCMCIA card] is IEEE 1284 compliant.

To add a parallel port to a desktop computer, you can use a Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) card to parallel port
adapter / converter.
Ensure that the PCI card is IEEE 1284 compliant.

Detect Additional Parallel Ports

The latest license driver from SafeNet Sentinel will automatically detect additional parallel ports on PCMCIA and PCI

USB-To-Parallel Adaptors / Converters

Universal Serial Bus (USB) port to parallel port adaptors / converters are not supported, since they do not provide a
physical address (that is, 378) within Microsoft Windows. Therefore, the SafeNet Sentinel drivers cannot communicate
with the keys.

FracproPT 2007

Why Is It Not Possible to Use a Standalone Hardware Key Via a Remote Client?
It is not possible to execute FracproPT which is protected by a hardware key in Standalone mode via a remote client (for
example, Terminal Server, VNC, WinXP remote client).

The SafeNet Sentinel software does not allow this for security reasons.

To be able to execute FracproPT:

• Execute FracproPT in Standalone mode while being directly (locally) logged into the computer with a
Standalone hardware key.
• Execute FracproPT in Network / Standalone mode while being logged into a computer that is connected to
the same network as a network license server with a Network hardware key.
Client Network Licenses

How Do I Verify That a Client Network License is Installed Properly?

To verify that a client network license is installed properly on a client computer:

ƒ The file Network_License_Troubleshooter.exe is located on the web site of Pinnacle Techologies at under the heading Support.
ƒ The file Network_License_Troubleshooter.exe is also located in the FracproPT folder (by default
located at C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\) under the subfolder License
ƒ The file WlmAdmin.exe is also located on the FracproPT installation CD-ROM under the subfolder
Use the WlmAdmin Utility
ƒ On the client computer, execute the program WlmAdmin.exe or Network_License_Troubleshooter.exe
(or similar).
ƒ Expand the navigation tree for Subnet Servers (by selecting the plus-in-box symbol to the immediate left
of the Subnet Servers entry, or by double-clicking on the Subnet Servers entry).
ƒ Alternatively, from the main menu, select Edit > Defined Server List.
ƒ In the Defined Server List screen, enter the name of the Server: and select the OK button (or
the Add button and then the OK button).
ƒ Expand the entry Defined Servers by selecting the plus-in-box symbol.
ƒ Verify that WLMAdmin displays:
a. In the Server information pane the Server name and IP address.
b. In the Feature Information pane the Feature name, and in the Statistics sub-pane for the
Total users a Total of at least 1.
c. In the Detailed information pane in the License Info tab relevant information for License
type, Start date and End date.

FracproPT 2007

WlmAdmin screen.

FracproPT ASCII Text Files

ƒ Verify using a text editor (for example, Microsoft Windows Notepad) that the file FracproPT_net.txt
contains the text Network on the first line, and no other text.
If yes, then FracproPT is in Network / Standalone mode.
If no, then modify the file so that the first line contains the text Network (with no other text in the file).
ƒ Verify using a text editor (for example, Microsoft Windows Notepad) that the file FracproPT_Server.txt
contains the IP address, file path, or network name of the network license server on the first line, and no
other text.
If yes, then FracproPT found the network license server.
If no, then modify the file so that the first line contains the IP address, file path, or network name of the
network license server (with no other text in the file).

Why Does a Client Network License Not Work After Upgrading from FracproPT
10.2 or Earlier?
FracproPT 10.3 includes a new version of the software for the security keys from the vendor. Therefore, if you are
updating a previously installed network version of FracproPT, you must first reinstall the network license server software
on your FracproPT network server computer (that is, as if you were installing this for the first time).
If you are updating a previously installed standalone version of FracproPT, there are no additional steps necessary.
Network License Servers

How Do I Add Additional FracproPT Licenses to an Existing License Server?

To add additional licenses for FracproPT to an existing license server:

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Execute the program LSWhere.exe, which is located on the FracproPT installation CD in the folder
\Sentinel\\Win32\, and make a note of the IP address of the license server.
ƒ On the computer that is being used as the license server, navigate to the installation folder of the license
To locate this folder, search for the electronic license file lservrc.
ƒ Make a backup copy of the existing electronic license file lservrc.
ƒ Open both the existing and the new electronic license files lservrc.
ƒ Append the lines of text (which contain the encoded licenses) from the new to the existing new electronic
license file lservrc.
ƒ Saved the modified existing electronic license file lservrc.
ƒ Shut down the license server program by:
a. Execute the program lsrvdown.exe with as its argument the server name (for example,
lsrvdown.exe server01), or
b. shut the server program down using the Control Panel.
ƒ Restart the license server program.
ƒ If the license server program is already installed on the server computer and you are appending the same
type of licenses and hardware license keys, you should not need to reboot the server machine. Otherwise,
you may need to reboot the server computer.

What Do I Need To Do If A Network License Server Is Already Installed?

If a network license server is already installed:
ƒ Execute the program LSWhere.exe, which is located on the FracproPT installation CD in the folder
\Sentinel\\Win32\, and note the IP address of the license server.
ƒ If the program LSWhere.exe reports the presence an existing license server on the network:
a. If the existing license server is a recent version, which is not compatible with the license file
used for FracproPT, then you do not need to install the license server program again. The
best way to determine this is to try to use the existing license server with FracproPT.
b. If the existing license server is an old version, which is not compatible with the license file used
for FracproPT (which is not very likely), a newer version needs to be installed. The best way to
determine this is to try to use the existing license server with FracproPT.

How Do I Determine Whether an Existing Network License Server is Too Old for
If troubleshooting indicates that the hardware license key is being detected by the license server computer, but the
network license does not work, then the problem could be that the existing network license server is too old for
In this case, you need to install a newer version of the network license server for FracproPT.

How Do I Install a Newer Version of a Network License Server?

To install a newer version of a network license server for FracproPT:
ƒ Shut down the existing network license server by executing the program lsrvdown.exe.
ƒ Execute the FracproPT setup program to install a new version of the network license server. Refer to the
topic How Do I Install a Network Server for FracproPT?
ƒ Do not to overwrite the existing electronic license file lservrc by selecting the button Cancel when
prompted to insert the License Activation Disk.

How Do I Troubleshoot a Network License Server?

Verify that License Server Service is Running via Windows Task Manager
• Press the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination.
• In the Windows Security screen, select the Task Manager button.
• Select the Processes tab.

FracproPT 2007

• In the table, select the Image Name column header to sort the column alphabetically.
• Verify that the lservnt.exe service is listed in the table.

Windows Task Manager screen, Processes tab.

Allow License Server Service through Windows Firewall

• Select from the desktop Start > Control Panel > Windows Firewall.
• Select the General tab.
• Select the On (recommended) radio button.
• Unselect (disable) the Don't allow exceptions checkbox.

FracproPT 2007

Windows Firewall screen, General tab.

• Select the Exceptions tab.

FracproPT 2007

Windows Firewall screen, Exceptions tab.

• If the lservnt.exe service is not listed in the Programs and Services listbox, then select the Add Program...
• In the Add a Program screen, select the Browse... button.
• Navigate to the lservnt.exe file (by default in the folder zzz).
• select in the Programs: listbox the entry for the lservnt.exe service.
• Press the OK button to close the Add a Program screen.

FracproPT 2007

Add a Program screen.

• Press the OK button to close the Windows Firewall screen.

Shutdown and Restart Computer

To make sure that the lservnt.exe service is running properly, shutdown and restart the computer.

Refer to heading WlmAdmin in the topic How Can I Verify That a Client Network License is Installed Properly? This
heading can also be applied to network license servers.
License Drivers

How Do I Uninstall and Reinstall the Sentinel Drivers for Hardware Keys?
You can uninstall and then reinstall the Sentinel drivers for hardware keys by:

ƒ The Sentinel Protection Installer can be downloaded from the Sentinel Support section of the SafeNet
web site:
ƒ Select the hyperlink Sentinel SuperPro (although other hyperlinks may work too).
ƒ From the table with the heading Windows Drivers, select the hyperlink Sentinel Protection
ƒ Save the file (or similar) to a convenient location on
your hard disk.
ƒ The file Latest_License_Driver.exe is also located on the web site of Pinnacle Techologies at under the heading Support.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ The file Latest_License_Driver.exe is also located in the FracproPT folder (by default located at
C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\) under the subfolder License

Quick Uninstallation
ƒ Log in as a user with Administrator rights.
ƒ Detach any hardware keys from their ports (refer to the topic Warning: Attaching the Security Key).
ƒ From the desktop, select Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. Select both Sentinel
Protection Installer > Remove and Sentinel System Driver > Remove.

Quick Installation
ƒ Log in as a user with Administrator rights
ƒ Detach any hardware keys from their ports (refer to the topic Warning: Attaching the Security Key).
ƒ Execute the file or Latest_License_Driver.exe (or similar).
ƒ Select the radiobutton Custom.

Sentinel Protection Installer - Setup Type.

ƒ Select to install the Sentinel System Drivers (either Parallel Driver or USB System Driver, or both), and
unselect the Sentinel Protection Server and the Sentinel Keys Server.

FracproPT 2007

Sentinel Protection Installer - Custom Setup.

ƒ Attach the hardware key to its port (refer to the topic Warning: Attaching the Security Key).
ƒ Start FracproPT.
If this does not work, shut down and restart the computer and try again.
If this procedure did not succeed (that is, FracproPT does not start properly), please refer to the topic How Do I
Completely Uninstall All Sentinel Software?

How Do I Completely Uninstall All Rainbox and Sentinel Software?

To remove all installations of Rainbow and Sentinel system driver from the computer, that is, to solve "sticky" installation
problems, the Sentinel System Driver (SSD) Cleanup utility can be used. The "sticky" installation problem relates to that
state of Sentinel driver installation, which leaves the computer in a situation where neither the newer version of the driver
can be installed nor the older version of the driver can be uninstalled. The SSD Cleanup utility will clean up all the
installed Sentinel Drivers and bring the system to a state it was before installing any of the Sentinel Drivers.
Run the SSD Cleanup utility only if there are issues uninstalling the older version of the driver. In normal situations, the
steps given for Quick Uninstallation should be sufficient.
It is recommended to use the normal driver uninstallation for our drivers. The SSD CleanUp utility might remove your
Sentinel protected software application and other Sentinel SDK installation. Therefore, the SSD CleanUp utility should be
used as the last option for driver uninstall.

ƒ The SSD Cleanup utility can be downloaded from the Sentinel Support section of the SafeNet web site:
ƒ Select the hyperlink Sentinel SuperPro (although other hyperlinks may work too).
ƒ From the table with the heading Other Downloads, select the hyperlink SSD Cleanup.
ƒ Save the file (or similar) to a convenient location on your hard disk.
ƒ Open the file (or similar) and extract the file SSDCleanup_1.2.0.3.exe
(or similar) to a convenient location on your hard disk.
ƒ The file License_Driver_Cleanup.exe is also located on the web site of Pinnacle Techologies at under the heading Support.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ The file License_Driver_Cleanup.exe is also located in the FracproPT folder (by default located at
C:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT 2007\) under the subfolder License

Use the Sentinel System Driver (SSD) Cleanup Utility

ƒ Log in as a user with Administrator rights.
ƒ Detach any hardware keys from their ports (refer to the topic Warning: Attaching the Security Key).
ƒ Execute the file SSDCleanup_1.2.0.3.exe or License_Driver_Cleanup.exe (or similar).
ƒ Acknowledge the uninstallation when prompted to do so.

Sentinel System Driver (SSD) Cleanup Utility.

How Do I Upgrade from a Rainbow to a Sentinel License Driver for Hardware

To upgrade from a Rainbox license driver to a Sentinel license driver for hardware keys:

ƒ Uninstall FracproPT.
ƒ To completely uninstall any of the old Rainbow license key drivers, use the Sentinel System Drivers
Cleanup utility.
ƒ Reinstall FracproPT.

FracproPT Overview
System Overview
Operating Modes
FracproPT can be used in four different modes to accomplish fracture treatment design and analysis functions coupled
with reservoir simulation:

• Quick Fracture Design mode

• Fracture Design mode
• Fracture Analysis mode
• Quick Minifrac Analysis mode
• Production Analysis mode
• Economic Optimization mode
• FracproXCHANGE

FracproPT 2007

In each mode, you navigate through screens where you enter data and make other selections necessary to run the
simulator. Various utilities and engineering tools are provided to make your design or analysis job easier.
You may store your work at any time during the process in an input file and in various results files. That work may be
reloaded at any point in the future for continued work on the particular project or for comparison with other projects.
Program Navigation

Using the Navigation Tree

The sequence of doing a FracproPT analysis is most easily conducted using the Navigation Tree. The navigation Tree
helps you to step through all necessary Inputs, Analysis and Results screen to conduct a proper analysis. The Navigation
Tree is modified for each module.

Using the Next button

The most basic means to navigate through any mode in the program is to use the Next function found near the bottom
right corner of most screens or menus. Once you select a mode from the MAIN Screen [F2], repeatedly selecting Next
will take you through a sequence of screens beginning with the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen
and ending with the SIMULATOR CONTROL [F10] screen for that mode. Pressing [Esc] will move you backwards
through the sequence of screens you’ve just navigated, but only as far as however many screens are actually still open.
You will always access the necessary screens if you use Next to progress through the sequence, which makes this
the most secure method for complete program navigation.

Using the Hot Keys

You can also use the function keys ([F1] through [F10], including the [Alt] and [Ctrl] combinations) to move about the
program. You should have received a function key template that shows a layout of all hot keys and the screens to which
they are connected. You can also view the function key template on-screen by pressing [Shift+F1] or by looking at the
code behind the screen name on the window’s title bar. Additionally, you can also go to any FracproPT screen by double
clicking on any hot key shown on the on-screen function key template.
The most important keys to remember for FracproPT users are:
This hot key Activates this screen
[F2] FracproPT Main Screen (beginning of screen sequence)
[F10] Simulator Control screen (end of screen sequence)
[F1] Context-sensitive Help
[SHIFT+F1] Keyboard Help
[Esc] Close current screen & return to previous screen
[Alt+F1] System Messages screen

Using the Toolbar

Many of FracproPT’s screens are accessed from either icons or menu-items on the toolbar. If you hover the cursor over
any toolbar icon for a few seconds, a ‘tool tips" label will pop up on-screen showing its function. Different toolbar icons are
available for different FracproPT modes.

Starting a New Input File

The Start New Input File confirmation dialog.

There are two ways to start a new input file in FracproPT:

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Open a new or "blank" input file using the File…New menu command or using the [Ctrl+N] shortcut key.
ƒ Load an input file that contains similar data (using the File…Open menu command, using the [Ctrl+o] shortcut key,

or using the toolbar button) and simply go through each screen changing or entering whatever selections or data
may be necessary.
Option 1 sets all data inputs and menu selections to their default values. In general, this should be the way in which you
start a new file. When starting with an existing file and adjusting that for a new treatment, note that it may become easy for
non-standard model parameters and options that you may have entered to propagate through later projects. Therefore,
always carefully check all model settings and other screens before using it for a new treatment.

Retrieving Saved Input Files

FracproPT input files that have been saved to disk can be opened using the standard File…Open menu command, using

the toolbar button, or using the [Ctrl+O] shortcut key.

FracproPT also includes two features that help you to open the correct input file:
• An Input File Preview utility is included in the File…Open dialog to make the process of open the
correct input file easier. Comments and other descriptive information entered on the WELL AND
TREATMENT INFORMATION SCREEN [F3] are shown in the file preview area.
• A Search Function is also included in the File…Open dialog that allows you to do a simple text
search of the information displayed in the file preview area.
When you exit and re-enter the program, it is not necessary to retrieve the input file you were last working with since
FracproPT starts with the same settings and parameters that it had when it was last shut down.

FracproPT 2007

The standard File…Open dialog showing the Input File Preview and Search functions.

Saving Input Files and Model Results

FracproPT input files and results files can be saved to disk using the standard File…Save menu command, using the

toolbar button, or using the [Ctrl+S] shortcut key. In case you inadvertently save and overwrite existing files that you
did not intend to, a backup file is created and can be recalled using the File…Recover menu command.
If you wish to save the current inputs and results files with a different file name, you can use either the standard

File…Save As menu command or the toolbar button.

FracproPT 2007

The standard File…Save As dialog.

Keyboard Help [Shift+F1]

The KEYBOARD HELP screen shows all of the function key combinations used as shortcuts (that is, hot keys) to various
FracproPT or ReservoirPT screens. You may also double-click on any key or key combination on the screen to display
the corresponding screen. These hot keys are also listed on the keyboard template that comes with the software.

FracproPT 2007

The FracproPT Keyboard Help screen

The KEYBOARD HELP screen also lists of keyboard combinations that function as program shortcuts:
This hot key Performs this function
[Esc] Close the current screen and return to the previous screen.
[PgUp] / [PgDn] Scroll up or down in a table.
[Alt+R] Run simulator. This command starts either the fracture simulator or the reservoir simulator. Using [Alt+R] allows
you to start the simulator from any screen rather than having to go to the SIMULATOR
CONTROL [F10] screen.
[Alt+S] Stop simulator. This command stops either the fracture simulator or the reservoir simulator. Using [Alt+S] you can
stop or pause the simulator from any screen, without first having to go to the SIMULATOR
CONTROL [F10] screen. The simulator may be restarted using [Alt+C] if it is paused before
reaching the end of the input data (as specified on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen)
or the End Time (as specified on the SIMULATOR CONTROL [F10] screen).
[Alt+C] Continue simulation. This command continues the current fracture or reservoir simulation. This command works
only if simulation was paused before reaching the end of input data or End Time (see
explanation above for [Alt+S] command).
[Ctrl+R] Run to End of Data. This command is used when running in Fracture Simulation mode while collecting data in
the field. It causes the model to run using all the real-time data currently collected, then wait and
continue running as new data arrives.

FracproPT 2007

[Ctrl+F] Toggle between fractures. This command toggles various displays (for example, fracture pictures and plots)
between multiple perforated intervals are being simulated.
[Ctrl+Z] Undo last action.
[Ctrl+y] Redo last action.
[Ctrl+C] Copy selected value or selected table cells.
[Ctrl+V] Paste selected value or selected table cells.
[Alt+W] Write contents of the current screen to the FracproPT clipboard, which is separate from the Windows clipboard.
Contents of the clipboard can then be retrieved or extracted onto the same screen in a different
input file. This command is useful for copying screen parameters (from one or more screens)
from one input file to another without having to remember and retype the parameters manually.
For example, all entries from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen can be "transferred"
from one input file to another one by:
Going to the screen with first input file loaded and using [Alt+W] to copy screen parameters into the clipboard;
Loading the second input file; and
Going to the same screen with second input file loaded and extracting clipboard contents for that screen with [Alt+X].
Parameters from multiple screens may be copied to same clipboard and retrieved (in any order) into another input file.
The clipboard contents are lost when you exit FracproPT.
[Alt+X] Extract or retrieve the FracproPT clipboard contents for current screen. If the clipboard does not contain any
entries for current screen, parameters remain unchanged and message is displayed indicating
no entries were changed. Extracting clipboard contents affects only the current screen; in other
words, this function does not automatically dump all information contained in the clipboard into
the input file.
[Alt+p] Copy screen to Windows Clipboard
[CNTR-N] Start a new FracproPT input file
[CNTR-O] Open a FracproPT input file
[CNTR-S] Save a FracproPT input file

File Naming Conventions

Input files, all of which have INP-extensions, contain all of the information necessary to run the fracture and reservoir-
production simulators. That is, they contain all information from all the screens, from all four FracproPT modes.
Therefore, for example, you could use the same input file for designing the frac (Fracture Design mode), for optimizing the
frac design (Economic Optimization mode), for monitoring and modeling the frac job as it is pumped (Fracture Analysis
mode), and for predicting or matching the resulting hydrocarbon production (Production Analysis mode).
When you save model inputs and outputs, the data are actually copied from the default input file that the program
always runs in the FracproPT program folder (this file is called DEFAULT.IN$) to the folder and file name that you
specify. The results from running the simulator(s) with that input file are saved along with it in the same folder. The results
files, of which there are a few different types, are saved along with the inputs in the same folder and with the same
filename, but with different file extensions (see below for a list of file types used in FracproPT).
For example, when in Fracture Analysis mode, all of the channels shown on the numeric Output screen are stored.
Fracture Design mode and Fracture Analysis mode results are saved with a RES-extension, Production Analysis mode
results are saved with an RRS-extension, and Economic Optimization results with a LOP-extension.
The final type of FracproPT file is the database, which is a file containing either time-based data recorded from a fracture
treatment or from a well's production history (including pressure buildups and flow tests), or depth-based data from well
logs or wellbore surveys.
The file extensions and file types used by FracproPT are shown below:
File Extension File Type
BAK Backup of last saved input file
CMS Calibrated Model Settings file
DBS Database of stimulation treatment or production data created by DataConvertPT or DataAcqPT
DBD Database of well log or wellbore survey data (that is, depth based) database created by DataConvertPT
ERR Log file of encountered errors during simulator execution
FLD Fluid Library (ASCII format)

FracproPT 2007

FPA Treatment, production, log, or wellbore survey data in a special ASCII format (created by DataConvertPT).
INC ECLIPSE Office project file, which can be generated by FracproPT
INP FracproPT input file
LAS Log ASCII file. The Integrated Fracture Picture and the Log-Layer Editor can directly read this standard industry
LOP Economic Optimization results file
PRP Proppant Library (ASCII format)
RCK Rock Library (ASCII format)
RES Fracture Analysis or Fracture Design results file
RFR Fracture geometry file
RTF Rich Text Format. Output of the FracproPT Report, which can be imported directly into word processors such as
RRS Production Analysis results file
RWB Wellbore channel results file
XLS Excel™ file. This format can be read as input data, for example fracture treatment data or production data, or as a
model output report
UMS User-defined Model Settings file

FracproPT Main Screen [F2]

The FracproPT Main Screen.

FracproPT 2007

From the FracproPT MAIN screen screen, you choose the desired operating mode in which you wish to run the
program. You can also choose from various FracproPT utilities for manipulating data, or you can access screens where
you setup how the FracproPT system and model function.
Selecting any of the four modes takes you to the Well And Treatment Information - F3 screen, which is the first in a
sequence of screens in which you must enter data and make selections in order to run the simulator. All screens in the
sequence have a Next field near the lower-right corner that takes you to the next screen in the sequence. By selecting
Next after you have entered all data or made the necessary selections on each screen, you are assured to view all
relevant screens. The final screen in the sequence for each mode is the Simulator Control - F10 screen.
The current mode is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the FracproPT window and on the top of the
Navigation Tree.
Operating Modes

Fracture Design Overview

Fracture Design mode is used to automatically generate a propped-fracture treatment schedule. The program helps you
select the proper fluids and proppants, and then the proper pump schedule to achieve the required dimensionless
conductivity (if possible) and fracture half-length.

Fracture Analysis Overview

Fracture Analysis mode provides access to three 2D and various 3D fracture models, including the default FracproPT 3D
Model choice. You can run any of the models from job-design data (that is, a treatment schedule), FracproPT database
data, or real-time data. FracproPT's acid fracturing model is also available for use in this mode. You can conduct minifrac
analysis, rate stepdown test analysis and net pressure history matching in the operating mode.

Production Analysis Overview

Production Analysis mode gives the user the tools to analyze a well's past, present and future production response from
an economics point of view, both with and without a propped-fracture present. This option runs ReservoirPT, which is the
interface module connecting FracproPT with different reservoir simulation models. Currently, two reservoir simulators are
supplied with FracproPT; the 2-D FraPS Model and the 3-D Layered Analytical Model.

Economic Optimization Overview

In Economic Optimization mode, the fracture simulator and the reservoir simulator are alternately run automatically in
order to determine the economically optimal fracture treatment size for the reservoir.

Generate Report
Selecting Generate Report takes you to the Report Setup - Shift + F2 screen where you can configure and generate a
report of your work that consists of both input/results tables and graphs. This report can be sent directly to a printer or
saved as a Microsoft Word™ document.

Export ASCII Data

This option takes you to the ASCII Data Output screen where you can specify up to 16 different channels of data (either
input data or FracproPT output data) to write to a text file or to send directly to a printer.

Import ASCII Data

This option starts DataConvertPT, which is a standalone software program used to merge and convert one or more
ASCII text files into a single FracproPT database (binary format) file. Converting from ASCII to binary format speeds up
data access time within FracproPT significantly (for example, for plotting routines).
Overview: DataEditPT

Edit Database File

This option starts DataEditPT, which is a standalone software program used to edit the current FracproPT database (as
indicated on the Fracture Analysis Options - F4 screen). DataEditPT is included with the FracproPT installations and it is
commonly referred to as the database editor.
You can also edit a real-time data file (which is a database file that is appended over time) with DataEditPT. However,
this is done from within DataAcqPT (the data acquisition program that comes with FracproPT). If you have selected Run
from Real-Time Data on the Fracture Analysis Options - F4 screen, the Data Conversion and Editing screen appears
somewhat differently, as shown below.
Overview: DataEditPT

FracproPT 2007


Frac Model Parameters

Selecting Frac Model Parameters takes you to the Frac Model Parameters - Shift + F3 screen where you can access
FracproPT's internal physical model parameters

System Configuration
Selecting System Configuration takes you to the System Configuration screen where options regarding channel names,
system messages, backup files, display settings, and units are accessed.

Navigation Tree
FracproPT contains a Navigation Tree that can assist a user to step through a full analysis. It has a different appearance
in every mode, and in Fracture Analysis module it looks as follows:

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT Navigation Tree for Fracture Analysis

Upper Pane
The upper pane shows the available FracproPT modules:

• Fracture Design
• Fracture Analysis
• Production Analysis
• Economic Optimization

FracproPT 2007

• Xpress Design: FracproXPRESS Quick Fracture Design

• Xpress Minifrac : FracproXPRESS Quick Minifrac Analysis
The active FracproPT module is highlighted. Click on the name of a module to change to that module.
Lower Pane
The lower pane shows links to the different screens associated with each module. The screens for each module are
divided into sections:

Clicking on the screen name will launch this screen. Use of the Next button on each screen will result in selection of the
next item on the Navigation Tree. Use of the Back button on some of the screens will generally result in jumping back to
the respective Analysis Control screen for that specific module.
Use of the Navigation Tree restricts the number of open screens (excluding graphics) to a single one. To view more
screens simultaneously, the Navigation Tree should be disabled. The Navigation Tree can be disabled in the menu
under View | Navigation Tree.
Toggle Navigation Tree
To toggle between display and hide the Navigation Tree, select from the main menu View | Navigation Tree.

Fracture Design Mode

Overview - Fracture Design Mode
Fracture Design Mode allows engineers to quickly and efficiently generate a treatment schedule based on what the
reservoir requires. After helping you choose the appropriate fluids and proppants, FracproPT can use two different
methods to generate a pump schedule. You can specify what propped fracture length and in-fracture proppant
concentration you desire, or FracproPT will provide you with various designs that all fulfill a user-defined dimensionless
conductivity criterion. Finally, you can define an ideal proppant concentration profile (versus distance from the well) for the
selected treatment size, and FracproPT will iterate on the best proppant schedule to match this ideal profile.

FracproPT 2007

Like all other FracproPT modes, Fracture Design Mode is selected from the MAIN [F2] screen; a message is
displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen indicating that this is the active mode. When you select a mode
from the MAIN screen, you may use the Next field to progress through a sequence of screens, beginning with the
screen for that mode. The screens are listed here in the same order that you will see them if you use the Next fields to
progress through the sequence of screens.

Well & Treatment Information - F3

Well and Treatment Information – General Information [F3]
The Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen is accessed by:

• pressing the function key F3

• clicking on Well&Treatment Info in the Navigation Tree
The General Information tab is the first tab on the Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen.

This screen is used to enter various data and information, such as general comments, about the simulation represented
by this input file. Some of the information can be included automatically on plot titles and report page headers.
The information entered here is also displayed in the Input File Preview area of the standard File…Open dialog. It can
also be used by the Input File Search utility that is also a part of that dialog.
The path and file name of the current input file are displayed at the top of this screen, which is common to all four
FracproPT modes.

FracproPT 2007

General Information tab of the Well and Treatment Information screen

Fracture Design Options - F4

Fracture Design Options – Main Options [F4]
This screen is where you choose from among the options available when running in Fracture Design Mode.

Main Options tab of the Fracture Design Options screen

Fracture Model to Use

It should first be noted that there is really only one model in the FracproPT System, which is commonly referred to as a
lumped-parameter model. However, by choosing the correct values for certain parameters that control function of the
lumped model, it can be made to behave (in terms of pressures, dimensions, etc.) like any other model. In the FracproPT
System, six sets of parameters have been defined and hardwired into six of the model options available on this screen:

• 3D Shear-Decoupled (Default)
• 3D Tip-Dominated
• 3D Conventional (Linear Elastic)
• 2D PKN
• 2D KGD
• 2D Radial

3D Shear-Decoupled (Default)
This is the new default model for FracproPT version 10.3. In hundreds of fracture treatments where Pinnacle has utilized
direct fracture diagnostics (microseismic fracture mapping and tiltmeter fracture mapping), we have seen that fracture
growth is in general more confined than we would initially think based on "classical" assumptions, for example the
presence of closure stress barriers or permeability barriers. In several cases, we have seen confined fracture growth
(length-height aspect ratios of 2 and larger) in areas with a single thick pay zone and no nearby barriers (see SPE paper
56724). It has long been postulated that this is due to a "composite layering effect". This composite layering effect causes
partial decoupling of the fracture width profile along layer interfaces, and results in slower fracture growth trough layer
interfaces (in fracture height).
The 3D Shear-Decoupled model predicts longer, more confined fractures caused by the introduction of an average
Composite Layering Effect (CLE) for the layers outside the Pay Zone. This average value is based on hundreds of
fracture treatment that were monitored using direct fracture diagnostics. As a result of greater confinement, net pressures
are typically also slightly higher for the 3D Shear-Decoupled model than for the 3D Tip-Dominated model. Note however,
that the Composite Layering Effect that is needed to match actual geometries can sometimes vary widely in different
regions and formations, and the default Composite Layering Effect of 25 (resulting in an estimated incremental
height/length growth of about 0.25 outside the pay) used in the 3D Shear-Decoupled model is only an average. All other
parameters for this model are the same as for the 3D Tip-Dominated model described below.

FracproPT 2007

3D Tip-Dominated
This is the lumped 3D model developed for GRI, which is not a so-called pseudo 3D model. In general, the model predicts
shorter, wider fractures due to higher predicted net pressures that, in general, have been found to match very closely with
observed field data. In the 3D Tip-Dominated model, the most important parameter that is hardwired is the Tip Effect
Coefficient (see FRACPROPT MODEL PARAMETERS [Shift+F3] screen, FracproPT 3D Parameters tab), to a value of

3D Conventional (Linear Elastic)

This mode should give results very similar to those from the few other 3D models available. Note that this also is not a
pseudo 3D model, although it may predict similar results and it has many of the same problems (for example, low net
pressures and great sensitivity to fluid rheology). In the 3D Conventional model, the most important parameter that is
hardwired is the Tip Effect Coefficient (see FRACPROPT MODEL PARAMETERS [SHIFT+F3] screen, FracproPT 3D
Parameters tab), to a value of 0.4.

3D Calibrated
To load a calibrated settings file, select this 3D Calibrated radio button and then select the appropriate file in the
associated combo box on the left. Only engineers from Pinnacle can save and generate these calibrated settings files,
which are located in the FracproPT program folder (for example, for a default installation: c:\Program Files\Pinnacle
Technologies\FracproPT\Program) as CMS-files (Calibrated Model Settings).
Pinnacle has learned from direct fracture diagnostic data, such as tiltmeter fracture mapping and micro-seismic fracture
mapping, that fractures can grow very differently in different environments. In some areas, the default settings in fracture
models accurately predict directly observed fracture growth, but in other areas these default settings do not accurately
reflect actual fracture growth. In these areas, the default model settings do not provide an accurate description of fracture
growth, and other physical mechanisms such composite layering effects should be introduced by changing the default
fracture model parameters to provide a calibrated 3D model.
Pinnacle has provided some model settings that have been released for publication in this category, and the number of
released model settings keeps on growing as we learn more about fracture growth behavior in more regions and
formations. Note that Pinnacle also distributes confidential calibrated model settings to clients that have utilized our
fracture mapping services.
If a 3D Calibrated model is selected, the FracproPT logo on the Navigation Bar and in hardcopies of plots changes to the
FracproXACT logo, indicating that model settings were used that tie back to direct measurements of fracture growth in
that environment. This should provide a better estimate of fracture growth behavior for that specific region of formation
that one of the "hardwired" model settings.

3D User-Defined
If you routinely change the default model parameters for your work in one or more areas, you can save those model
parameters and easily recall them at any time.

• Saving a User-Defined Model – You first select this 3D User-Defined option and then go to the
FracproPT 3D Parameters tab of the FRACproPT MODEL PARAMETERS [Shift-F3] screen and
change any of the model parameters. While still on this screen and after making your changes, press
the Save These Settings As A User-Defined Parameter File, which will create and save a UMS-file
(User-defined Model Settings) in the FracproPT program folder (for example, c:\Program
Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT\Program).
• Using a User-Defined Model – Press the Load These Settings As A User-Defined Parameter File
and then select the desired UMS-file. Of course you must have first created or copied a UMS-file
before you can select one.

You can choose from among the three common 2D models using this drop-down list.

• PKN 2D Model – This is one of the classical 2D models with constant (specified) height and width
proportional to height. It is still often used (with high gel viscosity) to force a pressure "match" in the
later treatment stages, almost always ignoring early pressure data that results from water injection.
• KGD 2D Model – This is one of the classical 2D models with constant (specified) height and with
width proportional to length. It can rarely be used to match measured pressures (except perhaps with
forced use of backstress).
• Radial Model – This is one of the classical 2D models. The model assumes axisymmetry in radial

FracproPT 2007

The 2D PKN and 2D KGD models do not, in general, give reasonable answers, even in reservoirs where there is almost
perfect containment, due to their unrealistically low net fracturing pressure predictions. The same is true of the 2D radial
model, even in homogeneous reservoirs where radial fractures may indeed be created. The 2D radial model generally
predicts dramatically lower net fracturing pressures than are observed in the field and, thus, predicts fractures with much
larger radii and much smaller widths than are actually created.
The 2D models are available in FracproPT for a number of reasons. Results (especially dimensions) from the 2D models
can be compared to 3D results. As well, the 2D models can be used in an attempt to match observed net pressures, a
process that should readily demonstrate their inadequacy. Also, the 2D models can be used as a starting point for
understanding typical fracture treatment designs provided to you on the basis of other 2D models.

Other Options

FracproPT Model Parameters

Select this button as a shortcut to get to the FracproPT Model Parameters [Shift+F3] screen.
Fracture Design – Additional Options [F4]
This screen is where you choose from among the numerous, but less often used, options available for fracture design.

Additional Options tab of the Fracture Design Options screen

Fracture Model Options

Leakoff Model
FracproPT has three leakoff models, which are described below. Due to recent leakoff model changes and additions, you
may see certain messages when loading input files from previous FracproPT versions or when you switch between the
three leakoff model options. Select the button below to read about these messages.
Additional Information: Leakoff Model Options

Lumped-Parameter (Default)
This is the original leakoff model used in the FracproPT system. It can best be described as a classical leakoff model in
terms of the physics that are modeled, however it has been formulated such that it executes extremely fast (that is, for
real-time analysis). The model formulation gives rise to the model characterization as "lumped."
This model generally works quite well in most situations, however it may lose accuracy in higher permeability situations
and in reservoirs with complex permeability profiles (that is, when permeability varies significantly with depth).
Additional details regarding the Lumped-Parameter Model can be found in the FracproPT Technical Description section of

Grid-Based Classical
This is a classical leakoff model in terms of the physics that are modeled. However, this model overlays a grid on the
fracture face and tracks the leakoff history of each individual grid block in time. In general, this model should be more

FracproPT 2007

accurate than the Lumped-Parameter Model, but it is also noticeably slower and the difference between it and the
Lumped-Parameter Model will most often be very small. Use this model if you have permeability contrast of at least 2
orders of magnitude.
Additional details regarding the Grid-Based Classical Model can be found in the FracproPT Technical Description section
of Help.

Grid-Based FLIC
This model is similar to the Grid-Based Classical model, however two additional physical processes are accounted for:
Dynamic filter cake buildup and non-Newtonian gel invasion into the reservoir. Use this model if you have a pay zone
permeability of at least 100 mD.
Additional details regarding the Grid-Based FLIC Model can be found in the FracproPT Technical Description section of

Heat Transfer Effects

If you choose this option, the fluid is assumed to be at reservoir temperature as soon as it enters the fracture.

Choosing this option activates FracproPT's wellbore temperature model. The calculated bottomhole temperature of the
pumped fluids is then passed to the fracture model where any additional heat transfer between the reservoir rock and the
pumped fluids is calculated. Various parameters for the model are entered on the WELLBORE HEAT TRANSFER
screen, which is accessed by selecting Wellbore Heat Transfer from the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen.

Proppant Transport Model

Selecting Proppant Settling allows settling of proppant in the fracture based primarily on fluid viscosity and particle
diameter (that is, Stokes Law). Use this option for slickwater treatments, where proppant settling is the main downward
proppant transport mechanism.

Proppant Convection may be a dominant mechanism for proppant transport and placement in hydraulic-fracture
stimulation treatments. However, the convective process will be slowed impeded by fracture offsets (for example, at
bedding planes), narrow fractures (for example, when multiple fractures are created), and highly viscous fluids in the
Proppant Convection is a process whereby heavier treatment stages (for example, proppant stages) displace rapidly
downward from the perforations to the bottom of the fracture. Those stages nearest the perforations may then be replaced
by the pad or by low-concentration proppant stages.
Use this option for linear or crosslink gel treatments, where proppant convection is generally more important than
proppant settling.

No Convection or Settling
No Convection or Settling should be selected only when modeling a horizontal fracture where those effects can be

Fracture Orientation

Vertical Fracture is generally selected. The FRACTURE PICTURE [Alt+F5] screen, the STAGE PROFILE PICTURE
[Ctrl+F5] screen, and the WIDTH PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F7] screen all show a vertical fracture with a depth scale and
a vertical profile of the minimum horizontal stress.

If you select Horizontal Fracture, FracproPT grows a horizontal fracture at the Initial Frac Depth shown on the
RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. You must first select Lithology Based Reservoir (in another section of this

FracproPT 2007

FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen) before selecting Horizontal Fracture. The FRACTURE PICTURE
[Alt+F5] screen, the STAGE PROFILE PICTURE [Ctrl+F5] screen, and the WIDTH PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F7] screen
display the horizontal fracture, but with a vertical screen orientation.

Wellbore and Perf Options

Run Fracture and Wellbore Models

This is the default and most often used of these options. As the name implies, both the fracture and the wellbore models
are run.

Run Wellbore Model Only

You may choose Run Wellbore Model Only while going through the process of removing all friction from measured
pressure data. Doing so causes FracproPT to run much faster. This option is very useful for large treatments where the
user is trying to determine and subtract friction from the measured pressure data near the end of pumping. This option
temporarily disables the fracture model. Once all of the friction is accounted for, the fracture model may be reactivated.

Run Fracture Model Only

If Run From Job-Design Data is selected and only net fracturing pressures and fracture growth are of interest to you, it is
possible to the wellbore and perforations in terms of predicting fracture growth. However, the wellbore and perforations
must be modeled to predict surface pressure.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based
If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.

General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.

General Single Scale

If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture Design Goals

Automated Treatment Selection

Using this option, fluids and proppants can be picked manually or automatically based on local circumstances (for
example, temperature, permeability, and effective fracture closure stress). The program then provides numerous pump
schedules that all fulfill a user-defined dimensionless conductivity criterion, which allows a determination of how a given
Productivity Index (PI), which the ratio of stimulated well production response to the non-stimulated response, can be
achieved as a function of fracture treatment size. Finally, an ideal proppant concentration profile (versus distance from the
well) is defined for the selected treatment size, and FracproPT iterates to find the best pump schedule to match this ideal

Manual Entry
Choose this option to use the design methodology that has always been included with FracproPT. After fluids and
proppants are picked manually or with the assistance of FracproPT, the user must determine and then enter a desired
propped fracture length and a desired average proppant concentration. The program will then iterate to design a suitable
pump schedule.

Proprietary Treatment Selection

This option works very similar to the Automated Treatment Selection option, but provides various proprietary pre-set
numbers that can be used.

Wellbore Configuration - F7
Wellbore Configuration – Drilled Hole [F7]
This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab
Note that the information on this tab is NOT used for any of the calculations in FracproPT. The only time this information is
used is for the SCHEMATIC VIEW, the 2D SCHEMATIC VIEW and WELLBORE VIEWER, all of which can be selected
from the icon bar or the FracproPT Menu > View.

FracproPT 2007

The Drilled Hole tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Drilled Hole Tab

This table is used to enter the geometry of the hole as drilled.
Drilled Hole information is not required. However, if you want the wellbore Schematic Viewers to be accurately
depicted you should enter the Drilled Hole information.

Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].

Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.

Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.

Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the

FracproPT 2007

measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.

Open Hole
This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is open hole (Open Hole) or
cemented open hole (Cemented OH). This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.

Bit Diameter
You enter the Bit Diameter in this column. This entry affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.

Effective Diameter
You enter the Effective Diameter of the drilled hole in this column. This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views,
not the model results.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and zotal Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Wellbore Configuration – Casing [F7]
This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Directional Survey Tab

The Casing tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

This table is used to describe the casing, whether or not any or the entire casing is actually the pipe string used to carry
the treatment fluids. The Top MD entry for segment number one defaults to zero. For each segment, the user must enter
the OD and ID, while Weight and Grade are optional.

Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].

Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.

Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.

Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the

FracproPT 2007

measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.

This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is Cemented Casing or Free
Casing that is not cemented. This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.

Select a casing outer diameter (OD) for this segment from the Casing Library that contains all standard API casing
diameters or enter the OD directly if the casing is not of a standard API diameter.

Select a casing Weight for this segment from the Casing Library or enter the Weight directly.

If you selected a casing OD and Weight for this segment from the Casing Library, the corresponding casing inner
diameter (ID) will already be entered. Alternatively, you may enter the ID directly.

Select a casing grade for this segment from the selection box. This information is not currently used for anything other
than display and record-keeping purposes.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Wellbore Configuration – Surface Line/Tubing [F7]
This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.

FracproPT 2007

The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab
Tip for Entering a Frac Pack Configuration

The Surface Line/Tubing tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Surface Line/Tubing

Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].

Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.

FracproPT 2007

Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.

Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the
measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.

Surface Line/Tubing
This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is comprised of Tubing, Drill Pipe,
or a Packer. In addition, you have the additional choices of Surface Line or Surface CTU for the first segment.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.

Select an outer diameter (OD) for this segment from the Tubing Library that contains all standard API tubing diameters or
enter the OD directly if the tubing is not of a standard API diameter.

Select a Weight for this segment from the Tubing Library or enter the Weight directly.

If you selected an OD and a Weight for this segment from the Tubing Library, the corresponding segment inner diameter
(ID) will already be entered. Alternatively, you may enter the ID directly.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.

Select a grade for this segment from the selection box. This information is not currently used for anything other than
display and record-keeping purposes.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same

FracproPT 2007

• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Wellbore Configuration – Perforated Intervals [F7]
This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

The Perforated Intervals tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

FracproPT 2007

Perforated Intervals
FracproPT can model up to 20 separate perforated intervals. See Application Notes below for information on how to set
up and model some common well scenarios in terms of Perforated Intervals.

Selecting, or checking, this box in the Use column specifies whether or not the perforations defined by this line are
actually used in the simulation. Therefore, if you do not want to use one or more sets of perforations that are entered, you
can simply unselect the Use box to ignore them.
While selecting and unselecting sets of perforations, you may notice that the display order in the table may change.
However, among the perforation sets that are actually used (that is, checked), their display order should be from
shallowest to deepest.

Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the top of the perforation interval.

Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the bottom of the perforation interval.

Using data from other tabs on this WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, the true vertical depth (TVD) to the top of
the perforated interval is calculated and displayed in this field.

Bottom TVD
Using data from other tabs on this WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, the true vertical depth (TVD) to the
bottom of the perforated interval is calculated and displayed in this field.

Diameter is the average perforation diameter for the interval.

Number of Perfs
Number of Perfs is the total number of perforations for the interval.

Application Notes

Modeling as Multiple Perfed Intervals versus a Single Perfed Interval

There are three ways to model multiple perforated intervals in FracproPT. Below are some rules of thumb of when to use
each of these three different strategies:

• For zones that are separate but still relatively close to one another in comparison to the total fracture
height that you are expecting (you are expecting substantial overlap between multiple fractures), it is
generally better to model them with a single perforated interval. You can account for the flow split and
additional leakoff between multiple fractures by selecting a Volume Factor and a Leakoff Factor in
the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7] screen that are equal to the number of perforated intervals.
You can also account for the interference between these multiple fractures by changing the Opening
Factor. Please refer to the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7} screen for more information.
People most often choose this option if they do not accurately know the rock properties, closure and
permeability profile with depth that drive fracture growth, and if they only want a very approximate
answer as to what they are achieving. The choice here is to keep it simple, as we don’t have the
detailed information to justify a very detailed analysis.
• When simulating limited-entry perforating where the number of perforations per interval is the main
driver for flow split between zones, define multiple perforated intervals on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen AND use Simplified Iteration on the Additional Options tab of the
FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. In this case, you are assuming that closure stress
changes and net pressure changes per interval are small in comparison to the limited-entry
perforation friction pressure drop.

FracproPT 2007

• When simulating limited-entry perforating of multiple zones AND when you know that properties such
as fracture closure stress and permeability vary significantly between the perforated intervals, you
may wish to model each zone as an independent fracture by specifying multiple perforated intervals
on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen AND use General Iteration on the Additional
Options tab of the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. In this case, the fracture model will
run much more slowly, because you are actually simulating several fractures growing at once. The
model may also slow considerably due to the complex nature of calculating the flow split and frictional
pressure losses between perforated intervals. When you do model more than one set of perforations,
simulator output (such as net pressure, fracture dimensions, or fracture/proppant pictures) is
displayed in terms of one fracture (that is, one perforated interval) at a time. You can toggle between
the different fractures (that is, the different perforated intervals) by pressing [CNTR+F] or by selecting
the Next Interval icon on the toolbar. Note that conducting net pressure history matching for multiple
intervals requires one match for each interval, and can therefore become quite a laborious task.

How FracproPT Picks the Depth for Fracture Initiation

• For each perforated interval, FracproPT automatically searches the interval for the lowest stress zone
and sets the center of that zone to be the Initial Frac Depth (as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen). Total perforated height for each interval, whether entered by you here,
or on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen in the case where you are ignoring the wellbore,
has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation friction is calculated
based solely on the flow rate, the number and diameter of the perfs you enter here, and on the data
entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen.
• Therefore, you do not have to, nor do you necessarily always want to, enter the true total perforated
height. Rather, you may want to enter the perforation information such that fracture initiation in the
simulator is guaranteed at the location you desire.
• Special cases are very large perforated heights and small-volume treatments. In those situations, you
may want to enter the actual perforated height and turn the Set Minimum Fracture Height option on.
Doing so causes the fracture to initiate from the entire perforated height (that is, as a line source
rather than a point source). The Set Minimum Fracture Height option is accessed from the MODEL

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each

FracproPT 2007

The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Wellbore Configuration – Path Summary [F7]
This screen displays a summary of the path that treatment fluids take to go from the surface to the perforations. No input
of data is possible on this screen: The tubing, casing, and hole configuration as entered on various other tabs of the
WELLBORE CONFIGURATION screen are used to construct this summary. Hole deviation data is also shown.

The Path Summary tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.


FracproPT 2007

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Wellbore Configuration – Directional Survey [F7]
On this screen, you can manually enter a wellbore trajectory using up to 100 wellbore segments, or you can import a
FracproPT depth-based database file containing wellbore trajectory data (up to 1000 points). Input of wellbore trajectory
data may be accomplished in one of four different formats.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

The Directional Survey tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.


Build, Turn, MD

FracproPT 2007

For this selection, enter the build rate, the turn rate, and the measured depth for the beginning of each segment in the
appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in an
Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

MD, Inclination, Azimuth

For this selection, enter the measured depth, the inclination, and the azimuth for the beginning of each segment in the
appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in an
Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.


For this selection, enter the north-south distance, the east-west distance, and the true vertical depth for the beginning of
each segment in the appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you
have this data in an Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

MD, TVD, Azimuth

For this selection, enter the measured depth, the true vertical depth, and the azimuth for the beginning of each segment in
the appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in
an Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

Importing a Wellbore Survey

Load Survey
Load Survey opens the standard file open dialog from which you load a FracproPT depth-based database file
(file_name.DBD) containing wellbore survey data. Select Clear Survey to delete all data from the Directional Survey data

Azimuth Format
Selecting the Azimuth Format checkbox toggles the Azimuth column between a simple degrees format and a compass
point display. In the latter format, you still enter simple degrees (that is, 0 to 359 degrees), but the entry is converted to the
compass point format.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Heat Transfer Parameters - Shift + F9

Heat Transfer Parameters [Shift+F9]
This screen is where you enter the parameters necessary to model the time-temperature history of the wellbore fluids.
The calculated fluid temperature at the perforations is then passed to the fracture heat transfer model so that the
temperature of fluids in the fracture can be tracked. If you choose not to model heat transfer effects, all fluids are assumed
to be at reservoir temperature (which is entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen) as soon as they enter
the fracture. The temperature distribution in the wellbore can be viewed on the WELLBORE PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F9]
screen. The in-fracture temperature of any stage can be tracked in time on a FracproPT data plot.
The wellbore heat transfer model is a rigorous, numerical model that has been verified against analytical solutions,
measured temperature data, and other commercially available wellbore heat transfer models.
Additional Information: Heat Transfer Models

The Heat Transfer Parameters screen.

Parameters for Heat Transfer Model

Surface Fluid Temperature

This is the temperature of the fluid entering the wellbore at the surface (that is, tank temperature). If you are simulating a
foam treatment, this is the fluid temperature before the addition of carbon dioxide or nitrogen.

Surface Proppant Temperature

This is the temperature of the proppant before it is pumped into the wellbore.

Surface N2 Temperature

FracproPT 2007

This is the temperature of the nitrogen before it is added to the main fluid-proppant stream.

Surface CO2 Temperature

This is the temperature of the carbon dioxide before it is added to the main fluid-proppant stream.

Surface Rock Temperature

This is the temperature of the earth at, or near, the surface. Although this number is not widely known with great accuracy,
relatively large variations in it make only minor differences in predictions of wellbore heat transfer.

Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth

This is the reservoir temperature at the mid-perf depth. In addition to heat transfer calculations, this number is used to
select the correct rheology data from the Fluid Library.
Unless you use the Enter Temperature vs. Depth table, FracproPT assumes a linear temperature gradient between
Surface Rock Temperature and Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth.

Display Temperature at
Although fluid temperature is modeled throughout the wellbore (which can be viewed on the WELLBORE PROFILE
PICTURE [Alt+F9] screen), only one channel is available for plotting it in a standard time-varying plot. This output channel
is called Bottomhole Temperature but, by entering a depth in this field, the temperature at any point (depth) in the
wellbore can be plotted versus time. Check the Use Fracture Center Depth box to display Bottomhole Temperature at
the point (depth) of fracture initiation.

Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier

The properties and configuration of the various tubulars, cements, and earth materials are used in calculating the heat
flow between the earth and the wellbore fluids. This Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier simply multiplies the
overall effects. Under most circumstances, increasing this multiplier speeds up the wellbore fluid heat-up process.

Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier

The various fluid properties, rock properties, and fracture properties (for example, length, width, and height) are used to
calculate the heat flow between the fluids in the fracture and the rock surrounding the fracture. This Fracture Heat
Transfer Coefficient Multiplier simply multiplies the overall effects. Unfortunately, due to complicating factors such as the
limited heat capacity of near-fracture rock and fluid leak off into the reservoir, it is difficult to generalize the effects of
raising or lowering the Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier.

Offshore Wells
Select the Offshore Well check box if you are fracture treating an offshore well.
When you check this option, you will notice that the Surface Rock Temperature field becomes unavailable since you
now must enter Surface Water Temperature instead.

Water Depth
This is the depth of the water in which the well sits.

Surface Water Temperature

This is the temperature at or near the water surface.

Seabed Temperature
This is the temperature at the bottom of the body of water.
Unless you use the Enter Temperature vs. Depth table (which applies to both the water depth and the depth from the
sea bed to the center of the frac depth), FracproPT assumes two linear temperature gradients: one between Surface
Water Temperature and Seabed Temperature and another between Seabed Temperature and Reservoir
Temperature at Frac Center Depth.

FracproPT 2007

Sea Current
This is the average sea current in knots. The current is assumed to be constant from the surface to bottom of the body of
Risers typically limit the effects of currents.

Ocean-Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier

The properties and configuration of the various tubulars, treatment fluids, and the surrounding water are used in
calculating the heat flow between the sea and the wellbore fluids. This Ocean-Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient
Multiplier simply multiplies the overall effects. Under most circumstances, increasing this multiplier speeds up the cooling
of fluid as it flows through the sea-surrounded wellbore.

Enter Temperature vs. Depth

For onshore wells, FracproPT normally assumes a linear temperature gradient between Surface Rock Temperature and
Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth. For offshore wells, FracproPT assumes two linear temperature gradients:
one between Surface Water Temperature and Seabed Temperature and another between Seabed Temperature and
Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth.
However, if you have other temperature versus depth information, either in the earth or the sea or both, you can enter that
data here to more accurately model wellbore heat transfer. FracproPT assumes a linear temperature profile between the
depths entered in the table. For example, you may opt to use this to incorporate how fluid will heat up in the wellbore the
presence of a shallow high-temperature steam flood zone.

Depth TVD
This is the true vertical depth to the point where you wish to specify a temperature.

This is the temperature at the corresponding true vertical depth.

Other Options

Thermal Fluid Properties

Selecting this field takes you to the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the Edit/View Interpolated Fluid Data
[SHIFT+F5] screen where those properties can be modified.

Thermal Rock Properties

Selecting this field takes you to the Thermal Rock Properties screen where those properties can be modified.

Reservoir Parameters - F9
Using Lithology-Based Reservoir Model

Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters

This screen is accessed only if you choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen. In this case, the parameters on this screen are entered and displayed on a layer-by-layer basis. If you want these
parameters to be the same for all layers, you should choose Gas, Oil, or User Specified as the Reservoir Type.

FracproPT 2007

The Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

These entries correspond to the layer depths shown for the Pore Fluid Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient columns in the
Reservoir Layer Table on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. The numbers cannot be changed on this screen.
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can
toggle between them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or by using the Next Interval toolbar button.
This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Frac Pressure
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the Reservoir Parameters
[F9] screen.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff.
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for example, if the
pore pressure equals about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.

FracproPT 2007

This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Other Functions
Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.
Set To Gas Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical gas reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To Oil Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical oil reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To User Defined
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters
screen that was used when you last choose User Specified as the Reservoir Type. You may change individual numbers

Reservoir Depletion
This screen is where you can model the change in closure stress, pore pressure, and pore-fluid compressibility that has
resulted from production in a finite region around a wellbore. For example, in an oil reservoir produced from an acid
fracture such that the region around the fracture has a pore pressure below the bubble point (that is, resulting in a higher
pore-fluid compressibility) and a lower closure stress due to the lower pore pressure.
When modeling depletion effects, you should enter the current (that is, depleted) values for closure stress on the

The Reservoir Depletion screen.

This is the distance out from the wellbore that you believe has been depleted (produced).
Original Pore Pressure

FracproPT 2007

This is the virgin pore pressure. The depleted, or current, pore pressure is entered on either the Reservoir Leakoff
Parameters screen and it is displayed below for reference.
FracproPT multiplies the change in pore pressure by 0.5 (which is a mid-range value for the so-called poro-elastic
coefficient) to determine the change in closure stress due to depletion. At a distance from the wellbore equal to the
Radius of Depletion, the closure stress entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen (that is, the current
or depleted closure stress) is increased by the change in closure stress due to depletion and the pore pressure is
increased to this Original Pore Pressure.
Depleted Pore Pressure
This is the current (that is, depleted) pore pressure that is entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen. This
number is displayed here for reference only.
Original Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the virgin pore fluid compressibility. At a distance out from the wellbore equal to the Radius of Depletion, pore fluid
compressibility decreases to this Original Pore Fluid Compressibility.

Layer Display
This screen displays the lithology (that is, Rock Type) of the reservoir and a log-style view of the following properties:
stress, permeability, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and fracture toughness.

The Layer Display screen.

Reservoir Parameters - F9

Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters – Layers [F9]

This screen is accessible only if you select Lithology Based Reservoir and either 3D Tip-Dominated Model or 3D
Conventional Model on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen. Here you specify all rock properties
according to lithology as defined by a single set of layer depths and the Rock Type in each layer.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.

FracproPT 2007

The Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters screen.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based
If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.
Reservoir Layer Table

FracproPT 2007

This is where you define the layers comprising the reservoir and surrounding strata by entering the depth to the top of
each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 8 are shown at any time. Blank rows in the table may be added by
selecting a whole row and pressing [Ins], and lines may be deleted by selecting the whole row and pressing [Del].
You must define at least three layers and the fractures must initiate in the middle layers. If you do not, FracproPT will
display an error message and the simulator will not run. The layers where the fractures initiate (depending on the position
of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) are highlighted yellow in the table.
If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can cycle through them by pressing [CNTR+F] or selecting the
Next Interval toolbar button.
Depth TVD
If you select Enter TVD, enter the true vertical depth to the top of each layer in this column. If you select Enter MD, the
true vertical depth will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Depth MD
If you select Enter MD, enter the measured depth to the top of each layer in this column. If you select Enter TVD, the
measured depth will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Layer Thickness
This value represents the layer thickness in TVD. This value is not editable and calculated from the top of each layer in
the Depth TVD column.
Rock Type
Select a Rock Type from the drop-down list for each layer in this column.
Pore Fluid Permeability
If you select Enter Permeability, enter the Pore Fluid Permeability for each layer in this column. If you select Enter
Leakoff Coefficient, the permeability will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Leakoff Coefficient
If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient, enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for each layer in this column. If you select
Enter Permeability, the leakoff coefficient will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Fracture closure in the middle of the layer that is calculated using the specified gradient under the Rock Properties tab.
Young’s Modulus
Young’s Modulus for the layer based on the assigned modulus for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Poisson’s Ratio
Poisson’s Ratio for the layer based on the assigned Poisson’s ratio for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Fracture Toughness
Fracture Toughness for the layer based on the assigned toughness for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Composite Layering Effect
Composite layering effect for the layer based on the assigned composite layering effect for that lithology in the Rock
Properties tab.
Pay Zone
Use this check box to mark all zones that you consider pay zones. This is information is used by Fracture Design Mode
and also in the calculation of the Payzone Height Coverage Ratio and Payzone Fracture Area Ratio model channels.
In Production Analysis Mode, if you use the Import Frac Interval Properties function, Permeability on the
PRODUCTION ANALYSIS Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen is the average of all the permeabilities of all zones
marked as pay zones, not just the permeability of the zone containing the perforated interval. The average permeability is
calculated as sum of kh for all zones divided by the total height of all zones:
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Depth Entry Mode
Enter TVD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Layer Table in terms of the true vertical depth (TVD). The
corresponding measured depth (MD) will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Enter MD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Layer Table in terms of the measured depth (MD). The
corresponding true vertical depth (TVD) will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Fluid Loss Entry Mode

FracproPT 2007

You have the choice of entering either Permeability or (total) Leakoff Coefficient. Whichever one you choose to enter,
FracproPT uses a permeability-to-leakoff-coefficient relationship to calculate the other.
Enter Permeability
Select this option to enter the Pore-Fluid Permeability in the Set Lithology Permeability dialog for each Rock Type in the
Reservoir Layer Table. The corresponding (total) Leakoff Coefficient will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent
column in the table.
Enter Leakoff Coefficient
Select this option to enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient in the Set Lithology Leakoff Coefficient dialog for each Rock Type
in the Reservoir Layer Table. The corresponding Pore-Fluid Permeability will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent
column in the table.
Set Lithology Permeability / Set Lithology Leakoff Coefficient
This option allows you to set the values for either Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient (depending on whether
you have chosen Enter Permeability or Enter Leakoff Coefficient above) for all the current reservoir layers specified with a
particular Rock Type. Selecting this function causes a dialog to appear where you select a Rock Type from a drop-down
list and then enter either the Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient for that Rock Type.
Otherwise, you may enter Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient on a layer-by-layer basis, regardless of Rock
Other Reservoir Properties
Reservoir Temperature
This is the reservoir temperature at the mid-perf depth. In addition to heat transfer calculations, this number is used to
select the correct rheology data from the Fluid Library.
Total perforated height, whether entered by you here, or on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen in the case
where you are not modeling the wellbore, has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation
friction is calculated based solely on the flow rate and the data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION
[F8] screen.
The perforation and initial frac depths are always entered and/or display here in terms of true vertical depth (TVD).
If you have more than one perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, you can
toggle through a display of each interval by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
For large perforated intervals, you may elect to have the fracture initiate from a line source (details of which can be
found on the Growth Parameters tab of the FracproPT MODEL PARAMETERS screen).
Depth to Top of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Top of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Top of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Depth to Bottom of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Bottom of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Bottom of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Initial Frac Depth
FracproPT always calculates this value; it is approximately the center of the zone with lowest stress found within the
perforated interval. If you want to guarantee fracture initiation from a particular zone (regardless of the stress profile and
the true perforated interval), you can make the perforated interval small enough such that you control where the simulator
initiates the fracture.
Initial Frac Depth must fall within one of the inner Rock Type layers (that is, it cannot fall within either the top layer or the
bottom layer).
Other Functions
Layer Display
Select this function to view the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE with the Layer Properties Template.

FracproPT 2007

Logs/Layers Editor
If a standard Log ASCII (LAS) file is available, layers can be built automatically and properties can be assigned
automatically using the Logs/Layers Editor.

Reservoir Parameters – Rock Properties [F9]

This screen is where you view and/or enter the mechanical properties for the various Rock Types.

The Rock Properties screen.

Rock Type
The mechanical properties are listed as a function of Rock Type. There are seven Rock Types defined in the System
Library of rocks whose names cannot be changed, but whose properties can be changed. You also have the capability to
add (many) new Rock Types to the User Library of rocks. However, a total of only 15 different Rock Types can be
displayed here and used in any particular fracture simulation.
Closure Stress Gradient
If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, enter a Closure Stress Gradient for each Rock Type in this column.
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, you will be denied access to this column.
Stress Coefficient A
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the multiplier of overburden stress (gradient) as Stress
Coefficient A in this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this
Stress Coefficient B
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the multiplier of pore pressure (gradient) as Stress Coefficient B
in this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this column.
Stress Coefficient C
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the tectonic stress (or correction) term as Stress Coefficient C in
this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this field.
Young's Modulus
This is the Young's Modulus for each Rock Type. Be aware the Young’s Modulus from logs (that is, dynamically
measured) is typically 100% higher than Young’s Modulus measured from static stress-strain tests.
Poisson's Ratio
This is the Poisson's Ratio for each Rock Type. Any reasonable value of Poisson’s Ratio (for example, 0.25) is adequate.
Most methods of estimation are questionable.
Fracture Toughness

FracproPT 2007

This is the Fracture Toughness for each Rock Type. Reasonable values for Fracture Toughness will have a minimal effect
on all but relatively small fractures (for example, as in so-called micro-fracture stress tests).
Composite Layering Effect
On a per-layer basis, this number is multiplied by the default Tip Effects Coefficient, which is entered on the FracproPT
3D tab of the FracproPT MODEL Parameters [SHIFT+F3] screen. Generally, this number should be left at 1. However,
in order to specify the relative tip effects for any particular layers, thereby specifying the relative degree of fracture growth
into said layers, you may enter some number other than 1. For example, if you wanted a particular Rock Type to exhibit
higher composite layering effects characteristics, you would enter a number greater than 1.
Est Ht/Len Growth
This parameter provides an estimate for the ratio of fracture height growth versus fracture length growth if the composite
layering effect would be the main driving force for fracture growth. For example, if the Composite Layering effect is set to
10, the Est Ht/Len Growth shows that for every foot the fracture grows in length, it grows about 0.32 foot in height.

Set Composite Layering Effect from

These options will only be available if 3D User-Defined is selected as the Fracture Model to Use option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Lithology Type
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect as a function of Rock Type in the Mechanical Rock Properties
Payzone Flag
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect for all zones (no matter what the Rock Type) that are not
selected as Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The Composite Layering Effect for the Pay Zones
will automatically be set to 1.0, while the value for all non-Pay Zones is set below by the entry for Composite Layering
Effect Outside Payzone.
Composite Layering Effect Outside Payzone
If Payzone Flag is selected as the Set Composite Layering Effect from option (see description above), the value for
that effect is entered here. This value will overwrite all values entered in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.

Calculate Stress from

Select this option to calculate closure stress gradient using FracproPT’s ABC Stress Model.
Closure Stress Gradient
Select this option to calculate closure stress using the Closure Stress Gradient entered in the table.
Vertical Stress Gradient
This number is used by the ABC Stress Model to calculate stress, as well by the fracture model when simulating
horizontal fractures.
The following equation is used to model the acid-rock reaction rate, Qr, as a function of acid concentration, c:

FracproPT 2007

The Chemical Rock Properties screen.

Calcite Fraction (% mass)

This is the mass percentage of calcite comprising the Rock Type.
Dolomite Fraction (% mass)
This is the mass percentage of dolomite comprising the Rock Type.
Reference Temperature
This is the reference temperature of the reaction rate parameters entered for the Rock Type).
Reaction Rate Constant
This is the reaction rate constant for the Rock Type (kr in the equation above).
Reaction Order
This is the reaction rate order for the Rock Type (m in the equation above).
Activation Energy
This is the activation energy for the Rock Type (Ea in the equation above).
Rock Embedment Strength
This Rock Type property is used in the calculation of fracture conductivity after acidizing. The default values are based on
the work of Nierode and Kruk.
Other Functions
Reset Rock Chemical Properties
Select this function to overwrite any changes that you may have made in the chemical properties of the System Library
of Rock Types. Properties for any User Library Rock Types are not modified.

FracproPT 2007

The Thermal Rock Properties screen.

Specific Gravity
This is the specific gravity for the Rock Type.
Specific Heat
This is the specific heat for the Rock Type.
Thermal Conductivity
This is the thermal conductivity for the Rock Type.

Reservoir Parameters – Additional Properties [F9]

FracproPT 2007

The Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

Reservoir Type
Select the Reservoir Type from one of the radio buttons. The choices are Single Layer or Multi Layer.
Single Layer
For Single Layer, the parameters entered and displayed on this screen apply to all the layers defined on the
If you want to enter different parameters for each layer, for example if you have significant differences in reservoir
pressure, porosity or compressibility in various payzones, you should choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type.
In most situations, choosing either Gas or Oil (depending on your reservoir) yields acceptable results.
Multi Layer
Choosing Multi-Layer allows you to set those same Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to whatever values you choose, but
now they can be set differently to each layer in the Reservoir Layer Table. As you might expect, the Reservoir LEAKOFF
PARAMETERS screen will appear somewhat different in this case.
HC Type
The type of hydrocarbons is specified here.
Gas Well
The well is used primarily to produce gas.
Oil Well
The well is used primarily to produce oil.

Leakoff Fluid Permeability Ratio, Kp/Kl

This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Reservoir Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Pressure In Fracture
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Layers tab.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff and calculate the actual leakoff coefficient.
Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the generally the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for
example, if the pore pressure is about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage

FracproPT 2007

This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Set to Gas Defaults and Set to Oil Defaults

If you choose the buttons to Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults, the parameters on this screen are overwritten by
FracproPT. However, you can always set these parameters yourself after that by editing them individually.
Choosing Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults automatically sets a number of Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to
default values for "typical" reservoirs (that is, normally pressured, etc.). These parameters apply to all layers in the
Reservoir Layer Table.

Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.

Drainage Area
The drainage area in terms of its extent and the well spacing is specified here.
X-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the length of the fracture (that is, the x direction).
Y-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the width of the fracture (that is, the y direction).
Well Spacing
This parameter is used to calculate a pseudo-steady state PI ratio in the Fracture Design module and is linked to the
Reservoir Extent in the Production Analysis module.

Fracture Azimuth
This parameter describes the fracture orientation with respect to north, with the positive direction defined to be clockwise
(for example, 45 degrees corresponds to the NE-to-SW direction). This parameter is used only for display purposes by the
Wellbore Viewer and does not affect model results.
Suggest Viscosity and Compressibility
Pressing this button will set Pore Fluid Viscosity and Pore Fluid Compressibility (described above) to suggested values.

Reservoir Parameters - Rock Library [F9]

This screen is used to maintain a database (library) of Rock Types with particular mechanical, chemical, and thermal
properties. There are several pre-defined rock-types included with FracproPT in the System Library, but these can be
edited, deleted, or renamed, as the user requires.

FracproPT 2007

The Rock Library screen.

Add New Rock Type to List

This function opens the Select Rock Type dialog that allows you to select Rock Types from either the System Library or
User Library. This function will only be allowed if there is room in the list for a new Rock Type (a maximum of 15 are
available at any time).
Remove Rock Type from List
You can select a Rock Type from the list and then select this function to remove it from the list permanently. You will not
be able to use this function if the Rock Type you are attempting to delete is currently in use by FracproPT (you must
remove the rock type from all modes in order to be able to delete it).
Create User Defined Rock Type
This function takes you to the Mechanical ROCK PROPERTIES screen where you can enter a new Rock Type and its
properties. After entering data there, you should also go to the CHEMICAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen and the
THERMAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen to enter those properties if they are needed.
Save Rock Type to User Library
Once you have entered all the mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties of the new Rock Type, you can save it to the
User Library by selecting this function.
Delete Rock Type from User Library
Select a Rock Type from the list and use this function to delete it from the User Library.
Using General Reservoir Model

Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters

This screen is accessed only if you choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen. In this case, the parameters on this screen are entered and displayed on a layer-by-layer basis. If you want these
parameters to be the same for all layers, you should choose Gas, Oil, or User Specified as the Reservoir Type.

FracproPT 2007

The Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

These entries correspond to the layer depths shown for the Pore Fluid Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient columns in the
Reservoir Layer Table on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. The numbers cannot be changed on this screen.
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can
toggle between them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or by using the Next Interval toolbar button.
This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Frac Pressure
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the Reservoir Parameters
[F9] screen.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff.
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for example, if the
pore pressure equals about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.

FracproPT 2007

This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Other Functions
Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.
Set To Gas Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical gas reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To Oil Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical oil reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To User Defined
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters
screen that was used when you last choose User Specified as the Reservoir Type. You may change individual numbers

Reservoir Depletion
This screen is where you can model the change in closure stress, pore pressure, and pore-fluid compressibility that has
resulted from production in a finite region around a wellbore. For example, in an oil reservoir produced from an acid
fracture such that the region around the fracture has a pore pressure below the bubble point (that is, resulting in a higher
pore-fluid compressibility) and a lower closure stress due to the lower pore pressure.
When modeling depletion effects, you should enter the current (that is, depleted) values for closure stress on the

The Reservoir Depletion screen.

This is the distance out from the wellbore that you believe has been depleted (produced).
Original Pore Pressure

FracproPT 2007

This is the virgin pore pressure. The depleted, or current, pore pressure is entered on either the Reservoir Leakoff
Parameters screen and it is displayed below for reference.
FracproPT multiplies the change in pore pressure by 0.5 (which is a mid-range value for the so-called poro-elastic
coefficient) to determine the change in closure stress due to depletion. At a distance from the wellbore equal to the
Radius of Depletion, the closure stress entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen (that is, the current
or depleted closure stress) is increased by the change in closure stress due to depletion and the pore pressure is
increased to this Original Pore Pressure.
Depleted Pore Pressure
This is the current (that is, depleted) pore pressure that is entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen. This
number is displayed here for reference only.
Original Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the virgin pore fluid compressibility. At a distance out from the wellbore equal to the Radius of Depletion, pore fluid
compressibility decreases to this Original Pore Fluid Compressibility.

Layer Display
This screen displays the lithology (that is, Rock Type) of the reservoir and a log-style view of the following properties:
stress, permeability, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and fracture toughness.

The Layer Display screen.

Reservoir Parameters - F9

General Reservoir Parameters - Layers [F9]

This screen is accessible only if you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir or General Single Scale Reservoir and
when selecting one of the 3D Models on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen.
Use General Multi-Scale Reservoir from the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen if you can assign
reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log information on other parameters. Once you
have assigned specific properties using the Logs/Layers Editor, you need to provide only a few entries for estimates of
properties on which you do not have more specific data.
Use General Single Scale Reservoir from the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen if you can assign all
reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Logs/Layers Editor, you are
ready to use the model.
This is where you define the layers and their various properties that comprise the reservoir and surrounding strata by
entering the depth to the top of each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 14 are shown at any time. Blank
rows in the table may be added by right-clicking and selecting Insert Row, and rows may be deleted by right-clicking and
selecting Delete Row or by pressing [Del].

FracproPT 2007

You must define at least three layers in each of the data tables described below and the fracture must initiate in a middle
layer. The layers where the fractures initiate (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the
WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) are highlighted yellow in the table. If you have more than one perforated
interval defined, you can cycle through them by pressing [CNTR+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
The actual depths you enter and the numbers of layers you define do not have to be identical in each of the data

The General Multi-Scale Reservoir Parameters screen.

The General Single Scale Reservoir Parameters screen.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based

FracproPT 2007

If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.
Reservoir Rock Type Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Layer Thickness
This value represents the layer thickness in TVD. This value is not editable and calculated from the top of each layer in
the Depth TVD column.
Rock Type
Enter the rock type or lithology name in each layer in this column.
Reservoir Stress Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Enter the closure stress in each layer in this column.
Reservoir Elastic Properties Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Young’s Modulus
Enter the Young's Modulus in each layer in this column.
Poisson’s Ratio
Enter the Poisson's Ratio in each layer in this column.
Fracture Toughness

FracproPT 2007

Fracture toughness for the layer based on the assigned toughness for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Composite Layering Effect
Composite layering effect for the layer based on the assigned composite layering effect for that lithology in the Rock
Properties tab.
On a per-layer basis, this number is multiplied by the default Tip Effects Coefficient, which is entered on the FracproPT
3D tab of the FracproPT MODEL Parameters [SHIFT+F3] screen. Generally, this number should be left at 1. However,
in order to specify the relative tip effects for any particular layers, thereby specifying the relative degree of fracture growth
into said layers, you may enter some number other than 1. For example, if you wanted a particular Rock Type to exhibit
higher composite layering effects characteristics, you would enter a number greater than 1.
Additional Information: Composite Layering Effects
Est Ht/Len Growth
This parameter provides an estimate for the ratio of fracture height growth versus fracture length growth if the composite
layering effect would be the main driving force for fracture growth. For example, if the Composite Layering effect is set to
10, the Est Ht/Len Growth shows that for every foot the fracture grows in length, it grows about 0.32 foot in height.
Reservoir Fluid Loss Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Pore Fluid Permeability
If you select Enter Permeability in the Fluid Loss Entry Mode options, enter the Pore Fluid Permeability for each layer
in this column. If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient, the permeability will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Leakoff Coefficient
If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient in the Fluid Loss Entry Mode options, enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for
each layer in this column. If you select Enter Permeability, the leakoff coefficient will be calculated and displayed in this
Pay Zone
Use this check box to mark all zones that you consider pay zones. This is information is used by Fracture Design Mode
and also in the calculation of the Payzone Height Coverage Ratio and Payzone Fracture Area Ratio model channels.
In Production Analysis Mode, if you use the Import Frac Interval Properties function, Permeability on the
PRODUCTION ANALYSIS Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen is the average of all the permeabilities of all zones
marked as pay zones, not just the permeability of the zone containing the perforated interval. The average permeability is
calculated as sum of kh for all zones divided by the total height of all zones:
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Depth Entry Mode
Enter TVD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Tables in terms of the true vertical depth (TVD).
Enter MD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Tables in terms of the measured depth (MD).
Fluid Loss Entry Mode
You have the choice of entering either Pore Fluid Permeability or (total) Leakoff Coefficient. Whichever one you choose to
enter, FracproPT uses a permeability-to-leakoff-coefficient relationship to calculate the other.
Enter Permeability
Select this option to enter the Pore-Fluid Permeability for each Rock Type in the Reservoir Layer Table. The
corresponding (total) Leakoff Coefficient will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Enter Leakoff Coefficient
Select this option to enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for each Rock Type in the Reservoir Layer Table. The
corresponding Pore-Fluid Permeability will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Total perforated height, whether entered by you here, or on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen in the case
where you are not modeling the wellbore, has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation
friction is calculated based solely on the flow rate and the data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION
[F8] screen.

FracproPT 2007

The perforation and initial frac depths are always entered and/or display here in terms of true vertical depth (TVD).
If you have more than one perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, you can
toggle through a display of each interval by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
For large perforated intervals, you may elect to have the fracture initiate from a line source (details of which can be
found on the Growth Parameters tab of the FracproPT MODEL PARAMETERS screen).
Depth to Top of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Top of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Top of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Depth to Bottom of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Bottom of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Bottom of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Initial Frac Depth
FracproPT always calculates this value; it is approximately the center of the zone with lowest stress found within the
perforated interval. If you want to guarantee fracture initiation from a particular zone (regardless of the stress profile and
the true perforated interval), you can make the perforated interval small enough such that you control where the simulator
initiates the fracture.
Initial Frac Depth must fall within one of the inner Rock Type layers (that is, it cannot fall within either the top layer or the
bottom layer).
This screen is where you modify the composite layering effects on various layers of rock. This screen is available only if
you choose General Reservoir in the Reservoir Options on the FRACTURE Analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen.
Define the layers and their various properties that comprise the reservoir and surrounding strata by entering the depth to
the top of each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 14 are shown at any time. Blank rows in the table may be
added by selecting a whole row and pressing [Ins], and rows may be deleted by selecting the whole row and pressing
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted yellow in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined,
you can cycle through them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
The actual depths you enter and the numbers of layers you define here do not have to coincide with the depths and
layers you enter in any other Reservoir Property Table.
Set Composite Layering Effect from
These options will only be available if 3D User-Defined is selected as the Fracture Model to Use option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Table Entry
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.
Payzone Flag
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect for all zones (no matter what the Rock Type) that are not
selected as Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The Composite Layering Effect for the Pay Zones
will automatically be set to 1.0, while the value for all non-Pay Zones is set below by the entry for Composite Layering
Effect Outside Payzone.
Composite Layering Effect Outside Payzone
If Payzone Flag is selected as the Set Composite Layering Effect from option (see description above), the value for
that effect is entered here. This value will overwrite all values entered in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.
Additional Information: Composite Layering Effects
Other Functions
Layer Display
Select this function to view the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE with the Layer Properties Template.
Logs/Layers Editor

FracproPT 2007

If a standard Log ASCII (LAS) file is available, layers can be built automatically and properties can be assigned
automatically using the Logs/Layers Editor.

Reservoir Parameters - Rock Library [F9]

This screen is used to maintain a database (library) of Rock Types with particular mechanical, chemical, and thermal
properties. There are several pre-defined rock-types included with FracproPT in the System Library, but these can be
edited, deleted, or renamed, as the user requires.

The Rock Library screen.

Add New Rock Type to List

This function opens the Select Rock Type dialog that allows you to select Rock Types from either the System Library or
User Library. This function will only be allowed if there is room in the list for a new Rock Type (a maximum of 15 are
available at any time).
Remove Rock Type from List
You can select a Rock Type from the list and then select this function to remove it from the list permanently. You will not
be able to use this function if the Rock Type you are attempting to delete is currently in use by FracproPT (you must
remove the rock type from all modes in order to be able to delete it).
Create User Defined Rock Type
This function takes you to the Mechanical ROCK PROPERTIES screen where you can enter a new Rock Type and its
properties. After entering data there, you should also go to the CHEMICAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen and the
THERMAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen to enter those properties if they are needed.
Save Rock Type to User Library
Once you have entered all the mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties of the new Rock Type, you can save it to the
User Library by selecting this function.
Delete Rock Type from User Library
Select a Rock Type from the list and use this function to delete it from the User Library.

Reservoir Parameters – Additional Properties [F9]

FracproPT 2007

The Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

Reservoir Type
Select the Reservoir Type from one of the radio buttons. The choices are Single Layer or Multi Layer.
Single Layer
For Single Layer, the parameters entered and displayed on this screen apply to all the layers defined on the
If you want to enter different parameters for each layer, for example if you have significant differences in reservoir
pressure, porosity or compressibility in various payzones, you should choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type.
In most situations, choosing either Gas or Oil (depending on your reservoir) yields acceptable results.
Multi Layer
Choosing Multi-Layer allows you to set those same Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to whatever values you choose, but
now they can be set differently to each layer in the Reservoir Layer Table. As you might expect, the Reservoir LEAKOFF
PARAMETERS screen will appear somewhat different in this case.
HC Type
The type of hydrocarbons is specified here.
Gas Well
The well is used primarily to produce gas.
Oil Well
The well is used primarily to produce oil.

Leakoff Fluid Permeability Ratio, Kp/Kl

This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Reservoir Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Pressure In Fracture

FracproPT 2007

This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Layers tab.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff and calculate the actual leakoff coefficient.
Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the generally the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for
example, if the pore pressure is about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Set to Gas Defaults and Set to Oil Defaults

If you choose the buttons to Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults, the parameters on this screen are overwritten by
FracproPT. However, you can always set these parameters yourself after that by editing them individually.
Choosing Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults automatically sets a number of Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to
default values for "typical" reservoirs (that is, normally pressured, etc.). These parameters apply to all layers in the
Reservoir Layer Table.

Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.

Drainage Area
The drainage area in terms of its extent and the well spacing is specified here.
X-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the length of the fracture (that is, the x direction).
Y-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the width of the fracture (that is, the y direction).
Well Spacing
This parameter is used to calculate a pseudo-steady state PI ratio in the Fracture Design module and is linked to the
Reservoir Extent in the Production Analysis module.

Fracture Azimuth
This parameter describes the fracture orientation with respect to north, with the positive direction defined to be clockwise
(for example, 45 degrees corresponds to the NE-to-SW direction). This parameter is used only for display purposes by the
Wellbore Viewer and does not affect model results.
Suggest Viscosity and Compressibility
Pressing this button will set Pore Fluid Viscosity and Pore Fluid Compressibility (described above) to suggested values.

FracproPT 2007

Stress Perturbation
This screen is for proprietary use only. The purpose of this screen is to calculate the increase in closure stress in each
FracproPT Layer as caused by the presence of previously created fractures that have closed on proppant.

The Stress Perturbation screen.

Fracturing pressures have been observed to increase with subsequent fracture stages in horizontal wells, because
previous propped fractures that are closed on proppant change the state of stress in the reservoir. This change has an
impact on the fracture design for subsequent fracture treatments. For example, the stress increase in a pay zone due to
the presence of a propped fracture created in a previous stage could cause the new fracture to grow preferentially outside
the pay zone if the new fracture is placed close to the previous one. This can have a huge impact on the well’s production
Pinnacle Technologies has implemented existing algorithms and equations to calculate the change in closure stress
profile along a well due to the presence of nearby hydraulic fractures that have been pumped in previous fracture
treatments. The existing algorithms and equations are explained in detail by Sneddon [1946a], Sneddon [1946b], Uhri
[1987] and Warpinski et al. [1988].
This lists all layer depths and rocktypes as defined in the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] Layers tab.

The minimum principle stress (or fracture closure stress) for each layer.

The Stress Perturbation column displays the increase or decrease in fracture closure stress at the location of the current
fracture due to the presence of fractures defined in the Import Fractures box.

Stress + Perturbation
Sum of the two values above.



FracproPT 2007

Represents the name of the RFR file that contains the fracture geometry information. An RFR file is automatically created
for every FracproPT INP file once you Run the Fracture Analysis model. The RFR file contains the fracture dimensions,
the center depth of the fracture, and the net fracturing pressure as the fracture closes on proppant.

Fracture Center
X represents the coordinate along an East-West axis (with East being positive) of the center of the previously created
fracture. Y represents the coordinate along an North-South axis (with North being positive) of the center of the previously
created fracture. Both coordinates have to be entered in this screen. The Z coordinate represents the center depth (TVD)
of the fracture and originates from the RFR file.

Fracture Geometry
Lf represents the fracture half-length, and Hf represents the total fracture height. Pnet represents the net pressure in the
fracture at the time when the fracture closes on proppant. All these parameters originate from the RFR file.


Minimum Stress
The Minimum Stress equals the closure stress in the fracture initiation layer, which is represented in bright yellow in the
Stress Perturbation Table.

Intermediate Stress
The Intermediate Stress equals the intermediate (horizontal stress). Right now, this is not used for any calculation, but is
only displayed for comparison with the Stress+Perturbation in the Stress Perturbation Table.

Vertical Stress
Right now, this is not used for any calculation, but is only displayed for comparison with the Stress+Perturbation in the
Stress Perturbation Table.

Fracture Azimuth
We assume that all fractures (current and previously created and loaded in the Import Fractures table) have the same
Fracture Azimuth. Azimuth is defined from the North, with azimuths East of North as positive and West of North


Displays Stress column in the Stress Perturbation Table as the Stress column in the Layers tab of the RESERVOIR
PROPERTIES [F9] screen.

Stress + Perturbation
Displays Stress + Perturbation column in the Stress Perturbation Table as the Stress column in the Layers tab of the
RESERVOIR PROPERTIES [F9] screen. To account for the influence of previous fractures, the fracture model needs to
be run using this selection.

Locate and add RFR files using this button.

Highlight the identifier of the fracture you would like to remove and select the Remove button.


FracproPT 2007

ƒ Sneddon, I.N. and H.A. Elliot: "The opening of a Griffith crack under internal pressure," The Quarterly of
Applied Mathematics, Vol IV, No. 3, pp. 262-267, 1946.
ƒ Sneddon, I.N. :"The distribution of Stress in the neighborhood of a crack in an elastic solid", Proceedings,
Royal Society, Series A, Vol 1987, 1946, pp. 229-260.
ƒ Uhri, D.C.:"Stimulation of earth formations surrounding a deviated wellbore by sequential hydraulic
fracturing," United States Patent 4,687,061, August 18, 1987.
ƒ Warpinski, N.R. and Branagan, P.T.:"Altered-Stress Fracturing," SPE paper 17533 presented at the Rocky
Mounbtain Regional Meeting, Casper, WY, May 11-13, 1988.
Reservoir Data for the 2D Fracture Models

2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters [F9]

This screen, which is accessible only if you selected either PKN 2D Model, KGD 2D Model, or Radial Model on the
FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, is where you specify the parameters needed to characterize the
reservoir for the 2D fracture models.

The 2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters screen.

Fracture Height (Gross Pay)

This is the total fixed fracture height that you must enter for the PKN 2D Model and the KGD 2D Model. For the Radial
Model, fracture "height" is always equal to total fracture length and, therefore, requires no entry in this field.
Payzone Height (Net Pay)
This is the height used for leakoff (or permeable height) in the 2D models. This height is typically less than or equal to
Fracture Height (Gross Pay).
Depth to Center of Pay
This is the depth to the center of the pay (and the center of the fracture).

Closure Stress In Payzone

An entry in this field is important only if you are running the simulator from actual treatment data and comparing the
Observed Net Pressure to the Net Pressure. Closure stress gradient is typically between 0.5 psi/ft and 0.8 psi/ft in
Formation Modulus
This is the Young's modulus for the zone you are fracturing. Young's modulus ranges from 100,000 psi for very soft,
unconsolidated sandstones or coals to 10,000,000 psi for extremely hard granites. Sandstones typically have Young's
modulus values in the range of 3,000,000 to 6,000,000 psi.

FracproPT 2007

Formation Poisson's Ratio

This is the Poisson's ratio for the zone you are fracturing. Typical values range from 0.1 to 0.4. Any reasonable value of
Poisson’s Ration (for example, 0.25) is adequate.
Leakoff Coefficient
This is the total leakoff coefficient, which determines the rate per unit area of fluid leakoff into the formation. Values
typically range from 0.04 to 0.0001 feet/square-root-minute. Values of leakoff coefficient can be reliably found only by
matching the pressure decline during a shut-in or at the end of a treatment. Furthermore, leakoff coefficient is specific to
the fracture model used, so you must determine leakoff coefficient and predict future fracture behavior with the same
fracture model to be consistent.
Pore Fluid Permeability
Based on the Leakoff Coefficient you enter, and the Reservoir Type you select, an estimated value of reservoir
permeability is displayed in this field.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the actual reservoir temperature. It is used to select the correct rheology data from the fluid library.
Fracture Toughness
Enter the fracture toughness for the layer of rock you are fracturing.

Reservoir Type
Define the reservoir type by selecting either Oil or Gas from the drop-down list.
Reservoir Lithology
Make a selection from the available Rock Types from the drop-down list. The rock type is important (in this simulation)
only for chemical properties (for example, for acid reaction) and for thermal properties (for example, fluid heating).

Multiple Fractures - Shift + F7

Multiple Fractures [SHIFT+F7]
This screen allows you to model the effects of multiple fractures in a table where you specify, at each point in time, how
many fractures are taking fluid (that is, propagating), how many fractures are losing fluid, and how many fractures are
propagating in parallel.
Modeling the simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic fractures is somewhat tricky and should only be used with solid
engineering judgment and assumptions. As such, you should only use this screen if you have a good understanding of the
implications of such an assumption and an understanding of exactly how the MULTIPLE FRACTURES screen works.

• What are multiple fractures?

• When do multiple fractures occur?
• What are the implications of multiple fractures?

FracproPT 2007

The Multiple Fractures screen.

Multiple Fracture Table

Enter the Time at which one or more of the multiple fracture factors takes effect. You can configure multiple fractures so
that they vary with time or so that they are constant in time.

Volume Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are propagating (that is, taking fluid), with the volume split evenly between
the fractures. For example, a value of 2 means that two identical fractures are being propagated.

Leakoff Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are leaking off fluid. For example, a value of 2 means that there are two
fractures are leaking off equal amounts of fluid, which is twice the amount that would occur if the value were 1.
This parameter can be used to simulated phenomena like pressure dependent leakoff.

Opening Factor

FracproPT 2007

This parameter determines how many (parallel) fractures are propagating and competing for the same opening space,
hence driving up net pressure.
The process of determining what values to enter for the three multiple fracture factors and for the time at which the
various factors should become active can sometimes be confusing. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you
verify what you are attempting to model by constructing a time-based plot of one or more of the factors for visual

Rules for Multiple Fractures

FracproPT has multiple-fracture "rules" set up for two common perforation strategies to make simulating them with
multiple fractures easier.

No rules
This is the default option. Select it to allow entry of the multiple fracture parameters in whatever manner you see fit.

Distributed limited-entry perforations

This option is for limited-entry perforations that are distributed over a relatively large interval with homogeneous
properties. View an additional explanation of this option.
This option can be a good alternative for the sometimes-cumbersome option of defining multiple perforated intervals
on the Wellbore Configuration [F7] screen and choosing the Limited Entry Iteration option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.

Point source perforations

This option is for short perforated intervals (for example, wells that are "cluster perforated" or horizontal/deviated wells
that are treated in multiple stages. View an additional explanation of this option.

Other Functions

Reset to Defaults
Select this option to reset all entries in the Multiple Fracture Table to default values, which assumes growth of a single

Fluid & Proppant Selection - F5

Fluid Selection - F5

Fluid and Proppant Selection - Fluid Selection [F5]

Pinnacle has introduced a new methodology to determine a hydraulic fracture design that is based on what treatment is
required to optimally stimulate the reservoir. This Fluid Selection tab provides functionality to help the user select the
proper fluid for the fracture treatment.

FracproPT 2007

Fluid Selection tab of the Fluid and Proppant Selection screen

Brief Instructions
Pinnacle’s Fracture Design Mode has been completely redesigned to introduce a new methodology for determining an
optimal pump schedule for a given reservoir. The Fluid Selection screen provides a way to automatically select a fracture
treatment fluid. FracproPT has internal fluid libraries containing numerous fluid systems from the 3 major service
companies, as well as other "general" fluids and any fluids that users may input themselves.

ƒ First, the user inputs a Minimum Apparent Viscosity (including the shear rate and time-of-interest) as
the primary Fluid Selection Criteria, which reflects the minimum viscosity that the user requires to keep
proppant in suspension within the fracture. Reservoir Temperature can be entered or edited on this
screen, but it is also editable on other screens as well. Average Permeability is calculated automatically
as the weighted-by-height permeability of all Pay Zones (as selected in the Reservoir Layer Table on the
Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen). Reservoir Pressure is input on another screen, but it is shown here
for reference. Additional proprietary fluid-selection criteria are available for some companies.
ƒ The next step is to make a Library Selection and a Vendor Selection such that only those fluids in which
you are interested are available. Note that you can select All for both of these criteria such that all fluids
are available.
ƒ Every time you make a change to any of the parameters above, the Qualifying Fluids table shows and
updates the fluid Vendor and System information, as well as Minimum Gel Loading, Apparent
Viscosity, and Fluid Cost information, for the minimum gel loading of all of the fluids systems that meet
the Fluid Selection Criteria. Fluids are sorted by cost in $/gal, but this information is not available for all
fluids. To sort on other parameters in the table, just click on the column header, and the arrow in the
header will indicate sorting in ascending or descending order.
ƒ Once the Qualifying Fluids table is filled with different fluids, the user can browse through the list and put
the cursor on the desired fluid, and then finally select that fluid using the Add button to move the fluid to
the Selected Fluids table.
ƒ Fluid properties can be edited using the Edit Design Fluid function, which activates the Edit/View
Interpolated Fluid Data [Shift-F5] screen. Frictional and rheological fluid properties of the selected fluid
can be viewed graphically using the App. Visc vs Time and Friction Pressure vs Rate functions.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ After selecting a fluid for the pump schedule, go to the Proppant Selection tab to select an appropriate
proppant. If no fluid was selected, FracproPT will not allow you to move to any other screen or tab.

Fluid Selection Criteria

Reservoir Temperature
This parameter is the same as the one entered for Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth on the Heat Transfer
Parameters [Shift+F9] screen; if you change the value here, it will be changed in both screens.
Minimum Apparent Viscosity
This is the primary fluid-selection criteria; this number reflects the minimum viscosity that the user requires to keep
proppant in fluid suspension within the fracture. The default value for this parameter is 200 centipoise, at 40 reciprocal-
seconds, after 1 hour, however you may changes these parameters as desired to meet your own criteria.
Average Permeability
The parameter is read only. It is calculated using information on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. Namely, for all
the zones where the Pay Zone checkbox is selected, the product of permeability and height is summed, and then divided
by the sum of all heights. In other words, permeability is weighted by zone thickness.
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Reservoir Pressure
The parameter is read only. It is calculated using information on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. Namely, for all
the zones where the Pay Zone checkbox is selected, the product of reservoir pressure and height is summed, and then
divided by the sum of all heights. In other words, reservoir pressure is weighted by zone thickness.
(Average) Reservoir Pressure=ΣPh/Total Height

Library and Vendor Selection

Fluid Library
This field contains a drop-down list of the fluid libraries available for use: The choices available are All, System, User, and
This field contains a drop-down list of the fluid vendors available for use: The choices available are BJ Services, Dowell
Schlumberger, Halliburton, and Miscellaneous.

Control Functions
Manual Fluid Selection
This function allows you manually select fluids from among all of FracproPT’s fluid libraries.
Edit Design Fluid
Fluid properties of the selected design fluid can be edited using this function, which activates the Edit/View
Interpolated Fluid Data [Shift+F5] screen.
Select Fluid for Design
Once the Fluid Selection Results table is filled with different fluids, you can browse through the list and put the cursor on
the fluid that you want to select. The selection can be executed using the Select Fluid for Design function, which causes
that fluid to be highlighted in yellow. This fluid will be used throughout the remainder of the fracture design process.
Select Backup Fluid for Design
You can also select a backup fluid, which can be used for comparison purposes later in the design process.

Fluid System
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the fluid "system" of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for
the fracture design.
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the vendor of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for the
fracture design.
Minimum Gel Loading
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the minimum gel loading of all the fluids found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.

FracproPT 2007

Apparent Viscosity
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the apparent viscosity of all the fluids found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Fluid Cost
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the cost of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for the
fracture design.
Please note that this information is not available for most fluids at this point. In order to make this available, you can
either edit the FracproPT.fld file in the FracproPT "system" folder with a text editor and enter a price for the different
fluid systems if your local service company has made these prices available to you. Also, you can enter the price of a
fluid in the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA [SGIFT+F5] screen, Other Properties tab.

Move Up
Moves highlighted fluid upward in Selected Fluids table.
Move Down
Moves highlighted fluid downward in Selected Fluids table.
Add highlighted fluid in Qualifying Fluids table to the Selected Fluids table.
Removes highlighted fluid from Selected Fluids table.
Add Fluid from Library
Opens library screen to add a fluid to the Selected Fluids table.

Fluid System
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the fluid "system" of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for
the fracture design.
The first fluid in the table is highlighted in yellow, indicating that this is the main fluid for further design calculations.
Other fluids in this table can be used for quick comparison (although this feature is not yet functional for fluids in
FracproPT version 10.3).
If a fluid property is highlighted in red, this indicates that this property does not properly qualify, despite the fact that it
was selected by the user.
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the vendor of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for the
fracture design.
Minimum Gel Loading
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the minimum gel loading of all the fluids found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Apparent Viscosity
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the apparent viscosity of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified
for the fracture design.
Fluid Cost
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the cost of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for the
fracture design.
Please note that this information is not available for most fluids at this point. In order to make this available, you can
either edit the FracproPT.fld file in the FracproPT "system" folder with a text editor and enter a price for the different
fluid systems if your local service company has made these prices available to you. Also, you can enter the price of a
fluid in the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA [SGIFT+F5] screen, Other Properties tab.


FracproPT 2007

Apparent Viscosity versus Time

This function displays a plot of Apparent Viscosity versus Time for the fluid to be used in the design process.
Friction Pressure versus Rate
This function displays a plot of Friction Pressure versus Flow Rate for the fluid to be used in the design process.
Proppant Selection - F5

Fluid and Proppant Selection - Proppant Selection [F5]

Pinnacle has introduced a new methodology to determine a hydraulic fracture design that is based on what treatment is
required to optimally stimulate the reservoir. This Proppant Selection tab provides functionality to help the user select a
proper proppant for the fracture treatment.

Proppant Selection tab of the Fluid and Proppant Selection screen

Brief Instructions
Pinnacle’s Fracture Design Mode has been completely redesigned to introduce a new methodology for determining an
optimal pump schedule for a given reservoir. The Proppant Selection screen provides a way to automatically select a
proppant for the fracture treatment. FracproPT has internal proppant libraries containing many proppants from the major
proppant vendors, as well as other "general" proppants and any proppants that users may input themselves.
1. First, Closure Stress and Average Payzone Permeability are calculated automatically as the weighted-
by-layer-height average of those properties in all Pay Zones (as selected in the Layers tab on the
Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen). The difference between the Closure Stress and Bottomhole
Flowing Pressure determines the Effective Stress on Proppant during production; FracproPT
determines the proppant permeability under these effective stress conditions.
2. Next, the user must also account for the Proppant Damage (including, if applicable, the so-called
apparent damage) to the proppant permeability from all flow-related and non-flow-related phenomena,
which is represented by the Total Damage Factor that FracproPT calculates and displays here. The
Total Damage Factor results from the effects of Proppant Embedment and Proppant Perm Damage.

FracproPT 2007

• An approximation of Proppant Embedment effects on fracture conductivity can be made using a

StimLab correlation that is based on Young’s Modulus; this effect is based on the number of proppant
layers embedded in one fracture face, which can be input directly or suggested by FracproPT.
• Select Proppant Perm Damage to access the Proppant Perm Damage screen where multiple
causes of this damage (or apparent damage) is modeled (see Help for that screen for more details on
how this is done).
1. The next step is to make a Proppant Library Selection and a Proppant Type Selection such that only
those proppants in which you are interested are available. Note that you can select All for both of these
criteria such that all proppants are available.
2. After the proppant-selection criteria are set and the required libraries and vendors are selected, the
Qualifying Proppants table will automatically update.
• The Qualifying Proppants table shows the proppant Vendor and System information, as well as
Mesh Size, Conductivity for 2 Pounds/Square-Foot, Proppant Cost, and Conductivity Cost
information, for all of the proppants (can be up to 100) that meet the Proppant Selection Criteria.
The proppants are sorted in terms of cost per unit fracture conductivity, with the lowest listed first and
highlighted in yellow.
• Proppants are also filtered to be of a median proppant diameter that is equal to or smaller than 6
times the smallest perf diameter size specified on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen.
This admittance criterion is determined in various publications and, if adhered to, can minimize
proppant bridging at the perforations. Proppant costs were taken from StimLab’s SLFrac (Version
2.21, November 2000) and have been multiplied by a factor of 1.25 to reflect changes in proppant
pricing. However, please check with you local vendor to determine the actual proppant price and
discount, since it can greatly vary with location and availability.
1. Once the Qualifying Proppants table is filled with different proppants, the user can browse through the list
and put the cursor on the desired proppant, and then finally select that proppant using the Add button to
move it to the Selected Proppants table. The first proppant in the Selected Proppants table will be used
throughout the fracture design process.


Closure Stress
This parameter is determined automatically: it is the weighted average of the stresses in all Pay Zones selected on the
Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The difference between the Closure Stress and the Bottomhole Flowing Pressure
determines the effective stress on the proppant during production, which is the condition under which FracproPT will
determine the proppant permeability.
Bottomhole Flowing Pressure
Enter the expected bottomhole flowing pressure in this field. The difference between the Closure Stress and the
Bottomhole Flowing Pressure determines the effective stress on the proppant during production, which is the condition
under which FracproPT will determine the proppant permeability. This pressure has a wide range of values that may
depend on gathering-system line pressure, reservoir or proppant sensitivity to the drawdown pressure, or some other
production-related constraint. This pressure will always be less than reservoir pressure and it may be as low as a few tens
or hundreds of psi (above zero) in low-permeability gas wells.
Average Payzone Permeability
This parameter is determined automatically: it is the weighted average of the permeabilities in all Pay Zones selected on
the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen.
Minimum Proppant Permeability after Damage
The difference between the Closure Stress and the Bottomhole Flowing Pressure determines the effective stress on
the proppant during production, which is the condition under which FracproPT will determine the proppant permeability. In
this field you enter the minimum permeability that you are willing to accept in your fracture design. The default value for
this parameter is 100 Darcy.

Proppant Damage
Proppant Damage Factor
This the damage factor resulting from non-flow-related proppant damage, such as gel residue.
Apparent Damage Factor (Non-Darcy, Multi-Phase Flow)
This is the apparent damage due to non-Darcy and multi-phase flow. In order to see a value here, you must select non-
Darcy flow in the PROPPANT PERM DAMAGE screen, and specify an expected production rate.
Total Damage Factor

FracproPT 2007

This is the parameter actually used in FracproPT to calculate fracture conductivity and dimensions fracture conductivity.
This the total damage factor applied to the proppant permeability, which is calculated automatically from the damage
factors resulting from non-flow-related (that is, the Proppant Damage Factor) and flow-related (that is, the Apparent
Damage Factor) phenomena if you so specify; those damage factors are specified on the proppant perm damage
This damage factor is shown on this screen in read-only format.
Proppant Perm Damage
Select this function to go to the proppant perm damage screen where you can enter information and select options,
including non-Darcy and multiphase flow effects, related to the calculation of proppant conductivity in the fractures
during production.

Library and Vendor Selection

Proppant Library
This field contains a drop-down list of the proppant libraries available for use: The choices available are All, System, User,
and Proprietary.
This field contains a drop-down list of the proppant vendors available for use: The choices available are All, Unimin,
Unimin/Oglebay, Colorado Silica Sand, Sibelco, Badger Mining, Arizona Silica Sand, Borden Chemical, Santrol, Carbo
Ceramics, Norton Alcoa, Sintex, and Generic.

Control Functions
Search Proppants
Once you have entered all necessary Proppant Selection Criteria, Proppant Damage information, and made selections
in the Proppant Library and Vendor fields, select this function to search among the selected proppants for the ones that
meet the criteria. Those proppants, if any, will be listed in the Proppant Selection Results table.
Manual Proppant Selection
This function allows you manually select proppants from among all of FracproPT’s proppant libraries.
Select Proppant for Design
Once the Proppant Selection Results table is filled with different proppants, you can browse through the list and put the
cursor on the proppant that you want to select. The selection can be executed using the Use Proppant for Design
function, which causes that proppant to be moved into row 1 and then highlighted in yellow. This proppant will be used
throughout the remainder of the fracture design process.
Select Backup Proppant for Design
You can also select a backup proppant, which can be used for comparison purposes later in the design process.
Edit Design Proppant
Proppant properties of the selected design proppant can be edited using this function, which activates the Edit/View
proppant library screen.

Proppant System
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the proppant "system" of all the proppants found to meet the
criteria specified for the fracture design.
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the vendor of all the proppants found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Mesh Size
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the mesh size of all the proppants found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Conductivity for 2 Pounds/Square-Foot
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the conductivity (at 2 lb/square-ft) of all the proppants found
to meet the criteria specified for the fracture design.
Proppant Cost

FracproPT 2007

This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the cost (per pound) of all the proppants found to meet the
criteria specified for the fracture design.
Conductivity Cost
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the cost (per mD-ft of conductivity) of all the proppants
found to meet the criteria specified for the fracture design.

Move Up
Moves highlighted fluid upward in Selected Proppants table.
Move Down
Moves highlighted fluid downward in Selected Proppants table.
Add highlighted fluid in Qualifying Fluids table to the Selected Proppants table.
Removes highlighted fluid from Selected Proppants table.
Add Fluid from Library
Opens library screen to add a fluid to the Selected Proppants table.

Proppant System
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the proppant "system" of all the proppants found to meet the
criteria specified for the fracture design.
The first proppant in the table is highlighted in yellow, indicating that this is the main fluid for further design
calculations. Other proppants in this table can be used for Proppant Comparison in the Economic Optimization
If a proppant property is highlighted in red, this indicates that this property does not properly qualify, despite the fact
that it was selected by the user.
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the vendor of all the proppants found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Mesh Size
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the mesh size of all the proppants found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Conductivity for 2 Pounds/Square-Foot
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the conductivity (at 2 lb/square-ft) of all the proppants found
to meet the criteria specified for the fracture design.
Proppant Cost
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the cost (per pound) of all the proppants found to meet the
criteria specified for the fracture design.
Conductivity Cost
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the cost (per mD-ft of conductivity) of all the proppants
found to meet the criteria specified for the fracture design.
Fluid Data - Shift + F5

Fluid Data – Fluid Friction Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual wellbore-friction data used by the simulator for any of the fluids
listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the wellbore-friction data are interpolated or taken
directly from the two Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the
service companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The effects of proppant on fluid friction are handled on the Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction screen. However,
the changes in friction associated with the addition of nitrogen or carbon dioxide for foamed fluids is not handled

FracproPT 2007

automatically and you must make those corrections in the data shown on this screen. There are some foamed fluids
stored in the System Fluid Library, but you should contact the service company to obtain friction pressure estimates for
the specific foamed fluids you are using.
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE Analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, the wellbore-
friction parameters are displayed in blue on this screen and cannot accessed.

The Fluid Friction Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the friction properties of another fluid listed on the
Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.

Selected Wellbore Segment

FracproPT 2007

Segment Number
This is the wellbore segment number for which wellbore friction data are currently displayed. Segment Number
corresponds to the entries on the Path Summary tab of the Wellbore Configuration [F7] screen, which are also
displayed directly below this field for reference.
To view the configuration and the friction data for a different wellbore segment, you can either enter a segment number
directly in the field, or you may use the Previous Segment and Next Segment functions described below.
Previous Segment
Select this function to view the configuration and the friction data for the previous wellbore segment.
Next Segment
Select this function to view the configuration and the friction data for the next wellbore segment.

Friction Data for Selected Fluid and Wellbore Segment

Three points of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data are shown for each Selected Fluid in each Selected Wellbore
Segment. The first and second flow-rate/pressure points define the laminar-flow regime, while the second and third points
define the turbulent-flow regime.
This the flow rate for which friction pressure, P, is measured.
This is the friction pressure corresponding to the flow rate, Q.
This the actual friction pressure (that is, the effective friction pressure) that the model will actually use when you select
Use Multiplier as the Wellbore Friction Modification Mode. It is the product of the Friction Multiplier and the friction
pressure, P.
Wellbore Friction Modification Mode
These controls facilitate two methods by which you may change the wellbore friction parameters:

ƒ If you select Use Multiplier, you can enter a value for Friction Multiplier to change all friction pressure (P)
values by the same factor. This method preserves the shape of the wellbore friction vs. flow-rate curve,
essentially shifting it up or down.
ƒ If you select Set Individual Values, you can change all of data points individually (both flow rate and friction

Plot Data
Friction Pressure vs. Rate
Select this function to plot friction-pressure versus flow-rate data for the Selected Wellbore Segment. You have the option
of plotting this data for either the Selected Fluid or All Fluids.

Other Functions
Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Data – Fluid Rheology Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual rheology data used by the simulator for any of the fluids listed on
the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the rheology data are interpolated or taken directly from the
two Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies)
and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The changes in rheology associated with the addition of nitrogen or carbon dioxide for foamed fluids is not handled
automatically, therefore you must make those corrections in the data shown on this screen. There are some foamed
fluids stored in the System Fluid Library, but you should contact the service company to obtain rheology estimates for
the specific foamed fluids you are using.
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

FracproPT 2007

The Fluid Rheology Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the rheology properties of another fluid listed on the
Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.

Rheology for Selected Fluid

In-fracture rheology data for the current fluid (n' and K' as functions of time, at the current reservoir temperature) are
shown in this table. Notice that there is room in the rheology table for five different entries (that is, n' and K' at five different
times), while the rheology data taken from the Fluid Libraries consists of only two entries. This is so that you can enter a
more detailed rheology time-history if it is available (for example, for fluids that have been more fully investigated in a
This is the time (at temperature) for which n’ and K’ are measured.

FracproPT 2007

This is the flow behavior index for the Selected Fluid at the current Time and Reservoir Temperature.
This is the consistency index for the Selected Fluid at the current Time and Reservoir Temperature.
In Wellbore
Just below the five-row Rheology Data Table there are fields to enter values of n' and K' for the fluid while it is still in the
wellbore. For example, a crosslinked fluid would typically not be crosslinked until it was in the fracture. The In Wellbore
rheology values default to the initial n' and K' values from the table, which is correct for a linear gel. For a crosslinked gel,
you should enter the correct values.
The In Wellbore rheology is used for only two purposes:
• In the Keck Correlation for calculating the effect of proppant on wellbore friction (see the Proppant
Effects on Wellbore Friction screen).
• For display purposes on the Wellbore Profile [Alt+F9] screen.
Apparent Viscosity Calculator
Enter a Time and a Shear Rate to display the Apparent Viscosity of the Displayed Fluid at the current Reservoir
Reservoir Temperature
This parameter is entered either on the Heat Transfer Parameters [SHIFT+F9] or Reservoir Parameters [F9] screens
and is displayed here for reference.

Plot Data
n' vs. Time
Select this function to plot n’ data as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected
Fluid or All Fluids. You can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
K’ vs. Time
Select this function to plot K’ data as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected
Fluid or All Fluids. You can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
Apparent Viscosity vs. Time
Select this function to plot apparent viscosity data (evaluated at the Shear Rate entered in the Apparent Viscosity
Calculator) as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected Fluid or All Fluids. You
can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.

Other Functions
Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Data – Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual fluid-loss and thermal properties used by the simulator for any of
the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the data are taken directly from the two
Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the
User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

FracproPT 2007

The Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.

Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity
This is a measure of the fluids’ conductive heat transfer ability (in units of btu/foot-hour-°F).
Specific Heat
For engineering purposes, this is essentially the heat capacity of the fluid, which is a measure of the heat transfer required
to increase a "unit mass" of the fluid by 1 degree (in units of btu/pound-°F).
Fluid Density
This is the total density of the clean fluid (including all the fluid additives) in the units of specific gravity (for example, pure
water at 4 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 1.0). This parameter is extremely important in modeling the
hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Most water-based fracturing fluids have densities very close to 1.01. When using
fracturing fluids with different densities, be sure to enter the actual density for each fluid.

FracproPT 2007

The effects of proppant and foam on hydrostatic wellbore pressure are handled automatically.

Wall Building Coefficient

Wall Building Coefficient
The Wall Building Coefficient is used to model the additional resistance to fluid leakoff created by the polymer filter-cake
that builds up on the fracture walls as fluid leaks off. Wall Building Coefficient is entered in units of feet/square-root-
minute, as given by service company fluid manuals (that is, with 1,000 psi of pressure across the filter-cake). Select here
for additional information on the wall-building coefficient.

If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will see entries for low (1md) and high-perm (1,000 md) wall building coefficients (read additional information
on these parameters).
The wall-building coefficient for low perm (1 mD) will normally always be around 0.003 for 180 °F but will adjust with
temperature slightly (higher number with higher temperature). Fluids without filtercakes are typically modeled using higher
spurt values.
The wall-building coefficient for high perm (1,000 mD) will typically be very large for linear gels (for example, 0.1), while it
is typically very close to the low perm (1 mD) value for crosslinked fluids.
Enter 0.0 to model no wall building effects.

Other Fluid Loss Properties

Spurt Loss
This parameter is defined as the amount of fluid that must leak off (per unit area) before a contiguous filter-cake begins to
form. Spurt loss (defined at 1 md and 1,000 psi) will range from 0.003 to 0.006 for most borate crosslinked fluids. The
higher the gel loading and viscosity, the lower the value. Spurt loss ranges from 0.005 to 0.009 for most metal crosslinked
systems (Ti/Zr, etc.). Values range from 0.01 to 0.02 for linear gels, while fluids without filtercakes can be modeled using a
value of 10. Read additional information on spurt loss.
Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity
This parameter is the viscosity of the fluid leaking off from the fracture (that is, the filtrate fluid). This value is typically
close to that of water at the leakoff temperature.
Dynamic Equilibrium Fluid Loss Coefficient
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will have access to this parameter. This parameter accounts for filtercake removal due to the shear forces
applied by fluid/proppant flow in the fracture.
This parameter is set at the conditions of 1 mD, 1,000 psi, 50 1/seconds, and 180 degrees F. The value is 0.0 for non-
crosslinked fluids, while it ranges from 0.0 to 0.0007 (feet/minute) for borate crosslinked fluids and 0.0 to 0.0015 for metal
crosslinked fluids. An initial guess of 0.0005 is good for borate fluids, while a guess of 0.0008 would be best for metal
crosslinked fluids. The higher the polymer loading and viscosity, the greater the value will become.
Filtercake Compressibility Exponent
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will have access to this parameter, which should always be around 0.2 for all polymer fluids.
Particulate Loss Additive
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you have access to this selection. If you activate this option, the effect of reduced fluid loss due to particulate
additives will be modeled.

Leakoff Parameters Reference Table

This table displays, for the current fluid, the effect of the Wall Building Coeff on the Total Leakoff Coeff. The Depth, Pore
Fluid Perm, and Reservoir Leakoff Coeff are taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen and are displayed
in the table. The resulting Total Leakoff Coeff for each individual layer (which is a combination of the Reservoir Leakoff
Coeff and the Wall Building Coeff) is also displayed in the table. Only 10 layers are displayed in the table at any one time,
but up to a maximum of 100 can be accessed using the scroll bar.
The displayed Total Leakoff Coeff is for the current fluid only, and it is not necessarily representative of the overall leakoff
of a treatment if other fluids are also used. Note that a given Wall Building Coeff may dramatically affect the Total Leakoff
Coeff in a higher permeability zone while having a negligible effect on the Total Leakoff Coeff in a lower permeability

Other Functions

FracproPT 2007

Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Data – Fluid Acid Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual acid properties used by the simulator for any of the fluids listed on
the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the data are taken directly from the two Fluid Libraries, which
are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the User Library (which
contains data input by you when defining fluids).
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

The Acid Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties

FracproPT 2007

This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.

Acid Components and Properties

Acid Table
For each type of Acid in the table that is added to the Selected Fluid, enter the Concentration (in mass percentage).
Fluid Diffusivity
Enter the Diffusivity for the Selected Fluid to which an Acid is added.
Non-Reactive Concentration
This is the concentration (by weight percent) below which no acid-rock reaction occurs.
Retardation Factor
This factor is used to affect the acid reaction rate (typically to retard the acid reaction). For example, entering 0.75 means
that the reaction rate occurs at 75% of its maximum value.

Conductivity Calculation
The default correlation in FracproPT for calculating acid-etched fracture conductivity is the Nierode-Kruk Correlation.
Maximum Effect of Acid on Leakoff
Fluid loss is increased due to acid, both by etching of rock and by degradation of filter cake. Leakoff increase due to acid
can increase no more than by the factor entered here. For example, a value of 2.5 means that leakoff can increase (due
to acid) by no more than 2.5 times the leakoff from a non-reactive fluid (assuming that there is enough acid to increase
leakoff by that amount before being completely spent).
Conductivity Multiplier Factor
The conductivity predicted by the correlation selected above is multiplied by this factor. For example, an entry of 2.0
implies that conductivity is twice that indicated by the correlation.
Producing Bottomhole Pressure
Enter a pressure here for use in calculating the net closure stress, which is necessary to calculate the conductivity of the
proppant or acid-etched fracture.

Mass Transfer Coeff. Determination

This coefficient is needed for calculating acid concentration at the fracture wall and acid spending.
Public Correlation
This correlation is based on publications from M.H. Lee and L.D. Roberts (SPE 7893), K.K. Lo and R.H. Dean (SPE
17110), and A. Settari (SPE 21870).
Select this option to enter your own value of the Mass Transfer Coefficient.

Other Functions
Reset Acid Properties to Defaults
Select this function to set all the Acid Properties to their default values.
Model Viscous Fingering
The Viscous Fingering Model is implemented to the ADP (Acid Design Program) acid fracturing model in FracproPT. The
model can handle viscous fingering development for a multi-stage acid treatment, which is recognized as an effective
means to create differential etching and longer acid etching length. With the modeling capabilities for viscous fingering,
and leakoff increase due to acid reaction, heat transfer calculation, and organic acid reactivity, the acid fracturing model is
a valuable tool for stimulation engineers.
The viscous fingering effect can occur during an acid fracture treatment when a viscous preflush is pumped prior to an
acid stage. There needs to be a viscosity difference of 50 cp or more between the preflush and acid stages. As a result of
this viscosity difference, the less viscous acid "channels" through the more viscous pad in the fracture. Because of the
viscous fingering effect, a long penetration distance can be achieved with a relatively modest amount of acid. The viscous
fingering effect is modeled by assuming that, for a given gross fracture height at any location along the fracture, the acid
can channel through only a fraction of this height. This fraction is called the Fingering Coefficient and can be estimated
from laboratory tests based on the viscosity difference between the viscous preflush and the acid. This coefficient has
been built into the program based on information provided by the fluid providers. Since the acid is less viscous and travels

FracproPT 2007

forward through a narrow channel created inside the viscous preflush region, it moves with a speed much greater than the
viscous preflush. Once the channels overtake the viscous preflush, they become widener, spreading out to cover the
entire fracture height. Before the acid overtakes the viscous preflush, the advancement of acid inside the fracture is rapid,
and the acid creates an effective etching pattern. Once the acid overtakes the viscous preflush, its advancement slows
down, resulting in a less effective etching pattern. Since the overflush usually has a viscosity comparable to the viscosity
of the acid, it will follow the channels created by the acid.


To use the feature of the Viscous Fingering Model, a user needs to:
Select "ADP" for Acid Fracturing Model on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen, Additional Options tab,

Then select the acid to be used for the job by going to the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen ( icon),
and selecting Add New Fluid to List. Most acids can be found under Vendor-Miscellaneous and System-Acids. Some
acids are listed for different Vendors. Select the acid and choose OK.
Go to the acid’s data page by double-clicking the fluid name on the FLUID SELECTION [F5] screen or selecting the
Shift+F5 hotkey combination and checking Model Viscous Fingering on the Acid Properties Tab.
As described above, a viscous pad prior to an acid stage in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen is required in order
to achieve the viscous fingering effect.


The results of viscous fingering can be graphically viewed on the STAGE PROFILE [Ctrl+F5] screen (or selecting the
icon) or the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE [Alt-F2] screen by selecting either Acid Concentration, Reservoir
Etching or Fluid Positions form the drop-down box. Remember to rescale the picture using the button next to Max Value.

Another way to visualize the results is by going to the Plot List (Alt-F8, or Icon) and choosing a blank plot. When in the
plot, go to the Plot Preferences screen (right click in the center of the plot). Double click on the first cell in the Channel
Name column. Under Channel Type select Length Channel, and then Acid Cond for the Channel Name. This will plot the
Acid Conductivity achieved at the end of simulation on the Y-Axis and the Fracture Half-length on the X-Axis.

Stage profile plot showing fluid position

FracproPT 2007

The figure above shows the position of each fluid simulated by the viscous fingering model. The white color represents the
wellbore fluid; the red is the acid; the blue is the viscous preflush; and the green is the overflush.

Stage profile plot showing acid concentration

Lee, W.S.: "Geometry Determination for Multi-Stage Acidizing Treatment With or Without Viscous Preflush", SPE 14515,
presented at the SPE 1985 Eastern Regional Meeting held in Morgantown, West Virginia, November 6-8, 1985.
Gdanski, R.D. and Lee, W.S.: "On the Design of Fracture Acidizing Treatment", SPE 18885, presented at the SPE 1989
Production Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 13-14, 1989.

Fluid Data – Other Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual acid properties used by the simulator for any of the fluids listed on
the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the data are taken directly from the two Fluid Libraries, which
are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the User Library (which
contains data input by you when defining fluids).
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

FracproPT 2007

The Other Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.

Unit Cost
This provides the total cost for the fluid, including all additives. This information will be used in the Fracture Design /
Economic Optimization module for fluid selection purposes, and in the Treatment Totals [F6] screen to calculate total
treatment cost. Note that most service companies do not disclose this information.
If you have this information available for many service company fluids, you could create User-defined fluids that include
the unit cost. Also, you could edit the FracproPT.fld file, which contains all FracproPT Fluids in the System Library, in the
..\FracproPT\Program directory using Notepad and manually add prices under the appropriate field.

Edit Halliburton Fluid

The Edit Halliburton Fluid screen is accessed by clicking on the Library Data button in the Fluid Data - Shift + F5 screen if
a Halliburton fluid is selected.

This screen is used to edit the properties of a Halliburton fluid from one of FracproPT’s Halliburton fluid libraries for use in
the pump schedule.

FracproPT 2007

Edit Halliburton Fluid screen

In this screen, a selected Halliburton fluid can be edited. This converts a pre-defined system fluid to a user-defined fluid.
In addition, a user-defined fluid can be saved to the User Library.
Properties may be changed for an existing user-defined fluid, and then either saved directly to that fluid (over-writing the
previous properties) or saved to a new fluid. In addition, properties may be changed for a pre-defined system fluid, and
these changes saved as a new user-defined fluid. The default properties for internal fluids cannot be changed.

• Property Name: The name of the property.
• Minimum Value: The minimum allowed numeric value of the property.
• Maximum Value: The maximum allowed numeric value of the property.
• Default Value: The default numeric value of the property.
• Units: The (oilfield) units of the property, if it is numeric.
• Value: The current value of the property.

• Material: Material-dependent fluid properties.
(for example, gel, base gel, stabilizer, hydration, crosslink, break properties)
• Match Factors: Correction factors, to multiply the pre-defined fluid properties to match the desired
user-defined properties.
• Additives: Components that can be added to the fluids.
(for example, solid fluid loss, diesel fluid loss, diesel, xylene)
• Salts: Concentrations of salt components that can be added to the fluids.
(for example, NaCl, KCl, NH4Cl, CaCl, KBr, NaBr, CaBr2, ZnBr2, NaHCO2, KHCO2)
• Acids: Concentrations of acid components.
(for example, acetic acid, citric acid, formic acid, HCl, HF)

• Material Name: The name of the fluid.
• Density: The density of the fluid, in lb/gal for atmospheric conditions (that is, at a temperature of
70.0°F and a pressure of 14.7 psia).

• OK: Exit the Edit Halliburton Fluid screen and save the current values of the properties of the active

FracproPT 2007

• Cancel: Exit the Edit Halliburton Fluid screen without saving the current values of the properties of
the selected or newly created user-defined fluid.
• Save to User Library: Save the fluid with the current values of the properties to the User Library.
This saves the active fluid in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) ASCII text file in a folder similar
to "...\My Documents\MaterialsLibrary\UserMaterials\"; the names of the XML files are determined by
the identifier (OID) of the active fluid.
Fluid Library Data

Fluid Library Data – Friction Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data for the Selected Fluid, for a number
of different wellbore configurations. Three points of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data are shown: The first and second
flow-rate/pressure points define the laminar-flow regime, while the second and third points define the turbulent-flow
regime. There are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service
companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The wellbore-friction data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Those data
are taken directly from this screen if the current wellbore configuration corresponds to one of the configurations for which
data are entered. If the current wellbore configuration does not correspond to one of the configurations in the tables on
this screen, the friction data are interpolated.

The Friction Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Tubing and Casing Data

This table shows the library entries (three points each) of Friction Pressure (P) versus Flow Rate (Q) for a number of
Casing or Tubing ID’s.

Annulus Data
This table shows the library entries (three points each) of Friction Pressure (P) versus Flow Rate (Q) for a number of
Casing ID-Tubing OD annuli.

Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.

FracproPT 2007

To change the friction-pressure versus flow-rate data interpolated from this screen and actually used by the simulator,
you must go to the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made
to the data are saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

Fluid Library Data – Rheology Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of n’ and K’ data at five different times for the Selected Fluid, for a number of
different reservoir temperatures. There are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to
Pinnacle by the service companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The rheology data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Those data are
taken directly from this screen if the current reservoir temperature corresponds to one of the temperatures for which data
are entered. If the reservoir temperature does not correspond to one of the table entries on this screen, the rheology data
are interpolated.

The Rheology Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.

FracproPT 2007

Rheology Data
This table shows the library entries (five points each) of Flow Behavior Index (n’) and Consistency Index (K’) for a number
of (reservoir) Temperatures.

Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.
To change the rheology data interpolated from this screen and actually used by the simulator, you must go to the
Fluid Rheology Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made to the data are
saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

Fluid Library Data – Fluid Loss and Thermal Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of a number of fluid loss and thermal properties for the Selected Fluid. There
are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the
User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The fluid loss and thermal data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Unlike
the friction and rheology data, those data are always taken directly from this screen (that is, there is no need to interpolate
from the data on this screen).

The Fluid Loss and Thermal Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Selected Fluid

FracproPT 2007

This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.

Wall Building Coefficient

Wall Building Coefficient
The Wall Building Coefficient is used to model the additional resistance to fluid leakoff created by the polymer filter-cake
that builds up on the fracture walls as fluid leaks off. Wall Building Coefficient is entered in units of feet/square-root-
minute, as given by service company fluid manuals (that is, with 1,000 psi of pressure across the filter-cake).
Click here for additional information on the wall-building coefficient.
Enter 0.0 to model no wall building effects.

Other Fluid Loss Properties

Spurt Loss
This parameter is defined as the amount of fluid that must leak off (per unit area) before a contiguous filter-cake begins to
form. Spurt Loss is generally not a parameter that plays a significant role in hydraulic fracturing. Values for Spurt Loss can
be obtained for different fluids from service company fluid-data books. Spurt Loss not only changes with fluid type,
additives, temperature, etc., but it also changes over the range of formation permeability.
Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity
Enter the viscosity of the leakoff fluid in this field, which is typically around 1 centipoise.

Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity
Enter the thermal conductivity of the fluid in this field. A typical value for this parameter in oil field units is 0.3.
Specific Heat
Enter the specific heat of the fluid in this field. A typical value in oil field units is around 1.0.
Fluid Density
This is the total density of the clean fluid (including all the fluid additives) in the units of specific gravity (for example, pure
water at 4 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 1.0). This parameter is extremely important in modeling the
hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Most water-based fracturing fluids have densities very close to 1.01. When using
fracturing fluids with different densities, be sure to enter the actual density for each fluid.

Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.
To change the fluid loss and thermal data read directly from this screen and actually used by the simulator, you must
go to the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made
to the data are saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.
Proppant Data

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Data
The Proppant Data screen is accessed by:

• clicking on the Edit Current Proppant button in the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant
- F5 screen
• selecting from the main menu Data > Fluids and Proppantns > Select Proppant
This screen is where properties of the current proppant are viewed, edited and, optionally, saved for future re-use. Other
proppants from the proppant list may be viewed by selecting the desired proppant in the Proppant Identifier drop-down
The proppant list is shown on the the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant - F5 screen if you are in Fracture
Analysis Mode, Fracture Design Mode, or Economic Optimization Mode: it is shown on the Proppant Selection screen if
you are Production Analysis Mode.
There are two libraries, the System Library and the User Library.

Proppant Data screen

Selected Proppant
• Name: The common, unique name of the proppant.
• Vendor: The vendor of the proppant.
(for example, Atlas, Badger, Borden, Borovichi, Carbo, Curimbaba, Fores, Hepworth-Sibelco, Hexion)
• System: The system of the proppant.
(for example, Accupak, AcPack, Arizona Sand, Atlas CRC Premium, Atlas PRC, Atlas PRC Premium,
Badger Frac, Badger Sand, Badger Special Cut)
• Mesh Size: The minimum and maximum sieve mesh.
(for example, 6/12, 8/12, 8/16, 10/20, 12/18, 12/20, 14/20, 16/20, 16/30, 16/40, 18/30, 18/40, 20/40,
25/50, 30/50, 30/60, 40/60, 40/70, 70/140)

FracproPT 2007

• Source: The source of the proppant data.

• compiled from various sources (generally based on the most reliable proppant data that is
• vendor’s documentation (that is, not published on their World Wide Web site).
• Stim-Lab 6.0
• Stim-Lab 1999.
• unknown (typically historic data).
• web site: The vendor’s World Wide Web site.
User-defined fluids do not have a "Source" entry (that is, it is blank).
• Status: This field displays a message indicating from which Proppant Library the data for the
Selected Proppant comes and whether or not it has been modified from library values.
proppant source

• Cost: This is the cost of the proppant in dollars per pound, which is used for reports only.
• Bulk Density: This is the bulk density of the proppant, which typically measures about 100 lb/ft^3 for
sand, and 110-150 lb/ft^3 for manufactured proppants.
• Packed Porosity: This is the porosity of the proppant in a closed fracture. This value is calculated
from the Bulk Density and Specific Gravity.
• Specific Gravity: This property is calculated from the Proppant Bulk Density and the Packed
Proppant Porosity.
• Turbulence Coeff a / b at Low / High Stress: These are the coefficients that are used in the
correlation of Forcheimer's beta coefficient with proppant permeability (see the Cooke reference in
Technical References).
• Threshold Stress: This is a threshold value to distinguish between low and high stress for the
Turbulence Coeff a / b. If the stress is less than the threshold stress, Turbulence Coeff a / b Low
Stress are used. Otherwise, Turbulence Coeff a / b High Stress are used.
• Diameter: This is the average grain diameter of the proppant.
If the diameter is less than the value entered in the Proppant Diameter Greater Than field on the Proppant Model tab
of the Fracpropt Model Parameters screen (the default is 0.0125 inches), the proppant is ignored for calculations of
propped dimensions, but it is considered in calculating wellbore friction and hydrostatic head. This function is useful
for modeling proppant slugs.
• Width at 2 PSF: This is the width as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Width Correction a: The width reduction as a function of the effective stress on proppant for a 2
lbs/ft proppant pack. This data comes from a StimLab correlation.
• Width Correction b: Initial width correction at 2000 psi as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Stress Cycle Exponent:

Proppant Permeability" = "Proppant Permeability" × "Number of stress cycles" ^ "Stress Cycle
where "Number of stress cycles" can be entered in the Proppant Perm Damage screen in the
Additional Damage Effects section after enabling Include effect of stress cycles on proppant
permeability checkbox.
• Proppant Type: This refers to the general classification of the proppant (that is, Sand, Resin Coated
Sand, Ceramic, Low Density Ceramic, Medium Density Ceramic, High Density Ceramic, Resin
Coated Low Density Ceramic, Resin Coated Medium Density Ceramic, Resin Coated High Density
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, the Proppant Type is automatically set to
• Proppant Coating: This refers to the type of proppant coating. The temperature correction for
proppant permeability is only used when the Proppant Coating is set to Precured or Curable.
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, Proppant Coating is automatically set to None.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Permeability Versus Effective Stress Table

Data in this table are used by ReservoirPT to determine how proppant permeability changes as stress increases with
reservoir depletion. It is also used to determine the proppant

• Effective Stress on Proppant: This is the value of effective closure stress acting on the proppant. In
a producing well, this is roughly similar to the difference between the far-field closure stress and the
bottomhole flowing pressure (BHFP).
σprop is the stress on the proppant
Pfrac is the pressure required to open the fracture (roughly equal to frac gradient times depth)
Pi is the current, local pore pressure
η is the poroelastic coefficient (typically 0.5)
Po is the original reservoir pressure
Pn is the current average reservoir pressure
• Proppant Permeability: This is the permeability of the proppant pack corresponding to the value of closure stress.
Additional Information: ReservoirPT Stress on Proppant
For non-Halliburton proppants, the Proppant Permeability can be modified. In contrast, for Halliburton proppants, the
Proppant Permeability is computed during fracture model runs from a proprietary Halliburton model (this model is
available to all users).
• Perm at Resvr Temp: Correlations for the Perm at Resvr Temp are adapted from PredK version 6.57, Feb 2002.
Proppant permeability is only corrected if Proppant Type is set to Precured or Curable.
Additional Information: Perm at Resvr Temp Correlations
• 2
Avg Width for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Avg Width after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width after embedment is
subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the conductivity of the proppant pack after
embedment is subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Beta Factor: Forcheimer's beta coefficient calculated from the permeability k using Cooke’s
turbulence coefficients a and b.

Plot Data
• Perm vs. Stress: Display plot of Proppant Permeability versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• 2
Width vs. Stress: Display plot of Avg Width for 2 lb/ft versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• Sieve Dist.: Display plot of Weight versus Sieve.
• Conductivity vs. Stress: Display plot of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 versus
Effective Stress on Prop.
• Beta Factor vs. Stress: Display plot of Beta Factor versus Effective Stress on Prop.
Radio Buttons
• Selected Proppant: Display plots for selected proppant only.
• All Proppants: Display plots for all proppants.
Bar Diagrams
• Permeability: Display bar diagram of Proppant Permeability per proppant.
• Conductivity: Display bar diagram of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 per proppant.
• Beta Factor: Display bar diagram Beta Factor per proppant.

Proppant Data Fields

• Date of Measurements: The date of the last measurement.
• Independent Lab Verification: Whether the proppant data was obtained and verified by an
independent laboratory (for example, Stim-Lab) or by a laboratory that is somehow dependent on a
proppant vendor.
(that is, No, Yes)

FracproPT 2007

• Comments: Notes that summarize the algorithms that were used to compile missing data for each
proppant, if relevant.

User Library Buttons

• Save Proppant to User Library: Select this function to save the proppant to the User Library of
proppants. Any changes made to the data on this screen are not saved unless you use this function.
• Delete Proppant from User Library: Select this function to delete the proppant from the User
Library, which of course implies that the proppant is in the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete proppants from the System Library.
Additional Information: Proppant Data Compilation

Proppant Permeability Damage

FracproPT models the proppant permeability as being damaged, or apparently damaged, by flow related and non-flow
related phenomena. The effects of these two phenomena are represented separately by two damage factors, which are
then effectively summed to arrive at a total damage factor that is the actual parameter used to reduce the effective in-
fracture proppant permeability (that is, fracture conductivity), as shown in the figure below.
A damage factor of 1 represents 100% damage, or a proppant permeability of zero. A damage factor of 0 implies no
damage and the proppant has the permeability corresponding to the value interpreted from the Closure Stress versus
Proppant Permeability table shown on the PROPPANT DATA screen.
Additional Information: Proppant Damage Factors

FracproPT 2007

The Proppant Permeability Damage screen

Non-flowrate Dependent Damage

The non-flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant permeability are accounted for in
FracproPT by the Proppant Damage Factor.
Producing Bottomhole Pressure
Enter a pressure here for use in calculating the net closure stress on the proppant, which is necessary to calculate the
conductivity of the propped fracture. This pressure has a wide range of values that may depend on gathering-system line
pressure, reservoir or proppant sensitivity to the drawdown pressure, or some other production-related constraint. This
pressure will always be less than reservoir pressure and it may be as low as a few tens or hundreds of psi (above zero) in
low-permeability gas wells.
This is the same parameter shown on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen; changing this
parameter on either screen will change it on the other as well.
Proppant Damage Factor
In prior versions of FracproPT, this parameter (which was also called the Proppant Damage Factor) was the only (and
total) damage applied to the proppant permeability. However, with Version 10.1 the capability to account for certain flow-
dependent phenomena that, in essence, behave like proppant permeability damage has been added (see below).
Therefore, this parameter is now meant to account only for non-flow-dependent proppant damage, such as that from gel

FracproPT 2007

Prior to Version 10.1, this was the actual number (damage factor) used by the simulator. But now that an additional
damage factor can also be applied (that is, the Apparent Damage Factor described below), the Total Damage
Factor (described below) is the actual number used by the simulator. However, if you recall an old input file saved
with an older version of FracproPT, the Apparent Damage Factor is set automatically to zero such that only this
Proppant Damage Factor is active and will, therefore, be equivalent to the Total Damage Factor.
This field is read-only if the Suggest value based on fluid type checkbox is enabled.
Suggest value based on fluid type
If this checkbox is enabed, a fluid can be selected from the adjacent drop-down menu. On the basis of this fluid, the value
for the Proppant Damage Factor will be set (and that field will be deactivated). These values are obtained from Stim-
Lab’s Predict-K and Proppant Manager database.

Flowrate Dependent Damage

The flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant permeability are accounted for in FracproPT
by the Apparent Damage Factor.
These options allow you to approximate the reduced hydrocarbon production attributable to non-Darcy and multiphase
flow effects in the proppant pack. You can model non-Darcy effects only, or Non-Darcy effects and multiphase flow
effects, but you cannot model multiphase flow effects only.
Include Non-Darcy Effects
Select the check box to include non-Darcy flow effects. You must also select the type of hydrocarbon you will be
producing and estimate the rate at which it will be produced (this can be done manually or automatically).
Well Type
Select either Gas Well or Oil Well in this field. If you receive an error message when you enter the Hydrocarbon
Standard Gravity in the next field, then you may have to change your selection.
Hydrocarbon Standard Gravity
This is gas gravity (at standard conditions) if you selected Gas Well as the Well Type, or API gravity if you select Gas
Well as the Well Type.
Proppant Concentration per Frac
Enter the average expected in-fracture proppant concentration in this field. If you are dealing with a multiple
(simultaneous) fracture scenario, this is the value for one of the fractures. Rather than manually entering this parameter,
you can use the result from the last run of the fracture model by selecting the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from
Last Run function described below.
Enter HC Production Rate / Automatically Estimate HC Production Rate
Use this option to choose whether you want to enter your own estimate of what the postfrac hydrocarbon production will
be, or to have FracproPT automatically estimate the production. If you choose the later, the following fields will be
activated and you must enter various reservoir and fracture characteristics in order for the postfrac production to be
Water Saturation
This number is entered as a fractional number less than one. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that 25% of the
porosity does not contain hydrocarbons.
X-Direction Extent
This is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction parallel to the fracture. You may wish to
make this number greater than the Y-Direction Extent by an amount equal to the propped-fracture length. Values for this
parameter that describe common reservoir/drainage sizes are shown in the table found in the description of Drainage
Area shown below.
Y-Direction Extent
This is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction normal to the fracture. Values for this
parameter that describe common reservoir/drainage sizes are shown in the table found in the description of Drainage
Area shown below.
Drainage Area
This is a calculated number, based on your entries for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent. The following table
lists values for some common drainage areas.

Drainage Area X-Direction Extent Y-Direction Extent

FracproPT 2007

40 acres 660 feet 660 feet

80 acres 933 feet 933 feet

160 acres 1,320 feet 1,320 feet

320 acres 1,867 feet 1,867 feet

640 acres 2,640 feet 2,640 feet

Fracture Half Length

Enter the estimated propped fracture half-length in this field. Alternatively, this parameter may also be taken automatically
from the last run of the fracture model by using the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from Last Run function described
Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from Last Run
Values for the Proppant Concentration per Frac and Fracture Half Length fields (described above) may be entered
manually, or this function may be used to use the results from the last run of the fracture model.
Include Multiphase Flow Effects
Liquid/Gas Ratio
Enter an estimate for the condensate or water production versus the gas production in the well. This parameter is used to
estimate the permeability reduction in the fracture, based on a correlation released by StimLab in February 2001.
Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio
This field is activated when choosing an Oil Well as the Well Type for the Flowrate Dependent Damage (described
above), and represents the amount of gas contained in a standard volume unit of oil.

Reservoir Permeability
The permeability of the reservoir is displayed in this field.
Hydrocarbon Viscosity
The viscosity of the hydrocarbons is displayed in this field.
Net Pay Thickness
The thickness of the net pay is displayed in this field.
Initial Reservoir Pressure
The initial pressure of the reservoir is displayed in this field.
The porosity is displayed in this field.

Select the proppant from the list of proppant in the PROPPANT SELECTION screen for which the apparent and total
damage factor is to be displayed.
Apparent Damage Factor
This is the additional proppant permeability damage factor that is calculated from the entries describing the non-Darcy and
multiphase flow effects. This damage factor, along with the Proppant Damage Factor described above, are essentially
summed to obtain the Total Damage Factor (described below) that is actually used by the simulator.

Proppant Embedment
The embedment (that is, infiltration) of proppant into the reservoir that surrounds the fracture can be specified here.
Proppant Embedment
This field specifies the proppant embedment. This field is deactivated if the Suggest value based on payzone modulus
checkbox is selected.

FracproPT 2007

In soft rock, proppant tends to be pushed into the walls of the fracture. This reduces the final conductivity that can be
obtained from a fracture treatment, as the embedded proppant does not actively contribute to production. Proppant
embedment is in general a small or large fraction of a proppant grain.
This embedment is always for a single fracture face. Consequently, the total embedment effect for both fracture faces is
twice the number on this screen.
Embedment is never subtracted from fracture width. Instead, embdedment is used to adjust the effective conductivity of
the fracture.
Suggest value based on payzone modulus
If this checkbox is selected, a value for the Proppant Embedment is suggested based on the modulus of the payzone, and
the Proppant Embedment field is deactivated.
A correlation released by Stim-Lab in February 2001 is used to calculate the embedment of proppant based on the
modulus of the payzone rock. Above a modulus of 5,000,000 psi, embedment is absent. For relatively soft rock,
embedment can be of the order of the diameter of a proppant grain

Fracture Filter Cake

The thickness of the filter cake in the fracture, and whether the effects of the filter cake on the conductivity of the fracture
should be included can be specified here.
Fracture Filter Cake Thickness
This field specifies the thickness of the filter cake in the fracture.
Include Filtercake effects on conductivity
Select this checkbox to include the effects of the filter cake on the conductivity of the fracture.

Additional Damage Effects

The additional damage effects of temperature and stress cycles on proppant permeability can be specified here.
Include effect of temperature on proppant permeability
Select this checkbox to include the additional damage effect of temperature on proppant permeability.
Research by Stim-Lab indicates that resin-coated proppant can show higher damage at higher temperatures as the resin
flows into the pore space of the proppant grains. The temperature multiplier has a direct effect on the Perm at Resvr
Temp column in the PROPPANT DATA screen.
Include effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability
Select this checkbox to include the additional damage effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability.
Number of stress cycles
Select the Include effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability checkbox to modify the value in this field to specify
the number of stress cycles. The default value is 1.

Total Damage
Both the flowrate dependent and the non-flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant
permeability are accounted for in FracproPT by the Total Damage Factor, which is the sum of the damage represented
by the Proppant Damage Factor and the Apparent Damage Factor.
Total Damage Factor
This the total damage factor applied to the proppant permeability, which is calculated automatically from the damage
factors resulting from both non-flow-related (that is, the Proppant Damage Factor) and flow-related (that is, the
Apparent Damage Factor) phenomena. This is the parameter actually used by FracproPT.

Permeability Diagram
This diagram displays the proppant permeability versus the proppant name.

Conductivity Diagram
This diagram displays the proppnt conductivity versus the proppant name.

Beta Factor Diagram

This diagram displays the proppant beta factor versus the proppant name.

FracproPT 2007

Calculation of Proppant Perm Damage Factors

The values for the proppant perm damage factor change during a fracture model simulation, because the inputs to the
damage factor calculation are dependent on the fracture model results.
For the non-Darcy damage factor and the multi-phase effect, the flow geometry is needed. This depends on the payzone
height and the fracture height.
Before running the fracture model, the geometry is not yet known. Consequently, the smaller of the net pay height and
100 ft i is used. Once the model is run, the propped height is used, unless the pay height is less than the propped height,
in which case the average of the two is used.
The damage factor shown on this screen also uses the Proppant Concentration per Frac and the Fracture Half-Length
that can be entered in the Include Non-Darcy Effects section in the Flowrate Dependent Damage section.
In all the calculations and results that are displayed in the reports, these values are not used. Instead, the internally
calculated damage factor (that depends on the fracture length and width from the most recent FracproPT simulation) is
used. Consequently, the results in this screen do not necessarily match up with the damage factor in the reports.
After running the model, the final values for the proppant perm damage factors on this screen do not necessarily match up
with those in the reports. The reason is that the logic of this screen is that the damage factor can be (pre-) calculated
based on the inputs on this screen (for example, length, concentration), in contrast to the values obtained from the results
of the model run. To view the values that are obtained from the model run, click on the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc
from Last Run button in the Include Non-Darcy Effects section in the Flowrate Dependent Damage section.

Treatment Selection - F8
Treatment Selection [F8]
This screen will only be accessible if Automated Treatment Selection is chosen as the Fracture Design Goal option on
the Additional Options tab of the Fracture Design Options [F4] screen. After selecting the appropriate fluids and
proppants for the pump schedule on the Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, this Treatment Selection [F8]
screen is the next screen in the sequence.
This screen is used to investigate the sensitivities of fracture growth behavior so that a proper pump rate and maximum
treatment size can be selected. The user will basically determine how large a job needs to be pumped (in terms of fluid
volume and proppant concentration) in order to obtain a specified fracture dimension, while keeping the dimensionless
conductivity set at a user-defined goal.
There are four basic steps necessary to use this screen, which are described in greater detail below:
1. Use the Injection Rate Selector to let FracproPT determine the maximum possible injection rate, or to
input a desired injection rate.
2. Using the Obtain FcD Goal for Every Treatment Size inputs and functions, let FracproPT estimate the
total treatment volume required to achieve a range of fracture sizes while a user-defined dimensionless
conductivity is fulfilled. This will populate the Treatment Choices Table.
3. Use the Treatment Size Selector to pick the treatment (that is, in terms of fluid volume and proppant
concentration) from the main table that meets various criteria (that is, criteria in addition to the fracture size
and fracture conductivity criteria). Various Plots are available to investigate the various sensitivities of
fracture growth (that is, fracture size).
4. Evaluate Economics using the Economic Analysis button..
ƒ Once these four steps have been completed, the total fracture treatment size and proppant concentration
necessary to achieve the required fracture conductivity will have been approximated. As the final step in
the entire design process, the actual pump schedule necessary to achieve the required conductivity
distribution in the fracture (as function of the distance from the wellbore) that corresponds to the selected
fracture treatment size can be generated. This is done in the Fracture Design Control [F10] screen
(select Next).

FracproPT 2007

The Treatment Selection screen

Step 1 – Injection Rate Selector

In the first step, FracproPT will determine the maximum possible injection rate using the Injection Rate Selector. The
user can manually enter an injection rate, or have FracproPT Suggest a Limit Using a Criterion such as Max Surface
Pressure or Max Horse Power. When the Determine Rate function is selected, FracproPT’s Fluid Library values are
used to estimate wellbore friction at different rates, and the fracture model will run briefly to estimate the corresponding
surface pressure.
If you choose to have FracproPT determine the maximum possible injection rate for you, you should be aware that
the program is simply using the friction data supplied in the Fluid Library. Due to the extreme variability possible in
preparing the fluids, as well as the variability in tubings and casings, the wellbore friction experienced in the field may
be radically different from the predicted amount.

Injection Rate
If preferred over letting FracproPT estimate a maximum possible Injection Rate (see the Suggest Limit Using Criterion
option described below), manually enter an injection rate for the fracture treatment. If FracproPT estimates the injection
rate, this number will appear in red and will be uneditable.

Suggest Limit Using Criterion

Check this option to have FracproPT estimate a maximum possible Injection Rate. In the drop-down list that will then be
active, choose from among Max Surface Pressure, Max Bottomhole Pressure, Max Wellbore Friction, or Max
Horsepower (and then enter that particular "max value") as the criterion used to limit Injection Rate.

Determine Rate
If you choose the Suggest Limit Using Criterion option described above, you must use this function (after selecting your
criterion of choice in the drop-down list) to have FracproPT use the wellbore model to estimate Injection Rate, which will
then be displayed (uneditable) in red. If you choose to enter Injection Rate manually, this function will not be available.

Step 2 – Obtain FcD Goal for Every Treatment Size

FracproPT 2007

In the second step of the fracture design process, FracproPT approximates the total treatment volume needed to obtain a
range of fracture sizes (that is, fracture lengths) while fulfilling a user-defined dimensionless conductivity criterion.
1. The user first sets an FcD Goal (that is, a dimensionless conductivity goal). The default of 10 provides
nearly infinite conductivity, meaning that the fracture will not act as the bottleneck for production
performance. Recent work, for example by Valko, has shown that an ideal FcD is about 1.6. Note that it
may not be possible to achieve the FcD Goal if either Max TSO Net Pressure Increase or Max Proppant
Concentration is exceeded.
2. Next, a Fracture Half-Length Increment is entered, which dictates the different between the fracture half-
lengths that FracproPT will consider. For high-perm frac-and-pack treatments, this value should be only a
few feet; it should be set to a larger value (for example, 50 ft or 100 ft) for low permeability reservoirs.
3. Enter the Max TSO Net Pressure Increase to specify the maximum net pressure increase that
FracproPT will consider to achieve the FcD Goal. Generally, this parameter should be limited to 1,000-
2,000 psi, since excessive net pressure increases may cause formation or proppant pack damage. For
lithologies like coal that are very sensitive to such damage, this value should be limited to 100-500 psi.
4. Enter the Max Proppant Concentration that you are willing to pump during a treatment to achieve the
FcD Goal. Typically, service companies are uncomfortable to pump proppant in excess of 22 ppg, since
this is getting very close to pumping a "solid" or immobile proppant.
5. The final task in this second step of the process is to select the Determine Treatment Size vs Length
function, which will fill the Treatment Choices Table with treatments of varying size. Upon doing so,
FracproPT how much fluid must be pumped and how much proppant needs to be available in the fracture
to obtain the FcD Goal. For any given fracture size, the FracproPT model run will provide a fracture width
under normal circumstances. For the given width, FracproPT will calculate the sand concentration
necessary to provide the required conductivity. If the Max Proppant Concentration must be exceeded in
order to obtain the FcD Goal, fracture width is increased by changing the design to a tip screen-out
(TSO) design.

FcD Goal
This is the primary design criterion. This channel was called Dim’ls Cond Ratio in FracproPT versions prior to 10.1. The
average (over the fracture) dimensionless conductivity, FCD, is calculated by the following formula:
kf is the fracture permeability, which is calculated by multiplying the proppant permeability (determined from the Closure
Stress -vs- Proppant Perm table on the Edit/View Proppant Library screen) by the so-called Total Damage Factor,
wf is the propped fracture width (that is, the Avg Width on Proppant channel calculated by FracproPT); at any point in
time before the fracture has closed on proppant, the theoretical packed width is calculated for the current distribution of
proppant assuming all fluid leaks off without further proppant re-distribution,
k is the average reservoir permeability, which is the height-weighted permeability of all zones (that is, layers) identified as
Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. In versions prior to 10.1, and in later versions if no zones are
identified as Pay Zones, the permeability is that entered for the zone where the fracture initiates (hence, when multiple
permeable zones with significantly varying permeabilities are propped, this calculation may be inaccurate); if the fracture
initiates in an impermeable zone, the closest permeable zone is used; and
Lf is the propped fracture length (Prop Length) calculated by FracproPT, which is dependent on the minimum proppant
concentration entered on the PROPPANT MODEL PARAMETERS screen.
The default of FcD Goal of 10 provides nearly infinite conductivity, which means that the fracture will not act as the
bottleneck for production performance. Recent work, for example by Valko, has shown that an ideal FcD is about 1.6.

Fracture Half-Length Increment

This parameter reflects the fracture half-lengths that FracproPT will consider when the user starts the sensitivity study.
For high-perm frac-and-pack treatments, this value should be as small as a few feet, while for low-perm treatments this
parameter should be set to a larger value (for example, 50 or 100 feet).

Max TSO Net Pressure Increase

This parameter reflects the maximum pressure that FracproPT will allow while still achieving the user-defined FcD Goal.
Generally, this parameter should be limited to 1,000-2,000 psi since excessive net pressure increases may cause
formation or proppant-pack damage. For lithologies that are very sensitive to damage be excessive pressurization (for
example, coals), this parameter should be even further limited (for example, 100-500 psi).

Max Proppant Concentration

FracproPT 2007

This parameter sets the maximum proppant concentration that FracproPT will allow while still achieving the user-defined
FcD Goal. The entry here may reflect equipment limitations or prior experiences where higher concentrations are not
easily accepted by the formations.

Use Effective Propped Length

The Use Effective Propped Length option is available in order to more realistically model the actual propped fracture
half length that contributes to the post-fracture production. Experience has shown that especially in low permeability
formations, the actual fracture length that contributes to the production can be significantly less than the created propped
fracture half length. This can occur for several reasons, but the main reason is thought to be poor cleanup of the gel
residue in the proppant pack. Additional factors can be proppant embedment and filtercake embedment, which are
modeled separately in FracproPT.
By checking the Use Effective Propped Length checkbox, you are turning on an additional calculation, which uses a
theoretical formula to predict the effectiveness of the post-fracture cleanup, based on the fracture half length, conductivity
and reservoir permeability. The formula for effective length calculations is based on correlations developed by the Stim-
Lab consortium in 2006. The effective length is strongly a function of the reservoir permeability.
The better the reservoir permeability, the closer the effective fracture half length will be to the created propped half length.
Since fracture conductivity is also a factor, increasing the proppant size, or going to a higher grade of proppant will also
increase the effective length. The gel damage that is entered (or calculated from the fluid type) will also affect the effective
length through the conductivity term.
Since the fracture conductivity is a function of non-Darcy effects, which are in turn a function of the production rate, which
is a function of the effective length, a simple iteration is used to solve for the effective fracture length including non-Darcy
and multi-phase effects.
The program uses a simple analytic solution for the pseudo-steady state flow to estimate the production rate within this
iteration. It should be noted that in Production Analysis mode, the program does not try to model a changing effective
fracture length versus time. Rather, it first calculates what the estimated ultimate effective length will be, and passes that
number to the reservoir simulator. This is the same number that is displayed on the Fracture Parameters tab of the
Fracture Parameters and Proppant Selection - F5 screen. It is important to enter a reasonable value for the Stabilized
Bottomhole Flowing Pressure on this screen (also called Producing Bottomhole Pressure on other screens) to get
the correct estimate for the effective fracture length.

Determine Treatment Size vs Length

Once you have entered the Obtain FcD Goal for Every Treatment Size parameters described above, use this function
to actually populate the Treatment Choices Table with a range of fracture treatment results (that is, pump schedules that
meet the various design criteria).
Click the button below to view more detailed information on what this function does.
Additional Information: Treatment Selection

Treatment Choices Table

This table lists a number of important parameters (that are described below) as a function of fracture half-length. Many of
these values can also be displayed and investigated graphically (see the Plots section described below). This table is
populated automatically when the Determine Fracture Size vs Length function is used in Step 2.

Fracture Half Length

This parameter shows the fracture half-length for the each treatment. The difference in frac lengths for the table entries is
set with the Fracture Half-Length Increment parameter described above.

PI Ratio Estimate
This parameter reflects the approximate increase from the non-fractured production (based on steady-state flow solution)
to the propped-fracture production.

Fracture Height
This parameter shows the total height of the fracture at the wellbore.

Fracture Top
This parameter shows the depth to the top of the fracture.

Fracture Bottom

FracproPT 2007

This parameter shows the depth to the bottom of the fracture.

Payzone Coverage Ratio

This parameter represents the payzone-height covered by the fracture, divided by total height of all payzones.
If the payzones are not fully covered, these entries will be highlighted in red.

Average Fracture Conductivity

This is the average fracture conductivity, and it incorporates all damage mechanisms specified in the PROPPANT PERM
DAMAGE screen.

This is the average dimensionless conductivity. If it is not possible to achieve the desired minimum conductivity
requirements because the Max Proppant Concentration and Max TSO Net Pressure Increase criteria would be
violated, this entry will be highlighted in red.

Average Proppant Concentration

This parameter represents average proppant concentration in the fracture.

Slurry Volume
This parameter represents an estimate of the total slurry volume that will have to be pumped to achieve the required half-
length and conductivity.

Max Proppant Concentration

This parameter represents the maximum (surface) proppant concentration that must be pumped in order to achieve the
conductivity requirement.

TSO Net Pressure Increase

This parameter represents the total increase in net pressure seen once the tip of the fracture screens out and stops

Step 3 – Treatment Size Selector

In Step 2, the total fracture treatment size and proppant concentration necessary to achieve the required fracture
conductivity was approximated for a range of fracture half-lengths. In Step 3, the actual treatment size can be selected
manually or automatically based on user-defined criteria.

Select Size Using Criteria

If the fracture treatment is to be selected automatically by FracproPT, up to two criteria must be specified in these fields
using the drop-down lists. If two criteria are specified, the And or Or logic options may be used. The available criteria are
described below.

• NPV, Incr. NPV, ROI, Incr. ROI – Select either of these economic criteria in the first field. If an
economic criterion is selected, you will have to select the Economic Analysis button to go to the
OPTIMIZATION ECONOMIC DATA [F8] screen in FracproPT’s Fracture Optimization module.
• Fracture Top Depth / Fracture Bottom Depth – Select either of these criteria, one of the three
operators (<, >, or =), and then enter a depth. As an example, these criteria can be used to avoid
upward or downward growth (or both) into a water-bearing zone.
• Fracture Half Length – Select this criterion, one of the three operators (<, >, or =), and then enter a
fracture half-length. As an example, this criterion can be used to specify the length of the fracture.
• Payzone Height Coverage Ratio – Select this criterion, one of the three operators (<, >, or =), and
then enter a payzone height coverage ratio. As an example, this criterion can be used to ensure that
most of the user-defined Pay Zone intervals (as defined on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen)
are covered by the propped fracture. Payzone height coverage ratio is defined as the total payzone-
height covered by the fracture divided by total height of all payzones.

FracproPT 2007

• Payzone Fracture Area Ratio – Select this criterion, one of the three operators (<, >, or =), and then
enter a payzone fracture area ratio. This is the ratio of the fracture (surface) area in contact with
payzones divided by the total fracture (surface) area. The Pay Zone intervals are defined on the
Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. As an example, this criterion can be used to ensure that some
percentage of the total fracture area contacts payzones.
• Payzone Proppant Ratio – Select this criterion, one of the three operators (<, >, or =), and then
enter a payzone proppant ratio. This is the ratio of the amount of proppant placed opposite payzones
divided by the total amount of proppant in the fracture. The Pay Zone intervals are defined on the
Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. As an example, this criterion can be used to ensure that some
percentage of the proppant is placed opposite payzones.
Once at least one user-specified selection criterion has been set, the Select Size Using Criteria function will be
available. Using this function will cause the automatically selected treatment (size) in the Treatment Choices Table to be
highlighted in yellow.

Select Size Manually

The treatment size may optionally be selected manually. After clicking on the row in the Treatment Choices Table of the
preferred approximate pump schedule, use this function to actually select that pump schedule; the selected row will be
highlighted in yellow.

Step 4 – Economic Analysis

In this last step, FracproPT brings you automatically into its Fracture optimization module to evaluate the economics for all
fracture treatment sizes in the main table. To be able to do so, you need to specify the cost as a function of various
fracture treatment sizes and other specifics, and you need to specify future production revenues.

Economic Analysis
Go to the OPTIMIZATION ECONOMIC DATA [F8] screen in FracproPT’s Fracture Optimization module. After specifying
costs here, click Next to define production constraints in the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen, and the onward to the
OPTIMIZATION CONTROL [F10] screen to calculate the economics for all jobs and select the one with the best economic

Various Plots are available to investigate the various sensitivities of fracture growth (that is, fracture size) by graphically
viewing the data in the Treatment Choices Table.

vs Length
Select this function to plot various parameters for the selection in the Treatment Choices Table as a function of fracture

vs Time
Select this function to plot various parameters for the selection in the Treatment Choices Table as a function of pumping
time (and, thus, also as a function of total treatment volume).

Select this function to show the Integrated Fracture Profile with fracture growth rings shown for every half-length
increment. This view provides an informative way to evaluate fracture growth behavior with increasing treatment volume.

PI Ratio
This plot (for proprietary use only) shows the required fracture conductivity versus fracture half-length, together with PI
Ratio curves.
Additional Information

Background Information
In detail, FracproPT conducts two primary tasks when the Determine Treatment Size vs Length function is invoked to
fill the Treatment Choices Table.

FracproPT 2007

Task 1
Determine the full dimensions, width, net pressure, etc. for the fracture at the specific half-lengths specified by the
Fracture Half-Length Increment. This task is accomplished by simply running the fracture model and reporting the
various parameters for each fracture half-length.

Task 2
Determine the necessary propped-fracture width based on the open-fracture width calculated during pumping. This task
requires additional calculations, which are described below.
The required width to obtain the FcD Goal at closure on proppant is a function of the width at the end of pumping and the
actual proppant concentration in the fracture at that time:
where Cmax is the maximum proppant concentration, φprop is the proppant porosity, and Xpropvol is the proppant volume
factor in gal/lbs (which equals 1/ (SG*8.345404), where SG is the proppant Specific Gravity in kg/l).
The desired width to obtain the FcD Goal is calculated by
where k is the average permeability for all pay zones combined, Lf is the fracture half-length, and kf is the permeability
(after damage) of the proppant pack. M is the number of conductive multiples and dembedment is the embedment depth into
one fracture face.
Next, FracproPT determines the maximum proppant concentration that needs to be pumped to obtain the required
propped width by setting

wFcdgoal>wclosedonproppant(Cmax=20 ppg)
with 20 set as the default Max Proppant Concentration, then the program will evaluate a tip screen-out (TSO) design.
To do this, the Max Proppant Concentration is maintained for the proppant concentration and the net pressure increase
is kept within the user-defined limits for the Max TSO Net Pressure Increase. The net pressure increase to reach the
FcD Goal can be calculated as follows:
pnet,Fcdgoal=pnet,endofpumpingwFcDgoal/wclosedonproppant(Cmax=20 ppg)
It could be that the FcD Goal cannot be achieved, in which case the only other available alternative is to pump higher-
conductivity proppant or a higher maximum proppant concentration. Pumping at higher rates may also help, as this
increases slurry efficiency, thereby making it possible to create more fracture width with the same amount of pumped
fluid. For these cases, the reported FcD value in the Treatment Choices Table will be smaller than the FcD Goal, and
TSO Net Pressure Increase and Max Proppant Concentration will be maximized at the values entered by the user in
the Obtain FcD Goal for Every Treatment Size area of the screen.

Fracture Design Parameters [F8]

This screen will only be accessible if Manual Entry is chosen as the Fracture Design Goal option on the Additional
Options tab of the Fracture Design Options [F4] screen.
This is where you enter the specifications (primarily length and proppant concentration) of a propped fracture for which
you wish to design a pump schedule. You also specify any operational limitations (such as maximum blender proppant
concentration or pump rate). The simulator uses these parameters and automatically generates a pumping schedule to
achieve the desired specifications.

FracproPT 2007

The Fracture Design Parameters screen.

Pump Rate Options

Treatment Pumping Rate
Enter the pump rate you want to use in your design. Typically, you are limited in terms of this parameter because of pipe
(friction) and horsepower-cost limitations.

Pad Volume Options

User Specified Pad Volume
If you wish to manually specify the relative size of the pad volume, choose this option and then enter the size in the User
Specified Pad Volume Percentage field below. This option is useful if you have a fixed pad percentage that you prefer to
FracproPT Calculated Pad Volume
If you wish to have FracproPT automatically determine the pad size, choose this option. If you wish, you can also modify
the program-determined pad volume by entering a positive or negative Calculated Pad Volume Extra Safety Margin
below. FracproPT determines the "ideal" pad volume, but you retain design control in that you can increase or decrease
the calculated pad volume by whatever percentage you enter below for Calculated Pad Volume Extra Safety Margin. If
you use the default value of 0 %, FracproPT finds a pad volume that allows slurry fluid to almost reach the fracture tip just
at the end of pumping. If you want to pump a larger pad than calculated, enter a positive percentage. If you want to pump
a smaller pad than calculated, enter a negative percentage.
Tip Screenout Design
Selecting this option tells FracproPT to attempt a tip screenout type design, meaning that the program picks the pad
volume such that the first proppant carrying stage has dehydrated enough to bank and stop fracture growth when the pad
leaks off completely. This is only feasible in formations with high fluid leakoff (that is, slurry efficiency less than about
40%). This type of design is based on leakoff causing the proppant to pack at the edge of the fracture. It is not based on
any bridging criteria at the fracture tip. If you wish, you can also modify the program-determined pad volume by entering a
positive or negative Calculated Pad Volume Extra Safety Margin below.

FracproPT 2007

User Specified Pad Volume Percentage / Calculated Pad Volume Extra Safety Margin
If you select the User Specified Pad Volume option above, you enter that pad volume (percentage) in this field. If you
select either the FracproPT Calculated Pad Volume or the Tip Screenout Design option above, you can use this field
to enter a number by which to modify (that is, add to or subract from) the pad volume calculated by the simulator. This
entry is defined as the pad-fluid percentage of the total slurry volume to be pumped.

Proppant Options
Range of Values for Proppant in Slurry at End of Pumping
This field is where you specify the final (surface) proppant concentration in your pump schedule. You do this in terms of a
range of final concentrations using Min and Max. For example, if you enter 5 for Min and 8 for Max, FracproPT will try to
design a job such that the last proppant concentration in it is greater than 5 ppg by no more than 8 ppg.
Available equipment, fluid type, and previous experience with the formation to be fracture treated, and economics typically
place some upper limits on the maximum proppant concentration that can be pumped. A minimum value should also be
entered to limit the lowest proppant concentrations in the slurry that you want to consider (which is primarily for time-to-
closure and conductivity reasons).
Proppant Ramp Exponent Modifier
This parameter allows you to modify how fast the simulator steps-up proppant concentration in the treatment schedule,
thereby tailoring the FracproPT-generated proppant ramp to any desired shape.
If you are using the FracproPT Calculated Pad Volume Percentage option and a value close to 0% for the Calculated
Pad Volume Extra Safety Margin, the default entry of 1.0 produces a constant volume-fraction of proppant in slurry
throughout the fracture at the end of pumping, which minimizes the in-fracture density differences that drives proppant
convection. In high-efficiency (low fluid-loss) situations, the default value of 1.0 yields a very steep ramp up to the
maximum concentration. If you prefer a more gradual ramp, use a lower value (for example, 0.5 or 0.2). If you prefer an
even steeper ramp, use a value greater than 1.0.
Once the design iteration is completed, you can view the details of the proppant ramp, either graphically in the Proppant
Concentration versus Time display on the Fracture Design Control [F10] screen or numerically on the Treatment
Schedule [F6] screen.

Design Parameters
Desired Propped Fracture Length
Enter the desired propped-fracture length that you would like to generate with the design.
Fracture Area is Considered Propped for Conc > Than
You must specify a proppant concentration threshold here such that low-concentration parts of the fracture are not
considered propped. Only locations within the fracture having in-fracture proppant concentrations higher than this
threshold are considered propped. A typical value in low permeability reservoir situations is 0.2 pounds/square-foot, which
corresponds approximately to a packed single layer of 20/40-mesh proppant.
Desired Average Proppant Concentration in Fracture at End of Pumping
Specify a lower limit on in-fracture proppant concentration that you would like to see at the end of pumping in this field.
FracproPT attempts to exceed this user-entered value while staying within the user-specified Range of Values for
Proppant in Slurry at End of Pumping. If the value you enter cannot be achieved within the other specified limits, a
message is displayed indicating what specifications need to be changed.
Maximum Net Pressure Increase
Specify the maximum increase (above the average level before proppant starts) in net pressure that is tolerable in the
% of Multiple Fracs Are Considered Conductive
This field becomes visible if you model the simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic fractures on the MULTIPLE
FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7] screen. FracproPT already calculates the reduction in conductivity due to embedment and will
correct for that when designing a treatment schedule. If you believe that there is additional damage and that some of the
"equivalent" multiple fractures may not contribute to production, you can specify a number smaller that 100% here, and
FracproPT will correct this loss in conductivity.

Fracture Design Control - F10

Fracture Design Control [F10]
The fracture treatment size and proppant concentration necessary to achieve the required fracture conductivity were
approximated on the previous screen (that is, on the Treatment Selection [F8] screen). On this screen, in what is the
final step of the design process, the detailed pump schedule that is required to obtain an appropriate conductivity
distribution in the fracture (that is, as function of the distance from the wellbore) will be generated.

FracproPT 2007

The Fracture Design Control screen

Brief Instructions
ƒ The first step on this screen is to choose the "ideal" Conductivity Profile, which the actual conductivity
profile will be matched to as closely as possible.
ƒ FracproPT will be iterating to have the actual conductivity profile match the selected Conductivity Profile,
so the user must enter the Iteration Settings to control the process. The Current Error is weighted more
heavily toward the wellbore because it is more important to match the profile in that region than it is farther
toward the fracture tip.
ƒ To start the iteration, select the Fit Conductivity Profile function; it may take several minutes before
FracproPT finds the best fit to the Conductivity Profile. FracproPT will automatically change the ramp
schedule, pad size, and maximum proppant concentration as it iterates to find the best match the ideal
conductivity profile.
ƒ Finally, when the iteration completes and FracproPT has created a pump schedule that achieves the FcD
Goal and fracture dimensions, the Proppant Concentration vs. Time area of the screen will display a
graphical representation of the proppant schedule. Select Next to go to the Treatment Schedule [F6]
screen to view the pump schedule that has been generated.

Conductivity Profile
Select one of FracproPT’s "ideal" conductivity profiles (that is, fracture conductivity as a function of distance from the
wellbore) to which the actual conductivity profile that results from the pump schedule will be matched as closely as

• The Standard Profile is intended to minimize slurry density differences (after leakoff) in the fracture,
which will minimize proppant convection.

FracproPT 2007

• The Linear Profile is simply a linear decrease in proppant concentration from the wellbore to the
fracture tip for linear fluid flow in long, confined fractures.
• The Proprietary Profile minimizes the proppant required and maximizes the achievable fracture length
while ensuring a constant pressure drop along the fracture length.

Pre-Selected Design Parameters

Dimensionless Conductivity (FcD)

This parameter is for display purposes only. It was taken from the (approximate) treatment selected from the Treatment
Choices Table on the Treatment Selection [F8] screen.

Average Fracture Conductivity

This parameter is for display purposes only. It was taken from the (approximate) treatment selected from the Treatment
Choices Table on the Treatment Selection [F8] screen.

Fracture Half-Length
This parameter is for display purposes only. It was taken from the (approximate) treatment selected from the Treatment
Choices Table on the Treatment Selection [F8] screen.

Slurry Rate
This parameter is for display purposes only. It was taken from the (approximate) treatment selected from the Treatment
Choices Table on the Treatment Selection [F8] screen.

Max Proppant Concentration

This parameter is for display purposes only. It was taken from the (approximate) treatment selected from the Treatment
Choices Table on the Treatment Selection [F8] screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the fluid chosen on the Fluid Selection tab of the Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen.

Selected Proppant
This is the proppant chosen on the Proppant Selection tab of the Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen.

Current Fracture Results

Propped Length
As FracproPT iterates (that is, as the fracture model runs) to generate the final pump schedule, the final propped fracture
length of each completed iteration is shown in this field.

Fracture Efficiency
As FracproPT iterates (that is, as the fracture model runs) to generate the final pump schedule, the final fracture
efficiency of each completed iteration is shown in this field.

Dimensionless Conductivity (FcD)

As FracproPT iterates (that is, as the fracture model runs) to generate the final pump schedule, the dimensionless
conductivity of each completed iteration is shown in this field.

Average Prop Conc

As FracproPT iterates (that is, as the fracture model runs) to generate the final pump schedule, the average proppant
concentration in the fracture of each completed iteration is shown in this field.

Iteration Settings

Maximum # of Iterations

FracproPT 2007

Enter the maximum number of FracproPT iterations that should be completed during the process of generating the final
pump schedule. If an appropriate pump schedule is determined before reaching this number, the program will stop
automatically and display a graphical representation of the proppant schedule in the Proppant Concentration vs Time
viewing area.

Current Iteration
This uneditable field shows the number of the last iteration that was executed.

Max Error
Enter the maximum percent error that should be allowed during the process of generating the final pump schedule.

Current Error
This uneditable field shows the percent error of the last iteration that was executed.

Proppant Concentration vs Time

Once FracproPT iterates and generates the final pump schedule, the program will stop automatically and display a
graphical representation of the proppant schedule this viewing area.

Other Options

Run Treatment Schedule Iteration

Use this function to start the pump-schedule iteration process.

Use this function to stop the pump-schedule iteration process at any time.

Fracture Conductivity Profile Plot

Use this function to display a plot that compares the Ideal Conductivity and the Normalized Conductivity.

Select this function to view the pump schedule that you just generated.

Quick Fracture Design Mode

Quick Fracture Design Control
The Quick Fracture Design Control screen is accessed by:

• clicking on the Xpress Design button in the Navigation Tree

• selecting from the main menu Options > Quick Fracture Design Mode
The Quick Fracture Design mode is part of FracproXPRESS. This mode provides for a quick single-screen approach to
fracture design for coarse preliminary simulations. The results can be transferred to the Fracture Design mode.
Only the following basic data needs to be entered:

• well
• formation of the layer above the payzone, the payzone, and the layer below the payzone
• reservoir
• fracturing model
• treatment schedule or fracture dimensions
The Quick Fracture Design mode will then calculate either the Fracture Dimensions (from the Treatment Schedule) or
the Treatment Schedule (from the Fracture Dimensions).

FracproPT 2007

Quick Fracture Design Control screen

Reservoir and Well

• Well Fluid: This is the type of fluid that is pumped down the well.
• Wellbore Volume: This is the volume of the wellbore.
• Casing/Tubing ID: This is the inner diameter (ID) of the casing or tubing inside the well.

Formation Above Pay / Pay Zone / Formation Below Pay

• Formation: This is the type of rock of the formation.
• Closure Stress: This is the closure stress of the formation.
• Young’s Modulus: This is the Young’s modulus of the formation.
• Permeability: This is the permeability of the formation.
• Top of Pay / Bottom of Pay: This is the true vertical depth (TVD) of the top or bottom of the

• Reservoir Pressure: This is the initial, ambient pressure of the reservoir.
• ReservoirTemp: This is the initial, ambient temperature of the reservoir.
• Reservoir Type: This is the type of hydrocarbon (Gas or Oil) that is to be produced from the
• Porosity: This is the porosity of the reservoir.
• Water Saturation: This is the water saturation of the reservoir.

FracproPT 2007

• 3D Fracture: This is the type of model for the hydraulic fracturing simulation. Built-in models are
displayed with a white background, and custom (calibrated) models are displayed with a yellow
If the Calc... Frac Dimensions from Treatment Schedule radio button is selected, then this sections is used to specify
the desired Quick Fracture Design parameters in terms of the Treatment Schedule.
If the Calc... Treatment from Frac Dimensions radio button is selected, then this section displays the results of the
Quick Fracture Design calculations in terms of the Treatment Schedule. The fields will be read-only.

Treatment Schedule Plot

This plot displays the treatment schedule in terms of the Design Rate and Design Conc versus Time.

Slurry Rate
This is the pump rate of the slurry for the Treatment Schedule.

Treatment Schedule Table

This table is used to specify or display the details of the Treatment Schedule.

• Stage: Thjs is the type of stage.

• Fluid: This is the fluid that is pumped during the stage.
• Clean Vol: This is the volume of clean fluid that is pumped during the stage.
• Prop Conc: This is the concentration of proppant that is pumped during the stage.
• Stage Prop: This is the amount of proppant that is pumped during the stage.

• Add Fluid: Press this button to add the selected fluid to the selected stage in the Treatment
Schedule table.
• Add Proppant: Press this button to add the selected proppant to the selected stage in the Treatment
Schedule table.
Fracture Dimensions
If the Calculate... Frac Dimensions from Treatment Schedule radio button is selected, then this section displays the
results of the Quick Fracture Design calculations in terms of the Fracture Dimensions. The fields will be read-only.
If the Calculate... Treatment from Frac Dimensions radio button is selected, then this sections is used to specify the
desired Quick Fracture Design parameters in terms of the Fracture Dimensions.

• Propped Half-Length: This is the half-length of the propped fracture after closure.
• Propped Height: This is the height of the propped fracture after closure.
• Avg. Width on Prop: This is average width of the propped fracture after closure.
• FcD: This is the dimensionless conductivity, which is the ratio of the ability of a fracture to carry oil or
gas to the well to the ability of the formation to feed oil or gas into the fracture.
For conventional reservoirs it is widely accepted that one should design to achieve Fcd of 2. For tight
gas sands one needs an extra margin of safety with the optimum Fcd range being 8 to 10 to ensure
• EOJ Net Pressure: This is the net pressure at the end of the job (EOJ).
• EOJ Slurry Efficiency: This is the efficiency of the slurry at the end of the job (EOJ).

• Frac Dimensions From Treatment Schedule: Select this radio button to calculate the Fracture
Dimensions from the Treatment Schedule.
• Treatment Schedule From Frac Dimensions: Select this radio button to calculate the Treatment
Schedule from the Fracture Dimensions.

FracproPT 2007

• Run: This button is only displayed if the Frac Dimensions From Treatment Schedule radio button
is selected. Press this button to run through the Quick Fracture Design calculations.
• Iterate: This button is only displayed if the Treatment Schedule From Frac Dimensions radio
button is selected. Press this button to iterate through the Quick Fracture Design calculations.

Calculate... section of Quick Fracture Design Control screen

Calculate... section of Quick Fracture Design Control screen

FracproXPRESS consists of the Quick Fracture Design mode and the Quick Minifrac Analysis mode. These two modes
provide for a quick single quick single-screen approach to fracture design and minifrac analysis for coarse preliminary
simulations. The results can be transferred to the Fracture Design mode and the Fracture Analysis mode, respectively.
Only the following basic data needs to be entered:

• well
• formation of the layer above the payzone, the payzone, and the layer below the payzone
• reservoir
• fracturing model (for the Quick Fracture Design mode)
• treatment schedule or fracture dimensions (for the Quick Fracture Design mode)
• perforations (for the Quick Minifrac Analysis mode)
The Quick Fracture Design mode will then calculate either the Fracture Dimensions (from the Treatment Schedule) or
the Treatment Schedule (from the Fracture Dimensions).
The Quick Minifrac Analysis modewill then calculate the results of a minifrac analysis from the measured minifrac data,
and an entered Treatment Schedule.

Fracture Analysis Mode

Overview - Fracture Analysis Mode
Fracture Analysis Mode is intended for detailed pre-frac design and also for real-data analysis and history matching. The
real-data analysis may be either in real-time, or post-frac with previously acquired treatment data. Like all other
FracproPT modes, Fracture Analysis Mode is selected from the MAIN [F2] screen; a message is displayed in the
status bar at the bottom of the screen indicating that this mode is active.
When you select a mode from the MAIN screen, you can use the Next field to progress through a sequence of screens,
beginning with the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen and ending with the SIMULATiON
CONTROL [F10] screen for that mode. The screens are listed here in the same order that you will see them if you use the
Next fields to progress through the sequence of screens.

Well and Treatment Information - F3

Well and Treatment Information – General Information [F3]
The Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen is accessed by:

• pressing the function key F3

• clicking on Well&Treatment Info in the Navigation Tree
The General Information tab is the first tab on the Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen.

FracproPT 2007

This screen is used to enter various data and information, such as general comments, about the simulation represented
by this input file. Some of the information can be included automatically on plot titles and report page headers.
The information entered here is also displayed in the Input File Preview area of the standard File…Open dialog. It can
also be used by the Input File Search utility that is also a part of that dialog.
The path and file name of the current input file are displayed at the top of this screen, which is common to all four
FracproPT modes.

General Information tab of the Well and Treatment Information screen

Well and Treatment Information – Job Comments [F3]

The Well and Treatment Information screen - F3 is accessed by:

• pressing the function key F3

• clicking on Well&Treatment Info in the Navigation Tree
The Job Comments tab is the second tab on the Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen.

This screen is used to record, as a function of model time, information about noteworthy events that occur during a frac
job. Model time is displayed in the Status Bar in the lower-right corner of the FracproPT window.
For example, you may want to record the time a pump went down, when additives were started, or when you start the
wellbore flush. You can enter these comments manually on this screen, or you can right click on any channel of a

FracproPT 2007

particular plot, which you specify, to enter them more conveniently. Aside from being able to see all these events together
on this screen, you can also view (and print) these comments on the corresponding plot.

Job Comments tab of the Well and Treatment Information screen

• Date: For database files that are collected or converted using FracproPT version 10.3, the date is
saved as part of the DBS file. The Date shown here comes from the database file and cannot be
edited. The Date column is not shown if the date is not present in the DBS file.
• Time: For database files that are collected or converted using FracproPT version 10.3, the absolute
time is saved as part of the DBS file. The Time shown here comes from the database file and cannot
be edited. The Time column is not shown if the time is not present in the DBS file.
• Database Time: You may enter the Database Time manually here. Or, if you are viewing the plot
selected for comments, you may right click on any data channel, select Add Comment and the
Database Time will be automatically entered in this table. If you enter the Database Time manually
and would rather type in decimal minutes, FracproPT will automatically convert the time to the
correct units.
• Comments: Any comments corresponding to a particular time at which some event occurs should be
entered in this field.


FracproPT 2007

• Display Plot # from Plot List: This button allows you to view the plot on which all of the comments
should be included. The plot number refers to the number in the Plot Display List - ALT+F8 screen. If
you are in the selected plot, you may right click on any data channel, select Add Comment and the
Time will be automatically entered in this table.
These comments are shown only on the plot selected in this field.
• Add Stage Comments: This function adds comments from the stages in the Treatment Schedule -
F6 screen.
• Delete: This function deletes comment and time (that is, the entire row in the table) at the current
cursor position.
• Delete All: This function deletes all of the comments and times in the Job Comments table.
Well and Treatment Information – Fracture Diagnostic Results [F3]
The Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen is accessed by:

• pressing the function key F3

• clicking on Well&Treatment Info in the Navigation Tree
The Fracture Diagnostic Results tab is the third tab on the Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen.

This screen is used to record information about results from fracture diagnostics that is related to the frac job.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture Diagnostic Results tab of the Well and Treatment Information screen

Fracture Diagnostic
Enable or disable these checkboxes to indicate whether these measurements have been performed.

• Microseismic Mapping
• Treatment Well Tilt Mapping
• Offset Well Tilt Mapping
• Surface Tilt Mapping x
• Temperature Logging
• Tracer Logging

Numeric Fields
Enter the various properties of the fracture determined by fracture diagnostics into the appropriate numeric fields.

• Fracture Half-Length
• Total Fracture Height
• Fracture Top
• Fracture Bottom
• Fracture Network Width
• Stimulated Reservoir Volume
• Fracture Azimuth
• Fracture Dip

• Fracture Asymmetry: Enable or disable this checkbox to indicate whether it has been determined
from fracture diagnostic results that the fracture is likely assymmetric.
• Comments: Enter comments that are related to fracture diagnostic results in this textbox.

Fracture Analysis Options - F4

Fracture Analysis – Main Options [F4]
This screen is where you choose from among the main options available for fracture simulation and analysis (that is, when
running in Fracture Analysis Mode).

FracproPT 2007

Main Options tab of the Fracture Analysis Options screen

Run Fracture and Wellbore Models From…

Job-Design Data
If actual treatment data (real data) is not being input to the fracture model, selecting this option causes the fracture
simulator to run from the clean volume, flow rate, and sand concentration data shown on the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] screen Design Treatment Schedule tab. The simulator also uses the fluids and proppants defined for
each stage on that screen tab.

Database Data
Select this option if real data exists in FracproPT's database format or ASCII or Excel™ format, and that you would like to
use as input to the fracture simulator (for example, data from a service company ASCII file converted using
DataConvertPT, or data previously recorded using FracproPT in real-time). Next, you must select the database file in
the Database File Location fields by choosing Select. Any database channels that you specify on the CHANNEL
INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen will be used as inputs to the fracture simulator. However, even when running the
simulator from database data, FracproPT still uses the stage times, fluid types, and proppant types specified on the

Real-Time Data
Select this option when you are running FracproPT from real-time data (that is, using data being sent from a service
company data acquisition system). Any real-time channels that you specify on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL
[Shift+F6] screen will be used as inputs to the fracture simulator, however the stage times, fluid types, and proppant
types specified on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen still used.

Fracture Model to Use

It should first be noted that there is really only one model in the FracproPT System, which is commonly referred to as a
lumped-parameter model. However, by choosing the correct values for certain parameters that control function of the
lumped model, it can be made to behave (in terms of pressures, dimensions, etc.) like any other model. In the FracproPT
System, six sets of parameters have been defined and hardwired into six of the model options available on this screen:

• 3D Shear-Decoupled (Default)
• 3D Tip-Dominated
• 3D Conventional (Linear Elastic)
• 2D PKN

FracproPT 2007

• 2D KGD
• 2D Radial

3D Shear-Decoupled (Default)
This is the new default model for FracproPT version 10.3. In hundreds of fracture treatments where Pinnacle has utilized
direct fracture diagnostics (microseismic fracture mapping and tiltmeter fracture mapping), we have seen that fracture
growth is in general more confined than we would initially think based on "classical" assumptions, for example the
presence of closure stress barriers or permeability barriers. In several cases, we have seen confined fracture growth
(length-height aspect ratios of 2 and larger) in areas with a single thick pay zone and no nearby barriers (see SPE paper
56724). It has long been postulated that this is due to a "composite layering effect". This composite layering effect causes
partial decoupling of the fracture width profile along layer interfaces, and results in slower fracture growth trough layer
interfaces (in fracture height).
The 3D Shear-Decoupled model predicts longer, more confined fractures caused by the introduction of an average
Composite Layering Effect (CLE) for the layers outside the Pay Zone. This average value is based on hundreds of
fracture treatment that were monitored using direct fracture diagnostics. As a result of greater confinement, net pressures
are typically also slightly higher for the 3D Shear-Decoupled model than for the 3D Tip-Dominated model. Note however,
that the Composite Layering Effect that is needed to match actual geometries can sometimes vary widely in different
regions and formations, and the default Composite Layering Effect of 25 (resulting in an estimated incremental
height/length growth of about 0.25 outside the pay) used in the 3D Shear-Decoupled model is only an average. All other
parameters for this model are the same as for the 3D Tip-Dominated model described below.

3D Tip-Dominated
This is the lumped 3D model developed for GRI, which is not a so-called pseudo 3D model. In general, the model predicts
shorter, wider fractures due to higher predicted net pressures that, in general, have been found to match very closely with
observed field data. In the 3D Tip-Dominated model, the most important parameter that is hardwired is the Tip Effect
Coefficient (see FRACPROPT MODEL PARAMETERS [Shift+F3] screen, FracproPT 3D Parameters tab), to a value of

3D Conventional (Linear Elastic)

This mode should give results very similar to those from the few other 3D models available. Note that this also is not a
pseudo 3D model, although it may predict similar results and it has many of the same problems (for example, low net
pressures and great sensitivity to fluid rheology). In the 3D Conventional model, the most important parameter that is
hardwired is the Tip Effect Coefficient (see FRACPROPT MODEL PARAMETERS [SHIFT+F3] screen, FracproPT 3D
Parameters tab), to a value of 0.4.

3D Calibrated
To load a calibrated settings file, select this 3D Calibrated radio button and then select the appropriate file in the
associated combo box on the left. Only engineers from Pinnacle can save and generate these calibrated settings files,
which are located in the FracproPT program folder (for example, for a default installation: c:\Program Files\Pinnacle
Technologies\FracproPT\Program) as CMS-files (Calibrated Model Settings).
Pinnacle has learned from direct fracture diagnostic data, such as tiltmeter fracture mapping and micro-seismic fracture
mapping, that fractures can grow very differently in different environments. In some areas, the default settings in fracture
models accurately predict directly observed fracture growth, but in other areas these default settings do not accurately
reflect actual fracture growth. In these areas, the default model settings do not provide an accurate description of fracture
growth, and other physical mechanisms such composite layering effects should be introduced by changing the default
fracture model parameters to provide a calibrated 3D model.
Pinnacle has provided some model settings that have been released for publication in this category, and the number of
released model settings keeps on growing as we learn more about fracture growth behavior in more regions and
formations. Note that Pinnacle also distributes confidential calibrated model settings to clients that have utilized our
fracture mapping services.
If a 3D Calibrated model is selected, the FracproPT logo on the Navigation Bar and in hardcopies of plots changes to the
FracproXACT logo, indicating that model settings were used that tie back to direct measurements of fracture growth in
that environment. This should provide a better estimate of fracture growth behavior for that specific region of formation
that one of the "hardwired" model settings.

3D User-Defined
If you routinely change the default model parameters for your work in one or more areas, you can save those model
parameters and easily recall them at any time.

• Saving a User-Defined Model – You first select this 3D User-Defined option and then go to the
FracproPT 3D Parameters tab of the FRACproPT MODEL PARAMETERS [Shift-F3] screen and

FracproPT 2007

change any of the model parameters. While still on this screen and after making your changes, press
the Save These Settings As A User-Defined Parameter File, which will create and save a UMS-file
(User-defined Model Settings) in the FracproPT program folder (for example, c:\Program
Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT\Program).
• Using a User-Defined Model – Press the Load These Settings As A User-Defined Parameter File
and then select the desired UMS-file. Of course you must have first created or copied a UMS-file
before you can select one.

You can choose from among the three common 2D models using this drop-down list.

• PKN 2D Model – This is one of the classical 2D models with constant (specified) height and width
proportional to height. It is still often used (with high gel viscosity) to force a pressure "match" in the
later treatment stages, almost always ignoring early pressure data that results from water injection.
• KGD 2D Model – This is one of the classical 2D models with constant (specified) height and with
width proportional to length. It can rarely be used to match measured pressures (except perhaps with
forced use of backstress).
• Radial Model – This is one of the classical 2D models. The model assumes axisymmetry in radial
The 2D PKN and 2D KGD models do not, in general, give reasonable answers, even in reservoirs where there is almost
perfect containment, due to their unrealistically low net fracturing pressure predictions. The same is true of the 2D radial
model, even in homogeneous reservoirs where radial fractures may indeed be created. The 2D radial model generally
predicts dramatically lower net fracturing pressures than are observed in the field and, thus, predicts fractures with much
larger radii and much smaller widths than are actually created.
The 2D models are available in FracproPT for a number of reasons. Results (especially dimensions) from the 2D models
can be compared to 3D results. As well, the 2D models can be used in an attempt to match observed net pressures, a
process that should readily demonstrate their inadequacy. Also, the 2D models can be used as a starting point for
understanding typical fracture treatment designs provided to you on the basis of other 2D models.

Other Options

FracproPT Model Parameters

Select this button as a shortcut to get to the FracproPT Model Parameters [Shift+F3] screen.
Fracture Analysis – Additional Options [F4]
This screen is where you choose from among the numerous, but less often used, options available for fracture simulation
and analysis (that is, when running in Fracture Analysis Mode).

FracproPT 2007

Additional Options tab of the Fracture Analysis Options screen

Fracture Model Options

Leakoff Model
FracproPT has three leakoff models, which are described below. Due to recent leakoff model changes and additions, you
may see certain messages when loading input files from previous FracproPT versions or when you switch between the
three leakoff model options. Select the button below to read about these messages.
Additional Information: Leakoff Model Options

Lumped-Parameter (Default)
This is the original leakoff model used in the FracproPT system. It can best be described as a classical leakoff model in
terms of the physics that are modeled, however it has been formulated such that it executes extremely fast (that is, for
real-time analysis). The model formulation gives rise to the model characterization as "lumped."
This model generally works quite well in most situations, however it may lose accuracy in higher permeability situations
and in reservoirs with complex permeability profiles (that is, when permeability varies significantly with depth).
Additional details regarding the Lumped-Parameter Model can be found in the FracproPT Technical Description section of

Grid-Based Classical
This is a classical leakoff model in terms of the physics that are modeled. However, this model overlays a grid on the
fracture face and tracks the leakoff history of each individual grid block in time. In general, this model should be more
accurate than the Lumped-Parameter Model, but it is also noticeably slower and the difference between it and the
Lumped-Parameter Model will most often be very small. Use this model if you have permeability contrast of at least 2
orders of magnitude.
Additional details regarding the Grid-Based Classical Model can be found in the FracproPT Technical Description section
of Help.

Grid-Based FLIC
This model is similar to the Grid-Based Classical model, however two additional physical processes are accounted for:
Dynamic filter cake buildup and non-Newtonian gel invasion into the reservoir. Use this model if you have a pay zone
permeability of at least 100 mD.

FracproPT 2007

Additional details regarding the Grid-Based FLIC Model can be found in the FracproPT Technical Description section of


Backstress is the change in formation closure stress induced by elevated (or reduced) pore pressure, which is caused by
fluid leakoff from the fracture (or production from the reservoir). In reservoirs that are not near 100% liquid saturation (that
is, dry gas reservoirs), the increase in backstress is usually not significant and may needlessly complicate the analysis
and slow numerical computations. In such cases, you should choose to ignore this option.

This option should be used only when there is relatively high fluid leakoff, very high fluid saturation, and (therefore) low
pore-fluid compressibility (for example, in oil reservoirs). Sometimes, measured data provides a justification to Model
Backstress when the fracture closure stress (measure using pressure decline analysis) continues to increase with
subsequent injections.

Acid Fracturing Model

FracproPT (Default)
If you define a fluid containing acid on the Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, FracproPT’s fracture model will
be used to estimate the geometry and etching of an acid frac treatment. Details regarding the acid reactivity model can be
found in the FracproPT Technical Description section of Help.

If you are an authorized user of FracproPT, you will have the choice of choosing an acid reactivity model based on a
proprietary acid frac model.

Growth After Shut-In

This is the default and recommended option. Fracture growth at shut-in, forward or backward, almost always plays a
significant role in correctly interpreting pressure-decline behavior (particularly in very high efficiency or very low efficiency
situations). Use this option when pressure decline behavior is concave, with fast decline at early times due to tip
extensions and slower decline near fracture closure as the fracture tip recedes back to the wellbore.

Freeze Dimensions
Most other fracture models generally freeze fracture dimensions at shut in, so this option is provided (primarily) for
comparison purposes. Also, certain stress profiles may sometimes cause near-discontinuous fracture growth from the
simulator after shut-in. Use this option when pressure decline behavior shows an almost constant slope.

Proppant Transport Model

Selecting Proppant Settling allows settling of proppant in the fracture based primarily on fluid viscosity and particle
diameter (that is, Stokes Law). Use this option for slickwater treatments, where proppant settling is the main downward
proppant transport mechanism.

Proppant Convection may be a dominant mechanism for proppant transport and placement in hydraulic-fracture
stimulation treatments. However, the convective process will be slowed impeded by fracture offsets (for example, at
bedding planes), narrow fractures (for example, when multiple fractures are created), and highly viscous fluids in the
Proppant Convection is a process whereby heavier treatment stages (for example, proppant stages) displace rapidly
downward from the perforations to the bottom of the fracture. Those stages nearest the perforations may then be replaced
by the pad or by low-concentration proppant stages.

FracproPT 2007

Use this option for linear or crosslink gel treatments, where proppant convection is generally more important than
proppant settling.

No Convection or Settling
No Convection or Settling should be selected only when modeling a horizontal fracture where those effects can be

Fracture Orientation

Vertical Fracture is generally selected. The FRACTURE PICTURE [Alt+F5] screen, the STAGE PROFILE PICTURE
[Ctrl+F5] screen, and the WIDTH PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F7] screen all show a vertical fracture with a depth scale and
a vertical profile of the minimum horizontal stress.

If you select Horizontal Fracture, FracproPT grows a horizontal fracture at the Initial Frac Depth shown on the
RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. You must first select Lithology Based Reservoir (in another section of this
FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen) before selecting Horizontal Fracture. The FRACTURE PICTURE
[Alt+F5] screen, the STAGE PROFILE PICTURE [Ctrl+F5] screen, and the WIDTH PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F7] screen
display the horizontal fracture, but with a vertical screen orientation.

Heat Transfer Effects

If you choose this option, the fluid is assumed to be at reservoir temperature as soon as it enters the fracture. This can
save some CPU time on slower computers.

Choosing this option activates FracproPT's wellbore temperature model. The calculated bottomhole temperature of the
pumped fluids is then passed to the fracture model where any additional heat transfer between the reservoir rock and the
pumped fluids is calculated. Various parameters for the model are entered on the WELLBORE HEAT TRANSFER
screen, which is accessed by selecting Wellbore Heat Transfer from the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen.

Wellbore Model Options

Run Fracture and Wellbore Models

This is the default and most often used of these options. As the name implies, both the fracture and the wellbore models
are run.

Run Wellbore Model Only

You may choose Run Wellbore Model Only while going through the process of removing all friction from measured
pressure data. Doing so causes FracproPT to run much faster. This option is very useful for large treatments where the
user is trying to determine and subtract friction from the measured pressure data near the end of pumping. This option
temporarily disables the fracture model. Once all of the friction is accounted for, the fracture model may be reactivated.

Run Fracture Model Only

If Run From Job-Design Data is selected and only net fracturing pressures and fracture growth are of interest to you, it is
possible to the wellbore and perforations in terms of predicting fracture growth. However, the wellbore and perforations
must be modeled to predict surface pressure.

Multiple Perf Intervals

Limited Entry Simplified Iteration

This option can be selected to allow the flow split between multiple perforated intervals to be calculated solely on the
basis of the total perforation area for each zone. This option runs faster than the Limited Entry General Iteration
(described below), but it will give valid results only if the number of perforations is actually controlling the flow split.

FracproPT 2007

This was previously known as Limited Entry Iteration Simlified Iteration.

Limited Entry General Iteration

This is the default option, which should be used in general. In a true limited entry situation, this option will give the same
results as the Limited Entry Simplified Iteration option, but it will run somewhat slower. This option takes into account
perforation friction, near-wellbore friction, wellbore friction between perforations, hydrostatic pressure differences between
perforations, and net pressure in the fracture.

Multiple Fracture Stages

This option can be selected to set-up multiple fracture stages within a single job. This option will execute subsequent
fracture simulations for each stage. Consequently, the computation time will typically be a multitude of the computation
time for a single fracture simulation.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based
If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.

General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.

General Single Scale

If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.

Real-Time Use
Real-Time Control [Ctrl+F1]
This screen is where real-time data from a treatment is input to FracproPT. Note that this screen will automatically
become available in the FracproPT Next-loop if Run Fracture and Wellbore Models from … Real-Time Data is
selected on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen.
The data is received from DataAcqPT, which can be configured to accept data from a variety of sources, such as direct
serial (cable) connection, a cellular phone/modem connection to a service company computer system or from a shared
network file. FracproPT then reads the data from that file in real-time.

FracproPT 2007

Recording service company data on-site is a relatively simple procedure since all of the major service companies routinely
provide data to computers running FracproPT on site, either for clients or for themselves. In general, you should notify the
service company well before going to the field so that they can make sure their field personnel can transmit the data to
you without difficulty. You can also collect real-time data for FracproPT modeling remotely by using a modem to receive
data from the service company computer at the well site. Further details on both setups for receiving real-time data can be
found in the DataAcqPT Help system.
Most data shown on the REAL-TIME CONTROL screen are read directly from DataAcqPT and are displayed for control
purposes in read-only format.

The Real-Time Control screen

Starting Data Acquisition

ƒ Select Load DataAcqPT on this screen to start the data acquisition program, DataAcqPT.
ƒ From the DataAcqPT main screen, select Setup to prepare for data acquisition (from within DataAcqPT,
press F1 or select Help to view detailed instructions on how to set up and start the data acquisition
ƒ Once the set up is completed, select Start to begin data acquisition.
ƒ Return to this screen in FracproPT, either by minimizing DataAcqPT or selecting FracproPT’s icon on the
ƒ Once data acquisition has started in DataAcqPT, FracproPT automatically starts receiving data.
ƒ Using the Select checkboxes in the DataAcqPT Data Table or the Select All function, select the channels
being passed from DataAcqPT to FracproPT that you wish to use from the database file that DataAcqPT
is generating.
ƒ FracproPT is collecting and saving real-time data and is ready for real-time use.

DataAcqPT Data
Data Format
This shows the format of the data currently being received from DataAcqPT.

FracproPT 2007

• DataAcqPT Channels
This column lists all channels received from DataAcqPT. Channel names are specified during setup
procedure inside DataAcqPT and cannot be edited here. To edit channel names, you must switch
back to DataAcqPT, either by selecting Go to DataAcqPT or by selecting the DataAcqPT icon on
the taskbar.
• Unit
This column displays the units for each data channel received. Units are specified during setup of
DataAcqPT and cannot be edited here. To edit the units, you must switch back to DataAcqPT, either
by selecting Load DataAcqPT / Go To DataAcqPT or by selecting the DataAcqPT icon on the
• ID
This column displays the 4-character channel ID’s for each channel received. ID’s are specified
during setup of DataAcqPT and cannot be edited here. To edit the ID’s, you must switch back to
DataAcqPT, either by selecting Show Server or by selecting the DataAcqPT icon on the taskbar.
• Incoming Data
This column shows the numeric values for each channel of incoming data received from DataAcqPT.
• Select
The check boxes in this column allow you to select and unselect individual channels for use in

• Select All
By selecting this function, all channels being received from DataAcqPT are marked as selected for
use in FracproPT.
• Unselect All
By selecting this function, all channels being received from DataAcqPT are unmarked for use in

This field indicates the Status of data transmission, which displays either On or Off to indicate that FracproPT is
connected or disconnected from DataAcqPT. However, even though On may be displayed, you must also make sure that
DataAcqPT is activated and receiving data.
Records Received
This field displays the number of records (data lines) received by FracproPT from DataAcqPT. The maximum expected
number of data records (Maximum Acquisition Time in minutes from DataAcqPT * 60 / Time Step from DataAcqPT) is
displayed in parentheses.
Channels Received
This field shows the total number of data channels (both selected and unselected) received by FracproPT from
DataAcqPT. Currently, FracproPT can receive a maximum of 45 channels.
Channels To Be Acquired
This field displays the number of selected data channels being used by FracproPT (that is, the number of selected
channels). Currently, FracproPT can acquire a maximum of 45 channels.


Load DataAcqPT / Go to DataAcqPT
This control switches between these two labels, depending on whether or not DataAcqPT is active.
If DataAcqPT is not active, then Load DataAcqPT activates and switches the focus to the data acquisition program. If
DataAcqPT is already active, then Go to DataAcqPT simply switches focus to it.
Real-Time Channels [Ctrl+F2]
This screen allows you to view the numeric values of all incoming data channels being received by FracproPT from

FracproPT 2007

The Real-Time Channels screen.

Channel Name
Channel Name is where the name of each data channel is displayed.

The corresponding unit is displayed for each channel in the Unit column. Units are specified during setup of DataAcqPT
and cannot be edited here. These Units will show up on all on-screen and hardcopy plots and printouts.

ID is the 4-letter identifier for each data channel. ID’s are specified during setup of DataAcqPT and cannot be edited here.
These ID’s will show up on all on-screen and hardcopy plots and printouts.

Multiplier values are for display only: they are specified during setup of DataAcqPT and cannot be edited here.

Offset values are for display only: they are specified during setup of the DataAcqPT and cannot be edited here.

Unscaled Value
Unscaled Value displays the "raw" data as received by DataAcqPT.

Scaled Value
Scaled Value displays the data as used and stored in the FracproPT database. Scaled Value is the Unscaled Value after
being scaled by the Multiplier and the Offset.

Channel Inputs for Model - Shift + F6

Channel Inputs for Model [Shift+F6]
This screen is where you specify one or more channels of real data (either real-time data or data from a FracproPT
database) as simulator inputs. Of course, all simulator inputs can come from the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen
as well. If you choose Run From Job Design Data on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, this screen is
not accessible since, by definition, all inputs come from the treatment schedule.

FracproPT 2007

The Channel Inputs for Model screen.

You can also use this screen to identify production data inputs. If you choose Production Constraints Come From …
User Entered Table on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, this screen is not accessible since, by definition,
all inputs come from the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen. Production Constraints tab.

FracproPT 2007

The Channel Inputs for Model screen.

Model Input Channels

The first column in the menu shows the various Model Input Channels that may be input from real data. You do not have
to specify all of these channels as real-data inputs to the model. For example, you can use measured flow rate data along
with job-design sand-concentration data, or vice-versa.

This column displays the unit for each of the Model Input Channels.

Database Channel Names / Real-Time Channel Names

This column is where real data (either database or real-time) channel names are entered. To select real data channel as
simulator input, simply select the corresponding cell to activate a drop-down list that will display all channels from the real-
time or database inputs. To delete a channel from a field, select the line from the drop-down list that contains only "-".

Observed Net Pressure Calculation Mode

There are two net pressures that are involved in the net pressure history matching process; Observed Net Pressure and
Net Pressure.
Observed Net Pressure, which is somewhat of a misnomer, is calculated from some measured pressure (surface, dead
string, or bottomhole), closure stress where the fracture initiates, and the outputs from FracproPT’s wellbore, perforation,
and near-wellbore friction models. The accuracy of the Observed Net Pressure calculation depends on what measured
pressure is available. Bottomhole pressure provides the most accuracy, followed by dead string pressure, and then finally
surface pressure. FracproPT will automatically select the most accurate channel in this same order, unless the user
selects otherwise.
Net Pressure is calculated by FracproPT’s fracture model, based on the fluid and proppant flowing into the formation, as
well as the best estimate for the reservoir properties (for example, stress, modulus, permeability, etc.).
The ultimate goal of net pressure history matching is to first ensure an accurate calculation of Observed Net Pressure,
and then to make Net Pressure match it.

FracproPT 2007

After specifying the real-data model inputs (either real-time or database), you must choose an Observed Net Pressure
Calculation Mode from among the available options. The number of options (up to the maximum of four) and your final
choice depend upon what measured pressure data you specify as model inputs.

Observed Net Not Calculated

If no real-data channels are specified for any of the pressure inputs (that is, Treating Pressure, Bottomhole Pressure, or
Dead String Pressure), this is the only option available.

From Dead String Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Dead String Pressure, this option will be available. When you select this mode,
you must enter the (fluid) Dead String SG, which is the density expressed in terms of specific gravity.
The measured Dead String Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database or real-time data and the
hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the wellbore (down to the perforations) is added to it. The total hydrostatic pressure is
comprised of two components: the hydrostatic pressure within the dead string and the hydrostatic pressure from the end
of the dead string down to the center of the fracture. Any wellbore friction present from the bottom of the dead string down
to the perforations is then subtracted from the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Measured
Bottomhole Pressure.
Perf Friction, Near Wellbore Friction, (as calculated from the actual flow rate and data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-
WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen) and closure stress in the pay zone (as taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS
[F9] screen) are then subtracted from the Measured Bottomhole Pressure to yield the Observed Net Pressure. The
proceeding is reflected in the following equation:

From Bottomhole Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Bottomhole Pressure, this option will be available. When you select this mode,
you must enter the Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge.
The measured Bottomhole Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database or real-time data and the
hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the wellbore from Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge down to the perforations is
added to it. Any wellbore friction present from the Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge down to the perforations is then
subtracted from the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Measured Bottomhole Pressure.
Perf Friction, Near Wellbore Friction, (as calculated from the actual flow rate and data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-
WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen) and closure stress in the pay zone (as taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS
[F9] screen) are then subtracted from the Measured Bottomhole Pressure to yield the Observed Net Pressure. The
proceeding is reflected in the following equation:

From Surface Treating Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Surface Treating Pressure, this option will be available. The measured Surface
Treating Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database or real-time data and the hydrostatic pressure of
the fluid in the wellbore (from the surface down to the perforations) is added to it. Any wellbore friction (from the surface
down to the perforations) is then subtracted from the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Measured
Bottomhole Pressure.
Perf Friction, Near Wellbore Friction, (as calculated from the actual flow rate and data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-
WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen) and closure stress in the pay zone (as taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS
[F9] screen) are then subtracted from the Measured Bottomhole Pressure to yield the Observed Net Pressure. The
proceeding is reflected in the following equation:

Other Functions

View Measured Data

Selecting View Measured Data takes you to a plot of the Measured Data (for example, the channels entered on this
screen, incorporated in automatic plot #36 on the PLOT LIST [ALT+F8] screen).
From that plot screen, you may choose the Cursor Editing option in order to simplify synchronization of the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] (that is, the stage lengths, fluid types, and proppant types used for each stage) with the measured data.
Specific information about this option is available in the Cursor Editing help screen.

Production History Matching

Production history matching can be done using either rates or pressures. You can select the rates or pressures that have
been measured, and the Production Analysis module in FracproPT can provide the equivalent parameter from the model
for matching purposes.

FracproPT 2007

No Producing Pressure Available

If no real-data channels are specified for any of the pressure inputs (that is, Producing Pressure, Bottomhole Pressure, or
Dead String Pressure), this is the only option available.

From Bottomhole Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Btm Producing Pressure, this option will be available. When you select this
mode, you must enter the Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge.
The measured Btm Producing Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database and the hydrostatic pressure
of the fluid in the wellbore from Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge down to the perforations is added to it. Any
wellbore friction present from the Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge down to the perforations is then subtracted from
the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Meas’d Btm Press.

From Surface Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Surf Producing Pressure, this option will be available. The measured Surface
Producing Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database and the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the
wellbore (from the surface down to the perforations) is added to it. Any wellbore friction (from the surface down to the
perforations) is then subtracted from the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Meas’d Btm Press.

Other Functions

View Measured Data

Selecting View Measured Data takes you to a plot of the Measured Data (for example, the channels entered on this
screen, incorporated in automatic plot #36 on the PLOT LIST [ALT+F8] screen).

Wellbore Configuration - F7
Wellbore Configuration – Drilled Hole [F7]
This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab
Note that the information on this tab is NOT used for any of the calculations in FracproPT. The only time this information is
used is for the SCHEMATIC VIEW, the 2D SCHEMATIC VIEW and WELLBORE VIEWER, all of which can be selected
from the icon bar or the FracproPT Menu > View.

FracproPT 2007

The Drilled Hole tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Drilled Hole Tab

This table is used to enter the geometry of the hole as drilled.
Drilled Hole information is not required. However, if you want the wellbore Schematic Viewers to be accurately
depicted you should enter the Drilled Hole information.

Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].

Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.

Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.

Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the

FracproPT 2007

measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.

Open Hole
This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is open hole (Open Hole) or
cemented open hole (Cemented OH). This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.

Bit Diameter
You enter the Bit Diameter in this column. This entry affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.

Effective Diameter
You enter the Effective Diameter of the drilled hole in this column. This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views,
not the model results.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and zotal Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Wellbore Configuration – Casing [F7]
This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Directional Survey Tab

The Casing tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

This table is used to describe the casing, whether or not any or the entire casing is actually the pipe string used to carry
the treatment fluids. The Top MD entry for segment number one defaults to zero. For each segment, the user must enter
the OD and ID, while Weight and Grade are optional.

Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].

Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.

Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.

Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the

FracproPT 2007

measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.

This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is Cemented Casing or Free
Casing that is not cemented. This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.

Select a casing outer diameter (OD) for this segment from the Casing Library that contains all standard API casing
diameters or enter the OD directly if the casing is not of a standard API diameter.

Select a casing Weight for this segment from the Casing Library or enter the Weight directly.

If you selected a casing OD and Weight for this segment from the Casing Library, the corresponding casing inner
diameter (ID) will already be entered. Alternatively, you may enter the ID directly.

Select a casing grade for this segment from the selection box. This information is not currently used for anything other
than display and record-keeping purposes.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Wellbore Configuration – Surface Line/Tubing [F7]
This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.

FracproPT 2007

The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab
Tip for Entering a Frac Pack Configuration

The Surface Line/Tubing tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Surface Line/Tubing

Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].

Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.

FracproPT 2007

Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.

Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the
measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.

Surface Line/Tubing
This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is comprised of Tubing, Drill Pipe,
or a Packer. In addition, you have the additional choices of Surface Line or Surface CTU for the first segment.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.

Select an outer diameter (OD) for this segment from the Tubing Library that contains all standard API tubing diameters or
enter the OD directly if the tubing is not of a standard API diameter.

Select a Weight for this segment from the Tubing Library or enter the Weight directly.

If you selected an OD and a Weight for this segment from the Tubing Library, the corresponding segment inner diameter
(ID) will already be entered. Alternatively, you may enter the ID directly.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.

Select a grade for this segment from the selection box. This information is not currently used for anything other than
display and record-keeping purposes.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same

FracproPT 2007

• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Tip for Entering a Frac Pack Configuration

ƒ Enter the correct tubing size and length down to the top of the crossover.
ƒ Although this step is usually skipped, you may enter a segment to represent the crossover by selecting
tubing with the corresponding size and length. If necessary, you can adjust the wellbore friction for this
segment by selecting the correct segment and fluids on the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the
EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5]Fluid_Friction_Properties screen.
ƒ Even though in reality you will be injecting down the casing-screen annulus below the crossover tool, enter
that wellbore segment as a tubing segment of the actual length but with a diameter that yields the correct
wellbore volume (that is, the actual casing-screen volume). You may adjust the friction to represent the
actual friction expected for this segment, but it is typically quite small and can be ignored.
Wellbore Configuration – Perforated Intervals [F7]
This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

FracproPT 2007

The Perforated Intervals tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Perforated Intervals
FracproPT can model up to 20 separate perforated intervals. See Application Notes below for information on how to set
up and model some common well scenarios in terms of Perforated Intervals.

Selecting, or checking, this box in the Use column specifies whether or not the perforations defined by this line are
actually used in the simulation. Therefore, if you do not want to use one or more sets of perforations that are entered, you
can simply unselect the Use box to ignore them.
While selecting and unselecting sets of perforations, you may notice that the display order in the table may change.
However, among the perforation sets that are actually used (that is, checked), their display order should be from
shallowest to deepest.

Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the top of the perforation interval.

Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the bottom of the perforation interval.

Using data from other tabs on this WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, the true vertical depth (TVD) to the top of
the perforated interval is calculated and displayed in this field.

Bottom TVD

FracproPT 2007

Using data from other tabs on this WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, the true vertical depth (TVD) to the
bottom of the perforated interval is calculated and displayed in this field.

Diameter is the average perforation diameter for the interval.

Number of Perfs
Number of Perfs is the total number of perforations for the interval.

Application Notes

Modeling as Multiple Perfed Intervals versus a Single Perfed Interval

There are three ways to model multiple perforated intervals in FracproPT. Below are some rules of thumb of when to use
each of these three different strategies:

• For zones that are separate but still relatively close to one another in comparison to the total fracture
height that you are expecting (you are expecting substantial overlap between multiple fractures), it is
generally better to model them with a single perforated interval. You can account for the flow split and
additional leakoff between multiple fractures by selecting a Volume Factor and a Leakoff Factor in
the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7] screen that are equal to the number of perforated intervals.
You can also account for the interference between these multiple fractures by changing the Opening
Factor. Please refer to the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7} screen for more information.
People most often choose this option if they do not accurately know the rock properties, closure and
permeability profile with depth that drive fracture growth, and if they only want a very approximate
answer as to what they are achieving. The choice here is to keep it simple, as we don’t have the
detailed information to justify a very detailed analysis.
• When simulating limited-entry perforating where the number of perforations per interval is the main
driver for flow split between zones, define multiple perforated intervals on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen AND use Simplified Iteration on the Additional Options tab of the
FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. In this case, you are assuming that closure stress
changes and net pressure changes per interval are small in comparison to the limited-entry
perforation friction pressure drop.
• When simulating limited-entry perforating of multiple zones AND when you know that properties such
as fracture closure stress and permeability vary significantly between the perforated intervals, you
may wish to model each zone as an independent fracture by specifying multiple perforated intervals
on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen AND use General Iteration on the Additional
Options tab of the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. In this case, the fracture model will
run much more slowly, because you are actually simulating several fractures growing at once. The
model may also slow considerably due to the complex nature of calculating the flow split and frictional
pressure losses between perforated intervals. When you do model more than one set of perforations,
simulator output (such as net pressure, fracture dimensions, or fracture/proppant pictures) is
displayed in terms of one fracture (that is, one perforated interval) at a time. You can toggle between
the different fractures (that is, the different perforated intervals) by pressing [CNTR+F] or by selecting
the Next Interval icon on the toolbar. Note that conducting net pressure history matching for multiple
intervals requires one match for each interval, and can therefore become quite a laborious task.

How FracproPT Picks the Depth for Fracture Initiation

• For each perforated interval, FracproPT automatically searches the interval for the lowest stress zone
and sets the center of that zone to be the Initial Frac Depth (as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen). Total perforated height for each interval, whether entered by you here,
or on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen in the case where you are ignoring the wellbore,
has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation friction is calculated
based solely on the flow rate, the number and diameter of the perfs you enter here, and on the data
entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen.
• Therefore, you do not have to, nor do you necessarily always want to, enter the true total perforated
height. Rather, you may want to enter the perforation information such that fracture initiation in the
simulator is guaranteed at the location you desire.
• Special cases are very large perforated heights and small-volume treatments. In those situations, you
may want to enter the actual perforated height and turn the Set Minimum Fracture Height option on.
Doing so causes the fracture to initiate from the entire perforated height (that is, as a line source
rather than a point source). The Set Minimum Fracture Height option is accessed from the MODEL

FracproPT 2007

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Wellbore Configuration – Path Summary [F7]
This screen displays a summary of the path that treatment fluids take to go from the surface to the perforations. No input
of data is possible on this screen: The tubing, casing, and hole configuration as entered on various other tabs of the
WELLBORE CONFIGURATION screen are used to construct this summary. Hole deviation data is also shown.

FracproPT 2007

The Path Summary tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.
Wellbore Configuration – Directional Survey [F7]
On this screen, you can manually enter a wellbore trajectory using up to 100 wellbore segments, or you can import a
FracproPT depth-based database file containing wellbore trajectory data (up to 1000 points). Input of wellbore trajectory
data may be accomplished in one of four different formats.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

The Directional Survey tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.


Build, Turn, MD
For this selection, enter the build rate, the turn rate, and the measured depth for the beginning of each segment in the
appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in an
Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

MD, Inclination, Azimuth

FracproPT 2007

For this selection, enter the measured depth, the inclination, and the azimuth for the beginning of each segment in the
appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in an
Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.


For this selection, enter the north-south distance, the east-west distance, and the true vertical depth for the beginning of
each segment in the appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you
have this data in an Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

MD, TVD, Azimuth

For this selection, enter the measured depth, the true vertical depth, and the azimuth for the beginning of each segment in
the appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in
an Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

Importing a Wellbore Survey

Load Survey
Load Survey opens the standard file open dialog from which you load a FracproPT depth-based database file
(file_name.DBD) containing wellbore survey data. Select Clear Survey to delete all data from the Directional Survey data

Azimuth Format
Selecting the Azimuth Format checkbox toggles the Azimuth column between a simple degrees format and a compass
point display. In the latter format, you still enter simple degrees (that is, 0 to 359 degrees), but the entry is converted to the
compass point format.

Other Options

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.

Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full

• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.

Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

FracproPT 2007

Heat Transfer Parameters - Shift + F9

Heat Transfer Parameters [Shift+F9]
This screen is where you enter the parameters necessary to model the time-temperature history of the wellbore fluids.
The calculated fluid temperature at the perforations is then passed to the fracture heat transfer model so that the
temperature of fluids in the fracture can be tracked. If you choose not to model heat transfer effects, all fluids are assumed
to be at reservoir temperature (which is entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen) as soon as they enter
the fracture. The temperature distribution in the wellbore can be viewed on the WELLBORE PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F9]
screen. The in-fracture temperature of any stage can be tracked in time on a FracproPT data plot.
The wellbore heat transfer model is a rigorous, numerical model that has been verified against analytical solutions,
measured temperature data, and other commercially available wellbore heat transfer models.
Additional Information: Heat Transfer Models

The Heat Transfer Parameters screen.

Parameters for Heat Transfer Model

Surface Fluid Temperature

This is the temperature of the fluid entering the wellbore at the surface (that is, tank temperature). If you are simulating a
foam treatment, this is the fluid temperature before the addition of carbon dioxide or nitrogen.

Surface Proppant Temperature

This is the temperature of the proppant before it is pumped into the wellbore.

Surface N2 Temperature
This is the temperature of the nitrogen before it is added to the main fluid-proppant stream.

Surface CO2 Temperature

This is the temperature of the carbon dioxide before it is added to the main fluid-proppant stream.

FracproPT 2007

Surface Rock Temperature

This is the temperature of the earth at, or near, the surface. Although this number is not widely known with great accuracy,
relatively large variations in it make only minor differences in predictions of wellbore heat transfer.

Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth

This is the reservoir temperature at the mid-perf depth. In addition to heat transfer calculations, this number is used to
select the correct rheology data from the Fluid Library.
Unless you use the Enter Temperature vs. Depth table, FracproPT assumes a linear temperature gradient between
Surface Rock Temperature and Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth.

Display Temperature at
Although fluid temperature is modeled throughout the wellbore (which can be viewed on the WELLBORE PROFILE
PICTURE [Alt+F9] screen), only one channel is available for plotting it in a standard time-varying plot. This output channel
is called Bottomhole Temperature but, by entering a depth in this field, the temperature at any point (depth) in the
wellbore can be plotted versus time. Check the Use Fracture Center Depth box to display Bottomhole Temperature at
the point (depth) of fracture initiation.

Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier

The properties and configuration of the various tubulars, cements, and earth materials are used in calculating the heat
flow between the earth and the wellbore fluids. This Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier simply multiplies the
overall effects. Under most circumstances, increasing this multiplier speeds up the wellbore fluid heat-up process.

Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier

The various fluid properties, rock properties, and fracture properties (for example, length, width, and height) are used to
calculate the heat flow between the fluids in the fracture and the rock surrounding the fracture. This Fracture Heat
Transfer Coefficient Multiplier simply multiplies the overall effects. Unfortunately, due to complicating factors such as the
limited heat capacity of near-fracture rock and fluid leak off into the reservoir, it is difficult to generalize the effects of
raising or lowering the Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier.

Offshore Wells
Select the Offshore Well check box if you are fracture treating an offshore well.
When you check this option, you will notice that the Surface Rock Temperature field becomes unavailable since you
now must enter Surface Water Temperature instead.

Water Depth
This is the depth of the water in which the well sits.

Surface Water Temperature

This is the temperature at or near the water surface.

Seabed Temperature
This is the temperature at the bottom of the body of water.
Unless you use the Enter Temperature vs. Depth table (which applies to both the water depth and the depth from the
sea bed to the center of the frac depth), FracproPT assumes two linear temperature gradients: one between Surface
Water Temperature and Seabed Temperature and another between Seabed Temperature and Reservoir
Temperature at Frac Center Depth.

Sea Current
This is the average sea current in knots. The current is assumed to be constant from the surface to bottom of the body of
Risers typically limit the effects of currents.

FracproPT 2007

Ocean-Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier

The properties and configuration of the various tubulars, treatment fluids, and the surrounding water are used in
calculating the heat flow between the sea and the wellbore fluids. This Ocean-Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient
Multiplier simply multiplies the overall effects. Under most circumstances, increasing this multiplier speeds up the cooling
of fluid as it flows through the sea-surrounded wellbore.

Enter Temperature vs. Depth

For onshore wells, FracproPT normally assumes a linear temperature gradient between Surface Rock Temperature and
Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth. For offshore wells, FracproPT assumes two linear temperature gradients:
one between Surface Water Temperature and Seabed Temperature and another between Seabed Temperature and
Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth.
However, if you have other temperature versus depth information, either in the earth or the sea or both, you can enter that
data here to more accurately model wellbore heat transfer. FracproPT assumes a linear temperature profile between the
depths entered in the table. For example, you may opt to use this to incorporate how fluid will heat up in the wellbore the
presence of a shallow high-temperature steam flood zone.

Depth TVD
This is the true vertical depth to the point where you wish to specify a temperature.

This is the temperature at the corresponding true vertical depth.

Other Options

Thermal Fluid Properties

Selecting this field takes you to the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the Edit/View Interpolated Fluid Data
[SHIFT+F5] screen where those properties can be modified.

Thermal Rock Properties

Selecting this field takes you to the Thermal Rock Properties screen where those properties can be modified.
Additional Information

Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier

A fast, unique numerical scheme is used for temperature calculations in the wellbore. The model was verified against
analytical results for constant rate injection and by comparison to fracture treatments where temperature was measured at
one or more points in the wellbore. The model was found to accurately predict the wellbore temperature profile during
both pumping and shut-in stages.
The following heat transfer is modeled:

• Between different fluids in the wellbore

• Between wellbore fluids and the formation(s)
• Inside the formation(s)
The heat transfer between fluids pumped along the wellbore is handled as linear flow. The heat transfer between the
wellbore fluids and the formation is handled through a heat transfer coefficient, which is automatically estimated based on
the correlations found in the literature. Finally, the heat transfer in the formation is handled as radial flow.
The correlation for the wellbore heat transfer coefficient is dependent on fluid properties, flow regime, wellbore geometry,
thickness of the pipe wall, thickness of the cement sheath, the presence or absence of a deal fluid in the annulus, etc.
However, the estimated wellbore heat transfer coefficient may vary because of complex wellbore conditions. To overcome
the problem, you can calibrate the wellbore heat transfer coefficient using the Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient
The default value for Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier is 1.0, however, if model results are different from any
measured wellbore temperature data that you may have, you can adjust the multiplier until the model and measurements
match. For a typical fracturing treatment, the fluid pumped is cooler than the reservoir rock, therefore the reservoir rock
loses heat to the pumped fluids and they are heated up during the job. In this case, increasing the Wellbore Heat Transfer
Coefficient Multiplier will speed up the wellbore fluid heat-up process.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ SPE 96 by H.J. Ramey, 1962.

ƒ SPE 1449 by Paul Willhite, 1967.
ƒ SPE 2497 by N.F. Whitsitt and G.R. Dysart, 1970.
ƒ SPE 3011 by A.R. Sinclair, 1971.
ƒ SPE 8441 by G.R. Wooley, 1980.
ƒ SPE 17041 by B.R. Meyer, 1987.
ƒ SPE 22948 by A.R. Hasan and C.S.Kabir, 1994.
ƒ SPE 49056 by J. Romero and E. Touboul, 1998.
ƒ Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 1978.

Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier

A fast, unique numerical scheme is used for temperature calculations in the fracture. The model was verified against
analytical results and, as closely as possible, against actual data measured during fracture treatments, including during
flow backs after the treatment. This more accurate temperature model for the fracture is very important when planning a
fluid breaker schedule for your treatment.
The following heat transfer is modeled:

• Between different fluids in the fracture

• Between fracture fluids and the formation(s)
• Inside the formation(s)
The heat transfer between fluids pumped along the fracture is handled as linear flow. The heat transfer between the
fracture fluids and the formation is handled through a heat transfer coefficient. Finally, the heat transfer in the formation is
also handled as linear flow.
The correlation for the fracture heat transfer coefficient is dependent on fluid properties and flow regime, however it may
vary from estimates due to unknown flow patterns, unknown reservoir properties, or other complexities. To overcome this
problem, you can calibrate the fracture heat transfer coefficient using the Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier.
The default value for Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier is 1.0, however, if model results are different from any
measured temperature data that you may have, you can adjust the multiplier until the model and measurements match.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to generalize the effect of changing the multiplier: increasing it will increase the heat transfer
rate, but the limited supply of heat in the rock near the fracture face will limit that increase. Other issues such as the
amount of fluid leaked off also complicate the process of providing a simple rule of thumb as to the effect of changing the
Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier.
ƒ SPE 96 by H.J. Ramey, 1962.
ƒ SPE 1449 by Paul Willhite, 1967.
ƒ SPE 2497 by N.F. Whitsitt and G.R. Dysart, 1970.
ƒ SPE 3011 by A.R. Sinclair, 1971.
ƒ SPE 8441 by G.R. Wooley, 1980.
ƒ SPE 17041 by B.R. Meyer, 1987.
ƒ SPE 22948 by A.R. Hasan and C.S.Kabir, 1994.
ƒ SPE 49056 by J. Romero and E. Touboul, 1998.
ƒ Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 1978.

Reservoir Parameters - F9
Using Lithology-Based Reservoir Model

Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters

This screen is accessed only if you choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen. In this case, the parameters on this screen are entered and displayed on a layer-by-layer basis. If you want these
parameters to be the same for all layers, you should choose Gas, Oil, or User Specified as the Reservoir Type.

FracproPT 2007

The Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

These entries correspond to the layer depths shown for the Pore Fluid Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient columns in the
Reservoir Layer Table on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. The numbers cannot be changed on this screen.
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can
toggle between them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or by using the Next Interval toolbar button.
This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Frac Pressure
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the Reservoir Parameters
[F9] screen.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff.
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for example, if the
pore pressure equals about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.

FracproPT 2007

This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Other Functions
Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.
Set To Gas Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical gas reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To Oil Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical oil reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To User Defined
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters
screen that was used when you last choose User Specified as the Reservoir Type. You may change individual numbers

Reservoir Depletion
This screen is where you can model the change in closure stress, pore pressure, and pore-fluid compressibility that has
resulted from production in a finite region around a wellbore. For example, in an oil reservoir produced from an acid
fracture such that the region around the fracture has a pore pressure below the bubble point (that is, resulting in a higher
pore-fluid compressibility) and a lower closure stress due to the lower pore pressure.
When modeling depletion effects, you should enter the current (that is, depleted) values for closure stress on the

The Reservoir Depletion screen.

This is the distance out from the wellbore that you believe has been depleted (produced).
Original Pore Pressure

FracproPT 2007

This is the virgin pore pressure. The depleted, or current, pore pressure is entered on either the Reservoir Leakoff
Parameters screen and it is displayed below for reference.
FracproPT multiplies the change in pore pressure by 0.5 (which is a mid-range value for the so-called poro-elastic
coefficient) to determine the change in closure stress due to depletion. At a distance from the wellbore equal to the
Radius of Depletion, the closure stress entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen (that is, the current
or depleted closure stress) is increased by the change in closure stress due to depletion and the pore pressure is
increased to this Original Pore Pressure.
Depleted Pore Pressure
This is the current (that is, depleted) pore pressure that is entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen. This
number is displayed here for reference only.
Original Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the virgin pore fluid compressibility. At a distance out from the wellbore equal to the Radius of Depletion, pore fluid
compressibility decreases to this Original Pore Fluid Compressibility.

Layer Display
This screen displays the lithology (that is, Rock Type) of the reservoir and a log-style view of the following properties:
stress, permeability, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and fracture toughness.

The Layer Display screen.

Reservoir Parameters - F9

Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters – Layers [F9]

This screen is accessible only if you select Lithology Based Reservoir and either 3D Tip-Dominated Model or 3D
Conventional Model on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen. Here you specify all rock properties
according to lithology as defined by a single set of layer depths and the Rock Type in each layer.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.

FracproPT 2007

The Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters screen.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based
If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.
Reservoir Layer Table

FracproPT 2007

This is where you define the layers comprising the reservoir and surrounding strata by entering the depth to the top of
each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 8 are shown at any time. Blank rows in the table may be added by
selecting a whole row and pressing [Ins], and lines may be deleted by selecting the whole row and pressing [Del].
You must define at least three layers and the fractures must initiate in the middle layers. If you do not, FracproPT will
display an error message and the simulator will not run. The layers where the fractures initiate (depending on the position
of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) are highlighted yellow in the table.
If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can cycle through them by pressing [CNTR+F] or selecting the
Next Interval toolbar button.
Depth TVD
If you select Enter TVD, enter the true vertical depth to the top of each layer in this column. If you select Enter MD, the
true vertical depth will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Depth MD
If you select Enter MD, enter the measured depth to the top of each layer in this column. If you select Enter TVD, the
measured depth will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Layer Thickness
This value represents the layer thickness in TVD. This value is not editable and calculated from the top of each layer in
the Depth TVD column.
Rock Type
Select a Rock Type from the drop-down list for each layer in this column.
Pore Fluid Permeability
If you select Enter Permeability, enter the Pore Fluid Permeability for each layer in this column. If you select Enter
Leakoff Coefficient, the permeability will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Leakoff Coefficient
If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient, enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for each layer in this column. If you select
Enter Permeability, the leakoff coefficient will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Fracture closure in the middle of the layer that is calculated using the specified gradient under the Rock Properties tab.
Young’s Modulus
Young’s Modulus for the layer based on the assigned modulus for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Poisson’s Ratio
Poisson’s Ratio for the layer based on the assigned Poisson’s ratio for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Fracture Toughness
Fracture Toughness for the layer based on the assigned toughness for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Composite Layering Effect
Composite layering effect for the layer based on the assigned composite layering effect for that lithology in the Rock
Properties tab.
Pay Zone
Use this check box to mark all zones that you consider pay zones. This is information is used by Fracture Design Mode
and also in the calculation of the Payzone Height Coverage Ratio and Payzone Fracture Area Ratio model channels.
In Production Analysis Mode, if you use the Import Frac Interval Properties function, Permeability on the
PRODUCTION ANALYSIS Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen is the average of all the permeabilities of all zones
marked as pay zones, not just the permeability of the zone containing the perforated interval. The average permeability is
calculated as sum of kh for all zones divided by the total height of all zones:
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Depth Entry Mode
Enter TVD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Layer Table in terms of the true vertical depth (TVD). The
corresponding measured depth (MD) will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Enter MD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Layer Table in terms of the measured depth (MD). The
corresponding true vertical depth (TVD) will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Fluid Loss Entry Mode

FracproPT 2007

You have the choice of entering either Permeability or (total) Leakoff Coefficient. Whichever one you choose to enter,
FracproPT uses a permeability-to-leakoff-coefficient relationship to calculate the other.
Enter Permeability
Select this option to enter the Pore-Fluid Permeability in the Set Lithology Permeability dialog for each Rock Type in the
Reservoir Layer Table. The corresponding (total) Leakoff Coefficient will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent
column in the table.
Enter Leakoff Coefficient
Select this option to enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient in the Set Lithology Leakoff Coefficient dialog for each Rock Type
in the Reservoir Layer Table. The corresponding Pore-Fluid Permeability will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent
column in the table.
Set Lithology Permeability / Set Lithology Leakoff Coefficient
This option allows you to set the values for either Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient (depending on whether
you have chosen Enter Permeability or Enter Leakoff Coefficient above) for all the current reservoir layers specified with a
particular Rock Type. Selecting this function causes a dialog to appear where you select a Rock Type from a drop-down
list and then enter either the Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient for that Rock Type.
Otherwise, you may enter Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient on a layer-by-layer basis, regardless of Rock
Other Reservoir Properties
Reservoir Temperature
This is the reservoir temperature at the mid-perf depth. In addition to heat transfer calculations, this number is used to
select the correct rheology data from the Fluid Library.
Total perforated height, whether entered by you here, or on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen in the case
where you are not modeling the wellbore, has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation
friction is calculated based solely on the flow rate and the data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION
[F8] screen.
The perforation and initial frac depths are always entered and/or display here in terms of true vertical depth (TVD).
If you have more than one perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, you can
toggle through a display of each interval by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
For large perforated intervals, you may elect to have the fracture initiate from a line source (details of which can be
found on the Growth Parameters tab of the FracproPT MODEL PARAMETERS screen).
Depth to Top of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Top of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Top of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Depth to Bottom of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Bottom of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Bottom of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Initial Frac Depth
FracproPT always calculates this value; it is approximately the center of the zone with lowest stress found within the
perforated interval. If you want to guarantee fracture initiation from a particular zone (regardless of the stress profile and
the true perforated interval), you can make the perforated interval small enough such that you control where the simulator
initiates the fracture.
Initial Frac Depth must fall within one of the inner Rock Type layers (that is, it cannot fall within either the top layer or the
bottom layer).
Other Functions
Layer Display
Select this function to view the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE with the Layer Properties Template.

FracproPT 2007

Logs/Layers Editor
If a standard Log ASCII (LAS) file is available, layers can be built automatically and properties can be assigned
automatically using the Logs/Layers Editor.

Additional Information: Composite Layering Effect

The so-called composite layering effect provides a user with an additional fracture height growth confinement
mechanism in addition to those provided by stress or permeability contrasts.
Direct fracture diagnostics, such as tiltmeter and microseismic fracture mapping, have shown in many cases that fracture
growth is more confined than can sometimes be explained by "classical" confinement mechanisms such as stress
contrasts, permeability contrasts, or other such contrast in mechanical properties (see SPE 56724). The composite
layering effect should be used when the causes for fracture containment are most likely explained by the impediment to
fracture growth presented by material interfaces themselves as opposed to contrasts in mechanical properties in different
layers. Basically, this makes it easier for fractures to grow along layer boundaries (fracture length) than to grow across
layer interfaces (fracture height). In the figure below, we adopt the "composite material effect" terminology of Warpinski
(SPE 39950) to refer to this phenomenon that was first postulated two decades ago.

Schematic of Composite Layering Effect

By increasing composite layering effects in the zones outside the payzones, fracture height-growth confinement can be
increased while not dramatically changing the net pressure response (as is almost always the case if stress or other
material property contrasts are used to increase—or decrease—height-growth confinement). In some areas, the use of a
composite layering effect is not required to match both net pressure response and directly observed fracture geometry,
and the default value of 1.0 is valid. However, in some areas Pinnacle has observed extreme fracture confinement, even
in the absence of significant material property contrasts, and a composite layering effects of order 1,000 were necessary
in the layers surrounding the payzone to match the observed fracture geometry.
Pinnacle recommends the use of a modest composite layering effect in your designs under most circumstances, as we
have observed confined fracture growth in hundreds of mapping projects. This modest composite layering effect is
implemented in the new 3D Shear-Decoupled (Default) Model. If there is direct evidence that fracture growth is indeed
more confined than can be explained by "classical" mechanisms, and if you have sufficient knowledge about the closure
stress profile, it will be necessary to use the Composite Layering Effect in your model. It is possible to set the Composite
Layering Effect for individual lithologies or for individual layers.

Reservoir Parameters – Rock Properties [F9]

This screen is where you view and/or enter the mechanical properties for the various Rock Types.

FracproPT 2007

The Rock Properties screen.

Rock Type
The mechanical properties are listed as a function of Rock Type. There are seven Rock Types defined in the System
Library of rocks whose names cannot be changed, but whose properties can be changed. You also have the capability to
add (many) new Rock Types to the User Library of rocks. However, a total of only 15 different Rock Types can be
displayed here and used in any particular fracture simulation.
Closure Stress Gradient
If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, enter a Closure Stress Gradient for each Rock Type in this column.
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, you will be denied access to this column.
Stress Coefficient A
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the multiplier of overburden stress (gradient) as Stress
Coefficient A in this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this
Stress Coefficient B
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the multiplier of pore pressure (gradient) as Stress Coefficient B
in this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this column.
Stress Coefficient C
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the tectonic stress (or correction) term as Stress Coefficient C in
this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this field.
Young's Modulus
This is the Young's Modulus for each Rock Type. Be aware the Young’s Modulus from logs (that is, dynamically
measured) is typically 100% higher than Young’s Modulus measured from static stress-strain tests.
Poisson's Ratio
This is the Poisson's Ratio for each Rock Type. Any reasonable value of Poisson’s Ratio (for example, 0.25) is adequate.
Most methods of estimation are questionable.
Fracture Toughness
This is the Fracture Toughness for each Rock Type. Reasonable values for Fracture Toughness will have a minimal effect
on all but relatively small fractures (for example, as in so-called micro-fracture stress tests).
Composite Layering Effect
On a per-layer basis, this number is multiplied by the default Tip Effects Coefficient, which is entered on the FracproPT
3D tab of the FracproPT MODEL Parameters [SHIFT+F3] screen. Generally, this number should be left at 1. However,
in order to specify the relative tip effects for any particular layers, thereby specifying the relative degree of fracture growth

FracproPT 2007

into said layers, you may enter some number other than 1. For example, if you wanted a particular Rock Type to exhibit
higher composite layering effects characteristics, you would enter a number greater than 1.
Est Ht/Len Growth
This parameter provides an estimate for the ratio of fracture height growth versus fracture length growth if the composite
layering effect would be the main driving force for fracture growth. For example, if the Composite Layering effect is set to
10, the Est Ht/Len Growth shows that for every foot the fracture grows in length, it grows about 0.32 foot in height.

Set Composite Layering Effect from

These options will only be available if 3D User-Defined is selected as the Fracture Model to Use option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Lithology Type
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect as a function of Rock Type in the Mechanical Rock Properties
Payzone Flag
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect for all zones (no matter what the Rock Type) that are not
selected as Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The Composite Layering Effect for the Pay Zones
will automatically be set to 1.0, while the value for all non-Pay Zones is set below by the entry for Composite Layering
Effect Outside Payzone.
Composite Layering Effect Outside Payzone
If Payzone Flag is selected as the Set Composite Layering Effect from option (see description above), the value for
that effect is entered here. This value will overwrite all values entered in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.

Calculate Stress from

Select this option to calculate closure stress gradient using FracproPT’s ABC Stress Model.
Closure Stress Gradient
Select this option to calculate closure stress using the Closure Stress Gradient entered in the table.
Vertical Stress Gradient
This number is used by the ABC Stress Model to calculate stress, as well by the fracture model when simulating
horizontal fractures.
The following equation is used to model the acid-rock reaction rate, Qr, as a function of acid concentration, c:

FracproPT 2007

The Chemical Rock Properties screen.

Calcite Fraction (% mass)

This is the mass percentage of calcite comprising the Rock Type.
Dolomite Fraction (% mass)
This is the mass percentage of dolomite comprising the Rock Type.
Reference Temperature
This is the reference temperature of the reaction rate parameters entered for the Rock Type).
Reaction Rate Constant
This is the reaction rate constant for the Rock Type (kr in the equation above).
Reaction Order
This is the reaction rate order for the Rock Type (m in the equation above).
Activation Energy
This is the activation energy for the Rock Type (Ea in the equation above).
Rock Embedment Strength
This Rock Type property is used in the calculation of fracture conductivity after acidizing. The default values are based on
the work of Nierode and Kruk.
Other Functions
Reset Rock Chemical Properties
Select this function to overwrite any changes that you may have made in the chemical properties of the System Library
of Rock Types. Properties for any User Library Rock Types are not modified.

FracproPT 2007

The Thermal Rock Properties screen.

Specific Gravity
This is the specific gravity for the Rock Type.
Specific Heat
This is the specific heat for the Rock Type.
Thermal Conductivity
This is the thermal conductivity for the Rock Type.

ABC Stress Model

There are two choices for entering stresses: You may do so via a simple stress gradient, or you may use a more
"sophisticated" equation of the type often specialized as the "frac height" or stress logs. In the latter case, stresses are
calculated based on overburden stress, pore pressure, and the so-called tectonic stress (that is, correction) term, using
the following equation with the A, B, and C coefficients taken from the table on the Rock Properties screen:
Stress = (A * Vertical Stress Gradient + B * Pore Pressure Gradient) * Depth + C
Use of the above equation is similar to the method used in the various stress logs, where estimates of Poisson's ratio from
sonic logs and many other simplifying assumptions are used to estimate the coefficients. Note that the default values of
the coefficients assume an Overburden Gradient of 1.0 psi/foot and a Pore Pressure Gradient of 0.433 psi/foot. Any
reasonable value of Poisson’s Ratio (for example, 0.25) is adequate.

Reservoir Parameters – Additional Properties [F9]

FracproPT 2007

The Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

Reservoir Type
Select the Reservoir Type from one of the radio buttons. The choices are Single Layer or Multi Layer.
Single Layer
For Single Layer, the parameters entered and displayed on this screen apply to all the layers defined on the
If you want to enter different parameters for each layer, for example if you have significant differences in reservoir
pressure, porosity or compressibility in various payzones, you should choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type.
In most situations, choosing either Gas or Oil (depending on your reservoir) yields acceptable results.
Multi Layer
Choosing Multi-Layer allows you to set those same Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to whatever values you choose, but
now they can be set differently to each layer in the Reservoir Layer Table. As you might expect, the Reservoir LEAKOFF
PARAMETERS screen will appear somewhat different in this case.
HC Type
The type of hydrocarbons is specified here.
Gas Well
The well is used primarily to produce gas.
Oil Well
The well is used primarily to produce oil.

Leakoff Fluid Permeability Ratio, Kp/Kl

This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Reservoir Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Pressure In Fracture

FracproPT 2007

This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Layers tab.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff and calculate the actual leakoff coefficient.
Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the generally the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for
example, if the pore pressure is about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Set to Gas Defaults and Set to Oil Defaults

If you choose the buttons to Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults, the parameters on this screen are overwritten by
FracproPT. However, you can always set these parameters yourself after that by editing them individually.
Choosing Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults automatically sets a number of Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to
default values for "typical" reservoirs (that is, normally pressured, etc.). These parameters apply to all layers in the
Reservoir Layer Table.

Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.

Drainage Area
The drainage area in terms of its extent and the well spacing is specified here.
X-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the length of the fracture (that is, the x direction).
Y-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the width of the fracture (that is, the y direction).
Well Spacing
This parameter is used to calculate a pseudo-steady state PI ratio in the Fracture Design module and is linked to the
Reservoir Extent in the Production Analysis module.

Fracture Azimuth
This parameter describes the fracture orientation with respect to north, with the positive direction defined to be clockwise
(for example, 45 degrees corresponds to the NE-to-SW direction). This parameter is used only for display purposes by the
Wellbore Viewer and does not affect model results.
Suggest Viscosity and Compressibility
Pressing this button will set Pore Fluid Viscosity and Pore Fluid Compressibility (described above) to suggested values.

FracproPT 2007

Reservoir Parameters - Rock Library [F9]

This screen is used to maintain a database (library) of Rock Types with particular mechanical, chemical, and thermal
properties. There are several pre-defined rock-types included with FracproPT in the System Library, but these can be
edited, deleted, or renamed, as the user requires.

The Rock Library screen.

Add New Rock Type to List

This function opens the Select Rock Type dialog that allows you to select Rock Types from either the System Library or
User Library. This function will only be allowed if there is room in the list for a new Rock Type (a maximum of 15 are
available at any time).
Remove Rock Type from List
You can select a Rock Type from the list and then select this function to remove it from the list permanently. You will not
be able to use this function if the Rock Type you are attempting to delete is currently in use by FracproPT (you must
remove the rock type from all modes in order to be able to delete it).
Create User Defined Rock Type
This function takes you to the Mechanical ROCK PROPERTIES screen where you can enter a new Rock Type and its
properties. After entering data there, you should also go to the CHEMICAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen and the
THERMAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen to enter those properties if they are needed.
Save Rock Type to User Library
Once you have entered all the mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties of the new Rock Type, you can save it to the
User Library by selecting this function.
Delete Rock Type from User Library
Select a Rock Type from the list and use this function to delete it from the User Library.

Additional Information

Set Lithology Permeability / Leakoff

You can use this dialog to set the primary leakoff parameter (Pore Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient, depending
on your choice for the Fluid Loss Entry Mode option on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen) for all layers with a
given lithology (as opposed to setting that leakoff parameter individually for each layer).

FracproPT 2007

The Set Lithology Permeability dialog

Rock Type
Using the drop-down list, select the rock type (lithology) for which you would like to set the primary leakoff parameter.
Set Lithology Permeability To
Enter the Pore Fluid Permeability for all layers with the rock type selected above.
Shift Lithology Permeability By
Enter the shift (addition constant) and scaling (multiplication coefficient) for the Pore Fluid Permeability for all layers with
the rock type selected above.

The Set Lithology Leakoff dialog

Rock Type
Using the drop-down list, select the rock type (lithology) for which you would like to set the primary leakoff parameter.
Set Lithology Leakoff Coefficient
Enter the Leakoff Coefficient for all layers with the rock type selected above.
Using General Reservoir Model

Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters

This screen is accessed only if you choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen. In this case, the parameters on this screen are entered and displayed on a layer-by-layer basis. If you want these
parameters to be the same for all layers, you should choose Gas, Oil, or User Specified as the Reservoir Type.

FracproPT 2007

The Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

These entries correspond to the layer depths shown for the Pore Fluid Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient columns in the
Reservoir Layer Table on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. The numbers cannot be changed on this screen.
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can
toggle between them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or by using the Next Interval toolbar button.
This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Frac Pressure
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the Reservoir Parameters
[F9] screen.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff.
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for example, if the
pore pressure equals about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.

FracproPT 2007

This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Other Functions
Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.
Set To Gas Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical gas reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To Oil Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical oil reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To User Defined
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters
screen that was used when you last choose User Specified as the Reservoir Type. You may change individual numbers

Reservoir Depletion
This screen is where you can model the change in closure stress, pore pressure, and pore-fluid compressibility that has
resulted from production in a finite region around a wellbore. For example, in an oil reservoir produced from an acid
fracture such that the region around the fracture has a pore pressure below the bubble point (that is, resulting in a higher
pore-fluid compressibility) and a lower closure stress due to the lower pore pressure.
When modeling depletion effects, you should enter the current (that is, depleted) values for closure stress on the

The Reservoir Depletion screen.

This is the distance out from the wellbore that you believe has been depleted (produced).
Original Pore Pressure

FracproPT 2007

This is the virgin pore pressure. The depleted, or current, pore pressure is entered on either the Reservoir Leakoff
Parameters screen and it is displayed below for reference.
FracproPT multiplies the change in pore pressure by 0.5 (which is a mid-range value for the so-called poro-elastic
coefficient) to determine the change in closure stress due to depletion. At a distance from the wellbore equal to the
Radius of Depletion, the closure stress entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen (that is, the current
or depleted closure stress) is increased by the change in closure stress due to depletion and the pore pressure is
increased to this Original Pore Pressure.
Depleted Pore Pressure
This is the current (that is, depleted) pore pressure that is entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen. This
number is displayed here for reference only.
Original Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the virgin pore fluid compressibility. At a distance out from the wellbore equal to the Radius of Depletion, pore fluid
compressibility decreases to this Original Pore Fluid Compressibility.

Layer Display
This screen displays the lithology (that is, Rock Type) of the reservoir and a log-style view of the following properties:
stress, permeability, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and fracture toughness.

The Layer Display screen.

Reservoir Parameters - F9

General Reservoir Parameters - Layers [F9]

This screen is accessible only if you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir or General Single Scale Reservoir and
when selecting one of the 3D Models on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen.
Use General Multi-Scale Reservoir from the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen if you can assign
reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log information on other parameters. Once you
have assigned specific properties using the Logs/Layers Editor, you need to provide only a few entries for estimates of
properties on which you do not have more specific data.
Use General Single Scale Reservoir from the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen if you can assign all
reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Logs/Layers Editor, you are
ready to use the model.
This is where you define the layers and their various properties that comprise the reservoir and surrounding strata by
entering the depth to the top of each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 14 are shown at any time. Blank
rows in the table may be added by right-clicking and selecting Insert Row, and rows may be deleted by right-clicking and
selecting Delete Row or by pressing [Del].

FracproPT 2007

You must define at least three layers in each of the data tables described below and the fracture must initiate in a middle
layer. The layers where the fractures initiate (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the
WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) are highlighted yellow in the table. If you have more than one perforated
interval defined, you can cycle through them by pressing [CNTR+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
The actual depths you enter and the numbers of layers you define do not have to be identical in each of the data

The General Multi-Scale Reservoir Parameters screen.

The General Single Scale Reservoir Parameters screen.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based

FracproPT 2007

If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.
Reservoir Rock Type Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Layer Thickness
This value represents the layer thickness in TVD. This value is not editable and calculated from the top of each layer in
the Depth TVD column.
Rock Type
Enter the rock type or lithology name in each layer in this column.
Reservoir Stress Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Enter the closure stress in each layer in this column.
Reservoir Elastic Properties Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Young’s Modulus
Enter the Young's Modulus in each layer in this column.
Poisson’s Ratio
Enter the Poisson's Ratio in each layer in this column.
Fracture Toughness

FracproPT 2007

Fracture toughness for the layer based on the assigned toughness for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Composite Layering Effect
Composite layering effect for the layer based on the assigned composite layering effect for that lithology in the Rock
Properties tab.
On a per-layer basis, this number is multiplied by the default Tip Effects Coefficient, which is entered on the FracproPT
3D tab of the FracproPT MODEL Parameters [SHIFT+F3] screen. Generally, this number should be left at 1. However,
in order to specify the relative tip effects for any particular layers, thereby specifying the relative degree of fracture growth
into said layers, you may enter some number other than 1. For example, if you wanted a particular Rock Type to exhibit
higher composite layering effects characteristics, you would enter a number greater than 1.
Additional Information: Composite Layering Effects
Est Ht/Len Growth
This parameter provides an estimate for the ratio of fracture height growth versus fracture length growth if the composite
layering effect would be the main driving force for fracture growth. For example, if the Composite Layering effect is set to
10, the Est Ht/Len Growth shows that for every foot the fracture grows in length, it grows about 0.32 foot in height.
Reservoir Fluid Loss Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Pore Fluid Permeability
If you select Enter Permeability in the Fluid Loss Entry Mode options, enter the Pore Fluid Permeability for each layer
in this column. If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient, the permeability will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Leakoff Coefficient
If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient in the Fluid Loss Entry Mode options, enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for
each layer in this column. If you select Enter Permeability, the leakoff coefficient will be calculated and displayed in this
Pay Zone
Use this check box to mark all zones that you consider pay zones. This is information is used by Fracture Design Mode
and also in the calculation of the Payzone Height Coverage Ratio and Payzone Fracture Area Ratio model channels.
In Production Analysis Mode, if you use the Import Frac Interval Properties function, Permeability on the
PRODUCTION ANALYSIS Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen is the average of all the permeabilities of all zones
marked as pay zones, not just the permeability of the zone containing the perforated interval. The average permeability is
calculated as sum of kh for all zones divided by the total height of all zones:
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Depth Entry Mode
Enter TVD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Tables in terms of the true vertical depth (TVD).
Enter MD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Tables in terms of the measured depth (MD).
Fluid Loss Entry Mode
You have the choice of entering either Pore Fluid Permeability or (total) Leakoff Coefficient. Whichever one you choose to
enter, FracproPT uses a permeability-to-leakoff-coefficient relationship to calculate the other.
Enter Permeability
Select this option to enter the Pore-Fluid Permeability for each Rock Type in the Reservoir Layer Table. The
corresponding (total) Leakoff Coefficient will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Enter Leakoff Coefficient
Select this option to enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for each Rock Type in the Reservoir Layer Table. The
corresponding Pore-Fluid Permeability will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Total perforated height, whether entered by you here, or on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen in the case
where you are not modeling the wellbore, has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation
friction is calculated based solely on the flow rate and the data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION
[F8] screen.

FracproPT 2007

The perforation and initial frac depths are always entered and/or display here in terms of true vertical depth (TVD).
If you have more than one perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, you can
toggle through a display of each interval by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
For large perforated intervals, you may elect to have the fracture initiate from a line source (details of which can be
found on the Growth Parameters tab of the FracproPT MODEL PARAMETERS screen).
Depth to Top of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Top of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Top of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Depth to Bottom of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Bottom of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Bottom of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Initial Frac Depth
FracproPT always calculates this value; it is approximately the center of the zone with lowest stress found within the
perforated interval. If you want to guarantee fracture initiation from a particular zone (regardless of the stress profile and
the true perforated interval), you can make the perforated interval small enough such that you control where the simulator
initiates the fracture.
Initial Frac Depth must fall within one of the inner Rock Type layers (that is, it cannot fall within either the top layer or the
bottom layer).
This screen is where you modify the composite layering effects on various layers of rock. This screen is available only if
you choose General Reservoir in the Reservoir Options on the FRACTURE Analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen.
Define the layers and their various properties that comprise the reservoir and surrounding strata by entering the depth to
the top of each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 14 are shown at any time. Blank rows in the table may be
added by selecting a whole row and pressing [Ins], and rows may be deleted by selecting the whole row and pressing
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted yellow in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined,
you can cycle through them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
The actual depths you enter and the numbers of layers you define here do not have to coincide with the depths and
layers you enter in any other Reservoir Property Table.
Set Composite Layering Effect from
These options will only be available if 3D User-Defined is selected as the Fracture Model to Use option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Table Entry
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.
Payzone Flag
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect for all zones (no matter what the Rock Type) that are not
selected as Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The Composite Layering Effect for the Pay Zones
will automatically be set to 1.0, while the value for all non-Pay Zones is set below by the entry for Composite Layering
Effect Outside Payzone.
Composite Layering Effect Outside Payzone
If Payzone Flag is selected as the Set Composite Layering Effect from option (see description above), the value for
that effect is entered here. This value will overwrite all values entered in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.
Additional Information: Composite Layering Effects
Other Functions
Layer Display
Select this function to view the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE with the Layer Properties Template.
Logs/Layers Editor

FracproPT 2007

If a standard Log ASCII (LAS) file is available, layers can be built automatically and properties can be assigned
automatically using the Logs/Layers Editor.

Layers (Additional Information)

Closure Stress
The fracture closure stress determines the shape of the fracture, as it is one of the most important confinement

• Radial fracture growth if stress profile is uniform (theoretical decrease in net pressure with pump time)
• Confined height growth if closure stress "barriers" are present (theoretical increase in net pressure
with pump time).
The effectiveness of a fracture growth "barrier" is determined by the level of the closure stress contrast between pay zone
and the layers above and below the pay, and the level of the net pressure inside the fracture. If the net pressure is high in
comparison to the closure stress contrast, the fracture will significantly grow into the neighboring zones.
The best and most reliable way to measure the stress is to do a pump-in shut-in test. This is typically done prior to the
fracture treatment in attempt to determine the fracture closure stress in the pay zone. Fracture closure stress
measurements can also be done separately in the zones around the pay zone by shooting some perforations in these
zones and conducting a pump-in shut-in test, but this is generally somewhat costly and not without risks.
Fracture closure stress is sometimes determined using a dipole sonic log. This log measures the dynamic Poisson’s ratio,
and various assumptions are required to "translate" that into a closure stress profile. Unfortunately, these assumptions
drive the final results, and it has often been observed that sonic-log derived closure stresses are very different from
directly measured closure stresses. In the absence of more than one directly measure closure stress (in the pay zone),
the dipole sonic log interpretation of stress is often used as a first guess of the stress contrast, while the pump-in shut-in
closure measurement in the pay is used as a calibration point.
In the absence of any knowledge about stress in a reservoir (apart from the pump-in shut-in measurement prior to the
propped frac), a typical sand-shale closure stress contrast of about 0.05 - 0.1 psi/ft can be assumed, with the lower
closure stress in the sands. The main reason for this is that sands typically have a slightly lower Poisson’s ratio than
shales, and thus transfer less of the overburden stress gradient into a horizontal stress component.
A lower contrast should be assumed if sands are not clean. A higher sand-shale closure stress contrast should be
anticipated if there has been significant depletion in the sand. A rule-of thumb is that the closure stress in the san reduces
by about 2/3 of the reduction in pore pressure. For example, if reservoir pressure has been depleted by 1000 psi, a 670
psi reduction in the closure stress can be assumed, on top of the original contrast of 0.05 – 0.1 psi/ft.
If you have evidence that fracture growth is confined, for example because you know that the fracture is not penetrating a
nearby water-bearing zone, you can use this knowledge to contain the fracture more in the model by increasing the
fracture closure stress in the zones above and below the pay zone. Once you have to raise the fracture closure stress
above about 1.0 psi/ft to get the desired confinement, you need to switch over to other confinement mechanisms, such as
the composite layering effect.
Poisson's Ratio
The Poisson's Ratio (ν) is typically not a very important parameter in fracture growth and has only a second-order effect
on the fracture geometry.
Typical Poisson’s ratios range between about 0.2 for sandstones and about 0.3 for shales. Coals have a relatively high
Poisson’s Ratio of about 0.4.
Young's Modulus
Young’s Modulus is a measure of the stiffness of the rock. It should be obtained from static loading tests on core,
preferably similar to stress conditions in the reservoir of interest. You can generally use core data from nearby wells and
use this to populate modulus data in FracproPT.
In the absence of any core measurements, static Young’s Modulus could also be indirectly obtained from measurement of
dynamic modulus using sonic log measurements. Note however, that rocks appear stiffer under dynamic load, and the
dynamic Young’s modulus is usually at least two times higher than the static modulus. In soft rock, the dynamic/static
modulus ratio can be significantly higher than 2.
Sometimes, it is possible to correlate the modulus with the shale fraction in the rock or with the porosity. These
correlations are generally based on a few core measurements, after which this correlation is used to estimate modulus
along the entire depth of the interval of interest based on Vshale or porosity log measurements.
Typical Young's Moduli range between 100,000 psi for soft rocks such as coals, diatomite or unconsolidated sands, to up
to 10,000,000 psi for extremely hard rocks such as granite. Well-consolidated sandstones typically have a Young's
Modulus in the range of 3,000,000 to 6,000,000 psi.
Permeability to Leakoff Coefficient Relationship

FracproPT 2007

You have the option to enter either Pore Fluid Permeability (which is the permeability of the formation to the oil or gas in
the reservoir) or Leakoff Coefficient (which is the total leakoff coefficient, C_total). Whichever parameter you enter,
FracproPT automatically solves for and displays the other in blue to indicate that it is a calculated value. In general, it is
more appropriate to enter permeability since FracproPT runs internally from permeabilities.
The relationship between permeability and leak-off coefficient is a function of the parameters accessed by selecting
Additional Reservoir Properties. Each time one of the leakoff parameters is changed, FracproPT re-solves the
permeability-to-leakoff coefficient relationship, holding constant the last value entered for either Pore Fluid Permeability or
Leakoff Coefficient (that is, the column of numbers displayed in black type are held constant).
The "total" Leakoff Coefficient determines the rate of fluid leakoff into the formation, per unit area. Values typically range
from 0.04 to 0.0001 feet/square-root-minute. Leakoff coefficient can be found reliably only by using FracproPT to match
the pressure decline during a shut-in. FracproPT calculates the most reasonable estimate of fracture contact with
permeable area and takes into account the change in fracture dimensions, as well as fluid leakoff, when calculating the
pressure decline during shut-in.
Matching a pressure decline with any fracture model (including type curves) to determine leakoff coefficient is geometry
dependent (that is, dependent upon fracture area in contact with permeable rock). Therefore, leakoff coefficients derived
from one fracture model cannot accurately be used with other fracture models. However, the deduced efficiency may not
be greatly different between most models.

Reservoir Parameters – Additional Properties [F9]

The Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

Reservoir Type
Select the Reservoir Type from one of the radio buttons. The choices are Single Layer or Multi Layer.
Single Layer
For Single Layer, the parameters entered and displayed on this screen apply to all the layers defined on the
If you want to enter different parameters for each layer, for example if you have significant differences in reservoir
pressure, porosity or compressibility in various payzones, you should choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type.
In most situations, choosing either Gas or Oil (depending on your reservoir) yields acceptable results.
Multi Layer

FracproPT 2007

Choosing Multi-Layer allows you to set those same Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to whatever values you choose, but
now they can be set differently to each layer in the Reservoir Layer Table. As you might expect, the Reservoir LEAKOFF
PARAMETERS screen will appear somewhat different in this case.
HC Type
The type of hydrocarbons is specified here.
Gas Well
The well is used primarily to produce gas.
Oil Well
The well is used primarily to produce oil.

Leakoff Fluid Permeability Ratio, Kp/Kl

This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Reservoir Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Pressure In Fracture
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Layers tab.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff and calculate the actual leakoff coefficient.
Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the generally the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for
example, if the pore pressure is about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Set to Gas Defaults and Set to Oil Defaults

If you choose the buttons to Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults, the parameters on this screen are overwritten by
FracproPT. However, you can always set these parameters yourself after that by editing them individually.
Choosing Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults automatically sets a number of Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to
default values for "typical" reservoirs (that is, normally pressured, etc.). These parameters apply to all layers in the
Reservoir Layer Table.

Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.

FracproPT 2007

Drainage Area
The drainage area in terms of its extent and the well spacing is specified here.
X-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the length of the fracture (that is, the x direction).
Y-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the width of the fracture (that is, the y direction).
Well Spacing
This parameter is used to calculate a pseudo-steady state PI ratio in the Fracture Design module and is linked to the
Reservoir Extent in the Production Analysis module.

Fracture Azimuth
This parameter describes the fracture orientation with respect to north, with the positive direction defined to be clockwise
(for example, 45 degrees corresponds to the NE-to-SW direction). This parameter is used only for display purposes by the
Wellbore Viewer and does not affect model results.
Suggest Viscosity and Compressibility
Pressing this button will set Pore Fluid Viscosity and Pore Fluid Compressibility (described above) to suggested values.

Reservoir Parameters - Rock Library [F9]

This screen is used to maintain a database (library) of Rock Types with particular mechanical, chemical, and thermal
properties. There are several pre-defined rock-types included with FracproPT in the System Library, but these can be
edited, deleted, or renamed, as the user requires.

The Rock Library screen.

Add New Rock Type to List

This function opens the Select Rock Type dialog that allows you to select Rock Types from either the System Library or
User Library. This function will only be allowed if there is room in the list for a new Rock Type (a maximum of 15 are
available at any time).
Remove Rock Type from List
You can select a Rock Type from the list and then select this function to remove it from the list permanently. You will not
be able to use this function if the Rock Type you are attempting to delete is currently in use by FracproPT (you must
remove the rock type from all modes in order to be able to delete it).

FracproPT 2007

Create User Defined Rock Type

This function takes you to the Mechanical ROCK PROPERTIES screen where you can enter a new Rock Type and its
properties. After entering data there, you should also go to the CHEMICAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen and the
THERMAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen to enter those properties if they are needed.
Save Rock Type to User Library
Once you have entered all the mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties of the new Rock Type, you can save it to the
User Library by selecting this function.
Delete Rock Type from User Library
Select a Rock Type from the list and use this function to delete it from the User Library.

Select Rock Type

Use this dialog to first select either the System or User library of rock types, and then select the actual rock Type.

The Select Rock Type dialog

Stress Perturbation
This screen is for proprietary use only. The purpose of this screen is to calculate the increase in closure stress in each
FracproPT Layer as caused by the presence of previously created fractures that have closed on proppant.

The Stress Perturbation screen.

FracproPT 2007

Fracturing pressures have been observed to increase with subsequent fracture stages in horizontal wells, because
previous propped fractures that are closed on proppant change the state of stress in the reservoir. This change has an
impact on the fracture design for subsequent fracture treatments. For example, the stress increase in a pay zone due to
the presence of a propped fracture created in a previous stage could cause the new fracture to grow preferentially outside
the pay zone if the new fracture is placed close to the previous one. This can have a huge impact on the well’s production
Pinnacle Technologies has implemented existing algorithms and equations to calculate the change in closure stress
profile along a well due to the presence of nearby hydraulic fractures that have been pumped in previous fracture
treatments. The existing algorithms and equations are explained in detail by Sneddon [1946a], Sneddon [1946b], Uhri
[1987] and Warpinski et al. [1988].
This lists all layer depths and rocktypes as defined in the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] Layers tab.

The minimum principle stress (or fracture closure stress) for each layer.

The Stress Perturbation column displays the increase or decrease in fracture closure stress at the location of the current
fracture due to the presence of fractures defined in the Import Fractures box.

Stress + Perturbation
Sum of the two values above.


Represents the name of the RFR file that contains the fracture geometry information. An RFR file is automatically created
for every FracproPT INP file once you Run the Fracture Analysis model. The RFR file contains the fracture dimensions,
the center depth of the fracture, and the net fracturing pressure as the fracture closes on proppant.

Fracture Center
X represents the coordinate along an East-West axis (with East being positive) of the center of the previously created
fracture. Y represents the coordinate along an North-South axis (with North being positive) of the center of the previously
created fracture. Both coordinates have to be entered in this screen. The Z coordinate represents the center depth (TVD)
of the fracture and originates from the RFR file.

Fracture Geometry
Lf represents the fracture half-length, and Hf represents the total fracture height. Pnet represents the net pressure in the
fracture at the time when the fracture closes on proppant. All these parameters originate from the RFR file.


Minimum Stress
The Minimum Stress equals the closure stress in the fracture initiation layer, which is represented in bright yellow in the
Stress Perturbation Table.

Intermediate Stress
The Intermediate Stress equals the intermediate (horizontal stress). Right now, this is not used for any calculation, but is
only displayed for comparison with the Stress+Perturbation in the Stress Perturbation Table.

Vertical Stress
Right now, this is not used for any calculation, but is only displayed for comparison with the Stress+Perturbation in the
Stress Perturbation Table.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture Azimuth
We assume that all fractures (current and previously created and loaded in the Import Fractures table) have the same
Fracture Azimuth. Azimuth is defined from the North, with azimuths East of North as positive and West of North


Displays Stress column in the Stress Perturbation Table as the Stress column in the Layers tab of the RESERVOIR
PROPERTIES [F9] screen.

Stress + Perturbation
Displays Stress + Perturbation column in the Stress Perturbation Table as the Stress column in the Layers tab of the
RESERVOIR PROPERTIES [F9] screen. To account for the influence of previous fractures, the fracture model needs to
be run using this selection.

Locate and add RFR files using this button.

Highlight the identifier of the fracture you would like to remove and select the Remove button.

ƒ Sneddon, I.N. and H.A. Elliot: "The opening of a Griffith crack under internal pressure," The Quarterly of
Applied Mathematics, Vol IV, No. 3, pp. 262-267, 1946.
ƒ Sneddon, I.N. :"The distribution of Stress in the neighborhood of a crack in an elastic solid", Proceedings,
Royal Society, Series A, Vol 1987, 1946, pp. 229-260.
ƒ Uhri, D.C.:"Stimulation of earth formations surrounding a deviated wellbore by sequential hydraulic
fracturing," United States Patent 4,687,061, August 18, 1987.
ƒ Warpinski, N.R. and Branagan, P.T.:"Altered-Stress Fracturing," SPE paper 17533 presented at the Rocky
Mounbtain Regional Meeting, Casper, WY, May 11-13, 1988.
Reservoir Data for the 2D Fracture Models

2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters [F9]

This screen, which is accessible only if you selected either PKN 2D Model, KGD 2D Model, or Radial Model on the
FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, is where you specify the parameters needed to characterize the
reservoir for the 2D fracture models.

FracproPT 2007

The 2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters screen.

Fracture Height (Gross Pay)

This is the total fixed fracture height that you must enter for the PKN 2D Model and the KGD 2D Model. For the Radial
Model, fracture "height" is always equal to total fracture length and, therefore, requires no entry in this field.
Payzone Height (Net Pay)
This is the height used for leakoff (or permeable height) in the 2D models. This height is typically less than or equal to
Fracture Height (Gross Pay).
Depth to Center of Pay
This is the depth to the center of the pay (and the center of the fracture).

Closure Stress In Payzone

An entry in this field is important only if you are running the simulator from actual treatment data and comparing the
Observed Net Pressure to the Net Pressure. Closure stress gradient is typically between 0.5 psi/ft and 0.8 psi/ft in
Formation Modulus
This is the Young's modulus for the zone you are fracturing. Young's modulus ranges from 100,000 psi for very soft,
unconsolidated sandstones or coals to 10,000,000 psi for extremely hard granites. Sandstones typically have Young's
modulus values in the range of 3,000,000 to 6,000,000 psi.
Formation Poisson's Ratio
This is the Poisson's ratio for the zone you are fracturing. Typical values range from 0.1 to 0.4. Any reasonable value of
Poisson’s Ration (for example, 0.25) is adequate.
Leakoff Coefficient
This is the total leakoff coefficient, which determines the rate per unit area of fluid leakoff into the formation. Values
typically range from 0.04 to 0.0001 feet/square-root-minute. Values of leakoff coefficient can be reliably found only by
matching the pressure decline during a shut-in or at the end of a treatment. Furthermore, leakoff coefficient is specific to
the fracture model used, so you must determine leakoff coefficient and predict future fracture behavior with the same
fracture model to be consistent.
Pore Fluid Permeability
Based on the Leakoff Coefficient you enter, and the Reservoir Type you select, an estimated value of reservoir
permeability is displayed in this field.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the actual reservoir temperature. It is used to select the correct rheology data from the fluid library.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture Toughness
Enter the fracture toughness for the layer of rock you are fracturing.

Reservoir Type
Define the reservoir type by selecting either Oil or Gas from the drop-down list.
Reservoir Lithology
Make a selection from the available Rock Types from the drop-down list. The rock type is important (in this simulation)
only for chemical properties (for example, for acid reaction) and for thermal properties (for example, fluid heating).

Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5

Fluid Selection - F5

Fluid and Proppant Selection – Fluid Selection [F5]

The Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen can be accessed by:

• pressing the function key F5

• selecting from the main menu Data > Fluids and Proppants > Select Fluids and Proppants F5
• selecting Fluid&Proppant Selection from the Navigation Tree
The Fluid Selection tab is the first tab on the Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen.

The fluids listed on this screen are the ones available for use in the current fracture and reservoir simulations. Up to ten
fluids can be selected. They are a subset of the hundreds found in the Fluid Libraries (there are System Libraries and
User Libraries for fluids). The fluids displayed here are either selected from the libraries or created from scratch.

FracproPT 2007

Fluid Selection screen

Fluids List
This is the list of fluids currently available for use in the simulator. Additional fluids may be added from the Fluid Libraries.
Fluids with a red background indicate fluids that have acid added to them. Fluids displayed on a faint yellow
background are actually used in the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen or elsewhere in FracproPT in other modules.
• Fluid Name: Name of the fluid.
• Edit Current Fluid: Use this function to view the friction, rheology, fluid-loss, thermal, and chemical
data for any fluid in the list by first selecting the fluid and then selecting this function. Alternatively,

FracproPT 2007

you can also simply double-click on the fluid. Both actions display the Fluid Data [Shift+F5] screen
where those data are accessible.
• Add New Fluid to List: Select this function to add a new fluid to the list from either the System
Library or User Library of fluids in the Select Fluid screen. See also description for Add New
Halliburton 2007 Fluid to List button below.
If you wish to create a modified version of a fluid that is already on the Fluids List, select the fluid by clicking on the
row number and then press [Ins]. This action will create a new fluid that is a copy of the first fluid, the only difference
being that "-A" will be appended to the name. If you repeat this process to create more copies of the original fluid,
they will have -B, -C, etc. appended to the original name. You can then modify the new fluid's properties. This is a
handy feature for foam treatments where you need to use the same basic fluid with varying quality.
• Remove Fluid from List: Select a fluid with the cursor and then use this function to delete it from the
Fluid List.
If a fluid is currently in use on the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen, you will not be able to remove it unless you
remove it from the schedule first.
• Create User Defined Fluid: Select this function to create a fluid from "scratch." A blank version of the
Fluid Data - Shift+F5 screen will appear where you must enter a fluid name, rheology data, friction
data, and fluid-loss data. The fluid will not be a valid fluid (that is, it will not be usable) until all
necessary data are entered.
• Add New Halliburton 2007 Fluid to List: Select this function to add a new Halliburton fluid to the list
from either the System Library or User Library of Halliburton fluids in the Select Halliburton Fluid

Select Fluid
The Select Fluid screen can be accessed by clicking on the Add New Fluid to List button on the Fluid Selection tab of
the Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen.

This screen is where you select a fluid from one of FracproPT’s fluid libraries for use in the pump schedule.

Select Fluid screen

• System: The System fluid library contains all of the fluids supplied with FracproPT. These data were
obtained directly from the service companies.
• User: The User fluid library contains data that you have stored when entering a fluid from scratch, or
if you have modified fluids from the System library and saved it to the User library.


FracproPT 2007

After selecting a fluid Library, you should select a Vendor in this field.

After selecting a fluid Library and Vendor, you should select a fluid System in this field.

Name - Description
After selecting a fluid Library, Vendor, and System, you should select the actual fluid (that is, in terms of a fluid Name
and Description) in this field.

Select Halliburton Fluid

The Select Halliburton Fluid screen is accessed by clicking on the Add Halliburton 2007 Fluid to List button on the Fluid
Selection tab of the Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen.

This screen is used to select a Halliburton fluid from one of FracproPT’s Halliburton fluid libraries for use in the pump

Select Halliburton Fluid screen

In this screen, a Halliburton fluid can be selected and added to the list of selected fluids. In addition, pre-defined system
fluids can be edited (which converts them to user-defined fluids), user-defined fluids can be edited and deleted, and any
fluid can be exported to and imported from a file.
The purpose of the Select Halliburton Fluid screen is to identify the fluid for which properties are desired, by clicking on
a row to select and highlight the desired fluid. The user may simply scroll down through the list to find and select the
material of interest. For each fluid, various properties are displayed in the data columns.

Halliburton’s Material Library

The purpose of Halliburton’s Material Library is to allow the user to access, view, and use the data which describes the
physical properties of Halliburton materials and fluids. The current Material Library is populated primarily with stimulation
treatment materials. Future releases will contain additional materials.
The fundamental properties provided by the Material Library include density, rheology, friction, fluid loss, and
thermodynamic properties for fluids. Actual lab data for fluids may be input and compared to Material Library values, and
user-defined fluids may be generated for export and use elsewhere.
It is crucial that the user exercise sound engineering judgment in defining the base fluid properties and other input
parameters from which the calculated parameters will be determined. It is possible to input conditions that would be
illogical, impractical, or physically impossible to attain in the field, and still calculate material properties for these inputs.
The Material Library software is owned and maintained by Halliburton. Please refer to the Material Library license
agreement that is included with the distribution of FracproPT for more detailed information.
A number of properties of Halliburton’s fluids are required by FracproPT, but they are not (yet) available in the Material
Library. Consequently, FracproPTgenerates these properties from look-up tables.

FracproPT 2007

• Newtonian leakoff filtrate viscosity

• acid fluid diffusivity
• non-reactive acid concentration
• acid retardation factor
• unit cost (always set to 0)
• is water sensitive (for Fracture Analysis)
• is dry gas reservoir suitable (for Fracture Analysis)
In addition, FracproPT overrides the properties of Halliburton’s fluids in the Material Library to make them more suitable
for use in FracproPT:

• wall building coefficient

• spurt loss
For non-wall-building fluids, FracproPT overrides these two properties to zero. The reason is that non-wall-building fluids
have no wall-building characteristics. Consequently, it would make sense to set the wall building coefficient and the spurt
to zero. However, Halliburton’s Material Library is using the classical definition where the wall building coefficient is equal
to half the slope of the fluid loss versus square-root time (that is, the rate of fluid leakoff). Of course, for non-wall-building
fluids this is a very steep slope compared to fracturing gels. However, when the wall building coefficient is defined like
this, for non-wall-building fluids it has to be a non-zero value, since it has a leakoff volume over time. Unfortunately, this
definition may be confusing for FracproPT users.
Additional Information: Wallbuilding Coefficient

User-defined Fluids
The Material Library contains all the standard Halliburton stimulation fluids. However, in field operations fluids are
formulated for specific job applications. The Material Library facilitates definition of such formulated fluids. User-defined
fluids can be exported and sent to other users for their use, and received from other users and imported into the User

User Library
When a user-defined fluid is created by editing a pre-defined system fluid or another user-defined fluid, it is automatically
added to the User Library. In the Select Halliburton Fluid screen, fluids in the User Library are displayed as rows with a
yellow background, which distinguishes them from pre-defined system fluids with a white background. The fluids in the
User Library are stored in separate Extensible Markup Language (XML) ASCII text files in a folder similar to ...\My
Documents\MaterialsLibrary\UserMaterials\; the names of these XML files are determined by the identifier (OID) of
each user-defined fluid in the User Library.

• Name: The common, unique name of the fluid. The names of pre-defined system fluids cannot be
edited. The names of user-defined fluid may be changed
• OID: The unique identifier of the fluid, which is used for internal purposes only. For pre-defined
system fluids, the OIDs are generally the same as or similar to the fluid names. However, for user-
defined fluids, a unique OID is generated, which unfortunately looks rather obscure (for example,
• Data Source: The source of the fluid data.
• Internal (pre-defined system fluid)
• User (user-defined fluid)
• Context Type: The general classification of the fluid.
(that is, Muds, Waters, Reservoir Fluids, Other Treatment Fluids, Acids, Base Gels, Crosslinked
• Fluid Type: The fundamental fluid on which the material is based.
• gas-based (for example, CO2, N2)
• oil-based (that is, liquid hydrocarbon)
• water-based

FracproPT 2007

• Well Type: The type of well for the primary application of the fluid.
(that is, Gas, Oil)
• CO2 Compatibility: Whether the fluid is compatible for use with carbon dioxide (CO2) gas.
(that is, true, false)
• Minimum Temperature: The minimum applicable temperature for which the fluid is recommended, in
degrees Fahrenheit (°F).
• Maximum Temperature: The minimum applicable temperature for which the fluid is recommended,
in degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

By default, the fluids are listed in alphabetical order by their name. Each column can be sorted by clicking on the column
header. Subsequently clicking on the same column header toggles the sorting between ascending and descending order.

The columns can be filtered by clicking on the downward pointing arrow to the right of the Select pull-down combo-
box below the column headers. By default, all filter choices are checked on. For example, for the
column Context Type:

Filters are summative (that is, setting multiple filters requires that all filter conditions be met).

• Import: Read a user-defined fluid from an Extensible Markup Language (XML) ASCII text file into the
User Library. A single XML file can contain multiple fluids, and all of these fluids will be read into the
User Library.
• Edit: Modify the properties of the fluid. This converts a pre-defined system fluid to a user-defined
• Save: Generate a new user-defined fluid based on the currently active fluid. This function will not only
make a copy of a pre-defined system fluid, but also of another user-defined fluid. Thus, subsequent
derivatives of a user-defined fluid may be created as needed.
• Delete: Remove a user-defined fluid from the User Library. Multiple user-defined fluids can be
removed from the User Library by selecting them in the fluid selection screen before pressing the
"Delete" button. Upon delete of one or more user-defined fluids, the fluid in the row below the lowest
deleted fluid becomes the active fluid. Pre-defined system fluids cannot be deleted.
• Export: Write a user-defined fluid from the User Library to an Extensible Markup Language (XML)
ASCII text file. Multiple user-defined fluids can be exported by selecting them in the fluid selection
screen before pressing the "Export" button. This functionality can be used to make a backup copy of
the User Library in a single file for safekeeping.
• OK: Exit the Select Halliburton Fluid screen and add the active fluid to the list of selected fluids.
• Cancel: Exit the Select Halliburton Fluid screen without adding the active fluid to the list of selected
Proppant Selection - F5

Fluid and Proppant Selection – Proppant Selection [F5]

he Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen can be accessed by:

• pressing the function key F5

• selecting from the main menu Data > Fluids and Proppants > Select Fluids and Proppants F5
• selecting Fluid&Proppant Selection from the Navigation Tree

FracproPT 2007

The Proppant Selection tab is the second tab on the Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen.

The proppants listed on this screen are the ones available for use in the current fracture and reservoir simulations. Up to
ten proppants can be selected. They are a subset of the proppants found in the Proppant Libraries (there are System
Libraries and User Libraries for proppants). The proppants displayed here are either selected from the libraries or created
from scratch.

Proppant Selection screen

Proppants List
This is the list of proppants currently available for use in the simulator. Additional proppants may be added from the
Proppant Libraries.
If the diameter for a proppant displayed in the list is smaller than the threshold diameter defined on the Proppant
Model Parameters tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters - Shift + F3 screen (so that it will be ignored as proppant

FracproPT 2007

by the fracture simulator), the proppant will be displayed with a yellow background in the list. Proppants displayed on
a faint yellow background are actually used in the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen or elsewhere in FracproPT in
other modules.
• Proppant Name: Name of the proppant.
• Source: The source of the proppant data.
• COMP: Compiled from various sources (generally based on the most reliable proppant data that
is available).
• DOC: The vendor’s documentation (that is, not published on their World Wide Web site).
• SL6.0: Stim-Lab 6.0.
• SL99: Stim-Lab 1999.
• UNKN: Unknown (typically historic data).
• WWW: The vendor’s World Wide Web site.
User-defined fluids do not have a "Source" entry (that is, it is blank).

• Edit Current Proppant: Use this function to view data (for example, density, porosity, average
diameter) the data describing any fluid in the list by first selecting the proppant and then selecting this
function. Alternatively, you can also simply double-click on the proppant. Both actions display the
Proppant Data screen where that data are accessible.
• Add New Proppant to List: Select this function to add a new proppant to the list from either the
System Library or User Library of proppants in the Select Proppant screen.
• Create User Defined Proppant: Select this function to create a proppant from "scratch." A blank
version of the Proppant Data screen will appear where you must enter a proppant name and other
data to describe the proppant. The proppant will not be a valid proppant (that is, it will not be usable)
until all necessary data are entered.
• Remove Proppant from List: Select a proppant with the cursor and then use this function to delete it
from the Proppant List.
If a proppant is currently in use on the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen, you will not be able to remove it unless you
remove it from the schedule first.
• Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction: Select this function to view the Proppant Effects On
Wellbore FrictioN screen where the effects of proppant on wellbore friction can be viewed and

Fracture Conductivity Calculation

• Producing Bottomhole Pressure: Enter a pressure here for use in calculating the net closure stress
on the proppant, which is necessary to calculate the conductivity of the propped fracture. This
pressure has a wide range of values that may depend on gathering-system line pressure, reservoir or
proppant sensitivity to the drawdown pressure, or some other production-related constraint. This
pressure will always be less than reservoir pressure and it may be as low as a few tens or hundreds
of psi (above zero) in low-permeability gas wells.
This is the same parameter shown on the Proppant Perm Damage screen.
• Proppant Damage Factor: This the damage factor applied to the proppant permeability resulting
from non-flow-related phenomena such as gel residue. This damage factor can be specified on the
Proppant Perm Damage screen.
This damage factor is shown on this screen in read-only format.
• Apparent Damage Factor (Non-Darcy, Multi-Phase Flow): This attempts to estimate the apparent
damage factors resulting from flow-related phenomena such as non-Darcy and multi-phase flow
effects. This damage factor can be specified on the Proppant Perm Damage screen.

FracproPT 2007

This damage factor is shown on this screen in read-only format.

• Total Damage Factor: This is the damage parameter that FracproPT actually uses to calculate
conductivity and dimensionless conductivity. This total damage factor is applied to the proppant
permeability, which is calculated automatically from the damage factors resulting from non-flow-
related (that is, the Proppant Damage Factor) and flow-related (that is, the Apparent Damage
Factor) phenomena if you so specify; those damage factors are specified on the Proppant Perm
Damage screen. The Total Damage Factor is calculated using the following simple equation:
This damage factor is shown on this screen in read-only format.
• Proppant Perm Damage: Select this function to go to the Proppant Perm Damage screen where you
can enter information and select options, including non-Darcy and multiphase flow effects, related
to the calculation of proppant conductivity in the fractures during production.

• Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction: Go to Proppant Effect on Wellbore Friction screen.

Select Proppant
The Select Proppant screen is accessed by clicking on the Add New Proppant to List button on the Proppant Selection
tab of the Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen.

This screen is where you select a proppant from one of FracproPT’s proppant libraries for use in the pump schedule.

Select Proppant screen

• System: The pre-defined system proppants.
• User: The user-defined proppants.
• HES: The Halliburton proppants. They account for the non-linear effects of the proppant
2 2
concentration (that is, the conductivity at 2 lb/ft is not twice the conductivity at 1 lb/ft ). Since the
Halliburton library returns a conductivity, it is converted back to permeability to display on the
Proppant Data screen.

FracproPT 2007

• Name: The common, unique name of the proppant.
• Vendor: The vendor of the proppant.
(for example, Atlas, Badger, Borden, Borovichi, Carbo, Curimbaba, Fores, Hepworth-Sibelco, Hexion)
• System: The system of the proppant.
(for example, Accupak, AcPack, Arizona Sand, Atlas CRC Premium, Atlas PRC, Atlas PRC Premium,
Badger Frac, Badger Sand, Badger Special Cut)
• Type: The general classification of the proppant.
(that is, Sand, Resin Coated Sand, Ceramic, Low Density Ceramic, Medium Density Ceramic, High
Density Ceramic, Resin Coated Low Density Ceramic, Resin Coated Medium Density Ceramic, Resin
Coated High Density Ceramic)
• Mesh Min: The minimum sieve mesh.
(for example, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40, 70, 100)
• Mesh Max: The maximum sieve mesh.
(for example, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 100, 140)
• Coating: The type of resin coating of the proppant.
(that is, None, Precured, Curable)
• Source: The source of the proppant data.
• COMP: Compiled from various sources (generally based on the most reliable proppant data that
is available).
• DOC: The vendor’s documentation (that is, not published on their World Wide Web site).
• SL6.0: Stim-Lab 6.0.
• SL99: Stim-Lab 1999.
• UNKN: Unknown (typically historic data).
• WWW: The vendor’s World Wide Web site.
User-defined fluids do not have a "Source" entry (that is, it is blank).
• Date: The date of the last measurement.
• Lab Verif.: Whether the proppant data was obtained and verified by an independent laboratory (for
example, Stim-Lab) or by a laboratory that is somehow dependent on a proppant vendor.
(that is, No, Yes)

By default, the proppants are listed in alphabetical order by their name. Each column can be sorted by clicking on the
column header. Subsequently clicking on the same column header toggles the sorting between ascending and
descending order.

The columns can be filtered by clicking on the downward pointing arrow to the right of the pull-down combo-box
below the column headers. By default, all filter choices are set to All. For example, for the column

Filters are exclusive (that is, only one filter value can be set for each column).

• Comments: Notes that summarize the algorithms that were used to compile missing data for each
proppant, if relevant.

FracproPT 2007

• Clear All Filters: Set all filters to their default of All.
• OK: Exit the Select Proppant screen and add the active proppant to the list of selected proppants.
• Cancel: Exit the Select Proppant screen without adding the active proppant to the list of selected
Fluid Data - Shift + F5

Fluid Data – Fluid Friction Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual wellbore-friction data used by the simulator for any of the fluids
listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the wellbore-friction data are interpolated or taken
directly from the two Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the
service companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The effects of proppant on fluid friction are handled on the Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction screen. However,
the changes in friction associated with the addition of nitrogen or carbon dioxide for foamed fluids is not handled
automatically and you must make those corrections in the data shown on this screen. There are some foamed fluids
stored in the System Fluid Library, but you should contact the service company to obtain friction pressure estimates for
the specific foamed fluids you are using.
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE Analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, the wellbore-
friction parameters are displayed in blue on this screen and cannot accessed.

The Fluid Friction Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

FracproPT 2007

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the friction properties of another fluid listed on the
Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.

Selected Wellbore Segment

Segment Number
This is the wellbore segment number for which wellbore friction data are currently displayed. Segment Number
corresponds to the entries on the Path Summary tab of the Wellbore Configuration [F7] screen, which are also
displayed directly below this field for reference.
To view the configuration and the friction data for a different wellbore segment, you can either enter a segment number
directly in the field, or you may use the Previous Segment and Next Segment functions described below.
Previous Segment
Select this function to view the configuration and the friction data for the previous wellbore segment.
Next Segment
Select this function to view the configuration and the friction data for the next wellbore segment.

Friction Data for Selected Fluid and Wellbore Segment

Three points of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data are shown for each Selected Fluid in each Selected Wellbore
Segment. The first and second flow-rate/pressure points define the laminar-flow regime, while the second and third points
define the turbulent-flow regime.
This the flow rate for which friction pressure, P, is measured.
This is the friction pressure corresponding to the flow rate, Q.
This the actual friction pressure (that is, the effective friction pressure) that the model will actually use when you select
Use Multiplier as the Wellbore Friction Modification Mode. It is the product of the Friction Multiplier and the friction
pressure, P.
Wellbore Friction Modification Mode
These controls facilitate two methods by which you may change the wellbore friction parameters:

ƒ If you select Use Multiplier, you can enter a value for Friction Multiplier to change all friction pressure (P)
values by the same factor. This method preserves the shape of the wellbore friction vs. flow-rate curve,
essentially shifting it up or down.
ƒ If you select Set Individual Values, you can change all of data points individually (both flow rate and friction

Plot Data
Friction Pressure vs. Rate
Select this function to plot friction-pressure versus flow-rate data for the Selected Wellbore Segment. You have the option
of plotting this data for either the Selected Fluid or All Fluids.

FracproPT 2007

Other Functions
Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Data – Fluid Rheology Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual rheology data used by the simulator for any of the fluids listed on
the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the rheology data are interpolated or taken directly from the
two Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies)
and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The changes in rheology associated with the addition of nitrogen or carbon dioxide for foamed fluids is not handled
automatically, therefore you must make those corrections in the data shown on this screen. There are some foamed
fluids stored in the System Fluid Library, but you should contact the service company to obtain rheology estimates for
the specific foamed fluids you are using.
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

The Fluid Rheology Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the rheology properties of another fluid listed on the
Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.

FracproPT 2007

This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.

Rheology for Selected Fluid

In-fracture rheology data for the current fluid (n' and K' as functions of time, at the current reservoir temperature) are
shown in this table. Notice that there is room in the rheology table for five different entries (that is, n' and K' at five different
times), while the rheology data taken from the Fluid Libraries consists of only two entries. This is so that you can enter a
more detailed rheology time-history if it is available (for example, for fluids that have been more fully investigated in a
This is the time (at temperature) for which n’ and K’ are measured.
This is the flow behavior index for the Selected Fluid at the current Time and Reservoir Temperature.
This is the consistency index for the Selected Fluid at the current Time and Reservoir Temperature.
In Wellbore
Just below the five-row Rheology Data Table there are fields to enter values of n' and K' for the fluid while it is still in the
wellbore. For example, a crosslinked fluid would typically not be crosslinked until it was in the fracture. The In Wellbore
rheology values default to the initial n' and K' values from the table, which is correct for a linear gel. For a crosslinked gel,
you should enter the correct values.
The In Wellbore rheology is used for only two purposes:
• In the Keck Correlation for calculating the effect of proppant on wellbore friction (see the Proppant
Effects on Wellbore Friction screen).
• For display purposes on the Wellbore Profile [Alt+F9] screen.
Apparent Viscosity Calculator
Enter a Time and a Shear Rate to display the Apparent Viscosity of the Displayed Fluid at the current Reservoir
Reservoir Temperature
This parameter is entered either on the Heat Transfer Parameters [SHIFT+F9] or Reservoir Parameters [F9] screens
and is displayed here for reference.

Plot Data
n' vs. Time
Select this function to plot n’ data as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected
Fluid or All Fluids. You can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
K’ vs. Time
Select this function to plot K’ data as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected
Fluid or All Fluids. You can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
Apparent Viscosity vs. Time
Select this function to plot apparent viscosity data (evaluated at the Shear Rate entered in the Apparent Viscosity
Calculator) as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected Fluid or All Fluids. You
can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.

Other Functions
Library Data

FracproPT 2007

Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Data – Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual fluid-loss and thermal properties used by the simulator for any of
the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the data are taken directly from the two
Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the
User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

The Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.

FracproPT 2007

Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity
This is a measure of the fluids’ conductive heat transfer ability (in units of btu/foot-hour-°F).
Specific Heat
For engineering purposes, this is essentially the heat capacity of the fluid, which is a measure of the heat transfer required
to increase a "unit mass" of the fluid by 1 degree (in units of btu/pound-°F).
Fluid Density
This is the total density of the clean fluid (including all the fluid additives) in the units of specific gravity (for example, pure
water at 4 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 1.0). This parameter is extremely important in modeling the
hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Most water-based fracturing fluids have densities very close to 1.01. When using
fracturing fluids with different densities, be sure to enter the actual density for each fluid.
The effects of proppant and foam on hydrostatic wellbore pressure are handled automatically.

Wall Building Coefficient

Wall Building Coefficient
The Wall Building Coefficient is used to model the additional resistance to fluid leakoff created by the polymer filter-cake
that builds up on the fracture walls as fluid leaks off. Wall Building Coefficient is entered in units of feet/square-root-
minute, as given by service company fluid manuals (that is, with 1,000 psi of pressure across the filter-cake). Select here
for additional information on the wall-building coefficient.

If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will see entries for low (1md) and high-perm (1,000 md) wall building coefficients (read additional information
on these parameters).
The wall-building coefficient for low perm (1 mD) will normally always be around 0.003 for 180 °F but will adjust with
temperature slightly (higher number with higher temperature). Fluids without filtercakes are typically modeled using higher
spurt values.
The wall-building coefficient for high perm (1,000 mD) will typically be very large for linear gels (for example, 0.1), while it
is typically very close to the low perm (1 mD) value for crosslinked fluids.
Enter 0.0 to model no wall building effects.

Other Fluid Loss Properties

Spurt Loss
This parameter is defined as the amount of fluid that must leak off (per unit area) before a contiguous filter-cake begins to
form. Spurt loss (defined at 1 md and 1,000 psi) will range from 0.003 to 0.006 for most borate crosslinked fluids. The
higher the gel loading and viscosity, the lower the value. Spurt loss ranges from 0.005 to 0.009 for most metal crosslinked
systems (Ti/Zr, etc.). Values range from 0.01 to 0.02 for linear gels, while fluids without filtercakes can be modeled using a
value of 10. Read additional information on spurt loss.
Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity
This parameter is the viscosity of the fluid leaking off from the fracture (that is, the filtrate fluid). This value is typically
close to that of water at the leakoff temperature.
Dynamic Equilibrium Fluid Loss Coefficient
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will have access to this parameter. This parameter accounts for filtercake removal due to the shear forces
applied by fluid/proppant flow in the fracture.
This parameter is set at the conditions of 1 mD, 1,000 psi, 50 1/seconds, and 180 degrees F. The value is 0.0 for non-
crosslinked fluids, while it ranges from 0.0 to 0.0007 (feet/minute) for borate crosslinked fluids and 0.0 to 0.0015 for metal
crosslinked fluids. An initial guess of 0.0005 is good for borate fluids, while a guess of 0.0008 would be best for metal
crosslinked fluids. The higher the polymer loading and viscosity, the greater the value will become.
Filtercake Compressibility Exponent
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will have access to this parameter, which should always be around 0.2 for all polymer fluids.
Particulate Loss Additive
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you have access to this selection. If you activate this option, the effect of reduced fluid loss due to particulate
additives will be modeled.

FracproPT 2007

Leakoff Parameters Reference Table

This table displays, for the current fluid, the effect of the Wall Building Coeff on the Total Leakoff Coeff. The Depth, Pore
Fluid Perm, and Reservoir Leakoff Coeff are taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen and are displayed
in the table. The resulting Total Leakoff Coeff for each individual layer (which is a combination of the Reservoir Leakoff
Coeff and the Wall Building Coeff) is also displayed in the table. Only 10 layers are displayed in the table at any one time,
but up to a maximum of 100 can be accessed using the scroll bar.
The displayed Total Leakoff Coeff is for the current fluid only, and it is not necessarily representative of the overall leakoff
of a treatment if other fluids are also used. Note that a given Wall Building Coeff may dramatically affect the Total Leakoff
Coeff in a higher permeability zone while having a negligible effect on the Total Leakoff Coeff in a lower permeability

Other Functions
Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Additional Information: Wallbuilding Coefficient

It is important to realize that the Fluid Library contains laboratory-determined values for Wall Building Coefficient, Cw. The
modeling of wall building involves certain physical assumptions that may not always be valid. For example, in very high
permeability reservoirs, or reservoirs where natural fractures dominate, fluid leakoff may not even allow the creation of a
contiguous filter-cake. In these cases, typical library values of Cw may yield a total leakoff coefficient, Ct, which is almost
independent of reservoir permeability because the total leakoff resistance is dominated by the filter-cake rather than
reservoir permeability. Therefore, modeling leakoff as being dominated by Cw will be in error for cases where no filter-cake
layer actually forms.
Another reason for not expecting wall building arises from the dynamic conditions of flow past the fracture walls, which
tends to wash away the residue material after it attains a certain thickness. In these situations, where it is possible that
little or no filter-cake layer will form, it is recommended that you run simulations without any wall building (that is, Cw set
equal to 0.0000). Another reason for this is that, in higher permeability reservoirs, the permeability profile (that is,
contrasts in permeability) may play an even more dominant role in determining fracture growth (geometry). Assuming that
a filter-cake layer forms, the fracture model is presently underestimating the effects of contrast in reservoir permeability,
which will persist even after the fracture crosses well into the high-permeability region.
Indeed, if wall building is assumed not to occur and leakoff is modeled assuming that the entire gel (polymer and all) leaks
off, there will still be enhanced resistance to fluid leakoff. This is due to the increased viscosity of the leakoff fluid (as
compared to the viscosity of water, which is normally assumed to be the fluid actually leaking off). In such cases, the
contrasts in reservoir permeability will still play a dramatic role in determining fracture geometry. The Leakoff Fluid
Viscosity is entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen that is accessed from the Reservoir Parameters - F9
The great difference between these two methods of modeling the effect of fluid type on leakoff resistance (that is, filter-
cake versus viscosity dominated) requires that you carefully evaluate which model best represents physical reality.
An additional caution about the use of Cw is that proper modeling of a given value of Cw requires that you closely estimate
the correct value of "net leakoff height" for all heterogeneous (that is, layered) zones. For example, underestimating net
leakoff height would lead to an exaggerated wall building effect on total leakoff.

Permeabilities versus Leakoff Coefficients

FracproPT does not use leakoff coefficients but permeabilities in the filtrate-invaded zone (Leakoff Fluid Permeability
Ratio Kp/Kl in the Additional Properties tab of the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen) and reservoir zone (with gas or
oil). This will even apply to the wall-building coefficient Cw (uses a very small permeability). The viscosity of the fluid that
invades the rock (filtrate invaded zone) should be controlled with Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity in the Fluid Loss
and Thermal Properties tab of the Fluid Data - Shift + F5 screen, with leakoff in this region described by the Leakoff
Fluid Permeability Ratio Kp/Kl in the Additional Properties tab of the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen.

Fluid Data – Fluid Acid Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual acid properties used by the simulator for any of the fluids listed on
the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the data are taken directly from the two Fluid Libraries, which
are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the User Library (which
contains data input by you when defining fluids).
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

FracproPT 2007

The Acid Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.

Acid Components and Properties

Acid Table
For each type of Acid in the table that is added to the Selected Fluid, enter the Concentration (in mass percentage).
Fluid Diffusivity
Enter the Diffusivity for the Selected Fluid to which an Acid is added.
Non-Reactive Concentration
This is the concentration (by weight percent) below which no acid-rock reaction occurs.

FracproPT 2007

Retardation Factor
This factor is used to affect the acid reaction rate (typically to retard the acid reaction). For example, entering 0.75 means
that the reaction rate occurs at 75% of its maximum value.

Conductivity Calculation
The default correlation in FracproPT for calculating acid-etched fracture conductivity is the Nierode-Kruk Correlation.
Maximum Effect of Acid on Leakoff
Fluid loss is increased due to acid, both by etching of rock and by degradation of filter cake. Leakoff increase due to acid
can increase no more than by the factor entered here. For example, a value of 2.5 means that leakoff can increase (due
to acid) by no more than 2.5 times the leakoff from a non-reactive fluid (assuming that there is enough acid to increase
leakoff by that amount before being completely spent).
Conductivity Multiplier Factor
The conductivity predicted by the correlation selected above is multiplied by this factor. For example, an entry of 2.0
implies that conductivity is twice that indicated by the correlation.
Producing Bottomhole Pressure
Enter a pressure here for use in calculating the net closure stress, which is necessary to calculate the conductivity of the
proppant or acid-etched fracture.

Mass Transfer Coeff. Determination

This coefficient is needed for calculating acid concentration at the fracture wall and acid spending.
Public Correlation
This correlation is based on publications from M.H. Lee and L.D. Roberts (SPE 7893), K.K. Lo and R.H. Dean (SPE
17110), and A. Settari (SPE 21870).
Select this option to enter your own value of the Mass Transfer Coefficient.

Other Functions
Reset Acid Properties to Defaults
Select this function to set all the Acid Properties to their default values.
Model Viscous Fingering
The Viscous Fingering Model is implemented to the ADP (Acid Design Program) acid fracturing model in FracproPT. The
model can handle viscous fingering development for a multi-stage acid treatment, which is recognized as an effective
means to create differential etching and longer acid etching length. With the modeling capabilities for viscous fingering,
and leakoff increase due to acid reaction, heat transfer calculation, and organic acid reactivity, the acid fracturing model is
a valuable tool for stimulation engineers.
The viscous fingering effect can occur during an acid fracture treatment when a viscous preflush is pumped prior to an
acid stage. There needs to be a viscosity difference of 50 cp or more between the preflush and acid stages. As a result of
this viscosity difference, the less viscous acid "channels" through the more viscous pad in the fracture. Because of the
viscous fingering effect, a long penetration distance can be achieved with a relatively modest amount of acid. The viscous
fingering effect is modeled by assuming that, for a given gross fracture height at any location along the fracture, the acid
can channel through only a fraction of this height. This fraction is called the Fingering Coefficient and can be estimated
from laboratory tests based on the viscosity difference between the viscous preflush and the acid. This coefficient has
been built into the program based on information provided by the fluid providers. Since the acid is less viscous and travels
forward through a narrow channel created inside the viscous preflush region, it moves with a speed much greater than the
viscous preflush. Once the channels overtake the viscous preflush, they become widener, spreading out to cover the
entire fracture height. Before the acid overtakes the viscous preflush, the advancement of acid inside the fracture is rapid,
and the acid creates an effective etching pattern. Once the acid overtakes the viscous preflush, its advancement slows
down, resulting in a less effective etching pattern. Since the overflush usually has a viscosity comparable to the viscosity
of the acid, it will follow the channels created by the acid.


To use the feature of the Viscous Fingering Model, a user needs to:
Select "ADP" for Acid Fracturing Model on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen, Additional Options tab,

FracproPT 2007

Then select the acid to be used for the job by going to the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen ( icon),
and selecting Add New Fluid to List. Most acids can be found under Vendor-Miscellaneous and System-Acids. Some
acids are listed for different Vendors. Select the acid and choose OK.
Go to the acid’s data page by double-clicking the fluid name on the FLUID SELECTION [F5] screen or selecting the
Shift+F5 hotkey combination and checking Model Viscous Fingering on the Acid Properties Tab.
As described above, a viscous pad prior to an acid stage in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen is required in order
to achieve the viscous fingering effect.


The results of viscous fingering can be graphically viewed on the STAGE PROFILE [Ctrl+F5] screen (or selecting the
icon) or the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE [Alt-F2] screen by selecting either Acid Concentration, Reservoir
Etching or Fluid Positions form the drop-down box. Remember to rescale the picture using the button next to Max Value.

Another way to visualize the results is by going to the Plot List (Alt-F8, or Icon) and choosing a blank plot. When in the
plot, go to the Plot Preferences screen (right click in the center of the plot). Double click on the first cell in the Channel
Name column. Under Channel Type select Length Channel, and then Acid Cond for the Channel Name. This will plot the
Acid Conductivity achieved at the end of simulation on the Y-Axis and the Fracture Half-length on the X-Axis.

Stage profile plot showing fluid position

The figure above shows the position of each fluid simulated by the viscous fingering model. The white color represents the
wellbore fluid; the red is the acid; the blue is the viscous preflush; and the green is the overflush.

FracproPT 2007

Stage profile plot showing acid concentration

Lee, W.S.: "Geometry Determination for Multi-Stage Acidizing Treatment With or Without Viscous Preflush", SPE 14515,
presented at the SPE 1985 Eastern Regional Meeting held in Morgantown, West Virginia, November 6-8, 1985.
Gdanski, R.D. and Lee, W.S.: "On the Design of Fracture Acidizing Treatment", SPE 18885, presented at the SPE 1989
Production Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 13-14, 1989.

Fluid Data – Other Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual acid properties used by the simulator for any of the fluids listed on
the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the data are taken directly from the two Fluid Libraries, which
are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the User Library (which
contains data input by you when defining fluids).
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

FracproPT 2007

The Other Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.

Unit Cost
This provides the total cost for the fluid, including all additives. This information will be used in the Fracture Design /
Economic Optimization module for fluid selection purposes, and in the Treatment Totals [F6] screen to calculate total
treatment cost. Note that most service companies do not disclose this information.
If you have this information available for many service company fluids, you could create User-defined fluids that include
the unit cost. Also, you could edit the FracproPT.fld file, which contains all FracproPT Fluids in the System Library, in the
..\FracproPT\Program directory using Notepad and manually add prices under the appropriate field.

Edit Halliburton Fluid

The Edit Halliburton Fluid screen is accessed by clicking on the Library Data button in the Fluid Data - Shift + F5 screen if
a Halliburton fluid is selected.

This screen is used to edit the properties of a Halliburton fluid from one of FracproPT’s Halliburton fluid libraries for use in
the pump schedule.

FracproPT 2007

Edit Halliburton Fluid screen

In this screen, a selected Halliburton fluid can be edited. This converts a pre-defined system fluid to a user-defined fluid.
In addition, a user-defined fluid can be saved to the User Library.
Properties may be changed for an existing user-defined fluid, and then either saved directly to that fluid (over-writing the
previous properties) or saved to a new fluid. In addition, properties may be changed for a pre-defined system fluid, and
these changes saved as a new user-defined fluid. The default properties for internal fluids cannot be changed.

• Property Name: The name of the property.
• Minimum Value: The minimum allowed numeric value of the property.
• Maximum Value: The maximum allowed numeric value of the property.
• Default Value: The default numeric value of the property.
• Units: The (oilfield) units of the property, if it is numeric.
• Value: The current value of the property.

• Material: Material-dependent fluid properties.
(for example, gel, base gel, stabilizer, hydration, crosslink, break properties)
• Match Factors: Correction factors, to multiply the pre-defined fluid properties to match the desired
user-defined properties.
• Additives: Components that can be added to the fluids.
(for example, solid fluid loss, diesel fluid loss, diesel, xylene)
• Salts: Concentrations of salt components that can be added to the fluids.
(for example, NaCl, KCl, NH4Cl, CaCl, KBr, NaBr, CaBr2, ZnBr2, NaHCO2, KHCO2)
• Acids: Concentrations of acid components.
(for example, acetic acid, citric acid, formic acid, HCl, HF)

• Material Name: The name of the fluid.
• Density: The density of the fluid, in lb/gal for atmospheric conditions (that is, at a temperature of
70.0°F and a pressure of 14.7 psia).

• OK: Exit the Edit Halliburton Fluid screen and save the current values of the properties of the active

FracproPT 2007

• Cancel: Exit the Edit Halliburton Fluid screen without saving the current values of the properties of
the selected or newly created user-defined fluid.
• Save to User Library: Save the fluid with the current values of the properties to the User Library.
This saves the active fluid in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) ASCII text file in a folder similar
to "...\My Documents\MaterialsLibrary\UserMaterials\"; the names of the XML files are determined by
the identifier (OID) of the active fluid.
Fluid Library Data

Fluid Library Data – Friction Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data for the Selected Fluid, for a number
of different wellbore configurations. Three points of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data are shown: The first and second
flow-rate/pressure points define the laminar-flow regime, while the second and third points define the turbulent-flow
regime. There are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service
companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The wellbore-friction data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Those data
are taken directly from this screen if the current wellbore configuration corresponds to one of the configurations for which
data are entered. If the current wellbore configuration does not correspond to one of the configurations in the tables on
this screen, the friction data are interpolated.

The Friction Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Tubing and Casing Data

This table shows the library entries (three points each) of Friction Pressure (P) versus Flow Rate (Q) for a number of
Casing or Tubing ID’s.

Annulus Data
This table shows the library entries (three points each) of Friction Pressure (P) versus Flow Rate (Q) for a number of
Casing ID-Tubing OD annuli.

Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.

FracproPT 2007

To change the friction-pressure versus flow-rate data interpolated from this screen and actually used by the simulator,
you must go to the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made
to the data are saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

Fluid Library Data – Rheology Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of n’ and K’ data at five different times for the Selected Fluid, for a number of
different reservoir temperatures. There are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to
Pinnacle by the service companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The rheology data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Those data are
taken directly from this screen if the current reservoir temperature corresponds to one of the temperatures for which data
are entered. If the reservoir temperature does not correspond to one of the table entries on this screen, the rheology data
are interpolated.

The Rheology Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.

FracproPT 2007

Rheology Data
This table shows the library entries (five points each) of Flow Behavior Index (n’) and Consistency Index (K’) for a number
of (reservoir) Temperatures.

Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.
To change the rheology data interpolated from this screen and actually used by the simulator, you must go to the
Fluid Rheology Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made to the data are
saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

Fluid Library Data – Fluid Loss and Thermal Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of a number of fluid loss and thermal properties for the Selected Fluid. There
are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the
User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The fluid loss and thermal data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Unlike
the friction and rheology data, those data are always taken directly from this screen (that is, there is no need to interpolate
from the data on this screen).

The Fluid Loss and Thermal Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Selected Fluid

FracproPT 2007

This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.

Wall Building Coefficient

Wall Building Coefficient
The Wall Building Coefficient is used to model the additional resistance to fluid leakoff created by the polymer filter-cake
that builds up on the fracture walls as fluid leaks off. Wall Building Coefficient is entered in units of feet/square-root-
minute, as given by service company fluid manuals (that is, with 1,000 psi of pressure across the filter-cake).
Click here for additional information on the wall-building coefficient.
Enter 0.0 to model no wall building effects.

Other Fluid Loss Properties

Spurt Loss
This parameter is defined as the amount of fluid that must leak off (per unit area) before a contiguous filter-cake begins to
form. Spurt Loss is generally not a parameter that plays a significant role in hydraulic fracturing. Values for Spurt Loss can
be obtained for different fluids from service company fluid-data books. Spurt Loss not only changes with fluid type,
additives, temperature, etc., but it also changes over the range of formation permeability.
Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity
Enter the viscosity of the leakoff fluid in this field, which is typically around 1 centipoise.

Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity
Enter the thermal conductivity of the fluid in this field. A typical value for this parameter in oil field units is 0.3.
Specific Heat
Enter the specific heat of the fluid in this field. A typical value in oil field units is around 1.0.
Fluid Density
This is the total density of the clean fluid (including all the fluid additives) in the units of specific gravity (for example, pure
water at 4 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 1.0). This parameter is extremely important in modeling the
hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Most water-based fracturing fluids have densities very close to 1.01. When using
fracturing fluids with different densities, be sure to enter the actual density for each fluid.

Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.
To change the fluid loss and thermal data read directly from this screen and actually used by the simulator, you must
go to the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made
to the data are saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.
Interpolation of Friction Data from the Libraries

FracproPT 2007

For the purposes of comparison and selecting friction data from the Fluid Libraries, FracproPT converts the wellbore
configuration that you enter on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen (including annuli) to an effective
diameter. Then, using the effective diameter(s), wellbore-friction data for an equivalent configuration is read from the
Fluid Library data.

• If the effective diameter of your wellbore configuration lies within the range of the library data,
FracproPT interpolates between library entries.
• If the effective diameter of your wellbore configuration lies outside the range of the library data,
FracproPT uses data from the closest effective diameter (which is not necessarily very close) in the
library and gives you a warning message indicating that it is doing so. The warning message also
indicates from what wellbore configuration the friction data was taken.
There could be significant error in the friction-pressure calculations if the actual wellbore configuration is much
different from those configurations entered on this screen.
Interpolation of Rheology Data from the Libraries
The Fluid Libraries contain measurements of n' and K' at two times, for a range of temperatures.

• If the reservoir temperature you enter falls within the range of temperatures contained in the library
data, FracproPT interpolates between temperatures to find n' and K' as functions of time for the
current reservoir temperature.
• If the reservoir temperature entered falls outside the range of the library data for the fluid, FracproPT
uses library data for the temperature closest to reservoir temperature you entered (which is not
necessarily very close), and gives you a warning message indicating that it is doing so.
There could be significant error in the rheology data if the actual reservoir temperature is much different from those
entered on this screen.
Modeling No Wallbuilding Effects
The units for Wallbuilding Coefficient are in terms of conductance—the inverse of the resistance—and this sometimes
causes confusion. A fluid that exhibits much lower leakoff than water, by virtue of building a relatively impermeable filter-
cake layer, has a lower Wall Building Coefficient (for example, 0.0002), whereas a fluid that exhibits very little additional
resistance to leakoff due to filter-cake effects has a higher value of Wall Building Coefficient (for example, 0.05).
For a fluid where no Wallbuilding Coefficient is entered, FracproPT assumes no additional resistance to leakoff created
by a filter-cake and displays a value of 0.0000. Note that this is a special case. A Wall Building Coefficient of 0.0000
normally implies infinite resistance to fluid leakoff, and a Wallbuilding Coefficient of infinity normally implies no additional
resistance to fluid leakoff. However, infinity is not an easy number to enter on the computer, while 0.0000 is, therefore
0.0000 was chosen to represent no data entered (that is, no additional leakoff resistance due to filter-cake).
Proppant Data

Proppant Data
The Proppant Data screen is accessed by:

• clicking on the Edit Current Proppant button in the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant
- F5 screen
• selecting from the main menu Data > Fluids and Proppantns > Select Proppant
This screen is where properties of the current proppant are viewed, edited and, optionally, saved for future re-use. Other
proppants from the proppant list may be viewed by selecting the desired proppant in the Proppant Identifier drop-down
The proppant list is shown on the the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant - F5 screen if you are in Fracture
Analysis Mode, Fracture Design Mode, or Economic Optimization Mode: it is shown on the Proppant Selection screen if
you are Production Analysis Mode.
There are two libraries, the System Library and the User Library.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Data screen

Selected Proppant
• Name: The common, unique name of the proppant.
• Vendor: The vendor of the proppant.
(for example, Atlas, Badger, Borden, Borovichi, Carbo, Curimbaba, Fores, Hepworth-Sibelco, Hexion)
• System: The system of the proppant.
(for example, Accupak, AcPack, Arizona Sand, Atlas CRC Premium, Atlas PRC, Atlas PRC Premium,
Badger Frac, Badger Sand, Badger Special Cut)
• Mesh Size: The minimum and maximum sieve mesh.
(for example, 6/12, 8/12, 8/16, 10/20, 12/18, 12/20, 14/20, 16/20, 16/30, 16/40, 18/30, 18/40, 20/40,
25/50, 30/50, 30/60, 40/60, 40/70, 70/140)
• Source: The source of the proppant data.
• compiled from various sources (generally based on the most reliable proppant data that is
• vendor’s documentation (that is, not published on their World Wide Web site).
• Stim-Lab 6.0
• Stim-Lab 1999.
• unknown (typically historic data).
• web site: The vendor’s World Wide Web site.
User-defined fluids do not have a "Source" entry (that is, it is blank).
• Status: This field displays a message indicating from which Proppant Library the data for the
Selected Proppant comes and whether or not it has been modified from library values.
proppant source

FracproPT 2007

• Cost: This is the cost of the proppant in dollars per pound, which is used for reports only.
• Bulk Density: This is the bulk density of the proppant, which typically measures about 100 lb/ft^3 for
sand, and 110-150 lb/ft^3 for manufactured proppants.
• Packed Porosity: This is the porosity of the proppant in a closed fracture. This value is calculated
from the Bulk Density and Specific Gravity.
• Specific Gravity: This property is calculated from the Proppant Bulk Density and the Packed
Proppant Porosity.
• Turbulence Coeff a / b at Low / High Stress: These are the coefficients that are used in the
correlation of Forcheimer's beta coefficient with proppant permeability (see the Cooke reference in
Technical References).
• Threshold Stress: This is a threshold value to distinguish between low and high stress for the
Turbulence Coeff a / b. If the stress is less than the threshold stress, Turbulence Coeff a / b Low
Stress are used. Otherwise, Turbulence Coeff a / b High Stress are used.
• Diameter: This is the average grain diameter of the proppant.
If the diameter is less than the value entered in the Proppant Diameter Greater Than field on the Proppant Model tab
of the Fracpropt Model Parameters screen (the default is 0.0125 inches), the proppant is ignored for calculations of
propped dimensions, but it is considered in calculating wellbore friction and hydrostatic head. This function is useful
for modeling proppant slugs.
• Width at 2 PSF: This is the width as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Width Correction a: The width reduction as a function of the effective stress on proppant for a 2
lbs/ft proppant pack. This data comes from a StimLab correlation.
• Width Correction b: Initial width correction at 2000 psi as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Stress Cycle Exponent:

Proppant Permeability" = "Proppant Permeability" × "Number of stress cycles" ^ "Stress Cycle
where "Number of stress cycles" can be entered in the Proppant Perm Damage screen in the
Additional Damage Effects section after enabling Include effect of stress cycles on proppant
permeability checkbox.
• Proppant Type: This refers to the general classification of the proppant (that is, Sand, Resin Coated
Sand, Ceramic, Low Density Ceramic, Medium Density Ceramic, High Density Ceramic, Resin
Coated Low Density Ceramic, Resin Coated Medium Density Ceramic, Resin Coated High Density
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, the Proppant Type is automatically set to
• Proppant Coating: This refers to the type of proppant coating. The temperature correction for
proppant permeability is only used when the Proppant Coating is set to Precured or Curable.
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, Proppant Coating is automatically set to None.

Proppant Permeability Versus Effective Stress Table

Data in this table are used by ReservoirPT to determine how proppant permeability changes as stress increases with
reservoir depletion. It is also used to determine the proppant

• Effective Stress on Proppant: This is the value of effective closure stress acting on the proppant. In
a producing well, this is roughly similar to the difference between the far-field closure stress and the
bottomhole flowing pressure (BHFP).
σprop is the stress on the proppant
Pfrac is the pressure required to open the fracture (roughly equal to frac gradient times depth)
Pi is the current, local pore pressure
η is the poroelastic coefficient (typically 0.5)
Po is the original reservoir pressure
Pn is the current average reservoir pressure
• Proppant Permeability: This is the permeability of the proppant pack corresponding to the value of closure stress.
Additional Information: ReservoirPT Stress on Proppant
For non-Halliburton proppants, the Proppant Permeability can be modified. In contrast, for Halliburton proppants, the

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Permeability is computed during fracture model runs from a proprietary Halliburton model (this model is
available to all users).
• Perm at Resvr Temp: Correlations for the Perm at Resvr Temp are adapted from PredK version 6.57, Feb 2002.
Proppant permeability is only corrected if Proppant Type is set to Precured or Curable.
Additional Information: Perm at Resvr Temp Correlations
• 2
Avg Width for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Avg Width after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width after embedment is
subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the conductivity of the proppant pack after
embedment is subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Beta Factor: Forcheimer's beta coefficient calculated from the permeability k using Cooke’s
turbulence coefficients a and b.

Plot Data
• Perm vs. Stress: Display plot of Proppant Permeability versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• 2
Width vs. Stress: Display plot of Avg Width for 2 lb/ft versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• Sieve Dist.: Display plot of Weight versus Sieve.
• Conductivity vs. Stress: Display plot of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 versus
Effective Stress on Prop.
• Beta Factor vs. Stress: Display plot of Beta Factor versus Effective Stress on Prop.
Radio Buttons
• Selected Proppant: Display plots for selected proppant only.
• All Proppants: Display plots for all proppants.
Bar Diagrams
• Permeability: Display bar diagram of Proppant Permeability per proppant.
• Conductivity: Display bar diagram of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 per proppant.
• Beta Factor: Display bar diagram Beta Factor per proppant.

Proppant Data Fields

• Date of Measurements: The date of the last measurement.
• Independent Lab Verification: Whether the proppant data was obtained and verified by an
independent laboratory (for example, Stim-Lab) or by a laboratory that is somehow dependent on a
proppant vendor.
(that is, No, Yes)
• Comments: Notes that summarize the algorithms that were used to compile missing data for each
proppant, if relevant.

User Library Buttons

• Save Proppant to User Library: Select this function to save the proppant to the User Library of
proppants. Any changes made to the data on this screen are not saved unless you use this function.
• Delete Proppant from User Library: Select this function to delete the proppant from the User
Library, which of course implies that the proppant is in the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete proppants from the System Library.
Additional Information: Proppant Data Compilation

Additional Information: Perm at Resvr Temp Correlations

Stim-Lab chose to model the correlations for Perm at Resvr Temp with separate equations for different regions of the
curve instead of deriving a higher order curve fit.
The general equation for temperature correction is given by

FracproPT 2007

kT is the proppant perm after correcting for temperature effects
k is the reference perm before temperature correction, and
Tcorr is the correction factor.

Uncoated Sands
If T <175°F
If T = 175°F
The correlations are not well-bounded. Tcorr should be constrained to Tcorr = 1
Calculation of a
If stress < 3,500 psi
If 3,500 = stress < 8,000 psi
-25 6.89
a=3.53×10 ×stress
If stress = 8,000 psi
51 -12.5
a=1.69×10 ×stress
Calculation of b (not well founded)
If stress < 3,500 psi
If 3,500 = stress < 8,000 psi
If stress = 8,000 psi

Pre-cured Resin-coated Sand (RCS)

A correction is needed for uncoated sands above 175 °F (they are typically tested at 150°F). Resin coated sands are
typically tested at 250 °F, such that they only require correction above 275 °F.
If T < 275°F
If T = 275°F
Tcorr should again be constrained to Tcorr = 1.

Curable Resin-coated Sand (RCS)

A correction is needed for uncoated sands above 175°F (they are typically tested at 150°F). Resin-coated sands are
typically tested at 250°F, such that they require correction above 275°F.
If T < 275°F
If T = 275°F
The correlations are not well-bounded and Tcorr should again be constrained to Tcorr = 1.
Calculation of m
Calculation of c

FracproPT 2007


Ceramic Proppants (Coated and Uncoated)

No temperature correction is required. Ceramic proppants are not measurably affected by elevated temperatures.

Additional Information: Proppant Data Compilation

The algorithms that were used to compile the properties for proppants with missing data are presented.

Turbulence Coefficients and Threshold Stress

• "Turbulence Coeff a Low Stress"
• "Turbulence Coeff a Low Stress"
• "Turbulence Coeff b Low Stress"
• "Turbulence Coeff a High Stress"
• "Threshold Stress" (psi)
β=1/τk=b/k ↔ log10τ=(a-1)log10k-log10b
Stim-Lab’s Predict-K Baseline Conductivity Report

• "Number of Cycles" = 1
• "Bottomhole Temperature"
• sand: 150°F
• ceramic: 200°F
τ versus σ, and k versus σ → τ versus k → log10τversus log10k
Plot of "Tau" verus "Permeability"
• "Slope High Stress" and "Intersect High Stress": from best-fit straight line for first 25% of data
(that is, for low permeability and high stress)
• "Slope Low Stress" and "Intersect Low Stress": from best-fit straight line for last 25% of data
(that is, for high permeability and low stress)
• "Threshold Permeability": at intersect between these two lines

FracproPT 2007

"Permeability" (D)

• "Turbulence Coeff a Low Stress" = "Slope Low Stress" + 1

• "Turbulence Coeff b Low Stress" = 10 ^ (- "Intersect Low Stress")
• "Turbulence Coeff a High Stress" = "Slope High Stress" + 1
• "Turbulence Coeff b High Stress" = 10 ^ (- "Intersect High Stress")
Plot of "Proppant Permeability" versus "Effective Stress on Prop"
• "Threshold Stress": from linear interpolation of "Threshold Permeability"

"Stress" (psi)

"Width at 2 PSF"
"Width at 2 PSF" = 2 × "Width at 1 PSF"

"Proppant Permeability" versus "Effective Stress on Prop"

log10("Proppant Permeability") versus "Effective Stress on Prop"

FracproPT 2007

• If possible: linear interpolation: 1-point backward and 1-point forward

• otherwise: linear extrapolation: 2-point backward

Material-dependent Properties
• "Specific Gravity"
Data Source
same proppant, different mesh
(for example, Colorado Silica 12/20 from Colorado Silica 10/20, 16/30, 16/40)
"unknown value" = mean("known values")

Size-dependent Properties
• "Packed Porosity"
• "Diameter"
• "% Retained" versus "Sieve" (Mesh Size)
• correction to assure that sum("% Retained") = 100%
Data Source
different proppant, same mesh
(for example, Colorado Silica 12/20 from Badger Sand 12/20)
"unknown value" = mean("known values")

Material- and Size-dependent Properties

• "Bulk Density"
• log10("Turbulence Coeff a Low Stress")
• log10("Turbulence Coeff b Low Stress")
• log10("Turbulence Coeff a High Stress")
• log10("Turbulence Coeff b High Stress")
• "Threshold Stress"
• "Width at 2 PSF"
• log10("Width Correction a")
• "Width Correction b"
• "Stress Cycle Exponent"
• log10("Proppant Permeability") versus "Effective Stress on Prop")
Data Source
different proppant, same and different mesh
same proppant, different mesh
(for example, Colorado Silica 12/20 from
Badger Sand -, 12/20, 16/30, 20/40, 30/50
Colorado Silica 10/20, x, 16/30, 16/40, -

FracproPT 2007

• "unknown value": linear interpolation or extrapolation of "known values" versus "diameter"

• use log10("known values") if "known values" vary significantly (that is, over an order of magnitude or

Proppant Permeability Damage

FracproPT models the proppant permeability as being damaged, or apparently damaged, by flow related and non-flow
related phenomena. The effects of these two phenomena are represented separately by two damage factors, which are
then effectively summed to arrive at a total damage factor that is the actual parameter used to reduce the effective in-
fracture proppant permeability (that is, fracture conductivity), as shown in the figure below.
A damage factor of 1 represents 100% damage, or a proppant permeability of zero. A damage factor of 0 implies no
damage and the proppant has the permeability corresponding to the value interpreted from the Closure Stress versus
Proppant Permeability table shown on the PROPPANT DATA screen.
Additional Information: Proppant Damage Factors

The Proppant Permeability Damage screen

Non-flowrate Dependent Damage

The non-flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant permeability are accounted for in
FracproPT by the Proppant Damage Factor.

FracproPT 2007

Producing Bottomhole Pressure

Enter a pressure here for use in calculating the net closure stress on the proppant, which is necessary to calculate the
conductivity of the propped fracture. This pressure has a wide range of values that may depend on gathering-system line
pressure, reservoir or proppant sensitivity to the drawdown pressure, or some other production-related constraint. This
pressure will always be less than reservoir pressure and it may be as low as a few tens or hundreds of psi (above zero) in
low-permeability gas wells.
This is the same parameter shown on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen; changing this
parameter on either screen will change it on the other as well.
Proppant Damage Factor
In prior versions of FracproPT, this parameter (which was also called the Proppant Damage Factor) was the only (and
total) damage applied to the proppant permeability. However, with Version 10.1 the capability to account for certain flow-
dependent phenomena that, in essence, behave like proppant permeability damage has been added (see below).
Therefore, this parameter is now meant to account only for non-flow-dependent proppant damage, such as that from gel
Prior to Version 10.1, this was the actual number (damage factor) used by the simulator. But now that an additional
damage factor can also be applied (that is, the Apparent Damage Factor described below), the Total Damage
Factor (described below) is the actual number used by the simulator. However, if you recall an old input file saved
with an older version of FracproPT, the Apparent Damage Factor is set automatically to zero such that only this
Proppant Damage Factor is active and will, therefore, be equivalent to the Total Damage Factor.
This field is read-only if the Suggest value based on fluid type checkbox is enabled.
Suggest value based on fluid type
If this checkbox is enabed, a fluid can be selected from the adjacent drop-down menu. On the basis of this fluid, the value
for the Proppant Damage Factor will be set (and that field will be deactivated). These values are obtained from Stim-
Lab’s Predict-K and Proppant Manager database.

Flowrate Dependent Damage

The flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant permeability are accounted for in FracproPT
by the Apparent Damage Factor.
These options allow you to approximate the reduced hydrocarbon production attributable to non-Darcy and multiphase
flow effects in the proppant pack. You can model non-Darcy effects only, or Non-Darcy effects and multiphase flow
effects, but you cannot model multiphase flow effects only.
Include Non-Darcy Effects
Select the check box to include non-Darcy flow effects. You must also select the type of hydrocarbon you will be
producing and estimate the rate at which it will be produced (this can be done manually or automatically).
Well Type
Select either Gas Well or Oil Well in this field. If you receive an error message when you enter the Hydrocarbon
Standard Gravity in the next field, then you may have to change your selection.
Hydrocarbon Standard Gravity
This is gas gravity (at standard conditions) if you selected Gas Well as the Well Type, or API gravity if you select Gas
Well as the Well Type.
Proppant Concentration per Frac
Enter the average expected in-fracture proppant concentration in this field. If you are dealing with a multiple
(simultaneous) fracture scenario, this is the value for one of the fractures. Rather than manually entering this parameter,
you can use the result from the last run of the fracture model by selecting the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from
Last Run function described below.
Enter HC Production Rate / Automatically Estimate HC Production Rate
Use this option to choose whether you want to enter your own estimate of what the postfrac hydrocarbon production will
be, or to have FracproPT automatically estimate the production. If you choose the later, the following fields will be
activated and you must enter various reservoir and fracture characteristics in order for the postfrac production to be
Water Saturation
This number is entered as a fractional number less than one. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that 25% of the
porosity does not contain hydrocarbons.
X-Direction Extent

FracproPT 2007

This is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction parallel to the fracture. You may wish to
make this number greater than the Y-Direction Extent by an amount equal to the propped-fracture length. Values for this
parameter that describe common reservoir/drainage sizes are shown in the table found in the description of Drainage
Area shown below.
Y-Direction Extent
This is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction normal to the fracture. Values for this
parameter that describe common reservoir/drainage sizes are shown in the table found in the description of Drainage
Area shown below.
Drainage Area
This is a calculated number, based on your entries for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent. The following table
lists values for some common drainage areas.

Drainage Area X-Direction Extent Y-Direction Extent

40 acres 660 feet 660 feet

80 acres 933 feet 933 feet

160 acres 1,320 feet 1,320 feet

320 acres 1,867 feet 1,867 feet

640 acres 2,640 feet 2,640 feet

Fracture Half Length

Enter the estimated propped fracture half-length in this field. Alternatively, this parameter may also be taken automatically
from the last run of the fracture model by using the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from Last Run function described
Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from Last Run
Values for the Proppant Concentration per Frac and Fracture Half Length fields (described above) may be entered
manually, or this function may be used to use the results from the last run of the fracture model.
Include Multiphase Flow Effects
Liquid/Gas Ratio
Enter an estimate for the condensate or water production versus the gas production in the well. This parameter is used to
estimate the permeability reduction in the fracture, based on a correlation released by StimLab in February 2001.
Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio
This field is activated when choosing an Oil Well as the Well Type for the Flowrate Dependent Damage (described
above), and represents the amount of gas contained in a standard volume unit of oil.

Reservoir Permeability
The permeability of the reservoir is displayed in this field.
Hydrocarbon Viscosity
The viscosity of the hydrocarbons is displayed in this field.
Net Pay Thickness
The thickness of the net pay is displayed in this field.
Initial Reservoir Pressure
The initial pressure of the reservoir is displayed in this field.
The porosity is displayed in this field.

Select the proppant from the list of proppant in the PROPPANT SELECTION screen for which the apparent and total
damage factor is to be displayed.

FracproPT 2007

Apparent Damage Factor

This is the additional proppant permeability damage factor that is calculated from the entries describing the non-Darcy and
multiphase flow effects. This damage factor, along with the Proppant Damage Factor described above, are essentially
summed to obtain the Total Damage Factor (described below) that is actually used by the simulator.

Proppant Embedment
The embedment (that is, infiltration) of proppant into the reservoir that surrounds the fracture can be specified here.
Proppant Embedment
This field specifies the proppant embedment. This field is deactivated if the Suggest value based on payzone modulus
checkbox is selected.
In soft rock, proppant tends to be pushed into the walls of the fracture. This reduces the final conductivity that can be
obtained from a fracture treatment, as the embedded proppant does not actively contribute to production. Proppant
embedment is in general a small or large fraction of a proppant grain.
This embedment is always for a single fracture face. Consequently, the total embedment effect for both fracture faces is
twice the number on this screen.
Embedment is never subtracted from fracture width. Instead, embdedment is used to adjust the effective conductivity of
the fracture.
Suggest value based on payzone modulus
If this checkbox is selected, a value for the Proppant Embedment is suggested based on the modulus of the payzone, and
the Proppant Embedment field is deactivated.
A correlation released by Stim-Lab in February 2001 is used to calculate the embedment of proppant based on the
modulus of the payzone rock. Above a modulus of 5,000,000 psi, embedment is absent. For relatively soft rock,
embedment can be of the order of the diameter of a proppant grain

Fracture Filter Cake

The thickness of the filter cake in the fracture, and whether the effects of the filter cake on the conductivity of the fracture
should be included can be specified here.
Fracture Filter Cake Thickness
This field specifies the thickness of the filter cake in the fracture.
Include Filtercake effects on conductivity
Select this checkbox to include the effects of the filter cake on the conductivity of the fracture.

Additional Damage Effects

The additional damage effects of temperature and stress cycles on proppant permeability can be specified here.
Include effect of temperature on proppant permeability
Select this checkbox to include the additional damage effect of temperature on proppant permeability.
Research by Stim-Lab indicates that resin-coated proppant can show higher damage at higher temperatures as the resin
flows into the pore space of the proppant grains. The temperature multiplier has a direct effect on the Perm at Resvr
Temp column in the PROPPANT DATA screen.
Include effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability
Select this checkbox to include the additional damage effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability.
Number of stress cycles
Select the Include effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability checkbox to modify the value in this field to specify
the number of stress cycles. The default value is 1.

Total Damage
Both the flowrate dependent and the non-flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant
permeability are accounted for in FracproPT by the Total Damage Factor, which is the sum of the damage represented
by the Proppant Damage Factor and the Apparent Damage Factor.
Total Damage Factor

FracproPT 2007

This the total damage factor applied to the proppant permeability, which is calculated automatically from the damage
factors resulting from both non-flow-related (that is, the Proppant Damage Factor) and flow-related (that is, the
Apparent Damage Factor) phenomena. This is the parameter actually used by FracproPT.

Permeability Diagram
This diagram displays the proppant permeability versus the proppant name.

Conductivity Diagram
This diagram displays the proppnt conductivity versus the proppant name.

Beta Factor Diagram

This diagram displays the proppant beta factor versus the proppant name.

Calculation of Proppant Perm Damage Factors

The values for the proppant perm damage factor change during a fracture model simulation, because the inputs to the
damage factor calculation are dependent on the fracture model results.
For the non-Darcy damage factor and the multi-phase effect, the flow geometry is needed. This depends on the payzone
height and the fracture height.
Before running the fracture model, the geometry is not yet known. Consequently, the smaller of the net pay height and
100 ft i is used. Once the model is run, the propped height is used, unless the pay height is less than the propped height,
in which case the average of the two is used.
The damage factor shown on this screen also uses the Proppant Concentration per Frac and the Fracture Half-Length
that can be entered in the Include Non-Darcy Effects section in the Flowrate Dependent Damage section.
In all the calculations and results that are displayed in the reports, these values are not used. Instead, the internally
calculated damage factor (that depends on the fracture length and width from the most recent FracproPT simulation) is
used. Consequently, the results in this screen do not necessarily match up with the damage factor in the reports.
After running the model, the final values for the proppant perm damage factors on this screen do not necessarily match up
with those in the reports. The reason is that the logic of this screen is that the damage factor can be (pre-) calculated
based on the inputs on this screen (for example, length, concentration), in contrast to the values obtained from the results
of the model run. To view the values that are obtained from the model run, click on the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc
from Last Run button in the Include Non-Darcy Effects section in the Flowrate Dependent Damage section.

Non-Darcy and Multiphase Flow Effects

Fracture conductivity is calculated using damage-corrected values for the closure-stress-dependent permeability of
proppant in a fracture. This permeability information can be viewed for individual proppants in the Closure Stress Versus
Proppant Permeability Table on the PROPPANT DATA screen. The various types of damage, or apparent damage, that
are accounted for in the FracproPT system are discussed below.
Prior Versions of the FracproPT System
FraPS, the 2D reservoir production model employed in the FracproPT system’s Production Analysis Mode, has always
automatically accounted for non-Darcy effects when calculating production by correcting (that is, reducing) the
permeability of the proppant pack. Typically, we think of this in terms of "apparent damage" to the proppant permeability.
There was also always a user-entered Proppant Damage Factor that acted to further reduce proppant permeability (for
example, due to gel damage).
That same Proppant Damage Factor has also always been available in FracproPT’s fracture geometry and proppant
placement models (that is, in Fracture Analysis, Fracture Design, or Economic Optimization Modes). However, non-
Darcy effects were not accounted for and, therefore, the fracture model could easily overestimate proppant permeability
(that is, fracture conductivity).
Multiphase flow effects were not accounted for in prior versions of the FracproPT system.
FracproPT Version 10.1 and later
Proppant conductivity values used in most fracture designs are calculated using the proppant permeability measured in a
laboratory with a single-phase fluid at extremely low flow rates. However, it is well known that high flow (production) rates
cause additional pressure drop in the propped fracture due to non-Darcy effects, which results in a lower apparent
proppant permeability. In addition, multiphase flow can reduce proppant apparent permeability (and thus conductivity) by
orders of magnitude.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT now accounts for all of these effects in both the 2D reservoir production model (that is, when running in
Production Analysis Mode) and in the fracture geometry model (that is, when running in Fracture Analysis, Fracture
Design, or Economic Optimization Mode) using proppant damage factors.

Non-Darcy Effects
Non-Darcy flow effects are more pronounced for gas wells because of the anticipated high flow rates. As was done in
prior versions of the FracproPT system, non-Darcy effects are always included in the two-dimensional, numerical
reservoir simulator available in Production Analysis Mode, which handles these effects through the Forchheimer
equation using Beta values estimated from the Cooke correlation for updated proppant libraries (see discussion of non-
Darcy flow).
For the Fracture Analysis, Fracture Design, and Economic Optimization Modes you can now choose to include non-
Darcy effects to correct the proppant permeability. To do so you must select a reservoir type (oil or gas) and enter the
standard gravity for the produced hydrocarbon. Next you must either to enter an estimated hydrocarbon production rate or
allow FracproPT to estimate the production rate based on a semi-analytical model for fractured wells. Finally, you must
estimate a propped fracture length, as well as an in-fracture proppant concentration (pounds per square-foot) for fracture
width and flow velocity calculations (the values for these parameters obtained from the last model run may be entered

Multiphase Flow Effects

Multiphase flow effects are based on StimLab’s results released in February 2001, which only apply to fractured gas wells.
These effects may reduce proppant apparent permeability by orders of magnitude.
In addition to the inputs described above for the non-Darcy flow effects, the liquid (water or condensate) production rate
must be estimated for the gas well of interest. The apparent reduction in proppant permeability due to multiphase flow is
derived from the StimLab correlation, where the effective permeability is calculated as a function of gas fractional flow.
The gas fractional flow is defined and calculated as the gas flow rate divided by the total flow rate (the summation of both
gas and liquid flow rates) under the conditions in the fracture.
In Fracture Analysis, Fracture Design, and Economic Optimization Modes the gas fractional flow is calculated from
the estimated gas and liquid production rates. However, in the Production Analysis Mode only the liquid production rate
needs to be estimated because the gas production rate is calculated from the reservoir simulator.

Proppant Damage Factors

Starting with FracproPT Version 10.1, two new proppant damage factors are defined to distinguish different damage, or
apparent damage, mechanisms.
In Fracture Analysis, Fracture Design, and Economic Optimization Modes, the Proppant Damage Factor represents
the true damage caused by gel and other non-flow dependent effects. The effects of non-Darcy and multiphase flow result
in an additional proppant damage factor called the Apparent Damage Factor. The combination of the Proppant Damage
Factor and the Apparent Damage Factor yields the Total Damage Factor, which is the parameter actually used to
determine proppant permeability (and, therefore, fracture conductivity).
In Production Analysis Mode you are only required to enter the Proppant Damage Factor (caused by gel damage and
other non-flow dependent effects) because non-Darcy and multiphase flow effects are automatically included in the
fracture conductivity and production calculations.
Because of the difference in the way that non-Darcy and multiphase flow effects are implemented, and because of the
difference in the way fracture conductivity is calculated, the calculated fracture conductivity in Fracture
Analysis/Design/Optimization is not expected to be identical to that calculated in Production Analysis Mode.

Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction

This screen is where you model the increase in wellbore friction that results when proppant is pumped. FracproPT
calculates the increase either by multiplying the clean-fluid friction by a friction factor or by calculating the increased
friction based on various treatment parameters (for example, pipe size, fluid viscosity, and proppant density).

FracproPT 2007

The Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction screen.

Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction Table

This table lists various proppant concentrations and an associated friction factor for each one. As well, there is a so-called
multiplied friction factor that is the actual multiplier used by the model to determine the amount of increased wellbore
friction due to the addition of proppant. Lastly, the table also displays two default sets of table entries (but only one at a
time) for reference.
Proppant Concentration
This is the concentration of proppant in the clean fluid. You may enter your own data in these fields, however those
entries will be overwritten if you select either the Reset to Default Values function or the Reset to Alternate Values
Friction Factor
This is the friction factor corresponding to each proppant concentration listed in the table. You may enter your own data in
these fields, however those entries will be overwritten if you select either the Reset to Default Values function or the
Reset to Alternate Values function.
This is not the actual number that the clean-fluid friction is multiplied by to determine wellbore friction. That number
(that is, the one actually used by the simulator) is the Multiplied Friction Factor described below.
Multiplied Friction Factor
This is the product of the Friction Factor and the number entered in the Multiply Proppant Effect By field.

FracproPT 2007

This is the number actually used by the simulator to calculate the increase in wellbore friction due to the addition of
Default Proppant Concentration
This column is for reference only. It displays the default proppant concentrations for which friction factors are known.
Default Friction Factor
This column is for reference only. It displays the default friction factors associated with the default proppant concentrations
in the adjacent column. The values displayed here depend on whether you last selected the Reset to Default Values
function or the Reset to Alternate Values function.

• The default values represent data published in Western's `Friction Pressure Manual'. These data
have also been duplicated by other investigations.
• The alternate values come from data published by Keck, Nehmer & Strumolo in SPE 19771, page
10. These data agree almost exactly with results published by Shah in ‘SPE Production and
Facilities,’ May 1993.

Other Functions
Reset to Default Values
Select this function to overwrite any changes you have made to the Proppant Concentration and Friction Factor columns
with the default values that are displayed in the last two columns of the table.
Reset to Alternate Values
Select this function to overwrite any changes you have made to the Proppant Concentration and Friction Factor columns
with the alternate values that are displayed in the last two columns of the table.
Use Keck Correlation / Use Table Based Values
• If you select Use Table Based Data, the friction factors actually used in the calculations of wellbore
friction will always be those found in the Multiplied Friction Factor column. The table-based data
are the same for all fluids, all proppants, and all wellbore segments (that is, pipe sizes).
• If you are using the table, you can modify the values. However, you should modify these numbers
only if you cannot match the actual (measured) wellbore friction by simply changing the fluid friction
parameters on the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen or by
changing the Multiply Proppant Effect By parameter on this screen.
• If you select Use Keck Correlation, the different shear rates in different size pipes, fluid viscosity, the
proppant density, and the proppant loading are taken into account (as shown in SPE 19771, Eqns 31
and 32).
In either case, the resulting friction factor is itself multiplied by the Multiply Proppant Effect By parameter.
Multiply Proppant Effect by
Changing this multiplier from its default value of 0.5 changes all the friction factors proportionally to the number you enter.
This multiplier also affects the Keck Correlation. In general, this should be the only number that you need to change on
this screen.
It was determined from the matching of field data that this multiplier had to be changed from 1.0 (the original default
value, which works reasonably well when pumping down casing) to 0.5 for most commonly used pipe diameters (that
is, tubing). Therefore, you may need to use a multiplier closer to 1.0 when pumping down very large tubing or casing.

Treatment Schedule - F6
Actual Treatment Schedule [F6]
This screen is where information defining the stages of a fracture treatment that has been, or is currently being, pumped is
displayed or entered. The pump schedule table has spreadsheet-like capabilities for parameters such as stage volumes,
stage lengths, pump rates, sand concentrations, fluid types, and proppant types.
If you have selected either Database Data or Real-Time Data in the Run Fracture and Wellbore Models From…
section of the Simulation Options [F4] screen, then you are running the fracture model from real data, as opposed to
directly from the pump schedule. In this case, the Design Treatment Schedule will not be editable.
The basic idea behind having two treatment schedules is that you use the Design Treatment Schedule to do your frac
design work, and then use the Actual Treatment Schedule once the frac job is in progress or completed (that is, when
running the simulator from real data). The two schedules allow an easy comparison of what you planned to pump with
what was actually pumped.

FracproPT 2007

Basic Methodology for Using the Design and Actual Treatment Schedules
ƒ Enter information into the Design Treatment Schedule when doing your pre-frac design work. You can
either type the treatment design schedule yourself, or have FracproPT assist you with making the schedule
in the Fracture Design module. You can run the model from the Design Treatment Schedule when
selecting Job-Design Data on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen.
See also: Running from the Design Treatment Schedule.
ƒ When you go to the field to monitor and analyze the treatment as it is pumped, or when you do the
analysis after the job back in the office, you will be running the simulator from Database Data or Real-
Time Data on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen, so both the Design Treatment Schedule
and the Actual Treatment Schedule will be available.
To save time when you begin the process of actually pumping, use the Copy Design to Actual Schedule function to
copy your design information to the Actual Treatment Schedule.
See also: Running from the Actual Treatment Schedule.
The Design Treatment Schedule is now "locked" so that no changes can be made there anymore and your original design
is saved for comparison purposes. It now serves as a record of what you planned to pump and it can be compared to
what was actually pumped (as will be shown in this Actual Treatment Schedule). However, pressing the Edit
Schedule button (which is only visible in Fracture Analysis mode) will "unlock" the Design Treatment Schedule
ƒ The Actual Treatment Schedule will reflect all changes made to plan when you synchronize the treatment
schedule to measured data (see Help for the Actual Treatment Schedule for information on synchronizing
the treatment schedule). You can synchronize the Actual Treatment Schedule with the actual data by
selecting the Set Staging from Measured Data button.

Synchronizing the Actual Treatment Schedule with Measured Treatment Data

To accurately model your fracture treatment when running the simulator with database or real-time data as inputs, the
stages defined in the Actual Treatment Schedule be synchronized with the recorded data using the Set Staging from
Measured Data button. That is, Stage Length, Fluid Type, and Proppant Type in the treatment schedule must
correspond to the stages as they were actually pumped in order for the simulator to know which materials (fluids and
proppants) were being pumped at any specific time during the treatment. In general, it is very important to define a new
stage any time a fluid or proppant type is changed.
Synchronization of the treatment schedule with measured data may be accomplished in three ways:
1. Manually by simply viewing the treatment data on a plot, noting the length (that is, time) of each stage and
then entering that time in the Stage Length field of the Actual Treatment Schedule;
2. Graphically using a special Cursor Edit plot (specific instructions for this procedure can be found on the
Cursor Edit Help screen); or
3. Automatically using the Auto Stage function available on a Cursor Edit plot (specific instructions for this
procedure can be found on the Cursor Edit Help screen).

FracproPT 2007

The Actual Treatment Schedule screen.

Pump Schedule Table

The total number of columns displayed in the Pump Schedule Table, as well as which of those columns are used to enter
versus display data, depends on your selections for the following options. These are options are located directly below the
Pump Schedule Table:

• Treatment Type – Use this option to indicate whether or not you will be adding nitrogen or carbon
dioxide to the slurry being pumped. If you are (either nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or both), columns will
automatically be added to the Pump Schedule Table where you can enter the appropriate foam rates,
qualities, and volumes.
If you select any of the foam Treatment Type options, other options related to foam will appear at the bottom of the
screen below the Pump Schedule Table.
• Proppant Ramp Mode – Use this option to indicate whether or not you will be ramping the addition of
proppant to the slurry being pumped. If you are, each proppant concentration and flow rate entry in
the Pump Schedule Table will have two fields; one for specifying the value at the beginning of the
stage and a second for specifying the value at the end of the stage. If you are not ramping proppant,
there will be only one field for each proppant concentration or flow rate entry.
• Calculate…Bottomhole from Surface / Surface from Bottomhole – If you are pumping a foamed
treatment, you can either enter surface values that define the foam schedule and have the
bottomhole values calculated, or vice versa.
• Calculate…Volume from Time / Time from Volume – Based on the flow rate(s) you enter in the
Pump Schedule Table, this option determines whether volume is calculated from the time or time is
calculated from volume.
All of the possible columns in the Treatment Schedule Table are described below.

Stage Number
FracproPT accepts up to 150 separate stages in the pump schedule. You can delete entire stages by selecting the entire
stage (that is, the entire row by clicking once on the Stage Number) and pressing [Del]. Insert new stages between two
existing stages (that is, at the current cursor position) by pressing [Ins].

Stage Type

FracproPT 2007

You can select a Stage Type from the drop-down list in this column to identify each stage in the treatment schedule. This
identification makes it easier to keep up with where you are in the treatment, and it also serves to identify minifracs and
other diagnostic injections that can be analyzed semi-automatically using some of FracproPT’s diagnostic utilities.
In general, this is an optional selection. However, there is one Stage Type that must be selected to correctly simulate a
fracture treatment. A Circulation stage, when there is one, must be correctly identified to properly track the materials
being pumped down the wellbore and into the fracture. The full list of possible Stage Types reads as follows:

• Water injection • Step-rate test • Main frac flush

• Minifrac • Main frac pad • Terminated main frac

• Proppant slug • Main frac slurry • Circulation

If you select Circulation for a stage, the fluid and proppant displaced from the wellbore will not be injected into the
fracture. This feature is useful for modeling "Frac Packs" or any other operation with a circulation stage before or
during a treatment.
The Terminated main frac is useful if you want to neglect prior stages in the various functions for which Stage Type
is used.

Flow Rate 1 / Flow Rate 2

This is the slurry flow rate, which includes the gel and proppant. If you are pumping nitrogen or carbon dioxide, the Flow
Rate field(s) refers to the liquid-plus-proppant flow rate just downstream of the blender, before the nitrogen or carbon
dioxide is added.
Two fields are provided for treatments where proppant is ramped (Flow Rate 1 at the beginning of the stage and Flow
Rate 2 at the end of the stage). If you are not ramping proppant only one Flow Rate field is available. Flow Rate is used
to calculate either Clean Vol or Stage Length, depending upon which of the two you enter.
The simulator does not use the values entered for Flow Rate if you run the simulator from real data and you specify flow
rate (either clean or slurry) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen. However, if
there is pumping in a stage you must enter some non-zero flow rate in order for the simulator to use the correct Fluid
Type for that stage. Furthermore, you should input the approximate actual flow rate so that the calculated leakoff
coefficient (displayed on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen) is as close as possible to the value actually
calculated during the treatment.
To model flow back at the end of a treatment, you can enter a negative flow rate. If you are running from Database or
Real-Time data at input, the simulator uses the negative flow rate (ignoring the measured flow data) during the flow back

N2 Rate 1 / N2 Rate 2
Nitrogen flow rate fields will be visible on if you choose N2 or N2 & CO2 as the Treatment Type option. Two fields for the
entry of nitrogen flow rate (specified at the surface for the beginning and end of the stage) are provided for treatments
where proppant is ramped. If you select None as the Prop Ramp Mode option, only one N2 Rate is available.
Entries for N2 Rate are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you specified nitrogen rate as
a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen. However, you should input the approximate
actual nitrogen flow rate so that the calculated leakoff coefficient (displayed on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen) is as close as possible to the value actually calculated during the treatment.
Nitrogen rate is always measured at standard temperature and pressure (that is, in units of standard cubic feet per
minute or standard cubic meters per minute).

CO2 Rate 1 / CO2 Rate 2

Carbon dioxide flow rate fields will be visible only if you choose CO2 or N2 & CO2 as the Treatment Type option. Two
fields for the entry of carbon dioxide flow rate (specified at the surface for the beginning and end of the stage) are
provided for treatments where proppant is ramped. If you select None as the Prop Ramp Mode option, only one CO2
Rate is available.
Entries for CO2 Rate are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you specified carbon
dioxide rate as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen. However, you should input

FracproPT 2007

the approximate actual carbon dioxide flow rate so that the calculated leakoff coefficient (displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen) is as close as possible to the value actually calculated during the treatment.
FracproPT assumes that carbon dioxide flow rate is being measured at a constant density (that is, constant temperature
and pressure).
Unlike nitrogen rate, which is always measured at standard temperature and pressure (that is, in units of standard
cubic feet per minute or standard cubic meters per minute), CO2 rate is measured at the flow meter (that is,
pumping) conditions. This means that the surface CO2 rate that is the input to FracproPT could be measured at
either the low-pressure side or the high-pressure side of the frac pumps. The measurement point makes a difference
in the density of the fluid, and has led to some confusion in the past. When dealing with CO2 in FracproPT, it is
important to remember the following important points:
• It is best to design the treatment based on bottomhole foam quality.
• You should know in advance where the CO2 flow meter will be so that you can enter the correct
temperature and pressure at the flow meter (see Metering Pressure and Metering Temperature
described below).
• FracproPT’s surface CO2 rate shown in the Pump Schedule Table is defined as being at the CO2
flow meter conditions (that is, at the Metering Pressure and Metering Temperature described
• The density (see Density at Flow Meter described below) at the CO2 flow meter is automatically
calculated based on the Metering Pressure and Metering Temperature that you enter.
• The mass of CO2 calculated by FracproPT is based on the Density at Flow Meter, not at a so-called
standard density. This is true even when you are entering a design treatment schedule with a surface
CO2 rate.
• If you are designing a CO2 treatment using surface rates (rather than bottomhole quality), it is very
important to know where you are planning to meter the CO2 rate because that metering location will
affect the treatment design. For example, if you are trying to achieve a specific bottomhole foam
quality, the surface pump schedule will be different depending on whether you are metering the CO2
on the low pressure side of the pumps (for example, Halliburton) or the high pressure side of the
pumps (for example, Schlumberger),
• The CO2 totals in FracproPT are all calculated based on the CO2 rate at the Metering Pressure and
Metering Temperature that you enter, which will result in the correct CO2 mass calculation. If you are
interested in the volume at standard conditions (that is, the volume in the CO2 transport tankers), you
can convert the mass of CO2 to barrels at standard conditions using the standard density of 8.51
lb/gal at tanker conditions, or simply view the value shown on the Treatment Totals tab of this
Treatment Schedule [F6] screen.

Bottomhole Slurry Foam Rate

This value includes liquid (gel), carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and proppant.

Bottomhole N2 Quality
This is the desired (or calculated) bottomhole nitrogen foam quality. Depending upon your choice for Ramp/Quality
Option (discussed below), this can be either the conventional quality or the constant internal phase quality.
Conventional quality, which is defined as the percentage of the total fluid volume (that is, gel plus nitrogen plus carbon
dioxide) that is composed of nitrogen, is calculated according to the following formula:
Constant internal phase quality, which includes the proppant volume with the nitrogen volume, is calculated according to
the following formula:
For binary foams, if you select constant internal phase quality, this applies only to CO2 Qual and not to N2 Qual.
It is important to note that Bottomhole N2 Quality is defined at a bottomhole temperature that can be one of two values.
If you selected Model Heat Transfer Effects on the Simulation Options [F4] screen, then bottomhole quality is
assumed to be at the bottomhole pumping temperature. If you selected Ignore Heat Transfer Effects, then bottomhole
quality is assumed to be at the Reservoir Temperature entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. This
can make a substantial difference in predictions, so be careful of which temperature you specify for bottomhole quality.

Bottomhole CO2 Quality

FracproPT 2007

This is the desired (or calculated) bottomhole carbon dioxide quality. Depending upon your choice for Ramp/Quality
Option (discussed below), this can be either the conventional quality or the constant internal phase quality.
Conventional quality, which is defined as the percentage of the total fluid volume (that is, gel plus nitrogen plus carbon
dioxide) that is composed of carbon dioxide, is calculated according to the following formula:
Constant internal phase quality, which includes the proppant volume with the carbon dioxide volume, is calculated
according to the following formula:
It is important to note that Bottomhole CO2 Quality is defined at a bottomhole temperature that can be one of two
values. If you selected Model Heat Transfer Effects on the Simulation Options [F4] screen, then bottomhole quality is
assumed to be at the bottomhole pumping temperature. If you selected Ignore Heat Transfer Effects, then bottomhole
quality is assumed to be at the Reservoir Temperature entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. This
can make a substantial difference in predictions, so be careful of which temperature you specify for bottomhole quality.

Proppant Concentration 1 / Proppant Concentration 2

Two fields for entry of proppant concentration are provided for treatments where proppant is ramped. If you are not
ramping proppant, then only one Proppant Concentration is available.
Values entered for Proppant Concentration are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you
specified proppant concentration (or slurry density) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL
[Shift+F6] screen. However, you must enter some non-zero proppant concentration in order for the simulator to use the
correct Proppant Type for that stage.
If you are pumping a nitrogen or carbon dioxide (i.e. a foam treatment), Proppant Concentration refers to the proppant
concentration at the blender, before the nitrogen or carbon dioxide is added.

Bottomhole Proppant Concentration 1 / Bottomhole Proppant Concentration 2

Two fields for entry of proppant concentration are provided for treatments where proppant is ramped. If you are not
ramping proppant, then only one Proppant Concentration is available.
Values entered for Proppant Concentration are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you
specified proppant concentration (or slurry density) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL
[Shift+F6] screen. However, you must enter some non-zero proppant concentration in order for the simulator to use the
correct Proppant Type for that stage.

Clean Volume
If you select Calculate Time From Volume as the Job Design Mode option, you enter the desired clean volume of liquid
for each stage in this field. Clean Volume and Flow Rate (which you also must enter) are then used to calculate Stage
Length. Note that entries for Clean Volume are not accepted until a non-zero Slurry Rate is entered.
If you select Calculate Volume From Time, you cannot access the Clean Volume fields since it is calculated from Slurry
Rate and Stage Length.
Values entered for Clean Volume are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you specified
flow rate (either clean or slurry) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen.

Bottomhole Foam Clean Volume

Enter the stage clean volume of foam in this field, which includes liquid (gel), carbon dioxide, and nitrogen at bottomhole

Stage Length
This field always defines the length of the stage, whether running the fracture simulator from real-data or from the
treatment schedule entries for flow rates and proppants (hence the need to synchronize the Actual Treatment Schedule
with the real data).
If you select Calculate Volume From Time at the Job Design Mode option, you enter stage length (in decimal minutes)
in this field. If you enter Stage Length before entering Flow Rate, the stage will be treated as a shut-in, as indicated in
the Fluid Type column. Stage Length and Flow Rate are used to calculate Clean Volume. To model shut-ins, you must
enter a non-zero Stage Length and zero for Flow Rate. This is typically how you would add a stage at the end of the
treatment to simulate the pressure decline.
If you select Calculate Time From Volume you cannot access Stage Length since it is calculated from Flow Rate and
Clean Volume.

FracproPT 2007

Treatment Info (user selectable)

This field displays one of several user-selected quantities that are calculated from other information entered in the
treatment schedule. The Treatment Info drop-down list where you select the quantity for display is located directly above
the Pump Schedule Table. The choices for the display are as follows:
Cumul Time Cumulative job time in minutes:seconds format
Stage Slurry Stage slurry volume
Cumul Gel Cumulative clean volume
Stage Prop Stage proppant weight
Cumul Prop Cumulative proppant weight
Clean Rate Calculated clean flow rate
Cumul Slurry Cumulative slurry volume
Stage N2 Stage nitrogen volume
Cumul N2 Cumulative nitrogen volume
Stage CO2 Stage carbon dioxide weight
Cumul CO2 Cumulative carbon dioxide weight

Wellbore Fluid
Although you have the option of ignoring the wellbore in Fracture Analysis Mode, it is typically modeled and therefore
you must select the fluid that fills (or partially fills) it initially before pumping starts. You select the Wellbore Fluid in the
same manner that you select Fluid Type for all other stages (that is, via a drop-down list). If you choose Ignore Wellbore
and Perforations on the SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, this field will not be accessible. A Wellbore Fluid must be
selected whenever you Run From Database Data or Run From Real-Time Data. The Wellbore Fluid is reported as
Stage #0 in reports and various program display screens.
The wellbore (hence, the Wellbore Fluid) is ignored by the fracture simulator in Economic Optimization Mode. However,
you can model the wellbore from a production standpoint when running in either Reservoir Production Mode or
Economic Optimization Mode.

Fluid Type
This field contains a drop-down list from which you select a fluid to use in the stage. The list displays all fluids listed on the
FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. If you are modeling the wellbore, you also must select a fluid in the
Wellbore Fluid field located near the bottom-right corner of the screen.
With the exception of shut-ins, each stage in the treatment schedule must have a Fluid Type specified. Whenever you
define a new stage, Fluid Type defaults to the fluid selected in the previous stage.

Proppant Type
This field contains a drop-down list from which you select a proppant to use in the stage. This field will only be active if
there is a corresponding non-zero Proppant Concentration entry in the table. The list displays all proppants listed on the
Whenever you define a new proppant stage (that is, with a non-zero entry for Prop Concentration), Proppant Type
defaults to the proppant type selected in the previous stage.
As a very useful special case (for example, when pumping proppant slugs), when you select 100 Mesh as the Proppant
Type, that particular field in the treatment schedule will appear with a yellow background to indicate that this proppant is
being ignored in propped-dimension calculations. However, hydrostatic head and wellbore friction effects are not ignored.
FracproPT ignores any proppant (for purpose of calculating propped fracture dimensions) whose diameter is less than
the threshold entered on the Proppant Model Parameters tab of the Fracpropt MODEL PARAMETERS [shift+f3] screen.
The default threshold diameter is 0.0125 inches.

The following information describes the various options located below the Treatment Schedule Table.

Treatment Type
Use this option to indicate whether or not you will be adding nitrogen or carbon dioxide to the slurry being pumped. Your
choice of No foam, N2 foam, CO2 foam, or N2 & CO2 foam determines which fields (i.e. columns) will be available in
the Pump Schedule Table.

FracproPT 2007

If you select any of the foam Treatment Type options, other options related to foam, which are described below, will
appear at the bottom of the screen below the Pump Schedule Table.

Proppant Ramp Mode

Use this option to indicate whether to not you will be ramping the addition of proppant to the slurry being pumped. If you
are, choose Ideal. In this case, each proppant concentration and flow rate entry in the Pump Schedule Table will have two
fields; one for specifying the value at the beginning of the stage and a second for specifying the value at the end of the
stage. If you are not ramping proppant you should choose None; as a result, there will be only one field for each proppant
concentration or flow rate entry.

Calculate…Volume from Time / Time from Volume

Based on the flow rate(s) you enter in the Pump Schedule Table, this option determines whether volume is calculated
from the time or time is calculated from volume. These calculations use the following fields in the Pump Schedule Table:
Flow Rate, Stage Length, and Clean Vol.
You should typically select Calculate Time from Volume when entering design data into the Pump Schedule Table.
Calculate Volume from Time is typically used when synchronizing real data with the Pump Schedule Table.

Wellbore Volume
This non-editable field displays the wellbore volume as calculated from the wellbore segment entries on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen. This number is provided here so that displacement volumes can be checked without
having to switch between screens.

Copy Design to Actual Schedule

Select this function to automatically copy the data from the Pump Schedule Table on the Design Treatment Schedule
tab to the Pump Schedule Table on the Actual Treatment Schedule. You would typically use this function only once
(when beginning the real-data analysis of a frac job that has been, or is currently being, pumped).

Show Actual Rates and Conc.

The rates and proppant concentrations that are specified in the Actual treatment Schedule are not used by FracproPT’s
internal calculations as it uses the actual rates and concentrations in the data. However, if you want to add the Actual
Treatment Schedule in a report, you may make an error, as the rates and concentrations in this table do not reflect what
actually happened during the job. The Show Actual Rates and Conc button has been added to address this
discrepancy. Once you have run the model once, FracproPT has calculated averages for rates and concentrations within
each of the stages that are specified, and will overwrite the current rate and concentration values with the averages from
the actual data.

Set Staging from Measured Data

Select this function to automatically launch plot #36 with the Measured Data from the PLOT LIST [ALT+F8] screen in
Cursor Editing mode. Specific instructions for setting stages can be found on the Cursor Edit Help screen.

The following options and fields will only be visible if you select one of the foam options as the Treatment Type.

Calculate…Bottomhole from Surface / Surface from Bottomhole

If you are pumping a foamed treatment, you can either enter surface values of the pumping parameters that define the
foam schedule and have the bottomhole values calculated, or vice versa. The most common scenario is to Calculate
Surface from Bottomhole where you enter the desired down hole pump schedule and let FracproPT calculate the
corresponding surface pump schedule.

Quality Option
Use this option to select whether you will be using the so-called Constant Internal Phase or the Conventional Quality
for the calculations in the Pump Schedule Table. Definitions of these two options are shown in the Help text above
describing the Bottomhole CO2 Quality and Bottomhole N2 Quality fields.

Schedule Based on Conditions…

These parameters appear on this screen if you select N2 foam, CO2 foam, or N2 & CO2 foam as the Treatment Type.

FracproPT 2007

At Bottom of Wellbore / In Fracture

In some instances there may be a significant pressure drop through the perforations or the so-called near-wellbore region
of the fracture(s). In those cases this pressure drop may cause a significant change in foam quality between the wellbore
and the main body of the fracture(s). Choose At Bottom of Wellbore to base the pumping schedule on the true bottom
hole pressure, or choose In Fracture to account for any perforation or near-wellbore friction losses.

Estimated Foam Pressure

You can enter the estimated treating pressure (either At Bottom of Wellbore or In Fracture, as per the selection
described above) here that will be used for foam design calculations in the pump schedule, but the preferred method is to
use the Estimate Treating Conditions function (described below) to have FracproPT calculate and enter this number for
This pressure is used to specify down hole conditions from which the surface pump schedule is calculated. FracproPT
assumes this constant Estimated Foam Pressure only when calculating the surface-pumping schedule that is required
to produce the bottomhole foam schedule. This number is typically 500-1000 psi above closure stress in the zone where
the fracture initiates (that is, at the Initial Frac Depth). When performing a simulation, the program does not use this
pressure any longer; it uses the current pressure from the wellbore model.

Estimated Foam Temperature

You can enter the estimated treating temperature (either At Bottom of Wellbore or In Fracture, as per the selection
described above) here that will be used for foam design calculations in the pump schedule, but the preferred method is to
use the Estimate Treating Conditions function (described below) to have FracproPT calculate and enter this number for
This temperature is used to specify down hole conditions from which the surface pump schedule is calculated. FracproPT
assumes this constant Estimated Foam Temperature only when calculating the surface-pumping schedule that is
required to produce the bottomhole foam schedule. This number is typically 5 to 20 degrees-F above the surface slurry
temperature. When performing a simulation, the program does not use this temperature any longer; it uses the current
temperature from the temperature model.

Estimate Treating Conditions

This function is used to automatically calculate and enter average values for Estimated Foam Pressure and Estimated
Foam Temperature. This function actually runs FracproPT’s fracture and wellbore models during this process

CO2 Properties
These parameters appear on this screen if you select CO2 foam or N2 & CO2 foam as the Treatment Type.

Metering Pressure
Enter the pressure at the point where the CO2 flow rate is metered in this field. This pressure, as well as the temperature
described below, is used in the calculation of Density at Flow Meter.

Metering Temperature
Enter the temperature at the point where the CO2 flow rate is metered in this field. This temperature, as well as the
pressure described above, is used in the calculation of Density at Flow Meter.

Density at Flow Meter

The density of the carbon dioxide (in terms of specific gravity) at the flow-meter conditions is displayed in this field. The
density is calculated according to results taken from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Fluids
Database 12, which is based on the most accurate equations currently available. The thermodynamic properties of pure
fluids are determined with a Helmholtz energy equation (FEQ), a modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation (mBWR), or an
extended corresponding states model (ECS). Viscosity and thermal conductivity values are determined with either a fluid
specific model or with a variation of the ECS method. It is important to have the correct CO2 density at the flow meter
whether you are running from design or from real-data. If you are measuring the CO2 rate at low-pressure (tanker)
conditions, the density will be on the order of 1.02. If you are measuring the CO2 rate at high-pressure (wellhead)
conditions, then the density will typically be even greater.
Design Treatment Schedule [F6]
This screen is where information defining the stages of a yet-to-be-pumped fracture treatment pump schedule is entered.
If you use FracproPT’s Fracture Design Mode or Economic Optimization Mode, the resulting pump schedule will be
displayed here. The pump schedule table has spreadsheet-like capabilities for parameters such as stage volumes, stage
lengths, pump rates, sand concentrations, fluid types, and proppant types.

FracproPT 2007

If you have selected either Database Data or Real-Time Data in the Run Fracture and Wellbore Models From…
section of the SIMULATIONS OPTIONS [F4] screen, then you are running the fracture model from real data, as opposed
to directly from the pump schedule. In this case, this Design Treatment Schedule will not be editable.
The basic idea behind having two treatment schedules is that you use the Design Treatment Schedule to do your frac
design work, and then use the Actual Treatment Schedule once the frac job is in progress or completed (that is, when
running the simulator from real data). The two schedules allow an easy comparison of what you planned to pump with
what was actually pumped.

Basic Methodology for Using the Design and Actual Treatment Schedules
1. Enter information into the Design Treatment Schedule when doing your pre-frac design work.
See also: Running from the Design Treatment Schedule.
2. When you go to the field to monitor and analyze the treatment as it is pumped, or when you do the
analysis after the job back in the office, you will be running the simulator from database or real-time data,
so both the Design Treatment Schedule and the Actual Treatment Schedule will be available.
To save time when you begin the process of actually pumping, use the Copy Design to Actual Schedule function to
copy your design information to the Actual Treatment Schedule.
See also: Running from the Actual Treatment Schedule.
1. The Design Treatment Schedule is now "locked" so that no changes can be made there. It now serves as
a record of what you planned to pump and it can be compared to what was actually pumped (as will be
shown in the Actual Treatment Schedule). However, pressing the Edit Schedule button (which is only
visible in Fracture Analysis mode) will "unlock" the Design Treatment Schedule again.
2. The Actual Treatment Schedule will reflect all changes made to plan when you synchronize the treatment
schedule to measured data (see Help for the Actual Treatment Schedule for information on synchronizing
the treatment schedule).

Design tab of the Treatment Schedule screen.

Pump Schedule Table

The total number of columns displayed in the Pump Schedule Table, as well as which of those columns are used to enter
versus display data, depends on your selections for the following options. These are options are located directly below the
Pump Schedule Table:

• Treatment Type – Use this option to indicate whether or not you will be adding nitrogen or carbon
dioxide to the slurry being pumped. If you are (either nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or both), columns will

FracproPT 2007

automatically be added to the Pump Schedule Table where you can enter the appropriate foam rates,
qualities, and volumes.
If you select any of the foam Treatment Type options, other options related to foam will appear at the bottom of the
screen below the Pump Schedule Table.
• Proppant Ramp Mode – Use this option to indicate whether to not you will be ramping the addition of
proppant to the slurry being pumped. If you are, each proppant concentration and flow rate entry in
the Pump Schedule Table will have two fields; one for specifying the value at the beginning of the
stage and a second for specifying the value at the end of the stage. If you are not ramping proppant,
there will be only one field for each proppant concentration or flow rate entry.
• Calculate…Bottomhole from Surface / Surface from Bottomhole – If you are pumping a foamed
treatment, you can either enter surface values that define the foam schedule and have the
bottomhole values calculated, or vice versa.
• Calculate…Volume from Time / Time from Volume – Based on the flow rate(s) you enter in the
Pump Schedule Table, this option determines whether volume is calculated from the time or time is
calculated from volume.
All of the possible columns in the Treatment Schedule Table are described below.

Stage Number
FracproPT accepts up to 150 separate stages in the pump schedule. You can delete entire stages by selecting the entire
stage (that is, the entire row by clicking once on the Stage Number) and pressing [Del]. Insert new stages between two
existing stages (that is, at the current cursor position) by pressing [Ins].

Stage Type
You can select a Stage Type from the drop-down list in this column to identify each stage in the treatment schedule. This
identification makes it easier to keep up with where you are in the treatment, and it also serves to identify minifracs and
other diagnostic injections that can be analyzed semi-automatically using some of FracproPT’s diagnostic utilities.
In general, this is an optional selection. However, there is one Stage Type that must be selected to correctly simulate a
fracture treatment. A Circulation stage, when there is one, must be correctly identified to properly track the materials
being pumped down the wellbore and into the fracture. The full list of possible Stage Types reads as follows:

• Water injection • Step-rate test • Main frac flush

• Minifrac • Main frac pad • Terminated main frac

• Proppant slug • Main frac slurry • Circulation

If you select Circulation for a stage, the fluid and proppant displaced from the wellbore will not be injected into the
fracture. This feature is useful for modeling "Frac Packs" or any other operation with a circulation stage before or
during a treatment.
The Terminated main frac is useful if you want to neglect prior stages in the various functions for which Stage Type
is used.

Flow Rate 1 / Flow Rate 2

This is the slurry flow rate, which includes the gel and proppant. If you are pumping nitrogen or carbon dioxide, the Flow
Rate field(s) refers to the liquid-plus-proppant flow rate just downstream of the blender, before the nitrogen or carbon
dioxide is added.
Two fields are provided for treatments where proppant is ramped (Flow Rate 1 at the beginning of the stage and Flow
Rate 2 at the end of the stage). If you are not ramping proppant only one Flow Rate field is available. Flow Rate is used
to calculate either Clean Vol or Stage Length, depending upon which of the two you enter.
The simulator does not use the values entered for Flow Rate if you run the simulator from real data and you specify flow
rate (either clean or slurry) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen. However, if
there is pumping in a stage you must enter some non-zero flow rate in order for the simulator to use the correct Fluid
Type for that stage. Furthermore, you should input the approximate actual flow rate so that the calculated leakoff

FracproPT 2007

coefficient (displayed on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen) is as close as possible to the value actually
calculated during the treatment.
To model flow back at the end of a treatment, you can enter a negative flow rate. If you are running from Database or
Real-Time data at input, the simulator uses the negative flow rate (ignoring the measured flow data) during the flow back

N2 Rate 1 / N2 Rate 2
Nitrogen flow rate fields will be visible on if you choose N2 or N2 & CO2 as the Treatment Type option. Two fields for the
entry of nitrogen flow rate (specified at the surface for the beginning and end of the stage) are provided for treatments
where proppant is ramped. If you select None as the Prop Ramp Mode option, only one N2 Rate is available.
Entries for N2 Rate are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you specified nitrogen rate as
a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen. However, you should input the approximate
actual nitrogen flow rate so that the calculated leakoff coefficient (displayed on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen) is as close as possible to the value actually calculated during the treatment.
Nitrogen rate is always measured at standard temperature and pressure (that is, in units of standard cubic feet per
minute or standard cubic meters per minute).

CO2 Rate 1 / CO2 Rate 2

Carbon dioxide flow rate fields will be visible only if you choose CO2 or N2 & CO2 as the Treatment Type option. Two
fields for the entry of carbon dioxide flow rate (specified at the surface for the beginning and end of the stage) are
provided for treatments where proppant is ramped. If you select None as the Prop Ramp Mode option, only one CO2
Rate is available.
Entries for CO2 Rate are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you specified carbon
dioxide rate as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen. However, you should input
the approximate actual carbon dioxide flow rate so that the calculated leakoff coefficient (displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen) is as close as possible to the value actually calculated during the treatment.
FracproPT assumes that carbon dioxide flow rate is being measured at a constant density (that is, constant temperature
and pressure.
Unlike nitrogen rate, which is always measured at standard temperature and pressure (that is, in units of standard
cubic feet per minute or standard cubic meters per minute), CO2 rate is measured at the flow meter (that is,
pumping) conditions. This means that the surface CO2 rate that is the input to FracproPT could be measured at either
the low-pressure side or the high-pressure side of the frac pumps. The measurement point makes a difference in the
density of the fluid, and has led to some confusion in the past. When dealing with CO2 in FracproPT, it is important to
remember the following important points:
• It is best to design the treatment based on bottomhole foam quality.
• You should know in advance where the CO2 flow meter will be, so that you can enter the correct
temperature and pressure at the flow meter (see Metering Pressure and Metering Temperature
described below).
• FracproPT’s surface CO2 rate shown in the Pump Schedule Table is defined as being at the CO2
flow meter conditions (that is, at the Metering Pressure and Metering Temperature described
• The density (see Density at Flow Meter described below) at the CO2 flow meter is automatically
calculated based on the Metering Pressure and Metering Temperature that you enter.
• The mass of CO2 calculated by FracproPT is based on the Density at Flow Meter, not at a so-
called standard density. This is true even when you are entering a design treatment schedule with a
surface CO2 rate.
• If you are designing a CO2 treatment using surface rates (rather than bottomhole quality), it is very
important to know where you are planning to meter the CO2 rate because that metering location will
affect the treatment design. For example, if you are trying to achieve a specific bottomhole foam
quality, the surface pump schedule will be different depending on whether you are metering the CO2
on the low pressure side of the pumps (for example, Halliburton) or the high pressure side of the
pumps (for example, Schlumberger),
• The CO2 totals in FracproPT are all calculated based on the CO2 rate at the Metering Pressure and
Metering Temperature that you enter, which will result in the correct CO2 mass calculation. If you
are interested in the volume at standard conditions (that is, the volume in the CO2 transport tankers),
you can convert the mass of CO2 to barrels at standard conditions using the standard density of 8.51

FracproPT 2007

lb/gal at tanker conditions, or simply view the value shown on the Treatment Totals tab of this
Treatment Schedule [F6] screen.

Bottomhole Slurry Foam Rate

This value includes liquid (gel), carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and proppant.

Bottomhole N2 Quality
This is the desired (or calculated) bottomhole nitrogen foam quality. Depending upon your choice for Ramp/Quality
Option (discussed below), this can be either the conventional quality or the constant internal phase quality.
Conventional quality, which is defined as the percentage of the total fluid volume (that is, gel plus nitrogen plus carbon
dioxide) that is composed of nitrogen, is calculated according to the following formula:
Constant internal phase quality, which includes the proppant volume with the nitrogen volume, is calculated according to
the following formula:
For binary foams, if you select constant internal phase quality, this applies only to CO2 Qual and not to N2 Qual.
It is important to note that Bottomhole N2 Quality is defined at a bottomhole temperature that can be one of two values.
If you selected Model Heat Transfer Effects on the Simulation Options [F4] screen, then bottomhole quality is
assumed to be at the bottomhole pumping temperature. If you selected Ignore Heat Transfer Effects, then bottomhole
quality is assumed to be at the Reservoir Temperature entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. This
can make a substantial difference in predictions, so be careful of which temperature you specify for bottomhole quality.

Bottomhole CO2 Quality

This is the desired (or calculated) bottomhole carbon dioxide quality. Depending upon your choice for Ramp/Quality
Option (discussed below), this can be either the conventional quality or the constant internal phase quality.
Conventional quality, which is defined as the percentage of the total fluid volume (that is, gel plus nitrogen plus carbon
dioxide) that is composed of carbon dioxide, is calculated according to the following formula:
Constant internal phase quality, which includes the proppant volume with the carbon dioxide volume, is calculated
according to the following formula:
It is important to note that Bottomhole CO2 Quality is defined at a bottomhole temperature that can be one of two
values. If you selected Model Heat Transfer Effects on the Simulation Options [F4] screen, then bottomhole quality is
assumed to be at the bottomhole pumping temperature. If you selected Ignore Heat Transfer Effects, then bottomhole
quality is assumed to be at the Reservoir Temperature entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. This
can make a substantial difference in predictions, so be careful of which temperature you specify for bottomhole quality.

Proppant Concentration 1 / Proppant Concentration 2

Two fields for entry of proppant concentration are provided for treatments where proppant is ramped. If you are not
ramping proppant, then only one Proppant Concentration is available.
Values entered for Proppant Concentration are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you
specified proppant concentration (or slurry density) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL
[Shift+F6] screen. However, you must enter some non-zero proppant concentration in order for the simulator to use the
correct Proppant Type for that stage.
If you are pumping a nitrogen or carbon dioxide (i.e. a foam treatment), Proppant Concentration refers to the proppant
concentration at the blender, before the nitrogen or carbon dioxide is added.

Bottomhole Proppant Concentration 1 / Bottomhole Proppant Concentration 2

Two fields for entry of proppant concentration are provided for treatments where proppant is ramped. If you are not
ramping proppant, then only one Proppant Concentration is available.
Values entered for Proppant Concentration are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you
specified proppant concentration (or slurry density) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL
[Shift+F6] screen. However, you must enter some non-zero proppant concentration in order for the simulator to use the
correct Proppant Type for that stage.

FracproPT 2007

Clean Volume
If you select Calculate Time From Volume as the Job Design Mode option, you enter the desired clean volume of liquid
for each stage in this field. Clean Volume and Flow Rate (which you also must enter) are then used to calculate Stage
Length. Note that entries for Clean Volume are not accepted until a non-zero Slurry Rate is entered.
If you select Calculate Volume From Time, you cannot access the Clean Volume fields since it is calculated from Slurry
Rate and Stage Length.
Values entered for Clean Volume are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you specified
flow rate (either clean or slurry) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen.

Bottomhole Foam Clean Volume

Enter the stage clean volume of foam in this field, which includes liquid (gel), carbon dioxide, and nitrogen at bottomhole

Stage Length
This field always defines the length of the stage, whether running the fracture simulator from real-data or from the
treatment schedule entries for flow rates and proppants (hence the need to synchronize the Actual Treatment Schedule
with the real data).
If you select Calculate Volume From Time at the Job Design Mode option, you enter stage length (in decimal minutes)
in this field. If you enter Stage Length before entering Flow Rate, the stage will be treated as a shut-in, as indicated in
the Fluid Type column. Stage Length and Flow Rate are used to calculate Clean Volume. To model shut-ins, you must
enter a non-zero Stage Length and zero for Flow Rate. This is typically how you would add a stage at the end of the
treatment to simulate the pressure decline.
If you select Calculate Time From Volume you cannot access Stage Length since it is calculated from Flow Rate and
Clean Volume.

Treatment Info (user selectable)

This field displays one of several user-selected quantities that are calculated from other information entered in the
treatment schedule. The Treatment Info drop-down list where you select the quantity for display is located directly above
the Pump Schedule Table. The choices for the display are as follows:
Cumul Time Cumulative job time in minutes:seconds format
Stage Slurry Stage slurry volume
Cumul Gel Cumulative clean volume
Stage Prop Stage proppant weight
Cumul Prop Cumulative proppant weight
Clean Rate Calculated clean flow rate
Cumul Slurry Cumulative slurry volume
Stage N2 Stage nitrogen volume
Cumul N2 Cumulative nitrogen volume
Stage CO2 Stage carbon dioxide weight
Cumul CO2 Cumulative carbon dioxide weight

Wellbore Fluid
Although you have the option of ignoring the wellbore in Fracture Analysis Mode, it is typically modeled and therefore
you must select the fluid that fills (or partially fills) it initially before pumping starts. You select the Wellbore Fluid in the
same manner that you select Fluid Type for all other stages (that is, via a drop-down list). If you choose Ignore Wellbore
and Perforations on the SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, this field will not be accessible. A Wellbore Fluid must be
selected whenever you Run From Database Data or Run From Real-Time Data. The Wellbore Fluid is reported as
Stage #0 in reports and various program display screens.
The wellbore (hence, the Wellbore Fluid) is ignored by the fracture simulator in Economic Optimization Mode. However,
you can model the wellbore from a production standpoint when running in either Reservoir Production Mode or
Economic Optimization Mode.

Fluid Type

FracproPT 2007

This field contains a drop-down list from which you select a fluid to use in the stage. The list displays all fluids listed on the
FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. If you are modeling the wellbore, you also must select a fluid in the
Wellbore Fluid field located near the bottom-right corner of the screen.
With the exception of shut-ins, each stage in the treatment schedule must have a Fluid Type specified. Whenever you
define a new stage, Fluid Type defaults to the fluid selected in the previous stage.

Proppant Type
This field contains a drop-down list from which you select a proppant to use in the stage. This field will only be active if
there is a corresponding non-zero Proppant Concentration entry in the table. The list displays all proppants listed on the
Whenever you define a new proppant stage (that is, with a non-zero entry for Prop Concentration), Proppant Type
defaults to the proppant type selected in the previous stage.
As a very useful special case (for example, when pumping proppant slugs), when you select 100 Mesh as the Proppant
Type, that particular field in the treatment schedule will appear with a yellow background to indicate that this proppant is
being ignored in propped-dimension calculations. However, hydrostatic head and wellbore friction effects are not ignored.
FracproPT ignores any proppant (for purpose of calculating propped fracture dimensions) whose diameter is less than
the threshold entered on the Proppant Model Parameters tab of the Fracpropt MODEL PARAMETERS [shift+f3]
screen. The default threshold diameter is 0.0125 inches.

The following information describes the various options located below the Treatment Schedule Table.

Treatment Type
Use this option to indicate whether or not you will be adding nitrogen or carbon dioxide to the slurry being pumped. Your
choice of No foam, N2 foam, CO2 foam, or N2 & CO2 foam determines which fields (i.e. columns) will be available in
the Pump Schedule Table.
If you select any of the foam Treatment Type options, other options related to foam, which are described below, will
appear at the bottom of the screen below the Pump Schedule Table.

Proppant Ramp Mode

Use this option to indicate whether to not you will be ramping the addition of proppant to the slurry being pumped. If you
are, choose Ideal. In this case, each proppant concentration and flow rate entry in the Pump Schedule Table will have two
fields; one for specifying the value at the beginning of the stage and a second for specifying the value at the end of the
stage. If you are not ramping proppant you should choose None; as a result, there will be only one field for each proppant
concentration or flow rate entry.

Calculate…Volume from Time / Time from Volume

Based on the flow rate(s) you enter in the Pump Schedule Table, this option determines whether volume is calculated
from the time or time is calculated from volume. These calculations use the following fields in the Pump Schedule Table:
Flow Rate, Stage Length, and Clean Vol.
You should typically select Calculate Time from Volume when entering design data into the Pump Schedule Table.
Calculate Volume from Time is typically used when synchronizing real data with the Pump Schedule Table.

Wellbore Volume
This non-editable field displays the wellbore volume as calculated from the wellbore segment entries on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen. This number is provided here so that displacement volumes can be checked without
having to switch between screens.

The following options and fields will only be visible if you select one of the foam options as the Treatment Type.

Calculate…Bottomhole from Surface / Surface from Bottomhole

FracproPT 2007

If you are pumping a foamed treatment, you can either enter surface values of the pumping parameters that define the
foam schedule and have the bottomhole values calculated, or vice versa. The most common scenario is to Calculate
Surface from Bottomhole where you enter the desired down hole pump schedule and let FracproPT calculate the
corresponding surface pump schedule.

Quality Option
Use this option to select whether you will be using the so-called Constant Internal Phase or the Conventional Quality
for the calculations in the Pump Schedule Table. Definitions of these two options are shown in the Help text above
describing the Bottomhole CO2 Quality and Bottomhole N2 Quality fields.

Schedule Based on Conditions…

These parameters appear on this screen if you select N2 foam, CO2 foam, or N2 & CO2 foam as the Treatment Type.

At Bottom of Wellbore / In Fracture

In some instances there may be a significant pressure drop through the perforations or the so-called near-wellbore region
of the fracture(s). In those cases this pressure drop may cause a significant change in foam quality between the wellbore
and the main body of the fracture(s). Choose At Bottom of Wellbore to base the pumping schedule on the true bottom
hole pressure, or choose In Fracture to account for any perforation or near-wellbore friction losses.

Estimated Foam Pressure

You can enter the estimated treating pressure (either At Bottom of Wellbore or In Fracture, as per the selection
described above) here that will be used for foam design calculations in the pump schedule, but the preferred method is to
use the Estimate Treating Conditions function (described below) to have FracproPT calculate and enter this number for
This pressure is used to specify down hole conditions from which the surface pump schedule is calculated. FracproPT
assumes this constant Estimated Foam Pressure only when calculating the surface-pumping schedule that is required
to produce the bottomhole foam schedule. This number is typically 500-1000 psi above closure stress in the zone where
the fracture initiates (that is, at the Initial Frac Depth). When performing a simulation, the program does not use this
pressure any longer; it uses the current pressure from the wellbore model.

Estimated Foam Temperature

You can enter the estimated treating temperature (either At Bottom of Wellbore or In Fracture, as per the selection
described above) here that will be used for foam design calculations in the pump schedule, but the preferred method is to
use the Estimate Treating Conditions function (described below) to have FracproPT calculate and enter this number for
This temperature is used to specify down hole conditions from which the surface pump schedule is calculated. FracproPT
assumes this constant Estimated Foam Temperature only when calculating the surface-pumping schedule that is
required to produce the bottomhole foam schedule. This number is typically 5 to 20 degree-F above the surface slurry
temperature. When performing a simulation, the program does not use this temperature any longer; it uses the current
temperature from the temperature model.

Estimate Treating Conditions

This function is used to automatically calculate and enter average values for Estimated Foam Pressure and Estimated
Foam Temperature. This function actually runs FracproPT’s fracture and wellbore models during this process

CO2 Properties
These parameters appear on this screen if you select CO2 foam or N2 & CO2 foam as the Treatment Type.

Metering Pressure
Enter the pressure at the point where the CO2 flow rate is metered in this field. This pressure, as well as the temperature
described below, is used in the calculation of Density at Flow Meter.

Metering Temperature
Enter the temperature at the point where the CO2 flow rate is metered in this field. This temperature, as well as the
pressure described above, is used in the calculation of Density at Flow Meter.

Density at Flow Meter

FracproPT 2007

The density of the carbon dioxide (in terms of specific gravity) at the flow-meter conditions is displayed in this field. The
density is calculated according to results taken from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Fluids
Database 12, which is based on the most accurate equations currently available. The thermodynamic properties of pure
fluids are determined with a Helmholtz energy equation (FEQ), a modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation (mBWR), or an
extended corresponding states model (ECS). Viscosity and thermal conductivity values are determined with either a fluid
specific model or with a variation of the ECS method. It is important to have the correct CO2 density at the flow meter
whether you are running from design or from real-data. If you are measuring the CO2 rate at low-pressure (tanker)
conditions, the density will be on the order of 1.02. If you are measuring the CO2 rate at high-pressure (wellhead)
conditions, then the density will typically be even greater.
Treatment Totals [F6]
This screen is used to display to total amounts of fluids, proppants and other materials required in a proposed fracture
treatment (from the Design Treatment Schedule), or the total amounts actually used in an executed fracture treatment
(from the Actual Treatment Schedule). You can sort by Materials or Stage, and also view required and used materials in
common storage volumes (such as tanks and sacks). Pricing information for fluid and proppants is also available on this

Treatment Totals tab of the Treatment Schedule screen

Totals for

Design Schedule
Select this option to display the totals from the Design Treatment Schedule, which will show the materials required for
the pump schedule.

Actual Data
Select this option to display the totals from the Actual Treatment Schedule, which will show what materials were actually
pumped in the current fracture treatment (that is, as represented in the current database or real-time data file shown on
the Fracture Simulation Options [F4] screen). Note that you do need to run the model at least once to see totals for the
actual treatment.

Totals split by

FracproPT 2007

Select this option to group the totals in the Proppant and Fluid Table and the Additional Items Table by material.

Select this option to group the totals in the Proppant and Fluid Table and the Additional Items Table by stage.

Include Storage Units

Select this check box to include the so-called storage volumes in the Proppant and Fluid Table. The fields described
below are used to define the size of each storage volume. The numbers of storage volumes required are only shown in
integer units.

Fluid Tank Volume

Enter the total volume of the fluid tanks that you will have on location in this field. Typically, this is 500 bbls.

Include Tank Bottoms

Enter the volume of fluid that you expect to remain in the tanks after they are "empty." Typically, this is approximately 50

Proppant Sack Weight

Enter the weight of each "sack" of proppant in this field. Note that the unit for this field is klbs, which is hundreds of
pounds, therefore a typically value would be 1.

N2 Storage Volume
Enter the total volume of each nitrogen transport in this field.

CO2 Storage Volume

Enter the total volume of each carbon dioxide transport in this field.

Treatment Specs
Except for Wellbore Volume, the values shown here are design values only. These numbers are based on Stage Type
(for example, the fluid volume of all stages identified as Main Frac Pad are added together to calculate Design Pad
Volume). All of these fields are non-editable.

Pad Fraction
This is the ratio of Pad Volume to Slurry Volume (both of which are defined below).

Pad Volume
This is the volume sum of all stages identified with the Main Frac Pad selection for Stage Type.

Clean Volume (Main Frac)

This is the fluid volume sum (that is, not including proppant volume) of all stages identified with Main Frac Pad, Main Frac
Slurry, and Main Frac Flush selections for Stage Type.

Slurry Volume (Main Frac)

This is the fluid-plus-proppant volume sum (that is, including proppant volume) of all stages identified with Main Frac Pad,
Main Frac Slurry, and Main Frac Flush selections for Stage Type.

Total Proppant (Main Frac)

This is the weight sum of proppant included in all stages identified with the Main Frac Slurry selection for Stage Type.

Flush Volume
This is the fluid (slurry) volume sum of all stages identified with the Main Frac Flush selection for Stage Type.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant and Fluid Table

This table displays the types and amounts or fluids and proppants required or used. Optionally, cost information may also
be included. All fields other than Unit Cost and Discount are entered automatically.

Additional Items Table

You can manually enter (type) any additional cost Item for a fracture treatment in this table, such as mobilization charges,
horsepower charges, or perhaps chemical additives. You must enter a Quantity and Unit Cost for each item, but you can
also select or manually enter information for Units for completeness. You may also which to enter a Discount for each
item that will be reflected in the Cost field.

Fracture Analysis Control - F10

Simulation Control [F10]
This is the final screen in the sequence of Fracture Analysis mode screens. From here you control simulator execution
and you can also select from among various options to display model inputs and outputs.
The current Model Time is displayed on the right side of the status bar (which is located at the bottom of the screen). The
status bar also shows the current FracproPT mode and the source of the model inputs (that is, Job Design, Database, or
Real-Time data).

The Fracture Simulation Control screen.

Graphical Stage Display

The colored columns at the top of this screen represent the treatment stages as specified by the stage numbers in the
Treatment Schedule - F6 screen, by the Design Treatment Schedule table if Job-Design Data is selected on the Fracture
Analysis Options - F4 screen, or by the Actual Treatment Schedule table if Database Data or Real-Time Data is selected

FracproPT 2007

on the Fracture Analysis Options - F4 screen. The column heights represent the stage lengths. As the simulator runs,
colored bars traverse the columns to indicate the progress of the simulation.

Model Input & Control

Start Time
Start Time is used as a real-data offset, primarily to skip over any initial glitches in pump rate or data that is collected prior
to actually starting the job. FracproPT sets this number automatically to the first time where there is a non-zero pump
rate, or you may enter the number (time) manually. If you are running from job design data, an entry of 0.0 is correct. Start
Time is displayed in decimal minutes.

End Time
End Time lets the simulator identify how much memory to allocate for storage of results. Normally, you set this time to
some value greater than or equal to the duration of all pumping and shut-ins stages (as indicated on the Treatment
Schedule - F6 screen). However, End Time can also be set to any number as a simple means of checking model output at
that particular time. For instance, you can set End Time to 15 minutes if you want to check the fracture dimensions and
net pressure after pumping for 15 minutes. End Time is displayed in decimal minutes.

Time Step
Time Step determines how often the simulator performs its calculations. Normally, Time Step is set to between 0.1 and
0.5 minutes. Typically, the model is ran at a small Time Step (0.017 - 0.1 minutes) before conducting Minifrac Analysis
or Friction Analysis, and is ran at a courser Time Step (0.1 – 0.5 minutes) when conducting net pressure matching. Of
course, a simulation run with a small Time Step requires more memory and disk space for results storage and takes
longer to complete. Time Step is displayed in decimal minutes

Model Inputs Plot

Selecting Model Inputs Plot takes you to an automatically configured plot showing the model inputs, which come from
either real-data (as specified on the Channel Inputs for Model - Shift + F6 screen) or from the Treatment Schedule - F6

Run Simulator
Selecting this function begins model execution. Pressing [Alt] -[R] from any screen also starts the model.
If you are running from real data (either real time or database data), selecting Run Simulator causes FracproPT to run to
the end of the real data currently available and then switch over and run from the remainder of the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] (if there is any). This feature allows you to run the simulator from measured data up to the current time
and then forecast the ultimate treatment outcome based on whatever stages remain in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE

Stop Simulator
Selecting this function stops (or pauses) model execution. Pressing [Alt+S] from any screen also stops (or pauses) the

Resume Run
Selecting this function resumes the current model run, but only if it was paused using Stop Simulator (or [Alt+S]) before
reaching the end of the data on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] or the End Time. Pressing [Alt+C] from any screen
also resumes the current model run.

Run To End of Data

This option is for real-time use only. When it is selected, the model runs (at top speed) up to the last point of currently
acquired data and then sits idle until enough additional data (based on the simulator Time Step) is acquired for the model
to increment another Time Step. The process repeats as more real data are collected. Pressing [Ctrl+R] from any screen
also activates this option.

Fracture Pressure Analysis

Minifrac Analysis
Selecting this function takes you to the Minifrac Analysis - Shift + F8 screen, which contains graphical utilities to aid you in
determining fracture closure stress from pressure fall-off data.

FracproPT 2007

Entry Friction
Selecting this function takes you to the Perf and Near-Wellbore Friction - F8 screen where you can graphically analyze
rate step down tests to determine the level and cause of fracture entry friction.

Manual Matching
Selecting this function takes you to the Manual Matching tab of the Net Pressure Matching - Ctrl + F8 screen where
numerous parameters (from other FracproPT screens) that are commonly changed during net pressure matching are

Auto Matching
Selecting this function takes you to the Auto Matching tab of the Net Pressure Matching - Ctrl + F8 screen where you can
have FracproPT attempt to automatically match net pressure.

Model Output

Pressure Match
Selecting this function takes you to an automatically configured plot of net pressure. If you are running the simulator from
real data, both Net Pressure and Observed Net Pressure are shown (that is, this is the net pressure match). If you are
running from treatment schedule data, only Net Pressure is shown.

Fracture Dimensions
Selecting this function takes you to an automatically configured plot of hydraulic (that is, created) fracture dimensions.

Propped Dimensions
Selecting this function takes you to an automatically configured plot of propped fracture dimensions.

Plot List
Selecting this function takes you to the Plot List - Alt + F8 screen where all the plots (pre-configured, autoscaled as well
as user-configurable) can be quickly accessed.

Fracture Profile
Selecting this function takes you to the FRACTURE PICTURE [Alt+F5] screen that displays a schematic of the fracture

Stage Profiles
Selecting this function takes you to the STAGE PROFILES List screen where seven different STAGE PROFILE pictures
can be easily accessed. You can display proppant concentration, fracture conductivity, proppant volume-fraction, fluid
temperature, fluid viscosity, volumetric acid concentration, or degree of acid etching as a function of position in the
fracture. Pressing [Ctrl+F5] at any time re-displays the last active STAGE PROFILE picture.

Wellbore Profile
Selecting this function takes you directly to the Wellbore Profile Picture - Alt + F9 screen where a picture of the wellbore
is displayed. This picture shows the position of various treatment stages as they are pumped down the wellbore.

Width Profile
Selecting this function takes you to the Width Profile - Alt + F7 screen where the width profile of the fracture is displayed.

System Messages
Warnings and error messages are displayed on the left side of the status bar as FracproPT generates them. Multiple
messages are sometimes difficult to read since later ones overwrite the early messages. Selecting System Messages
takes you to the System Messages - Alt + F1 screen where all the most recent messages and warnings are displayed in a
top-down stack arrangement (that is, the message on top is the latest). The System Messages - Alt + F1 screen is cleared
whenever a new input file is loaded, and blank lines are inserted between messages whenever the simulator is run again.

Numeric Output

FracproPT 2007

Selecting this function takes you to the Numeric Output - Alt + F3 screen where numerical values for all model calculations
of input and output channels are displayed.

Generate Report
Selecting this function takes you to the Report Setup - Shift + F2 screen where simulation reports can be generated with
minimal effort.

Compare Results
Selecting this function takes you to the Compare Simulation Results - Shift + F4 screen where results and inputs from up
to four previously stored simulations (input and results files) are specified for comparison.

Pressure Analysis
Entry Friction (Perf and Near-Wellbore Friction - F8)

Perf and Near-Wellbore Friction [F8]

This screen provides you with the capability to easily and rapidly identify and characterize fracture entry friction, which is
the source of many hydraulic fracture problems. Fracture entry friction is composed of perforation friction and near-
wellbore friction. With this capability, problematic entry friction can be recognized, the correct remedial measures
identified, and the success of the remedial measures evaluated. Characterization of fracture entry friction also provides
FracproPT with the required input for removing friction pressure from measured pressure data for net pressure history
This screen will not be accessible if you choose the Run Fracture Model Only option on the Additional Options tab
Removing friction pressure from measured pressure data is an integral part of the net pressure history matching process
in which fracture model net pressure is matched to the actual net pressure in the fracture. In FracproPT, the latter
pressure is known as Observed Net Pressure and it is calculated from measured pressure data by adding hydrostatic
pressure (from the measurement point to fracture depth), subtracting out all sources of friction, and then subtracting
fracture closure stress. Errors in calculating friction will result in discontinuous Observed Net Pressure transitions at
sudden injection rate changes. Thus, before you can match Observed Net Pressure during pumping, you must accurately
model entry friction as perforation and near-wellbore effects can mask the true net pressure in a fracture and thereby lead
to erroneous analyses and interpretation of results.
Fracture entry friction commonly varies with time, as perforations continue to break down or erode, and near-wellbore
friction is affected by injection rate, viscosity, and volume. Modeling of fracture entry friction changes with time is
accomplished using the Entry Friction versus Time table on this screen. FracproPT provides you with utilities that allow
you to easily provide entries to this table through analysis of the following events that may occur during a fracture
treatment or diagnostic injection:

• Injection rate step-down tests to distinguish between friction from perforations or near-wellbore
tortuosity. This is the most common technique for entry friction characterization, as it provides more
definitive and useful information than the abrupt flowrate change technique.
• Abrupt injection rate changes of significant magnitude (either up or down), to use near-wellbore
friction to smooth Observed Net Pressure behavior at rate changes. Note that this analysis does not
affect perforation friction – a true rate stepdown test is required to separate fracture entry friction into
perf and near-wellbore friction components.
• ISIPs (instantaneous shut-in pressure) — a special case for an abrupt flow-rate change to zero.
In what follows, the parameters and equations are described in oilfield units. If you are using a different unit system,
FracproPT will make the appropriate unit conversions.

FracproPT 2007

The Perf and Near-Wellbore Friction screen.

Entry Friction versus Time Table

These are the data used by the simulator to account for near-wellbore friction. Up to 20 entries are possible in the table.
For each row of entries (that is, for each time), FracproPT calculates fracture entry friction components using the
following equations:
where β is the Near-Wellbore Friction Exponent (default 0.5) that is entered on the Near-Wellbore Friction tab of the
When the table contains more than one entry, near-wellbore friction and the perf coefficient multiplier are linearly
interpolated between table entry times. Note that this is computationally accomplished through linear interpolation of Kperf
and Knear-wellbore as defined above.
When only one set of entries is made in the table, the near-wellbore friction and perf friction parameters are modeled as
constant over the entire treatment.
You can enter these data manually, or you can use FracproPT’s engineering tools/utilities to enter the data more easily.
For example, if you use the Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer (described below) on a rate step-down test during your net
pressure analysis, simply select the Use Results in Entry Friction Time Table function to automatically add a new entry
(that is, a new line) to this table. For each rate step-down test or flow-rate change analyzed, a line of data is entered into
this table. To aid in editing the table, you can insert a row of blank entries at the current cursor position by selecting a row
number pressing [Ins]. Likewise, pressing [Del] deletes the row of entries.
If you are simulating a treatment design, there are typically no entries here (unless you know by field experience that x-
amount of near-wellbore friction will nearly always be present).
This is the time at which the instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP), flow-rate change, or flow rate step-down test occurs.

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Rate #1
This is the magnitude of the flow rate just before the instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP), flow-rate change, or flow rate
step-down test occurs.
Rate #2
This is the magnitude of the flow rate just after the instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP), flow-rate change, or flow rate
step-down test occurs.
Near-Wellbore Friction
This is the change in near-wellbore friction observed when going from Rate #1 to Rate #2. Note that near-wellbore friction
commonly varies across an injection sequence, and can be affected by injected volume, fluid viscosity, flow rate, and the
passage of proppant.
Perf Coefficient Multiplier
This is the ratio of actual perforation friction to theoretical perf friction. Theoretical perf friction is calculated from the
combination of flow rate, hole size, diameter, and other parameters appropriate for the perf model assumed. Actual perf
friction is generally derived from a rate step-down test.
This parameter commonly varies with time or injection number, due to changes in the number of holes open or perforation
Perfs Open (effective)
The effective number of perfs open is the number of holes required to explain the observed perforation pressure drop,
which is directly calculated using the following relationship:
where P is pressure and N is the number of perforations. Thus,
2 0.5
Neffective=(Nshot /Perf Coefficient Multiplier)
where Neffective is the effective number of perfs open and Nshot is the number of perfs shot.

Perforation Pressure Drop Model

There are three choices for modeling pressure losses through the perforations. In all three choices, the equation used to
calculate perf friction is as follows:
2 2 4
ΔPperfs=0.237ρ(Q/N) /(Cd D )
ρ = slurry density in ppg,
Q = flow rate in bpm,
N = number of perfs,
D = perf diameter in inches, and
Cd = discharge coefficient.
The only difference between the three options regards the discharge coefficient. For the Default FracproPT Model
option, the value is constant at 0.8. The FFCF Linear Gel Correlation and FFCF X-link Gel Correlation options use
correlations for the discharge coefficient developed at the Fracturing Fluid Characterization Facility (FFCF) at
Oklahoma University. The FFCF X-link Gel Correlation also includes an additional term for excess pressure loss. (See
SPE 38373, El-Rabaa, et. al.)
There are two important facts you should remember if you switch the perf pressure drop model:
ƒ When performing a rate step-down analysis on real data (that is, either real-time data or database data are
input to the simulator), changing the perf pressure drop model will affect the values calculated for both Perf
Coefficient Multiplier and Perfs Open (effective). However, the magnitude of the perf pressure drop
determined from the rate step-down test would not change since its calculation is based on measured
pressure data.
ƒ In contrast, when you are using the simulator in a design mode (that is, running from the treatment
schedule with no real-data model inputs), changing the perf pressure drop model will affect the calculated
perforation pressure drop, but the number of perforations is a design input in this case and will not change.

Display Step-Down Plot and New Step-Down Analysis

Select the button Display Step-Down Plot to view an existing step-down test analysis plot, or select the button New
Step-Down Analysis to create a new step-down test analysis plot.

Use Cramer’s Perf Erosion Model

Enable this checkbox to use the perforation erosion module based on work conducted by Dave Cramer of BJ Services in
Denver. This perforation erosion model describes the reduction of perforation friction due to smoothing of the perforation
tunnel and gradual enlargement of the perforation. These two effects are governed by a change in discharge coefficient
and a change in diameter as a function of the amount of proppant pumped through the perforation. This perforation

FracproPT 2007

erosion model will change perforation friction as a function of the proppant pumped through the perforation while
reconciling with the rate stepdown test results. See also the Cramer's Perforation Erosion Model screen.

Perforation Data
The location (measured depth) of the perforated intervals are entered on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen
and is displayed here. The number of number of perforation and their diameter can also be entered on that screen, but
they can also be entered or changed here.
Frac #
Frac number, or perhaps more appropriately, perforated interval number, ranges from 1 to 20 depending on your entries
Top MD
These are the measured depths to the top of the (up to twenty) perfed intervals.
Bottom MD
These are the measured depths to the bottom of the (up to twenty) perfed intervals.
# Perfs
This is the number of perforations you believe are open for each of the (up to twenty) perfed intervals.
This is the estimated average diameter of perforations for each of the (up to twenty) perfed intervals.

Wellbore Friction
This is the fluid that is pumped down the wellbore, for which the wellbore friction is calculated.
Friction Multiplier
This is the multiplier with which the friction will be multiplied (with default value of 1.00).

Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer Table

The stepdown test analyzer (see analyzing injection rate step-down tests) is a tool designed specifically for use with
FracproPT’s cursor editing mode that automates the process of marking, analyzing, and using the results of a rate step-
down test. The results of this analyzer are not actually used by the fracture simulator until you select the Use Results in
Entry Friction vs. Time Table.

Data Table
As you mark the beginning and ending of each rate step-down in a test using cursor editing, the test input data are written
into this table. Up to 5 rate steps can be included in a single rate step-down test. The final step should always end at a
rate of zero.
The Time for each rate step-down is taken as the average between the beginning and end times for that step (as marked
by you on a cursor-editing plot).
Rate #1
This is the Bottomhole Slurry Rate at the beginning time of each rate step-down, as marked by you on a cursor-editing
plot. If the injected fluid is relatively incompressible (e.g. water), Bottomhole Slurry Rate will be equal to the measured
surface injection rate. For a compressible fluid such as foam, Bottomhole Slurry Rate will be calculated based on
measured or calculated bottomhole pressure.
Rate #2
This is the Bottomhole Slurry Rate at the end time of each rate step-down, as marked by you on a cursor-editing plot.
Change in Friction
This is the change in the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel that occurs in response to each step down in rate.
The Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel is set equal to true bottom hole pressure if it is available (that is, if it is
measured). If the rate step-down analysis is based on surface pressure or pressure measured at some other depth in the
wellbore, the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel will be calculated based on the measured pressure, corrected for
the wellbore friction and the hydrostatic pressure difference between the measurement point and frac depth.

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Step-Down Friction Analysis Results

For your initial review, the analysis results from the data in the Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer table are shown in the
Step-Down Friction Analysis fields.
Total Friction Power â and Total Friction Coeff K
Using a least-squares technique, the rate step-down test data are first fit with a single power law equation:
Total Entry Friction=KtotalQ
If fracture entry friction is dominated by perf friction, β will generally be near 2. If near-wellbore friction dominates, β will
generally be closer to 0.5. A value of β above 2 or significantly below 0.5 generally indicates either a) a problem with step-
down test behavior (for example, the assumption of constant pressure in the fracture during the step-down is not true), or
b) incorrect wellbore friction fluid parameters (as set on the Edit/View Interpolated Fluid Data [shift+F5] screen).
Perf Friction Coeff K and NWB Friction Coeff K
The perforation and near-wellbore friction components are analytically separated by fitting the rate step-down test data to
the following equation:
Total Entry Friction = Perf Friction + Near Wellbore Friction
Perf Friction = KperfQ
Near Wellbore Friction = Knear-wellboreQ
In the equation above, β is typically 0.5.
Effective Perfs Open
This the estimated number of perforations open at the time of the rate step-down test.
Perf Friction
This is the estimated perforation friction at the Max Flow Rate.
NWB Friction
This is the estimated near-wellbore friction at the Max Flow Rate.
Max Flow Rate
This is the injection rate at the beginning of the rate step-down test.

Step-Down Test Analysis Plot

This screen can be accessed by:

• In the Perf and Near-Wellbore Friction - F8 screen, select the button Display Step-Down Plot.
• In the Perf and Near-Wellbore Friction - F8 screen, select the button New Step-Down Plot.

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Step-Down Test Analysis Plot.

Select Step-down Test
ƒ Set the green vertical line at the approximate beginning and the red vertical line at the approximate end of
the step-down test that you would like to analyze.
ƒ If needed, right click on the Time axis, to adjust the Axis Limits.

X-Axis Limits dialog.

ƒ Once you have selected the correct time window, select the button OK in the dialog.

FracproPT 2007

Step-Down Test Analysis Plot dialog.

Select Pressure Steps

ƒ FracproPT will automatically adjust the Time axis to zoom into the selected time window of the step-down
test. FracproPT will then attempt to add more pairs of green and red lines, reflecting the approximate
beginning and end of the pressure steps on the basis of its analysis of the step-down data. However, this
automatic selection may have to be adjusted for better accuracy.
ƒ Modify: Set the green vertical lines at the approximate beginnings and the red vertical lines at the
approximate ends of the pressure steps.
ƒ Insert: Right click on the approximate location of the missing pair of green and red lines, and in the
confirmation dialog, select the button Yes.

Step-Down Test Analysis Plot insert confirmation dialog.

ƒ Delete: Right click on a green or red line of the pair that you want to remove, and in the confirmation
dialog, select the button Yes.

Step-Down Test Analysis Plot delete confirmation dialog.

ƒ Last Red Line Fixed: If the last red line is fixed at the right boundary of the plot, then the checkbox Use
ISIP Pick for Step-Down Test is selected in the Options tab of the Minifrac Analysis - Shift + F8 screen. In
this case, the pick for the instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP) is used for the step-down test.
This automatically sets the last red line to the End Pumping time from the Input tab of the Minifrac
Analysis - Shift + F8 screen.
When selecting this option, ensure that the staging is set correctly, such that the End Pumping time has a
meaningful value.
Use Step-down Data
When you have completed the selection of the step-down test and the pressure steps, select the button Use Step-Down
This will transfer the information defined by the green and red lines to the Entry Friction versus Time table in the Perf
and Near-Wellbore Friction - F8 screen.

Cramer's Perforation Erosion Model

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT includes a perforation erosion module based on work conducted by Dave Cramer of BJ Services in Denver.
This perforation erosion model describes the reduction of perforation friction due to smoothing of the perforation tunnel
and gradual enlargement of the perforation. These two effects are governed by a change in discharge coefficient and a
change in diameter as a function of the amount of proppant pumped through the perforation. This perforation erosion
model will change perforation friction as a function of the proppant pumped through the perforation while reconciling with
the rate stepdown test results.

Cramer’s Perf Erosion Model Parameters screen

This screen is available once the Use Cramer’s Perf Erosion Model checkbox on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE
FRICTION [F8] screen is selected.
Initial Discharge Coefficient
The Initial Discharge Coefficient accounts for the smoothness of the perforation and is set to a default starting value of
Final Discharge Coefficient
The Final Discharge Coefficient accounts for the smoothness of the perforation and is set to a default final value of 0.90.
The actual discharge coefficient changes linearly between the Initial Discharge Coefficient and the Final Discharge
Coefficient as a function of the Proppant Volume when the Final Discharge Coefficient is Reached.
Proppant Volume when the Final Discharge Coefficient is Reached
The Proppant Volume when the Final Discharge Coefficient is Reached is typically set to about 1,500 lbs of proppant
per perforation.
Proppant Volume when Perf Diameter Increase Starts
The Proppant Volume when Perf Diameter Increase Starts is typically set to about 9000 lbs of proppant per
Perforation Diameter Change per Proppant Pumped
The Perforation Diameter Change per Proppant Pumped is typically set to about 0.0043f inches per 1000 lbs of
proppant pumped per perforation.
Perforation Friction is Unaffected for proppant Smaller than
The Perforation Friction is Unaffected for proppant Smaller than is typically set to about 0.008 in, which is the same
as the model setting for Proppant Diameter Greater Than field on the Proppant Model parameters tab on the

Technical Background
The common equation for theoretical perforation friction is
2 2 4
Δpperf,theo=0.2369ρ(Q/N) 1/C D
where Q represents the flow rate in bpm, N represents the number of perforations, C represents the discharge coefficient,
D represents the perforation diameter in in., and r represents the slurry density in lbs/gal.
Cramer found from laboratory testing that both the discharge coefficient C and the perforation diameter D are changing as
a function of the amount of proppant that is pumped through the perforation. He identified two regimes for the change in
perforation diameter:

FracproPT 2007

D=Di for Vproppant<VD

D=Di+M(Vproppant-VD) for Vproppant≥VD
and two regimes for changes in the discharge coefficient:
C=Ci+Vproppant(Cf-Ci)/VCfor Vproppant<VC
C=Cffor Vproppant≥VC
where Di represents the initial perf diameter, Ci represents the initial discharge coefficient, Cf represents the final
discharge coefficient, Vproppant represents the proppant pumped through a perforation, M represents the perforation
diameter change as a functions of the amount of proppant pumped through it, and VC and VD represent the proppant
volumes associated with the regime changes for the discharge coefficient and the perforation diameter.
Cramer found the following values to best fit the laboratory test results:
VC=7,000 lbs
VD=9,000 lbs
M=0.0043 in/Mlbs/perf

Additional Information

Analyzing Flow Rate Step-Down Tests

This procedure will show you how to use one of FracproPT’s tools to easily analyze a flow rate step-down test so that
you may distinguish perforation friction from near-wellbore friction. You can graphically choose points from a suitable plot
of pressure and flow data and then automatically enter those points into the Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer (a sort of
calculator) that will do the analysis for you. The results of the rate step-down test analysis can then be accounted for in
your net pressure analysis by automatically including them in the Entry Friction versus Time table. In fact, multiple rate
step-down tests from the same treatment may be analyzed and included.
When measured bottomhole pressure is available, rate step-down analysis is straightforward and accurate. For
treatments where only surface pressure is available, wellbore friction is a third source of system friction that must be
accounted for. Wellbore friction parameters are set on the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the Edit/View Interpolated
Fluid Data [shift+F5] screen.
Wellbore friction can vary significantly with relatively small changes in fluid formulation. As a result, surface pressure rate
step-down analyses will generally involve greater uncertainty. However, despite the uncertainties, rate step-down
analyses based on surface pressure can generally provide useful engineering answers if wellbore friction is relatively
small, if wellbore friction is known (or can be bounded) with reasonable accuracy, or if total entry friction is relatively large
compared to wellbore friction.
Note that the friction resulting from turbulent flow in the wellbore is functionally close to perforation friction, which is very
different than near-wellbore friction. Thus, even if there is uncertainty in the split between perforation and wellbore friction,
calculated near-wellbore friction is generally relatively unaffected.

The general rate step-down test procedure is as follows:

ƒ After setting the stages so that FracproPT knows what fluids and proppants are pumped in each one, run
the fracture model with a small time step (for example, 0.02 to 0.05 minutes) to capture the details of the
flow rate and the corresponding friction pressure changes.
ƒ Go to the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen and configure a user-configured plot with the channels for
Measured Bottomhole Pressure and Bottomhole Slurry Rate (both of these are calculated FracproPT
model channels).
ƒ Note that the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel will be calculated based on surface pressure,
unless actual measured bottomhole pressure is available as an input to the model (as specified on the
CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen). The Bottomhole Slurry Rate channel will be
equal to surface injection rate except for compressible fluids.
ƒ Activate cursor editing for the plot (for example, by selecting the Cursor Editing toolbar button) and put
the cursor on the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel.
ƒ Move the cursor to a point just before the first rate cut begins and mark that point in time by pressing
[Alt+B] or by selecting Begin from the controls at the bottom of the plot. This will result in the appearance
of a vertical line to indicate the mark, and the values for flow rate and observed net pressure at that point
will be temporarily displayed in the System Messages area at the bottom left corner of the screen. Use the
mark and the temporary display to confirm that you have marked a position with the correct flow rate
because there is sometimes a small time mismatch between the flow rate and pressure data.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Move the cursor to the point where pressure has leveled off in response to the first drop in rate and mark
that point in time by pressing [Alt+E] or by selecting End from the controls at the bottom of the plot.
In a properly executed rate step-down test (that is, with succeeding drop in rate executed as soon as the pressure
stabilizes) this point will be just before the next drop in rate.
This will result in the appearance of a second vertical line to indicate the mark, and the values for flow rate and
observed net pressure at that point will again be temporarily displayed in the System Messages area at the bottom
left corner of the screen. Use the mark and the temporary display to confirm that you have marked a position with the
correct flow rate because there is sometimes a small time mismatch between the flow rate and pressure data.

ƒ Select Step Rate to automatically calculate the changes in friction and flow rate between the marked
Begin and End times, which also automatically enters this data in the Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer
data table. Do not select Calculate NWB Friction, since this function is used to account for near-wellbore
friction only.
When selecting Step Rate for the first time during the analysis of any rate step-down test, you will be asked whether
or not you wish to delete all the current entries in the Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer table. If you are beginning
analysis of a new rate step-down test, select Yes. If you are attempting to change data in a previous test or to enter
new data in a previous test, you should select No.
ƒ Move the cursor to a point just before the second rate cut and mark that point by again pressing [Alt+B] or
selecting Begin. Note that for a properly executed rate step-down test, the cursor does not even have to
be moved. In other words, the Begin mark will be at the same location as the End mark from the previous
step down.
ƒ Position the cursor to a point just after the second rate cut ends (and pressure has stabilized) and mark
that point by again pressing [Alt+E] or selecting End.
ƒ Again select Step Rate to automatically calculate the changes in friction and flow rate for the second step
and enter that data into the Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer.
ƒ Continue this procedure, repeating 7 through 9, for all remaining steps of the rate step-down test.
The last step of the rate step-down test must have a final flow rate of zero (or, at least, less than 1 bpm).
ƒ The results of the analysis can now be viewed numerically in the Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer data
table. The Step-Down Friction Analysis results table will show the various curve-fit parameters as well as
the estimated perforation and near-wellbore friction at the maximum (that is, at the beginning of the test)
flow rate.
ƒ If you wish to use the analysis results (that is, in the calculation of Observed Net Pressure), select the
Use Results in Entry Friction versus Time table function. Doing so will automatically make an entry in
that table, which is the data actually used by the simulator to account for near-wellbore friction. This entry
will show a Time equal to the approximate center of the rate step-down test.
ƒ To assist with understanding rate step-down analyses, the results may be viewed graphically. To do this,
simply make a plot of the three friction channels (Observed Friction, which is calculated based on the
overall power-law β, Estimated NWB Friction, and Estimated Perf Friction) versus flow rate. The plot
shows the how the relative magnitudes of the friction components vary with injection rate.
ƒ Continue this procedure for each rate step-down test that you wish to analyze and account for.

Analyzing Abrupt Flow Rate Changes

Many premature treatment screen-outs are the result of high near-wellbore friction due to tortuosity, but they are often
erroneously assumed to be due to insufficient pad volume or fracture width (that is, width in the main body of the fracture).
Determining the level and time dependence of near-wellbore friction using flow-rate changes, which include conducting
instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP) measurements, not only helps you determine an accurate Observed Net Pressure,
it also provides a valuable diagnostic for determining near-wellbore screen-out risk and the appropriate proppant
This procedure will show you how to use one of FracproPT’s tools to easily analyze an abrupt change in flow rate,
which may be a planned occurrence or it may result from some unforeseen event (for example, loss of a pump during the
treatment). You can graphically choose data from a suitable plot of pressure and flow data and then automatically enter
those data into the Entry Friction versus Time table so that they are properly accounted for in your net pressure
analysis. Multiple flow rate changes may be analyzed and included.
For this analysis, changes in fracture entry friction are assumed to be due only to near-wellbore friction. Perforation friction
(determined from the parameters you enter on the wellbore configuration [F7] screen) is assumed to be correct and it is

FracproPT 2007

not changed. Thus, this type of analysis is mainly used for smoothing Observed Net Pressure behavior at rate changes.
A true rate step-down test is required to separate fracture entry friction into perf and near-wellbore friction components.
Analyses of abrupt flow rate changes are most accurate when bottomhole pressure is directly measured. However, the
technique can also provide accurate results using surface pressure if wellbore friction is relatively small, if wellbore
friction is known (or can be bounded) with reasonable accuracy, or if total entry friction is relatively large compared to
wellbore friction.

ƒ After setting the stages so that FracproPT knows what fluids and proppants are pumped in each one, run
the fracture model with a small time step (for example, 0.02 to 0.05 minutes) to capture the details of the
flow rate and the corresponding friction pressure changes.
ƒ Go to the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen and configure a user-configurable plot such that Observed Net
Pressure and the real-data flow rate channel being input to the fracture model (that is, the channel
specified on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen) are displayed.
ƒ Activate cursor editing for the plot (for example, by selecting the Cursor Editing toolbar button) and put
the cursor on the Observed Net Pressure channel.
ƒ Move the cursor to a point just before the flow rate change begins (that is, just before the upward or
downward pressure spike) and mark that point in time by pressing [Alt+B] or selecting Begin from the
controls at the bottom of the plot. This will result in the appearance of a vertical line to indicate the mark.
The values for flow rate and observed net pressure at that point will be temporarily displayed in the System
Messages area at the bottom left corner of the screen. Use the mark and the temporary display to confirm
that you have marked a position with the correct flow rate because there is sometimes a small time
mismatch between the flow rate and observed net pressure data.
ƒ Move the cursor to a point just after the flow rate change ends (that is, just after the upward or downward
pressure spike) and mark that point in time by pressing [Alt+E] or selecting End from the controls at the
bottom of the plot. This will result in the appearance of a second vertical line to indicate the mark. Again,
the values for flow rate and observed net pressure at that point will be temporarily displayed in the System
Messages area at the bottom left corner of the screen. Use the mark and the temporary display to confirm
that you have marked a position with the correct flow rate because there is sometimes a small time
mismatch between the flow rate and observed net pressure data.
ƒ Select Calculate NWB Friction to automatically calculate the changes in near-wellbore friction and flow
rate between the marked Begin and End times, which also automatically enters the relevant data into the
Entry Friction versus Time table with a Time coinciding with the approximate center (in time) of the flow
rate change. Do not select Step Rate since this function is used specifically for analyzing rate step-down
When selecting Calculate NWB Friction for the first time during the analysis of an abrupt flow rate change, you will be
asked whether or not you wish to delete all the current entries in the Entry Friction versus Time table. Selecting Yes
will delete all the data, including entries that may have resulted from Rate Step-Down Test analyses. If you have
already analyzed other flow rate changes or rate step-down tests whose data you do not wish to delete, you should
select No.
ƒ Continue this procedure for each abrupt flow rate change that you wish to analyze and account for.
A rule of thumb is to only use flow rate changes that are equal to 20% (or more) of the total flow rate.

Distinguishing Perforation Friction from Near-Wellbore Friction

Near-wellbore friction varies (roughly) with the square root of flow rate, while perforation friction varies with flow rate
squared. The only way to distinguish near-wellbore friction from perforation friction is by determining the flow-rate
dependence of the measured friction pressure from a Rate Step-Down Test. To facilitate rapid and efficient rate step-
down analysis, FracproPT contains a special graphical interface for extracting rate step-down data from the treatment
data, and an automatic rate step-down analyzer tool. Since perforation and near-wellbore friction generally vary over the
course of a diagnostic injection and fracture treatment sequence, we generally recommend that every injection be ended
with a rate step-down.
Flow-rate dependence of the friction pressure can be determined by stepping-down the flow rate rather than simply
shutting off all pumps for an ISIP (for example, after diagnostic injections, during the pad, and at the end of a fracture
treatment). It is important to get data at a minimum of 3 different injection rates for a step-down test (i.e. you should step
the rate down to zero with at least two intermediate steps in between the full injection rate and the ISIP).
The exact value of flow rate achieved during each step down is not important, but it is critical to change between each rate
as quickly as possible and to hold each rate as steady as possible for a short time. This is often most easily accomplished
by having the service company simply shut down individual pumps for each step. Total rate step-down test time should be
small compared to total injection time, so that net pressure does not change significantly during the rate step-down.
Note that this may not be possible in high permeability rocks with a small injection volume of high leakoff fluid, or in cases

FracproPT 2007

of rapid net pressure change due to proppant effects. Unless the changing net pressure in these cases can be accounted
for, the rate step-down test results will be in error. To improve the ability to separate perf and near-wellbore friction, it can
also be helpful to do smaller magnitude rate changes at the high rate (that is, the first step down) and at the lowest rate
(that is, the final step down, or shut-in).
Example (with three steps to ISIP):
Suppose that you are pumping at 30 bpm.

• After noting (for example, marking in cursor editing) the pressure at 30 bpm, quickly drop the rate to
25 bpm and hold it there long enough to allow the friction and water-hammer dynamics to dampen
(for example, typically 10 to 20 seconds)
• After recording the pressure at 25 bpm, quickly drop the rate to 15 bpm and again hold it there until
the dynamics have dissipated
• After recording the pressure at 15 bpm, repeat the same process for 5 bpm
• Finally, shut down the injection completely and record the ISIP
From these data, a table or plot of the change in friction versus flow rate (using the value for flow rate before the actual
flow-rate change) can be constructed and the flow-rate dependence of the measured friction can be determined.
FracproPT’s Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer allows you to graphically enter the stepdown table data and plot the data
for analysis.

Removing Friction Pressure from Measured Data

When trying to match the theoretical Net Pressure to the observed data (termed Observed Net Pressure) during
pumping, it is essential that you first remove all friction pressure from the measured (surface or bottomhole) pressure
Errors in friction modeling will generally result in step changes in Observed Net Pressure at abrupt injection rate changes.
If perforation and near-wellbore friction are modeled correctly (that is, removed), Observed Net Pressure will be smooth
over periods of abrupt flow rate changes. The process for removing all such friction is discussed here.
To remove all friction, we make use of the fact that net fracturing pressure in a sufficiently large hydraulic
fracture does not change abruptly, due to energy storage considerations. By definition, net fracturing pressure is
gauge or measured pressure minus friction pressure, plus hydrostatic pressure if you are using surface pressure, minus
closure stress. Therefore, any abrupt changes in measured pressure data that occur with abrupt flow-rate changes are
likely due to changing friction pressure, not changes in net fracturing pressure.
The abrupt drop in surface treating pressure observed at an ISIP is due to the loss of the combination of perforation, near-
wellbore, and wellbore friction. The abrupt change in downhole (or "dead-string") pressure that is observed at an ISIP
represents the sum of perforation and near-wellbore friction. These latter two quantities, although fundamentally different,
are often lumped together and referred to as fracture entry friction.
Perforation friction is modeled by a stagnation pressure (kinetic energy) calculation where the pressure drop through the
perforations varies with the square of flow velocity (where flow velocity is the total flow rate divided by total cross-sectional
area of the perforations). As such, if flow rate is doubled, perforation friction increases by a factor of four.
Near-wellbore friction, on the other hand, varies roughly with the square root of flow rate. Near-wellbore friction results
from flow through a tortuous, segmented region connecting the wellbore and the main body of the fracture(s). If this region
maintains a constant geometry, then near-wellbore friction increases linearly with flow rate. However, the near-wellbore
region generally opens wider as flow rate increases and, hence, yields a roughly square-root dependence on flow rate. As
such, if flow rate is doubled, near-wellbore friction increases by a factor of about 1.4.
Near-wellbore friction often varies significantly over the course of a fracture treatment. If near-wellbore friction is large
initially (for example, several hundred to several thousand psi), the near-wellbore tortuosity and fracture segmentation
often decreases with time as more fluid (or proppant) is pumped, resulting in a better wellbore-to-fracture connection.
Also, the level of tortuosity can sometimes be reduced with the use of proppant slugs, as described in SPE 25892.
There are two relatively simple diagnostic techniques that can be used to account for fracture entry friction. These
techniques include rate stepdown tests which allows fracture entry friction to be split into near-wellbore friction (tortuosity)
and perforation friction components, and evaluation of flow rate changes to account for errors in friction modeling using
near-wellbore friction. FracproPT includes utilities to automate these analyses.

Recognizing Errors in Friction Modeling

Recall that Observed Net Pressure is calculated by adding hydrostatic pressure and subtracting out all sources of friction
(between the pressure measurement point and frac depth), then subtracting fracture closure pressure.
Sudden changes or spikes in Observed Net Pressure when injection rate changes abruptly indicate that system friction
is not being modeled correctly. The three frictional components modeled by FracproPT are:

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ƒ Wellbore friction
ƒ Perforation friction
ƒ Near-wellbore friction
The wellbore friction term is not used if bottomhole pressure is measured and used as an input to FracproPT.
Predicting Too Much Friction
Indications that the simulator is predicting too much friction (for example, Figure 1) will manifest themselves as:

• Observed Net Pressure spikes upward with sudden decreases in flow rate, or
• Observed Net Pressure spikes downward for sudden increases in flow rate.
If you are running the simulator from measured surface pressure, then wellbore friction may be too high. Fluid friction
properties can be modified on the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA
[SHIFT+F5] screen, and the effects of proppant on wellbore friction can be modified by selecting the Proppant Effects on
Wellbore Friction function on the Fluid and proppant selection [F5] screen. Alternatively, perf friction or near-wellbore
friction may have dropped from initial assumptions or from values determined from a previous rate step-down test.

Figure 1: Example where too much friction is being calculated.

Predicting Too Little Friction

Indications that the simulator is predicting too little friction (for example, Figure 2) will manifest themselves as:

• Observed Net Pressure spikes downward for sudden decreases in flow rate, or
• Observed Net Pressure spikes upward for sudden increases in flow rate.
If you are running the simulator from measured surface pressure, then wellbore friction may be too low. Fluid friction
properties can be modified on the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA
screen, and the effects of proppant on wellbore friction can be modified by selecting the Proppant Effects on Wellbore
Friction function on the Fluid and proppant selection screen. Otherwise, perf friction or near-wellbore friction may have
increased from initial assumptions or from values determined from a previous rate stepdown test.

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Figure 2: Example where not enough friction is being calculated.

Predicting the Correct Friction

Figure 3 shows a plot where friction is calculated correctly so that Observed Net Pressure does not spike up or down
when flow rate is suddenly changed.

Figure 3: Example the correct amount of friction is being calculated.

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What is Entry Friction?

Entry friction is composed of perforation friction and near-wellbore friction.
Perf friction is an important fracture design parameter that is affected by both perforation design and the effectiveness by
which the perfs are "broken down." Perforation design variables include perf diameter, penetration distance, phasing, and
spacing (shot density). With a limited-entry strategy, it may be critical to maintain a relatively high perf friction over the
course of a treatment to effectively distribute the injected fluids and proppants across the perf interval. However, if
breakdown effectiveness is poor, perforation friction may be excessive. In other cases, it may be desirable to minimize
perforation friction because it plays no useful role.
Near-wellbore friction is also known as near-wellbore fracture tortuosity, and is related to fracture initiation complexity.
Most unplanned screen-outs are caused by proppant bridging in the near-wellbore region. Sources of near-wellbore
fracture complexity include:

• Multiple fracture initiation at pre-existing micro cracks (natural, drilling-induced, or perforation-

induced), and
• Sharp transitions from the fracture initiation plane to the preferred orientation.
Either mechanism may result in inadequate near-wellbore fracture width, which is likely to lead to proppant bridging.
Perforation friction can be analytically separated from near-wellbore friction because of their different functional
dependence on injection rate. As orifice flow, perforation friction varies with the square of the injection rate. In contrast,
near-wellbore friction varies approximately with the square root of injection rate. This fact is the basis of flow rate step-
down tests.

Entry Friction May Mask True Net Pressure

Many premature treatment screen-outs result from high near-wellbore friction due to tortuosity. Quite often, these
treatment screen-outs are erroneously assumed to be due to insufficient pad volume or fracture width (that is, width in the
main body of the fracture).
Determining the level and time dependence of near-wellbore friction using flow rate changes, which include ISIP
measurements, and rate step-down tests not only allows accurate determination of Observed Net Pressure, but it also
provides a valuable diagnostic for determining near-wellbore screen-out risk and the appropriate proppant schedule.
Minifrac Analysis - Shift + F8

Minifrac Analysis – Input [Shift+F8]

The Fracture Closure Stress Analysis tool simplifies and partially automates the process of estimating fracture closure
stress from a selection of well-known pressure analysis plots. You can use this tool in the office with database data or in
the field with real-time data.
This Input tab enables you to quickly select or define up to 3 different injection-decline periods for analysis, either by
using the (optional) Stage Types that you select on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen, or by manually entering
the start and stop times of stages here. Once you have selected the injection-decline period(s), you simply select the
Create Plots function. The plots are viewed by switching to the Closure Stress and Reservoir Pressure tabs of this
screen and then double clicking on the desire Plot Name. Automation features available on the plots help you to easily
complete the analyses. The Options tab gives you the capability to select how the various plots are configured and how
the data are analyzed.
This tool always uses the FracproPT channel called Meas’d Btm Press to determine closure stress. For this reason,
you must always run the model before doing this analysis. If you are running the model from measured surface
pressure (as specified on the Channel Inputs for Model [Shft+F6] screen), wellbore friction and hydrostatic
pressures will be used to calculate Meas’d Btm Pressure.

Minifrac Analysis Procedure – Input Tab

ƒ Run the fracture model with a relatively small time step (for example, 0.017 to 0.1 minutes). At this point, it
does not yet matter if the model run predicts a good net pressure match.
ƒ Define up to three injection-decline sequences by entering the 3 times that define each one. This can be
done manually, or it can also be done automatically with the Auto Time checkbox, which uses the
treatment schedule Stage Types.
ƒ Select the Create Plots function for each defined injection-decline sequence to automatically set up the
analysis plots.
ƒ Press View Summary Plot to determine if all start and end times are appropriately set. If the Start and
End times are not correct, drag the vertical lines to the correct position, and all Start and End times will be

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ƒ Switch to the Closure Stress and the Reservoir Pressure tab to view the plots and conduct the closure
stress analysis and reservoir pressure analysis.
Additional and more detailed information on this procedure can be found below and on the Help screen for the Closure
Stress tab.

The Input tab of the Minifrac Analysis screen.

Minifrac Analysis Input Data

Three lines of information are shown here, one for each of the three possible injection-decline sequences that can be
analyzed (Injection #1, Injection #2, and Injection #3).
If the Auto option is checked, you select the pumping stage of the injection-decline sequence that you would like to
analyze in this drop-down list. Once the selection is made, the Decline, Start Pumping, End Pumping, and End Decline
fields will be filled in automatically.
If the Auto option is not checked so that you plan to enter Start Pumping, End Pumping, and End Decline times
manually, you are not required to make a selection in this field.
This field is not editable and will display "Shut-in" if the stage selected in the Pumping field is in fact followed by a shut-in
Auto Time
If you check this option, the program picks the time entries for Start Pumping, End Pumping, and End Decline based on
the stage you select in the Pumping field. Obviously, you must have set up and correctly identified the stages in the
TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen, Actual Treatment Schedule tab (via your Stage Type selection) before you can
correctly use this feature.
When analyzing multiple injection-decline sequences, if the stage type selection in the Pumping field is the same for
Injection #2 or Injection #3 (for example when two subsequent water injections are pumped), then the Start Pumping,
End Pumping, and End Decline times of the next stage with this same name will be selected.
If you do not check this option, you must enter the Start Pumping, End Pumping, and End Decline times manually.
Start Pumping
This is the time when pumping starts for the injection-decline sequence you wish to analyze. If you select the Auto
function and make a Pumping selection (as explained above), a time is automatically entered in this field. You may also
enter a time manually (for example, after viewing a plot of measured data and visually picking the time).

FracproPT 2007

End Pumping
This is the time when pumping end for the injection-decline sequence you wish to analyze. If you select the Auto function
and make a Pumping selection (as explained above), a time is automatically entered in this field. You may also enter a
time manually (for example, after viewing a plot of measured data and visually picking the time).
End Decline
This is the time when the pressure decline ends for the injection-decline sequence you wish to analyze. If you select the
Auto function and make a Pumping selection (as explained above), a time is automatically entered in this field. You may
also enter a time manually (for example, after viewing a plot of measured data and visually picking the time).
Create Plots
Once the correct times for the injection-decline sequences are selected (either automatically or manually) and the fracture
model has run past the End Decline time, select this function to automatically configure all the standard analysis plots.
The plots are selected for viewing and analysis from the Results tab of this screen.
Reset Plot Time Axes
This function is useful when running in the field from real-time data. It is used to update the analysis plots to include a
larger decline interval by automatically changing the time scale while leaving the y-axis scales as they are. In other words,
this function increases the End Decline time for last injection-decline sequence being analyzed.
View Summary Plot
This plot provides an overview of the entire fluid injection and pressure decline period.
Additional Information: Injection Summary Plot

Injection Summary Plot

This plot provides an overview of the entire fluid injection and pressure decline period. The plot Legend Box (shown
below) provides useful information about the injection-decline sequence. Corresponding to the values shown in the
Legend Box, as well as the Start Pumping, End Pumping, and End Decline fields on the Input Tab of the MINIFRAC
Analysis [Shift+F8] screen, the first vertical line indicates the start of pumping, the second vertical line indicates the
conclusion of pumping, and the third vertical line indicates the end of the pressure decline period.
If the vertical lines are not in the correct positions, move the mouse cursor to the vertical line in question and drag the line
to the correct position by holding down the left mouse button.

FracproPT 2007

Minifrac Analysis – Closure Stress [Shift+F8]

The Fracture Closure Stress Analysis tool simplifies and partially automates the process of estimating fracture closure
stress and other pertinent treatment variables from a selection of well-known pressure analysis plots. You can use this
tool in the office with database data or in the field with real-time data. This Closure Stress tab is where you select the plots
for viewing and analyses. Results from the analyses are also tabulated here and various options for using the results are

Minifrac Analysis Procedure

1) The plots must first be set up or defined on the Input tab of this screen (detailed instructions are provided there).
2) Typically, you would first view the ISIP Plot since an Instantaneous Shut-In Pressure (ISIP) is necessary in order to
calculate many of the parameters shown in the Closure Stress Table.
3) To view any plot for a particular injection-decline sequence, simply double-click on the corresponding Plot Name. Most
of the plots are displayed with a legend box that provides relevant information about the injection or analysis.
4) Detailed instructions on how to perform the analyses for each plot may be displayed while the plot is visible by pressing
[F1] or selecting Help…Context menu item.
5) Once you complete the analyses on the plots, return to this screen to view and compare the closure stress estimates
(and other parameters) that were automatically transferred here from all the different plot analyses. Those results can be
automatically combined and averaged, or you can enter you own interpretation of BH Closure Stress. Finally, the pay
zone closure stress used by the fracture model (as shown on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen) can then be
automatically updated by selecting the Update Closure Stress in Pay Zone Only function or the Shift Closure Stress in
All Zones function.

FracproPT 2007

The Closure Stress tab of the Minifrac Analysis screen.

Minifrac Analysis Results Table

Three tables of information are shown here, one for each of the three possible injection-decline sequences that can be
analyzed (Injection #1, Injection #2, and Injection #3). These injection-decline sequences are specified on the
Inputs tab of this screen.
Plot Name
Double click on the corresponding Plot Name field to display any plot. The plots can be viewed in any order, but you
should analyze the ISIP Plot first before proceeding with the analyses of the remaining plots.
All the plots available are shown below (click on the buttons to view Help for the plots):

• ISIP Plot
• SQRT Plot
• G-Function Plot
• Log-Log Plot
• Rate-Normalized Plot
This is the ISIP (instantaneous shut-in pressure) in terms of bottomhole pressure. This number may be entered
automatically using ISIP diagnostic plot, or you may enter it manually.
ISIP Gradient
The value for BH ISIP is divided by Depth to Middle of Perfs (displayed near the bottom of this screen) to calculate this
This is the ISIP (instantaneous shut-in pressure) in terms of surface pressure.
BH Closure
This is the closure stress in the pay zone. This number may be entered automatically using several of the diagnostic plots
or you may enter it manually.
Closure Gradient

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The value for BH Closure is divided by Depth to Middle of Perfs (displayed near the bottom of this screen) to calculate
this number.
Surf Closure
This is equivalent surface pressure for which fracture closure occurs in the pay zone. It is calculated using the hydrostatic
head at the end of the injection.
Closure Time
Based on your selection/calculation of BH ISIP, the time to closure from the End of Pumping is displayed here.
Dimensionless Closure Time
This is the ratio of the difference between End of Pumping time and Closure Time to the difference between Start of
Pumping time and End of Pumping time. In other words, the ratio of the time-to-close to the total-pump-time.
Implied Slurry Efficiency
Based on you choice for BH Closure and BH ISIP, this value is calculated to show the slurry efficiency implied by those
choices. The implied efficiency indicates what the efficiency would be at the end of the job, if fracture closure occurred at
that moment. The following equation provides the implied slurry efficiency (ISE):

Estimated Net Pressure

This number is automatically calculated by subtracting BH Closure from BH ISIP.


Use Average of Closure Stress Estimates
If you select this option, all non-zero closure stress entries in the tables are averaged and the result is displayed in the
Estimated BH Closure Stress field.
Estimated BH Closure Stress
If the Use Average of Closure Stress Estimates option is checked, this field displays the average of all non-zero closure
stress entries in the tables. Otherwise, you can enter your own estimate.
Estimated Closure Stress Gradient
The Estimated BH Closure Stress is divided by the Depth to Middle of Perfs to calculate this number.
Depth to Middle of Perfs
This display-only number is read directly from the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen.
Current Pay Zone Closure Stress
This display-only number is read directly from the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. This number will be updated if you
select the Update Pay Zone Closure Stress function, as will same number on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen,
which is actually used by the fracture model,
Update Closure Stress in Pay Zone Only
Select this function update the pay zone stress entry on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen with the value shown in
the Estimated BH Closure Stress field on this screen. Generally, this function would be used if you have confidence in
your current stress inputs for the zones above and below the pay zone.
Shift Closure Stress in All Zones
Select this function to shift the stress in all zones by the difference between the current pay zone closure stress (as shown
on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen) and the Estimated BH Closure Stress field on this screen. Generally, this
function would be used to keep the current stress contrast between the pay and surrounding zones the same (for
example, when you wish to honor the contrast obtained from a dipole sonic log).

Minifrac Analysis - Reservoir Pressure [Shift+F8]

FracproPT 2007

The Reservoir Pressure tab of the Minifrac Analysis screen.

Plot Name
Double click on the corresponding Plot Name field to display any plot. All the plots available are shown below (click on the
buttons to view Help for the plots):

• Flow Identification Plot

• Pseudo-Linear Flow Plot
• Pseudo-Radial Flow Plot
• Horner Plot
• see also Step-Rate Plot (not yet implemented)
Reservoir Pressure
This is the Pore Pressure estimate in the reservoir, obtained from the intersection of the user-defined tangent line and the
vertical line corresponding to a Horner time of 1.
Reservoir Pressure Gradient
The value for Reservoir Pressure is divided by Depth to Middle of Perfs (displayed near the bottom of this screen) to
calculate this number.


Use Average of Pore Pressure Estimates
If you select this option, all non-zero reservoir pressure entries in the tables are averaged and the result is displayed in the
Estimated BH Pore Pressure field.
Estimated BH Pore Pressure
If the Use Average of Pore Pressure Estimates option is checked, this field displays the average of all non-zero closure
stress entries in the tables. Otherwise, you can enter your own estimate.
Estimated Pore Pressure Gradient
The Estimated BH Pore Pressure is divided by the Depth to Middle of Perfs to calculate this number.
Depth to Middle of Perfs
This display-only number is read directly from the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen.

FracproPT 2007

Current Pay Zone Pore Pressure

This display-only number is read directly from the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. This number will be updated if you
select the Update Pay Zone Pore Pressure function, as will same number on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen,
which is actually used by the fracture model,
Update Pore Pressure in Pay Zone Only
Select this function update the pay zone pore pressure entry on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen with the value
shown in the Estimated BH Pore Pressure field on this screen.
Shift Pore Pressure in All Zones
This function is only available when you have selected a Multi-Layer Reservoir Type on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS
[F9] screen Additional Properties tab. You can shift the pore pressure in all layers by the difference between the Current
Pay Zone Pore Pressure and the Estimated BH Pore Pressure.

Step-Rate Plot
This plot is not yet implemented. When implemented, this plot can provide an upper-bound estimate for fracture closure
stress. The data is plotted with the log of Injection Rate on the x-axis and the log of difference between BH Pressure and
Reservoir Pressure (Delta Pressure) on the y-axis.
When there is radial flow from the wellbore into the formation, Delta Pressure is a linear function of Injection Rate and
plots with a unit slope on a log-log scale. When pumping into an open fracture, the Delta Pressure is a function of the
Injection Rate to the power ¼ and plots with ¼-slope on a log-log scale. An upper estimate of fracture closure is obtained
by selecting the intersection point of these two lines.

Minifrac Analysis - Reservoir Permeability [Shift+F8]

The Reservoir Permeability tab of the Minifrac Analysis screen.

Analysis of
This field displays Injection that is used for this analysis. Up to three different injections can be analyzed. These only
appear in the combo box if fracture closure stress analysis has been conducted first.
Manual Permeability Analysis
If you have checked Manual Permeability Analysis, all these fields under Input Data for Permeability Analysis will
become editable. If this box is not checked, all the fields will be automatically populated based on other screens in

FracproPT 2007

Matching Parameters
Pay Zone Permeability
This field displays the estimated formation permeability using the Mayerhofer method.
Fracture Half-Length
This field displays the estimated fracture half-length estimated from matching the pressure decline behavior.
Fracture Face Resistance
This field displays the estimated fracture face resistance estimated from matching the pressure decline behavior.

Maximum # of Iterations
Enter the maximum number of auto match iterations that you would like the program to execute. A good number to start
with is 10 iterations. If no match can be obtained, an error message will display some suggestions about what you might
change in order to get a good match.
Current Iteration
The number of the current iteration is displayed in this field.
Maximum Error
Enter the maximum error in the auto match process that you will tolerate in this field. A small number may require much
iteration or may not be achievable. A good number to start with is 25 percent, but this number may be reduced once you
get a preliminary match. If no match can be obtained, an error message will display some suggestions about what you
might change in order to get a good match.
Current Error
The error for the current iteration is displayed in this field.
Duration of Water Hammer
A waterhammer can seriously decrease the quality of a match and needs to be excluded from the analysis.

Input Data For Permeability Analysis

If you have checked Manual Permeability Analysis, all these fields will be editable. If this box is not checked, all the
fields will be automatically populated based on other screens in FracproPT.

Run Analysis for Current Matching Parameters
Will run the analysis and build a plot based on the current parameters listed in the Matching Parameters and Input Data
for Permeability Analysis.
Iterate on Matching Parameters to Find Best Match
Will run iteration until a best match is found that fits the iteration settings.
Display Plot
Shows automatically set log-log plot with match of Modeled Delta Pressure and Measured Delta Pressure (Perm Analysis
Reset Plot
This button is to be used in case you go back to the closure stress analysis and change your mind about the ISIP, then
this forces the recalculation and re-display of the delta-p curves.
Stops iteration.


Estimated Formation Permeability
This field displays the estimated formation permeability using the Mayerhofer method.
Current Pay Zone Permeability
This display-only number is read directly from the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. This number will be updated if you
select the Update Pay Zone Permeability function, as will same number on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen,
which is actually used by the fracture model,

FracproPT 2007

Update Permeability in Pay Zones

Select this function update the pay zone Permeability entry on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen with the value
shown in the Estimated Formation Permeability field on this screen.

Background Information
In 1994, Pinnacle’s Dr. Mike Mayerhofer introduced a method to estimate reservoir permeability and reservoir pressure
using pressure decline data from diagnostic injection tests. Mike’s work was modified by Valko and Economides and
Halliburton’s David Craig and is commonly known as the "Modified Mayerhofer Method" - which separates the
calculations of reservoir permeability and reservoir pressure (simplifying the analysis). The strength of these techniques is
the ability to determine reservoir permeability and reservoir pressure from fracture pressure decline data before the
fracture closes, which is essential in low permeability reservoirs where the application of "after closure" analysis methods
is not practical. In recent years, operators and service companies have started to apply this technique to improve fracture
treatment designs and aid in infill drilling programs. This technology is especially useful in multi-zone completions to
identify variations in reservoir permeability – modifying treatment designs accordingly, to determine which zones are
fracturing targets – eliminating uneconomic zones, and for gathering reservoir pressure data to optimize well spacing &
The basis of the Mayerhofer method of estimating reservoir permeability is rooted in pressure transient analysis,
integrating pressure transient solutions for an infinite conductivity vertical fracture with a varying filter cake skin effect to
describe the filtration phenomena of leakoff during a diagnostic injection test. The Mayerhofer approach couples
unsteady-state linear flow from a fracture with a varying skin effect at the fracture face and superposes the leakoff history
on the pressure decline. This guarantees a correct rate-convolution to account for pressure dependent leakoff in the
subsequent permeability analysis.

Analysis Methodology
The first step in the analysis is to determine fracture closure pressure, typically using a combination of G-function and
Log-Log analyses. Figure 1 illustrates a typical G-function closure analysis.

Figure 1 - G-function analysis for fracture closure

Using the reservoir pressure to constrain the analysis, permeability can be determined by history matching the pressure
decline data, before fracture closure, using the Mayerhofer solutions. Figure 2 illustrates a typical permeability analysis
using the Mayerhofer Method.

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Figure 2 - Permeability using the Mayerhofer Method

These simple, but powerful, pressure decline analysis tools can provide essential data to optimize fracture treatments and
field development, at little additional cost, while also providing more pieces-to-the-puzzle of understanding fracture
1. Mayerhofer, M.J., et al: "Pressure-Transient Analysis of Fracture Calibration Tests", JPT (March 1995)
2. Valko, P.P., and Economides, M.J.: "Fluid Leakoff Delineation in High-Permeability Fracturing", SPE
Production & Facilities (May 1999) 117-30.
3. Craig, D.P., and Brown, T.D.: "Estimating Pore Pressure and Permeability in Massively Stacked Lenticular
Reservoirs Using Diagnostic Fracture-Injection Tests," SPE 56600 presented at 1999 ATC in Houston.
Additional Information: Procedures for Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests

Additional Information: Procedures for Diagnostic Fracture Injection Tests

What is it?
Diagnostic fracture injection tests are a simple, cost-effective alternative method for estimating reservoir pressure and
permeability for low permeability reservoirs that would otherwise not flow prior to a hydraulic fracture treatment. In
addition, the test also provides an estimate of fracture closure pressure (minimum rock stress). Both reservoir properties
and closure pressure are critical inputs for proper fracture design and optimization, reservoir characterization and infill
drilling strategies. The basic procedure is to create a small hydraulic fracture by pumping a small volume (20 to 80 bbls) of
KCl-water at 5 to 7 bbls/min and to monitor the pressure falloff for at least 12 hours.

How are Test Performed and Data Collected?

1. Perforate the well as usual. The hole must be loaded with 2% KCl-water (or substitute) and surfactants to
prevent clay swelling and capillary retention. The test should be performed several days prior to the
hydraulic fracture treatment to allow for changes to the actual fracture design (if data indicates that
changes are necessary).
2. Install high-resolution surface electronic memory gauges on wellhead. The gauges should have at least 1-
psi resolution and data should be recorded in 1 to 2 second intervals. Start recording before pumping
starts and end recording after the falloff is complete. It must be possible to isolate the electronic gauges
from the injection pump so that they are not affected by the rig down of the pump and will record surface
pressures continuously without interruption.

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3. The test can be performed with one high-pressure pump (e.g. acid pump truck or frac pump).
4. The pump must also have the capability of recording injection rate and pressures versus time (preferably
1-second) since its injection rate data will later be merged with high-resolution surface gauge data.
5. The injection rate should be high enough to breakdown the perforations and create a small fracture.
Typical rates are about 5 to 7 bbls/min. A basic pumping procedure is to first breakdown the formation,
followed by a constant rate injection (5 to 7 bbls/min). The total volume should be about 20 bbls to 80 bbls
depending on zone thickness, using 2% KCl-water and surfactants.
6. Shut-down the pump, and record pressure data with the pumping equipment for about 30 minutes. Then
rig down the pumping equipment without disturbing the isolated electronic gauges, which are continuously
recording the pressure falloff data. Ensure that the well stays shut-in without any disturbances for the
entire falloff period.
7. After falloff is complete, bleed off tubing pressure and download pressure data from the gauges. If surface
pressure falls to zero in less than the planned falloff time the test can be terminated earlier.
8. Provide Ascii files of pressure and rate data versus time (Two files: one is from pump truck, the other from
isolated electronic gauges). In addition client should provide well logs, estimates of petrophysical
properties (porosity, water saturation, net pay) and PVT information to injection test analyst. Also provide a
report of any unusual problems during the injection and falloff.

What are Basic Analysis Steps and What Does the Analysis Provide?
1. Estimate fracture closure pressure and leakoff type from G-function diagnostic plot (after Barree et al.-
Figure 1).
2. Identify after-closure pseudo-linear flow and after-closure pseudo- radial flow (if present, usually only in
higher permeability reservoirs) and estimate reservoir pressure (after Nolte et al.- Figure 2 & Figure 3).
3. Estimate reservoir permeability from before-closure analysis using Mayerhofer method (previously
estimated pore pressure is now an input for the permeability analysis - Figure 4).
4. Crosscheck before-closure permeability estimate with predicted time period for after-closure linear flow
based on permeability value. If predicted time period is not correct, repeat before-closure analysis with
different fracture height assumption until after-closure linear flow predictions are consistent with actual data
(after Craig et al. - Figure 2).
5. If after-closure pseudo-radial flow is present in late-time, it may be possible to obtain an independent
estimate of reservoir pressure and reservoir permeability with this technique (after Nolte et al.) and
compare results with "linear flow" techniques.
6. Provide client with results of fracture gradient, fracture closure pressure, reservoir pressure, reservoir
permeability (flow capacity kh) and description of fracturing leakoff complexities, if present (example:
fissure-opening during injection).
7. Provide recommendations for fracture design changes if indicated by analysis results (for example: pump a
foam fracture if low pore pressure was measured or skip zone if too tight).

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Figure 1 DFIT Fracture Closure Analysis

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Figure 2 After-Closure Diagnostic Plot (After Nolte et al.)

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Figure 3 Estimate of Pore Pressure from Pseudo-Linear Flow (After Nolte et al.)

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Figure 4 Reservoir Permeability Estimate (Mayerhofer Method)

Fracture Extension Pressure

The Fracture Extension Pressure tab is only displayed when:

• Steprate test is selected as a Stage Type in the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen, and
• Steprate test is selected as Pumping for one of the Injections in the Input tab of the Minifrac
Analysis - Shift + F8 screen.

FracproPT 2007

MiniFrac Analysis - Shift + F8 screen, Fracture Extension Pressure tab

The Fracture Extension Pressure tab is the fifth tab of the Minifrac Analysis - Shift + F8 screen.

• Database Time: This column displays the time from the database file.
• BH Slurry Rate: This column displays the bottomhole (BH) slurry rate.
• Measured Database Pressure: This column displays the measured pressure from the database file.
• Measured Btm Pressure: This column displays the measured bottom pressure.
• Measured Frac Pressure: This column displays the measured fracturing pressure.

• Display Steprate vs Time Plot: Press this button to display the Steprate versus Time Plot.
• Display Linear Pressure-Rate Plot: Press this button to display the Linear Pressure-Rate Plot.
• Display Log-Log Pressure Rate Plot: Press this button to display the Log-Log Pressure Rate Plot.

Fracture Extension Pressure Summary

• Estimated BH Extension Pressure: This field displays the estimated bottomhole (BH) extension
• Estimated BH Extension Pressure Gradient: This field displays the estimated gradient of the
bottomhole (BH) extension pressure.
• Estimated Fracture Extension Rate: This field displays the estimated fracture extension rate.
• Depth to Middle of Perfs: This field displays the depth to the middle of the perforations.
• Current BH Closure Pressure: This field displays the current bottomhole (BH) closure pressure.

FracproPT 2007

• Current BH Closure Pressure Gradient: This field displays the current gradient of the bottomhole
(BH) closure pressure.

Minifrac Analysis – Options [Shift+F8]

This screen contains various options to control to look of the various analysis plots, as well as the graphical method used
to interpret the data shown on them.

Options tab of the Minifrac Analysis screen

General Curves to Display

For the five curves shown, these options allow you to select how the curves are scaled.

• Y-Axis Auto Scaling: Choose Max to have the upper plot limit scale automatically, or choose
MinMax to have both the upper and lower plot limits scale automatically.
• Y-Axis Plot Range: The best way to describe this option is with an example. Consider the Implied
Slurry Efficiency channel, which goes from 0 to 1. If you choose Full, the plot limits are 0 and 1. If you
choose 1/2, the plot limits are 0 to 2. If you choose 1/4, the plot limits are 0 to 4.

Common Plot Features

• Information Text Box: This option controls whether or not a text box containing various information
regarding a plot is automatically shown.
• Stage Markers: This option controls whether or not the three Stage Markers, associated with the
Begin Injection, End Injection and End Decline, should be automatically shown.
• Closure Stress Marker: This option controls whether or not the Closure Stress Marker, the vertical
line that is drawn after you have picked closure, should be automatically shown.
• Tangent Line Marker: This option controls whether or not the Tangent Line Marker, the tangent line
that is drawn after you have picked closure, should be automatically shown.

Calculate Derivatives From …

FracproPT 2007

• Database Pressure Channel: Even though the Measured BH Pressure channel (which is actually
calculated by FracproPT if you are running the simulator from a measured surface pressure) is used
to pick fracture closure stress, the actual Database Pressure Channel is used to calculate the
derivative. This is the default option.
• Measured BH Pressure: As described above, the actual Database Pressure Channel is normally
used to calculate the derivative of pressure. However, in high temperature deep wells, the Measured
BH Pressure channel may change relative to the Database Pressure Channel due to fluid heating.
In such cases, you may choose this option to calculate the pressure derivative more realistically.

Derivative Calculation in Real-Time

• Use Single-Sided Derivative for Most Recent Data: For the most recent real-time data, calculate
the derivates using a single-sided (backwards-looking) approach.
• Do Not Calculate Derivative for Most Recent Data: For the most recent real-time data, do not
calculate any derivates.

Closure Stress Picking Using …

The Minifrac Analysis utility allows you to use tangent lines and the right mouse button to pick points on the plots that
define closure stress. These options control how those points are selected.

• Intersection of 2 Straight Lines: Choose this option if you want to add two tangent lines to a plot,
and then select the intersection of those lines.
• Deviation from Single Line: This is the default option. Choose this option if you want to be able to
select a point (that is, a closure stress) where a suitably positioned tangent line deviates from a curve.
If you select this option, the Intersection of 2 Straight Lines method described above still works.

Even if you select this option, the ISIP Plot always uses the intersection of a tangent line and the End
Pumping line.
• Use Automated Pick: Select this option to use FracproPT’s automated pick.

Derivative Options
• Spread Equals ... % of Plot Window X-Axis: Initial setting for all derivative calculations for plots
associated with Minifrac Analysis. The Derivative Spread can be set for each individual plot by
clicking the Plot Preferences icon, selecting the Frame Style tab and selecting Derivative Options.

Use ISIP Pick for Step-Down Test

Enable this checkbox to use the pick for the instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP) for the step-down test.
This automatically sets the last marker in the Step-Down Test Analysis Plot to the End Pumping time from the Input tab
of the Minifrac Analysis - Shift + F8 screen.
When selecting this option, ensure that the staging is set correctly, such that the End Pumping time has a meaningful

Closure Stress Plots

This plot should be used to pick the ISIP (Instantaneous Shut-In Pressure). A pre-set End Pumping line is drawn
vertically to indicate when pumping stopped; this time corresponds to the value shown in the End Pumping field (which
can be manually changed) on the Input Tab of the MINIFRAC Analysis [Shift+F8] screen. For the quickest analysis,
make sure that you check the Use Automated Pick checkbox on the MINIFRAC Analysis [Shift+F8] screen, Options tab

or have clicked the icon from the plot icon bar. Follow these steps below to complete the analysis:
1. A tangent line will already be placed on the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel. You can manually
add this line by right-clicking on this channel and selecting Add Tangent Line from the dialog.
2. Position the tangent line using the mouse so that it is properly aligned with the Measured Bottomhole
Pressure channel. Near-wellbore effect and any "water hammer" could potentially make it difficult to pick
the true ISIP, which should be a reflection of the pressure in the main body of the fracture. The best way to
determine ISIP in such cases is to align the tangent line to the pressure curve at a point after near-wellbore
effects have dissipated. Typically, you would place the tangent line about half a minute to a minute after
shut-in to pick a stabilized ISIP.

FracproPT 2007

3. Once you are happy about the alignment of the tangent line, click Yes in the dialog in the top right of the
window to add the results to the table on the Closure Stress tab of the MINIFRAC Analysis [Shift+F8]
screen. Close the plot.
4. Back on the Closure Stress tab of the MINIFRAC Analysis [Shift+F8] screen, verify that the pick for ISIP
is updated in the appropriate table.

This plot shows the pressure decline versus the square root of closure time. The plot Legend Box (shown below)
provides useful information about the injection-decline sequence.
For the quickest analysis, make sure that you check the Use Automated Pick checkbox on the MINIFRAC Analysis

[Shift+F8] screen, Options tab or have clicked the icon from the plot icon bar. Follow these steps below to complete
the analysis:
1. A tangent line is automatically added to the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel. You add it
manually by right clicking on this channel by right-clicking on this channel and selecting Add Tangent Line
from the dialog.
2. Position the tangent line using the mouse so that they are properly aligned with the Measured
Bottomhole Pressure channel. This can be done by moving the cursor over the vertical tangent helper
line and dragging it to the desired location by holding down the left mouse button. The circle indicates the
position where the program has determined that the channel data starts deviation significantly from the
slope of the tangent line.
3. If the closure stress pick is not to your liking, you can move the mouse over the vertical closure stress line
and move this line to a different time by holding down the left mouse button.
4. Click Yes in the dialog at the top right of the graph to add it to the table on the Closure Stress tab of the
MINIFRAC Analysis [Shift+F8] screen. Of course, you may decline to accept the data and simply use the
plot to pick a BH Closure Stress on your own.
Additional Information: What is "Implied Slurry Efficiency?"

FracproPT 2007

G-Function Plot
This plot shows the pressure decline, its derivative, and its superposition derivative, all plotted versus G-function time. The
plot Legend Box (shown below) provides useful information about the injection-decline sequence. Click the button below
to read additional information on the interpretation of G-Function plots.
Additional Information: Interpretation of G-Function Plot
For the quickest analysis, make sure that you check the Use Automated Pick checkbox on the MINIFRAC Analysis

[Shift+F8] screen, Options tab or have clicked the icon from the plot icon bar. Follow these steps below to complete
the analysis:
1. A tangent line is automatically added to the Measured Bottomhole Pressure superposition derivative
(G • dP/dG) channel. You add it manually by right clicking on this channel by right-clicking on this channel
and selecting Add Tangent Line from the dialog.
2. Position the tangent line using the mouse so that they are properly aligned with the Measured
Bottomhole Pressure superposition derivative (G • dP/dG) channel. This can be done by moving the
cursor over the vertical tangent helper line and dragging it to the desired location by holding down the left
mouse button. The circle indicates the position where the program has determined that the channel data
starts deviation significantly from the slope of the tangent line.
3. If the closure stress pick is not to your liking, you can move the mouse over the vertical closure stress line
and move this line to a different time by holding down the left mouse button.
4. Click Yes in the dialog at the top right of the graph to add it to the table on the Closure Stress tab of the
MINIFRAC Analysis [Shift+F8] screen. Of course, you may decline to accept the data and simply use the
plot to pick a BH Closure Stress on your own.
Additional Information: What is "Implied Slurry Efficiency?"

Common G-Function Plot Interpretations

The following is excerpted with permission from SPE 60291 (David Craig, et. al.).

FracproPT 2007

Recently Barree and Mukherjee [SPE 36424] presented G-function derivative analysis for identifying the leakoff
mechanism following a diagnostic fracture injection test. G-function derivative analysis requires a graph of bottomhole
pressure, the derivative of pressure (dP/dG), and the "superposition" derivative (GdP/dG) versus the G-function. The
leakoff type is identified using the characteristic shape of the derivative and superposition derivative curves.
The objective of the G-function derivative analysis is to identify the leakoff type and fracture closure stress. In most cases,
the superposition derivative provides a definitive indication of hydraulic fracture closure when the data deviate downward
from an extrapolated straight line through the period of normal leakoff.
In what follows, the G-function derivative graphs for the four common leakoff types are shown and explained.
Normal Leakoff Behavior
Normal leakoff behavior occurs when fracture area is constant during shut-in and leakoff is through a homogeneous rock
matrix. With G-function derivative analysis, normal leakoff is indicated by a constant derivative and when the
superposition derivative lies on a straight line through the origin. Fracture closure is identified when the superposition
derivative data deviate downward from the straight line.

Example G-Function Derivative Analysis Plot Indicating Normal Leakoff Behavior

Pressure Dependent Leakoff

Pressure dependent leakoff from dilated fractures/fissures is indicated by a characteristic "hump" in the superposition
derivative that lies above an extrapolated straight line through the normal leakoff data. The fissure opening pressure is
identified at the end of the hump when the superposition derivative data meet the extrapolated straight line. A period of
normal leakoff behavior is generally observed before fracture closure is identified when the superposition derivative data
deviate downward from the extrapolated straight line.

FracproPT 2007

Example G-Function Derivative Analysis Plot Indicating Pressure Dependent Leakoff

Fracture Height Recession

Fracture height recession during shut-in is indicated by G-function derivative analysis when the superposition derivative
data fall below a straight line extrapolated through the normal leakoff data. Fracture height recession is also indicated by a
concave down pressure curve and an increasing pressure derivative. Hydraulic fracture closure is identified when the
superposition derivative data deviate downward from the straight line.

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Example G-Function Derivative Analysis Plot Indicating Fracture Height Recession

Fracture Tip Extension

Fracture tip extension, which occurs when a fracture continues to grow after injection is stopped, is indicated when the
superposition derivative data lie along a straight line that extrapolates above the origin.

FracproPT 2007

Example G-Function Derivative Analysis Plot Indicating Fracture Tip Extension

Log-Log Plot
This log-log plot shows Measured Delta Pressure and its Measured Delta Pressure Derivative (T • d/dt) plotted versus
time. The plot Legend Box (shown below) provides useful information about the injection-decline sequence.
For the quickest analysis, make sure that you check the Use Automated Pick checkbox on the MINIFRAC Analysis

[Shift+F8] screen, Options tab or have clicked the icon from the plot icon bar. Follow these steps below to complete
the analysis:
1. A tangent line is automatically added to the Measured Delta Pressure Derivative (T • d/dt) channel. You
add it manually by right clicking on this channel by right-clicking on this channel and selecting Add
Tangent Line from the dialog.
2. Position the ½-slope tangent line using the mouse so that they are properly aligned with the Measured
Delta Pressure Derivative (T • d/dt) channel. This can be done by moving the cursor over the vertical
tangent helper line and dragging it to the desired location by holding down the left mouse button. The circle
indicates the position where the program has determined that the channel data starts deviation significantly
from the slope of the tangent line.
3. If the closure stress pick is not to your liking, you can move the mouse over the vertical closure stress line
and move this line to a different time by holding down the left mouse button.
4. Click Yes in the dialog at the top right of the graph to add it to the table on the Closure Stress tab of the
MINIFRAC Analysis [Shift+F8] screen. Of course, you may decline to accept the data and simply use the
plot to pick a BH Closure Stress on your own.
Of course, you may decline to accept the data and simply use the plot to pick the data on your own.
Additional Information: What is "Implied Slurry Efficiency?"

FracproPT 2007

Rate-Normalized Plot
This log-log plot shows rate-normalized delta pressure and its superposition derivative requires plotted versus time. The
plot Legend Box (shown below) provides useful information about the injection-decline sequence.
For the quickest analysis, make sure that you check the Use Automated Pick checkbox on the MINIFRAC Analysis

[Shift+F8] screen, Options tab or have clicked the icon from the plot icon bar. Follow these steps below to complete
the analysis:
1. A tangent line is automatically added to the Leakoff Normalized Pressure Derivative (T • d/dt) channel.
You add it manually by right clicking on this channel by right-clicking on this channel and selecting Add
Tangent Line from the dialog.
2. Position the ½-slope tangent line using the mouse so that they are properly aligned with the Leakoff
Normalized Pressure Derivative (T • d/dt) channel. This can be done by moving the cursor over the
vertical tangent helper line and dragging it to the desired location by holding down the left mouse button.
The circle indicates the position where the program has determined that the channel data starts deviation
significantly from the slope of the tangent line.
3. If the closure stress pick is not to your liking, you can move the mouse over the vertical closure stress line
and move this line to a different time by holding down the left mouse button.
4. Click Yes in the dialog at the top right of the graph to add it to the table on the Closure Stress tab of the
MINIFRAC Analysis [Shift+F8] screen. Of course, you may decline to accept the data and simply use the
plot to pick a BH Closure Stress on your own.
Additional Information: What is "Implied Slurry Efficiency?"

FracproPT 2007

The standard log-log plot of delta pressure versus time can only be used to identify half-slope linear flow if leakoff rate is
approximately constant during the pressure falloff. In the case of changing leakoff rate, the rate normalized plot provides
a more rigorous diagnostic tool. This is equivalent to standard pressure transient analysis where flow rates vary. If linear
flow can be clearly identified on the standard log-log plot of delta pressure it is not necessary to use the rate normalized
Rate (leakoff rate) normalized pressure (RNP) is defined as the ratio of delta pressure and delta leakoff rate during the
pressure falloff:
Linear elasticity and mass balance dictate that leakoff rate is proportional to the first derivative of the pressure change.
When using rate-normalized pressure as a diagnostic for identifying closure pressure, it is not necessary to explicitly
calculate leakoff rate (this would require knowledge of fracture area and fracture compliance). Instead, FracproPT
calculates the leakoff rate term as a constant multiplied by the first derivative of pressure. Please refer to SPE 26527 for
more details.

Linear Plot
This plot provides an overview of the entire pressure decline period on a linear time scale. This time scale can be used to
compare flow pulses that are conducted during a pressure decline period. The plot Legend Box (shown below) provides
useful information about the injection-decline sequence.
Additional Information: What is "Implied Slurry Efficiency?"

FracproPT 2007

Additional Information
Near-Wellbore Effect on Pressure Decline
This is sometimes also called pressure equilibration referring to the resultant pressure transient period from the point
when pumping stops to the point when pressure approaches the decline rate and magnitude that would have been
expected with a "perfect" wellbore to fracture connection.
This effect is characterized by a faster than normal pressure decline (normal being dependent primarily on the formations
permeability to leakoff fluid), which can be easily misinterpreted as a higher-than-expected reservoir permeability. The
transient period is usually less than about 1 minute in length, but a proppant-packed wellbore to fracture connection may
make the period many times longer.
What is "Implied Slurry Efficiency?"
Implied slurry efficiency (ISE) can be calculated using the following (very) approximate formula that assumes that leakoff
rate is independent of differential pressure::
tclosure is the time from the point when pumping stops until the time when the fracture closes; and
tpumping is the total pump time.
This simple equation yields a result that is within 10% of the actual efficiency, which is calculated through an equation
using the so-called Nolte Time, which is what is used in FracproPT:

where tcD is the dimensionless fracture closure time. The Implied slurry efficiency curve indicates what the efficiency would
be at the end of the job (that is, at the end of pumping) if fracture closure occurs at any given moment.

FracproPT 2007

Based one the Implied Slurry Efficiency, estimates can be made about the proper pad size for the propped fracture
treatment. Conservative estimates of pad size as a fraction of the slurry volume, assuming proppant reaches the tip of the
fracture at the end of the treatment, are provided by the following equations:
fpad,min≈(1-η) and fpad,max≈(1-η)/(1+η)
where η is the estimated slurry efficiency from the minifrac treatment. These conservative estimates generally result in
relatively large pad sizes.
More reliable estimates for pad size generally come from running the model using various different pad sizes and
determining the impact on these changes on net pressure behavior and fracture geometry.

Reservoir Pressure Plots

Flow Identification Plot

The Flow Identification Plot is used to identify pseudo-linear and pseudo-radial flow behavior. Pseudo-linear flow behavior
is identified with a ½-slope and pseudo-radial flow behavior with a unit slope.
For the quickest analysis, make sure that you check the Use Automated Pick checkbox on the Options tab of teh Minifrac

Analysis - Shift+F8 screen or have clicked the icon from the plot icon bar. Follow these steps below to complete the
1. Move the vertical red line (indicating the end of pseudo-linear flow) to the left side of a time period where
you see a ½-slope in the Pressure Difference (T • d/dt) channel. Move the vertical green line (indicating
the beginning of pseudo-linear flow) to the right side of a time period where you see a ½-slope.
2. If you see a period toward the left of the graph where the Pressure Difference (T • d/dt) channel follows a
unit slope, you can end start and end time markers for pseudo-radial flow by right-clicking on the channel
and answering Yes to the question in the dialog. Note that the presence of this data is rather unusual and
only happens when extensive shut-in data is available – typically several days of shut-in data for low-
permeability formations and several hours of shut-in data for higher permeability formations.
3. Close the plot once the pseudo-linear flow (and pseudo-radial) flow period(s) have been identified.

FracproPT 2007

Pseudo-Linear Flow Plot

The Pseudo-Linear Flow Plot is used determine reservoir pressure using after closure data.
For the quickest analysis, make sure that you check the Use Automated Pick checkbox on the Options tab of teh Minifrac

Analysis - Shift+F8 screen, or have clicked the icon from the plot icon bar. Follow these steps below to complete the
1. The tangent line is automatically positioned to match the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel over
the time period between the green start marker and the red end marker. You can move the tangent by
moving the cursor over the vertical tangent helper line and dragging it to the desired position.
2. Move the cursor to Y axis (Linear Flow Time of 0), right click and select Yes to add to the Reservoir
Pressure table, or simply select Yes in the dialog box on the top right of the screen.

Field Example
Application of the after-closure analysis methodology is illustrated by analyzing the pressure monitored during the field
calibration tests. Analysis of the injection pressure for the calibration test determined that the fracture is best described by
the radial fracture geometry model. The fracture is approximated as having a rectangular shape of equal area to facilitate
the after-closure analysis. The shut-in pressure is analyzed, from which the leakoff coefficient CL is calculated to be
–2 ½
1.62×10 ft/min . A closure pressure of 4,375 psi was inferred from the step rate test.
Background information
The stabilized pressure on the bottomhole gauge is 3,726 psi. The stabilized pressure measurement provides an
independent, objective assessment of the reservoir pressure. A log-determined porosity of 19% and a saturation-weighted
formation compressibility of 8.0 × 10–5 psi were also obtained. PVT analysis indicated a relatively high oil viscosity of 4
After-closure Linear Flow Determination
The shut-in pressure measured following the calibration test is investigated for after-closure linear flow behavior. The
observed potential period of linear flow is confirmed by pressure derivative analysis.

FracproPT 2007

Identification of after-closure linear flow

The initial pressure pi of 3,724 psi required for the analysis is in excellent agreement with the 3736-psi reservoir pressure
derived from the radial flow analysis and its value of 3,726 psi inferred as the stabilized pressure measurement on the
bottomhole gauge prior to injection. The linear flow slope mlf is deduced to be 815 psi from the corresponding Cartesian
Gulrajani, S.N., and Nolte, K.G.: "Fracture Evaluation Using Pressure Diagnostics," in Economides, M.J., and Nolte, K.G.
(editors): "Reservoir Stimulation," Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York, pp. 9-57 to 9-56, 2000.

Pseudo-Radial Flow Plot

The Pseudo-radial Flow Plot is used determine reservoir pressure and reservoir permeability using after closure data.
For the quickest analysis, make sure that you check the Use Automated Pick checkbox on the Options tab of teh Minifrac

Analysis - Shift+F8 screen or have clicked the icon from the plot icon bar. Follow these steps below to complete the
1. The tangent line is automatically positioned to match the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel over
the time period between the green start marker and the red end marker. You can move the tangent by
moving the cursor over the vertical tangent helper line and dragging it to the desired position.
2. Move the cursor to Y axis (Linear Flow Time of 0), right click and select Yes to add to the Reservoir
Pressure table, or simply select Yes in the dialog box on the top right of the screen.

FracproPT 2007

Field Example
Application of the after-closure analysis methodology is illustrated by analyzing the pressure monitored during the field
calibration tests. Analysis of the injection pressure for the calibration test determined that the fracture is best described by
the radial fracture geometry model. The fracture is approximated as having a rectangular shape of equal area to facilitate
the after-closure analysis. The shut-in pressure is analyzed, from which the leakoff coefficient CL is calculated to be
–2 ½
1.62×10 ft/min . A closure pressure of 4,375 psi was inferred from the step rate test.
Background information
The stabilized pressure on the bottomhole gauge is 3,726 psi. The stabilized pressure measurement provides an
independent, objective assessment of the reservoir pressure. A log-determined porosity of 19% and a saturation-weighted
–5 –1
formation compressibility of 8.0×10 psi were also obtained. PVT analysis indicated a relatively high oil viscosity of 4 cp.
Radial Flow Identification
After-closure pseudo-radial flow is observed in the reservoir for the initial mini-falloff test, as shown by the diagnostic log-
log plot.

FracproPT 2007

Identification of after-closure radial flow.

A Cartesian plot of the pressure versus {FL(t/tc)} during the after-closure period is shown.

FracproPT 2007

After-closure radial flow analysis

An initial reservoir pressure estimate of 3,736 psi is obtained as the y-axis intercept of the straight-line period on the plot.
This value indicates consistency with the previously inferred estimate of 3,726 psi from the bottomhole gauge. The slope
mrf of the straight line is 660 psi and the closure time tc is 3.75 min, based on a closure pressure of 4,375 psi. A total
volume of 14.75 bbl was injected during the test. The transmissibility is obtained by using this information with
kh/μ=2.5×105Vi/tc1/mrf=2.5×10514.75/3.751/660=1,490 md-ft/cp
The transmissibility estimate implies a reservoir permeability of 80 md based on the reservoir parameters.
Gulrajani, S.N., and Nolte, K.G.: "Fracture Evaluation Using Pressure Diagnostics," in Economides, M.J., and Nolte, K.G.
(editors): "Reservoir Stimulation," Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York, pp. 9-57 to 9-56, 2000.

Horner Plot
This plot can be used to determine to obtain a lower-bound estimate for closure stress and to estimate reservoir pressure.
However, you must have enough pressure decline data collected past the point of fracture closure.
For the quickest analysis, make sure that you check the Use Automated Pick checkbox on the Options tab of teh Minifrac

Analysis - Shift+F8 screen or have clicked the icon from the plot icon bar. Follow these steps below to complete the
1. A tangent line is added automatically to the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel.
2. Position the tangent line using the mouse so that it is properly aligned with the Measured Bottomhole
Pressure after fracture closure (meaning toward the left of the Horner plot). When you have sufficient data
available after the point of fracture closure, data on the left-hand side of the plot (that is, the late time data)
should have a constant slope indicating radial flow from the wellbore.
3. Move the cursor to Y axis (Horner time of 1.0), right click and select Yes to add to the Reservoir Pressure

FracproPT 2007

Reservoir Permeability Plot

Perm Analysis Plot

The fracture calibration treatment, also known as an injection test or minifrac, is frequently conducted before the main
stimulation treatment. For the injection test, the fracturing fluid intended for the main treatment is pumped at a constant
rate of a sufficient magnitude to achieve fracturing pressure. After several minutes (usually 20 to 30), the pumps are shut
off and the bottomhole pressure declines as the fracture closes. From this pressure decline the quantity known as the
leakoff coefficient is estimated.

FracproPT 2007

Perm Analysis Plot

This plot displays graphically:

• Measured Delta Pressure

• Modeled Delta Pressure
• (T d/dt) Measured Delta Pressure
• (T d/dt) Modeled Delta Pressure
It displays numerically:

• Pay Zone Perm

• Frac Half Length
• Frac Face Resistance
Fracture calibration pressure decline has been used in the past for the determination of the leakoff coefficient, a bulk
variable describing the process of fluid influx into the reservoir, normal to the created fracture face. The fluid loss is given
in terms of the controlling mechanism: flow through the filtercake, the invaded zone, and the reservoir. A rigorous model
describes unsteady state fluid flow from the fracture of varying area into the formation with the filtercake considered as a
time-and rate-dependent skin effect. The injection history is superposed on the pressure decline. This work provides a
straight-line technique for determination of the reservoir permeability and the fracture face resistance, which, in turn,
enable the separate computation of the compressibility-controlled component of the leakoff coefficient and the combined
cake and viscosity-controlled components. Log-log diagnostic plots provide the means to identify the closure time and
pressure, and recognize visually whether the transient response is dominated by flow in the reservoir or by flow at the
fracture face. It has been found that the pressure transient is very frequently controlled by the flow in the reservoir rather
than through the filtercake. Case studies show that fracture calibration treatment data can be convincingly Interpreted with
this model, that a rigorous desorption of leakoff phenomena can be obtained and that the reservoir permeability (an
essential value for fracture design that is usually not available)can be estimated.
The analysis of the pressure decline following the injection test in a fracture calibration treatment can yield the formation
permeability, the filtercake resistance, and the area of the created fracture. The analysis uses the log-log diagnostic plot of
the rate normalized pressure (RNP) calculated using leakoff rates computed from material balance and fracture
compliance considerations and the RNP derivative with respect to the logarithm of elapsed time between the end of

FracproPT 2007

pumping and fracture closure. Sensitivity studies have shown that this plot clearly indicates when the treatment behavior
is dominated by the effects of the filtercake and when it is dominated by the transient pressure response associated with
linear flow in the formation. The reservoir permeability and the fracture face resistance are computed using a specialized
plot with axes defined to provide a straight line for all the data acquired during the pressure decline up to the time of
fracture closure. The results are verified on a plot of the pressure change and its derivative showing the measured data
matching a simulation of the pressure response using the model for pressure decline.
The values for permeability and fracture face resistance frequently are not and often cannot be determined by any other
Additional Information
During pumping, while the fracture volume grows, some of the fracturing fluid leaks off into the formation. After the end of
pumping the fluid leakoff into the formation continues until the fracture is closed. Material balance, coupled with a model of
propagation, permits estimation of the rate of fluid loss during pumping [1, 2, 3].
The behavior of the pressure decline after the end of pumping has been used to estimate the leakoff (fluid loss coefficient
[4, 5] using techniques pioneered by Nolte and Castillo [9] using Nolte’s G-function for modeling the pressure decline
behavior, developed the straight-line plot of the G-function versus pressure. The slope of this curve is used for the
computation of the leakoff coefficient that is independent of pressure.
The concept of the leakoff coefficient suffers from two distinct and important issues. First, it does not discriminate the
controlling phenomena and the nature of their inherent deviations from ideality. Second, the leakoff coefficient is pressure-
dependent. Nolte and his coworkers have recognized this and offered a lengthy list of diagnostic and qualitative
responses for a variety of phenomena that may alter the pressure response [10, 11].
Fluid loss occurs normal to the fracture face through the filtercake, and into an invaded zone that does not extend more
than a few centimeters into the formation. Outside the filtrate invaded zone the pressure perturbation due to injection may
extend for a significant distance into the formation. Within this entire zone, the fluid flow streamlines are primarily parallel
and normal to the fracture face, implying linear flow. The pressure decline response of the injection test should be
sensitive to the formation permeability. In tight formations with permeabilities less than 1 md for oil and 0.01 md for gas a
conventional well test cannot be performed because the reservoir may not even flow without hydraulic fracture stimulation.
Yet, the reservoir permeability is an essential parameter for determining the optimum fracture size [12, 13].
Although the pressure drop in the reservoir can be intuitively understood based on well test pressure transient analysis as
linear flow, the injection test response, when dominated by the pressure drop across the filtercake, is also characterized
by linear flow. The difficulty in distinguishing these two phenomena led to the use of the (lumped) leakoff coefficient.
To understand better the nature of flow through the filtercake, results of a series of experiments were published by
Mayerhofer et al [16]. A recent paper described a model that decoupled the reservoir and filtercake behavior as flow in the
formation from an infinite-conductivity fracture with a rate-and time-dependent skin effect analogous to the Cinco and
Samaniego [19] fracture face damage skin effect. In this work, the model in [17] is refined to account for variable fracture
In modern well test interpretation Iog-log diagnostic plots of the pressure change and the derivative function [20] are used
to distinguish various flow regimes which develop characteristic patterns. Once the flow regime is identified, specialized
plots are used to compute important well or reservoir parameters. The governing filtration model which was introduced
previously [17] can be analyzed in the same manner. For fracturing fluid leakoff during fracture closing, by estimating the
variable leakoff rate, the rate-normalized pressure and its derivative can be employed as the diagnostic tool for flow
regime identification [21, 22].
1. Perkins, T.K., and Kern, L.R.: "Widths of Hydraulic Fractures," JPT (1961) 213, 937-949; Trans., AIME,
2. Khristianovic, S.A., and Zheltov, Y.P.: "Formation of Vertical Fractures by Means of Highly Viscous Liquid,"
Proc., Fourth World Pet. Cong., Rome(1955).
3. Nolte, K,G.: "Fracture Design Considerations Based on Pressure Analysis," paper SPE 10911, 1982
[published as two papers, SPEPE (Feb, 1988) 22-42].
4. Carter, R.D.: Appendix to Howard, G.C., and Fast, C.R.: "Optimum Fluid Characteristics for Fracture
Extension," presented at the 1957 API Mid-Cont. Dist. Spring Meeting, Tulsa.
5. Nolte, K.G.: "Determination of Fracture Parameters from Fracture Pressure Decline," paper SPE 8341,
6. Nolte, K.G.: "A General Analysis of Fracturing Pressure Decline With Application to Three Models," SPEFE
(Dec. 1986) 571-563.
7. Nolte, K.G.: "Determlnation of Propppant and Fluid Schedules from Fracturing Pressure Decline," SPEPE
(July 1986) 255-265.
8. Nolte, K.G.: "Fluid Flow Considerations in Hydraulic Fracturing," paper SPE 18537, 1988.
9. Castillo, J.L.: "Modified Fracture Pressure Decline Analysis including Pressure-Dependent Leakoff," paper
SPE 16417, 1987.

FracproPT 2007

10. Nolte, K.G.: "Fracture Pressure Analysis for Nonideal Behavior," JPT (Feb. 1991) 210-218.
11. Nolte, K.G., Mack, M.G., and Lie, W.L: "A Systematic Approach for Applying Fracturing Pressure Decline:
Part 1," paper SPE 25845,1993.
12. Meng, H-Z., and Brown, K.E.: "Coupling of Production Forecasting, Fracture Geometry Requirements and
Treatment Scheduling in the Optimum Hydraulic Fracture Design," paper SPE 16435,1987.
13. Balen, M.R., Meng, H-Z., and Economies, M.J.: "Application of the NPV (Net Present Value) in the
Optimization of Hydraulic Fractures," paper SPE 18451, 1988.
14. Mayerhofer, M.J., Economides, M.J. and Nolte, K.G.: "Experimental Study of Fracturing Fluid Loss," paper
CIM/AOSTRA 91-92 presented at the Annual Technical Conference of the Petroleum Society of CIM and
AOSTRA, Banff, April 21-24.
15. Mayerhofer, M.J., Economides, M.J. and Nolte, K.G.: "An Experimental and Fundamental Interpretation of
Fittercake Fracturing Fluid Loss," paper SPE 22873, 1991.
16. Zeilinger, S., Mayerhofer, M.J., and Economides, M.J.: "A Comparison of the Fluid-Loss Properties of
Borate-Zirconate-Crosslinked and Non-Crosslinked Fracturing Fluids," paper SPE 23435,1991.
17. Mayerhofer, M.J., and Economides, M.J.: "Permeability Estimation From Fracture Calibration Tests," paper
SPE 26039, May 1993.
18. Gringarten, A.C., Ramey, H.J., Jr., and Raghavan, R.: "Unsteady-State Pressure Distributions Created by
a Well With a Single Infinite--Conductivity Vertical Fracture," SPEJ (Aug. 1974) 347-360.
19. Cinco-Ley, H., and Samaniego-V.F.: "Transient Pressure Analysis: Finite Conductivity Fracture Case
Versus Damaged Fracture Case," paper SPE 10179, 1981.
20. Bourdet, D., Whittle, T.M., Douglas, A.A. and Pirard, Y.-M.: "A New Set of Type Curves Simplifies Well
Test Analysis," World Oil (May 1983) 95-106.
21. Kuchuk, F.J.: "Application of Convolution and Deconvolution to Transient Well Tests," SPEFE (Dec.1990).
22. Josef, J.A., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., and Kuchuk, F.J.: "The Role of Downhole Flow and Pressure
Measurements in Reservoir Testing," paper SPE 16379, 1988.
Mayerhofer, M.J., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., and Economides, M.J., "Pressure Transient Analysis of Fracture Calibratoin
Tests," SPE paper 26527, 1993.
Net Pressure Matching - Ctrl + F8

Manual Net Pressure Matching [Ctrl+F8]

This screen is intended to make the process of net-pressure matching easier by grouping the main parameters used for
this purpose in one convenient location. Since these are just "copies" of parameters from other screens, changes made
here automatically update the parameters on their "parent" screens.
This screen should not be used for the initial setup of an input file (for example, layering, etc.). Rather, after an input file is
properly set up and the observed net pressure is properly determined by correcting for fracture closure stress and fluid
friction effects, this screen can be used to easily access and change the parameters necessary to obtain a net-pressure
history match.
Some useful tips, suggestions, and procedures on how to match model net pressure to observed net pressure can be
found in the Real-Data Fracture Pressure Analysis sections of Help, which are listed here:

• Detailed Guidelines and Procedures

• 4 Basic Steps
• Brief Guide
• Modeling Friction
• Real-Time Use
The parameters listed in this screen are the ones that engineers from Pinnacle Technologies generally use to obtain a net
pressure match, so they reflect to some degree our philosophy on net pressure history matching.

FracproPT 2007

Manual Matching tab of the Net Pressure Matching screen.

Stress and Leakoff Settings per Layer

The data in this table are taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. Only Pore Fluid Permeability (or
Leakoff Coefficient) and Closure Stress Gradient for the defined layers may be changed from this screen. To switch
between entering Pore Fluid Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient you must go to the Lithology-Based RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS screen and change the Fluid Loss Entry Mode option. Complete details regarding the stress and leakoff
settings can be found on the Lithology-Based RESERVOIR PARAMETERS help screen.

Multiple Fracture Settings

This table is where you specify, at various points in Time, how many fractures there are taking fluid (Volume Factor),
how many fractures there are leaking off fluid (Leakoff Factor), and how many parallel fractures are competing for the
same opening space (Opening Factor). Complete details regarding multiple fractures and how to use these factors to
approximate them can be found on the MULTIPLE FRACTURES help screen.

Fluid / Wall Building Coefficient / Spurt Loss

Access to two other parameters that affect fluid loss (Wall Building Coefficient and Spurt Loss) for up to two of the
fluids used in the simulation are provided here. Complete details regarding these and other properties for all fluids can be
found on the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the EDIT/VIEW interpolated FLUID DATA [shift+f5] help

Proppant Drag Effect/ Tip Effects Coefficient/ Tip Screen-Out Backfill Coefficient
Access to three parameters that affect level of net pressure is provided here. Values here are taken from the FracproPT
MODEL PARAMETERS [shift+f3] screen.

Other Functions
Model Parameters

FracproPT 2007

This function takes you to the FracproPT MODEL PARAMETERS [shift+f3] screen where many of the parameters that
control model function are located.
Display Plot #…from Plot List
This function takes you to a plot of your choice. You choose the plot by entering a number in the field that corresponds to
a plot as listed on the Plot List [Alt+F8] screen.

Automatic Net Pressure Matching [Ctrl+F8]

Automatic history matching is a feature intended to save your time and effort when performing net pressure history
matching of fracture treatment data. The process is not, and probably never will be, completely automatic since you still
must select which parameters to iterate on and give the range of possible parameter values.
The principal behind automatic history matching is that the program will automatically adjust some parameter(s) in order
to make the model net pressure equal to the observed net pressure. Automatic net pressure matching is available only if
you choose the Lithology-Based Reservoir option on the Simulation Options [F4] screen.
Some useful tips, suggestions, and procedures on how to (manually) match model net pressure to observed net pressure
can be found in the Real-Data Fracture Pressure Analysis sections of Help, which are listed here:
• Detailed Guidelines and Procedures (below)
• 4 Basic Steps
• Brief Guide
• Modeling Friction
• Real-Time Use

Steps Involved in Auto Matching

ƒ Make sure that you have the correct Observed Net Pressure.
Additional Information: Observed Net Pressure
ƒ Choose the portion of your data you wish to match (that is, the match window). We strongly recommend that you
choose a pressure decline (shut-in), or at least include significant shut-in data as well as pumping data in the match
ƒ Select the parameter(s) that the program will iterate on in order to match the two pressures. There are seven
parameters available, split into two groups.
Parameters Parameters
Affecting Affecting
the Level the Slope of
of Net Net
Pressure Pressure

Closure Permeability
Stress in a in the pay
bounding zone

Fracture Wall
Tip Effect Building

Proppant Multiple
Drag Effect Fractures



Set the error criterion and the maximum number of iterations.

ƒ Start the iteration.

FracproPT 2007

Auto Matching tab of the Net Pressure Matching screen.

Matching Parameters
The eight matching parameters described below are available for auto matching. You must select at least one of them to
iterate on and you may select up to two at any one time, but only one from each group of parameters. For each parameter
there is a default range of acceptable values as shown in the Minimum and Maximum fields. You should check that this
range of values is realistic for your reservoir and, if not, change them. The Current value of the parameter in the current
iteration is displayed, and the final Best Fit value is also displayed at the end of the iteration.
At the end of the iteration you can select the Use Best Fit Value to automatically copy that value to the appropriate field
on the FracproPT screen where the parameter is normally entered.
You can perform several iterations using different parameters each time to refine your net pressure match.
Lithology Permeability for
Select this check box to use this parameter in the iteration and select the lithology (that is, Rock Type of interest. The
various lithologies and layering of the reservoir are defined on the Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters [F9]
screen. Of course you should only select a Rock Type that is actually used in defining the reservoir.
Wall Building Coefficient for
Select this check box to use this parameter in the iteration and select the Fluid Type of interest. The fluids are listed on
the Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen. Of course you should only select a Fluid Type that is actually used in
the Treatment Schedule [F6].
Bounding Closure Stress Gradient in
Select this check box to use this parameter in the iteration and select the lithology (that is, Rock Type of interest. The
various lithologies and layering of the reservoir are defined on the Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters [F9]
screen and the closure stress gradients for the lithologies are shown on the Mechanical Rock Properties screen.
Tip Effects Coefficient

FracproPT 2007

Select this check box to use this parameter in the iteration. The Tip Effects Coefficient is entered on the FracproPT 3D
tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters [shift+F3] screen. This parameter will not be available if you select either
the 3D Tip-Dominated or 3D Conventional model option on the Fracture Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Proppant Drag Exponent
Select this check box to use this parameter in the iteration. The Proppant Drag Effect Exponent is entered on the
Proppant Model Parameters tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters [shift+F3] screen.
Opening Factor at
Select this check box to use this parameter in the iteration and enter the Time at which you want the change in this
parameter to occur. The multiple fractures Opening Factor is entered on the Multiple Fractures screen.
Leakoff Factor at
Select this check box to use this parameter in the iteration and enter the Time at which you want the change in this
parameter to occur. The multiple fractures Leakoff Factor is entered on the Multiple Fractures screen.

Match Window
Matching Start Time
Enter a time where auto matching starts in this field, or select the Pick from Start of Stage check box and enter a stage
number to set the time automatically. We strongly recommend that the match window include a pressure decline (shut-in),
or at least significant shut-in data as well as pumping data.
Matching End Time
Enter a time where auto matching ends in this field, or select the Pick from End of Stage check box and enter a stage
number to set the time automatically. We strongly recommend that the match window include a pressure decline (shut-in),
or at least significant shut-in data as well as pumping data.

Iteration Settings
Maximum # of Iterations
Enter the maximum number of auto match iterations that you would like the program to execute. A good number to start
with is 10 iterations. If no match can be obtained, an error message will display some suggestions about what you might
change in order to get a good match.
Current Iteration
The number of the current iteration is displayed in this field.
Maximum Error
Enter the maximum error in the auto match process that you will tolerate in this field. A small number may require much
iteration or may not be achievable. A good number to start with is 15 percent, but this number may be reduced once you
get a preliminary auto match. If no match can be obtained, an error message will display some suggestions about what
you might change in order to get a good match.
Current Error
The error for the current iteration is displayed in this field.

Other Functions
Display Plot #…from Plot List
This function takes you to a plot of your choice. You choose the plot by entering a number in the field that corresponds to
a plot as listed on the Plot List [Alt+F8] screen.
Find Best Match
Select this function to start the auto match iteration.
Use this function to stop the current auto match iteration.

Water&Waste Injection Matching

This screen has been added to make it easier to conduct net pressure matching of multiple water or waste injection
cycles. The model does not have any predictive capability to calculate net pressures or changes in fracture closure stress,
but it allows you to bring in direct observations of how closure stress, complex fracture growth and changes in apparent
rock stiffness and permeability can change throughout various injection cycles through partial fracture reorientation.

FracproPT 2007

Water and Waste Injection Matching tab of the Pressure Matching screen.


Database time.
Volume Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are propagating (that is, taking fluid), with the volume split evenly between
the fractures.
Leakoff Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are leaking off fluid.
Permeability Ratio
This calculated parameter represents the ratio of the leakoff permeability for the current injection versus the permeability
of the first injection. It is simply calculated as the square of the ratio of the current Leakoff Factor and the Leakoff Factor
for the first injection.
Opening Factor
This parameter determines how many (parallel) fractures are propagating and competing for the same opening space,
hence driving up net pressure.
Modulus Ratio
This user-defined parameter represents the ratio of the Young’s modulus for the current injection versus the Young’s
modulus of the first injection. This parameter can be used to match the level of the net pressure.
E inj
This calculated parameter represents the Young’s modulus for the current injection. The value of the Young’s modulus
represents the height-weighted averages over all selected pay zones.
Delta Closure Stress

FracproPT 2007

This user-defined parameter represents the change in fracture closure stress in all selected pay zones for the current
injection versus the height-weighted average in closure stress over all selected pay zones in the first injection.
Closure Stress
This calculated parameter represents the height-weighted fracture closure stress in all selected pay zones for the current

Determine Injection Start and End Times

FracproPT will scan the selected stages in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen, Actual Treatment Schedule tab,
and determine when injections start and end. These start and end times are then copied to the Time column.

Additional Information

Observed Net Pressure

Observed net pressure is determined from one of the following, depending on what measured pressures are available:

• Surface Treating Pressure

• Bottomhole Treating Pressure
• Dead-String (Live Annulus) Pressure
Before the automatic history matching is started, it is important that the user first ensures that the correct observed net
pressure is being calculated. Determining the correct observed net pressure depends on several parameters during
pumping, but only on two parameters during a shut-in. These two parameters are the hydrostatic head in the wellbore (or
annulus) and the fracture closure pressure. FracproPT automatically calculates the hydrostatic head, so the main
unknown is the fracture closure pressure.
There are many methods for determining fracture closure pressure. Many of these methods are addressed in
FracproPT’s Fracture Closure Stress Analysis module. It is important to note that automatic history matching will not
determine the closure stress for you. You must choose a closure stress before starting the automatic history matching
iteration. Of course, if the result of the iteration is physically unrealistic (for example, too high a permeability) it may
indicate that the closure stress you used is incorrect and must be adjusted.
The other main unknown in determining observed net pressure is friction, but this is only important if you are also using
automatic history matching to match data during pumping. In general, it is not necessary to do this, since if you match the
entire pressure decline, you will also match the pressure at the end of pumping. The program does allow you to use data
during pumping for the automatic history matching process if you choose to do so, but you must realize that friction can
change dramatically with time, which this could dramatically affect your results.

Modeling Friction
ƒ To make sure that you have modeled friction as well as possible, there is a simple observation you can
make: verify that the Observed Net channel does not make an instantaneous change when the flow-rate
changes. It is not physically possible for the real net pressure to change instantaneously, except for very
small fractures in very high-perm situations where a mini-frac might close in a matter of seconds.
Therefore, so if you observe any such "step" changes in your Observed Net channel then you have not
modeled the friction properly. If the Observed Net Pressure jumps up at a shut-in, then you are modeling
too much friction (Figure 1). If the Observed Net pressure drops down at a shut-in, then you are too little
friction (Figure 2). Ideally, the Observed Net pressure should remain smooth during any flow-rate transition
(Figure 3). Sometimes you may observe a "spike" when the rate changes (that is, at a shut-in), but this is
usually caused by a slight time mismatch between the flow-rate change and the pressure change. You can
ignore "spikes" that occur in the Observed Net pressure as long as the value after the "spike" is the same
as the value before the "spike".
ƒ If you are lucky enough to have "Dead String" or bottomhole pressure data, then you only have to worry
about Perforation and Near Wellbore Friction. If your Observed Net pressure makes an instantaneous
change when the flow-rate changes abruptly, then there is some friction that is not being modeled. You
can use a special feature in Cursor Editing mode to estimate the Near Wellbore Friction. In most cases,
Perforation Friction is not significant. You can determine whether the friction that you observe is Near-
Wellbore friction or Perforation friction if you have done a step-rate shutdown test and you make a plot of
the friction pressure versus rate. If the curve is concave up, then the friction is dominated by perforation
friction. If the curve is concave down, then it is dominated by Near Wellbore friction. Features in FracproPT
make this process easier, so check the help screen on the Perforation and Near Wellbore Friction screen.
ƒ If you are working only with Surface Pressure, then you have to first make your best assumption about the
Wellbore Friction before you can determine whether there are any other significant frictions in the system.
The more flow-rate changes and shut-ins you can execute (with different fluids in the wellbore and with
proppant in the wellbore), the better you will be able to model friction. All three types of friction (Wellbore,

FracproPT 2007

Near Wellbore and Perforation) have a different relationship to flow-rate, proppant concentration, and fluid
rheology, so if you can measure the friction at different flow-rates, with different fluids and proppant
concentrations, you will be able to better model the three types of friction.

Figure 1: Too Much Friction

Figure 2: Too Little Friction

FracproPT 2007

Figure 3: Friction Modeled Correctly

Multiple Fractures - Shift + F7

Multiple Fractures [SHIFT+F7]
This screen allows you to model the effects of multiple fractures in a table where you specify, at each point in time, how
many fractures are taking fluid (that is, propagating), how many fractures are losing fluid, and how many fractures are
propagating in parallel.
Modeling the simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic fractures is somewhat tricky and should only be used with solid
engineering judgment and assumptions. As such, you should only use this screen if you have a good understanding of the
implications of such an assumption and an understanding of exactly how the MULTIPLE FRACTURES screen works.

• What are multiple fractures?

• When do multiple fractures occur?
• What are the implications of multiple fractures?

FracproPT 2007

The Multiple Fractures screen.

Multiple Fracture Table

Enter the Time at which one or more of the multiple fracture factors takes effect. You can configure multiple fractures so
that they vary with time or so that they are constant in time.

Volume Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are propagating (that is, taking fluid), with the volume split evenly between
the fractures. For example, a value of 2 means that two identical fractures are being propagated.

Leakoff Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are leaking off fluid. For example, a value of 2 means that there are two
fractures are leaking off equal amounts of fluid, which is twice the amount that would occur if the value were 1.
This parameter can be used to simulated phenomena like pressure dependent leakoff.

Opening Factor

FracproPT 2007

This parameter determines how many (parallel) fractures are propagating and competing for the same opening space,
hence driving up net pressure.
The process of determining what values to enter for the three multiple fracture factors and for the time at which the
various factors should become active can sometimes be confusing. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you
verify what you are attempting to model by constructing a time-based plot of one or more of the factors for visual

Rules for Multiple Fractures

FracproPT has multiple-fracture "rules" set up for two common perforation strategies to make simulating them with
multiple fractures easier.

No rules
This is the default option. Select it to allow entry of the multiple fracture parameters in whatever manner you see fit.

Distributed limited-entry perforations

This option is for limited-entry perforations that are distributed over a relatively large interval with homogeneous
properties. View an additional explanation of this option.
This option can be a good alternative for the sometimes-cumbersome option of defining multiple perforated intervals
on the Wellbore Configuration [F7] screen and choosing the Limited Entry Iteration option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.

Point source perforations

This option is for short perforated intervals (for example, wells that are "cluster perforated" or horizontal/deviated wells
that are treated in multiple stages. View an additional explanation of this option.

Other Functions

Reset to Defaults
Select this option to reset all entries in the Multiple Fracture Table to default values, which assumes growth of a single
Additional Information

What Are Multiple Fractures?

Multiple hydraulic fractures are fractures that grow simultaneously from a wellbore and penetrate far into the formation
during a fracture treatment. It has long been known that multiple fractures are almost always present in the vicinity of the
wellbore, due to individual fracture initiation from many perforations in a cased-hole perforated completion or from existing
(natural or drilling induced) fractures along an open-hole interval. However, it was typically assumed that only one fracture
propagated beyond this near-wellbore area because the other fractures were assumed to either coalesce in the near-
wellbore area or cease to grow due to the stress influence from other nearby fractures. Recently it has become clear that
this "single far-field fracture" assumption is often wrong, and that multiple hydraulic fractures often continue growing in the
far-field region.
Multiple hydraulic fractures have been directly observed in the laboratory and in the field. Evidence from coring through
propped hydraulic fracture treatments has confirmed time and again the simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic
fractures (see Warpinski et al. and Fast et al.). For example, in one 4-foot core, 30 fractures were found over 60 ft away
from the point of fracture initiation. Based on this direct evidence, and copious indirect field observations of multiple
fracture growth, it is now believed that multiple fractures are probably the rule rather than the exception.
The figure below shows two possible multiple hydraulic fracture growth patterns:

ƒ Fractures growing more or less independently of each other along different parts of the wellbore or in
different directions
ƒ Fractures grow parallel to each other and compete for fracture opening space (width)
When do multiple fractures occur?
What are the implications of multiple fractures?

FracproPT 2007

Multiple fractures growing both independently and interfering with each other.

When Do Multiple Fractures Occur?

In a typical field stress/micro-crack environment, the propagation of multiple parallel fractures is to be expected. The
propagation of independent multiple fractures may also occur, especially when multiple perforated intervals are fracture
treated, and when the lateral separation between fractures is large compared to the fracture height (for example, in
deviated wells). The presence of natural fractures will lead to more complex systems of multiple hydraulic fractures,
especially when the created hydraulic fractures intersect the natural fractures.
Simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic fractures probably always occurs to some degree, but the effects are probably
most pronounced under the following circumstances:

• When large perforated or open-hole intervals are stimulated, which allows fractures to propagate into
the formation from many different locations along the wellbore
• When a hydraulic fracture intersects an area which is intensely naturally fractured
• When the preferred fracture plane (plane of fracture propagation in the far field) does not coincide
with the wellbore orientation
Fracture multiples may either result from complex wellbore initiation at the perforations, or from bifurcation at natural
fracture or joint intersections. Multiple fracture initiation can occur when the fracture plane and the plane of the wellbore
are different, and where fractures that initiate at different perforations do not link up. Direct fracture diagnostics have
shown that there is quite often misalignment between fracture and wellbore.
As shown by the figure below, the simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic fractures can only be modeled in a simplified
way. In FracproPT, the number of fracture multiples is termed as an "equivalent" because it considers the number of
identical and parallel fractures that result in the observed net pressure response. In reality, the number of fractures could
be much larger than this "equivalent" number, since the fractures will be of different shapes and sizes.
What are multiple fractures?
What are the implications of multiple fractures?

FracproPT 2007

Modeling a complex system of multiple fractures (top) using equal-sized "equivalent" fractures (bottom).

What Are the Implications of Multiple Fractures?

The main implications of multiple fractures are:

• A significantly increased screen-out potential because each individual fracture is narrower than a
single fracture propagated in the same environment would be.
• Fractures are shorter and narrower because the fluid (and proppant) has to be shared by a number
of multiple hydraulic fractures. However, the total width of all multiple fractures is larger than for a
single fracture, which results in higher near-wellbore conductivity.
• Net pressures are higher because fractures open against one other and compete for fracture width.
• Proppant convection may become less severe and fluid rheology may play a more important role
during the fracture treatment as a result of the width reduction.
• Fractures are less confined in height due to the increase in net pressure.
• Figure 1 shows how simultaneous growth of multiple fractures may change fracture dimensions. The
achievable fracture radius decreases as the number of multiple fractures increases (for radial
fractures this is proportional to the number of multiple fractures to the power -2/9) because fluid (and
proppant) has to be shared by more fractures. The fracture width for each fracture becomes smaller
than the width of a single fracture (for radial fractures this is proportional to the number of multiples
fractures to the power -5/9), but the total width of all fractures combined increases with an increasing
number of fractures. The smaller individual fracture widths can (and often do) lead to problems
placing proppant in the fracture, resulting in a bridging screen-out. The minimum fracture widths in
Figure 1 were calculated using an admittance criterion of three proppant grain diameters. In this
particular example the fracture will not accept 20/40-mesh proppant when there are more than 14
simultaneously propagating fractures and it will not accept 12/20-mesh proppant when there are more
than 6 simultaneously propagating fractures. Of course, screen-out may also result due to multiple-
fracture-induced near-wellbore fracture tortuosity.
Simultaneous propagation of hydraulic fractures also results in higher net pressures and higher surface pressures. The
cause of this pressure rise depends on the particular fracture geometry. For fractures that grow parallel to each other the
net pressure increases because the fractures compete for fracture width. Net pressure may increase as strongly as the
number of multiple fractures to the power 2/3 for the case of radial fracture geometry. Multiple fractures can also lead to
higher net fracturing pressures through increased fluid leakoff, due to increased fracture area, and the resulting rise in
slurry proppant concentrations within the fractures.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 2 shows another net pressure match. This example not only shows that the net pressure at the beginning of the
treatment can be higher due to multiple fractures, but is also shows that the net pressure may increase during the
treatment as the number of multiple fractures increases with time. Figure 2 also shows the calculated net pressure for a
single fracture and for 3 simultaneously propagating fractures (constant number during pumping). The figure shows that
the calculated net pressure for a single fracture remains too low and that the calculated net pressure for the constant
number of simultaneous fractures is too high at the beginning of the treatment.
In naturally fractured reservoirs (virtually all rocks) hydraulic fracture initiation may occur wherever a natural fracture
intersects the wellbore or is intersected by a growing hydraulic fracture. Therefore, multiple hydraulic fractures are
typically initiated and propagated, often in increasing numbers as more natural fractures are intersected by the growing
hydraulic fractures. This process is self reinforcing since the propagation of multiple hydraulic fractures tends to elevate
the net pressure, which in turn makes it easier to start hydraulic fracture propagation at newly intersected natural
It is not possible to completely avoid the simultaneous propagation of multiple hydraulic fractures. However, there are
some possible remedies to decrease the number of simultaneous fractures:

• Reduce the length of the perforated or open-hole interval.

• Use high flow rates and/or high fluid viscosities during fracture initiation to link fractures that initiate
simultaneously from each of the perforations and cause tortuosity.
• Use proppant slugs to plug off multiple fractures.
• Use a minimum amount of perforations, preferably 0°-phasing, to decrease the number of multiple
fracture initiation sites.
What are multiple fractures?
When do multiple fractures occur?

Figure 1: Example of the change in individual fracture width, cumulative fracture width and fracture radius with a
change in the number of simultaneously propagating fractures.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 2: Example of observed and calculated net fracturing pressures for a single fracture and for 3
simultaneously propagating fractures (increasing number with time).

Multiple Fractures that are Constant in Time

• If you want a constant number of fractures in time, enter that number for 0 minutes and then the same
number for 1,000 minutes (that is, some large number of minutes).

Time Varying Multiple Fractures

• We have found that it is usually best to use the start and stop times of diagnostic injections and
propped fracture treatments for the Time values in the Multiple Fracture Table (see the DOLOM-
F.INP startup file that comes with the installation for an example).
• We typically assume that the multiple fracture settings change only during injections and not during
shut-in periods.
• If the number of multiple fractures is specified to be different at two subsequent times in the table,
FracproPT linearly interpolates the number of multiple fractures between those points.
• At times after the last time that is specified in the table, the number of multiple fractures remains
• The time function can be used to simulate the initiation of multiple fractures and then their gradual
closing until one (or a few) becomes dominant. Of course, you can also simulate the converse by
increasing the number of fractures as a function of time, for example to simulate a fracture
intersecting natural fractures.

FracproPT 2007

Point Source Perforations

• In this case, the multiple fractures interfere with one other from the start of their growth, thereby
driving up net pressure.
• The Volume Factor and Opening Factor are automatically linked together so that changing the
Volume Factor changes the level of the net pressure.

Distributed Limited-Entry Perforations

• In this case, fractures are growing from multiple perforations but they are not initially interfering with
one in terms of fracture width to drive up net pressure (however, later in the treatment there can be
an increasing competition for width).
• You should set both Volume Factor and Leakoff Factor to 3, which implies that the volume (that is,
flow rate) is divided equally between three fractures and that there is three times the normal leakoff
• The Opening Factor would be set to 1, since the fractures are not growing parallel and competing for
opening space.
The value of 3 is an arbitrary number, which can be smaller if there is a good chance individual fractures link up and
larger (up to the number of perforations) if the wellbore and fractures are very much misaligned.

Quick Minifrac Analysis Mode

Quick Minifrac Control
The Quick Minifrac Control screen is accessed by:

• clicking on the Xpress Minifrac button in the Navigation Tree

• selecting from the main menu Options > Minifrac Analysis Mode
The Quick Minfrac Analysis mode is part of FracproXPRESS. This mode provides for a quick single-screen approach to
minifrac analysis for coarse preliminary simulations. The results can be transferred to the Fracture Analysis mode.
Only the following basic data needs to be entered:

• well
• formation of the layer above the payzone, the payzone, and the layer below the payzone
• perforations
• reservoir
The Quick Minifrac Analysis mode will then calculate the results of a minifrac analysis from the measured minifrac data,
and an entered Treatment Schedule.

FracproPT 2007

Quick Minifrac Control screen

Reservoir and Well

• Well Fluid: This is the type of fluid that is pumped down the well.
• Wellbore Volume: This is the volume of the wellbore.
• Casing/Tubing ID: This is the inner diameter (ID) of the casing or tubing inside the well.
• Tubing Tail Depth: This the depth of the tail of the tubing (that is, the additional tubing below the

Formation Above Pay / Pay Zone / Formation Below Pay

• Formation: This is the type of rock of the formation.

Pay Zone
• Closure Stress: This is the closure stress of the formation.
• Young’s Modulus: This is the Young’s modulus of the formation.
• Permeability: This is the permeability of the formation.
• Top of Pay / Bottom of Pay: This is the true vertical depth (TVD) of the top or bottom of the

• Reservoir Pressure: This is the initial, ambient pressure of the reservoir.
• ReservoirTemp: This is the initial, ambient temperature of the reservoir.
• Reservoir Type: This is the type of hydrocarbon (Gas or Oil) that is to be produced from the

FracproPT 2007

• Porosity: This is the porosity of the reservoir.

• Water Saturation: This is the water saturation of the reservoir.

• Pressure Gauge Location: This is the location of the pressure gauge (that is, Dead String,
Bottomhole, Surface) that is obtained from the Minifrac Data file. This drop-down listbox is inactive if
the Real-Time Analysis radio button is selected.
• Minifrac Data: Select this radio button to use a file with measured Minifrac Data for the analysis. If
this radio button is selected, a Minifrac Data file needs to be selected, by pressing the Select...
• Real-Time Analysis: Select this radio button to use measured real-time data with minifrac data for
the analysis.
This sections is used to specify and display the Treatment Schedule.

Treatment Schedule Plot

This plot displays the treatment schedule in terms of the Design Rate and Design Conc versus Time.

• Autostage: Press this button to automatically set the stages in the Treatment Schedule.

Treatment Schedule Table

This table is used to specify the details of the Treatment Schedule.

• Stage: Thjs is the type of stage.

• Fluid: This is the fluid that is pumped during the stage.
• Slurry Rate: This is the injection rate of the slurry.
• Clean Vol: This is the volume of clean fluid that is pumped during the stage.
• Prop Conc: This is the concentration of proppant that is pumped during the stage.
• Stage Len: This is the length (that is, time duration) of the stage.
• Cum Time: This is the cumulative time of the minifrac injection.

• Add Fluid: Press this button to add the selected fluid to the selected stage in the Treatment
Schedule table.
Minifrac Results
The results of the Quick Minifrac Analysis are presented in this section.

• Payzone Closure Stress: This is the calculated closure stress in the payzone.
• Closure Stress Gradient: This is the calculated gradient of the closure stress.
• Frac Extension Pressure: This is the calculate fracture extension pressure.
• Reservoir Pressure: This is the calculated initial, ambient pressure of the reservoir.
• Permeability: This is the calculated permeability of the reservoir.

FracproXPRESS consists of the Quick Fracture Design mode and the Quick Minifrac Analysis mode. These two modes
provide for a quick single quick single-screen approach to fracture design and minifrac analysis for coarse preliminary
simulations. The results can be transferred to the Fracture Design mode and the Fracture Analysis mode, respectively.
Only the following basic data needs to be entered:

• well
• formation of the layer above the payzone, the payzone, and the layer below the payzone
• reservoir

FracproPT 2007

• fracturing model (for the Quick Fracture Design mode)

• treatment schedule or fracture dimensions (for the Quick Fracture Design mode)
• perforations (for the Quick Minifrac Analysis mode)
The Quick Fracture Design mode will then calculate either the Fracture Dimensions (from the Treatment Schedule) or
the Treatment Schedule (from the Fracture Dimensions).
The Quick Minifrac Analysis modewill then calculate the results of a minifrac analysis from the measured minifrac data,
and an entered Treatment Schedule.

Production Analysis Mode

Overview - Production Analysis Mode
Production Analysis Mode is used to predict or history match the production behavior of fractured or non-fractured
wells. In this mode, FracproPT passes the proppant concentration profile determined from its fracture propagation and
proppant transport models to a reservoir simulator where the treatment effect on well productivity is modeled. This is an
essential process for determining the success of past treatments, and the relevant economics of future treatments. Like all
other FracproPT modes, Production Analysis Mode is selected from the MAIN [F2] screen; a message is displayed
in the status bar at the bottom of the screen indicating that this is the active mode.
When you select a mode from the MAIN screen, you may use the Next field to progress through a sequence of screens,
beginning with the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen and ending with the PRODUCTION
ANALYSIS CONTROL [F10] screen for that mode. The screens are listed here in the same order that you will see them if
you use the Next fields to progress through the sequence of screens.

Please also refer to the topic Technical Reference for ResSim Interface.

Well & Treatment Information - F3

Well and Treatment Information – General Information [F3]
The Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen is accessed by:

• pressing the function key F3

• clicking on Well&Treatment Info in the Navigation Tree
The General Information tab is the first tab on the Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen.

This screen is used to enter various data and information, such as general comments, about the simulation represented
by this input file. Some of the information can be included automatically on plot titles and report page headers.
The information entered here is also displayed in the Input File Preview area of the standard File…Open dialog. It can
also be used by the Input File Search utility that is also a part of that dialog.
The path and file name of the current input file are displayed at the top of this screen, which is common to all four
FracproPT modes.

FracproPT 2007

General Information tab of the Well and Treatment Information screen

Production Analysis Options - F4

Production Analysis Options [F4]
This screen is where you select from among the various options available when running one of the reservoir simulators.
ReservoirPT is intimately linked to the simulators that are a part of the FracproPT system (these simulators are
described below).
ReservoirPT also supports larger, multi-phase reservoir simulators through the generation of a proppant grid to an
external file, which can then be imported into a reservoir simulator input file. For more information on this capability,
contact Pinnacle Technologies.
ReservoirPT can also open a production database for plotting and comparison of actual production or pressure
responses to simulated production or pressure responses. The production database channels are plotted in the same
manner as fracture-treatment database channels.

FracproPT 2007

The Production Analysis Options screen

Production Constraints Come From…

User Entered Table

If you want to forecast production response, either from a self-defined fracture geometry or from a fracture geometry
calculated by the Fracture Analysis module, select User Entered Table. You can provide Production Constraints in the
WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen Production Constraints tab.

Production Database Derived Table

Choose this option if you want to match existing production data. You can auto stage this production response using the
Set Up Table button in the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen Production Constraints tab.

In this section, the user may choose to use a 2D Model (FraPS) or a 3D Layered Analytical Model (A3D). Depending on
the model selected, some of the subsequent screens will differ slightly.

2D Model
ReservoirPT uses FraPS when you select this option. FraPS is a finite-difference reservoir simulator especially designed
to handle hydraulically fractured wells. It accounts for non-uniform conductivity, stress-sensitive proppant permeability,
and fracture non-Darcy flow. FraPS makes the assumptions of one mobile phase and two-dimensional reservoir flow in
order to execute quickly. A more complete description of the model can be found in the ReservoirPT Technical
Description section.

3D Layered Analytical Model

ReservoirPT uses A3D when you select this option. A3D is a 3D, multilayer, analytical reservoir simulator that can handle
a variety of situations. A more complete description of the model can be found in the ReservoirPT Technical Description

3D Numerical Model Interface

For more complicated reservoir analysis problems that cannot properly be evaluated using a single-phase single-layer
finite-difference simulator, there is an interface to create an ECLIPSE Office® Project. FracproPT can generate most of
the necessary files automatically, and a few files need to be created by the user.
Additional Information: How to Use the FracproPT Reservoir Simulator Interface

FracproPT 2007


Not Present
Selecting this option causes the wellbore to be ignored in all production calculations. All output data is referenced to
bottomhole conditions.

When this option is selected, you have access to the ReservoirPT WELLBORE PARAMETERS [F5] screen where you
enter production-string lengths and diameters. If a gas well is being simulated, head and frictional pressure losses in the
production string are calculated. Also, you may select surface pressure as a production constraint on the WELL
PRODUCTION CONSTRAINTS [F6] screen if you choose this option.

Cleanup Effects

Select this option to ignore damage due to frac-fluid invasion in the reservoir.

Select this option and FraPS simulates both temporary and permanent damage caused by frac-fluid invasion in the
reservoir. If you select this option, you will also have access to the FILTRATE CLEANUP EFFECTS screen.


Not Present
Select this option to simulate the non-fractured well production response for comparison purposes.

If this option is selected, you have access to the FRACTURE PARAMETERS [F5] screen that contains the propped-
fracture geometry (either as generated by FracproPT, or entered manually by you).

PVT Correlations

Manual Entry
If you select this option, you have access to the RESERVOIR PVT PARAMETERS screen where you must enter volume
factors and viscosities.

Selecting this option to use PVT data calculated from the appropriate oil or gas correlations (which also uses non-carbon

Production Schedule

User Defined
Select this option if you want to use the production schedule that you enter on the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen.

Select this option to automatically generate and use a production schedule.

Database File Location


FracproPT 2007

This option becomes available when selecting Production Constraints Come From … Production Database Derived
Table. Select this function to open the standard File…Open dialog where you can open a file that contains production
data. This can either be a standard FracproPT database file, an ASCII file or an Excel™ file. The database File Path and
File Name are displayed here after you select and open it.
How to Use the FracproPT Reservoir Simulator Interface
The following procedure can be used to set-up the FracproPT Reservoir Simulator Interface:
1. Run fracture model first
2. Go to Production Analysis
3. Select 3D Numerical Model Interface
4. Choose Present for the Fracture and Wellbore Options
5. Leave other defaults
6. Click Next
7. Input the X- and Y- direction extent (drainage area)
8. Click Import Reservoir Data from Fracture Simulation
9. Input wellbore hole diameter
10. Type the number of sub-layers in the Layer Group column
11. Click Next
12. Enter production wellbore data and click Next
13. Select well type, choose vertical well for this example
14. Enter the grid size for frac width and the grid size for frac length
15. Select Reservoir Simulator format, choose IMEX for example
16. Specify the location or folder for the simulator input file
17. Click Generate File

Channel Inputs for Model - Shift + F6

Channel Inputs for Model [Shift+F6]
This screen is where you specify one or more channels of real data (either real-time data or data from a FracproPT
database) as simulator inputs. Of course, all simulator inputs can come from the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen
as well. If you choose Run From Job Design Data on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, this screen is
not accessible since, by definition, all inputs come from the treatment schedule.

FracproPT 2007

The Channel Inputs for Model screen.

You can also use this screen to identify production data inputs. If you choose Production Constraints Come From …
User Entered Table on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, this screen is not accessible since, by definition,
all inputs come from the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen. Production Constraints tab.

FracproPT 2007

The Channel Inputs for Model screen.

Model Input Channels

The first column in the menu shows the various Model Input Channels that may be input from real data. You do not have
to specify all of these channels as real-data inputs to the model. For example, you can use measured flow rate data along
with job-design sand-concentration data, or vice-versa.

This column displays the unit for each of the Model Input Channels.

Database Channel Names / Real-Time Channel Names

This column is where real data (either database or real-time) channel names are entered. To select real data channel as
simulator input, simply select the corresponding cell to activate a drop-down list that will display all channels from the real-
time or database inputs. To delete a channel from a field, select the line from the drop-down list that contains only "-".

Observed Net Pressure Calculation Mode

There are two net pressures that are involved in the net pressure history matching process; Observed Net Pressure and
Net Pressure.
Observed Net Pressure, which is somewhat of a misnomer, is calculated from some measured pressure (surface, dead
string, or bottomhole), closure stress where the fracture initiates, and the outputs from FracproPT’s wellbore, perforation,
and near-wellbore friction models. The accuracy of the Observed Net Pressure calculation depends on what measured
pressure is available. Bottomhole pressure provides the most accuracy, followed by dead string pressure, and then finally
surface pressure. FracproPT will automatically select the most accurate channel in this same order, unless the user
selects otherwise.
Net Pressure is calculated by FracproPT’s fracture model, based on the fluid and proppant flowing into the formation, as
well as the best estimate for the reservoir properties (for example, stress, modulus, permeability, etc.).
The ultimate goal of net pressure history matching is to first ensure an accurate calculation of Observed Net Pressure,
and then to make Net Pressure match it.

FracproPT 2007

After specifying the real-data model inputs (either real-time or database), you must choose an Observed Net Pressure
Calculation Mode from among the available options. The number of options (up to the maximum of four) and your final
choice depend upon what measured pressure data you specify as model inputs.

Observed Net Not Calculated

If no real-data channels are specified for any of the pressure inputs (that is, Treating Pressure, Bottomhole Pressure, or
Dead String Pressure), this is the only option available.

From Dead String Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Dead String Pressure, this option will be available. When you select this mode,
you must enter the (fluid) Dead String SG, which is the density expressed in terms of specific gravity.
The measured Dead String Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database or real-time data and the
hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the wellbore (down to the perforations) is added to it. The total hydrostatic pressure is
comprised of two components: the hydrostatic pressure within the dead string and the hydrostatic pressure from the end
of the dead string down to the center of the fracture. Any wellbore friction present from the bottom of the dead string down
to the perforations is then subtracted from the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Measured
Bottomhole Pressure.
Perf Friction, Near Wellbore Friction, (as calculated from the actual flow rate and data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-
WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen) and closure stress in the pay zone (as taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS
[F9] screen) are then subtracted from the Measured Bottomhole Pressure to yield the Observed Net Pressure. The
proceeding is reflected in the following equation:

From Bottomhole Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Bottomhole Pressure, this option will be available. When you select this mode,
you must enter the Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge.
The measured Bottomhole Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database or real-time data and the
hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the wellbore from Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge down to the perforations is
added to it. Any wellbore friction present from the Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge down to the perforations is then
subtracted from the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Measured Bottomhole Pressure.
Perf Friction, Near Wellbore Friction, (as calculated from the actual flow rate and data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-
WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen) and closure stress in the pay zone (as taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS
[F9] screen) are then subtracted from the Measured Bottomhole Pressure to yield the Observed Net Pressure. The
proceeding is reflected in the following equation:

From Surface Treating Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Surface Treating Pressure, this option will be available. The measured Surface
Treating Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database or real-time data and the hydrostatic pressure of
the fluid in the wellbore (from the surface down to the perforations) is added to it. Any wellbore friction (from the surface
down to the perforations) is then subtracted from the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Measured
Bottomhole Pressure.
Perf Friction, Near Wellbore Friction, (as calculated from the actual flow rate and data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-
WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen) and closure stress in the pay zone (as taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS
[F9] screen) are then subtracted from the Measured Bottomhole Pressure to yield the Observed Net Pressure. The
proceeding is reflected in the following equation:

Other Functions

View Measured Data

Selecting View Measured Data takes you to a plot of the Measured Data (for example, the channels entered on this
screen, incorporated in automatic plot #36 on the PLOT LIST [ALT+F8] screen).
From that plot screen, you may choose the Cursor Editing option in order to simplify synchronization of the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] (that is, the stage lengths, fluid types, and proppant types used for each stage) with the measured data.
Specific information about this option is available in the Cursor Editing help screen.

Production History Matching

Production history matching can be done using either rates or pressures. You can select the rates or pressures that have
been measured, and the Production Analysis module in FracproPT can provide the equivalent parameter from the model
for matching purposes.

FracproPT 2007

No Producing Pressure Available

If no real-data channels are specified for any of the pressure inputs (that is, Producing Pressure, Bottomhole Pressure, or
Dead String Pressure), this is the only option available.

From Bottomhole Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Btm Producing Pressure, this option will be available. When you select this
mode, you must enter the Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge.
The measured Btm Producing Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database and the hydrostatic pressure
of the fluid in the wellbore from Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge down to the perforations is added to it. Any
wellbore friction present from the Measured Depth to Bottomhole Gauge down to the perforations is then subtracted from
the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Meas’d Btm Press.

From Surface Pressure

If you have specified a real-data input for Surf Producing Pressure, this option will be available. The measured Surface
Producing Pressure is read directly into the simulator from the database and the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the
wellbore (from the surface down to the perforations) is added to it. Any wellbore friction (from the surface down to the
perforations) is then subtracted from the result to yield what is referred to in the simulator as the Meas’d Btm Press.

Other Functions

View Measured Data

Selecting View Measured Data takes you to a plot of the Measured Data (for example, the channels entered on this
screen, incorporated in automatic plot #36 on the PLOT LIST [ALT+F8] screen).

Reservoir Parameters - F9
Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters

Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters [F9]

This screen, which is accessed only if 2D Model was selected on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, is
where the reservoir parameters necessary for production simulation are entered.
This is a single-layer production model, so some care must be used when entering data on this screen that adequately
describes the actual reservoir configuration. For example, the reservoir may have more than one permeable layer (which
may be more fully described in the reservoir description entered in the fracture simulation model).

FracproPT 2007

The Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters screen.

Depth to Middle of Pay

This number is used to calculate flowing tubing pressure and pressure losses in the production string.
Gross Pay Thickness
This is the total interval from the top of the upper-most pay zone to the bottom of the lower-most pay zone, including
unproductive intervals in between. This is the interval over which the proppant concentration from the fracture simulation
model is averaged to find the resulting conductivity for each fracture segment.
Net Pay Thickness
This is the total height of the permeable, productive intervals contained in the Gross Pay Thickness. It is used to
calculate hydrocarbons-in-place and well productivity.
Initial Pressure
This is the pore pressure throughout the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation.
This is the reservoir permeability in the direction normal to the fracture.
This is the porosity of the reservoir, which is entered as a fractional number less than one.
Water Saturation
FraPS allows only one mobile phase, however the immobile water phase is allowed to expand as reservoir pressure
drops. This number is entered as a fractional number less than one.
X-Direction Extent, Y-Direction Extent
X-Direction Extent is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction parallel to the fracture. You
may wish to make this number greater than Y-Direction Extent, which is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage
boundary in the direction normal to the fracture, by an amount equal to the propped-fracture length.
The following table lists values for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent for some common drainage areas.

Drainage Area X-Direction Extent Y-Direction Extent

40 acres 660 feet 660 feet

FracproPT 2007

80 acres 933 feet 933 feet

160 acres 1,320 feet 1,320 feet

320 acres 1,867 feet 1,867 feet

640 acres 2,640 feet 2,640 feet

Drainage Area
This is a calculated number, based on your entries for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent.
Fracture Gradient
This number, which is also known as closure stress gradient, is used to calculate closure stress on the proppant, local
reservoir pressure, and any backstress effects.

Wellbore Effects
Wellbore Hole Diameter
This number is used to model reservoir-fluid flow near the wellbore more precisely than it would be with the default
reservoir simulation grid. "Hole" is included to emphasize that this is the hole diameter, not the casing diameter. The
default grid is generated if 0.0 is entered.
Skin Factor
This parameter is used to include skin damage effects (that is, a small region of reduced permeability around the
wellbore). Entries less than zero (indicating stimulation rather than damage) are ignored. Stimulation may be modeled
either by a fracture or by an enhanced Wellbore Hole Diameter.

Compaction Effects Table

The table of Compaction Effects located on the right side of this screen is used to allow reservoir permeability to decrease
as effective vertical stress increases with reservoir depletion. Effective stress is equal to the vertical or overburden stress
minus pore pressure.
Effective Vertical Stress
This is the "effective" vertical stress acting on the reservoir rock matrix. Effective vertical stress is equal to vertical or
overburden stress minus pore pressure.
Permeability Multiplier
This is the factor by which reservoir permeability (entered as Y-Direction Permeability on this screen) is multiplied by for
each value of effective stress. This table has no effect on proppant-pack permeability if each Permeability Multiplier is set
to 1.0.

Vertical Stress Gradient

This is the parameter that is used to calculate the exact vertical stress in the middle of the pay interval. This vertical stress
is then used to calculate the correct the correct Permeability Multiplier from the Compaction Effects Table.

Import Reservoir Data

Import Stimulation Interval Properties
In Fracture Analysis Mode, you can define many layers of varying permeability, while in Production Analysis Mode
you can define only one productive layer. Therefore, when using the 2D reservoir model, you must somehow enter this
more limited reservoir description to adequately and accurately predict the production.
Click on the Import Frac Interval Properties button to display the Select Pay Interval Properties dialog to automatically
generate this more limited reservoir description from the Reservoir Parameters screen for you last fracture simulation.
You can select from among a number of parameters to import. Once you import the properties, you should your own
engineering judgment to determine if the imported properties are suitable for the current simulation.

Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters - 3D Simulator Input [F9]

This screen is where you generate a 3D-mesh file of the fracture conductivity from FracproPT. This screen is only
available when running one of the 3D fracture models (for example, the FracproPT 3D Model or the Conventional 3D
Model). The function and format of this screen were developed for interface with a specific simulator (contact Pinnacle for
details about that simulator), but the information is quite general in that most 3D-reservoir simulators use the same type of

FracproPT 2007

The 3D Simulator Input screen in Production Analysis

Reservoir Parameters Table

• Depth to Top of Layer: This is the depth to the top of each layer. These depths are automatically
taken over from the Fracture Simulation mode reservoir description. These layers may not be edited
manually. All layers that are in contact with the fracture are automatically included. If the top or
bottom layer is larger than desired for the reservoir simulation, then it is necessary to go back to
Fracture Simulation mode and refine the layer description, so that all the layers were the fracture
grows are defined with more resolution.
• Gross Thickness: This is the total layer thickness, including any unproductive intervals in the layer.
• Net Thickness: This is the total thickness of all productive intervals in the layer. This number is used
to calculate hydrocarbons-in-place and well productivity.
• Perm. (kx): This is the reservoir permeability in the x-direction (that is, parallel to the fracture).
• Perm. (ky): This is the reservoir permeability in the y-direction (that is, perpendicular to the fracture).
This is the most important value as it dominates the linear flow into the fracture.
• Perm. (kz): This is the vertical reservoir permeability for the layer. This is typically modeled as a small
fraction of the horizontal permeability, to account for layering within the up-scaled reservoir
description. If you are modeling the reservoir with a high level of detail, and including the intervening
shale layers, then the vertical permeability for the payzone layers should probably not be much
smaller than the horizontal permeabilities.
• Porosity: This is the porosity of the reservoir, which is entered as a fractional number less than one.
• Reservoir Pressure: This is the reservoir pressure in the layer. If you enter different reservoir
pressures in adjacent layers, these would normally only be different by the hydrostatic gradient. If
there are really two layers with different reservoir pressures (i.e. due to depletion) then there should
be an impermeable layer (shale) between them in your reservoir description.
• Water Saturation: This parameter represents the immobile water saturation, which is entered as a
fractional number less than one. This number is used to adjust the Porosity. It will also affect the
water production in your simulation, depending on how you set the relative permeability curves (i.e. is
the water mobile or not).
• Producing Through Fracture: This field informs you if the reservoir layer is being produced through
the fracture or by direct connection to the wellbore (un-stimulated).

FracproPT 2007

• Layer Group: This column indicates how the reservoir layers will be grouped (merged) in the final 3D
numerical simulation. These values are set automatically by the program, but can be changed by the
user. There are two reasons to change these numbers. In one case, you may wish to split up a group
which has been created by the program. In the other case, you may wish to merge more layers into a
single reservoir simulation layer. The reason for this feature is that the number of layers typically
entered in the fracture simulation model is much larger than the number of layers typically used in a
reservoir simulation. The maximum number of layers that can be used on this screen is 100. The
maximum number of groups is therefore also 100, for the case when all the layers on this screen
would be passed to the reservoir simulator. In general, the number of groups should not exceed 20, in
order to avoid very long execution times for the reservoir simulation.

FracproPT Reservoir Data

• Include all payzone layers (also non-stimulated): This option allows you to model the production
from additional reservoir layers which are not intersected by the fracture. If you choose this option,
then all payzone layers from your Fracture Simulation mode reservoir description will be included
when importing layers. This means that any additional layers which will be producing should be
entered into the Fracture Simulation mode reservoir description, since it is not possible to add layers
on this screen.
• Import Reservoir Data from Fracture Simulation: Pressing this button imports all the relevant
information from the Fracture Simulation mode reservoir description into the Production Analysis
reservoir parameters table. Once you have pressed this button, you can adjust the layer groupings or
the permeabilities if necessary.

Reservoir Parameter Options

• Set Horizontal Permeabilities to be equal: This option, which is normally selected, automatically
sets the x-direction permeability equal to the y-direction permeability. Unless you have specific data
about directional permeabilities, you should leave this selection checked.
• Set Vertical Perm from Horizontal Perm: This option, which is normally selected, sets the vertical
permeability equal to the main horizontal permeability (Y Perm – perpendicular to fracture). By
default, the permeability ratio is one.
• Ratio of Vertical to Horizontal Permeability: This parameter lets you set the vertical permeability as
fraction of the horizontal permeability. This parameter only has an effect if the previous option is
selected. The value for this parameter depends on the amount of layering (heterogeneity) that has
been "smoothed" out when up-scaling the layers.

Reservoir Extent (Quarter Symmetry)

For vertical wells, the simulation model will be quarter symmetry. This means that one quarter of the total drainage area
will be explicitly modeled, using the fracture half length and half the effective width. For horizontal wells, half symmetry is
used, so the fracture half length is used with the full fracture width. For longitudinal fractures, the full fracture length is
used, and half the fracture width. The production simulation results always need to be adjusted by either a factor of 4
(vertical) or 2 (horizontal) to get the correct total production.

• X-Direction Extent: This is the distance from the well to the edge of the reservoir block in the
direction parallel to the fracture length direction. For longitudinal fractures, this is therefore the extent
of the drainage area along the horizontal wellbore. For transverse fractures, this is the extent of the
drainage area perpendicular to the wellbore.
• Y-Direction Extent: This is the distance from the well to the edge of the reservoir block in the
direction perpendicular to the fracture length direction. For longitudinal fractures, this is the drainage
extent perpendicular to the wellbore. For transverse fractures, this is the drainage extent along the
horizontal wellbore.

Additional Information

Select Frac Interval Properties

Import Stimulation Interval Properties
In Fracture Analysis Mode, you can define many layers of varying permeability, while in Reservoir Analysis Mode you
can define only one productive layer. Therefore, when using the 2D reservoir model, you must somehow enter this more
limited reservoir description to adequately and accurately predict the production.
Click on the Import Stimulation Interval Properties button to automatically generate this more limited reservoir
description from the Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters tab of the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen for your last

FracproPT 2007

fracture simulation. You can select from among a number of parameters to import. Once you import the properties, you
should your own engineering judgment to determine if the imported properties are suitable for the current simulation.

The Select Pay Interval Properties dialog


PVT Correlations [F9]

This screen, which is accessed if you select Automatic PVT Correlations on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4]
screen, is used for entry of the PVT parameters described below.

The PVT Correlations screen.

Standard Gravity of HC Phase

This is gas specific gravity for gas reservoirs, or API gravity for oil reservoirs, both at standard conditions. Entering values
of smaller than or equal to 1.5 for the Standard Gravity of HC Phase will automatically toggle the HC (Hydrocarbon)
Type to gas, as displayed to the right of this field. Entering values of greater than or equal to 10.0 for the Standard
Gravity of HC Phase will toggle the HC Type to oil. For oil reservoirs, the equation to convert from specific gravity (SG)
to API gravity is as follows:
API gravity=141.5/SG-131.5.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the temperature used for the PVT calculations.

FracproPT 2007

Minimum Pressure
This is the minimum pressure expected during the simulation.
Maximum Pressure
This is the maximum pressure expected during the simulation (normally, the initial reservoir pressure).

These are the fraction mol-% concentrations for Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Hydrogen Sulfide used by the PVT
correlations. These impurities are valid only when simulating for gas reservoirs.

Oil Properties
Bubble Point and Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio are mutually exclusively used to calculate PVT correlations for oil
reservoirs: If both are non-zero, Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio is used. Solution Gas Gravity is also required for oil PVT

Reservoir Parameters [F9] - PVT

This screen, which is accessed if you select Manual PVT Entry on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, is
where you enter the various PVT properties needed to define the reservoir hydrocarbons.

The User-Entered PVT Properties screen.

Standard Gravity of HC Phase

This is the gas gravity for gas reservoirs or the API gravity for oil reservoirs (both at standard conditions). Gravities less
than 2.0 will automatically toggle HC Type (displayed to the right of this field) to gas.
HC Type
This field displayed the hydrocarbon type, either oil or gas, based on your input for Standard Gravity of HC Phase on this
screen. Gravities less than 2.0 will automatically toggle HC Type to gas.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the reservoir temperature used for the PVT calculations.

User-Enter PVT Table


FracproPT 2007

This is the pressure at which the other PVT properties are entered in the table.
The pressure should be entered in an increasing fashion. In other words, the lowest pressure for which you have PVT
data should do in row number one of the table and the pressure should increase as you move down in the table.
If the pressure during your simulation goes out of the range of pressures for which you have defined PVT properties,
the PVT properties for the closest pressure are used. In other words, the simulator does not try to extrapolate
properties outside the range of the table.
Formation Volume Factor
This is the volume of the mobile reservoir fluid (at reservoir conditions, for each pressure entry) divided by the volume at
standard conditions.
This parameter must decrease with increasing pressure.
Gas Deviation Factor
Also known as the z-factor, this is the ratio of the volume actually occupied by a gas at a given pressure and temperature
to the volume the gas would occupy at the same pressure and temperature if it behaved like an ideal gas. For an ideal
gas, the z-factor is one.
This is the viscosity of the mobile reservoir fluid at each pressure entry.
Solution Gas/Oil Ratio
Enter the solution gas to oil ratio of the produced fluid here.

Wellbore Configuration - F7
Wellbore Parameters [F5]
This screen, which is available only if Wellbore Present is selected on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen,
is where you enter the configuration of the production wellbore (as opposed to the wellbore for stimulation).

FracproPT 2007

The Wellbore Parameters screen.

Production Tubing Length

This number is used to calculate friction and hydrostatic pressures in the production string.

Production Tubing Inner Diameter

This is the tubing diameter used to calculate production-string friction losses.

Surface Temperature
This number is used in the frictional and head-loss wellbore calculations.

Wellbore Volume
This number, which is used to simulate wellbore storage effects, is the total "live" volume in the wellbore. For example, if
the well was being produced up the tubing and the annulus was not packed off, Wellbore Volume would be the sum of
the tubing and annular volumes, plus the casing volume below the end of the tubing (including the "rat hole" volume).
Wellbore storage is important during very early in time, such as during well tests. Enter 0.0 to ignore wellbore storage

Fracture Parameters and Proppant Selection - F5

Fracture Parameters for 2D Model [F5]
This screen, which is available only if Fracture Present and 2D Model are selected on the production analysis
OPTIONS [F4] screen, is where the propped-fracture geometry is defined or imported. Normally, you simply select Use
FracproPT Results to load the FracproPT-calculated proppant profile, averaged over the Gross Pay Thickness that is
entered on the Production Analysis RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen, into the reservoir simulator. However,
you may also enter a proppant profile manually.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture Parameters tab of the Fracture Parameters and Proppant Selection screen for the 2D reservoir model.

Fracture Definition Table

• Fracture Segment #: Each half of the fracture must be divided up into 6 segments, with segment
number 1 closest to the wellbore. The segments lengths do not have to be equal, but the total must
add up to the total propped-fracture length.
• Segment Length: This is the length of each individual fracture segment. You must use all six
segments, but they do not have to be of equal length. If you elect to Use FracproPT Results, the
total propped half-length is divided up into six equal segments.
• Propped Height: This is the propped-fracture height for each segment that is in contact with the pay.
• Proppant Conc: This is the average proppant concentration over the segment.
• Proppant Type: This field contains a drop-down list from which you select a proppant to use in this
segment. The list displays all proppants listed on the PROPPANT SELECTION screen.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Permeability Damage

• Proppant Damage Factor: This factor reduces the permeability of the proppant pack (that is, it
reduces fracture conductivity). For example, a value of 0.25, which is typical, reduces conductivity by
25%. This factor represents conductivity damage (for example, from fines migration or gel damage)
that is in addition to that caused by proppant crushing, non-Darcy flow, and multiphase flow effects,
which are handled automatically by the FraPS 2D reservoir simulator. Enter 0.0 to model no
additional proppant damage.
This is the same parameter shown/entered on the PROPPANT PERM DAMAGE screen, in Fracture Analysis Mode.
• Suggest value based on fluid type: If this checkbox is enabed, a fluid can be selected from the
adjacent drop-down menu. On the basis of this fluid, the value for the Proppant Damage Factor will
be set (and that field will be deactivated). These values are obtained from Stim-Lab’s Predict-K and
Proppant Manager database.
• Model Non-Darcy Flow Effects: The model can incorporate non-Darcy flow effects during
• Model Multi-Phase Flow Effects: Although the model is not a multi-phase simulator, it can estimate
the effect of a secondary phase on the production of the primary phase by calculating the apparent
damage due to the flow of this phase.
• Liquid/Gas Ratio: Enter an estimate liquid/gas ratio for the production in this field. This parameter is
used to estimate the permeability reduction in the fracture, based on a correlation released by
StimLab in February 2001. If you are simulating oil production, this field will not be accessible.

Calculate Proppant Transport Using

By selecting the Use Fracture Analysis Results function, you can import the FracproPT-predicted proppant profile from
you last fracture simulation. FracproPT models three different scenarios of proppant placement, one of which you can
select here for use by the reservoir simulator.

• Best Case Convection: This option refers to a model where the primary factor governing proppant
transport is the density difference between stages. Rather than tracking the settling of proppant within
the treatment fluid, whole stages move relative to one another. Stages with higher density (that is,
with higher proppant concentration) tend to fall toward the bottom of the fracture.

The basic ring-like shape of stages being pumped toward the tip of the fracture (as opposed, for
example, to the piston-like lateral displacement of proppant in simple 2D fracture models) is
maintained throughout the simulation, including after shut in.
• Stratified Convection: This option refers to a model where the primary factor governing proppant
transport is the density difference between stages. Rather than tracking the settling of proppant within
the treatment fluid, whole stages move relative to one another. Stages with higher density (that is,
with higher proppant concentration) tend to fall toward the bottom of the fracture.

The ring-like shape of stages being pumped toward the tip of the fracture (as opposed, for example,
to the piston-like lateral displacement of proppant in simple 2D fracture models) is not maintained
throughout the simulation. The size (that is, volume) of each particular stage does not change, but
each one is allowed to fall completely down to the bottom of the fracture, with the heaviest stage at
the bottom, the next heaviest on top of that one, etc. In other words, the stages stratify in the fracture
according to density.
• Worst Case Transport: This option essentially assumes a complete failure of the treatment fluids in
terms of proppant suspension whereby proppant from all stages is allowed to mix and fall completely
to the bottom of the fracture.

• Use Fracture Analysis Results: Selecting this function takes one of the FracproPT-predicted
proppant profiles and writes or maps it automatically into the Fracture Definition Table. You determine
which proppant profile to use with your Calculate Proppant Distribution Using selection.

If you have just run FracproPT to simulate an acid fracture, choosing this option will calculate an
"equivalent" propped fracture that yields a conductivity profile that approximates the acid fracture
conductivity. When using results from an acid fracture, Proppant Conc in the Fracture Definition
Table is actually the width of the equivalent propped fracture. FracproPT creates a proppant called
ACIDPROP which has the permeability versus stress behavior calculated to approximate the
behavior of the Nierode-Kruk correlation.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Embedment
The embedment (that is, infiltration) of proppant into the reservoir that surrounds the fracture can be specified here.

• Proppant Embedment: This field specifies the proppant embedment. This field is deactivated if the
Suggest value based on payzone modulus checkbox is selected.

In soft rock, proppant tends to be pushed into the walls of the fracture. This reduces the final
conductivity that can be obtained from a fracture treatment, as the embedded proppant does not
actively contribute to production. Proppant embedment is in general a small or large fraction of a
proppant grain.
• Suggest value based on payzone modulus: If this checkbox is selected, a value for the Proppant
Embedment is suggested based on the modulus of the payzone, and the Proppant Embedment field
is deactivated.

A correlation released by Stim-Lab in February 2001 is used to calculate the embedment of proppant
based on the modulus of the payzone rock. Above a modulus of 5,000,000 psi, embedment is absent.
For relatively soft rock, embedment can be of the order of the diameter of a proppant grain

Other Options
The thickness of the filter cake in the fracture, and whether the effects of the filter cake on the conductivity of the fracture
should be included can be specified here.

• Fracture Filter Cake Thickness: This field specifies the thickness of the filter cake in the fracture.
• Include Filtercake Effects: Select this checkbox to include the effects of the filter cake.
• Use Effective Propped Length: The Use Effective Propped Length option is available in order to
more realistically model the actual propped fracture half length that contributes to the post-fracture
production. Experience has shown that especially in low permeability formations, the actual fracture
length that contributes to the production can be significantly less than the created propped fracture
half length. This can occur for several reasons, but the main reason is thought to be poor cleanup of
the gel residue in the proppant pack. Additional factors can be proppant embedment and filtercake
embedment, which are modeled separately in FracproPT.

By checking the Use Effective Propped Length checkbox, you are turning on an additional
calculation, which uses a theoretical formula to predict the effectiveness of the post-fracture cleanup,
based on the fracture half length, conductivity and reservoir permeability. The formula for effective
length calculations is based on correlations developed by the Stim-Lab consortium in 2006. The
effective length is strongly a function of the reservoir permeability.

The better the reservoir permeability, the closer the effective fracture half length will be to the created
propped half length. Since fracture conductivity is also a factor, increasing the proppant size, or going
to a higher grade of proppant will also increase the effective length. The gel damage that is entered
(or calculated from the fluid type) will also affect the effective length through the conductivity term.
Since the fracture conductivity is a function of non-Darcy effects, which are in turn a function of the
production rate, which is a function of the effective length, a simple iteration is used to solve for the
effective fracture length including non-Darcy and multi-phase effects.

The program uses a simple analytic solution for the pseudo-steady state flow to estimate the
production rate within this iteration. It should be noted that in Production Analysis mode, the program
does not try to model a changing effective fracture length versus time. Rather, it first calculates what
the estimated ultimate effective length will be, and passes that number to the reservoir simulator. This
is the same number that is displayed on the Fracture Parameters tab of the Fracture Parameters and
Proppant Selection - F5 screen. It is important to enter a reasonable value for the Stabilized
Bottomhole Flowing Pressure on this screen (also called Producing Bottomhole Pressure on
other screens) to get the correct estimate for the effective fracture length.
Proppant Selection [F5]
The proppants listed on this screen are the ones available for use in the current reservoir simulations. These (up to) 8
proppants are but a subset of the hundreds found in the Proppant Libraries (there are System Libraries and User
Libraries). The proppants displayed here are either selected from the libraries or created from scratch.

FracproPT 2007

The Proppant Selection screen.

Proppants List
This is the list of proppants currently available for use in the simulator. Additional proppant may be added from the
Proppant Libraries.

Edit Current Proppant

Use this function to view data (for example, density, porosity, average diameter, etc.) the data describing any fluid in the
list by first selecting the proppant and then selecting this function. Alternatively, you can also simply double-click on the
proppant. Both actions display the EDIT/VIEW proppant library screen where those data are accessible.

Add New Proppant to List

FracproPT 2007

Select this function to add a new proppant to the list from either the System Library or User Library of proppants.

Remove Proppant from List

Select a proppant with the cursor and then use this function to delete it from the Proppant List.
If a proppant is currently in use on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen in any of the other FracproPT modes,
you will not be able to remove it even though you are in Reservoir Analysis Mode.

Create User Defined Proppant

Select this function to create a proppant from "scratch." A blank version of the EDIT/VIEW Proppant Library screen will
appear where you must enter a proppant name and other data to describe the proppant. The proppant will not be a valid
proppant (that is, it will not be usable) until all necessary data are entered.
Proppant Data
The Proppant Data screen is accessed by:

• clicking on the Edit Current Proppant button in the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant
- F5 screen
• selecting from the main menu Data > Fluids and Proppantns > Select Proppant
This screen is where properties of the current proppant are viewed, edited and, optionally, saved for future re-use. Other
proppants from the proppant list may be viewed by selecting the desired proppant in the Proppant Identifier drop-down
The proppant list is shown on the the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant - F5 screen if you are in Fracture
Analysis Mode, Fracture Design Mode, or Economic Optimization Mode: it is shown on the Proppant Selection screen if
you are Production Analysis Mode.
There are two libraries, the System Library and the User Library.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Data screen

Selected Proppant
• Name: The common, unique name of the proppant.
• Vendor: The vendor of the proppant.
(for example, Atlas, Badger, Borden, Borovichi, Carbo, Curimbaba, Fores, Hepworth-Sibelco, Hexion)
• System: The system of the proppant.
(for example, Accupak, AcPack, Arizona Sand, Atlas CRC Premium, Atlas PRC, Atlas PRC Premium,
Badger Frac, Badger Sand, Badger Special Cut)
• Mesh Size: The minimum and maximum sieve mesh.
(for example, 6/12, 8/12, 8/16, 10/20, 12/18, 12/20, 14/20, 16/20, 16/30, 16/40, 18/30, 18/40, 20/40,
25/50, 30/50, 30/60, 40/60, 40/70, 70/140)
• Source: The source of the proppant data.
• compiled from various sources (generally based on the most reliable proppant data that is
• vendor’s documentation (that is, not published on their World Wide Web site).
• Stim-Lab 6.0
• Stim-Lab 1999.
• unknown (typically historic data).
• web site: The vendor’s World Wide Web site.
User-defined fluids do not have a "Source" entry (that is, it is blank).
• Status: This field displays a message indicating from which Proppant Library the data for the
Selected Proppant comes and whether or not it has been modified from library values.
proppant source

• Cost: This is the cost of the proppant in dollars per pound, which is used for reports only.
• Bulk Density: This is the bulk density of the proppant, which typically measures about 100 lb/ft^3 for
sand, and 110-150 lb/ft^3 for manufactured proppants.
• Packed Porosity: This is the porosity of the proppant in a closed fracture. This value is calculated
from the Bulk Density and Specific Gravity.
• Specific Gravity: This property is calculated from the Proppant Bulk Density and the Packed
Proppant Porosity.
• Turbulence Coeff a / b at Low / High Stress: These are the coefficients that are used in the
correlation of Forcheimer's beta coefficient with proppant permeability (see the Cooke reference in
Technical References).
• Threshold Stress: This is a threshold value to distinguish between low and high stress for the
Turbulence Coeff a / b. If the stress is less than the threshold stress, Turbulence Coeff a / b Low
Stress are used. Otherwise, Turbulence Coeff a / b High Stress are used.
• Diameter: This is the average grain diameter of the proppant.
If the diameter is less than the value entered in the Proppant Diameter Greater Than field on the Proppant Model tab
of the Fracpropt Model Parameters screen (the default is 0.0125 inches), the proppant is ignored for calculations of
propped dimensions, but it is considered in calculating wellbore friction and hydrostatic head. This function is useful
for modeling proppant slugs.
• Width at 2 PSF: This is the width as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Width Correction a: The width reduction as a function of the effective stress on proppant for a 2
lbs/ft proppant pack. This data comes from a StimLab correlation.
• Width Correction b: Initial width correction at 2000 psi as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Stress Cycle Exponent:

Proppant Permeability" = "Proppant Permeability" × "Number of stress cycles" ^ "Stress Cycle

FracproPT 2007

where "Number of stress cycles" can be entered in the Proppant Perm Damage screen in the
Additional Damage Effects section after enabling Include effect of stress cycles on proppant
permeability checkbox.
• Proppant Type: This refers to the general classification of the proppant (that is, Sand, Resin Coated
Sand, Ceramic, Low Density Ceramic, Medium Density Ceramic, High Density Ceramic, Resin
Coated Low Density Ceramic, Resin Coated Medium Density Ceramic, Resin Coated High Density
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, the Proppant Type is automatically set to
• Proppant Coating: This refers to the type of proppant coating. The temperature correction for
proppant permeability is only used when the Proppant Coating is set to Precured or Curable.
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, Proppant Coating is automatically set to None.

Proppant Permeability Versus Effective Stress Table

Data in this table are used by ReservoirPT to determine how proppant permeability changes as stress increases with
reservoir depletion. It is also used to determine the proppant

• Effective Stress on Proppant: This is the value of effective closure stress acting on the proppant. In
a producing well, this is roughly similar to the difference between the far-field closure stress and the
bottomhole flowing pressure (BHFP).
σprop is the stress on the proppant
Pfrac is the pressure required to open the fracture (roughly equal to frac gradient times depth)
Pi is the current, local pore pressure
η is the poroelastic coefficient (typically 0.5)
Po is the original reservoir pressure
Pn is the current average reservoir pressure
• Proppant Permeability: This is the permeability of the proppant pack corresponding to the value of closure stress.
Additional Information: ReservoirPT Stress on Proppant
For non-Halliburton proppants, the Proppant Permeability can be modified. In contrast, for Halliburton proppants, the
Proppant Permeability is computed during fracture model runs from a proprietary Halliburton model (this model is
available to all users).
• Perm at Resvr Temp: Correlations for the Perm at Resvr Temp are adapted from PredK version 6.57, Feb 2002.
Proppant permeability is only corrected if Proppant Type is set to Precured or Curable.
Additional Information: Perm at Resvr Temp Correlations
• 2
Avg Width for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Avg Width after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width after embedment is
subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the conductivity of the proppant pack after
embedment is subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Beta Factor: Forcheimer's beta coefficient calculated from the permeability k using Cooke’s
turbulence coefficients a and b.

Plot Data

• Perm vs. Stress: Display plot of Proppant Permeability versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• 2
Width vs. Stress: Display plot of Avg Width for 2 lb/ft versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• Sieve Dist.: Display plot of Weight versus Sieve.
• Conductivity vs. Stress: Display plot of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 versus
Effective Stress on Prop.
• Beta Factor vs. Stress: Display plot of Beta Factor versus Effective Stress on Prop.

Radio Buttons
• Selected Proppant: Display plots for selected proppant only.

FracproPT 2007

• All Proppants: Display plots for all proppants.

Bar Diagrams
• Permeability: Display bar diagram of Proppant Permeability per proppant.
• Conductivity: Display bar diagram of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 per proppant.
• Beta Factor: Display bar diagram Beta Factor per proppant.

Proppant Data Fields

• Date of Measurements: The date of the last measurement.
• Independent Lab Verification: Whether the proppant data was obtained and verified by an
independent laboratory (for example, Stim-Lab) or by a laboratory that is somehow dependent on a
proppant vendor.
(that is, No, Yes)
• Comments: Notes that summarize the algorithms that were used to compile missing data for each
proppant, if relevant.

User Library Buttons

• Save Proppant to User Library: Select this function to save the proppant to the User Library of
proppants. Any changes made to the data on this screen are not saved unless you use this function.
• Delete Proppant from User Library: Select this function to delete the proppant from the User
Library, which of course implies that the proppant is in the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete proppants from the System Library.
Additional Information: Proppant Data Compilation

Production Analysis Economic Data - F8

Production Analysis Economic Data [F8]
Production Analysis calculates the discounted-cash-flow, on a before-tax basis, for a predicted production response
using the data you enter on this screen.

FracproPT 2007

The Production Analysis Economic Data screen.


Gas/Oil Price (Net)

The income stream for the economic model is simply this number multiplied by the change in cumulative production over
one time step. This price should be net of royalties, partial interests, and severance taxes.

Price Escalation Rate

The gas/oil price used in each time step is escalated at this rate.

Discount Rate
Future income streams are discounted at this rate for the discounted-cash-flow calculation. This parameter may also be
known as the hurdle rate or opportunity rate.


Operating Costs
These monthly costs are subtracted from the cash flow.

Cost Escalation Rate

Monthly costs are escalated at this rate.

Initial Investment
This quantity and Stimulation Cost are used to obtain the total investment, which is subtracted from the cash flow at time
zero. Total investment is also used as the basis for the return on investment (ROI) calculation. ROI is simply net present

FracproPT 2007

value (NPV) divided by Initial Investment. Initial Investment may be the entire well cost, the completion cost, or,
alternatively, just the treatment cost.

Stimulation Cost
This cost is added to Initial Investment to obtain cash flow at time zero.

Well Production - F6
Well Production [F6] - Production Constraints
This screen, which is available if you select User Defined Production Schedule on the production analysis OPTIONS
[F4] screen, is where you enter a schedule by which to produce the well. If you are attempting to match the measured
production rate and pressure in a FracproPT database file, enter a production schedule here that matches as closely as
possible the well’s actual production schedule. The easiest way to do this is by selecting Production Constraints Come
From … Production Database Derived Table on the PRODUCTION ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen
You can produce the well based on one of the following two constraints:

ƒ Constant pressure (surface or bottomhole), subject to minimum production rate; or

ƒ Constant production rate, subject to the minimum (or maximum) surface or bottomhole pressure.
With reference to the Production Schedule Table and other fields described below:

• The simulator produces the well at the Minimum Pressure (constant-pressure solution) unless doing
so causes the production rate to exceed Maximum HC Rate.
• At this point the simulator produces the well with a rate equal to Maximum HC Rate (constant-rate
solution). Production continues at that rate until maintaining that rate cannot be achieved at the
Minimum Pressure.
• At this point the well is again produced at the Minimum Pressure (constant-pressure solution) until
the rate falls to Minimum HC Rate.

FracproPT 2007

The Well Production Constraints screen when using User Entered Table.

FracproPT 2007

The Well Production Constraints screen when using Production Database Derived Table.

Production Schedule Table

Blank rows may be inserted into the production schedule table by positioning the cursor in the first column of any row and
pressing [Ins] or by using a right mouse-click and selecting Insert Row. An entire row can be deleted from the table by
positioning the cursor in the first column and pressing [Del] or by using a right mouse-click and selecting Delete Row.

Time Step #

FracproPT 2007

A total of 200 Time Steps may be used in the production schedule.

Time Interval
This is the time in days over which the other production constraints on the same line of the schedule apply. Essentially,
this is the time step for the reservoir simulator. A suggested series of entries for this field to simulate a total of five years of
production is as follows: 30, 60, 92.5, 182.5, 182.5, 182.5, 365, 365, and 365.
In general, consecutive entries in this field should not increase by more than a factor of two between entries (for example,
10 days, 20 days, 40 days, etc.). The same type of logic holds true when Time Interval should be made small to capture
the details of a pressure build-up. In such a case, you should not reduce consecutive entries in this field by more than a
factor of one-half (for example, 1 day, 0.5 day, 0.25 day, etc.).

Total Time
This is the summation (calculated by the program) of all the Time Interval entries.

Maximum HC Rate
Production Analysis switches to constant-rate production at this value if constant-pressure production causes the
production rate to exceed this value.

Minimum Pressure
The well is produced at this pressure unless the production rate exceeds Maximum HC Rate. This pressure must be less
than the current average reservoir pressure. Typically, gas wells are initially produced at high pressures (that is, small
draw-downs), but are rapidly drawn down to the vicinity of 1000 psi over the first six months to one year of production.

Pressure Location
This field refers to the location where the pressures entered on this screen are measured or specified. Pressure Location
can be toggled between Bottomhole and Surface pressures using the drop-down list. Surface is available only if
Wellbore Present is selected on the RESERVOIR analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen. You must also have entered the
appropriate tubing data on the RESERVOIR WELLBORE PARAMETERS [F5] screen and you must be simulating gas

Set Up Table for Designed Production Constraints

Total Production Time

Total duration for which you would like to calculate production response

Maximum HC Rate
Production Analysis switches to constant-rate production at this value if constant-pressure production causes the
production rate to exceed this value.

Minimum Pressure
The well is produced at this pressure unless the production rate exceeds Maximum HC Rate. This pressure must be less
than the current average reservoir pressure. Typically, gas wells are initially produced at high pressures (that is, small
draw-downs), but are rapidly drawn down to the vicinity of 1000 psi over the first six months to one year of production.

Pressure Location
This field refers to the location where the pressures entered on this screen are measured or specified. Pressure Location
can be toggled between Bottomhole and Surface pressures using the drop-down list. Surface is available only if Wellbore
Present is selected on the RESERVOIR analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen. You must also have entered the appropriate
tubing data on the RESERVOIR WELLBORE PARAMETERS [F5] screen and you must be simulating gas production.

Setup Table
If you do not want to enter a complete production schedule yourself, you can use this function to set up the Production
Schedule Table automatically. To do this, you must first enter the total time that you want to produce the well in the Time
Interval column of the first row. Then you enter Maximum HC Rate and Minimum Pressure in that same row. Finally,
select this function to fill out the table automatically.

Set Up Table for Production Constraints in Database Data

FracproPT 2007

Constrain Production Rate and Match Production Pressure

Select this option if a well is produced at a roughly constant rates using gradually declining pressures.

Constrain Production Pressure and Match Production Rate

Select this option if a well is produced at a roughly bottomhole or surface pressure.

Minimum Rate Change to Start New Production Timestep

The value you enter here will determine how many production stages FracproPT will generate. You will have to check that
the number of stages does not exceed 200 when you make this Minimum Rate Change too small. A good starting value is
to set this to about 10%.

Minimum Duration of Change to Start New TimeStep

This sets how sensitive the algorithm is when looking at whether to start a new production stage, or just continue
averaging the data into the current stage. The smaller you make it, the more stages you will have, so you will capture
more variation (or noise) in your rate data. The larger you make it, the more smoothing (averaging) there will be, and the
fewer production timesteps will be generated.

Setup Table
If you do not want to enter a complete production schedule yourself, you can use this function to set up the Production
Schedule Table automatically. To do this, you must first enter the total time that you want to produce the well in the Time
Interval column of the first row. Then you enter Maximum HC Rate and Minimum Pressure in that same row. Finally,
select this function to fill out the table automatically.

Other Functions

Minimum HC Rate
The current simulator run is terminated when production rate falls below this value. Production Analysis attempts to
solve for the exact time when the production rate falls below this value.

Maximum Drawdown
The simulator strives to produce the well at this maximum drawdown from average reservoir pressure. The Maximum HC
Rate and Minimum HC Rate constraints are still honored.
Filtrate Cleanup Effects [F6]
This screen, which is available if you select 2D Model and Model Cleanup Effects on the production analysis
OPTIONS [F4] screen, is where you enter the parameters necessary for modeling the cleanup of filtrate (for example, the
fluid leaked off during fracturing) from the reservoir.

FracproPT 2007

The Filtrate Cleanup Effects screen.

Total Volume of Filtrate Pumped

This is normally the treatment volume minus any fluid that is flowed back after fracturing.

Filtrate Viscosity
This number is used to reduce the mobility of near-fracture reservoir fluids (that is, to account for relative permeability
effects). This number is normally in the range of 1-10.

FracproPT 2007

Invaded Region Damage Factor

This factor is applied to the invaded reservoir-region permeability throughout the life of the well. For example, if the initial
reservoir permeability was 2.0 mD and this factor is set to 0.25, the permeability of the rock around the fracture that was
invaded by filtrate (that is, the damaged zone) will be reduced to only 1.5 mD.

Number of Pore Volumes Produced to Achieve 50% Filtrate Cleanup

This is the number of pore volumes produced (of the reservoir fluid plus filtrate) until 50% of the filtrate is cleaned up. In
other words, this is the number of pore volumes required to pass through the invaded region in order to achieve 50%
cleanup (that is, removal) of the filtrate. This number is fit to an exponential function so that cleanup occurs rapidly at early
times, but slows exponentially. Normally, it is in the range of 1-10 for oil wells, and 10-100 for gas wells.

Production Analysis Control - F10

Production Analysis Control [F10] (for 2D Model)
This screen is where you control the reservoir simulator. You can also view simulator output directly on this screen.

The Production Analysis Control screen.

Tabular Display of Simulator Outputs

All Production Analysis channels are shown here as they are updated at the completion of every time step. The status
line located below the display shows the current Model Time and Time Step.

Other Functions

System Messages
Select this function to view the SYSTEM MESSAGES [Alt+F1] screen.

Generate Report
Select this function to view the Production Analysis REPORT [Shift+F2] screen.

View PVT Properties

Select this function to view the PVT Correlations screen.

FracproPT 2007

Run Options
Select this function to view the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen.

Production Schedule
Select this function to view the Well PRODUCTION Constraints [F6] screen.

Fracture Screen
Select this function to view the FRACTURE PARAMETERS [F7] screen.

Economics Screen
Select this function to view the Production Analysis ECONOMIC data [F8] screen.

Production Plot
Select this function to view an automatically configured plot of Production Rate and Cumulative Production versus time
(that is, Plot #28 on the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen).

Pressure Plot
Select this function to view an automatically configured plot of Surface Pressure and Downhole Pressure versus time
(that is, Plot #29 on the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen).

Economics Plot
Select this function to view an automatically configured plot of Net Present Value and Return on Investment versus time
(that is, Plot #30 on the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen).

Compare Results
Select this function to view the COMPARE SIMULATION RESULTS [Shift+F4] screen.

Run Simulator
Select this function to start the reservoir simulator. The simulator may also be started from any screen by pressing

Stop Simulator
Select this function to stop or pause the simulator. The simulator may also be stopped or paused from any screen by
pressing [Alt+S].

Resume Execution
Select this function to resume a simulation that was paused using the Stop Simulator function. The simulator may also
be resumed from any screen by pressing [Alt+C].

Well / Treatment Info

Select this function to view the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen.

Production Matching - Ctrl + F8

Production History Matching [Cntr+F8]

FracproPT 2007

The Production History Matching screen

Automatic history matching is a feature intended to save your time and effort when performing production history
matching. This feature is meant to be used mainly for post-fracture production history matching, but it can also be used for
an unfractured well. The process is not, and probably never will be, completely automatic since you still must select which
parameters to iterate on and give the range of possible parameter values.
The principle behind automatic history matching is that the program will automatically adjust some parameter(s) in order
to match either the producing pressure while constraining the production, or to match the production rate while
constraining the pressure.
The Production Matching screen is available if you have selected the option "Production Database Derived Table" on the
Production Analysis Options [F4] screen. You also need a database of production data. Such a database is made with the
DataConvertPT program, which can convert ASCII or Excel files quickly and easily.
Steps Involved in Production Matching

ƒ Obtain the production history file, which will most likely be an ASCII or and Excel spreadsheet file. This file
will typically contain surface pressure and production rate (either gas or oil). If you are lucky, you will also
have bottomhole pressure. For oil well history matching, you need to have bottomhole pressure, either
measured or calculated, in your dataset. Choose the "Import ASCII Data" option from the main menu, and
convert your input file into a FracproPT database (.dbs) file.
ƒ For post-frac production matching, you will probably already have a FracproPT input file for your fracture
treatment. Start by loading this input file and running the fracture model. Then switch to Production
Analysis mode, and go through the sequence of screens. On the options screen, select "Production
Database Derived Table" and open the database you just created.
ƒ On the next screen, you need to tell the program which data channels you have, by double clicking next to
the appropriate row in the table. In most cases, you will specify a database channel for the Surface
Producing Pressure and either the Production Oil Rate or the Production Gas Rate. The other rate
channels are not used by the model, but they are shown on the plots. For gas wells, you can use either
surface pressure or bottomhole pressure. For oil wells, you must have bottomhole pressure, either
measured or calculated (using another program).
ƒ On the next screen, the reservoir parameters screen, you can either type in all the relevant reservoir
parameters, or use the automatic "Import Fracture Interval Properties" button, which will take the data from
the fracture model input screens. You also need to specify the PVT properties on this screen.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ The next screen is the proppant and fracture information screen. If you have imported your fracture results,
you don’t need to do anything here. If you don’t have fracture simulation results, but you still want to match
post-frac production, you can enter your initial guess for the propped fracture length and select the correct
proppant type from the proppant library.
ƒ On the next screen, you can enter the economics parameters, if you want to. This will not affect the
automatic history matching at all.
ƒ On the next screen, you will select whether you want to match on pressure or rate. For tight gas wells, with
fairly constant flowing pressure, it is better to constrain the pressure, and match on the rate. If you have
good pressure data throughout the production history, it is better to constrain the rate and match on the
pressure. You then press the "Setup Table" button. Now examine the table to check the production
constraints. If there are too many timesteps (so that your total simulation time is less than the amount of
production data in your database), you can increase the minimum rate change threshold. If there are too
few timesteps (not enough resolution), you can decrease the minimum rate change threshold.
ƒ On the next screen, select the button labeled "Production Matching". This takes you to the production
matching screen. In the next section, we explain the different items on this screen.
Matching Parameters:
There are 8 matching parameters available for the automatic production history matching function. These 8 parameters
are divided up into three groups, based on whether they affect the early time behavior (transient production) or the late
time behavior (steady-state), or both.
The approximate transition point between the early and late time behavior is shown at the bottom of the screen. If you
want to override the program’s choice for this transition, you can do that by checking the "Set Transition Manually" box.
The first group of two parameters affects both early and late time behavior. It consists of net pay height (h) and
permeability (k), which together form the most important parameter, the permeability height product (kh). These
parameters are coupled, so it is only possible to iterate on one of these two at a time. Usually you can decide which one
to iterate on based where you have more uncertainty.
The second group of parameters only affects the late time behavior. It consists of the reservoir dimensions, either parallel
or normal to the fracture face. You can iterate on one or both of these parameters.
The final group of parameters affects only the early-time behavior. Since the early time behavior is dominated by the
fracture response, these parameters are only available if you are modeling a fracture in your reservoir. This group
consists of the proppant damage factor, the propped fracture half length, the filtrate viscosity and the number of pore
volumes to achieve filtrate cleanup. The last two parameters are only available if you have chosen to enable the fracture
cleanup model.
At the bottom of the screen are all the different options which control how the automatic history matching is performed.
You must specify a window for the program to look at (where it will minimize the error between the model and the actual
data). You can specify this window based on either a timestep number from the production schedule, or based on a time
you enter. You can also adjust the transition point between early and late-time behavior. Normally you will not need to do
this, unless you have an extreme case, and the program is not able to achieve a production match. Such a case might be
a very low permeability well, when the transition is a very large number (hundreds of days), and the program cannot
achieve a match because it is not trying to adjust the drainage area. The opposite situation can also occur, in a very high
perm well, the transition could happen after a matter of hours, and then the program will not try to iterate on the fracture
parameters enough.
The final option controls whether the proppant concentration is adjusted when the fracture length is adjusted. In some
cases, when you believe that all the proppant pumped is contributing to production, and your uncertainty about the
fracture length is based on a lack of certainty in how the fracture geometry grew, then you should enable this option. This
means that as the program changes the fracture length, it adjusts the proppant concentration to conserve proppant. So, if
the fracture should have been only half as long, then it should also have had twice the proppant concentration.
The other situation is that you have less uncertainty about how large the fracture grew, but instead, more uncertainty
about how much of the fracture is actually contributing to the production (the effective propped length). In this case, it is
better to leave this option unchecked, because if the effective propped length is changed to get a history match, then what
this really means is that part of the proppant pack is not contributing at all to the production, so we should not adjust the
proppant concentration when adjusting the length. Instead, we just decrease (in most cases) the length and leave the
proppant concentration unchanged.
The final set of parameters have to do with the number of iterations allowed, and the maximum error which is acceptable.
The default value of 10% was chosen to allow quick convergence over a wide range of cases. If you wish to get a very
close match of a long buildup, for example, you will probably want to make this a smaller number. If you are working with
very rough long term production data, then this default value is probably a good choice.
When you select the parameters you wish to iterate on, you should double check the minimum and maximum values to be
sure that these cover the appropriate range of realistic values for your reservoir. To start the automatic matching iteration,
simply press the "Find Best Match" button. Once the error criterion has been met, you can choose to accept the
parameters by pressing the "Use Best-Fit Value" for each parameter. If you want to then further refine your match, you
can decrease the maximum error value and perform another iteration. If the iteration does not converge, try to increase

FracproPT 2007

the number of allowed iterations, or else increase the maximum error. You might also need to extend the range of
possible values for the parameter in question. If this is the case, the program will give you a message to that effect.

Quick Comparison
Quick Production Comparison

The Quick Comparison screen in Production Analysis

Several production analysis parameters can be selected to do a quick comparison of production results for up to four
different values of a single parameter in the above list.

Comparison Table
Eleven pre-set parameters can be selected for a production analysis comparison. Only a single parameter can be
selected for comparison by selecting the Compare checkbox. So, for example, to determine the sensitivity of production
results to permeability and fracture half-length, two separate comparison runs are needed.

Plot Data
Comparison plots become available once the model has finished running. Plots can be opened by clicking on each plot

Comparison Cases
Up to four comparison cases may be selected. The number of cases displayed in the Comparison Table depends on the
number entered in this field.

Run Comparison
You can run through up to four comparison cases by selecting this button.

Generate Comparison Report

You can generate a special Comparison Report by selecting this button. This button sends you to the GENERATE
REPORT [SHIFT+F2] screen and automatically selects the Comparison Report checkbox on the Content and Layout
tab. All the comparison plots under Plot Data can loaded into the Word report by selecting the comparison plots under
Available FracproPT Plots and adding them to the Selected Report Plots.

FracproPT 2007

Reservoir Simulator File Generation (F10)

Reservoir Simulator File Generation (F10) (for 3D Numerical Model Interface)

ReservoirSimulator File Generation screen (for 3D Numerical Model Interface): For Vertical Wells.

FracproPT 2007

ReservoirSimulator File Generation screen (for 3D Numerical Model Interface): For Horizontal Wells.

Simulation Start Date

• Simulation Start Month
• Simulation Start Day
• Simulation Start Year
These parameters are required by the numerical 3D reservoir simulator. It is important to put in the correct date if you are
going to perform history matching with measured data.

Fracture Grid Parameters

• Grid Size for Frac Width: This is the most important parameter. It sets the actual grid width for the
smallest sub-grid for the local grid refinement of the fracture. There are limits on this value based on a
heuristic formula using the fracture length. In theory, this number can be as small as the actual frac
width, but in practice this would require very small timesteps in the reservoir simulation, so it is
usually better to use a somewhat larger value. Typing zero will force the program to calculate a value
for you.
• Grid Size for Frac Length and
Grid Size for Frac Height: These parameters control the grid size for generating the fracture
permeability grid. These sizes do not control the actual local grid refinement - they only control the
size of the grid used to calculate the average fracture conductivity. Making these numbers smaller
means that the fracture conductivity profile is passed with finer resolution to the reservoir simulator.
• Extra High Resolution Gridding in Fracture: This flag should normally be turned off. This option
can be turned on for cases where it is desired to have a very fine local grid to model the flow in the
fracture. Use of this option will slow down the reservoir simulation execution significantly.

Generate Reservoir Simulator File

FracproPT 2007

• Generate File: Pressing this button creates the files that can be used to run a numerical 3D reservoir
simulator (based on the selected file format). The files will be saved in the directory specified in the
field below. For detailed information on the methods behind the grid generation and the simulation
methodology, refer to the topic Technical Reference for ResSim Interface.
• Output File Format: Here you can choose which reservoir simulator input format you would to use.
At the current time, only Eclipse and IMEX are supported. VIP is currently not supported, but will be at
some time in the future.

Output File Location

• File Name: The file name specified here is the "Base File Name" for all the files created for the
reservoir simulation input. If Eclipse output is chosen, then six files are created. All the filenames will
start with this file name, and have a different ending. The main file has a suffix ".DAT". The rest of the
files are include files which are used by the main file, and they have the suffix ".INC". If the IMEX
option is chosen, then only one file is created.
The file(s) created give all the information necessary to perform the reservoir simulation except for the
production constraints, the PVT data and the relative permeability data. This information should be
added by creating the additional include files that are referenced in the .DAT file. This can be done
most easily using the appropriate pre-processing tool, such as "Eclipse Office". For detailed
information on how to use the files within Eclipse or IMEX, please review the Short Description of
Output Files.
For detailed information on how to use the files within Eclipse or IMEX, please review the topic Short
Description of Output Files.

Well Configuration Options

• Well Type: There are four possible options for well type. The program will generate the input for the
numerical reservoir simulator depending on which option you choose here.
• Vertical Well: This is the simplest option, a vertical well with a single fracture.
• Horizontal Well with Transverse Fractures: This is the most common horizontal well
configuration for low permeability fracturing. The fracture orientation is 90 degrees with respect
to the wellbore. The conductivity profile for all the fractures is the same, based on the current
fracture simulation results. This option is useful for optimizing the number of fracture treatments
for a horizontal well, as well as the fracture spacing.
• Horizontal Well with Longitudinal Fractures: This option is useful for higher permeability
situations, water injection wells, or producers used in conjunction with similarly configured water
injection wells. The fractures are all identical, and are positioned along the wellbore.
• Distance From Heel to First Frac: This option is only available for horizontal wells. This gives
the offset from the beginning of the horizontal section to the center of the first fracture.
• Distance Between Fractures: This option is also only available for horizontal wells. This gives
the center-to-center spacing of the fractures.
• Number of Fractures: This is option is only available for horizontal wells. This gives the number
of fractures along the horizontal section.
Additional Information: 3D Simulator File Generation
Additional Information: 3D Simulator File Generation
The development and capabilities of a novel and unique tool that interfaces a hydraulic fracture model and a reservoir
simulator is described here. The typical way to model hydraulically fractured wells in 3D reservoir simulators is to
approximate the fracture behavior with a modified skin or productivity index (PI). Neither method captures all the important
physics of flow into and through the fracture. This becomes even more critical in cases of multiphase flow and multi-
layered reservoirs. Modeling the cleanup phase following hydraulic fracture treatments can be very important in tight gas
reservoirs, and this requires a more detailed simulation of the fracture. Realistic modeling of horizontal wells with multiple
hydraulic fractures is another capability that is needed in the industry. A new tool was developed within a commercial
lumped 3D fracture simulation model to generate automatically reservoir simulator input files representing the geometry
and hydraulic properties of the reservoir, the fracture, the damaged zone around the fracture and the initial pressure and
filtrate fluid distribution in the reservoir. High permeability grid blocks that capture the two-dimensional variation of the
fracture conductivity within the reservoir simulator input files represent the fracture. If the fracture width used in the
reservoir model is larger than the actual fracture width, the permeability and porosity of the fracture blocks are reduced in
order to maintain the transmissibility and porous volume of the actual fracture. Both proppant and acid fracturing are
handled with this approach. To capture the changes in fracture conductivity over time as the bottomhole flowing pressure
(BHFP) changes, the pressure dependent behavior of the fracture is passed to the reservoir simulator. Local grid
refinement (LGR) is used in the region of the wellbore and the fracture tip, as well as in the blocks adjacent to the fracture
plane. The reservoir simulator input can be created for multiphase fluid systems with multiple layers and different

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Historically, there have been three basic approaches commonly used for predicting the production from hydraulically
fractured wells. First, analytic solutions were most commonly used, based on an infinite conductivity or later a finite
conductivity fracture with a given half-length. This approach was also extended to cover horizontal multiple fractured wells
[1]. With the development of reservoir simulators, two other approaches were developed.
For complicated multi-well, multi-layer, multi-phase simulations (that is, full field models), the fracture stimulation was
usually approximated as a negative skin. This is the same as increasing the effective wellbore radius in the simulation
model. An alternate approach, developed initially for tight gas applications, was to develop a numeric reservoir simulator
for special purposes that could explicitly model the flow in the fracture and take into account the special properties of the
proppant, such as the stress dependant permeability or the possibility of non-Darcy flow. Such models typically were
limited to a single layer, single-phase (oil or gas) situation.
More recently, with the advent of faster computers with sufficient memory, it became feasible to avoid the compromises
that were made in the past when trying to model hydraulic fractures with a normal 3D reservoir simulator. Initially, people
manually built grid refinement into their reservoir models to represent a hydraulic fracture [2]. Although this method works,
it is time consuming for the engineer, because complicated gridding schemes are necessary to represent the fracture
geometry. In addition, the detailed description of the fracture properties from a fracture simulation was not usually passed
through to the reservoir model, resulting in the assumption of constant properties (that is, permeability) for the fracture.
This method of simulation is not very efficient and can lead to inconsistencies in the data used in the different simulations.
With the development of the tool described in this article, it has now become feasible to run routinely full 3D simulations of
multi-phase production from multi-layer reservoirs while explicitly modeling multiple hydraulic fracture(s) in the reservoir
model. In order to make this practical, it was necessary to develop a tool to interface the hydraulic fracture modeling
software and the reservoir simulation software. This new tool takes the results from the fracture growth model, and
automatically translates them into the proper format for the reservoir simulator. It completely automates the process of
setting up the grid and initializing the grid block properties for the reservoir and fracture grid blocks.
The idea of transferring the output from a fracture model to a reservoir simulation model was described by Behr in an
earlier publication [3], but this initial approach was quite different from what is described in this article. In this earlier work,
the goal was to take a few key parameters from the report output of a fracture model, and generate an equivalent fracture
sub-grid within an existing multi-well reservoir simulation model. The result of the work reported here is the creation of a
stand-alone simulation model for a single well reservoir using the data taken directly from the internal state variables of
the fracture model itself.

The Fracture Model

The new interface program is built on top of FracproPT. The advantage of this method is that all the internal results of the
fracture simulator (such as the leakoff profile from the fracture face into the reservoir) are available for transfer to the
reservoir simulator.
The fracture growth model can handle both proppant and acid fractures. In either case, the most important outputs for the
reservoir simulation are the fracture dimensions and the fracture conductivity. For both proppant and acid fractures, the
conductivity profile varies with respect to the fracture length and height. An example of this type of output from the fracture
model is shown in Figure 1. The spatial variation is converted to a gridded rectangular geometry for the reservoir simulator
(Figure 2). Of course, since the fracture grid block width is a constant in the reservoir simulator, the only way to model the
varying width (and varying conductivity) of the fracture is to adjust the permeability of the reservoir grid blocks
representing the fracture. By obtaining an equivalent conductivity with a constant width, a realistic result can be achieved.

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Figure 1: Example of fracture model output: fracture conductivity and fracture dimensions.

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Figure 2: Detail of fracture permeability/conductivity for two longitudinal fractures.

To calculate the effective permeability, a uniform Cartesian grid is overlaid on top of the elliptical fracture conductivity
profile. The size of the Cartesian grid can be set by the user to capture as much detail as is needed for the reservoir
simulation. The fracture growth model tracks the fluid leakoff (filtrate) from the fracture into the formation. T here is more
filtrate fluid leaking off near the wellbore than at the fracture tip. A novel feature of this new tool is that the leakoff history is
transferred accurately and automatically to the reservoir simulator, by initializing the water saturation in the appropriate
grid blocks adjacent to the fracture face. Of course, the fracture grid blocks themselves are considered to have 100%
water saturation at the beginning of production. This capability is very interesting for modeling the cleanup period for
fractures in tight-gas reservoirs.
Fracture conductivity data is very important for accurate predictions from the reservoir simulator. Fracture conductivity
decreases with increasing net stress for both propped and acid fractures. For the case of propped fractures, this behavior
is published by the proppant manufacturing companies and is used in our program. For acid fractures, the Nierode-Kruk
correlation [4] is used to estimate the pressure dependant conductivity of an etched fracture.
Non-Darcy and multi-phase effects in the proppant pack can also be very important in certain situations. Since the various
commercially available reservoir simulators do not all have the capability to model non-Darcy flow, we chose to give the
user two options. For simulators that do not have any non-Darcy capability, the program will consider the non-Darcy
effects in the fracture simulator, before passing the modified effective fracture permeabilities onto the reservoir simulator.
The advantage of this approach is that we can then approximately mimic the effects even if the numeric reservoir
simulator does not handle non- Darcy flow. The second option is for reservoir simulators that do model non-Darcy flow. In
this case, we do not modify the fracture permeability, and we allow the non- Darcy effects to be calculated by the reservoir
We assume that the user will use the multi-phase capability of the reservoir simulator to model multi-phase production
situations, making superfluous any additional modifications to the proppant permeability to account for multi-phase non-
Darcy effects. If the user chose to run the reservoir simulator in a single-phase mode, however, it would still be possible to
include an approximation of the multi-phase non-Darcy effects by using the built-in correlation in the fracture model and
adjusting the effective permeability of the fracture.

The Reservoir Simulator Interface

FracproPT 2007

Reservoir data
The reservoir simulator input file is created from the reservoir layer information that was already entered as part of the
fracture growth simulation, saving the user a significant amount of work. A semi-automated up-scaling feature is included
in the interface to reduce the number of actual layers in the final reservoir simulation model. Horizontal permeability is
taken from the fracture model and vertical permeability can be specified as a fraction of the horizontal permeability, or can
be entered separately.
The user is required to enter the reservoir extent (distance to the drainage boundary from the well) for a rectangular
geometry. The extent is defined based on quarter symmetry for the vertical well case or half symmetry for the horizontal
well case. The reservoir extent information is used to generate automatically a reservoir grid with the desired drainage

Wellbore and Fracture Geometry

The reservoir simulator interface has four modes of operation: for a vertical well, a vertical well with a fracture, a horizontal
well with transverse fractures and a horizontal well with longitudinal fractures. In the horizontal well cases, there can be
more than one fracture connected to the well. The fractures are all assumed to have identical properties. The user
specifies a constant spacing between the individual fractures.

Automatic Grid Generation

A three dimensional Cartesian grid is created that includes a local model with refined cells covering the vicinity of all the
fractures. The principles of grid generation are illustrated in Figure 3 by the example of the vertical well with one fracture.

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Figure 3: Gridding example for a single fracture in vertical well, showing quarter symmetry and LGR refinement.

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The host grid in the XY (horizontal) plane consists of relatively few grid blocks (typically around 100). The grid blocks
increase in size with increasing distance from the fracture in both X and Y directions. The minimum grid block size is
comparable with the fracture half-length xf. The global discretization in the Z (vertical) direction is based on the reservoir
layering, thereby taking into account that a grid block cannot contain rocks from different reservoir layers without
additional upscaling. The reservoir layers with a large thickness are subdivided to a typical grid block height to provide a
uniform grid in the Z direction.
The typical dimensions of the refined region are related to the fracture extent. The LGR extends to 1.5 times xf in the X
direction (along the fracture) and to 2 xf in the Y direction (normal to the fracture). In the Z direction, the LGR is defined for
the host grid blocks that contain the fracture height and approximately half of the fracture height above and below the
fracture itself. These parameters are flexible to account for different situations such as when the fracture top is near a
reservoir layer boundary.
The fracture in the LGR is represented by a two-dimensional (XZ) series of grid blocks. The mesh for the fracture
conductivity distribution supplied by the fracture simulator is considered as a starting point for the discretization within the
LGR. In the XY plane outside the fracture, the number of grid blocks increases towards the LGR boundary or to the
middle point between fractures (for the horizontal well case). A finer grid is built around the well and fracture tips to
capture the dominant radial character of the flow in these regions. The grid blocks near the fracture plane have a
particularly small Δy (normal to the fracture plane) to ensure an accurate computation of the high-rate transient flow during
the initial production period. This can be seen clearly in Figure 4, which shows the gridding in the XY plane for a horizontal
well case with transverse fractures.

Figure 4: Grid refinement for a horizontal well case with transverse fractures.

This type of gridding allows for an accurate representation of the filtrate fluid distribution around the fracture that is
transferred from the fracture simulator. The typical filtrate leakoff depth varies from centimeters to tens of centimeters in
tight gas reservoirs, or to even larger depths in higher permeability reservoirs. In determining the sizes Δx and Δy in the
fracture vicinity, we generally followed the empirical guidelines for choosing an appropriate finite-difference model of the
fractured well as presented by Bennett et al. [5]. The subgrid in the vertical Z direction is made nearly uniform using a
typical grid size Δz.

Initialization of Grid Properties

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Every grid block in the host grid and the LGR is assigned one value of each distributed reservoir characteristic: porosity,
permeabilities in three directions, phase saturations and pore pressure. This basic information is taken from the input to
the fracture simulator.
The fracture in the reservoir simulation model is not necessarily modeled with its actual width b, but with a fictive width
that is the size of the corresponding fracture grid block Äyf. The fictive width is normally set to a value larger than the
actual width, to allow for larger time step sizes in the reservoir simulation. This feature is user selectable, so the user can
also choose to model the fracture width in the reservoir simulator using the actual maximum width of the fracture at the
wellbore. Since the porous volumes and the transmissibilities of the fracture blocks should remain unchanged, regardless
of the width used for the fracture in the reservoir simulator, the fracture porosities and permeabilities are recalculated, to
adjust the fracture properties (denoted with subscript fi) as shown in Equations 1 and 2. Note that the permeability in the
fracture is assumed isotropic, for both proppant and acid fracture cases.
kf=kfib/Δyf (Equation 1)
φf=φfib/Δyf (Equation 2)
The automatically generated reservoir simulation input file is setup so that three different region numbers are assigned to
the all the grid blocks. The three types of regions defined are:

ƒ the PVT fluid properties region,

ƒ the phase behavior parameters region, and
ƒ the pressure-dependent rock properties region.
The values are given in a series of tables for each region within the grid.


Vertical Propped Fracture Well – Oil, Water and Gas

There are many moderate permeability oil reservoirs being produced using hydraulic fracturing, especially in the former
Soviet Union. Hydraulic fracturing is beneficial in these cases for several reasons. First, the reservoirs are highly
laminated, so a hydraulic fracture can connect to more of the available kh. Secondly, because of multiphase flow involving
both gas and water in addition to the oil, fracture stimulation is beneficial even with reservoir permeabilities approximately
30–100 mD. In this example, we see the results from an actual fracture treatment, which is going to produce from two
layers. The automatically generated reservoir simulation grid is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Simulation grid for a vertical well with a propped fracture.

The fracture growth model tracks the leakoff history of the filtrate fluid using its own gridded model. The reservoir
simulation interface is able to use this data to initialize the water saturation in the reservoir simulator grid to follow what
was calculated in the fracture growth model.

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The highest water saturation is near the wellbore, were the most fluid leakoff takes place. There is also more water in the
lower zone compared to the upper zone, because the permeability there is higher (70 mD vs. 40 mD).
Because of the multi-phase capability of the reservoir simulator, we could simulate and history-match all the production
rates. Alternatively, the fracture treatment design could be optimized, taking into account the multi-phase flow in the
fracture and reservoir. Figure 6 shows the simulation results for the first year’s production, assuming a constant
bottomhole pressure of 500 psi (i.e. using an ESP). Because of the quarter symmetry, the rates shown on the plot must
be multiplied by a factor of four. Most of the production of fracture filtrate water occurs over the first 40 days, and 540 b of
water are produced, compared to the 650 b of water that was injected in the stimulation treatment.

Figure 6: Simulation results, showing oil & gas rates and total water production.

Vertical Propped Fracture Well – Gas and Water

This example is typical of many tight gas reservoirs in the United States, which are produced with massive hydraulic
fractures. In this case, since the fracture half-length is 1500 ft, it makes sense to increase the grid size that is used to
model the fracture, as there is no need to model such a long fracture with same resolution used for a fracture of 150 ft
In this particular case, it is interesting to look at the post-fracture cleanup behavior. This can be useful both from a design
point of view, as well as for history matching the actual post-frac production data. It takes 10 minutes to simulate the first
100 days of production, and two additional minutes to simulate the next two years. This type of simulation time makes it
practical to perform history matching of actual post-frac production tests. In such a case, relative permeability and
capillary pressure curves can be adjusted to match the actual water rate during the cleanup period. Knowing these
parameters can help optimize the fracture treatment design in such tight gas reservoirs.
Figure 7 shows the reservoir simulation grid for the tight gas example. The fracture conductivity distribution for the fracture
is an accurate representation of the results from the fracture model. The initial production data is shown in Figure 8. The
rates must all be multiplied by a factor of four, due to the quarter symmetry. A total of 3500 b of water is produced back,
out of a total of 14,000 b that were injected. Such a poor fracture cleanup is typical in a tight gas well. The transient
behavior is very clear in this case, due to the extremely low permeability (0.001 mD).

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Figure 7: Reservoir simulation grid for »Tight Gas« example with grid permeability.

Figure 8: Simulation of initial post-frac production from a tight gas well, showing well being "beaned-up". Clean
up to filtrate fluids takes 10 days.

FracproPT 2007

Horizontal Longitudinal Propped Fractured Well – Gas and Water

There is a lot of interest in hydraulically fractured horizontal wells currently, because these are very attractive
economically for development of low to moderate permeability reservoirs where the gross reservoir interval is not too
large. In these types of situations, it is important to determine the optimal fracture coverage (for longitudinal fractures) or
spacing (for transverse fractures).
This type of optimization requires running different reservoir simulation cases while varying the number of fracture
stimulation treatments, and looking at the economic results. This type of work has typically been done with analytic
models in the past to make the problem tractable. With the development of this tool, such an optimization can now be
done more accurately using a standard reservoir simulator in a matter of days.
For this situation, we ran five cases, looking at one to five fractures evenly spaced along the same length horizontal
wellbore (Figure 9). The horizontal well is cemented and perforated, so the only inflow is through the fractures. The
cumulative production results are shown in Figure 10. The values in the plot should be doubled to account for the half
symmetry in the simulation. By comparing the economics of these five different production profiles, the optimum number
of treatments can be easily determined. The diminishing returns (interference) are easily seen on this plot, as the
incremental production from each additional fracture treatment gets smaller and smaller. In Figure 10, even without
running any economic calculations, we can see that the optimal situation is most likely the case with three fracture
stimulations, because there is almost no incremental production from the 4th and 5th fracture treatments.

Figure 9: Simulation grid for horizontal well with 5 longitudinal fractures.

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Figure 10: Cumulative gas production for one to five longitudinal fractures in a horizontal well.

This new tool makes detailed production modeling more efficient because it automatically couples the fracture simulator
with a 3D reservoir simulator. The only other commercial tool [6] with similar capabilities does not provide a full and
automatic coupling with a fracture simulator. This other tool is tied to a single reservoir simulator, rather than being able to
work with standard industry leading reservoir simulators. Another new tool has been reported recently in the literature [7],
but this tool is also coupled to a particular reservoir simulator, and as far as we know, is not yet available as a commercial
The new tool improves the modeling capabilities available to the industry for production modeling and history matching for
complicated reservoir cases involving fracture stimulation. These cases include: horizontal wells, multi-layer reservoirs,
multi-phase production and non-Darcy flow. The new tool makes the optimization of horizontal well fracturing much easier,
because it can automatically generate a complete reservoir simulation model for a horizontal well with an arbitrary number
of longitudinal or transverse fractures.
The new tool makes it practical to use more realistic numerical simulations for optimizing horizontal well fracturing, since
dozens of cases with different fracture half lengths, fracture orientations, fracture spacings and fracture conductivities can
be simulated in a short time. Unlike analytical solutions, the simulations can now include non-Darcy effects, multi-phase
flow, fracture cleanup, and contributions from multiple layers with different permeabilities, pressures, and different fluid

1. Basquet, R., Alabert, F., Caltagirone, J.-P., SPE 56683: Analytical Solutions for Productivity Evaluation of
MultifracturedWells in Multilayered and Bounded Reservoirs. SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, 3–6 October 1999, Houston, Texas.
2. Ehrl, E., Schueler, S. K.: Simulation of a Tight Gas Reservoir with Horizontal Multifractured Wells. SPE
65108, SPE European Petroleum Conference, 24–25 October 2000, Paris, France.
3. Behr, A., Mtchedlishvili G., Friedel G., Haefner F.: Consideration of Damage Zone in Tight Gas Reservoir
Model with Hydraulically Fractured Well. SPE 82298, SPE European Formation Damage Conference
2003, The Hague, The Netherlands.

FracproPT 2007

4. Nierode, D. E., Kruk, N. F.: An Evaluation of Acid Fluid Loss Additives, Retarded Acids, and Acidized
Fracture Conductivity. SPE 4549, SPE Annual Meeting, September 1973, Las Vegas, Nevada.
5. Bennett, C. O., Reynolds, A. C., Raghavan, R., Elbel, J. L.: Performance of Finite-Conductivity, Vertically
Fractured Wells in single-Layers Reservoirs. SPE 11029, SPE Formation Evaluation, August 1986, pp.
6. Olson, K. E., Haidar, S., Milton-Tayler, D., Olsen, E.: Multiphase Non-Darcy Pressure Drop in Hydraulic
Fracturing. SPE 90406, SPE Annual Meeting 2004, Houston, TX.
7. Al-Tawad, F., Agyapong, D., Banerjee, R., Issaka, M. B.: Pressure Transient Analysis of Horizontal Wells
in a Fractured Reservoir; Gridding Between Art and Science. SPE 87013, SPE Asia Pacific Conference on
Integrated Modelling for Asset Management, 29–30 March 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Shaoul, J.R., A. Behr, and G. Mtchedlishvili: "Automatic Generation of 3D Reservoir Simulation Input Files Directly from a
Fracture Simulation Model," Reservoir Engineering, OIL GAS European Magazine, 4/2006, pp. 176-182.
Short Description of Output Files

Output Files for ECLIPSE

To create the ECLIPSE Office® Project, the files listed below are needed. Most of them are generated automatically by
FracproPT, but a few files need to be created by the user. These additional ASCII files can be written directly by the user,
or with the help of ECLIPSE Office.

Short Description of ECLIPSE Office Files

The main data-file Project_name_Input.DATA (automatically generated) contains all general information about the
project. The first part of this file is the RUNSPEC section. It contains the run title (Project name), start date, units, various
problem dimensions (for example, numbers of blocks, wells, tables), and indicates what the dominant production phase is.
In the second part of the file, all the names of the include files are listed. These include files incorporate the following
The GRID section is subdivided into two files:

ƒ Project_name_Geom.INC (automatically generated), and

ƒ Project_name__GridProp.INC (automatically generated).
The first file specifies the geometry of the computational grid (combination of the global grid and local grid refinement).
The second file specifies the grid properties (porosity, permeability, etc.) in each grid block.
The PROPS section of the input data contains pressure and saturation dependent properties of the reservoir fluids and
rocks for each correspondent region (see description of the next file). The thermodynamic properties of the fluid (density,
viscosity, etc.) are given in the file: Project_name_PVT.INC (generated by user) and the functions of the fluid saturations
(relative permeability, capillary pressure) are given in the forms of tables in Project_name_SATFUN.INC (generated by
user). Both files must be created by the user, using existing information about the properties of the reservoir layers.
This section splits the computational grid into regions for specifying PVT properties and regions for specifying saturation
functions. The file has the name Project_ name_Region.INC (automatically generated). For each layer, one saturation
function region is specified. The regions are numbered from top to bottom within the reservoir. The last region
corresponds to the fracture gridblocks (the region number for the fracture is equal to the number of regions plus one).
Only one PVT region is used for the whole grid, that is, there is no difference between the properties of the fluid in the
fracture and in the reservoir.
Specification of initial conditions in reservoir (such as fluid saturation, pressure, solubility ratios). The file is named:
Project_ name_Init.INC (automatically generated).
This file specifies the data (results) to be written in the output file after each time step.
The file is named: Project_name_Output.INC (defined by user).
This section is subdivided into two files:

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Project_name_Well1.INC (automatically generated), and

ƒ Project_name_Well2.INC (generated by user).
The first file specifies the well and its connections within the grid. The second file contains production control parameters
and constraints. Additionally, this second file may also contain specified data for pressure drop/loss calculations (vertical
flow performance tables and multi-segment well option) and simulator tuning parameters.
Instructions for Using the Files
Before starting ECLIPSE Office, the user should create the manually generated files with the correct names. The names
can be seen in the include statements in the file. If you already have these files from an
existing project, you can just copy and rename them. If you need to create these files from scratch, then just create them
first as empty files, and use ECLIPSE Office to enter all the required data. FracproPT does not generate empty files, so
that your own files are not over-written. When all files are available, the Project_name_Input.DATA file must be imported
into ECLIPSE Office using the menu option Case | Import. ECLIPSE Office can be used to view/edit all project files, as
necessary. It should not be necessary to edit the automatically generated files.

Automatically Generated Manually Generated Files


Project_name_Input.DAT Project_name_PVT.INC

Project_name_Geom.INC Project_name_SATFUN.INC

Project_name_GridProp.INC Project_name_Well2.INC

Project_name_Region.INC Project_name_Output.INC



Suggestions About Timestepping

To control the simulator run very useful keyword is TUNING, so you can set yourself some simulator control parameters,
for example, maximum length of initial time step, this value must be small enough to make possible the well production at
the beginning of clean-up period when the well has the huge pressure gradient. You can also set the time step increase
factor, to accelerate the run at the late time period. Try also to set the maximum number of iterations at high values (The
default value for linear Newton iteration is 25). For very complicated cases, if the simulator has some convergence
problems activate the keyword: TUNINGDP. This keyword automatically modifies the simulator parameters to achieve the
better convergence behavior.

® Registered trademark of Schlumberger.

Output Files for IMEX®

If the IMEX® option is selected, then only one output file (Project_Name.dat) is created. This file contains all the setup
information for the simulation, as well as the grid sizes and the permeability information. Since no LGR is used in the case
of IMEX, the output files is smaller and simpler than for the Eclipse case.
There are two regions defined for pressure dependant permeability properties, one for the reservoir and one for the
fracture. There are two regions defined for the rock dependant properties (relperm), region 1 is for the reservoir and
region 2 is for the fracture. The rel perm data must be specified for both regions. It is possible to use the same data for
both regions if no special relperm data is available for the fracture.
The include files that need to be created by you before you can perform a reservoir simulation are listed below, along with
a summary of what typically needs to be included in each file.

• Project_name_pvt.INC
• Project_name_relperm.INC
• Project_name_init.INC
• Project_name_well.INC
• Project_name_hist.INC

FracproPT 2007

The FracproPT – ResSim interface has been implemented to allow simulating the following fluid component models in

ƒ Blackoil
ƒ GasWater
ƒ GasWater with Condensate
ƒ OilWater
Typical PVT information that can be included:

ƒ Reservoir Temperature
ƒ Gas Formation Volume Factor (Bg) versus Pressure
ƒ Gas Compressibility Factor (Zg) versus Pressure
ƒ Solution Gas-Oil Ratio (Rs) versus Pressure
ƒ Oil Formation Volume Factor (Bo) versus Pressure
ƒ Oil Viscosity (mo) and Gas Viscosity (mg) versus Pressure
ƒ Oil, Gas and Water Compressibility (co, cg and cw)
ƒ Gas Gravity
ƒ Water Density

As mentioned already, the relperm data must be specified two times, once for the reservoir rock and once for the fracture
(proppant pack).
Typical RelPerm data that can be included:

ƒ Gas Phase Relative Permeability (krg)

ƒ Oil Phase Relative Permeability (kro)
ƒ Water Phase Relative Permeability (krw)
ƒ Oil-Water Capillary Pressure (Pcow) and Oil-Gas Capillary Pressure (Pcog)
ƒ Connate or Critical Water Saturation (Swcon, Swcrit)
ƒ Connate or Critical Gas Saturation (Sgcon, Sgcrit)
ƒ Irreducible Oil Saturation (Soirw) or Residual Oil Saturation (Sorw)

The initial saturation values Water/Gas/Oil Saturations (Sw, Sg and So) are included in the main file (*.dat) The other data
in this include file is needed to initialize the reservoir:

• Initial Pore Pressure (Pi)

• Bubble Point Pressure (Pb) (conditional)
• Dew Point Pressure (Pdew) (conditional)

The wellbore geometry and connection data (Wellbore Radius, Perforation Interval(s)) is automatically specified in the
main (.dat) file. The following additional data can be included in the well file:

• Well Name
• Well Type (Producer or Injector)
• Skin
• Wellbore Model (Tubing Data)
• Well Trajectory Data (conditional)

FracproPT 2007

The production constraint information must be entered in this include file:

• Maximum Gas/Oil/Water Production Rates

• Minimum Surface or Bottomhole Flowing Pressure
• Maximum Simulation Time
• Maximum Injection Pressure (conditional)
• Well Re-completion (for example, Shut-in, Workover)
Technical Reference for ResSim Interface

Historically, there have been three basic approaches commonly used for predicting the production from hydraulically
fractured wells. First, analytic solutions were most commonly used, based on an infinite conductivity or later a finite
conductivity fracture with a given half-length. This approach was also extended to cover horizontal multiple fractured
wells. With the development of reservoir simulators, two other approaches were developed.
For complicated multi-well, multi-layer, multi-phase simulations (that is, full field models), the fracture stimulation was
usually approximated as a negative skin. This is the same as increasing the effective wellbore radius in the simulation
model. An alternate approach, developed initially for tight gas applications, was to develop a special purpose numeric
reservoir simulator which could explicitly model the flow in the fracture and take into account the special properties of the
proppant, such as the stress dependant permeability or the possibility of non-Darcy flow. Such models typically were
limited to a single layer, single-phase (oil or gas) situation.
More recently, with the advent of faster computers with sufficient memory, it became feasible to avoid the compromises
that were made in the past when trying to model hydraulic fractures with a normal 3D reservoir simulator. Initially, people
manually built grid refinement into their reservoir models to represent a hydraulic fracture. Although this method works
fine, it is very time consuming for the engineer, because complicated gridding schemes are necessary to correctly
represent the fracture geometry. In addition, the detailed description of the fracture properties from a fracture simulation
was not usually passed through to the reservoir model, resulting in the assumption of constant properties (i.e.
permeability) for the fracture. This method of simulation is not very efficient and can lead to inconsistencies in the data
used in the different simulations.
With the development of the ResSim tool in FracproPT, it has now become feasible to routinely run full 3D simulations of
multi-phase production from multi-layer reservoirs while explicitly modeling multiple hydraulic fracture(s) in the reservoir
model. The ResSim tool takes the results from the FracproPT fracture growth model and automatically translates them
into the proper format for the reservoir simulator. It completely automates the process of setting up the grid and initializing
the grid block properties for the reservoir and fracture grid blocks.
Specifying the number of fractures for a horizontal well and the orientation (transverse or longitudinal) is enough to
generate the entire grid. The user makes use of the reservoir simulator’s normal user interface to enter additional
information that is required, such as the production history and the PVT information.

The Fracture Model

Because the ResSim interface is part of the FracproPT system, all the internal results of the fracture simulator (such as
the leakoff profile from the fracture face into the reservoir) are available for transmission to the reservoir simulator.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 1: Example of fracture model output, showing fracture conductivity distribution and fracture dimensions.

The FracproPT model can handle both proppant and acid fractures. In either case, the most important outputs for the
reservoir simulation are the fracture dimensions and the fracture conductivity. For both proppant and acid fractures, the
conductivity profile varies with respect to the fracture length and height. An example of this type of output from the fracture
model is shown in Figure 1.
The spatial variation is converted to a gridded rectangular geometry for the reservoir simulator (Figure 2). Of course, since
the fracture grid block width is a constant in the reservoir simulator, the only way to model the varying width (and varying
conductivity) of the fracture is to adjust the permeability of the reservoir grid blocks representing the fracture. By obtaining
an equivalent conductivity with a constant width, a realistic result can be achieved.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 2: Detail of fracture permeability/conductivity for 2 longitudinal fractures along a horizontal wellbore,
corresponding to fracture model results from Figure 1.

To calculate the effective permeability, a uniform Cartesian grid is overlaid on top of the elliptical fracture conductivity
profile, and a numerical averaging method is used to calculate an average conductivity for each grid block in the new
Cartesian grid. The size of the Cartesian grid can be set by the user to capture as much detail as is needed for the
reservoir simulation. Typical values used for the grid block size in the fracture are 10 x 10 ft or 20 x 20 ft. This grid size
gives sufficient resolution for a typical fracture treatment’s dimensions. For cases with very long fracture half- lengths, the
x grid block size can be increased to avoid having too many grid cells in the reservoir simulator grid, thereby speeding up
the model execution time.
The fracture growth model tracks the fluid leakoff (filtrate) from the fracture into the formation. There is more filtrate fluid
leaking off near the wellbore than at the fracture tip. A novel feature of the ResSim tool is that the leakoff history is
accurately and automatically transferred to the reservoir simulator, by initializing the water saturation in the appropriate
grid blocks adjacent to the fracture face. Of course, the fracture grid blocks themselves are considered to have 100%
water saturation at the beginning of production. The capability to accurately include the filtrate fluid in the reservoir
simulation input is very important when trying to accurately model (or history match) the initial post-fracture cleanup
period, which is especially interesting in tight-gas reservoirs.
Fracture conductivity data is very important for accurate predictions from the reservoir simulator. Fracture conductivity
decreases with increasing net stress for both propped and acid fractures. For the case of propped fractures, this behavior
is published by the proppant manufacturing companies and is used in our program. For acid fractures, the Nierode-Kruk
correlation is used to estimate the pressure dependant conductivity of an etched fracture. This correlation can be adjusted
in the program based on the user’s own data, and then the resulting conductivity data is passed to the reservoir simulator
in the form of a table for pressure dependant permeability for the grid blocks representing the fracture. This feature
enhances engineering consistency in much improved way for fracture modeling.
Non-Darcy and multi-phase effects in the proppant pack can also be very important in certain situations. Since the various
commercially available reservoir simulators do not all have the capability to model non-Darcy flow, we chose to give the
user two options. For simulators that do not have any non-Darcy capability, the program will take the non-Darcy effects
into account in the fracture simulator, before passing the modified effective fracture permeabilities onto the reservoir
simulator. The advantage of this approach is that we can then approximately mimic the effects even if the numeric
reservoir simulator does not handle non-Darcy flow. The second option is for reservoir simulators that do model non-
Darcy flow. In this case we do not modify the fracture permeability, and we allow the non-Darcy effects to be calculated by
the reservoir simulator.

FracproPT 2007

In the first case, the non-Darcy effects are estimated for the type of proppant used, based on the library data from the
proppant manufacturer. The user can enter the nominal hydrocarbon flow rate, which is then used to estimate the non-
Darcy effects at a given bottomhole flowing pressure, which is also entered by the user. It is preferred; if possible, to
model the non-Darcy effects in the reservoir simulator, by using the second option, so that changing bottomhole pressure
can be taken into account when calculating the non-Darcy pressure drop in the fracture.
We assume that the user will use the multi-phase capability of the reservoir simulator to model multi-phase production
situations, making superfluous any additional modifications to the proppant permeability to account for multi-phase non-
Darcy effects. If the user chose to run the reservoir simulator in a single-phase mode, however, it would still be possible to
include an approximation of the multi-phase non-Darcy effects by using the built-in correlation in the fracture model and
adjusting the effective permeability of the fracture. The benefit of this approach is that the reservoir simulator runs several
orders of magnitude faster when only Darcy flow is being modeled.
The well inflow in the finite-difference numerical model is calculated using Peaceman’s approach, which assumes that the
well radius is less than the equivalent well grid block radius. If this is not the case (the well blocks belonging to the fracture
grid blocks may have quite small dimensions), the well radius is set to its maximum allowed value. Note that this
correction does not affect the calculations for the pressure drop along the well that are calculated using the actual well

Figure 3: Gridding example for a single fracture in vertical well, showing quarter symmetry and LGR refinement.

Automatic Grid Generation

The motivations behind the grid creation algorithm are:

ƒ to adapt the grid to the geometry of the reservoir, layers and fracture as well as to the flow around the
fractures, and
ƒ to have an optimal number of grid blocks in terms of minimum storage space/CPU time versus required
accuracy of the simulation.

FracproPT 2007

To satisfy these requirements, a three dimensional Cartesian grid is provided that includes a local model with refined cells
covering the vicinity of all the fractures. The principles of grid generation are illustrated in Figure 3 by the example of the
vertical well with one fracture.
The host grid in the XY (horizontal) plane consists of relatively few grid blocks (typically around 100). The grid blocks
increase in size as we move away from the fracture in both X and Y directions. The minimum grid block size is
comparable with the fracture half-length xf. The global discretization in the Z (vertical) direction is based on the reservoir
layering, thereby taking into account that a grid block cannot contain rocks from different reservoir layers without
additional upscaling. The reservoir layers with a large thickness are subdivided to a typical grid block height to provide a
more uniform grid in the Z direction.
The typical dimensions of the refined region are related to the fracture extent. The LGR extends to 1.5 times xf in the X
direction (along the fracture) and to 2 xf in the Y direction (normal to the fracture). In the Z direction, the LGR is defined for
the host grid blocks that contain the fracture height and approximately half of the fracture height above and below the
fracture itself. These parameters are flexible to account for different situations such as when the fracture top is near a
reservoir layer boundary.
The fracture in the LGR is represented by a two-dimensional (XZ) series of grid blocks. The mesh for the fracture
conductivity distribution supplied by the fracture simulator is considered as a starting point for the discretization within the
LGR. In the XY plane outside the fracture, the number of grid blocks increases towards the LGR boundary or to the
middle point between fractures (for the horizontal well case). A finer grid is built around the well and fracture tips to
capture the dominant radial character of the flow in these regions. The grid blocks near the fracture plane have a
particularly small Δy (normal to the fracture plane) to ensure an accurate computation of the high-rate transient flow during
the initial production period. This can be seen clearly in Figure 4, which shows the gridding in the XY plane for a horizontal
well case with transverse fractures.

Figure 4: Grid refinement for a horizontal well case with transverse fractures.

This type of gridding allows for an accurate representation of the filtrate fluid distribution around the fracture that is
transferred from the fracture simulator. Note that the typical filtrate leakoff depth varies from centimeters to tens of
centimeters in tight gas reservoirs, or to even larger depths in higher permeability reservoirs. In determining the sizes Δx

FracproPT 2007

and Δy in the fracture vicinity, we generally followed the empirical guidelines for choosing an appropriate finite-difference
model of the fractured well as presented by Bennett et al. The subgrid in the vertical Z direction is made nearly uniform in
accordance with a calculated typical grid size Δz.

Initialization of Grid Properties

Every grid block in the host grid and the LGR is assigned one value of each distributed reservoir characteristic: porosity,
permeabilities in three directions, phase saturations and pore pressure. This basic information is taken from the input to
the fracture simulator.
The fracture in the reservoir simulation model is not necessarily modeled with its actual width b, but with a fictive width
that is the size of the corresponding fracture grid block Δyf. The fictive width is normally set to a value larger than the
actual width, to allow for larger time step sizes in the reservoir simulation. This feature is user selectable, so the user can
also choose to model the fracture width in the reservoir simulator using the actual maximum width of the fracture at the
wellbore. Since the porous volumes and the transmissibilities of the fracture blocks should remain unchanged, regardless
of the width used for the fracture in the reservoir simulator, the fracture porosities and permeabilities are recalculated, to
adjust the fracture properties (denoted with subscript fi) as shown in Equations 1 and 2. Note that the permeability in the
fracture is assumed to be isotropic, both for proppant and acid fracture cases.
φf=φfib/Δyf. ...................................(2)
The initial water saturation near the fracture plane is calculated from the leakoff depth data calculated by the fracture
model, which is represented as two-dimensional (XZ) piecewise constant distribution with its own mesh size and is
translated into the reservoir grid using an areal weighting scheme. In doing so, we assume that the filtrate fluid has the
same properties as reservoir water when it will be produced back through the fracture. The porous volume of the fracture
is saturated by filtrate (water saturation is taken to be 100%) at the beginning of the simulation of the post-fracture
The automatically generated reservoir simulation input file is setup so that three different region numbers are assigned to
the all the grid blocks. The three types of regions defined are:

ƒ the PVT fluid properties region,

ƒ the phase behavior parameters region, and
ƒ the pressure-dependent rock properties region.
The values are given in a series of tables for each region within the grid. The PVT properties for the density and viscosity
of the reservoir fluid(s) are assumed to be identical for the entire reservoir, including the fracture. The saturation functions
for the relative permeability and capillary pressure as well as the functions for the porosity and permeability may be
different for each layer and for the region representing the fracture. The definition of the different regions in the grid and
the assignment of the three different region numbers to every grid block are performed automatically by the tool.

ƒ Nierode, D.E., Kruk, N.F.: "An Evaluation of Acid Fluid Loss Additives, Retarded Acids, and Acidized
Fracture Conductivity", SPE 4549, SPE Annual Meeting, September 1973, Las Vegas, Nevada.
ƒ Bennett, C.O., Reynolds, A.C., Raghavan, R., Elbel, J.L.: "Performance of Finite-Conductivity, Vertically
Fractured Wells in single-Layers Reservoirs", SPE 11029, SPE Formation Evaluation, August, 1986, pp.

Shaoul, J.R., Behr A., and Mtchedlishvili, G.: "Developing a Tool for 3D Reservoir Simulation of Hydraulically Fractured
Wells," SPE 108321, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2007, pp. 50-59.

Economic Optimization
Overview - Economic Optimization Mode
In Economic Optimization Mode the fracture model is connected, via ReservoirPT, to the reservoir model in a
treatment-size optimization loop that is used to roughly scope, and then accurately determine, the economically optimum
treatment size for a given reservoir. Like all other FracproPT modes, Economic Optimization Mode is selected from the
MAIN [F2] screen; a message is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen indicating that this is the active
When you select a mode from the MAIN [F2] screen, you may use the Next field to progress through a sequence of
screens, beginning with the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen and ending with the
OPTIMIZATION CONTROL [F10] screen for that mode. The screens are listed here in the same order that you will
see them if you use the Next fields to progress through the sequence of screens.

Based on Fracture Dimensions

FracproPT 2007

Overview - Economic Optimization Mode

In Economic Optimization Mode the fracture model is connected, via ReservoirPT, to the reservoir model in a
treatment-size optimization loop that is used to roughly scope, and then accurately determine, the economically optimum
treatment size for a given reservoir. Like all other FracproPT modes, Economic Optimization Mode is selected from the
MAIN [F2] screen; a message is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen indicating that this is the active
When you select a mode from the MAIN [F2] screen, you may use the Next field to progress through a sequence of
screens, beginning with the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen and ending with the
OPTIMIZATION CONTROL [F10] screen for that mode. The screens are listed here in the same order that you will
see them if you use the Next fields to progress through the sequence of screens.
Well and Treatment Information - F3

Well and Treatment Information – General Information [F3]

The Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen is accessed by:

• pressing the function key F3

• clicking on Well&Treatment Info in the Navigation Tree
The General Information tab is the first tab on the Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen.

This screen is used to enter various data and information, such as general comments, about the simulation represented
by this input file. Some of the information can be included automatically on plot titles and report page headers.
The information entered here is also displayed in the Input File Preview area of the standard File…Open dialog. It can
also be used by the Input File Search utility that is also a part of that dialog.
The path and file name of the current input file are displayed at the top of this screen, which is common to all four
FracproPT modes.

FracproPT 2007

General Information tab of the Well and Treatment Information screen

Economic Optimization Options - F4

Economic Optimization – Main Options [F4]

This screen is where you choose the desired FracproPT and ReservoirPT options to run in Economic Optimization

FracproPT 2007

The Main Options tab of the Economic Optimization Options screen

Perform Economic Optimization Based On …

Fracture Dimensions
It should first be noted that there is really only one model in the FracproPT System, which is commonly referred to as a
lumped-parameter model. However, by choosing the correct values for certain parameters that control function of the
lumped model, it can be made to behave (in terms of pressures, dimensions, etc.) like any other model. In the FracproPT
System, five sets of parameters have been defined and hardwired into five of the model options available on this screen:
Treatment Schedule
This is consistent with how Fracture Optimization used to work before FracproPT version 10.2. This option can be chosen
if the user knows exactly

Fracture Model to Use

It should first be noted that there is really only one model in the FracproPT System, which is commonly referred to as a
lumped-parameter model. However, by choosing the correct values for certain parameters that control function of the
lumped model, it can be made to behave (in terms of pressures, dimensions, etc.) like any other model. In the FracproPT
System, six sets of parameters have been defined and hardwired into six of the model options available on this screen:

• 3D Shear-Decoupled (Default)
• 3D Tip-Dominated
• 3D Conventional (Linear Elastic)
• 2D PKN
• 2D KGD
• 2D Radial
3D Shear-Decoupled (Default)
This is the new default model for FracproPT version 10.3. In hundreds of fracture treatments where Pinnacle has utilized
direct fracture diagnostics (microseismic fracture mapping and tiltmeter fracture mapping), we have seen that fracture
growth is in general more confined than we would initially think based on "classical" assumptions, for example the
presence of closure stress barriers or permeability barriers. In several cases, we have seen confined fracture growth
(length-height aspect ratios of 2 and larger) in areas with a single thick pay zone and no nearby barriers (see SPE paper
56724). It has long been postulated that this is due to a "composite layering effect". This composite layering effect causes
partial decoupling of the fracture width profile along layer interfaces, and results in slower fracture growth trough layer
interfaces (in fracture height).
The 3D Shear-Decoupled model predicts longer, more confined fractures caused by the introduction of an average
Composite Layering Effect (CLE) for the layers outside the Pay Zone. This average value is based on hundreds of
fracture treatment that were monitored using direct fracture diagnostics. As a result of greater confinement, net pressures
are typically also slightly higher for the 3D Shear-Decoupled model than for the 3D Tip-Dominated model. Note however,
that the Composite Layering Effect that is needed to match actual geometries can sometimes vary widely in different
regions and formations, and the default Composite Layering Effect of 25 (resulting in an estimated incremental
height/length growth of about 0.25 outside the pay) used in the 3D Shear-Decoupled model is only an average. All other
parameters for this model are the same as for the 3D Tip-Dominated model described below.

FracproPT 2007

3D Tip-Dominated
This is the lumped 3D model developed for GRI, which is not a so-called pseudo 3D model. In general, the model predicts
shorter, wider fractures due to higher predicted net pressures that, in general, have been found to match very closely with
observed field data. In the 3D Tip-Dominated model, the most important parameter that is hardwired is the Tip Effect
Coefficient (see FRACPROPT MODEL PARAMETERS [Shift+F3] screen, FracproPT 3D Parameters tab), to a value of
3D Conventional (Linear Elastic)
This mode should give results very similar to those from the few other 3D models available. Note that this also is not a
pseudo 3D model, although it may predict similar results and it has many of the same problems (for example, low net
pressures and great sensitivity to fluid rheology). In the 3D Conventional model, the most important parameter that is
hardwired is the Tip Effect Coefficient (see FRACPROPT MODEL PARAMETERS [SHIFT+F3] screen, FracproPT 3D
Parameters tab), to a value of 0.4.
3D Calibrated
To load a calibrated settings file, select this 3D Calibrated radio button and then select the appropriate file in the
associated combo box on the left. Only engineers from Pinnacle can save and generate these calibrated settings files,
which are located in the FracproPT program folder (for example, for a default installation: c:\Program Files\Pinnacle
Technologies\FracproPT\Program) as CMS-files (Calibrated Model Settings).
Pinnacle has learned from direct fracture diagnostic data, such as tiltmeter fracture mapping and micro-seismic fracture
mapping, that fractures can grow very differently in different environments. In some areas, the default settings in fracture
models accurately predict directly observed fracture growth, but in other areas these default settings do not accurately
reflect actual fracture growth. In these areas, the default model settings do not provide an accurate description of fracture
growth, and other physical mechanisms such composite layering effects should be introduced by changing the default
fracture model parameters to provide a calibrated 3D model.
Pinnacle has provided some model settings that have been released for publication in this category, and the number of
released model settings keeps on growing as we learn more about fracture growth behavior in more regions and
formations. Note that Pinnacle also distributes confidential calibrated model settings to clients that have utilized our
fracture mapping services.
If a 3D Calibrated model is selected, the FracproPT logo on the Navigation Bar and in hardcopies of plots changes to the
FracproXACT logo, indicating that model settings were used that tie back to direct measurements of fracture growth in
that environment. This should provide a better estimate of fracture growth behavior for that specific region of formation
that one of the "hardwired" model settings.
3D User-Defined
If you routinely change the default model parameters for your work in one or more areas, you can save those model
parameters and easily recall them at any time.

• Saving a User-Defined Model – You first select this 3D User-Defined option and then go to the
FracproPT 3D Parameters tab of the FRACproPT MODEL PARAMETERS [Shift-F3] screen and
change any of the model parameters. While still on this screen and after making your changes, press
the Save These Settings As A User-Defined Parameter File, which will create and save a UMS-file
(User-defined Model Settings) in the FracproPT program folder (for example, c:\Program
Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT\Program).
• Using a User-Defined Model – Press the Load These Settings As A User-Defined Parameter File
and then select the desired UMS-file. Of course you must have first created or copied a UMS-file
before you can select one.
You can choose from among the three common 2D models using this drop-down list.

• PKN 2D Model – This is one of the classical 2D models with constant (specified) height and width
proportional to height. It is still often used (with high gel viscosity) to force a pressure "match" in the
later treatment stages, almost always ignoring early pressure data that results from water injection.
• KGD 2D Model – This is one of the classical 2D models with constant (specified) height and with
width proportional to length. It can rarely be used to match measured pressures (except perhaps with
forced use of backstress).
• Radial Model – This is one of the classical 2D models. The model assumes axisymmetry in radial
The 2D PKN and 2D KGD models do not, in general, give reasonable answers, even in reservoirs where there is almost
perfect containment, due to their unrealistically low net fracturing pressure predictions. The same is true of the 2D radial
model, even in homogeneous reservoirs where radial fractures may indeed be created. The 2D radial model generally
predicts dramatically lower net fracturing pressures than are observed in the field and, thus, predicts fractures with much
larger radii and much smaller widths than are actually created.

FracproPT 2007

The 2D models are available in FracproPT for a number of reasons. Results (especially dimensions) from the 2D models
can be compared to 3D results. As well, the 2D models can be used in an attempt to match observed net pressures, a
process that should readily demonstrate their inadequacy. Also, the 2D models can be used as a starting point for
understanding typical fracture treatment designs provided to you on the basis of other 2D models.

Other Options
FracproPT Model Parameters
Select this button as a shortcut to get to the FracproPT Model Parameters [Shift+F3] screen.

Economic Optimization - Additional Options [F4]

The Additional Options tab of the Economic Optimization Options Screen

Reservoir Data Entry

Lithology Based
If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.

Backstress is the change in formation closure stress induced by elevated (or reduced) pore pressure, which is caused by
fluid leakoff from the fracture (or production from the reservoir). In reservoirs that are not near 100% liquid saturation (that
is, dry gas reservoirs), the increase in backstress is usually not significant and may needlessly complicate the analysis
and slow numerical computations. In such cases, you should choose this option.
This option should be used only when there is relatively high fluid leakoff, very high fluid saturation, and (therefore) low
pore-fluid compressibility (for example, in oil reservoirs). Of course, you can calculate backstress effects in a gas
reservoir, but the amount of backstress will be extremely small and the calculation will slow simulator execution speed

Proppant Transport Model

Selecting Proppant Settling allows settling of proppant in the fracture based primarily on fluid viscosity and particle
diameter (that is, Stokes Law).
Proppant Convection may be a dominant mechanism for proppant transport and placement in hydraulic-fracture
stimulation treatments. However, the convective process will be slowed impeded by fracture offsets (for example, at
bedding planes), narrow fractures (for example, when multiple fractures are created), and highly viscous fluids in the
Proppant Convection is a process whereby heavier treatment stages (for example, proppant stages) displace rapidly
downward from the perforations to the bottom of the fracture. Those stages nearest the perforations may then be replaced
by the pad or by low-concentration proppant stages.
No Convection or Settling
No Convection or Settling should be selected only when modeling a horizontal fracture where those effects can be

Fracture Orientation
Vertical Fracture is generally selected. The FRACTURE PICTURE [Alt+F5] screen, the STAGE PROFILE PICTURE
[Ctrl+F5] screen, and the WIDTH PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F7] screen all show a vertical fracture with a depth scale and
a vertical profile of the minimum horizontal stress.
If you select Horizontal Fracture, FracproPT grows a horizontal fracture at the Initial Frac Depth shown on the
RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. You must first select Lithology Based Reservoir (in another section of this
FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen) before selecting Horizontal Fracture. The FRACTURE PICTURE
[Alt+F5] screen, the STAGE PROFILE PICTURE [Ctrl+F5] screen, and the WIDTH PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F7] screen
display the horizontal fracture, but with a vertical screen orientation.

Reservoir Production Model Options

Not Present
Selecting Wellbore Not Present causes the wellbore to be ignored in all ReservoirPT calculations. All output data is
referenced to bottomhole conditions.
If Wellbore Present is selected, you have access to the RESERVOIR WELLBORE PARAMETERS screen where you
enter production-string lengths and diameters. If a gas well is being simulated, head and frictional pressure losses in the

FracproPT 2007

production string are calculated. Also, you may select surface pressure as a production constraint on the WELL
PRODUCTION CONSTRAINTS screen, if you choose Wellbore Present on this screen.

PVT Correlations
Manual PVT Entry
If you select Manual PVT Entry, you have access to the USER-ENTERED PVT PROPERTIES screen where you must
enter volume factors and viscosities for PVT calculations.
Automatic PVT Correlations
Selecting Automatic PVT Correlations causes ReservoirPT to use PVT data calculated from the appropriate oil or gas
correlations on the PVT CORRELATIONS screen.

Cleanup Effects
Ignore Cleanup Effects
Selecting Ignore Cleanup Effects causes ReservoirPT to ignore any damage caused by frac-fluid invasion in the
Model Cleanup Effects
Selecting Model Cleanup Effects causes ReservoirPT, with FraPS, to simulate both temporary and permanent damage
caused by frac-fluid invasion in the reservoir. If you select Model Cleanup Effects, you have access to the FILTRATE

Production Schedule
User Defined Production Schedule
Selecting User Defined Production Schedule causes ReservoirPT to use the production schedule that you enter on the
Automatic Production Schedule
Selecting Automatic Production Schedule causes ReservoirPT to automatically generate and use a production schedule.
Wellbore Configuration - F7

Wellbore Configuration – Drilled Hole [F7]

This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab
Note that the information on this tab is NOT used for any of the calculations in FracproPT. The only time this information is
used is for the SCHEMATIC VIEW, the 2D SCHEMATIC VIEW and WELLBORE VIEWER, all of which can be selected
from the icon bar or the FracproPT Menu > View.

FracproPT 2007

The Drilled Hole tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Drilled Hole Tab

This table is used to enter the geometry of the hole as drilled.
Drilled Hole information is not required. However, if you want the wellbore Schematic Viewers to be accurately
depicted you should enter the Drilled Hole information.
Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].
Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.
Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.
Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the
measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.
Open Hole

FracproPT 2007

This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is open hole (Open Hole) or
cemented open hole (Cemented OH). This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.
Bit Diameter
You enter the Bit Diameter in this column. This entry affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.
Effective Diameter
You enter the Effective Diameter of the drilled hole in this column. This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views,
not the model results.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and zotal Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Casing [F7]

This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

FracproPT 2007

The Casing tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

This table is used to describe the casing, whether or not any or the entire casing is actually the pipe string used to carry
the treatment fluids. The Top MD entry for segment number one defaults to zero. For each segment, the user must enter
the OD and ID, while Weight and Grade are optional.
Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].
Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.
Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.
Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the
measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.
This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is Cemented Casing or Free
Casing that is not cemented. This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.

FracproPT 2007

Select a casing outer diameter (OD) for this segment from the Casing Library that contains all standard API casing
diameters or enter the OD directly if the casing is not of a standard API diameter.
Select a casing Weight for this segment from the Casing Library or enter the Weight directly.
If you selected a casing OD and Weight for this segment from the Casing Library, the corresponding casing inner
diameter (ID) will already be entered. Alternatively, you may enter the ID directly.
Select a casing grade for this segment from the selection box. This information is not currently used for anything other
than display and record-keeping purposes.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Surface Line/Tubing [F7]

This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab
Tip for Entering a Frac Pack Configuration

FracproPT 2007

The Surface Line/Tubing tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Surface Line/Tubing
Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].
Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.
Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.
Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the
measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.
Surface Line/Tubing

FracproPT 2007

This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is comprised of Tubing, Drill Pipe,
or a Packer. In addition, you have the additional choices of Surface Line or Surface CTU for the first segment.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.
Select an outer diameter (OD) for this segment from the Tubing Library that contains all standard API tubing diameters or
enter the OD directly if the tubing is not of a standard API diameter.
Select a Weight for this segment from the Tubing Library or enter the Weight directly.
If you selected an OD and a Weight for this segment from the Tubing Library, the corresponding segment inner diameter
(ID) will already be entered. Alternatively, you may enter the ID directly.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.
Select a grade for this segment from the selection box. This information is not currently used for anything other than
display and record-keeping purposes.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Perforated Intervals [F7]

This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

The Perforated Intervals tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Perforated Intervals
FracproPT can model up to 20 separate perforated intervals. See Application Notes below for information on how to set
up and model some common well scenarios in terms of Perforated Intervals.
Selecting, or checking, this box in the Use column specifies whether or not the perforations defined by this line are
actually used in the simulation. Therefore, if you do not want to use one or more sets of perforations that are entered, you
can simply unselect the Use box to ignore them.
While selecting and unselecting sets of perforations, you may notice that the display order in the table may change.
However, among the perforation sets that are actually used (that is, checked), their display order should be from
shallowest to deepest.
Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the top of the perforation interval.
Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the bottom of the perforation interval.
Using data from other tabs on this WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, the true vertical depth (TVD) to the top of
the perforated interval is calculated and displayed in this field.

FracproPT 2007

Bottom TVD
Using data from other tabs on this WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, the true vertical depth (TVD) to the
bottom of the perforated interval is calculated and displayed in this field.
Diameter is the average perforation diameter for the interval.
Number of Perfs
Number of Perfs is the total number of perforations for the interval.

Application Notes
Modeling as Multiple Perfed Intervals versus a Single Perfed Interval
There are three ways to model multiple perforated intervals in FracproPT. Below are some rules of thumb of when to use
each of these three different strategies:

• For zones that are separate but still relatively close to one another in comparison to the total fracture
height that you are expecting (you are expecting substantial overlap between multiple fractures), it is
generally better to model them with a single perforated interval. You can account for the flow split and
additional leakoff between multiple fractures by selecting a Volume Factor and a Leakoff Factor in
the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7] screen that are equal to the number of perforated intervals.
You can also account for the interference between these multiple fractures by changing the Opening
Factor. Please refer to the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7} screen for more information.
People most often choose this option if they do not accurately know the rock properties, closure and
permeability profile with depth that drive fracture growth, and if they only want a very approximate
answer as to what they are achieving. The choice here is to keep it simple, as we don’t have the
detailed information to justify a very detailed analysis.
• When simulating limited-entry perforating where the number of perforations per interval is the main
driver for flow split between zones, define multiple perforated intervals on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen AND use Simplified Iteration on the Additional Options tab of the
FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. In this case, you are assuming that closure stress
changes and net pressure changes per interval are small in comparison to the limited-entry
perforation friction pressure drop.
• When simulating limited-entry perforating of multiple zones AND when you know that properties such
as fracture closure stress and permeability vary significantly between the perforated intervals, you
may wish to model each zone as an independent fracture by specifying multiple perforated intervals
on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen AND use General Iteration on the Additional
Options tab of the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. In this case, the fracture model will
run much more slowly, because you are actually simulating several fractures growing at once. The
model may also slow considerably due to the complex nature of calculating the flow split and frictional
pressure losses between perforated intervals. When you do model more than one set of perforations,
simulator output (such as net pressure, fracture dimensions, or fracture/proppant pictures) is
displayed in terms of one fracture (that is, one perforated interval) at a time. You can toggle between
the different fractures (that is, the different perforated intervals) by pressing [CNTR+F] or by selecting
the Next Interval icon on the toolbar. Note that conducting net pressure history matching for multiple
intervals requires one match for each interval, and can therefore become quite a laborious task.
How FracproPT Picks the Depth for Fracture Initiation
• For each perforated interval, FracproPT automatically searches the interval for the lowest stress zone
and sets the center of that zone to be the Initial Frac Depth (as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen). Total perforated height for each interval, whether entered by you here,
or on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen in the case where you are ignoring the wellbore,
has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation friction is calculated
based solely on the flow rate, the number and diameter of the perfs you enter here, and on the data
entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen.
• Therefore, you do not have to, nor do you necessarily always want to, enter the true total perforated
height. Rather, you may want to enter the perforation information such that fracture initiation in the
simulator is guaranteed at the location you desire.
• Special cases are very large perforated heights and small-volume treatments. In those situations, you
may want to enter the actual perforated height and turn the Set Minimum Fracture Height option on.
Doing so causes the fracture to initiate from the entire perforated height (that is, as a line source
rather than a point source). The Set Minimum Fracture Height option is accessed from the MODEL

Other Options

FracproPT 2007

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Path Summary [F7]

This screen displays a summary of the path that treatment fluids take to go from the surface to the perforations. No input
of data is possible on this screen: The tubing, casing, and hole configuration as entered on various other tabs of the
WELLBORE CONFIGURATION screen are used to construct this summary. Hole deviation data is also shown.

FracproPT 2007

The Path Summary tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each

FracproPT 2007

The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Directional Survey [F7]

On this screen, you can manually enter a wellbore trajectory using up to 100 wellbore segments, or you can import a
FracproPT depth-based database file containing wellbore trajectory data (up to 1000 points). Input of wellbore trajectory
data may be accomplished in one of four different formats.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

The Directional Survey tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Build, Turn, MD
For this selection, enter the build rate, the turn rate, and the measured depth for the beginning of each segment in the
appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in an
Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.
MD, Inclination, Azimuth
For this selection, enter the measured depth, the inclination, and the azimuth for the beginning of each segment in the
appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in an
Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

FracproPT 2007

For this selection, enter the north-south distance, the east-west distance, and the true vertical depth for the beginning of
each segment in the appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you
have this data in an Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.
MD, TVD, Azimuth
For this selection, enter the measured depth, the true vertical depth, and the azimuth for the beginning of each segment in
the appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in
an Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

Importing a Wellbore Survey

Load Survey
Load Survey opens the standard file open dialog from which you load a FracproPT depth-based database file
(file_name.DBD) containing wellbore survey data. Select Clear Survey to delete all data from the Directional Survey data
Azimuth Format
Selecting the Azimuth Format checkbox toggles the Azimuth column between a simple degrees format and a compass
point display. In the latter format, you still enter simple degrees (that is, 0 to 359 degrees), but the entry is converted to the
compass point format.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Parameters [F5]

This screen, which is available only if Wellbore Present is selected on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen,
is where you enter the configuration of the production wellbore (as opposed to the wellbore for stimulation).

FracproPT 2007

The Wellbore Parameters screen.

Production Tubing Length

This number is used to calculate friction and hydrostatic pressures in the production string.
Production Tubing Inner Diameter
This is the tubing diameter used to calculate production-string friction losses.
Surface Temperature
This number is used in the frictional and head-loss wellbore calculations.
Wellbore Volume
This number, which is used to simulate wellbore storage effects, is the total "live" volume in the wellbore. For example, if
the well was being produced up the tubing and the annulus was not packed off, Wellbore Volume would be the sum of
the tubing and annular volumes, plus the casing volume below the end of the tubing (including the "rat hole" volume).
Wellbore storage is important during very early in time, such as during well tests. Enter 0.0 to ignore wellbore storage
Reservoir Parameters - F9

2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters

2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters [F9]

This screen, which is accessible only if you selected either PKN 2D Model, KGD 2D Model, or Radial Model on the
FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, is where you specify the parameters needed to characterize the
reservoir for the 2D fracture models.

FracproPT 2007

The 2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters screen.

Fracture Height (Gross Pay)

This is the total fixed fracture height that you must enter for the PKN 2D Model and the KGD 2D Model. For the Radial
Model, fracture "height" is always equal to total fracture length and, therefore, requires no entry in this field.
Payzone Height (Net Pay)
This is the height used for leakoff (or permeable height) in the 2D models. This height is typically less than or equal to
Fracture Height (Gross Pay).
Depth to Center of Pay
This is the depth to the center of the pay (and the center of the fracture).

Closure Stress In Payzone

An entry in this field is important only if you are running the simulator from actual treatment data and comparing the
Observed Net Pressure to the Net Pressure. Closure stress gradient is typically between 0.5 psi/ft and 0.8 psi/ft in
Formation Modulus
This is the Young's modulus for the zone you are fracturing. Young's modulus ranges from 100,000 psi for very soft,
unconsolidated sandstones or coals to 10,000,000 psi for extremely hard granites. Sandstones typically have Young's
modulus values in the range of 3,000,000 to 6,000,000 psi.
Formation Poisson's Ratio
This is the Poisson's ratio for the zone you are fracturing. Typical values range from 0.1 to 0.4. Any reasonable value of
Poisson’s Ration (for example, 0.25) is adequate.
Leakoff Coefficient
This is the total leakoff coefficient, which determines the rate per unit area of fluid leakoff into the formation. Values
typically range from 0.04 to 0.0001 feet/square-root-minute. Values of leakoff coefficient can be reliably found only by
matching the pressure decline during a shut-in or at the end of a treatment. Furthermore, leakoff coefficient is specific to
the fracture model used, so you must determine leakoff coefficient and predict future fracture behavior with the same
fracture model to be consistent.
Pore Fluid Permeability
Based on the Leakoff Coefficient you enter, and the Reservoir Type you select, an estimated value of reservoir
permeability is displayed in this field.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the actual reservoir temperature. It is used to select the correct rheology data from the fluid library.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture Toughness
Enter the fracture toughness for the layer of rock you are fracturing.

Reservoir Type
Define the reservoir type by selecting either Oil or Gas from the drop-down list.
Reservoir Lithology
Make a selection from the available Rock Types from the drop-down list. The rock type is important (in this simulation)
only for chemical properties (for example, for acid reaction) and for thermal properties (for example, fluid heating).

Using Lithology-Based Reservoir Model

Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters

This screen is accessed only if you choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen. In this case, the parameters on this screen are entered and displayed on a layer-by-layer basis. If you want these
parameters to be the same for all layers, you should choose Gas, Oil, or User Specified as the Reservoir Type.

The Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

These entries correspond to the layer depths shown for the Pore Fluid Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient columns in the
Reservoir Layer Table on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. The numbers cannot be changed on this screen.
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can
toggle between them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or by using the Next Interval toolbar button.
This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Frac Pressure
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

FracproPT 2007

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the Reservoir Parameters
[F9] screen.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff.
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for example, if the
pore pressure equals about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.
Other Functions
Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.
Set To Gas Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical gas reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To Oil Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical oil reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To User Defined
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters
screen that was used when you last choose User Specified as the Reservoir Type. You may change individual numbers

Reservoir Depletion
This screen is where you can model the change in closure stress, pore pressure, and pore-fluid compressibility that has
resulted from production in a finite region around a wellbore. For example, in an oil reservoir produced from an acid
fracture such that the region around the fracture has a pore pressure below the bubble point (that is, resulting in a higher
pore-fluid compressibility) and a lower closure stress due to the lower pore pressure.
When modeling depletion effects, you should enter the current (that is, depleted) values for closure stress on the

FracproPT 2007

The Reservoir Depletion screen.

This is the distance out from the wellbore that you believe has been depleted (produced).
Original Pore Pressure
This is the virgin pore pressure. The depleted, or current, pore pressure is entered on either the Reservoir Leakoff
Parameters screen and it is displayed below for reference.
FracproPT multiplies the change in pore pressure by 0.5 (which is a mid-range value for the so-called poro-elastic
coefficient) to determine the change in closure stress due to depletion. At a distance from the wellbore equal to the
Radius of Depletion, the closure stress entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen (that is, the current
or depleted closure stress) is increased by the change in closure stress due to depletion and the pore pressure is
increased to this Original Pore Pressure.
Depleted Pore Pressure
This is the current (that is, depleted) pore pressure that is entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen. This
number is displayed here for reference only.
Original Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the virgin pore fluid compressibility. At a distance out from the wellbore equal to the Radius of Depletion, pore fluid
compressibility decreases to this Original Pore Fluid Compressibility.

Layer Display
This screen displays the lithology (that is, Rock Type) of the reservoir and a log-style view of the following properties:
stress, permeability, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and fracture toughness.

FracproPT 2007

The Layer Display screen.

Reservoir Parameters - F9
Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters – Layers [F9]
This screen is accessible only if you select Lithology Based Reservoir and either 3D Tip-Dominated Model or 3D
Conventional Model on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen. Here you specify all rock properties
according to lithology as defined by a single set of layer depths and the Rock Type in each layer.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.

The Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters screen.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based

FracproPT 2007

If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.
Reservoir Layer Table
This is where you define the layers comprising the reservoir and surrounding strata by entering the depth to the top of
each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 8 are shown at any time. Blank rows in the table may be added by
selecting a whole row and pressing [Ins], and lines may be deleted by selecting the whole row and pressing [Del].
You must define at least three layers and the fractures must initiate in the middle layers. If you do not, FracproPT will
display an error message and the simulator will not run. The layers where the fractures initiate (depending on the position
of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) are highlighted yellow in the table.
If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can cycle through them by pressing [CNTR+F] or selecting the
Next Interval toolbar button.
Depth TVD
If you select Enter TVD, enter the true vertical depth to the top of each layer in this column. If you select Enter MD, the
true vertical depth will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Depth MD
If you select Enter MD, enter the measured depth to the top of each layer in this column. If you select Enter TVD, the
measured depth will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Layer Thickness
This value represents the layer thickness in TVD. This value is not editable and calculated from the top of each layer in
the Depth TVD column.
Rock Type
Select a Rock Type from the drop-down list for each layer in this column.
Pore Fluid Permeability
If you select Enter Permeability, enter the Pore Fluid Permeability for each layer in this column. If you select Enter
Leakoff Coefficient, the permeability will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Leakoff Coefficient
If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient, enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for each layer in this column. If you select
Enter Permeability, the leakoff coefficient will be calculated and displayed in this column.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture closure in the middle of the layer that is calculated using the specified gradient under the Rock Properties tab.
Young’s Modulus
Young’s Modulus for the layer based on the assigned modulus for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Poisson’s Ratio
Poisson’s Ratio for the layer based on the assigned Poisson’s ratio for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Fracture Toughness
Fracture Toughness for the layer based on the assigned toughness for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Composite Layering Effect
Composite layering effect for the layer based on the assigned composite layering effect for that lithology in the Rock
Properties tab.
Pay Zone
Use this check box to mark all zones that you consider pay zones. This is information is used by Fracture Design Mode
and also in the calculation of the Payzone Height Coverage Ratio and Payzone Fracture Area Ratio model channels.
In Production Analysis Mode, if you use the Import Frac Interval Properties function, Permeability on the
PRODUCTION ANALYSIS Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen is the average of all the permeabilities of all zones
marked as pay zones, not just the permeability of the zone containing the perforated interval. The average permeability is
calculated as sum of kh for all zones divided by the total height of all zones:
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Depth Entry Mode
Enter TVD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Layer Table in terms of the true vertical depth (TVD). The
corresponding measured depth (MD) will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Enter MD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Layer Table in terms of the measured depth (MD). The
corresponding true vertical depth (TVD) will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Fluid Loss Entry Mode
You have the choice of entering either Permeability or (total) Leakoff Coefficient. Whichever one you choose to enter,
FracproPT uses a permeability-to-leakoff-coefficient relationship to calculate the other.
Enter Permeability
Select this option to enter the Pore-Fluid Permeability in the Set Lithology Permeability dialog for each Rock Type in the
Reservoir Layer Table. The corresponding (total) Leakoff Coefficient will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent
column in the table.
Enter Leakoff Coefficient
Select this option to enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient in the Set Lithology Leakoff Coefficient dialog for each Rock Type
in the Reservoir Layer Table. The corresponding Pore-Fluid Permeability will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent
column in the table.
Set Lithology Permeability / Set Lithology Leakoff Coefficient
This option allows you to set the values for either Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient (depending on whether
you have chosen Enter Permeability or Enter Leakoff Coefficient above) for all the current reservoir layers specified with a
particular Rock Type. Selecting this function causes a dialog to appear where you select a Rock Type from a drop-down
list and then enter either the Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient for that Rock Type.
Otherwise, you may enter Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient on a layer-by-layer basis, regardless of Rock
Other Reservoir Properties
Reservoir Temperature
This is the reservoir temperature at the mid-perf depth. In addition to heat transfer calculations, this number is used to
select the correct rheology data from the Fluid Library.
Total perforated height, whether entered by you here, or on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen in the case
where you are not modeling the wellbore, has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation
friction is calculated based solely on the flow rate and the data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION
[F8] screen.

FracproPT 2007

The perforation and initial frac depths are always entered and/or display here in terms of true vertical depth (TVD).
If you have more than one perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, you can
toggle through a display of each interval by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
For large perforated intervals, you may elect to have the fracture initiate from a line source (details of which can be
found on the Growth Parameters tab of the FracproPT MODEL PARAMETERS screen).
Depth to Top of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Top of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Top of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Depth to Bottom of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Bottom of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Bottom of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Initial Frac Depth
FracproPT always calculates this value; it is approximately the center of the zone with lowest stress found within the
perforated interval. If you want to guarantee fracture initiation from a particular zone (regardless of the stress profile and
the true perforated interval), you can make the perforated interval small enough such that you control where the simulator
initiates the fracture.
Initial Frac Depth must fall within one of the inner Rock Type layers (that is, it cannot fall within either the top layer or the
bottom layer).
Other Functions
Layer Display
Select this function to view the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE with the Layer Properties Template.
Logs/Layers Editor
If a standard Log ASCII (LAS) file is available, layers can be built automatically and properties can be assigned
automatically using the Logs/Layers Editor.
Reservoir Parameters – Rock Properties [F9]
This screen is where you view and/or enter the mechanical properties for the various Rock Types.

FracproPT 2007

The Rock Properties screen.

Rock Type
The mechanical properties are listed as a function of Rock Type. There are seven Rock Types defined in the System
Library of rocks whose names cannot be changed, but whose properties can be changed. You also have the capability to
add (many) new Rock Types to the User Library of rocks. However, a total of only 15 different Rock Types can be
displayed here and used in any particular fracture simulation.
Closure Stress Gradient
If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, enter a Closure Stress Gradient for each Rock Type in this column.
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, you will be denied access to this column.
Stress Coefficient A
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the multiplier of overburden stress (gradient) as Stress
Coefficient A in this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this
Stress Coefficient B
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the multiplier of pore pressure (gradient) as Stress Coefficient B
in this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this column.
Stress Coefficient C
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the tectonic stress (or correction) term as Stress Coefficient C in
this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this field.
Young's Modulus
This is the Young's Modulus for each Rock Type. Be aware the Young’s Modulus from logs (that is, dynamically
measured) is typically 100% higher than Young’s Modulus measured from static stress-strain tests.
Poisson's Ratio
This is the Poisson's Ratio for each Rock Type. Any reasonable value of Poisson’s Ratio (for example, 0.25) is adequate.
Most methods of estimation are questionable.
Fracture Toughness
This is the Fracture Toughness for each Rock Type. Reasonable values for Fracture Toughness will have a minimal effect
on all but relatively small fractures (for example, as in so-called micro-fracture stress tests).
Composite Layering Effect
On a per-layer basis, this number is multiplied by the default Tip Effects Coefficient, which is entered on the FracproPT
3D tab of the FracproPT MODEL Parameters [SHIFT+F3] screen. Generally, this number should be left at 1. However,
in order to specify the relative tip effects for any particular layers, thereby specifying the relative degree of fracture growth
into said layers, you may enter some number other than 1. For example, if you wanted a particular Rock Type to exhibit
higher composite layering effects characteristics, you would enter a number greater than 1.
Est Ht/Len Growth
This parameter provides an estimate for the ratio of fracture height growth versus fracture length growth if the composite
layering effect would be the main driving force for fracture growth. For example, if the Composite Layering effect is set to
10, the Est Ht/Len Growth shows that for every foot the fracture grows in length, it grows about 0.32 foot in height.

Set Composite Layering Effect from

These options will only be available if 3D User-Defined is selected as the Fracture Model to Use option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Lithology Type
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect as a function of Rock Type in the Mechanical Rock Properties
Payzone Flag
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect for all zones (no matter what the Rock Type) that are not
selected as Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The Composite Layering Effect for the Pay Zones
will automatically be set to 1.0, while the value for all non-Pay Zones is set below by the entry for Composite Layering
Effect Outside Payzone.
Composite Layering Effect Outside Payzone
If Payzone Flag is selected as the Set Composite Layering Effect from option (see description above), the value for
that effect is entered here. This value will overwrite all values entered in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.

FracproPT 2007

Calculate Stress from

Select this option to calculate closure stress gradient using FracproPT’s ABC Stress Model.
Closure Stress Gradient
Select this option to calculate closure stress using the Closure Stress Gradient entered in the table.
Vertical Stress Gradient
This number is used by the ABC Stress Model to calculate stress, as well by the fracture model when simulating
horizontal fractures.
The following equation is used to model the acid-rock reaction rate, Qr, as a function of acid concentration, c:

The Chemical Rock Properties screen.

Calcite Fraction (% mass)

This is the mass percentage of calcite comprising the Rock Type.
Dolomite Fraction (% mass)
This is the mass percentage of dolomite comprising the Rock Type.
Reference Temperature
This is the reference temperature of the reaction rate parameters entered for the Rock Type).
Reaction Rate Constant
This is the reaction rate constant for the Rock Type (kr in the equation above).
Reaction Order
This is the reaction rate order for the Rock Type (m in the equation above).
Activation Energy
This is the activation energy for the Rock Type (Ea in the equation above).
Rock Embedment Strength
This Rock Type property is used in the calculation of fracture conductivity after acidizing. The default values are based on
the work of Nierode and Kruk.
Other Functions
Reset Rock Chemical Properties

FracproPT 2007

Select this function to overwrite any changes that you may have made in the chemical properties of the System Library
of Rock Types. Properties for any User Library Rock Types are not modified.

The Thermal Rock Properties screen.

Specific Gravity
This is the specific gravity for the Rock Type.
Specific Heat
This is the specific heat for the Rock Type.
Thermal Conductivity
This is the thermal conductivity for the Rock Type.
Reservoir Parameters – Additional Properties [F9]

FracproPT 2007

The Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

Reservoir Type
Select the Reservoir Type from one of the radio buttons. The choices are Single Layer or Multi Layer.
Single Layer
For Single Layer, the parameters entered and displayed on this screen apply to all the layers defined on the
If you want to enter different parameters for each layer, for example if you have significant differences in reservoir
pressure, porosity or compressibility in various payzones, you should choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type.
In most situations, choosing either Gas or Oil (depending on your reservoir) yields acceptable results.
Multi Layer
Choosing Multi-Layer allows you to set those same Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to whatever values you choose, but
now they can be set differently to each layer in the Reservoir Layer Table. As you might expect, the Reservoir LEAKOFF
PARAMETERS screen will appear somewhat different in this case.
HC Type
The type of hydrocarbons is specified here.
Gas Well
The well is used primarily to produce gas.
Oil Well
The well is used primarily to produce oil.

Leakoff Fluid Permeability Ratio, Kp/Kl

This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Reservoir Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Pressure In Fracture

FracproPT 2007

This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Layers tab.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff and calculate the actual leakoff coefficient.
Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the generally the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for
example, if the pore pressure is about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Set to Gas Defaults and Set to Oil Defaults

If you choose the buttons to Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults, the parameters on this screen are overwritten by
FracproPT. However, you can always set these parameters yourself after that by editing them individually.
Choosing Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults automatically sets a number of Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to
default values for "typical" reservoirs (that is, normally pressured, etc.). These parameters apply to all layers in the
Reservoir Layer Table.

Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.

Drainage Area
The drainage area in terms of its extent and the well spacing is specified here.
X-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the length of the fracture (that is, the x direction).
Y-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the width of the fracture (that is, the y direction).
Well Spacing
This parameter is used to calculate a pseudo-steady state PI ratio in the Fracture Design module and is linked to the
Reservoir Extent in the Production Analysis module.

Fracture Azimuth
This parameter describes the fracture orientation with respect to north, with the positive direction defined to be clockwise
(for example, 45 degrees corresponds to the NE-to-SW direction). This parameter is used only for display purposes by the
Wellbore Viewer and does not affect model results.
Suggest Viscosity and Compressibility
Pressing this button will set Pore Fluid Viscosity and Pore Fluid Compressibility (described above) to suggested values.

FracproPT 2007

Reservoir Parameters - Rock Library [F9]

This screen is used to maintain a database (library) of Rock Types with particular mechanical, chemical, and thermal
properties. There are several pre-defined rock-types included with FracproPT in the System Library, but these can be
edited, deleted, or renamed, as the user requires.

The Rock Library screen.

Add New Rock Type to List

This function opens the Select Rock Type dialog that allows you to select Rock Types from either the System Library or
User Library. This function will only be allowed if there is room in the list for a new Rock Type (a maximum of 15 are
available at any time).
Remove Rock Type from List
You can select a Rock Type from the list and then select this function to remove it from the list permanently. You will not
be able to use this function if the Rock Type you are attempting to delete is currently in use by FracproPT (you must
remove the rock type from all modes in order to be able to delete it).
Create User Defined Rock Type
This function takes you to the Mechanical ROCK PROPERTIES screen where you can enter a new Rock Type and its
properties. After entering data there, you should also go to the CHEMICAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen and the
THERMAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen to enter those properties if they are needed.
Save Rock Type to User Library
Once you have entered all the mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties of the new Rock Type, you can save it to the
User Library by selecting this function.
Delete Rock Type from User Library
Select a Rock Type from the list and use this function to delete it from the User Library.

Using General Reservoir Model

Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters

This screen is accessed only if you choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen. In this case, the parameters on this screen are entered and displayed on a layer-by-layer basis. If you want these
parameters to be the same for all layers, you should choose Gas, Oil, or User Specified as the Reservoir Type.

FracproPT 2007

The Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

These entries correspond to the layer depths shown for the Pore Fluid Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient columns in the
Reservoir Layer Table on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. The numbers cannot be changed on this screen.
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can
toggle between them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or by using the Next Interval toolbar button.
This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Frac Pressure
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the Reservoir Parameters
[F9] screen.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff.
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for example, if the
pore pressure equals about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.

FracproPT 2007

This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.
Other Functions
Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.
Set To Gas Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical gas reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To Oil Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical oil reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To User Defined
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters
screen that was used when you last choose User Specified as the Reservoir Type. You may change individual numbers

Reservoir Depletion
This screen is where you can model the change in closure stress, pore pressure, and pore-fluid compressibility that has
resulted from production in a finite region around a wellbore. For example, in an oil reservoir produced from an acid
fracture such that the region around the fracture has a pore pressure below the bubble point (that is, resulting in a higher
pore-fluid compressibility) and a lower closure stress due to the lower pore pressure.
When modeling depletion effects, you should enter the current (that is, depleted) values for closure stress on the

The Reservoir Depletion screen.

This is the distance out from the wellbore that you believe has been depleted (produced).
Original Pore Pressure

FracproPT 2007

This is the virgin pore pressure. The depleted, or current, pore pressure is entered on either the Reservoir Leakoff
Parameters screen and it is displayed below for reference.
FracproPT multiplies the change in pore pressure by 0.5 (which is a mid-range value for the so-called poro-elastic
coefficient) to determine the change in closure stress due to depletion. At a distance from the wellbore equal to the
Radius of Depletion, the closure stress entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen (that is, the current
or depleted closure stress) is increased by the change in closure stress due to depletion and the pore pressure is
increased to this Original Pore Pressure.
Depleted Pore Pressure
This is the current (that is, depleted) pore pressure that is entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen. This
number is displayed here for reference only.
Original Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the virgin pore fluid compressibility. At a distance out from the wellbore equal to the Radius of Depletion, pore fluid
compressibility decreases to this Original Pore Fluid Compressibility.

Layer Display
This screen displays the lithology (that is, Rock Type) of the reservoir and a log-style view of the following properties:
stress, permeability, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and fracture toughness.

The Layer Display screen.

Reservoir Parameters - F9
Reservoir Parameters - Rock Library [F9]
This screen is used to maintain a database (library) of Rock Types with particular mechanical, chemical, and thermal
properties. There are several pre-defined rock-types included with FracproPT in the System Library, but these can be
edited, deleted, or renamed, as the user requires.

FracproPT 2007

The Rock Library screen.

Add New Rock Type to List

This function opens the Select Rock Type dialog that allows you to select Rock Types from either the System Library or
User Library. This function will only be allowed if there is room in the list for a new Rock Type (a maximum of 15 are
available at any time).
Remove Rock Type from List
You can select a Rock Type from the list and then select this function to remove it from the list permanently. You will not
be able to use this function if the Rock Type you are attempting to delete is currently in use by FracproPT (you must
remove the rock type from all modes in order to be able to delete it).
Create User Defined Rock Type
This function takes you to the Mechanical ROCK PROPERTIES screen where you can enter a new Rock Type and its
properties. After entering data there, you should also go to the CHEMICAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen and the
THERMAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen to enter those properties if they are needed.
Save Rock Type to User Library
Once you have entered all the mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties of the new Rock Type, you can save it to the
User Library by selecting this function.
Delete Rock Type from User Library
Select a Rock Type from the list and use this function to delete it from the User Library.
General Reservoir Parameters - Layers [F9]
This screen is accessible only if you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir or General Single Scale Reservoir and
when selecting one of the 3D Models on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen.
Use General Multi-Scale Reservoir from the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen if you can assign
reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log information on other parameters. Once you
have assigned specific properties using the Logs/Layers Editor, you need to provide only a few entries for estimates of
properties on which you do not have more specific data.
Use General Single Scale Reservoir from the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen if you can assign all
reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Logs/Layers Editor, you are
ready to use the model.
This is where you define the layers and their various properties that comprise the reservoir and surrounding strata by
entering the depth to the top of each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 14 are shown at any time. Blank
rows in the table may be added by right-clicking and selecting Insert Row, and rows may be deleted by right-clicking and
selecting Delete Row or by pressing [Del].

FracproPT 2007

You must define at least three layers in each of the data tables described below and the fracture must initiate in a middle
layer. The layers where the fractures initiate (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the
WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) are highlighted yellow in the table. If you have more than one perforated
interval defined, you can cycle through them by pressing [CNTR+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
The actual depths you enter and the numbers of layers you define do not have to be identical in each of the data

The General Multi-Scale Reservoir Parameters screen.

The General Single Scale Reservoir Parameters screen.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based

FracproPT 2007

If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.
Reservoir Rock Type Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Layer Thickness
This value represents the layer thickness in TVD. This value is not editable and calculated from the top of each layer in
the Depth TVD column.
Rock Type
Enter the rock type or lithology name in each layer in this column.
Reservoir Stress Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Enter the closure stress in each layer in this column.
Reservoir Elastic Properties Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Young’s Modulus
Enter the Young's Modulus in each layer in this column.
Poisson’s Ratio
Enter the Poisson's Ratio in each layer in this column.
Fracture Toughness

FracproPT 2007

Fracture toughness for the layer based on the assigned toughness for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Composite Layering Effect
Composite layering effect for the layer based on the assigned composite layering effect for that lithology in the Rock
Properties tab.
On a per-layer basis, this number is multiplied by the default Tip Effects Coefficient, which is entered on the FracproPT
3D tab of the FracproPT MODEL Parameters [SHIFT+F3] screen. Generally, this number should be left at 1. However,
in order to specify the relative tip effects for any particular layers, thereby specifying the relative degree of fracture growth
into said layers, you may enter some number other than 1. For example, if you wanted a particular Rock Type to exhibit
higher composite layering effects characteristics, you would enter a number greater than 1.
Additional Information: Composite Layering Effects
Est Ht/Len Growth
This parameter provides an estimate for the ratio of fracture height growth versus fracture length growth if the composite
layering effect would be the main driving force for fracture growth. For example, if the Composite Layering effect is set to
10, the Est Ht/Len Growth shows that for every foot the fracture grows in length, it grows about 0.32 foot in height.
Reservoir Fluid Loss Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Pore Fluid Permeability
If you select Enter Permeability in the Fluid Loss Entry Mode options, enter the Pore Fluid Permeability for each layer
in this column. If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient, the permeability will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Leakoff Coefficient
If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient in the Fluid Loss Entry Mode options, enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for
each layer in this column. If you select Enter Permeability, the leakoff coefficient will be calculated and displayed in this
Pay Zone
Use this check box to mark all zones that you consider pay zones. This is information is used by Fracture Design Mode
and also in the calculation of the Payzone Height Coverage Ratio and Payzone Fracture Area Ratio model channels.
In Production Analysis Mode, if you use the Import Frac Interval Properties function, Permeability on the
PRODUCTION ANALYSIS Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen is the average of all the permeabilities of all zones
marked as pay zones, not just the permeability of the zone containing the perforated interval. The average permeability is
calculated as sum of kh for all zones divided by the total height of all zones:
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Depth Entry Mode
Enter TVD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Tables in terms of the true vertical depth (TVD).
Enter MD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Tables in terms of the measured depth (MD).
Fluid Loss Entry Mode
You have the choice of entering either Pore Fluid Permeability or (total) Leakoff Coefficient. Whichever one you choose to
enter, FracproPT uses a permeability-to-leakoff-coefficient relationship to calculate the other.
Enter Permeability
Select this option to enter the Pore-Fluid Permeability for each Rock Type in the Reservoir Layer Table. The
corresponding (total) Leakoff Coefficient will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Enter Leakoff Coefficient
Select this option to enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for each Rock Type in the Reservoir Layer Table. The
corresponding Pore-Fluid Permeability will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Total perforated height, whether entered by you here, or on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen in the case
where you are not modeling the wellbore, has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation
friction is calculated based solely on the flow rate and the data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION
[F8] screen.

FracproPT 2007

The perforation and initial frac depths are always entered and/or display here in terms of true vertical depth (TVD).
If you have more than one perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, you can
toggle through a display of each interval by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
For large perforated intervals, you may elect to have the fracture initiate from a line source (details of which can be
found on the Growth Parameters tab of the FracproPT MODEL PARAMETERS screen).
Depth to Top of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Top of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Top of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Depth to Bottom of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Bottom of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Bottom of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Initial Frac Depth
FracproPT always calculates this value; it is approximately the center of the zone with lowest stress found within the
perforated interval. If you want to guarantee fracture initiation from a particular zone (regardless of the stress profile and
the true perforated interval), you can make the perforated interval small enough such that you control where the simulator
initiates the fracture.
Initial Frac Depth must fall within one of the inner Rock Type layers (that is, it cannot fall within either the top layer or the
bottom layer).
This screen is where you modify the composite layering effects on various layers of rock. This screen is available only if
you choose General Reservoir in the Reservoir Options on the FRACTURE Analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen.
Define the layers and their various properties that comprise the reservoir and surrounding strata by entering the depth to
the top of each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 14 are shown at any time. Blank rows in the table may be
added by selecting a whole row and pressing [Ins], and rows may be deleted by selecting the whole row and pressing
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted yellow in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined,
you can cycle through them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
The actual depths you enter and the numbers of layers you define here do not have to coincide with the depths and
layers you enter in any other Reservoir Property Table.
Set Composite Layering Effect from
These options will only be available if 3D User-Defined is selected as the Fracture Model to Use option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Table Entry
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.
Payzone Flag
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect for all zones (no matter what the Rock Type) that are not
selected as Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The Composite Layering Effect for the Pay Zones
will automatically be set to 1.0, while the value for all non-Pay Zones is set below by the entry for Composite Layering
Effect Outside Payzone.
Composite Layering Effect Outside Payzone
If Payzone Flag is selected as the Set Composite Layering Effect from option (see description above), the value for
that effect is entered here. This value will overwrite all values entered in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.
Additional Information: Composite Layering Effects
Other Functions
Layer Display
Select this function to view the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE with the Layer Properties Template.
Logs/Layers Editor

FracproPT 2007

If a standard Log ASCII (LAS) file is available, layers can be built automatically and properties can be assigned
automatically using the Logs/Layers Editor.
Reservoir Parameters – Additional Properties [F9]

The Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

Reservoir Type
Select the Reservoir Type from one of the radio buttons. The choices are Single Layer or Multi Layer.
Single Layer
For Single Layer, the parameters entered and displayed on this screen apply to all the layers defined on the
If you want to enter different parameters for each layer, for example if you have significant differences in reservoir
pressure, porosity or compressibility in various payzones, you should choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type.
In most situations, choosing either Gas or Oil (depending on your reservoir) yields acceptable results.
Multi Layer
Choosing Multi-Layer allows you to set those same Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to whatever values you choose, but
now they can be set differently to each layer in the Reservoir Layer Table. As you might expect, the Reservoir LEAKOFF
PARAMETERS screen will appear somewhat different in this case.
HC Type
The type of hydrocarbons is specified here.
Gas Well
The well is used primarily to produce gas.
Oil Well
The well is used primarily to produce oil.

Leakoff Fluid Permeability Ratio, Kp/Kl

This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Reservoir Pore Pressure

FracproPT 2007

This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Pressure In Fracture
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Layers tab.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff and calculate the actual leakoff coefficient.
Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the generally the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for
example, if the pore pressure is about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Set to Gas Defaults and Set to Oil Defaults

If you choose the buttons to Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults, the parameters on this screen are overwritten by
FracproPT. However, you can always set these parameters yourself after that by editing them individually.
Choosing Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults automatically sets a number of Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to
default values for "typical" reservoirs (that is, normally pressured, etc.). These parameters apply to all layers in the
Reservoir Layer Table.

Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.

Drainage Area
The drainage area in terms of its extent and the well spacing is specified here.
X-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the length of the fracture (that is, the x direction).
Y-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the width of the fracture (that is, the y direction).
Well Spacing
This parameter is used to calculate a pseudo-steady state PI ratio in the Fracture Design module and is linked to the
Reservoir Extent in the Production Analysis module.

Fracture Azimuth

FracproPT 2007

This parameter describes the fracture orientation with respect to north, with the positive direction defined to be clockwise
(for example, 45 degrees corresponds to the NE-to-SW direction). This parameter is used only for display purposes by the
Wellbore Viewer and does not affect model results.
Suggest Viscosity and Compressibility
Pressing this button will set Pore Fluid Viscosity and Pore Fluid Compressibility (described above) to suggested values.

Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters

Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters [F9]

This screen, which is accessed only if 2D Model was selected on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, is
where the reservoir parameters necessary for production simulation are entered.
This is a single-layer production model, so some care must be used when entering data on this screen that adequately
describes the actual reservoir configuration. For example, the reservoir may have more than one permeable layer (which
may be more fully described in the reservoir description entered in the fracture simulation model).

The Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters screen.

Depth to Middle of Pay

This number is used to calculate flowing tubing pressure and pressure losses in the production string.
Gross Pay Thickness
This is the total interval from the top of the upper-most pay zone to the bottom of the lower-most pay zone, including
unproductive intervals in between. This is the interval over which the proppant concentration from the fracture simulation
model is averaged to find the resulting conductivity for each fracture segment.
Net Pay Thickness
This is the total height of the permeable, productive intervals contained in the Gross Pay Thickness. It is used to
calculate hydrocarbons-in-place and well productivity.
Initial Pressure
This is the pore pressure throughout the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation.
This is the reservoir permeability in the direction normal to the fracture.

FracproPT 2007

This is the porosity of the reservoir, which is entered as a fractional number less than one.
Water Saturation
FraPS allows only one mobile phase, however the immobile water phase is allowed to expand as reservoir pressure
drops. This number is entered as a fractional number less than one.
X-Direction Extent, Y-Direction Extent
X-Direction Extent is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction parallel to the fracture. You
may wish to make this number greater than Y-Direction Extent, which is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage
boundary in the direction normal to the fracture, by an amount equal to the propped-fracture length.
The following table lists values for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent for some common drainage areas.

Drainage Area X-Direction Extent Y-Direction Extent

40 acres 660 feet 660 feet

80 acres 933 feet 933 feet

160 acres 1,320 feet 1,320 feet

320 acres 1,867 feet 1,867 feet

640 acres 2,640 feet 2,640 feet

Drainage Area
This is a calculated number, based on your entries for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent.
Fracture Gradient
This number, which is also known as closure stress gradient, is used to calculate closure stress on the proppant, local
reservoir pressure, and any backstress effects.
Wellbore Effects
Wellbore Hole Diameter
This number is used to model reservoir-fluid flow near the wellbore more precisely than it would be with the default
reservoir simulation grid. "Hole" is included to emphasize that this is the hole diameter, not the casing diameter. The
default grid is generated if 0.0 is entered.
Skin Factor
This parameter is used to include skin damage effects (that is, a small region of reduced permeability around the
wellbore). Entries less than zero (indicating stimulation rather than damage) are ignored. Stimulation may be modeled
either by a fracture or by an enhanced Wellbore Hole Diameter.
Compaction Effects Table
The table of Compaction Effects located on the right side of this screen is used to allow reservoir permeability to decrease
as effective vertical stress increases with reservoir depletion. Effective stress is equal to the vertical or overburden stress
minus pore pressure.
Effective Vertical Stress
This is the "effective" vertical stress acting on the reservoir rock matrix. Effective vertical stress is equal to vertical or
overburden stress minus pore pressure.
Permeability Multiplier
This is the factor by which reservoir permeability (entered as Y-Direction Permeability on this screen) is multiplied by for
each value of effective stress. This table has no effect on proppant-pack permeability if each Permeability Multiplier is set
to 1.0.
Vertical Stress Gradient
This is the parameter that is used to calculate the exact vertical stress in the middle of the pay interval. This vertical stress
is then used to calculate the correct the correct Permeability Multiplier from the Compaction Effects Table.
Import Reservoir Data
Import Stimulation Interval Properties

FracproPT 2007

In Fracture Analysis Mode, you can define many layers of varying permeability, while in Production Analysis Mode
you can define only one productive layer. Therefore, when using the 2D reservoir model, you must somehow enter this
more limited reservoir description to adequately and accurately predict the production.
Click on the Import Frac Interval Properties button to display the Select Pay Interval Properties dialog to automatically
generate this more limited reservoir description from the Reservoir Parameters screen for you last fracture simulation.
You can select from among a number of parameters to import. Once you import the properties, you should your own
engineering judgment to determine if the imported properties are suitable for the current simulation.

Reservoir Parameters [F9] - Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters

This screen, which is accessed only if 3D Layered Analytical Model was selected on the production analysis
OPTIONS [F4] screen, is where the reservoir parameters necessary for production simulation are entered.

The Reservoir Layer Parameters screen.

Reservoir Parameters Table

Depth to Layer Top
Enter the depth to the top of each layer. This value is used to calculate flowing tubing pressure and pressure losses in the
production string.
Gross Thickness
This is the total layer thickness, including any unproductive intervals in the layer.
Net Thickness
This is the total thickness of all productive intervals in the layer. This number is used to calculate hydrocarbons-in-place
and well productivity.
Perm. (kx)
This is the reservoir permeability in the x-direction (that is, parallel to the fracture).
Perm. (ky)
This is the reservoir permeability in the y-direction (that is, perpendicular to the fracture).
Perm. (kz)
This is the vertical reservoir permeability.

FracproPT 2007

This is the porosity of the reservoir, which is entered as a fractional number less than one.
This parameter is used to include skin damage effects (that is, a small region of reduced permeability around the
wellbore). Skins less than zero (indicating stimulation rather than damage) are ignored.
Water Saturation
This parameter represents the immobile water saturation, which is entered as a fractional number less than one. This
number is used to adjust the Porosity.
This parameter, which is used by the dual-porosity model and also known as the "interporosity parameter," is proportional
to the ratio of rock permeability to fracture permeability.
This parameter, which is used by the dual-porosity model and also known as the "storativity ratio," is the ratio of the
fracture pore volume to the total reservoir pore volume.
Reservoir Shape
The shape of the reservoir is defined by selecting one three options. For each of those options, other parameters must be
entered to completely characterize the shape in terms of production simulation from that shape.
Initial Pressure – This is the pore pressure throughout the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation.
Initial Pressure – This is the pore pressure throughout the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation.
X-Direction Extent – This is the drainage distance in the direction parallel to the fracture. You may wish to make this
number greater than Y-Direction Extent by an amount equal to the propped-fracture length.
Y-Direction Extent – This is the drainage distance in the direction normal to the face of the fracture.
The following table lists values for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent for some common drainage areas.

Drainage X- Y-
Area Direction Direction
Extent Extent

40 acres 660 feet 660 feet

80 acres 933 feet 933 feet

160 1,320 1,320

acres feet feet

320 1,867 1,867

acres feet feet

640 2,640 2,640

acres feet feet

Initial Pressure – This is the pore pressure throughout the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation.
Reservoir Radius – This is the drainage distance from the wellbore to the reservoir boundary.
The following table lists values for Reservoir Radius for some common drainage areas.

Drainage Reservoir
Area Radius

80 acres 1,053 feet

160 1,489 feet


320 2,106 feet


FracproPT 2007

640 2,979 feet


FracproPT Reservoir and Fracture Data

Use Current Fractures
Use this function to have Production Analysis to use the fracture length, fracture conductivity, and reservoir properties
from the latest FracproPT simulation (for the productive layers only). The definitions for the well type (vertical or
horizontal) are not passed to Production Analysis.
Use Imported Fractures
This function is available only if Use Loaded Fractures is selected on the FRACTURE parameterS screen. When
selected, this option causes Production Analysis to use fractures from different treatments that are tagged on the
FRACTURE ParameterS screen. If any of these fractures are acid fractures, an "equivalent" propped fracture with a
conductivity profile that approximates the acid fracture conductivity is computed.


Reservoir Parameters [F9] - PVT

This screen, which is accessed if you select Manual PVT Entry on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, is
where you enter the various PVT properties needed to define the reservoir hydrocarbons.

The User-Entered PVT Properties screen.

Standard Gravity of HC Phase

This is the gas gravity for gas reservoirs or the API gravity for oil reservoirs (both at standard conditions). Gravities less
than 2.0 will automatically toggle HC Type (displayed to the right of this field) to gas.
HC Type
This field displayed the hydrocarbon type, either oil or gas, based on your input for Standard Gravity of HC Phase on this
screen. Gravities less than 2.0 will automatically toggle HC Type to gas.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the reservoir temperature used for the PVT calculations.
User-Enter PVT Table

FracproPT 2007

This is the pressure at which the other PVT properties are entered in the table.
The pressure should be entered in an increasing fashion. In other words, the lowest pressure for which you have PVT
data should do in row number one of the table and the pressure should increase as you move down in the table.
If the pressure during your simulation goes out of the range of pressures for which you have defined PVT properties,
the PVT properties for the closest pressure are used. In other words, the simulator does not try to extrapolate
properties outside the range of the table.
Formation Volume Factor
This is the volume of the mobile reservoir fluid (at reservoir conditions, for each pressure entry) divided by the volume at
standard conditions.
This parameter must decrease with increasing pressure.
Gas Deviation Factor
Also known as the z-factor, this is the ratio of the volume actually occupied by a gas at a given pressure and temperature
to the volume the gas would occupy at the same pressure and temperature if it behaved like an ideal gas. For an ideal
gas, the z-factor is one.
This is the viscosity of the mobile reservoir fluid at each pressure entry.
Solution Gas/Oil Ratio
Enter the solution gas to oil ratio of the produced fluid here.

PVT Correlations [F9]

This screen, which is accessed if you select Automatic PVT Correlations on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4]
screen, is used for entry of the PVT parameters described below.

The PVT Correlations screen.

Standard Gravity of HC Phase

FracproPT 2007

This is gas specific gravity for gas reservoirs, or API gravity for oil reservoirs, both at standard conditions. Entering values
of smaller than or equal to 1.5 for the Standard Gravity of HC Phase will automatically toggle the HC (Hydrocarbon)
Type to gas, as displayed to the right of this field. Entering values of greater than or equal to 10.0 for the Standard
Gravity of HC Phase will toggle the HC Type to oil. For oil reservoirs, the equation to convert from specific gravity (SG)
to API gravity is as follows:
API gravity=141.5/SG-131.5.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the temperature used for the PVT calculations.
Minimum Pressure
This is the minimum pressure expected during the simulation.
Maximum Pressure
This is the maximum pressure expected during the simulation (normally, the initial reservoir pressure).
These are the fraction mol-% concentrations for Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Hydrogen Sulfide used by the PVT
correlations. These impurities are valid only when simulating for gas reservoirs.
Oil Properties
Bubble Point and Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio are mutually exclusively used to calculate PVT correlations for oil
reservoirs: If both are non-zero, Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio is used. Solution Gas Gravity is also required for oil PVT
Multiple Fractures - Shift + F7

Multiple Fractures [SHIFT+F7]

This screen allows you to model the effects of multiple fractures in a table where you specify, at each point in time, how
many fractures are taking fluid (that is, propagating), how many fractures are losing fluid, and how many fractures are
propagating in parallel.
Modeling the simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic fractures is somewhat tricky and should only be used with solid
engineering judgment and assumptions. As such, you should only use this screen if you have a good understanding of the
implications of such an assumption and an understanding of exactly how the MULTIPLE FRACTURES screen works.

• What are multiple fractures?

• When do multiple fractures occur?
• What are the implications of multiple fractures?

FracproPT 2007

The Multiple Fractures screen.

Multiple Fracture Table

Enter the Time at which one or more of the multiple fracture factors takes effect. You can configure multiple fractures so
that they vary with time or so that they are constant in time.
Volume Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are propagating (that is, taking fluid), with the volume split evenly between
the fractures. For example, a value of 2 means that two identical fractures are being propagated.
Leakoff Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are leaking off fluid. For example, a value of 2 means that there are two
fractures are leaking off equal amounts of fluid, which is twice the amount that would occur if the value were 1.
This parameter can be used to simulated phenomena like pressure dependent leakoff.
Opening Factor
This parameter determines how many (parallel) fractures are propagating and competing for the same opening space,
hence driving up net pressure.

FracproPT 2007

The process of determining what values to enter for the three multiple fracture factors and for the time at which the
various factors should become active can sometimes be confusing. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you
verify what you are attempting to model by constructing a time-based plot of one or more of the factors for visual

Rules for Multiple Fractures

FracproPT has multiple-fracture "rules" set up for two common perforation strategies to make simulating them with
multiple fractures easier.
No rules
This is the default option. Select it to allow entry of the multiple fracture parameters in whatever manner you see fit.
Distributed limited-entry perforations
This option is for limited-entry perforations that are distributed over a relatively large interval with homogeneous
properties. View an additional explanation of this option.
This option can be a good alternative for the sometimes-cumbersome option of defining multiple perforated intervals
on the Wellbore Configuration [F7] screen and choosing the Limited Entry Iteration option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Point source perforations
This option is for short perforated intervals (for example, wells that are "cluster perforated" or horizontal/deviated wells
that are treated in multiple stages. View an additional explanation of this option.

Other Functions
Reset to Defaults
Select this option to reset all entries in the Multiple Fracture Table to default values, which assumes growth of a single
Fluid & Proppant Data

Fluid Selection - F5

Fluid and Proppant Selection - Fluid Selection [F5]

Pinnacle has introduced a new methodology to determine a hydraulic fracture design that is based on what treatment is
required to optimally stimulate the reservoir. This Fluid Selection tab provides functionality to help the user select the
proper fluid for the fracture treatment.

FracproPT 2007

Fluid Selection tab of the Fluid and Proppant Selection screen

Brief Instructions
Pinnacle’s Fracture Design Mode has been completely redesigned to introduce a new methodology for determining an
optimal pump schedule for a given reservoir. The Fluid Selection screen provides a way to automatically select a fracture
treatment fluid. FracproPT has internal fluid libraries containing numerous fluid systems from the 3 major service
companies, as well as other "general" fluids and any fluids that users may input themselves.

ƒ First, the user inputs a Minimum Apparent Viscosity (including the shear rate and time-of-interest) as
the primary Fluid Selection Criteria, which reflects the minimum viscosity that the user requires to keep
proppant in suspension within the fracture. Reservoir Temperature can be entered or edited on this
screen, but it is also editable on other screens as well. Average Permeability is calculated automatically
as the weighted-by-height permeability of all Pay Zones (as selected in the Reservoir Layer Table on the
Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen). Reservoir Pressure is input on another screen, but it is shown here
for reference. Additional proprietary fluid-selection criteria are available for some companies.
ƒ The next step is to make a Library Selection and a Vendor Selection such that only those fluids in which
you are interested are available. Note that you can select All for both of these criteria such that all fluids
are available.
ƒ Every time you make a change to any of the parameters above, the Qualifying Fluids table shows and
updates the fluid Vendor and System information, as well as Minimum Gel Loading, Apparent
Viscosity, and Fluid Cost information, for the minimum gel loading of all of the fluids systems that meet
the Fluid Selection Criteria. Fluids are sorted by cost in $/gal, but this information is not available for all
fluids. To sort on other parameters in the table, just click on the column header, and the arrow in the
header will indicate sorting in ascending or descending order.
ƒ Once the Qualifying Fluids table is filled with different fluids, the user can browse through the list and put
the cursor on the desired fluid, and then finally select that fluid using the Add button to move the fluid to
the Selected Fluids table.
ƒ Fluid properties can be edited using the Edit Design Fluid function, which activates the Edit/View
Interpolated Fluid Data [Shift-F5] screen. Frictional and rheological fluid properties of the selected fluid
can be viewed graphically using the App. Visc vs Time and Friction Pressure vs Rate functions.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ After selecting a fluid for the pump schedule, go to the Proppant Selection tab to select an appropriate
proppant. If no fluid was selected, FracproPT will not allow you to move to any other screen or tab.
Fluid Selection Criteria
Reservoir Temperature
This parameter is the same as the one entered for Reservoir Temperature at Frac Center Depth on the Heat Transfer
Parameters [Shift+F9] screen; if you change the value here, it will be changed in both screens.
Minimum Apparent Viscosity
This is the primary fluid-selection criteria; this number reflects the minimum viscosity that the user requires to keep
proppant in fluid suspension within the fracture. The default value for this parameter is 200 centipoise, at 40 reciprocal-
seconds, after 1 hour, however you may changes these parameters as desired to meet your own criteria.
Average Permeability
The parameter is read only. It is calculated using information on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. Namely, for all
the zones where the Pay Zone checkbox is selected, the product of permeability and height is summed, and then divided
by the sum of all heights. In other words, permeability is weighted by zone thickness.
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Reservoir Pressure
The parameter is read only. It is calculated using information on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. Namely, for all
the zones where the Pay Zone checkbox is selected, the product of reservoir pressure and height is summed, and then
divided by the sum of all heights. In other words, reservoir pressure is weighted by zone thickness.
(Average) Reservoir Pressure=ΣPh/Total Height
Library and Vendor Selection
Fluid Library
This field contains a drop-down list of the fluid libraries available for use: The choices available are All, System, User, and
This field contains a drop-down list of the fluid vendors available for use: The choices available are BJ Services, Dowell
Schlumberger, Halliburton, and Miscellaneous.
Control Functions
Manual Fluid Selection
This function allows you manually select fluids from among all of FracproPT’s fluid libraries.
Edit Design Fluid
Fluid properties of the selected design fluid can be edited using this function, which activates the Edit/View
Interpolated Fluid Data [Shift+F5] screen.
Select Fluid for Design
Once the Fluid Selection Results table is filled with different fluids, you can browse through the list and put the cursor on
the fluid that you want to select. The selection can be executed using the Select Fluid for Design function, which causes
that fluid to be highlighted in yellow. This fluid will be used throughout the remainder of the fracture design process.
Select Backup Fluid for Design
You can also select a backup fluid, which can be used for comparison purposes later in the design process.
Fluid System
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the fluid "system" of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for
the fracture design.
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the vendor of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for the
fracture design.
Minimum Gel Loading
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the minimum gel loading of all the fluids found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Apparent Viscosity
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the apparent viscosity of all the fluids found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.

FracproPT 2007

Fluid Cost
This column of the Qualifying Fluids table shows the cost of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for the
fracture design.
Please note that this information is not available for most fluids at this point. In order to make this available, you can
either edit the FracproPT.fld file in the FracproPT "system" folder with a text editor and enter a price for the different
fluid systems if your local service company has made these prices available to you. Also, you can enter the price of a
fluid in the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA [SGIFT+F5] screen, Other Properties tab.

Move Up
Moves highlighted fluid upward in Selected Fluids table.
Move Down
Moves highlighted fluid downward in Selected Fluids table.
Add highlighted fluid in Qualifying Fluids table to the Selected Fluids table.
Removes highlighted fluid from Selected Fluids table.
Add Fluid from Library
Opens library screen to add a fluid to the Selected Fluids table.
Fluid System
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the fluid "system" of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for
the fracture design.
The first fluid in the table is highlighted in yellow, indicating that this is the main fluid for further design calculations.
Other fluids in this table can be used for quick comparison (although this feature is not yet functional for fluids in
FracproPT version 10.3).
If a fluid property is highlighted in red, this indicates that this property does not properly qualify, despite the fact that it
was selected by the user.
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the vendor of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for the
fracture design.
Minimum Gel Loading
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the minimum gel loading of all the fluids found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Apparent Viscosity
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the apparent viscosity of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified
for the fracture design.
Fluid Cost
This column of the Selected Fluids table shows the cost of all the fluids found to meet the criteria specified for the
fracture design.
Please note that this information is not available for most fluids at this point. In order to make this available, you can
either edit the FracproPT.fld file in the FracproPT "system" folder with a text editor and enter a price for the different
fluid systems if your local service company has made these prices available to you. Also, you can enter the price of a
fluid in the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA [SGIFT+F5] screen, Other Properties tab.
Apparent Viscosity versus Time
This function displays a plot of Apparent Viscosity versus Time for the fluid to be used in the design process.
Friction Pressure versus Rate
This function displays a plot of Friction Pressure versus Flow Rate for the fluid to be used in the design process.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Selection - F5

Fluid and Proppant Selection - Proppant Selection [F5]

Pinnacle has introduced a new methodology to determine a hydraulic fracture design that is based on what treatment is
required to optimally stimulate the reservoir. This Proppant Selection tab provides functionality to help the user select a
proper proppant for the fracture treatment.

Proppant Selection tab of the Fluid and Proppant Selection screen

Brief Instructions
Pinnacle’s Fracture Design Mode has been completely redesigned to introduce a new methodology for determining an
optimal pump schedule for a given reservoir. The Proppant Selection screen provides a way to automatically select a
proppant for the fracture treatment. FracproPT has internal proppant libraries containing many proppants from the major
proppant vendors, as well as other "general" proppants and any proppants that users may input themselves.
1. First, Closure Stress and Average Payzone Permeability are calculated automatically as the weighted-
by-layer-height average of those properties in all Pay Zones (as selected in the Layers tab on the
Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen). The difference between the Closure Stress and Bottomhole
Flowing Pressure determines the Effective Stress on Proppant during production; FracproPT
determines the proppant permeability under these effective stress conditions.
2. Next, the user must also account for the Proppant Damage (including, if applicable, the so-called
apparent damage) to the proppant permeability from all flow-related and non-flow-related phenomena,
which is represented by the Total Damage Factor that FracproPT calculates and displays here. The
Total Damage Factor results from the effects of Proppant Embedment and Proppant Perm Damage.
• An approximation of Proppant Embedment effects on fracture conductivity can be made using a
StimLab correlation that is based on Young’s Modulus; this effect is based on the number of proppant
layers embedded in one fracture face, which can be input directly or suggested by FracproPT.
• Select Proppant Perm Damage to access the Proppant Perm Damage screen where multiple
causes of this damage (or apparent damage) is modeled (see Help for that screen for more details on
how this is done).

FracproPT 2007

1. The next step is to make a Proppant Library Selection and a Proppant Type Selection such that only
those proppants in which you are interested are available. Note that you can select All for both of these
criteria such that all proppants are available.
2. After the proppant-selection criteria are set and the required libraries and vendors are selected, the
Qualifying Proppants table will automatically update.
• The Qualifying Proppants table shows the proppant Vendor and System information, as well as
Mesh Size, Conductivity for 2 Pounds/Square-Foot, Proppant Cost, and Conductivity Cost
information, for all of the proppants (can be up to 100) that meet the Proppant Selection Criteria.
The proppants are sorted in terms of cost per unit fracture conductivity, with the lowest listed first and
highlighted in yellow.
• Proppants are also filtered to be of a median proppant diameter that is equal to or smaller than 6
times the smallest perf diameter size specified on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen.
This admittance criterion is determined in various publications and, if adhered to, can minimize
proppant bridging at the perforations. Proppant costs were taken from StimLab’s SLFrac (Version
2.21, November 2000) and have been multiplied by a factor of 1.25 to reflect changes in proppant
pricing. However, please check with you local vendor to determine the actual proppant price and
discount, since it can greatly vary with location and availability.
1. Once the Qualifying Proppants table is filled with different proppants, the user can browse through the list
and put the cursor on the desired proppant, and then finally select that proppant using the Add button to
move it to the Selected Proppants table. The first proppant in the Selected Proppants table will be used
throughout the fracture design process.
Closure Stress
This parameter is determined automatically: it is the weighted average of the stresses in all Pay Zones selected on the
Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The difference between the Closure Stress and the Bottomhole Flowing Pressure
determines the effective stress on the proppant during production, which is the condition under which FracproPT will
determine the proppant permeability.
Bottomhole Flowing Pressure
Enter the expected bottomhole flowing pressure in this field. The difference between the Closure Stress and the
Bottomhole Flowing Pressure determines the effective stress on the proppant during production, which is the condition
under which FracproPT will determine the proppant permeability. This pressure has a wide range of values that may
depend on gathering-system line pressure, reservoir or proppant sensitivity to the drawdown pressure, or some other
production-related constraint. This pressure will always be less than reservoir pressure and it may be as low as a few tens
or hundreds of psi (above zero) in low-permeability gas wells.
Average Payzone Permeability
This parameter is determined automatically: it is the weighted average of the permeabilities in all Pay Zones selected on
the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen.
Minimum Proppant Permeability after Damage
The difference between the Closure Stress and the Bottomhole Flowing Pressure determines the effective stress on
the proppant during production, which is the condition under which FracproPT will determine the proppant permeability. In
this field you enter the minimum permeability that you are willing to accept in your fracture design. The default value for
this parameter is 100 Darcy.
Proppant Damage
Proppant Damage Factor
This the damage factor resulting from non-flow-related proppant damage, such as gel residue.
Apparent Damage Factor (Non-Darcy, Multi-Phase Flow)
This is the apparent damage due to non-Darcy and multi-phase flow. In order to see a value here, you must select non-
Darcy flow in the PROPPANT PERM DAMAGE screen, and specify an expected production rate.
Total Damage Factor
This is the parameter actually used in FracproPT to calculate fracture conductivity and dimensions fracture conductivity.
This the total damage factor applied to the proppant permeability, which is calculated automatically from the damage
factors resulting from non-flow-related (that is, the Proppant Damage Factor) and flow-related (that is, the Apparent
Damage Factor) phenomena if you so specify; those damage factors are specified on the proppant perm damage
This damage factor is shown on this screen in read-only format.
Proppant Perm Damage

FracproPT 2007

Select this function to go to the proppant perm damage screen where you can enter information and select options,
including non-Darcy and multiphase flow effects, related to the calculation of proppant conductivity in the fractures
during production.
Library and Vendor Selection
Proppant Library
This field contains a drop-down list of the proppant libraries available for use: The choices available are All, System, User,
and Proprietary.
This field contains a drop-down list of the proppant vendors available for use: The choices available are All, Unimin,
Unimin/Oglebay, Colorado Silica Sand, Sibelco, Badger Mining, Arizona Silica Sand, Borden Chemical, Santrol, Carbo
Ceramics, Norton Alcoa, Sintex, and Generic.
Control Functions
Search Proppants
Once you have entered all necessary Proppant Selection Criteria, Proppant Damage information, and made selections
in the Proppant Library and Vendor fields, select this function to search among the selected proppants for the ones that
meet the criteria. Those proppants, if any, will be listed in the Proppant Selection Results table.
Manual Proppant Selection
This function allows you manually select proppants from among all of FracproPT’s proppant libraries.
Select Proppant for Design
Once the Proppant Selection Results table is filled with different proppants, you can browse through the list and put the
cursor on the proppant that you want to select. The selection can be executed using the Use Proppant for Design
function, which causes that proppant to be moved into row 1 and then highlighted in yellow. This proppant will be used
throughout the remainder of the fracture design process.
Select Backup Proppant for Design
You can also select a backup proppant, which can be used for comparison purposes later in the design process.
Edit Design Proppant
Proppant properties of the selected design proppant can be edited using this function, which activates the Edit/View
proppant library screen.
Proppant System
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the proppant "system" of all the proppants found to meet the
criteria specified for the fracture design.
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the vendor of all the proppants found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Mesh Size
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the mesh size of all the proppants found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Conductivity for 2 Pounds/Square-Foot
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the conductivity (at 2 lb/square-ft) of all the proppants found
to meet the criteria specified for the fracture design.
Proppant Cost
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the cost (per pound) of all the proppants found to meet the
criteria specified for the fracture design.
Conductivity Cost
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the cost (per mD-ft of conductivity) of all the proppants
found to meet the criteria specified for the fracture design.

Move Up
Moves highlighted fluid upward in Selected Proppants table.
Move Down
Moves highlighted fluid downward in Selected Proppants table.

FracproPT 2007

Add highlighted fluid in Qualifying Fluids table to the Selected Proppants table.
Removes highlighted fluid from Selected Proppants table.
Add Fluid from Library
Opens library screen to add a fluid to the Selected Proppants table.
Proppant System
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the proppant "system" of all the proppants found to meet the
criteria specified for the fracture design.
The first proppant in the table is highlighted in yellow, indicating that this is the main fluid for further design
calculations. Other proppants in this table can be used for Proppant Comparison in the Economic Optimization
If a proppant property is highlighted in red, this indicates that this property does not properly qualify, despite the fact
that it was selected by the user.
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the vendor of all the proppants found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Mesh Size
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the mesh size of all the proppants found to meet the criteria
specified for the fracture design.
Conductivity for 2 Pounds/Square-Foot
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the conductivity (at 2 lb/square-ft) of all the proppants found
to meet the criteria specified for the fracture design.
Proppant Cost
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the cost (per pound) of all the proppants found to meet the
criteria specified for the fracture design.
Conductivity Cost
This column of the Proppant Selection Results table shows the cost (per mD-ft of conductivity) of all the proppants
found to meet the criteria specified for the fracture design.

Fluid Properties

Fluid Data – Fluid Friction Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual wellbore-friction data used by the simulator for any of the fluids
listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the wellbore-friction data are interpolated or taken
directly from the two Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the
service companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The effects of proppant on fluid friction are handled on the Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction screen. However,
the changes in friction associated with the addition of nitrogen or carbon dioxide for foamed fluids is not handled
automatically and you must make those corrections in the data shown on this screen. There are some foamed fluids
stored in the System Fluid Library, but you should contact the service company to obtain friction pressure estimates for
the specific foamed fluids you are using.
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE Analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, the wellbore-
friction parameters are displayed in blue on this screen and cannot accessed.

FracproPT 2007

The Fluid Friction Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the friction properties of another fluid listed on the
Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.
Selected Wellbore Segment
Segment Number
This is the wellbore segment number for which wellbore friction data are currently displayed. Segment Number
corresponds to the entries on the Path Summary tab of the Wellbore Configuration [F7] screen, which are also
displayed directly below this field for reference.
To view the configuration and the friction data for a different wellbore segment, you can either enter a segment number
directly in the field, or you may use the Previous Segment and Next Segment functions described below.
Previous Segment
Select this function to view the configuration and the friction data for the previous wellbore segment.
Next Segment

FracproPT 2007

Select this function to view the configuration and the friction data for the next wellbore segment.
Friction Data for Selected Fluid and Wellbore Segment
Three points of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data are shown for each Selected Fluid in each Selected Wellbore
Segment. The first and second flow-rate/pressure points define the laminar-flow regime, while the second and third points
define the turbulent-flow regime.
This the flow rate for which friction pressure, P, is measured.
This is the friction pressure corresponding to the flow rate, Q.
This the actual friction pressure (that is, the effective friction pressure) that the model will actually use when you select
Use Multiplier as the Wellbore Friction Modification Mode. It is the product of the Friction Multiplier and the friction
pressure, P.
Wellbore Friction Modification Mode
These controls facilitate two methods by which you may change the wellbore friction parameters:

ƒ If you select Use Multiplier, you can enter a value for Friction Multiplier to change all friction pressure (P)
values by the same factor. This method preserves the shape of the wellbore friction vs. flow-rate curve,
essentially shifting it up or down.
ƒ If you select Set Individual Values, you can change all of data points individually (both flow rate and friction
Plot Data
Friction Pressure vs. Rate
Select this function to plot friction-pressure versus flow-rate data for the Selected Wellbore Segment. You have the option
of plotting this data for either the Selected Fluid or All Fluids.
Other Functions
Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Data – Fluid Rheology Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual rheology data used by the simulator for any of the fluids listed on
the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the rheology data are interpolated or taken directly from the
two Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies)
and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The changes in rheology associated with the addition of nitrogen or carbon dioxide for foamed fluids is not handled
automatically, therefore you must make those corrections in the data shown on this screen. There are some foamed
fluids stored in the System Fluid Library, but you should contact the service company to obtain rheology estimates for
the specific foamed fluids you are using.
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

FracproPT 2007

The Fluid Rheology Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the rheology properties of another fluid listed on the
Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.
Rheology for Selected Fluid
In-fracture rheology data for the current fluid (n' and K' as functions of time, at the current reservoir temperature) are
shown in this table. Notice that there is room in the rheology table for five different entries (that is, n' and K' at five different
times), while the rheology data taken from the Fluid Libraries consists of only two entries. This is so that you can enter a
more detailed rheology time-history if it is available (for example, for fluids that have been more fully investigated in a
This is the time (at temperature) for which n’ and K’ are measured.
This is the flow behavior index for the Selected Fluid at the current Time and Reservoir Temperature.

FracproPT 2007

This is the consistency index for the Selected Fluid at the current Time and Reservoir Temperature.
In Wellbore
Just below the five-row Rheology Data Table there are fields to enter values of n' and K' for the fluid while it is still in the
wellbore. For example, a crosslinked fluid would typically not be crosslinked until it was in the fracture. The In Wellbore
rheology values default to the initial n' and K' values from the table, which is correct for a linear gel. For a crosslinked gel,
you should enter the correct values.
The In Wellbore rheology is used for only two purposes:
• In the Keck Correlation for calculating the effect of proppant on wellbore friction (see the Proppant
Effects on Wellbore Friction screen).
• For display purposes on the Wellbore Profile [Alt+F9] screen.
Apparent Viscosity Calculator
Enter a Time and a Shear Rate to display the Apparent Viscosity of the Displayed Fluid at the current Reservoir
Reservoir Temperature
This parameter is entered either on the Heat Transfer Parameters [SHIFT+F9] or Reservoir Parameters [F9] screens
and is displayed here for reference.
Plot Data
n' vs. Time
Select this function to plot n’ data as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected
Fluid or All Fluids. You can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
K’ vs. Time
Select this function to plot K’ data as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected
Fluid or All Fluids. You can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
Apparent Viscosity vs. Time
Select this function to plot apparent viscosity data (evaluated at the Shear Rate entered in the Apparent Viscosity
Calculator) as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected Fluid or All Fluids. You
can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
Other Functions
Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Data – Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual fluid-loss and thermal properties used by the simulator for any of
the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the data are taken directly from the two
Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the
User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

FracproPT 2007

The Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.
Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity
This is a measure of the fluids’ conductive heat transfer ability (in units of btu/foot-hour-°F).
Specific Heat
For engineering purposes, this is essentially the heat capacity of the fluid, which is a measure of the heat transfer required
to increase a "unit mass" of the fluid by 1 degree (in units of btu/pound-°F).
Fluid Density
This is the total density of the clean fluid (including all the fluid additives) in the units of specific gravity (for example, pure
water at 4 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 1.0). This parameter is extremely important in modeling the
hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Most water-based fracturing fluids have densities very close to 1.01. When using
fracturing fluids with different densities, be sure to enter the actual density for each fluid.

FracproPT 2007

The effects of proppant and foam on hydrostatic wellbore pressure are handled automatically.
Wall Building Coefficient
Wall Building Coefficient
The Wall Building Coefficient is used to model the additional resistance to fluid leakoff created by the polymer filter-cake
that builds up on the fracture walls as fluid leaks off. Wall Building Coefficient is entered in units of feet/square-root-
minute, as given by service company fluid manuals (that is, with 1,000 psi of pressure across the filter-cake). Select here
for additional information on the wall-building coefficient.

If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will see entries for low (1md) and high-perm (1,000 md) wall building coefficients (read additional information
on these parameters).
The wall-building coefficient for low perm (1 mD) will normally always be around 0.003 for 180 °F but will adjust with
temperature slightly (higher number with higher temperature). Fluids without filtercakes are typically modeled using higher
spurt values.
The wall-building coefficient for high perm (1,000 mD) will typically be very large for linear gels (for example, 0.1), while it
is typically very close to the low perm (1 mD) value for crosslinked fluids.
Enter 0.0 to model no wall building effects.
Other Fluid Loss Properties
Spurt Loss
This parameter is defined as the amount of fluid that must leak off (per unit area) before a contiguous filter-cake begins to
form. Spurt loss (defined at 1 md and 1,000 psi) will range from 0.003 to 0.006 for most borate crosslinked fluids. The
higher the gel loading and viscosity, the lower the value. Spurt loss ranges from 0.005 to 0.009 for most metal crosslinked
systems (Ti/Zr, etc.). Values range from 0.01 to 0.02 for linear gels, while fluids without filtercakes can be modeled using a
value of 10. Read additional information on spurt loss.
Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity
This parameter is the viscosity of the fluid leaking off from the fracture (that is, the filtrate fluid). This value is typically
close to that of water at the leakoff temperature.
Dynamic Equilibrium Fluid Loss Coefficient
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will have access to this parameter. This parameter accounts for filtercake removal due to the shear forces
applied by fluid/proppant flow in the fracture.
This parameter is set at the conditions of 1 mD, 1,000 psi, 50 1/seconds, and 180 degrees F. The value is 0.0 for non-
crosslinked fluids, while it ranges from 0.0 to 0.0007 (feet/minute) for borate crosslinked fluids and 0.0 to 0.0015 for metal
crosslinked fluids. An initial guess of 0.0005 is good for borate fluids, while a guess of 0.0008 would be best for metal
crosslinked fluids. The higher the polymer loading and viscosity, the greater the value will become.
Filtercake Compressibility Exponent
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will have access to this parameter, which should always be around 0.2 for all polymer fluids.
Particulate Loss Additive
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you have access to this selection. If you activate this option, the effect of reduced fluid loss due to particulate
additives will be modeled.
Leakoff Parameters Reference Table
This table displays, for the current fluid, the effect of the Wall Building Coeff on the Total Leakoff Coeff. The Depth, Pore
Fluid Perm, and Reservoir Leakoff Coeff are taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen and are displayed
in the table. The resulting Total Leakoff Coeff for each individual layer (which is a combination of the Reservoir Leakoff
Coeff and the Wall Building Coeff) is also displayed in the table. Only 10 layers are displayed in the table at any one time,
but up to a maximum of 100 can be accessed using the scroll bar.
The displayed Total Leakoff Coeff is for the current fluid only, and it is not necessarily representative of the overall leakoff
of a treatment if other fluids are also used. Note that a given Wall Building Coeff may dramatically affect the Total Leakoff
Coeff in a higher permeability zone while having a negligible effect on the Total Leakoff Coeff in a lower permeability
Other Functions
Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Library Data – Friction Data

FracproPT 2007

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data for the Selected Fluid, for a number
of different wellbore configurations. Three points of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data are shown: The first and second
flow-rate/pressure points define the laminar-flow regime, while the second and third points define the turbulent-flow
regime. There are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service
companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The wellbore-friction data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Those data
are taken directly from this screen if the current wellbore configuration corresponds to one of the configurations for which
data are entered. If the current wellbore configuration does not correspond to one of the configurations in the tables on
this screen, the friction data are interpolated.

The Friction Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Tubing and Casing Data

This table shows the library entries (three points each) of Friction Pressure (P) versus Flow Rate (Q) for a number of
Casing or Tubing ID’s.
Annulus Data
This table shows the library entries (three points each) of Friction Pressure (P) versus Flow Rate (Q) for a number of
Casing ID-Tubing OD annuli.
Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.
To change the friction-pressure versus flow-rate data interpolated from this screen and actually used by the simulator,
you must go to the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made
to the data are saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

FracproPT 2007

Fluid Library Data – Rheology Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of n’ and K’ data at five different times for the Selected Fluid, for a number of
different reservoir temperatures. There are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to
Pinnacle by the service companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The rheology data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Those data are
taken directly from this screen if the current reservoir temperature corresponds to one of the temperatures for which data
are entered. If the reservoir temperature does not correspond to one of the table entries on this screen, the rheology data
are interpolated.

The Rheology Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Rheology Data
This table shows the library entries (five points each) of Flow Behavior Index (n’) and Consistency Index (K’) for a number
of (reservoir) Temperatures.
Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.

FracproPT 2007

To change the rheology data interpolated from this screen and actually used by the simulator, you must go to the
Fluid Rheology Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made to the data are
saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

Fluid Library Data – Fluid Loss and Thermal Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of a number of fluid loss and thermal properties for the Selected Fluid. There
are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the
User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The fluid loss and thermal data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Unlike
the friction and rheology data, those data are always taken directly from this screen (that is, there is no need to interpolate
from the data on this screen).

The Fluid Loss and Thermal Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Wall Building Coefficient
Wall Building Coefficient

FracproPT 2007

The Wall Building Coefficient is used to model the additional resistance to fluid leakoff created by the polymer filter-cake
that builds up on the fracture walls as fluid leaks off. Wall Building Coefficient is entered in units of feet/square-root-
minute, as given by service company fluid manuals (that is, with 1,000 psi of pressure across the filter-cake).
Click here for additional information on the wall-building coefficient.
Enter 0.0 to model no wall building effects.
Other Fluid Loss Properties
Spurt Loss
This parameter is defined as the amount of fluid that must leak off (per unit area) before a contiguous filter-cake begins to
form. Spurt Loss is generally not a parameter that plays a significant role in hydraulic fracturing. Values for Spurt Loss can
be obtained for different fluids from service company fluid-data books. Spurt Loss not only changes with fluid type,
additives, temperature, etc., but it also changes over the range of formation permeability.
Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity
Enter the viscosity of the leakoff fluid in this field, which is typically around 1 centipoise.
Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity
Enter the thermal conductivity of the fluid in this field. A typical value for this parameter in oil field units is 0.3.
Specific Heat
Enter the specific heat of the fluid in this field. A typical value in oil field units is around 1.0.
Fluid Density
This is the total density of the clean fluid (including all the fluid additives) in the units of specific gravity (for example, pure
water at 4 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 1.0). This parameter is extremely important in modeling the
hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Most water-based fracturing fluids have densities very close to 1.01. When using
fracturing fluids with different densities, be sure to enter the actual density for each fluid.
Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.
To change the fluid loss and thermal data read directly from this screen and actually used by the simulator, you must
go to the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made
to the data are saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

Proppant Properties

Proppant Data
The Proppant Data screen is accessed by:

• clicking on the Edit Current Proppant button in the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant
- F5 screen
• selecting from the main menu Data > Fluids and Proppantns > Select Proppant
This screen is where properties of the current proppant are viewed, edited and, optionally, saved for future re-use. Other
proppants from the proppant list may be viewed by selecting the desired proppant in the Proppant Identifier drop-down
The proppant list is shown on the the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant - F5 screen if you are in Fracture
Analysis Mode, Fracture Design Mode, or Economic Optimization Mode: it is shown on the Proppant Selection screen if
you are Production Analysis Mode.
There are two libraries, the System Library and the User Library.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Data screen

Selected Proppant
• Name: The common, unique name of the proppant.
• Vendor: The vendor of the proppant.
(for example, Atlas, Badger, Borden, Borovichi, Carbo, Curimbaba, Fores, Hepworth-Sibelco, Hexion)
• System: The system of the proppant.
(for example, Accupak, AcPack, Arizona Sand, Atlas CRC Premium, Atlas PRC, Atlas PRC Premium,
Badger Frac, Badger Sand, Badger Special Cut)
• Mesh Size: The minimum and maximum sieve mesh.
(for example, 6/12, 8/12, 8/16, 10/20, 12/18, 12/20, 14/20, 16/20, 16/30, 16/40, 18/30, 18/40, 20/40,
25/50, 30/50, 30/60, 40/60, 40/70, 70/140)
• Source: The source of the proppant data.
• compiled from various sources (generally based on the most reliable proppant data that is
• vendor’s documentation (that is, not published on their World Wide Web site).
• Stim-Lab 6.0
• Stim-Lab 1999.
• unknown (typically historic data).
• web site: The vendor’s World Wide Web site.
User-defined fluids do not have a "Source" entry (that is, it is blank).
• Status: This field displays a message indicating from which Proppant Library the data for the
Selected Proppant comes and whether or not it has been modified from library values.
proppant source

FracproPT 2007

• Cost: This is the cost of the proppant in dollars per pound, which is used for reports only.
• Bulk Density: This is the bulk density of the proppant, which typically measures about 100 lb/ft^3 for
sand, and 110-150 lb/ft^3 for manufactured proppants.
• Packed Porosity: This is the porosity of the proppant in a closed fracture. This value is calculated
from the Bulk Density and Specific Gravity.
• Specific Gravity: This property is calculated from the Proppant Bulk Density and the Packed
Proppant Porosity.
• Turbulence Coeff a / b at Low / High Stress: These are the coefficients that are used in the
correlation of Forcheimer's beta coefficient with proppant permeability (see the Cooke reference in
Technical References).
• Threshold Stress: This is a threshold value to distinguish between low and high stress for the
Turbulence Coeff a / b. If the stress is less than the threshold stress, Turbulence Coeff a / b Low
Stress are used. Otherwise, Turbulence Coeff a / b High Stress are used.
• Diameter: This is the average grain diameter of the proppant.
If the diameter is less than the value entered in the Proppant Diameter Greater Than field on the Proppant Model tab
of the Fracpropt Model Parameters screen (the default is 0.0125 inches), the proppant is ignored for calculations of
propped dimensions, but it is considered in calculating wellbore friction and hydrostatic head. This function is useful
for modeling proppant slugs.
• Width at 2 PSF: This is the width as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Width Correction a: The width reduction as a function of the effective stress on proppant for a 2
lbs/ft proppant pack. This data comes from a StimLab correlation.
• Width Correction b: Initial width correction at 2000 psi as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Stress Cycle Exponent:

Proppant Permeability" = "Proppant Permeability" × "Number of stress cycles" ^ "Stress Cycle
where "Number of stress cycles" can be entered in the Proppant Perm Damage screen in the
Additional Damage Effects section after enabling Include effect of stress cycles on proppant
permeability checkbox.
• Proppant Type: This refers to the general classification of the proppant (that is, Sand, Resin Coated
Sand, Ceramic, Low Density Ceramic, Medium Density Ceramic, High Density Ceramic, Resin
Coated Low Density Ceramic, Resin Coated Medium Density Ceramic, Resin Coated High Density
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, the Proppant Type is automatically set to
• Proppant Coating: This refers to the type of proppant coating. The temperature correction for
proppant permeability is only used when the Proppant Coating is set to Precured or Curable.
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, Proppant Coating is automatically set to None.
Proppant Permeability Versus Effective Stress Table
Data in this table are used by ReservoirPT to determine how proppant permeability changes as stress increases with
reservoir depletion. It is also used to determine the proppant

• Effective Stress on Proppant: This is the value of effective closure stress acting on the proppant. In
a producing well, this is roughly similar to the difference between the far-field closure stress and the
bottomhole flowing pressure (BHFP).
σprop is the stress on the proppant
Pfrac is the pressure required to open the fracture (roughly equal to frac gradient times depth)
Pi is the current, local pore pressure
η is the poroelastic coefficient (typically 0.5)
Po is the original reservoir pressure
Pn is the current average reservoir pressure
• Proppant Permeability: This is the permeability of the proppant pack corresponding to the value of closure stress.
Additional Information: ReservoirPT Stress on Proppant
For non-Halliburton proppants, the Proppant Permeability can be modified. In contrast, for Halliburton proppants, the
Proppant Permeability is computed during fracture model runs from a proprietary Halliburton model (this model is
available to all users).

FracproPT 2007

• Perm at Resvr Temp: Correlations for the Perm at Resvr Temp are adapted from PredK version 6.57, Feb 2002.
Proppant permeability is only corrected if Proppant Type is set to Precured or Curable.
Additional Information: Perm at Resvr Temp Correlations
• 2
Avg Width for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Avg Width after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width after embedment is
subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the conductivity of the proppant pack after
embedment is subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Beta Factor: Forcheimer's beta coefficient calculated from the permeability k using Cooke’s
turbulence coefficients a and b.
Plot Data
• Perm vs. Stress: Display plot of Proppant Permeability versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• 2
Width vs. Stress: Display plot of Avg Width for 2 lb/ft versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• Sieve Dist.: Display plot of Weight versus Sieve.
• Conductivity vs. Stress: Display plot of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 versus
Effective Stress on Prop.
• Beta Factor vs. Stress: Display plot of Beta Factor versus Effective Stress on Prop.
Radio Buttons
• Selected Proppant: Display plots for selected proppant only.
• All Proppants: Display plots for all proppants.
Bar Diagrams
• Permeability: Display bar diagram of Proppant Permeability per proppant.
• Conductivity: Display bar diagram of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 per proppant.
• Beta Factor: Display bar diagram Beta Factor per proppant.
Proppant Data Fields
• Date of Measurements: The date of the last measurement.
• Independent Lab Verification: Whether the proppant data was obtained and verified by an
independent laboratory (for example, Stim-Lab) or by a laboratory that is somehow dependent on a
proppant vendor.
(that is, No, Yes)
• Comments: Notes that summarize the algorithms that were used to compile missing data for each
proppant, if relevant.
User Library Buttons
• Save Proppant to User Library: Select this function to save the proppant to the User Library of
proppants. Any changes made to the data on this screen are not saved unless you use this function.
• Delete Proppant from User Library: Select this function to delete the proppant from the User
Library, which of course implies that the proppant is in the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete proppants from the System Library.
Additional Information: Proppant Data Compilation

Proppant Permeability Damage

FracproPT models the proppant permeability as being damaged, or apparently damaged, by flow related and non-flow
related phenomena. The effects of these two phenomena are represented separately by two damage factors, which are
then effectively summed to arrive at a total damage factor that is the actual parameter used to reduce the effective in-
fracture proppant permeability (that is, fracture conductivity), as shown in the figure below.
A damage factor of 1 represents 100% damage, or a proppant permeability of zero. A damage factor of 0 implies no
damage and the proppant has the permeability corresponding to the value interpreted from the Closure Stress versus
Proppant Permeability table shown on the PROPPANT DATA screen.
Additional Information: Proppant Damage Factors

FracproPT 2007

The Proppant Permeability Damage screen

Non-flowrate Dependent Damage

The non-flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant permeability are accounted for in
FracproPT by the Proppant Damage Factor.
Producing Bottomhole Pressure
Enter a pressure here for use in calculating the net closure stress on the proppant, which is necessary to calculate the
conductivity of the propped fracture. This pressure has a wide range of values that may depend on gathering-system line
pressure, reservoir or proppant sensitivity to the drawdown pressure, or some other production-related constraint. This
pressure will always be less than reservoir pressure and it may be as low as a few tens or hundreds of psi (above zero) in
low-permeability gas wells.
This is the same parameter shown on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen; changing this
parameter on either screen will change it on the other as well.
Proppant Damage Factor
In prior versions of FracproPT, this parameter (which was also called the Proppant Damage Factor) was the only (and
total) damage applied to the proppant permeability. However, with Version 10.1 the capability to account for certain flow-
dependent phenomena that, in essence, behave like proppant permeability damage has been added (see below).
Therefore, this parameter is now meant to account only for non-flow-dependent proppant damage, such as that from gel

FracproPT 2007

Prior to Version 10.1, this was the actual number (damage factor) used by the simulator. But now that an additional
damage factor can also be applied (that is, the Apparent Damage Factor described below), the Total Damage
Factor (described below) is the actual number used by the simulator. However, if you recall an old input file saved
with an older version of FracproPT, the Apparent Damage Factor is set automatically to zero such that only this
Proppant Damage Factor is active and will, therefore, be equivalent to the Total Damage Factor.
This field is read-only if the Suggest value based on fluid type checkbox is enabled.
Suggest value based on fluid type
If this checkbox is enabed, a fluid can be selected from the adjacent drop-down menu. On the basis of this fluid, the value
for the Proppant Damage Factor will be set (and that field will be deactivated). These values are obtained from Stim-
Lab’s Predict-K and Proppant Manager database.
Flowrate Dependent Damage
The flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant permeability are accounted for in FracproPT
by the Apparent Damage Factor.
These options allow you to approximate the reduced hydrocarbon production attributable to non-Darcy and multiphase
flow effects in the proppant pack. You can model non-Darcy effects only, or Non-Darcy effects and multiphase flow
effects, but you cannot model multiphase flow effects only.
Include Non-Darcy Effects
Select the check box to include non-Darcy flow effects. You must also select the type of hydrocarbon you will be
producing and estimate the rate at which it will be produced (this can be done manually or automatically).
Well Type
Select either Gas Well or Oil Well in this field. If you receive an error message when you enter the Hydrocarbon
Standard Gravity in the next field, then you may have to change your selection.
Hydrocarbon Standard Gravity
This is gas gravity (at standard conditions) if you selected Gas Well as the Well Type, or API gravity if you select Gas
Well as the Well Type.
Proppant Concentration per Frac
Enter the average expected in-fracture proppant concentration in this field. If you are dealing with a multiple
(simultaneous) fracture scenario, this is the value for one of the fractures. Rather than manually entering this parameter,
you can use the result from the last run of the fracture model by selecting the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from
Last Run function described below.
Enter HC Production Rate / Automatically Estimate HC Production Rate
Use this option to choose whether you want to enter your own estimate of what the postfrac hydrocarbon production will
be, or to have FracproPT automatically estimate the production. If you choose the later, the following fields will be
activated and you must enter various reservoir and fracture characteristics in order for the postfrac production to be
Water Saturation
This number is entered as a fractional number less than one. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that 25% of the
porosity does not contain hydrocarbons.
X-Direction Extent
This is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction parallel to the fracture. You may wish to
make this number greater than the Y-Direction Extent by an amount equal to the propped-fracture length. Values for this
parameter that describe common reservoir/drainage sizes are shown in the table found in the description of Drainage
Area shown below.
Y-Direction Extent
This is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction normal to the fracture. Values for this
parameter that describe common reservoir/drainage sizes are shown in the table found in the description of Drainage
Area shown below.
Drainage Area
This is a calculated number, based on your entries for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent. The following table
lists values for some common drainage areas.

Drainage Area X-Direction Extent Y-Direction Extent

40 acres 660 feet 660 feet

FracproPT 2007

80 acres 933 feet 933 feet

160 acres 1,320 feet 1,320 feet

320 acres 1,867 feet 1,867 feet

640 acres 2,640 feet 2,640 feet

Fracture Half Length

Enter the estimated propped fracture half-length in this field. Alternatively, this parameter may also be taken automatically
from the last run of the fracture model by using the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from Last Run function described
Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from Last Run
Values for the Proppant Concentration per Frac and Fracture Half Length fields (described above) may be entered
manually, or this function may be used to use the results from the last run of the fracture model.
Include Multiphase Flow Effects
Liquid/Gas Ratio
Enter an estimate for the condensate or water production versus the gas production in the well. This parameter is used to
estimate the permeability reduction in the fracture, based on a correlation released by StimLab in February 2001.
Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio
This field is activated when choosing an Oil Well as the Well Type for the Flowrate Dependent Damage (described
above), and represents the amount of gas contained in a standard volume unit of oil.

Reservoir Permeability
The permeability of the reservoir is displayed in this field.
Hydrocarbon Viscosity
The viscosity of the hydrocarbons is displayed in this field.
Net Pay Thickness
The thickness of the net pay is displayed in this field.
Initial Reservoir Pressure
The initial pressure of the reservoir is displayed in this field.
The porosity is displayed in this field.

Select the proppant from the list of proppant in the PROPPANT SELECTION screen for which the apparent and total
damage factor is to be displayed.
Apparent Damage Factor
This is the additional proppant permeability damage factor that is calculated from the entries describing the non-Darcy and
multiphase flow effects. This damage factor, along with the Proppant Damage Factor described above, are essentially
summed to obtain the Total Damage Factor (described below) that is actually used by the simulator.

Proppant Embedment
The embedment (that is, infiltration) of proppant into the reservoir that surrounds the fracture can be specified here.
Proppant Embedment
This field specifies the proppant embedment. This field is deactivated if the Suggest value based on payzone modulus
checkbox is selected.
In soft rock, proppant tends to be pushed into the walls of the fracture. This reduces the final conductivity that can be
obtained from a fracture treatment, as the embedded proppant does not actively contribute to production. Proppant
embedment is in general a small or large fraction of a proppant grain.

FracproPT 2007

This embedment is always for a single fracture face. Consequently, the total embedment effect for both fracture faces is
twice the number on this screen.
Embedment is never subtracted from fracture width. Instead, embdedment is used to adjust the effective conductivity of
the fracture.
Suggest value based on payzone modulus
If this checkbox is selected, a value for the Proppant Embedment is suggested based on the modulus of the payzone, and
the Proppant Embedment field is deactivated.
A correlation released by Stim-Lab in February 2001 is used to calculate the embedment of proppant based on the
modulus of the payzone rock. Above a modulus of 5,000,000 psi, embedment is absent. For relatively soft rock,
embedment can be of the order of the diameter of a proppant grain
Fracture Filter Cake
The thickness of the filter cake in the fracture, and whether the effects of the filter cake on the conductivity of the fracture
should be included can be specified here.
Fracture Filter Cake Thickness
This field specifies the thickness of the filter cake in the fracture.
Include Filtercake effects on conductivity
Select this checkbox to include the effects of the filter cake on the conductivity of the fracture.
Additional Damage Effects
The additional damage effects of temperature and stress cycles on proppant permeability can be specified here.
Include effect of temperature on proppant permeability
Select this checkbox to include the additional damage effect of temperature on proppant permeability.
Research by Stim-Lab indicates that resin-coated proppant can show higher damage at higher temperatures as the resin
flows into the pore space of the proppant grains. The temperature multiplier has a direct effect on the Perm at Resvr
Temp column in the PROPPANT DATA screen.
Include effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability
Select this checkbox to include the additional damage effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability.
Number of stress cycles
Select the Include effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability checkbox to modify the value in this field to specify
the number of stress cycles. The default value is 1.
Total Damage
Both the flowrate dependent and the non-flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant
permeability are accounted for in FracproPT by the Total Damage Factor, which is the sum of the damage represented
by the Proppant Damage Factor and the Apparent Damage Factor.
Total Damage Factor
This the total damage factor applied to the proppant permeability, which is calculated automatically from the damage
factors resulting from both non-flow-related (that is, the Proppant Damage Factor) and flow-related (that is, the
Apparent Damage Factor) phenomena. This is the parameter actually used by FracproPT.
Permeability Diagram
This diagram displays the proppant permeability versus the proppant name.
Conductivity Diagram
This diagram displays the proppnt conductivity versus the proppant name.
Beta Factor Diagram
This diagram displays the proppant beta factor versus the proppant name.

Calculation of Proppant Perm Damage Factors

The values for the proppant perm damage factor change during a fracture model simulation, because the inputs to the
damage factor calculation are dependent on the fracture model results.
For the non-Darcy damage factor and the multi-phase effect, the flow geometry is needed. This depends on the payzone
height and the fracture height.

FracproPT 2007

Before running the fracture model, the geometry is not yet known. Consequently, the smaller of the net pay height and
100 ft i is used. Once the model is run, the propped height is used, unless the pay height is less than the propped height,
in which case the average of the two is used.
The damage factor shown on this screen also uses the Proppant Concentration per Frac and the Fracture Half-Length
that can be entered in the Include Non-Darcy Effects section in the Flowrate Dependent Damage section.
In all the calculations and results that are displayed in the reports, these values are not used. Instead, the internally
calculated damage factor (that depends on the fracture length and width from the most recent FracproPT simulation) is
used. Consequently, the results in this screen do not necessarily match up with the damage factor in the reports.
After running the model, the final values for the proppant perm damage factors on this screen do not necessarily match up
with those in the reports. The reason is that the logic of this screen is that the damage factor can be (pre-) calculated
based on the inputs on this screen (for example, length, concentration), in contrast to the values obtained from the results
of the model run. To view the values that are obtained from the model run, click on the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc
from Last Run button in the Include Non-Darcy Effects section in the Flowrate Dependent Damage section.
Treatment Schedule - F6

Treatment Schedule [F6] - Design Settings

The Design Settings tab of the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen is accessible if the Fracture Dimensions radio button
has been selected in the Perform Economic Optimization Based On... section of the Main Options tab of the Economic
Optimization Options - F4 screen.
The Treatment Schedule - F6 screen is accessed by:

• pressing the function key F6

• selecting from the main menu Data > Treatment Schedule - F6
• selecting from the Navigation Tree Treatment Selection

Treatment Schedule - F6 screen

Obtain FcD Goal for Every Treatment Size

FracproPT approximates the total treatment volume needed to obtain a range of fracture sizes (that is, fracture lengths)
while fulfilling a user-defined dimensionless conductivity criterion.

ƒ The user first sets an FcD Goal (that is, a dimensionless conductivity goal). The default of 10 provides
nearly infinite conductivity, meaning that the fracture will not act as the bottleneck for production

FracproPT 2007

performance. Recent work, for example by Valko, has shown that an ideal FcD is approximately 1.6. It may
not be possible to achieve the FcD Goal if either Max TSO Net Pressure Increase or Max Proppant
Concentration is exceeded.
ƒ Next, a Fracture Half-Length Increment is entered, which dictates the different between the fracture half-
lengths that FracproPT will consider. For high-perm frac-and-pack treatments, this value should be only a
few feet. It should be set to a larger value (for example, 50 ft or 100 ft) for low permeability reservoirs.
ƒ Enter the Max TSO Net Pressure Increase to specify the maximum tip screen-out (TSO) net pressure
increase that FracproPT will consider to achieve the FcD Goal. Generally, this parameter should be
limited to 1,000 to 2,000 psi, since excessive net pressure increases may cause formation or proppant
pack damage. For lithologies like coal that are very sensitive to such damage, this value should be limited
to 100 to 500 psi.
ƒ Enter the Max Proppant Concentration that you are willing to pump during a treatment to achieve the
FcD Goal. Typically, service companies are uncomfortable to pump proppant in excess of 22 ppg, since
this is getting very close to pumping a "solid" or immobile proppant.
• Injection Rate: Enter an injection rate for the fracture treatment.
• FcD Goal: This is the primary design criterion. This channel was called Dim’ls Cond Ratio in
FracproPT versions prior to 10.1. The average (over the fracture) dimensionless conductivity is
calculated by the following formula:
kf is the fracture permeability, which is calculated by multiplying the proppant permeability
(determined from the Closure Stress versus Proppant Perm table on the Proppant Data screen) by
the so-called Total Damage Factor,
wf is the propped fracture width (that is, the Avg Width on Proppant channel calculated by
FracproPT); at any point in time before the fracture has closed on proppant, the theoretical packed
width is calculated for the current distribution of proppant assuming all fluid leaks off without further
proppant re-distribution,
k is the average reservoir permeability, which is the height-weighted permeability of all zones (that is,
layers) identified as Pay Zones on the Layers tab of the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen. In
versions prior to 10.1, and in later versions if no zones are identified as Pay Zones, the permeability
is that entered for the zone where the fracture initiates (hence, when multiple permeable zones with
significantly varying permeabilities are propped, this calculation may be inaccurate); if the fracture
initiates in an impermeable zone, the closest permeable zone is used; and
Lf is the propped fracture length (Prop Length) calculated by FracproPT, which is dependent on the
minimum proppant concentration entered on the Proppant Model Parameters tab of the FracproPT
Model Parameters - Shift + F3 screen.
The default of FcD Goal of 10 provides nearly infinite conductivity, which means that the fracture will
not act as the bottleneck for production performance. Recent work, for example by Valko, has shown
that an ideal FcD is about 1.6.
• Fracture Half-Length Increment: This parameter reflects the fracture half-lengths that FracproPT
will consider when the user starts the sensitivity study. For high-perm frac-and-pack treatments, this
value should be as small as a few feet, while for low-perm treatments this parameter should be set to
a larger value (for example, 50 or 100 feet).
• Max TSO Net Pressure Increase: This parameter reflects the maximum pressure that FracproPT
will allow while still achieving the user-defined FcD Goal. Generally, this parameter should be limited
to 1,000 to 2,000 psi since excessive net pressure increases may cause formation or proppant-pack
damage. For lithologies that are very sensitive to damage be excessive pressurization (for example,
coals), this parameter should be even further limited (for example, 100 to 500 psi).
• Max Proppant Concentration: This parameter sets the maximum proppant concentration that
FracproPT will allow while still achieving the user-defined FcD Goal. The entry here may reflect
equipment limitations or prior experiences where higher concentrations are not easily accepted by the
• Use Effective Propped Length: The Use Effective Propped Length option is available in order to
more realistically model the actual propped fracture half length that contributes to the post-fracture
production. Experience has shown that especially in low permeability formations, the actual fracture
length that contributes to the production can be significantly less than the created propped fracture
half length. This can occur for several reasons, but the main reason is thought to be poor cleanup of
the gel residue in the proppant pack. Additional factors can be proppant embedment and filtercake
embedment, which are modeled separately in FracproPT.

By checking the Use Effective Propped Length checkbox, you are turning on an additional
calculation, which uses a theoretical formula to predict the effectiveness of the post-fracture cleanup,
based on the fracture half length, conductivity and reservoir permeability. The formula for effective
length calculations is based on correlations developed by the Stim-Lab consortium in 2006. The

FracproPT 2007

effective length is strongly a function of the reservoir permeability.

The better the reservoir permeability, the closer the effective fracture half length will be to the created
propped half length. Since fracture conductivity is also a factor, increasing the proppant size, or going
to a higher grade of proppant will also increase the effective length. The gel damage that is entered
(or calculated from the fluid type) will also affect the effective length through the conductivity term.
Since the fracture conductivity is a function of non-Darcy effects, which are in turn a function of the
production rate, which is a function of the effective length, a simple iteration is used to solve for the
effective fracture length including non-Darcy and multi-phase effects.

The program uses a simple analytic solution for the pseudo-steady state flow to estimate the
production rate within this iteration. It should be noted that in Production Analysis mode, the program
does not try to model a changing effective fracture length versus time. Rather, it first calculates what
the estimated ultimate effective length will be, and passes that number to the reservoir simulator. This
is the same number that is displayed on the Fracture Parameters tab of the Fracture Parameters and
Proppant Selection - F5 screen. It is important to enter a reasonable value for the Stabilized
Bottomhole Flowing Pressure on this screen (also called Producing Bottomhole Pressure on
other screens) to get the correct estimate for the effective fracture length.
Optimization Economic Data - F8

Optimization Economic Data [F8]

This screen is where you enter the economic data necessary to do a fracture treatment optimization. ReservoirPT
calculates a discounted-cash-flow, on a before-tax basis, for the predicted production stream.

The Optimization Economic Data screen.

Gas/Oil Price (Net)
The income stream for the economic model is simply this number multiplied by the change in cumulative production over
one time step. This price should be net of royalties, partial interests, and severance taxes.
Price Escalation Rate

FracproPT 2007

The gas/oil price used in each time step is escalated at this rate.
Discount Rate
Future income streams are discounted at this rate for the discounted-cash-flow calculation. This parameter may also be
known as the hurdle rate or opportunity rate.

Operating Costs
These monthly costs are subtracted from the cash flow.
Cost Escalation Rate
Monthly costs are escalated at this rate.
Initial Investment
This value, plus Fixed Frac Costs and Variable Frac Costs, is used to obtain the total investment, which is subtracted
from the cash flow at time zero. The total investment is also used as the basis for the return on investment (ROI)
calculation. ROI is simply net present value (NPV) divided by Initial Investment. The Initial Investment may be the entire
well cost, the completion cost, or just the treatment cost.
The so-called Incremental ROI and Incremental NPV are calculated using only the Stimulation Cost (that is, they
do not include the Initial Investment). The production used to calculate these variables is the total (stimulated)
production minus the unstimulated production.
Fixed Frac Costs
These are treatment costs that do not vary directly with job size (for example, rig time, hydraulic horsepower, mileage
charges, and engineering time).
Variable Frac Costs
These are costs that vary linearly with job size. The most important variable-cost items are fluid and proppant. This
parameter is entered in terms of $/Unit Fracture Treatment, which is the treatment currently entered on the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Fracture Optimization Parameters

Minimum Fracture Treatment
All stage volumes in the Unit Fracture Treatment, which is the treatment currently entered on the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] screen, are multiplied by this number to create the first (and smallest) fracture treatment size to be
simulated in the optimization loop.
Maximum Fracture Treatment
All stage volumes in the Unit Fracture Treatment, which is the treatment currently entered on the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] screen, are multiplied by this number to create the last (and largest) fracture treatment size to be
simulated in the optimization loop.
Number of Optimization Points to Calculate Between Min & Max Frac Treatment Limits
This number sets the total number of jobs for the fracture optimization model run.
Well Production - F6

Well Production [F6] - Production Constraints

This screen, which is available if you select User Defined Production Schedule on the production analysis OPTIONS
[F4] screen, is where you enter a schedule by which to produce the well. If you are attempting to match the measured
production rate and pressure in a FracproPT database file, enter a production schedule here that matches as closely as
possible the well’s actual production schedule. The easiest way to do this is by selecting Production Constraints Come
From … Production Database Derived Table on the PRODUCTION ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen
You can produce the well based on one of the following two constraints:

ƒ Constant pressure (surface or bottomhole), subject to minimum production rate; or

ƒ Constant production rate, subject to the minimum (or maximum) surface or bottomhole pressure.
With reference to the Production Schedule Table and other fields described below:

• The simulator produces the well at the Minimum Pressure (constant-pressure solution) unless doing
so causes the production rate to exceed Maximum HC Rate.

FracproPT 2007

• At this point the simulator produces the well with a rate equal to Maximum HC Rate (constant-rate
solution). Production continues at that rate until maintaining that rate cannot be achieved at the
Minimum Pressure.
• At this point the well is again produced at the Minimum Pressure (constant-pressure solution) until
the rate falls to Minimum HC Rate.

The Well Production Constraints screen when using User Entered Table.

FracproPT 2007

The Well Production Constraints screen when using Production Database Derived Table.

Production Schedule Table

Blank rows may be inserted into the production schedule table by positioning the cursor in the first column of any row and
pressing [Ins] or by using a right mouse-click and selecting Insert Row. An entire row can be deleted from the table by
positioning the cursor in the first column and pressing [Del] or by using a right mouse-click and selecting Delete Row.
Time Step #
A total of 200 Time Steps may be used in the production schedule.

FracproPT 2007

Time Interval
This is the time in days over which the other production constraints on the same line of the schedule apply. Essentially,
this is the time step for the reservoir simulator. A suggested series of entries for this field to simulate a total of five years of
production is as follows: 30, 60, 92.5, 182.5, 182.5, 182.5, 365, 365, and 365.
In general, consecutive entries in this field should not increase by more than a factor of two between entries (for example,
10 days, 20 days, 40 days, etc.). The same type of logic holds true when Time Interval should be made small to capture
the details of a pressure build-up. In such a case, you should not reduce consecutive entries in this field by more than a
factor of one-half (for example, 1 day, 0.5 day, 0.25 day, etc.).
Total Time
This is the summation (calculated by the program) of all the Time Interval entries.
Maximum HC Rate
Production Analysis switches to constant-rate production at this value if constant-pressure production causes the
production rate to exceed this value.
Minimum Pressure
The well is produced at this pressure unless the production rate exceeds Maximum HC Rate. This pressure must be less
than the current average reservoir pressure. Typically, gas wells are initially produced at high pressures (that is, small
draw-downs), but are rapidly drawn down to the vicinity of 1000 psi over the first six months to one year of production.
Pressure Location
This field refers to the location where the pressures entered on this screen are measured or specified. Pressure Location
can be toggled between Bottomhole and Surface pressures using the drop-down list. Surface is available only if
Wellbore Present is selected on the RESERVOIR analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen. You must also have entered the
appropriate tubing data on the RESERVOIR WELLBORE PARAMETERS [F5] screen and you must be simulating gas

Set Up Table for Designed Production Constraints

Total Production Time
Total duration for which you would like to calculate production response
Maximum HC Rate
Production Analysis switches to constant-rate production at this value if constant-pressure production causes the
production rate to exceed this value.
Minimum Pressure
The well is produced at this pressure unless the production rate exceeds Maximum HC Rate. This pressure must be less
than the current average reservoir pressure. Typically, gas wells are initially produced at high pressures (that is, small
draw-downs), but are rapidly drawn down to the vicinity of 1000 psi over the first six months to one year of production.
Pressure Location
This field refers to the location where the pressures entered on this screen are measured or specified. Pressure Location
can be toggled between Bottomhole and Surface pressures using the drop-down list. Surface is available only if Wellbore
Present is selected on the RESERVOIR analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen. You must also have entered the appropriate
tubing data on the RESERVOIR WELLBORE PARAMETERS [F5] screen and you must be simulating gas production.
Setup Table
If you do not want to enter a complete production schedule yourself, you can use this function to set up the Production
Schedule Table automatically. To do this, you must first enter the total time that you want to produce the well in the Time
Interval column of the first row. Then you enter Maximum HC Rate and Minimum Pressure in that same row. Finally,
select this function to fill out the table automatically.

Set Up Table for Production Constraints in Database Data

Constrain Production Rate and Match Production Pressure
Select this option if a well is produced at a roughly constant rates using gradually declining pressures.
Constrain Production Pressure and Match Production Rate
Select this option if a well is produced at a roughly bottomhole or surface pressure.
Minimum Rate Change to Start New Production Timestep
The value you enter here will determine how many production stages FracproPT will generate. You will have to check that
the number of stages does not exceed 200 when you make this Minimum Rate Change too small. A good starting value is
to set this to about 10%.

FracproPT 2007

Minimum Duration of Change to Start New TimeStep

This sets how sensitive the algorithm is when looking at whether to start a new production stage, or just continue
averaging the data into the current stage. The smaller you make it, the more stages you will have, so you will capture
more variation (or noise) in your rate data. The larger you make it, the more smoothing (averaging) there will be, and the
fewer production timesteps will be generated.
Setup Table
If you do not want to enter a complete production schedule yourself, you can use this function to set up the Production
Schedule Table automatically. To do this, you must first enter the total time that you want to produce the well in the Time
Interval column of the first row. Then you enter Maximum HC Rate and Minimum Pressure in that same row. Finally,
select this function to fill out the table automatically.

Other Functions
Minimum HC Rate
The current simulator run is terminated when production rate falls below this value. Production Analysis attempts to
solve for the exact time when the production rate falls below this value.
Maximum Drawdown
The simulator strives to produce the well at this maximum drawdown from average reservoir pressure. The Maximum HC
Rate and Minimum HC Rate constraints are still honored.
Optimization Control - F10

Optimization Control [F10]

This screen is where you start and stop the optimization, as well as view numerical output from the process.

The Fracture Optimization Control screen.

Optimization Output Table

All optimization output channels are shown here as they are updated after each iteration. The status line located below
the display shows the current Fracture Analysis Model Time, Production Analysis Model Time, and Simulation

FracproPT 2007

Fracture Half-Length
Hydraulic fracture half-length for each simulation
Lifetime PI Ratio
Calculated production for the fractured well vs the unfractured well for the duration specified in the WELL PRODUCTION
[F6] screen, Production Constraints tab.
Cum Production
Cumulative production for the duration specified in the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen, Production Constraints tab.
This value represents the Net Present Value (NPV) at the end of the specified well production period. Final NPV after a
period of n years is calculated using the following equation:

Incr’l NPV
This number is calculated using only the Stimulation Cost (that is, they do not include the Initial Investment). The
production used to calculate this number is the total (stimulated) production minus the unstimulated production.
Incr’l ROI
This number is calculated using only the Stimulation Cost (that is, they do not include the Initial Investment). The
production used to calculate this number is the total (stimulated) production minus the unstimulated production.
Treatment Cost
Calculated Treatment Cost based on OPTIMIZATION ECONOMIC DATA [F8] screen and the required treatment size to
obtain the given Fracture Half-Length.

Model Output
Economics Plot
Select this function to display an automatically configured plot of Net Present Value (NPV) and Return on Investment
(ROI) versus Propped Length (that is, Plot #31 on the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen).
Propped Length Plot
Select this function to display an automatically configured plot of Propped Length versus Total Injected Volume (that is,
Plot #32 on the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen).
Compare Results
Select this function to view the COMPARE SIMULATION RESULTS [Shift+F4] screen.
Generate Report
Select this function to go to the REPORT SETUP [SHIFT+F2] screen..

Economic Analysis
Select Size Using Economic Criterion
Select this function to pick the maximum value of either NPV, Incremental NPV, ROI or Incremental ROI from the
Optimization Output Table.
Generate Treatment Schedule
Select this function to jump to the FRACTURE DESIGN CONTROL [F10] screen in the Fracture Design module to
generate the treatment schedule to achieve the desired fracture half-length and conductivity.
Treatment Selection
Select this function to jump to the TREATMENT SELECTION [F8] screen in the Fracture Design module to evaluate
additional fracture design constraints.

Proppant Comparison
Compare Proppants
Runs Economic Optimization automatically for up to 4 Selected Proppants in the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION
[F5] screen, Proppant Selection tab.
NPV vs Length Plot

FracproPT 2007

Plots NPV vs Length for up to 4 different proppants.

Based on Treatment Schedule

Overview - Economic Optimization Mode
In Economic Optimization Mode the fracture model is connected, via ReservoirPT, to the reservoir model in a
treatment-size optimization loop that is used to roughly scope, and then accurately determine, the economically optimum
treatment size for a given reservoir. Like all other FracproPT modes, Economic Optimization Mode is selected from the
MAIN [F2] screen; a message is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen indicating that this is the active
When you select a mode from the MAIN [F2] screen, you may use the Next field to progress through a sequence of
screens, beginning with the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen and ending with the
OPTIMIZATION CONTROL [F10] screen for that mode. The screens are listed here in the same order that you will
see them if you use the Next fields to progress through the sequence of screens.
Well & Treatment Information - F3

Well and Treatment Information – General Information [F3]

The Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen is accessed by:

• pressing the function key F3

• clicking on Well&Treatment Info in the Navigation Tree
The General Information tab is the first tab on the Well and Treatment Information - F3 screen.

This screen is used to enter various data and information, such as general comments, about the simulation represented
by this input file. Some of the information can be included automatically on plot titles and report page headers.
The information entered here is also displayed in the Input File Preview area of the standard File…Open dialog. It can
also be used by the Input File Search utility that is also a part of that dialog.
The path and file name of the current input file are displayed at the top of this screen, which is common to all four
FracproPT modes.

FracproPT 2007

General Information tab of the Well and Treatment Information screen

Economic Optimization Options - F4

Economic Optimization – Main Options [F4]

This screen is where you choose the desired FracproPT and ReservoirPT options to run in Economic Optimization

FracproPT 2007

The Main Options tab of the Economic Optimization Options screen

Perform Economic Optimization Based On …

Fracture Dimensions
It should first be noted that there is really only one model in the FracproPT System, which is commonly referred to as a
lumped-parameter model. However, by choosing the correct values for certain parameters that control function of the
lumped model, it can be made to behave (in terms of pressures, dimensions, etc.) like any other model. In the FracproPT
System, five sets of parameters have been defined and hardwired into five of the model options available on this screen:
Treatment Schedule
This is consistent with how Fracture Optimization used to work before FracproPT version 10.2. This option can be chosen
if the user knows exactly

Fracture Model to Use

It should first be noted that there is really only one model in the FracproPT System, which is commonly referred to as a
lumped-parameter model. However, by choosing the correct values for certain parameters that control function of the
lumped model, it can be made to behave (in terms of pressures, dimensions, etc.) like any other model. In the FracproPT
System, six sets of parameters have been defined and hardwired into six of the model options available on this screen:

• 3D Shear-Decoupled (Default)
• 3D Tip-Dominated
• 3D Conventional (Linear Elastic)
• 2D PKN
• 2D KGD
• 2D Radial
3D Shear-Decoupled (Default)
This is the new default model for FracproPT version 10.3. In hundreds of fracture treatments where Pinnacle has utilized
direct fracture diagnostics (microseismic fracture mapping and tiltmeter fracture mapping), we have seen that fracture
growth is in general more confined than we would initially think based on "classical" assumptions, for example the
presence of closure stress barriers or permeability barriers. In several cases, we have seen confined fracture growth
(length-height aspect ratios of 2 and larger) in areas with a single thick pay zone and no nearby barriers (see SPE paper
56724). It has long been postulated that this is due to a "composite layering effect". This composite layering effect causes
partial decoupling of the fracture width profile along layer interfaces, and results in slower fracture growth trough layer
interfaces (in fracture height).
The 3D Shear-Decoupled model predicts longer, more confined fractures caused by the introduction of an average
Composite Layering Effect (CLE) for the layers outside the Pay Zone. This average value is based on hundreds of
fracture treatment that were monitored using direct fracture diagnostics. As a result of greater confinement, net pressures
are typically also slightly higher for the 3D Shear-Decoupled model than for the 3D Tip-Dominated model. Note however,
that the Composite Layering Effect that is needed to match actual geometries can sometimes vary widely in different
regions and formations, and the default Composite Layering Effect of 25 (resulting in an estimated incremental
height/length growth of about 0.25 outside the pay) used in the 3D Shear-Decoupled model is only an average. All other
parameters for this model are the same as for the 3D Tip-Dominated model described below.

FracproPT 2007

3D Tip-Dominated
This is the lumped 3D model developed for GRI, which is not a so-called pseudo 3D model. In general, the model predicts
shorter, wider fractures due to higher predicted net pressures that, in general, have been found to match very closely with
observed field data. In the 3D Tip-Dominated model, the most important parameter that is hardwired is the Tip Effect
Coefficient (see FRACPROPT MODEL PARAMETERS [Shift+F3] screen, FracproPT 3D Parameters tab), to a value of
3D Conventional (Linear Elastic)
This mode should give results very similar to those from the few other 3D models available. Note that this also is not a
pseudo 3D model, although it may predict similar results and it has many of the same problems (for example, low net
pressures and great sensitivity to fluid rheology). In the 3D Conventional model, the most important parameter that is
hardwired is the Tip Effect Coefficient (see FRACPROPT MODEL PARAMETERS [SHIFT+F3] screen, FracproPT 3D
Parameters tab), to a value of 0.4.
3D Calibrated
To load a calibrated settings file, select this 3D Calibrated radio button and then select the appropriate file in the
associated combo box on the left. Only engineers from Pinnacle can save and generate these calibrated settings files,
which are located in the FracproPT program folder (for example, for a default installation: c:\Program Files\Pinnacle
Technologies\FracproPT\Program) as CMS-files (Calibrated Model Settings).
Pinnacle has learned from direct fracture diagnostic data, such as tiltmeter fracture mapping and micro-seismic fracture
mapping, that fractures can grow very differently in different environments. In some areas, the default settings in fracture
models accurately predict directly observed fracture growth, but in other areas these default settings do not accurately
reflect actual fracture growth. In these areas, the default model settings do not provide an accurate description of fracture
growth, and other physical mechanisms such composite layering effects should be introduced by changing the default
fracture model parameters to provide a calibrated 3D model.
Pinnacle has provided some model settings that have been released for publication in this category, and the number of
released model settings keeps on growing as we learn more about fracture growth behavior in more regions and
formations. Note that Pinnacle also distributes confidential calibrated model settings to clients that have utilized our
fracture mapping services.
If a 3D Calibrated model is selected, the FracproPT logo on the Navigation Bar and in hardcopies of plots changes to the
FracproXACT logo, indicating that model settings were used that tie back to direct measurements of fracture growth in
that environment. This should provide a better estimate of fracture growth behavior for that specific region of formation
that one of the "hardwired" model settings.
3D User-Defined
If you routinely change the default model parameters for your work in one or more areas, you can save those model
parameters and easily recall them at any time.

• Saving a User-Defined Model – You first select this 3D User-Defined option and then go to the
FracproPT 3D Parameters tab of the FRACproPT MODEL PARAMETERS [Shift-F3] screen and
change any of the model parameters. While still on this screen and after making your changes, press
the Save These Settings As A User-Defined Parameter File, which will create and save a UMS-file
(User-defined Model Settings) in the FracproPT program folder (for example, c:\Program
Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT\Program).
• Using a User-Defined Model – Press the Load These Settings As A User-Defined Parameter File
and then select the desired UMS-file. Of course you must have first created or copied a UMS-file
before you can select one.
You can choose from among the three common 2D models using this drop-down list.

• PKN 2D Model – This is one of the classical 2D models with constant (specified) height and width
proportional to height. It is still often used (with high gel viscosity) to force a pressure "match" in the
later treatment stages, almost always ignoring early pressure data that results from water injection.
• KGD 2D Model – This is one of the classical 2D models with constant (specified) height and with
width proportional to length. It can rarely be used to match measured pressures (except perhaps with
forced use of backstress).
• Radial Model – This is one of the classical 2D models. The model assumes axisymmetry in radial
The 2D PKN and 2D KGD models do not, in general, give reasonable answers, even in reservoirs where there is almost
perfect containment, due to their unrealistically low net fracturing pressure predictions. The same is true of the 2D radial
model, even in homogeneous reservoirs where radial fractures may indeed be created. The 2D radial model generally
predicts dramatically lower net fracturing pressures than are observed in the field and, thus, predicts fractures with much
larger radii and much smaller widths than are actually created.

FracproPT 2007

The 2D models are available in FracproPT for a number of reasons. Results (especially dimensions) from the 2D models
can be compared to 3D results. As well, the 2D models can be used in an attempt to match observed net pressures, a
process that should readily demonstrate their inadequacy. Also, the 2D models can be used as a starting point for
understanding typical fracture treatment designs provided to you on the basis of other 2D models.

Other Options
FracproPT Model Parameters
Select this button as a shortcut to get to the FracproPT Model Parameters [Shift+F3] screen.

Economic Optimization - Additional Options [F4]

The Additional Options tab of the Economic Optimization Options Screen

Reservoir Data Entry

Lithology Based
If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.

Backstress is the change in formation closure stress induced by elevated (or reduced) pore pressure, which is caused by
fluid leakoff from the fracture (or production from the reservoir). In reservoirs that are not near 100% liquid saturation (that
is, dry gas reservoirs), the increase in backstress is usually not significant and may needlessly complicate the analysis
and slow numerical computations. In such cases, you should choose this option.
This option should be used only when there is relatively high fluid leakoff, very high fluid saturation, and (therefore) low
pore-fluid compressibility (for example, in oil reservoirs). Of course, you can calculate backstress effects in a gas
reservoir, but the amount of backstress will be extremely small and the calculation will slow simulator execution speed

Proppant Transport Model

Selecting Proppant Settling allows settling of proppant in the fracture based primarily on fluid viscosity and particle
diameter (that is, Stokes Law).
Proppant Convection may be a dominant mechanism for proppant transport and placement in hydraulic-fracture
stimulation treatments. However, the convective process will be slowed impeded by fracture offsets (for example, at
bedding planes), narrow fractures (for example, when multiple fractures are created), and highly viscous fluids in the
Proppant Convection is a process whereby heavier treatment stages (for example, proppant stages) displace rapidly
downward from the perforations to the bottom of the fracture. Those stages nearest the perforations may then be replaced
by the pad or by low-concentration proppant stages.
No Convection or Settling
No Convection or Settling should be selected only when modeling a horizontal fracture where those effects can be

Fracture Orientation
Vertical Fracture is generally selected. The FRACTURE PICTURE [Alt+F5] screen, the STAGE PROFILE PICTURE
[Ctrl+F5] screen, and the WIDTH PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F7] screen all show a vertical fracture with a depth scale and
a vertical profile of the minimum horizontal stress.
If you select Horizontal Fracture, FracproPT grows a horizontal fracture at the Initial Frac Depth shown on the
RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. You must first select Lithology Based Reservoir (in another section of this
FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen) before selecting Horizontal Fracture. The FRACTURE PICTURE
[Alt+F5] screen, the STAGE PROFILE PICTURE [Ctrl+F5] screen, and the WIDTH PROFILE PICTURE [Alt+F7] screen
display the horizontal fracture, but with a vertical screen orientation.

Reservoir Production Model Options

Not Present
Selecting Wellbore Not Present causes the wellbore to be ignored in all ReservoirPT calculations. All output data is
referenced to bottomhole conditions.
If Wellbore Present is selected, you have access to the RESERVOIR WELLBORE PARAMETERS screen where you
enter production-string lengths and diameters. If a gas well is being simulated, head and frictional pressure losses in the

FracproPT 2007

production string are calculated. Also, you may select surface pressure as a production constraint on the WELL
PRODUCTION CONSTRAINTS screen, if you choose Wellbore Present on this screen.

PVT Correlations
Manual PVT Entry
If you select Manual PVT Entry, you have access to the USER-ENTERED PVT PROPERTIES screen where you must
enter volume factors and viscosities for PVT calculations.
Automatic PVT Correlations
Selecting Automatic PVT Correlations causes ReservoirPT to use PVT data calculated from the appropriate oil or gas
correlations on the PVT CORRELATIONS screen.

Cleanup Effects
Ignore Cleanup Effects
Selecting Ignore Cleanup Effects causes ReservoirPT to ignore any damage caused by frac-fluid invasion in the
Model Cleanup Effects
Selecting Model Cleanup Effects causes ReservoirPT, with FraPS, to simulate both temporary and permanent damage
caused by frac-fluid invasion in the reservoir. If you select Model Cleanup Effects, you have access to the FILTRATE

Production Schedule
User Defined Production Schedule
Selecting User Defined Production Schedule causes ReservoirPT to use the production schedule that you enter on the
Automatic Production Schedule
Selecting Automatic Production Schedule causes ReservoirPT to automatically generate and use a production schedule.
Wellbore Configuration - F7

Wellbore Configuration – Drilled Hole [F7]

This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab
Note that the information on this tab is NOT used for any of the calculations in FracproPT. The only time this information is
used is for the SCHEMATIC VIEW, the 2D SCHEMATIC VIEW and WELLBORE VIEWER, all of which can be selected
from the icon bar or the FracproPT Menu > View.

FracproPT 2007

The Drilled Hole tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Drilled Hole Tab

This table is used to enter the geometry of the hole as drilled.
Drilled Hole information is not required. However, if you want the wellbore Schematic Viewers to be accurately
depicted you should enter the Drilled Hole information.
Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].
Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.
Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.
Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the
measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.
Open Hole

FracproPT 2007

This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is open hole (Open Hole) or
cemented open hole (Cemented OH). This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.
Bit Diameter
You enter the Bit Diameter in this column. This entry affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.
Effective Diameter
You enter the Effective Diameter of the drilled hole in this column. This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views,
not the model results.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and zotal Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Casing [F7]

This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

FracproPT 2007

The Casing tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

This table is used to describe the casing, whether or not any or the entire casing is actually the pipe string used to carry
the treatment fluids. The Top MD entry for segment number one defaults to zero. For each segment, the user must enter
the OD and ID, while Weight and Grade are optional.
Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].
Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.
Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.
Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the
measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.
This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is Cemented Casing or Free
Casing that is not cemented. This choice affects only the wellbore schematic views, not the model results.

FracproPT 2007

Select a casing outer diameter (OD) for this segment from the Casing Library that contains all standard API casing
diameters or enter the OD directly if the casing is not of a standard API diameter.
Select a casing Weight for this segment from the Casing Library or enter the Weight directly.
If you selected a casing OD and Weight for this segment from the Casing Library, the corresponding casing inner
diameter (ID) will already be entered. Alternatively, you may enter the ID directly.
Select a casing grade for this segment from the selection box. This information is not currently used for anything other
than display and record-keeping purposes.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Surface Line/Tubing [F7]

This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab
Tip for Entering a Frac Pack Configuration

FracproPT 2007

The Surface Line/Tubing tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Surface Line/Tubing
Segment #
The first column shows the Segment #. Up to 20 different segments can be specified. Whole segments (that is, rows in
the table) may be added or deleted: A blank line is inserted at the current cursor position by highlighting a Segment # and
pressing [Ins], while a line is deleted by highlighting a Segment # and pressing [Del].
Length refers to the measured length, not the true vertical length, of the segment. The sum of all Length entries is the
measured depth (MD) of the wellbore. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection box (described below),
Length may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of
the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Length is calculated, it will show up in blue.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.
Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the beginning of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Top MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the measured
length of the segment) and Bottom MD (measured depth at the end of the segment). If Top MD is calculated, it will show
up in blue.
Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the end of the segment. Depending on the choice made in the Compute selection
box (described below), Bottom MD may either be entered or it may be calculated based on entries for Length (the
measured length of the segment) and Top MD (measured depth at the beginning of the segment). If Bottom MD is
calculated, it will show up in blue.
Surface Line/Tubing

FracproPT 2007

This column contains a selection box that allows you to choose whether this segment is comprised of Tubing, Drill Pipe,
or a Packer. In addition, you have the additional choices of Surface Line or Surface CTU for the first segment.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.
Select an outer diameter (OD) for this segment from the Tubing Library that contains all standard API tubing diameters or
enter the OD directly if the tubing is not of a standard API diameter.
Select a Weight for this segment from the Tubing Library or enter the Weight directly.
If you selected an OD and a Weight for this segment from the Tubing Library, the corresponding segment inner diameter
(ID) will already be entered. Alternatively, you may enter the ID directly.
If you are entering a segment to represent the surface line, which can be important in terms of performing a proper
flush at the end of the treatment, there is an easy method to get the correct surface-line volume; simply set the ID of
the segment to 32" and then enter the number of barrels in the surface line in the Length field.
Select a grade for this segment from the selection box. This information is not currently used for anything other than
display and record-keeping purposes.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Perforated Intervals [F7]

This screen allows you to specify how the wellbore is configured. FracproPT builds the wellbore from a number (up to 20)
of discrete wellbore segments.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

The Perforated Intervals tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Perforated Intervals
FracproPT can model up to 20 separate perforated intervals. See Application Notes below for information on how to set
up and model some common well scenarios in terms of Perforated Intervals.
Selecting, or checking, this box in the Use column specifies whether or not the perforations defined by this line are
actually used in the simulation. Therefore, if you do not want to use one or more sets of perforations that are entered, you
can simply unselect the Use box to ignore them.
While selecting and unselecting sets of perforations, you may notice that the display order in the table may change.
However, among the perforation sets that are actually used (that is, checked), their display order should be from
shallowest to deepest.
Top MD
Top MD is the measured depth at the top of the perforation interval.
Bottom MD
Bottom MD is the measured depth at the bottom of the perforation interval.
Using data from other tabs on this WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, the true vertical depth (TVD) to the top of
the perforated interval is calculated and displayed in this field.

FracproPT 2007

Bottom TVD
Using data from other tabs on this WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, the true vertical depth (TVD) to the
bottom of the perforated interval is calculated and displayed in this field.
Diameter is the average perforation diameter for the interval.
Number of Perfs
Number of Perfs is the total number of perforations for the interval.

Application Notes
Modeling as Multiple Perfed Intervals versus a Single Perfed Interval
There are three ways to model multiple perforated intervals in FracproPT. Below are some rules of thumb of when to use
each of these three different strategies:

• For zones that are separate but still relatively close to one another in comparison to the total fracture
height that you are expecting (you are expecting substantial overlap between multiple fractures), it is
generally better to model them with a single perforated interval. You can account for the flow split and
additional leakoff between multiple fractures by selecting a Volume Factor and a Leakoff Factor in
the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7] screen that are equal to the number of perforated intervals.
You can also account for the interference between these multiple fractures by changing the Opening
Factor. Please refer to the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7} screen for more information.
People most often choose this option if they do not accurately know the rock properties, closure and
permeability profile with depth that drive fracture growth, and if they only want a very approximate
answer as to what they are achieving. The choice here is to keep it simple, as we don’t have the
detailed information to justify a very detailed analysis.
• When simulating limited-entry perforating where the number of perforations per interval is the main
driver for flow split between zones, define multiple perforated intervals on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen AND use Simplified Iteration on the Additional Options tab of the
FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. In this case, you are assuming that closure stress
changes and net pressure changes per interval are small in comparison to the limited-entry
perforation friction pressure drop.
• When simulating limited-entry perforating of multiple zones AND when you know that properties such
as fracture closure stress and permeability vary significantly between the perforated intervals, you
may wish to model each zone as an independent fracture by specifying multiple perforated intervals
on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen AND use General Iteration on the Additional
Options tab of the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. In this case, the fracture model will
run much more slowly, because you are actually simulating several fractures growing at once. The
model may also slow considerably due to the complex nature of calculating the flow split and frictional
pressure losses between perforated intervals. When you do model more than one set of perforations,
simulator output (such as net pressure, fracture dimensions, or fracture/proppant pictures) is
displayed in terms of one fracture (that is, one perforated interval) at a time. You can toggle between
the different fractures (that is, the different perforated intervals) by pressing [CNTR+F] or by selecting
the Next Interval icon on the toolbar. Note that conducting net pressure history matching for multiple
intervals requires one match for each interval, and can therefore become quite a laborious task.
How FracproPT Picks the Depth for Fracture Initiation
• For each perforated interval, FracproPT automatically searches the interval for the lowest stress zone
and sets the center of that zone to be the Initial Frac Depth (as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen). Total perforated height for each interval, whether entered by you here,
or on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen in the case where you are ignoring the wellbore,
has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation friction is calculated
based solely on the flow rate, the number and diameter of the perfs you enter here, and on the data
entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen.
• Therefore, you do not have to, nor do you necessarily always want to, enter the true total perforated
height. Rather, you may want to enter the perforation information such that fracture initiation in the
simulator is guaranteed at the location you desire.
• Special cases are very large perforated heights and small-volume treatments. In those situations, you
may want to enter the actual perforated height and turn the Set Minimum Fracture Height option on.
Doing so causes the fracture to initiate from the entire perforated height (that is, as a line source
rather than a point source). The Set Minimum Fracture Height option is accessed from the MODEL

Other Options

FracproPT 2007

Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Path Summary [F7]

This screen displays a summary of the path that treatment fluids take to go from the surface to the perforations. No input
of data is possible on this screen: The tubing, casing, and hole configuration as entered on various other tabs of the
WELLBORE CONFIGURATION screen are used to construct this summary. Hole deviation data is also shown.

FracproPT 2007

The Path Summary tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each

FracproPT 2007

The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Configuration – Directional Survey [F7]

On this screen, you can manually enter a wellbore trajectory using up to 100 wellbore segments, or you can import a
FracproPT depth-based database file containing wellbore trajectory data (up to 1000 points). Input of wellbore trajectory
data may be accomplished in one of four different formats.
The well configuration, including perforations, is typically input in five discrete sections, each with a representative tab on
this screen:

ƒ Drilled Hole Tab

ƒ Casing Tab
ƒ Surface Line/Tubing Tab
ƒ Perforated Intervals Tab
ƒ Directional Survey Tab

The Directional Survey tab of the Wellbore Configuration screen.

Build, Turn, MD
For this selection, enter the build rate, the turn rate, and the measured depth for the beginning of each segment in the
appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in an
Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.
MD, Inclination, Azimuth
For this selection, enter the measured depth, the inclination, and the azimuth for the beginning of each segment in the
appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in an
Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

FracproPT 2007

For this selection, enter the north-south distance, the east-west distance, and the true vertical depth for the beginning of
each segment in the appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you
have this data in an Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.
MD, TVD, Azimuth
For this selection, enter the measured depth, the true vertical depth, and the azimuth for the beginning of each segment in
the appropriate columns. The remaining data in the table is calculated and filled in automatically. If you have this data in
an Excel™, you can also simple Copy and Paste columns to populate this screen.

Importing a Wellbore Survey

Load Survey
Load Survey opens the standard file open dialog from which you load a FracproPT depth-based database file
(file_name.DBD) containing wellbore survey data. Select Clear Survey to delete all data from the Directional Survey data
Azimuth Format
Selecting the Azimuth Format checkbox toggles the Azimuth column between a simple degrees format and a compass
point display. In the latter format, you still enter simple degrees (that is, 0 to 359 degrees), but the entry is converted to the
compass point format.

Other Options
Injection is Down
Select Tubing, Annulus, or Casing to specify the path in the wellbore through which treatment fluids flow to the

• If you select Tubing, fluid will flow through the tubing in any wellbore segments where tubing is
present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
• If you select Annulus, fluid will flow through the casing/tubing annulus in any wellbore segments
where tubing is present and through the casing in any wellbore segments where tubing is not present.
Frac String Partially Full / Frac String Full
• Select Frac String Full if the wellbore is completely full of fluid at the start of pumping. In this case,
Frac String Volume and Total Frac String Volume are non-editable fields and will display the same
• Select Frac String Partially Full if the wellbore is not completely full of fluid at the start of pumping,
and then enter the volume of fluid in the frac string in the Frac String Volume field. In this case Total
Frac String Volume is a non-editable field and shows the total volume of the frac string.
Using the Compute selection box to select one of three options for entering the depth/length data for each wellbore

ƒ Length – Length for each segment is calculated from entries for Top MD and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Top MD – Top MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Bottom MD for each
ƒ Bottom MD – Bottom MD for each segment is calculated from entries for Length and Top MD for each
The Compute option can be changed at any time, and it is not necessary to use the same option for whole sections of
Drilled Hole, Casing, or Surface Line/Tubing.

Wellbore Parameters [F5]

This screen, which is available only if Wellbore Present is selected on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen,
is where you enter the configuration of the production wellbore (as opposed to the wellbore for stimulation).

FracproPT 2007

The Wellbore Parameters screen.

Production Tubing Length

This number is used to calculate friction and hydrostatic pressures in the production string.
Production Tubing Inner Diameter
This is the tubing diameter used to calculate production-string friction losses.
Surface Temperature
This number is used in the frictional and head-loss wellbore calculations.
Wellbore Volume
This number, which is used to simulate wellbore storage effects, is the total "live" volume in the wellbore. For example, if
the well was being produced up the tubing and the annulus was not packed off, Wellbore Volume would be the sum of
the tubing and annular volumes, plus the casing volume below the end of the tubing (including the "rat hole" volume).
Wellbore storage is important during very early in time, such as during well tests. Enter 0.0 to ignore wellbore storage
Reservoir Parameters - F9

2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters

2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters [F9]

This screen, which is accessible only if you selected either PKN 2D Model, KGD 2D Model, or Radial Model on the
FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, is where you specify the parameters needed to characterize the
reservoir for the 2D fracture models.

FracproPT 2007

The 2D Reservoir and Fracture Parameters screen.

Fracture Height (Gross Pay)

This is the total fixed fracture height that you must enter for the PKN 2D Model and the KGD 2D Model. For the Radial
Model, fracture "height" is always equal to total fracture length and, therefore, requires no entry in this field.
Payzone Height (Net Pay)
This is the height used for leakoff (or permeable height) in the 2D models. This height is typically less than or equal to
Fracture Height (Gross Pay).
Depth to Center of Pay
This is the depth to the center of the pay (and the center of the fracture).

Closure Stress In Payzone

An entry in this field is important only if you are running the simulator from actual treatment data and comparing the
Observed Net Pressure to the Net Pressure. Closure stress gradient is typically between 0.5 psi/ft and 0.8 psi/ft in
Formation Modulus
This is the Young's modulus for the zone you are fracturing. Young's modulus ranges from 100,000 psi for very soft,
unconsolidated sandstones or coals to 10,000,000 psi for extremely hard granites. Sandstones typically have Young's
modulus values in the range of 3,000,000 to 6,000,000 psi.
Formation Poisson's Ratio
This is the Poisson's ratio for the zone you are fracturing. Typical values range from 0.1 to 0.4. Any reasonable value of
Poisson’s Ration (for example, 0.25) is adequate.
Leakoff Coefficient
This is the total leakoff coefficient, which determines the rate per unit area of fluid leakoff into the formation. Values
typically range from 0.04 to 0.0001 feet/square-root-minute. Values of leakoff coefficient can be reliably found only by
matching the pressure decline during a shut-in or at the end of a treatment. Furthermore, leakoff coefficient is specific to
the fracture model used, so you must determine leakoff coefficient and predict future fracture behavior with the same
fracture model to be consistent.
Pore Fluid Permeability
Based on the Leakoff Coefficient you enter, and the Reservoir Type you select, an estimated value of reservoir
permeability is displayed in this field.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the actual reservoir temperature. It is used to select the correct rheology data from the fluid library.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture Toughness
Enter the fracture toughness for the layer of rock you are fracturing.

Reservoir Type
Define the reservoir type by selecting either Oil or Gas from the drop-down list.
Reservoir Lithology
Make a selection from the available Rock Types from the drop-down list. The rock type is important (in this simulation)
only for chemical properties (for example, for acid reaction) and for thermal properties (for example, fluid heating).

Using Lithology-Based Reservoir Model

Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters

This screen is accessed only if you choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen. In this case, the parameters on this screen are entered and displayed on a layer-by-layer basis. If you want these
parameters to be the same for all layers, you should choose Gas, Oil, or User Specified as the Reservoir Type.

The Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

These entries correspond to the layer depths shown for the Pore Fluid Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient columns in the
Reservoir Layer Table on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. The numbers cannot be changed on this screen.
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can
toggle between them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or by using the Next Interval toolbar button.
This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Frac Pressure
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

FracproPT 2007

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the Reservoir Parameters
[F9] screen.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff.
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for example, if the
pore pressure equals about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.
Other Functions
Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.
Set To Gas Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical gas reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To Oil Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical oil reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To User Defined
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters
screen that was used when you last choose User Specified as the Reservoir Type. You may change individual numbers

Reservoir Depletion
This screen is where you can model the change in closure stress, pore pressure, and pore-fluid compressibility that has
resulted from production in a finite region around a wellbore. For example, in an oil reservoir produced from an acid
fracture such that the region around the fracture has a pore pressure below the bubble point (that is, resulting in a higher
pore-fluid compressibility) and a lower closure stress due to the lower pore pressure.
When modeling depletion effects, you should enter the current (that is, depleted) values for closure stress on the

FracproPT 2007

The Reservoir Depletion screen.

This is the distance out from the wellbore that you believe has been depleted (produced).
Original Pore Pressure
This is the virgin pore pressure. The depleted, or current, pore pressure is entered on either the Reservoir Leakoff
Parameters screen and it is displayed below for reference.
FracproPT multiplies the change in pore pressure by 0.5 (which is a mid-range value for the so-called poro-elastic
coefficient) to determine the change in closure stress due to depletion. At a distance from the wellbore equal to the
Radius of Depletion, the closure stress entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen (that is, the current
or depleted closure stress) is increased by the change in closure stress due to depletion and the pore pressure is
increased to this Original Pore Pressure.
Depleted Pore Pressure
This is the current (that is, depleted) pore pressure that is entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen. This
number is displayed here for reference only.
Original Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the virgin pore fluid compressibility. At a distance out from the wellbore equal to the Radius of Depletion, pore fluid
compressibility decreases to this Original Pore Fluid Compressibility.

Layer Display
This screen displays the lithology (that is, Rock Type) of the reservoir and a log-style view of the following properties:
stress, permeability, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and fracture toughness.

FracproPT 2007

The Layer Display screen.

Reservoir Parameters - F9
Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters – Layers [F9]
This screen is accessible only if you select Lithology Based Reservoir and either 3D Tip-Dominated Model or 3D
Conventional Model on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen. Here you specify all rock properties
according to lithology as defined by a single set of layer depths and the Rock Type in each layer.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.

The Lithology-Based Reservoir Parameters screen.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based

FracproPT 2007

If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.
Reservoir Layer Table
This is where you define the layers comprising the reservoir and surrounding strata by entering the depth to the top of
each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 8 are shown at any time. Blank rows in the table may be added by
selecting a whole row and pressing [Ins], and lines may be deleted by selecting the whole row and pressing [Del].
You must define at least three layers and the fractures must initiate in the middle layers. If you do not, FracproPT will
display an error message and the simulator will not run. The layers where the fractures initiate (depending on the position
of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) are highlighted yellow in the table.
If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can cycle through them by pressing [CNTR+F] or selecting the
Next Interval toolbar button.
Depth TVD
If you select Enter TVD, enter the true vertical depth to the top of each layer in this column. If you select Enter MD, the
true vertical depth will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Depth MD
If you select Enter MD, enter the measured depth to the top of each layer in this column. If you select Enter TVD, the
measured depth will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Layer Thickness
This value represents the layer thickness in TVD. This value is not editable and calculated from the top of each layer in
the Depth TVD column.
Rock Type
Select a Rock Type from the drop-down list for each layer in this column.
Pore Fluid Permeability
If you select Enter Permeability, enter the Pore Fluid Permeability for each layer in this column. If you select Enter
Leakoff Coefficient, the permeability will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Leakoff Coefficient
If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient, enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for each layer in this column. If you select
Enter Permeability, the leakoff coefficient will be calculated and displayed in this column.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture closure in the middle of the layer that is calculated using the specified gradient under the Rock Properties tab.
Young’s Modulus
Young’s Modulus for the layer based on the assigned modulus for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Poisson’s Ratio
Poisson’s Ratio for the layer based on the assigned Poisson’s ratio for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Fracture Toughness
Fracture Toughness for the layer based on the assigned toughness for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Composite Layering Effect
Composite layering effect for the layer based on the assigned composite layering effect for that lithology in the Rock
Properties tab.
Pay Zone
Use this check box to mark all zones that you consider pay zones. This is information is used by Fracture Design Mode
and also in the calculation of the Payzone Height Coverage Ratio and Payzone Fracture Area Ratio model channels.
In Production Analysis Mode, if you use the Import Frac Interval Properties function, Permeability on the
PRODUCTION ANALYSIS Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen is the average of all the permeabilities of all zones
marked as pay zones, not just the permeability of the zone containing the perforated interval. The average permeability is
calculated as sum of kh for all zones divided by the total height of all zones:
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Depth Entry Mode
Enter TVD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Layer Table in terms of the true vertical depth (TVD). The
corresponding measured depth (MD) will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Enter MD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Layer Table in terms of the measured depth (MD). The
corresponding true vertical depth (TVD) will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Fluid Loss Entry Mode
You have the choice of entering either Permeability or (total) Leakoff Coefficient. Whichever one you choose to enter,
FracproPT uses a permeability-to-leakoff-coefficient relationship to calculate the other.
Enter Permeability
Select this option to enter the Pore-Fluid Permeability in the Set Lithology Permeability dialog for each Rock Type in the
Reservoir Layer Table. The corresponding (total) Leakoff Coefficient will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent
column in the table.
Enter Leakoff Coefficient
Select this option to enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient in the Set Lithology Leakoff Coefficient dialog for each Rock Type
in the Reservoir Layer Table. The corresponding Pore-Fluid Permeability will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent
column in the table.
Set Lithology Permeability / Set Lithology Leakoff Coefficient
This option allows you to set the values for either Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient (depending on whether
you have chosen Enter Permeability or Enter Leakoff Coefficient above) for all the current reservoir layers specified with a
particular Rock Type. Selecting this function causes a dialog to appear where you select a Rock Type from a drop-down
list and then enter either the Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient for that Rock Type.
Otherwise, you may enter Pore-Fluid Permeability or Leakoff Coefficient on a layer-by-layer basis, regardless of Rock
Other Reservoir Properties
Reservoir Temperature
This is the reservoir temperature at the mid-perf depth. In addition to heat transfer calculations, this number is used to
select the correct rheology data from the Fluid Library.
Total perforated height, whether entered by you here, or on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen in the case
where you are not modeling the wellbore, has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation
friction is calculated based solely on the flow rate and the data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION
[F8] screen.

FracproPT 2007

The perforation and initial frac depths are always entered and/or display here in terms of true vertical depth (TVD).
If you have more than one perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, you can
toggle through a display of each interval by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
For large perforated intervals, you may elect to have the fracture initiate from a line source (details of which can be
found on the Growth Parameters tab of the FracproPT MODEL PARAMETERS screen).
Depth to Top of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Top of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Top of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Depth to Bottom of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Bottom of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Bottom of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Initial Frac Depth
FracproPT always calculates this value; it is approximately the center of the zone with lowest stress found within the
perforated interval. If you want to guarantee fracture initiation from a particular zone (regardless of the stress profile and
the true perforated interval), you can make the perforated interval small enough such that you control where the simulator
initiates the fracture.
Initial Frac Depth must fall within one of the inner Rock Type layers (that is, it cannot fall within either the top layer or the
bottom layer).
Other Functions
Layer Display
Select this function to view the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE with the Layer Properties Template.
Logs/Layers Editor
If a standard Log ASCII (LAS) file is available, layers can be built automatically and properties can be assigned
automatically using the Logs/Layers Editor.
Reservoir Parameters – Rock Properties [F9]
This screen is where you view and/or enter the mechanical properties for the various Rock Types.

FracproPT 2007

The Rock Properties screen.

Rock Type
The mechanical properties are listed as a function of Rock Type. There are seven Rock Types defined in the System
Library of rocks whose names cannot be changed, but whose properties can be changed. You also have the capability to
add (many) new Rock Types to the User Library of rocks. However, a total of only 15 different Rock Types can be
displayed here and used in any particular fracture simulation.
Closure Stress Gradient
If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, enter a Closure Stress Gradient for each Rock Type in this column.
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, you will be denied access to this column.
Stress Coefficient A
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the multiplier of overburden stress (gradient) as Stress
Coefficient A in this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this
Stress Coefficient B
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the multiplier of pore pressure (gradient) as Stress Coefficient B
in this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this column.
Stress Coefficient C
If you select Calculate Stress from A,B,C Model, enter the tectonic stress (or correction) term as Stress Coefficient C in
this column. If you select Calculate Stress from Stress Gradient, you will be denied access to this field.
Young's Modulus
This is the Young's Modulus for each Rock Type. Be aware the Young’s Modulus from logs (that is, dynamically
measured) is typically 100% higher than Young’s Modulus measured from static stress-strain tests.
Poisson's Ratio
This is the Poisson's Ratio for each Rock Type. Any reasonable value of Poisson’s Ratio (for example, 0.25) is adequate.
Most methods of estimation are questionable.
Fracture Toughness
This is the Fracture Toughness for each Rock Type. Reasonable values for Fracture Toughness will have a minimal effect
on all but relatively small fractures (for example, as in so-called micro-fracture stress tests).
Composite Layering Effect
On a per-layer basis, this number is multiplied by the default Tip Effects Coefficient, which is entered on the FracproPT
3D tab of the FracproPT MODEL Parameters [SHIFT+F3] screen. Generally, this number should be left at 1. However,
in order to specify the relative tip effects for any particular layers, thereby specifying the relative degree of fracture growth
into said layers, you may enter some number other than 1. For example, if you wanted a particular Rock Type to exhibit
higher composite layering effects characteristics, you would enter a number greater than 1.
Est Ht/Len Growth
This parameter provides an estimate for the ratio of fracture height growth versus fracture length growth if the composite
layering effect would be the main driving force for fracture growth. For example, if the Composite Layering effect is set to
10, the Est Ht/Len Growth shows that for every foot the fracture grows in length, it grows about 0.32 foot in height.

Set Composite Layering Effect from

These options will only be available if 3D User-Defined is selected as the Fracture Model to Use option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Lithology Type
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect as a function of Rock Type in the Mechanical Rock Properties
Payzone Flag
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect for all zones (no matter what the Rock Type) that are not
selected as Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The Composite Layering Effect for the Pay Zones
will automatically be set to 1.0, while the value for all non-Pay Zones is set below by the entry for Composite Layering
Effect Outside Payzone.
Composite Layering Effect Outside Payzone
If Payzone Flag is selected as the Set Composite Layering Effect from option (see description above), the value for
that effect is entered here. This value will overwrite all values entered in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.

FracproPT 2007

Calculate Stress from

Select this option to calculate closure stress gradient using FracproPT’s ABC Stress Model.
Closure Stress Gradient
Select this option to calculate closure stress using the Closure Stress Gradient entered in the table.
Vertical Stress Gradient
This number is used by the ABC Stress Model to calculate stress, as well by the fracture model when simulating
horizontal fractures.
The following equation is used to model the acid-rock reaction rate, Qr, as a function of acid concentration, c:

The Chemical Rock Properties screen.

Calcite Fraction (% mass)

This is the mass percentage of calcite comprising the Rock Type.
Dolomite Fraction (% mass)
This is the mass percentage of dolomite comprising the Rock Type.
Reference Temperature
This is the reference temperature of the reaction rate parameters entered for the Rock Type).
Reaction Rate Constant
This is the reaction rate constant for the Rock Type (kr in the equation above).
Reaction Order
This is the reaction rate order for the Rock Type (m in the equation above).
Activation Energy
This is the activation energy for the Rock Type (Ea in the equation above).
Rock Embedment Strength
This Rock Type property is used in the calculation of fracture conductivity after acidizing. The default values are based on
the work of Nierode and Kruk.
Other Functions
Reset Rock Chemical Properties

FracproPT 2007

Select this function to overwrite any changes that you may have made in the chemical properties of the System Library
of Rock Types. Properties for any User Library Rock Types are not modified.

The Thermal Rock Properties screen.

Specific Gravity
This is the specific gravity for the Rock Type.
Specific Heat
This is the specific heat for the Rock Type.
Thermal Conductivity
This is the thermal conductivity for the Rock Type.
Reservoir Parameters – Additional Properties [F9]

FracproPT 2007

The Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

Reservoir Type
Select the Reservoir Type from one of the radio buttons. The choices are Single Layer or Multi Layer.
Single Layer
For Single Layer, the parameters entered and displayed on this screen apply to all the layers defined on the
If you want to enter different parameters for each layer, for example if you have significant differences in reservoir
pressure, porosity or compressibility in various payzones, you should choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type.
In most situations, choosing either Gas or Oil (depending on your reservoir) yields acceptable results.
Multi Layer
Choosing Multi-Layer allows you to set those same Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to whatever values you choose, but
now they can be set differently to each layer in the Reservoir Layer Table. As you might expect, the Reservoir LEAKOFF
PARAMETERS screen will appear somewhat different in this case.
HC Type
The type of hydrocarbons is specified here.
Gas Well
The well is used primarily to produce gas.
Oil Well
The well is used primarily to produce oil.

Leakoff Fluid Permeability Ratio, Kp/Kl

This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Reservoir Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Pressure In Fracture

FracproPT 2007

This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Layers tab.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff and calculate the actual leakoff coefficient.
Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the generally the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for
example, if the pore pressure is about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Set to Gas Defaults and Set to Oil Defaults

If you choose the buttons to Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults, the parameters on this screen are overwritten by
FracproPT. However, you can always set these parameters yourself after that by editing them individually.
Choosing Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults automatically sets a number of Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to
default values for "typical" reservoirs (that is, normally pressured, etc.). These parameters apply to all layers in the
Reservoir Layer Table.

Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.

Drainage Area
The drainage area in terms of its extent and the well spacing is specified here.
X-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the length of the fracture (that is, the x direction).
Y-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the width of the fracture (that is, the y direction).
Well Spacing
This parameter is used to calculate a pseudo-steady state PI ratio in the Fracture Design module and is linked to the
Reservoir Extent in the Production Analysis module.

Fracture Azimuth
This parameter describes the fracture orientation with respect to north, with the positive direction defined to be clockwise
(for example, 45 degrees corresponds to the NE-to-SW direction). This parameter is used only for display purposes by the
Wellbore Viewer and does not affect model results.
Suggest Viscosity and Compressibility
Pressing this button will set Pore Fluid Viscosity and Pore Fluid Compressibility (described above) to suggested values.

FracproPT 2007

Reservoir Parameters - Rock Library [F9]

This screen is used to maintain a database (library) of Rock Types with particular mechanical, chemical, and thermal
properties. There are several pre-defined rock-types included with FracproPT in the System Library, but these can be
edited, deleted, or renamed, as the user requires.

The Rock Library screen.

Add New Rock Type to List

This function opens the Select Rock Type dialog that allows you to select Rock Types from either the System Library or
User Library. This function will only be allowed if there is room in the list for a new Rock Type (a maximum of 15 are
available at any time).
Remove Rock Type from List
You can select a Rock Type from the list and then select this function to remove it from the list permanently. You will not
be able to use this function if the Rock Type you are attempting to delete is currently in use by FracproPT (you must
remove the rock type from all modes in order to be able to delete it).
Create User Defined Rock Type
This function takes you to the Mechanical ROCK PROPERTIES screen where you can enter a new Rock Type and its
properties. After entering data there, you should also go to the CHEMICAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen and the
THERMAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen to enter those properties if they are needed.
Save Rock Type to User Library
Once you have entered all the mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties of the new Rock Type, you can save it to the
User Library by selecting this function.
Delete Rock Type from User Library
Select a Rock Type from the list and use this function to delete it from the User Library.

Using General Reservoir Model

Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters

This screen is accessed only if you choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen. In this case, the parameters on this screen are entered and displayed on a layer-by-layer basis. If you want these
parameters to be the same for all layers, you should choose Gas, Oil, or User Specified as the Reservoir Type.

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The Multi-Layer Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

These entries correspond to the layer depths shown for the Pore Fluid Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient columns in the
Reservoir Layer Table on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. The numbers cannot be changed on this screen.
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined, you can
toggle between them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or by using the Next Interval toolbar button.
This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Pore Pressure
This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Frac Pressure
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the Reservoir Parameters
[F9] screen.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff.
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for example, if the
pore pressure equals about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.

FracproPT 2007

This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.
Other Functions
Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.
Set To Gas Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical gas reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To Oil Defaults
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to values that are estimated for a typical oil reservoir. You may
change individual numbers afterwards.
Set To User Defined
Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters
screen that was used when you last choose User Specified as the Reservoir Type. You may change individual numbers

Reservoir Depletion
This screen is where you can model the change in closure stress, pore pressure, and pore-fluid compressibility that has
resulted from production in a finite region around a wellbore. For example, in an oil reservoir produced from an acid
fracture such that the region around the fracture has a pore pressure below the bubble point (that is, resulting in a higher
pore-fluid compressibility) and a lower closure stress due to the lower pore pressure.
When modeling depletion effects, you should enter the current (that is, depleted) values for closure stress on the

The Reservoir Depletion screen.

This is the distance out from the wellbore that you believe has been depleted (produced).
Original Pore Pressure

FracproPT 2007

This is the virgin pore pressure. The depleted, or current, pore pressure is entered on either the Reservoir Leakoff
Parameters screen and it is displayed below for reference.
FracproPT multiplies the change in pore pressure by 0.5 (which is a mid-range value for the so-called poro-elastic
coefficient) to determine the change in closure stress due to depletion. At a distance from the wellbore equal to the
Radius of Depletion, the closure stress entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen (that is, the current
or depleted closure stress) is increased by the change in closure stress due to depletion and the pore pressure is
increased to this Original Pore Pressure.
Depleted Pore Pressure
This is the current (that is, depleted) pore pressure that is entered on the Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen. This
number is displayed here for reference only.
Original Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the virgin pore fluid compressibility. At a distance out from the wellbore equal to the Radius of Depletion, pore fluid
compressibility decreases to this Original Pore Fluid Compressibility.

Layer Display
This screen displays the lithology (that is, Rock Type) of the reservoir and a log-style view of the following properties:
stress, permeability, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and fracture toughness.

The Layer Display screen.

Reservoir Parameters - F9
Reservoir Parameters - Rock Library [F9]
This screen is used to maintain a database (library) of Rock Types with particular mechanical, chemical, and thermal
properties. There are several pre-defined rock-types included with FracproPT in the System Library, but these can be
edited, deleted, or renamed, as the user requires.

FracproPT 2007

The Rock Library screen.

Add New Rock Type to List

This function opens the Select Rock Type dialog that allows you to select Rock Types from either the System Library or
User Library. This function will only be allowed if there is room in the list for a new Rock Type (a maximum of 15 are
available at any time).
Remove Rock Type from List
You can select a Rock Type from the list and then select this function to remove it from the list permanently. You will not
be able to use this function if the Rock Type you are attempting to delete is currently in use by FracproPT (you must
remove the rock type from all modes in order to be able to delete it).
Create User Defined Rock Type
This function takes you to the Mechanical ROCK PROPERTIES screen where you can enter a new Rock Type and its
properties. After entering data there, you should also go to the CHEMICAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen and the
THERMAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen to enter those properties if they are needed.
Save Rock Type to User Library
Once you have entered all the mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties of the new Rock Type, you can save it to the
User Library by selecting this function.
Delete Rock Type from User Library
Select a Rock Type from the list and use this function to delete it from the User Library.
General Reservoir Parameters - Layers [F9]
This screen is accessible only if you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir or General Single Scale Reservoir and
when selecting one of the 3D Models on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen.
Use General Multi-Scale Reservoir from the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen if you can assign
reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log information on other parameters. Once you
have assigned specific properties using the Logs/Layers Editor, you need to provide only a few entries for estimates of
properties on which you do not have more specific data.
Use General Single Scale Reservoir from the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen if you can assign all
reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Logs/Layers Editor, you are
ready to use the model.
This is where you define the layers and their various properties that comprise the reservoir and surrounding strata by
entering the depth to the top of each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 14 are shown at any time. Blank
rows in the table may be added by right-clicking and selecting Insert Row, and rows may be deleted by right-clicking and
selecting Delete Row or by pressing [Del].

FracproPT 2007

You must define at least three layers in each of the data tables described below and the fracture must initiate in a middle
layer. The layers where the fractures initiate (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the
WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) are highlighted yellow in the table. If you have more than one perforated
interval defined, you can cycle through them by pressing [CNTR+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
The actual depths you enter and the numbers of layers you define do not have to be identical in each of the data

The General Multi-Scale Reservoir Parameters screen.

The General Single Scale Reservoir Parameters screen.

Reservoir Data-Entry Options

Lithology Based

FracproPT 2007

If you select Lithology Based Reservoir, all mechanical properties (for opening, etc.), all chemical properties (for
acidizing), and all thermal properties (for injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) will be input to the simulator based
on rock type and a single set of depths.
In general, this is the most convenient way to specify model inputs. Once you have constructed your Lithology Based
Reservoir, FracproPT can automatically convert it to a General Reservoir if necessary. Unfortunately, there is no way to
convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data. However, you should
rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you do not know many properties about the reservoir, and if you want to set up a layered
profile quickly. Once you assigned the main properties of the lithologies that you are using and defining the depth of
individual layers, you are ready to start modeling.
General Multi-Scale
If you select General Multi-Scale Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress,
modulus, etc.) with its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for
injection-fluid heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign reservoir properties using various different log files and if you have no log
information on other parameters. Once you have assigned specific properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you need to
provide only a few entries for estimates of properties on which you do not have more specific data.
General Single Scale
If you select General Reservoir, you will enter each of the mechanical properties (for example, stress, modulus, etc.) with
its own independent set of layer depths. Chemical properties (for acidizing) and thermal properties (for injection-fluid
heating and reservoir cooling) are input to the simulator based on rock type and a single set of depths.
FracproPT can automatically convert a Lithology Based Reservoir to a General Reservoir, if necessary. Unfortunately,
there is no way to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir without loosing some of this data.
However, you should rarely, if ever, want or need to convert from General Reservoir to Lithology Based Reservoir.
Use this type of data entry if you can assign all reservoir properties different log files. Once you have assigned specific
properties using the Log-Layer Editor, you are ready to use the model.
Reservoir Rock Type Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Layer Thickness
This value represents the layer thickness in TVD. This value is not editable and calculated from the top of each layer in
the Depth TVD column.
Rock Type
Enter the rock type or lithology name in each layer in this column.
Reservoir Stress Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Enter the closure stress in each layer in this column.
Reservoir Elastic Properties Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Young’s Modulus
Enter the Young's Modulus in each layer in this column.
Poisson’s Ratio
Enter the Poisson's Ratio in each layer in this column.
Fracture Toughness

FracproPT 2007

Fracture toughness for the layer based on the assigned toughness for that lithology in the Rock Properties tab.
Composite Layering Effect
Composite layering effect for the layer based on the assigned composite layering effect for that lithology in the Rock
Properties tab.
On a per-layer basis, this number is multiplied by the default Tip Effects Coefficient, which is entered on the FracproPT
3D tab of the FracproPT MODEL Parameters [SHIFT+F3] screen. Generally, this number should be left at 1. However,
in order to specify the relative tip effects for any particular layers, thereby specifying the relative degree of fracture growth
into said layers, you may enter some number other than 1. For example, if you wanted a particular Rock Type to exhibit
higher composite layering effects characteristics, you would enter a number greater than 1.
Additional Information: Composite Layering Effects
Est Ht/Len Growth
This parameter provides an estimate for the ratio of fracture height growth versus fracture length growth if the composite
layering effect would be the main driving force for fracture growth. For example, if the Composite Layering effect is set to
10, the Est Ht/Len Growth shows that for every foot the fracture grows in length, it grows about 0.32 foot in height.
Reservoir Fluid Loss Table
Depth TVD / Depth MD
Depending on your selection in the Depth Entry Mode options, you enter either Depth TVD (true vertical depth) or Depth
MD (measured depth) to the top of each layer in this column.
Pore Fluid Permeability
If you select Enter Permeability in the Fluid Loss Entry Mode options, enter the Pore Fluid Permeability for each layer
in this column. If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient, the permeability will be calculated and displayed in this column.
Leakoff Coefficient
If you select Enter Leakoff Coefficient in the Fluid Loss Entry Mode options, enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for
each layer in this column. If you select Enter Permeability, the leakoff coefficient will be calculated and displayed in this
Pay Zone
Use this check box to mark all zones that you consider pay zones. This is information is used by Fracture Design Mode
and also in the calculation of the Payzone Height Coverage Ratio and Payzone Fracture Area Ratio model channels.
In Production Analysis Mode, if you use the Import Frac Interval Properties function, Permeability on the
PRODUCTION ANALYSIS Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen is the average of all the permeabilities of all zones
marked as pay zones, not just the permeability of the zone containing the perforated interval. The average permeability is
calculated as sum of kh for all zones divided by the total height of all zones:
Average Permeability=Σkh/Total Height
Depth Entry Mode
Enter TVD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Tables in terms of the true vertical depth (TVD).
Enter MD
Select this option to enter the layer depths in the Reservoir Tables in terms of the measured depth (MD).
Fluid Loss Entry Mode
You have the choice of entering either Pore Fluid Permeability or (total) Leakoff Coefficient. Whichever one you choose to
enter, FracproPT uses a permeability-to-leakoff-coefficient relationship to calculate the other.
Enter Permeability
Select this option to enter the Pore-Fluid Permeability for each Rock Type in the Reservoir Layer Table. The
corresponding (total) Leakoff Coefficient will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Enter Leakoff Coefficient
Select this option to enter the (total) Leakoff Coefficient for each Rock Type in the Reservoir Layer Table. The
corresponding Pore-Fluid Permeability will be calculated and displayed in the adjacent column in the table.
Total perforated height, whether entered by you here, or on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen in the case
where you are not modeling the wellbore, has no effect on the perforation friction predicted by FracproPT. Perforation
friction is calculated based solely on the flow rate and the data entered on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION
[F8] screen.

FracproPT 2007

The perforation and initial frac depths are always entered and/or display here in terms of true vertical depth (TVD).
If you have more than one perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen, you can
toggle through a display of each interval by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
For large perforated intervals, you may elect to have the fracture initiate from a line source (details of which can be
found on the Growth Parameters tab of the FracproPT MODEL PARAMETERS screen).
Depth to Top of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Top of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Top of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Depth to Bottom of Perfs
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, you must
enter a value for Depth to Bottom of Perfs here. If you choose Model Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, Depth to Bottom of Perfs is taken from data entered on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen and displayed (uneditable) on this screen.
Initial Frac Depth
FracproPT always calculates this value; it is approximately the center of the zone with lowest stress found within the
perforated interval. If you want to guarantee fracture initiation from a particular zone (regardless of the stress profile and
the true perforated interval), you can make the perforated interval small enough such that you control where the simulator
initiates the fracture.
Initial Frac Depth must fall within one of the inner Rock Type layers (that is, it cannot fall within either the top layer or the
bottom layer).
This screen is where you modify the composite layering effects on various layers of rock. This screen is available only if
you choose General Reservoir in the Reservoir Options on the FRACTURE Analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen.
Define the layers and their various properties that comprise the reservoir and surrounding strata by entering the depth to
the top of each layer. Up to 100 layers may be entered, but only 14 are shown at any time. Blank rows in the table may be
added by selecting a whole row and pressing [Ins], and rows may be deleted by selecting the whole row and pressing
The layer where the fracture initiates (depending on the position of the perforated interval defined on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) is highlighted yellow in the table. If you have more than one perforated interval defined,
you can cycle through them by pressing [Ctrl+F] or selecting the Next Interval toolbar button.
The actual depths you enter and the numbers of layers you define here do not have to coincide with the depths and
layers you enter in any other Reservoir Property Table.
Set Composite Layering Effect from
These options will only be available if 3D User-Defined is selected as the Fracture Model to Use option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Table Entry
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.
Payzone Flag
Select this option to set the Composite Layering Effect for all zones (no matter what the Rock Type) that are not
selected as Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. The Composite Layering Effect for the Pay Zones
will automatically be set to 1.0, while the value for all non-Pay Zones is set below by the entry for Composite Layering
Effect Outside Payzone.
Composite Layering Effect Outside Payzone
If Payzone Flag is selected as the Set Composite Layering Effect from option (see description above), the value for
that effect is entered here. This value will overwrite all values entered in the Mechanical Rock Properties Table.
Additional Information: Composite Layering Effects
Other Functions
Layer Display
Select this function to view the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE with the Layer Properties Template.
Logs/Layers Editor

FracproPT 2007

If a standard Log ASCII (LAS) file is available, layers can be built automatically and properties can be assigned
automatically using the Logs/Layers Editor.
Reservoir Parameters – Additional Properties [F9]

The Reservoir Leakoff Parameters screen.

Reservoir Type
Select the Reservoir Type from one of the radio buttons. The choices are Single Layer or Multi Layer.
Single Layer
For Single Layer, the parameters entered and displayed on this screen apply to all the layers defined on the
If you want to enter different parameters for each layer, for example if you have significant differences in reservoir
pressure, porosity or compressibility in various payzones, you should choose Multi-Layer as the Reservoir Type.
In most situations, choosing either Gas or Oil (depending on your reservoir) yields acceptable results.
Multi Layer
Choosing Multi-Layer allows you to set those same Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to whatever values you choose, but
now they can be set differently to each layer in the Reservoir Layer Table. As you might expect, the Reservoir LEAKOFF
PARAMETERS screen will appear somewhat different in this case.
HC Type
The type of hydrocarbons is specified here.
Gas Well
The well is used primarily to produce gas.
Oil Well
The well is used primarily to produce oil.

Leakoff Fluid Permeability Ratio, Kp/Kl

This is the ratio of formation pore-fluid permeability to formation leakoff-fluid permeability (usually water). Typical values
for this ratio are from 1.0 to 50. For oil reservoirs, values close to 1.0 are common. For gas reservoirs, values of order 10
or higher are common.
Reservoir Pore Pressure

FracproPT 2007

This parameter is commonly measured for other reasons (for example, reserve calculations) and is usually a well-known
parameter. A typical pore pressure gradient is about 0.43 psi/foot.
Average Pressure In Fracture
This parameter indicates the pressure inside the fracture soon after fracture initiation. A good estimate for this number is
typically about 500 psi higher than pay zone closure stress. This parameter has two functions:

ƒ To convert Permeability to Leak-Off Coefficient and vice versa as displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Layers tab.
ƒ As the initial fluid-loss driving pressure for the first simulator time step.
Once the fracture has initiated (for example, after the first time step), the actual pressure in the fracture is used to
drive fluid leakoff and calculate the actual leakoff coefficient.
Pore Fluid Compressibility
This is the compressibility (that is, the inverse of modulus) of the fluid in the pores. For oil reservoirs, compressibility can
be as low as 3e-6 1/psi. In gas reservoirs, the compressibility is the generally the reciprocal of the pore pressure (for
example, if the pore pressure is about 5000 psi, the compressibility would be about 0.0002 1/psi).
Pore Fluid Viscosity
This input refers to the mobile reservoir fluid. Typical values for a gas reservoir would be low, of order 0.01 to 0.1 cp, with
very little change with temperature. For an oil reservoir, typical values could be much higher, of order one to several
hundred cp, and significant changes with temperature would be expected.
This is the volume fraction of formation rock that is occupied by pores where oil or gas is stored. Typical values are
around 10% (entered as 0.10), but porosity may be as high as 60% (0.60) or as low as only a few percent.
Gas In Foam Leakoff Percentage
This parameter relates the quality of the leakoff fluid to the quality of the fluid in the fracture. For example, a Gas In Foam
Leakoff Percentage of 25 with 80-quality foam in the fracture means that the leakoff fluid is 20-quality (that is, 20 percent
gas, 80 percent liquid). This field is accessible only if you have foam inputs on the Treatment SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Set to Gas Defaults and Set to Oil Defaults

If you choose the buttons to Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults, the parameters on this screen are overwritten by
FracproPT. However, you can always set these parameters yourself after that by editing them individually.
Choosing Set to Gas Defaults or Set to Oil Defaults automatically sets a number of Reservoir Leakoff Parameters to
default values for "typical" reservoirs (that is, normally pressured, etc.). These parameters apply to all layers in the
Reservoir Layer Table.

Reservoir Depletion
Select this function to view the DEPLETION MENU screen where you can model the effects (on pore pressure, pore fluid
compressibility, and closure stress) of production from the reservoir. A message field adjacent to the Reservoir Depletion
selection indicates whether or not the depletion model is currently In Use or Not Used.

Drainage Area
The drainage area in terms of its extent and the well spacing is specified here.
X-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the length of the fracture (that is, the x direction).
Y-Direction Extent
This parameter is the extent of the drainage area along the width of the fracture (that is, the y direction).
Well Spacing
This parameter is used to calculate a pseudo-steady state PI ratio in the Fracture Design module and is linked to the
Reservoir Extent in the Production Analysis module.

Fracture Azimuth

FracproPT 2007

This parameter describes the fracture orientation with respect to north, with the positive direction defined to be clockwise
(for example, 45 degrees corresponds to the NE-to-SW direction). This parameter is used only for display purposes by the
Wellbore Viewer and does not affect model results.
Suggest Viscosity and Compressibility
Pressing this button will set Pore Fluid Viscosity and Pore Fluid Compressibility (described above) to suggested values.

Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters

Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters [F9]

This screen, which is accessed only if 2D Model was selected on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, is
where the reservoir parameters necessary for production simulation are entered.
This is a single-layer production model, so some care must be used when entering data on this screen that adequately
describes the actual reservoir configuration. For example, the reservoir may have more than one permeable layer (which
may be more fully described in the reservoir description entered in the fracture simulation model).

The Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters screen.

Depth to Middle of Pay

This number is used to calculate flowing tubing pressure and pressure losses in the production string.
Gross Pay Thickness
This is the total interval from the top of the upper-most pay zone to the bottom of the lower-most pay zone, including
unproductive intervals in between. This is the interval over which the proppant concentration from the fracture simulation
model is averaged to find the resulting conductivity for each fracture segment.
Net Pay Thickness
This is the total height of the permeable, productive intervals contained in the Gross Pay Thickness. It is used to
calculate hydrocarbons-in-place and well productivity.
Initial Pressure
This is the pore pressure throughout the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation.
This is the reservoir permeability in the direction normal to the fracture.

FracproPT 2007

This is the porosity of the reservoir, which is entered as a fractional number less than one.
Water Saturation
FraPS allows only one mobile phase, however the immobile water phase is allowed to expand as reservoir pressure
drops. This number is entered as a fractional number less than one.
X-Direction Extent, Y-Direction Extent
X-Direction Extent is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction parallel to the fracture. You
may wish to make this number greater than Y-Direction Extent, which is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage
boundary in the direction normal to the fracture, by an amount equal to the propped-fracture length.
The following table lists values for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent for some common drainage areas.

Drainage Area X-Direction Extent Y-Direction Extent

40 acres 660 feet 660 feet

80 acres 933 feet 933 feet

160 acres 1,320 feet 1,320 feet

320 acres 1,867 feet 1,867 feet

640 acres 2,640 feet 2,640 feet

Drainage Area
This is a calculated number, based on your entries for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent.
Fracture Gradient
This number, which is also known as closure stress gradient, is used to calculate closure stress on the proppant, local
reservoir pressure, and any backstress effects.
Wellbore Effects
Wellbore Hole Diameter
This number is used to model reservoir-fluid flow near the wellbore more precisely than it would be with the default
reservoir simulation grid. "Hole" is included to emphasize that this is the hole diameter, not the casing diameter. The
default grid is generated if 0.0 is entered.
Skin Factor
This parameter is used to include skin damage effects (that is, a small region of reduced permeability around the
wellbore). Entries less than zero (indicating stimulation rather than damage) are ignored. Stimulation may be modeled
either by a fracture or by an enhanced Wellbore Hole Diameter.
Compaction Effects Table
The table of Compaction Effects located on the right side of this screen is used to allow reservoir permeability to decrease
as effective vertical stress increases with reservoir depletion. Effective stress is equal to the vertical or overburden stress
minus pore pressure.
Effective Vertical Stress
This is the "effective" vertical stress acting on the reservoir rock matrix. Effective vertical stress is equal to vertical or
overburden stress minus pore pressure.
Permeability Multiplier
This is the factor by which reservoir permeability (entered as Y-Direction Permeability on this screen) is multiplied by for
each value of effective stress. This table has no effect on proppant-pack permeability if each Permeability Multiplier is set
to 1.0.
Vertical Stress Gradient
This is the parameter that is used to calculate the exact vertical stress in the middle of the pay interval. This vertical stress
is then used to calculate the correct the correct Permeability Multiplier from the Compaction Effects Table.
Import Reservoir Data
Import Stimulation Interval Properties

FracproPT 2007

In Fracture Analysis Mode, you can define many layers of varying permeability, while in Production Analysis Mode
you can define only one productive layer. Therefore, when using the 2D reservoir model, you must somehow enter this
more limited reservoir description to adequately and accurately predict the production.
Click on the Import Frac Interval Properties button to display the Select Pay Interval Properties dialog to automatically
generate this more limited reservoir description from the Reservoir Parameters screen for you last fracture simulation.
You can select from among a number of parameters to import. Once you import the properties, you should your own
engineering judgment to determine if the imported properties are suitable for the current simulation.

Reservoir Parameters [F9] - Production Analysis Reservoir Parameters

This screen, which is accessed only if 3D Layered Analytical Model was selected on the production analysis
OPTIONS [F4] screen, is where the reservoir parameters necessary for production simulation are entered.

The Reservoir Layer Parameters screen.

Reservoir Parameters Table

Depth to Layer Top
Enter the depth to the top of each layer. This value is used to calculate flowing tubing pressure and pressure losses in the
production string.
Gross Thickness
This is the total layer thickness, including any unproductive intervals in the layer.
Net Thickness
This is the total thickness of all productive intervals in the layer. This number is used to calculate hydrocarbons-in-place
and well productivity.
Perm. (kx)
This is the reservoir permeability in the x-direction (that is, parallel to the fracture).
Perm. (ky)
This is the reservoir permeability in the y-direction (that is, perpendicular to the fracture).
Perm. (kz)
This is the vertical reservoir permeability.

FracproPT 2007

This is the porosity of the reservoir, which is entered as a fractional number less than one.
This parameter is used to include skin damage effects (that is, a small region of reduced permeability around the
wellbore). Skins less than zero (indicating stimulation rather than damage) are ignored.
Water Saturation
This parameter represents the immobile water saturation, which is entered as a fractional number less than one. This
number is used to adjust the Porosity.
This parameter, which is used by the dual-porosity model and also known as the "interporosity parameter," is proportional
to the ratio of rock permeability to fracture permeability.
This parameter, which is used by the dual-porosity model and also known as the "storativity ratio," is the ratio of the
fracture pore volume to the total reservoir pore volume.
Reservoir Shape
The shape of the reservoir is defined by selecting one three options. For each of those options, other parameters must be
entered to completely characterize the shape in terms of production simulation from that shape.
Initial Pressure – This is the pore pressure throughout the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation.
Initial Pressure – This is the pore pressure throughout the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation.
X-Direction Extent – This is the drainage distance in the direction parallel to the fracture. You may wish to make this
number greater than Y-Direction Extent by an amount equal to the propped-fracture length.
Y-Direction Extent – This is the drainage distance in the direction normal to the face of the fracture.
The following table lists values for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent for some common drainage areas.

Drainage X- Y-
Area Direction Direction
Extent Extent

40 acres 660 feet 660 feet

80 acres 933 feet 933 feet

160 1,320 1,320

acres feet feet

320 1,867 1,867

acres feet feet

640 2,640 2,640

acres feet feet

Initial Pressure – This is the pore pressure throughout the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation.
Reservoir Radius – This is the drainage distance from the wellbore to the reservoir boundary.
The following table lists values for Reservoir Radius for some common drainage areas.

Drainage Reservoir
Area Radius

80 acres 1,053 feet

160 1,489 feet


320 2,106 feet


FracproPT 2007

640 2,979 feet


FracproPT Reservoir and Fracture Data

Use Current Fractures
Use this function to have Production Analysis to use the fracture length, fracture conductivity, and reservoir properties
from the latest FracproPT simulation (for the productive layers only). The definitions for the well type (vertical or
horizontal) are not passed to Production Analysis.
Use Imported Fractures
This function is available only if Use Loaded Fractures is selected on the FRACTURE parameterS screen. When
selected, this option causes Production Analysis to use fractures from different treatments that are tagged on the
FRACTURE ParameterS screen. If any of these fractures are acid fractures, an "equivalent" propped fracture with a
conductivity profile that approximates the acid fracture conductivity is computed.


Reservoir Parameters [F9] - PVT

This screen, which is accessed if you select Manual PVT Entry on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, is
where you enter the various PVT properties needed to define the reservoir hydrocarbons.

The User-Entered PVT Properties screen.

Standard Gravity of HC Phase

This is the gas gravity for gas reservoirs or the API gravity for oil reservoirs (both at standard conditions). Gravities less
than 2.0 will automatically toggle HC Type (displayed to the right of this field) to gas.
HC Type
This field displayed the hydrocarbon type, either oil or gas, based on your input for Standard Gravity of HC Phase on this
screen. Gravities less than 2.0 will automatically toggle HC Type to gas.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the reservoir temperature used for the PVT calculations.
User-Enter PVT Table

FracproPT 2007

This is the pressure at which the other PVT properties are entered in the table.
The pressure should be entered in an increasing fashion. In other words, the lowest pressure for which you have PVT
data should do in row number one of the table and the pressure should increase as you move down in the table.
If the pressure during your simulation goes out of the range of pressures for which you have defined PVT properties,
the PVT properties for the closest pressure are used. In other words, the simulator does not try to extrapolate
properties outside the range of the table.
Formation Volume Factor
This is the volume of the mobile reservoir fluid (at reservoir conditions, for each pressure entry) divided by the volume at
standard conditions.
This parameter must decrease with increasing pressure.
Gas Deviation Factor
Also known as the z-factor, this is the ratio of the volume actually occupied by a gas at a given pressure and temperature
to the volume the gas would occupy at the same pressure and temperature if it behaved like an ideal gas. For an ideal
gas, the z-factor is one.
This is the viscosity of the mobile reservoir fluid at each pressure entry.
Solution Gas/Oil Ratio
Enter the solution gas to oil ratio of the produced fluid here.

PVT Correlations [F9]

This screen, which is accessed if you select Automatic PVT Correlations on the production analysis OPTIONS [F4]
screen, is used for entry of the PVT parameters described below.

The PVT Correlations screen.

Standard Gravity of HC Phase

FracproPT 2007

This is gas specific gravity for gas reservoirs, or API gravity for oil reservoirs, both at standard conditions. Entering values
of smaller than or equal to 1.5 for the Standard Gravity of HC Phase will automatically toggle the HC (Hydrocarbon)
Type to gas, as displayed to the right of this field. Entering values of greater than or equal to 10.0 for the Standard
Gravity of HC Phase will toggle the HC Type to oil. For oil reservoirs, the equation to convert from specific gravity (SG)
to API gravity is as follows:
API gravity=141.5/SG-131.5.
Reservoir Temperature
This is the temperature used for the PVT calculations.
Minimum Pressure
This is the minimum pressure expected during the simulation.
Maximum Pressure
This is the maximum pressure expected during the simulation (normally, the initial reservoir pressure).
These are the fraction mol-% concentrations for Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Hydrogen Sulfide used by the PVT
correlations. These impurities are valid only when simulating for gas reservoirs.
Oil Properties
Bubble Point and Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio are mutually exclusively used to calculate PVT correlations for oil
reservoirs: If both are non-zero, Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio is used. Solution Gas Gravity is also required for oil PVT
Multiple Fractures - Shift + F7

Multiple Fractures [SHIFT+F7]

This screen allows you to model the effects of multiple fractures in a table where you specify, at each point in time, how
many fractures are taking fluid (that is, propagating), how many fractures are losing fluid, and how many fractures are
propagating in parallel.
Modeling the simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic fractures is somewhat tricky and should only be used with solid
engineering judgment and assumptions. As such, you should only use this screen if you have a good understanding of the
implications of such an assumption and an understanding of exactly how the MULTIPLE FRACTURES screen works.

• What are multiple fractures?

• When do multiple fractures occur?
• What are the implications of multiple fractures?

FracproPT 2007

The Multiple Fractures screen.

Multiple Fracture Table

Enter the Time at which one or more of the multiple fracture factors takes effect. You can configure multiple fractures so
that they vary with time or so that they are constant in time.
Volume Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are propagating (that is, taking fluid), with the volume split evenly between
the fractures. For example, a value of 2 means that two identical fractures are being propagated.
Leakoff Factor
This parameter determines how many fractures are leaking off fluid. For example, a value of 2 means that there are two
fractures are leaking off equal amounts of fluid, which is twice the amount that would occur if the value were 1.
This parameter can be used to simulated phenomena like pressure dependent leakoff.
Opening Factor
This parameter determines how many (parallel) fractures are propagating and competing for the same opening space,
hence driving up net pressure.

FracproPT 2007

The process of determining what values to enter for the three multiple fracture factors and for the time at which the
various factors should become active can sometimes be confusing. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you
verify what you are attempting to model by constructing a time-based plot of one or more of the factors for visual

Rules for Multiple Fractures

FracproPT has multiple-fracture "rules" set up for two common perforation strategies to make simulating them with
multiple fractures easier.
No rules
This is the default option. Select it to allow entry of the multiple fracture parameters in whatever manner you see fit.
Distributed limited-entry perforations
This option is for limited-entry perforations that are distributed over a relatively large interval with homogeneous
properties. View an additional explanation of this option.
This option can be a good alternative for the sometimes-cumbersome option of defining multiple perforated intervals
on the Wellbore Configuration [F7] screen and choosing the Limited Entry Iteration option on the Fracture
Analysis Options [F4] screen.
Point source perforations
This option is for short perforated intervals (for example, wells that are "cluster perforated" or horizontal/deviated wells
that are treated in multiple stages. View an additional explanation of this option.

Other Functions
Reset to Defaults
Select this option to reset all entries in the Multiple Fracture Table to default values, which assumes growth of a single
Fluid & Proppant Data

Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5

Fluid and Proppant Selection – Fluid Selection [F5]

The Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen can be accessed by:

• pressing the function key F5

• selecting from the main menu Data > Fluids and Proppants > Select Fluids and Proppants F5
• selecting Fluid&Proppant Selection from the Navigation Tree
The Fluid Selection tab is the first tab on the Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen.

The fluids listed on this screen are the ones available for use in the current fracture and reservoir simulations. Up to ten
fluids can be selected. They are a subset of the hundreds found in the Fluid Libraries (there are System Libraries and
User Libraries for fluids). The fluids displayed here are either selected from the libraries or created from scratch.

FracproPT 2007

Fluid Selection screen

Fluids List
This is the list of fluids currently available for use in the simulator. Additional fluids may be added from the Fluid Libraries.
Fluids with a red background indicate fluids that have acid added to them. Fluids displayed on a faint yellow
background are actually used in the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen or elsewhere in FracproPT in other modules.
• Fluid Name: Name of the fluid.
• Edit Current Fluid: Use this function to view the friction, rheology, fluid-loss, thermal, and chemical
data for any fluid in the list by first selecting the fluid and then selecting this function. Alternatively,
you can also simply double-click on the fluid. Both actions display the Fluid Data [Shift+F5] screen
where those data are accessible.

FracproPT 2007

• Add New Fluid to List: Select this function to add a new fluid to the list from either the System
Library or User Library of fluids in the Select Fluid screen. See also description for Add New
Halliburton 2007 Fluid to List button below.
If you wish to create a modified version of a fluid that is already on the Fluids List, select the fluid by clicking on the
row number and then press [Ins]. This action will create a new fluid that is a copy of the first fluid, the only difference
being that "-A" will be appended to the name. If you repeat this process to create more copies of the original fluid,
they will have -B, -C, etc. appended to the original name. You can then modify the new fluid's properties. This is a
handy feature for foam treatments where you need to use the same basic fluid with varying quality.
• Remove Fluid from List: Select a fluid with the cursor and then use this function to delete it from the
Fluid List.
If a fluid is currently in use on the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen, you will not be able to remove it unless you
remove it from the schedule first.
• Create User Defined Fluid: Select this function to create a fluid from "scratch." A blank version of the
Fluid Data - Shift+F5 screen will appear where you must enter a fluid name, rheology data, friction
data, and fluid-loss data. The fluid will not be a valid fluid (that is, it will not be usable) until all
necessary data are entered.
• Add New Halliburton 2007 Fluid to List: Select this function to add a new Halliburton fluid to the list
from either the System Library or User Library of Halliburton fluids in the Select Halliburton Fluid

Fluid and Proppant Selection – Proppant Selection [F5]

he Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen can be accessed by:

• pressing the function key F5

• selecting from the main menu Data > Fluids and Proppants > Select Fluids and Proppants F5
• selecting Fluid&Proppant Selection from the Navigation Tree
The Proppant Selection tab is the second tab on the Fluid and Proppant Selection - F5 screen.

The proppants listed on this screen are the ones available for use in the current fracture and reservoir simulations. Up to
ten proppants can be selected. They are a subset of the proppants found in the Proppant Libraries (there are System
Libraries and User Libraries for proppants). The proppants displayed here are either selected from the libraries or created
from scratch.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Selection screen

Proppants List
This is the list of proppants currently available for use in the simulator. Additional proppants may be added from the
Proppant Libraries.
If the diameter for a proppant displayed in the list is smaller than the threshold diameter defined on the Proppant
Model Parameters tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters - Shift + F3 screen (so that it will be ignored as proppant
by the fracture simulator), the proppant will be displayed with a yellow background in the list. Proppants displayed on
a faint yellow background are actually used in the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen or elsewhere in FracproPT in
other modules.
• Proppant Name: Name of the proppant.
• Source: The source of the proppant data.

FracproPT 2007

• COMP: Compiled from various sources (generally based on the most reliable proppant data that
is available).
• DOC: The vendor’s documentation (that is, not published on their World Wide Web site).
• SL6.0: Stim-Lab 6.0.
• SL99: Stim-Lab 1999.
• UNKN: Unknown (typically historic data).
• WWW: The vendor’s World Wide Web site.
User-defined fluids do not have a "Source" entry (that is, it is blank).
• Edit Current Proppant: Use this function to view data (for example, density, porosity, average
diameter) the data describing any fluid in the list by first selecting the proppant and then selecting this
function. Alternatively, you can also simply double-click on the proppant. Both actions display the
Proppant Data screen where that data are accessible.
• Add New Proppant to List: Select this function to add a new proppant to the list from either the
System Library or User Library of proppants in the Select Proppant screen.
• Create User Defined Proppant: Select this function to create a proppant from "scratch." A blank
version of the Proppant Data screen will appear where you must enter a proppant name and other
data to describe the proppant. The proppant will not be a valid proppant (that is, it will not be usable)
until all necessary data are entered.
• Remove Proppant from List: Select a proppant with the cursor and then use this function to delete it
from the Proppant List.
If a proppant is currently in use on the Treatment Schedule - F6 screen, you will not be able to remove it unless you
remove it from the schedule first.
• Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction: Select this function to view the Proppant Effects On
Wellbore FrictioN screen where the effects of proppant on wellbore friction can be viewed and
Fracture Conductivity Calculation
• Producing Bottomhole Pressure: Enter a pressure here for use in calculating the net closure stress
on the proppant, which is necessary to calculate the conductivity of the propped fracture. This
pressure has a wide range of values that may depend on gathering-system line pressure, reservoir or
proppant sensitivity to the drawdown pressure, or some other production-related constraint. This
pressure will always be less than reservoir pressure and it may be as low as a few tens or hundreds
of psi (above zero) in low-permeability gas wells.
This is the same parameter shown on the Proppant Perm Damage screen.
• Proppant Damage Factor: This the damage factor applied to the proppant permeability resulting
from non-flow-related phenomena such as gel residue. This damage factor can be specified on the
Proppant Perm Damage screen.
This damage factor is shown on this screen in read-only format.
• Apparent Damage Factor (Non-Darcy, Multi-Phase Flow): This attempts to estimate the apparent
damage factors resulting from flow-related phenomena such as non-Darcy and multi-phase flow
effects. This damage factor can be specified on the Proppant Perm Damage screen.
This damage factor is shown on this screen in read-only format.
• Total Damage Factor: This is the damage parameter that FracproPT actually uses to calculate
conductivity and dimensionless conductivity. This total damage factor is applied to the proppant
permeability, which is calculated automatically from the damage factors resulting from non-flow-
related (that is, the Proppant Damage Factor) and flow-related (that is, the Apparent Damage
Factor) phenomena if you so specify; those damage factors are specified on the Proppant Perm
Damage screen. The Total Damage Factor is calculated using the following simple equation:
This damage factor is shown on this screen in read-only format.

FracproPT 2007

• Proppant Perm Damage: Select this function to go to the Proppant Perm Damage screen where you
can enter information and select options, including non-Darcy and multiphase flow effects, related
to the calculation of proppant conductivity in the fractures during production.

• Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction: Go to Proppant Effect on Wellbore Friction screen.

Fluid Properties

Fluid Data – Fluid Friction Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual wellbore-friction data used by the simulator for any of the fluids
listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the wellbore-friction data are interpolated or taken
directly from the two Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the
service companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The effects of proppant on fluid friction are handled on the Proppant Effects on Wellbore Friction screen. However,
the changes in friction associated with the addition of nitrogen or carbon dioxide for foamed fluids is not handled
automatically and you must make those corrections in the data shown on this screen. There are some foamed fluids
stored in the System Fluid Library, but you should contact the service company to obtain friction pressure estimates for
the specific foamed fluids you are using.
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.
If you choose Ignore Wellbore and Perforations on the FRACTURE Analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen, the wellbore-
friction parameters are displayed in blue on this screen and cannot accessed.

The Fluid Friction Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid

FracproPT 2007

This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the friction properties of another fluid listed on the
Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.
Selected Wellbore Segment
Segment Number
This is the wellbore segment number for which wellbore friction data are currently displayed. Segment Number
corresponds to the entries on the Path Summary tab of the Wellbore Configuration [F7] screen, which are also
displayed directly below this field for reference.
To view the configuration and the friction data for a different wellbore segment, you can either enter a segment number
directly in the field, or you may use the Previous Segment and Next Segment functions described below.
Previous Segment
Select this function to view the configuration and the friction data for the previous wellbore segment.
Next Segment
Select this function to view the configuration and the friction data for the next wellbore segment.
Friction Data for Selected Fluid and Wellbore Segment
Three points of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data are shown for each Selected Fluid in each Selected Wellbore
Segment. The first and second flow-rate/pressure points define the laminar-flow regime, while the second and third points
define the turbulent-flow regime.
This the flow rate for which friction pressure, P, is measured.
This is the friction pressure corresponding to the flow rate, Q.
This the actual friction pressure (that is, the effective friction pressure) that the model will actually use when you select
Use Multiplier as the Wellbore Friction Modification Mode. It is the product of the Friction Multiplier and the friction
pressure, P.
Wellbore Friction Modification Mode
These controls facilitate two methods by which you may change the wellbore friction parameters:

ƒ If you select Use Multiplier, you can enter a value for Friction Multiplier to change all friction pressure (P)
values by the same factor. This method preserves the shape of the wellbore friction vs. flow-rate curve,
essentially shifting it up or down.
ƒ If you select Set Individual Values, you can change all of data points individually (both flow rate and friction
Plot Data
Friction Pressure vs. Rate
Select this function to plot friction-pressure versus flow-rate data for the Selected Wellbore Segment. You have the option
of plotting this data for either the Selected Fluid or All Fluids.
Other Functions
Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

FracproPT 2007

Fluid Data – Fluid Rheology Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual rheology data used by the simulator for any of the fluids listed on
the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the rheology data are interpolated or taken directly from the
two Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies)
and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The changes in rheology associated with the addition of nitrogen or carbon dioxide for foamed fluids is not handled
automatically, therefore you must make those corrections in the data shown on this screen. There are some foamed
fluids stored in the System Fluid Library, but you should contact the service company to obtain rheology estimates for
the specific foamed fluids you are using.
Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

The Fluid Rheology Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the rheology properties of another fluid listed on the
Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.

FracproPT 2007

Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.
Rheology for Selected Fluid
In-fracture rheology data for the current fluid (n' and K' as functions of time, at the current reservoir temperature) are
shown in this table. Notice that there is room in the rheology table for five different entries (that is, n' and K' at five different
times), while the rheology data taken from the Fluid Libraries consists of only two entries. This is so that you can enter a
more detailed rheology time-history if it is available (for example, for fluids that have been more fully investigated in a
This is the time (at temperature) for which n’ and K’ are measured.
This is the flow behavior index for the Selected Fluid at the current Time and Reservoir Temperature.
This is the consistency index for the Selected Fluid at the current Time and Reservoir Temperature.
In Wellbore
Just below the five-row Rheology Data Table there are fields to enter values of n' and K' for the fluid while it is still in the
wellbore. For example, a crosslinked fluid would typically not be crosslinked until it was in the fracture. The In Wellbore
rheology values default to the initial n' and K' values from the table, which is correct for a linear gel. For a crosslinked gel,
you should enter the correct values.
The In Wellbore rheology is used for only two purposes:
• In the Keck Correlation for calculating the effect of proppant on wellbore friction (see the Proppant
Effects on Wellbore Friction screen).
• For display purposes on the Wellbore Profile [Alt+F9] screen.
Apparent Viscosity Calculator
Enter a Time and a Shear Rate to display the Apparent Viscosity of the Displayed Fluid at the current Reservoir
Reservoir Temperature
This parameter is entered either on the Heat Transfer Parameters [SHIFT+F9] or Reservoir Parameters [F9] screens
and is displayed here for reference.
Plot Data
n' vs. Time
Select this function to plot n’ data as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected
Fluid or All Fluids. You can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
K’ vs. Time
Select this function to plot K’ data as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected
Fluid or All Fluids. You can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
Apparent Viscosity vs. Time
Select this function to plot apparent viscosity data (evaluated at the Shear Rate entered in the Apparent Viscosity
Calculator) as a function of time. You have the option of plotting this data for either the Selected Fluid or All Fluids. You
can also set the Maximum Time for Plots.
Other Functions
Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Data – Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties [Shift+F5]

This tab of the FLUID DATA screen shows the actual fluid-loss and thermal properties used by the simulator for any of
the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. All the data are taken directly from the two
Fluid Libraries, which are the System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the
User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).

FracproPT 2007

Any changes made to the data on this screen do not affect the Fluid Library data. However, the contents of this screen are
saved with the other simulation inputs (for example, the treatment schedule, model parameters, reservoir parameters,
wellbore configuration, etc.) whenever you save an input file.

The Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the FLUID DATA screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Modified Properties
This field displays a message indicating from where the data on this screen was interpolated or taken, and whether or not
any of the data have been modified since retrieval.
Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity
This is a measure of the fluids’ conductive heat transfer ability (in units of btu/foot-hour-°F).
Specific Heat
For engineering purposes, this is essentially the heat capacity of the fluid, which is a measure of the heat transfer required
to increase a "unit mass" of the fluid by 1 degree (in units of btu/pound-°F).
Fluid Density

FracproPT 2007

This is the total density of the clean fluid (including all the fluid additives) in the units of specific gravity (for example, pure
water at 4 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 1.0). This parameter is extremely important in modeling the
hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Most water-based fracturing fluids have densities very close to 1.01. When using
fracturing fluids with different densities, be sure to enter the actual density for each fluid.
The effects of proppant and foam on hydrostatic wellbore pressure are handled automatically.
Wall Building Coefficient
Wall Building Coefficient
The Wall Building Coefficient is used to model the additional resistance to fluid leakoff created by the polymer filter-cake
that builds up on the fracture walls as fluid leaks off. Wall Building Coefficient is entered in units of feet/square-root-
minute, as given by service company fluid manuals (that is, with 1,000 psi of pressure across the filter-cake). Select here
for additional information on the wall-building coefficient.

If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will see entries for low (1md) and high-perm (1,000 md) wall building coefficients (read additional information
on these parameters).
The wall-building coefficient for low perm (1 mD) will normally always be around 0.003 for 180 °F but will adjust with
temperature slightly (higher number with higher temperature). Fluids without filtercakes are typically modeled using higher
spurt values.
The wall-building coefficient for high perm (1,000 mD) will typically be very large for linear gels (for example, 0.1), while it
is typically very close to the low perm (1 mD) value for crosslinked fluids.
Enter 0.0 to model no wall building effects.
Other Fluid Loss Properties
Spurt Loss
This parameter is defined as the amount of fluid that must leak off (per unit area) before a contiguous filter-cake begins to
form. Spurt loss (defined at 1 md and 1,000 psi) will range from 0.003 to 0.006 for most borate crosslinked fluids. The
higher the gel loading and viscosity, the lower the value. Spurt loss ranges from 0.005 to 0.009 for most metal crosslinked
systems (Ti/Zr, etc.). Values range from 0.01 to 0.02 for linear gels, while fluids without filtercakes can be modeled using a
value of 10. Read additional information on spurt loss.
Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity
This parameter is the viscosity of the fluid leaking off from the fracture (that is, the filtrate fluid). This value is typically
close to that of water at the leakoff temperature.
Dynamic Equilibrium Fluid Loss Coefficient
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will have access to this parameter. This parameter accounts for filtercake removal due to the shear forces
applied by fluid/proppant flow in the fracture.
This parameter is set at the conditions of 1 mD, 1,000 psi, 50 1/seconds, and 180 degrees F. The value is 0.0 for non-
crosslinked fluids, while it ranges from 0.0 to 0.0007 (feet/minute) for borate crosslinked fluids and 0.0 to 0.0015 for metal
crosslinked fluids. An initial guess of 0.0005 is good for borate fluids, while a guess of 0.0008 would be best for metal
crosslinked fluids. The higher the polymer loading and viscosity, the greater the value will become.
Filtercake Compressibility Exponent
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you will have access to this parameter, which should always be around 0.2 for all polymer fluids.
Particulate Loss Additive
If you select either the Grid-Based Classical Model or the Grid-Based FLIC Model on the Simulation Options [F4]
screen, you have access to this selection. If you activate this option, the effect of reduced fluid loss due to particulate
additives will be modeled.
Leakoff Parameters Reference Table
This table displays, for the current fluid, the effect of the Wall Building Coeff on the Total Leakoff Coeff. The Depth, Pore
Fluid Perm, and Reservoir Leakoff Coeff are taken from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen and are displayed
in the table. The resulting Total Leakoff Coeff for each individual layer (which is a combination of the Reservoir Leakoff
Coeff and the Wall Building Coeff) is also displayed in the table. Only 10 layers are displayed in the table at any one time,
but up to a maximum of 100 can be accessed using the scroll bar.
The displayed Total Leakoff Coeff is for the current fluid only, and it is not necessarily representative of the overall leakoff
of a treatment if other fluids are also used. Note that a given Wall Building Coeff may dramatically affect the Total Leakoff
Coeff in a higher permeability zone while having a negligible effect on the Total Leakoff Coeff in a lower permeability
Other Functions

FracproPT 2007

Library Data
Select this function to view the FLUID LIBRARY DATA screen where you access (for viewing, entering, or editing) the
Fluid Library data for the fluids listed on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.

Fluid Library Data – Friction Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data for the Selected Fluid, for a number
of different wellbore configurations. Three points of friction-pressure versus flow-rate data are shown: The first and second
flow-rate/pressure points define the laminar-flow regime, while the second and third points define the turbulent-flow
regime. There are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service
companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The wellbore-friction data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Those data
are taken directly from this screen if the current wellbore configuration corresponds to one of the configurations for which
data are entered. If the current wellbore configuration does not correspond to one of the configurations in the tables on
this screen, the friction data are interpolated.

The Friction Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Tubing and Casing Data

This table shows the library entries (three points each) of Friction Pressure (P) versus Flow Rate (Q) for a number of
Casing or Tubing ID’s.
Annulus Data
This table shows the library entries (three points each) of Friction Pressure (P) versus Flow Rate (Q) for a number of
Casing ID-Tubing OD annuli.
Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.
To change the friction-pressure versus flow-rate data interpolated from this screen and actually used by the simulator,
you must go to the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made
to the data are saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library

FracproPT 2007

Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

Fluid Library Data – Rheology Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of n’ and K’ data at five different times for the Selected Fluid, for a number of
different reservoir temperatures. There are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to
Pinnacle by the service companies) and the User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The rheology data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Those data are
taken directly from this screen if the current reservoir temperature corresponds to one of the temperatures for which data
are entered. If the reservoir temperature does not correspond to one of the table entries on this screen, the rheology data
are interpolated.

The Rheology Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Rheology Data
This table shows the library entries (five points each) of Flow Behavior Index (n’) and Consistency Index (K’) for a number
of (reservoir) Temperatures.
Other Functions

FracproPT 2007

Save Fluid to User Library

Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.
To change the rheology data interpolated from this screen and actually used by the simulator, you must go to the
Fluid Rheology Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made to the data are
saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

Fluid Library Data – Fluid Loss and Thermal Data

This screen shows the Fluid Library entries of a number of fluid loss and thermal properties for the Selected Fluid. There
are two Fluid Libraries: The System Library (which contains data supplied to Pinnacle by the service companies) and the
User Library (which contains data input by you when defining fluids).
The fluid loss and thermal data actually used by the simulator are shown on the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen. Unlike
the friction and rheology data, those data are always taken directly from this screen (that is, there is no need to interpolate
from the data on this screen).

The Fluid Loss and Thermal Data tab of the Fluid Library Data screen.

Selected Fluid
This is the name of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library. To view the properties of another fluid listed on the FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, simply select it from the Name drop-down list.
This is the vendor of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
This is the fluid system as entered in the Fluid Library.

FracproPT 2007

This is the description of the fluid as entered in the Fluid Library.
Wall Building Coefficient
Wall Building Coefficient
The Wall Building Coefficient is used to model the additional resistance to fluid leakoff created by the polymer filter-cake
that builds up on the fracture walls as fluid leaks off. Wall Building Coefficient is entered in units of feet/square-root-
minute, as given by service company fluid manuals (that is, with 1,000 psi of pressure across the filter-cake).
Click here for additional information on the wall-building coefficient.
Enter 0.0 to model no wall building effects.
Other Fluid Loss Properties
Spurt Loss
This parameter is defined as the amount of fluid that must leak off (per unit area) before a contiguous filter-cake begins to
form. Spurt Loss is generally not a parameter that plays a significant role in hydraulic fracturing. Values for Spurt Loss can
be obtained for different fluids from service company fluid-data books. Spurt Loss not only changes with fluid type,
additives, temperature, etc., but it also changes over the range of formation permeability.
Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity
Enter the viscosity of the leakoff fluid in this field, which is typically around 1 centipoise.
Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity
Enter the thermal conductivity of the fluid in this field. A typical value for this parameter in oil field units is 0.3.
Specific Heat
Enter the specific heat of the fluid in this field. A typical value in oil field units is around 1.0.
Fluid Density
This is the total density of the clean fluid (including all the fluid additives) in the units of specific gravity (for example, pure
water at 4 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 1.0). This parameter is extremely important in modeling the
hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Most water-based fracturing fluids have densities very close to 1.01. When using
fracturing fluids with different densities, be sure to enter the actual density for each fluid.
Other Functions
Save Fluid to User Library
Select this function to save the Selected Fluid to the User Library of fluids. Any changes made to the data on this screen
are not saved unless you use this function.
To change the fluid loss and thermal data read directly from this screen and actually used by the simulator, you must
go to the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the FLUID DATA [SHIFT+F5] screen where any changes made
to the data are saved when you save the input file.
Delete Fluid from User Library
Select this function to delete the Selected Fluid from the User Library, which of course implies that the Selected Fluid is in
the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete fluids from the System Library.

Proppant Properties

Proppant Data
The Proppant Data screen is accessed by:

• clicking on the Edit Current Proppant button in the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant
- F5 screen
• selecting from the main menu Data > Fluids and Proppantns > Select Proppant
This screen is where properties of the current proppant are viewed, edited and, optionally, saved for future re-use. Other
proppants from the proppant list may be viewed by selecting the desired proppant in the Proppant Identifier drop-down

FracproPT 2007

The proppant list is shown on the the Proppant Selection tab in the Fluid and Proppant - F5 screen if you are in Fracture
Analysis Mode, Fracture Design Mode, or Economic Optimization Mode: it is shown on the Proppant Selection screen if
you are Production Analysis Mode.
There are two libraries, the System Library and the User Library.

Proppant Data screen

Selected Proppant
• Name: The common, unique name of the proppant.
• Vendor: The vendor of the proppant.
(for example, Atlas, Badger, Borden, Borovichi, Carbo, Curimbaba, Fores, Hepworth-Sibelco, Hexion)
• System: The system of the proppant.
(for example, Accupak, AcPack, Arizona Sand, Atlas CRC Premium, Atlas PRC, Atlas PRC Premium,
Badger Frac, Badger Sand, Badger Special Cut)
• Mesh Size: The minimum and maximum sieve mesh.
(for example, 6/12, 8/12, 8/16, 10/20, 12/18, 12/20, 14/20, 16/20, 16/30, 16/40, 18/30, 18/40, 20/40,
25/50, 30/50, 30/60, 40/60, 40/70, 70/140)
• Source: The source of the proppant data.
• compiled from various sources (generally based on the most reliable proppant data that is
• vendor’s documentation (that is, not published on their World Wide Web site).
• Stim-Lab 6.0
• Stim-Lab 1999.
• unknown (typically historic data).

FracproPT 2007

• web site: The vendor’s World Wide Web site.

User-defined fluids do not have a "Source" entry (that is, it is blank).
• Status: This field displays a message indicating from which Proppant Library the data for the
Selected Proppant comes and whether or not it has been modified from library values.
proppant source
• Cost: This is the cost of the proppant in dollars per pound, which is used for reports only.
• Bulk Density: This is the bulk density of the proppant, which typically measures about 100 lb/ft^3 for
sand, and 110-150 lb/ft^3 for manufactured proppants.
• Packed Porosity: This is the porosity of the proppant in a closed fracture. This value is calculated
from the Bulk Density and Specific Gravity.
• Specific Gravity: This property is calculated from the Proppant Bulk Density and the Packed
Proppant Porosity.
• Turbulence Coeff a / b at Low / High Stress: These are the coefficients that are used in the
correlation of Forcheimer's beta coefficient with proppant permeability (see the Cooke reference in
Technical References).
• Threshold Stress: This is a threshold value to distinguish between low and high stress for the
Turbulence Coeff a / b. If the stress is less than the threshold stress, Turbulence Coeff a / b Low
Stress are used. Otherwise, Turbulence Coeff a / b High Stress are used.
• Diameter: This is the average grain diameter of the proppant.
If the diameter is less than the value entered in the Proppant Diameter Greater Than field on the Proppant Model tab
of the Fracpropt Model Parameters screen (the default is 0.0125 inches), the proppant is ignored for calculations of
propped dimensions, but it is considered in calculating wellbore friction and hydrostatic head. This function is useful
for modeling proppant slugs.
• Width at 2 PSF: This is the width as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Width Correction a: The width reduction as a function of the effective stress on proppant for a 2
lbs/ft proppant pack. This data comes from a StimLab correlation.
• Width Correction b: Initial width correction at 2000 psi as measured by StimLab at 2 lbs/ft .

• Stress Cycle Exponent:

Proppant Permeability" = "Proppant Permeability" × "Number of stress cycles" ^ "Stress Cycle
where "Number of stress cycles" can be entered in the Proppant Perm Damage screen in the
Additional Damage Effects section after enabling Include effect of stress cycles on proppant
permeability checkbox.
• Proppant Type: This refers to the general classification of the proppant (that is, Sand, Resin Coated
Sand, Ceramic, Low Density Ceramic, Medium Density Ceramic, High Density Ceramic, Resin
Coated Low Density Ceramic, Resin Coated Medium Density Ceramic, Resin Coated High Density
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, the Proppant Type is automatically set to
• Proppant Coating: This refers to the type of proppant coating. The temperature correction for
proppant permeability is only used when the Proppant Coating is set to Precured or Curable.
For proppants from FracproPT 10.2 and earlier, Proppant Coating is automatically set to None.
Proppant Permeability Versus Effective Stress Table
Data in this table are used by ReservoirPT to determine how proppant permeability changes as stress increases with
reservoir depletion. It is also used to determine the proppant

• Effective Stress on Proppant: This is the value of effective closure stress acting on the proppant. In
a producing well, this is roughly similar to the difference between the far-field closure stress and the
bottomhole flowing pressure (BHFP).
σprop is the stress on the proppant
Pfrac is the pressure required to open the fracture (roughly equal to frac gradient times depth)
Pi is the current, local pore pressure
η is the poroelastic coefficient (typically 0.5)

FracproPT 2007

Po is the original reservoir pressure

Pn is the current average reservoir pressure
• Proppant Permeability: This is the permeability of the proppant pack corresponding to the value of closure stress.
Additional Information: ReservoirPT Stress on Proppant
For non-Halliburton proppants, the Proppant Permeability can be modified. In contrast, for Halliburton proppants, the
Proppant Permeability is computed during fracture model runs from a proprietary Halliburton model (this model is
available to all users).
• Perm at Resvr Temp: Correlations for the Perm at Resvr Temp are adapted from PredK version 6.57, Feb 2002.
Proppant permeability is only corrected if Proppant Type is set to Precured or Curable.
Additional Information: Perm at Resvr Temp Correlations
• 2
Avg Width for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Avg Width after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the average fracture width after embedment is
subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2: This is the conductivity of the proppant pack after
embedment is subtracted (twice, for both walls) for a proppant loading of 2 lbs/ft .
• Beta Factor: Forcheimer's beta coefficient calculated from the permeability k using Cooke’s
turbulence coefficients a and b.
Plot Data
• Perm vs. Stress: Display plot of Proppant Permeability versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• 2
Width vs. Stress: Display plot of Avg Width for 2 lb/ft versus Effective Stress on Prop.
• Sieve Dist.: Display plot of Weight versus Sieve.
• Conductivity vs. Stress: Display plot of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 versus
Effective Stress on Prop.
• Beta Factor vs. Stress: Display plot of Beta Factor versus Effective Stress on Prop.
Radio Buttons
• Selected Proppant: Display plots for selected proppant only.
• All Proppants: Display plots for all proppants.
Bar Diagrams
• Permeability: Display bar diagram of Proppant Permeability per proppant.
• Conductivity: Display bar diagram of Conductivity after Embedment for 2 lb/ft2 per proppant.
• Beta Factor: Display bar diagram Beta Factor per proppant.
Proppant Data Fields
• Date of Measurements: The date of the last measurement.
• Independent Lab Verification: Whether the proppant data was obtained and verified by an
independent laboratory (for example, Stim-Lab) or by a laboratory that is somehow dependent on a
proppant vendor.
(that is, No, Yes)
• Comments: Notes that summarize the algorithms that were used to compile missing data for each
proppant, if relevant.
User Library Buttons
• Save Proppant to User Library: Select this function to save the proppant to the User Library of
proppants. Any changes made to the data on this screen are not saved unless you use this function.
• Delete Proppant from User Library: Select this function to delete the proppant from the User
Library, which of course implies that the proppant is in the User Library.
You cannot use this function to delete proppants from the System Library.
Additional Information: Proppant Data Compilation

Proppant Permeability Damage

FracproPT models the proppant permeability as being damaged, or apparently damaged, by flow related and non-flow
related phenomena. The effects of these two phenomena are represented separately by two damage factors, which are

FracproPT 2007

then effectively summed to arrive at a total damage factor that is the actual parameter used to reduce the effective in-
fracture proppant permeability (that is, fracture conductivity), as shown in the figure below.
A damage factor of 1 represents 100% damage, or a proppant permeability of zero. A damage factor of 0 implies no
damage and the proppant has the permeability corresponding to the value interpreted from the Closure Stress versus
Proppant Permeability table shown on the PROPPANT DATA screen.
Additional Information: Proppant Damage Factors

The Proppant Permeability Damage screen

Non-flowrate Dependent Damage

The non-flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant permeability are accounted for in
FracproPT by the Proppant Damage Factor.
Producing Bottomhole Pressure
Enter a pressure here for use in calculating the net closure stress on the proppant, which is necessary to calculate the
conductivity of the propped fracture. This pressure has a wide range of values that may depend on gathering-system line
pressure, reservoir or proppant sensitivity to the drawdown pressure, or some other production-related constraint. This
pressure will always be less than reservoir pressure and it may be as low as a few tens or hundreds of psi (above zero) in
low-permeability gas wells.

FracproPT 2007

This is the same parameter shown on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen; changing this
parameter on either screen will change it on the other as well.
Proppant Damage Factor
In prior versions of FracproPT, this parameter (which was also called the Proppant Damage Factor) was the only (and
total) damage applied to the proppant permeability. However, with Version 10.1 the capability to account for certain flow-
dependent phenomena that, in essence, behave like proppant permeability damage has been added (see below).
Therefore, this parameter is now meant to account only for non-flow-dependent proppant damage, such as that from gel
Prior to Version 10.1, this was the actual number (damage factor) used by the simulator. But now that an additional
damage factor can also be applied (that is, the Apparent Damage Factor described below), the Total Damage
Factor (described below) is the actual number used by the simulator. However, if you recall an old input file saved
with an older version of FracproPT, the Apparent Damage Factor is set automatically to zero such that only this
Proppant Damage Factor is active and will, therefore, be equivalent to the Total Damage Factor.
This field is read-only if the Suggest value based on fluid type checkbox is enabled.
Suggest value based on fluid type
If this checkbox is enabed, a fluid can be selected from the adjacent drop-down menu. On the basis of this fluid, the value
for the Proppant Damage Factor will be set (and that field will be deactivated). These values are obtained from Stim-
Lab’s Predict-K and Proppant Manager database.
Flowrate Dependent Damage
The flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant permeability are accounted for in FracproPT
by the Apparent Damage Factor.
These options allow you to approximate the reduced hydrocarbon production attributable to non-Darcy and multiphase
flow effects in the proppant pack. You can model non-Darcy effects only, or Non-Darcy effects and multiphase flow
effects, but you cannot model multiphase flow effects only.
Include Non-Darcy Effects
Select the check box to include non-Darcy flow effects. You must also select the type of hydrocarbon you will be
producing and estimate the rate at which it will be produced (this can be done manually or automatically).
Well Type
Select either Gas Well or Oil Well in this field. If you receive an error message when you enter the Hydrocarbon
Standard Gravity in the next field, then you may have to change your selection.
Hydrocarbon Standard Gravity
This is gas gravity (at standard conditions) if you selected Gas Well as the Well Type, or API gravity if you select Gas
Well as the Well Type.
Proppant Concentration per Frac
Enter the average expected in-fracture proppant concentration in this field. If you are dealing with a multiple
(simultaneous) fracture scenario, this is the value for one of the fractures. Rather than manually entering this parameter,
you can use the result from the last run of the fracture model by selecting the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from
Last Run function described below.
Enter HC Production Rate / Automatically Estimate HC Production Rate
Use this option to choose whether you want to enter your own estimate of what the postfrac hydrocarbon production will
be, or to have FracproPT automatically estimate the production. If you choose the later, the following fields will be
activated and you must enter various reservoir and fracture characteristics in order for the postfrac production to be
Water Saturation
This number is entered as a fractional number less than one. For example, a value of 0.25 indicates that 25% of the
porosity does not contain hydrocarbons.
X-Direction Extent
This is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction parallel to the fracture. You may wish to
make this number greater than the Y-Direction Extent by an amount equal to the propped-fracture length. Values for this
parameter that describe common reservoir/drainage sizes are shown in the table found in the description of Drainage
Area shown below.
Y-Direction Extent
This is the distance from the wellbore to the drainage boundary in the direction normal to the fracture. Values for this
parameter that describe common reservoir/drainage sizes are shown in the table found in the description of Drainage
Area shown below.

FracproPT 2007

Drainage Area
This is a calculated number, based on your entries for X-Direction Extent and Y-Direction Extent. The following table
lists values for some common drainage areas.

Drainage Area X-Direction Extent Y-Direction Extent

40 acres 660 feet 660 feet

80 acres 933 feet 933 feet

160 acres 1,320 feet 1,320 feet

320 acres 1,867 feet 1,867 feet

640 acres 2,640 feet 2,640 feet

Fracture Half Length

Enter the estimated propped fracture half-length in this field. Alternatively, this parameter may also be taken automatically
from the last run of the fracture model by using the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from Last Run function described
Use Frac Length and Prop Conc from Last Run
Values for the Proppant Concentration per Frac and Fracture Half Length fields (described above) may be entered
manually, or this function may be used to use the results from the last run of the fracture model.
Include Multiphase Flow Effects
Liquid/Gas Ratio
Enter an estimate for the condensate or water production versus the gas production in the well. This parameter is used to
estimate the permeability reduction in the fracture, based on a correlation released by StimLab in February 2001.
Initial Solution Gas/Oil Ratio
This field is activated when choosing an Oil Well as the Well Type for the Flowrate Dependent Damage (described
above), and represents the amount of gas contained in a standard volume unit of oil.

Reservoir Permeability
The permeability of the reservoir is displayed in this field.
Hydrocarbon Viscosity
The viscosity of the hydrocarbons is displayed in this field.
Net Pay Thickness
The thickness of the net pay is displayed in this field.
Initial Reservoir Pressure
The initial pressure of the reservoir is displayed in this field.
The porosity is displayed in this field.

Select the proppant from the list of proppant in the PROPPANT SELECTION screen for which the apparent and total
damage factor is to be displayed.
Apparent Damage Factor
This is the additional proppant permeability damage factor that is calculated from the entries describing the non-Darcy and
multiphase flow effects. This damage factor, along with the Proppant Damage Factor described above, are essentially
summed to obtain the Total Damage Factor (described below) that is actually used by the simulator.

Proppant Embedment
The embedment (that is, infiltration) of proppant into the reservoir that surrounds the fracture can be specified here.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Embedment
This field specifies the proppant embedment. This field is deactivated if the Suggest value based on payzone modulus
checkbox is selected.
In soft rock, proppant tends to be pushed into the walls of the fracture. This reduces the final conductivity that can be
obtained from a fracture treatment, as the embedded proppant does not actively contribute to production. Proppant
embedment is in general a small or large fraction of a proppant grain.
This embedment is always for a single fracture face. Consequently, the total embedment effect for both fracture faces is
twice the number on this screen.
Embedment is never subtracted from fracture width. Instead, embdedment is used to adjust the effective conductivity of
the fracture.
Suggest value based on payzone modulus
If this checkbox is selected, a value for the Proppant Embedment is suggested based on the modulus of the payzone, and
the Proppant Embedment field is deactivated.
A correlation released by Stim-Lab in February 2001 is used to calculate the embedment of proppant based on the
modulus of the payzone rock. Above a modulus of 5,000,000 psi, embedment is absent. For relatively soft rock,
embedment can be of the order of the diameter of a proppant grain
Fracture Filter Cake
The thickness of the filter cake in the fracture, and whether the effects of the filter cake on the conductivity of the fracture
should be included can be specified here.
Fracture Filter Cake Thickness
This field specifies the thickness of the filter cake in the fracture.
Include Filtercake effects on conductivity
Select this checkbox to include the effects of the filter cake on the conductivity of the fracture.
Additional Damage Effects
The additional damage effects of temperature and stress cycles on proppant permeability can be specified here.
Include effect of temperature on proppant permeability
Select this checkbox to include the additional damage effect of temperature on proppant permeability.
Research by Stim-Lab indicates that resin-coated proppant can show higher damage at higher temperatures as the resin
flows into the pore space of the proppant grains. The temperature multiplier has a direct effect on the Perm at Resvr
Temp column in the PROPPANT DATA screen.
Include effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability
Select this checkbox to include the additional damage effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability.
Number of stress cycles
Select the Include effect of stress cycles on proppant permeability checkbox to modify the value in this field to specify
the number of stress cycles. The default value is 1.
Total Damage
Both the flowrate dependent and the non-flowrate dependent effects that damage, or appear to damage, proppant
permeability are accounted for in FracproPT by the Total Damage Factor, which is the sum of the damage represented
by the Proppant Damage Factor and the Apparent Damage Factor.
Total Damage Factor
This the total damage factor applied to the proppant permeability, which is calculated automatically from the damage
factors resulting from both non-flow-related (that is, the Proppant Damage Factor) and flow-related (that is, the
Apparent Damage Factor) phenomena. This is the parameter actually used by FracproPT.
Permeability Diagram
This diagram displays the proppant permeability versus the proppant name.
Conductivity Diagram
This diagram displays the proppnt conductivity versus the proppant name.
Beta Factor Diagram
This diagram displays the proppant beta factor versus the proppant name.

Calculation of Proppant Perm Damage Factors

FracproPT 2007

The values for the proppant perm damage factor change during a fracture model simulation, because the inputs to the
damage factor calculation are dependent on the fracture model results.
For the non-Darcy damage factor and the multi-phase effect, the flow geometry is needed. This depends on the payzone
height and the fracture height.
Before running the fracture model, the geometry is not yet known. Consequently, the smaller of the net pay height and
100 ft i is used. Once the model is run, the propped height is used, unless the pay height is less than the propped height,
in which case the average of the two is used.
The damage factor shown on this screen also uses the Proppant Concentration per Frac and the Fracture Half-Length
that can be entered in the Include Non-Darcy Effects section in the Flowrate Dependent Damage section.
In all the calculations and results that are displayed in the reports, these values are not used. Instead, the internally
calculated damage factor (that depends on the fracture length and width from the most recent FracproPT simulation) is
used. Consequently, the results in this screen do not necessarily match up with the damage factor in the reports.
After running the model, the final values for the proppant perm damage factors on this screen do not necessarily match up
with those in the reports. The reason is that the logic of this screen is that the damage factor can be (pre-) calculated
based on the inputs on this screen (for example, length, concentration), in contrast to the values obtained from the results
of the model run. To view the values that are obtained from the model run, click on the Use Frac Length and Prop Conc
from Last Run button in the Include Non-Darcy Effects section in the Flowrate Dependent Damage section.
Treatment Schedule - F6

Design Treatment Schedule [F6]

This screen is where information defining the stages of a yet-to-be-pumped fracture treatment pump schedule is entered.
If you use FracproPT’s Fracture Design Mode or Economic Optimization Mode, the resulting pump schedule will be
displayed here. The pump schedule table has spreadsheet-like capabilities for parameters such as stage volumes, stage
lengths, pump rates, sand concentrations, fluid types, and proppant types.
If you have selected either Database Data or Real-Time Data in the Run Fracture and Wellbore Models From…
section of the SIMULATIONS OPTIONS [F4] screen, then you are running the fracture model from real data, as opposed
to directly from the pump schedule. In this case, this Design Treatment Schedule will not be editable.
The basic idea behind having two treatment schedules is that you use the Design Treatment Schedule to do your frac
design work, and then use the Actual Treatment Schedule once the frac job is in progress or completed (that is, when
running the simulator from real data). The two schedules allow an easy comparison of what you planned to pump with
what was actually pumped.

Basic Methodology for Using the Design and Actual Treatment Schedules
1. Enter information into the Design Treatment Schedule when doing your pre-frac design work.
See also: Running from the Design Treatment Schedule.
2. When you go to the field to monitor and analyze the treatment as it is pumped, or when you do the
analysis after the job back in the office, you will be running the simulator from database or real-time data,
so both the Design Treatment Schedule and the Actual Treatment Schedule will be available.
To save time when you begin the process of actually pumping, use the Copy Design to Actual Schedule function to
copy your design information to the Actual Treatment Schedule.
See also: Running from the Actual Treatment Schedule.
1. The Design Treatment Schedule is now "locked" so that no changes can be made there. It now serves as
a record of what you planned to pump and it can be compared to what was actually pumped (as will be
shown in the Actual Treatment Schedule). However, pressing the Edit Schedule button (which is only
visible in Fracture Analysis mode) will "unlock" the Design Treatment Schedule again.
2. The Actual Treatment Schedule will reflect all changes made to plan when you synchronize the treatment
schedule to measured data (see Help for the Actual Treatment Schedule for information on synchronizing
the treatment schedule).

FracproPT 2007

Design tab of the Treatment Schedule screen.

Pump Schedule Table

The total number of columns displayed in the Pump Schedule Table, as well as which of those columns are used to enter
versus display data, depends on your selections for the following options. These are options are located directly below the
Pump Schedule Table:

• Treatment Type – Use this option to indicate whether or not you will be adding nitrogen or carbon
dioxide to the slurry being pumped. If you are (either nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or both), columns will
automatically be added to the Pump Schedule Table where you can enter the appropriate foam rates,
qualities, and volumes.
If you select any of the foam Treatment Type options, other options related to foam will appear at the bottom of the
screen below the Pump Schedule Table.
• Proppant Ramp Mode – Use this option to indicate whether to not you will be ramping the addition of
proppant to the slurry being pumped. If you are, each proppant concentration and flow rate entry in
the Pump Schedule Table will have two fields; one for specifying the value at the beginning of the
stage and a second for specifying the value at the end of the stage. If you are not ramping proppant,
there will be only one field for each proppant concentration or flow rate entry.
• Calculate…Bottomhole from Surface / Surface from Bottomhole – If you are pumping a foamed
treatment, you can either enter surface values that define the foam schedule and have the
bottomhole values calculated, or vice versa.
• Calculate…Volume from Time / Time from Volume – Based on the flow rate(s) you enter in the
Pump Schedule Table, this option determines whether volume is calculated from the time or time is
calculated from volume.
All of the possible columns in the Treatment Schedule Table are described below.
Stage Number
FracproPT accepts up to 150 separate stages in the pump schedule. You can delete entire stages by selecting the entire
stage (that is, the entire row by clicking once on the Stage Number) and pressing [Del]. Insert new stages between two
existing stages (that is, at the current cursor position) by pressing [Ins].
Stage Type

FracproPT 2007

You can select a Stage Type from the drop-down list in this column to identify each stage in the treatment schedule. This
identification makes it easier to keep up with where you are in the treatment, and it also serves to identify minifracs and
other diagnostic injections that can be analyzed semi-automatically using some of FracproPT’s diagnostic utilities.
In general, this is an optional selection. However, there is one Stage Type that must be selected to correctly simulate a
fracture treatment. A Circulation stage, when there is one, must be correctly identified to properly track the materials
being pumped down the wellbore and into the fracture. The full list of possible Stage Types reads as follows:

• Water injection • Step-rate test • Main frac flush

• Minifrac • Main frac pad • Terminated main frac

• Proppant slug • Main frac slurry • Circulation

If you select Circulation for a stage, the fluid and proppant displaced from the wellbore will not be injected into the
fracture. This feature is useful for modeling "Frac Packs" or any other operation with a circulation stage before or
during a treatment.
The Terminated main frac is useful if you want to neglect prior stages in the various functions for which Stage Type
is used.
Flow Rate 1 / Flow Rate 2
This is the slurry flow rate, which includes the gel and proppant. If you are pumping nitrogen or carbon dioxide, the Flow
Rate field(s) refers to the liquid-plus-proppant flow rate just downstream of the blender, before the nitrogen or carbon
dioxide is added.
Two fields are provided for treatments where proppant is ramped (Flow Rate 1 at the beginning of the stage and Flow
Rate 2 at the end of the stage). If you are not ramping proppant only one Flow Rate field is available. Flow Rate is used
to calculate either Clean Vol or Stage Length, depending upon which of the two you enter.
The simulator does not use the values entered for Flow Rate if you run the simulator from real data and you specify flow
rate (either clean or slurry) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen. However, if
there is pumping in a stage you must enter some non-zero flow rate in order for the simulator to use the correct Fluid
Type for that stage. Furthermore, you should input the approximate actual flow rate so that the calculated leakoff
coefficient (displayed on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen) is as close as possible to the value actually
calculated during the treatment.
To model flow back at the end of a treatment, you can enter a negative flow rate. If you are running from Database or
Real-Time data at input, the simulator uses the negative flow rate (ignoring the measured flow data) during the flow back
N2 Rate 1 / N2 Rate 2
Nitrogen flow rate fields will be visible on if you choose N2 or N2 & CO2 as the Treatment Type option. Two fields for the
entry of nitrogen flow rate (specified at the surface for the beginning and end of the stage) are provided for treatments
where proppant is ramped. If you select None as the Prop Ramp Mode option, only one N2 Rate is available.
Entries for N2 Rate are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you specified nitrogen rate as
a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen. However, you should input the approximate
actual nitrogen flow rate so that the calculated leakoff coefficient (displayed on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen) is as close as possible to the value actually calculated during the treatment.
Nitrogen rate is always measured at standard temperature and pressure (that is, in units of standard cubic feet per
minute or standard cubic meters per minute).
CO2 Rate 1 / CO2 Rate 2
Carbon dioxide flow rate fields will be visible only if you choose CO2 or N2 & CO2 as the Treatment Type option. Two
fields for the entry of carbon dioxide flow rate (specified at the surface for the beginning and end of the stage) are
provided for treatments where proppant is ramped. If you select None as the Prop Ramp Mode option, only one CO2
Rate is available.
Entries for CO2 Rate are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you specified carbon
dioxide rate as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen. However, you should input
the approximate actual carbon dioxide flow rate so that the calculated leakoff coefficient (displayed on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen) is as close as possible to the value actually calculated during the treatment.
FracproPT assumes that carbon dioxide flow rate is being measured at a constant density (that is, constant temperature
and pressure.

FracproPT 2007

Unlike nitrogen rate, which is always measured at standard temperature and pressure (that is, in units of standard
cubic feet per minute or standard cubic meters per minute), CO2 rate is measured at the flow meter (that is,
pumping) conditions. This means that the surface CO2 rate that is the input to FracproPT could be measured at either
the low-pressure side or the high-pressure side of the frac pumps. The measurement point makes a difference in the
density of the fluid, and has led to some confusion in the past. When dealing with CO2 in FracproPT, it is important to
remember the following important points:
• It is best to design the treatment based on bottomhole foam quality.
• You should know in advance where the CO2 flow meter will be, so that you can enter the correct
temperature and pressure at the flow meter (see Metering Pressure and Metering Temperature
described below).
• FracproPT’s surface CO2 rate shown in the Pump Schedule Table is defined as being at the CO2
flow meter conditions (that is, at the Metering Pressure and Metering Temperature described
• The density (see Density at Flow Meter described below) at the CO2 flow meter is automatically
calculated based on the Metering Pressure and Metering Temperature that you enter.
• The mass of CO2 calculated by FracproPT is based on the Density at Flow Meter, not at a so-
called standard density. This is true even when you are entering a design treatment schedule with a
surface CO2 rate.
• If you are designing a CO2 treatment using surface rates (rather than bottomhole quality), it is very
important to know where you are planning to meter the CO2 rate because that metering location will
affect the treatment design. For example, if you are trying to achieve a specific bottomhole foam
quality, the surface pump schedule will be different depending on whether you are metering the CO2
on the low pressure side of the pumps (for example, Halliburton) or the high pressure side of the
pumps (for example, Schlumberger),
• The CO2 totals in FracproPT are all calculated based on the CO2 rate at the Metering Pressure and
Metering Temperature that you enter, which will result in the correct CO2 mass calculation. If you
are interested in the volume at standard conditions (that is, the volume in the CO2 transport tankers),
you can convert the mass of CO2 to barrels at standard conditions using the standard density of 8.51
lb/gal at tanker conditions, or simply view the value shown on the Treatment Totals tab of this
Treatment Schedule [F6] screen.
Bottomhole Slurry Foam Rate
This value includes liquid (gel), carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and proppant.
Bottomhole N2 Quality
This is the desired (or calculated) bottomhole nitrogen foam quality. Depending upon your choice for Ramp/Quality
Option (discussed below), this can be either the conventional quality or the constant internal phase quality.
Conventional quality, which is defined as the percentage of the total fluid volume (that is, gel plus nitrogen plus carbon
dioxide) that is composed of nitrogen, is calculated according to the following formula:
Constant internal phase quality, which includes the proppant volume with the nitrogen volume, is calculated according to
the following formula:
For binary foams, if you select constant internal phase quality, this applies only to CO2 Qual and not to N2 Qual.
It is important to note that Bottomhole N2 Quality is defined at a bottomhole temperature that can be one of two values.
If you selected Model Heat Transfer Effects on the Simulation Options [F4] screen, then bottomhole quality is
assumed to be at the bottomhole pumping temperature. If you selected Ignore Heat Transfer Effects, then bottomhole
quality is assumed to be at the Reservoir Temperature entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. This
can make a substantial difference in predictions, so be careful of which temperature you specify for bottomhole quality.
Bottomhole CO2 Quality
This is the desired (or calculated) bottomhole carbon dioxide quality. Depending upon your choice for Ramp/Quality
Option (discussed below), this can be either the conventional quality or the constant internal phase quality.
Conventional quality, which is defined as the percentage of the total fluid volume (that is, gel plus nitrogen plus carbon
dioxide) that is composed of carbon dioxide, is calculated according to the following formula:
Constant internal phase quality, which includes the proppant volume with the carbon dioxide volume, is calculated
according to the following formula:

FracproPT 2007

It is important to note that Bottomhole CO2 Quality is defined at a bottomhole temperature that can be one of two
values. If you selected Model Heat Transfer Effects on the Simulation Options [F4] screen, then bottomhole quality is
assumed to be at the bottomhole pumping temperature. If you selected Ignore Heat Transfer Effects, then bottomhole
quality is assumed to be at the Reservoir Temperature entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. This
can make a substantial difference in predictions, so be careful of which temperature you specify for bottomhole quality.
Proppant Concentration 1 / Proppant Concentration 2
Two fields for entry of proppant concentration are provided for treatments where proppant is ramped. If you are not
ramping proppant, then only one Proppant Concentration is available.
Values entered for Proppant Concentration are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you
specified proppant concentration (or slurry density) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL
[Shift+F6] screen. However, you must enter some non-zero proppant concentration in order for the simulator to use the
correct Proppant Type for that stage.
If you are pumping a nitrogen or carbon dioxide (i.e. a foam treatment), Proppant Concentration refers to the proppant
concentration at the blender, before the nitrogen or carbon dioxide is added.
Bottomhole Proppant Concentration 1 / Bottomhole Proppant Concentration 2
Two fields for entry of proppant concentration are provided for treatments where proppant is ramped. If you are not
ramping proppant, then only one Proppant Concentration is available.
Values entered for Proppant Concentration are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you
specified proppant concentration (or slurry density) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL
[Shift+F6] screen. However, you must enter some non-zero proppant concentration in order for the simulator to use the
correct Proppant Type for that stage.
Clean Volume
If you select Calculate Time From Volume as the Job Design Mode option, you enter the desired clean volume of liquid
for each stage in this field. Clean Volume and Flow Rate (which you also must enter) are then used to calculate Stage
Length. Note that entries for Clean Volume are not accepted until a non-zero Slurry Rate is entered.
If you select Calculate Volume From Time, you cannot access the Clean Volume fields since it is calculated from Slurry
Rate and Stage Length.
Values entered for Clean Volume are not used if you are running the fracture simulator from real data and you specified
flow rate (either clean or slurry) as a real-data input on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen.
Bottomhole Foam Clean Volume
Enter the stage clean volume of foam in this field, which includes liquid (gel), carbon dioxide, and nitrogen at bottomhole
Stage Length
This field always defines the length of the stage, whether running the fracture simulator from real-data or from the
treatment schedule entries for flow rates and proppants (hence the need to synchronize the Actual Treatment Schedule
with the real data).
If you select Calculate Volume From Time at the Job Design Mode option, you enter stage length (in decimal minutes)
in this field. If you enter Stage Length before entering Flow Rate, the stage will be treated as a shut-in, as indicated in
the Fluid Type column. Stage Length and Flow Rate are used to calculate Clean Volume. To model shut-ins, you must
enter a non-zero Stage Length and zero for Flow Rate. This is typically how you would add a stage at the end of the
treatment to simulate the pressure decline.
If you select Calculate Time From Volume you cannot access Stage Length since it is calculated from Flow Rate and
Clean Volume.
Treatment Info (user selectable)
This field displays one of several user-selected quantities that are calculated from other information entered in the
treatment schedule. The Treatment Info drop-down list where you select the quantity for display is located directly above
the Pump Schedule Table. The choices for the display are as follows:
Cumul Time Cumulative job time in minutes:seconds format
Stage Slurry Stage slurry volume
Cumul Gel Cumulative clean volume
Stage Prop Stage proppant weight
Cumul Prop Cumulative proppant weight
Clean Rate Calculated clean flow rate

FracproPT 2007

Cumul Slurry Cumulative slurry volume

Stage N2 Stage nitrogen volume
Cumul N2 Cumulative nitrogen volume
Stage CO2 Stage carbon dioxide weight
Cumul CO2 Cumulative carbon dioxide weight
Wellbore Fluid
Although you have the option of ignoring the wellbore in Fracture Analysis Mode, it is typically modeled and therefore
you must select the fluid that fills (or partially fills) it initially before pumping starts. You select the Wellbore Fluid in the
same manner that you select Fluid Type for all other stages (that is, via a drop-down list). If you choose Ignore Wellbore
and Perforations on the SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, this field will not be accessible. A Wellbore Fluid must be
selected whenever you Run From Database Data or Run From Real-Time Data. The Wellbore Fluid is reported as
Stage #0 in reports and various program display screens.
The wellbore (hence, the Wellbore Fluid) is ignored by the fracture simulator in Economic Optimization Mode. However,
you can model the wellbore from a production standpoint when running in either Reservoir Production Mode or
Economic Optimization Mode.
Fluid Type
This field contains a drop-down list from which you select a fluid to use in the stage. The list displays all fluids listed on the
FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. If you are modeling the wellbore, you also must select a fluid in the
Wellbore Fluid field located near the bottom-right corner of the screen.
With the exception of shut-ins, each stage in the treatment schedule must have a Fluid Type specified. Whenever you
define a new stage, Fluid Type defaults to the fluid selected in the previous stage.
Proppant Type
This field contains a drop-down list from which you select a proppant to use in the stage. This field will only be active if
there is a corresponding non-zero Proppant Concentration entry in the table. The list displays all proppants listed on the
Whenever you define a new proppant stage (that is, with a non-zero entry for Prop Concentration), Proppant Type
defaults to the proppant type selected in the previous stage.
As a very useful special case (for example, when pumping proppant slugs), when you select 100 Mesh as the Proppant
Type, that particular field in the treatment schedule will appear with a yellow background to indicate that this proppant is
being ignored in propped-dimension calculations. However, hydrostatic head and wellbore friction effects are not ignored.
FracproPT ignores any proppant (for purpose of calculating propped fracture dimensions) whose diameter is less than
the threshold entered on the Proppant Model Parameters tab of the Fracpropt MODEL PARAMETERS [shift+f3]
screen. The default threshold diameter is 0.0125 inches.

The following information describes the various options located below the Treatment Schedule Table.
Treatment Type
Use this option to indicate whether or not you will be adding nitrogen or carbon dioxide to the slurry being pumped. Your
choice of No foam, N2 foam, CO2 foam, or N2 & CO2 foam determines which fields (i.e. columns) will be available in
the Pump Schedule Table.
If you select any of the foam Treatment Type options, other options related to foam, which are described below, will
appear at the bottom of the screen below the Pump Schedule Table.
Proppant Ramp Mode
Use this option to indicate whether to not you will be ramping the addition of proppant to the slurry being pumped. If you
are, choose Ideal. In this case, each proppant concentration and flow rate entry in the Pump Schedule Table will have two
fields; one for specifying the value at the beginning of the stage and a second for specifying the value at the end of the
stage. If you are not ramping proppant you should choose None; as a result, there will be only one field for each proppant
concentration or flow rate entry.
Calculate…Volume from Time / Time from Volume
Based on the flow rate(s) you enter in the Pump Schedule Table, this option determines whether volume is calculated
from the time or time is calculated from volume. These calculations use the following fields in the Pump Schedule Table:
Flow Rate, Stage Length, and Clean Vol.

FracproPT 2007

You should typically select Calculate Time from Volume when entering design data into the Pump Schedule Table.
Calculate Volume from Time is typically used when synchronizing real data with the Pump Schedule Table.
Wellbore Volume
This non-editable field displays the wellbore volume as calculated from the wellbore segment entries on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen. This number is provided here so that displacement volumes can be checked without
having to switch between screens.

The following options and fields will only be visible if you select one of the foam options as the Treatment Type.
Calculate…Bottomhole from Surface / Surface from Bottomhole
If you are pumping a foamed treatment, you can either enter surface values of the pumping parameters that define the
foam schedule and have the bottomhole values calculated, or vice versa. The most common scenario is to Calculate
Surface from Bottomhole where you enter the desired down hole pump schedule and let FracproPT calculate the
corresponding surface pump schedule.
Quality Option
Use this option to select whether you will be using the so-called Constant Internal Phase or the Conventional Quality
for the calculations in the Pump Schedule Table. Definitions of these two options are shown in the Help text above
describing the Bottomhole CO2 Quality and Bottomhole N2 Quality fields.

Schedule Based on Conditions…

These parameters appear on this screen if you select N2 foam, CO2 foam, or N2 & CO2 foam as the Treatment Type.
At Bottom of Wellbore / In Fracture
In some instances there may be a significant pressure drop through the perforations or the so-called near-wellbore region
of the fracture(s). In those cases this pressure drop may cause a significant change in foam quality between the wellbore
and the main body of the fracture(s). Choose At Bottom of Wellbore to base the pumping schedule on the true bottom
hole pressure, or choose In Fracture to account for any perforation or near-wellbore friction losses.
Estimated Foam Pressure
You can enter the estimated treating pressure (either At Bottom of Wellbore or In Fracture, as per the selection
described above) here that will be used for foam design calculations in the pump schedule, but the preferred method is to
use the Estimate Treating Conditions function (described below) to have FracproPT calculate and enter this number for
This pressure is used to specify down hole conditions from which the surface pump schedule is calculated. FracproPT
assumes this constant Estimated Foam Pressure only when calculating the surface-pumping schedule that is required
to produce the bottomhole foam schedule. This number is typically 500-1000 psi above closure stress in the zone where
the fracture initiates (that is, at the Initial Frac Depth). When performing a simulation, the program does not use this
pressure any longer; it uses the current pressure from the wellbore model.
Estimated Foam Temperature
You can enter the estimated treating temperature (either At Bottom of Wellbore or In Fracture, as per the selection
described above) here that will be used for foam design calculations in the pump schedule, but the preferred method is to
use the Estimate Treating Conditions function (described below) to have FracproPT calculate and enter this number for
This temperature is used to specify down hole conditions from which the surface pump schedule is calculated. FracproPT
assumes this constant Estimated Foam Temperature only when calculating the surface-pumping schedule that is
required to produce the bottomhole foam schedule. This number is typically 5 to 20 degree-F above the surface slurry
temperature. When performing a simulation, the program does not use this temperature any longer; it uses the current
temperature from the temperature model.
Estimate Treating Conditions
This function is used to automatically calculate and enter average values for Estimated Foam Pressure and Estimated
Foam Temperature. This function actually runs FracproPT’s fracture and wellbore models during this process

CO2 Properties
These parameters appear on this screen if you select CO2 foam or N2 & CO2 foam as the Treatment Type.
Metering Pressure
Enter the pressure at the point where the CO2 flow rate is metered in this field. This pressure, as well as the temperature
described below, is used in the calculation of Density at Flow Meter.

FracproPT 2007

Metering Temperature
Enter the temperature at the point where the CO2 flow rate is metered in this field. This temperature, as well as the
pressure described above, is used in the calculation of Density at Flow Meter.
Density at Flow Meter
The density of the carbon dioxide (in terms of specific gravity) at the flow-meter conditions is displayed in this field. The
density is calculated according to results taken from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Fluids
Database 12, which is based on the most accurate equations currently available. The thermodynamic properties of pure
fluids are determined with a Helmholtz energy equation (FEQ), a modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation (mBWR), or an
extended corresponding states model (ECS). Viscosity and thermal conductivity values are determined with either a fluid
specific model or with a variation of the ECS method. It is important to have the correct CO2 density at the flow meter
whether you are running from design or from real-data. If you are measuring the CO2 rate at low-pressure (tanker)
conditions, the density will be on the order of 1.02. If you are measuring the CO2 rate at high-pressure (wellhead)
conditions, then the density will typically be even greater.

Treatment Totals [F6]

This screen is used to display to total amounts of fluids, proppants and other materials required in a proposed fracture
treatment (from the Design Treatment Schedule), or the total amounts actually used in an executed fracture treatment
(from the Actual Treatment Schedule). You can sort by Materials or Stage, and also view required and used materials in
common storage volumes (such as tanks and sacks). Pricing information for fluid and proppants is also available on this

Treatment Totals tab of the Treatment Schedule screen

Totals for
Design Schedule
Select this option to display the totals from the Design Treatment Schedule, which will show the materials required for
the pump schedule.
Actual Data
Select this option to display the totals from the Actual Treatment Schedule, which will show what materials were actually
pumped in the current fracture treatment (that is, as represented in the current database or real-time data file shown on
the Fracture Simulation Options [F4] screen). Note that you do need to run the model at least once to see totals for the
actual treatment.

FracproPT 2007

Totals split by
Select this option to group the totals in the Proppant and Fluid Table and the Additional Items Table by material.
Select this option to group the totals in the Proppant and Fluid Table and the Additional Items Table by stage.

Include Storage Units

Select this check box to include the so-called storage volumes in the Proppant and Fluid Table. The fields described
below are used to define the size of each storage volume. The numbers of storage volumes required are only shown in
integer units.
Fluid Tank Volume
Enter the total volume of the fluid tanks that you will have on location in this field. Typically, this is 500 bbls.
Include Tank Bottoms
Enter the volume of fluid that you expect to remain in the tanks after they are "empty." Typically, this is approximately 50
Proppant Sack Weight
Enter the weight of each "sack" of proppant in this field. Note that the unit for this field is klbs, which is hundreds of
pounds, therefore a typically value would be 1.
N2 Storage Volume
Enter the total volume of each nitrogen transport in this field.
CO2 Storage Volume
Enter the total volume of each carbon dioxide transport in this field.

Treatment Specs
Except for Wellbore Volume, the values shown here are design values only. These numbers are based on Stage Type
(for example, the fluid volume of all stages identified as Main Frac Pad are added together to calculate Design Pad
Volume). All of these fields are non-editable.
Pad Fraction
This is the ratio of Pad Volume to Slurry Volume (both of which are defined below).
Pad Volume
This is the volume sum of all stages identified with the Main Frac Pad selection for Stage Type.
Clean Volume (Main Frac)
This is the fluid volume sum (that is, not including proppant volume) of all stages identified with Main Frac Pad, Main Frac
Slurry, and Main Frac Flush selections for Stage Type.
Slurry Volume (Main Frac)
This is the fluid-plus-proppant volume sum (that is, including proppant volume) of all stages identified with Main Frac Pad,
Main Frac Slurry, and Main Frac Flush selections for Stage Type.
Total Proppant (Main Frac)
This is the weight sum of proppant included in all stages identified with the Main Frac Slurry selection for Stage Type.
Flush Volume
This is the fluid (slurry) volume sum of all stages identified with the Main Frac Flush selection for Stage Type.

Proppant and Fluid Table

This table displays the types and amounts or fluids and proppants required or used. Optionally, cost information may also
be included. All fields other than Unit Cost and Discount are entered automatically.

Additional Items Table

You can manually enter (type) any additional cost Item for a fracture treatment in this table, such as mobilization charges,
horsepower charges, or perhaps chemical additives. You must enter a Quantity and Unit Cost for each item, but you can
also select or manually enter information for Units for completeness. You may also which to enter a Discount for each
item that will be reflected in the Cost field.

FracproPT 2007

Optimization Economic Data - F8

Optimization Economic Data [F8]

This screen is where you enter the economic data necessary to do a fracture treatment optimization. ReservoirPT
calculates a discounted-cash-flow, on a before-tax basis, for the predicted production stream.

The Optimization Economic Data screen.

Gas/Oil Price (Net)
The income stream for the economic model is simply this number multiplied by the change in cumulative production over
one time step. This price should be net of royalties, partial interests, and severance taxes.
Price Escalation Rate
The gas/oil price used in each time step is escalated at this rate.
Discount Rate
Future income streams are discounted at this rate for the discounted-cash-flow calculation. This parameter may also be
known as the hurdle rate or opportunity rate.

Operating Costs
These monthly costs are subtracted from the cash flow.
Cost Escalation Rate
Monthly costs are escalated at this rate.
Initial Investment
This value, plus Fixed Frac Costs and Variable Frac Costs, is used to obtain the total investment, which is subtracted
from the cash flow at time zero. The total investment is also used as the basis for the return on investment (ROI)

FracproPT 2007

calculation. ROI is simply net present value (NPV) divided by Initial Investment. The Initial Investment may be the entire
well cost, the completion cost, or just the treatment cost.
The so-called Incremental ROI and Incremental NPV are calculated using only the Stimulation Cost (that is, they
do not include the Initial Investment). The production used to calculate these variables is the total (stimulated)
production minus the unstimulated production.
Fixed Frac Costs
These are treatment costs that do not vary directly with job size (for example, rig time, hydraulic horsepower, mileage
charges, and engineering time).
Variable Frac Costs
These are costs that vary linearly with job size. The most important variable-cost items are fluid and proppant. This
parameter is entered in terms of $/Unit Fracture Treatment, which is the treatment currently entered on the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Fracture Optimization Parameters

Minimum Fracture Treatment
All stage volumes in the Unit Fracture Treatment, which is the treatment currently entered on the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] screen, are multiplied by this number to create the first (and smallest) fracture treatment size to be
simulated in the optimization loop.
Maximum Fracture Treatment
All stage volumes in the Unit Fracture Treatment, which is the treatment currently entered on the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] screen, are multiplied by this number to create the last (and largest) fracture treatment size to be
simulated in the optimization loop.
Number of Optimization Points to Calculate Between Min & Max Frac Treatment Limits
This number sets the total number of jobs for the fracture optimization model run.
Well Production - F6

Well Production [F6] - Production Constraints

This screen, which is available if you select User Defined Production Schedule on the production analysis OPTIONS
[F4] screen, is where you enter a schedule by which to produce the well. If you are attempting to match the measured
production rate and pressure in a FracproPT database file, enter a production schedule here that matches as closely as
possible the well’s actual production schedule. The easiest way to do this is by selecting Production Constraints Come
From … Production Database Derived Table on the PRODUCTION ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen
You can produce the well based on one of the following two constraints:

ƒ Constant pressure (surface or bottomhole), subject to minimum production rate; or

ƒ Constant production rate, subject to the minimum (or maximum) surface or bottomhole pressure.
With reference to the Production Schedule Table and other fields described below:

• The simulator produces the well at the Minimum Pressure (constant-pressure solution) unless doing
so causes the production rate to exceed Maximum HC Rate.
• At this point the simulator produces the well with a rate equal to Maximum HC Rate (constant-rate
solution). Production continues at that rate until maintaining that rate cannot be achieved at the
Minimum Pressure.
• At this point the well is again produced at the Minimum Pressure (constant-pressure solution) until
the rate falls to Minimum HC Rate.

FracproPT 2007

The Well Production Constraints screen when using User Entered Table.

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The Well Production Constraints screen when using Production Database Derived Table.

Production Schedule Table

Blank rows may be inserted into the production schedule table by positioning the cursor in the first column of any row and
pressing [Ins] or by using a right mouse-click and selecting Insert Row. An entire row can be deleted from the table by
positioning the cursor in the first column and pressing [Del] or by using a right mouse-click and selecting Delete Row.
Time Step #
A total of 200 Time Steps may be used in the production schedule.

FracproPT 2007

Time Interval
This is the time in days over which the other production constraints on the same line of the schedule apply. Essentially,
this is the time step for the reservoir simulator. A suggested series of entries for this field to simulate a total of five years of
production is as follows: 30, 60, 92.5, 182.5, 182.5, 182.5, 365, 365, and 365.
In general, consecutive entries in this field should not increase by more than a factor of two between entries (for example,
10 days, 20 days, 40 days, etc.). The same type of logic holds true when Time Interval should be made small to capture
the details of a pressure build-up. In such a case, you should not reduce consecutive entries in this field by more than a
factor of one-half (for example, 1 day, 0.5 day, 0.25 day, etc.).
Total Time
This is the summation (calculated by the program) of all the Time Interval entries.
Maximum HC Rate
Production Analysis switches to constant-rate production at this value if constant-pressure production causes the
production rate to exceed this value.
Minimum Pressure
The well is produced at this pressure unless the production rate exceeds Maximum HC Rate. This pressure must be less
than the current average reservoir pressure. Typically, gas wells are initially produced at high pressures (that is, small
draw-downs), but are rapidly drawn down to the vicinity of 1000 psi over the first six months to one year of production.
Pressure Location
This field refers to the location where the pressures entered on this screen are measured or specified. Pressure Location
can be toggled between Bottomhole and Surface pressures using the drop-down list. Surface is available only if
Wellbore Present is selected on the RESERVOIR analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen. You must also have entered the
appropriate tubing data on the RESERVOIR WELLBORE PARAMETERS [F5] screen and you must be simulating gas

Set Up Table for Designed Production Constraints

Total Production Time
Total duration for which you would like to calculate production response
Maximum HC Rate
Production Analysis switches to constant-rate production at this value if constant-pressure production causes the
production rate to exceed this value.
Minimum Pressure
The well is produced at this pressure unless the production rate exceeds Maximum HC Rate. This pressure must be less
than the current average reservoir pressure. Typically, gas wells are initially produced at high pressures (that is, small
draw-downs), but are rapidly drawn down to the vicinity of 1000 psi over the first six months to one year of production.
Pressure Location
This field refers to the location where the pressures entered on this screen are measured or specified. Pressure Location
can be toggled between Bottomhole and Surface pressures using the drop-down list. Surface is available only if Wellbore
Present is selected on the RESERVOIR analysis OPTIONS [F4] screen. You must also have entered the appropriate
tubing data on the RESERVOIR WELLBORE PARAMETERS [F5] screen and you must be simulating gas production.
Setup Table
If you do not want to enter a complete production schedule yourself, you can use this function to set up the Production
Schedule Table automatically. To do this, you must first enter the total time that you want to produce the well in the Time
Interval column of the first row. Then you enter Maximum HC Rate and Minimum Pressure in that same row. Finally,
select this function to fill out the table automatically.

Set Up Table for Production Constraints in Database Data

Constrain Production Rate and Match Production Pressure
Select this option if a well is produced at a roughly constant rates using gradually declining pressures.
Constrain Production Pressure and Match Production Rate
Select this option if a well is produced at a roughly bottomhole or surface pressure.
Minimum Rate Change to Start New Production Timestep
The value you enter here will determine how many production stages FracproPT will generate. You will have to check that
the number of stages does not exceed 200 when you make this Minimum Rate Change too small. A good starting value is
to set this to about 10%.

FracproPT 2007

Minimum Duration of Change to Start New TimeStep

This sets how sensitive the algorithm is when looking at whether to start a new production stage, or just continue
averaging the data into the current stage. The smaller you make it, the more stages you will have, so you will capture
more variation (or noise) in your rate data. The larger you make it, the more smoothing (averaging) there will be, and the
fewer production timesteps will be generated.
Setup Table
If you do not want to enter a complete production schedule yourself, you can use this function to set up the Production
Schedule Table automatically. To do this, you must first enter the total time that you want to produce the well in the Time
Interval column of the first row. Then you enter Maximum HC Rate and Minimum Pressure in that same row. Finally,
select this function to fill out the table automatically.

Other Functions
Minimum HC Rate
The current simulator run is terminated when production rate falls below this value. Production Analysis attempts to
solve for the exact time when the production rate falls below this value.
Maximum Drawdown
The simulator strives to produce the well at this maximum drawdown from average reservoir pressure. The Maximum HC
Rate and Minimum HC Rate constraints are still honored.

Filtrate Cleanup Effects [F6]

This screen, which is available if you select 2D Model and Model Cleanup Effects on the production analysis
OPTIONS [F4] screen, is where you enter the parameters necessary for modeling the cleanup of filtrate (for example, the
fluid leaked off during fracturing) from the reservoir.

FracproPT 2007

The Filtrate Cleanup Effects screen.

Total Volume of Filtrate Pumped

This is normally the treatment volume minus any fluid that is flowed back after fracturing.
Filtrate Viscosity
This number is used to reduce the mobility of near-fracture reservoir fluids (that is, to account for relative permeability
effects). This number is normally in the range of 1-10.
Invaded Region Damage Factor

FracproPT 2007

This factor is applied to the invaded reservoir-region permeability throughout the life of the well. For example, if the initial
reservoir permeability was 2.0 mD and this factor is set to 0.25, the permeability of the rock around the fracture that was
invaded by filtrate (that is, the damaged zone) will be reduced to only 1.5 mD.
Number of Pore Volumes Produced to Achieve 50% Filtrate Cleanup
This is the number of pore volumes produced (of the reservoir fluid plus filtrate) until 50% of the filtrate is cleaned up. In
other words, this is the number of pore volumes required to pass through the invaded region in order to achieve 50%
cleanup (that is, removal) of the filtrate. This number is fit to an exponential function so that cleanup occurs rapidly at early
times, but slows exponentially. Normally, it is in the range of 1-10 for oil wells, and 10-100 for gas wells.
Optimization Control - F10

Optimization Control [F10]

This screen is where you start and stop the optimization, as well as view numerical output from the process.

The Fracture Optimization Control screen.

Optimization Output Table

All optimization output channels are shown here as they are updated after each iteration. The status line located below
the display shows the current Fracture Analysis Model Time, Production Analysis Model Time, and Simulation
Fracture Half-Length
Hydraulic fracture half-length for each simulation
Lifetime PI Ratio
Calculated production for the fractured well vs the unfractured well for the duration specified in the WELL PRODUCTION
[F6] screen, Production Constraints tab.
Cum Production
Cumulative production for the duration specified in the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen, Production Constraints tab.

FracproPT 2007

This value represents the Net Present Value (NPV) at the end of the specified well production period. Final NPV after a
period of n years is calculated using the following equation:

Incr’l NPV
This number is calculated using only the Stimulation Cost (that is, they do not include the Initial Investment). The
production used to calculate this number is the total (stimulated) production minus the unstimulated production.
Incr’l ROI
This number is calculated using only the Stimulation Cost (that is, they do not include the Initial Investment). The
production used to calculate this number is the total (stimulated) production minus the unstimulated production.
Treatment Cost
Calculated Treatment Cost based on OPTIMIZATION ECONOMIC DATA [F8] screen and the required treatment size to
obtain the given Fracture Half-Length.

Model Output
Economics Plot
Select this function to display an automatically configured plot of Net Present Value (NPV) and Return on Investment
(ROI) versus Propped Length (that is, Plot #31 on the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen).
Propped Length Plot
Select this function to display an automatically configured plot of Propped Length versus Total Injected Volume (that is,
Plot #32 on the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen).
Compare Results
Select this function to view the COMPARE SIMULATION RESULTS [Shift+F4] screen.
Generate Report
Select this function to go to the REPORT SETUP [SHIFT+F2] screen..

Economic Analysis
Select Size Using Economic Criterion
Select this function to pick the maximum value of either NPV, Incremental NPV, ROI or Incremental ROI from the
Optimization Output Table.
Generate Treatment Schedule
Select this function to jump to the FRACTURE DESIGN CONTROL [F10] screen in the Fracture Design module to
generate the treatment schedule to achieve the desired fracture half-length and conductivity.
Treatment Selection
Select this function to jump to the TREATMENT SELECTION [F8] screen in the Fracture Design module to evaluate
additional fracture design constraints.

Proppant Comparison
Compare Proppants
Runs Economic Optimization automatically for up to 4 Selected Proppants in the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION
[F5] screen, Proppant Selection tab.
NPV vs Length Plot
Plots NPV vs Length for up to 4 different proppants.

Select the FracproXCHANGE mode by selecting from the main menu Options > FracproXCHANGE.
This mode represents FracproPT without the hydraulic fracturing simulator, and all of the related functionality.
Working in this mode greatly simplifies the interface of FracproPT for tasks that do not require the hydraulic fracturing
simulator (for example, real-time data acquisition).

FracproPT 2007

Viewing Output - Numeric Display, Plots and Pictures

Screen Templates
The layout of the screen can be saved in named templates. These templates can be access directly from the main menu.
The list of templates can also be managed in the Template Manager.
Save Screen Layout
To save the current layout of the screen as a named template, select from the main menu View > Save Screen Layout.

View > Save Screen Layout menu

After entering a valid name, the saved template will then appear in the main menu by selecting View > Screen
Templates (described below).
Screen Templates
To access and manage the saved templates of the layout of the screens, select from the main menu View > Screen
Templates. This will display a list of saved templates (if any are present), and also provides access to the Template

FracproPT 2007

View > Screen Templates menu

Template Manager
To manage the saved templates of the layout of the screens, select View > Screen Templates > Template Manager.

Screen Templates screen

FracproPT 2007

Screen Templates
This is the list of saved templates for the layouts of the screens.
For the selected Screen Template, this is the list of screens that contained in the saved layout.

• Delete Template: Press this button to delete the selected Screen Template.
• OK: Press this button to accept all changes and exit this screen.
• Cancel: Press this button to "undo" all changes and exit this screen.

Numeric Output and Display

Numeric Output [Alt+F3]
This screen displays a table showing all model inputs and outputs, which are called channels. The Channel Names, the
4-letter ID's, the current numerical Value, and the Units are shown in the table. The current Stage Number and Model
Time are also displayed at the bottom of the table.
FracproPT allows you to model multiple perforated intervals (from 1 to 20, as you enter these on the WELLBORE
CONFIGURATION [F7] screen). If multiple perforated intervals are modeled, many of the FracproPT model channel
values are displayed on a per-interval basis (for example, on plots, pictures, and on this Model Outputs screen). The
Next Interval toolbar button may be used to view the other perforated intervals, or you may choose an interval from
those listed at the bottom of the Options menu. The fracture number (or, more correctly, the perforated interval
number) of the currently displayed plot, picture, or numerical channel values is shown in the status bar at the bottom
left corner of the screen.
In "routine" situations, you will get one fracture growing from each of the perforated intervals (although significantly
higher stress or permeability in one or more intervals may prevent a fracture from growing in those intervals).
However, FracproPT also lets you model multiple fractures from each of those 1 to 20 perforated intervals by
entering the necessary parameters on the MULTIPLE FRACTURES screen. The parameters that describe in-fracture
conditions that pertain to proppant (for example, concentration, conductivity, etc.) are typically for a single fracture.

FracproPT 2007

The Numeric Output screen.

The description for each channel shown below are numbered corresponding to the table line numbers on the Model
Outputs screen.

1 – Net Pressure
This is the pressure in the fracture minus the closure stress (the stress in the fracture initiation zone entered on the
RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen) that is calculated by the fracture model.

2 – Observed Net
This is the pressure in the fracture (minus the closure stress entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen in
the yellow-highlighted fracture initiation zone) that is calculated by the wellbore model using one of the three possible
measured pressures (Surface Treating Pressure, Bottomhole Pressure, or Dead String Pressure, as specified on the
CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen). Observed Net is not calculated when running only from data in the
treatment schedule.

3 – Surf Pressure
This is pressure at the top of the wellbore (that is, the surface pressure). If the model is running from Surface Treating
Pressure (as specified on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen), Surf Pressure will be equal to the
measured pressure. If you are running from Bottomhole Pressure or Dead String Pressure, Surf Pressure will be
calculated by the wellbore model, based on fluid friction and density properties. Note that this is a channel that is
calculated, so if the selected Timestep on the SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen is large, this will also be reflected in
this channel, and it may look slightly different from a measured Surface Pressure channel.

4 – Btmh Pressure
This is the bottomhole pressure calculated by the fracture model. It is obtained by adding Net Pressure, closure stress in
the pay zone, perforation friction, and near-wellbore friction.

FracproPT 2007

5 – Meas’d Btmh Press

This is the measured bottomhole pressure in the wellbore at the fracture initiation depth. If the model is running from
Bottomhole Pressure (as specified on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen), Meas'd Btmh will be
equal to that bottomhole pressure (corrected for any hydrostatic and frictional effects between the depth of the measured
pressure and the middle of the perforations). If the model is running from Surface Treating Pressure, Meas'd Btmh Press
will be equal to the sum of the measured surface pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and wellbore friction.

6 – Calc Frac Pressure

This is the pressure in the fracture as calculated by the fracture simulator, which is the same as Net Pressure (described
above) plus the value of closure stress at the point fracture initiation (as entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]

7 – Meas’d Frac Pressure

This is the pressure in the fracture that is calculated by the wellbore model using one of the three possible measured
pressures (Surface Treating Pressure, Bottomhole Pressure, or Dead String Pressure, as specified on the CHANNEL
INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen). This is the same Meas’d Btmh Press (described above) minus Perf Friction
and NearWbore Fric (the latter two parameters are described below). Meas’d Frac Pressure is not calculated when
running only from data in the treatment schedule.

8 – Hydr Pressure
This is the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid and proppant in the wellbore, which is based on the density of these materials
and their distribution in the wellbore.

9 – Wbore Friction
This is the calculated wellbore friction. The calculation takes into account pipe size, different fluids, different proppant
concentrations, and different velocities in the wellbore.

10 – Perf Friction
This is the calculated friction pressure drop through the perforations.

11 – NearWbore Fric
This is the calculated friction pressure drop through the near-wellbore region.

12 – Total Friction
This is the sum of all the calculated friction pressures. If the model is running from Surface Treating Pressure (as
specified on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen), it is equal to the sum of the wellbore friction,
perforation friction, and near-wellbore friction. If the model is running from Bottomhole Pressure or Dead String
Pressure (as specified on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shft+F6] screen), it is equal to the sum of the
perforation friction, near-wellbore friction and the depth correction term.

13 – Backstress
This is the formation closure stress increase due to the increase in pore pressure resulting from fluid that has leaked off
during the treatment.

14 – Thermal Stress
This is the formation closure stress reduction due to the formation cooling caused by fluid invasion.

15 – MeasWbore Fric
If you have measured Dead String Pressure or Bottomhole Pressure available in addition to measured Surface
Treating Pressure (as specified on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen), the model can display the
measured wellbore friction, which is the actual friction in the wellbore. This information can be used to calibrate the Wbore
Friction value that FracproPT predicts using data in its Fluid Library.

16 – Frac Length
This is the (half) length of the created hydraulic fracture.

FracproPT 2007

17 – Frac Upper Ht
This is the distance from the fracture initiation depth to the top of the created hydraulic fracture.

18 – Frac Lower Ht
This is the distance from the fracture initiation depth to the bottom of the created hydraulic fracture.

19 – Prop Length
This is the length of the propped fracture. This calculation is dependent on the value entered for the Fracture Area is
Considered Propped for Proppant Conc. Greater than field on the PROPPANT MODEL PARAMETERS screen.

20 – Prop Upper Ht
This is the distance from the fracture initiation depth to the top of the propped fracture. This calculation is dependent on
the value entered for the Fracture Area is Considered Propped for Proppant Conc. Greater than field on the

21 – Prop Lower Ht
This is the distance from the fracture initiation depth to the bottom of the propped fracture. This calculation is dependent
on the value entered for the Fracture Area is Considered Propped for Proppant Conc. Greater than field on the

22 – Width at Perfs
This is the width of the fracture at the wellbore, reported at the fracture initiation depth.

23 – Max Width
This is the maximum width of the fracture at the wellbore.

24 – Average Width
This is the average width of the fracture (that is, the total fracture volume divided by the total fracture area).

25 – Avg. Width on Proppant

This is the average width of the fracture when it would be closed on proppant if the fracture treatment would be stopped at
that time. FracproPT calculates this width based on the volume fraction of proppant in the fracture, and this value is used
to calculate dimensionless conductivity.

26 – Total Frac Ht.

This is the sum of Frac Upper Height and Frac Lower Height.

27 – Total Prop Ht.

This is the sum of Prop Upper Height and Prop Lower Height.

28 – Etched Fracture Length

This is the fracture half-length that is considered conductive that is set above the Minimum Conductivity for Acid Frac
Length Calculation on the FRACPROPT MODEL PARAMETERS [SHIFT+F3] screen Other Options tab.

29 – Clean Total
This is the total volume of clean fluid pumped in the fracture (that is, this does not include the proppant volume nor any
CO2 or N2).

30 – Prop Total
This is the total proppant (weight) pumped into the fracture. Prop Total does not include any proppant with a diameter that
falls below the Proppant Diameter Greater than threshold set on PROPPANT MODEL PARAMETERS screen (this
function is used to exclude proppant slugs from Prop Total).

FracproPT 2007

31 thru 36 – SurfClean Tot, SurfSlry Tot, SurfProp Tot, Surf N2 Tot, Surf CO2 Tot,
Slurry Total
These totals are all measured at the wellhead. They do not include any materials that were already in the wellbore when
pumping started, but they do include any materials that have been pumped into the wellbore and not yet reached the
fracture. The value reported for Surf CO2 Tot is calculated using the same density entered on the Treatment Schedule

37 – Btm Clean Foam Total

This is the total volume of clean foam (fluid plus CO2 and N2) pumped in the fracture (that is, this does not include the
proppant volume).

38 – Btm Slurry Foam Total

This is the total volume of slurried foam (fluid, CO2, N2, and proppant) pumped in the fracture.

39 – Btm Slurry Total – All Zones

This is the total volume of slurried foam (fluid, CO2, N2, and proppant) pumped into all of the fractures (as defined on the
MULTIPLE FRACTURES screen) created in all of the perforated intervals defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION
[F7] screen.

40 – Slurry Rate
This is the total flow rate at the surface, excluding nitrogen (if used). Slurry Rate includes gel, proppant, and carbon
dioxide. This channel complements Clean Total and Prop Total, which are calculated based on what has passed through
the perforations into the fracture.

41 – Clean Rate
This is the clean fluid flow rate at the surface (that is, gel but not carbon dioxide or nitrogen).

42 – Prop Conc
This is the concentration of proppant in slurry at the surface.

43 – Wellbore Visc
This is the initial viscosity of the fluid that is currently being pumped into the wellbore.

44 – Fracture Visc
This is the initial viscosity of the fluid that is currently entering the fracture from the wellbore.

45 – Btm Slry Rate

This is the flow rate of all the material entering the perforated interval fracture. It includes gel, proppant, carbon dioxide,
and nitrogen, all at bottomhole conditions. If you are modeling multiple perforated intervals, this channel shows the flow
rate in each interval individually.

46 – Btm Prop Conc

This is the concentration of proppant in the slurry that is entering the perforated interval.

47 – Surf N2 Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of nitrogen quality at surface conditions

48 – Surf CO2 Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of carbon dioxide at surface conditions

49 – Surf Binary Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of binary foam (carbon dioxide plus nitrogen) at surface conditions

50 – Btm N2 Foam Qual

FracproPT 2007

This is the volume quality of nitrogen at bottomhole conditions (that is, just upstream of the perforations, at a pressure
equal to Meas’d Btmh Press).

51 – Btm CO2 Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of carbon dioxide at bottomhole conditions (that is, just upstream of the perforations, at a
pressure equal to Meas’d Btmh Press).

52 – Btm Binary Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of binary foam (carbon dioxide plus nitrogen) at bottomhole conditions (that is, just upstream of
the perforations, at a pressure equal to Meas’d Btmh Press).

53 – Frac Entry N2 Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of nitrogen at the point just downstream of the perforations and near-wellbore tortuosity (that is,
at a pressure equal to Meas’d Btmh Press minus the sum of Perf Friction and NearWbore Fric).

54 – Frac Entry CO2 Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of carbon dioxide at the point downstream of the perforations and near-wellbore tortuosity (that
is, at a pressure equal to Meas’d Btmh Press minus the sum of Perf Friction and NearWbore Fric).

55 – Frac Entry Binary Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of binary foam (carbon dioxide plus nitrogen) at the point downstream of the perforations and
near-wellbore tortuosity (that is, at a pressure equal to Meas’d Btmh Press minus the sum of Perf Friction and
NearWbore Fric).

56 – Frac N2 Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of nitrogen in the fracture

57 – Frac CO2 Foam Qual

This is the volume quality of carbon dioxide in the fracture.

58 – Btm Slurry Rate – All Zones

This is the flow rates of all the material entering the fractures. It includes gel, proppant, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, all at
bottomhole conditions. If you are modeling multiple perforated intervals, this channel shows the summation of the flow
rates in all intervals.

59 – Fluid Efficiency
This is the volume of fluid (gel, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen) currently in the fracture divided by the amount of fluid that
has been pumped into the fracture. If a fracture closes (that is, all fluid leaks off and Fluid Efficiency goes to zero), Fluid
Efficiency is reinitialized at the start of the next injection and the previous (leaked off) fluid is not included in the new

60 – Slurry Efficiency
This is the volume of slurry (gel, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and proppant) currently in the fracture divided by the amount of
slurry that has been pumped into the fracture. If a fracture closes (that is, all fluid leaks off and Fluid Efficiency goes to
zero), Fluid Efficiency is reinitialized at the start of the next injection and the previous (leaked off) fluid is not included in
the new calculation.

61 – Fracture Vol
This is the current total volume of the fracture.

62 – Prop Conc
This is the average proppant concentration in the fracture.

63 – Avg. Frac Conductivity

FracproPT 2007

This is the average fracture conductivity in the fracture, as calculated by multiplying the average fracture permeability, the
Avg. Width on Proppant channel and (1- Total Damage Factor).

64 – Dim’ls Cond Ratio

This average (over the fracture) dimensionless conductivity, FcD, is calculated by the following formula:
kf is the fracture permeability, which is interpolated from the Closure Stress -vs- Proppant Perm table on the Edit/View
Proppant Library screen,
wf is the propped fracture width (that is, the Avg. Width on Proppant channel calculated by FracproPT); at any point in
time before the fracture has closed on proppant, the theoretical packed width is calculated for the current distribution of
proppant assuming all fluid leaks off without further proppant re-distribution,
k is the average reservoir permeability, which is the height-weighted permeability of all zones (that is, layers) identified as
Pay Zones on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. In versions prior to 10.1, and in later versions if no zones are
identified as Pay Zones, the permeability is that entered for the zone where the fracture initiates (hence, when multiple
permeable zones with significantly varying permeabilities are propped, this calculation may be inaccurate); if the fracture
initiates in an impermeable zone, the closest permeable zone is used; and
Lf is the propped fracture length (Prop Length) calculated by FracproPT, which is dependent on the minimum proppant
concentration entered on the PROPPANT MODEL PARAMETERS screen.
D is the Total Damage Factor, as specified on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.
A dimensionless conductivity of 50 may be considered infinite, although a value of 10 is nearly infinite for practical
In some instances you may find that FcD as calculated by FracproPT is different from that calculated by ReservoirPT.
Although the same formula (as shown above) is used, there are some subtle differences in the quantities used in the
formula. Those differences are as follows:
ƒ In FracproPT, k is the permeability of (only) the layer where the fracture initiates (as shown on the Reservoir
Parameters [F9] screen). In ReservoirPT (the reservoir production simulator) there is only one permeable layer, which
could be different from the permeability of the fracture initiation layer in FracproPT.
ƒ With regard to calculating kf, FracproPT uses the closure stress in the fracture initiation zone and the Producing
Bottomhole Pressure (entered by the user on the Fluid and Proppant Selection [F5] screen), which are both
constants, to calculate the net stress on the proppant. In ReservoirPT, both closure stress and bottomhole flowing
pressure change with time (as calculated by the production model), so the net stress on proppant is also changing with
ƒ With regard to wf, FracproPT uses an average "closed on proppant" fracture width for the whole fracture (a simple
average—see definition shown above), while ReservoirPT calculates a harmonic average of the fracture conductivity
(permeability times width) over all the grid blocks defining the fracture.
ƒ Lf is the same in both FracproPT and ReservoirPT.
In most cases, the difference in FcDfrom FracproPT and ReservoirPT is because of number 2 above, however, in cases
of very long contained fractures, number 3 could make a difference as well.
Finally, this number should not be confused with the other commonly used dimensionless conductivity term cr, which
includes pi (π) in the denominator of the equation shown above.

65 – Mult Frac - Opening

This is the current number of fractures competing for fracture opening.

66 – Mult Frac - Volume

This is the current number of fractures taking fluid and proppant.

67 – Mult Frac - Leakoff

This is the current number of fractures leaking off fluid into the formation.

68 – Acid Conc.
This is the average acid concentration in the fracture.

69 – Hydr Horsepower
This is the current horsepower required at the current flow rate and treating pressure.

70 – Frac Center

FracproPT 2007

FracproPT allows (as an option) the center of the fracture to shift from where it was initially, based on asymmetric height
growth. This channel displays the current center of the fracture.

71 – Btmhole Temp
This is the current bottomhole temperature if heat transfer effects are being modeled (as specified on the Simulation
Options [F4] screen). If heat transfer effects are being ignored, Btmhole Temp displays the (static) reservoir temperature
as entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen.

72 – Payzone Height Coverage Ratio

This is the ratio of the height of all payzones covered by the fracture (at the wellbore) divided by the total height of all
payzones. You control what layers are considered payzones using the Payzone check box on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen.

73 – Payzone Fracture Area Ratio

This is the ratio of the fracture (surface) area in contact with payzones divided by the total fracture (surface) area. You
control what layers are considered payzones using the Payzone check box on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]

74 – Payzone Proppant Ratio

This is the ratio of the amount of proppant placed opposite payzones divided by the total amount of proppant in the
fracture. You control what layers are considered payzones using the Payzone check box on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen.
Numeric Display
This feature is accessible by selecting from the main menu View > Numeric Display > Numeric Display 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Numeric Display

Four screens with numerical displays can be setup in the Numeric Displays screen. This is similar to the Numeric Output -
Alt + F3 screen, except that these four screens are user-configurable.

FracproPT 2007

Numeric Displays
This feature is accessible by selecting from the main menu View > Numeric Display > Setup

Numeric Displays screen

This screen is used to specify the properties of the four Numeric Display screens.

Display #1, 2, 3 and 4

• Visible: Select this checkbox to display the numeric display screen.
• Title: Specify the title of the numeric display screen in this field.
• Background: Select the color of the background of the numeric display screen from the Color dialog.
• Channel List: This textbox list the selected channels and thus simulates the appearance of the
numeric display screen.

• Up: Move the selected channel up by one position.
• Down: Move the selected channel down by one position.
• Color: Select the color of the font of the selected channel from the Color dialog.
• Delete: Remove the selected channel from the list of channels in the numeric display screen.
• Insert...: Add a new channel to the list of channels in the numeric display screen.
• Font...: Select the font of the selected channel from the Font dialog.

• Bg Colors for All...: Select the color of the background of all four numeric display screens.
• Fonts for All...: Select the font from the Font dialog of all four numeric display screens.
• Set Colors to Default: Set the colors of the background and the fonts of all four numeric display
screens to the default values.
• OK: Exit this screen and accept all changes.
• Cancel: Exit this screen and discard all changes.

FracproPT 2007

• Apply: Apply all changes but do not exit this screen.

System Messages - Alt + F1

System Messages [Alt+F1]
This screen displays the latest diagnostic, warning, and error messages generated by FracproPT.
The screen is organized so that the message at the top is the most recent one. Loading a new input file clears the screen.
A blank line is inserted on the screen between simulator runs.
Pressing [Esc] takes you back to the previous screen.

The System Messages screen.

Report Setup - Shift + F2

Report Setup - Word Report Content and Layout [Shift+F2]
Use the options on this screen to control what text-based data are included in the FracproPT Microsoft Word report.
These data can include any of the model parameters, reservoir inputs, fluid properties, etc. Other options controlling the
format of the report are also available on this screen.

FracproPT 2007

Content and Layout tab of the Report Setup screen

Report Content
Check the various content to include in the FracproPT Microsoft Word report. You can also use the Select All and Clear
All buttons to select or unselect all of the content.

Report Layout

Report Font
Use the drop-down lists to select a font type and size of the report text.

Check this option if you would like to include a company logo on each text page of the report. Use the Select Logo
function to locate the graphic file that represents the logo.

Left Header
Enter any information in this field that you would like to appear in the upper-left corner of each text page of the report.

Right Header
Enter any information in this field that you would like to appear in the upper-right corner of each text page of the report.

Center Header
Enter any information in this field that you would like to appear in the upper-middle location of each text page of the report.

Left Footer
Enter any information in this field that you would like to appear in the lower-left corner of each text page of the report.

FracproPT 2007

Automatically Generated Plots

This list shows the plots and pictures that are automatically included in the report. The three duplicate plot options
described below relate to these automatically generated plots and any plots that were selected on the Plots tab of this
Report Setup screen.

Allow Duplicate Plots

Select this option to allow duplicates of plots selected on the Plots tab of this Report Setup screen and the
Automatically Generated Plots shown here.

Warn of Duplicate Plots

Select this option to warn when duplicates of plots selected on the Plots tab of this Report Setup screen and the
Automatically Generated Plots shown here are detected.

Do Not Duplicate Plots

Select this option not to allow duplicates of plots selected on the Plots tab of this Report Setup screen and the
Automatically Generated Plots shown here.

Generate Report
Select this function to begin generation of the FracproPT report. Depending on the number of plots selected for inclusion
in the report, this process may take a significant amount of time.
Report Setup - Plots in Word Report [Shift+F2]
Use this screen to automatically generate and include any of FracproPT’s plots (as shown on the Plot Display List
[Alt+F8] screen) in a Microsoft Word report. By default, the plots and pictures shown in Automatically Generated Plots
list on the Content and Layout tab of this REPORT SETUP screen are included automatically when you generate the

FracproPT 2007

Plots tab of the Report Setup screen

Available FracproPT Plots

This is the list of plot available for inclusion in the report. The list is identical to that shown on the PLOT DISPLAY LIST
[ALT+F8] screen.

Selected Report Plots

This is the list of plots currently selected (from the Available FracproPT Plots list) for inclusion in the report. The
functions described below are used to add and remove plots from the list and also to rearrange the order in which plots
appear in the report.

Select a plot and use this function to remove it from the Selected Report Plots list.

Select a plot in the Available FracproPT Plots list and use this function to add it to the Selected Report Plots list.

Remove All
Use this function to remove all plots currently shown in the Selected Report Plots list.

Add All
Use this function to add all plots in the Available FracproPT Plots list to the Selected Report Plots list.

Move Up
Select a plot and use this function to move it up in the Selected Report Plots list.

Move Down
Select a plot and use this function to move it down in the Selected Report Plots list.

Plot Titles

If you select Embed Titles in Plot as the Placement option (described below), the text you enter in this field will appear
at the top-left corner of the plots. Rather than entering this text manually, you can also use the Set Titles from Well Info
function described below to copy specific text already entered on the General Information tab of the WELL AND
TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen. If you select Use Titles for Plot Captions as the Placement Option, the text
from this field will appear in the plot (figure) caption.

If you select Embed Titles in Plot as the Placement option (described below), the text you enter in this field will appear
at the top-left corner of the plots, just below the text from the Main plot title. Rather than entering this text manually, you
can also use the Set Titles from Well Info function described below to copy specific text already entered on the General
Information tab of the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen. If you select Use Titles for Plot Captions
as the Placement Option, the text from this field will appear in the plot (figure) caption.

If you select Embed Titles in Plot as the Placement option (described below), the text you enter in this field will appear
at the bottom-right corner of the plots. Rather than entering this text manually, you can also use the Set Titles from Well
Info function described below to copy specific text already entered on the General Information tab of the WELL AND
TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen. If you select Use Titles for Plot Captions as the Placement Option, the text
from this field will appear in the plot (figure) caption.

Fracture Profile Title

This field becomes active only if you select Fracture Conductivity Profile from the Available FracproPT Plots list. If you
select Embed Titles in Plot as the Placement option (described below), the text you enter in this field will appear at the

FracproPT 2007

top of the fracture profile picture. If you select Use Titles for Plot Captions as the Placement Option, the text from this
field will appear in the picture (figure) caption.

Use this option to either Embed Titles in Plot or Use Titles for Plot Captions. With the first option, the titles are actually
a part of the "picture," while in the second option the titles are included in the caption that is added to the "picture."

Clear Titles
Use this function to clear all text from all the title fields.

Set Titles from Well Info

Use this option to copy text from various fields on the General Information tab of the WELL AND TREATMENT
INFORMATION [F3] screen to the title fields. The table below shows what fields are mapped to the specific title fields.
Some longer character strings automatically taken from the various fields on the General Information tab of the Well
and Treatment Information [F3] screen may be truncated in the plot titles.

Title Field Field from

on this Well Info
Screen Screen
Main Field Name –
Well Name –
Well Location

Sub Formation
Name – Stage
Info –

Foot Date

Use the drop-down lists to select a font type and size. A Sample of the selection is displayed to the right of the Font fields.

Include in Display

Grid Lines
Check this option to include grid lines in the plots.

Multiple Line Styles

Check this option to have each data curve drawn with a different line style, which is useful if you choose Black & White
as the Color Mode (described below), or if you choose Color but plan on making black and white copies of the output.

Check this option to draw symbols on each data curve.

Check this option to draw lines to represent the data on plots. If you also check the Symbols option described above, you
can uncheck this option.

Check this option to include on the report plots any annotations that you make have added to them.

FracproPT 2007

Check this option if you would like to include a company logo on each of your plots. Use the Select Logo function to
locate the graphic file that represents the logo.

Other Functions

Line Thickness Multiplier

Enter a number in this field to change the line thickness of the plotted data. A value of 0 is the default value.

Color Mode
Use the drop-down list to select whether or not you would like the report plots to be generated in Black & White, Color,
and Reverse Color.

Generate Report
Select this function to begin generation of the FracproPT report.
Report Setup - Excel Report Content [Shift+F2]
Use the options on this screen to control what text-based data are included in the FracproPT Microsoft Excel report.
These data can include any of the model parameters, reservoir inputs, fluid properties, etc. Other options controlling the
format of the report are also available on this screen.

Excel Report Content tab of the Report Setup screen

Report Content
Check the various content to include in the FracproPT report. You can also use the Select All and Clear All buttons to
select or unselect all of the content.

FracproPT 2007

Generate PinnReport Input File

Select this function to begin generation of the FracproPT PinnReport input file.

Generate Calibrated Model Excel Report

Select this function to begin generation of the FracproPT Microsoft Excel report.

FracproPT Data Plots

Plot Overview
FracproPT provides sophisticated facilities to produce high-quality plots in various formats. All plots can be printed or
saved in various graphics file formats for inclusion in presentations, reports or other documents.
Plots are one of the primary methods used to view the results from fracture-treatment or reservoir-production simulations.
Although they typically show one or more treatment variables or model outputs for a single simulation, plots may also be
used to compare results between multiple simulations. For example, net fracture pressure for multiple treatments (that is,
multiple simulations) with varying pay-zone permeability might be compared on a single plot, as shown below.

Example of FracproPT-plot printer output.

FracproPT has two basic types of plots:

• Automatically Configured Plots – these require no setup.

• User Configured Plots – you must configure these plots completely.
These two types of plots appear the same on screen (and in hardcopy output), but you have less control of the
automatically configured plots. Additionally, many of the auto plots are accessed from other FracproPT screens (for
example, net pressure and frac dimension auto plots are available on the SIMULATOR CONTROL [F10] screen). All the
plots available to you—13 automatically configured plots and 23 user configured plots—are listed on the Plot List
[Alt+F8] screen.
A typical plot is shown below as it appears on screen. You can also view any plot in a special Cursor Editing mode that is
used extensively in FracproPT’s real-data analysis tools and procedures.

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Example of a FracproPT Plot screen.

The following information describes how to set up, change, and use various plot features. These operations are performed
using preference screens, menu commands, toolbar buttons, and graphically using mouse right-click features.

Plot Setup
Most of the plot setup functions can be performed using the three preferences screens, which are accessible from toolbar
buttons (shown below), menu commands, or graphically by right-clicking in specific plot locations.

Plot Preferences
Select this function to view the PLOT PREFERENCES dialog where you can modify plot properties such as
channels displayed, frame style, and scales.

Frame Preferences
Select this function to view the FRAME PREFERENCES dialog where you can modify plot properties such as
colors, fonts, grids, annotations, tangent lines, and the cursor style. You can also modify audio alarm settings.

Channel Preferences
Select this function to view the CHANNEL PREFERENCES dialog where you can modify channel-related plot
properties such as color, line width, and symbol type.

Switching the Displayed Channel

Although up to eight channels may be viewed on one plot, channel labels and plot scales are shown one at a time. To
switch between the plotted channels, select the Switch Label toolbar button (shown below) or simply use the [TAB] key.
There is also a Switch Label menu command.

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Switch Labels
This function causes the channel name and the y-axis scale to toggle between all the different channels that are
plotted. You can also press [TAB] to switch between channels.

Rescaling a Plot Automatically

You can automatically rescale plots, either for all the channels or only for the currently displayed channel. The currently
displayed channel is the one for which the label and plot scales are shown. You can do this with toolbar buttons (shown
below), menu commands, or (for only the current channel) graphically by right-clicking in specific plot locations.

Autoscale Plot
This function performs a rescaling operation that automatically adjusts the x and y-axes scales to the data
ranges for all channels.

Autoscale Current Channel

This function performs a rescaling operation that automatically adjusts the x and y-axes scales to the data range
for only the currently selected channel.

Setting the Plot View (Window)

In addition to the Plot Preferences dialog, there are numerous ways to set the view or window of a plot.
You can use the Select View toolbar button (shown below) or menu command to graphically select some portion of the
displayed plot to enlarge. The Restore Original Size of View toolbar button or menu command to cancel this operation
and return to your original view.
You can also use the Zoom In and Zoom Out toolbar buttons (shown below) or menu commands to enlarge or reduce
the plot window size.
Finally, you can use mouse right-click functionality on a plot to shift the view window (forward or backward in time, or up
and down) or to set the x or y-axis plot scales.

Select View
This function allows you to select an area on the plot with the mouse and zoom-in to view it in more detail. After
selecting the toolbar button, place the cursor on the plot, press the left mouse button, and drag the selection
rectangle over the area on the plot that you want to magnify. The plot will be rescaled and updated with the new
limits once you release the mouse button.

Restore Original Size of View

This function restores the scales and view area to the settings present before the Select View command was

Zoom Out
Select this function to shrink the plot image.

Zoom In
Select this function to enlarge the plot image.

Reading Values from a Plot

Of course you can estimate data values by simple viewing a plot normally, but FracproPT also provides methods to read
plotted data exactly.
If you select the Read Data toolbar button (shown below) or menu command, an arrow will appear on the selected
channel either directly above or below the current mouse-cursor location. As you move the mouse left and right on the
screen, the arrow moves with it. With regard to the location of the arrow on the selected channel, the slope, x-axis value
(usually time), and y-axis value (that is, the selected channel value) are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the
FracproPT window. Use any of the Switch Label functions to access other channels, or simply left-click on the channel
you want to read data from.
You can also select the Cursor Editing toolbar button (shown below), which is the only way to enter this plot mode, to
view the plot in a very powerful and much used view. While most of the functions for modifying and using a regular plot

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(as described here) also apply to cursor editing plots, there is also some additional functionality that is described on the
Cursor Edit Help screen.
Finally, you can use mouse right-click functionality on a plot to show the current value of each plotted channel in a table
at the right edge of the plot (see figure below). However, since these are the current values, they may be of little use in
reading data from the plot.

Read Data Mode

Selecting this function allows you to move the cursor along the selected channel with the mouse and view the
Slope, Y-Value, and X-Value in the status bar for the data point at the cursor position.

Cursor Editing
This function activates and deactivates Cursor Editing mode on the current plot.

Example of a FracproPT Plot in Show Current Data mode.

Adding Annotations to a Plot

Annotations are small, printable text boxes that can be added to any plotted channel. There are two parts to each
annotation, the actual text box and a marker that is "attached" to the channel where you create the annotation.
The annotation text, as well as various control and functional information, are shown on the Annotations dialog, which
you can activate using the Annotations List toolbar button (shown below) or the Edit Annotations menu command.

Annotation List
Select this function to view the ANNOTATION dialog where you can view and edit plot annotations.

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Creating Annotations
Right click on a channel where you would like the annotation to be added and select Add Annotation.

Displaying Annotations
After you create annotations, you can choose whether or not to actually display them on the plot using the Show
Annotations check box on the Annotations dialog or the Show Annotations menu command.
If you do display them, you can decide whether to display just the marker or the marker and box. You can do this with the
Show Marker and Show Annotation check boxes on the Annotations dialog.
On the plot itself, if the box is visible, click on the X in the box to hide it. If only the marker is visible, click on it to display
the box.

Editing Annotations
The text in an annotations text box can be edited on the ANNOTATIONS dialog. To open the dialog, double click any
text box, right click any text box, or use the Edit Annotations menu command.

Moving Annotations
You can move any annotation text box to a new position on a plot by clicking and holding the mouse button on it, and then
dragging the annotation text box to the desired new position.

Deleting Annotations
The simplest and most reliable method to delete annotations is using the Delete All Annotations menu command.

You can also delete annotations using the Delete and Delete All functions on the ANNOTATIONS dialog, however, in
certain situations, these commands may not function properly.

Adding Tangent Lines to a Plot

Hardcopy printable tangent lines can be added to any plot to aid your analyses. They are also used extensively in
FracproPT’s Minifrac Analysis tool.

Creating Tangent Lines

You create tangent lines with the mouse. Move the cursor to the point of interest on a channel, right click, and then select
Add Tangent Line. Multiple tangent lines may be added to a plot.

Moving Tangent Lines

As you move the mouse over the tangent line, you will notice the cursor change shapes to indicate how the line can be
moved or changed from that point when you click and hold the left mouse button.

• Click and hold the left mouse button near either end of the tangent line to make it longer or shorter or
to change its angle.
• Click and hold the left mouse button near the middle of the tangent line to move it around the plot
while maintaining the same line length and angle.

Deleting Tangent Lines

Tangent lines may be deleted by selecting the Delete Tangent Lines toolbar button (shown below) or using the Delete
Tangent Lines menu command. You can also "grab" the tangent line (by clicking and holding the left mouse button) and
simply drag it completely off of the plot.

Delete Tangent Lines

Select this function to delete all tangent lines that you have added to a plot.

Plot Menu Commands

Once focus is switched to a plot window, two new menu entries (Plot Edit and Plot Display) show up on the FracproPT
menu bar.

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The FracproPT Menu bar.

Plot Edit Menu

Set Left Mark [Alt+B]

This function is only available in Cursor Edit mode. It sets the Begin marker at the current cursor position.

Set Right Mark [Alt+E]

This function is only available in Cursor Edit mode. It sets the End marker at the current cursor position.

Show Annotations
This function activates the display of all annotations on the plot. Deselecting this option hides all annotations.

Edit Annotations [Ctrl+A]

This function activates the ANNOTATIONS screen where you can edit individual annotations and their display properties.

Delete All Annotations

This function deletes all annotations from the currently active plot window.

Delete Tangent Lines

This function removes all tangent lines from the currently active plot window.

Read Data
Selecting this function allows you to move the cursor along the selected channel with the mouse and view the Slope, Y-
Value, and X-Value in the status bar for the data point at the cursor position. You can switch between channels using
[Tab] or the Switch Labels toolbar button.

Plot Display Menu

FracproPT 2007

Switch Channel Labels

This function causes the channel name shown at the top of the plot and the y-axis scale to toggle between the different
channels that are plotted. You can also use [TAB] or the Switch Labels toolbar button to switch between channels.

Select View
This function allows you to select an area on the plot with the mouse and zoom-in to view it in more detail. You may also
use the Select View toolbar button. After selecting this menu item, place the cursor on the plot, press the left mouse
button, and drag the selection rectangle over the area on the plot that you want to magnify. The plot will be rescaled and
updated with the new limits once you release the left mouse button.

Restore View
Select this function to restore the scales and view area to the settings present before the Select View command was

This function performs a rescaling operation, which automatically adjusts the x and y-axes scales to the current data
ranges for all channels.

Autoscale Current
This function performs a rescaling operation, which automatically adjusts the x and y-axes scales to the current data
ranges for only the currently selected channel.

Zoom In
This function enlarges plot details by zooming in.

Zoom Out
This function reduces plot details by zooming out.

This menu choice provides access to all screens dealing with the modification of plots: the CHANNEL
PREFERENCES screen, the PLOT PREFERENCES screen, and the FRAME Preferences screen.
Plot Annotations
Annotation text and display properties can be viewed or edited individually on this dialog, which consists of a table listing
all annotations for the current input file. Control buttons at the bottom of the dialog provide access to additional functions.

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The Annotations dialog.

Annotations Table

Channel Name
This field displays the plot channel on which the annotation was added.

Position (X-Axis)
This field displays the position (for example, time) of the annotation on the x-axis.

Channel Value (Y-Axis)

This field displays the value of the channel at the position of the annotation.

This field displays the annotation message. You can also enter or edit the message here.

Show Marker
This field toggles on and off the display of the annotation marker arrow only for the specific annotation. If you uncheck this
field, Show Annotation is automatically unchecked.

Show Annotation
This field toggles on and off the display of the annotation text for the specific annotation. You cannot check this field
unless Show Marker is first checked.

Annotation Control Buttons

Select this function to delete the currently selected (highlighted) annotation from the table.

Delete All
Select this function to delete all annotations from the table.

Select All
Select this function to select the Show Marker and Show Annotation fields for all annotations.

Unselect All
Select this function to unselects the Show Marker and Show Annotation fields for all annotations.

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Show Annotations
Selecting of unselecting this check box toggles whether or not the annotations are shown on the plot. This feature is
useful if you do not want to show the annotations, but you also do not want to delete the annotations.

Select this function to accept all modifications made and close the ANNOTATIONS dialog.

Select this function to close the ANNOTATIONS dialog without accepting any changes that have been made.
Cursor Editing Mode
This is a special plot mode that makes many data analysis and tasks much simpler. In this mode, you can move a cursor
along any data channel and mark, or select, various portions of the data on which to perform some analysis, edit data, or
perform some other function.
Cursor Editing is activated and deactivated by selecting the toolbar button (shown below). Pressing [Esc] exits cursor
edit mode and closes the plot window completely.

Cursor Editing
This function activates and deactivates Cursor Editing mode on the current plot.

Three things about a Cursor Editing plot distinguishes it from a regular plot: 1) The Stage Bar at the top of the plot
representing the treatment schedule; 2) The cursor, which is located on the first channel at time = 0.0 when you first
activate Cursor Editing; and 3) The area at the bottom of the window showing various data and functions.
Almost all of the plot setup and other functions for regular plots (see Help for regular plots) are available in Cursor
Editing plots.

Common Tasks where Cursor Editing is Used

Cursor Editing plots are extremely useful for many tasks:

• Graphically synchronizing measured data with stage on the Treatment Schedule [F6] screen
• Distinguishing perforation and near-wellbore friction and accounting for their effects (that is, analyzing step-down
flow rate tests)
• Marking and accounting for near-wellbore friction resulting from tortuosity (that is, analyzing flow rate changes)
• Analyzing a minifrac
• Viewing data in great detail
• Investigating wellbore transit phenomena (for example, determining when proppant or a fluid change reaches the

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Example of a FracproPT Plot in Cursor Editing mode.

The Stage Bar

This multi-colored bar at the top of the plot represents the stages defined on the Treatment Schedule [F6] screen.
Blue and white alternate and represent fluid-only stages, while alternating shades of red represent stages with proppant.
There are functions that can be used to modify the staging graphically. When you move the mouse pointer over the Stage
Bar, the cursor changes to a different shape.

With the cursor over the Stage Bar, you can also right-click to display a menu of three options for modifying the staging.

Insert Stage
This function is equivalent to using the [Ins] key in the pump schedule table on the Treatment Schedule [F6] screen. A
new stage will be inserted before the current stage (that is, the stage where the mouse pointer is located) and the current
stage will not be modified.

Delete Stage
This function is equivalent to using the [del] key in the pump schedule table on the Treatment Schedule [F6] screen. The
current stage (that is, the stage where the mouse pointer is located) will be deleted.

Auto Set Stage

This function attempts to synchronize the length of the current stage (that is, the stage where the mouse pointer is
located) with the measured treatment data. In order for this to work, you must already have a pump schedule entered on
the Treatment Schedule [F6] screen that has all the previous stages correctly set to agree with the measured treatment

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This function is meant mainly for use in real-time mode to keep your actual stage times in sync with the real-data as the
job progresses. The idea is that you should use this function on each stage, as the job progresses, to keep correcting your
treatment design to the actual pumping times. This function works by looking at the "expected" design value for the next
stage in the treatment design, and then looking at the measured data to see when this change occurs. The length of the
currently selected stage is then adjusted so that it ends just before the change in the measured data.
However, this function can also be used when running from database data to adjust the treatment schedule to be in sync
with the measured data. This is useful if several of the proppant stage lengths are slightly too long or too short.
Remember, this function assumes that all the previous stage lengths are correct, so make sure you start with the earliest
stages and work your way through the job if you use this function.


This field shows the time at the current cursor position. You can also enter a time here to move the cursor to that position.
To move the cursor along any channel (that is, to move it in time), use the Time Slider Bar or use the left and right arrow
keys on the keyboard (Í and Î).
The Next Page and Prev Page functions on this screen scroll the plot window (or plot page) forward or backward, which
is the same as using [Pg-Up] and [Pg-Dn] on the keyboard. Right clicking with the mouse on the left or right plot border
also performs this same function.
The cursor is moved to the beginning or end of the current plot window by pressing [Home] or [End] on the keyboard.
The cursor is moved to the beginning or end of the entire data range (which may not all be shown in the current plot
window) using [Ctrl+Home] or [Ctrl+End] on the keyboard.

This is the value of the currently selected channel at the current cursor position.

This is the slope of a tangent line on the currently selected channel at the current cursor position.

Stage #
This is the stage (according to the Stage Bar at the top of the plot) in which the point at the current cursor position lies.


Time Slider Bar

You can use this slider to move the cursor in the current plot window. You can also use the left and right arrow keys on
the keyboard (Í and Î).

Previous Page
Selecting this function shifts the plot window one window width (that is, by the amount of time shown on the x-axis) to the
left. Pressing [Pg-up] on the keyboard also performs this function. Right clicking with the mouse on the left plot border
also performs this same function.
The cursor is moved to the beginning of the current plot window by pressing [Home] on the keyboard.
The cursor is moved to the beginning of the entire data range (which may not all be shown in the current plot window)
using [Ctrl+Home] on the keyboard.

Next Page
Selecting this function shifts the plot window one window width (that is, by the amount of time shown on the x-axis) to the
right. Pressing [Pg-Dn] on the keyboard also performs this function. Right clicking with the mouse on the right plot border
also performs this same function.
The cursor is moved to the end of the current plot window by pressing [End] on the keyboard.
The cursor is moved to the end of the entire data range (which may not all be shown in the current plot window) using
[Ctrl+End] on the keyboard.

Set Stage

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This function is used when synchronizing the treatment schedule to measured data.

Auto Stage
This function is used to automatically generate the entries in the pump schedule table on the Treatment Schedule [F6]
screen from measured treatment data (Slurry Rate, Proppant Concentration etc.) when there is no treatment design to
begin with. It is most useful for post-frac analysis when you receive the treatment data and accompanying input file.
The idea behind automatic staging is that the program will look at all the different channels selected as inputs to the model
on the Channel Inputs for Model [Shft+F6] screen and search for any changes in those channels that would indicate a
new stage in the treatment. The program looks at all the rate channels (that is, slurry rate, clean rate, CO2 rate, and N2
rate), as well as the proppant concentration or slurry density channels. In addition, the program calculates average values
for all these input channels and uses them to create a pump schedule based on the real data. If you have a ramped
proppant schedule, the program automatically splits it into stages. This will not affect the modeling, of course, since the
program would still internally split it into smaller stages (because of the Automatic Stage Splitting in FracproPT). For a
proppant ramp, the program generates a schedule with stepped proppant values corresponding to the average values in
the ramp.
In order to use the Auto Stage function, you must be in Cursor Editing mode, preferably viewing a plot with all the real-
data input channels (that is, the Model Inputs Plot). Simply select Auto Stage and the program will ask you to confirm the
operation. This is important because Auto Stage will overwrite your existing treatment schedule. You will see the new
staging displayed graphically on the Stage Bar. At this point, you can manually fine-tune the staging, if necessary.

Wellbore Transit Time

If you select this option, a vertical line will be drawn in front (that is, to the right) of the cursor to indicate when the material
(that is, fluid and proppant) at the current cursor position, which is being pumped at the surface, reaches the perforations.
In other words, this marker graphically illustrates the wellbore transit time. This feature is useful, for example, to check
when an increase in proppant concentration reaches the perforations. The cursor is positioned on some channel at the
point in time where the event occurred at the surface—the marker shows when this event reached the perforations.
Wellbore Transit Time is determined from the integrated slurry flow rate data.


Cursor Increment
From this drop-down list, select the increment by which the cursor moves when you use the left and right arrow keys on
the keyboard (Í and Î). Your choices are Small, Medium, and Large.
If you choose Small as the increment, the cursor moves by one data point if on a measured data channel or by one
time step in on a model calculated channel.

Cursor Type
The appearance of the cursor is selected from this drop-down list. The available cursor types are Arrow, Horizontal Line,
Vertical Line, Small Cross, and Large Cross.

Stage Mode
You have two choices in this drop-down list. If you select Insert, modifying the length of one stage changes the length of
the entire treatment, but it does not change the length of any other stage. This mode is most useful when running from
real-time data. If you select Overwrite, modifying the length of one stage does not change the overall treatment length
(except when adding a new stage at the end of the data). The length of the stage to the immediate right of the cursor is
changed by the amount necessary to keep the same overall treatment length. This mode is generally used when running
from database data.
In Overwrite mode, it is possible to delete stages defined on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen if a stage
number you attempt to define is less than the stage number currently defined at the cursor position. However, you are
warned before any stages are deleted.

Current Channel
This drop-down list shows the current active plot channel (that is, the cursor is on this channel). You may move the cursor
to another channel here. Alternatively, you can simple move the mouse cursor to a different channel on the plot and click

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Data Analysis

This function is used to mark the beginning of a data range. You can perform the same function using [Alt+B]. This
function is used when doing rate step-down analyses or analyzing abrupt flow rate changes.

This function is used to mark the end of a data range. You can perform the same function using [Alt+E]. This function is
used when doing rate step-down analyses or analyzing abrupt flow rate changes.

Calculate NWB Friction

When you are analyzing abrupt flow rate changes and you have already marked the Begin and End of the rate change,
you use this function to calculate the near-wellbore friction. The result of the calculation will be automatically written to the
Entry Friction Versus Time table on the Perf and Near-Wellbore [F8] screen if you choose to accept the result.

Rate Step-Down
When you are conducting a rate step-down analysis and you have already marked the Begin and End of a flow rate step,
you use this function to automatically write the resultant data into the Rate Step-Down Test Analyzer Table on the Perf
and Near-Wellbore [F8] screen if you choose to accept the result. You must repeat this select Begin, End, Rate Step-
Down sequence for each rate change in the step-down test, and then go to the Perf and Near-Wellbore [F8] screen to
complete the analysis.
Synchronizing the Treatment Schedule with Measured Data
To accurately model your fracture treatment when running the fracture model from database or real-time data, the stages
in the treatment schedule must be synchronized with the recorded data. That is, Stage Length, Fluid Type, and
Proppant Type in the table on the Treatment Schedule [F6] screen must correspond to the stages as they were actually
pumped in order for the simulator to know which materials (fluids and proppants) were being pumped at any specific time.
It is important to begin a new stage each time either the fluid or proppant types change.
Synchronization of the treatment schedule information may be done manually by simply viewing the treatment data on a
plot and entering the length (in time) of each stage. However, FracproPT provides an easier method for this
synchronization using functions available on a Cursor Editing plot.
Using a plot of measured data in Cursor Editing mode, stages are set according to when changes in the treatment
actually took place (for example, when proppant concentration was increased from 2 to 4 ppg, or when fluids were
changed from linear to crosslinked gel). Once the stages are set, you should also verify on the treatment schedule that the
correct fluid and proppant is specified for them.
Synchronization of the treatment schedule and measured data consists of the following three basic steps:

ƒ Setting the start time to coincide with measured data

ƒ Marking or setting stages to coincide with measured data
ƒ Verifying the correct fluid and proppant types for each stage
The following describes these three steps in detail. However, you may also use the Auto Stage function or the stage
setting functionality using the mouse in the Stage Bar, as described on the Cursor Editing Help screen.

Setting the Start Time

When you first activate the Cursor Editing plot showing the model inputs (for example, measured pressure, flow rate,
and proppant concentration), the lengths of the Stage Bar segments correspond to the Stage Length fields shown on the
TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen and the Start Time shown on the SIMULATOR CONTROL [F10] screen.
Chances are that these times do not coincide with the way the job was actually pumped.

ƒ To set Start Time, put the cursor to the flow rate channel and move it to the point where pumping (into the
formation) begins.
ƒ Next, select Set Stage. A small window will appear where you enter the Stage Number whose end you
wish you set. To set Start Time, enter 0 and press [Enter] or select OK. You will then be asked to confirm
your selection.
If you confirm the selection, you will notice that the left end of the Stage Bar will shift to the current cursor location. You
may also go to the SIMULATOR CONTROL [F10] screen and verify that Start Time has been changed.

Setting Stages

FracproPT 2007

To synchronize the real data and the treatment schedule, you follow the same basic procedure used to set Start Time.
Typically you will want the cursor on either the flow rate or proppant concentration channel.

ƒ For the first stage, move the cursor to the point where it ends and select Set Stage.
ƒ Enter 1 for Stage Number and confirm the operation. When confirmed, you will note that the boundary
between stages 1 and 2 on the Stage Bar shifts to the current cursor location. You may also go to the
TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen and verify that Stage Length for stage number one has changed.
ƒ Repeat this procedure for all stages. You should have a separate stage for each fluid and proppant type.
If you are running from real-time data, you need to come to this Cursor Editing plot whenever a stage is changed and
repeat this procedure for that stage. You will also need to re-run the model to account for any changes this may make in
When you select Set Stage, if no stages exist to the right of the cursor, the program knows what the next stage number
should be. However, when stages to the right of the cursor do exist, the program suggests a value, which you may accept
or enter a different stage number.

Verify Fluid and Proppant Types

Go to the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen and verify that the correct fluid and proppant types are selected for each
stage, including the wellbore fluid.
Plot Display List [Alt+F8]
This screen lists all plots that available for display in FracproPT.
The Plot Display List - Alt + F8 can be accessed by:

• from the main menu, select View > Plot List,

• from the Navigation Tree, select Plot List, or
• press the function key Alt + F8.

FracproPT 2007

Plot Display List - Alt + F8 screen: XY Plots tab.

Table Columns
• Type: The type of the plots.
• Editable: Checkboxes that indicate whether a plot is read-only (that is, unselected checkbox) or can
be modified (selected checkbox).
• Plot Name: The name of the plots.
• Module: The module for which the plots are defined.
only available if the checkbox Show Channels IDs is selected:
• ID 1 to 8: The channel identifiers (that is, four-character abbreviations) of the plotted channels.

Control Buttons
• Show: Display the currently selected plot as a non-floating plot. You can also double click a plot in
the list to display it. Plots that are displayed with the Show function cannot be moved outside of the
FracproPT parent window.

FracproPT 2007

• Floating Plot: Display the currently selected plot as a floating plot. Such plots can be moved outside
of the FracproPT parent window.
• Edit Title: Select one of the user configurable plots, then select this function to change the plot title in
the Edit Plot Title dialog.
• Delete: Remove the active plot from the list.
• Show Channel IDs: Select this checkbox to display the four-letter ID’s for each (up to eight) channels
that are currently selected for each plot. Each plot can display up to 8 channels of data.

Right Mouse Click Functionality

• Cut: Add the selection to the clipboard, and remove it from the table.
• Copy: Add the selection to the clipboard.
• Paste: Overwrite the current selection with the data from theh clipboard.
• Insert Copied Cells: Insert the cells from the clipboard at the selection.
• Insert Row: Insert a row below the selected row.
• Delete Row: Remove the selected row.

Mouse Hover Functionality

When you hover with the mouse cursor over the cells of the table, this will display the names of the channels of the plot.
If this does not work, please ensure that the Plot Display List - Alt + F8 screen is in focus. If it is not in focus, select the
title bar of the screen.

XY Plots Tab
The first tab of the Plot Display List - Alt + F8 screen displays the plots that are of the type XY.

Other Plots Tab

The second tab of the Plot Display List - alt + F8 screen displays the list of plots that are not of the type XY.

FracproPT 2007

Plot Display List - Alt + F8 screen: Other Plots tab.

Edit Plot Title

You can enter a new Plot Title, or edit the current title, using this dialog.
The Plot Plot Title dialog can be accessed by selecting the button Edit Title in the Plot Display List - Alt + F8 screen.

Edit Plot Title dialog.

Bar Graph
FracproPT contains bar graphs for display of two types of properties:

FracproPT 2007

• Proppant properties such as proppant permeability, conductivity and beta factor. These bar graphs
are accessed through the PROPPANT DATA screen using the buttons under Bar Diagrams.
• Stage properties such as stage fluid volume, stage N2 volume, stage proppant, and stage time.
These bar graphs are accessed through the FracproPT menu using View|Stage Bar Graphs. These
Bar Graphs can be useful in real-time to determine how much volume is still left in a stage or in a full
These plots can be printed or saved as part of the FracproPT Report through the REPORT SETUP [SHIFT+F2] screen.

Example of FracproPT bar graph

These plots can be printed or saved as part of the FracproPT Report through the REPORT SETUP [SHIFT+F2] screen.
Extensive editing is available for these Bar Graphs by right-clicking on the graph and by selecting Options. The following
Bar Graph Preferences become available. These Preferences apply to all Bar Graphs.

FracproPT 2007

The Bar Graph Preferences Layout tab

The Bar Graph Preferences Colors tab

FracproPT 2007

The Bar Graph Preferences Fonts tab

The Bar Graph Preferences Y-Scale Bounds tab

Plot Preferences

Plot Preferences - Channel Info

This dialog has four tabs, all of which are explained below, where you access various options for plotting data.

• Channel Info tab

• Frame Style tab

FracproPT 2007

• Axis Pref tab

• Autoscale tab
Selecting OK accepts any changes that have been made on any of the tabs and closes the dialog. Selecting Apply
accepts and applies any changes that have been made without closing the dialog. Selecting Cancel closes the dialog
without accepting any changes that may have been made.

The Channel Info tab of the Plot Preferences dialog.

Plot Title
This is the editable title of the plot, which is displayed in the title bar of the plot window. The Plot Title of auto-configured
plots is cannot be changed.
Channel Number
Up to eight channels may be viewed on any plot.
Channel Name
To select or unselect a specific channel for display on the plot, set or clear the check box. To delete a channel completely
or insert a blank row in the table, select the row number and press [Del] or [Ins], respectively.
To add or change a channel for plotting, double click the Channel Name field to display the sELECT CHANNEL dialog
(as shown below) where you select a Channel Type, a Channel Group, and finally a Channel Name. The channel Color
is selected automatically, but you may change it here if you like.
If you want to plot a channel from a previously stored (but not currently open) model run, you can use the Compare
Simulations options located on the Select Channel dialog.
Additional Information: Compare Simulation Results

FracproPT 2007

The Select Channel dialog.

This field automatically displays the unit for each channel.
Plot Color
The color used when plotting each channel is shown here. To change the color, double click the appropriate field to
activate the CHANNEL PREFERENCES dialog.
The button in this field may be selected by clicking with the mouse to plot the derivative of that particular channel: this will
be indicated when a red check mark appears. The parameters that control the how the derivative is calculated are shown
on the Frame Style tab of this PLOT PREFERENCES dialog.
If you select G-Function as the Frame Style on the Frame Style tab of this Plot Preferences dialog, you can also
select a second option in the d/dt field by clicking with the mouse a second time after the red check appears (which
indicates the time derivative) appears: The button will change to black to indicate that the so-called superposition
derivate of that particular channel will be plotted.
When you select either of the d/dt options, you should also use the Use End Time option on the Frame Style tab to
limit the forward time span of the derivative plot calculation (as specified in the Spread equals…% of Plot X-Axis
field) to the X Axis Max value that you enter. This function is typically used at the end of a pressure decline period
(that is, at the time just before pumping starts and pressure increases suddenly).
X-Axis Limits
The X-Axis Limits (X Min and X Max) may be set individually for each channel by moving to those fields and entering
values. Alternatively, they may be changed for all channels simultaneously by entering x-axis minimum and maximum
values in the X Axis Min and X Axis Max fields in the lower-left corner of the dialog.
X Start corresponds to the absolute x-axis value where the plotted interval (as defined by Min and Max) starts. For
example, this function is necessary when looking at plots based on the square root or log of delta time.
X Unit
This field displays the unit of the x-axis.
Y-Axis Limits

FracproPT 2007

The Y-Axis Limits (Y Min and Y Max) are set individually for each channel by moving the cursor to the fields and entering
the values. For information about plotting delta y values, please see the description given in the Plot Options section.
The x-axis may be changed for all channels simultaneously by entering x-axis minimum and maximum values in the X
Axis Min and X Axis Max fields.
Select All
This function selects all channels for display (as indicated by the check boxes to the left of each channel name).
Unselect All
This function clears the display check boxes for all channels.
Clear All Channels
This function deletes all channel information (names and axis limits) from the table.
Set Default Colors
This function sets the plot colors to their defaults.

Plot Preferences - Frame Style

The Frame Style tab of the Plot Preferences dialog.

Frame Style
The plot is displayed with linear x and y-axes.
Semi-Log X
This option causes the x-axis to be plotted on a logarithmic scale and the y-axis to be plotted on a linear scale. The X-
Start column on the Channel Info tab screen may be used to plot log-of-delta-x.
Semi-Log Y
This option causes the y-axis to be plotted on a logarithmic scale and the x-axis to be plotted on a linear scale. The Log Y
Options will also be available. Use the Use No Y-Axis Start, Use Y-Min As Start, and Use Y-Max As Start fields to plot
log-of-delta-y for pressure buildup and pressure decline analyses.
Log Log

FracproPT 2007

This option causes both the x-axis and the y-axis to be plotted on logarithmic scales. The X-Start column on the Channel
Info tab screen may be used to plot log-of-delta-x. The Log Y Options will also be available. Use the Use No Y-Axis
Start, Use Y-Min As Start, and Use Y-Max As Start fields to plot log-of-delta-y for pressure buildup and pressure decline
Sqrt Time
This option causes the x-axis to be plotted on a square root scale and the y-axis to be plotted on a linear scale. The X-
Start column on the Channel Info tab screen may be used to plot log-of-delta-x.
This option causes all channels to be plotted against the logarithm of the so-called Horner Time, which is defined as

The value entered in the X-Start column on the Channel Info tab screen is taken as t_0.
When select this option, a Start of Pumping field and an End of Pumping field will appear where you must enter the
appropriate numbers.

Log Y Options
These options are accessed only if a log plot style has been selected. The Use No Y-Axis Start, Use Y-Min As Start,
and Use Y-Max As Start fields are typically used to plot log-of-delta-y for pressure buildup and pressure decline

Plot Options
By default, plots will be show as Single Frame plots.
Double Frame
This option causes two plot frames of equal size to be drawn. Up to four channels may be plotted on the y-axis of each
frame. A single variable (usually time) is plotted on the x-axis and it must be the same for both frames.
Show Current Data
This option causes the current numerical value for each channel to be displayed to the right of the plot frame. This
function can be toggled on or off by right clicking just outside right plot border.
Show Annotations
The selection enables (or disables) the display of all annotation markers on the plot.

X-Axis Type
By default, plots will be shown with Time as the x-axis.
Cross Plot
This option is used to plot variables against some variable other than time. Selecting Cross Plot activates the X-axis
Channel selection field where you may select a variable from the drop-down list.
Depth Plot
This function is used to plot variables against (increasing) depth, which is shown on the y-axis. This option may be used to
plot depth-based log or FracproPT model information such as log response, pore pressure, fracturing pressure, etc.

Derivative Options
Spread equals…% of Plot X-Axis
This percentage of the total x-axis span is used as the derivative spread, which is the forward and backward time span
used to calculate the derivative (slope) at any point on a curve.
Check this box to smooth the derivative plot.
Use End Time
Check this box to limit the forward time span of the derivative plot calculation (as specified in the Spread equals…% of
Plot X-Axis field) to the X Axis Max value that you enter. This function is typically used at the end of a pressure decline
period (that is, at the time just before pumping starts and pressure increases suddenly).

FracproPT 2007

Plot Preferences - Axis Pref


The Axis Preferences tab of the Plot Preferences dialog.

Reverse X Label Position
This option displays the x-axis scale and labels at top of the plot. By default, the x-axis scale and labels are printed at the
Label Format
Floating displays the x-axis scales in floating-point format. Scientific displays the x-axis scales in scientific notation
format. Time allows you to display time on the x-axis in various formats, which you select using the drop-down list.
Integer displays the x-axis scales in integer format.

Reverse Y-Axis Direction
This option reverses the minimum and maximum y-axis limits.
Label Format
Floating displays the y-axis scales in floating-point format. Scientific displays the y-axis scales in scientific notation
format. Time allows you to display time on the y-axis in various formats, which you select using the drop-down list.
Integer displays the y-axis scales in integer format.

Other Functions
Switch Axis
This function switches the position of the x and y axes, essentially rotating the plot 90 degrees clockwise.

Plot Preferences - Autoscale


FracproPT 2007

The Autoscale tab of the Plot Preferences dialog.

Selecting or deselecting this option activates or deactivates the autoscale function for the x-axis. If it is activated, you can
select the type of autoscale. Extend Scale performs autoscale operations by automatically extending the maximum scale
value with the minimum scale value remaining fixed and Shift Scale performs autoscale operations by automatically
shifting the x-axis scale to the right (for example, it moves the "plot window").
Smart Round
This option activates the smart rounding function. When deactivated, displayed data is rounded to the nearest 10. When
active, displayed data is rounded to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, etc., as determined by FracproPT.

Selecting or deselecting this option activates or deactivates the autoscale function for the y-axis. If activated, you can
select the type of autoscale. MinMax autoscales both the maximum and minimum y-axis limits, Max autoscales only the
maximum y-axis limit, and Min autoscales only the minimum y-axis limit.

Other Functions
Autoscale every…screen updates
The value you enter here determines the frequency of the autoscale operation. Entering a larger number decreases the
number of autoscale operations per time unit.
Frame Preferences

Frame Preferences - Frame

This dialog has six tabs where you access various options for viewing plotted data.

• Frame tab
• Annotations tab
• Slope tab

FracproPT 2007

• Alarms tab
• Cursor tab
• Grid tab
Selecting OK accepts any changes that have been made on any of the tabs and closes the dialog. Selecting Apply
accepts and applies any changes that have been made without closing the dialog. Selecting Cancel closes the dialog
without accepting any changes that may have been made.

The Frame tab of the Frame Preferences dialog.

The display fonts in use for the various plot screen elements are shown on the right side of the preview window. To
change a setting, double click the desired field (in the white box) and select the font, style, and size.
The colors currently in use for the various plot screen elements are shown below the preview window. To change a color,
double click on the desired field and select a color.
Border Style
Select a choice for the plot-border style.
Use Plot Color for Y-axis
When this check box is selected, the scale factors and the channel name label for each channel will be displayed with the
same color that is used to plot the data for that channel. Otherwise, the scale factors and channel names will be displayed
according the to the color set in Colors.

Frame Preferences - Annotations

FracproPT 2007

The Annotations tab of the Frame Preferences dialog.

The colors currently in use for the various annotation elements are displayed in the corresponding fields. To change a
color, double click on the desired field and select a new color.
Text Font
The font currently in use for the annotation text is displayed in this field. To change it, double click in the white box and
select the font, style, and size.

Frame Preferences - Slope

FracproPT 2007

The Slope tab of the Frame Preferences dialog.

Line Color
The color currently in use for tangent and slope lines is displayed in the color field. To change the color, click the colored
box and select a new color.
Line Width
The current line width is displayed in the field. To change it, enter a new number in the field or use the up and down
Slope Value Color
The color currently in use for numerical slope value is displayed in the color field. To change the color, click on the color
field and select a new one.

Frame Preferences - Alarms

FracproPT 2007

The Alarms tab of the Frame Preferences dialog.

You can set the audio alarm to use a standard Windows signal tone by selecting Beep, or to play an alarm sound file by
selecting Voice. The default alarm sound file is WARNING.WAV, which is located in the FracproPT program folder. To
customize the alarm sound, you can replace this sound file with any suitable WAV file.

Frame Preferences - Cursor

FracproPT 2007

The Cursor tab of the Frame Preferences dialog.

Line Color
The color currently in use is displayed in the color field. To change it, click the field and select a new color.
The cursor type currently in use is displayed in the preview area. To change it, make a selection from the drop-down list.
Line Width
The current line width is displayed in the field. To change it, enter a new number in the field or use the up and down

Edit Mark
The Begin Mark Color, End Mark Color, and Edit Mark Color used in Cursor Editing mode are displayed here. To
change them, click on the color fields and select new ones.
Line Width
The current line width is displayed in the field. To change it, enter a new number in the field or use the up and down

Frame Preferences - Grid

FracproPT 2007

The Grid tab of the Frame Preferences dialog.

#X Gridlines
This field controls the number of vertical grid marks shown on the plot, which does not include the vertical line
representing the y-axis (that is, the left plot border).
#Y Gridlines
This field controls the number of horizontal grid marks shown on the plot, which does not include the horizontal line
representing the x-axis (that is, the bottom plot border).
#X Labels
This field controls the number of x-axis scale labels shown on the plot, which does not include the label for the vertical line
representing the y-axis (that is, the left plot border).
#Y Labels
This field controls the number of y-axis scale labels shown on the plot, which does not include the label for the horizontal
line representing the x-axis (that is, the bottom plot border).
Line Style
The current line style is displayed in the field. To change it, make a selection from the drop-down list.
Line Width
The current line width is displayed in the field. To change it, enter a new number in the field or use the up and down
Channel Preferences

Channel Preferences
The display properties of individual data channels can be modified on this dialog. All modifications will apply only to the
currently active channel.

FracproPT 2007

Selecting OK accepts any modifications for the selected channel and closes the dialog. Selecting Cancel closes the
dialog without accepting any modifications that may have been made for the selected channel.

The Channel Preferences dialog.

Channel Name
This field displays the active channel (that is, the channel for which preferences may be changed).

Channel Preferences
Channel Style
You may choose to plot data with Lines, Symbols, or Lines and Symbols.
Line Style
The current line style is displayed here. To change it, make a selection from the drop-down list.
Line Color
The color currently in use is displayed as a depressed field. To change it, click on the desired color.
Line Width
The current line width is displayed here. To change it, enter a new number or use the up and down arrows in the display

Symbol Preferences
These fields are active only if Symbols or Lines and Symbols is selected as the Channel Style.
The symbol currently in use is displayed as a depressed field. To change it, click on the desired symbol.
Outside Color

FracproPT 2007

The outside color of the symbol currently in use is displayed as a depressed field (it is also displayed in the Symbol
fields). To change it, click on the desired color.
Inside Fill Color
The inside fill color of the symbol currently in use is displayed as a depressed field (it is also displayed in the Symbol
fields). To change it, click on the desired color.
Distance Between Symbols
The value entered in this field controls the display frequency of the symbols for the active channel. Entering a larger value
reduces the number of symbols displayed.
Right Mouse Click Functions

Right Click Function - Above Plot Border

Right click above the plot border to activate the FRAME PREFERENCES dialog.

Right Click Function - Below Plot Border

Right click below the plot border to set the x-axis (usually time) plot scale limits.

FracproPT 2007

Right Click Function - Outside Left Border

Right click outside the left plot border to set the y-axis plot scale limits for the active channel.

Right Click Function - Outside Right Border

Right click outside the right plot border to toggle the numerical display on or off.

Right Click Function - On Top Border

Right click on the top plot border to shift the plot window upward.

Right Click Function - On Bottom Border

Right click on the bottom plot border to shift the plot window downward.

Right Click Function - On Left Border

FracproPT 2007

Right click on the left plot border to shift the plot window to the left.

Right Click Function - On Right Border

Right click on the right plot border to shift the plot window to the right.

Right Click Function - In Plot Area

Right click anywhere inside the plot borders, other than directly on a channel, to activate the PLOT PREFERENCES

Right Click Function - On Stage Bar

Right click on the Stage Bar to activate this menu where you can choose Stage Setting commands.

Right Click Function - On a Channel

Right click directly on any channel to activate this menu where you can view the CHANNEL PREFERENCES dialog or
add Tangent Lines or Annotations.

FracproPT Data Pictures

Picture Overview
A number of different pictures can be viewed on-screen and printed in FracproPT. The pictures include two different
types of fracture pictures, one of which can be made to show the variation of various parameters as functions of position
in the fracture. A profile of fracture width at the wellbore can also be viewed. Lastly, the contents of the wellbore can be
displayed to dynamically track the movement of various stages and materials throughout the wellbore. All except the latter
of these pictures can be plotted to hardcopy devices.

FracproPT 2007

Integrated Fracture Profile

Fracture Profile
Stage Profile
Width Profile
Wellbore Profile
Wellbore Stage Display
Other, more detailed Wellbore Schematics may also be used to track the movement of materials in the wellbore.
1D Wellbore Schematic
2D Wellbore Schematic
Integrated Fracture Profile

Integrated Fracture Profile [Alt+F2]

This FracproPT picture can show up to four panes (as in window panes) simultaneously. These panes can show log data,
layer properties (that is, from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen), the fracture height and length profile, and
the fracture width profile. If more than one perforated interval is being fractured (up to four are allowed), the depth scale
can be set such that all four fractures are displayed simultaneously. This screen is also printable, either as hardcopy or to
a WMF-file format for inclusion in reports, presentations, etc.
The primary means to access the various options needed to configure this screen is through right-click menus for each of
the four panes. Other important functionality is provided through the (dedicated) toolbar that appears when this screen is
activated. Two additional menu choices are also added to the FracproPT menu bar when this screen is activated, but
they offer only limited options, none of which cannot be accessed via the more convenient toolbar or right click menus.

The Four Panes

Panes can be opened and closed individually using menu commands. However, the easier and more convenient method
uses the toolbar buttons shown below. The Select Panes toolbar button (also shown below) is where you can change the
order of the different panes.

Show or hide the Logs Pane.

Show or hide the Layers Pane.

Show or hide the Stage Profile Pane.

Show or hide the Width Profile Pane.

Select or re-order Panes.

Numerous right-click functions are available to change the appearance of the different panes.
Logs Pane
This pane allows you to view logs. Standard Log ASCII files (LAS format) can be opened directly, but log files in other
than LAS format must first be converted to a FracproPT depth-based database format (that is, filename.dbd) using
This view shows much of the same functionality as the Log Viewer/Layer Editor utility in FracproPT.
Additional Help: Logs Pane
Layers Pane
This pane allows you to view the layer properties as they have been assigned on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen. Layer properties can be viewed side-by side with individual axes or on a common axis. Right clicking on the
legend allows the appearance of each individual curve to be changed.
This view shows much of the same functionality as the Log Viewer/Layer Editor utility in FracproPT.
Additional Help: Layers Pane
Stage Profile Pane
The pane displays a view of one of the following seven properties as a function of position in the fracture:
Proppant concentration Fracture conductivity
Proppant volume fraction Slurry temperature
Slurry viscosity Acid Concentration
Acid Etched Width

FracproPT 2007

Parameter variation is represented by color, which may be either of a continuous character in the so-called enhanced
view (where the fracture area is divided into many grids, each with an individually tracked parameter value) or it may vary
according to rings that correspond to the stages on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen. In the latter case, the
upper and lower portions of each ring are treated separately.
This view is almost identical to the Stage Profile [Ctrl+F5] screen.
Additional Help: Stage Profile Pane
Width Profile Pane
This pane displays the width profile view (or end view) of the fracture(s). The view is almost identical to the width Profile
[alt+F7] screen.
Additional Help: Width Profile Pane

Example of Integrated Fracture Picture Screen.


The Layers Pane

The functions explained below are accessed when you right click in the Layers Pane.


Select Options from the menu to view the following dialog:

FracproPT 2007


You can Hide the header or, if not hidden, display it on the Right Side, Left Side, or Center, at either the Top of the
Bottom of the pane.

Depth Scale

FracproPT 2007

You can Hide the depth scale or, if not hidden, display it on the Right Side or Left Side.


You can Hide the title or, if not hidden, display it on the Top, Center, or Bottom.


Select Grid to specify whether or not a grid is drawn within the pane.


FracproPT 2007

You can Hide the legend, if not hidden, display it on the Top Side or Bottom Side.


Select Side-by-Side to have the logs displayed with individual axes.

Common Axis

Select Common Axis to have the logs displayed on the same axis.

Select Curves…

Select Select Curves… from the menu to view the following dialog:

FracproPT 2007

This dialog lists the logs currently available for viewing in this pane. You may select them individually or use the Select All


Select from among the currently displayed curves to view the following dialog where you can control how the curve is
displayed. These options control the plot scales (Bounds options), the format or style of the actual curve (Curve options),
the pane background (Filled options). For the depth scale, you can also Invert Axis.

The Show Data as options deter whether the layer property is shown as steps (Piecewise Constant) or as varying from
linearly between layers (Piecewise Linear).

The Logs Pane

The functions explained below are accessed when you right click in the Logs Pane.


FracproPT 2007

Select Options from the menu to view the following dialog:


You can Hide the header or, if not hidden, display it on the Right Side, Left Side, or Center, at either the Top of the
Bottom of the pane.

FracproPT 2007

Depth Scale

You can Hide the depth scale or, if not hidden, display it on the Right Side or Left Side.


You can Hide the title or, if not hidden, display it on the Top, Center, or Bottom.


Select Grid to specify whether or not a grid is drawn within the pane.


FracproPT 2007

You can Hide the legend, if not hidden, display it on the Top Side or Bottom Side.


Select Side-by-Side to have the logs displayed with individual axes.

Common Axis

Select Common Axis to have the logs displayed on the same axis.

Select Curves…

Select Select Curves… from the menu to view a dialog that lists the logs currently available for viewing in this pane. You
may select them individually or use the Select All function.

FracproPT 2007


Select from among the currently displayed curves to view the following dialog where you can control how the curve is
displayed. These options control the plot scales (Bounds options), the format or style of the actual curve (Curve options),
the pane background (Filled options). For the depth scale, you can also Invert Axis.

The Width Profile Pane

The functions explained below are accessed when you right click in the Width Profile Pane.


FracproPT 2007

Select Options from the menu to view the following dialog:

Depth Scale
Select Show to activate the depth scale and then choose Left or Right to specify the side where it is shown.
Select Show Title to activate the title and then choose Top, Center, or Bottom to specify where it is shown.
The Show Grid option determines whether or not a grid is drawn within the pane.
Data Scale
Select Show to activate the data scale and then choose Top or Bottom to specify where it is shown.
Select Show to activate the legend and then choose Left, Center, or Right and Top or Bottom to specify where it is
Select the line Style and Color from the drop-down lists and enter a value for line Width.


FracproPT 2007

You can Hide the header or, if not hidden, display it on the Right Side, Left Side, or Center, at either the Top or Bottom
of the pane.

Depth Scale

You can Hide the depth scale or, if not hidden, display it on the Right Side or Left Side.


You can Hide the title or, if not hidden, display it on the Top, Center, or Bottom.


Select Grid to specify whether or not a grid is drawn within the pane.

Data Scale

You can Hide the data scale or, if not hidden, display it on the Top or Bottom.

The Stage Profile Pane

The functions explained below are accessed when you right click in the Stage Profile Pane.


FracproPT 2007

Select Options from the menu to view the following dialog:

Depth Scale
Select Show to activate the depth scale and then choose Left or Right to specify the side where it is shown.
Select Show Title to activate the title and then choose Top, Center, or Bottom to specify where it is shown.
The Show Grid option determines whether or not a grid is drawn within the pane.
Data Scale
Select Show to activate the data scale and then choose Top or Bottom to specify where it is shown.
Select Show to activate the legend and then choose Left, Center, or Right and Top or Bottom to specify where it is
Displayed Property
This drop-down list is where you select one of the seven possible parameters to view in the pane. Additional information
about these parameters can be found in Help for the Stage Profile List screen.
If you are displaying Proppant Concentration, Proppant Volume Fraction, or Fracture Conductivity, you may choose
either Best Case Convection or Stratified Convection as the option used to model material transport with the fracture.
Additional information about these options can be found in Help for the Stage Profile [Ctrl+F5] screen.

FracproPT 2007

Max Value
This field sets the maximum value for the parameter being displayed. The range from 0.0 to Max Value is represented by
color, as shown on the color bar located at the bottom of the picture. However, when the parameter is Proppant Volume
Fraction, this entry is fixed at the value set on the Proppant Model Parameters tab of the FracproPT Model

Parameters [Shft+F3] screen (the default value is 0.6). An autoscale button ( ) is provided to make this field easy to
Picture Details
This parameter controls the number of grids used in the Stage Profile simulation. A value of 1 implies the maximum
number of grids, which requires the most computing time and may cause sluggishness in the display update. Enter a
larger value to improve system performance.


You can Hide the header or, if not hidden, display it on the Right Side, Left Side, or Center, at either the Top or Bottom
of the pane.

Depth Scale

You can Hide the depth scale or, if not hidden, display it on the Right Side or Left Side.


You can Hide the title or, if not hidden, display it on the Top, Center, or Bottom.


FracproPT 2007

Select Grid to specify whether or not a grid is drawn within the pane.

Data Scale

You can Hide the data scale or, if not hidden, display it on the Top or Bottom.


This is where you select one of the seven possible parameters to view in the pane. Additional information about these
parameters can be found in Help for the Stage Profile List screen


FracproPT 2007

This where you select the convection option used to model material transport with the fracture. Additional information
about these options can be found in Help for the Stage Profile [Ctrl+F5] screen.

Select Palette…

Select this option to view the Select Palette dialog where you can choose the color scheme to use in the Stage Profile

Fracture Profile

Fracture Profile [Alt+F5]

This screen shows a schematic representation of the fracture and the surrounding strata.
The current Model Time and Stage Number, along with the Slurry Flow Rate and Prop Concentration, are shown at
the top of the screen. The hydraulic and propped Fracture Dimensions are also shown.
A depth scale is shown along the left edge of the picture. The permeable layers are drawn as shaded areas in the left half
of the picture, with the degree of shading indicating the relative degree of permeability. The stress profile, with numerical
values shown for some layers, is drawn on the right side of the picture. The wellbore is drawn in the center of the picture
to the depth of fracture initiation.

FracproPT 2007

A profile of the growing hydraulic fracture is drawn on the right half of the picture and the propped fracture is drawn on the
left side. A fracture-length scale is shown along the bottom edge of the display.

The Fracture Profile screen.

Profile Scales
Select this function to view the FRACTURE PROFILE SCALES screen where the scales for stress and the plot increment
are entered.
Max Length
The number entered in this field sets the length scale on the picture.

Fracture Profile Scales

This screen shows the entries that set some of the scales for the FRACTURE PROFILE [Alt+F5] screen.

The Fracture Profile Scales screen.

Minimum Stress

FracproPT 2007

This field sets the minimum stress scale for the stress profile. The value is set automatically, but it can be entered
Maximum Stress
This field sets the maximum stress scale for the stress profile. The value is set automatically, but it can be entered
Plot Increment
This field specifies the number of model time steps between each displayed fracture growth ring.
Stage Profile

Stage Profile [Ctrl+F5]

This screen shows the variation with position in the fracture of one of seven possible parameters:

• Proppant concentration
• Fracture conductivity
• Proppant volume fraction
• Slurry temperature
• Slurry viscosity
• Acid Concentration
• Acid Etched Width
The parameter’s variation is represented by color and may be either of a continuous character in the so-called enhanced
view (where the fracture area is divided into many grids, each with an individually tracked value of the parameter) or it
may vary according the rings that correspond to the stages shown on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen. In the
latter case, the upper and lower portions of each ring are treated separately.
The fracture width profile and the reservoir permeability profile are also shown at the left side of the picture. A blue line on
the vertical depth scale represents the perforated height. The display is toggled amongst the seven parameters using the
drop-down list at the bottom of the screen.

The Stage Profile screen.

FracproPT 2007

Proppant Transport Options

If you are displaying Proppant Concentration, Proppant Volume Fraction, or Fracture Conductivity, these fields will
be available to display proppant transport using three different model options.
Best Case Convection
This option refers to a model where the primary factor governing proppant transport is the density difference between
stages. Rather than tracking the settling of proppant within the treatment fluid, whole stages move relative to one another.
Stages with higher density (that is, with higher proppant concentration) tend to fall toward the bottom of the fracture.
The basic ring-like shape of stages being pumped toward the tip of the fracture (as opposed, for example, to the piston-
like lateral displacement of proppant in simple 2D fracture models) is maintained throughout the simulation, including after
shut in.
If the Enhanced View option is checked, the fracture area is subdivided into many grids to more accurately track the
displayed parameter. This type of simulation requires significantly more computing power, so you may notice some
sluggishness in the display update.
Stratified Convection
This option refers to a model where the primary factor governing proppant transport is the density difference between
stages. Rather than tracking the settling of proppant within the treatment fluid, whole stages move relative to one another.
Stages with higher density (that is, with higher proppant concentration) tend to fall toward the bottom of the fracture.
The ring-like shape of stages being pumped toward the tip of the fracture (as opposed, for example, to the piston-like
lateral displacement of proppant in simple 2D fracture models) is not maintained throughout the simulation. The size (that
is, volume) of each particular stage does not change, but each one is allowed to fall completely down to the bottom of the
fracture, with the heaviest stage at the bottom, the next heaviest on top of that one, etc. In other words, the stages stratify
in the fracture according to density.
If the Enhanced View option is checked, the fracture area is subdivided into many grids to more accurately track the
displayed parameter. This type of simulation requires significantly more computing power, so you may notice some
sluggishness in the display update.
Worst Case Transport
This option essentially assumes a complete failure of the treatment fluids in terms of proppant suspension whereby
proppant from all stages is allowed to mix and fall completely to the bottom of the fracture.
Enhanced View
If this option is checked, the fracture area is subdivided into many grids to more accurately track the displayed parameter
as a function of position in the fracture. This option requires significantly more computing power, so you may notice some
sluggishness in the display update.
Picture Details
This parameter controls the number of grids used in the Enhanced View simulation. A value of 1 implies the maximum
number of grids, which requires the most computing time and may cause sluggishness in the display update. Enter a
larger value to improve system performance.

Display Options
Displayed Property
Select the parameter that you want to display as a function of position in the fracture using this drop-down list.
Max Value
This field sets the maximum value for the parameter being displayed. The range from 0.0 to Max Value is represented by
color, as shown on the color bar located at the bottom of the picture. However, when the parameter is Proppant Volume
Fraction, this entry is fixed at the value set on the Proppant Model Parameters tab of the FracproPT Model

Parameters [Shft+F3] screen (the default value is 0.6). An autoscale button ( ) is provided to make this field easy to
Max Length
This field sets the length scale along the bottom of the picture and the height scale is set automatically as some fraction of

this field. An autoscale button ( ) is provided to make this field easy to set.
Prop Damage Factor
This field will be available only if you display Fracture Conductivity. This factor reduces fracture conductivity. For
example, a value of 0.25, which is typical, reduces conductivity by 25%. This factor represents conductivity damage (for
example, from fines migration or gel damage) that is in addition to that caused by proppant crushing and non-Darcy flow,
which are handled automatically by the FraPS 2D reservoir simulator. Enter 0.0 to model no additional proppant damage.
This is the same parameter shown/entered on the Fracture Parameters for 2D Model screen in Reservoir Analysis
mode (that is, in the 2D reservoir simulator).

FracproPT 2007

Select Palette
Select this function to view Select Palette dialog where you can set the colors used to scale the parameter that you are
displaying on this picture.
Stage Info
Select this function to view the STAGE INFORMATION screen where the upper and lower dimensions for each ring
(stage) are shown in tabular form. The values for the parameter of interest in each ring (stage) are also shown in the

Stage Profile List

This screen lists the seven different types of pictures, known as stage profiles, which show the distribution of some
parameter over the fracture area. The contour rings used for displaying the distribution correspond to the stages shown on

The Stage Profile List screen.

Plot Proppant Concentration

Select this function to display proppant concentration in each stage as a function of position over the fracture area.
Plot Fracture Conductivity
Select this function to display fracture conductivity in each stage as a function of position over the fracture area. The
conductivity information comes directly from information found in the Proppant Library. You can also enter a Damage
Factor directly on this screen that affects the conductivity displayed on the picture (but not in the Proppant Library) by the
amount you enter. For instance, if you enter a Damage Factor of 0.70, conductivity is reduced by 70%.
Plot Volume Fraction Proppant
Select this function to display volume fraction of proppant in each stage as a function of position over the fracture area.
Volume fraction of proppant is defined as:

A volume fraction of 0.6 is the default value where proppant is considered packed (that is, immobile). That number is
changeable, however, on the Proppant Model Parameters tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters [Shft+F3] screen.
Plot Temperature

FracproPT 2007

Select this function to display temperature of the slurry in each stage as a function of position over the fracture area. All
rock properties and the pertinent user-entered temperatures used in the heat-transfer calculations that are performed to
obtain the temperature profile in the fracture are accessed on the THERMAL ROCK PROPERTIES screen.
Plot Viscosity
Select this function to display fluid viscosity in each stage as a function of position over the fracture area. This picture
takes time-wise viscosity variation, as recorded in the Fluid Libraries, into account. Fluid data from the System Library
comes directly from the service companies, while you must enter the data yourself in the User Library.
Plot Acid Concentration
Select this function to display mass-percentage acid concentration of the fluid in each stage as a function of position over
the fracture area.
Plot Acid Etched Width
Select this function to display amount of acid etching (in inches) as a function of position over the fracture area.

Stage Information
This screen displays information represented graphically on the STAGE PROFILE [CTRL+F5] screen in tabular format.
The upper and lower dimensions for each ring (stage) are shown in tabular form. If a stage has been split using
FracproPT’s automatic stage splitting, the stage number will appear more than once. The values for the parameter of
interest in each ring (stage) are also shown in the table.

The Stage Information screen.

Generate 3-D Mesh

Select this function to view the RESERVOIR SIMULATOR FILE GENERATION screen where you can specify how the
information displayed here is written into a 3D-mesh file for use with a 3D-reservoir simulator.
Width Profile

Width Profile [Alt+F7]

This screen displays a picture of the fracture width profile. The stress profile is shown on the right of the screen, and the
perforated interval is shown as a blue line on the vertical depth scale.

FracproPT 2007

The Width Profile screen.

Max Width
This field sets the maximum value for the width scale on both the screen display and the hardcopy output.
Max Height
This field sets the maximum value for the height scale on both the screen display and the hardcopy output.
Wellbore Profile

Wellbore Profile [Alt+F9]

This screen shows the Slurry Viscosity, Proppant Concentration, or Slurry Temperature of the treatment stage(s)
currently in the wellbore. The value of these parameters is represented by color.
The depth scale on the left side of the display shows true vertical depth (TVD) in feet. Horizontal lines, representing stage
boundaries, move down the wellbore as the treatment progresses. Stages are numbered and shown on the right side of
the wellbore. The fluid filling the wellbore before pumping begins is identified as Stage #0.
The current Model Time, InFlow (that is, flow rate), and Prop in Wellbore (that is, the amount of proppant in the
wellbore) are shown at the bottom left corner of the display. The pressure profile down the wellbore is also displayed.

FracproPT 2007

The Wellbore Profile screen.

Max Value
This field sets the maximum value for the viscosity, proppant concentration, or temperature display. The range from 0.0 to
Max Value is represented by the color bar.
Displayed Property
Select the parameter that you want to display as a function of wellbore position using this drop-down list.
Wellbore Info
Select this function to view the WELLBORE STAGE DISPLAY screen where the current contents of the wellbore are
displayed numerically. The stage number and the "length" of the stage in the wellbore (in feet, based on volume) are
shown along with the viscosity, proppant concentration, or fluid temperature of each stage.
Wellbore Stage Display

Wellbore Stage Display

This screen shows the graphical information on the WELLBORE PROFILE [Alt+F9] screen in numerical format. The
stage number and the "length" of the stage in the wellbore (in feet, based on volume) are shown along with viscosity,
proppant concentration, or fluid temperature of each stage.

FracproPT 2007

The Wellbore Stage Display screen.


Template Manager

The Template Manager screen is accessed by clicking on the Template Manager icon in the toolbar of the
Integrated Profile screen.

FracproPT 2007

Template Manager screen

• Open: Display the selected template.
• Save As...: Save the current template.
• Cancel: Exit the screen without changing anything.
• OK: Exit the screen and save the changes.

Template Actions
• New: Create a new template.
• Copy: Make a copy of the selected template.
• Template Library: Display the library of templates.
• Delete: Remove the selected template.
• Rename: Modify the name of the selected template.

Integrated Fracture Profile Launch Options

Radio Buttons
• Choose windows to open from this dialog: When the Integrated Fracture Profile launches, open
the Template Manager to allow the user to choose the desired Integrated Fracture Profile.
• Open the last window automatically: When the Integrated Fracture Profile launches, display the
last Integrated Fracture Profile template.
• Open multiple windows automatically: When the Integrated Fracture Profile launches, allow the
user to select multiple Integrated Fracture Profile templates that will open simultaneously.
• Description: Display a descriptions of the three radio button options.

FracproPT 2007

• Select Autos:

Select Logs

The Select Logs screen is accessed by clicking on the Select Logs icon in the toolbar of the Integrated Profile

Select Logs dialog

Select the logs that should be displayed in the Integrated Fracture Profile from the list.

Select Reservoir Properties

The Select Reservoir Properties screen is accessed by clicking on the Select Reservoir Properties icon in the
toolbar of the Integrated Profile screen.

Select Reservoir Properties dialog.

Select the reservoir properties that should be displayed in the Integrated Fracture Profile from the list.

Floating Table for Logs

The Floating Table for Logs screen is accessed by clicking on the Floating Table for Logs icon in the toolbar of
the Integrated Profile screen.

FracproPT 2007

Floating Table for Logs screen

Display this table to view the logs.

Floating Table for Reservoir Properties

The Floating Table for Reservoir Properties screen is accessed by clicking on the Floating Table for Reservoir

Properties icon in the toolbar of the Integrated Profile screen.

Floating Table for Reservoir Properties screen

Display this table to view the reservoir properties.

Font, Sizes, and Colors

The Font, Sizes, and Colors screen is accessed by clicking on the Font, Sizes, and Colors icon in the toolbar of
the Integrated Profile screen.

FracproPT 2007

Font, Sizes, and Colors screen

Select the font type, size and color in this screen.

Select Palette

The Select Palette screen is accessed by clicking on the Select Palette icon in the toolbar of the Integrated Profile

Select Palette screen

Select the palette of colors in this screen.

FracproPT 2007

Select Pane

The Select Pane screen is accessed by clicking on the Select Pane icon in the toolbar of the Integrated Profile

Select Pane screen

Select from the available panes in this screen.

Printing FracproPT Output

Output Page Setup
This screen is where graphical hardcopy output from FracproPT and ReservoirPT is controlled. You can access this
screen by selecting File…Print on the menu bar or by selecting the Print toolbar button. You can set various parameters
that control graphical output and you also enter various plot or picture titles here as well.

FracproPT 2007

The Plot Page Setup screen.


Title #1
The text entered in this field is printed above the top of the plot. This field is not printed for pictures.

Title #2
The text entered in this field is printed above the top of the plot, just below the Title #1. This field is not printed for pictures.

Channel Labels for Current Plot

When you access this screen to generate a hardcopy of a plot, these fields (that is, Chan #1 through Chan #8) display the
names of the channels being plotted. If you wish to edit or change the names for the hardcopy, you may do so. However,
any changes you make are only temporary, and they will be overwritten by the original channel names as soon as you
leave this screen. These fields are not printed for pictures.

Title #3
The text entered in this field is printed below the bottom left corner of the plot. This field is not printed for pictures.

FracproPT 2007

Title #4
The text entered in this field is printed below the bottom right corner of the plot. This field is not printed for pictures.

When you access to this screen to generate a hardcopy of a plot, this field displays the default label for the x-axis. If you
wish to edit or change the label for the hardcopy, you may do so. However, any change you make is only temporary, and
the original default label will overwrite it as soon as you leave this screen. This field is not printed for pictures.

Title for Fracture, Stage, and Width Profiles

The text entered in this field is printed at the top of the fracture, stage, and width profile pictures only. This field is not
printed for plots.

Set Title Strings From Well Information

Selecting this option sets the 4 title fields for plots, as well as the single title field for pictures, from the Well Name, Well
Location, Formation Name, and Date fields entered on the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen.

X-Y Plot Configuration

Display Grid Lines

This option determines whether or not a grid is included on hardcopy plot output.

Multiple Line Styles

This option determines whether all curves (channels) are drawn as solid lines, or whether each curve (channel) is drawn
with a different line type (for example, dashed, dotted, dash-dot, etc.) on hardcopy plot output.

Plot Symbols
This option determines whether or not symbols are plotted on each curve (channel) to enhance distinction between lines
on hardcopy plot output. This option can be selected with or without Plot Lines.

Plot Lines
This option determines whether or not lines are plotted for each curve (channel) on hardcopy plot output. One of these
last two fields (Plot Symbols or Plot Lines) must be selected in order to see a curve on the output.

Line Thickness Multiplier

Enter a number here to set the thickness of the lines plotted on hardcopy output.

Device Configuration

Color Mode
Select Color, Black & White, or Reverse Color (the latter of which is useful for making color 35mm slides) from the drop-
down list.

Printer Font
Select a font from the drop-down list. For PCL, dot matrix and Postscript devices, the choices Arial (a sans-serif font) or
Times (serif font).

Output Mode

Windows Printer
If this option is checked, Windows-installed device drivers will control output.

Windows Metafile
If this option is checked, a graphics file in .WMF format will be created. You must specify the Plot File Location and file
name in the fields that appear below this option.

FracproPT 2007

PostScript Driver
If this option is checked, you may direct output to a printer port (LPT1, LPT2 or LPT3) or to a file (Print to File or EPS
File). The output format is PostScript for Print to File and Encapsulated PostScript for EPS File.

Plot File Location

File Name
This field displays the folder and file name for the plot output file. You can complete this field using the Select function or
you can simply edit the field directly.

Selecting this function activates the standard File…Save As dialog where you select or enter a path and file name for the
plot output file.
Selecting a file here does not actually save the file. Once you select a path and file name here, you must use the
Print command to save the file.

Other Functions

Use Logo
You check the box in this field if you would like your hardcopy to have a logo printed on it. When you check the box you
will see a Select Logo function that is used to select the logo file (which must be a bitmap graphics file).

Selecting this function displays the standard Print dialog where you print the plot or picture.
If you have selected Windows Metafile or Postscript Driver - EPS File, selecting this function causes the plot or picture
output file to be saved with the folder and file name shown in the File Name field.

Comparing Output from Different Simulations

Compare Simulation Results [Shift+F4]
This screen is where you can load up to four previously stored simulation results files. After you load them here, they are
available for plotting. Results from the current simulator run are also available for plotting, which makes it possible to
compare five model runs on a single plot.
This feature is very powerful in that you can, for instance, compare propped fracture length for up to five different
treatment schedule designs to decide which would be best suited for the reservoir you want to fracture treat. Or, when
trying to obtain a net pressure history match of measured data, you could plot net pressure from up to five model runs with
varying permeability and compare them against observed net pressure. Of course, you are not limited to comparing only
propped length or net pressure. In fact, you can use this feature with any of FracproPT‘s 55 output channels shown on
the Model Outputs screen that is accessed from the Simulation Control [F10] screen.
To make use of this feature you should do the following:

• Select or Load results files in one or more of the four Simulation Results Boxes
• Configure a plot to display the appropriate Compare Simulations channels
The Select and Load functions for loading results files on this screen are explained below. To compare results on a plot,
you go through the normal routine to select plot channels, but you make a Compare Simulations choice (that is, by
selecting either A, B, C, or D) where you would normally leave the option set to Current.

FracproPT 2007

The Select Channel dialog indicating where Compare Simulations options are made.

This Compare Simulation Results screen is mode sensitive, so if you are currently in Fracture Optimization Mode,
only those files stored in that mode will be available when selecting results files for the Simulation Results Boxes.
Likewise, if you are in Fracture Analysis Mode, only those types of files will be available for comparison. The same holds
true for all other modes, as well.

The Compare Simulation Results screen.

Simulation Results Boxes

For Simulation Results Boxes are labeled Simulation A, Simulation B, Simulation C, and Simulation D. Two read-only
fields below the labels show the folder (path) and file name of the results file last loaded in the box. The relatively large
space at the bottom of each box either shows a Results Not Loaded message (if no results are loaded) or data from the
Well and Treatment Information [F3] screen for the file whose results are loaded in the box.

FracproPT 2007

This function opens the standard File…Open dialog where you can select a results file to load in the box. The results are
loaded automatically when you use this, so it is not necessary to use the Load command.

If there is already a path and file name in the fields at the top of the box, yet the Results Not Loaded message is
displayed, use this function to actually to load the results associated with the file. This function could be used, for
instance, if you exit and then re-start FracproPT, since the results files are not automatically loaded here when you start
the program (but the folder and file names are "left over" from the your last FracproPT session). You can also use the
Load All Results function at the bottom of the screen to avoid having to use the Load function for each box individually.

Select this function to remove the loaded results files from computer memory. This function would only be necessary if
your computer started to run low on resources (that is, memory).

Other Functions

Import Fractures
Selecting this function displays the IMPORT FRACTURES screen where you may choose to load any FracproPT results
file and select any fractures created in these individual treatments. These fractures may then be displayed using Wellbore
Viewer or used in ReservoirPT.

Load All Results

This function is simply a short cut to avoid using the Select function for each of the Simulation Results Boxes separately.
Import Fractures
This screen allows you to selectively choose fractures created in FracproPT by individual simulations, in the Compare
Simulation Results screen. These fractures may then be viewed with Wellbore Viewer or used by ReservoirPT

The Import Fractures screen.

This function activates a standard Windows dialog box from which any .RFR file may be selected. Once a file has been
opened, the fractures created in that treatment are displayed in the grid with their respective measured depth (MD). To
select or unselect a fracture, double click in the Import column to toggle between On and Off.


FracproPT 2007

This function removes a fracture from the table. Select a row (fracture) in the table and then select this function. Note: Any
other fracture contained in this file will also be removed from the selection if you choose OK in the confirmation dialog

Frac Info
After selecting a fracture (row) in the table, choose this function to display information relevant to the fracture in the Frac
Info dialog.

Use Imported Fractures

If this option is checked, you will have the option in ReservoirPT to use the results of the current FracproPT run only or
all fractures selected on this screen.
Frac Info
This dialog shows the pertinent information for each selected fracture in the Import Fractures screen.

The Frac Info dialog.

Wellbore Schematics
1D Wellbore Schematic
This screen shows a one-dimensional schematic of the wellbore. The view may be zoomed in or out using the mouse to
define a vertical section to be magnified. Zooming and centering can also be achieved using the scroll bars at the right
and bottom of the screen.
There are two boxes on the right side of the screen that show a list of the fluid sequence and current values of a number
of variables in the wellbore. Fluid location in the wellbore can be viewed during a simulation.

FracproPT 2007

Example of a 1D Wellbore Schematic.

2D Wellbore Schematic
This screen shows a two-dimensional schematic of the wellbore. The view may be zoomed in or out using the mouse to
define a vertical section to be magnified. Zooming and centering can also be achieved using the scroll bars at the right
and bottom of the screen.
There are two boxes on the right side of the screen that show a list of the fluid sequence and current values of a number
of variables in the wellbore. Fluid location in the wellbore can be viewed during a simulation.

FracproPT 2007

Example of a 2D Wellbore Schematic.

3D Wellbore Viewer
Wellbore Viewer is the 3D graphical interface provided to view wellbore geometries along with tools and tubular goods,
as well as the properties and position of fluid stages in the wellbore. Start the program by selecting View…Wellbore
Viewer on the menu bar.
Numerous utilities are provided to view the wellbore and the reservoir lithology and to navigate around the well to obtain a
detailed view. These tools are accessed directly from the toolbar displayed (if selected or turned on) below the standard
FracproPT toolbar.
As FracproPT is running, and results are being generated, Wellbore Viewer may also be used to display the evolution in
time of any variables (e.g. position of slurry stages, pressure, proppant concentration, fluid velocity, temperature, etc.).

How to... in Wellbore Viewer

Wellbore Viewer Menu Commands
Wellbore Viewer Toolbar
Wellbore Viewer Menu Commands
Once Wellbore Viewer is activated, the three additional menu options are accessed on the FracproPT menu bar.

3D View

3D Controls

3D Display

3D View
Original Size resizes the display to full size
Zoom In zooms in one step
Zoom out zooms out one step

FracproPT 2007

Top View displays the wellbore from the top

North displays the wellbore in the direction facing North
South displays the wellbore in the direction facing South
West displays the wellbore in the direction facing West
East displays the wellbore in the direction facing East
Toolbar toggles display of the 3D Wellbore Viewer Toolbar (below the FracproPT toolbar) on/off

3D Controls
Select Wells allows the user to select multiple wells for display.
Select Palette lets the user choose from a selection of color scales.
Show/Hide Color Scale displays or removes the color scale for fracture contour plots or wellbore channel plots.
Show/Hide 3D Options displays or removes the controls for changing the viewing angles (Inclination and azimuth).
Show/Hide 3D Tools displays or removes the wire frame display of tools in the wellbore.
Actual/Schematic Size toggles between actual fracture size and enlarged fracture display.

3D Display
Fracture Perimeters displays the successive fracture locations.
Fracture Contour Channels displays flooded contour plots of variables in the fracture.
Wellbore Animation Channels displays flooded contour plots of variables down the wellbore.
Proximity Analysis displays color coding of the distance between individual wells (selected with 3D Viewer.. Controls..
Select Wells).
Scale Setup allows you to set the scale for the currently selected animation channel display.
Animation Channel Options allows you to select various options for the display of the currently selected animation
Toggle Tubular Strings displays concentric wellbore "layers" (for example, open-hole section, surface casing, intermediate
casing, production tubing).
Wellbore Viewer Toolbar
The following icons are available in Wellbore Viewer.

Wellbore Animation – Select/remove wellbore animation channels

Fracture Animation – Select/remove fracture contour animation channels.

Fracture Profile Animation – Toggles the display of the fracture contour animation on/off.

[Reservoir Animation]

[Multilateral Wellbore Selection]

Wellbore Layers – Displays concentric wellbore "layers" (e.g. open-hole, casing)

True Scale – Toggles fracture size between actual size/enlarged size.

Animation Scale – Activates the scale setup for the current animation channel.

Draw 3-D Axis – Toggles 3D-axis display on/off.

Show 3-D Controls – Enables / Disables 3D option window to change viewing angles.

Show Color Scales – Enables / Disables the display of the color scale.

Choose Scale Palette – Select the animation display color spectrum from various options.

Channel for Color Scale – Select fracture contour/wellbore channel to apply scale settings.

[Reservoir Animation Channel Options]

FracproPT 2007

Zoom in

Zoom out

Original Size – Restores original scaling for the Full 3D View

Top View - Displays the Top View

North View - Displays the view looking North

South View - Displays the view looking South

West View - Displays the view looking West

East View - Displays the view looking East

How Wellbore Viewer

• How to Change Views

• How to Zoom In or Out
• How to Move Up or Down the Wellbore
• How to View Fracture Propagation
• How to View Fracture Contour Plots
• How to View Wellbore Model Variables
• How to View Successive Wellbore Tubular Strings
• How to Toggle between Actual and Schematic Fracture Scales
• How to Print in Wellbore Viewer
• How to Toggle between Fracture Contour Scale and Wellbore Channels Scale
How to... in Wellbore Viewer

How Wellbore Viewer

• How to Change Views
• How to Zoom In or Out
• How to Move Up or Down the Wellbore
• How to View Fracture Propagation
• How to View Fracture Contour Plots
• How to View Wellbore Model Variables
• How to View Successive Wellbore Tubular Strings
• How to Toggle between Actual and Schematic Fracture Scales
• How to Print in Wellbore Viewer
• How to Toggle between Fracture Contour Scale and Wellbore Channels Scale

How to Change Views

After invoking Wellbore Viewer, the well and reservoir may be viewed in several ways. The easiest way to display
different views is to use the icons provided on the toolbar:

These five icons activate the following views:

• Top View
• View Looking North

FracproPT 2007

• View Looking South

• View Looking West
• View Looking East

enables/disables the following two scroll bars to change the viewing angles.

How to Zoom In or Out

Once Wellbore Viewer has been invoked, you may zoom-in or out a specific part of the wellbore.
To Zoom-in:

• Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window; sliding the cursor to the right increases the
• Drag a window around a section of the wellbore with the mouse.
To Zoom-out:

• Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window; sliding the cursor to the left decreases the

• Select the icon to restore the original (full) scale.

You may also zoom in / out by selecting the following icons:

How to Move Up or Down the Wellbore

Once Wellbore Viewer has been invoked, you may move along the wellbore in any of the three views.
The scroll bar on the left-hand side, allows the viewpoint to travel up or down the wellbore.

You may also select the location mark on the display and, without releasing the mouse button, move up or down the

How to View Fracture Propagation

If Wellbore Viewer is invoked after beginning a simulation, or for a simulation for which results already exist, the
propagating fracture and the size of the propped fracture may be viewed by selecting the following icon:

How to View Fracture Contour Plots

If Wellbore Viewer is invoked after beginning a simulation, or for a simulation for which results already exist, contour plots
of various variables in the fracture may be viewed by selecting the following icon:

A dialog box is initially displayed, and you may choose any of the available variables by highlighting it and selecting OK.

The scale corresponding to these contour plots may be changed by selecting and to choose a new color palette.

The scale may also be removed from the display by selecting . The scale is restored by selecting the same icon.

How to View Wellbore Model Variables

If Wellbore Viewer is invoked after beginning a simulation, or for a simulation for which results already exist, contour plots
of various variables in the wellbore may be viewed by selecting the following icon:

FracproPT 2007

A dialog box is initially displayed, and you may choose any of the available variables by highlighting it and selecting OK.
The scale corresponding to these contour plots may be changed by selecting the following icon:

and selecting a new color palette.

The scale may also be removed from the display by selecting . The scale is restored by selecting the same icon.

How to View Successive Wellbore Tubular Strings

Wellbore Viewer allows you to view concentric tubular "strings" in sequence.
For example, a typical well may consist of the following items:

• Open Hole section (varying in diameter from top to bottom)

• Conductor Pipe
• Surface Casing
• Intermediate Casing
• Production Tubing

Each one of these "strings" may be viewed by selecting repeatedly; the corresponding section of the wellbore is
shaded while the rest is displayed in wire frame.

How to Toggle between Actual and Schematic Fracture Scales

During a FracproPT simulation, the size of the displayed fracture may be changed from actual size to a larger size to
enable you to view both the entire well and the fracture.

Select the icon, to toggle between actual and schematic sizes.

Note: When the schematic size is chosen, you should be aware that the dimensions of the fracture will not match the
reservoir dimensions (in particular the lithology layer thickness).

How to Print in Wellbore Viewer

Any display can be printed from Wellbore Viewer for report generation or archiving. Simply select the print icon from the
menu bar to display the following dialog box:

FracproPT 2007

The print quality may be adjusted, as well as the destination of the print command (that is, printer or file).

How to Toggle between Fracture Contour Scale and Wellbore Channels Scale
If both fracture contour plots and wellbore channels are plotted, only one color scale is displayed in Wellbore Viewer. You

may toggle between these two scales by selecting .

Logs Viewer / Layers Editor

The Logs Viewer/Layers Editor is a general-purpose utility that allows you to view and modify logs and define layers that
describe various properties of the reservoir. It is invoked from the FracproPT main menu by selecting View…Logs
Viewer/Layers Editor.
Logs must be converted to FracproPT (*.dbd) format using DataConvertPT (with Depth-Based ASCII or database input
data) prior to defining the layers and the following variables are described in layers format for use by the various models.
Rock Type Pore Permeability
Stress Leakoff Coefficient
Modulus Toughness
Poisson's Ratio Tip Effects
Logs Viewer/Layer Editor displays the layers on the right and the logs on the left. Each section may be resized by
dragging the separating bar with the left mouse button.
Log Viewer / Layers Editor Menu Commands
Once Log Viewer/Layer Editor is activated, the three additional menu options are accessed on the FracproPT menu

• LLE View
• LLE Controls
• LLE Options

LLE View
Set Original Scale Restores original surface-to-bottom depth scale.
Arrow Restores standard editing mode where all functions can be accessed.
Zoom In Allows the user to zoom-in.

FracproPT 2007

Zoom Out Allows the user to zoom-out.

Add Allows the user to add a layer.
Edit Allows the user to modify interactively the depth and value of any layer.
Del Allows the user to delete a layer.

LLE Controls
Open Logs Open a log file
Close Logs Saves a log file, including all log display modifications.
Save Layers Saves all modifications to the formation layer channels to the currently open FracproPT file and updates the
FracproPT screens accordingly.
Logs Table Opens the logs floating table.
Layers Table Opens the layers floating table
Calc Lays Dialog Opens the DEFINE LAYER PROPERTY screen.

LLE Options
Layers Options Calls up the LAYERS SETUP screen.
Logs Options Calls up the LOGS SETUP screen.
Select Logs Displays a dialog box to select the logs to be viewed.
Select Layers Displays a dialog box to select the layers to be viewed
Show Depth As Select depth display as MD or TVD.
Log Viewer / Layers Editor Toolbar
The following icons are available in the toolbar of the Logs Viewer / Layer Editor:

Open a log file

Close the log file

Save logs to LAS file

Save Layers: Update layer modification for FracproPT model

Layout Manager

Select logs to be displayed

: Select reservoir properties (layers) to be displayed

Calculate reservoir properties from log channels

Log Analysis Wizard

Toggle between show and hide floating table for logs

Toggle between show and hide floating table for reservoir properties

Display in measured depth (MD)

Display in true vertical depth (TVD)

Restore initial depth scale (i.e. from Surface to Bottomhole).

Arrow cursor (allows interactive layers' depth/value manipulation)

Zoom in

Zoom out

FracproPT 2007

Add a Layer

Edit layer data

Delete a Layer

View Spinner Log

How to... in Log Viewer / Layers Editor

How Log Viewer / Layers Editor

• How to Open a Log File
• How to Select the Layers to be Viewed
• How to Select the Logs to be Viewed
• How to Enable or Disable the Depth Scale
• How to Change the Layers Editor Display
• How to Change the Logs Viewer Display
• How to Change Individual Scales
• How to Zoom In or Out
• How to Build Layers Automatically
• How to Add a Layer
• How to Delete a Layer
• How to Modify Layers' Depths and Values
• How to Modify or Calculate Layers' Properties from Log Values
• How to Update Layer Information for Automatic Transfer into FracproPT

How to Open a Log File

Once Logs Viewer / Layer Editor has been invoked, the left side of the screen is dedicated to the display of logs. To
open a log file, select Open Logs from the LLE Controls menu or select the Open Logs icon on the toolbar.
A dialog box is displayed and any file in the proper format (standard Log ASCII [LAS] file or FracproPT dbd-file) may be

How to Select the Layers to be Viewed

Any of the following layer descriptions may be viewed in the Logs Viewer / Layer Editor screen:
Rock Type Pore Permeability
Stress Leakoff Coefficient
Modulus Toughness
Poisson's Ratio Tip Effects

To choose which layer property to plot, select Select Layers from the LLE Options menu or the icon on the tool bar.
A dialog box is displayed with a list of all the layer properties available. Any property may be chosen by selecting Select
All or the current selection may be cleared by selecting Clear All. To choose specific properties, highlight each line using
the following convention:
• Left mouse button to select/deselect only one item.
• [Ctrl]-Left mouse button to select/deselect another item.
• [SHIFT]-Left mouse button to select every item between current and previously selected item.

How to Select the Logs to be Viewed

FracproPT 2007

After logs have been processed to be in the proper FracproPT (*.dbd) format and the file containing these logs has been

opened, you may display any trace by selecting Select Logs from the LLE Options menu or the icon on the toolbar.
In Arrow mode, you can also place the cursor somewhere in the log display window, press the right mouse button and
choose Select Curves.
A dialog box is displayed with a list of all the (log) traces. All the traces may be chosen by selecting Select All or the
current selection may be cleared by selecting Clear All. To choose specific logs, highlight each line using the following
• Left mouse button to select/deselect only one item.
• CTRL-Left mouse button to select/deselect another item.
• SHIFT-Left mouse button to select every item between current and previously selected item.

How to Enable or Disable the Depth Scale

In addition to the layers and logs plots, a depth scale may be added to the display by selecting Arrow from in the LLE

View menu (or the icon on the tool bar), positioning the cursor in the layers or logs display, and clicking the right
mouse button. Selecting Options will display the SETUP window. Checking Depth Scale Show box activates the depth
scale display.
The scale may also be positioned on the right or the left of the displays by selecting the proper fields. To remove the
depth scale, deselect the Show Depth box in the SETUP window.

How to Change the Layers Editor Display

The appearance of the layers display may be customized by settings options in the Layers SETUP window.
To access this window,

• Select Arrow from the LLE View menu (or the icon on the tool bar).
• Position the cursor in the layers display.
• Click the right mouse button.
• Select Options.

• Select Layer Options from the LLE Options menu.

How to Change the Logs Viewer Display

The appearance of the log display may be customized by settings options in the Logs SETUP window.
To access this window,

• Select Arrow from the LLE View menu (or the icon on the tool bar).
• Position the cursor in the layers display.
• Click the right mouse button.
• Select Options.

• Select Log Options from the LLE Options menu.

How to Change Individual Scales

Individual scales may be changed by clicking the right mouse button over the header of any plot channel on the log / layer
display window, or by placing the cursor on the log/layer display window, clicking the right mouse button, selecting Setup
and choosing the desired channel from the pop-up list.
The CHANNEL SETUP screen will pop-up for the selected channel.
The Minimum and/or Maximum Bounds values may be set manually by disabling the Auto field and entering the new
The x-axis may also be inverted (i.e. minimum value on the right of the scale) by selecting the Invert Axis field.
The Curve Style (e.g. solid, dash, dot, dash-dot), line width and line color may be selected in the Style, Width, Color and
Background selection fields.
The space between the y-axis and the curve, or between two curves that intersect, may be filled by checking the Filled
field and choosing Style, Background, and Hatch colors.

FracproPT 2007

How to Zoom In or Out

You may zoom in / out on a particular zone of the plots. The logs and layers plots are coupled, so that zooming in, or out,
on one display will cause the same magnification to be applied to both displays.
To zoom-in,

• Select Zoom In from the LLE View menu (or the icon on the tool bar).
• Position the cursor at the beginning of the interval to be magnified.
• Click the left mouse button and drag the cursor over the interval to be magnified.
As the mouse is dragged over the display, the interval to be magnified is highlighted. Releasing the left mouse button
displays the zoomed-in interval full screen.
To zoom-out,

• Select Zoom Out from the LLE View menu (or the icon on the tool bar).
The initial display scale, from surface to the maximum depth, may also be restored by selecting Set Original Scale from

the LLE View menu (or the icon on the tools bar).

How to Build Layers Automatically

For any layer description, extra layers may be added in several different ways.
First, select the Σ icon on the icon bar to launch the following screen:

FracproPT 2007

Automatic Layer Picking screen

You can build up to 4 different layer types based on a very simple interpretation of a single log trace. Once a log file has
been loaded, set the Log Parameter for Layer Picking, for example to a Gamma Ray log if you want to discriminate
between shales and sands. The minimum and maximum values in the log over the selected depth interval will be
displayed under Min/Max Value of Curve in Interval.
Define how many Rock Type Divisions you would like to use and set the slider bar and layer combo boxes accordingly.
Click on the Pick the Layers button to let FracproPT build all layers.

How to Add a Layer Manually

For any layer description, extra layers may be added in several different ways.
Using the Float Table

FracproPT 2007

The Float Table is a tabular display of depth and values for all the layers. This table may be displayed by selecting Layers

Table from the LLE Controls menu or the icon on the tool bar. Once the table is displayed, any layer property may
be viewed by selecting it in the display channel name drop-down box.
To add a layer,
• Highlight one of the depth-value entry
• Select the Add button
• Enter the new depth (for the top of the new layer) and its associated value.
The display and table are modified accordingly.
Using the Mouse Left Button

A new layer may also be added by selecting Add from the LLE View menu or the icon on the tool bar.
To add a layer,
• Position the cursor at the proper depth (for the top of the new layer) and at the proper value in the
appropriate layer plot.
• Click the left mouse button.
The display and table (if the floating table is visible) are modified accordingly.
Using the Mouse Right Button
A new layer may also be added by selecting Add from the LLE View menu or the icon on the tool bar.
To add a layer,
• Position the cursor at an approximate depth (for the top of the new layer) and at an approximate
value in the appropriate layer plot.
• Click the right mouse button.
• Enter the exact Depth and Value in the displayed dialog screen
• Select OK
The display and table (if the floating table is visible) are modified accordingly.

How to Delete a Layer Manually

For any layer description, layers may be removed in several different ways.
Using the Float Table
The Float Table is a tabular display of depth and values for all the layers. This table may be displayed by selecting Layers

Table from the LLE Controls menu or the icon on the tool bar. Once the table is displayed, any layer property may
be viewed by selecting it in the Name drop box.
To delete a layer,
• Highlight one of the depth-value entry
• Select the Delete button
• A dialog box is displayed to confirm that this layer is to be deleted; select OK to delete the layer.
The display and table are modified accordingly.
Using the Mouse Left Button

A new layer may also be deleted by selecting Delete from the LLE View menu bar or the icon on the tool bar.
To delete a layer,
• Position the cursor, on the curve, within the layer to be deleted; the cursor changes form and arrow to
a cross-hair when it is positioned properly on the curve.
• Click the left mouse button.
The display and table (if the floating table is visible) are modified accordingly.
Using the Mouse Right Button

A new layer may also be deleted by selecting Delete from the LLE View menu or the icon on the tool bar.
To delete a layer,
• Position the cursor, on the curve, within the layer to be deleted; the cursor changes form and arrow to
a cross-hair when it is positioned properly on the curve.

FracproPT 2007

• Click the right mouse button.

• A dialog box is displayed to confirm that this layer is to be deleted; select OK to delete the layer.
The display and table (if the floating table is visible) are modified accordingly.

How to Modify Layers' Depths and Values

For any layer description, the layers top depth and value may be modified in several different ways. The procedures for
modifying layers are similar to those for adding and deleting layers.
Using the Float Table
The Float Table is a tabular display of depth and values for all the layers. This table may be displayed by selecting Layers

Table from the LLE Controls menu or the icon on the tool bar.
Once the table is displayed, any layer property may be viewed by selecting it in the channel display name drop box.
To modify a layer,
• Highlight one of the depth-value entry
• Select the Edit button
• Enter the new depth (for the top of the new layer) and its associated value.
The display and table are modified accordingly.
Using the Mouse Left Button

Any layer may also be modified by selecting Edit from the LLE View menu or the icon on the tool bar.
To modify a layer,
• Position the cursor, on the curve, within the layer to be modified (if the data value is to be changed) or
at the end of the layer (if its depth is to be modified); the cursor changes from and arrow to a double
line with arrows when it is positioned properly on the curve.
• Click the left mouse button.
• Drag the mouse to the modified value.
The display and table (if the floating table is visible) are modified accordingly.
Both depth and values may be modified this way; only the direction of adjustment changes for depth (Up/Down) and data
value (Left/Right).
Using the Mouse Right Button

Any layer may also be modified by selecting Edit from the LLE View menu or the icon on the tool bar.
To modify a layer,
• Position the cursor on the curve within the layer to be modified; the cursor changes from an arrow to
a double line with arrows when positioned properly on the curve.
• Click the right mouse button.
• A dialog box is displayed to enter the modified Depth and Value.
• Select OK to record the modifications.
The display and table (if the floating table is visible) are modified accordingly.

How to Modify or Calculate Layers' Properties from Log Values

For any layer description, the values assigned to a layer property can be modified/calculated directly from values available
in suitable logs.
To define a layer property directly from log information, select the Assign Layer Properties tab from the LLE Controls
menu, or the Σ icon on the toolbar, and you will see the following screen:

FracproPT 2007

Assign Layer Properties screen

The easiest way to assign rock properties is to set Use Depth from Layer Property to Rocktype, especially after the
Rocktype has been selected using the Automatic Layer Picker algorithm.
Then, define a Multplier and a Shift value to automatically convert a log value into a layer property, averaging log values
over the height of the layers that were picked. The easiest way to do this is to use a Mechanical Properties log, where the
user can do a one-to-one log to layer conversion.
If you only see the Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient in the table, this is because you have selected a Lithology Based
Reservoir on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. Change this to General Multi-Scale or Single Scale if
you would also like to automatically assign values to the Stress, Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, Fracture Toughness or the
Composite Layering Effect.
Finally, click on the Apply button to set/replace the selected layer property value.
The layer display and table are modified accordingly.

FracproPT 2007

How to Update Layer Information for Automatic Transfer into FracproPT

After adding, deleting or modifying the layers descriptions, the Logs Viewer / Layer Editor doesn't need to be closed to
be able to use these new modified values in FracproPT.

In order to update the arrays used by FracproPT, select Save Layers from the LLE Controls menu or the icon on
the tool bar.

How Do I Input a Log File?

To input a log file into FracproPT:

In Log Viewer / Layers Editor

ƒ Display the Resevoir Parameters - F9 screen.
a. Press the function key F9.
b. In the Navigation Tree, select the entry Reservoir Parameters.
ƒ Display the Log Viewer / Layers Editor screen
a. In the Layers tab of the Resevoir Parameters - F9 screen, select the button Log/Layers


ƒ Display the Log Viewer / Layers Editor screen directly.

a. In the main menu of FracproPT, select View > Log/Layer Editor.
b. In the Navigation Tree, expand the entry Reservoir Parameters by selecting the symbol [+],
and then select the entry Log-Layer Editor.

ƒ Open the log file:

a. In the toolbar of the Log Viewer / Layers Editor screen, select the Open Log File button.

In the Integrated Profile - Fracture Profile

ƒ Open the Integrated Profile - Fracture Profile with Logs and Layers screen.
a. In the Navigation Tree, expand the entry Integrated Profile by selecting the symbol [+], and
then select the entry Fracture Profile with Logs and Layers.
b. In the main menu of FracproPT, select View > Integrated Fracture Profile > Fracture
Profile with Logs and Layers.

Open the log file:

ƒ In the toolbar of the Fracture Profile with Logs and Layers screen, select the Open Log File button.
Calculate Layers from Log Channels

Automatic Layer Picking

This screen can be used to automatically pick layers using a single log trace.

FracproPT 2007

Log Layer Editor Automatic Layer Picking screen.

Depth Entry Mode

Enter TVD
Set all depths on this screen to TVD.
Enter MD
Set all depths on this screen to MD.
Log Depths to Consider
Select interval over which automatic layer picking will be applied.
Log Depths of File
Top and bottom of the available log data for reference.

FracproPT 2007

Select Interval from the Picture …

To graphically select the Log Depths to Consider, click the icon to the right and then mark the interval for analysis on the
Log/Layer picture by holding down the left mouse button and dragging it over the desired interval.

Center of Fracture(s)
Depth to the middle of the fracture initiation layer (indicated in bright yellow on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen, Layers tab.
Layer Thickness
Minimum layer thickness for consideration by the layer picking algorithm.
Min/Max Value of Curve in Interval
Minimum and maximum value of the curve selected under Log Parameter for Layer Picking.
Log Parameter for Layer Picking
Log parameter that will be used for the automatic layer picking algorithm. In laminated sand-shale reservoirs, the Gamma
Ray is a good parameter for the definition of layers. In limestones, consider using the PE channel.
Rock Type Divisions
You can choose to generate between 2 and 4 different rock types. In laminated sand-shale reservoirs, you can consider
building layers with increasing shale content by defining sandstone – siltstone – mudstone – shale. You need to define
these Rock Types first on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Rock Properties tab, before they become
available for the combo boxes below the sliders.

Dividing Points
Choose the threshold value to switch between rock types by moving the slider or by typing the value above the slider.

Pick the Layers

Select this button to automatically pick the layers using the settings specified above.

Assign Layer Properties

This screen can be used to assign layer properties to layers that are already built. Only simple mathematical operations of
the type y = ax + b can be applied. More advanced operations can be conducted using the Analysis tab.
This screen is especially useful if you have a mechanical properties log, for which you can do a one-to-one conversion of
the (static) Young’s modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, Permeability and Fracture Closure Stress.

FracproPT 2007

Log Layer Editor Layer Assign Properties screen.


Layer Property
Displays all editable layer parameters from the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. If you have chosen Lithology-
Based Reservoir Data Entry, you will only be able to automatically assign value to the Permeability and Leakoff
Coefficient, as other parameters are set by specifying their values on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Rock
Properties tab. To set more parameters, select General Reservoir Data Entry.
Multiplier for the selected Log Parameter.
Log Parameter
Parameter to use for calculations.

FracproPT 2007

Shift for the selected Log Parameter.
Select parameter for operation.

Use Depth from Layer Property

If you have build layers automatically using the Automatic Layer Picking tab, select Rocktype here to average properties
over the height of each layer.

Conduct calculation of layer properties by selecting this button.

Log Analysis
This screen can be used to assign layer properties to layers that are already built.
This screen is especially useful if you have a full wave sonic and bulk density, as these channels can be used to calculate
Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio. Also, you can generate a Vshale curve or conduct a more complex mathematical operation
like y = ax + b or mathematical operations conducted on multiple curves.

FracproPT 2007

Log Layer Editor Analysis screen.

Calculate Vshale from Gamma Ray

Select checkbox to include this calculation when selecting the Calculate button.
Identify GR Curve
Select the Gamma Ray curve from the log file.
Sand-Shale Picks
Enter Gamma Ray values for a clean sand and a clean shale baseline.

Calculate Rock Properties from Full Wave Sonic and Bulk Density
Select checkbox to include this calculation when selecting the Calculate button.

FracproPT 2007

Identify the Curves

Select the ΔTcompressional, ΔTshear and Bulk Density curves from the log file.

Operate on a Single Curve

Select checkbox to include a calculation of the type y = ax + b when selecting the Calculate button. Select the
appropriate curve for X once this is checked.
Operate on Two Curves
Select checkbox to include an addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of two curves when selecting the Calculate

Output Curves
Identifier of the Output Curves will be used as header information in the Log Pane. The following equations are used to
calculate the Output Curves:
2 2
ν=[½(DTS/DTC) -1][(DTS/DTC) -1]
2 10
G=aρbulk/DTS with a=1.3471×10


where n is Poisson’s ratio, rbulk is the bulk density, G is the shear modulus, E is the Young’s modulus and DTS and DTC
are the ΔTshear and ΔTcompressional, respectively.
As of yet, the calculation of a fracture closure stress is missing. This will be added in FracproPT 11.0.
Conduct the specified calculations. The Output Curves will be added to the Log Pane.

Save Logs

FracproPT 2007

Log Layer Editor Save Logs screen.

Save to LAS File

Saves all existing and new log channels in a new LAS file.
Save for this Depth Interval Only
Saves all existing and new log channels for the specified MD Interval in a new LAS file.
Save As
Specify the file name of the new LAS file here.
Log Analysis Wizard

Log Channels

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Log Channels

The Log Analysis Wizard is accessed by selecting the icon in the toolbar of the Log Viewer / Layers Editor.
The Log Channels screen is the first screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to assign the channels in the log file to pre-defined log parameters in FracproPT.
FracproPT features a Log Analysis Wizard that can help determine all of the required FracproPT input parameters. The
Calculate Layers from Log Channels tool can calculate Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio from dipole sonic and bulk
density data.
The basic log parameters (from triple combo or quad combo) is used to approximate all the required fracture model
Log Parameters

Log Input Parameter Unit Symbol

Gamma Ray API GR

Caliper in CAL

Neutron Porosity % ΦN

Bulk Density or Density Porosity g/cc or % ρb or ΦD

Deep Resistivity ohm Rt

Compressional wave slowness ìs/ft ΔTcomp

Shear wave slowness ìs/ft ΔTshear

FracproPT Parameters

FracproPT Input Unit Symbol

Closure Stress psi σ

Young’s modulus psi E

Poisson’s Ratio - ν

Toughness psi in
1/2 KIc

Composite Layering Effect - CLE

Permeability mD k

Pore Pressure psi ppore

Porosity % Φ

Water Saturation % Sw

FracproPT Parameters versus Log Parameters

Calculation logic for quad-combo log data:

FracproPT 2007

Calculation logic for triple-combo log data:

Calculation logic for GR-only log data (for sand-shale reservoirs):

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Log Channels screen

Log Parameters
This column lists the pre-defined log parameters in FracproPT.
• Compressional Wave: This is also referred to as acoustic wave, dilational wave or P-wave. An
elastic body wave or sound wave in which particles oscillate in the direction the wave propagates.
Compressional waves are the waves studied in conventional seismic data. Compressional waves
incident on an interface at other than normal incidence can produce reflected and transmitted S-
waves, in that case known as converted waves.

FracproPT 2007

• Shear Wave Slowness: This is also referred to as tangential wave or S-wave. An elastic body wave
in which particles oscillate perpendicular to the direction in which the wave propagates. S-waves are
generated by most land seismic sources, but not by air guns. Compressional waves that impinge on
an interface at non-normal incidence can produce S-waves, which in that case are known as
converted waves. S-waves can likewise be converted to P-waves. Shear waves, travel more slowly
than compressional waves and cannot travel through fluids because fluids do not support shear.
Recording of shear waves requires receivers coupled to the solid Earth. Interpretation of shear waves
can allow determination of rock properties such as fracture density and orientation, Poisson's ratio
and rock type by cross-plotting compressional wave and shear wave velocities, and by other
• Bulk Density: This log records bulk density in the formation using Gamma Ray scattering.
• Density Porosity: This log records the porosity of the formation based on the Bulk Density
measurement and the assumed density of the formation being measured.
• Neutron Porosity: This is a measurement of porosity based on the effect of the formation on fast
neutrons emitted by a source. Hydrogen has by far the biggest effect in slowing down and capturing
neutrons. Since hydrogen is found mainly in the pore fluids, the neutron porosity log responds
principally to porosity. However, the matrix and the type of fluid also have an effect. The log is
calibrated to read the correct porosity assuming that the pores are filled with fresh water and for a
given matrix (limestone, sandstone or dolomite). It is presented in units of porosity (vol/vol or p.u.) for
the matrix chosen.
The neutron porosity log is strongly affected by clay and gas. Hydrogen occurs in clays and hydrated
minerals as well as pore fluids. Gas has a low hydrogen density, so that gas zones have a very low
apparent porosity. The measurement is based on either thermal or epithermal neutron detection.
Thermal neutrons have about the same energy as the surrounding matter, typically less than 0.4 eV,
while epithermal neutrons have higher energy, between about 0.4 and 10 eV. Being a statistical
measurement, the precision is greatest at high count rates, which in this case occurs at low porosity.
• Deep Resistivity: The ability of a material to resist electrical conduction. It is the inverse of
conductivity and is measured in ohm-m. The resistivity is a property of the material, whereas the
resistance also depends on the volume measured. The two are related by a system constant, which
in simple cases is the length between the measurement electrodes divided by the area. In the general
case, the resistivity is the electric field divided by the current density and depends on the frequency of
the applied signal.
• Gamma Ray: This is a common and inexpensive measurement of the natural emission of gamma
rays (that is, radioactivity) by a formation. Gamma ray logs are particularly helpful because shales
and sandstones typically have different gamma ray signatures that can be correlated readily between
wells. The measurement can be made in both openhole and through casing. The depth of
investigation is a few inches, so that the log normally measures the flushed zone.
Shales and clays are responsible for most natural radioactivity, so the gamma ray log often is a good
indicator of such rocks. However, other rocks are also radioactive, notably some carbonates and
feldspar-rich rocks. The log is also used for correlation between wells, for depth correlation between
open and cased hole, and for depth correlation between logging runs. The gamma ray log was the
first nuclear well log and was introduced in the late 1930s.
• Mnemonic: This column lists the selected channels in the log file that correspond to the pre-defined
log parameters in the previous column.
• Unit: This column lists the select units of the selected channels in the log file.
• Reset Mnemonics to Default: This will reset the mnemonics (that is, the selected channels from the
log file) to their defaults. FracproPT tries to recognize common Mnemonics and assign them to the
correct input boxes by default.
• Open LAS Header: This will open the log ASCII standard (LAS) log file and display its header in the
Tviewer text viewer.
The following Log Analysis Wizard screens depend on which channels are selected in this first screen:
1. Gamma Ray Only
a. Gamma Ray
2. Double Combo
a. Bulk Density or Density Porosity
b. Neutron Porosity

FracproPT 2007

c. Deep Resistivity
d. Gamma Ray
3. Quad Combo
a. Compressional Wave
b. Shear Wave Slowness
c. Bulk Density or Density Porosity
d. Neutron Porosity
e. Deep Resistivity
f. Gamma Ray

Log Analysis

Gamma Ray Only

Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis (Gamma Ray Only)
The Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen are accessed by pressing the Next button in the Log Analysis Wizard -
Log Channels screen.
The Log Analysis screen is the second screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of clean sand
and clean shale.

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen

• Reservoir Parameter: This column displays the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of
clean sand or clean shale.
• Unit: This column displays the units for the reservoir parameters in the previous column.
• Clean Sand Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean sand.
• Clean Shale Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean shale.

FracproPT 2007

• Output Channel Name: This column displays the name of the output channel that corresponds to the
reservoir parameter in the first column.
• Shale Fraction: Select from the drop-down listbox either Consolidated or Unconsolidated Rock.

In the interface, user should enter Consolidated or Unconsolidated to provide an initial guess for E.
Default to Consolidated. Once V shale is known, linear interpolation methods can be used for almost
all required FracproPT Input parameters.
• Gamma Ray (Index)

where GRsst and GRshale are entered by the user or taken from minimum and maximum GR values
within the log.
• Porosity
from Vshale

• Young’s Modulus
from Vshale

where Esst and Eshale are set in the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen.
• Poisson’s Ratio
from Vshale

where νsst and νshale are set in the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen.
• Stress Gradient (Closure Stress)
from Vshale

where D is depth in TVD, Γcleansand and Γcleanshale are clean sand and clean shale stress gradients
specified in Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen.
• Fracture Toughness
from Vshale

½ ½
where Kcl,sst is set to 1,000 psi in and Klc,shale is set to 2,000 psi in
• Composite Layering Effect (CLE)
from Vshale

Typical values for CLEshale are between 10 and 100, with 25 as a good starting point.
• Pore Fluid Permeability
Simple porosity correlation

• Water Saturation
from Vshale

• Depths for Clean Value Picks, MD: The measured depths (MD) for picking clean values.
• Get DEPTH: Press this button to retrieve the threshold values for the Depths for Clean Value Picks,
MD from the log file.

Double Combo
Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis 1 of 2 (Double Combo)

FracproPT 2007

The Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen are accessed by pressing the Next button in the Log Analysis Wizard -
Log Channels screen.
The Log Analysis screen is the second screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of clean sand
and clean shale.

Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen

• Reservoir Parameter: This column displays the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of
clean sand or clean shale.

FracproPT 2007

• Unit: This column displays the units for the reservoir parameters in the previous column.
• Clean Sand Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean sand.
• Clean Shale Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean shale.
• Output Channel Name: This column displays the name of the output channel that corresponds to the
reservoir parameter in the first column.
• Shale Fraction: Select from the drop-down listbox either Consolidated or Unconsolidated Rock.

In the interface, user should enter Consolidated or Unconsolidated to provide an initial guess for E.
Default to Consolidated. Once Vshale is known, linear interpolation methods can be used for almost all
required FracproPT Input parameters.
• Gamma Ray (Index)

where GRsst and GRshale are entered by the user or taken from minimum and maximum GR values
within the log.
• Poisson’s Ratio
from Vshale

where νsst and νshale are set in the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen.
• Stress Gradient (Closure Stress)
from Vshale

where D is depth in TVD, Γcleansand and Γcleanshale are clean sand and clean shale stress gradients
specified in the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen.
• Fracture Toughness
from Vshale

½ ½
where KIc,sst is set to 1,000 psi in and KIc,shale is set to 2,000 psi in
• Composite Layering Effect
from Vshale

Typical values for CLEshale are between 10 and 100, with 25 as a good starting point.
• Depths for Clean Value Picks, MD: The measured depths (MD) for picking clean values.
• Get DEPTH: Press this button to retrieve the threshold values for the Depths for Clean Value Picks,
MD from the log file.
Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis 2 of 2 (Double Combo)
The Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen are accessed by pressing the Next button in the Log Analysis Wizard -
Log Channels screen.
The Log Analysis screen is the second screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of clean sand
and clean shale.

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen

• Reservoir Parameter: This column displays the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of
clean sand or clean shale.
• Unit: This column displays the units for the reservoir parameters in the previous column.
• Clean Sand Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean sand.
• Clean Shale Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean shale.

FracproPT 2007

• Output Channel Name: This column displays the name of the output channel that corresponds to the
reservoir parameter in the first column.
• Porosity
• Porosity

• Shale correction

• Shale correction

where ΦD,shale and ΦN,shale can be automatically determined for the maximum Gamma Ray (GR)
• Effective liquid porosity

• Effective gas porosity

Selection of either equation depends on the type of reservoir fluid (that is, either liquid or gas).
• Total Shale Porosity

• Delta
• Water Saturation
• Effective water saturation (Simandoux)

• Bound water (or Irreversible Water Fraction)

• Surface Temperature
• BH Temperature
• Water Resistivity
• Pore Fluid Permeability
• following Coates

• Coates Multiplier: C is ~50 (can vary orders of magnitude between 1 and 100!) and needs to be
calibrated with core data.
• following Van Baaren; empirical approach

where m=2
• Van Baaren Sorting Index: C is a sorting index given by:

FracproPT 2007

Sorting C Dd,max / Dd,min

Extremely well to very well sorted 0.70 2.5

Very well to well 0.77 3

Well 0.84 3.5

Well to moderately 0.87 5.5

Moderately 0.91 8

Moderately to poorly 0.95 8

Poorly 1.00 8

o Dominant Grain Size: Dd (µm) is the dominant grain size form petrological
o Young's Modulus
o following Craig; correlation for Chalk in the North Sea

o from neutron porosity

This is probably a Gulf Coast correlation with E in MMpsi.

o Density Porosity from Bulk Density Parameters

o Matrix Density
o Fluid Density

Quad Combo
Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis 1 of 2 (Quad Combo)
The Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen are accessed by pressing the Next button in the Log Analysis Wizard -
Log Channels screen.
The Log Analysis screen is the second screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of clean sand
and clean shale.

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen

• Reservoir Parameter: This column displays the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of
clean sand or clean shale.
• Unit: This column displays the units for the reservoir parameters in the previous column.
• Clean Sand Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean sand.
• Clean Shale Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean shale.

FracproPT 2007

• Output Channel Name: This column displays the name of the output channel that corresponds to the
reservoir parameter in the first column.
• Shale Fraction: Select from the drop-down listbox either Consolidated or Unconsolidated Rock.

In the interface, user should enter Consolidated or Unconsolidated to provide an initial guess for E.
Default to Consolidated. Once Vshale is known, linear interpolation methods can be used for almost all
required FracproPT Input parameters.
• Gamma Ray

where GRsst and GRshale are entered by the user or taken from minimum and maximum GR values
within the log.
• Fracture Toughness
from Vshale

½ ½
where KIc,sst is set to 1,000 psi in and KIc,shale is set to 2,000 psi in
• Depths for Clean Value Picks, MD: The measured depths (MD) for picking clean values.
• Get DEPTH: Press this button to retrieve the threshold values for the Depths for Clean Value Picks,
MD from the log file.
Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis 2 of 2 (Quad Combo)
The Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen are accessed by pressing the Next button in the Log Analysis Wizard -
Log Channels screen.
The Log Analysis screen is the second screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of clean sand
and clean shale.

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Log Analysis screen

• Reservoir Parameter: This column displays the reservoir parameters that determine the presence of
clean sand or clean shale.
• Unit: This column displays the units for the reservoir parameters in the previous column.
• Clean Sand Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean sand.
• Clean Shale Value: This column is used to specify the threshold values for the reservoir parameters
that determine the presence of clean shale.

FracproPT 2007

• Output Channel Name: This column displays the name of the output channel that corresponds to the
reservoir parameter in the first column.
• Porosity
• Porosity

• Shale correction

• Shale correction

where ΦD,shale and ΦN,shale can be automatically determined for the maximum GR value.
• Effective liquid porosity

• Effective gas porosity

Selection of either equation depends on the reservoir fluid.

• Total porosity

• Delta
• Water Saturation
• Effective water saturation (Simandoux)

• Bound water (or Irreversible Water Fraction)

• Surface Temperature
• BH Temperature
• Water Resistivity
• Pore Fluid Permeability
• following Coates

• Coates Multiplier: C is ~50 (can vary orders of magnitude between 1 and 100!) and needs to be
calibrated with core data
• following Van Baaren; empirical approach

where m=2.
• Van Baaren Sorting Index: C is a sorting index given by:

Sorting C Dd,max / Dd,min

FracproPT 2007

Extremely well to very well sorted 0.70 2.5

Very well to well 0.77 3

Well 0.84 3.5

Well to moderately 0.87 5.5

Moderately 0.91 8

Moderately to poorly 0.95 8

Poorly 1.00 8

o Dominant Grain Size: Dd (µm) is the dominant grain size form petrological
o Youngs Modulus

o Static-to-dynamic correlation (Morales and Marcinew):

o Morales Dynamic-to-Static Coefficient A0

o Morales Dynamic-to-Static Coefficient A1
o Poisson’s Ratio
from sonic

o Stress

where the vertical stress gradient

and the reservoir pressure gradient

are specified by user in the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen

• Pore Pressure: ppore
• Pore Pressure Gradient
• Pore Pressure Log Channel Mnemonic
• Biot's Pore Elastic
• Displacement
o Composite Layering Effect: CLE
The CLE is independent of the fracture growth direction

where G is the Shear Modulus and ν is the Poisson’s ratio, and where the subscript i refers
to the log sample depth and subscript i+1 refers to the previous log sample depth. If the ITI
is 1 there is no contrast, and that result in a CLE of 1. The scaling factor SF is arbitrary, but
if SF is set to 500, the CLE values will end up between 20 and 40 (this depends on the bulk
modulus and Poisson’s ratio contrasts that are observed in log data), which is an average
value for most of the fracture treatment for which we have conducted both mapping and
fracture pressure analysis.
o Scaling Factor

FracproPT 2007

o Density Porosity from Bulk Density Parameters

o Matrix Density
o Fluid Density

Additional Analysis

Log Analysis Wizard - Additional Analysis

The Log Analysis Wizard - Additional Analysis screen are accessed by clicking on the Next button in the Log Analysis
Wizard - Log Analysis screen.
The Additional Analysis screen is the third screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to perform mathematical operations on a single curve and / or on two curves.

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Additional Analysis screen

Perform mathematical operations on existing curves or combination of curves

This section represents the input parameters (that is, coefficient A, input channel X, and constant B) of the mathematical
Operate on Single Curve
Select this checkbox to scale and shift the power of a single curve
where A is the multiplication factor, X is the input curve, B is the addition constant. n is the power, and Y is the output
Operate on Two Curves

FracproPT 2007

Select this checkbox to combine two curves

X1 (+ or - or * or /) X2 = Y
where X1 is the first input curve, X2 is the second input curve, and Y is the output curve.
Output Curves
This column displays the names of the one curve or two curves C that represent the results of the mathematical

Automatic Layer Picking

Log Analysis Wizard - Automatic Layer Picking

The Log Analysis Wizard - Automatic Layer Picking screen are accessed by clicking on the Next button in the Log
Analysis Wizard - Additional Analysis screen.
The Automatic Layer Picking screen is the fourth screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to automatically pick layers using a single log trace.

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Automatic Layer Picking screen.

Depth Entry Mode

• Enter TVD: Select this radiobutton to set all depths on this screen to true vertical depth (TVD).
• Enter MD: Select this radiobutton to set all depths on this screen to measured depth (MD).

• Center of Fracture(s): Depth to the middle of the fracture initiation layer (indicated in bright yellow on
the Layers tab of the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen., measured in true vertical depth (TVD)
• Layer Thickness: Minimum layer thickness for consideration by the layer picking algorithm.

FracproPT 2007

Log Depths to Consider

Select the interval over which automatic layer picking will be applied.

• Log Depths of File: Top and bottom of the available log data for reference, measured in true vertical
depth (TVD).
• Select Interval from the Picture: To graphically select the Log Depths to Consider, click the icon
to the right and then mark the interval for analysis on the Log/Layer picture by holding down the left
mouse button and dragging it over the desired interval.

• Min / Max Value of Curve in Interval: Minimum and maximum value of the curve selected under
Log Parameter for Layer Picking.
• Log Parameter for Layer Picking: Log parameter that will be used for the automatic layer picking
algorithm. In laminated sand-shale reservoirs, the Gamma Ray is a good parameter for the definition
of layers. In limestones, consider using the PE channel.
• 2 / 3 / 4 Rock Type Divisions: You can choose to generate 2, 3 or 4 different rock types. In
laminated sand-shale reservoirs, you can consider building layers with increasing shale content by
defining sandstone – siltstone – mudstone – shale. You need to define these Rock Types first on the
Rock Properties tab of the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen, before they become available for the
combo boxes below the sliders.

Dividing Points
Choose the threshold value to switch between rock types by moving the slider or by typing the value above the slider.
• Pick the Layers: Select this button to automatically pick the layers using the settings specified

Assign Layer Properties

Log Analysis Wizard - Assign Layer Properties

The Log Analysis Wizard - Assign Layer Properties screen are accessed by clicking on the Next button in the Log
Analysis Wizard - Automatic Layer Picking screen.
The Assign Layer Properties screen is the fifth screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to assign layer properties to layers that are already built.

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Assign Layer Properties screen

Only simple scaling and shift operations can be performed

where Y is the output channel, A is the multiplier, X is the input channel, and B is the shift. More advanced operations can
be conducted using the Log Analysis tab of the Log Analysis Wizard.
This screen is especially useful if you have a mechanical properties log, for which you can do a one-to-one conversion of
the (static) Young’s modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, permeability, and fracture closure stress.
• Layer Property: Displays all editable layer parameters from the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen. If
you have chosen Lithology-Based Reservoir Data Entry, you will only be able to automatically assign

FracproPT 2007

value to the Permeability and Leakoff Coefficient, as other parameters are set by specifying their
values on the Rock Properties tab of the Reservoir Parameters - F9 screen. To set more parameters,
select General Reservoir Data Entry.
• Multiplier: The multiplier A for the selected Layer Property.
• Log Parameter: The log parameter that is to be used for the calculations.
• Shift: The shift B for the selected Layer Property.
• Apply: Select the checkbox to select the parameter for operation.

• Use Depth from Layer Property: From the drop-down listbox, select Rocktype, Permeability or
Leakoff Coefficient.
If you have build layers automatically using the Automatic Layer Picking tab, select Rocktype here to
average properties over the height of each layer.

Save Logs

Log Analysis Wizard - Save Logs

The Log Analysis Wizard - Save Logs screen are accessed by clicking on the Next button in the Log Analysis Wizard -
Assign Layer Properties screen.
The Save Logs screen is the sixth screen of the Log Analysis Wizard.

This screen is used to save the created logs to a log ASCII standard (LAS) file.

FracproPT 2007

Log Analysis Wizard - Save Logs screen

Save to LAS File

Saves all existing and new log channels in a new log ASCII standard (LAS) file.
Radio Buttons
• Save All: Saves all existing and new log channels for all measured depth (MD) intervals in a new log
ASCII standard (LAS) file.
• Save for this Depth Interval Only: Saves all existing and new log channels for the specified
measured depth (MD) intervals in a new log ASCII standard (LAS) file.

FracproPT 2007

Save As: Click on this button to specify the file name of the new log ASCII standard (LAS) file.

Layout Manager
The Layout Manager screen is accessed by clicking on the Layout Manager icon in the toolbar of the Log Viewer /
Layers Editor screen.

Layouts screen

Select from the available layouts in this screen.

Manage Tracks

The Manage Tracks screen is accessed by clicking on the Manage Tracks icon in the toolbar of the Log Viewer /
Layers Editor screen.

FracproPT 2007

Manage Tracks screen

Manage the tracks in this screen.

Select Reservoir Properties

The Select Reservoir Properties screen is accessed by clicking on the Select Reservoir Properties icon in the
toolbar of the Log Viewer / Layers Editor screen.

Select Reservoir Properties

Select the reservoir properties that are to be displayed in this screen.

Floating Table for Logs

The Floating Table for Logs screen is accessed by clicking on the Floating Table for Logs icon in the toolbar of
the Log Viewer / Layers Editor screen.

FracproPT 2007

Floating Table for Logs screen

Select the log in this screen.

Floating Table for Reservoir Properties

The Floating Table for Reservoir Properties screen is accessed by clicking on the Floating Table for Reservoir

Properties icon in the toolbar of the Log Viewer / Layers Editor screen.

Floating Table for Reservoir Properties screen

Select the reservoir properties in this screen.

Exporting, Importing, & Editing Data

Data Conversion and Editing - Ctrl + F3
The Data Conversion and Editing - Ctrl + F3 is accessed by pressing the function key Ctrl + F3.

This screen provides a gateway to editing the current database via DataEditPT, converting and merging ASCII data ia
DataConvertPT, and generating an ASCII data file.

FracproPT 2007

Data Conversion and Editing - Ctrl + F3 screen


• DataEditPT - Edit the Current Database: Press this button to start the separate application
DataEditPT to edit the current database.
• DataConvertPT - Convert and Merge ASCII Data: Press this button to start the separate application
DataConvertPT to convert and merge ASCII data.
• Generate ASCII Data File: Press this button to display the ASCII Data Output screen.

ASCII Data Output

From this screen you can print, either to a text file or directly to a printer, any of the many FracproPT data channels.

ASCII Data Output screen.

Channels for Data Printout

Channel Name

FracproPT 2007

You must first select the channels you wish to output by double clicking on these fields to view the Select Channel dialog
(as shown below) where data are organized by Channel Type, Channel Group, and Channel Name (in that order). To
actually select a Channel Name, either double click your choice or click it once and select OK.
As a short cut, you may also use the Database Channels or Job Report Channels functions (in the Output Channel
Selection options described below) if those are the channels for which you are interested in generating a printout.
To delete a Channel Name, simply double click it and select "--" from any list on the Select Channel dialog, or select the
Clear All Channels function described below.

Select Channel dialog.

Times for Data Printout

Start Time
This is the model or database time at which you would like to begin output of the ASCII data.

End Time
This is the model or database time at which you would like to stop output of the ASCII data.

Time Step
This is the time increment you want between each printout of ASCII data.
Output Format

FracproPT ASCII (.FPA)

Choose this option to output the data in a format that is specifically meant for use in FracproPT (although other programs
can make use of the data in this format as well). The data are presented in columns, but there is also a special header
that includes information such as time step, channel names, and even some of the comments that are entered on the

Columnar ASCII (.ASC)

Choose this option to output the data to a simple columnar-formatted text file.

FracproPT 2007

Comma Delimited (.CSV)

Choose this option to output the data to an Excel format file with comma-separated values.
Output Channel Selection

Database Channels
This function causes all of the current database channels to be automatically copied into the Channels For Data Printout
table. The Time Step is automatically set to the same time step as the database data, and the Start Time and End Time
are also taken from actual database data.
You may manually add or delete any channels once you select the Database Channels option.

Job Report Channels

When running the simulator from the treatment schedule (that is, if you have selected Job Design Data as the Run
Fracture and Wellbore Models from… option on the Fracture Simulation Options [F4] screen), this function causes
the following channels to be automatically copied into the Channels For Data Printout table:

Surf Meas'd
Pressure Btmh
(psi) Press

Slurry SurfSlry
Rate Tot
(bpm) (bbls)

Prop SurfProp
Conc Tot
(ppg) (klbs).

If you select either Database Data or Real-Time Data as the Run Fracture and Wellbore Models from… option, some
of the channels listed above will be replaced by their equivalent real-data channels that are being used by the model (that
is, as specified on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen). Any of the so-called Additional Display
Channels you have specified on the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen will also be added to the
Channels For Data Printout table. The Time Step is automatically set to 1 minute in this case.
You may manually add or delete any channels once you select the Job Report Channels option.

Clear All Channels

This function removes all channels from the Channels For Data Printout table.
Numeric Format

Scientific Notation
Choose this option to have the data output in scientific format.

Choose this option to have the data output in normal (non-scientific) format.

Decimal Places
Enter the number of decimal places (to the right of the decimal point) that you would like the data to have.
Save to File

File Name
This field displays the output file name. You may also simply enter a file name here, but we suggest that you use the Save
As function described below to do this.

Save As

FracproPT 2007

This function displays the standard File…Save As dialog where you enter a folder and file name where the ASCII output
data will be written.

Standard file Save As dialog.

This function simply saves your ASCII output data to the folder and file name already selected using the Save As function.
A dialog will appear asking for your confirmation before an existing file is overwritten.

FracproPT 2007

ASCII Data Output file overwrite confirmation dialog.

Column Delimiter
These options are available only when Columnar ASCII is chosen as the Output Format option.

Choose this option to have the columns of data separated by spaces.

Choose this option to have the columns of data separated by tabs.
Send to Printer

Generate Data Printout

Use this function to send the ASCII output data directly to a printer.

Importing Treatment Data with DataConvertPT

DataConvertPT is a standalone software utility that is used to merge and convert one or more ASCII text files or Excel™
spreadsheets into a single FracproPT database (binary format) file. Converting from ASCII to binary format speeds up
data access time significantly (for example, for plotting routines).
DataConvertPT easily converts ASCII data of any format into a FracproPT database. Time-based ASCII data that is to
be converted can have either a constant or variable time step. The latter is common in data from bottomhole memory
gauges, where the time step is usually increased around the time whet the fracture treatment is planned. Depth-based
ASCII data from logs or wellbore surveys, with either a constant or variable depth step, can also be converted to a
DataConvertPT also provides the capability to merge multiple ASCII data files into one database file. For example, you
may have one ASCII file containing surface treatment data from the service company and another containing bottomhole
pressure data. Lastly, DataConvertPT gives you the option of converting a database back to an ASCII file compatible with
other programs, such as Excel.
Detailed instructions on how to use DataConvertPT can be found in the Help system for the application. In version 10.3,
DataConvertPT is automatically loaded when opening treatment/production datafiles directly from the FRACTURE

FracproPT 2007

DataConvertPT – FracproPT’s utility for import ASCII data files

Editing Treatment Data with DataEditPT

DataEditPT is a standalone software utility that is used to edit FracproPT databases. This utility is often referred to as the
database editor.
Database editing functions include:

• Cut a section of data from your database

• Insert a section of data into your database
• Shift channels in your database
• Interpolate between two marked data points
• Average between marked data points
• Multiply, Add to, or Scale a database channel by some number (for example, to convert between
different unit systems) or formula
• Smooth data
A real-time data file, which is simply a database file that gets larger with time, can also be edited with DataEditPT.
FracproPT continues to acquire data while you are in DataEditPT. You can perform all data editing operations on a real-
time database except for Cut and Insert. This feature is useful for modifying inaccurate flow rate or proppant concentration
data that may result from spurious data, pump re-priming during a treatment, etc.
DataEditPT is a very powerful FracproPT feature. Detailed instructions on how to use DataEditPT can be found in the
Help system for the application.

FracproPT 2007

DataEditPT – FracproPT’s database editing program.

Model Recording
The Model Recording screen is accessed by selecting from the main menu Data > Record Model Output.

This feature exports the fracture simulation data in (extensible meta language) XML format that can be read by the
PinnVision application from Pinnacle Technologies (available on

FracproPT 2007

Model Recording screen

This functionality is accessible by selecting from the main menu Data > Record Model Output. It records the output of
the model, and writes it to a Model Data FPX file.
Save As

• Browse...: Press this button to select a file from within the Save As dialog.
• File Name: This field displays the path and file name of the selected file.

• Frames to capture: Select from this drop-down listbox the frames that are to be recorded and saved
to the selected file. The default selection is Final frame only. The available options are:
• End of each stage.
• Final frame only (default)
• 2, evenly distributed
• 3, evenly distributed
• 4, evenly distributed
• ...
• 49, evenly distributed
• 50, evenly distributed
• Frac start time: Select from this drop-down listbox the date and time that the fracturing job starts or

Time Zone

• Select...: Press this button to select a time zone from the Time Zone dialog.

FracproPT 2007

• Time Zone: This field displays the selected time zone.

• Status: This field displays the current status of the Model Recording screen.


• Cancel: Press this button to exit the window and discard all changes.
• Record: Press this button to run the model, record the output of the model, and write the output to the
selected file.

Real-Time Data Acquisition (DataAcqPT)

Real-Time Data Acquisition (DataAcqPT)
When using FracproPT to model a fracture stimulation as it is being pumped (that is, in real time), a separate program
called DataAcqPT is used to acquire sensor data from the service company pumping the job. The data may either be
acquired on site via a serial port (RS-232) connection or off site via a modem connection.
Some new laptop computers are not equipped with serial ports anymore, and in that case a USB-Serial adaptor should be
used to acquire data. There are several of these adapters on the market, and we have found that the Belkin F5U103 (see was the most convenient to install and use.
If you chose Run From Real-Time Data as the Treatment Data Source option on the Fracture Analysis Options [F4]
screen, the Real-Time Control [Ctrl+F1] screen will be activated. From this screen you can start DataAcqPT to begin
data acquisition. Once started, Help is available to instruct you how to setup and start the actual data acquisition process.

DataAcqPT – FracproPT’s data acquisition program.

Configuring FracproPT
Screen Templates

FracproPT 2007

The layout of the screen can be saved in named templates. These templates can be access directly from the main menu.
The list of templates can also be managed in the Template Manager.
Save Screen Layout
To save the current layout of the screen as a named template, select from the main menu View > Save Screen Layout.

View > Save Screen Layout menu

After entering a valid name, the saved template will then appear in the main menu by selecting View > Screen
Templates (described below).
Screen Templates
To access and manage the saved templates of the layout of the screens, select from the main menu View > Screen
Templates. This will display a list of saved templates (if any are present), and also provides access to the Template

FracproPT 2007

View > Screen Templates menu

Template Manager
To manage the saved templates of the layout of the screens, select View > Screen Templates > Template Manager.

Screen Templates screen

FracproPT 2007

Screen Templates
This is the list of saved templates for the layouts of the screens.
For the selected Screen Template, this is the list of screens that contained in the saved layout.

• Delete Template: Press this button to delete the selected Screen Template.
• OK: Press this button to accept all changes and exit this screen.
• Cancel: Press this button to "undo" all changes and exit this screen.

FracproPT Model Parameters - Shift + F3

FracproPT Model Parameters – FracproPT 3D Parameters [Shift+F3]
This screen contains the 6 main parameters used in FracproPT’s 3D model options, which are shown below and which
are selected on the Fracture Analysis Options [F4] screen:

• 3D Tip-Dominated (default)
• 3D Conventional (linear elastic)
• 3D Calibrated
• 3D User-Defined
If you select either of the 2D model options (shown below) on the Fracture Analysis Options [F4] screen, the
parameters on this screen do not apply:

• PKN 2D Model
• KGD 2D Model
• Radial Model
It should first be noted that there is really only one "model" in the FracproPT System, which is commonly referred to as a
lumped-parameter model. However, by choosing the correct values for certain parameters that control function of the
lumped model (for example, the 6 parameters on this screen), it can be made to behave (in terms of pressures,
dimensions, etc.) like any other model.
Additional Information: Model Background

FracproPT 2007

The FracproPT 3D Parameters tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters screen.

Main Model Parameters

These are the six main parameters affecting the pressure-geometry relationships in the fracture model. These parameters
will be editable only if you have selected 3D User-Defined as the fracture model to use on the Fracture Analysis
Options [F4] screen: Otherwise, these parameters will be read only. If you choose either of the 2D model options on the
Fracture Analysis Options [F4] screen, the parameters shown on this screen are of no consequence.

Crack Opening Coefficient

This coefficient (Gamma_1) is the ratio of average net pressure (in the body of the fracture) to net pressure at the
wellbore. The model net pressure that is reported everywhere in FracproPT, and that you use to history match observed
net pressure, is the net pressure at the wellbore. Fracture dimensions are not just a function of the net pressure at the

FracproPT 2007

wellbore, but are governed by the net pressure distribution in the entire fracture and are, therefore, more related to the
average net pressure in the fracture. If the average net pressure increases, there will be more deformation of the rock,
thus more fracture width. When maintaining volume balance, this will result in a smaller fracture length and height.
The default value is 0.85, meaning that the average net pressure is 85% of the net pressure at the wellbore. A reasonable
range for this parameter is between 0.25 and 1.0.
This coefficient should be changed if it is found (utilizing direct fracture diagnostics) that observed fracture width is very
different from model-predicted fracture width (assuming, of course, you have properly matched net pressure behavior).
For a fixed net pressure (if you maintain your pressure match), reducing this coefficient decreases the average net
pressure in the fracture for the same wellbore net pressure that you are matching, and thus the average fracture width is
decreased and fracture length and height are increased.

Width Decoupling Coefficient

This coefficient provides a multiplier on the Crack Opening Coefficient (Gamma_1) to account for the fact that the
fracture height profile can become decoupled due to shear slippage across layer interfaces. Lowering this value generally
results in a higher net pressure at the wellbore. The default value for this parameter is 1 for perfect coupling, but we have
seen values as low as 0.01 to match both net pressure levels and fracture dimensions.

Calculate Width Decoupling Coefficient Internally

This checkbox provides a simple estimate of the Width Decoupling Coefficient that is based on the fraction of fracture
surface area that grows into layers with a Composite Layering Effect set to a value higher than 1. The Width Decoupling
Coefficient will change during fracture growth, and after the model has ran the value shown here is for the latest timestep
of fracture growth.

Tip Effects Coefficient

This lumped coefficient (Gamma_2) controls the effect of near-tip pressure drop and relates the pressure gradient along
the fracture length to the net pressure at the wellbore. This number affects the overall net fracturing pressure generated
for specified flow conditions (because it can vary over 4 orders of magnitude), depending on the (rock) material behavior.
Simple elastic solutions of fracturing (PKN, KGD, radial, pseudo 3D, and conventional 3D models) all have implied tip
effects coefficients of order 0.4, which is indicative of an elastic material response (though there is some variation
between models, from 0.1 to 1.0). It is now generally accepted in the industry that it is impossible to realistically and
consistently match observed field with linear elastic fracture mechanics, and that different types of fracture tip effects (for
example, fluid lag, dilatancy, process zone, etc.) are responsible for higher net pressures.
There can always be other causes for high observed net pressures, including: (1) higher closure stress barriers resulting
in fracture confinement; (2) higher effective modulus of the rock; (3) increasing net pressures during tip screen-out
initiation; (4) simultaneous propagation of multiple hydraulic fractures; or, (5) backstress effects as the pore pressure
increases due to frac fluid leakoff. However, we have observed that in cases where the above effects are not present, net
pressure can still be much higher then expected. Therefore, we recommend a much lower value for this coefficient to
account for these fracture tip effects.
Under most circumstances, a value of order 0.0001 is suggested in all but low confining stress situations (that is, in
shallow reservoirs). You will have to change this parameter by orders of magnitude to see a substantial change in the
overall level of net pressure since the value of the net pressure at the wellbore is only inversely proportional to the fourth
power of this coefficient. A reduction in this parameter increases the overall net pressure.
A value of order 0.000001 would be a lower bound if net fracturing pressures were extremely high. In such cases, there
are generally more effects (listed above) that contribute to these high net pressures.

Channel Flow Coefficient

This coefficient (Gamma_4) is defined in SPE 15069 in Equation (7a); it represents the deviation from laminar parallel-
plate flow (that is, the ratio between fracture pressure drop between rough or curved walls and between laminar parallel-
plate flow). This parameter is used by numerous modelers because of the slight curvature of the fracture walls across a
flow-through section. The suggested value is simply 1.0, especially since these effects are effectively embedded in the
Tip Effects Coefficient.
A reduction in this coefficient represents an increase in fracture wall roughness or fracture curvature and results in an
increase in the net pressure at the wellbore.

Tip Radius Fraction

This parameter specifies the approximate size of the tip region that is penetrated only by water or water-like (that is, low
viscosity) fluids. The default value is 0.01, which means that 1% of the fracture length at the very tip is forced to contain a
fluid with low viscosity.

FracproPT 2007

Decreasing this parameter effectively increases the overall role that frac-fluid rheology plays in creating fracture width. A
value of zero results in viscosity dependency that is very similar to that assumed by other fracture models (for example,
PKN, KGD, radial, pseudo 3D, and conventional 3D models). This means that large net pressure increases are predicted
when changing from a low viscosity fluid to a higher viscosity fluid (for example, changing from slickwater to a crosslinked
Pipe or near-wellbore friction changes can cause an apparent gel kick, but careful extraction of such effects has shown
that there is generally very little kick in true net pressure.
After looking at numerous datasets, the effect of gel kick on net pressure in FracproPT is generally still overestimated
when using the default value for this parameter. Therefore, if you see hardly any effect of fluid viscosity changes on net
pressure, we recommend an increase up to a value of 0.1. Please note that increasing this parameter will also cause an
increase in the overall value of net pressure.

Tip-Effects Scale Volume

The FracproPT 3D Model contains an approximate model of tip effects. These effects can be present in several ways: a
non-penetrated fracture tip, the creation of a process zone ahead of the fracture tip (ref. Shlyapobersky), or near-tip rock
dilatancy. Tip effects appear to be small during fracture initiation, but they increase asymptotically as fracture size
increases. The fracture volume (that is, fracture size) at which the tip effect has reached its asymptotic value is
represented by the Tip-Effects Scale Volume. This parameter affects only fracture initiation and early time fracture
growth. In general, this parameter should rarely need to be modified.
This parameter could be interpreted as a volume at which the fracture growth model is gradually switched between the
Conventional 3D Model and the FracproPT 3D Model. By using the default value, the modeled peak pressures at
fracture initiation become lower and more consistent with observed net pressure data during initiation.

Fluid Radial Weighting Exponent Manual Override

This parameter controls the relative contribution of the fluid rheology effects at different positions in the fracture on net
pressure. It especially dictates how much of an effect the tip fluid (as set by the Tip Radius Fraction) has on determining
net pressure. When the displayed value is 0.0, the model automatically uses 1/10 of the Tip Effects Coefficient. The
default value is 0.00001.
Reducing the viscosity dependency on net pressure behavior can be achieved by reducing this parameter. A reduction in
this exponent will also cause an increase in the overall value of net pressure, and if you only plan to correct for the
viscosity-dependence in the net pressure behavior it may be necessary to reduce the Tip Effects Coefficient.

Calibrated Model Functions

The functions described below will be visible only if you selected 3D User-Defined as the fracture model to use on the
Fracture Analysis Options [F4] screen.

Set to FracproPT Default Values

Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values corresponding to the 3D Tip-Dominated (Default)

Set to Conventional 3D Values

Select this function to set the parameters on this screen to the values corresponding to the 3D Conventional (Linear
Elastic) model.

Save These Settings as a User-Defined Parameter File

If you have made changes to the parameters on this screen and you wish to save those parameters for use later, select
this function and provide a file name to identify the settings. This will create and save a UMS-file (User-defined Model
Settings) in the FracproPT program folder (for example, c:\Program Files\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT\Program).

Load These Setting from a User-Defined Parameter File

Use this function to select a previously saved user-defined model settings file (a UMS-file). Of course you must have first
created or copied a UMS-file before you can select one.

Save The Settings as a Calibrated Parameter File

Note that Pinnacle also distributes confidential calibrated model settings to clients that have utilized our fracture mapping
services. This function is available only to Pinnacle personnel.
FracproPT Model Parameters – Proppant Model [Shift+F3]

FracproPT 2007

This screen displays some of the parameters used to calculate the effects of proppant on net pressure, as well as the
parameters that affect proppant transport in the fracture.

The Proppant Model tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters screen.

Fracture Area is Considered Propped for Proppant Conc. Greater than:

This number represents the lower proppant concentration limit for creation of fracture conductivity, considering
embedment, gel damage, etc. The default value is 0.2 pounds/square-foot, which corresponds to a little less than a solid
monolayer of 20/40 proppant. Recently published papers estimate that fractures only provide effective conductivity above
a proppant concentration of 0.5 pounds/square-foot. In unconsolidated sandstone, a larger threshold value may be
necessary, as proppant embedment in this soft rock may be more severe. In formations where the fracture closure stress

FracproPT 2007

is high, placement of a partial monolayer of proppant will cause proppant crushing, as the effective stress in the proppant
is higher when it is carried by only a partial layer of grains. This threshold may also be used to simulate this effect.
When calculating propped fracture half-length and height, FracproPT will provide you with the dimensions that are
propped with a proppant concentration greater than the threshold provided by this field. Therefore, a higher threshold
proppant concentration will result in a reduction in propped fracture length and height. Please note that this threshold is
not subtracted from the reported proppant concentration in the body of the fracture (where the concentration is above the
threshold), but that it is only used to exclude areas with a lower proppant concentration than the threshold value. To
reflect damage to the proppant pack in areas with a higher proppant concentration than the threshold value, you will have
to increase the Proppant Damage Factor in the Fracture Conductivity STAGE PROFILE [CTRL+F5].

Proppant Diameter Greater than:

This is the threshold diameter that the proppant you pump must exceed in order for it to be considered a true proppant in
the fracture. This feature allows FracproPT to ignore particulate fluid-loss additives (FLA's, including 100-mesh sand) as
proppant, while still accounting for the effect on hydrostatic head and wellbore friction. This feature is very useful for
neglecting early proppant slugs that you may wish to ignore in the fracture. The default value is 0.008 inches.
Proppant with diameter smaller than the threshold will not cause frac model tip screenout or contribute to propped fracture
geometry. Proppant slugs can be used to locally screen-out near-wellbore fracture multiples or erode the fracture in the
vicinity of the wellbore, but do generally not affect far-field fracture growth. Therefore, proppant slugs should be ignored
during further entry into the fracture during model calculations. To achieve this, simply select 100 mesh sand as the
Proppant Type for your proppant slug material on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen, and this will be displayed
with a yellow background to indicate that this proppant is not used for calculation of the proppant distribution in the

Minimum Detectable Proppant Concentration

This parameter can be used to "ignore" small fluctuations in the sand concentration signal that often occur during pad
stages when no proppant is actually being pumped.

Immobile Proppant Bank Formed at Volume Fraction of

This variable has been removed in FracproPT 10.3, as the Volume Fraction to reach an Immobile Proppant Bank is now
calculated internally based on the actual porosity of the selected proppant.

Proppant Drag Effect Exponent

This parameter adjusts the magnitude of the proppant effect on the in-fracture drag (or friction) due to the slurry fluid.
Pinnacle has found that values between 4.0 and 12.0 typically match observed data. A higher number causes greater
increases in net fracturing pressure due to the additional frictional pressure drop that is created inside the fracture when a
slurry with proppant is pumped.
This parameter can be used (with caution) as a history match variable to match observed net pressure rises during
proppant stages. If your match during the early diagnostic injections and pad stages of your treatment is all right, but the
observed net pressures during the proppant stages are climbing much faster than the model net pressure, increasing this
exponent will help you to match the observed data.

Proppant Radial Weighting Exponent

This parameter controls the relative contribution of the proppant effects at different positions in the fracture. A smaller
exponent will increase the effect of proppant drag at the tip while reducing the effect of proppant drag near the wellbore.
The default value is 0.25.

Proppant Convection Coefficient

This coefficient is a multiplier for the overall speed of the convective process. Due to "encapsulation" of slurry stages by
less viscous fluids, convection of a higher-density slurry may actually happen much faster than based on the fluid in that
particular slurry stage. This happens if the fracture walls are "lubricated" by water or another low-viscosity fluid, and the
fluid laden slurry is transported in a downward direction much faster. Increasing this number increases the speed of
The default value is 10.0. A value of 0 results in no convection, while a value of 10 reflects the results of laboratory
convection experiments. Proppant Convection must be selected on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4]
screen for this input to be active.

Proppant Settling Coefficient

This parameter controls the relative speed of proppant settling. Proppant Settling must be selected on the FRACTURE
SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen for this input to be active.

FracproPT 2007

Enter 1.0 for hindered settling, or 0.0 for no settling. If you want to model Divertafrac™, you need to put big numbers
here (for example, 10-100).

Tip Screen-Out Backfill Model

When this option is selected, the Tip Screen-Out Backfill Coefficient is set to its default value of 0.5. The quadratic
backfill model will exhibit a steeper than linear increase in net pressure resulting from a tip screenout. If this option is not
selected, a linear rise in net pressure will be exhibited. Most of the field data that Pinnacle has seen exhibits a slightly
faster than linear rise.

The Tip Screen-Out Backfill Coefficient

With tip screenout propagation back towards the wellbore, the pressure rise accelerates as frac area is reduced. This
coefficient affects the rate of pressure rise acceleration. Change this parameter when the model under or over-predicts
the rate of pressure rise following tip screenout. This coefficient is only active when proppant banking has occurred in both
the upper and the lower part of the fracture.
A value of 0 makes the tip screenout net pressure rise more linear (which is the same as ignoring the Tip Screen-Out
Backfill Model), while a value of 1 will result in a steeper than linear net pressure rise. The linear pressure rise is
equivalent to the "classical" Nolte-Smith log-log slope of 1 during a tip screen-out, when it is assumed that the net
pressure (and thus the fracture width) are linearly proportional to the volume that is pumped, while fracture length and
height remain unchanged.

Stop Model When Proppant Packs at Wellbore (Screenout)

This option is a flag that forces the model to stop when a tip screenout has propagated back to wellbore. You can change
this parameter from the default On to Off when field experience or the data shows that pumping can continue, despite
model pack-off.

Reset Proppant after Closure

With this switch On, proppant from previous injections is ignored if pumping is resumed after the frac closes on proppant.
FracproPT Model Parameters – Near-Wellbore Friction [Shift+F3]
This screen contains the exponent used in calculating the power-law relationship between near-wellbore friction and flow

FracproPT 2007

The Near-Wellbore Friction tab of the FracproPT Model parameters screen.

Near-Wellbore Friction Exponent

This exponent appears in the equation used to calculate near-wellbore friction as a function of flow rate. A more detailed
explanation of the near-wellbore friction equation and the exponent can be found in the help screen for the PERF AND
NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen. A very important aspect of this coefficient relates to the process of
distinguishing between tortuosity and perforation pressure drops.
This value is used during rate step-down analysis of near-wellbore friction and perforation friction, and for the calculation
of near-wellbore friction as a function of slurry injection rate. The practical bounds for this parameter are between 0.25
and 1, and as good engineers we generally use a value of 0.5. In case the near-wellbore fracture opening does not
change as a function of pressure (acting as fixed parallel plates), near-wellbore friction is linearly proportional to rate and

FracproPT 2007

this parameter should be set to 1. This may occur when fracture compliance is extremely low at the wellbore when the
fracture quickly turns toward another plane than the plane of initiation.
Near-wellbore fracture tortuosity is the result of the complex fracture geometry immediately surrounding the wellbore. In a
typical fracture treatment a multitude of fractures are initiated from numerous perforations and micro-cracks. The
orientation of these near-wellbore fractures is dictated by the orientation of the existing micro-cracks, perforation induced
or otherwise, and not by the far-field stresses which dictate the orientation of the main fracture body. As the multitudes of
fractures grow away from the wellbore, they eventually reorient to align themselves with the far-field stresses. Having a
multitude of fractures competing for opening space combined with the near-wellbore reorientation results in a tortuous
fracture path with very narrow crack openings. The great difficulty in transporting proppant through this tortuous near-
wellbore region is the cause of most premature fracture treatment screen-outs, not excessive fluid leakoff or insufficient
fracture width in the main fracture body as is often assumed.
The degree of near-wellbore fracture tortuosity present will place limits on the combination of the maximum slurry
proppant concentration, minimum fluid viscosity, and the minimum injection rate that can be employed. Premature screen-
outs result when a critical slurry concentration arrives at the perfs that cannot pass through the tortuous near-wellbore
region. Insufficient fluid viscosity or a sudden drop in injection flow rate can also result in an abrupt screen-out in the near
wellbore region. The box below summarizes the major causes of near-wellbore tortuosity as well as common remediation
techniques. However, a word of caution is in order: there is no simple "magic bullet" solution that works for all fracture
tortuosity problems. Proppant slugs, for example, have yielded wonderful results in many environments but they have also
proven totally ineffective in other environments. Fracture tortuosity remediation is a relatively new subject, with much still
to be learned and many key insights yet to arrive.
FracproPT Model Parameters – Low Level Parameters [Shift+F3]
This screen displays settings for permeability barriers and special proppant schedules that result in fracture containment.
This tab also displays settings to automatically split the stages in FracproPT for more accurate representation of
proppant/acid distribution within the fracture.

FracproPT 2007

The Low Level tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters screen.

Permeability Contrast

Distance Effect
In some cases where there is extreme permeability contrast between layers (at least a factor of 10 difference in
permeability), it has been shown that fracture growth can be arrested due to increased fluid leakoff as the fracture tip
enters a high-perm layer. This exponent controls the effect of permeability contrasts on fracture growth based on the
distance of the permeability contrast from where the fracture initiates. In versions of FracproPT, defaults were set to
exaggerate this effect. Pinnacle has set a more reasonable value of 1 for this parameter based on our experiences.

FracproPT 2007

Containment Effect
This exponent controls the overall containment effects from permeability contrasts. In versions of FracproPT, defaults
were set to exaggerate this effect. Pinnacle has set a more reasonable value of 1 for this parameter based on our

Permeability Level
Containment by a permeability barrier results when a frac tip contacts a higher perm layer. This parameter sets the
threshold permeability increase required before the height containment effect occurs.

Permeability Contrast Model Type

FracproPT Default Model

This option defines the model used for fracture containment/growth in the presence of permeable barriers. This option
should be changed only after consultation with someone at Pinnacle.

Tip Dominated Wall Building Effect

This option defines the model used for fracture containment/growth in the presence of permeable barriers. This option
should be changed only after consultation with someone at Pinnacle.

Conventional Wall Building Effect

This option defines the model used for fracture containment/growth in the presence of permeable barriers. This option
should be changed only after consultation with someone at Pinnacle.

Other Options

Fluid (Gel) Bulk Modulus

This is a material property used to calculate compressibility effects within the wellbore. Leave this number high to avoid
undesirable (and probably unrealistic) compressional effects in the wellbore. The default is set to 30,000,000,000 psi.

Proppant Bulk Modulus

This is the number used for various proppant-related calculations. This number generally does not need to be adjusted.
The default is set to 3,000,000 psi.

Fluid (Gel) Thermal Bulk Coefficient of Expansion

This number governs the thermally induced change in gel density in the wellbore. This effect is only turned on when you
select Model Heat Transfer Effects on the Simulation Options [F4] screen. This allows the program to correct for
changes in the hydrostatic pressure to better calculate bottomhole pressure from surface pressure in deep hot wells
where this effect is significant.

Effect of Proppant on Length Growth

This number allows you to control how much proppant dehydration affects the length growth of the fracture. With the
default value of 1.0, if there is a proppant bank that blocks either upward or downward growth, length growth will also be
slowed since the fracture compliance is mainly a function of height for this confined fracture system. In the other extreme
with a value of 0.0, proppant banking does not affect length growth at all.

Fraction of BRACKET-FRAC proppant that is INVERTA-FRAC

This is the volume fraction of proppant for BRACKET-FRAC stage that is assumed to be INVERTA-FRAC. To make a
stage into a BRACKET-FRAC stage, set the density of the proppant used in that stage to something less than 1.0. The
program assumes that this fraction of the total proppant is INVERTA-FRAC with this density, and the rest of the proppant
is given a density of 2.65.

Remember Position of Proppant Banks after closure on Proppant

This option is to be used for modeling BRACKET-FRAC's, or any other time that you want the program to keep the
fracture from growing beyond a proppant bank that was created during the same pump-in, after a shut-in.

Allow Slippage

FracproPT 2007

This option enables or disables "layer slip" at formation layer interfaces bordering the frac initiation layer. The default for
this option is off. Selecting this option allows fracture growth to stop at the first stress contrast, simulating slippage in the
rock interface. This effect may play a prominent role at interfaces with coals or evaporites.
Change this parameter when physical observations (direct fracture diagnostics), observed data, or formation properties
suggest that this is a realistic height containment mechanism. Enabling this option results in frac height containment,
without the impact on net pressure that would be expected from increased fracture stiffness for this long confined fracture.
The fracture compliance in this case governed only by fracture length, not height.

Reset Fluid Leakoff after Frac Closure

This option, which is off by default, allows you to tell FracproPT to completely reset its leakoff calculations after an initial
pumping, shut-in and closure. This allows the subsequent pumping to see a reservoir unaffected by the initial fluid leakoff.
This is sometimes useful in high-perm situations where leakoff on a main injection is not affected by the fluid lost during
the mini-frac.

Min Rate Limit

With this option selected, injection rates lower than the Minimum Rate Limit Value are ignored, assuming the low rates
are due to flow meter error or are not significant. Using this option allows you to get rid of "noise" in the flow rate channel
as it is provided to you from the service company. Unselect this option if you have flow-rate data at a rate smaller than 0.1
bpm, for example for stress tests or for simulations of laboratory experiments.

Min Rate Limit Value

When the Min Rate Limit option is selected, this is the value for the threshold, below which all flow is ignored. Use this to
ignore noise in the surface flow rate, or to ignore small flow from a wellbore full of foam during a shut-in as it heats up.
Check the bottomhole flow rate during the shut-in and then set this value to be slightly greater than the value during the
shut-in and re-run the model.

Center Shifting Options

These options, with are selected from the drop-down list, allow the model user to place limits on the fracture center-
shifting behavior. Changes to this option should be based on consideration of completion configuration, formation
properties, observed data, and simulator numerical stability. The default option places the most limits on fracture center
behavior, while the Fracture can move away from perforations anytime option allows the most fracture freedom of

Stage Splitting
These two parameters allow you to control how (relatively large) stages are automatically split. This can be very helpful if
insufficient detail (that is, not enough stages defined, as when an entire proppant ramp is defined by a single stage) has
been provided in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen, which would then impact the accuracy of the proppant and
acid distribution calculations. These parameters should rarely, if ever, be changed.
If you have a net pressure match that was obtained with previous versions of FracproPT, the stage splitting option may
cause your net pressure match to change because of the improved accuracy of the new calculation. If you do not want to
use this improved calculation for proppant and acid distribution, make the Volume Threshold larger than any of the
stages you have specified in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Volume Threshold
This parameter allows you to provide a volume above which a stage greater than this volume will be automatically split
into smaller stages. You can see if your treatment is automatically split by selecting Stage Information on the STAGE
PROFILE [Ctrl+F5] screen. If stages are automatically split, a stage number will be listed multiple times.

Leakoff Compensation
This number is used in the stage-splitting scheme to compensate for the fact that early stages in the treatment tend to
lose greater amounts of fluid due to the fact that they leakoff fluid for longer periods and are exposed to virgin rock.
Additional Information: Automatic Stage Splitting
Additional Information: Model Parameters - Shift + F3
Model Background
Fracture opening in the near-tip region in the 3D Tip-Dominated model option is controlled by an inelastic material
response (which we refer to as "tip effects") that pinches the tip much more than predicted by conventional elastic models.
Tip effects have been extensively discussed in numerous industry publications and are not a new concept. It has been
measured in the laboratory for many materials, including the rock types typically fractured. Pinnacle believes that this
these tip effects explains why the observed net fracturing pressures are much higher than predicted by conventional (for

FracproPT 2007

example, PKN, pseudo 3D, and conventional 3D) fracture models, particularly when pumping thin (that is, low viscosity)
fluids. Please note that the exact physics of the different tip effects are not modeled in FracproPT, but their result on the
pressure distribution within the fracture is modeled.
In the early 1980's, it was found by Shlyapobersky et al., that when pumping typical fracture treatments, (1) observed net
fracturing pressures are much higher than predicted by linear-elastic fracture models; and (2) the net fracturing pressure
response appears relatively insensitive to fluid rheology. Most conventional fracture models display a strong dependence
of fracture growth and net fracturing pressure on fluid rheology (FracproPT can easily be switched to 3D Conventional
model option on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen to demonstrate the same net pressure and growth
Although fluid rheology does not appear to affect the net pressure behavior very much, fluid rheology is very important for
proppant transport. Fluid rheology can also play a significant role for proppant transport through a poor connection
between the wellbore and the main body of the fracture(s), which is generally referred to as near-wellbore fracture
tortuosity. However, fluid rheology does generally not play a dominant role in determining large-scale fracture geometry.
Exceptions to this may be extremely permeable reservoirs, shallow reservoirs where net pressures are low, and in
environments where more narrow fractures result from the simultaneous propagation of multiple fractures that open in
competition with one another.
FracproPT development started in the 1980's with the aim of extracting and honoring the "message" contained in the
pressure data routinely measured during fracture treatments. This development was triggered by the observations
discussed above. Since net fracturing pressure is directly related to fracture dimensions, it follows that the predicted
fracture geometries from these design models could not possibly match what actually happened during fracture growth
and, therefore, could not be used for effective fracture treatment engineering and evaluation.
FracproPT was developed to bridge this gap between theory and reality. The model was formulated to approximately
capture all of the essential physics of fracture growth. Toward this end, fracture growth parameters are lumped at a
number of representative points along the fracture face, and the pressure profile in the fracture is calculated using
functional coefficients (which vary with pump history, layer properties, etc.). The model results from this practical
approximation are calibrated with direct observations and lab tests.
The 3D Tip-Dominated model option is an attempt to reconcile fracture models with observed field data from stimulations
using fluids ranging from water to crosslinked gels. This model assumes that the fluid pressure drop is predominantly at
the fracture tip and that the fluid controlling propagation is water (or something very similar to water with a low fluid
viscosity very close to the fracture tip). The near-tip region is extremely narrow and cannot be penetrated by gels; thus,
the only fluid reaching very near the tip may be the water that is shed by gels. We have found that the 3D Tip-Dominated
option applies in most environments, especially in hard rocks, and perhaps less for very shallow fracture treatments, or
when net pressures are extremely low in comparison to rock modulus.
Automatic Stage Splitting
This is a feature that helps the program give more accurate results in modeling both propped and acid fracture treatments.
Since the FracproPT fluid and proppant transport model is based on tracking fluid and proppant properties by stage, in
the past it was up to the user to divide the treatment into sufficiently small stages to ensure accurate modeling of proppant
and acid transport.
In this version, the program will automatically divide up the stages from the treatment schedule into smaller pieces in
order to model proppant transport and acid reactions more accurately. The results for the smaller "sub-stages" can be
seen on the Stage Profile plot, and in the Stage Info screen.
Another benefit of automatic stage splitting is that ramped proppant treatments can be specified with only one stage in the
treatment schedule. The program will automatically split up this one stage into many smaller stages to ensure accurate
modeling of proppant transport.
The program decides when to create a new "sub-stage" based on a simple formula using two parameters that you can
enter on the Low-Level Parameters screen. The actual threshold value for starting a new stage is calculated based on
the following simple formula:
Actual_Threshold = Volume_Threshold – (Leakoff_Compensation * MIN(20, #_of_Stages_in_Fracture))
The idea behind this formula is that in very high leakoff cases, it is not necessary to split the stages very much, since they
become very small due to leakoff anyway. In low-leakoff cases, when there will be many stages remaining in the fracture,
then we should use a smaller threshold to make sure that we split the stages into smaller pieces. In low leakoff cases,
these smaller pieces will not become too small very fast.
When sub-stages do become too small to be tracked because of leakoff, they are re-combined with other small sub-
stages, so that the total number of sub-stages being tracked in the model does not grow out of control.
The default values for the input parameters (in field units) are:
Volume Threshold: 200 bbls
Leakoff Compensation: 5 bbls
This means that at the beginning of a simulation, if the current stage being pumped has a volume in the fracture (pumped
volume – leaked off volume) greater than 100 bbls, a new "sub-stage" of that stage will be started. Later in the job, for

FracproPT 2007

example, if there were 25 sub-stages already being tracked, then the threshold for starting a new sub-stage would be 75
In very high leakoff (low efficiency) cases, these settings may give too small a volume threshold, so you may want to
increase the value for the Volume Threshold, or decrease the value for Leakoff Compensation. If you wish to see more
resolution in the proppant and acid transport models, you can decrease the value of the Volume Threshold.
FracproPT Model Parameters – Other Options [Shift+F3]
This tab allows authorized users of certain proprietary features to utilize a special calculation for fluid leakoff rates for non-
Newtonian fluids in the fracture.

The Other Options tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters screen.

FracproPT 2007

Use Non-Newtonian Fluid Leakoff

Select this option to use a different calculation (from SPE 26559) to calculate fluid leakoff rates when Non-Newtonian fluid
is in the fracture.

Rock Parameter for Non-Newtonian Fluid Leakoff

This parameter is used in the equation for non-Newtonian fluid leakoff shown in SPE 26559.

Reset Model and System Parameters to Defaults

Select this option to set to default values all parameters on all tabs of both the FracproPT Model Parameters screen and
the System Configuration screen.
FracproPT Model Parameters – Initial Leakoff and Closure [Shift+F3]
This screen contains some of the model parameters that determine how the fracture opens and closes.

FracproPT 2007

The Initial Leakoff and Closure tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters screen.

Initial Leakoff Area Multiplier Coefficient

This parameter affects the effective leakoff area prior to fracture initiation that could be a result from higher leakoff into
pre-existing natural or hydraulic fractures. After frac initiation, this parameter has no effect. This coefficient is used to
increase the area of formation rock that is in communication with the wellbore prior to fracture initiation. The default value
is 1.0, and the Initial Leakoff Area from Last Simulation is displayed in the read-only field for reference. This initial
value is based on an initial area estimate for the fracture.
In high-perm or depleted reservoirs, this effect can sometimes be used to simulate a job that does not "catch pressure"
right away. Catching pressure can sometimes take longer because a wellbore is not completely filled, but it can also occur
because initial leakoff into the formation is higher than expected.

FracproPT 2007

Closure Leakoff Area Multiplier Coefficient

This parameter represents the effective fraction of total propped fracture area available for leakoff after frac closure on
proppant. This parameter performs the same function as Initial Leakoff Area Multiplier Coefficient, but it multiplies the
final propped-fracture area at the point of closure on proppant. Changing this coefficient affects the rate at which net
pressure falls down to zero after fracture closure on proppant has occurred.
In high perm tip screen-outs, this value can be as high as 0.25, but generally a lower value can be used to match the post-
closure pressure decline. Please note that changing this parameter has no effect whatsoever on the resulting fracture
dimensions (as the fracture is already closed). However, it does allow you to make a nice-looking match of the post-
closure data.

Default Shut-In Model

This option should normally be selected. If it is not, the leakoff model found in previous versions (that is, prior to
FracproPT Version 7) is used.

Shut-In Tip Weighting Coefficient for Leakoff

This parameter is available only if you select the Default Shut-In Model option. This coefficient relates the leakoff rate
near the crack tip to the average leakoff rate during shut-in. A number greater than 0 accelerates the rate at which the
crack tip recedes due to leakoff during shut-in. The default value is 1.0.

Shut-In Area Weighting Exponent for Leakoff

This parameter is available only if you select the Default Shut-In Model option. Specifying a positive value for this
parameter reduces the effective leakoff coefficient during shut-in as the crack recedes into regions where leakoff has been
occurring for longer times. This effect has always been modeled during fracture growth, but previous versions (that is,
prior to FracproPT Version 7) ignored the affect during fracture closure. A larger value gives more of a reduction in leakoff
coefficient. The default value is 1.0.

Minimum Shut-In Volume

This parameter is available only if you select the Default Shut-In Model option. This is the (pumped) volume below which
Shut-In Tip Weighting Coefficient for Leakoff and Shut-In Area Weighting Exponent for Leakoff are not active. For
volumes greater than this, those parameters assume the values shown on this screen. The default value is 100 barrels.

Model Proppant In Flow-Back

Proppant flow-back into the wellbore after frac shutdown (simulated by using a negative injection rate on the
TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen) will be modeled until the frac closes or until a wellbore screenout occurs if this
option is selected. Otherwise, all proppant stays in the fracture during flow back.

Model Wall Building Viscosity Effect

The default is for this option to be off. In this case, if a fluid has a non-zero Wall Building Coefficient entered on the
Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the Edit/View Interpolated Fluid Properties [Shift+F5] screen, a filtercake
is formed during the process of frac fluid leakoff from the fracture into the formation no matter what value is entered for
Newtonian Leakoff Filtrate Viscosity on the same screen.
If you select this option, FracproPT compares the viscosity of the fluids in the fracture with the Newtonian Leakoff
Filtrate Viscosity entered on the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the Edit/View Interpolated Fluid
Properties [Shift+F5] screen. If the fracture-fluid viscosity is less than the filtrate, then fracture fluid leaks off without
building any additional filter cake. If the fracture-fluid viscosity is greater than the filtrate viscosity, then additional
filtercake is built during the leakoff process. The amount of additional filtercake built depends on the difference in these
two viscosities; the greater the difference, the greater the fraction of the leakoff fluid that forms additional filtercake (up to
FracproPT Model Parameters – Growth Parameters [Shift+F3] (FracproPT 3D)
This screen displays some additional options relating to fracture growth. For example, fractures initiating from long
perforated intervals or for small fractures.

FracproPT 2007

The Growth Parameters tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters screen.

Set Minimum Fracture Height

This option is unselected by default. In this case, the frac is initiated as a point source in the lowest stress layer within the
perforated interval. Selecting this option results in a frac initiation height equal to the height of the perforated interval (that
is, the frac is initiated as a line source). The simulator's calculated Net Pressure is generally lower during the initiation
period from a longer perforated interval because fracture compliance (for example, the inverse of stiffness) decreases with
fracture height.
Fracture initiation is normally modeled from a point source. FracproPT searches the perforated interval (as you specify on
either the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen when modeling the wellbore, or on the RESERVOIR

FracproPT 2007

PARAMETERS [F9] screen when ignoring the wellbore), finds the zone of lowest closure stress, and initiates the fracture
in the center of that zone. This depth is displayed as Initial Frac Depth on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen.
You can change this parameter when the completion setup and observed data suggest that the fracture is initiated as a
line source rather than as a point source. With this option selected, FracproPT not only starts the fracture with a hydraulic
height equal to the perforated interval, it also does not allow for the fracture height to become anything less than the
fracture height specified in this field.
Please note that for most treatment sizes (and most perforated intervals), the type of initiation plays an insignificant role in
fracture growth. In certain cases, however, it may be desirable to model fracture initiation from a line source. Foremost
among these cases is that of a very large perforated interval (several hundred feet) or in cases where there are good
reasons to believe that the entire perforated interval takes fluid from the beginning of the treatment. In the latter case,
there may be multiple sources, which FracproPT can also be used to model. If a small-volume treatment is injected over
a large (and relatively homogeneous) perforated interval, a fracture may be created that is much greater in total height
than total length. Modeling this type of treatment requires a line-source initiation.
There may be good reasons to believe that the individual fractures that are created along a line source will not link up and
that multiple fractures grow instead of fractures from one line source. If this is the case, fracture growth may also be
modeled by using the Distributed Limited Entry Perfs option on the MULTIPLE FRACTURES screen.

Model Very Small Fractures (FracPack)

This option should be selected when modeling small fractures (for example, for "frac packs"). Selecting this option
changes the following four settings to account for higher leakoff (spurt) and tip screen-outs in frac packs:

• Initial Leakoff Area Multiplier Coefficient is set to 0.

• Tip Effects Scale Volume is set to 1 bbl.
• Minimum Proppant Diameter is set to 0.
• Stop Model When Proppant Packs at Wellbore is unselected.

Model Head Effects In Fracture

When this option is selected, hydrostatic pressures in the fracture are accounted for. These effects are typically quite
small, but can become important if net pressure levels are relatively low and the fracture growth over a large height. This
option is useful for very large treatments (that result in a large height), such as drill cuttings disposal injections. With this
option unselected, frac height growth will be symmetrical with uniform stress across the pay and bounding layers. Please
note that head effects within the fracture can only be effectively modeled when the fracture grows over more than one
layer specified on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen.

Model Fracture Center Shifting

This option allows the fracture center to shift away from the initiation depth due to stress profile influence on fracture
height growth direction. Unselecting the option fixes the frac center at the initiation depth. However, frac height asymmetry
is still allowed, but the predicted impact of stress contrast is generally less.
Please note that the Fracture Upper Height and Fracture Lower Height channels are referenced to the original fracture
center, so one of them may go to zero as the center shifts. To look at the heights calculated from the current center, go to
the FRACTURE PICTURE [Alt+F5] screen. Note also that the center may shift to a layer with a different closure stress,
but the FracproPT model Net Pressure is always calculated with reference to the closure stress in the layer in which the
fracture initiates. Therefore, net pressure may be negative relative to this original closure stress if it grows into a layer with
a lower closure stress.
FracproPT Model Parameters – Conventional 3D [Shift+F3] (Conventional 3D)
It should first be noted that there is really only one model in the FracproPT System, which is commonly referred to as a
lumped-parameter model. However, by choosing the correct values for certain parameters that control function of the
lumped model, it can be made to behave (in terms of pressures, dimensions, etc.) like any other model. In the FracproPT
System, five sets of parameters have been defined and hardwired into the five Fracture Model Options shown on the
Simulator Options [F4] screen:

• FracproPT 3D Model
• Conventional 3D Model
• PKN 2D Model
• KGD 2D Model
• Radial Model

FracproPT 2007

This screen contains the parameters used in the Conventional 3D Model option. The parameters displayed there are
similar to those for the FracproPT 3D Model option, except that the default numbers result in model behavior that is very
similar to that from the few other (that is, conventional) 3D fracture models in the industry. "Conventional" refers to the fact
that these numbers assume a completely linear-elastic reservoir-rock behavior, which is what all other industry models
currently assume. If you use this option, you will quickly see that predicted net pressures are unrealistically low, except
possibly in cases where very high gel viscosities (for example, of order 1,000 centipoise) are used, for shallow fractures,
or for low-modulus environments.
The four parameters needed to characterize the Conventional 3D Model option are described below.

The Conventional 3D tab of the FracproPT Model Parameters screen.

FracproPT 2007

Crack Opening Coefficient

This coefficient (Gamma_1) is the ratio of average net pressure (in the body of the fracture) to net pressure at the
wellbore. The model net pressure that is reported everywhere in FracproPT, and that you use to history match observed
net pressure, is the net pressure at the wellbore. Fracture dimensions are not just a function of the net pressure at the
wellbore, but are governed by the net pressure distribution in the entire fracture and are, therefore, more related to the
average net pressure in the fracture. If the average net pressure increases, there will be more deformation of the rock,
thus more fracture width. When maintaining volume balance, this will result in a smaller fracture length and height.
The default value for this parameter is 0.70, meaning that the average net pressure is 70% of the net pressure at the
wellbore. A reasonable range for this parameter is between 0.25 and 1.0. These values are based on theoretical and
simulation results to produce results similar to other conventional linear-elastic 3D industry models.

Width Decoupling Coefficient

This coefficient provides a multiplier on the Crack Opening Coefficient (Gamma_1) to account for the fact that the
fracture height profile can become decoupled due to shear slippage across layer interfaces. Lowering this value generally
results in a higher net pressure at the wellbore. The default value for this parameter is 1 for perfect coupling, but we have
seen values as low as 0.01 to match both net pressure levels and fracture dimensions.

Calculate Width Decoupling Coefficient Internally

This checkbox provides a simple estimate of the Width Decoupling Coefficient that is based on the fraction of fracture
surface area that grows into layers with a Composite Layering Effect set to a value higher than 1. The Width Decoupling
Coefficient will change during fracture growth, and after the model has ran the value shown here is for the latest timestep
of fracture growth.

Tip Effects Coefficient

This lumped coefficient (Gamma_2) controls the effect of near-tip pressure drop and relates the pressure gradient along
the fracture length to the net pressure at the wellbore. This number affects the overall net fracturing pressure generated
for specified flow conditions (because it can vary over 4 orders of magnitude), depending on the (rock) material behavior.
Simple elastic solutions of fracturing (PKN, KGD, radial, pseudo 3D, and conventional 3D models) all have implied tip
effects coefficients of order 0.4 (the default for this model option), which is indicative of an elastic material response
(though there is some variation between models, from 0.1 to 1.0). It is now generally accepted in the industry that it is
impossible to realistically and consistently match observed field with linear elastic fracture mechanics, and that different
types of fracture tip effects (for example, fluid lag, dilatancy, process zone, etc.) are responsible for higher net pressures.

Channel Flow Coefficient

This coefficient (Gamma_4) is defined in SPE 15069 in Equation (7a); it represents the deviation from laminar parallel-
plate flow (that is, the ratio between fracture pressure drop between rough or curved walls and between laminar parallel-
plate flow). This parameter is used by numerous modelers because of the slight curvature of the fracture walls across a
flow-through section. The suggested value is simply 1.0, especially since these effects are effectively embedded in the
Tip Effects Coefficient.
A reduction in this coefficient represents an increase in fracture wall roughness or fracture curvature and results in an
increase in the net pressure at the wellbore.

Fluid Radial Weighting Exponent Manual Override

This parameter controls the relative contribution of the fluid rheology effects at different positions in the fracture on net
pressure. It especially dictates how much of an effect the tip fluid (as set by the Tip Radius Fraction) has on determining
net pressure. When the displayed value is 0.0, the model automatically uses 1/10 of the Tip Effects Coefficient. The
default value is 0.00001.

System Configuration
System Configuration – Set Channel Alias Names
If you prefer to use a different name for one or more FracproPT output channels (for example, you may prefer Model Net
Pressure rather than Net Pressure), you can do so on this screen.

FracproPT 2007

Set Channel Alias Names tab of the System Configuration screen

System Configuration – File Options

FracproPT 2007

File Options tab of the System Configuration screen

File Backup Options

Make Backup for Each Stored Input File

Select this option to have the program make a backup copy of every input file that you overwrite. The backup file keeps
the same name, but the extension is changed from .INP to .BAK. By using this option, you are able to retrieve your old
input file if you mistakenly save an input file and decide you want your previous version back.

Make Backup of Most Recently Stored Input File

Select this option to have the program make a backup copy of only the last file stored. The backup file is named
_BACKUP.INP and is always stored in the main FracproPT program folder. The backup file is overwritten each time you
save an input file, so only the results of the last save operation can be retrieved.

Auto Save On
Select this option to have the program periodically save all the current inputs (that is, all menu items, switches, etc.) to the
DEFAULT.IN$ file. Auto-Save Time Interval controls the frequency with which the automatic saving is done.

Auto Save Off

Select this option to disable the program’s automatic save feature.

Auto-Save Time Interval

This is the amount of time between file save operations if Auto-Save On is selected.

File Compression Options

FracproPT 2007

You choice here of Compression Off or Compression On determines whether or not FracproPT files are saved in a
compressed format to save disk space.
System Configuration – Display Settings
This screen is where you select the screen colors and other display options that you would like to use in FracproPT.

The Display Settings tab of the System Configuration screen.

Colors for the following screen elements may be selected using the drop-down lists:

• Plot Background
• Grid Lines
• Plot Border
• Message Color (Text)
• Message Color (Background)


Beep On Message
Select this option to have an audible "beep" indicate when a system message is displayed. The messages are displayed
briefly in the status bar near the bottom of the screen, and they are also displayed semi-permanently on the System
Messages [Alt+F1] screen.

Message Display Time

FracproPT 2007

The entry here determines how long (in seconds) warning messages are displayed in the status bar. Note, however, that
when more than one message is generated during a short time period, the initial message will be overwritten by the latter
one. In such cases, you should go to the SYSTEM MESSAGES [Alt+F1] screen to view all of the most recent messages.


Max Number of Open Screens

This number is used to control the amount of clutter on the FracproPT desktop by limiting the number of screens that are
open concurrently. Any graphics screens (for example, plots and pictures) are not counted in this number.

Display Hot Keys on Caption

The hot key assignments are displayed in screen captions at the top of each window when this option is selected.

Display Window Borders

The borders of each window are enhanced with color, which may increase their readability, when this option is selected.

Maximize Graphics Screens

Plots and pictures are automatically maximized (that is, view full screen) when this option is selected.

Cascade / Center
These options control the placement of windows as they are opened.

Output Screens

Output Screens Update Time

This time determines how often the data on screens will be updated.

Other Functions

Reset Colors to Defaults

Select this option to set all the colors, including the message colors, to their defaults.

Set Printer Colors

Select this option to view the Printer Color Map dialog where you can assign alternate colors for (color) printer output.
System Configuration – Units

FracproPT 2007

Units tab of the System Configuration screen

Unit System
Select the unit system that you wish to use from the drop-down list. Your choices are Oil Field (that is, English or British
units), Metric (Bar), Metric (kPa) , or Metric (Mpa).
Additional Information: Unit Systems

Edit Unit System

Select this function to view the Units screen (shown below) where you can define your own unit system, which may
include a mix of Oil Field or Metric units.
Unit Systems
FracproPT input and output units may be entered and displayed in traditional Oil Field, Metric (bar), or Metric (kPa)
systems. The table below shows the units used for all FracproPT parameters.

Parameter Oil Field Metric Units Metric Units

Units (bar) (kPa)

Activation kcal/mol kJ/mol kJ/mol


Angle deg Deg deg

API Gravity °API °API °API

Area acres m² ha

Area ft² m² m²

FracproPT 2007

Build Rate deg/100 ft deg/100 m deg/30 m

Compressibility 1/psi 1/bar 1/kPa

Conductivity mD·ft mD·m mD·m

Density lbm/gal kg/m³ kg/m³

Density lbm/ft³ kg/m³ kg/m³

Diffusivity ft²/min m²/min m²/min

Fluid Cost $/gal $/m³ $/m³

Friction Loss psi/1000 ft bar/1000 m kPa/100 m

Gas/Oil Rate scf/stb sm³/m³ sm³/m³

Gas Volume rcf/scf m³/sm³ m³/sm³


Oil Volume rb/stb m³/m³ m³/m³


Gas Price $/Mscf $/m³ $/m³

Oil Price $/bbl $/m³ $/m³

Gel Strength lbf/100 ft² N/100 m² N/100 m²

Hydrocarbon Mscf/d sm³/d sm³/d


Hydrocarbon scfm sm³/min sm³/min


Hydrocarbon scf sm³ sm³


Hydrocarbon Mscf sm³ sm³


Hydrocarbon MMscf sm³ sm³


Inflation Rate %/year %/year %/year

Leakoff ft/min½ m/min½ m/min½


K' (Rheology lbf·s^n/ft² Pa·s^n Pa·s^n


Length ft m m

Length in cm mm

Mass klbs kg tonnes

Mass lbs kg kg

Molar Mass g/mol g/mol g/mol

Cost M$ M$ M$

FracproPT 2007

Cost $ $ $

Monthly Cost $/month $/month $/month

Percent % % %

Mass % mass % mass % mass


Volume % vol % vol % vol


Perforation 1/ft 1/m 1/m


Permeability D D D

Permeability mD mD mD

Productivity bbl/d/psi m³/d/bar m³/d/kPa


Power hp kW kW

Pressure psi bar kPa

Pressure psi/ft bar/m kPa/m


Prop lb/ft² kg/m² kg/m²

(in frac)

Prop ppg g/L kg/m³

(in slurry)

Proppant Cost $/lb $/kg $/tonne

Pumping Rate bpm m³/min m³/min

Pumping Rate bbl/day m³/day m³/day

Reaction Rate (mol/cm³)^(1- (mol/cm³)^(1- (mol/cm³)^(1-

m)·cm/sec m)·cm/sec m)·cm/sec

Shear Rate 1/sec 1/sec 1/sec

Specific Heat Btu/lb·°F kJ/kg·°C kJ/kg·°C

Spurt Loss gal/ft² L/m² L/m²

Temperature °F °C °C

Time sec sec sec

Time min min min

Time hr hr hr

Time days days days

Time years years years

Toughness psi·in½ kPa·cm½ kPa·m½

FracproPT 2007

Thermal Btu/ft·hr·°F W/m·°C W/m·°C


Velocity ft/min m/min m/min

Velocity ft/hr m/hr m/hr

Viscosity cp mPa·s mPa·s

Volume bbls m³ m³

Volume kbls m³ m³

Volume gal m³ m³

Volume kgal m³ m³

Volume cm³ cm³ cm³

Volume Mbbls cm³ cm³

Fracture Analysis
This tutorial will take you through the primary tasks for which FracproPT’s Fracture Analysis Mode is used.

• You will first simulate the planned main-fracture treatment using estimates of the reservoir
parameters and the proposed treatment schedule. This step is typically done prior to a treatment to
predict fracture dimensions and pressures from the pumping schedule.
• Second, you will use the data-conversion capabilities in FracproPT to convert the real data (collected
by the service company) from the minifrac into a FracproPT database.
• Third, you will analyze the minifrac (with this database) in detail to obtain reasonable values for the
reservoir leakoff characteristics. This analysis is typically done before the main fracture treatment is
pumped, so that potential problems can be identified and the main-fracture treatment schedule can
be adjusted in order to perform a more optimal stimulation. Often, the minifrac and the main fracture
treatment are done on separate days so that the results of the minifrac can be used to modify the
main fracture treatment as needed. (It is possible, however, to do both jobs on the same day, and still
use the minifrac for a potentially major redesign of the main fracture treatment).
• Fourth, you will use the reservoir parameters determined from the minifrac simulation as a starting
point for matching the measured data from the main-fracture pressure response.
• Finally, in the last section of this section, some possible sources of error and difficulties that may be
encountered when matching pressure responses will be discussed.
Running from Design Parameters

Running FracproPT from Design Parameters

On the FracproPT MAIN MENU [F2] screen, choose Fracture Analysis Mode. This will take you to the WELL AND

Retrieve Input File

Select File>Open (or use the Retrieve Input File toolbar button) and then select the "Mainfrac-job design-start.inp" file,
which should be located in the ..FracproPt\Tutorial\Fracture Analysis folder.
You will get the message, Overwrite current input file? Select Yes and FracproPT will load this file into memory. Now
select Next at the bottom of the screen to go to the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen.

Fracture Analysis Options

This screen allows you to choose the conditions of the simulation. The top box on the screen refers to the origin of the
model-input data. Since you are running from job design (and not from real data), select Run From Job-Design Data. A
filled circle indicates the selected option. Later in this tutorial, you will run FracproPT from database data.

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Next, use the mouse or arrow keys and the [Tab] key to select the following model conditions on the Main Options tab:

• 3D Tip-Dominated (Default)
Next, select the following model conditions on the Additional Options tab:
• Lumped Parameter (Default)
• Freeze Dimensions after Shut-In
• Ignore Backstress Effects
• Proppant Convection
• Vertical Fracture
• Model Heat Transfer
• Run Fracture and Wellbore Models
• General Iteration
• General Multi-Scale Reservoir
The FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS screen is described in detail in the Fracture Analysis Mode section.
Select Next at the bottom of the screen to go to the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen.

Tubular Goods Configuration

This screen contains the wellbore configuration. For this well, the job parameters are summarized in Table 1 below.

Segment Length Deviation Csg ID Ann Ann ID Pipe Spec

Type OD
Annulus 5,609 0.000 4.892 4.892 1.995 2-3/8" 4.7#
Casing 6,186 0.000 4.892 0.000 0.000 5.5" 17#

Table 1 - Tubing and casing sizes

The necessary information about the wellbore will be entered through several tab screens. We will enter the information in
these screens by going from left to right through the different tabs.
It is not stricktly necessary in FracproPT to enter drilled hole information, as this does not contain any information about
the flow path. Therefore, move to the Casing tab. Set the Length for the casing segment. Next, indicate the Segment
Type by selecting the first box in the left-most column. Choose Cemented Casing. Casing weight is 17#, and once this is
selected, the Casing ID of 4.892 inches appears automatically.
Proceed to the Surface Line/Tubing tab. Set the Length for the tubing segment and set the Segment Type. Choose
Tubing. It is possible to select from a list of API standard tubing sizes. To indicate that pumping is conduct through the
annulus, select the radio button for Injection is down … Annulus on the bottom left hand bottom of the screen.
Next, enter the Top MD and Bot MD of the perforated interval to 6086 and 6186 ft, respectively. On the right side of the
screen, enter 200 for the Number of Perfs and 0.330 in for the Perf Diameter. Check the wellbore volume to the top perf
and select that the wellbore is full prior to starting the fracture treatment.
The Frac String Full field should be selected. Note that the Total String Volume is automatically calculated from the
screen entries. Check the Path Summary tab to determine if the flow path for the slurry in your well is correct.
In the Directional Survey tab, a trajectory can be loaded from a FracproPT depth based database file or from an ASCII
file using the Load Survey button. However, the wellbore in this tutorial is vertical, and a trajectory does not have to be
The final wellbore configuration can be viewed by selecting 2D Schematic View icon on the menu bar of the FracproPT
Then, select Next at the bottom of the screen to go to the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen.

Reservoir Parameters
The Layers tab of the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen is where you input the stress, permeability, and modulus
profiles, as well as specify the thermal properties of the reservoir.
The input fields for the stress profile, the permeability/leakoff profile, and the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are
found at the left, center, and right of the screen, respectively. In order to build the stress profile, type the depth and its

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corresponding stress value for each reservoir layer. The procedure is the same for the fluid permeability/leakoff and the
modulus profiles. Note that it is possible (and common) to have layers with different depths in each profile. If you have
more than 9 layers in your profile (which is not the case for this job), you may scroll up/down in the stress,
permeability/leakoff and modulus tables by using the [PgUp] and [PgDn] keys once you have selected an entry in the
table, or by using the scroll bars provided next to the column.
Input the estimate of the stress profile for this well, as given in Table 2 below. This can be done by Copying and Pasting
data from the Excel™ spreadsheet named "Layers and Schedule.xls" the Layers tab. Note that fracture closure stress
(4250 psi in this case) is defined as the stress in the layer containing the Initial Frac Depth, which is displayed at the
bottom of the screen (it should be 6136 feet, after you have entered the stress profile). Two simple reminders need to be
given about the stress profile used in the Layers tab of the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. First, the top-most
layer of the profile always extends from the surface to some depth. This is why the first value of Depth is always set to
zero (that is, depth at surface). Second, for the model to function, the stress profile needs to have at least three layers
defined, with Initial Frac Depth in the middle layer.

# Depth (ft) Stress (psi)

1 0 4100

2 5695 4400

3 5805 4650

4 5917 4250

5 6023 4950

6 6060 4250

7 6230 4900

8 6255 5200

9 6277 4900

10 6325 5150

11 6375 5350

12 6470 5450

Table 2: Stress profile estimated from calibrated stress log

The next step is to enter the fluid permeability/leakoff profile for this well, as given in Table 3. The toggle field at the
bottom of the permeability/leakoff table is used to indicate which parameter (either permeability or leakoff coefficient) you
wish to enter. Toggle the field so that the message Enter Permeability is displayed under Fluid Loss Entry Mode, and
then enter the permeability profile, as given in the Table below. Note that the model can accept values for either the Pore
Fluid Perm or the Leakoff Coefficient, depending on how the toggle at the top of the table is set. If you input values for
one, FracproPT will automatically calculate the other based on the parameters you specify in the Additional Properties
tab of the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen (more on this later). The calculation is also based on the leakoff
characteristics of the pumped fluids as indicated on the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA [Shift]-[F5] screen
(discussed later in the tutorial).

Depth Pore Pay

(ft) Fluid Zone

0 0 -
5917 0.01

6023 0 -

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6060 0.01

6230 0 -
Table 3: Permeability profile
Next, use the values given in Table 4 below to build the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio profile. Any reasonable
value of Poisson’s Ration (for example, 0.25) is adequate.

Beginning Young's Poisson's

Depth (ft) Modulus Ratio

0 5.00e+06 0.2

5918 5.00e+06 0.2

6470 7.50e+06 0.22

Table 4: Profile of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio
When you have finished entering the stress, permeability, modulus and Poisson's ratio profiles, select Layer Display at
the bottom of the screen to see a graphical representation of the stress, permeability, Young's modulus, and Poisson's
ratio profiles. Select the layer name from the list. Close this screen to go back to the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
Just for display purposes (for now) you can change the reservoir lithology on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen to go to the reservoir screen. Change the table on this screen to read the values given in Table 5 below.

Depth Rock
(ft) Type

0 Shale

5917 Sandstone

6023 Shale

6060 Sandstone

6230 Shale
Table 5: Reservoir lithology profile
The Depth to Top of Perfs and Depth to Bot of Perfs (displayed at the bottom left side of the screen) are calculated
based on the lengths of the casing/tubing segments you defined on the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen. The
Initial Frac Depth given below these values depends on the stress profile in the perforated region. FracproPT always
assigns the Initial Frac Depth to be at the middle of the layer within the perforated interval that contains the minimum
For underground hydraulic fractures at considerable depth, such as this one, Fracture Toughness does not play a
significant role in controlling fracture growth. For this well, use a value of 1500 psi in½. Enter the value 1500 in the middle
column for each of the depths listed on the Layers tab.
The Composite Layering Effect, which is often used to calibrate fracture height growth to direct fracture growth
measurements from downhole tilt mapping or microseismic fracture mapping, can also be set at 1.0 for all of the Depths
from Stress Layer Depths
For Reservoir Temperature, enter 170° F. This input is located on the lower half of the Layers tab.
Now you must specify the relationship between the Pore Fluid Permeability and the Leakoff Coefficient. First, you must
select the Additional properties tab of the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. Select the type of reservoir by
moving to Reservoir Type and selecting the User Spec option. Enter the values shown in Table 6 below.

Leakoff Fluid 10.0

Ratio (Kp/Kl)

FracproPT 2007

Reservoir Pore 2010

Pressure (psi)

Average 4750
Pressure in
Fracture (psi)

Pore Fluid 0.0005


Pore Fluid 0.01

Viscosity (cp)

Porosity 0.075

Gas-in-Foam 100
Table 6: Values for Additional Reservoir Properties screen
Once you have entered the values from the Table, select Next to go to the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5]

Fluid and Proppant Selection

This screen allows you to choose the appropriate fluid(s) and proppant(s) for the simulation from the Fluid and Proppant
Libraries. FracproPT will load the rheological and friction properties for each fluid you select, as well as load the
characteristics for each proppant type you choose (that is, cost, bulk density, porosity, turbulence coefficients, diameter,
and closure stress/permeability relationship) from the libraries.
First, you need to load the fluids for the design treatment simulation. To choose the appropriate fluids, select Add New
Fluid to List on the left side of the Fluid Selection tab. A screen will appear with choices of System Library, which is a
library of the most commonly used fracturing fluids by the major service companies, and User Library, which is a library
that can be custom-built by each user. For this case, the fluids used in the design are in the System Library. Select that
library and choose Miscellaneous. Next, choose Tutorial, and from there select 40# gel. After you select each fluid, it
may take several seconds to load the fluid into FracproPT's memory.
To view the properties of a fluid after you have loaded it, select the fluid name in the table and press [Enter]. As a
demonstration, look at the data available for the 40# gelled fluid: select 40# in the table. This takes you to the EDIT/VIEW
INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA [Shift]-[F5] screen, which consistes of several tabs. On this screen, the name and
complete description of the selected fluid (40# in this case) are displayed at the top of the screen, with a message
indicating whether this data has been modified since the fluid type was first loaded from the library.
The Fluid Friction Properties tab contains friction-pressure data for the 40# gel. To calculate bottomhole pressure from
surface pressure measurements, the data in ths table is interpolated at the proper slurry rates.
Rheology data for the 40# gel is available in the Fluid Rheology Properties tab screen. The table on the left hand side of
the screen displays the flow-behavior index (n') and the consistency index (K') as functions of time for the current
reservoir temperature. This table is a numerical representation of the rheology curves provided by service companies in
their fluids manuals.
The rheological properties are dependent on the fluid's temperature, specified as Reservoir Temp in the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen. This temperature appears in Fluid Rheology Data For a Reservoir Temperature field
displayed above the table. Given the Time and Shear Rate (which you indicate next to the table), FracproPT calculates
the apparent viscosity (App. Visc.).
Select any of the options n' Versus Time, K' Versus Time, or Viscosity Versus Time to view the data graphically. This
will take you to an auto configured plot (more on auto configured plots vs. user configured plots later in this tutorial). To
return from an auto-configured plot, press [Esc]. The desired range of time (in hours) for these plots may be specified in
Maximum Time For Plots on this screen.
Select Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab screen, which allows you to edit the Wall Building Coeff (CW), Spurt
Loss, and Fluid Density of the selected fluid. The table to the right displays the Pore Fluid Perm (which you entered in
the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen), the Total Leakoff Coeff and the Reservoir Leakoff Coeff. The message
(in blue) at the top of the table should indicate that FracproPT is calculating Ctotal from the permeability (entered on the
The effect of changing the Wall Building Coeff on the Total Leakoff Coeff (Ctotal) is only implemented when Enter
Permeability (on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen) is selected. Otherwise, when changing the Wall

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Building Coefficient, only the calculated permeability will be altered, while the total leakoff coefficient stays the same.
Reasonable values for the Wall Building Coefficient lie between 0.0001 and 0.01 ft min , and for Spurt Loss between 0
and 1.0 gal/ft .
The wellbore friction pressure loss and rheological properties of the selected fluid (40# in this case), which are displayed
on this screen (EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA), are for the current simulation. If you want to alter a fluid's
properties for use with other input files, you can save the altered version in the User Library. This is done by selecting
Library Data, changing the appropriate option and the saving the new fluid. The options on this SCREEN (EDIT/VIEW

• Edit/View Library Data – Friction Data

• Edit/View Library Data – Rheology Data
• Edit/View Library Data – Fluid Loss and Thermal Data
• Save Fluid to User Library
• Delete Fluid From User Library
These choices take you to screens that allow you to permanently change the rheology and friction-pressure data as well
as save/delete them to/from your customized User Library. For a more detailed discussion of these options and their
uses, refer to the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION section in the Fracture Analysis Mode section Help.
[Shift]-[F5] screen. On this screen, select Next to go back to the original FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5]
Select the Proppant Selection tab. The structure of the Proppant Library and the process needed to select a proppant
from the library and view its properties are very similar to that of the Fluid Library. To load the necessary proppant type
from the database, select Add New Proppant to List. A pop-up menu will appear with choices of System Library and
User Library. These libraries are analogous in nature and purpose to the ones for the fluids that were just described.
Select System Library and choose Brady Sand. Next, select the size 20/40 from the pop-up menu since, for this job,
Brady-20/40 was pumped.
To view the properties of a proppant type, select the proppant name (Brady-20/40 in this case) in the table. This takes
you to the EDIT/VIEW PROPPANT LIBRARY screen where you can edit the properties of the proppant and Save
Proppant to User Library or Delete Proppant from User Library.
The physical characteristics of the proppant are listed in the center of the screen. Note that you can input directly the
value of any of these properties except the Proppant Specific Gravity, which is calculated from the Proppant Bulk
Density and the Packed Proppant Porosity. The table on the right side allows you to define the closure-
stress/permeability characteristics of the proppant. Note that the closure-stress values are specified by FracproPT.
Select Next to return to the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.
The Create User Defined Prop field takes you to the EDIT/VIEW PROPPANT LIBRARY screen discussed above and
allows you to define the proppant characteristics on the screen as discussed above. The Prop Effects on W'bore Fric
option takes you to the screen where you can change the proppant effect on wellbore friction. This option is discussed in
the last section of this tutorial (Possible Sources of Difficulties in Matching).
For a more detailed discussion of all these screens and options, you may use the on-line help by pressing [F1] on any
screen or by referring to the FRACTURE ANALYSIS MODE section of this help.
Select Next to go to the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen.

Treatment Schedule
The TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen Design Schedule tab allows you to specify the lengths and conditions of the
different design stages in a job. The clean volume pumped (CleanVol), slurry rate (Slry Rate), proppant concentration
(PropCon) and the stage length (StageLen) are numeric inputs in the first through fourth columns, respectively, while the
fluids (Fluid Type) and proppants (Proppant Type) used are pop-up fields in the sixth and seventh columns, respectively.
The fluids and proppants are taken from the lists you selected in the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen.
Please note that the Design Schedule tab is the active tab from which FracproPT runs when you have selected Run
Fracture and Wellbore Models from… Job-Design Data on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS (F4) screen.
FracproPT will run from the Actual Schedule tab (not available now) when you have selected Run Fracture and
Wellbore Models from … Database Data or Real-Time Data on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS (F4) screen.
To enter data (from Table 7 below) into the treatment schedule, first move the cursor to the bottom-right corner of the
screen. Toggle the displayed message until you get the option Calculate… Volume From Time. By choosing this option,
you indicate that you will input the length of each stage in minutes and allow FracproPT to calculate the corresponding
CleanVol. Alternatively, you could have chosen Calculate… Time from Volume, which implies that you will input the
CleanVol for each stage and allow the model to calculate the corresponding StageLen.

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Now, move the cursor to the first row and right click to Insert Row until at least 12 rows are available. Use the entries
from the Table below to enter the design treatment schedule for this job - this can easiest be retrieved by Copying and
Pasting from the "Design Schedule" tab in the "Layers and Schedule.xls". Stage Type, Fluid Type and Proppant Type can
be selected through a list of choices in combo boxes and can be copied and pasted to other cells using the standard
Windows [Cntr]-[C] and [Cntr]-[V] commands.

Stage Type Slurry Proppant Clean Vol Fluid Type Proppant Type
Rate (bpm) Conc (ppg) (gal)

1 Main Frac Pad 27.0 0.0 26000 40#

2 Main Frac Slurry 27.0 1.0 3000 40# Brady-20/40

3 Main Frac Slurry 27.0 2.0 2500 40# Brady-20/40

4 Main Frac Slurry 27.0 3.0 4000 40# Brady-20/40

5 Main Frac Slurry 27.0 4.0 3500 40# Brady-20/40

6 Main Frac Slurry 27.0 5.0 4500 40# Brady-20/40

7 Main Frac Slurry 27.0 6.0 4000 40# Brady-20/40

8 Main Frac Slurry 27.0 7.0 4000 40# Brady-20/40

9 Main Frac Slurry 27.0 8.0 1500 40# Brady-20/40

10 Main Frac Flush 27.0 0.0 3969 Slickwater

11 Shut-in 0.0 0.0 *SHUT-IN*

Table 7: Main fracture treatment schedule (design)

Once the schedule has been entered, move to Wellbore Fluid (toward the top right of the screen) and select Slickwater
to indicate the kind of fluid that will be present in the wellbore at the start of pumping.
Select Next at the bottom of the screen to go to the FRACTURE ANALYSIS CONTROL [F10] screen.

Fracture Analysis Control

The SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen is the main screen in Fracture Analysis Mode. Most of the previously visited
screens, as well as additional ones, may be accessed from here. The only options on this screen that will be discussed at
present are the ones commonly used during the pressure- matching process. For a more detailed description of this
screen, you may use the on-line help available in FracproPT by pressing [F1] while viewing the screen.
Enter a Start Time of 0, a Time step of 0.5, and an End Time of 100 minutes. Next, select Run Simulator to run the
model (or press [Alt]-[R]). When this is done, note the procession of the bars in the upper half of the screen. These bars
indicate the length of each stage (as defined on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen Design Schedule tab) on a
logarithmic scale. The initial bars indicate the lengths of the stages; the overlaying bars appearing while the model is
running indicate how far the model has run relative to the treatment schedule.

Results Plots
On the SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen, select the Plot List option to go to the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen. On
this screen, you can choose to view Auto Configured Plots (for example the Pressure Match, created Fracture
Dimensions, and Propped Dimensions), or User Configured Plots. Auto Configured Plots are commonly used plots
that FracproPT creates automatically for ease of access. There are 13 Auto Configured Plots at the bottom of the list.
These plots cannot be modified. Instead, if the plot curves are out of range of the plot frame, you may select Auto-Scale
to properly scale the curves in the plot.
To demonstrate the Auto Configured Plots, select Pressure Match (Plot #35, see Figure 2 below) to view a graph of the
net pressure (calculated by the model) as well as the slurry rate and the proppant concentration (as defined in the
TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen). Press the key sequence [Alt]-[R] to run the model again while viewing this
screen. When the curves on the plot run beyond the range of the graph while the model is running, select the AutoScale
Plot icon to automatically modify the plot's range. Once the model has finished running, to get a hardcopy of the plot,
select Print Current Screen icon on the FracproPT menu. This will take you to the PAGE CONTROL screen.

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Figure 1 below is a sample copy of this screen. The input fields (on the top of the screen) are used to add text to the plot.
Title #1, Title #2, Title #3, and Title #4 fields are used to add titles to X-Y plots, while the Title for Fracture, Stage and
Width Profiles is used to add a title to the Fracture Profile and Stage Profiles plots (discussed later).

Figure 1: The Graphics Output Control screen

The input fields in the bottom half of the screen allow you to define the printing options. Output Mode allows you either to
directly print a hardcopy of the plot, or to save it to a file for future printing. Select Next at the bottom-right corner to return
to the plot on the screen.
Now, select Cursor Editing. This will take you to another screen that contains a scaled copy of the graph.
You may display a different channel by selecting it from the Channel drop-down list or by using the Tab key or by using
the Switch Labels icon on the plot menu. You can move to any location on the selected channel by using the scroll bar to
move the cursor back and forth or use the mouse to position the cursor on a channel. The speed of the cursor is defined
by selecting the desired option in the Cursor Increment drop-down list.
The Wellbore Transit Time may also be displayed by marking the Wellbore Transit Time check box.
When this is done, a green vertical line on the screen identifies the point in time when the material being pumped at the
cursor's location (the arrow on the screen) reaches the fracture. Note that during a shut-in (or low pumping rates), the
wellbore transition time will be very large.
Below the plot are several information boxes that give, for the current cursor position, the Time (horizontal axis), Value
(vertical axis), Slope, Stage, and Wellbore Transit Time, as well as the Cursor Increment (changed with the [+] and [-]
keys) and the Set Stage Mode (toggled with [Ins] key). You can also insert stages by right-clicking the colored stage bar
at the top of the graph.
Now, press [Esc] to exit this screen and return to the plot. Press [Esc] again to return to the PLOT DISPLAY LIST [Alt]-
[F8] screen.

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Figure 2: Pressure prediction for the main fracture treatment design

The User Configured Plots listed on the results plots screen are user-defined plots that may be accessed from this screen.
These plots may be modified at any time. There are 23 User Configured Plots. The names of these plots are user-
dependent and may be changed by selecting Edit Title from this screen. If you want to edit an Auto Configured Plot, you
can copy it to one of the User Configured Plots by using the Copy button on this screen.
To demonstrate the use of these plots, choose the fifth plot under this category on the screen (Friction Pressures). This
will take you to a graph containing the plots of Total Friction (psi), NearWbore Fric (psi), and Perf Friction (psi). The
difference between this kind of graph and the Auto Configured Plots is that you can select the Plot Preference icon on
the plot menu bar to modify the plot. The options on this screen will be explained in detail later in the tutorial (in the
Matching the Minifrac in Fracture Analysis section).
Press [Esc] until you return to the PLOT DISPLAY LIST [Alt+F8] screen where all the plots in FracproPT are listed.
Press [Esc] to return to the RESULTS PLOTS screen and Back to go back to the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL
[F10] screen.

Fracture Profile
To see a 2D view of the fracture, select Fracture Profile from the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen.
This will take you to another screen with a view of the wellbore and fracture. The permeability layers (defined in the
RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen) are displayed on the left, while the stress profile (defined on the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen as well) is shown on the right. An outline of the propped fracture is presented to the left of the
fracture. The left-most vertical axis is the depth below the surface, while the x-axis is the distance from the wellbore. The
options available from this screen are displayed below the graphics. Picture Scales allows you to define limits for the
graphics, Max Length is a numeric input for the desired range of the horizontal axis on this screen, and Print Plot allows
you to print this fracture profile (in the same manner as was done above in the RESULTS PLOTS screen).
Select Picture Scales to change some limits on this profile. When this is done, you will see a screen that contains a box
with three options. For this job, make the Minimum Stress 3500, Maximum Stress 5500, and the Plot Increment 10.
Plot Increment affects the resolution of the rings displayed in the fracture profile. Select Back when done to return to the
fracture profile screen. Note how the limits have changed in the profile according to the changes you made. Next, input
500 for a Max Length and select Back to return to the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen.

Stage Profiles
Select Stage Profiles from the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen. Now, you will have the option to Plot
Proppant Concentration, Plot Fracture Conductivity, Plot Volume Fraction Proppant, Plot Temperature, and Plot
Viscosity. When any of these items is selected, a screen will appear with a centered profile of the fracture. For now,
select Plot Proppant Concentration. Each ring of the profile represents a different stage of the treatment schedule
defined in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen. The different colors/shades represent the varying levels of the
parameter being plotted (proppant concentration, fracture conductivity, volume fraction of the proppant, temperature, or

FracproPT 2007

viscosity). The units of the profile are displayed at the top of the screen above the fracture profile. The vertical axis is the
depth from the surface, while the horizontal axis is the distance away from the wellbore. The part of the vertical axis in
blue represents the perforated zone.
To the left of the plot is a profile of the width of the fracture (similar to that seen in the WIDTH PROFILE [Alt+F7] screen
discussed later). Select Stage Info below the profile to go to the PROPPANT STAGE DISPLAY screen, which provides
numeric data about each ring. Here, you may Generate 3D Mesh for the fracture for use by an independent reservoir
simulator. Select Back to return to the stage profile screen.
The range of the horizontal axis may be changed by the Max Length option (as you did in Fracture Profile above), while
the Max Value option affects the range of the variable being plotted (in this case, the variable is proppant concentration).
The Print Plot option is identical to that used in the RESULTS PLOTS screen.
Select Back to return to the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen.

Width Profile
Select Width Profile from the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen to go to the WIDTH PROFILE
[Alt+F7] screen. This will take you to a 2D view of the fracture width. The vertical axis represents the depth below surface
(in feet) and the horizontal axis is the width (in inches). The Max Width field affects the range of the horizontal axis while
the Max Height field affects the range of the vertical axis. Print Plot allows you to print this profile.
Select Back to return to the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen.

Tabular Display
You can also view the results of the model in numeric form by selecting Numeric Output from the FRACTURE
SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen. All the data presented on this screen may also be displayed graphically in plots.
Select Back to return to the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen.

Save Results
Once the model has completed the simulation (the initial bars on the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen
have been overlaid by bars of another color), select File and Save As from the FracproPT menu or select the Save As
icon and type a file name of you own. Now, you have saved the results of this design run. A file called "Mainfrac-job
design-final.inp" is included in the Tutorial. If you think you did not correctly input all the parameters up to this point, you
can retrieve this file and continue the tutorial.
Select Back to return to the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen.

Other Options in the Fracture Simulation Control [F10] Screen

The Model Inputs Plot displays a graph of the inputs the model is currently using. In this case (since you are running
from job-design data), you will see a plot of the inputs you specified in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen. If you
were running from database data or running from real-time data, this plot would display the channels you indicated in the
CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift]-[F6] screen (more on this when you choose Run From Database Data later in
the tutorial).
The Wellbore Profile option will take you to a screen containing a profile of the wellbore. Here, you may view the
Viscosity of Slurry in Wellbore, the Concentration of Proppant in Wellbore, or the Temperature of Slurry in
Wellbore. Select the profile from the drop-down list. You may set the Max Value for the profile as well. Selecting
Wellbore Info will take you to a screen containing Stage #s of the treatment schedule that are currently present in the
wellbore, and the Length of the wellbore each stage occupies.
Select Back to return to the profile and select Back again to return to the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL [F10]
The Reservoir Params, and Run Options will take you to the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9], and the FRACTURE
ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screens, respectively. The Run To End Of Data option is used only in real-time analysis. The
Stop Simulator and Resume Run options are self-explanatory. System Messages takes you to a screen containing a
list of the most recent messages. To exit that screen, press [Esc]. The Compare Results option allows you to recall other
runs so that they may be compared with each other, or with the current run. The Generate Report option allows you to
print a report containing the inputs and results of the model as you specify. This option will be used at the end of the
tutorial to generate a report for the main-fracture analysis.
The next section of this tutorial explains in detail the steps to convert real data from ASCII files to a FracproPT database.
Using the Service Company Pump Data

Launching DataConvertPT Utility

FracproPT 2007

In order to run FracproPT with real data, you will first need to convert the raw data collected by the service company into
a FracproPT database. Go to the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen, and Select … "minifrac data.xls". This
will automatically launch DataConvertPT. Note that the data has no time column and that timestep is 5 seconds.

Select Input
DataConvertPT has automatically marked the start row. If you wished to select another row as the beginning of numerical
data, for conversion, you would select that row by clicking on the first column and pressing the Select 1st Line of Source
Data button.
This data file is known to have a fixed time step size of 5 seconds. Set the Time Step to Fixed and enter 5 second in the
box below fixed. For Start Time and Start Date, enter 09:43:00.00 and 11/28/2000.

Define Output
Now that you have opened all the files needed, you will name the output channels. The first column contains surface
pressure measured in the casing. Select the down-arrow button under column heading A and the row containing the
Name. Select Surf Press [Csg]. FracproPT will automatically select the channel for output at assign Units to the
selected channel. Continue the selection for all other channels according to the table provided below. For the pH and the
fluid viscosity, select User Defined and retype the correct channel name.

Filename Input Output Long Name Short Name

Column Column

Minfrac data.xls 1st 1 Surf Press [Csg] (psi) THCS

Minfrac data.xls 2nd 2 Dead String Press (psi) DSPR

Minfrac data.xls 3rd 3 Clean Flow Rate (bpm) CLRT

Minfrac data.xls 4th 4 Bottomhole Temp (∞F) BTEM

Minfrac data.xls 5th 5 Fluid pH -

Minfrac data.xls 6th 6 Viscosity (cp) -

Table 8: Mini frac ascii data channels

Once you have assigned all channels, you should now have 6 Output Channels selected on the bottom right of the
DataConvertPT screen. Now select Fixed Time Step and enter 5 seconds for the output time step size. Select
FracproPT Database as the output file type.

Create Output File

Press Create Output File(s). You will be prompted for a name for the file; enter for example Minidata.dbs for the Output
Binary File Name (database). A message box displays the conversion progress.
FracproPT will now automatically launch another utility, DataEditPT. You can now see the data and edit it if necessary. If
all data look OK, close DataEditPT to go back the FracproPT.
Matching the Minifrac

Matching the Minifrac in Fracture Analysis

In this section of the tutorial, you will use the FracproPT database you created for the Sawyer 144A No.5 well minifrac as
input for the model to obtain a good match of its pressure response. Thus, a reasonable estimate of the necessary input
parameters needed to match the pressure response of the main fracture is obtained (as in the next section of the tutorial).
You will, first, retrieve the FracproPT database you created above. Next, since the minifrac and the main fracture have
similar conditions (that is, the inputs of the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4], WELLBORE CONFIGURATION
[F7], PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] and the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screens), you will use
many of the inputs you have already entered in your input file for the minifrac match. You will also load the minifrac fluids
(which are not the same as the main-fracture fluids used in your design) from the fluids library and define the minifrac
treatment schedule (which is also different from the main fracture treatment schedule).
The appropriate channels from the database must be specified as sources for the pressure and flow rate data to be input
to the simulator. Once done, you will run the model and view the results. Depending on the resulting pressure match (the
match between the Observed Net Pressure, which is calculated from the collected pressure data, and the Net Pressure,

FracproPT 2007

which is the pressure predicted by FracproPT), you will go back and modify specific input parameters and re-run the
model. You will repeat this procedure until you are satisfied with the pressure match. At that point, you will use the final
input parameters as starting points for matching the pressure response of the main fracture treatment, which will be done
in the next section of this tutorial.

Retrieve Input File

From FracproPT MAIN MENU [F2] screen, choose Fracture Analysis Operating Mode as you did in the first section of
the tutorial. This will take you to the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen. If you are not certain you
have followed all the steps up to this point correctly or if you are starting here, you should load the file "Mainfrac- job
design-final.inp" from the ..\Tutorial\Fracture Analysis Tutorial folder.
Choose Next in the bottom right corner to go to the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen.

Fracture Analysis Options

This screen allows you to choose the conditions of the simulation. The top box on the screen refers to the origin of the
data for the model inputs. In the first section of this tutorial you selected Run Fracture and Wellbore Models From…
Job-Design Data. Now, since you want to run from the data collected by the service company during the minifrac (in the
form of the FracproPT database Minidata.dbs), select Run Fracture and Wellbore Models From… Database Data.
Under Database File Location, press Select... and choose the file you just created called "Minidata.dbs" from the
..\Tutorial\Fracture Analysis Tutorial folder. If you are not sure you exactly followed the instructions in the previous
section of this tutorial (Creating a Database from an ASCII File) or if you are starting with this section, you can load the
database file "Minifrac data.dbs" instead. Now, the data has been loaded into FracproPT.
Select Next at the bottom of the screen to go to the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen.

Channel Input for Models

This screen is used only when you are running from real data (which is indicated in the FRACTURE ANALYSIS
OPTIONS [F4] screen by selecting Run Fracture and Wellbore Models From… Database Data or Run Fracture and
Wellbore Models From… Real-Time Data). This screen allows you to indicate which database channels (or real-time
channels) FracproPT should use for input. "Minidata.dbs", the file you created earlier (or "Minifrac data.dbs" the file
included in the Tutorial), contains six channels that you will use:
• Surf Press [Csg] (THCS)
• Dead String Press (DSPR)
• Clean Flow Rate (CLRT)
• Bottomhole Temp (BTEM)
• Fluid pH (-)
• Viscosity (-)
The FracproPT model requires the use of at least one of the pressure channels and the flow rate. Nevertheless, you will
load both pressure channels as well as the flow rate into the following input fields on the screen:
Surf Press [Csg] ==> Treating Pressure
Dead String Press ==> Dead String Pressure
Clean Flow Rate ==> Clean Flowrate
To load a channel (Dead String Press, for example), go to the appropriate input field (Dead String Press in this case)
and double-click on the Database Channel Names column. A lis will appear with the six channels contained in the
database file. Select the appropriate channel (Dead String Press) from the list and repeat this procedure for the other two
channels (Surf Pressure [Csg] and Clean Flow Rate).
Once you have specified the three channels, go to the input field toward the bottom of the screen labeled Observed Net
Pressure and select From Dead String Pressure. This choice tells FracproPT that you want the Observed Net
Pressure (more about it later) to be calculated from the data specified in the Dead String Pressure input field above (in
this case, the Dead String Pressure channel of "Minifrac data.dbs"). If you had a true bottomhole channel, then you
could calculate Observed Net Pressure From Bottomhole Pressure. You could also select From Surface Treating
Pressure, but this will noty reflect bottomhole pressure condictions during pumping as accurately as the Dead String
Pressure, as wellbore friction is generally not well known.
Close the Fracture Model Inputs plot and select Next at the bottom of the screen to go to the WELLBORE

Tubular Goods Configuration

FracproPT 2007

All the inputs in this screen are identical to those you used in the first section of the tutorial to create the file "Mainfrac- job
design-final.inp". Therefore, select Next at the bottom right corner of the screen to go to the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS
[F9] screen.

Reservoir Parameters
The parameters for this screen, at least for the time being, will not be changed. Therefore, select Next at the bottom right
corner of the screen to go to the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7] screen and Next again to go to the FLUID AND

Fluid and Proppant Selection

As you have already seen in the earlier part of this Tutorial in the section Running FracproPT from Design Parameters,
this screen allows you to choose the appropriate fluid(s) and proppant(s) for the simulation from a database. In the
minifrac, however, no proppant was pumped, and thus, you will only use this screen to select and edit the fluids used.
These fluids were different from those used earlier for the main fracture design (in Running FracproPT from Design
Parameters). In this case you want to load 2% KCl, 50#, and SAMPLE from the System Library like you did for the main
fracture design earlier in the tutorial. Load these fluids using the Miscellaneous Vendor selection and the Tutorial
System selection.
Now view the wellbore friction data available for the SAMPLE fluid by double-clicking on the fluid name. This will take you
to the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA [Shift]-[F5] screen. On this screen, the name and complete description
of the fluid (SAMPLE) are displayed at the top of the screen along with the Modified Properties status of the fluid's
parameters used by the model. The Fluid Friction Properties tab contains SAMPLE's friction pressure data. This
represents the wellbore friction-pressure loss associated with the SAMPLE fluid when it is pumped through the type of
tubulars (specified earlier in the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen) displayed above this table. The remark
Friction Data for Selected Fluid and Wellbore Segment tells you which tubulars segment is being considered for the
displayed friction data. In the case of more than one type of tubulars (specified in the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION
[F7] screen), the Next Segment and Prev Segment fields under Selected Wellbore Segment allow you to toggle
through and view the different friction-pressure losses associated with each segment.
The wellbore-friction pressure-loss data displayed (and edited) here is a numerical summary of the curves provided by the
service company. The presence of three flow rates and their associated friction-pressure loss is used to characterize
these curves. The first flow rate, and its associated friction-pressure loss, is taken from the laminar region; the third flow
rate is taken from the turbulent region; the second flow rate, however, is the transition flow rate between the two regions.
You may plot the friction data for All Fluids on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen by selecting Plot
Data Friction Pressure vs. Rate on the Fluid Friction Properties tab of the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA
[Shift]-[F5] screen. This will produce an auto-plot of the data similar to the figure shown below.

Figure: Example of a wellbore friction curve.

Press [Esc] to return to the EDIT/VIEW INTERPOLATED FLUID DATA [Shift]-[F5] screen.

FracproPT 2007

Since you will be using Dead String Pressure to calculate Observed Net Pressure (more later in this section), you need
not worry about estimating wellbore friction pressure losses.
To view the data available for the other selected fluids select the desired fluid from the Name drop-down list.
The Fluid Rheology Properties tab of this screen contains the flow-behavior index (n') and the consistency index (K') as
functions of time.
Now, select Back to go back to the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen, and select Next to go to the

Treatment Schedule
You have already set the design stages for the treatment schedule in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen and the
Design Treatment Schedule tab. However, the minifrac stages have not been specified and are not yet present in the
Actual Treatment Schedule tab of this screen. Therefore, select Set Staging From Measured Data at the bottom of this
screen, and this launches an automatic plot.
The easiest way to set stages in this graph is by selecting the Auto Stage button at the bottom of this graphical screen.
You will see that this has automatically created 4 stages – 2 pumping stages and 2 shut-in stages – and added these to
the Actual Treatment Schedule tab in the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen.
FracproPT cannot automatically recognize the viscosity channel for automatic staging, and thus does not recognize that
the crosslink gel for the minifrac is flushed with 2% KCl. We therefore need to set the end of the third stage to 85.6
minutes to account for this change. Move the cursor to this time on the viscosity channel and press the Set Stage button
when the viscosity decreases from about 50 cP to less than 10 cP. Now, bring the cursor to the stage bar above the graph
and make a right-click on stage 4 to Insert Stage and confirm. The fourth stage will be the flushing of the wellbore with
2% KCl (from 85.6 to 89.3 minutes). You can set the correct end time of stage 4 by selecting it once again on the stage
bar by right-clicking and the selecting Auto Set Stage. This will automatically find the end of this stage at 89.3 minutes at
the end of pumping. The fifth stage will be the shut-in at the end of the job (from 89.3 to 150 minutes). Move the cursor to
150 minutes press the Set Stage button to set the end of stage 5.
Return to the TREATMENT SCHEDULE screen (by pressing [F6]) and select the Actual Treatment Schedule tab to
indicate the average slurry rate, proppant concentration and fluid type. Use the treatment schedule displayed in Table 10
below. Note that in this case (unlike the main fracture design) no proppant is pumped. Note also that by running from
database data, you have effectively chosen Calculate… Volume From Time. If there are any additional stages beyond
stage 5, click on the row number to select a row and press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove this stage.

Stage Stage Type Slry Rate Stage Length Fluid Type

1 Water injection 21 3.9 2% KCl

2 Shut-in 0.0 53.1 SHUT-IN

3 Minifrac 17.0 25.5 50#

4 Minifrac 17.0 4.1 2% KCl

5 Shut-in 0.0 60.7 SHUT-IN

Table 10: Mini frac treatment schedule

Once the schedule has been set, select 2% KCl as Wellbore Fluid to indicate the fluid present in the wellbore before the
beginning of pumping.
Next, select Next at the bottom-right of the screen to go to the SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen.

Fracture Simulation Control

This screen is the main screen for the Fracture Analysis mode, and most of the previously viewed screens, as well as
others, may be accessed from here.
Enter a Start Time of 0 minutes, an End time of 200 minutes, and a Timestep of 0.1 minutes. Notice that FracproPT re-
assigns a Start Time of 2.75 minutes, instead of 0 as specified, because this is the first data point with a positive Clean
Flow Rate.
Next select Run Simulator to start the model. When this is done, note again the procession of the bars in the upper half
of the screen. Figure 4 below shows the resulting pressure response. If you do not get the same result, retrieve an
intermediate input file with the name "Minifrac-stagesOK.inp".

FracproPT 2007

Figure 4: Mini frac net-pressure match (not yet matching)

Discussion of Pressure Analysis

Before you continue further, it is necessary to define Observed Net Pressure and Net Pressure. For accurate simulation of
the hydraulic fracturing process, bottomhole pressure, PBottomhole must be known with considerable accuracy. Bottomhole
pressure, when not measured directly, can be calculated using the following formula:
PBottomhole = PSurface + PHead - PFriction Equation 1
where PSurface is the treating pressure measured at the surface; PHead is the hydrostatic head, or weight, of the fluid in the
wellbore; and PFriction is the friction-pressure loss in the pipe. Once bottomhole pressure is known, the net fracturing
pressure, PNet (the pressure in the fracture above closure stress), can be calculated as follows:
PNet = PBottomhole - PClosure - PPerf/Wellbore Equation 2
where PClosure is the closure stress on the fracture, and PPerf/Wellbore is the frictional pressure drop across the
perforations and near-wellbore region (due to the tortuosity of the path).
Observed Net Pressure in FracproPT is defined by Equation 2. On the other hand, Net Pressure (which is the Modeled
Net Pressure in FracproPT) is a function of the measured flow rate, fluid rheology, proppant concentration, and reservoir
description. A net pressure match is based on matching the trends in the Observed Net Pressure with the (Model) Net
Pressure in order to estimate fracture dimensions.
To do this, you should be aware of some important caveats. First, the determination of the pressure loss in the pipes,
PFriction, is crucial in calculating bottomhole pressure, PBottomhole , when bottomhole pressure is not provided. These
unknowns are very difficult to predict since they are dependent on the specific conditions of each job. As a result, it is
easier to measure these frictional losses during the job than it is to calculate them ahead of time. This may be done via
flow-rate changes and/or shut-ins, which can provide useful data for measuring these losses (see Determining Frictional
Losses). Second, the accurate measurement of fracture closure pressure is also important in calculating Observed Net
Pressure. This value cannot be determined accurately from sonic logs. It is advisable that stress tests or small-volume
minifracs be conducted, rather than sonic logs, to measure the closure stress in the pay zone as well as at other depths
(see Determining a Stress Profile). Third, it is also important that the leakoff characteristics of the reservoir be
determined accurately, since this is a critical factor in the propagation of the fracture (see Determining a
Permeability/Leakoff Profile).

Determining Closure Stress

First, we will set the start and end time for the two minifracs and the shut-ins on the Input tab of the MINIFRAC
ANALSYIS [Shift-F8] screen. FracproPT allows you to analyze up to 3 diagnostic injections, and we will just concentrate
on Injection #1 in this tutorial. Set the type of pumping cycle to Water Injection (this corresponds to stage 1 in the Actual
tab of the TREATMENT SCHEDULE (F6) screen). The easiest way to set the start and end times is to select the Auto
checkbox, which makes FracproPT pick these times automatically from the stages that have already been set. Note that
pressure was released during the pressure decline at 21 minutes, so the End Decline should be set to 21 minutes. Run

FracproPT 2007

the model using the [Alt]-[R] shortcut, and select the Create Plots button. Then, click on View Summary Plot to make
sure that the correct time intervals were picked.
Select the Closure Stress tab to see that it only shows zeros, but as we conduct the analysis using the two minifracs, the
table will be populated. If the vertical lines for the stages do not correspond to the actual injections, you have to set your
stage times correctly first. Double-click on the ISIP Plot. Detailed instructions on how to operate the plots can be easily
viewed by selecting Help [F1] once you have selected a plot. Position a tangent line on the Meas’d Btmh by right-clicking
on this channel. Change the position of the tangent line by lifting the endpoints or the body of the line. Once you are
satisfied with how if aligns with the Meas’d Btmh Press channel, move the cursor to the intersection of the tangent line
and the vertical line that indicates the end of pumping and right-click. Click OK to accept a BH ISIP value of around 4614
psi (0.75 psi/ft) and to enter it into the Closure Stress table. Picking the BH ISIP is necessary to determine the
approximate net pressure at the end of pumping, as this can be easily determined from:
pnet,obs,end of pumping=BH ISIP-σclosure Equation 3
We will now use several diagnostic plots to determine fracture closure. Please follow the instructions on the individual
Help (F1) screens for each diagnostic plot. Before starting the analysis of each plot, go to the Options tab and select
Closure Stress Picking Using … Deviation from Single Line and select MinMax Auto Scaling for the pressure
channels in order to better view details in pressure.
Go to the Closure Stress tab and double click on the SQRT Plot. In the SQRT-decline plot, draw a tangent on the Meas’d
Btmh Press channel, and determine fracture closure at about4335 psi. Closure appears to occur after about 5 minutes, as
the Meas’d Btmh pressure channel decreases significantly and moves away from the tangent line. Right-click when this
channel starts deviating from the tangent line, and FracproPT will provide you with a closure stress of about 4335 psi.
The superposition derivative in the G Function Plot shows fracture closure at a somewhat higher pressure of 0.71 psi/ft,
but the interpretation is flawed by the fact that the superposition derivative goes up instead of down al later times. Better
examples of closure stress analysis are provided in some of the examples.
To bring to measured closure stress value in line with the closure stresses in the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen, click on the Shift Closure Stress in All Zones button to shift theentire profile by 85 psi.

Determining Frictional Losses

Before finalizing the net pressure match for this minifrac, we will subtract near-wellbore friction and perforation friction
from the observed net pressure. The most effective way to estimate the entry friction (near-wellbore friction plus
perforation friction) in a fracture job is to conduct a series of flow-rate changes and/or shut-ins. Each time a flow rate is
changed (or a shut-in is done), you obtain two values of flow rate and their corresponding pressures. From this, you can
estimate the total amount of friction present in the tubulars as well as in the perfs and near-wellbore region.
When you ran the model, FracproPT calculated the perforation friction (resulting from the 200 perforations at 0.330"
diameters as you specified earlier) and subtracted it from the Dead String Pressure to arrive at the Observed Net of
Figure 4 (after adding the hydrostatic pressure and subtracting the closure stress as indicated by Equations 1 and 2).
Nevertheless, note that the Observed Net Pressure still decreases instantaneously at the beginning of the two short shut-
ins (at 62.9 and 69.9 minutes) as well as the last one (at 89.1 minutes).
As no rate stepdown tests were done during these minifracs, it is impossible to determine how much of the entry friction is
due to perforation friction and how much is due to near-wellbore friction. Let’s therefore assume that perforation friction is
equal to the theoretical value that can be calculated based on the number of perfs, fluid density, flow rate, etc., and that
the remainder is due to near-wellbore friction. FracproPT allows the modeling of this near-wellbore friction in the PERF
AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen. On this screen, you input the Entry Friction versus Time of the flow
change, the two flow rates, and the resulting Change in Friction.
Enter the data shown in the table below into the Entry Friction versus Time of the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE
FRICTION [F8] screen and run the model (by selecting Run Simulator in the FRACTURE SIMULATION CONTROL
[F10] screen). The resulting pressure match is shown in the figure below. Notice that the instantaneous drops in the
Observed Net Pressure are no longer present. This is a sign that most of the friction has been removed from the data.

Time (min) Rate #1 (bpm) Rate #2 (bpm) Near-wellbore

Friction (psi)

0 20 0 0

90 20 0 60

Table 11: Perf and Near-Wellbore Friction screen inputs

FracproPT 2007

Figure 5: Mini frac net-pressure match with friction removed

It is important to note at this point that the first and last shut-ins were designed to help determine not only the level of
friction present, but also the leakoff characteristics of the formation (see Determining a Permeability/Leakoff Profile)
when 2% KCl (first shut-in) and 50# (last shut-in) entered the formation.
The intermediate results of this analysis have been saved in the file named "Minifrac-closure&frictionOK.inp".

Matching the Net Pressure Level

Now that fracture closure stress has been measured in the pay zone and frictional pressure losses are subtracted, we can
run the model [Alt]-[R] and take a look at the net pressure match plot that is available as plot #2 on the PLOT LIST
[ALT+F8] screen.
Note that the observed net pressure level for the first breakdown injection is smaller than the predicted model net
pressure. If this happens, this typicall means that either the stress contrast between layers is to high, or that the default
amount of "tip effects" used in the model is too high. As the fracture is still relatively small during the breakdown injection,
the fracture does not grow very far into the "bounding" layers, and a reduction of the closure stress in the layers
surrounding the pay zone does not have a significant impact on the level of the model net pressure.
FracproPT’s default 3D-model assumes that there is significantly more resistance for fracture growth at the fracture tip
than linear-elasticity fracture mechanics models would show. However, if the Observed Net is smaller the the Model Net
pressure, it may be that the default value is too high. In that case, match total level of net pressure by changing to a 3D
User-Defined Model on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen and change Fracture Tip Effects under
FracproPT Model Parameters o 0.001 (instead of the default 0.0001). This provide a good match of the total level of the
net pressure during the breakdown injection.
To match the level of net pressure during the minifrac, introduce complex fracture growth using the MULTIPLE
FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7] screen and provide the following entries:

Time (min) Volume Factor Leakoff Factor Opening Factor

0 1.0 1.0 1.0

60 1.0 1.0 1.0

90 1.5 1.0 1.5

As a rule, you should only change these settings during pumping. For this reason, the number at 60 minutes is kept the
same as at the start. Dunring the minifrac, FracproPT linearly interpolates the number of "equivalent" simultaneous
fractures. A value of 1.5 for the degree of fracture complexity (both volume factor and opening factor have been

FracproPT 2007

increased) could be interpreted as about half of the fracture surface being overlapped with an additional fracture. In
reality, the fracture geometry is probably much more complex than this simplified interpretation.

Matching the Net Pressure Decline Slope

The permeability/leakoff profile, as entered on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Layers tab, is used in the
model calculation of Net Pressure. It is a very important input to the model. In fact, the permeability of the pay zone and
surrounding layers can play a larger role than the stress profile. This is why the determination of a reliable permeability
profile is essential for a good pressure match. The problem lies, however, in the complexity of physically measuring this
parameter. The permeability of a formation, or a part of it, depends on many factors including the rock type, porosity, fluid
type, and the presence of natural fractures, to name a few. There are various methods by which permeability is estimated,
including direct measurement from core, estimation from various logs, and the measurement from pressure buildup (PBU)
tests. None of these methods provide similar or even repeatable results for various reasons as described in the literature.
However, it is relatively simple to estimate leakoff using the pressure fall-off during a long shut-in. These shut-ins not only
provide for means to estimate the pressure loss due to friction, but also allow for the determination of the leakoff and
fracture fluid efficiency, which provides an estimate of the total volume at any time within the fracture system. If there are
long enough shut-ins at the beginning and end of pumping, then you can estimate the leakoff (and associated
permeability under fracturing condictions) of the reservoir by repeatedly changing the profile to match the slope of the
gradual pressure fall-off during these periods. Once this pressure fall-off is matched, you may use the resulting
permeability/leakoff profile in matching the pressure for the remainder of the treatment.
The permeability (under fracturing condictions) of the formation to 2% KCl and 50# fluid in this job may be estimated by
matching the slopes of the pressure fall-offs during the first and last shut-ins from 6.6 to 59.6 and from 89.3 to 150
minutes, respectively. It is expected that the leakoff behavior for each fluid will also depend on its own unique fluid loss
properties (e.g. wall-building coefficient, Cw, and spurt loss). Specifically, the leakoff of the 2% KCl should be much
greater than that of the 50# gel since it does not form any filtercake.
Thus, if the 50# gel is expected to have a significant wall-building coefficient, it would be easier if you match the fall-off of
the 2% KCl by varying the permeability of the formation in the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen. Once this is
achieved at a permeability of about 0.05 mD, you can maintain this formation permeability and vary the wall-building
coefficient of the 50# gel to match the pressure fall-off of the last shut-in.
Thus, you can vary the leakoff of the 50# gel without changing the reservoir permeability, by varying its wall-building
coefficient. To do this, go to the EDIT/VIEW FLUID LOSS AND DENSITY DATA [Shift+F5] screen, input 0.001 ft / min½
as a value for the Wall Building Coefficient in the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab, and run the model. Change
Cw once more, to 0.0004, and run the model. Now the observed net pressure and model net pressure should match when
you view them.
It is also important to note at this point that the effect of wall building on leakoff is limited. Indefinite increase/decrease of
Cw will only result, therefore, in a limited effect on the leakoff of the fluid.

Saving the Minifrac Match Results

Once you have finished all of the above steps used in matching the minifrac data, you are ready to save your results to
disk. Select the Save As icon on the FracproPT Desktop and save your final match. The final match has already been
saved under the name "Minifrac-matchOK.inp"
Matching the Main Frac

Matching the Main Fracture Treatment

Now that you have matched the pressure response of the minifrac, you have a good idea of the parameters needed to
match the main-fracture pressure response, including the stress and permeability profile of the formation, and the wall-
building coefficients of the gelled fluid pumped.

Retrieving the Minifrac Pressure Match Input File

To match the main-fracture pressure response you will need to create a FracproPT input file just as you did for the
fracture design and the minifrac match. The easiest way to do this is by adapting your input file "Minifrac-matchOK.inp",
which contains your final minifrac match. Thus, retrieve "Minifrac-matchOK.inp" using the Retrieve Input File icon if this is
not your current file in FracproPT.

Altering the Minifrac Pressure Match Input File

Now, you will adapt parts of "Minifrac-matchOK.inp" as needed. Select Next to go to the FRACTURE ANALYSIS
OPTIONS [F4] screen and select the main fracture database (mainfrac data.dbs), which is located in the same directory
as the minifrac data.
Press Next and go to thw Channel Inputs for Model [Shift]-[F6] screen. Load both pressure channels as well as the flow
rate and the proppant concentration into the following input fields on the screen:

FracproPT 2007

Surf Press [Csg] ==> Treating Pressure

Dead String Press ==> Dead String Pressure
Slurry Flow Rate ==> Slurry Flowrate
Proppant Conc ==> Proppant Conc
To load a channel (Dead String Press, for example), go to the appropriate input field (Dead String Press in this case)
and double-click on the Database Channel Names column. A list will appear with the six channels contained in the
database file. Select the appropriate channel (Dead String Press) from the list and repeat this procedure for the other two
channels (Surf Pressure [Csg] and Clean Flow Rate).
Once you have specified the four channels, go to the input field toward the bottom of the screen labeled Observed Net
Pressure and select From Dead String Pressure.
Select Set Staging From Measured Data at the bottom of this screen and select the Auto Stage button at the bottom of
this screen. This will automatically set 11 stages and add these to the Actual Tab of the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6]
Close the Fracture Model Inputs plot and press F6 to go to the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen. The other screens
in the loop do not have to be changed.
Repeat the procedure (outlined in the previous section) to create a User Configured Plot with a X Axis Max of 150,
using MAINDATA channels and limits as follows for plot 7 in the PLOT DISPLAY LIST [ALT]-[F8] screen:

Channel Ymin Ymax

Surf 0 4000

Dead 0 4000

Slurry 0 100

Proppant 0 40
Table 13: Database channels scale factors
The resulting plot should be identical to that shown in Figure 11 below. In the plot window, select Cursor Editing. This will
take you to another screen that contains a scaled copy of the graph.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 11: Main frac treatment data

Once the stage lengths have been set, go to the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen to indicate the stage type, fluid
type, and proppant type used for each stage. These are identical to those you used earlier when you ran FracproPT from
design parameters in the first section of the tutorial that are still contained within the Design Schedule tab.
A final change is to the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen. Near-wellbore friction can change as a
function of time, and the datapoint at the end of the minifrac should be the starting point at the beginning of the main
treatment. To make the Observed Net continuous during the shut-in at the end of the treatment, the near-wellbore friction
needs to be set to 60 psi at 25 bpm.

Time (min) Rate #1 (bpm) Rate #2 (bpm) Near-wellbore

Friction (psi)

0 20 0 60

Table 14: Perf and Near-Wellbore Friction screen inputs for main frac
Finally, use the last value in the input data from the last line of the MULTIPLE FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7] screen from the
minifrac as the first line in the new input file. The MULTIPLE FRACTURES screen should look identical to Table 15
shown below. This again follows the rule that fracture complexity does not change over shut-in periods (in this case, the
shut-in period between the minifrac and the main frac.

Time (min) Volume Factor Leakoff Factor Opening Factor

0 1.5 1.0 1.5

Table 15: Multiple Fractures screen inputs

Press Next to go to the SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen.

Matching Net Pressures

Before running the model, you need to enter a Start Time of 0, an End Time of 100 and a Time step of 0.1 minutes.
Notice that FracproPT assigns a Start Time of 1.92 minutes (instead of 0 as you specified) because this is the first data
point with a positive slurry flow-rate.
Next, run the model (by selecting Run Simulator). By comparing the Net Pressure (model) and the Observed Net
Pressure (from collected data), it is clear that the leakoff assumed by the model after shut-in (at about 60 minutes) is

FracproPT 2007

higher than that actually seen in the data. However, the values used for the formation permeability in the RESERVOIR
PARAMETERS [F9] screen were derived from the minifrac. A common cause of this behavior is the fact that leakoff can
be pressure dependent – leakoff is higher at elevated pressures due to opening of fissures.
We can incorporate pressure dependent leakoff indirectly by changing the leakoff factor in the MULTIPLE FRACTURE
screen. A final match can be obtained by using the settings in the table below.

Time (min) Volume Factor Leakoff Factor Opening Factor

0 1.5 1.0 1.5

60 2.0 2.0 2.0

Table 16: Multiple Fractures screen inputs to match the main frac

Saving the Pressure Match

Once you have finished the procedures outlined above for matching the main fracture treatment data, you are ready to
save your file. Use the Save As icon to do so. Note that the final file has already been saved in the Tutorial as "Mainfrac-

Generating a Report
Once you are done with your match, you can generate a report using Tools and Generate Report from the FracproPT
menu. This brings you to the REPORT SETUP [Shift]-[F2] screen.
On the Plots tab, you can select some of the User Configured Plots that you have generated, and on the Content and
Layout tab you can select the Report Summary. After you have made your selection, press Generate Report, and
FracproPT will launch Word with the selected report content.

Possible Sources of Difficulty in Matching

Stress profile
The determination of the stress profile is a source of uncertainty as well. Stress logs are not accurate. This is why they are
usually calibrated with measured stresses. Even then, the measured stresses are obtained from pump-in/shut-in and
pump-in/flow-back tests. These tests are conducted within a few intervals while their results are used to calibrate the
entire log. These results are usually obtained from the interpretation of pressure vs. square-root-time plots. This is another
source of uncertainty, since there are at least three different methods (usually with three different results) of interpreting
closure stress from these plots. In addition, the closure-stress values obtained from the plots that are used to calibrate the
logs are actually averages of the tests conducted in each interval. This is why the reader of stress logs may gain a
deceptive feeling of having single deterministic values (rather than a range of values due to the error inherent in this
process) of the stresses. These sources of error, inherent in the interpretation of stress logs, make the results uncertain,
so it is often more useful to use a simple lithology log of the formation. The knowledge of the layers in the formation and
their typical stress gradients often provides as accurate a measurement of the stresses as the costly log. Nevertheless,
there is no substitute to actual measurement of the stresses in different intervals of the formation using pump-in/shut-in
When pump-in/shut-in tests are done, however, care must be taken to allow enough time for the fracture to close.
Commonly, the fracture is not allowed to completely close, resulting in premature and erroneous estimates of the closure

Permeability Profile
Sometimes, modifications of the permeability estimates are needed in the transition between the minifrac match and the
main-fracture match. This is partly related to the difference in fracture size between the two. Since the minifrac volume is
smaller, its fracture surface area is smaller, and thus there is less area over which fluid leaks into the formation. As a
result, the fluid leakoff during a minifrac may be different from that in the main fracture. In addition, if high permeability
streaks are present at some distance from the perforations (above or below), the larger main fracture might encounter
them, while the minifrac does not. This would certainly lead to different leakoff behaviors between the minifrac and the
main fracture.

Fracture Design and Optimization


FracproPT 2007

Starting High perm optimization tutorial-

input start.inp

Final High perm optimization

input tutorial.inp

Tutorial Fracture treatment design


• Selecting
fluids and

• Selecting
flow rate

• Determining

This example represents a relatively simple reservoir with two sandstone payzone separated by shales and a nearby
water-bearing sandstone. The operator wants to design the best treatment for this well that will maximize production
performance while preventing fracture growth into the water-bearing interval.
Step 1: Load FracproPT input file
Load file "High perm optimization tutorial-start.inp" from the ..\FracproPT\Tutorial\Fracture Design&OPTIMIZATION
folder by using the Retrieve Input File toolbar button (or the menus).
Step 2: Review Necessary Inputs
This file does not have to be set up from scratch. If you are not familiar with the design module, the easiest method to find
you way around is by using the Next button at the bottom of every screen. Your starting point is to select the Fracture
Design button on the MAIN [F2] screen. We have already filled out some of the vital information in the following screens:
Wellbore and Treatment Information [F3]
Fracture Design Options [F4] – Please note that you can select 3D Calibrated or 3D User Defined model settings here,
which allow you to import a certain type of fracture growth behavior that may be typical in a certain area. Please select the
3D Shear-Decoupled (Default) model.
Wellbore Configuration [F7]
Lithology Based Reservoir Parameters [F9] – Showing a simple shale-sand-shale sequence on the Layer tab. Note
that we have estimated a 0.1 psi/ft stress gradient contrast between the sands and the shales, visible in the Rock
Properties tab. Also, we know from direct fracture diagnostics in this area that fracture height growth is more confined
than what we see based on stress contrast only, so there is also a Composite Layering Effect of 10 set in the zones
outside the pay zone on the Rock Properties tab.
Step 3: Selection of Fluid and Proppant
Once these input screens are filled out, you can select the appropriate fluids and proppants for this design. For the fluids,
the operator has selected Halliburton for the propped fracture treatment, so limit Vendor Selection to Halliburton. A
typical criterion is to obtain 200 cP apparent viscosity at 40 s (estimated shear rate in the fracture) after about 2 hours of
exposure to the reservoir temperature. Once these criteria are set, you will see that a 40# Guar Borate (HYBOR G) fluid
fits this profile, amongst others. Highlight the row with the HYBOR G fluid and Add Fluid to Selected Fluids list. The
selected fluid will now be highlighted in yellow. If a fluid is selected that does not qualify to the selection criteria, for
example when a fluid is added manually from the library, the property that does not qualify will be highlighted in red.
Change to the Proppant Selection tab on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. We are expecting that
multiphase and non-Darcy flow issues play some role in production response, as the well will not only produce oil, but also
a small amount of gas. Select the Proppant Perm Damage function where you can specify non-Darcy and multiphase
flow effects: the operator has experience that wells typically come in at about 250 bopd. If we assume gel damage of
about 50%, the Total Damage Factor, which includes apparent damage from non-Darcy effects, is as high as 20%

FracproPT 2007

depending on the selected proppant. Back to the Proppant Selection tab, the table with Proppant Selection Results shows
a number of proppant choices. A 12/18-mesh CarboLite qualifies best for this purpose, providing high conductivity at the
lowest cost per mD-ft. Highlight this proppant and click Add to move it to the Selected proppant list.
Step 4: Treatment Selection
The next step in the design process is to select an appropriate pump rate. Based on the selected fluid and other settings,
FracproPT can calculate wellbore friction and expected surface pressures to automatically select the maximum feasible
pump rate. In this case, the maximum surface pressure at the wellhead is 10,000 psi. After entering this information,
select the Determine Rate button, and FracproPT suggests a maximum Injection Rate of 14 bpm to stay within this
surface pressure limitation.
We will now determine the treatment size versus length in 25-foot Fracture Half-Length Increments. Set FcD Goal to
1.6 for the main fracture. Leave the Max Proppant Concentration at 14 ppg and the Max TSO Net Pressure Increase
at 1,000 psi. After selecting the Determine Treatment Size vs Length button, the table on the top half of the screen is
populated. You will see that it is impossible to obtain the required FcD for this high perm well once the fracture becomes
very large, despite the fact that we have selected the highest conductivity proppant for this case and have used a high
maximum proppant concentration at the end of the treatment and an aggressive tip screen-out design. FracproPT lists the
highest possible FcD’s that can be achieved under these circumstances in this well.
You can now look at the various plots that are generated, most notably the fracture Geometry plot, and see that the
fracture will grow into the water-bearing sand when the fracture exceeds a certain size. Now, you can set various criteria
to determine the required fracture length. As the first criterion, select NPV under Select Size using Criteria to obtain the
treatment size for maximum NPV. Secondly, select a criterion that Mother Nature is imposing on our design to avoid
fracture growth into the water-bearing sand. If we set ourselves a 5 ft spacer with the bottom of the water-bearing zone,
the Fracture Top Depth should not become smaller than 6,084 ft.
Now, we can Select Size Using Criteria, and if the economics have not been evaluated before, it will be necessary to
select the Economic Analysis button first.
Step 5: Define Economics
The next step in the design process is to define treatment cost and production revenues. First, fracture treatment cost can
be defined in the OPTIMIZATION ECONOMIC DATA [F8] screen. Costs are already provided for all entries on this
screen. Select Next to advance to the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen. To populate the Production Constraints table,
set the Total Production Time to 730 days, the Maximum HC Rate to 10,000 bbl/day and the Minimum Pressure to
500 psi and select the Set Up Table button. For high perm well, economics are typically evaluated over a relatively short
time period, for example 2 years. The Maximum HC Rate is set rather high using the assumption that the wellbore
tubulars impose no significant limitation on production response for very large fractures. Select Next to advance to the
This screen shows almost the same table as the previous TREATMENT SELECTION [F8] screen, but various columns
have been added to show economic criteria. FracproPT will populate the values in these columns after you select the
Run Simulator button. After all economic indicators have been calculated based on the defined cost and revenues from
the forecasted production response, Select Size Using Economic Criterion to NPV, and the treatment with maximum
NPV will be selected for a fracture half-length of 225 ft.
Now select the Treatment Selection button to return to the TREATMENT SELECTION [F8] screen for a final
reconciliation of the most favorable economic fracture half-length and avoiding growth in the water-bearing zone.
Step 6: Creating the Final Treatment Design
Use the Select Size using Criteria button again, and now that the economics have been evaluated, FracproPT will
select the fracture half-length that honors both economics and growth limitations imposed by Mother Nature. This results
in an optimum fracture half-length of 225 ft, so the fracture half-length with the best economics for our assumptions still
remains below the water-bearing zone.
The selected yellow line illustrates what approximate treatment size is required to obtain the correct proppant conductivity
at the wellbore. The last step is to determine the rest of the schedule to obtain the ideal conductivity profile along the
entire fracture length. Select a Standard profile and set Max Error to 15% and set the number of iterations to 15 (or less,
depending on your patience). Have FracproPT next Fit Conductivity Profile by selecting that function, and FracproPT
will iterate to get a proppant profile that fits the ideal schedule in the best way. You have now created a design requiring
about 1000 bbl of fluid and 250,000 lbs of proppant, and this is the time to view your work using Generate Report.
Once this is done, select Next to go to the treatment Schedule [F6] screen to check the design treatment stages and
You can now also run the model for this schedule by going to the Main Screen [F2], selecting Fracture Analysis, and
then running the model in that mode.

Production Analysis
Background Production Analysis Tutorial

Starting Production

FracproPT 2007

input matching
filename: tutorial-

Final input Production

filename: matching

Excel™ Well
production production.xls
data file:

Production Well
database production.dbs

Tutorial Production
focus: analysis

model inputs



Step 1: Load and Update Production Analysis Input File

To start, load the file "Production Matching Tutorial-start.inp" from the ..\FracproPT\Tutorial\Production Analysis directory.
Step through the various screens using the Next button, starting by selecting Production Analysis mode on the MAIN
[F2] screen.
On the PRODUCTION ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen, select to run the model from User Entered Table, meaning that
the user will create a table manually with the production constraints to do a production forecast. Model Options do not
have to be changed, and click Next to advance to the following screen.
Set the following initial reservoir parameters on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen, Production Analysis
Reservoir Parameters tab:
Depth to Middle of Pay: 10387 ft
Y-Direct Permeability: 0.1 mD
1320x1320 ft for X- and Y-Direction Extent (equivalent to 160 acres)
126 ft Gross Pay Thickness and 38 ft Net Pay Thickness
Reservoir pressure: 2665 psi.
Porosity 11% and Water Saturation 23%
Set the following initial reservoir parameters on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen, PVT tab:
Gas gravity: 0.734
Reservoir temperature: 184°F
Use the Next button to advance to the WELLBORE CONFIGURAION [F7] screen, and once again to advance to the
FRACTURE PARAMETERS AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. Assume the only frac data available is that
151,000 lbs of Jordan 20/40-mesh sand was pumped on the job, and that we initially assume that this proppant is
distributed over a fracture half-length of 1000 with perfect confinement (126 ft height) over the gross thickness. Set
proppant concentration to 0.6 PSF for each segment to obtain total proppant volume of 151 klbs Jordan-20/40 for fracture
Step 2: Forecast Production Response

FracproPT 2007

Advance to the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen Production Constraints tab and select Set Up Table to populate the
Production Constraints table using table a Total Production Time of 2500 days, Maximum HC Rate of 3000 Mscf/d and
a Minimum Pressure of 330 psi at a bottomhole Pressure Location.
Advance to the PRODUCTION ANALYSIS CONTROL [F10] screen and Run Simulator. The production table at the top
of the screen will now be populated. Model Outputs for this production forecast can be viewed through the Production
Plot or the Pressure Plot.
Step 3: Load Actual Production Data
We will now load actual production data for this well that was collected over a period of approximately 7 years. Use the F4
hotkey to go to the PRODUCTION ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. Select Production Database Derived Table, and
browse for the Database File Location by clicking on the Select button. Load the Excel™ file "well production.xls" from the
..\FracproPT\Tutorial\Production Analysis - Tutorial directory.
FracproPT will automatically launch DataConvertPT to convert this data in a FracproPT database file. The production
data contains a first column with a fixed time step of one month, a second column with a production gas rate and a third
column with a cumulative gas rate.
On the top left of the DataConvertPT screen, select Fixed Time Step to 1 month. Then, click on the Name field in the
second (B) column and select Production Gas Rate. Once this column is assigned, it appears in the Output Channels box
on the lower left. Select Create Output File(s) and name the new database file "well production.dbs". Once you save the
data, FracproPT will automatically launch DataEditPT so you can review the data. If it looks OK, close DataEditPT and
advance to FracproPT. If the data does not look correct, select >File>Back to DataConvertPT.
Back in FracproPT on the PRODUCTION ANALYSIS OPTION [F4] screen, click Next to advance to the CHANNEL
INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen. Now, the assign the Production Gas Rate channel to the Production Gas Rate
Model Input on row 4. Also select No Production Pressure Available, as this information was not in the database.
Use the F6 hotkey to advance to the WELL PRODUCTION [F6] screen and select the Production Constraints tab. Select
Constrain the Production Pressure and Match the Production Rate and select a Minimum Rate Change of 10%.
Select Set Up Table to incorporate the production constraints in the actual production data in the table on the top of this
screen. Set Minimum Pressure (flowing bottomhole pressure) to 330 psi at a Bottomhole Pressure Location.
Step 4: Match Actual Production Data
Advance to the PRODUCTION ANALYSIS CONTROL [F10]] screen using the Next button. Run Simulator and review
Production Plot to observe a large discrepancy between the actual and the forecasted data. Why are they so different?
There are several potential reasons for this discrepancy: lower reservoir permeability, smaller drainage area, smaller
effective fracture half-length, more damage, etc., etc.
We can test some of these potential reasons in Production Matching. Select to iterate on Permeability, Reservoir
Extent in both directions and Propped Fracture Half-Length. Make sure that all the production data is matched using a
Matching Start Time of 0 days and a Matching End Time of 2460 days. Set Maximum Error to 5% and select Find
Best Match. FracproPT finds a best match for 0.026 mD permeability, about 700 ft reservoir extent and 240 ft propped
fracture half-length. Iterating on this many parameters is generally not a good idea, as the solution will be non-unique. If
other independent measurements of some of these parameters are available, this can serve to bound the final solution
In this case, enter an independently measured permeability of 0.035 mD to bound the previously found solution. Uncheck
Permeability and re-iterate on Reservoir Extent and Propped Fracture Half-Length. Half-length shrinks to about 150 ft.
If FracproPT does not converge appropriately, you may have to Set Transition Manually at an Early/Late Time
Transition of about 1000 days.
Once a match is achieved, select Use Best-Fit Value to update model settings used in the match.

Editing a Database
Editing a Database
Starting database filename: DataEdit-Start.dbs
Final database filename: DataEdit-Final.dbs
Tutorial Focus: How to…

• Time shift curves

• Remove data unrelated to the fracture treatment
• Correct pressure spikes
• Correct instrument errors
• Use the Edit functions

FracproPT 2007

• Use the menu and toolbar

Interface Definition
Right Click Here for Y-Axis Scaling

1. On the MAIN SCREEN (F2) of FracproPT, choose Edit Database File under the Utilities heading. This will
run the utility DataEditPT.
2. Open the database file DataEdit-Start.dbs. This can be done by choosing >File>Open from the menu or
pressing the icon on the toolbar. The file is located at C:\…\FracproPT\Tutorial\ Data Editing.
3. You should now have a screen similar to the picture above. To see the legend for the curves, right click in the
right margin of the graph. The screen should look like the figure below. Right click the margin again to restore
the full screen.

FracproPT 2007

Time Shifting Curves

4. The first problem with the data involves a time synchronization discrepancy between the Slurry Flow Rate and
the other curves. This can happen when data are merged from separate files, such as bottom hole pressure
data that are added to the main database after the job.
5. It has been determined that the Slurry Flow Rate curve is 4.22 minutes ahead of the other curves. To fix this
press the Edit button under the Editing Functions heading in the lower toolbox.
6. In the Edit Channel Data screen, select Use Time Marks and type 4.22 in the End Time box. The Begin Time
and End Time specify what part of the data the editing function will effect.
7. Under Channel Selection, choose Slurry Flow Rate.
8. Under Operations choose Shift Right. Select OK.
9. The Slurry Flow Rate curve has now shifted to the correct time.

Removing Unwanted Data

10. The next problem involves data that are not important to the fracturing operation. All the data before the time
175 minutes are due to circulation and testing operations. To remove this do the following.
11. Move the cursor to any curve and click on the curve somewhere around 175 minutes.

FracproPT 2007

12. There should now be a small arrow attached to the curve. Data readouts for the selected curve can be seen in
the toolbox window under Data in the lower left corner of the screen. The Time, Value and Slope are
displayed for the chosen curve, which is shown under Options in the drop box.

13. With the right and left arrow keys of the keyboard, move the arrow until the time value is close to 175 minutes.
The amount the cursor moves for each key stroke can be adjusted by the Cursor Increment selection under
Options in the lower toolbox.
14. When the cursor is at approximately 175 minutes, press the End button under Editing Functions. A vertical
line will appear at this time.
15. On the keyboard press the Home key to quickly go to time 0.
16. Press the Begin button under Editing Functions.
17. Press the Edit button.
18. In the Edit Channel Data screen, the Begin Time and End Time boxes should say 0 and somewhere around
175 minutes, respectively. Type these values yourself if necessary.
19. Under Operations, select Cut. This will gray out the Channel Selection options, as Cut applies to all curves.
Select OK.
20. All the data before the chosen time is now gone. If you want to recover the information select >Edit>Undo
from the menu, or choose not save the changes when closing the file. [If Undo is tried, please select
>Edit>Redo to remain synchronized with this example]

Removing Spikes
21. The Slurry Flow Rate curve has an erroneous spike at 167.45 minutes. To remove this spike we need to zoom
in around that time on the graph. This can be done by selecting >View>Select View from the menu bar or
pushing the icon (10 from right) on the toolbar. Locate the spike visually.
22. Expand the plot by positioning the cursor above and left of the spike. Press and hold the left mouse button,
while moving the cursor to the lower-right. The box that is shown will be the expanded view when the mouse
button is released. To go back to the original view, push the icon (8 from right) from the toolbar.
23. Click on the Slurry Flow Rate curve directly before the spike (about 169 minutes) and push the Begin button
under the Editing Functions.
24. Using the arrow keys or clicking directly on the curve, move the arrow to a point after the spike (around 170
minutes). Push the End button then the Edit button under Editing Functions.
25. From the Editing page, review the Begin Time and End Time.
26. Un-check the Perform Operations For All Channels box.
27. Select Interpolate from the Options. Hit OK.
28. The spike is removed and replaced with a linear interpolation between the two data points.

Correcting Instrument Error

29. The last problem is an instrument error from the Annulus Surface Pressure Transducer that occurred at
157.67 minutes. At that time the instrument began sending pressure readings at ½ the real value. Instrument
errors occasionally are found when comparing proppant totals calculated from densiometer measurements to
actual known field totals.
30. Use the Select View (Step 21 and 22) functions to zoom in on the problem area (157 minutes of the Annular
Surface Pressure curve).
31. To correct the error, click on the Annular Surface Pressure curve and move the marker with the keyboard
arrow keys to 157.67. Remember to choose Small for Cursor Increment.
32. When done, press the Begin button under Editing Functions.
33. Resize the plot using the Restore icon (Step 22) so that the end of data can be seen (195.68 minutes).
34. Press the End key on the keyboard. The Time readout should be 195.68.

FracproPT 2007

35. Now press the End button under Editing Functions.

36. Press the Edit button and review the Edit page. The time should be Begin Time at 157.67 and End Time at
195.68. The Channel Selection should be Surf Press [Ann].
37. Choose Scale under Operations. The "a * x + b" Equation box is now active.
38. Type 2 in the a box. This will multiply the curve by two for the selected interval. Hit OK.

The data plot should now appear similar to the plot below. The X and Y axis scales could be different.

Schematic View

Minifrac Analysis
Minifrac Analysis
1. Mini-Frac Analysis Tutorial

Start FracproPT Input file: MiniFrac-Start.inp

Start FracproPT Data file: MiniFrac-Start.dbs
Final FracproPT Input file: MiniFrac-Final.inp

FracproPT 2007

Tutorial focus: How to…

• Use the Minifrac Analysis Module
• Use the Pre-Generated Plots
• Determine ISIP, Closure, Fluid Efficiency, etc., from Data

Interface Definition

FracproPT 2007


1. From the Main Screen [F2] of FracproPT, select Fracture Analysis.

2. On the WELL TREATMENT [F3] SCREEN, load the input file MiniFrac-Start.inp. Do this by pressing the Browse button
or selecting File>Open from the menu or the using the icon on the toolbar. The file path is C:\…\Pinnacle
Technologies\ FracproPT\Tutorial\Minifrac Analysis.
3. Push the Next button to go to the FRACTURE ANALYSIS [F4] SCREEN. If not already loaded, load the database for
this example, MiniFrac-Start.dbs, by pushing the Select button. The file path is C:\…\Pinnacle Technologies\FracproPT\
4. Go to the TREATMENT SCHEDULE (F6) SCREEN by pressing the F6 hot key or selecting Data>Treatment Schedule
from the menu. Notice that there is only one diagnostic pump-in injection, a Water Injection.
5. Press the Set Staging From Measured Data button to see the treatment data with the stages displayed. Close the plot
by pushing the Escape key on the keyboard or the clicking the Windows Close box in the upper right corner of the plot.
6. Go to the SIMULATION CONTROL (F10) SCREEN by using the F10 hot key.
7. In the Time Step window enter .05 (minutes). For Minifrac Analysis it is important to run the model on a sufficiently
small time step. It is recommended the time step value be between .02 and .1 minutes.
8. Run the simulator by pressing the Run Simulator button. Other methods of running the simulator are using the icon
or, from the keyboard, by holding down the Alt key and pressing the R key (for Run). The Alt-S key combo Stops the
9. Choose the MINIFRAC ANALYSIS SCREEN by clicking on the icon on the toolbar or, from the menu bar, select
Data>Minifrac Analysis or, while holding down the Shift key, push the F8 key.
10. Under Pumping, Injection #1 should display Water Injection. Use the drop box if necessary to make this selection. If
the Auto Time box is checked, the start and end times will be populated according to the times set on the TREATMENT
SCHEDULE [F6] SCREEN. If not, check the box.
11. Push the Create Plots button for Injection #1 on the MINIFRAC ANALYSIS SCREEN.
12. Check that the start and end times are correct by pushing the View Summary Plot button. The resulting plot will show
vertical lines at the Start and End of Pumping, and the End of the Shut-in period. Close this plot as described in step 5.
13. Switch to the Closure Stress tab. This is the main Results Table. Each analysis plot available is listed in the left most
column under Plot Name. As analysis is performed within each plot, the resulting information will be stored on this page.
(Please see Interface Definition above)

FracproPT 2007

2. Open the ISIP plot by double clicking in the ISIP cell. Curves representing Measured Bottomhole Pressure,
Surface Pressure and Slurry Flow Rate will be displayed. The legend for the curves can be shown by right
clicking in the black margin between the plot and the frame on the right side of the picture. Right click this area
again to remove the legend.

3. Move the cursor over the Measured Bottomhole Pressure curve until an Arrow appears, as below.

Right click the curve while the arrow is showing.

4. A menu appears. Choose the second line, Add Tangent Line…. A tangent line with dotted extension lines will
5. The tangent line can be moved, lengthened and aligned. The following instructions and pictures will illustrate:
a. MOVE the line by placing the cursor on top of the line, pushing the left mouse button and
holding. Move the line as desired and release the mouse button. The cursor will look as
below when moving the tangent line.

a. STRETCH AND ALIGN the line by placing the cursor at the end of the solid line until the
cursor appears as below.

Press and hold the left mouse button. Stretch and position the line as desired and release the mouse button.

[To remove all tangent lines, use the icon or pick up the tangent and move it off the page.]
7. Align the tangent line with the first stable data after the end of pumping (the vertical line). When satisfied,
move the cursor over the area where the end of pumping line and the tangent line cross. The cursor should
turn into an "X" as shown below.

FracproPT 2007

8. Right click the mouse and a message will pop up showing the calculated value for ISIP and asking if you want
to add this to the Results Table. If satisfied with the pick, choose YES, otherwise NO and try again.
NOTE: All plots can be reopened later and the analysis performed again.
9. Close the ISIP plot (Step 5).

10. Double click the SQRT Plot cell. The Square Root plot is displayed.
11. Attach a tangent to the Measured Bottomhole Pressure curve and align it with the steady data on the left of
the curve (Step 17). Look for a deviation of the line as time increases, representing Fracture Closure. Position
the cursor over the tangent at the point of closure and click the Right mouse button.

NOTE: Detailed information on each plot can be found by pushing F1 while working in the plot.

12. A message similar to the following should appear:

FracproPT 2007

If satisfied with the pick, press YES, otherwise NO and try again.
NOTE: If a message similar to this appears instead of the one above:

Go to the Options tab of the MINIFRAC ANALYSIS [SHIFT F8] SCREEN, and under Closure Stress Picking
Using…, choose Deviation from a Single Line.

13. Close the SQRT Plot (Step 5).


14. Open the G-Function Plot by double clicking the G-Function Plot cell.

15. Attach a tangent to the (G*d/dG) Surface Pressure curve. Align this tangent line through the origin (0,0) and
along the straight portion of the curve (Step 17).

16. Right click where the curve deviates from the tangent line (closure). A YES/NO question box appears. Make
your choice. When YES is chosen, note that the information box within the graph is updated with many

17. Close the G-Function Plot (Step 5).

18. Open the Log-Log Plot by double clicking the Log-Log Plot cell.
19. The plot will automatically have a tangent line. The slope of this tangent is 1/2 , representing linear flow. You
will notice the slope is not adjustable.
20. Align the tangent line with the portion of the (T*d/dt) Measured Delta Pressure curve that has a similar slope.
Closure (theoretically) occurs when linear flow ceases. Look for a deviation (right hand side of the curve) of
the Measured Delta Pressure curve from the tangent line.
21. Move the cursor over the deviation point and Right click. As before, a YES/NO question box appears; Make
your choice.

22. If YES has been chosen for all the plots so far, the Results screen should be similar to the following. The
exact values will depend on your choices.

FracproPT 2007

23. In the Closure Stress Summary section, the current Pay Zone Closure Stress and the Estimated BH
Closure Stress (derived from the analysis results) is shown.
The user has three choices: 1) to Update (shift) the closure stress in the pay zone only; 2) to update (shift) the
closure stress in all the zones; 3) do nothing and leave the stress value unchanged.
24. The stress in this example was derived from a dipole sonic, so choose Shift Closure Stress in All Zones to
apply a linear shift to the data.
25. Push Yes to complete the Stress data modification.

More information on Closure Analysis can be found in the Help file under Using the FracproPT System>Fracture Analysis
Mode>Pressure Analysis.

Fracture Analysis - Realistic Dimensions Example

Starting Pakenham Wolfcamp A2-

input initial design.inp

Treatment Pakenham data.txt


Final Pakenham Wolfcamp A2-

input final match.inp

Final Pakenham data.dbs


FracproPT 2007

Tutorial Basic fracture treatment

focus: analysis

• Bring

• Fracture

• Friction

• Net

• Compare
Formation: Sandstone
@ 7600 ft

Completion: 5-1/2 inch

casing frac
string; 40 ft
perf interval
shot with 4
SPF, 90°
phasing, 0.31
inch diameter

Situation: Disappointing
for expected
600 ft
fracture half-
length (based
on fracture
without real-

Diagnosis: Sand/shale
much lower
resulting in
height growth
and a much

FracproPT 2007

fracture half-
length (175

Solution: Utilize
analysis to

Based on a dipole sonic log, it was initially believed that the stress contrast between the pay sand and bounding shales
was about 0.30 psi/ft. This contrast resulted in the prediction of fracture height confinement and fracture half-lengths on
the order of 500 ft. However, production response was less than expected for this propped fracture half-length.
Observed net pressure behavior could not be matched with the assumed 0.30 psi/ft sand/shale stress contrast. A smaller
shale closure stress contrast (0.10 psi/ft) was required to achieve a net pressure match, resulting in less fracture height
confinement and a much shorter fracture half-length on the order of 150 feet. This lower value for shale closure stress
was subsequently confirmed by direct measurement using pump-in/shut-in tests. The fracture half-length of 150 feet was
found to be consistent with welltest and production response results.
Based on these findings, the fracture completion design was carefully reviewed to improve fracture placement success
and reduce treatment cost. With support from additional fracture pressure analysis, changes were made to the perforation
design and formation breakdown procedure, the pad fraction was reduced, and resin-coated sand was replaced with
conventional frac sand. As a result of these changes, well economics were significantly improved. Total reductions in
stimulation cost have approached $30,000 per treatment, most of which derives from changing to Ottawa sand.
For more information, please refer to: Wright, C.A., Weijers, L., Germani, G.A., MacIvor, K.H., and Wilson, M.K.: "Fracture
Treatment Design and Evaluation in the Pakenham Field: A Real-Data Approach", SPE 36471 presented at the 1996 SPE
Annual Technical Conference, Denver, CO, October 6-9.
Step 1: Load Initial Design
No additional explanations are necessary.
Step 2: Import Service Company Treatment Data File
No additional explanations are necessary.
Step 3: Determine Fracture Closure Stress in Sandstone
No additional explanations are necessary.
Step 4: Conduct Rate Stepdown Analysis
No additional explanations are necessary.
Step 5: Match Level and Decline of Diagnostic Injections
No additional explanations are necessary.
Step 6: Match Net Pressure During Propped Fracture Treatment

Load file "Pakenham Wolfcamp A2-initial design.inp" from the ..\FracproPT\EXAMPLES\REALISTIC DIMENSIONS
directory by using the Retrieve Input File button on the left side of the FracproPT toolbar. Go through the loop of
different input screens to evaluate all entries by pressing the Next button. Run the model and show estimated fracture
dimensions in Integrated Fracture Picture based on design and excessively high dipole sonic "stress log" inferred
closure stress contrast of 0.30 psi/ft. The net pressure match in figure #2 (from Plot List Alt-F8 screen) shows a low initial
net pressure of about 400 psi during diagnostic injections and a steeply rising net pressure during the propped fracture
treatment due to confined fracture height growth. The Integrated Fracture Picture [Alt+F2] screen shows fracture half-
length of order 600 ft.

The service company that pumped this treatment recorded the basic treatment data in an ASCII file. FracproPT has a
utility to convert this data into a format that it can read. The utility is called DataConvertPT and it can directly read ASCII
through the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen, Main Options tab.
Select Run Fracture and wellbore Models From .. Database and specify the name and path of the dbs file you just
created. Under Database File Location, press the Select … button and search for the file "Pakenham data.txt" from the
same directory as the input file.

FracproPT 2007

This data comprises the following 5 columns: Time (min), Tubing and Annulus Pressure, Proppant Concentration and
Slurry Flow Rate. This header information can be viewed through the Show Source Data button. Select the right channel
name by pressing the small arrow on the Name row. Once the proper name is selected, DataConvertPT will provide the
appropriate unit and select the column as an output channel. The data in this file has a fixed timestep of 2 seconds (0.033
minutes), so select that in the top left corner of the screen. Once all channels are selected, proceed by selecting 2
seconds time step for output data and press the Create Output File button. Save the file as "Pakenham data.dbs" in the
same directory. The dbs file contains the fracture treatment data in binary format.
Go back to FracproPT after checking the data in the automatically launched DataEditPT module and closing it. Back in
FracproPT in the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen, Main options tab, we will also change the Fracture
Model to Use from 3D Conventional to Tip Dominated, to incorporate non-linear elastic tip effects in the model
calculation, which are believe to be a main cause for higher net fracturing pressures.
Press Next and to get to the CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [Shift+F6] screen to assign the channels in the dbs file as
inputs for the FracproPT model. This treatment was pumped through annulus with tubing acting as a deadstring, so use
Surf Press [Ann] for Treating Pressure and Surf Press [Tbg] for Dead String Pressure. Also, assign the Slurry Flow Rate
and Proppant Concentration database channels to the model channels of the same name. For FracproPT’s net pressure
calculation, we will use Deadstring Pressure to avoid the large uncertainties in wellbore friction. The next step would
normally be to synchronize the fracture treatment stages with the treatment data through set Staging From measured
Data on the TREATMENT SCHDULE [F6] screen, Actual Treatment Schedule tab. Treatment stages can be changed by
moving the cursor pver the stage bar on top of the graph and by dragging on stage start/end times. However, this has
already been done in this example.

Review all other screens by pressing Next and once you arrive at the SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen. To conduct
fracture closure stress analysis, Run the model at a sufficiently small Timestep to see details in the decline data, for
example 0.05 minutes. Then, select the Minifrac Analysis button. Determine fracture closure stress in the sandstone by
setting up the square-root time plot, G-function plot and log-log delta pressure plots. Although closure stress is somewhat
hard to pick, the G-function has nice breakover around 5600 psi BH Pressure (0.72 psi/ft). Try to confirm this pick with the
other available plots, for example the Horner plot in the Reservoir Pressure tab. Change the closure stress gradient in the
sandstone from 0.65 psi/ft to 0.72 psi/ft, and change the closure stress in the shale to 1.02 psi/ft, keeping the same

Analyze stepdown test at 18 minutes using the New Step-Down Analysis button on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE
FRICTION [F8] screen). Result: ~210 psi near-wellbore friction; ~20 0 psi perf friction.
Also conduct the rate stepdown test at the end of the propped fracture treatment. Result: ~260 psi near-wellbore friction;
~0 psi perf friction.
To properly account for friction changes during the treatment, the fiction numbers at 18 minutes into the job have been
copied to an additional row in the Entry Friction versus Time Table (at 40 minutes). This properly accounts for the fact that
friction has not changed during the shut-in period. This is important in this treatment, as we will match net pressures
DURING pumping by using deadstring pressure data.

On the Simulation Control [F10] screen, set model time step to 0.2 minutes. Adjust permeability and the number
(volume & opening factor) of multiple fractures to match diagnostic injections in Plot #1 on the PLOT LIST [ALT+F8]
screen. Change permeability of the sandstone from 0.2 mD to about 1.0 mD. Match the level of the net pressure by
setting multiple fracture opening and volume factor from 1 to about 3 for entire job.

Match the net pressure over stage 6-13 by using the Auto Matching option (on the NET PRESSURE MATCHING
[Cntr+F8] screen) in FracproPT. Adjust closure stress gradient in the shale to 0.85 psi/ft, while adjusting the wallbuilding
coefficient for SPEC_4000_1 to 2.9e-3 ft/min to match the pressure decline. In order to match the gentle increase in net
pressure during the propped fracture treatment, the sand-shale closure stress contrast has to be reduced dramatically,
down to only about 0.10 - 0.15 psi/ft.

Now evaluate the fracture geometry using the INTEGRATED FRACTURE PICTURE [Alt+F2] screen. Using this real-data
approach, we have found that the actual fracture half-length of about 175 ft is much shorter than what was previously
believed in the initial design.
If you save an INP file after a model run, FracproPT will create a RES-file that contains results of the model. The RES-file
can be loaded using the COMPARE SIMULATION RESULTS [Shift+F4] screen, and the results of previous runs can be
displayed in FracproPT plots by selecting the channels you would like to see and by selecting the Compare Simulations
buttons on the bottom right of the Select Channels tab of the PLOT PREFERENCES screen.
Step 7: Compare Results
No additional explanations are necessary.

FracproPT 2007

Fracture Analysis - Tortuosity Example


Start Tortuosity
input example-
filename: start.inp

Final Tortuosity
input example.inp

Database Tortuosity
file: example.dbs

Tutorial Basic
focus: fracture




Prior to this treatment in the naturally fractured Desert Creek dolomite in the San Juan basin (NM) at about 8,100 ft depth
for Burlington Resources, an offset well with a similar completion history experienced a "pressure-out" on pad, making
placement of a propped treatment impossible. The well in this example also showed declining injectivity leading to
"pressure-out" on pad as the treatment is reaching the maximum surface pressure of 6000 psi.
Prior to the propped fracture treatment, a rate step-down test was performed using surface pressure data, which showed
that near-wellbore fracture tortuosity was as high as 1400 psi at the designed pump rate of 40 bpm. This was most likely
caused by the simultaneous propagation of near-wellbore multiple hydraulic fractures, due to the long perforated interval
(70 ft with 4 SPF) and a pre-frac acid job (20,000 gal) that may have provided multiple fracture initiation points.
To screen-out some of these near-wellbore multiple fractures, two proppant slugs (40 bbl @ 1 and 2 ppg) were pumped
very early during the pad stage. The proppant slugs dramatically reduced the tortuosity to an acceptable 300 psi as is
shown for rate-stepdown test #2.
Significant reduction in near-wellbore friction due to proppant slugs allowed successful placement of all proppant, and also
allowed real-time on-site increase in maximum proppant loading from 4 PPG to 6 PPG to obtain sufficient fracture
conductivity for this moderate-permeability well. The initial post-frac production response was more than 3 MMscfd, about
three times the pre-frac rate. Since the offset well experience suggested this well could not be propped fracture treated at
all, real-data fracture diagnostics yielded an increase in NPV of $1.6 million over three years of production.
Step 1: Load Input File

Load file "Tortuosity example-start.inp" from the ..\FracproPT\EXAMPLES\Tortuosity folder by using the Retrieve Input
File button on the left side of the FracproPT toolbar.
Step 2: View Treatment Data

FracproPT has a multitude of auto-configured plots available for its users. Plot #36 in the Plot List [Alt+F8] screen
shows the data in the channels that FracproPT uses from the tortuosity example.dbs database file. We have set up a

FracproPT 2007

plot, plot #8, in the User Configured section of the list, which also shows the Btm Prop Conc channel. Plot #8 shows that
two diagnostic KCl-water injections were conducted prior to the propped fracture treatment. These diagnostic injections
were primarily done to determine fracture closure stress and to determine near-wellbore friction.
Step 3: Conduct Closure Stress Analysis

All the necessary model inputs have already been provided in the FracproPT input file. You can check this by going
through all the main input screens by clicking on the range of icons on the top left of the screen (from the Simulator Main
Screen icon to the Simulation Control Screen icon). You can also use FracproPT’s automated "loop" to ensure that all
vital parameters have been entered by using the F2 hotkey to go to the Main [F2] screen, then selecting the Fracture
Analysis button and using the Next buttons to advance through all the necessary screens. You are done going through
this loop once you arrive at the Simulation Control [F10] screen.
Once all basic input data is entered in FracproPT and the database has been linked to the FracproPT file (all this is
already done for this example), there are three main things that need to be done to determine the observed net pressure
at any given time during the treatment. Observed net pressure, which is directly related to fracture dimensions, can be
determined using the following equation:
pnet,obs = psurface + Äphydrostatic - Äpfriction - óclosure
The first component in this equation, psurface, is contained in the data that has been measured during the propped
fracture treatment. To get from the surface to downhole conditions, we need to add the hydrostatic head and subtract
wellbore friction. FracproPT will automatically correct for hydrostatic head, Dphydrostatic in the above equation, once
the treatment stages are set appropriately (already done in this example), as it will then know what fluids and proppant are
pumped at any time during the treatment. So the only remaining parameters to determine are the closure stress, óclosure,
and the total amount of friction during pumping, Äpfriction, which includes wellbore friction, perforation friction and near-
wellbore friction.
During this step, we will determine fracture closure stress. First, run the model at a fine timestep of 0.05 min (3 seconds)
so that FracproPT can accurately calculate the bottomhole pressure from the measured surface pressure. Two diagnostic
injections were done, the first followed by a shut-in and the second followed by a shut-in with flow pulses. We will
determine fracture closure stress from diagnostic plots of the first shut-in.
First, we will set the start and end time for the injections and the shut-ins on the Input tab of the MINIFRAC ANALSYIS
[Shift+F8] screen. FracproPT allows you to analyze up to 3 diagnostic injections, and we will just concentrate on Injection
#1 in this example. Set the type of pumping cycle to "Water injection" (this corresponds to stage 2 in the aCTUAL
tREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen). The easiest way to set the Start Pumping, End Pumping and End Decline
times is to check the Auto checkbox, which makes FracproPT pick these times automatically from the stages that have
already been set.
Set up all the diagnostic plots by selecting the Create Plots button. Click on the View Summary Plot button to make sure
that the correct time intervals were picked. If the vertical lines for the stages do not correspond to the actual injection-
decline sequence, you can drag the vertical lines to the correct positions. Once you have done this and leave the plot, the
Start Pumping, End Pumping and End Decline times have been updated
The table in the Closure Stress tab shows only zeros at this time, but as we conduct the analysis using the different
diagnostic plots, the table will be filled out. To view a plot, double click on the Plot Name.
First, double-click on the ISIP Plot. Detailed instructions on how to operate the plots can be easily viewed by selecting
Help [F1] once you have selected a plot. A tangent line is automatically positioned on the Meas’d Btmh, as we have
checked Use Automated Pick on the Options tab. Change the position of the tangent line by lifting the vertical positioning
line, the endpoints or the body of the line. Once you are satisfied with how if aligns with the Meas’d Btmh Press channel,
click Yes to accept this BH ISIP value and it will be entered in the Closure Stress table. Picking the BH ISIP is necessary
to determine the approximate net pressure at the end of pumping, as this can be easily determined from:
pnet,obs,end of pumping = BH ISIP - óclosure
We will now use 4 diagnostic plots to determine fracture closure. Please follow the instructions on the individual Help [F1]
screens for each diagnostic plot. In the SQRT Plot, closure is not extremely clear, as the pressure decline is relatively
straight. Closure appears to occur between about 4-6 minutes after pumping is stopped, as the Meas’d Btmh pressure
channel slowly levels out, and the Auto Closure Pick feature picks closure after about 4.5 minutes of shut-in time. Click
Yes, and FracproPT will provide you with a closure stress of about 5400 - 5800 psi. Once you have picked fracture
closure and the purple closure line appears, you can always change your closure pick by moving the cursor over the
purple line and dragging it to another position. This SQRT Plot closure pick is not extremely clear, so it is recommended
to continue to look at other plot methods, for example the G-Function Plot.
The GdP/dG superposition derivative (green curve) shows classical behavior, with a nice tangent line going through the
origin and fracture closure at about 5700 psi (0.69 psi/ft). You can clearly see the pressure dependent leakoff as G-
function derivative is above the tangent at early times – this confirms the natural fracture problems with tortuosity, and
justifies the use of multiple fractures later on during net pressure history matching.
The closure stress can be confirmed with Log-Log Plot of delta pressure, where superposition derivative TdP/dT shows
nice deviation from ½-slope at about the same time as the slope change in the G-function superposition derivative. The

FracproPT 2007

Rate-Norm. Plot (a log-log plot of leakoff normalized pressure) also shows an excellent ½-slope and a deviation from that
behavior at later times, again clearly indicating fracture closure.
Once you are confident of the closure stress pick (about 5700 psi), you are ready to change the closure stress in the
Layer tab of the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen of the model. FracproPT can help you with this in two different
ways, which depend on how you have set up the stress profile. First, FracproPT can just change the stress in the
payzone layer. You can do this by selecting the Update Closure Stress in Pay Zone Only button. This would apply if
you believe that the stresses in neighboring layers are fixed. In this example case, however, the initial stress profile was
determined from a dipole sonic log, and there are no other closure stress measurements available. Therefore, we would
like to honor the stress contrast from the sonic log, and just shift the entire profile according to the difference between the
initial stress in the perforated interval and the closure stress that has been picked using the diagnostic plots. Select the
Shift Closure Stress in All Zones button to achieve this. The closure stress in the Dolomite will now change from 0.75 to
about 0.69 psi/ft, and the closure stress gradients for shale, limestone and dirty carbonate values now change to about
0.61, 0.72 and 0.67 psi/ft, respectively.
Step 4: Conduct Friction Analysis

We will now conduct friction analysis using the rate stepdown test, predominantly to determine near-wellbore tortuosity. A
rate stepdown test was done following the second water injection to get an initial estimate of tortuosity. Another rate
stepdown test was done during the pad to evaluate the effect of two remedial proppant slugs.
Go to the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen to do this analysis. After the model has ran on a small
timestep, select the New Step-Down Analysis button to automatically set up the plot for this analysis. At first this plot will
show all fracture treatment data. Now, select OK and drag the mouse around the area of the rate stepdown test that you
want to analyze. FracproPT will in general automatically recognize the correct starts and ends of rate changes and draw
in vertical lines to indicate these changes. You can move your mouse over these lines and drag them to another position if
necessary. Once you are happy with the position of the vertical lines, select the Use Step-Down Data button to
automatically populate this data in the various tables on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen.
Once that is done, return to the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen by pressing the ESC key on your
keyboard to close the plot. For this first rate stepdown test, near-wellbore friction is alarmingly high at about 1400 psi at 42
The main point of the real-time analysis on this well was to avoid a pressure out on pad, which is pending and is
anticipated from the high tortuosity. As a result of this tortuosity measurement, proppant slugs are pumped early in the
pad, and seem to have a dramatic effect on tortuosity as the pressure comes down significantly as proppant slugs hit. Just
to confirm that tortuosity is indeed at a more acceptable level to successfully complete the treatment, another rate
stepdown test is done after the proppant slugs have gone through the perfs at a time of about 73 minutes.
Repeat the procedure above for the analysis of this second rate step-down test. You will find that near-wellbore friction is
now less than 300 psi @ 40 bpm – much lower than in the injection test before.
This level of near-wellbore friction is significantly reduced in comparison to stepdown test #1 to conduct the treatment, and
in real-time it is decided to increase the maximum proppant concentration from 4 to 6 ppg to get more conductivity and
raise FcD (you can view plot #16 to view the Actual vs Design Treatment Schedule. Note that tortuosity is set to 0 at the
end of the job, as the remainder is removed during the proppant stages. To see how these entries impact the frictional
components as a function of rate and time, take a look at plot #5 in the Plot List [Alt-F8] screen.
Step 5: Manual Net Pressure Matching

Now that the closure stress and frictional pressures have been determined, we have a good estimate of the observed net
pressure during the diagnostic injections and the propped fracture treatment. As the frictional components still change
dramatically during the treatment – especially during the proppant slugs in the pad – we will concentrate our matching
efforts on the shut-in periods following the injections. This has the advantage that all the frictional components are zero,
so we do not have to correct for them.
Before starting the net pressure history matching, run the model on a larger timestep, e.g. 0.2 minutes, to speed up the
model, by changing the timestep on the SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen.
In net pressure matching, we always work chronologically, and once changes to some matching parameters have been
made, we will not change these anymore during later parts of the treatment. First, we will match the overall level of net
pressure and the pressure decline slopes for the water injections.
We can match the level of the net pressure by utilizing several interfering opening fractures in the MULITPLE
FRACTURES [SHIFT+F7] screen or from the Manual Matching tab of the NET PRESSURE MATCHING [Cntr+F8]
screen. Change both the Volume Factor and the Opening Factor to about a value of 3.0 for all time entries. By keeping
the Volume Factor tied to the Opening Factor, FracproPT mimics the simultaneous propagation of several "equivalent"
multiple fracture from a "point source" perforated interval. "Point source" refers to the fact that the total perforated interval
is smaller than the fracture height.
Change the permeability of the dolomite in the pay zone in the NET PRESSURE MATCHING [Cntr+F8] screen to change
the slope of the pressure decline following both injections that can be seen in Plot #1. Run the model using the Start

FracproPT 2007

Simulation icon every time you have changed the permeability of the Dolomite. You will find a reasonable match of the
shut-in behavior for a Dolomite permeability of about 0.7 mD. This is not a perfect match, but works reasonable for both
injections. Note that permeability or relative perm is generally obtained from slickwater injections, but that this should be
interpreted as the permeability under fracturing conditions – permeability for production could be very different from this!
Step 6: Semi-Automated Net Pressure Matching

If we look at the observed net pressure behavior toward the end of the treatment in plot #2 on the PLOT LIST [ALT+F8]
screen, we see a gradual increase toward the end of the treatment once proppant is introduced. Also, we see that the
slope of the net pressure decline is not matched well with the current settings. To match the slope, we cannot change
permeability anymore, as this was fixed by matching the declines following the slickwater injections. To match the end-of-
treatment observed net pressure level, we will use the Proppant Drag Exponent, while we will use the Wallbuilding
Coefficient for the main fracturing fluid to match the end-of-treatment net pressure decline.
Go to the Auto Matching tab on the NET PRESSURE MATCHING [Cntr-F8] screen, to match the pressure response in
stage 14, which represents the shut-in at the end of the propped fracture treatment. Set the start time of the matching
window a little bit past the start of stage 14, for example at 125 minutes, to avoid that the Auto matching procedure gets
somewhat "confused" by the rapid pressure changes at shut in. Set the Maximum Error to 15% as an initial step and set
the Maximum # of Iterations to 10. Select the checkbox on the left hand side of the Proppant Drag Exponent and
Wallbuilding Coefficient, and select the 30# Hybor gel (HL_HYB_G30_1) as the main fracturing fluid. Now that you have
set up everything, click on the Find Best Match button to start the iterations.
FracproPT will find a good match for a Wallbuilding Coefficient of about 0.0030 ft/min and a Proppant Drag
Exponent of about 15.0 (depending on the closure stress that you have picked in step 3). Check your match using the
Display Plot #2 button and update the model for future using the Use Best-Fit Value buttons that are now available. If
you match of the net pressure level is not satisfactory, but the pressure decline slope looks good, unselect the
Wallbuilding Coefficient as a matching parameter, decrease the Maximum Error to a smaller number, for example 4%,
and rerun the iteration by selecting the Find Best Match button to iterate on just a single parameter.
Run the model once again with the updated values and review the fracture geometry results in the INTEGRATED

Technical Description
FracproPT uses measured values of flow rate, proppant concentration, and fluid rheology parameters to calculate the
pressure drop down a wellbore of variable deviation and diameter, and the growth of a hydraulic fracture. Within the
fracture, the transport of proppant, including convection, and the formation of proppant banks are calculated. As output,
among other variables, the time histories of the fracture dimensions and the net excess fracture pressure (fracturing fluid
pressure above closure pressure) are calculated. FracproPT is comprised of a number of different models:

• Wellbore Model
• Fracture Geometry Model
• Leakoff Model
• Heat Transfer Model
• Proppant Transport Model
• Acid Fracturing Model

Wellbore Model
The wellbore module determines the pressure drop down the wellbore. It handles non-Newtonian fluids and corrects the
density for the effects of nitrogen foam, carbon dioxide and proppant phases. The wellbore can be divided up into several
sections, each with a different deviation from the vertical and with different flow configurations.
Friction pressure is modeled with two flow regimes, laminar and turbulent. Behavior for these regimes is specified by
entering three friction versus flow rate points: one in the laminar flow regime, one in turbulent flow regime, and one at the
elbow or transition between the two regimes. Wellbore friction data is supplied for the fluids in the System Library. User
defined fluids require the user to enter friction data. All friction data can be edited to match observed (measured) friction
data from stimulations where suitable data was recorded.
The module accounts for friction variation from entrained proppant by multiplying the base-fluid friction by a factor
determined from a modified volume-fraction-based Thomas equation.

The basis for this module is outlined in Eqns. (1-4) of SPE 15069 (Ref. 1). However, a number of changes have been
incorporated since that paper was written.
Foam Treatments

FracproPT 2007

The assumption of pressure p much less than bulk modulus B has been relaxed to allow proper modeling of foam
treatments (e.g. involving non-emulsions like N2). The resulting expression for bulk modulus, defined as

B≡V(p-pR)/(Vr-V) (1a)

involves pressure and temperature-dependence, through the volumes


M/ρ=V=VL+VS+VGI+...+VGM (1c)

in which the current volumes V (at any condition in the pipe) are related to the values VR at some reference pressure pR,
through relationships of the kind

VL,S≈VLR,SR/[1+(p-pR)/BL,S-αL,S(T-TR)] (1d)
VGm≈VGmR+T(amp+bm+cm/p)pR/TR (1e)

The variations of liquid and solid volumes VL and VS are each assumed to be determined by simple bulk moduli BL and BS
and coefficients of thermal expansion αL and αS. However, the gas volumes VGm, n=1,...,M, are assumed to be determined
by something like a classical equation of the form
pV=ZRT,Z=ap +bp+c (1f)

in which T is absolute temperature and R is the "real-gas" constant. An example of such coefficients are those for nitrogen
(N2); in that case, the "gas deviation factor" Z takes the following forms, obtained by curve-fitting:
-7 -10 -10 2 -4 3
am=1.689x10 -(6.225×10 )T-(8.039×10 )T -(3.547×10 )T
-4 -7 -10 2
bm≈-3.122×10 +(8.488×10 )T-(5.363×10 )T
cm≈1.0; 0<p≤8,000 psi (1g)

-3 -6 2
cm≈-0.056+(2.5×10 )T-(1.5x10 )T
-4 -7 -10 2
bm=2.281×10 -(4.066×10 )T-(2.3×10 )T
am=0; 4,000<p≤8,000 psi (1h)


-3 -6 2
cm=-0.1573+(2.438×10 )T-(1.46×10 )T
-4 -7 -10 2
bm=2.204×10 -(3.515×10 )T-(1.814×10 )T
am=0; p>8,000 psi (1i)

in which the absolute temperature T is expressed in Rankine (°F+459.6). Incidentally, R=0.732 when V is expressed in ft ,
temperature T is in Rankine and pressure p in psia.

Implementation of the above general scheme in the wellbore required careful revision of the iterative solution scheme
implied by Eqns. (1-3) in SPE 15069. Indeed, that whole scheme generates increasingly erroneous results as the fluids
become more compressible.

The solution scheme which we have adopted arises by rewriting Eqn. (1) of SPE 15069 as follows:

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for which the solution, correcting Eqn. (2a) of SPE 15069, is


and the batch length lB is determined by


A suitable approximation for the average density and velocity is


in which the velocity increment (which should generally be negative) is

ΔV=Vj-Vj-1 (2e)

Clearly the solution for pressure in Eqn. (2b) is iterative, starting with ΔV = 0 and using successive densities determined
ρ=ρR[1+(p-pR)/B] (2f)

until convergence is achieved (which generally happens quite quickly) for each package.

Friction Model
The friction model has required some modifications and corrections. In the first place, the Clapp’s equation, 94a) of SPE
15069 has been re-written as

½ (2-n)/2
n/(fc) = 0.45n-2.75+4.53log[Recfc ] (3a)

from which (Clapp’s friction factor, fc) the actual friction factor is still determined by
2-n n-1
f/fc=ac-bclogRec, Rec≡ρV D/(K8 ) (3b)

but with the proviso that the choice of flow-rates (and associated frictional pressure drops) must be carefully chosen to
span the range of practical rates (e.g. by using actual flow-rate changes on the job to get the data).

Fracture Geometry Model

The fracture module is three-dimensional in that spatial variations in reservoir stress, modulus, pressure, and flow
distribution are taken into account. However, it does not need to calculate the variations at specific points within the

FracproPT 2007

fracture. Instead, the effects are integrated into functional coefficients of the governing differential equations, which greatly
simplifies the calculations of fracture dimensions. The module can therefore run many times faster than real time, which is
required for history matching of measured net pressure. The coefficients necessary to calculate the spatial variations are
obtained from a fully three-dimensional model and checked against experimental and field test data. FracproPT handles
up to one hundred layers to define the reservoir(s) and surrounding formations.

The basic techniques employed in the 3-D Lumped Fracture Models are described in Eqns. (5-14) of SPE 15069.
However, numerous changes and clarifications have been achieved since that paper was written, and those are reported

The easiest way to present these modifications and resulting structure in FracproPT is in terms of the shape factors STi
(where T represents type of mechanism) multiplying the basic propagation coefficients γ°i2 in Eqn. (13b) of SPE 15069:

γ2=γ°2SkiSSiSdiSμiSpiSLi (0)

where i=1,2,3 correspond to length, upper and lower height, respectively. The subscripts K, S, d, μ, p, and L correspond
to fracture, stress, deformation modulus, viscosity, proppant and leak-off mechanisms, respectively.

In addition, we use Beta-coefficients, associated with the shape-factors in Eqn. (13b) of SPE 15069, allows a major
flexibility in the ability of FracproPT to accept/represent ongoing research results (e.g. from R3DH). These Beta-
coefficients are represented as BETA (I,J,K) in the FracproPT code and are available as background menus for
researchers within companies using FracproPT. Those menu screen displays have the structure shown in Table D2.1. I
corresponds to the fracture growth direction, J allows numerous Betas and K represents the mechanisms; thus, for
instance, Table D2.1 uses the following identifications:

K=1: Geometry and Fracture Toughness

K=2: Variations in Earth Stresses (e.g. Barriers)
K=3: Variations in Rock Moduli (e.g. Stratification)
K=4: Variations in Rheology (e.g. Temperature Effects)
K=5: Variations in Proppant Effects (e.g. Concentrations)
K=6: Variations in Leak-Off (e.g. Stratification)

Shape Factors for Fracture Toughness

One major issue that has been raised continuously was the role of fracture toughness Kc in fracture propagation. There is
no explicit account of toughness in SPE 15069, based on the many previous arguments showing it to have a negligible
effect in typical large scale operations. However, to allow handling of small-scale fractures, such as those induced during
stress testing, and also to allow comparison with "equivalent fracture toughnesses" (e.g. as in Eqn. 5 later), an explicit
incorporation of Kc has been achieved with a shape factor
SKi=MAX[0,1-KcβK/σ(πli) ] (1a)

The characteristic lengths li depend on the dimension being propagated (in accordance with γi2 above) and the geometry
of the fracture; to determine them, we have made adaptations of standard formulae from fracture mechanics:
I+1 I 2 2
li=[(L2+L3)/2] /L 1E(κ); κ2≡1-(L2+L3) /4L1 (1b)

with I=1 when i=1, I=0 when i=2,3. E(κ) is the complete Elliptic Integral.

The coefficient βK is used to allow some flexibility in weighting the stress-intensity factor K produced by the pressure
distribution associated with σ.

Shape Factors for Stress Variation

The shape factors in Eqns. (13,14) of SPE 15069 have also been modified and expanded in numerous important ways.
The most important may be to allow multiple layers for stress, modulus and permeability. To achieve this, the functions
appearing in the shape factors (Eqn. 1b) must be generalized as follows:

FracproPT 2007



in which the current location of the fracture perimeter is located by LI and heights

HL2<L2<HL2+1, HL3<L3<HL3+1 (2c)

The functions fskli resemble those in Eqns. (14a-c) of SPE 15069, except that some simplifications and more effective
generalizations have been achieved, as follows:

fsil1=f1(HL1/l1)exp[(βsi-1)f2-(Hl1/Li)] (2d)

f1(h)≡1-2arcsin(h)/π, f2≡1-f1Δσc/σ (2e)

Note that an equilibrium height is achieved in the special case of f2=0, but that βSi can serve as a "control knob" to
increase (βSi>1) or decrease (βSi<1) the rate of growth (i.e. the effect of stress barriers), even in the special cases where
such an equilibrium height exists. The values of βS2 and βS3 may be found in the slots reserved for BETA (2,J,2) and
BETA (3,J,2) in Table D2.1; as well, by varying J ("the switch") we allow the options of extreme containment, normal
growth (e.g. from R3DH (Ref. 3) and lab experiments (Ref. 8)), or very little containment in either direction; these options
allow the representation of alternative mechanisms, such as containment by slippage at interfaces (e.g. Ref. 6) - which we
choose not to incorporate in explicit parametric terms, because of poor potential to measure the required parameters.

The other functions fs1l1 are, for convenience, chosen in relation to the upward and downward growth functions in Eqns.
(2e,f). Specifically, the length growth is tied somewhat to vertical growth:

fsil1=f1(Hl1/l1)[1-expβs1(1-Li/Hl1)] (2f)

but with another Beta-coefficient βS1 which allows variable degrees of coupling between lateral and vertical growth: βS1 is
found in the BETA (1,J,2) slot of Table 1 and can vary from infinity (i.e. length growth follows average height growth when
βS1=1) to zero, when length growth is unaffected by stress barriers.

Fracture Width and Cross-Sectional Profiles in Stress Layers

Lastly, the crack-opening functions SS (and Sg) also contains functions which bear a relationship with fsil1, but this
correspondence is more of a coincidental nature:
i 2 ½
fsol1=f1(hl1)/2-hl1ln{[1+(-1) (1-hli ) ]/hli}/π (2g)

fgol1=1+(2-π)exp[-βc(Rl1-1)], Rl1=L1/hl1H (2h)

hl1=[Hl1-(-1) HD]H, 2H≡L2+L3, HD=(L2-L3)/2 (2i)

which represents the effects of pinching on the crack-opening at the middle of the perforations - which may, or may not,
coincide with the middle of the pay zone. (Note that Eqn. (14c) of SPE 15069 is applicable only to a symmetric 3-layer
system and Eqn. (2g) specializes to Eqn. (14c) in that case).

Recognizing the issue of pinching at all points along the fracture, and especially in light of various claims that pinching
could dominate proppant transport (for instance), we have also derived a more general set of formulae which can be used

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to approximately represent the fracture opening, δ, at any point along a vertical cross-section at the wellbore (from which
Eqns. (2g,h,i) derive as special cases):


We represent the point of interest with dimensionless location

h≡[z-(-1) HD]/H (2k)
and γ°1 is the crack-opening coefficient for uniform stress.

Shape Factors for Modulus Variation

A similar procedure can now be adopted for the effects of modulus stratification:



in which the functions in the shape-factors Sd and Sdi take a form analogous to those in Eqn. (14e) of SPE 15069:
fdl1=ei+(1-el1)exp(-βdLi/Hl1) (3c)

fdil1=1+(fdl1-1)exp(-βdiLi/Hl1) (3d)

These exponential functions are chosen so that the multiplying factor Sd changes the crack-opening coefficient γ1 from the
value (e.g.γ°1), associated with a uniform modulus E, to the extreme of E/Eil which would govern if Eil persisted; the
exponent βd may be found in the slot for BETA (0,J,3) - again allowing extremes to be explored, on either side of a
"normal" value (i.e. using J=0,1,2).

However, the behavior of fdil1 is not as easy to identify, except that they certainly should go from unity for small Li/Hl1back
to unity for large Li/Hl1. Only detailed runs with the hybrid code SIFEH (Ref. 7), coupled to R3DH (Ref. 3), will allow us to
get better forms than those in Eqn. (3d); meanwhile, we recommend the use of βdi=∞ for i=1,2,3, i.e. for BETA (I,J,3),

Shape Factors for Viscosity, Proppant, Temperature and Radial Weighting

The formula provided in SPE 15069, Eqn. (14f), expresses the fact that temperature of the fluid varies from that in the
wellbore θW to that in the reservoir θR as fluid enters and follows the main fracture: the associated characteristic dimension
Lθ, over which the heat-up occurs, is found to be quite short—of order tens of meters—so that the fluid quickly goes to
reservoir temperature in most large-scale treatments. This effect may be partly responsible for the observation which we
have made on (almost) all field data-sets: the injection of a viscous pad after a thin fluid (e.g. KCl water) seems to produce
very little rise in net pressure, i.e. the viscous fluid may be quickly degraded. An additional major (probably dominant)
factor in this observation is the leading-edge behavior which we have been observing in laboratory experiments (Ref. 8)
and analyzing with R3DH (Ref. 3). To capture both effects, we have introduced a radial weighting function f(r/R) for the
effects of the many possible viscosities in the fracture:

FracproPT 2007



in which Lmi are the dimensions of the various fluid stages (see equation 1). The Beta-coefficients βRW and βVT may be
found in the slots allocated to BETA (I,J,4), in Table D2.1, again allowing various extremes for J=0,1,2.

In addition, we can capture the effect of proppant on fluid drag by writing an equivalent viscosity which depends on
proppant concentration, for example as follows:


in which the βVP are recorded in the slots BETA (I,J,5) of Table 1. φp is the volume concentration of proppant and φpps the
"packed-bed" value of φp.

Shape Factors for Leak-Off

These factors were not defined in SPE 15069, but only were mentioned in Eqn. (13c), based on the γi5 coefficients in Eqn.
(8c). We now define functions associated with these shape factors, allowing for the possibility of multiple permeability
layers, as shown in Figure 2, namely


in which the average permeability is defined


in which the Beta-factors βLi are recorded in the slots associated with BETA (I,J,6) of Table 1 and γAl1 are "equivalent loss-
area factors".

Again the lengthwise growth factor is expressed as a suitable average of the height growth factors, similar to that in Eqn.
(2f), namely

SL1=(SL2+SL3)/2 (6c)

The propagation rate Liis now obtained as Eqns. 10a-d of SPE 15069 but those equations are also re-defined and
generalized in Eqns. 5 later.

Leakoff Model
The leakoff of fracturing fluids from the fracture into the formation is one of the most important mechanisms in hydraulic
fracturing operations, because it affects the efficiency of the fracturing treatment. Fluid leakoff and filtration during
hydraulic fracture growth is a complicated process, but the fluid leakoff is normally simplified by the assumption that the
flow of fluids from the fracture into the reservoir is one-dimensional and normal to the fracture face. With this
simplification, the overall problem can be described by three fluid-loss coefficients to characterize the flow of fluids

FracproPT 2007

through the filter cake zone, through the invaded zone filled with the fluid filtrate, and through the non-invaded zone
occupied by the compressed reservoir fluids.
There are three leakoff model options in FracproPT, all three of which are consistent with the assumptions and
descriptions discussed above:

• Lumped-Parameter Model
• Grid-Based Classical Model
• Grid-Based FLIC Model.
The Lumped-Parameter Model
This model is the original leakoff model in the FracproPT system, which is documented by Crockett et al. in SPE 15069.
In this model, the flow behavior in the non-invaded region is handed using the Green’s (influence) function solution to the
resulting diffusion equation for fluid flow through the reservoir. This model allows for the superposition of the leakoff rate
history (see the integral form in Eqn-15d in their paper).
This is a lumped-parameter model in the sense that a single leakoff rate history for a reference leakoff layer over the
fracture is tracked. But, at every time step, the leakoff rate history is modified to account for the creation of new fracture
area. The authors of this model indicated that previous comparisons with fully distributed calculations of fluid loss have
shown this technique to be sufficiently accurate for most practical applications. This model includes the effect of Spurt
Loss prior to the formation of a filter cake and uses a single value of Wall Building Coefficient to describe filter cake
buildup on the fracture face.
The lumped- parameter model is the best and quickest starting point for any type of simulation. However, if there are
either large permeability contrasts between leakoff layers (more tan 2 orders of magnitude) or permeability in the pay
zone is higher than 100 mD, it is better to use some of the other leakoff models that are available within FracproPT.
The Grid-Based Classical Model
Although the Lumped-Parameter Model is our model of choice for fluid leakoff calculations, occasionally there are cases
that the leakoff and net pressure behavior predicted by the model is difficult to explain. Some of the behavior may be
caused by the nature of lumped-parameter modeling. The speed of computers today has allowed us to look into the
leakoff behavior in a more detailed manner by letting us track the leakoff history at each grid block in the fracture. The
history of fluid leakoff at a location near the wellbore is obviously different from that at the fracture tip. To this end, we
have developed a scheme to create grid blocks along the fracture length and height for fluid leakoff calculations. At each
grid block, we adopt a one-dimensional, classical leakoff model developed by McGowen et al. (SPE 56597). However,
even with obvious increase in computations, this model option runs only slightly slower than the Lumped-Parameter
Model option.
This model handles the variable leakoff-rate history implicitly by removing the time variable from the classical filtration
equations. In this model, the wall building coefficient dependence on rock permeability is recognized by introducing two
parameters: Wall Building Coefficient for Low-Perm (1 md) and Wall Building Coefficient for Low-Perm (1 Darcy). For a
cross-linked gel, the two values of the wall building coefficients are usually about the same; for a linear gel, the value of
the wall building coefficient for low-perm is less than that of the wall building coefficient for high-perm. When a Particulate
Loss Additive is used in a fracturing fluid system, the wall building behavior of the fluid system has been altered. This
model takes into account the effect of particulate loss additive on fluid loss if this option is checked.
The Grid-Based Classical Model is the model of choice if there are permeability between leakoff layers that exceed 2
orders of magnitude.
The Grid-Based FLIC Model
Neither of the previous two models considers the dynamic filter cake buildup. Under dynamic conditions during pumping,
two actions take place simultaneously for filter cake buildup: the deposition of filter cake materials on the fracture face due
to the invasion of fracturing fluids into the reservoir, and the erosion of the filter cake materials from the cake surface due
to the shear force exerted by the flowing fluids and proppants. Also, for high-perm rocks, the whole polymer in the
fracturing fluid can invade into the formation, especially for linear gels. In a situation like this, the viscous fluid invasion is
non-Newtonian in nature. All these factors are neglected in the classical theory (including the lumped-parameter model) of
fluid invasion and filtration. McGowen et al. have developed a new model to incorporate these factors for simulating the
filtration process of fracturing fluids. The new model is referred as the FLIC (filtration with linear-invasion and cross flow)
model in their publication (SPE 56597). In addition, the FLIC model considers the filter cake compressibility effect.
For users who are interested in this new leakoff model, we have incorporated the FLIC model into the FracproPT system
by accessing the model at each grid block. We refer to it as the Grid-Based FLIC Model. In addition to the concepts of two
wall building coefficients and effects of particulate loss additive introduced in the previous section describing the Grid-
Based Classical Model, two new parameters are required to run the FLIC model: Dynamic Equilibrium Fluid Loss
Coefficient, and Filter Cake Compressibility Exponent. The Dynamic Equilibrium Fluid Loss Coefficient is defined at 180
deg-F, 1 md, 1000 psi, and 50/sec. This coefficient increases as the fluid viscosity increases; a typical value for a borate
gel is about 0.0005 ft/min. The Filter Cake Compressibility Exponent is a dimensionless parameter: a value of 0.5 means
an incompressible filter cake and the value of the variable can range from 0.1 to 0.5. See authors’ paper (SPE 56597) for
a more detailed description of the FLIC model. This model options typically increase simulation time by 50-100 percent,
which is still sufficiently fast for real-time use on all but the slowest computers.

FracproPT 2007

The Grid-Based FLIC Model is the model of choice if payzone permeability is greater than 100 mD.

ƒ A.R. Crockett, N.M. Okusu, and M.P. Cleary: "A Complete Integrated Model for Design and Real-Time
Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing Operations", paper SPE 15069.
ƒ J.M. McGowen, R.D. Barree, and M.W. Conway: "Incorporating Crossflow and Spurt-Loss Effects in
Filtration Modeling Within a Fully 3D Fracture-Growth Simulator", paper SPE 56597.

Heat Transfer Models

Background Information
Predicting accurate temperature profiles both in the wellbore and in the fracture is important for the design and analysis of
well stimulation jobs. The problem can be solved either analytically or numerically. Since an analytical solution can not
handle variable fluid and rock properties and variable pumping rates, we have employed a unique numerical scheme that
is not only accurate for calculating the temperature profiles, but that also runs fast enough for real-time analysis. Since
temperature calculations in the wellbore are different from those in the fracture, two models are required to handle the two
For temperature calculations in the wellbore, there is transfer of heat between different segments of pumped fluids along
the pipe, between the wellbore fluids and the formation, and inside the formation. In our wellbore temperature model, the
heat transfer for pumped fluids along the pipe is handled as linear flow; the heat transfer between the wellbore fluids and
the formation is handled through a heat transfer coefficient; and the heat transfer in the formation is handled as radial
flow. The heat transfer coefficient is automatically estimated in the program, based on the correlation in the literature. The
correlation for the wellbore heat transfer coefficient is dependent on fluid properties, flow regime, wellbore geometry, the
thickness of pipe wall and cement sheath, and presence/absence of a deal fluid in the annulus, etc. Quite often, the
estimated wellbore heat transfer coefficient is not very accurate because of complex wellbore conditions. To overcome the
problem, you can calibrate the wellbore heat transfer coefficient if you have a temperature survey for any wells in the
Similarly, for temperature calculations in the fracture, there is transfer of heat between different segments of pumped
fluids in the fracture, between the fracture fluids and the formation, and inside the formation. In our fracture temperature
model, the heat transfer for pumped fluids along the fracture is handled as linear flow; the heat transfer between the
fracture fluids and the formation is handled through a heat transfer coefficient; and the heat transfer in the formation is
also handled as linear flow. The correlation for the fracture heat transfer coefficient is dependent on fluid properties and
flow regime. You can also calibrate the fracture heat transfer coefficient to match your flow-back temperature data.
Partial differential equations for governing heat transfer processes along the wellbore and in the fracture were constructed
mathematically and solved numerically. The numerical solution for the wellbore model was obtained by coupling the 1-D
linear heat transfer along the wellbore with the 1-D radial heat transfer in the formation surrounding the well. The wellbore
heat transfer model was verified by analytical solutions and with measured bottomhole temperature data. Likewise, the
fracture temperature model was solved numerically by assuming 1-D linear heat transfer inside the fracture. The fracture
temperature model was verified by analytical solutions and calibrated by measured bottomhole temperature data of
flowback immediately after the pumping of a fracture treatment.
Pinnacle Technologies compared FracproPT model results with data provided by Halliburton Energy Services: 1)
Enertech's 2-D wellbore heat transfer modeling results, 2) measured bottomhole temperature data. The figure below
shows temperature data from a fracture treatment with flowback data. FracproPT’s heat transfer model compares fairly
well with measured temperature data.

FracproPT 2007

Comparison of measured and modeled bottomhole temperature

Note that neither the simulated nor measured temperature after 10 hours of flow back is close to the reservoir static
temperature of 265 °F. The behavior of heat conduction in the reservoir is similar to the transient pressure change. For a
typical reservoir rock, the thermal diffusivity is about 0.7 - 0.9 ft /day. However, for a typical gas reservoir with a
permeability of 1 mD, porosity of 10%, viscosity of 0.03 cP, and compressibility of 3.0E-4 psi , the hydraulic diffusivity is
2 2
7.0E3 ft /day. To make the gas reservoir flow diffusivity to the same order of the thermal diffusivity, say 0.7 ft /day, we
need to have a rock permeability of 0.1 mD. This analysis means that thermal flow in the reservoir is similar to the fluid
flow in a tight gas reservoir. For a tight gas reservoir, after a short period of production or pressure draw down, it takes
many days (or even months) for the pressure near/around the wellbore to be built up to its original reservoir pressure.
Similarly, it will take a long time for the bottomhole temperature to reach the original reservoir temperature.
This feature can accurately predict the wellbore temperature profile during pumping and shut-in stages, and allows more
accurate breaker scheduling, as the temperature profile inside the fracture is accurately calculated at any position at any
given point in time.
How to Use the Models
Once you select the option to model heat transfer effects, you need to enter relevant information on the Heat Transfer
Parameters screen in order to run the models. First, you need to know surface slurry temperatures, which include Surface
Fluid Temperature, Surface Proppant Temperature, Surface N2 Temperature, and Surface CO2 Temperature. If you
pump a job in cold winter weather, you may heat up surface fluid, this will cause your fluid temperature different from your
proppant temperature. Also, if you pump a foam job with Nitrogen or CO2, the temperatures for N2 and CO2 at the
surface are usually different from your fluid temperature.
Second, you need to know your rock temperature, which includes Surface Rock Temperature and Reservoir Temperature.
If you enter the two rock temperature values, the model assumes that the earth thermal gradient is linear. However, if you
know your well’s earth temperature profile versus depth, you have the option of using that data instead.
Third, for an offshore well we need to model heat exchange between the wellbore fluids and the ocean. Therefore, you
need to enter Water Depth, Surface Water Temperature, Seabed Temperature, and Sea Current for an offshore well.
These ocean data will affect the temperature of the wellbore fluids.
Last, you may have noticed three heat transfer coefficient multipliers on the inputs screen, which include Wellbore Heat
Transfer Coefficient Multiplier, Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier, and Ocean/Wellbore Heat Transfer
Coefficient Multiplier. The default values for these parameters are one. However, if the model results are different from
your well temperature survey data, you can adjust these multipliers to match your temperature data. For a typical
fracturing job, the pumped fluid is cooler than the reservoir rock: the reservoir rock loses heat to the pumped fluids and the
fluids are heated up during the job. In this case, increasing the Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier will speed up
the process of heating up the wellbore/pumped fluids; changing the Fracture Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier will affect
the temperature of fluids in the fracture, which can be easily noticed in the flow-back data; and increasing the

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Ocean/Wellbore Heat Transfer Coefficient Multiplier will cool down the temperature of the wellbore/pumped fluids in the
section of the wellbore exposed to the ocean because the ocean water is usually cooler than that of pumped fluids.
Finally, the program calculates the wellbore temperature at any location and at any time. In FracproPT, most plot
channels are time channels, so you need to select a depth to display the calculated temperature vs. time (a field is
provided for this). Of course you must also enter thermal rock and fluid properties in order to run the models properly.

ƒ SPE 96 by H.J. Ramey, 1962.

ƒ SPE 1449 by Paul Willhite, 1967.
ƒ SPE 2497 by N.F. Whitsitt and G.R. Dysart, 1970.
ƒ SPE 3011 by A.R. Sinclair, 1971.
ƒ SPE 8441 by G.R. Wooley, 1980.
ƒ SPE 17041 by B.R. Meyer, 1987.
ƒ SPE 22948 by A.R. Hasan and C.S.Kabir, 1994.
ƒ SPE 49056 by J. Romero and E. Touboul, 1998.
ƒ Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 1978.

Proppant Transport Model

FracproPT models the convection of proppant in a fracture. Initial laboratory and computer simulations indicate that
proppant convection may be a dominant mechanism in propped-fracture stimulations. FracproPT also models proppant
settling taking into account the effects of non-Newtonian fluids, hindered settling rates, and settled bank buildup.

The basic methodology for the tracking of proppant stages is to employ mass-conservation as the primary equation for the
outside dimensions Lim of the Mth stage (e.g. as shown in equation 1):

Wm-WLm=ρmγVmΔm(L2m+L3m)L1m (1)

in which Wm is the material mass injected since the beginning of stage m, WLm is the mass of fluid lost from all stages
since (and including) stage m, and ρm is the overall average density of the remaining material. The volume factors γVm are
intended to allow distortions of the shapes associated with various stages and Δm are the effective widths: if Δm is
equated with Δ in the corresponding overall mass conservation, Eqn. (5) of SPE 15069, then γVm represents both
perimeter shapes and width distribution for the mass injected since the beginning of stage m.

In order to model proppant bank formation, due to dehydration and/or bridging, it is necessary to track the material
exchange between stages due to settling and also the fluid leak-off to the formation. The result is a two-part expression
for the change in proppant concentration ρpm associated with each stage; as well, because settling and dehydration are
different for the upper and lower segments of the fracture, we must differentiate between upper concentration ρpm2 and
lower concentration ρpm3. The resulting expressions for variations in concentrations are then as follows, for each stage
(volume Vm).

Due to settling of proppant, we get:


due to influx of proppant, caused by settling velocity υSI, with effective concentration ρI through an upper influx area AI
countered by outflux of proppant and outflux of proppant, caused by settling velocity υSO, with effective concentration ρO
through a lower outflux area AO. The settling velocity υS also had to be corrected (or at least clarified) from that given in
Eqn. (21) of SPE 15069, namely:
υS=(2n+1)d[(ρp-ρf)gd/6K] /(9n) (2b)

with υS in the same units as d/time. As well, the fV in Eqn. (21b) is the fractional volume of fluid (not of suspended
proppant). In addition, there is a variation of proppant concentration due to leak-off:


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in which the leak-off rate associated with each stage and segment W must be calculated, e.g. in relation to the overall
leak-off WL. A variety of approximations can be used to achieve this, but we have tried to achieve the most generality
without great loss of accuracy and computational efficiency which have been the hallmarks of FracproPT. In particular, in
reference to equation 2, we define the leak-off associated with the group of stages beginning with stage m, as follows:

+kLi(Lmi-HLi)tmLi; HLi≤Lmi≤HLi+1 (3b)

Using the geometry of equation 2 and the times tml,1 elapsed since stage m reached the (l1) permeable layers, we can
calculate the leak-offs associated with each segment:
WLmi≈WLi[(kAt)mi/(kAt)i] (3c)

Acid Fracturing Model

Acid frac treatments are modeled using FracproPT's three-dimensional fracture geometry module to determine the
transport of the acid stages within the growing hydraulic fracture. Acid spending is tracked separately for each stage. The
cumulative etching of the rock, and the resulting fracture conductivity, are computed as distributions across the fracture
surface. These distributions can be collapsed to a one-dimensional representation for use in two-dimensional reservoir
The variation of acid concentration across the fracture width is modeled, which allows the competing effects of acid
transfer across the flow channel and acid reactivity at the fracture surface to be accounted for in the determination of acid
spending. Diffusion-limited or reaction-limited conditions, as well as intermediate conditions, are therefore handled
naturally. Calculation of the changing fluid temperatures allows that dependence of acid reactivity to be accounted for.
Evaluation of Mass Transfer Coefficient
The acid pumped into the fracture during a treatment is consumed (that is, spent) by reactions with the rock minerals on
fracture walls, thereby creating the etched width needed for production stimulation. The transport and spending creates
acid concentration profiles both along the fracture and across the width. L.D. Roberts and J.A. Guin (SPE 5155) were the
first to propose two acid concentrations—bulk acid concentration and wall acid concentration—to describe the acid
concentration profile across the width. The acid concentrations are related to both mass transfer and reaction kinetics:
C is the bulk acid concentration;
Kg is the mass transfer coefficient;
Cw is the wall acid concentration;
k is the reaction rate constant; and
n is the reaction order.
The left-hand side of the above equation represents the mechanism of mass transfer or the diffusion-limited condition, and
the right-hand side represents the mechanism of reaction kinetics or the reaction-limited condition. The mass transfer
coefficient, Kg, used in FracproPT is determined from a public correlation in the literature. The correlation is based on the
work by M.H. Lee and L.D. Roberts (SPE 7893), K.K. Lo and R.H. Dean (SPE 17110), and Settari (SPE 21870).
Temperature-Dependence of Acid Reactivity
The effects of temperature on the acid reaction rate constant, k, in FracproPT are described by the Arrhenius equation:
k0 is the pre-exponential factor, which is the reaction rate constant at a infinitely high temperature;
Ea is the activation energy;
R is the gas constant; and
T is the absolute temperature.

Production Analysis
The FracproPT system includes two reservoir simulators, which are:

• 2D Numerical Simulator
• 3D Analytical Simulator
FracproPT’s Production Analysis mode is the interface between FracproPT and various reservoir simulators.

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FracproPT’s Production Analysis Features

This table lists the various features available in the two reservoir simulators included with the FracproPT System.

Feature Analytical Numerical

Model Model

Vertical well 3 3

Infinite 3 3

Finite 3 3

Infinite 3

Rectangular 3 3

Cylindrical 3 3

Layered 3

Multiple 3
fractures in

Non-Darcy 3

Stress- 3

Stress- 3

Fracture 3
as function
of position

Gas PVT 3 3

Oil PVT 3 3

Changing 3 3

2D Model

2D Numerical Simulator

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FracproPT’s Production Analysis mode is packaged with an integrated finite-difference, single-well, single flowing phase,
two-dimensional reservoir simulator. This simulator was derived from FraPS, the Fracture Performance Simulator,
developed for the IBM PC family in 1985, and now in widespread use by companies in the petroleum production industry.
FracproPT’s Production Analysis mode -FraPS is specifically designed for predicting the performance of both non-
fractured and fractured wells, and accounts for proppant crushing with pressure depletion and non-Darcy effects in the
fracture. Fracture-face clean-up and stress-sensitive reservoir permeability may also be modeled.
Although FraPS allows only a single mobile phase, it can be successfully used to model most oil and gas-condensate
reservoirs. In the case of oil reservoirs, the energy provided by the liberated gas is still accounted for. In the case of gas-
condensate reservoirs, often most of the condensation is occurring in the wellbore and near, or on the surface. In theory,
a multi-phase model could be used to more accurately model these situations, but in practice it is extremely difficult to
model multi-phase flow in a fracture. The relative permeability characteristics of damaged proppant packs are largely
unknown and the simulation mathematics require 10 to 100 times the computational resources of single-phase flow.
FracproPT’s Production Analysis mode -FraPS has at least one thing in common with all true reservoir simulators, which
is that it provides a numerical solution to the diffusivity equation. This is probably the common denominator or the
definition of reservoir simulation. Some simulators couple the diffusivity equation with other equations to account for
phenomena such as multi-phase flow, phase changes, thermal effects, etc. FracproPT’s Production Analysis mode -
FraPS couples the diffusivity equation with a PVT package so that PVT effects are accounted for, and with a fracture
model that includes the effects of proppant crushing and non-Darcy flow. Gravitational effects in the reservoir are ignored.
The FraPS grid structure is depicted in the following figure.

Figure 1: Schematic of fractured well grid in 2D reservoir simulator.

Two perpendicular lines of symmetry intersect at the well, with one parallel to the fracture. This implies that only one
quadrant of the reservoir need be simulated. The well is in the upper-left corner of the grid as denoted by the "x" enclosed
by a circle. The fracture is in the x-direction along the top row of cells (denoted by shading). The outer edge of the outer
grid blocks is assumed to be a no-flow boundary, either from physical barriers or symmetry with offset wells.
The flow between grid blocks is calculated by a coefficient times the pressure difference. The entire grid with N blocks can
be set up as N equations in N unknowns (pressures). The pressures are solved for simultaneously by banded Gaussian
elimination. Because of this simultaneous solution, FraPS is "implicit in pressure". However, the coefficients contain
viscosity and formation volume factors, so they are also functions of the grid-block pressures (a non-linearity). In the case
of fracture cells, the coefficients also contain turbulence and crushing factors. As a result of these non-linearities, the
solution process must be repeated until there is convergence on the cell pressures. This means FracproPT’s Production
Analysis is explicit in transmissibilities.
These non-linearities are generally weak and convergence to 0.001 percent (pressure change/iteration) is generally
achieved within two to six iterations. If convergence is not achieved within a specified maximum number of iterations
(usually ten), or if pressures are oscillating, the time step is quartered to improve the convergence and repeated. The time

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step will be quartered three times before giving up. If convergence is not reached after three consecutive time step cuts,
there is probably something wrong with input data or the initial time step size is far too large.
After convergence has been obtained, FracproPT’s Production Analysis mode -FraPS checks to see if the maximum cell-
pressure change is greater than twice the pressure norm (defaulted to 15%). If so, the time step is quartered and
repeated. If the well is under constant-rate constraint, the well grid-block pressure is checked to see if it is less than the
minimum pressure. If so, production from the well is switched to constant-pressure constraint and the time step is
If convergence has been obtained, and none of the above constraints have been violated, the time step is completed and
the report update may be generated. The next time step length is the lesser of the time step multiplier times the old time-
step or the pressure norm divided by the maximum cell pressure times the old time step. In any case, the maximum time
step size allowed is 1,460 days.

Closure Stress Table

The fracture closure-stress table in FracproPT’s Production Analysis is calculated according to the methods described
in the Net Stress Calculation section. The printed closure stress is averaged over the time step rather than at the end
of the time step since stresses are assumed to change smoothly with time. Usually, net closure stress increases as the
well depletes the reservoir. However, under some production scenarios, such as an initial large draw down followed by a
shut-in, the net closure stress will decrease with time (during the shut-in). However, since proppant crushing is considered
to be irreversible, the effective closure stress is never allowed to decrease and, as a result, crushed proppant permeability
is never allowed to rebound. Stresses are also averaged (weighted by length) over the cells in the fracture region.

Fracture Conductivity Table

The fracture conductivity table shows the length-weighted harmonic mean of cell conductivities in each region. Harmonic
mean is the natural way to average conductivities in series and is consistent with the way simulators use permeability to
calculate flow between grid blocks. Under harmonic mean averaging, the lowest conductivity tends to dominate. The
conductivities are calculated by interpolating the proppant permeability versus stress table (from the Proppant Library) at
the closure stress given in the previous table. This value is multiplied by (1 - Proppant Damage Factor).

These conductivities are then multiplied by the non-Darcy coefficient as described in the Non-Darcy Flow section. The
relative-conductivity column is the length-weighted harmonic mean of the non-Darcy coefficients in all of the fracture cells.
The velocity used in the non-Darcy calculation is that occurring at the end of the time step.
The dimensionless conductivity, FcD, is calculated using the following formula:
kf is the fracture permeability,
wf is the average fracture width when closed on proppant,
k is the reservoir permeability,
Lf is the fracture half-length.
D is the amount of damage to the fracture permeability.

A dimensionless conductivity of 50 may be considered infinite, although a value of 10 is nearly infinite for practical
The dimensionless conductivity calculated by FracproPT’s Production Analysis mode is often different from that
calculated by FracproPT’s Fracture Analysis mode. The reasons for this are explained in the definition of dimensionless
conductivity shown on the Model Outputs Help screen.

Production Summary Table

If FracproPT’s Production Analysis does not have sufficient information to perform a tubing-friction calculation, the
wellhead-pressure column under the Production Summary is left blank.
The output file (DEFAULT.OUT) contains most of the information given on both the screen and in the summary file, as
well as errors, warnings, the grid setup, PVT properties, and the matrices of permeabilities, porosities, and pressures. It is
often useful to look at the matrix pressures to observe how the pressure transients are propagating through the reservoir.

Effective Stress on Proppant

Effective stress on proppant, σproppant, is a function of average and local reservoir pressure, as shown in the following
σgross is the fracture opening pressure or, more precisely, the fracture closure stress plus the net fracturing pressure when
the fracture closes on proppant,

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Plocal is the current local grid-block pore pressure,

η is Biot’s poro-elastic coefficient,
Pave,i is the initial average pore pressure, and
Pave,t is the current average pore pressure.
The poro-elastic coefficient referenced in the equation is simply a means of accounting for the shrinkage of the bulk
reservoir rock caused by a reduction in pore pressure. Larger values of the poro-elastic coefficient will result in lower
calculated values of net stress on proppant for producing reservoirs.

PVT Correlations
Critical PVT properties are treated as functions of gas gravity for condensate well fluids (after Brown, et al.) and they are
corrected for nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide content by the Wichert -Aziz method. The valid range for gas
gravity is from 0.56 to 1.30.
The gas deviation factor (Z) is calculated by the iterative technique of Dranchuck, Purvis, and Robinson based on reduced
properties. The formation volume factor is easily calculated from the gas deviation factor. The valid range for reduced
temperature is from 1.05 to 3.0, and from 0 to 30 for reduced pressure.
Viscosities are calculated by curve fits of the graphs of Carr, Kobyashi, and Burrows, which also include correction for
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide content. The valid range for gas gravity is from 0.55 to 1.55, and 100 °F to
300 °F for temperature.
Rock compressibility is calculated from Hall's correlation. Water formation volume factor is calculated after the HP-41
Petroleum Fluids Pac. Formation water is assumed to be saturated with gas and have 5% NaCl content.

Non-Darcy Flow
Non-Darcy effects are calculated according to Cooke's method. The Forcheimer equation contains a term added to
Darcy's Law as a correction to laminar flow:
which can be written as:
β is the non-Darcy coefficient,
ρ is the flowing fluid density at reservoir conditions,
μ is the flowing fluid viscosity,
V is the superficial velocity,
k is the reservoir permeability, and
dP/dL is the pressure gradient.
The denominator on the right-hand side of the equation shown above may be thought of as the permeability corrected for
non-Darcy effects. Or, if you factor out permeability, this quantity is sometimes called the Non-Darcy Factor.
Non-Darcy Factor=1/(1+βρkV/μ)
The Non-Darcy Factor is 1 for Darcy flow and less than 1 for non-Darcy flow.
In the units of Cooke's paper, the non-Darcy coefficient is in units of permeability and is correlated with permeability by the
following equation:
a and b are proppant turbulence coefficients that are functions of the proppant and proppant size, and
k is the stressed proppant permeability expressed in Darcies.
Although Cooke only presented work for gas flow, FracproPT’s Production Analysis mode -FraPS also applies non-
Darcy effects to oil flow. Oil velocities are typically much lower and the correction is therefore much less significant, but
still reasonable. The following table shows a comparison (for validation purposes) of FracproPT’s Production Analysis
mode -FraPS calculated non-Darcy factors (β) with examples given in Cooke's paper. However, it should be noted that
the results for the high-rate case are not directly comparable due to the high drawdown bringing PVT effects into the

Production Velocity β Non-

Rate Darcy

Cooke's 1.0 5,200 1,3000.38


FracproPT 2007

FraPS 1.0 5,847 1,3100.40


Cooke's 10.0 52,000 1,3100.06


FraPS 10.0 43,710 1,3100.11


Near-Fracture Damage/Clean-Up
FracproPT’s Production Analysis models near-fracture cleanup using a sub-grid technique. Both permanent and
removable damage due to filtrate components may be added to the near-fracture region. This is accomplished with a
procedure similar to that of Settari, et al, except that cleanup is taken to be a function of pore volumes throughput at the
fracture faces rather than a function of time. Defining cleanup as function of throughput gives more realism to the model.
Four parameters control the placement and removal of near-fracture damage:

ƒ Filtrate volume – This would normally be the total fluid volume of the fracture treatment and is used to
calculate the depth of damage.
ƒ Filtrate viscosity – This is used to reduce the mobility of near fracture reservoir fluids, but is removable
according to parameter number four (pore volumes for 50% clean-up).
ƒ Invaded region permanent damage – This damage factor is applied to the invaded reservoir region
throughout the life of the well. It normally must be very severe (for example, > 75%) to have any significant
ƒ Pore volumes for 50% cleanup – This is the number of pore volumes required to pass through the
invaded region to achieve 50% clean-up, or removal, of filtrate. This parameter is fit to an exponential
function so that cleanup occurs rapidly at early times, but slows exponentially. Typical values are 50-500
for gas reservoirs and 5-50 for oil reservoirs.
The near-fracture damage/clean-up model allows more realistic forecasts, particularly early in the life of the well.
3D Numerical Model Interface

Additional Information: 3D Simulator File Generation

The development and capabilities of a novel and unique tool that interfaces a hydraulic fracture model and a reservoir
simulator is described here. The typical way to model hydraulically fractured wells in 3D reservoir simulators is to
approximate the fracture behavior with a modified skin or productivity index (PI). Neither method captures all the important
physics of flow into and through the fracture. This becomes even more critical in cases of multiphase flow and multi-
layered reservoirs. Modeling the cleanup phase following hydraulic fracture treatments can be very important in tight gas
reservoirs, and this requires a more detailed simulation of the fracture. Realistic modeling of horizontal wells with multiple
hydraulic fractures is another capability that is needed in the industry. A new tool was developed within a commercial
lumped 3D fracture simulation model to generate automatically reservoir simulator input files representing the geometry
and hydraulic properties of the reservoir, the fracture, the damaged zone around the fracture and the initial pressure and
filtrate fluid distribution in the reservoir. High permeability grid blocks that capture the two-dimensional variation of the
fracture conductivity within the reservoir simulator input files represent the fracture. If the fracture width used in the
reservoir model is larger than the actual fracture width, the permeability and porosity of the fracture blocks are reduced in
order to maintain the transmissibility and porous volume of the actual fracture. Both proppant and acid fracturing are
handled with this approach. To capture the changes in fracture conductivity over time as the bottomhole flowing pressure
(BHFP) changes, the pressure dependent behavior of the fracture is passed to the reservoir simulator. Local grid
refinement (LGR) is used in the region of the wellbore and the fracture tip, as well as in the blocks adjacent to the fracture
plane. The reservoir simulator input can be created for multiphase fluid systems with multiple layers and different

Historically, there have been three basic approaches commonly used for predicting the production from hydraulically
fractured wells. First, analytic solutions were most commonly used, based on an infinite conductivity or later a finite
conductivity fracture with a given half-length. This approach was also extended to cover horizontal multiple fractured wells
[1]. With the development of reservoir simulators, two other approaches were developed.
For complicated multi-well, multi-layer, multi-phase simulations (that is, full field models), the fracture stimulation was
usually approximated as a negative skin. This is the same as increasing the effective wellbore radius in the simulation
model. An alternate approach, developed initially for tight gas applications, was to develop a numeric reservoir simulator

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for special purposes that could explicitly model the flow in the fracture and take into account the special properties of the
proppant, such as the stress dependant permeability or the possibility of non-Darcy flow. Such models typically were
limited to a single layer, single-phase (oil or gas) situation.
More recently, with the advent of faster computers with sufficient memory, it became feasible to avoid the compromises
that were made in the past when trying to model hydraulic fractures with a normal 3D reservoir simulator. Initially, people
manually built grid refinement into their reservoir models to represent a hydraulic fracture [2]. Although this method works,
it is time consuming for the engineer, because complicated gridding schemes are necessary to represent the fracture
geometry. In addition, the detailed description of the fracture properties from a fracture simulation was not usually passed
through to the reservoir model, resulting in the assumption of constant properties (that is, permeability) for the fracture.
This method of simulation is not very efficient and can lead to inconsistencies in the data used in the different simulations.
With the development of the tool described in this article, it has now become feasible to run routinely full 3D simulations of
multi-phase production from multi-layer reservoirs while explicitly modeling multiple hydraulic fracture(s) in the reservoir
model. In order to make this practical, it was necessary to develop a tool to interface the hydraulic fracture modeling
software and the reservoir simulation software. This new tool takes the results from the fracture growth model, and
automatically translates them into the proper format for the reservoir simulator. It completely automates the process of
setting up the grid and initializing the grid block properties for the reservoir and fracture grid blocks.
The idea of transferring the output from a fracture model to a reservoir simulation model was described by Behr in an
earlier publication [3], but this initial approach was quite different from what is described in this article. In this earlier work,
the goal was to take a few key parameters from the report output of a fracture model, and generate an equivalent fracture
sub-grid within an existing multi-well reservoir simulation model. The result of the work reported here is the creation of a
stand-alone simulation model for a single well reservoir using the data taken directly from the internal state variables of
the fracture model itself.

The Fracture Model

The new interface program is built on top of FracproPT. The advantage of this method is that all the internal results of the
fracture simulator (such as the leakoff profile from the fracture face into the reservoir) are available for transfer to the
reservoir simulator.
The fracture growth model can handle both proppant and acid fractures. In either case, the most important outputs for the
reservoir simulation are the fracture dimensions and the fracture conductivity. For both proppant and acid fractures, the
conductivity profile varies with respect to the fracture length and height. An example of this type of output from the fracture
model is shown in Figure 1. The spatial variation is converted to a gridded rectangular geometry for the reservoir simulator
(Figure 2). Of course, since the fracture grid block width is a constant in the reservoir simulator, the only way to model the
varying width (and varying conductivity) of the fracture is to adjust the permeability of the reservoir grid blocks
representing the fracture. By obtaining an equivalent conductivity with a constant width, a realistic result can be achieved.

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Figure 1: Example of fracture model output: fracture conductivity and fracture dimensions.

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Figure 2: Detail of fracture permeability/conductivity for two longitudinal fractures.

To calculate the effective permeability, a uniform Cartesian grid is overlaid on top of the elliptical fracture conductivity
profile. The size of the Cartesian grid can be set by the user to capture as much detail as is needed for the reservoir
simulation. The fracture growth model tracks the fluid leakoff (filtrate) from the fracture into the formation. T here is more
filtrate fluid leaking off near the wellbore than at the fracture tip. A novel feature of this new tool is that the leakoff history is
transferred accurately and automatically to the reservoir simulator, by initializing the water saturation in the appropriate
grid blocks adjacent to the fracture face. Of course, the fracture grid blocks themselves are considered to have 100%
water saturation at the beginning of production. This capability is very interesting for modeling the cleanup period for
fractures in tight-gas reservoirs.
Fracture conductivity data is very important for accurate predictions from the reservoir simulator. Fracture conductivity
decreases with increasing net stress for both propped and acid fractures. For the case of propped fractures, this behavior
is published by the proppant manufacturing companies and is used in our program. For acid fractures, the Nierode-Kruk
correlation [4] is used to estimate the pressure dependant conductivity of an etched fracture.
Non-Darcy and multi-phase effects in the proppant pack can also be very important in certain situations. Since the various
commercially available reservoir simulators do not all have the capability to model non-Darcy flow, we chose to give the
user two options. For simulators that do not have any non-Darcy capability, the program will consider the non-Darcy
effects in the fracture simulator, before passing the modified effective fracture permeabilities onto the reservoir simulator.
The advantage of this approach is that we can then approximately mimic the effects even if the numeric reservoir
simulator does not handle non- Darcy flow. The second option is for reservoir simulators that do model non-Darcy flow. In
this case, we do not modify the fracture permeability, and we allow the non- Darcy effects to be calculated by the reservoir
We assume that the user will use the multi-phase capability of the reservoir simulator to model multi-phase production
situations, making superfluous any additional modifications to the proppant permeability to account for multi-phase non-
Darcy effects. If the user chose to run the reservoir simulator in a single-phase mode, however, it would still be possible to
include an approximation of the multi-phase non-Darcy effects by using the built-in correlation in the fracture model and
adjusting the effective permeability of the fracture.

The Reservoir Simulator Interface

Reservoir data

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The reservoir simulator input file is created from the reservoir layer information that was already entered as part of the
fracture growth simulation, saving the user a significant amount of work. A semi-automated up-scaling feature is included
in the interface to reduce the number of actual layers in the final reservoir simulation model. Horizontal permeability is
taken from the fracture model and vertical permeability can be specified as a fraction of the horizontal permeability, or can
be entered separately.
The user is required to enter the reservoir extent (distance to the drainage boundary from the well) for a rectangular
geometry. The extent is defined based on quarter symmetry for the vertical well case or half symmetry for the horizontal
well case. The reservoir extent information is used to generate automatically a reservoir grid with the desired drainage
Wellbore and Fracture Geometry
The reservoir simulator interface has four modes of operation: for a vertical well, a vertical well with a fracture, a horizontal
well with transverse fractures and a horizontal well with longitudinal fractures. In the horizontal well cases, there can be
more than one fracture connected to the well. The fractures are all assumed to have identical properties. The user
specifies a constant spacing between the individual fractures.

Automatic Grid Generation

A three dimensional Cartesian grid is created that includes a local model with refined cells covering the vicinity of all the
fractures. The principles of grid generation are illustrated in Figure 3 by the example of the vertical well with one fracture.

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Figure 3: Gridding example for a single fracture in vertical well, showing quarter symmetry and LGR refinement.

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The host grid in the XY (horizontal) plane consists of relatively few grid blocks (typically around 100). The grid blocks
increase in size with increasing distance from the fracture in both X and Y directions. The minimum grid block size is
comparable with the fracture half-length xf. The global discretization in the Z (vertical) direction is based on the reservoir
layering, thereby taking into account that a grid block cannot contain rocks from different reservoir layers without
additional upscaling. The reservoir layers with a large thickness are subdivided to a typical grid block height to provide a
uniform grid in the Z direction.
The typical dimensions of the refined region are related to the fracture extent. The LGR extends to 1.5 times xf in the X
direction (along the fracture) and to 2 xf in the Y direction (normal to the fracture). In the Z direction, the LGR is defined for
the host grid blocks that contain the fracture height and approximately half of the fracture height above and below the
fracture itself. These parameters are flexible to account for different situations such as when the fracture top is near a
reservoir layer boundary.
The fracture in the LGR is represented by a two-dimensional (XZ) series of grid blocks. The mesh for the fracture
conductivity distribution supplied by the fracture simulator is considered as a starting point for the discretization within the
LGR. In the XY plane outside the fracture, the number of grid blocks increases towards the LGR boundary or to the
middle point between fractures (for the horizontal well case). A finer grid is built around the well and fracture tips to
capture the dominant radial character of the flow in these regions. The grid blocks near the fracture plane have a
particularly small Δy (normal to the fracture plane) to ensure an accurate computation of the high-rate transient flow during
the initial production period. This can be seen clearly in Figure 4, which shows the gridding in the XY plane for a horizontal
well case with transverse fractures.

Figure 4: Grid refinement for a horizontal well case with transverse fractures.

This type of gridding allows for an accurate representation of the filtrate fluid distribution around the fracture that is
transferred from the fracture simulator. The typical filtrate leakoff depth varies from centimeters to tens of centimeters in
tight gas reservoirs, or to even larger depths in higher permeability reservoirs. In determining the sizes Δx and Δy in the
fracture vicinity, we generally followed the empirical guidelines for choosing an appropriate finite-difference model of the
fractured well as presented by Bennett et al. [5]. The subgrid in the vertical Z direction is made nearly uniform using a
typical grid size Δz.
Initialization of Grid Properties

FracproPT 2007

Every grid block in the host grid and the LGR is assigned one value of each distributed reservoir characteristic: porosity,
permeabilities in three directions, phase saturations and pore pressure. This basic information is taken from the input to
the fracture simulator.
The fracture in the reservoir simulation model is not necessarily modeled with its actual width b, but with a fictive width
that is the size of the corresponding fracture grid block Äyf. The fictive width is normally set to a value larger than the
actual width, to allow for larger time step sizes in the reservoir simulation. This feature is user selectable, so the user can
also choose to model the fracture width in the reservoir simulator using the actual maximum width of the fracture at the
wellbore. Since the porous volumes and the transmissibilities of the fracture blocks should remain unchanged, regardless
of the width used for the fracture in the reservoir simulator, the fracture porosities and permeabilities are recalculated, to
adjust the fracture properties (denoted with subscript fi) as shown in Equations 1 and 2. Note that the permeability in the
fracture is assumed isotropic, for both proppant and acid fracture cases.
kf=kfib/Δyf (Equation 1)
φf=φfib/Δyf (Equation 2)
The automatically generated reservoir simulation input file is setup so that three different region numbers are assigned to
the all the grid blocks. The three types of regions defined are:

ƒ the PVT fluid properties region,

ƒ the phase behavior parameters region, and
ƒ the pressure-dependent rock properties region.
The values are given in a series of tables for each region within the grid.

Vertical Propped Fracture Well – Oil, Water and Gas
There are many moderate permeability oil reservoirs being produced using hydraulic fracturing, especially in the former
Soviet Union. Hydraulic fracturing is beneficial in these cases for several reasons. First, the reservoirs are highly
laminated, so a hydraulic fracture can connect to more of the available kh. Secondly, because of multiphase flow involving
both gas and water in addition to the oil, fracture stimulation is beneficial even with reservoir permeabilities approximately
30–100 mD. In this example, we see the results from an actual fracture treatment, which is going to produce from two
layers. The automatically generated reservoir simulation grid is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Simulation grid for a vertical well with a propped fracture.

The fracture growth model tracks the leakoff history of the filtrate fluid using its own gridded model. The reservoir
simulation interface is able to use this data to initialize the water saturation in the reservoir simulator grid to follow what
was calculated in the fracture growth model.
The highest water saturation is near the wellbore, were the most fluid leakoff takes place. There is also more water in the
lower zone compared to the upper zone, because the permeability there is higher (70 mD vs. 40 mD).

FracproPT 2007

Because of the multi-phase capability of the reservoir simulator, we could simulate and history-match all the production
rates. Alternatively, the fracture treatment design could be optimized, taking into account the multi-phase flow in the
fracture and reservoir. Figure 6 shows the simulation results for the first year’s production, assuming a constant
bottomhole pressure of 500 psi (i.e. using an ESP). Because of the quarter symmetry, the rates shown on the plot must
be multiplied by a factor of four. Most of the production of fracture filtrate water occurs over the first 40 days, and 540 b of
water are produced, compared to the 650 b of water that was injected in the stimulation treatment.

Figure 6: Simulation results, showing oil & gas rates and total water production.

Vertical Propped Fracture Well – Gas and Water

This example is typical of many tight gas reservoirs in the United States, which are produced with massive hydraulic
fractures. In this case, since the fracture half-length is 1500 ft, it makes sense to increase the grid size that is used to
model the fracture, as there is no need to model such a long fracture with same resolution used for a fracture of 150 ft
In this particular case, it is interesting to look at the post-fracture cleanup behavior. This can be useful both from a design
point of view, as well as for history matching the actual post-frac production data. It takes 10 minutes to simulate the first
100 days of production, and two additional minutes to simulate the next two years. This type of simulation time makes it
practical to perform history matching of actual post-frac production tests. In such a case, relative permeability and
capillary pressure curves can be adjusted to match the actual water rate during the cleanup period. Knowing these
parameters can help optimize the fracture treatment design in such tight gas reservoirs.
Figure 7 shows the reservoir simulation grid for the tight gas example. The fracture conductivity distribution for the fracture
is an accurate representation of the results from the fracture model. The initial production data is shown in Figure 8. The
rates must all be multiplied by a factor of four, due to the quarter symmetry. A total of 3500 b of water is produced back,
out of a total of 14,000 b that were injected. Such a poor fracture cleanup is typical in a tight gas well. The transient
behavior is very clear in this case, due to the extremely low permeability (0.001 mD).

FracproPT 2007

Figure 7: Reservoir simulation grid for »Tight Gas« example with grid permeability.

Figure 8: Simulation of initial post-frac production from a tight gas well, showing well being "beaned-up". Clean
up to filtrate fluids takes 10 days.

FracproPT 2007

Horizontal Longitudinal Propped Fractured Well – Gas and Water

There is a lot of interest in hydraulically fractured horizontal wells currently, because these are very attractive
economically for development of low to moderate permeability reservoirs where the gross reservoir interval is not too
large. In these types of situations, it is important to determine the optimal fracture coverage (for longitudinal fractures) or
spacing (for transverse fractures).
This type of optimization requires running different reservoir simulation cases while varying the number of fracture
stimulation treatments, and looking at the economic results. This type of work has typically been done with analytic
models in the past to make the problem tractable. With the development of this tool, such an optimization can now be
done more accurately using a standard reservoir simulator in a matter of days.
For this situation, we ran five cases, looking at one to five fractures evenly spaced along the same length horizontal
wellbore (Figure 9). The horizontal well is cemented and perforated, so the only inflow is through the fractures. The
cumulative production results are shown in Figure 10. The values in the plot should be doubled to account for the half
symmetry in the simulation. By comparing the economics of these five different production profiles, the optimum number
of treatments can be easily determined. The diminishing returns (interference) are easily seen on this plot, as the
incremental production from each additional fracture treatment gets smaller and smaller. In Figure 10, even without
running any economic calculations, we can see that the optimal situation is most likely the case with three fracture
stimulations, because there is almost no incremental production from the 4th and 5th fracture treatments.

Figure 9: Simulation grid for horizontal well with 5 longitudinal fractures.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 10: Cumulative gas production for one to five longitudinal fractures in a horizontal well.

This new tool makes detailed production modeling more efficient because it automatically couples the fracture simulator
with a 3D reservoir simulator. The only other commercial tool [6] with similar capabilities does not provide a full and
automatic coupling with a fracture simulator. This other tool is tied to a single reservoir simulator, rather than being able to
work with standard industry leading reservoir simulators. Another new tool has been reported recently in the literature [7],
but this tool is also coupled to a particular reservoir simulator, and as far as we know, is not yet available as a commercial
The new tool improves the modeling capabilities available to the industry for production modeling and history matching for
complicated reservoir cases involving fracture stimulation. These cases include: horizontal wells, multi-layer reservoirs,
multi-phase production and non-Darcy flow. The new tool makes the optimization of horizontal well fracturing much easier,
because it can automatically generate a complete reservoir simulation model for a horizontal well with an arbitrary number
of longitudinal or transverse fractures.
The new tool makes it practical to use more realistic numerical simulations for optimizing horizontal well fracturing, since
dozens of cases with different fracture half lengths, fracture orientations, fracture spacings and fracture conductivities can
be simulated in a short time. Unlike analytical solutions, the simulations can now include non-Darcy effects, multi-phase
flow, fracture cleanup, and contributions from multiple layers with different permeabilities, pressures, and different fluid

1. Basquet, R., Alabert, F., Caltagirone, J.-P., SPE 56683: Analytical Solutions for Productivity Evaluation of
MultifracturedWells in Multilayered and Bounded Reservoirs. SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, 3–6 October 1999, Houston, Texas.
2. Ehrl, E., Schueler, S. K.: Simulation of a Tight Gas Reservoir with Horizontal Multifractured Wells. SPE
65108, SPE European Petroleum Conference, 24–25 October 2000, Paris, France.
3. Behr, A., Mtchedlishvili G., Friedel G., Haefner F.: Consideration of Damage Zone in Tight Gas Reservoir
Model with Hydraulically Fractured Well. SPE 82298, SPE European Formation Damage Conference
2003, The Hague, The Netherlands.

FracproPT 2007

4. Nierode, D. E., Kruk, N. F.: An Evaluation of Acid Fluid Loss Additives, Retarded Acids, and Acidized
Fracture Conductivity. SPE 4549, SPE Annual Meeting, September 1973, Las Vegas, Nevada.
5. Bennett, C. O., Reynolds, A. C., Raghavan, R., Elbel, J. L.: Performance of Finite-Conductivity, Vertically
Fractured Wells in single-Layers Reservoirs. SPE 11029, SPE Formation Evaluation, August 1986, pp.
6. Olson, K. E., Haidar, S., Milton-Tayler, D., Olsen, E.: Multiphase Non-Darcy Pressure Drop in Hydraulic
Fracturing. SPE 90406, SPE Annual Meeting 2004, Houston, TX.
7. Al-Tawad, F., Agyapong, D., Banerjee, R., Issaka, M. B.: Pressure Transient Analysis of Horizontal Wells
in a Fractured Reservoir; Gridding Between Art and Science. SPE 87013, SPE Asia Pacific Conference on
Integrated Modelling for Asset Management, 29–30 March 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Shaoul, J.R., A. Behr, and G. Mtchedlishvili: "Automatic Generation of 3D Reservoir Simulation Input Files Directly from a
Fracture Simulation Model," Reservoir Engineering, OIL GAS European Magazine, 4/2006, pp. 176-182.

Short Description of Output Files

Output Files for ECLIPSE

To create the ECLIPSE Office® Project, the files listed below are needed. Most of them are generated automatically by
FracproPT, but a few files need to be created by the user. These additional ASCII files can be written directly by the user,
or with the help of ECLIPSE Office.
Short Description of ECLIPSE Office Files
The main data-file Project_name_Input.DATA (automatically generated) contains all general information about the
project. The first part of this file is the RUNSPEC section. It contains the run title (Project name), start date, units, various
problem dimensions (for example, numbers of blocks, wells, tables), and indicates what the dominant production phase is.
In the second part of the file, all the names of the include files are listed. These include files incorporate the following
The GRID section is subdivided into two files:

ƒ Project_name_Geom.INC (automatically generated), and

ƒ Project_name__GridProp.INC (automatically generated).
The first file specifies the geometry of the computational grid (combination of the global grid and local grid refinement).
The second file specifies the grid properties (porosity, permeability, etc.) in each grid block.
The PROPS section of the input data contains pressure and saturation dependent properties of the reservoir fluids and
rocks for each correspondent region (see description of the next file). The thermodynamic properties of the fluid (density,
viscosity, etc.) are given in the file: Project_name_PVT.INC (generated by user) and the functions of the fluid saturations
(relative permeability, capillary pressure) are given in the forms of tables in Project_name_SATFUN.INC (generated by
user). Both files must be created by the user, using existing information about the properties of the reservoir layers.
This section splits the computational grid into regions for specifying PVT properties and regions for specifying saturation
functions. The file has the name Project_ name_Region.INC (automatically generated). For each layer, one saturation
function region is specified. The regions are numbered from top to bottom within the reservoir. The last region
corresponds to the fracture gridblocks (the region number for the fracture is equal to the number of regions plus one).
Only one PVT region is used for the whole grid, that is, there is no difference between the properties of the fluid in the
fracture and in the reservoir.
Specification of initial conditions in reservoir (such as fluid saturation, pressure, solubility ratios). The file is named:
Project_ name_Init.INC (automatically generated).
This file specifies the data (results) to be written in the output file after each time step.
The file is named: Project_name_Output.INC (defined by user).
This section is subdivided into two files:

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Project_name_Well1.INC (automatically generated), and

ƒ Project_name_Well2.INC (generated by user).
The first file specifies the well and its connections within the grid. The second file contains production control parameters
and constraints. Additionally, this second file may also contain specified data for pressure drop/loss calculations (vertical
flow performance tables and multi-segment well option) and simulator tuning parameters.
Instructions for Using the Files
Before starting ECLIPSE Office, the user should create the manually generated files with the correct names. The names
can be seen in the include statements in the file. If you already have these files from an
existing project, you can just copy and rename them. If you need to create these files from scratch, then just create them
first as empty files, and use ECLIPSE Office to enter all the required data. FracproPT does not generate empty files, so
that your own files are not over-written. When all files are available, the Project_name_Input.DATA file must be imported
into ECLIPSE Office using the menu option Case | Import. ECLIPSE Office can be used to view/edit all project files, as
necessary. It should not be necessary to edit the automatically generated files.

Automatically Generated Manually Generated Files


Project_name_Input.DAT Project_name_PVT.INC

Project_name_Geom.INC Project_name_SATFUN.INC

Project_name_GridProp.INC Project_name_Well2.INC

Project_name_Region.INC Project_name_Output.INC



Suggestions About Timestepping

To control the simulator run very useful keyword is TUNING, so you can set yourself some simulator control parameters,
for example, maximum length of initial time step, this value must be small enough to make possible the well production at
the beginning of clean-up period when the well has the huge pressure gradient. You can also set the time step increase
factor, to accelerate the run at the late time period. Try also to set the maximum number of iterations at high values (The
default value for linear Newton iteration is 25). For very complicated cases, if the simulator has some convergence
problems activate the keyword: TUNINGDP. This keyword automatically modifies the simulator parameters to achieve the
better convergence behavior.

® Registered trademark of Schlumberger.

Output Files for IMEX®

If the IMEX® option is selected, then only one output file (Project_Name.dat) is created. This file contains all the setup
information for the simulation, as well as the grid sizes and the permeability information. Since no LGR is used in the case
of IMEX, the output files is smaller and simpler than for the Eclipse case.
There are two regions defined for pressure dependant permeability properties, one for the reservoir and one for the
fracture. There are two regions defined for the rock dependant properties (relperm), region 1 is for the reservoir and
region 2 is for the fracture. The rel perm data must be specified for both regions. It is possible to use the same data for
both regions if no special relperm data is available for the fracture.
The include files that need to be created by you before you can perform a reservoir simulation are listed below, along with
a summary of what typically needs to be included in each file.

• Project_name_pvt.INC
• Project_name_relperm.INC
• Project_name_init.INC
• Project_name_well.INC
• Project_name_hist.INC

FracproPT 2007

The FracproPT – ResSim interface has been implemented to allow simulating the following fluid component models in

ƒ Blackoil
ƒ GasWater
ƒ GasWater with Condensate
ƒ OilWater
Typical PVT information that can be included:

ƒ Reservoir Temperature
ƒ Gas Formation Volume Factor (Bg) versus Pressure
ƒ Gas Compressibility Factor (Zg) versus Pressure
ƒ Solution Gas-Oil Ratio (Rs) versus Pressure
ƒ Oil Formation Volume Factor (Bo) versus Pressure
ƒ Oil Viscosity (mo) and Gas Viscosity (mg) versus Pressure
ƒ Oil, Gas and Water Compressibility (co, cg and cw)
ƒ Gas Gravity
ƒ Water Density
As mentioned already, the relperm data must be specified two times, once for the reservoir rock and once for the fracture
(proppant pack).
Typical RelPerm data that can be included:

ƒ Gas Phase Relative Permeability (krg)

ƒ Oil Phase Relative Permeability (kro)
ƒ Water Phase Relative Permeability (krw)
ƒ Oil-Water Capillary Pressure (Pcow) and Oil-Gas Capillary Pressure (Pcog)
ƒ Connate or Critical Water Saturation (Swcon, Swcrit)
ƒ Connate or Critical Gas Saturation (Sgcon, Sgcrit)
ƒ Irreducible Oil Saturation (Soirw) or Residual Oil Saturation (Sorw)
The initial saturation values Water/Gas/Oil Saturations (Sw, Sg and So) are included in the main file (*.dat) The other data
in this include file is needed to initialize the reservoir:

• Initial Pore Pressure (Pi)

• Bubble Point Pressure (Pb) (conditional)
• Dew Point Pressure (Pdew) (conditional)
The wellbore geometry and connection data (Wellbore Radius, Perforation Interval(s)) is automatically specified in the
main (.dat) file. The following additional data can be included in the well file:

• Well Name
• Well Type (Producer or Injector)
• Skin
• Wellbore Model (Tubing Data)
• Well Trajectory Data (conditional)
The production constraint information must be entered in this include file:

• Maximum Gas/Oil/Water Production Rates

• Minimum Surface or Bottomhole Flowing Pressure

FracproPT 2007

• Maximum Simulation Time

• Maximum Injection Pressure (conditional)
• Well Re-completion (for example, Shut-in, Workover)

Technical Reference for ResSim Interface

Historically, there have been three basic approaches commonly used for predicting the production from hydraulically
fractured wells. First, analytic solutions were most commonly used, based on an infinite conductivity or later a finite
conductivity fracture with a given half-length. This approach was also extended to cover horizontal multiple fractured
wells. With the development of reservoir simulators, two other approaches were developed.
For complicated multi-well, multi-layer, multi-phase simulations (that is, full field models), the fracture stimulation was
usually approximated as a negative skin. This is the same as increasing the effective wellbore radius in the simulation
model. An alternate approach, developed initially for tight gas applications, was to develop a special purpose numeric
reservoir simulator which could explicitly model the flow in the fracture and take into account the special properties of the
proppant, such as the stress dependant permeability or the possibility of non-Darcy flow. Such models typically were
limited to a single layer, single-phase (oil or gas) situation.
More recently, with the advent of faster computers with sufficient memory, it became feasible to avoid the compromises
that were made in the past when trying to model hydraulic fractures with a normal 3D reservoir simulator. Initially, people
manually built grid refinement into their reservoir models to represent a hydraulic fracture. Although this method works
fine, it is very time consuming for the engineer, because complicated gridding schemes are necessary to correctly
represent the fracture geometry. In addition, the detailed description of the fracture properties from a fracture simulation
was not usually passed through to the reservoir model, resulting in the assumption of constant properties (i.e.
permeability) for the fracture. This method of simulation is not very efficient and can lead to inconsistencies in the data
used in the different simulations.
With the development of the ResSim tool in FracproPT, it has now become feasible to routinely run full 3D simulations of
multi-phase production from multi-layer reservoirs while explicitly modeling multiple hydraulic fracture(s) in the reservoir
model. The ResSim tool takes the results from the FracproPT fracture growth model and automatically translates them
into the proper format for the reservoir simulator. It completely automates the process of setting up the grid and initializing
the grid block properties for the reservoir and fracture grid blocks.
Specifying the number of fractures for a horizontal well and the orientation (transverse or longitudinal) is enough to
generate the entire grid. The user makes use of the reservoir simulator’s normal user interface to enter additional
information that is required, such as the production history and the PVT information.

The Fracture Model

Because the ResSim interface is part of the FracproPT system, all the internal results of the fracture simulator (such as
the leakoff profile from the fracture face into the reservoir) are available for transmission to the reservoir simulator.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 1: Example of fracture model output, showing fracture conductivity distribution and fracture dimensions.

The FracproPT model can handle both proppant and acid fractures. In either case, the most important outputs for the
reservoir simulation are the fracture dimensions and the fracture conductivity. For both proppant and acid fractures, the
conductivity profile varies with respect to the fracture length and height. An example of this type of output from the fracture
model is shown in Figure 1.
The spatial variation is converted to a gridded rectangular geometry for the reservoir simulator (Figure 2). Of course, since
the fracture grid block width is a constant in the reservoir simulator, the only way to model the varying width (and varying
conductivity) of the fracture is to adjust the permeability of the reservoir grid blocks representing the fracture. By obtaining
an equivalent conductivity with a constant width, a realistic result can be achieved.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 2: Detail of fracture permeability/conductivity for 2 longitudinal fractures along a horizontal wellbore,
corresponding to fracture model results from Figure 1.

To calculate the effective permeability, a uniform Cartesian grid is overlaid on top of the elliptical fracture conductivity
profile, and a numerical averaging method is used to calculate an average conductivity for each grid block in the new
Cartesian grid. The size of the Cartesian grid can be set by the user to capture as much detail as is needed for the
reservoir simulation. Typical values used for the grid block size in the fracture are 10 x 10 ft or 20 x 20 ft. This grid size
gives sufficient resolution for a typical fracture treatment’s dimensions. For cases with very long fracture half- lengths, the
x grid block size can be increased to avoid having too many grid cells in the reservoir simulator grid, thereby speeding up
the model execution time.
The fracture growth model tracks the fluid leakoff (filtrate) from the fracture into the formation. There is more filtrate fluid
leaking off near the wellbore than at the fracture tip. A novel feature of the ResSim tool is that the leakoff history is
accurately and automatically transferred to the reservoir simulator, by initializing the water saturation in the appropriate
grid blocks adjacent to the fracture face. Of course, the fracture grid blocks themselves are considered to have 100%
water saturation at the beginning of production. The capability to accurately include the filtrate fluid in the reservoir
simulation input is very important when trying to accurately model (or history match) the initial post-fracture cleanup
period, which is especially interesting in tight-gas reservoirs.
Fracture conductivity data is very important for accurate predictions from the reservoir simulator. Fracture conductivity
decreases with increasing net stress for both propped and acid fractures. For the case of propped fractures, this behavior
is published by the proppant manufacturing companies and is used in our program. For acid fractures, the Nierode-Kruk
correlation is used to estimate the pressure dependant conductivity of an etched fracture. This correlation can be adjusted
in the program based on the user’s own data, and then the resulting conductivity data is passed to the reservoir simulator
in the form of a table for pressure dependant permeability for the grid blocks representing the fracture. This feature
enhances engineering consistency in much improved way for fracture modeling.
Non-Darcy and multi-phase effects in the proppant pack can also be very important in certain situations. Since the various
commercially available reservoir simulators do not all have the capability to model non-Darcy flow, we chose to give the
user two options. For simulators that do not have any non-Darcy capability, the program will take the non-Darcy effects
into account in the fracture simulator, before passing the modified effective fracture permeabilities onto the reservoir
simulator. The advantage of this approach is that we can then approximately mimic the effects even if the numeric
reservoir simulator does not handle non-Darcy flow. The second option is for reservoir simulators that do model non-
Darcy flow. In this case we do not modify the fracture permeability, and we allow the non-Darcy effects to be calculated by
the reservoir simulator.

FracproPT 2007

In the first case, the non-Darcy effects are estimated for the type of proppant used, based on the library data from the
proppant manufacturer. The user can enter the nominal hydrocarbon flow rate, which is then used to estimate the non-
Darcy effects at a given bottomhole flowing pressure, which is also entered by the user. It is preferred; if possible, to
model the non-Darcy effects in the reservoir simulator, by using the second option, so that changing bottomhole pressure
can be taken into account when calculating the non-Darcy pressure drop in the fracture.
We assume that the user will use the multi-phase capability of the reservoir simulator to model multi-phase production
situations, making superfluous any additional modifications to the proppant permeability to account for multi-phase non-
Darcy effects. If the user chose to run the reservoir simulator in a single-phase mode, however, it would still be possible to
include an approximation of the multi-phase non-Darcy effects by using the built-in correlation in the fracture model and
adjusting the effective permeability of the fracture. The benefit of this approach is that the reservoir simulator runs several
orders of magnitude faster when only Darcy flow is being modeled.
The well inflow in the finite-difference numerical model is calculated using Peaceman’s approach, which assumes that the
well radius is less than the equivalent well grid block radius. If this is not the case (the well blocks belonging to the fracture
grid blocks may have quite small dimensions), the well radius is set to its maximum allowed value. Note that this
correction does not affect the calculations for the pressure drop along the well that are calculated using the actual well

Figure 3: Gridding example for a single fracture in vertical well, showing quarter symmetry and LGR refinement.

Automatic Grid Generation

The motivations behind the grid creation algorithm are:

ƒ to adapt the grid to the geometry of the reservoir, layers and fracture as well as to the flow around the
fractures, and
ƒ to have an optimal number of grid blocks in terms of minimum storage space/CPU time versus required
accuracy of the simulation.

FracproPT 2007

To satisfy these requirements, a three dimensional Cartesian grid is provided that includes a local model with refined cells
covering the vicinity of all the fractures. The principles of grid generation are illustrated in Figure 3 by the example of the
vertical well with one fracture.
The host grid in the XY (horizontal) plane consists of relatively few grid blocks (typically around 100). The grid blocks
increase in size as we move away from the fracture in both X and Y directions. The minimum grid block size is
comparable with the fracture half-length xf. The global discretization in the Z (vertical) direction is based on the reservoir
layering, thereby taking into account that a grid block cannot contain rocks from different reservoir layers without
additional upscaling. The reservoir layers with a large thickness are subdivided to a typical grid block height to provide a
more uniform grid in the Z direction.
The typical dimensions of the refined region are related to the fracture extent. The LGR extends to 1.5 times xf in the X
direction (along the fracture) and to 2 xf in the Y direction (normal to the fracture). In the Z direction, the LGR is defined for
the host grid blocks that contain the fracture height and approximately half of the fracture height above and below the
fracture itself. These parameters are flexible to account for different situations such as when the fracture top is near a
reservoir layer boundary.
The fracture in the LGR is represented by a two-dimensional (XZ) series of grid blocks. The mesh for the fracture
conductivity distribution supplied by the fracture simulator is considered as a starting point for the discretization within the
LGR. In the XY plane outside the fracture, the number of grid blocks increases towards the LGR boundary or to the
middle point between fractures (for the horizontal well case). A finer grid is built around the well and fracture tips to
capture the dominant radial character of the flow in these regions. The grid blocks near the fracture plane have a
particularly small Δy (normal to the fracture plane) to ensure an accurate computation of the high-rate transient flow during
the initial production period. This can be seen clearly in Figure 4, which shows the gridding in the XY plane for a horizontal
well case with transverse fractures.

Figure 4: Grid refinement for a horizontal well case with transverse fractures.

This type of gridding allows for an accurate representation of the filtrate fluid distribution around the fracture that is
transferred from the fracture simulator. Note that the typical filtrate leakoff depth varies from centimeters to tens of
centimeters in tight gas reservoirs, or to even larger depths in higher permeability reservoirs. In determining the sizes Δx

FracproPT 2007

and Δy in the fracture vicinity, we generally followed the empirical guidelines for choosing an appropriate finite-difference
model of the fractured well as presented by Bennett et al. The subgrid in the vertical Z direction is made nearly uniform in
accordance with a calculated typical grid size Δz.

Initialization of Grid Properties

Every grid block in the host grid and the LGR is assigned one value of each distributed reservoir characteristic: porosity,
permeabilities in three directions, phase saturations and pore pressure. This basic information is taken from the input to
the fracture simulator.
The fracture in the reservoir simulation model is not necessarily modeled with its actual width b, but with a fictive width
that is the size of the corresponding fracture grid block Δyf. The fictive width is normally set to a value larger than the
actual width, to allow for larger time step sizes in the reservoir simulation. This feature is user selectable, so the user can
also choose to model the fracture width in the reservoir simulator using the actual maximum width of the fracture at the
wellbore. Since the porous volumes and the transmissibilities of the fracture blocks should remain unchanged, regardless
of the width used for the fracture in the reservoir simulator, the fracture porosities and permeabilities are recalculated, to
adjust the fracture properties (denoted with subscript fi) as shown in Equations 1 and 2. Note that the permeability in the
fracture is assumed to be isotropic, both for proppant and acid fracture cases.
φf=φfib/Δyf. ...................................(2)
The initial water saturation near the fracture plane is calculated from the leakoff depth data calculated by the fracture
model, which is represented as two-dimensional (XZ) piecewise constant distribution with its own mesh size and is
translated into the reservoir grid using an areal weighting scheme. In doing so, we assume that the filtrate fluid has the
same properties as reservoir water when it will be produced back through the fracture. The porous volume of the fracture
is saturated by filtrate (water saturation is taken to be 100%) at the beginning of the simulation of the post-fracture
The automatically generated reservoir simulation input file is setup so that three different region numbers are assigned to
the all the grid blocks. The three types of regions defined are:

ƒ the PVT fluid properties region,

ƒ the phase behavior parameters region, and
ƒ the pressure-dependent rock properties region.
The values are given in a series of tables for each region within the grid. The PVT properties for the density and viscosity
of the reservoir fluid(s) are assumed to be identical for the entire reservoir, including the fracture. The saturation functions
for the relative permeability and capillary pressure as well as the functions for the porosity and permeability may be
different for each layer and for the region representing the fracture. The definition of the different regions in the grid and
the assignment of the three different region numbers to every grid block are performed automatically by the tool.

ƒ Nierode, D.E., Kruk, N.F.: "An Evaluation of Acid Fluid Loss Additives, Retarded Acids, and Acidized
Fracture Conductivity", SPE 4549, SPE Annual Meeting, September 1973, Las Vegas, Nevada.
ƒ Bennett, C.O., Reynolds, A.C., Raghavan, R., Elbel, J.L.: "Performance of Finite-Conductivity, Vertically
Fractured Wells in single-Layers Reservoirs", SPE 11029, SPE Formation Evaluation, August, 1986, pp.

Shaoul, J.R., Behr A., and Mtchedlishvili, G.: "Developing a Tool for 3D Reservoir Simulation of Hydraulically Fractured
Wells," SPE 108321, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2007, pp. 50-59.

Real-Data Fracture Pressure Analysis

4 Basic Steps
Although the use of FracproPT may sometimes seem complicated, fracture analysis can be conducted in a very
straightforward fashion. In the section below, we outline an analysis strategy that can be used for fracture analysis on any
fracture treatment. This analysis strategy walks through 4 basic steps, that are highlighted in blue in the flow diagram

FracproPT 2007

Basic fracture pressure analysis steps

ƒ Define all necessary input data.

This is conducted in the easiest way by progressing through the Next-loop in Fracture Analysis mode until one
arrives at the SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen. The most critical data that should be entered are:

• Fracture treatment data. Use DataConvertPT to convert ASCII file(s) or Excel™ of treatment data to
the FracproPT database format, or connect FracproPT to receive real-time data from the service
company’s data acquisition system. If necessary, edit the database.
• Critical completion information (for example, casing, tubing, and perforations) and reservoir
information (for example, stresses, elastic properties, porosity, permeability, etc.).
• Treatment pump schedule and fluid and proppant properties. Synchronize the treatment schedule
with the actual (database or real-time) treatment data, which can be done quickly by using the Auto
Stage function in Cursor Editing mode of any plot. Properties for industry fluids and proppants are
available in FracproPT’s built-in libraries. The wellbore trajectory, fluid and proppant information allow
FracproPT to determine the hydrostatic head in the wellbore at any given time during the fracture
ƒ Determine fracture closure stress.
Once the user arrives at the SIMULATION CONTROL [F10] screen, select Minifrac Analysis to go to FracproPT’s
MINIFRAC ANALYSIS [SHIFT-F8] screen. Fracture closure stress is the single most important parameter to
determine observed net pressure, and without a proper closure estimate this is impossible, as can be seen from the
equation below:
The Minifrac Analysis module has various built-in pressure decline analysis plots that can be used to determine at
what pressure a fracture closes and to determine the corresponding fracture slurry efficiency for that closure time.

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Once the user is done with this step, the observed net pressure is determined appropriately for shut-in periods.

ƒ Determine entry friction.

Entry friction determination is important for two reasons. First, it may allow a user to determine the potential for a
pre-mature screen-out by measuring near-wellbore tortuosity directly. Secondly, it may provide a proper correction
of the observed net pressure during pumping.
Entry friction analysis can be conducted by selecting the Entry Friction button from the SIMULATION CONTROL
[F10] screen, and this will bring the user to the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen. Here, you
can correct for friction components during pumping that are measured during a rate stepdown test or during a shut-
Once the user is done with this step, the observed net pressure is determined appropriately around periods of rate
stepdown tests. If frictional components are relatively small in comparison with the overall level of net pressure
(when bottomhole pressures are measured directly or when deadstring pressure is available AND when entry
friction is relatively small) the correction of entry friction may now provide an accurate representation of the
observed net pressure DURING pumping.

ƒ Match model net pressure to observed net pressure.

As a final step, match net pressure from the fracture model (Net Pressure) to the measured net pressure
(Observed Net) during shut-ins (that is, when there is no friction to worry about), and, if an accurate bottomhole
pressure channel is available, during pump-ins as well.
Although there are many "knobs" available in FracproPT for net pressure history matching, only about ten
parameters (and usually much less) are generally used to achieve a complete net pressure history match. These
parameters and the net pressure matching strategy are described in detail in the Help section titled Net Pressure
Matching Guidelines.
In the Auto Matching tab of the NET PRESSURE MATCHING [CNTR+F8] screen, these parameters are
conveniently divided in parameters that primarily affect the pressure decline slope and parameters that primarily
affect the total level of the net pressure.

Net Pressure Matching Guidelines

FracproPT is infamous for its many "knobs". It does make it hard to see the forest through the trees when somebody
would use all of these for net pressure history matching.
However, in most cases, net pressure history matching can be conducted with a very limited number of these "knobs",
and there are very strict conditions to use these.
List of the Net Pressure Matching "knobs":
Parameter Parameter
Decline Permeability
Slope Wallbuilding
parameters Coefficient
Spurt Loss
Level Closure Stress
parameters Contrast
Tip Effects
(Gamma 2)
Proppant Drag
Tip Screen-Out
Geometry Composite

FracproPT 2007

parameters Layering Effect

Crack Opening /

When to change net pressure matching parameters

Injection Level Slope
Parameter Parameter
KCl / Tip Effects Permeability
slickwater Coefficient
Breakdown Multiple
Injection(s) Fracture
Crosslink Tip Effects Wallbuilding
Gel Coefficient Coefficient
Minifrac Multiple
Prop frac Multiple Pressure-
Fracture Dependent
Complexity Leakoff
Closure Multiplier
Stress Spurt Loss

The logic and sequence of net pressure history matching is not simple. However, as the table above shows, there are only
about ten parameters that are typically used for net pressure history matching, and there is usually a specific point in the
matching sequence where there parameters are changed. The question/answer sequence below aims to steer you in the
right direction for net pressure history matching of a complete treatment.
Net pressure history matching should always be done chronologically. If you start to match the net pressure response for
the propped fracture treatment without matching the breakdown injections or minifrac, it is virtually impossible to match
the earlier injections without changing the match of the propped fracture treatment that you already had. The strategy
below aims to make parameter changes to the model to match data sequentially, and after that change has been made,
the parameters are not changed anymore in the latter part of the treatment, thus preserving your match of the earlier data.
Matching the B/D Injection
Assumption: Injection was done with water – not with crosslink gel
Fracture closure stress (in the pay zone) has already been identified and updated in the model

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Decline Slope
Q: At the end of pumping, is the decline slope of the Observed Net Pressure steeper than the decline slope of the Model
Net Pressure?
A: Yes Æ Increase Permeability
A: No Æ Decrease Permeability

Q: Is the Observed Net Pressure decline more concave than the Model Net Pressure decline?
A: No Æ Check "Allow Growth after Shut-In" on F4
A: Yes Æ Check "Freeze Dimensions after Shut-In" on F4

Notes: If permeability profile is "known" or measured using core tests or pressure

buildup tests, change Kp/Kl ratio instead of permeability.
Keep it simple: change perm only in the pay zone. Keep permeability in shales at 0 mD if payzone
perm is at least 2 orders of magnitude larger.

Q: At the end of pumping, is the Observed Net Pressure higher than the Model Net Pressure with Tip Effects Coefficient
set to default 0.0001 and multiple fracture opening and volume factors set to 1.0?
A: No Æ Increase Tip Effects Coefficient from default 0.0001 up to a maximum of 0.4.
A: Yes Æ
Q: Is the Young’s modulus as low as about 200,000 psi or lower?
A: Yes Æ Increase Young’s modulus of the payzone rock (and surrounding layers) up to a factor of 2
(representing the potential uncertainty in this measurement).
A: No Æ
Q: Is the pore pressure in the pay zone depleted AND is the Closure Stress
Contrast a parameter that you want to change (You may not want to change
this if you assume you "know" it from a dipole sonic, or much better, a direct
stress measurement)?
A: Yes Æ Increase Closure Stress Contrast to 2/3 of the pore pressure
change up to a maximum of about 1.0 psi/ft in zones around payzone. (Note
that a change in Closure Stress Contrast generally does not increase net
pressure substantially, as the fracture has grown only little or nothing into
the layer with a higher closure stress. Therefore, you may have to continue
to the next item)
A: No Æ
Q: Is the rock naturally fractured OR is tortuosity relatively
high OR is there pressure dependent leakoff evident in the
G-Function plot?
A: Yes Æ Increase Multiple Fracture Complexity by
increasing multiple fracture volume and opening factors
(keep these two the same through the entire job as a starting
A: No Æ Could it be that you picked Fracture Closure Stress too low and that your resulting
net pressures are too high? Check back your minifrac analysis

Matching the Minifrac

Assumption: Injection is done with crosslink gel, and this does reach the formation.
If a minifrac data is not available, the questions below could also be used to match the propped
fracture treatment.

Decline Slope
Q: At the end of pumping, is the decline slope of the Observed Net Pressure steeper than the decline slope of the Model
Net Pressure?
A: Yes Æ Increase Wallbuilding Coefficient. Highest leakoff can be achieved by setting it to 0.

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A: No Æ Decrease Wallbuilding Coefficient.

Notes: Only change the wallbuilding coefficient for the fluid that was used.
Do not change the permeability anymore, for it will affect the
match of the B/D injection.

Q: Using the new Tip Effects Coefficient, is the Model Net Pressure higher than the Observed Net Pressure with the
increase in fluid viscosity?
A: Yes Æ Go back to the previous injection and reduce the Tip Effects Coefficient down to as low as 0.0001.
A: No Æ
Q: Is the Young’s modulus as low as about 200,000 psi or lower?
A: Yes Æ Increase Young’s modulus of the payzone rock (and surrounding layers) up to a factor of 2
(representing the potential uncertainty in this measurement).
A: No Æ
Q: Is the pore pressure in the pay zone depleted OR do you fracture height
recession in the G-function plot AND is the Closure Stress Contrast a
parameter that you want to change (You may not want to change this if you
assume you "know" it from a dipole sonic, or much better, a direct stress
A: Yes Æ Increase Closure Stress Contrast to 2/3 of the pore pressure
change up to a maximum of about 1.0 psi/ft in zones around payzone.
A: No Æ
Q: Is the rock naturally fractured OR is tortuosity relatively
high OR is there pressure dependent leakoff evident in the
G-Function plot?
A: Yes Æ Increase Multiple Fracture Complexity by
increasing multiple fracture volume and opening factors. If
the observed net pressure is substantially higher than during
the B/D injection, this may indicate that Multiple Fracture
Complexity has increased between injections, justifying the
vs. time use of this parameter. As an alternative, it could also
mean that the Tip Effects Coefficient should be increased
(increasing the sensitivity for viscosity) while also increasing
Multiple Fracture Complexity to increase the overall level of
net pressure during B/D injections and minifrac.
A: No Æ Could it be that you picked Fracture Closure Stress (in the payzone) too low and
that your resulting net pressures are too high? Check back your minifrac analysis

Note: Changes to these Level parameters also affect the net pressure level
during the B/D injection. For that reason, you may have to play
back and forth using these parameters until you have a satisfactory
match of both the B/D injection(s) and the Minifrac.
Prop frac
Assumption: prop frac is done with same crosslink gel as used during the minifrac.

Decline Slope
Q: Does the treatment end in a Tip Screen-Out (TSO), as indicated by a unit-slope increase in the observed net
A: YesÆ Note that the decline slope is a good parameter to match in case a treatment does NOT end with a Tip Screen-
Out (TSO). If the job does end with a TSO, the wellbore may be filled with a substantial amount of proppant

FracproPT 2007

laden fluid at shut-in, making it very hard to obtain adequate pressure communication between the fracture and
the surface or bottomhole pressure gauge. In that case, it is better to concentrate on matching the TSO net
pressure increase and the point of TSO initiation in the data. Note that the parameters used for that generally
fall under Level Parameters, and please refer to the Level section for matching instructions.
A: No Æ
Q: At the end of pumping, is the decline slope of the Observed Net Pressure steeper than the decline slope of
the Model Net Pressure AND is the net pressure level substantially higher than during the minifrac OR is there
evidence in the G-function plot of pressure dependent leakoff?
A: Yes Æ Increase Leakoff Multiplier, starting from the time the proppant fracture treatment began.
A: No Æ Increase spurt loss AND/OR uncheck Reset Fluid Leakoff after Frac Closure (Low Level parameters) -
you will have to redo your match of the minifrac as well.

Before introduction of proppant
Q: Is the Observed Net Pressure during the pad higher than the Model Net Pressure?
A: Yes Æ

As proppant is introduced
Q: Is the Observed Net Pressure gradually increasing as proppant is being pumped into the fracture, indicating a tip
A: Yes Æ Go back to the previous injection and reduce the Tip Effects Coefficient down to as low as 0.0001.
Q: Does the increase in Model Net Pressure during pumping (associated with Tip Screen-out Initiation) start
after the increase in Observed Net Pressure?
A: Yes Æ Increase Leakoff Multiplier, starting from the time the proppant fracture treatment began.
A: No Æ Increase spurt loss AND/OR uncheck Reset Fluid Leakoff after Frac Closure (Low Level parameters) -
you will have to redo your match of the minifrac as well.

Q: Is the increase in Model Net Pressure after Tip Screen-out faster than in the Observed Net Pressure?
A: Yes Æ Decrease Proppant Drag Exponent (for early times) and/or Decrease TSO Backfill Coefficient (for
later times)
A: No Æ Increase Proppant Drag Exponent up to about 16 (for early times) and/or increase TSO Backfill
Coefficient (for later times).

Note: For a TSO treatment, it is impossible to properly

match the decline, as the hole can be filled with proppant and good
communication with the pressure in the fracture is not available.
Therefore, concentrate on matching the pressure increase during

A: No Æ
Q: Is the Young’s modulus as low as about 200,000 psi or lower?
A: Yes Æ Increase Young’s modulus of the payzone rock (and surrounding layers) up to a factor of 2
(representing the potential uncertainty in this measurement for soft rock). Do not increase the
modulus beyond a realistic range for the rock. For example, if you have to use the Young’s modulus
of steel to get a match, you need to use another matching parameter to raise the Model Not Pressure.
A: No Æ
Q: Is the pore pressure in the pay zone depleted AND is the Closure Stress
Contrast a parameter that you want to change (You may not want to change
this if you assume you "know" it from a dipole sonic log, or much better,
from a direct stress measurement in the layers around the pay) AND is the
evidence of fracture height recession in the G-Function plot?
A: Yes Æ Increase Closure Stress Contrast to 2/3 of the pore pressure
change up to a maximum of about 1.0 psi/ft in zones around payzone. So, if
the pore pressure depleted by 1000 psi over several years of production,
increase the sand-shale stress contrast to about 670 psi by increasing the
closure stress gradient in the shale (not the payzone sand, as that was
measured during this treatment in the Minifrac Analysis)
A: No Æ

FracproPT 2007

Q: Is the rock naturally fractured OR is tortuosity relatively

high OR is there pressure dependent leakoff evident in the
G-Function pressure decline plot?
A: Yes Æ Increase Multiple Fracture Complexity by
increasing multiple fracture volume and opening factors. If
the observed net pressure is substantially higher than during
the B/D injection, this may indicate that Multiple Fracture
Complexity has increased between injections, justifying the
vs. time use of this parameter. As an alternative, it could also
mean that the Tip Effects Coefficient should be increased
(increasing the sensitivity for viscosity) while also increasing
Multiple Fracture Complexity to increase the overall level of
net pressure during B/D injections and minifrac.
A: No Æ Could it be that you picked Fracture Closure Stress (in the payzone) too low and
that your resulting net pressures are too high? Check back your minifrac analysis

Note: Changes to these Level parameters also affect the net pressure level
during the B/D injection and the Minifrac. For that reason, you may
have to play back and forth using these parameters until you have
a satisfactory match of both the B/D injection(s) and the Minifrac.

Real-Time Use
ƒ Make sure you have the right cables. If you are physically present at the job site, you need a null-
modem serial cable (that is, an RS-232 cable). This means you can either buy (or make) a null-modem
cable, or you take a regular (straight-through) cable and put a null-modem connector on one of the ends.
Note that in many cases the service company may already have provided a null-modem cable to connect
to their computer, and that two null-model cables connected together will not work. You only need a single
null-model cable or connector between the service company data computer and the computer of the
FracproPT analyst.
Test your cable in the office before every job with the portable computer that you are going to use in the field. Use a
second computer to run Pinnacle's real-time simulation program and that can make the second computer send a stream
of fracture treatment data much like the service company computer in the treatment van. To make another computer send
fracture treatment data from its COM1 port, run the FracproPT installation CD on that computer and run the sim.bat file in
the Real-Time Simulation directory of the CD. If you are performing a remote real-time job using a modem, you should
check the cables and the modem. For example, try logging on to an Internet account.

ƒ Make a test of the hardware connection. To do this, have the treatment computer send some dummy
data. From the REAL-TIME CONTROL [Ctrl+F1] screen in FracproPT, choose Load DataAcqPT, which
is the data acquisition program that comes with the system. DataAcqPT will automatically launch. Now,
select the Setup function to start the Setup Wizard, which is a step-by-step guide through the process of
configuring your system to receive data. A full description of each of the steps is available in the
DataAcqPT Help system.
When you get to the appropriate screen in the Wizard, choose Show Incoming Data to view the data as it comes in. You
should be able to see the numbers in the Values column changing.
If the operator of the treatment van insists that data are being sent (and it is non-zero) and you do not seem to be
receiving it, check to make sure that there is not an extra null-modem connector or cable on the treatment computer. If
this does not solve the problem, then try using your spare serial cable (which, of course, you always bring to every job!).
If you still are not receiving data, try rebooting the computers. At this point, it is handy to have a serial communications
diagnostic device, which has LED's that indicate the status of all data lines. If data is being sent through the cable, you
should see one or more of the lights flashing at the rate that data is being sent.

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ƒ Start Data Acquisition. After you have verified that data is being sent to your computer, complete the
remainder of the Setup Wizard and select the Start button. You can verify if data is coming in using the
Text, Monitor or Graph buttons.
Return to FracproPT and select Connect to DataAcqPT on the REAL-TIME CONTROL [Ctrl+F1] screen. You will see
all of the channels listed as they were in the Setup Wizard. You should now pick the channels that you want to record
using the Select box in each row. These channels will appear on the REAL-TIME CHANNELS [Ctrl+F2] screen that you
can reach by selecting the Next button from the REAL-TIME CONTROL [Ctrl+F1] screen.

ƒ Setup the channel inputs for the model. Set up which channels you want the model to run from on the
CHANNEL INPUTS FOR MODEL [SHIFT+F6] screen in FracproPT. You can reach by selecting the Next
button from the REAL-TIME CHANNELS [Ctrl+F2] screen. Observed Net Pressure will automatically be
calculated from the pressure measurement that provides the best measurement of true bottomhole
pressure. Once you have completed this, you can verify that the data is now available in FracproPT by
selecting the View Measured Data button.

Detailed Guidlines and Procedures

Statement of the Problem
Hydraulic fracturing is a complex process affected by many unknown and variable factors. Analysis of typical hydraulic
fracturing data is further complicated by the indirect coupling of measured surface parameters (for example, pressure,
rate, etc.) to downhole fracture growth. In the past, a lack of engineering analysis tools and techniques to deal with this
complexity resulted in an industry focus on theoretical fracture results based on pre-job estimates. The complication of
using measured field data (that is, real data) was avoided, or was dealt with only in a simplified manner.
By avoiding or over-simplifying the "message" in the real-data, knowledge about fracture growth behavior and obtained
fracture dimensions was relatively limited and causes for fracture treatment problems were sometimes poorly understood.
Honoring the message in real data can improve understanding about fracturing in any given area and result in economic
fracture treatment optimization by decreasing fracture treatment cost and/or by improving post-fracture production
Recent advancements in engineering methodology along with new software tools and improved field procedures result in
routine feedback from fracture treatment data to the engineer. This methodology, called "real-data fracture pressure
analysis," utilizes a quick, simple set of diagnostic injection procedures to "calibrate" the use of a flexible fracture model
incorporating realistic fracture growth mechanisms. Real-data fracture pressure analysis is the engineering process of
utilizing the feedback from actual fracture behavior for treatment design, execution, and evaluation. Far from being a
science activity, real-data fracture analysis is an engineering process in which feedback from field fracture treatment
behavior is used to provide engineering guidance for treatment design, execution, and analysis.
The most common (and least expensive) feedback for real-data fracture analysis is in the form of fracture treatment
pressure, providing insights into net pressure behavior and fracture entry friction. However, the results of other available
fracture diagnostic techniques, such as tiltmeter and microseismic fracture mapping, specialized logging, production data
analysis, and well testing, may also contribute key pieces to the puzzle. The ultimate in hydraulic fracture engineering
involves calibrating theoretical fracture model results to match both observed pressure response and mapped fracture
dimensions . In many situations, measured fracture pressure is the only measured data available.
Introduction to Fracture Pressure Analysis
Net pressure (the pressure in the main body of the fracture minus fracture closure stress) is the single most important
variable in fracture pressure analysis because it is directly related to fracture length, width, and height. The technique of
net pressure history matching is used to match a theoretical model net pressure to the actual or Observed Net Pressure
behavior, with potential solutions constrained by a combination of diagnostic injection behavior and engineering
judgments. The end result is a fracture geometry estimate that is firmly linked to the actual treatment behavior.
Fracture entry friction, the combination of perforation friction and near-wellbore friction, can be characterized using the
(real-data) fracture pressure analysis technique. Near-wellbore friction is an indicator of fracture initiation complexity, a
common cause of near-wellbore bridging screen-outs. The ability to characterize fracture entry friction assists with
identifying and solving fracture entry friction problems and it also can be used to evaluate the success of remedial
measures or changes to completion design.
This real-data methodology is not a cure-all or magic bullet. The complexity of hydraulic fracturing sometimes still defies
explanation, and in some cases nature may still be extremely uncooperative with all efforts to successfully place proppant.
Also, real-data analysis does not lessen the role of engineering judgments and experience. However, real-data analysis
always provides a significant step forward in engineering capabilities beyond traditional fracture engineering techniques
not utilizing real-data feedback. Many examples of successful application can be found throughout the industry; a few
examples are referenced here.
The purpose of this technical summary is to introduce the real-data fracture pressure analysis methodology and to provide
practical, model-independent guidance for its implementation. As such, this document is not intended to provide a "how-
to" guide for frac design issues such as perforation design, addressing near-wellbore fracture tortuosity problems, pad
sizing criteria, etc. Instead, the intent is to introduce an engineering problem-solving approach that can be used to support
these fracture treatment design decisions.

FracproPT 2007

14 15
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the concepts of net pressure analysis , near-wellbore fracture tortuosity , the
simultaneous propagation of multiple fractures , and that the reader has a fracture engineering analysis model that is
capable of net pressure history matching.
Applications of Fracture Pressure Analysis
Real-data fracture pressure analysis can be effectively utilized for a number of common fracture engineering scenarios:

• Optimization of basic treatment and completion design: In an area where many fracture
treatments are successfully performed, fracture treatment and completion design may be refined to
improve well economics. Real-data analysis can be used to define the starting point (fracture height,
length, and conductivity) and determine the direction for improvement (for example, changes in
completion strategy, treatment schedule and size, etc). For more information, see examples C, D, E
and F in the Field Demonstrations section.
• Solving fracture entry problems: In areas experiencing bridging screen-outs, near-wellbore fracture
tortuosity and perforation restriction may be evaluated on-site in real-time. This capability allows
identification of the correct remedial actions or design changes, and evaluation of their impact. For
more information, see examples A and B in the Field Demonstrations section.
• Routine on-site pad volume sizing to accommodate geologic variability: Pad volume may be
tailored, based on observed fracture fluid leakoff, to shorten closure time (and minimize proppant
convection and settling), to implement a tip screenout design, or to avoid a premature tip screenout.
For more information, see examples A and F in the Field Demonstrations section.
• Design for a new fracturing environment: Real-data analysis provides a tool to shorten the
traditionally long and expensive learning curve in a field or interval where fracturing has not been
previously performed. The technique reduces execution risk, while pursuing an aggressive initial
fracture strategy, and assists with evaluation of well production response. For more information, see
examples C and E in the Field Demonstrations section.
The Engineering Process of Fracture Pressure Analysis
Achieving a net pressure history match in some manner is the quick and easy part of the process; it is much more difficult
to translate the analysis into useful and reasonable engineering decisions. Effective use of real-data analysis requires a
systematic and careful approach to assure that the solutions are feasible, realistic, and consistent over multiple

Minimum Requirements for Fracture Pressure Analysis

ƒ Measure surface pressure, slurry rate, and proppant concentration as a minimum, at a sampling rate of
every 2-3 seconds. In some cases, measurement of bottomhole pressure assists the analysis by avoiding
uncertainties regarding hydrostatic head (for example in foam treatments) or large near-wellbore friction
(for example high rate tubing treatments);
ƒ Use a computer that can get real-time fracture treatment data from the service company computer and can
run a real-time fracture simulator that accounts for the right physical processes for hydraulic fracture
ƒ Preferably, perform the analysis in real-time, to assure that the critical information is collected and to
enable on-site treatment design refinement. For example, repeating a breakdown or proppant slug
injection, or extending a pressure decline period, may greatly increase the usefulness of the data and
increase chances for successful treatment placement.

Steps in the Engineering Process

The fracture pressure analysis process should include the following general steps, as shown in Figure 1, and discussed in
more detail in the following text.

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Figure 1: Flowchart illustrating general fracture pressure analysis procedure.

Pre-Frac Design
ƒ Develop a conceptual picture of mechanisms likely to control fracture growth behavior that is consistent
with completion strategy and rock properties. This step may involve reservoir characterization, in-situ
measurement of the fracture closure stress profile, analysis of past treatment data, etc.
ƒ Develop an initial fracture design to achieve fracture height, half-length, and conductivity goals, based on
anticipated net pressure behavior. If previous fracture treatments have been conducted, and if production
data is available, this data could be incorporated for economic optimization of the treatment.
ƒ Design field injection procedures to maximize data usefulness. A useful set of diagnostic fracture injections
may be simple, quick, and inexpensive.

Treatment Execution
ƒ Identify fracture closure stress from initial KCl breakdown injections using pressure decline analysis and
other appropriate diagnostic techniques.
ƒ Evaluate perforation and near-wellbore friction. This is a relatively straightforward process if all injections
are ended with a rate step-down test, enabling separation of perforation friction (proportional to rate
squared) from near-wellbore friction (proportional to about the square-root of rate). Are the values
acceptable, or is a remedial action or change in completion strategy indicated?
ƒ Determine observed net pressure over the course of the diagnostic injections by removing all sources of
friction from the data during pumping.
ƒ Examine the ISIP (instantaneous-shut-in-pressure) and net pressure progression. What potential fracture
growth mechanisms may explain the observed trends? Is the observed behavior consistent with the initially
expected fracture behavior?
ƒ Based on the most likely explanation for observed fracture behavior, adjust fracture model inputs to match
the theoretical model net pressure with the actual observed net pressure over the entire sequence of
injections. A proper set of diagnostic injections, utilizing different fluids and volumes, significantly
constrains the possible number of model solutions.

Note: Near-wellbore or proppant bridging effects will affect engineering decisions, but are excluded from
net pressure history matching because they do not reflect net pressure in the main body of the fracture.
These effects are usually manifested by a rapid initial pressure decline after shutdown followed by a more

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stabilized pressure decline period. An example of this behavior can be seen in Figure 8 during the first 5
minutes of pressure decline.
ƒ Evaluate alternative mechanisms for explaining observed net pressure, thus bounding the solution. For
example, what level of Young’s modulus or shale stress contrast is required to explain observed propped
frac shutdown net pressure, as an alternative to the mechanism of simultaneous propagation of competing
multiple fractures? Can a low closure pressure, depleted interval (supported by actual measurements or
reservoir engineering judgment) provide an explanation for the observed net pressure behavior? Can the
alternative mechanisms explain net pressure over the entire sequence of injections?
ƒ Interpret the fracture pressure analysis results: what are the implications in terms of completion strategy
and fracture design parameters such as frac fluid polymer loading, pad size, injection rate, and proppant
schedule? Translate the results into engineering decisions.
ƒ Perform the fracture treatment. If required, make real-time fracture design changes in response to fracture
behavior. Real-time changes are generally limited to changes in injection rate, fluid volume and proppant
ramp schedule.

Post-Frac Analysis
ƒ Review and refine the net pressure history match, incorporating reservoir engineering insights and
analysis. What insights into fracture growth behavior are obtained from integrating fracture pressure
analysis results with production modeling and well testing or other fracture diagnostics ?
ƒ Repeat the real-data analysis process in succeeding stages or wells. Analysis of a single fracture stage
cannot capture the geologic/reservoir variability in a fracturing horizon. Analysis of multiple stages assists
with the development of a consistent and useful analysis strategy, and also provides feedback on the
effect of treatment or completion design changes over the course of a development program.

Obtaining "Anchor Points" for the Fracture Pressure Analysis

A common criticism of net pressure history matching is that there are too many unknowns, which make the solutions non-
unique and therefore not useful. However, there are only limited numbers of mechanisms that affect net pressure. When
the solutions are constrained by a combination of a) diagnostic injection procedures, b) engineering judgment, and c)
analysis of more than one treatment in an interval, then net pressure match solutions are usually constrained within
reasonable bounds.
Diagnostic injections are the key to effective real-data fracture pressure analysis. For net pressure history matching,
diagnostic injections provide net pressure trends over a series of injections of different fluids and volumes. Fracture
behavior over the sequence of injections then assists with determining the feasibility of various fracture growth
mechanisms, which should be consistent over the injection sequence. Finally, diagnostic injection techniques also enable
characterization of fracture entry friction, the cause of many premature screen-outs.
A comprehensive diagnostic injection procedure may include the sequence presented in Table 1 and Figure 2, adding 2-3
hours to treatment execution time. However, a useful set of diagnostic injections, with a focus on determining closure
pressure and evaluating fracture entry friction, may require as little time as a ½ hour.

Table 1: A comprehensive diagnostic injection sequence. All injections should end with a rate step-down to
characterize fracture entry friction. The exact injection sequence and fluid volumes and fluid types should be
tailored considering formation and completion properties and fracture engineering goals.

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Figure 2: General diagnostic injection overview, including and KCl breakdown injections, ® a crosslinked gel
minifrac including a proppant slug, and ¯ the main propped treatment. This full sequence, including the post-frac
pressure decline, may add 2-3 hours to treatment execution time. However, useful data may be obtained in as
little as ½ hour.

Guidelines For Achieving A Net Pressure History Match

In the process of fracture pressure analysis, observed net pressure is history matched and fracture entry friction is
characterized. The purpose of this section is to describe the procedures and modeling mechanism(s) in the net pressure
history matching process.
The general net pressure history match procedure is to first determine the actual or observed net pressure (pressure in
the main body of the fracture minus formation closure stress) over the injection sequence, then adjust simulator model
inputs to match the theoretical or model net pressure to the observed net pressure .

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Determination of Observed Net Pressure

Based on surface pressure, observed net pressure is calculated in the following manner:
Assuming that the engineering analysis system properly accounts for changes in hydrostatic pressure, there are then only
two types of adjustments affecting observed net pressure:
ƒ Fracture closure stress (σclosure), and
ƒ Frictional pressure-drop parameters during pumping (ΔPfriction).
Fracture Closure Stress: Average closure stress in the vicinity of the perforated interval is a key net pressure analysis
variable, since all analysis is referenced to this value. A 100-psi error in closure stress results in a 100-psi error in
calculated observed net pressure, which may significantly affect estimated fracture geometry for cases of low net
pressure. More importantly from a real-time analysis standpoint, this error will also result in errors in pad sizing and
proppant scheduling, as leakoff appears to be higher (shorter closure time) or lower (longer closure time) than reality.
Fracture closure stress is generally estimated using a pressure decline analysis technique, plotting the initial diagnostic
injection pressure declines as a function of square-root-of-time, Nolte’s G-function, or on a log-log plot.
In the ideal world, pressure declines show a single and distinct slope change at fracture closure. However, in the real
world, the slope transition at fracture closure is often diffuse and/or there is more than one change in slope. Use of the
following techniques usually allows for a confident identification of closure stress:

ƒ Always perform two KCl breakdown injections so as to provide confirmation of findings from a single
breakdown injection.
ƒ Use a moving-average pressure decline derivative to assist with identification of straight-line portions of the
curve and slope changes.
ƒ 20
Consider the use of injection flow pulses to bound closure stress. Periodically injecting 3-4 bbl KCl @ 10
bpm during a pressure decline, the response from an open fracture is characteristically different than from
a closed fracture.
ƒ For each potential closure stress (slope change), consider the implied fluid efficiency and net pressure. Are
they consistent with formation and completion properties?
Fracture Entry Friction Analysis: The purpose of friction analysis is to a) estimate perforation and near-wellbore friction
(fracture entry friction) over the treatment injection sequence, and b) enable estimation of observed net pressure during
Friction is evaluated by performing a rate step-down at the end of each injection , as schematically depicted in Figure 2.
In a rate step-down, three friction components must be accounted for: frac string, perforation, and near-wellbore friction. If
frac string friction can be accurately estimated (based on correlations or step-down pressure behavior), then the
remaining perf and near-wellbore friction can be analytically separated, because perforation friction is proportional to rate
squared while near-wellbore friction is proportional to about the square-root of rate. Near-wellbore friction is an indicator of
near-wellbore fracture complexity and therefore of proppant bridging tendency, and thus it is a focus of the analysis.
If bottom hole pressure is available (e.g. from a static string), rate step-down analysis is straightforward because the
bottom hole pressure measurement bypasses frac string friction.
Using surface treating pressure, rate step-down analysis can be tricky if frac string friction is large compared to fracture
entry friction, because wellbore friction often varies unpredictably from published or expected values. Water friction is
often significantly reduced by small amounts of gel contamination in wellbore fluids or from a gel hydration unit. Frac string
friction with crosslinked gel may vary with small variations in fluid composition. Foam friction behavior is extremely
unpredictable and variable, and analysis is further complicated by changes in hydrostatic pressure. With turbulent flow
(essentially all water injections), frac string friction is functionally closer to perforation friction; in laminar flow (low injection
rates with high viscosity fluid), frac string friction is functionally closer to near-wellbore friction.
Despite the surface pressure uncertainties, rate step-down analysis can generally provide useful engineering answers,
showing whether entry friction is dominated by perforation or near-wellbore friction, and identifying cases of unacceptable
behavior. This is especially true if initial diagnostic injections are performed with water.
Using surface pressure, the general rate step-down test analysis procedure is as follows:

• Starting with service company estimates of frac string friction, calculate bottom hole wellbore
pressure during the rate step-down test.
• If calculated bottom hole pressure rises as injection rate is reduced, estimated frac string friction is
too high and should be incrementally reduced. Repeat bottom hole pressure calculation until bottom
hole pressure decreases with injection rate.

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• Based on calculated bottom hole pressure during the step-down test, calculate entry friction as a
function of rate and separate into perforation and near-wellbore components. Are the estimated
friction parameters reasonable?
• Analysis of multiple rate step-down tests will generally result in bounding of frac string friction
parameters for a particular frac fluid, injection rate, and frac string configuration. Even if the split
between frac string and perforation friction is in error, calculated near-wellbore friction will be
relatively unaffected due to its different functional dependence on injection rate.
Unless bottom hole pressure is measured directly, the primary focus of net pressure analysis is often on shut-in periods
(when there is no system friction) rather than during pumping. Due to unpredictable and variable friction, it is often difficult
to confidently make decisions during pumping if only surface pressure measurements are available.
For example, when pumping down tubing, frac string friction may increase more than hydrostatic pressure as proppant
loading is increased, resulting in increasing injection pressure. If this increasing surface pressure is interpreted as the
onset of a premature screenout, the treatment may be unnecessarily terminated (flushed) early.
With proper accounting for friction parameters, observed net pressure (in the main body of the fracture) should only
change gradually with time during each fracture injection. A rapid or sharp change in observed net pressure usually
indicates 1) a near-wellbore effect (e.g. due to proppant bridging) or 2) a problem with friction parameters, as the implied
volume change in the main body of the fracture for a sharp change in actual net pressure would be physically unrealistic.

Matching Net Pressure to Observed Net Pressure

At this point in the analysis, the goal is to match the theoretical model net pressure to the actual or observed net pressure.
Fracture model inputs of fluid type, injection rate and proppant loading are fixed by the actual treatment data. Other model
parameters such as elastic rock properties, closure stress profile, rock permeability, frac fluid leakoff, and multiple fracture
assumptions must then be adjusted so that observed net pressure is matched across the entire sequence of injections.
The approach for adjusting these parameters will vary with formation properties, completion strategy and fracture
treatment design. All of the parameters are interlinked to some extent, i.e. adjusting one will affect the others. As there is
no standard-issue formation layout, completion design, and fracture design, there is no standard cookbook procedure for
net pressure history matching. A systematic and careful approach is thus required to assure that the resulting solutions
are feasible and consistent.
There is not always complete agreement among industry experts as to the mechanisms that control net pressure
behavior. However, in some manner, observed net pressure must be matched for the results to have any usefulness. It is
always far better to match observed net pressure, providing bounds on possible mechanisms, than it is to simply ignore
the observed net pressure in the analysis process.
Possible mechanisms and parameters that can be adjusted in the net pressure history match process are illustrated in
Figure 3 and discussed in the following sections.

Figure 3: Illustration of mechanisms and variables that are used in the net pressure history matching process: a)
Young’s modulus, b) fracture closure stress distribution, c) frac fluid leakoff, d) tip screenout, and e) multiple
fracture growth.

Elastic Rock Properties: Static Young’s modulus is the only rock mechanical property of concern during a fracture
treatment. There is no significant fracture growth sensitivity to Poisson’s ratio, other than from the impact of Poisson’s

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ratio (over geologic time) on formation stress. Young’s modulus is generally estimated based on data obtained from the
rock of interest or from other similar rocks. Useful data may include lithology and porosity, static core measurements, and
dynamic (log- or laboratory-based) measurements. Because the dynamic modulus is much less sensitive to rock
discontinuities, it can be a factor of two or more greater than the static modulus , and thus dynamic modulus should be
used with caution.
In general, fracture modeling requires a reasonable estimate of Young’s modulus, not a precise value. With a normal level
of uncertainty in the modulus data, it may be possible to consider as much as a 50% variation in modulus. An increase in
modulus results in a higher model net pressure, a larger fracture geometry, and lower fluid efficiency. With a fixed
observed net pressure and an unconfined (radial) fracture, modeled half-length is proportional to about modulus to the 1/3
power, resulting in a 15% change in fracture half-length for a 50% change in modulus. The impact on fracture geometry is
more pronounced if fracture growth is not radial.
Fracture Closure Stress Profile: Fracture closure stress profile can have a large impact on net pressure behavior. An
accurate stress profile is often required to positively distinguish between the effects of stress contrasts and multiple
fractures on net pressure. Thus, when feasible, fracture closure stress profile should be based on small volume test
injections in the fracture target interval and surrounding lithological and reservoir layers. These injections should utilize
volumes on the order of several to 10 bbl to avoid the near-wellbore effects that may distort the results of small volume
injections using only gallons of fluid.
However, this data is not available for the vast majority of fracture treatments. In these cases, a simplified closure stress
profile should be initially assumed, i.e. a uniform closure stress gradient in the pay rock, derived from the diagnostic
injection results. If the interval is bounded by a contrasting lithology such as shale, a modest stress contrast (0.05-0.1
psi/ft) should be assumed. The stress contrast may be larger if the reservoir rock is significantly depleted, as fracture
closure stress generally changes from 1/2 to 2/3 of the change in pore pressure.
"What if" adjustments to the stress profile can then be made later during the history match process, supported by the
model behavior and engineering judgment. For example, can a reasonable shale stress contrast explain the net pressure
progression? In some cases, shale stress contrast can be bounded during the history match process. If it makes sense
from a lithology and reservoir engineering standpoint, higher or lower closure stress rock layers above or below the frac
initiation depth may provide a net pressure history match. Is there a realistic stress scenario that can explain the entire net
pressure progression, i.e. not just at the end of the propped frac, but during the diagnostic injections as well? As
succeeding treatments and wells are completed, can a logical and consistent stress scenario explain the series of
injections and treatments? To obtain meaningful net pressure history match results, it is critical to avoid arbitrary
treatment-by-treatment model adjustments.
Permeability and Fracture Fluid Leakoff: The general logic is to use formation permeability to match the pressure
declines following initial water injections. For succeeding injections of polymer-viscosified fluid, the filter loss coefficient
and/or leakoff viscosity may then be adjusted to match leakoff. If circumstances warrant, a leakoff multiplier may be used
to change leakoff as a function of time, for example to accommodate pressure dependent leakoff or other changes in
leakoff character.
In cases where the simultaneous propagation of multiple fractures is expected, multiple fracture leakoff settings may also
be used to match succeeding pressure declines. These settings can be used to account for the increasing leakoff
interference that occurs with the growth and overlap of multiple fractures.
Tip Screenout: Based on the leakoff calibration provided by the diagnostic injections and the post frac pressure decline,
does the model predict tip screenout initiation, i.e. proppant reaching the fracture growth tip due to pad depletion? Does
the observed net pressure show the classic indication of tip screenout, a linear rise in net pressure with pump time, as
continued pumping "inflates" the fixed fracture area?
With the diagnostic injection and propped frac leakoff calibration, tip screenout may be shown to be a significant cause for
an increase in net pressure during a propped frac injection, or conversely, tip screenout may be ruled out as a contributor.
Of course, tip screenout is only a possibility during a propped frac treatment. In the case of a steady progression of
increasing ISIP’s and net pressure before any significant proppant is pumped, it is more likely that the increase in net
pressure with injection volume is either due to a) fracture height confinement or growth into higher stress bounding layers,
or b) the simultaneous propagation of multiple fractures, increasingly competing for fracture width, or c) poro-elastic
effects with local pore pressure charging in a low compressibility reservoir system, elevating the formation closure stress.
Multiple Fracture Growth Behavior: A combination of extensive laboratory and field evidence suggests that the
simultaneous propagation of far-field multiple fractures may be the norm rather than the exception for many rock types
and completion strategies . In response, simplified multiple fracture models have been incorporated into several
different industry hydraulic fracture models. These models represent the complexity of a multiple fracture system
(composed of fractures of varying dimensions, vertical overlap, and horizontal spacing) using an "equivalent" number of
closely spaced identical fractures.
Examples where multiple fracture growth would be expected include completions utilizing a distributed limited entry
perforation strategy, where multiple fractures are initiated at the wellbore (and do not fully link up or coalesce), and
completions in naturally fractured rock, in which fracture bifurcation results in the growth of an increasingly complex
network of multiple fractures with time. Multiple fracture growth may also occur in less obvious scenarios, and probably
impacts fracture growth to some degree in most fracture environments.

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Careful and consistent use of multiple fracture model settings is required to avoid using them as a set of arbitrary "fudge
factors" to achieve a net pressure history match. General guidelines for using the simultaneous propagation of multiple
fractures to explain the observed net pressure response include the following:

• Other potential explanations for the observed net pressure response should always be evaluated first
– for example, can formation stress profile or tip screenout provide an explanation for the observed
net pressure response?
• A multiple fracture usage methodology (initial assumptions and usage logic) should be developed and
consistently applied based on rock characteristics and completion strategy. For example, the multiple
fracture model usage strategy for a point source completion (where a single fracture might be
expected to be initiated at the wellbore) would be different than for a distributed limited entry
perforation strategy (where a number of independent fractures are initiated at the wellbore).
• Multiple fracture settings should only be changed during pumping – significant changes in multiple
fracture character are most likely to occur during injection (with energy input into the system), not
during shut-in periods.
• The details of multiple fracture settings over the net pressure history match are not critical, but what
they indicate about fracture complexity is important. For example, it should not be concluded that "2.4
fracture multiples were growing at the end of the crosslinked gel minifrac, and 3.8 at the end of the
propped frac". Instead, focus on what the settings mean in terms of fracture behavior: "The
simultaneous propagation of multiple fractures was consistently required to explain the observed
levels of net pressure. The equivalent number was in the range of 2-4, and increased with injection
volume, implying an increase in fracture complexity".
The Impact of Fracture Pressure Analysis
A good history match of observed net pressure can be satisfying and impressive, but is not useful if the solution is not
physically feasible and a consistent analysis approach is not developed over multiple fracture treatments. History match
results should always be viewed in terms of their impact on fracture design engineering decisions.
Achieving a history match in some manner is the easy part of real-data fracture pressure analysis. It is much more difficult
to interpret the results and translate them into reasonable engineering decisions for the upcoming fracture treatment
(beginning in 30 minutes), for the next fracture stage, or for the next well.
The fracture pressure analysis results should always be viewed in terms of the "big picture" engineering decisions
involved in hydraulic fracture treatment design:
Completion Strategy
• Perforation strategy – e.g. unrestricted entry, limited entry, point source, etc.
• Perforation hole size, phasing, shot density, design pressure drop
• Vertical wells:
• Interval thickness per stage
• Number of fracture stages
• Perforation location within each target stage interval
• Horizontal wells:
• Wellbore depth location within fracture target interval
Fracture Treatment Schedule
• Fracture fluid type and additive loadings
• Injection rate
• Pad volume
• Proppant type
• Proppant schedule and maximum loading
• Fracture treatment size
Treatment Execution
• Breakdown procedure
• Diagnostic injection procedures
• Critical on-site analysis issues

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• Potential real-time frac execution changes – e.g. injection rate, proppant loading
• Quality control
These engineering decisions address the basic design issues of fracture height coverage, half-length, conductivity,
fracture fluid leakoff, minimizing near-wellbore fracture tortuosity, and execution procedures.
Field Demonstrations
The following examples illustrate the usefulness of the fracture pressure analysis technique, a result of the ability to
understand and utilize the feedback contained in fracture pressure behavior.

Example A: Poor Perforation Effectiveness; Excessively Large Pad Volume11

Formation: Tight sandstone @ 10,000’ (oil/gas)
Completion: 3-1/2" 9.3# tubing frac string, max. pressure 10,000 psi;
15’ perf interval shot at 4 SPF, 180° phasing, 0.34" diameter holes
Situation: Inadequate initial injectivity;
Suspected excessively large pad fraction during past treatments
Diagnosis: Insufficient perfs open, based on rate step-down test;
Low crosslinked gel leakoff
Solution: Re-perforate interval with larger charges;
Cut pad fraction from 50% to 25% (750 to 250 Bbl)
Initial KCl injectivity was 18 BPM at 9300 psi, making the planned fracture injection rate of 30 BPM not possible. The rate
step-down test shown in Figure 4 was performed after KCl injection #1. This test clearly showed perforation friction
dominance, with entry friction a function of injection rate to the 1.94 power. Estimated perforation friction was about 4500
psi at 18 BPM, the equivalent of only 4 of 60 holes open. Near-wellbore fracture tortuosity was low at about 50 psi at 18
BPM. Additional KCl breakdown injections and surging did not improve the low injectivity.
The well was then re-perforated with larger through-tubing perforation charges, resulting in a reduction in perforation
friction to 1500 psi at 18 BPM. Following the crosslinked gel minifrac (including a 20 Bbl, 4 PPG prop slug), the equivalent
of 20 holes were open, for a perforation friction of 500 psi at 30 BPM. Near-wellbore friction remained acceptable at less
than 500 psi.
With the assurance of acceptable fracture entry friction, and the on-site observation of low leakoff, the pad volume was cut
by a factor of three compared with past treatments in this formation. A more effective fracture treatment was thus
successfully placed, resulting in a dramatically better production response .

Figure 4: Rate step-down test data following KCl injection #1 for treatment A. On the left side is the typical step-
down test interpretation data format, showing calculated bottomhole pressure as a function of injection rate. The
plot on the right shows the estimated total entry friction, and the split between perforation and near-wellbore
friction, as a function of injection rate. In this test, near-wellbore friction was negligible compared with
perforation friction (note the factor of 10 difference in scale).

Treatment Example B: Severe Near-Wellbore Fracture Tortuosity

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Formation: Naturally fractured dolomite @ 8900’ (gas)

Completion: 5-1/2" casing frac string, max. pressure 6000 psi;
70’ perf interval shot at 4 SPF, 90°, 0.45" diameter holes;
Previously acidized with 70 gallons/ft 20% HCl
Situation: Declining injectivity leading to "pressure-out" on pad
Diagnosis: Severe near-wellbore fracture tortuosity
Solution: 1 and 2 PPG proppant slugs very early in the pad to screen out fracture multiples
Prior to this treatment, an adjoining well with a similar completion history experienced a "pressure-out" on pad, making
placement of a propped treatment impossible. In response, real-time fracture pressure analysis was utilized during
treatment example B.
As shown in Figure 5, the rate step-down test following the second KCl injection showed that near-wellbore fracture
tortuosity was extremely high at 1700 psi. In response, several proppant slugs were planned for the propped frac pad.
As shown in Figure 6, tortuosity continued to increase during the propped frac pad, forcing injection rate to be cut.
However, tortuosity was dramatically reduced by the proppant slugs, enabling the treatment to be successfully placed with
an increase in maximum proppant loading from 4 PPG to 6 PPG. Post-frac production response was more than 3
MMCFD, about three times the pre-frac rate.

Figure 5: Treatment B is an example of a propped fracture treatment with severe near-wellbore friction (fracture
tortuosity) that was solved by pumping two proppant slugs.

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Figure 6: Slug reaction detail for example treatment B. As treating pressure reached maximum surface pressure
on pad, injection rate was cut. In response to the arrival of a 1 PPG slug, surface-treating pressure dropped
dramatically while injection rate was increased back to the planned rate. This 1400-psi tortuosity reduction
(confirmed by the pad rate step-down test) enabled successful placement of the treatment.

Treatment Example C: Estimation of realistic fracture half-length9

Formation: Hard sandstone @ 7600’ (gas)
Completion: 5-1/2" casing frac string;
40’ perf interval shot with 4 SPF, 90° phasing, 0.31" diameter holes
Situation: Disappointing production performance for expected 600 ft fracture half-length (based on fracture growth
modeling without real-data feedback)
Diagnosis: Sand/shale stress contrast much lower than estimated, resulting in significant fracture height growth and a
much shorter fracture half-length (250’)
Solution: Utilize fracture pressure analysis to optimize fracture treatment design
Based on a dipole sonic log, it was initially believed that the stress contrast between the pay sand and bounding shales
was about 0.2 psi/ft. This contrast resulted in the prediction of fracture height confinement and fracture half-lengths on the
order of 600 ft. However, production response was less than expected for this propped fracture half-length.
As shown in Figure 7, observed net pressure behavior could not be matched with the assumed 0.2 psi/ft sand/shale stress
contrast. A smaller shale closure stress contrast (0.05-0.1 psi/ft) was required to achieve a net pressure match, resulting
in less fracture height confinement and a much shorter fracture half-length on the order of 250 feet. This lower value for
shale closure stress was subsequently confirmed by direct measurement using pump-in/shut-in tests. The fracture half-
length of 250 feet was found to be consistent with well test and production response results.
Based on these findings, the fracture completion design was carefully reviewed to improve fracture placement success
and reduce treatment cost . With support from additional fracture pressure analysis, changes were made to perforation
design and formation breakdown procedure, the pad fraction was reduced, and resin-coated sand was replaced with
conventional frac sand. As a result of these changes, well economics were significantly improved.

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Figure 7: Net pressure match of treatment C with two breakdown injections followed by a propped fracture
treatment. Observed net pressure could not be matched using the initial assumption of a large 0.2 psi/ft
sand/shale stress contrast. With a smaller sand/shale stress contrast (0.05-0.1 psi/ft), the fracture grows
significantly in height, resulting in a much shorter fracture half-length.

Treatment Example D: Excessive Upward Height Growth From Horizontal Well13

Formation: Transition-phase Diatomite @ 2000’ (oil)
Completion: Horizontal wellbore, transverse fracture orientation
5-1/2" casing frac string
1’ perf interval shot 12 SPF, 30° phasing, 0.5" diameter holes
Situation: Low or "negative" shutdown net pressure
Diagnosis: Upward frac height growth into low stress depleted layer
Solution: No immediate solution for this well. Future wells – more detailed stress profiling along horizontal section,
deeper wellbore location with respect to low stress layer
Prior to drilling the horizontal well, microfrac stress tests were performed in two vertical data wells located at the toe and
the heel of the horizontal section. Based on the resulting stress profile, the horizontal well section was drilled at a depth
approximately 60% down into the intended interval target.
However, the end propped frac net pressures from nearly all 12 fracture stages were lower than expected, suggesting that
the depleted interval was significantly closer to the wellbore depth and thicker than anticipated, and that fracture height
growth was dominantly upwards. Figure 8 shows an example of negative net pressure at shutdown, a result of average
fracture closure stress across the final fracture height being significantly lower than closure stress in the vicinity of the
perforated interval. This conclusion of dominant upward growth, with no fracture height growth into the lower portion of the
intended interval, was subsequently confirmed by the findings of both surface and downhole tiltmeter fracture mapping .
On-site, there was no solution to the insufficient height coverage and connection into the depleted layer, as the horizontal
wellbore depth was fixed and reducing the size of the treatment would not solve the interval height coverage problem. As
a result, the initial production response from the well was lower than anticipated at 250 BOPD. However, the
understanding of fracture geometry was important for both understanding the production response, as well as for planning
and design of subsequent horizontal wells.

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Figure 8: Due to dominant upward height growth into a low stress depleted formation layer, shutdown (stabilized)
net pressure for example treatment D was about –30 psi, or lower than the fracture closure stress in the vicinity
of the perforations. The dominant upward growth was confirmed by surface and downhole tiltmeter fracture
mapping results.

Treatment Example E: Far-field Fracture Growth Complexity7

Formation: Ozona Canyon Sand @ 6250 ft (gas)
Completion: Vertical well, 2-7/8" casing frac string
46’ perf interval, 2 SPF, 180° phasing, 0.33" diameter holes
Situation: Fracture treatment optimization required addressing marginal project economics
Diagnosis: High net pressure and complex fracture geometry (multiple fractures) limit economically achievable fracture
Solution: Reduce treatment size, proppant loading, and fluid viscosity to significantly reduce treatment cost without
reducing fracture half-length and well performance
The Ozona Canyon formation is composed of a series of stacked tight gas sands from 6000 to 7000 feet deep. Initially, it
was assumed that large fracture treatments, high viscosity fluids, and higher proppant loadings would create more
productive fractures. Thus, initial treatment designs (before optimization) consisted of 100-250 Mlbs 20/40 Ottawa sand
and 40-80 Mgal crosslinked fluid. With plans for drilling 500-1000 wells in the area, it was desired to improve project
economics by optimizing fracture treatment design.
Fracture optimization requires an understanding of the created fracture system to "calibrate" fracture and reservoir model
predictions. Thus, a detailed program was undertaken to collect all relevant reservoir and fracture data. This data included
microfrac in-situ stress profile measurements and core-derived rock mechanical properties, which were supplemented
with dipole sonic log data. A series of diagnostic injections were performed to enable fracture pressure analysis,
characterizing net pressure and leakoff behavior. Direct measurement of these key parameters is essential to "bound"
possible fracture modeling solutions. In addition, a series of pre- and post-fracture well tests were conducted to provide an
independent measurement of fracture length and conductivity.
Observed Net Pressures in the Ozona Canyon sands are typically very high (in excess of 1000 psi) even when low
viscosity water or linear gel fluids are pumped. Conventional fracture models could not match these excessive net

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pressures using the measured stress profiles, and it became clear that complex (multiple) fracturing was the cause of the
high net pressures. Figure 9 shows a typical Ozona Canyon well net pressure match for a "new generation" (optimized)
design consisting of a 10 PPT (pounds per thousand gallons) linear gel pad followed by 1-3 ppg proppant carried in 25
PPT linear gel. The high level of net pressure was matched by assuming that multiple far-field fractures were being
propagated, resulting in an estimated fracture half-length of 185 feet. Figure 10 shows a post-fracture well test from this
same well, in which a pre-fracture well test was also performed. This well test indicates a fracture length of 190 ft with
good conductivity, confirming the fracture pressure modeling results.
Over a series of Ozona Canyon well completions, fracture modeling and well test analyses were similarly integrated.
These results showed that due to the complex, multiple fracture growth, very little additional fracture length was achieved
by increasing treatment size. In response, treatment size, proppant loading, and fluid viscosity were significantly reduced
for subsequent reservoir development. Treatment costs were reduced by 30% or more, while achieving similar fracture
lengths and well performance, thus significantly improving project economics.

Figure 9: A typical Ozona Canyon net pressure match (treatment example E). The measured stress profile
showed that sand/shale stress contrast could not explain the high net pressure, and thus the match was
obtained using the simultaneous propagation of multiple far-field fractures, competing for fracture width.
Estimated fracture half-length was 190 ft.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 10: Post-Fracture Well Test for treatment example E, indicating a fracture half-length of 185 ft with good

Treatment Example F: Tip Screenout Strategy to Obtain Sufficient Conductivity

Formation: High permeability layered sandstone at 6000 ft (oil)
Completion: Deviated wellbore, 3-1/2" tubing frac string
30’ perf interval shot 4 SPF, 180° phasing oriented perfs, 0.5" diameter holes
Situation: Relatively poor post-frac production response for high perm reservoir
Diagnosis: Insufficient propped fracture conductivity
Solution: Increase treatment size, and utilize on-site fracture pressure analysis to consistently achieve tip screenout
for enhanced fracture conductivity
During years of intense field development, the operator has consistently found that larger fracture treatments using
improved technology have yielded better economic results. Sufficient (high) fracture conductivity is the overriding
stimulation criterion, with a secondary objective of linking up unconnected layers to the wellbore. A tip screenout fracture
design strategy and real-data feedback are required to achieve the necessary fracture conductivity.
In a typical fracture procedure, the formation is initially broken down with a relatively high rate crosslinked gel injection to
"condition" near-wellbore fracture geometry and leakoff, and to bound fracture closure pressure using the flow pulse
injection18 technique. Leakoff behavior from a second crosslinked gel minifrac is then used for propped frac design.
Fracture closure pressure (closure time) is determined using a combination of a G-function, log-log, Horner, and square-
root-of-time plots, and reconciled to the value obtained from the first injection. The propped frac pad volume is then sized
to obtain a tip screenout, providing the desired fracture half-length and conductivity.
Figure 11 shows an example net pressure history match for two diagnostic injections and a propped fracture treatment.
The net pressure match clearly shows a significant pressure increase (about 400 psi) starting at about one hour into the
treatment, as continued pumping "inflates" the fracture after the onset of tip screenout. Based on this net pressure match,
a 200’ half-length fracture with an "infinitely-acting" dimensionless conductivity ratio of about 10 was achieved.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 11: Net pressure history match for the high permeability treatment example F, showing two diagnostic
injections and the propped fracture treatment. Net pressure during the propped fracture treatment shows the
typical tip screenout response in this formation.

Benefits of the Fracture Analysis Methodology

Real-data fracture analysis was the centerpiece of the Gas Research Institute’s Advanced Stimulation Technology
Deployment Program , a focused hydraulic fracturing technology transfer program that was conducted from early 1995
though mid-1997. Through improved hydraulic fracture economic success, GRI documented more than $25 million in
savings and an estimated $50 million in increased net present value from case histories with 19 producers. Numerous
other examples of successful use of the real-data methodology have been documented in industry publications ,
covering the range from tight gas to high permeability oil formations, and from geothermal to coalbed methane reservoirs.
Keys to unlocking the engineering design feedback contained in all hydraulic fracturing treatment behavior are a)
performing a simple and low cost set of diagnostic injections during each fracture treatment, and b) use of a flexible
fracture growth model (incorporating realistic fracture growth mechanisms) which has the ability to manipulate and
analyze treatment data in real-time. With the ability to model and explain observed field fracturing behavior comes the
ability to reduce hydraulic fracture cost, to improve production response, or both.

ƒ Wright, C.A., Davis, E.J, Golich, G.M., Ward, J.F., Demetrius, S.J., Minner, W.A., and Weijers, L.:
"Downhole Tiltmeter Fracture Mapping: Finally Measuring Hydraulic Fracture Dimensions", SPE 46194,
presented at the 1998 Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, CA, May 10-13
ƒ Martinez, A.D., Wright, C.A., and Wright, T.B.: "Field Application of Real-Time Hydraulic Fracturing
Analysis", SPE 25916 presented at the 1993 Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs
Symposium, Denver, April 12-14
ƒ Cipolla, C.L., Meehan, D.N., and Stevens, P.L.: "Hydraulic Fracture Performance in the Moxa Arch Frontier
Formation", SPE 25918 presented at the 1993 Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs
Symposium, Denver, April 12-14
ƒ Aud, W.W., Brady, C.L., Rainbolt, M.F., and Perry, K.F.: "Applied Hydraulic Fracture Modeling Improves
Results, Cleveland Sand, Orchiltree County, Texas", SPE 27927 presented at the 1994 Mid-Continent Gas
Symposium, Amarillo, TX, May 22-24

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Stadulis, J.M.: "Development of a Completion Design to Control Screenouts Caused by Near-Wellbore

Fractures", SPE 29549 presented at the 1995 Rocky Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs
Symposium, Denver, March 19-22
ƒ Abou-Sayed, I.S., Schueler, S.K., Ehrl, E, and Hendricks, W.P.: "Multiple Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in
a Deep, Horizontal Tight Gas Well", JPT February 1996, p.163
ƒ Cipolla, C.L.: "Hydraulic Fracture Technology in the Ozona Canyon and Penn Sands," SPE paper 35196
presented at the 1996 Permian Basin Oil & Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, TX, March 27-29
ƒ Minner, W.A., Wright, C.A., and Dobie, C.A.: "Treatment Diagnostics and Net Pressure Analysis Assist
with Fracture Strategy Evaluation in the Belridge Diatomite," paper SPE 35696 presented at the 1996
Western Regional Meeting, Anchorage, May 22-24
ƒ Wright, C.A., Weijers, L., Germani, G.A., MacIvor, K.H., and Wilson, M.K.: "Fracture Treatment Design and
Evaluation in the Pakenham Field: A Real-Data Approach", SPE 36471 presented at the 1996 SPE Annual
Technical Conference, Denver, CO, October 6-9
ƒ Cleary. M.P., D.E. Johnson, H.H. Kogsbøll, K.A. Owens, K.F. Perry, C.J. de Pater, A. Stachel, H. Schmidt,
M. Tambini: "Field Implementation of Proppant Slugs to Avoid Premature Screen-out of Hydraulic
Fractures with Adequate Proppant Concentration," paper SPE 25892 presented at the 1993 Rocky
Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, April 12-14.
ƒ Minner, W.A., Molesworth, G.R., Wright, C.A., and Wood, W.D.: "Real-Data Fracture Analysis Enables
Successful Hydraulic Fracturing in the Point of Rocks Formation, Kern County, California", SPE 38326
presented at the 1997 SPE Western Regional Meeting, Long Beach, CA, June 25-27
ƒ Caron, J.D., Froebel, K.A., Montgomery, R.V., Periman, J.D., Turner, T.J., Dunn, K.P.: "Successful
Application of Advanced Stimulation Technologies," paper SPE 39951 presented at the 1998 Rocky
Mountains Regional Meeting, April 5-8.
ƒ Emanuele, M.A., Minner, W.A., Weijers, L., Broussard, E.J., Blevens, D.M., and Taylor, B.T.: "A Case
History: Completion and Stimulation of Horizontal Wells with Multiple Transverse Hydraulic Fractures in the
Lost Hills Diatomite", SPE 39941, presented at the 1998 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Conference,
Denver, CO, April 6-8
ƒ Gas Research Institute Technical Description GRI-95/0254 on "Real-Data (Net Pressure) Fracture
Analysis" (1995)
ƒ Gas Research Institute Technical Description GRI-95/0257 on "Near-Wellbore Fracture Tortuosity" (1995)
ƒ Gas Research Institute Technical Description GRI-95/0258 on "Multiple Hydraulic Fractures" (1995)
ƒ Gas Research Institute Technical Summary GRI-96/0381 on "Overcoming Convection in Hydraulic
Fracturing" (1996)
ƒ Gas Research Institute Technical Description GRI-95/0494 on "Developing In-Situ Stress Profiles" (1995)
ƒ Gas Research Institute Technical Summary GRI-92/0381 on "Static vs. Dynamic Modulus" (1992)
ƒ Wright, C.A., Weijers, L., Minner, W.A., and Snow, D.M.: "Robust Technique for Real-Time Closure Stress
Determination," SPEPF (August 1996)
ƒ Wright, C.A.: "On-Site, Step-Down Test Analysis Diagnoses Problems and Improves Fracture Treatment
Success", Hart’s Petroleum Engineer International, Jan. 1997, p.51
ƒ Mahrer, K.D., and Aud, W.W.: "Far-Field Fracture Geometry: A Changing Paradigm", SPE 36441,
presented at the 1996 SPE Annual Technical Conference, Denver, CO, October 6-9
ƒ Hill, D.G.: "Advanced Stimulation Technology Deployment: Success in the Numbers", GasTIPS, Winter
1997/1998, Vol. 4 No. 1 p. 24
ƒ Wright, C.A., Tanigawa, J.J., Hyodo, M., and Takasugi, S: "Real-Time and Post-Frac 3-D Analysis of
Hydraulic Fracture Treatments in Geothermal Reservoirs", presented at the 1994 Stanford Geothermal
Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, Jan
ƒ Wright, C.A., Tanigawa, J.J., Shixin, M., and Zhigang, L.: "Enhanced Hydraulic Fracture Technology for a
Coal Seam Reservoir in Central China," paper SPE 29989 presented at the 1995 International Oil and Gas
Exhibition, Beijing, Nov. 14-17.

Technical References
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Symposium, Denver, March 19-22
ƒ Standing, M.B.: "Volumetric and Phase Behavior of Oil Field Hydrocarbon Systems", SPE, 1977.
ƒ Takasugi, S., Shinohara, N., Hyodo, M., Wright, C.A., Conant, R.A., "An HDR System Hydraulics Model
and Detailed Analysis of the 1991 Circulation Test at the Hijiori HDR Site, Japan," presented at the
Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Reno, 8-11 October 1995.
ƒ Thomas, G.W.: "Principles of Hydrocarbon Reservoir Simulation", International Human Resources
Development Corporation, 1982.
ƒ Warpinski, N.R. J.C. Lorenz, P.T. Branagan, F.R. Myal and B.L. Gall: "Examination of a Cored Hydraulic
Fracture in a Deep Gas Well", SPE 26302, August 1993.
ƒ Weijers, L. and De Pater, C.J.: "Interaction and Link-up of Hydraulic Starter Fractures Close to a
Perforated Wellbore," paper SPE 28077 presented at the 1994 SPE/ISRM Eurock Conference, Delft, Aug.
ƒ Weijers, L., C.J. de Pater and J. Hagoort: "A New Mechanism for Hydraulic Fracture Initiation," Int. J. Rock
Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. (1996).
ƒ Weijers, L., Cipolla, C.L., Wright, C.A., Byrd, A., and Kunzi, B.: "Implementation of a Real-Data Fracture
Analysis Methodology Improves Fracture Treatment Success," GasTIPS, Vol. 3, No 3, (Summer 1997), pp.
ƒ Weijers, L., De Pater, C.J., Owens, K.A. and Kogsbøll, H.H.: "Geometry of Hydraulic Fractures Induced
From Horizontal Wellbores," SPEPF (May 1994) 87-92.
ƒ Weijers, L., Wright, C.A., Demetrius, S.L., Wang, G., Davis, E.J., Emanuele, M.E., Broussard, J.B., Golich,
G.M.: "Fracture Growth and Reorientation in Steam Injection Wells," SPE paper 54079 presented at the
1999 International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium, Bakersfield, March 17-21.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Wright, C. A., Weijers, L., Minner, W.A., and Snow, D.M.: "Robust Technique for Real-Time Closure Stress
Determination," SPEPF (August 1996).
ƒ Wright, C. A.: "On-Site Step-Down Test Analysis Diagnoses Problems and Improves Fracture Treatment
Success," Hart’s Petroleum Engineer International (January 1977).
ƒ Wright, C. A.: "Tiltmeter Fracture Mapping: From the Surface And Now Downhole," Hart’s Petroleum
Engineer International (January 1998).
ƒ Wright, C.A., and Conant, R.A.: "Hydraulic Fracture Reorientation in Primary and Secondary Recovery
from Low-Permeability Reservoirs," paper SPE 30484 presented at the 1995 Annual Technical Conference
and Exhibition, Dallas, Oct. 22-25.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Conant, R.A., Golich, G.M., Bondor, P.L., Murer, A.S., and Dobie, C.A.: "Hydraulic Fracture
Orientation and Production / Injection Induced Reservoir Stress Changes in Diatomite Waterfloods," paper
SPE 29625 presented at the 1995 Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, March 8-10.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Conant, R.A., Stewart, D.A., and Byerly, P.M.: "Reorientation of Propped Refracture
Treatments," paper SPE 28078 presented at the 1994 SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Petroleum
Engineering Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, August 29-31.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Davis, E.J, Golich, G.M., Ward, J.F., Demetrius, S.J., Minner, W.A., and Weijers, L.:
"Downhole Tiltmeter Fracture Mapping: Finally Measuring Hydraulic Fracture Dimensions", SPE 46194,
presented at the 1998 Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, CA, May 10-13
ƒ Wright, C.A., Davis, E.J., Weijers, L., Golich, G.M., Ward, J.F., Demetrius, S.L., and Minner, W.A.:
"Downhole Tiltmeter Fracture Mapping: A New Tool for Directly Measuring Hydraulic Fracture
Dimensions," SPE paper 49193, presented at the 1998 SPE Annual Technical Conference, New Orleans,
Sept. 27-30.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Davis, E.J., Golich, G.M., and. Carnahan, B.D: "Downhole Tiltmeter Fracture Mapping: A
Step Forward in Fracture Diagnostics," GasTIPS, Vol. 4, No 3, (Summer 1998), pp. 18-26.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Davis, E.J., Minner, W.A., Ward, J.F., Weijers, L., Schell, E.J., and Hunter, S.P.: "Surface
Tiltmeter Fracture Mapping Reaches New Depths – 10,000 Feet, and Beyond?," SPE paper 39919,
presented at the 1998 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Conference, Denver, April, 5-8.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Davis, E.J., Wang, G. Weijers, L.: "Downhole Tiltmeter Fracture Mapping: A New Tool for
Directly Measuring Hydraulic Fracture Growth," presented at the 37th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium,
Vail, June 9.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Davis, E.J., Weijers, L., Minner, W.A., Hennigan, C.M., and Golich, G.M.: "Horizontal
Hydraulic Fractures: Oddball Occurrences or Practical Engineering Concern?" paper SPE 38324
presented at the 1997 Western Regional Meeting, Long Beach, June 25-27.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Minner, W.A., Weijers, L., Davis, E.J., Golich, G.M., and Kikuchi. H.: "Wellbore-to-fracture
Communication Problems Pose Challenges in California Diatomite Horizontal Wells," paper SPE 38632
presented at the 1997 Annual Technical Conference, San Antonio, Oct. 5-8.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Stewart, D.A., Emanuele, M.A., and Wright, W.W.: "Reorientation of Propped Refracture
Treatments in the Lost Hills Field," paper SPE 27896 presented at the 1994 Western Regional Meeting in
Long Beach, March 23-25.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Tanigawa, J.J., Hyodo, M., and Takasugi, S.: "Real-Time and Post-Frac 3-D Analysis of
Hydraulic Fracture Treatments in Geothermal Reservoirs," presented at the 1994 Stanford Geothermal
Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Jan.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Tanigawa, J.J., Shixin, M., and Zhigang, L.: "Enhanced Hydraulic Fracture Technology for a
Coal Seam Reservoir in Central China," paper SPE 29989 presented at the 1995 International Oil and Gas
Exhibition, Beijing, Nov. 14-17.
ƒ Wright, C.A., Weijers, L., Germani, G.A., MacIvor, K.H., and Wilson, M.K.: "Fracture Treatment Design and
Evaluation in the Pakenham Field: A Real-Data Approach", SPE 36471 presented at the 1996 SPE Annual
Technical Conference, Denver, CO, October 6-9
ƒ Wright, C.A., Weijers, L., Minner, W.A., and Snow, D.M.: "Robust Technique for Real-Time Closure Stress
Determination," SPEPF (August 1996)
ƒ Wright, C.A.: "On-Site, Step-Down Test Analysis Diagnoses Problems and Improves Fracture Treatment
Success", Hart’s Petroleum Engineer International, Jan. 1997, p.51
ƒ Wright, T.B., D.E. Johnson and M.P. Cleary: "Real-Data On-Site Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing and
Procedures for Design Optimization", International Gas Research Conference (IGRC), Paper 234A, 1992.
ƒ Zeilinger, S., Mayerhofer, M.J. and Economides, M.J.:" A Comparison of Fluid-Loss Properties of Borate,-
Zirconate-, and Non-Crosslinked Fracturing Fluids," paper SPE 23435 presented at the 1991 Eastern
Regional Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, Oct. 22-25.

FracproPT 2007

ƒ Wright, C.A., Weijers, L., Davis, E.D., Mayerhofer, M.: "Understanding Hydraulic Fracture Growth: Tricky
but Not Hopeless," SPE paper 56724 presented at the 1999 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Houston, Oct. 3-6.
ƒ Warpinski, N.R., Branagan, P.T., Peterson, R.E., Wolhart, S.L.: "An Interpretation of M-Site Hydraulic
Fracture Diagnostic Results," SPE paper 39950, presented at the 1998 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional
Conference, Denver, April 5-8.
ƒ Nolte, K.G., and Smith, M.B.: "Interpretation of Fracturing Pressures," JPT (Sept. 1981) 2763-2775.
ƒ Barree, R.D., Winterfeld, P.H.: "Effects of Shear Planes and Interfacial Slippage on Fracture Growth and
Treating Pressures," SPE paper 48926, presented at the 1998 SPE Annual Technical Conference, New
Orleans, Sept. 27-30.
ƒ Gdanski, R.D. and W.S. Lee: "On the Design of Fracture Acidizing Treatments", SPE 18885 paper
presented at the SPE Production Operation Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 13-14, 1989.
ƒ Kabir, C.S. and A.R. Hasan: "Determining Circulating Fluid Temperature in Drilling Workover, and Well-
Control Operations", SPE D&C, June 1996.
ƒ Lee, M.H. and L.D. Roberts: "The Effect of Heat Reaction on Temperature Distribution and Acid
Penetration in A Fracture", SPE 7893 paper, SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry,
Houston, Jan. 22-24, 1979.
ƒ Lo, K.K. and R.H. Dean: "Modeling of Acid Fracturing", SPE 17110 paper, SPE PE, May 1989.
ƒ "Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers", McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978.
ƒ McGowen, J.M., R.D. Barree, and M.W. Conway: "Incorporating Crossflow and Spurt-Loss Effects in
Filtration Modeling Within a Fully 3D Fracture-Growth Simulator", paper SPE 56597.
ƒ Nierode, D.E. and K.F. Kruk: "An Evaluation of Acid Fluid Loss Additives, Retarded Acids, and Acidized
Fracture Conductivity", SPE 4549 paper presented at the SPE Annual Meeting, September 30-October 3,
1973, Las Vegas, Nevada.
ƒ Ramey, H.J.: "Wellbore Heat Transmission", SPE 62 paper, JPT, April 1962.
ƒ Roberts, L.D. and J.A. Guin: "A News Method for Predicting Acid Penetration Distance", SPE 5155 paper,
SPEJ, Aug. 1975.
ƒ Romero, J. and E. Touboul: "Temperature Prediction for Deep Water Wells: A Field Validated
Methodology", SPE 49056 paper, 1998.
ƒ Settari, A.: "Modeling of Acid Fracture’s Treatment", SPE 21870 paper, SPE P&F, Feb. 1993.
ƒ Sinclair, A.R.: "Heat Transfer Effects in Deep Well Fracturing", SPE 3011 paper, JPT, December 1971.
ƒ Whitsitt, N.F., and G.R. Dysart: "The Effect of Temperature on Stimulation Design", SPE 2497 paper, JPT,
April 1970.
ƒ Willhite, P.: "Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients in Steam and Hot Water Injection Wells", SPE 1449 paper,
JPT, May 1967.
ƒ Wooley, G.R.: "Computing Downhole Temperature in Circulation Injection and Production Wells", SPE
8441 paper, JPT, September 1980.

Technical Reference for ResSim Interface

Historically, there have been three basic approaches commonly used for predicting the production from hydraulically
fractured wells. First, analytic solutions were most commonly used, based on an infinite conductivity or later a finite
conductivity fracture with a given half-length. This approach was also extended to cover horizontal multiple fractured
wells. With the development of reservoir simulators, two other approaches were developed.
For complicated multi-well, multi-layer, multi-phase simulations (that is, full field models), the fracture stimulation was
usually approximated as a negative skin. This is the same as increasing the effective wellbore radius in the simulation
model. An alternate approach, developed initially for tight gas applications, was to develop a special purpose numeric
reservoir simulator which could explicitly model the flow in the fracture and take into account the special properties of the
proppant, such as the stress dependant permeability or the possibility of non-Darcy flow. Such models typically were
limited to a single layer, single-phase (oil or gas) situation.
More recently, with the advent of faster computers with sufficient memory, it became feasible to avoid the compromises
that were made in the past when trying to model hydraulic fractures with a normal 3D reservoir simulator. Initially, people
manually built grid refinement into their reservoir models to represent a hydraulic fracture. Although this method works
fine, it is very time consuming for the engineer, because complicated gridding schemes are necessary to correctly
represent the fracture geometry. In addition, the detailed description of the fracture properties from a fracture simulation
was not usually passed through to the reservoir model, resulting in the assumption of constant properties (i.e.

FracproPT 2007

permeability) for the fracture. This method of simulation is not very efficient and can lead to inconsistencies in the data
used in the different simulations.
With the development of the ResSim tool in FracproPT, it has now become feasible to routinely run full 3D simulations of
multi-phase production from multi-layer reservoirs while explicitly modeling multiple hydraulic fracture(s) in the reservoir
model. The ResSim tool takes the results from the FracproPT fracture growth model and automatically translates them
into the proper format for the reservoir simulator. It completely automates the process of setting up the grid and initializing
the grid block properties for the reservoir and fracture grid blocks.
Specifying the number of fractures for a horizontal well and the orientation (transverse or longitudinal) is enough to
generate the entire grid. The user makes use of the reservoir simulator’s normal user interface to enter additional
information that is required, such as the production history and the PVT information.
The Fracture Model
Because the ResSim interface is part of the FracproPT system, all the internal results of the fracture simulator (such as
the leakoff profile from the fracture face into the reservoir) are available for transmission to the reservoir simulator.

Figure 1: Example of fracture model output, showing fracture conductivity distribution and fracture dimensions.

The FracproPT model can handle both proppant and acid fractures. In either case, the most important outputs for the
reservoir simulation are the fracture dimensions and the fracture conductivity. For both proppant and acid fractures, the
conductivity profile varies with respect to the fracture length and height. An example of this type of output from the fracture
model is shown in Figure 1.
The spatial variation is converted to a gridded rectangular geometry for the reservoir simulator (Figure 2). Of course, since
the fracture grid block width is a constant in the reservoir simulator, the only way to model the varying width (and varying
conductivity) of the fracture is to adjust the permeability of the reservoir grid blocks representing the fracture. By obtaining
an equivalent conductivity with a constant width, a realistic result can be achieved.

FracproPT 2007

Figure 2: Detail of fracture permeability/conductivity for 2 longitudinal fractures along a horizontal wellbore,
corresponding to fracture model results from Figure 1.

To calculate the effective permeability, a uniform Cartesian grid is overlaid on top of the elliptical fracture conductivity
profile, and a numerical averaging method is used to calculate an average conductivity for each grid block in the new
Cartesian grid. The size of the Cartesian grid can be set by the user to capture as much detail as is needed for the
reservoir simulation. Typical values used for the grid block size in the fracture are 10 x 10 ft or 20 x 20 ft. This grid size
gives sufficient resolution for a typical fracture treatment’s dimensions. For cases with very long fracture half- lengths, the
x grid block size can be increased to avoid having too many grid cells in the reservoir simulator grid, thereby speeding up
the model execution time.
The fracture growth model tracks the fluid leakoff (filtrate) from the fracture into the formation. There is more filtrate fluid
leaking off near the wellbore than at the fracture tip. A novel feature of the ResSim tool is that the leakoff history is
accurately and automatically transferred to the reservoir simulator, by initializing the water saturation in the appropriate
grid blocks adjacent to the fracture face. Of course, the fracture grid blocks themselves are considered to have 100%
water saturation at the beginning of production. The capability to accurately include the filtrate fluid in the reservoir
simulation input is very important when trying to accurately model (or history match) the initial post-fracture cleanup
period, which is especially interesting in tight-gas reservoirs.
Fracture conductivity data is very important for accurate predictions from the reservoir simulator. Fracture conductivity
decreases with increasing net stress for both propped and acid fractures. For the case of propped fractures, this behavior
is published by the proppant manufacturing companies and is used in our program. For acid fractures, the Nierode-Kruk
correlation is used to estimate the pressure dependant conductivity of an etched fracture. This correlation can be adjusted
in the program based on the user’s own data, and then the resulting conductivity data is passed to the reservoir simulator
in the form of a table for pressure dependant permeability for the grid blocks representing the fracture. This feature
enhances engineering consistency in much improved way for fracture modeling.
Non-Darcy and multi-phase effects in the proppant pack can also be very important in certain situations. Since the various
commercially available reservoir simulators do not all have the capability to model non-Darcy flow, we chose to give the
user two options. For simulators that do not have any non-Darcy capability, the program will take the non-Darcy effects
into account in the fracture simulator, before passing the modified effective fracture permeabilities onto the reservoir
simulator. The advantage of this approach is that we can then approximately mimic the effects even if the numeric
reservoir simulator does not handle non-Darcy flow. The second option is for reservoir simulators that do model non-
Darcy flow. In this case we do not modify the fracture permeability, and we allow the non-Darcy effects to be calculated by
the reservoir simulator.

FracproPT 2007

In the first case, the non-Darcy effects are estimated for the type of proppant used, based on the library data from the
proppant manufacturer. The user can enter the nominal hydrocarbon flow rate, which is then used to estimate the non-
Darcy effects at a given bottomhole flowing pressure, which is also entered by the user. It is preferred; if possible, to
model the non-Darcy effects in the reservoir simulator, by using the second option, so that changing bottomhole pressure
can be taken into account when calculating the non-Darcy pressure drop in the fracture.
We assume that the user will use the multi-phase capability of the reservoir simulator to model multi-phase production
situations, making superfluous any additional modifications to the proppant permeability to account for multi-phase non-
Darcy effects. If the user chose to run the reservoir simulator in a single-phase mode, however, it would still be possible to
include an approximation of the multi-phase non-Darcy effects by using the built-in correlation in the fracture model and
adjusting the effective permeability of the fracture. The benefit of this approach is that the reservoir simulator runs several
orders of magnitude faster when only Darcy flow is being modeled.
The well inflow in the finite-difference numerical model is calculated using Peaceman’s approach, which assumes that the
well radius is less than the equivalent well grid block radius. If this is not the case (the well blocks belonging to the fracture
grid blocks may have quite small dimensions), the well radius is set to its maximum allowed value. Note that this
correction does not affect the calculations for the pressure drop along the well that are calculated using the actual well

Figure 3: Gridding example for a single fracture in vertical well, showing quarter symmetry and LGR refinement.

Automatic Grid Generation

The motivations behind the grid creation algorithm are:

ƒ to adapt the grid to the geometry of the reservoir, layers and fracture as well as to the flow around the
fractures, and
ƒ to have an optimal number of grid blocks in terms of minimum storage space/CPU time versus required
accuracy of the simulation.

FracproPT 2007

To satisfy these requirements, a three dimensional Cartesian grid is provided that includes a local model with refined cells
covering the vicinity of all the fractures. The principles of grid generation are illustrated in Figure 3 by the example of the
vertical well with one fracture.
The host grid in the XY (horizontal) plane consists of relatively few grid blocks (typically around 100). The grid blocks
increase in size as we move away from the fracture in both X and Y directions. The minimum grid block size is
comparable with the fracture half-length xf. The global discretization in the Z (vertical) direction is based on the reservoir
layering, thereby taking into account that a grid block cannot contain rocks from different reservoir layers without
additional upscaling. The reservoir layers with a large thickness are subdivided to a typical grid block height to provide a
more uniform grid in the Z direction.
The typical dimensions of the refined region are related to the fracture extent. The LGR extends to 1.5 times xf in the X
direction (along the fracture) and to 2 xf in the Y direction (normal to the fracture). In the Z direction, the LGR is defined for
the host grid blocks that contain the fracture height and approximately half of the fracture height above and below the
fracture itself. These parameters are flexible to account for different situations such as when the fracture top is near a
reservoir layer boundary.
The fracture in the LGR is represented by a two-dimensional (XZ) series of grid blocks. The mesh for the fracture
conductivity distribution supplied by the fracture simulator is considered as a starting point for the discretization within the
LGR. In the XY plane outside the fracture, the number of grid blocks increases towards the LGR boundary or to the
middle point between fractures (for the horizontal well case). A finer grid is built around the well and fracture tips to
capture the dominant radial character of the flow in these regions. The grid blocks near the fracture plane have a
particularly small Δy (normal to the fracture plane) to ensure an accurate computation of the high-rate transient flow during
the initial production period. This can be seen clearly in Figure 4, which shows the gridding in the XY plane for a horizontal
well case with transverse fractures.

Figure 4: Grid refinement for a horizontal well case with transverse fractures.

This type of gridding allows for an accurate representation of the filtrate fluid distribution around the fracture that is
transferred from the fracture simulator. Note that the typical filtrate leakoff depth varies from centimeters to tens of
centimeters in tight gas reservoirs, or to even larger depths in higher permeability reservoirs. In determining the sizes Δx

FracproPT 2007

and Δy in the fracture vicinity, we generally followed the empirical guidelines for choosing an appropriate finite-difference
model of the fractured well as presented by Bennett et al. The subgrid in the vertical Z direction is made nearly uniform in
accordance with a calculated typical grid size Δz.
Initialization of Grid Properties
Every grid block in the host grid and the LGR is assigned one value of each distributed reservoir characteristic: porosity,
permeabilities in three directions, phase saturations and pore pressure. This basic information is taken from the input to
the fracture simulator.
The fracture in the reservoir simulation model is not necessarily modeled with its actual width b, but with a fictive width
that is the size of the corresponding fracture grid block Δyf. The fictive width is normally set to a value larger than the
actual width, to allow for larger time step sizes in the reservoir simulation. This feature is user selectable, so the user can
also choose to model the fracture width in the reservoir simulator using the actual maximum width of the fracture at the
wellbore. Since the porous volumes and the transmissibilities of the fracture blocks should remain unchanged, regardless
of the width used for the fracture in the reservoir simulator, the fracture porosities and permeabilities are recalculated, to
adjust the fracture properties (denoted with subscript fi) as shown in Equations 1 and 2. Note that the permeability in the
fracture is assumed to be isotropic, both for proppant and acid fracture cases.
φf=φfib/Δyf. ...................................(2)
The initial water saturation near the fracture plane is calculated from the leakoff depth data calculated by the fracture
model, which is represented as two-dimensional (XZ) piecewise constant distribution with its own mesh size and is
translated into the reservoir grid using an areal weighting scheme. In doing so, we assume that the filtrate fluid has the
same properties as reservoir water when it will be produced back through the fracture. The porous volume of the fracture
is saturated by filtrate (water saturation is taken to be 100%) at the beginning of the simulation of the post-fracture
The automatically generated reservoir simulation input file is setup so that three different region numbers are assigned to
the all the grid blocks. The three types of regions defined are:

ƒ the PVT fluid properties region,

ƒ the phase behavior parameters region, and
ƒ the pressure-dependent rock properties region.
The values are given in a series of tables for each region within the grid. The PVT properties for the density and viscosity
of the reservoir fluid(s) are assumed to be identical for the entire reservoir, including the fracture. The saturation functions
for the relative permeability and capillary pressure as well as the functions for the porosity and permeability may be
different for each layer and for the region representing the fracture. The definition of the different regions in the grid and
the assignment of the three different region numbers to every grid block are performed automatically by the tool.

ƒ Nierode, D.E., Kruk, N.F.: "An Evaluation of Acid Fluid Loss Additives, Retarded Acids, and Acidized
Fracture Conductivity", SPE 4549, SPE Annual Meeting, September 1973, Las Vegas, Nevada.
ƒ Bennett, C.O., Reynolds, A.C., Raghavan, R., Elbel, J.L.: "Performance of Finite-Conductivity, Vertically
Fractured Wells in single-Layers Reservoirs", SPE 11029, SPE Formation Evaluation, August, 1986, pp.
Shaoul, J.R., Behr A., and Mtchedlishvili, G.: "Developing a Tool for 3D Reservoir Simulation of Hydraulically Fractured
Wells," SPE 108321, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2007, pp. 50-59.

What Was New in Prior Versions?

What Was New in FracproPT 10.3?
FracproPT Version 10.3 is the sixth version of Gas Technology Institute’s (GTI) revolutionary fracture-stimulation
engineering software from Pinnacle Technologies. To learn more about us, visit the Pinnacle Web Page.
The major changes and additions to FracproPT in this version are shown below.
Pinnacle Technologies was licensed by GRI in late March 1999 to develop, support, and market their FracproPT fracture
analysis system. We have made significant enhancements and have added numerous useful new features in FracproPT
version 10.3. Some of the main highlights are:

• New Navigation Tree will help you keep track of where you are in the program;
• Many new plot features in FracproPT’s plots, including:
• WYSIWYG display for XY Plots with multiple channel axis and legend;

FracproPT 2007

• Ability to display actual date & time format. We have also added the actual time to the DBS file
header, enabling the user to keep track of actual time in FracproPT;
• Stage bar graphs are a new helpful display in real-time analysis to determine how much fluid
and proppant have been pumped and how much is left in the job and stage;
• The Integrated Fracture Profile is now enabled to view micro-seismic and tilt data and fracture
geometry from previous stages; enabled to show growth rings; and, can now show both MD and
TVD scales in a single picture.
• DataAcqPT is now more standalone with a simplified wellbore viewer and multiple predefined plots;
• FracproPT keeps on learning from direct fracture diagnostic measurements such as tilt and
micro-seismic mapping:
• We have added a new 3D Shear-Decoupled (Default) Model, which better reflects confined-
height fracture geometries that we generally see in direct fracture diagnostics;
• We have also added several generic calibrated model settings for various regions and specific
calibrated model settings for past mapping projects.
• Many improvements in Production Analysis, including:
• Stress dependent fracture width, based on StimLab correlations.
• Quick Comparison to quickly evaluate effect of change in typical production model parameters.
• Improved Log-Layer Editor – we have added the ability to calculate mechanical rock properties
directly from a full-wave sonic. Also, the number of usable layers has been expanded to 1000.
• In addition to improvements to our automated Word™ report, we have added a variety of different
output formats that will save you time wasted by entering data twice:
• XML / DEX output format.
• New Excel™ report.
• New output interface for Eclipse and other sophisticated reservoir simulators.
• We have updated the fluid data various fluids systems and have expanded the number of our library
to include more points on the n' and k' curve vs. exposure time.
• The Minifrac Analysis module keeps getting better with
• Automated closure pick for all diagnostic plots;
• Graphical start-end time pick;
• DFIT analysis as an add-on module to FracproPT’s minifrac analysis that contains a Flow
Identification Plot, Pseudo Linear Plot to determine reservoir pressure and Pseudo-Radial Plot to
determine reservoir pressure and permeability.
• We have improved staging in two ways:
• Extended AutoStage option with Stage Number channel; and,
• Setting stage graphically using drag and drop functionality.
• Obtaining Pinnacle support is now much easier with a new Email Technical Support tool that
automatically attaches all the necessary INP, DBS and LAS files to run your case.

What Was New in FracproPT 10.2

FracproPT Version 10.2 is the fifth version of Gas Technology Institute’s (GTI) revolutionary fracture-stimulation
engineering software from Pinnacle Technologies. To learn more about us, visit the Pinnacle Web Page.
The major changes and additions to FracproPT in this version are shown below:

• New Automated Layer Picker and Assignment of Rock Properties using Log ASCII (LAS) File –
Building layers in a new FracproPT input file has always been a laborious process, but these days are
over. If you are in the possession of a standard LAS-file, building layers is now only a few mouse
clicks away. To build layers, select the Log/Layer Editor button on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS
[F9] screen, select Open Log File icon and select the Calc Reservoir Properties from Log
Channels icon. In the Automatic Layer Picking tab, you can select any log parameter and set
thresholds to divide a selectable interval into four different lithologies. Once layers have been built,
select the Assign Layer Properties tab to conduct simple mathematical operations to calculate layer
properties from log data.

FracproPT 2007

• Improved Fracture Design Module Coupled with New Economic Optimization Module – Version
10.1 already comprised a new design module that provided a fracture treatment schedule based on
what the reservoir required. We have now dramatically expanded this capability by enabling direct
coupling with the treatment and production economics. You can now determine the desired fracture
treatment design schedule using a simple approach in the new FracproPT Design/Optimization
• First, FracproPT allows automatic searching of its fluid and proppant libraries for the best
materials based on local circumstances such as temperature, permeability, and effective fracture
closure stress. Select Fracture Design on our redesigned MAIN Screen [F2], and then provide
all necessary input information and progress using the Next button until you arrive at the new
FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen where FracproPT will assist you to select an
appropriate fluid or proppant.
• After making this selection, FracproPT will provide you with various designs that all fulfill a user-
defined dimensionless conductivity criterion. You can determine how a given Productivity Index
(PI), which is the ratio of stimulated well production response to the non-stimulated response,
can be achieved as a function of fracture treatment size. Instead of relying on the user to
determine fracture half-length and required proppant concentration in the fracture (which is how
Fracture Design mode worked in prior versions), FracproPT can guide you to determine the
best fracture design for the reservoir, incorporating information about which areas the fracture
should avoid and improving pay zone coverage. Continue from the FLUID AND PROPPANT
SELECTION [F5] screen to the new TREATMENT SELECTION [F8] screen, where FracproPT
shows how fracture half-length and height coverage change as a function of treatment volume
while maintaining a user-defined dimensionless conductivity (FcD). You can now also choose to
evaluate the economics of a certain treatment selection and evaluate which half-length provides
maximum NPV.
• Choosing Economic Analysis on the TREATMENT SELECTION [F8] screen brings you directly
into Fracture Optimization mode and allows you to determine an economic analysis for all the
fracture treatment sizes in the TREATMENT SELECTION [F8] screen. Then, you can select the
most viable economic treatment using a variety of economic criteria.
• Finally, you can define an ideal proppant concentration profile (versus distance from the well) for
the selected treatment size, and FracproPT will iterate on the best proppant schedule to match
this ideal profile. Print the results to the new report, and you are ready to pump the job.
As always, FracproPT’s "old" method for designing a pump schedule is also still available for those users
that prefer that.

• Integrated Fracture Picture with User-Defined Templates – The INTEGRATED FRACTURE

PROFILE [ALT+F2] screen has taken central stage in FracproPT graphical representations. We have
now provided several standard templates for this picture, where log data, FracproPT layer data,
fracture geometry, and fracture width can be viewed simultaneously. You can create and save your
own templates where you can specify and save how this picture should look for your particular
• Multiphase Flow Corrections Extended to Oil Wells – Multiphase flow can reduce effective
proppant conductivity by orders of magnitude not only in gas wells, but also in oil wells. FracproPT is
the first industry simulator that accounts for this major effect that has kept the simulation industry
abuzz for the last few years. You can account for multiphase flow effects at the time you generate a
fracture treatment design using FracproPT’s new Fracture Design Module by providing a rough
estimate of hydrocarbon production rate versus condensate/water production rates. You can specify
the effective proppant pack damage caused by multiphase flow effects by selecting the Proppant
Pack Damage button on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen. Multiphase flow
effects are also accounted for in Production Analysis mode by specifying an average Liquid/Gas
Ratio on the FRACTURE PARAMETERS [F5] screen.
• Directly Read ASCII and Excel™ Treatment Data and Production Data – FracproPT will now
directly read other type of files than its standard database file format. When you attach a treatment or
production database file in the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen or the PRODUCTION
ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen, you can select these more common file formats, and FracproPT
will step you through the process of identifying the provided data.
• Independent Permeability Estimation Method using Mayerhofer Method – A new method to
estimate permeability using a matching algorithm in the Delta-pressure log-log plot that was derived
by Pinnacle’s Mike Mayerhofer has been added to a new Permeability tab on the MINIFRAC
ANALYSIS [SHIFT+F8] screen. The user does not have to conduct net pressure history matching to
obtain this permeability estimate.
• New Automated Production History Matching – A new production matching [Ctrl+F8] screen is
now available to enable you to quickly evaluate which reservoir or fracture parameters need to be

FracproPT 2007

changed to match actual production response. You can match production response by changing
fracture length, conductivity, drainage area, and various other parameters.
• Many Improvement to Production Analysis Module
• Enable opening Excel production/treatment data directly (instead of through dbs file)
• Automatic production data matching - using cleanup, length, conductivity, perm
• Importing production data is now handled in the same way as fracture treatment data
• Quick comparison of proppants when forecasting production response
• Auto stage production data
• Numerous Screen Redesigns and New Screens – Pinnacle has redesigned numerous screens in a
continuous effort to make FracproPT easier to use, including:
• The RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] is now tabulated like all other screens.
screens have been redone in such a way that the data in their tables is appended for every new
simulation step.
• The MINIFRAC ANALYSIS [SHIFT+F8] screen has been redone and now includes a Closure
Stress tab, a Reservoir Pressure tab, and a Permeability tab, where these parameters can be
individually determined from measured data.
• We added up to 4 flexible Numerical Displays that you can use in real-time to visualize fracture
treatment data. Go to View > Numeric Display > Setup to get started.
• Added many company background logos for all major FracproPT clients.
• Improved Navigation –
• Various screen in Production Analysis mode and Economic Optimization mode have been
grouped together more logically.
• The Continue button has been renamed either as a Next or a Back button to be more consistent
with standard programs.
• Every table in FracproPT now has a more Excel-like functionality and Cut, Copy, Paste, Insert
Row, Delete Row appear when right-clicking on the mouse.
• New Undo Function – A lot of people have been waiting for this function a long time and it is finally
here. If you have accidentally entered something that is wrong, even if it is a few entries ago, you can
select Edit > Undo from the main menu or use the standard CNTR+Z hotkey.
• Improved Foam Modeling Features – Pumping 100% CO2 is now enabled.
• New XY Plot Channels – We have added several new channels in Economic Optimization module
and various Length channels. When selecting channels on the Plot Preferences screen, you can find
these new channels under Select Channels > Economic Optimization or Select Channels >
Length Channels
• Updated Fluid and Proppant Libraries – The Halliburton fluids in the System library has been
completely updated. The proppant library has been updated to reflect the latest StimLab data from
the SLFrac spreadsheet dated November 2000. Please check the Pinnacle Web Page regularly for
updates to these libraries.
• Many Changes to the Rate Stepdown Test Analysis – You can now save the detailed analysis
data from all rate stepdown tests that are conducted during a single treatment, and this data is
automatically updated in the Entry Friction versus Time table on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE
FRICTION [F8] screen. Rate Stepdown plots are now automatically generated by selecting the New
Step-Down Analysis button. In this new plot, FracproPT can automatically select rate steps, and the
user can simply adjust the positions of flow rate changes.
• Incorporated Cramer’s Perf Erosion Model – FracproPT can now estimate the change in
perforation discharge coefficient and the change in perforation diameter based on the amount of
proppant that is pumped past each perforation based on research published by Dave Cramer of BJ
• Improvements in FracproPT’s Word™ Reports – Several of FracproPT’s reports have undergone
major changes:

FracproPT 2007

• The Production Analysis report is now fully available in Word by selecting Production Analysis
Summary and Production Analysis Details on the Content and Layout tab of the REPORT
SETUP [SHIFT+F2] screen. Previously, this was only available in the form of an ASCII report.
• There is a new Design/Optimization Summary report available
• The Treatment Schedule report for foam treatments has been significantly improved with
Surface Treatment Schedules for fluids and proppants.
• New Rock Library – This is just a start of a new library that will provide our users with a better
starting point for obtaining rock properties.
• Incorporated Additional Proppant Damage Mechanisms – All modules in FracproPT can now
account for fracture damage due to proppant embedment. Also, we have incorporated StimLab
correlations for temperature damage in resin coated proppants.
• Enabled Verbal Licensing – In case you would ever loose your license inadvertently due to a
potential problem with your dongle, Pinnacle can now provide a quick real-time solution to this
• Surface Pressure Equivalents for Closure Stress – We have added the surface pressure at which
fracture closure occurs.
• Enabled Net Pressure Matching Screen for General Reservoir Selection – You can now use the
Auto Matching capability when you use the General Multi-Scale or General Single Scale Reservoir
• Included Many New Tutorials and Examples – We have added various step-by-step Tutorials that
will help users to use FracproPT, and we have added many examples that show how FracproPT can
be used to help you engineer fracture treatments in various different applications and environments.

What Was New in FracproPT 10.1

FracproPT Version 10.1 is the fourth version of Gas Technology Institute’s (GTI) revolutionary fracture-stimulation
engineering software from Pinnacle Technologies. To learn more about us, visit the Pinnacle Web Page.
There were a number of nomenclature changes in this version of FracproPT:

• The Tip Effects Factor is now referred to as Composite Layering Effects.

• Fracture Optimization Mode is now called Economic Optimization.
• Reservoir Analysis Mode is now called Production Analysis.
• The Mini Frac Analysis screen is now referred to as Fracture Closure Stress Analysis screen.
• The Dimensionless Conductivity Ratio channel has been renamed to Average FcD.
One other important change to note is that the Perf and Near-Wellbore Friction [F8] screen has been removed from the
"loop" or sequence of screens accessed by using the Continue field. This screen is now more appropriately accessed
from the re-designed Simulation Control [F10] screen (or as always using the toolbar button or shortcut key).
Other major changes and additions to FracproPT are shown below:
• New FracproPT Report with Graphics – A few mouse clicks will now bring up to almost 100 user-defined plots
automatically into a Microsoft Word® document. Go to the Plots tab of the REPORT SETUP [ShIft+F2] screen, and
select the plots you want to include in the report; you can also select to use figure captions or embedded plot titles, and
either color or black & white images. You may also customize the other Report Content and use your company logo.
New FracproPT Report
• New Fracture Design Module – Want to design a fracture treatment based on what the reservoir requires? You
can now determine the desired fracture treatment design using a simple 3-step approach in the new FracproPT Design
• First, FracproPT now allows automatic searching of its fluid and proppant libraries for the best materials based on
local circumstances such as temperature, permeability, and effective fracture closure stress. Select Fracture Design on
our redesigned MAIN Screen [F2], and then provide all necessary input information until you arrive at the new FLUID
AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen where FracproPT will assist you.
Fluid and Proppant Selection
• After making this selection, FracproPT will provide you with various designs that all fulfill a user-defined
dimensionless conductivity criterion. You can determine how a given Productivity Index (PI), which the ratio of
stimulated well production response to the non-stimulated response, can be achieved as a function of fracture treatment
size. Instead of relying on the user to determine fracture half-length and required proppant concentration in the fracture
(which is how Fracture Design mode worked in prior versions), FracproPT can step back and assist in the determination
of the best fracture design for the reservoir. Continue from the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION [F5] screen to the
new TREATMENT SELECTION screen, where FracproPT shows how fracture half-length and height coverage change

FracproPT 2007

as a function of treatment volume while maintaining a user-defined dimensionless conductivity (FcD).

Treatment Selection
• Finally, you can define an ideal proppant concentration profile (versus distance from the well) for the selected
treatment size, and FracproPT will iterate on the best proppant schedule to match this ideal profile. Print the results to the
new report, and you are ready to pump the job.
Fracture Design Control
• FracproPT’s new design module also allows you to include the wellbore, which was not the case in previous
FracproPT’s "old" method for designing a pump schedule is also still available.

• Multiphase Flow Corrections in Fracture Design and Reservoir Analysis – Multiphase flow can
reduce effective proppant conductivity by orders of magnitude thereby significantly decreasing the
production response. FracproPT is the first industry simulator that accounts for this major effect that
has kept the simulation industry abuzz for the last few years. You can account for multiphase flow
effects at the time you generate a fracture treatment design using FracproPT’s new Fracture Design
Module by providing a rough estimate of hydrocarbon production rate versus condensate/water
production rates. You can specify the effective proppant pack damage caused by multiphase flow
effects by selecting the Conductivity Calculation button on the FLUID AND PROPPANT SELECTION
[F5] screen. Multiphase flow effects are also accounted for in Reservoir Analysis mode by
specifying an average condensate/water production rate on the FRACTURE PARAMETERS [F7]
• Calibrated and User-Defined Model Settings – FracproPT is not just one fracture model like most
industry simulators. Rather, it comprises numerous models with different physical descriptions of
hydraulic fracture growth. So what, you may say? Pinnacle has learned from direct fracture diagnostic
data, such as tiltmeter fracture mapping and micro-seismic fracture mapping, that fractures can grow
very differently in different environments. In some areas, fracture models accurately predict directly
observed fracture growth, but in other areas, the default fracture model parameters do not accurately
reflect actual fracture growth. In these areas, the default model settings do not provide an accurate
description of fracture growth, and other physical mechanisms such as shear-decoupled growth or
composite-layering effects should be introduced by changing the default fracture model
parameters. Pinnacle has started to calibrate the fracture model for various areas; for clients that
have paid for these direct measurements, these calibrated files are available to under 3D Calibrated
Fracture Models on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. Users can also save their
own model settings parameters when they select a 3D User-Defined Fracture Model and then
change the definitions on the FracproPT 3D Parameters tab of the FRAC MODEL PARAMETERS
[SHIFT-F3] screen.
• Improved Fracture Geometry Graphics – The INTEGRATED FRACTURE PROFILE [ALT-F2]
screen has taken central stage in FracproPT graphical representations. This picture, where log data,
FracproPT layer data, fracture geometry, and fracture width can be viewed simultaneously, has been
upgraded in several ways, including:
• Automatic zoom function as picture is opened ensures that fractures are always visible. An
Original Scale icon has been added to automatically zoom back to the interval containing the
• It is now possible to highlight pay zone intervals to make it easy to see fracture geometry in
relation to coverage of pay zones. Highlighting the pay zones is possible "on top of" the lithology,
which can now also be extended over all information panes.
• Display and print fonts can be set automatically for more consistent appearance.
• Max Value button on the main toolbar sets the data range for the displayed parameter to its
maximum for optimum visibility.
• Variables Window shows critical results for each of the up to 20 individual propped fractures
(that is, 20 individual perforated zones) during one fracture treatment.
• New Storage Totals and Pricing Screen – FracproPT now provides a Treatment Totals tab on the
TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen where you can sort by Materials or Stage to determine total
materials required for the fracture treatment design or pumped for the actual treatment data. This
screen also provides an easy way to look at required and used materials in storage volumes such as
tanks and sacks. You can also view price information for fluid and proppants.
• Improved Foam Modeling Features – We have added improved nitrogen and CO2-foam modeling
on the TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen. Using FracproPT’s superior heat transfer modeling,
the Estimate Treating Conditions button can be used to estimate the foam pressure and temperature,
and to use these estimates for a more accurate surface-pumping schedule. It is now possible to
revise the pumping schedule to account for either bottomhole conditions or for conditions inside the
fracture, which can be quite different for limited-entry treatments or if near-wellbore friction is high.
We have also improved CO2 metering properties, mainly to have FracproPT calculate density at the

FracproPT 2007

flow meter for a user-defined metering pressure and temperature. We have also added new model
channels to reflect these changes, including Surface, Bottomhole and Fracture Entry Foam Qualities.
• New Rate-Normalized Pressure Decline Plot in Closure Stress Analysis Module – A new
diagnostic plot has been added to FracproPT’s mini frac analysis module in addition to the G-
function plot with superposition derivative, square-root time plot, Horner plot, and log-log plot of delta
pressure that were already added in version 10.0. The FRACTURE CLOSURE STRESS ANALYSIS
[Shift+F8] screen now also contains a Rate-Normalized Pressure Decline Plot. In addition, and
Options tab has been added where you can specify plot settings for all the mini frac plots. We have
also added a Shift Closure in All Zones button in addition to the existing Update Closure Stress in
pay Zone Only button to shift the entire stress profile when a closure stress measurement has been
conducted in just one zone.
• Added Metric MPa Unit system – In addition to the 3 default unit systems already present in
FracproPT and the user flexibility to customize their own unit systems, we have added a much-
requested Metric MPa unit system to the default list. You can access this information on Units tab of
• New Fracture Geometry Channels – We have specified two new geometry channels to make it
easier to evaluate fracture designs and actual treatments. When selecting channels on the Plot
Preferences screen, you can find these new channels under Select Channels > FracproPT > Other
• Payzone Height Coverage Ratio, which reflects the ratio of fracture height coverage over the
payzone versus the total payzone height. In a typical fracture design, we would like to get this
number as close to 100% as possible to ensure that the entire payzone is covered by the
• Payzone Fracture Area Ratio, which reflects the amount of fracture area over the payzone
versus the total fracture area.
• New Job Comments – Do you want to keep track of all the things that happen during a treatment?
You can now see all events at a glance on a graph and table using the Job Comments tab of the well
and treatment information [F3] screen. You can print these comments and graph on a single page
using the REPORT SETUP [Shift-F2] screen and by selecting Job Comments on the Content and
Layout tab.
• Up to 20 Perforated Intervals – We have extended FracproPT’s capabilities significantly for users
that want to take our model to the edge. We now allow fracture growth from up to 20 different
perforated intervals on the Perforated Intervals tab of the WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7]
• More Treatment Schedule Stages – We have extended the number of pumping stages on the
TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] screen to 150 to allow for extensive water-frac treatment schedules.
• More Layers – We have increased the number of layers on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9]
screen to 100.
• Numerous Screen Redesigns – Pinnacle has redesigned numerous screens in a continuous effort
to make FracproPT easier to use, including:
• The MAIN SCREEN [F2] has a new look and feel.
• The FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen has been split into two tabs to separate the
often used options from the rarely used options.
• The SYSTEM CONFIGURATION screen has been redesigned to group together the Set
Channel Aliases, File Options, Display Settings, and Units functions.
• Improved Navigation – We have also made navigation a little easier in FracproPT by re-grouping
toolbar icons to distinguish between input and analysis screens. The FracproPT "loop" now only
goes through the input screens; you can select the 3 main analysis screens once all the input is
provided. These main analysis screens are the FRACTURE CLOSURE STRESS ANALYSIS
[Shift+F8] screen, the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen, and the NET
screen is now placed directly after the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen when using
Database Data and after the REAL-TIME CONTROL [ctrl+F1] screen for Real-Time Data so that
you are less likely to forget to assign the channels.
• Improved General Plot Flexibility – It is possible again to completely define your own G-function
plot from the PLOT LIST [Alt+F8] screen. Of course, the G-function plot is automatically set up for
you in our FRACTURE CLOSURE STRESS ANALYSIS [Shift+F8] screen. We have also extended
display capabilities for log-log plots, which can now be plotted with as many decades as a user wants.
• Fixed Various Bugs, including, but not limited to:

FracproPT 2007

• Errors associated with using time stamp in DataAcqPT. In the past, data was sometimes lost
when erroneous time data were sent.
• Perforation Coefficient Multiplier on the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8]
screen was set to one when inserting a line in the Entry Friction versus Time table.
• Surface Line Volume was not properly accounted for in the WELLBORE PROFILE [Alt+F9]
• Show 100 Mesh Sand in Btm Prop Conc Channel – For those of us who pump a lot o proppant
slugs, 100 mesh sand is often used for the proppant during these slugs to have FracproPT neglect
them as they enter the fracture while still accounting for their impact on hydrostatic head in the
wellbore. You now longer have to switch the slug’s proppant type to see when the slug arrives
downhole, as FracproPT will now display 100 mesh sand in the Btm Prop Conc channel, while it will
still neglect this proppant for fracture growth calculations inside the fracture.
• Improved Plot Autoscaling for Different Unit Systems – FracproPT’s autoscaling now works
properly in all unit systems.
• Added Several Wizards to DataConvertPT –It is now much easier to convert ASCII data into
FracproPT’s database format by having DataConvertPT guide you through a few simple and
straightforward steps.
• Improvements in Our Semi-Automated Pressure Matching – The Auto Matching tab is available
from the NET PRESSURE MATCHING [Ctrl+F8] screen where you can automatically match up to
two variables at the same time. We have improved this feature to make FracproPT converge quicker
and also solved some previous problems if the net pressure becomes zero in the time-interval that is
to be matched.
• Updated Fluid and Proppant Libraries – Much of the fluid library has been updated with additional
data from the service companies. The proppant library has been updated to reflect the latest StimLab
data from the SLFrac spreadsheet dated November 2000. Please check the Pinnacle Web Page
regularly for updates to these libraries.
• Added to Help for Simulating Production from Multiple Fracs from a Horizontal Wellbore – This
help is available on the Fracture Parameters screen that is accessed when using the 3D Layered
Analytical Model in Production Analysis Mode.

What Was New in FracproPT 10.0

FracproPT Version 10 is the third version of Gas Research Institute’s (GRI) revolutionary fracture-stimulation engineering
software from Pinnacle Technologies. To learn more about us, visit You should also check this
website periodically for software updates.
Version 10 includes many significant enhancements and useful new features, including, but not limited to, the following:

• New fluid leakoff models

• Minifrac analysis module
• Semi-automated net-pressure matching capabilities
• New integrated picture that simultaneously shows fracs growing from all perfed intervals, as well as
imported logs and layer properties
• New and easy comparison between Design and Actual Treatment Schedules
• Automated stage setting based on actual data
• New reports that open directly into Word or WordPerfect
• Numerous plot enhancements and dramatically improved right-click functionality
• New tubulars library
• Updated fluid and proppant libraries
• Improved layout of many screens
For more detailed information on these and other improvements in this version, as well as some future plans, please read
the Release Notes shown below.
Version 10 Release Notes – May 2000
Pinnacle Technologies was licensed by GRI in late March 1999 to develop, support, and market their FracproPT fracture
analysis system. Most of the significant enhancements and new features for Version 10 are shown below:

FracproPT 2007

New grid-based FLIC fluid-leakoff model

Under the dynamic conditions of fluid loss from the fracture, two components of filter cake buildup take place

• Deposition of filter cake materials on the fracture face due to the invasion of fracturing fluids into the
• Erosion of the filter cake materials from the cake surface due to the shear force exerted by the flowing
fluids and proppants
These two components are especially important for fracturing in high permeability formations where a significant amount
of the polymer may invade the pore space. This new model is referred as the FLIC model (Filtration with Linear-Invasion
and Crossflow) and it is described in detail in SPE 56597 by McGowen, et. al.
This is a grid-based model (as opposed to a lumped model) in that a rectangular grid is used to subdivide the total
fracture/reservoir area where fluid leaks off. Fluid loss is modeled and tracked in each element of the grid. As expected,
this grid-based model runs slower than the standard lumped model, but it is still easily fast enough for real-time field use.
The Grid-Based FLIC Model option can be selected on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screen. This model
also requires several new fluid parameters to be entered on the Fluid Loss and Thermal Properties tab of the Edit/View
Interpolated Fluid Properties [SHIFT+F5] screen.
Additional Information: Leakoff Model Options

New grid-based classical fluid-leakoff model

Another grid-based model based on "classical" leakoff calculations has also been added.
In FracproPT’s standard lumped leakoff model (that is, the only leakoff model previously available) all permeable layers
are "lumped" into a single reference layer with a certain thickness and permeability. The thickness and permeability are
calculated internally based a complex mathematical weighting of the thickness and permeability of all the layers defined
by the user on the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen. In most cases, this lumped formulation works extremely well.
However as many layers of varying permeability and thickness with variable "exposure" to treatment fluid leakoff are
defined, the accuracy of the model may begin to suffer.
Other than the grid-based versus lumped formulations, the only other improvement is the capability to model wall-building
coefficient as a function of permeability by interpolating using two values entered on the Fluid Loss and Thermal
Properties tab of the Edit/View Interpolated Fluid Properties [SHIFT+F5] screen.
This is a grid-based model (as opposed to a lumped model) in that a rectangular grid is used to subdivide the total
fracture/reservoir area where fluid leaks off. Fluid loss is modeled and tracked in each element of the grid. This grid-based
model runs only slightly slower than the standard lumped model.
The Grid-Based Classical Model option can be selected on the FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS (F4) screen.
Additional Information: Leakoff Model Options

New minifrac analysis module

The Minifrac Analysis Module is accessed (only) by selecting toolbar icon.
This new utility simplifies the process of determining fracture closure stress from a selection of well-known pressure
decline analysis plots. The MINIFRAC ANALYSIS [SHIFT+F8] screen contains an Input tab and a Results tab.
The Input tab enables quick selection of up to 3 pressure decline periods for analysis, either by using the new (optional)
stage types that are selected on the Treatment Schedule [F6] screen or by manually entering the start/stop times of
stages. Once the pressure decline periods are selected, select Reset Plots to automatically configure all the standard
The Results tab is where you view and compare closure stress estimates from all the different analysis plots. All plots are
displayed with a legend box that provides relevant information about the injection or analysis. Double-click on the plot
name to view the following diagnostic plots:
1. Injection Summary – This plot provides an overview of the entire fluid injection and pressure decline
2. ISIP Plot – This plot can be used to pick the ISIP (instantaneous shut-in pressure). Add a tangent line by
right clicking on the Measured Bottomhole Pressure channel, and then right click on the intersection of the
tangent line and the preset End of Pumping line. The ISIP value presented in the box will be added to the
appropriate table cell.
3. SQRT Plot – This plot shows the pressure decline versus the square root of closure time. Adding two
tangent lines and then right clicking their intersection can estimate fracture closure. The BH Closure Stress
will then be updated in the table.
4. G-Function Plot – This plot shows the pressure decline, its derivative, and its superposition derivative, all
plotted versus G-function time. Fracture closure can be estimated by adding one tangent line on the

FracproPT 2007

superposition derivative, and then right clicking where the tangent line starts to deviate from the data. The
BH Closure Stress will then be updated in the table.
5. Log-Log Plot – This log-log plot of delta pressure requires that the ISIP for the plot by synchronized to
obtain the correct starting pressure. A half-slope line is drawn to determine where the linear flow regime
stops. Simply right-click on the tangent line where it deviates from the data and the Net Pressure field will
be automatically updated.
6. Horner Plot – This plot can be used to determine a lower estimate for fracture closure, and also to
estimate reservoir pressure. If enough pressure decline data is collected past fracture closure, just fit a
tangent line to the data on the left side of the plot, right-click on this tangent line where it deviates from the
data, and the BH Closure Stress is added to the corresponding field of the table.
7. Linear Plot – This plot provides an overview of the entire pressure decline period on a linear time scale.
This time scale can be used to compare flow pulses that are conducted during a pressure decline.
Results from all the plots can be automatically combined and averaged, or the user can input their own BH Closure
Stress estimates. The pay zone closure stress shown on the RESERVOIR PARAMETERS [F9] screen can then be
automatically updated (based on BH Closure Stress) by selecting Update Pay Zone Closure Stress.

Semi-automated pressure matching

This feature can save the user time and effort when performing net pressure history matching of fracture treatment data.
The process is not now, and probably never will be, completely automatic since the user must select which parameters to
iterate on and provide a range of possible values.
Basically, this utility works by automatically adjusting up to two parameters over some user-defined period of time in order
to make the calculated net pressure equal to the observed net pressure. FracproPT allows you to pick one variable that
mainly determines the level of the net pressure and a second parameter that mainly determines the pressure decline

The Auto Matching tab is available from the NET PRESSURE MATCHING [Ctrl+F8] screen.

New integrated fracture picture

The new INTEGRATED FRACTURE PROFILE [Alt+F2] can show up to four panes simultaneously that present log
data, layer properties (for example, from the Reservoir Parameters [F9] screen), the fracture geometry profile (that is,
height and length), and the width profile. If you have more than one set of perforated intervals being fractured (FracproPT
currently allows up to four), the depth scale can be set such that all four fractures are displayed simultaneously. This
screen is also printable, either as hardcopy or to a file for inclusion in a document (for example, a report).

New Design Schedule and Actual Treatment Schedule

The TREATMENT SCHEDULE [F6] has been redesigned so that it is now possible to easily compare what you
intended to pump (on the Design Treatment Schedule Tab) with what you actually pumped (on the Actual Treatment
Schedule Tab). The redesign also eliminated the separate screens for N2 and CO2 foam treatment inputs. All treatment
schedule inputs—liquid, gas, and proppants—are now located in one table, as opposed to the three needed in previous
versions of FracproPT. Table columns (that is, treatment schedule inputs) are automatically added to the table when
choose one of the options to pump a foam treatment. The maximum number rows (that is, stages) in the treatment
schedule table have also been increased to seventy-five.
Five additional critical treatment parameters are also displayed on this screen (see below).
• Pad Fraction
• Pad Volume
• Clean Volume (Main Frac)
• Slurry Volume (Main Frac)
• Total Proppant (Main Frac),
And, lastly, a Stage Name column has been added to the treatment schedule. As you add stages, FracproPT will
automatically assign a name to them (such as Water Injection, Main Frac Pad, Main Frac Slurry, Minifrac, etc.), but you
can override this choice if necessary. The stage names make it easier to recognize where you are during a treatment, and
you may also use them in the Minifrac Analysis [Shift+F8] module to easily pick which stages to analyze without having
to remember and enter stage times manually.

Automated stage setting based on actual data

Setting, or synchronizing in time, the stages of the treatment schedule to coincide with what was actually pumped has
always been a necessary but cumbersome task required in order to run FracproPT from recorded or real-time treatment
data. This is especially true if you get all the data after the treatment and have to start from scratch. It is now possible to

FracproPT 2007

set all the stages with just one click of the mouse, or to adjust individual stages with one mouse click or several right-click
mouse functions.
All of the functionality discussed above is implemented on a Cursor Edit plot of database data used as model inputs. On
the Channel Inputs for Model [Shift+F6] screen, you first select these channels and then select Set Staging from
Measured Data to display the Cursor Edit plot. To set all the stages (that is, stage times), select the Auto Stage function
at the bottom of the plot to overwrite the data in the table on the Actual Treatment Schedule tab of the Treatment
Schedule [F6] screen. This function looks for changes in any of the model input data that might indicate a stage change.
Auto Stage works very well, however it cannot always distinguish fluid or proppant type changes so you must manually
set those occurrences.
For real-time applications, it is also now possible to automatically pick a stage End Time by right clicking on the stage bar
at the top of the Cursor Edit plot. When a stage is adjusted, the fluid and proppant types and the corresponding rates and
concentrations are also now conveniently displayed so that you do not have to remember what is displayed in the
Treatment Schedule [F6].

Redesigned DataConvertPT
It is now easier than ever to change any type of data into the FracproPT database format due to a more intuitive screen.
Several helpful Wizards to aid you in performing common tasks will be available shortly as an update to Version 10.

New FracproPT Report that can be opened directly into Word or WordPerfect
No more ugly text reports! We have partially redesigned the report layout. A more useful first page shows a summary and
additional fracture treatment info. One mouse-click launches Word or WordPerfect for you where the report can be edited,
as you require.

Numerous plot enhancements and improved right-click functionality for tangent

Right-click anywhere in the unique FracproPT plots and you can change you graph more easily. We have dramatically
improved tangent line functionality as part of the minifrac analysis module, but this is also available for all plots. The
cursor changes shape whenever you move it over a tangent line to let you know that you can pick an intersection point,
grab a tangent line end point, or grab the entire tangent line.

Set layers depths either by MD or TVD

If you get your layers from log data of the treatment well, TVD’s will now automatically be calculated if you provide the
correct wellbore trajectory in the redesigned WELLBORE CONFIGURATION [F7] screen.

New tubulars library

There is no longer a need to memorize or look up all casing or tubing specifications. Just select the OD and weight from
drop-down lists and the correct ID will be provided for you. Of course you can also overwrite the tubulars library data and
enter any specifications you want to.

Updated fluid and proppant libraries

As always, we have updated all the fluid and proppant libraries in this new version. However, please check our web page
( regularly for updates to these libraries since some vendors were unable to provide updates before
we shipped Version 10.

More Excel-like flexibility in tables

Want to bring in an entire spreadsheet with your reservoir parameters or wellbore configuration? Just use the standard
cut, copy and paste functions to take what you need from Excel and add it to your FracproPT table.

Improved layout of numerous screens into tabulated screens

We have sometimes been guilty of putting too much information on our screens, making it hard to see the forest for the
trees. We have redesigned numerous screens to make things a bit more clear, including adding "tabs." Take a look at the
[F6], and FRACTURE ANALYSIS OPTIONS [F4] screens as examples.

Searching and Preview of Input files

Can’t remember which file you were working on yesterday? Now you only have to remember one or more words or data
that you entered on the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION [F3] screen. Simply enter some text in our new search
function to quickly find the file.

FracproPT 2007

To help you make sure you get the correct input file without clumsily opening each one, we also added a file preview
option that allows you to see all the WELL AND TREATMENT INFORMATION on the File…Open dialog (the standard
Windows place you open files) before actually opening the input file.

Map FracproPT channel/variable names to user defined aliases

This feature allows you to define names that you want to use for printing. These new names are saved so that you do not
have to re-enter them every time you create a plot. You can find the alias list on the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION screen.

Fixed several bugs – Our list of bug fixes includes:

1. Wellbore can now be partly filled again;
2. Wellbore deviation is accounted for and TVD’s are calculated correctly from MD’s;
3. FracproPT can now be launched by clicking on the input file name, even when there is a space in the
4. Read-only input and database filenames can be properly read now;
5. Acid etching in shale layers has been properly removed;
6. Acid over-flushes that removed conductivity entirely have been fixed;
7. Wellbore transit line does not get "stuck" anymore in real time plots.
8. And many others.

Added new icons and hotkeys

Navigation through FracproPT has been made a little easier. All the main screens can be reached by a hotkey, an icon
on the Toolbar, or a menu selection.

Further improved wellbore and fracture temperature models

We added a new wellbore heat transfer model and improved fracture heat transfer model in the previous FracproPT
version, but we have incorporated several improvements in Version 10. Check out these improvements yourself by
selecting Model Heat Transfer Effects on the FRACTURE SIMULATION OPTIONS [F4] screen, and then select Slurry
Temperature for display on the STAGE PROFILE [Ctrl+F5] screen. When you run the model, you will see how the
temperature distribution in the fracture evolves. You can enter the necessary model parameters on the WELLBORE
HEAT TRANSFER [shft+f9] screen. The input parameters necessary for simulation of offshore wells have also been
added. You can also now plot the in-fracture fluid temperature of any or all stages, which is essential for designing a
breaker schedule.

Improved documentation
We have added documentation for all the new screens and features, as well as rewritten and reorganized many of the
existing Help topics. Help will also be updated in the coming weeks (to include new and better tutorials, for example).

Improved perforation and near-wellbore friction analysis capabilities

You are now directly able to see perforation friction and near-wellbore friction after you have selected data points for entry
friction analysis in the PERF AND NEAR-WELLBORE FRICTION [F8] screen.
FracproPT Service Pack for Version 10.0

• Automatically refresh plots with channels vs. frac length when the model is running
• Improved shift channel function in DataEditPT
• Updated channels vs. frac length for multiple perf interval cases
• Improved acid conductivity picture
• Integrated Picture resulted in tmp.plt file appearing in a random directory
• Updated proppant calculation for foam cases on F6 screen
• Added 3 new channels: Btm Clean Foam Total, Btm Slurry Foam Total, Btm Slurry Total - All Zones
• Added channel alias / channel name synchronization mechanism
• Improved unit conversion parts of Minifrac Analysis screens and plot legend.
• Fixed long file path bugs in various parts of the program (inp-file, report, plots, etc.)

FracproPT 2007

• Fixed acid fracture conversion problem in ReservoirPT and made changes to make ADP acid frac
work with ReservoirPT.
• Changed "Formatting" to "Formation" and "Fracture Geometry Summary" to "Operations Summary" in
• Improved foam page in RTF report.
• Fixed a bug with Surface Line in the wellbore
• Allowed reading in read-only inp-files.
• Added functionality to keep F6 surface schedule always consistent with bottomhole schedule.
• Fixed a bug associated with large number (>40) of reservoir layers.
• Fixed a bug associated with Newtonian leakoff fluid viscosity
• Fixed a bug with wrong depth to pressure gauge for wellbores with surface line
• Changed the version number to 10.0.13

DataAcqPT - Data Acquisition Server

DataAcqPT - Table of Contents
Data Acquisition Server

• Introduction
• Menu Bar
• Display and Control Bar
• Status Bar
• Data Acquisition Setup Wizard

DataAcqPT - Introduction
The real-time input data for FracproPT comes from DataAcqPT, which can be configured to accept data from a variety of
sources like a serial cable or a modem connection to a service company computer system. In either case, one of the
computer’s serial ports is used for communication. DataAcqPT also runs in an emulation mode using data stored in an
ASCII file to simulate real-time applications.
DataAcqPT can acquire and save up to 45 channels of data, however FracproPT can use only 16 of them. This will not
present a problem when using FracproPT in real time since you may select which channels FracproPT uses. However,
when you open the data (database) file at a later date, FracproPT will only provide access to the first 16 channels of the
database. Therefore, in general, no more than 16 channels should be used or saved when using DataAcqPT with
FracproPT. If you select and save more than 16 channels, you can use DataEditPT after the job to view or edit all
channels. You can also use DataEditPT and DataConvertPT to delete unwanted channels from the database or to save
only 16 (or less) specific channels to another ASCII file or database for use with FracproPT.
DataAcqPT is started by selecting Show Server on the Real Time Control [Ctrl]-[F1] screen in FracproPT.
The DataAcqPT window is divided into four functional areas:

• The Menu Bar and Tool Bar at the top of the window.
• The Display and Control Bar on the left side of the window.
• The Data Display Area where the incoming data can be displayed.
• The Status Bar at the bottom of the window (which can be toggled on and off).

DataAcqPT - Main Menu


• Open Session allows you to recall a previously stored file containing all acquisition settings.
• Save Session allows you to save all current acquisition settings to a file.
• Close closes the currently active display window in the display area.

FracproPT 2007

• Print allows you to print the Data Graph, if one is active.

• Print Preview shows a preview of the current Data Graph to be printed, if one is active.
• Print Setup allows you to change printers and modify printer settings.
• Write to Metafile allows you to save the current Data Graph, if one is active, to a graphics metafile.
• Exit closes the application. This command is available only if data acquisition is turned off.

• Tool Bar toggles the toolbar display on and off.

• Status Bar toggles the status bar on and off.
• Data as Text activates or deactivates Incoming Data View window. This command is identical to the
Text selection in the Display and Control bar on the left side of the screen.
• Data Monitor displays the Data Monitor window.
• New Data Graph opens a new plot of the incoming data.

... (commands only available with the focus on a Data Graph display window)
• Switch Channel Label toggles through the channels on the currently active Data Graph display
• Select View allows you to magnify an area in the Data Graph window by selecting the desired view
area with the mouse. Choose Select View from the View menu or click on the icon on the toolbar. On
the Data Graph window, place the cursor on the upper left of the area you want to magnify, click and
hold the left mouse button, drag the selection rectangle over the desired area, and then release
mouse button.
• Restore Original View restores the display in the currently active Data Graph window to the original
scaling used before any magnification was performed with the Select View command.
• Autoscale performs an autoscale operation on all displayed channels.
• Autoscale Current performs an autoscale operation on the currently active channel.
• Zoom In [+] zooms the display on the currently active Data Graph window in.
• Zoom Out [-] zooms the display on the currently active Data Graph window out.

• Start [Ctrl]-[R] starts data acquisition.

• Pause/Continue [Ctrl]-[C] pauses and continues data acquisition.
• Stop [Ctrl]-[T] stops data acquisition. A warning message will be displayed if another application, like
FracproPT, is currently receiving data from DataAcqPT. If you re-start data acquisition after using
the this command, you will be prompted as to whether you want to append the new data to the
previous database file or create a new database file.

• Emulation Mode activates the emulation mode where you can read in a file containing ASCII data to
simulate real-time data acquisition. All parameters for data acquisition emulation are set on the Data
Acquisition Setup Wizard screens.
• Acquisition Mode activates real-time data acquisition mode from a remote source via one of the
serial ports.
• Setup Wizard [Ctrl]-[Z] activates the Data Acqusition Setup Wizard, providing an automated
facility to correctly set up the data acquisition control settings.
• Channel Setup [Ctrl]-[H] activates the Channel Setup screen.
• Plot Preferences activates the Plot Preferences screen.
• Frame Preferences activates the Frame Preferences screen.

FracproPT 2007

• Preferences activates the Preferences screen where you can choose from various unit system and
control options.

... (commands only available with the focus on a Data Graph display window)
• Show Annotations activates the ANNOTATIONS window where you can view and edit all
annotations for the current DATA GRAPH display.
• Add Annotations adds an annotation to the last data received on the currently selected channel on
the currently active DATA GRAPH display window and opens the Annotation window to enter the
new annotation text.
• Delete All Annotations deletes all annotations from the currently active Data Graph display.
• Delete Frame Annotations deletes all frame annotations on the currently active Data Graph display.
• Draw Tangent Line allows you to place a tangent line with the mouse on any data curve on the
currently active Data Graph display window. Select Draw Tangent Line or click on the
corresponding icon in the toolbar, then place the cursor at the point where you want to generate a
tangent line and press the left mouse button. The tangent line will be drawn at the selected position.
The position and slope can be changed with the mouse.
• Delete Tangent Lines deletes all tangent lines from the currently active Data Graph display.

• Cascade displays all currently open windows in cascaded format.

• Tile displays all currently open windows side by side.
• Tile Graphs Horizontal displays all currently open Data Graph windows arranged horizontally
• Tile Graphs Vertical displays all currently open Data Graph windows side by side (arranged
• Arrange Icons will line up all icons of minimized Data Monitor and Incoming Data View screens at
the bottom of the display area.

• Context calls context sensitive help for the currently active screen.
• Contents displays a list of all available help topics.
• About displays the DataAcqPT application version and copyright information.

DataAcqPT - Display and Control Bar

Display and Control Bar
Various displays and control buttons are displayed on the left side of the window.

FracproPT 2007

• Acq Time shows the current data acquisition time. That is, the length of time that data has been
• Current Time displays the computer’s internal clock time (that is, time of day).
• Channels displays the number of the data channels received.
• Rec # displays the number of data records received.
• No Time Chan / Time Chan displays whether a time channel is received with the data, or if a time
channel is not transmitted with the incoming data (time is ignored).
• Step shows the time step in seconds entered during the Data Acquisition Setup Wizard.
• Max. Time displays the maximum acquisition time entered in the Data Acquisition Setup Wizard.

Control Functions
• Start starts data acquisition.
• Pause pauses data acquisition.
• Stop stops data acquisition. A warning message will be displayed if another application, like
FracproPT, is currently receiving. If you re-start data acquisition, you will be prompted as to whether
you want to append the new data to the last database file or to create a new database file.
• Continue continues data acquisition that has been paused. This function is available only if data
acquisition has been paused earlier.

FracproPT 2007

• Setup activates the Data Acquisition Setup Wizard.

Data Display Functions

• Text activates or deactivates the Incoming Data View window, displaying the incoming data records
in plain ASCII format.
• Monitor activates or deactivates the Data Monitor window where comprehensive information about
the data channels and their setup are displayed
• Graph opens a new Data Graph window.

DataAcqPT - Status Bar

Status Bar
Information about the current status of DataAcqPT is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window. The status
bar can be toggled on and off by using the View .. Status Bar menu commands.

DataAcqPT - Data Acquisition Setup Wizard

You can configure DataAcqPT using the setup wizard. The wizard will guide you through a number of screens to perform
all necessary operations and entries for successful setup of the application.
DataAcqPT can be set up to receive data in two ways:

ƒ Receive real-time data through a direct cable connection or a modem

ƒ Emulate real-time data acquisition using ASCII data from a file
Depending on which of the two choices you make, the setup wizard will differ slightly. Both of these choices are described
Receive Real-time Data Through a Direct Serial Cable Connection or a Modem

1. General Settings Screen

• Data Acquisition Mode:

FracproPT 2007

• Acquire data from hardware attached to the computer : Acquire data sent from other devices
(usually a service-company treatment control computer) in real-time. Data acquisition can be
done via a cable or modem connection.
• Emulate acquisition process from data stored in FPA (ASCII) file: Simulate real-time data
acquisition using ASCII data from a file. (Note: This procedure is described later in this section.)
• Acquire data from a shared file: Acquire data from a shared file.
• Settings File Name: Enter or browse for the file name of the settings file. All setup information
regarding data acquisition is stored in this file. You can create several setting files for use with
different (treatment control) systems and environments to recall for later use. (These files are recalled
using the Import Channels function on the Channels Setup screen.)
• Control Buttons
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.

2. Port Settings Screen

• Communication Port: The available serial communication ports installed on your computer are
displayed. Select the Communication Port through which you will receive data (either through a
direct connection or a modem connection—choose the port used by your modem). If you are using a
PCMCIA-card modem, ports 3 or 4 are normally emulated by the operating system to connect to the
modem. In some cases, a PCMCIA-card modem, although properly installed, will not be shown as
available. In this case, DataAcqPT will usually automatically locate and use the PCMCIA-card
modem. Modem parameters can be viewed and modified by clicking on the Modems icon in the
Windows Control Panel.
• PORT Baud Rate: Baud Rate defines the transmission speed of your serial connection. Use the
slider to select the desired Baud Rate. It defaults to 9600 baud, which should serve most "hardwired"
serial cable connections. For details on the transmission speed, check with the operators of the
computer sending the real-time treatment data to your FracproPT computer.
Modem transmission speed can be detrimentally influenced by a variety of factors like phone line
quality, especially when using a cellular phone connection. In this case, it is recommended that you
start with the lowest Baud Rate setting and thoroughly test the connection before increasing the
Baud Rate. It is also advisable to check the available/recommended transmission speeds with your
cellular phone service provider.

FracproPT 2007

• Use Modem: If you want to receive data via a modem connection, you must select Use Modem.
• Call Phone Number: Select this option if you which to call another modem and enter the phone
number you wish to call. This number will be dialed and a modem connection will be established
once you have started data acquisition. An error message will be displayed if no connection can
be established. You can use commas in the phone number to pause between numbers while
• Receive Call: Select this option if you want to receive a call from another modem. Once you
start data acquisition, your modem will be set to auto answer mode to wait for the call. An error
message will be displayed if no connection can be established.
• Control Buttons
• Back takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.

3. Protocol Settings Screen

• Time Channel: If the real-time data contains a time channel that you wish to use (currently, only time
in decimal minutes is usable by DataAcqPT), select Use Time Channel. If the data does not contain
time information or you do not want to use the time channel, select Ignore Time Channel.
• Acquisition Time Is Limited To: By selecting this option and enter the maximum data acquisition
time, you allow DataAcqPT to allocate enough memory to collect and store data. This is typically the
safest method to avoid any low-memory problems. You should enter a maximum time significantly
larger than the expected job time to allow for late starts, unplanned shut downs, and any pressure
decline data you wish to record after the treatment. If you deactivate this option, DataAcqPT will
handle all memory allocation dynamically and continue to record data until stopped manually.
• Control Buttons
• Back takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.

FracproPT 2007

4. Channels Settings Screen

Table Columns
• ID: Shows the FracproPT abbreviation for the channel in this row. FracproPT uses these IDs to
identify data, plot, output and input channels internally. All ID’s are pre-defined and cannot be
changed. Double clicking on an ID cell activates the Select Channel screen where you select from
various pre-defined channel names or create your own user-defined channel name.
• Channel Names: The name for each data channel is defined in this field. To edit or change the
Channel Name, double-click an ID field to activate the Select Channel screen where you can select
from various pre-defined channel names or create your own user-defined channel name. Generally,
you should first select Show Incoming Data, and then enter names for each incoming data channel,
whether you wish to use all of them or not. Once this is done, you can Select which channels you
actually want to use.

Note that DataAcqPT can acquire and save up to 45 channels of data, however FracproPT can use
only 16 of them. This will not present a problem when using FracproPT in real time since you may
select which channels FracproPT uses. However, when you open the data (database) file at a later
date, FracproPT will only provide access to the first 16 channels of the database. Therefore, in
general, no more than 16 channels should be used or saved when using DataAcqPT with
FracproPT. If you select and save more than 16 channels, you can use DataEditPT after the job to
view or edit all channels. You can also use DataEditPT and DataConvertPT to delete unwanted
channels from the database or to save only 16 (or less) specific channels to another ASCII file or
database for use with FracproPT.
• Unit: Displays the unit for the channel in this row of the table. Fixed units are assigned to pre-defined
channel names and cannot be changed unless you change the Channel Name. If you selected a
user-defined channel name, you can select a unit from a drop-down list by clicking in the desired unit
• Use: You can toggle to select or ignore a channel by checking or unchecking this field.
• Value (Unscaled): Displays the raw (unscaled) value of the channel currently being received.
• Value (Scaled): Displays the scaled value of the channel currently being received. That is, the raw
value displayed in the Value (Unscaled) column is multiplied by Mult and then summed with Offset.
Since this is the value that will be stored in the FracproPT database, you should take great care in
assigning multipliers and offsets. Fortunately, channels rarely need to be scaled.

FracproPT 2007

• Mult: Define a "multiplier" for each individual channel. The raw value of the incoming data, displayed
in Value (Unscaled) column, will be multiplied by Mult. Since the result, Value (Scaled), is the
number that will be stored in the FracproPT database, you should take great care in assigning
multipliers. Fortunately, channels rarely need to further scaling.
• Offset: Define an "offset" for each individual channel. The raw value of the incoming data, displayed
in Value (Unscaled) column, will be summed with Offset (after being multiplied by Mult). Since the
result, Value (Scaled), is the number that will be stored in the FracproPT database, you should take
great care in assigning offsets. Fortunately, channels rarely need to further scaling.
• Min Alarm: Defines the lower threshold for the alarm function. If the value currently received for a
channel is smaller than the value defined in the corresponding Min Alarm cell, an acoustic alarm will
be sounded and an alarm message will be displayed.
• Max Alarm: Defines the upper threshold for the alarm function. If the value currently received for a
channel is larger than the value entered into the corresponding Max Alarm cell, an acoustic alarm will
be sounded and an alarm message will be displayed.

Status Display and Control Buttons

• Import Channels: This function allows you to recall a previously stored acquisition settings file (.acq)
and set or restore all channel settings.
• Clear Channels: This function clears all Channel Names, Units and IDs entered in the table.
Selecting this function also stops to Show Incoming Data.
• Number of Channels
• Real displays the total number of channels currently received by DataAcqPT.
• Channels Used displays the total number of selected channels marked for Use (that is, the
number of channels that will be passed to FracproPT).
• Show Incoming Data: This function causes the raw real-time data being received, through one of the
serial ports or through the modem connection, to be displayed in the Value (Unscaled) and Value
(Scaled) fields. Selecting Show Incoming Data does NOT start data acquisition (saving).
• Use All: This function sets the Use check mark for all channels.
• Mark Time Channel: If you selected Use Time Channel on the Protocol Setup screen, you must
select the time channel in the table and then select Mark Time Channel.
• Choose: This function displays the Select Channel screen from which you select from various pre-
defined channel names or create your own user-defined channel name. Choose performs the same
function as double clicking on an ID field.

Control Buttons
• Back takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.

5. Saved Data File Settings Screen

FracproPT 2007

• Format
• Fixed Time Step: Enter the time step (in seconds) if the real-time data consists of data records
with a fixed time step (for example, one data record every 2 seconds), or if you wish to save
variable time step data with a fixed time step. Only fixed time step data can be edited with
• Variable Time Step: If the real-time data has a variable time step and you wish to save this data
to a database file and preserve the variable timestep information. In this case, the data records
received must contain a time column to allow correct interpretation.
• Save Acquired Data to: Select the name and location of the file where the acquired data, in
FracproPT database format, will be stored. You can also choose to generate an ASCII (FPA-type)
file at the same time by checking the FPA file option. This file will have the same filename as the
database file, however it will have a .FPA extension.
• Autosave Every: Lets you select the autosave time interval in seconds. All real-time data collected is
stored in RAM memory for fast access. However, at the interval you specify in this field, the data is
also written to disk. In this manner, an unexpected shut down or power loss on the computer will not
cause a complete loss of data.

Control Buttons
• Back takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.

6. Setup Complete Screen

FracproPT 2007

Control Buttons
• Back takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Finish completes the setup wizard.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.
Emulate Real-time Data Acquisition Using Ascii Data from a File

1. General Settings Screen

FracproPT 2007

• Data Acquisition Mode

• Acquire data from hardware attached to the computer: If you want to acquire data sent from
other devices (usually a service-company treatment control computer) in real-time. Data
acquisition can be done via a cable or modem connection. (Note: This procedure is described
earlier in this section.)
• Emulate acquisition process from data stored in FPA (ASCII) file: If you want to simulate
real-time data acquisition using ASCII data from a file.
• Settings File Name: Enter or browse for the file name of the settings file. All setup information
regarding data acquisition is stored in this file. You can create several setting files for use with
different (treatment control) systems and environments to recall for later use. (These files are recalled
using the Import Channels function on the Channels Setup screen.)

Control Buttons
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.

2. Emulation Settings Screen

FracproPT 2007

• Emulation File Name: Select the name and location of the ASCII file containing the data you want to
use in the real-time data acquisition emulation. The emulation file type is defaulted to .FPA, but you
may select other suitably formatted ASCII files. You must also enter the correct Time Step of data in
FPA (ASCII) file.
• Emulation Speed: The slider controls the transmission speed of the ASCII data. If you select Real-
Time Speed, the data will be read into DataAcqPT at the same speed that it was originally recorded
(assuming you have entered the correct Time Step of data in FPA (ASCII) file). If you wish to more
quickly read in an ASCII file, you can select a higher speed with the slider.

Emulation Setup Screen Control Buttons

• Previous takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exit the setup wizard.

3. Protocol Settings Screen

FracproPT 2007

• Time Channel
• Use Time Channel : If the real-time data contains a time channel that you wish to use (currently,
only time in decimal minutes is usable by DataAcqPT).
• Ignore Time Channel : If the data does not contain time information or you do not want to use
the time channel.
• Acquisition Time Is Limited To: By selecting this option and enter the maximum data acquisition
time, you allow DataAcqPT to allocate enough memory to collect and store data. This is typically the
safest method to avoid any low-memory problems. You should enter a maximum time significantly
larger than the expected job time to allow for late starts, unplanned shut downs, and any pressure
decline data you wish to record after the treatment. If you deactivate this option, DataAcqPT will
handle all memory allocation dynamically and continue to record data until stopped manually.

Control Buttons
• Back takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.

4. Channels Settings Screen

FracproPT 2007

Table Columns
• ID: Shows the FracproPT abbreviation for the channel in this row. FracproPT uses these IDs to
identify data, plot, output and input channels internally. All ID’s are pre-defined and cannot be
changed. Double clicking on an ID cell activates the Select Channel screen where you select from
various pre-defined channel names or create your own user-defined channel name.
• Channel Names: The name for each data channel is defined in this field. To edit or change the
Channel Name, double-click an ID field to activate the Select Channel screen where you can select
from various pre-defined channel names or create your own user-defined channel name.
• Unit: Displays the unit for the channel in this row of the table. Fixed units are assigned to pre-defined
channel names and cannot be changed unless you change the Channel Name. If you selected a
user-defined channel name, you can select a unit from a drop-down list by clicking in the desired unit
• Use: You can toggle to select or ignore a channel by checking or unchecking this field.
• Value (Unscaled): Displays the raw (unscaled) value of the channel currently being received.
• Value (Scaled): Displays the scaled value of the channel currently being received. That is, the raw
value displayed in the Value (Unscaled) column is multiplied by Mult and then summed with Offset.
Since this is the value that will be stored in the FracproPT database, you should take great care in
assigning multipliers and offsets. Fortunately, channels rarely need to be scaled.
• Mult: Define a "multiplier" for each individual channel. The raw value of the incoming data, displayed
in Value (Unscaled) column, will be multiplied by Mult. Since the result, Value (Scaled), is the
number that will be stored in the FracproPT database, you should take great care in assigning
multipliers. Fortunately, channels rarely need to further scaling.
• Offset: Define an "offset" for each individual channel. The raw value of the incoming data, displayed
in Value (Unscaled) column, will be summed with Offset (after being multiplied by Mult). Since the
result, Value (Scaled), is the number that will be stored in the FracproPT database, you should take
great care in assigning offsets. Fortunately, channels rarely need to further scaling.
• Min Alarm: Defines the lower threshold for the alarm function. If the value currently received for a
channel is smaller than the value defined in the corresponding Min Alarm cell, an acoustic alarm will
be sounded and an alarm message will be displayed.

FracproPT 2007

• Max Alarm: Defines the upper threshold for the alarm function. If the value currently received for a
channel is larger than the value entered into the corresponding Max Alarm cell, an acoustic alarm will
be sounded and an alarm message will be displayed.

Status Display and Control Buttons

• Import Channels: This function allows you to recall a previously stored acquisition settings file (.acq)
and set or restore all channel settings.
• Clear Channels: This function clears all Channel Names, Units and IDs entered in the table.
Selecting this function also stops to Show Incoming Data.
• Number of Channels
• Real displays the total number of channels currently received by DataAcqPT.
• Used displays the total number of selected channels marked for Use (that is, the number of
channels that will be passed to FracproPT).
• Show Incoming Data: This function causes the raw real-time data being received, through one of the
serial ports or through the modem connection, to be displayed in the Value (Unscaled) and Value
(Scaled) fields. Selecting Show Incoming Data does NOT start data acquisition (saving).
• Use All: This function sets the Use check mark for all channels.
• Mark Time Channel: If you selected Use Time Channel on the PROTOCOL SETUP screen, you
must select the time channel in the table and then select Mark Time Channel.
• Choose: This function displays the SELECT CHANNEL screen from which you select from various
pre-defined channel names or create your own user-defined channel name. Choose performs the
same function as double clicking on an ID field.

Control Buttons
• Back takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.

5. Saved Data File Settings Screen

FracproPT 2007

• Format
• Fixed Time Step: Enter the Time Step in seconds if the real-time data consists of data records
with a fixed time step (for example, one data record every 2 seconds).
• Variable Timestep: If the real-time data has a variable time step. In this case, the data records
received must contain a time column to allow correct interpretation.
• Save Acquired Data to: Select the name and location of the file where the acquired data, in
FracproPT database format, will be stored. You can also choose to generate an ASCII (FPA-type) file
at the same time by checking the FPA file option. This file will have the same filename as the
database file, however it will have a .FPA extension.
• Autosave Every: Select the autosave time interval in seconds. All real-time data collected is stored
in RAM memory for fast access. However, at the interval you specify in this field, the data is also
written to disk. In this manner, an unexpected shut down or power loss on the computer will not cause
a complete loss of data.

Control Buttons
• Back takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Next takes you to the next screen in the sequence.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.

6. Setup Complete Screen

FracproPT 2007

Control Buttons
• Back takes you back to the previous screen in the sequence.
• Finish completes the setup wizard.
• Cancel exits the setup wizard.
Data Monitor Screen
On the Data Monitor screen, you can view the data received (either in real-time or in emulation mode) and edit or change the
channel settings. You can access this screen only after data acquisition has been started by selecting Start (or by selecting
Run...Start on the menu bar). The screen consists of a spreadsheet-like table where the parameters for each individual channel are
listed. Control buttons at the bottom of the screen provide access to other functions.

FracproPT 2007

DataAcqPT - Data Monitor screen.

The number of channels (that is, rows) displayed depends on the Number of Channels entered on the Data Acquisition
Parameters screen.

Table Columns
• ID: Shows the FracproPT abbreviation for the channel in this row. FracproPT uses these IDs to
identify data, plot, output and input channels internally. All ID’s are pre-defined and cannot be
changed. Double clicking on an ID cell activates the Select Channel screen where you select from
various pre-defined channel names or create your own user-defined channel name.
• Channel Names: The name for each data channel is defined in this field. To edit or change the
Channel Name, double-click an ID field to activate the Select Channel screen where you can select
from various pre-defined channel names or create your own user-defined channel name.
• Unit: Displays the unit for the channel in this row of the table. Fixed units are assigned to pre-defined
channel names and cannot be changed unless you change the Channel Name. If you selected a
user-defined channel name, you can select a unit from a drop-down list by clicking in the desired unit
• Use: You can toggle to select or ignore a channel by checking or unchecking this field.
• Value (Unscaled): Displays the raw (unscaled) value of the channel currently being received.
• Value (Scaled): Displays the scaled value of the channel currently being received. That is, the raw
value displayed in the Value (Unscaled) column is multiplied by Mult and then summed with Offset.
Since this is the value that will be stored in the FracproPT database, you should take great care in
assigning multipliers and offsets. Fortunately, channels rarely need to be scaled.
• Mult: Define a "multiplier" for each individual channel. The raw value of the incoming data, displayed
in Value (Unscaled) column, will be multiplied by Mult. Since the result, Value (Scaled), is the
number that will be stored in the FracproPT database, you should take great care in assigning
multipliers. Fortunately, channels rarely need to further scaling.
• Offset: Define an "offset" for each individual channel. The raw value of the incoming data, displayed
in Value (Unscaled) column, will be summed with Offset (after being multiplied by Mult). Since the
result, Value (Scaled), is the number that will be stored in the FracproPT database, you should take
great care in assigning offsets. Fortunately, channels rarely need to further scaling.
• Min Alarm: Defines the lower threshold for the alarm function. If the value currently received for a
channel is smaller than the value defined in the corresponding Min Alarm cell, an acoustic alarm will
be sounded and an alarm message will be displayed.

FracproPT 2007

• Max Alarm: Defines the upper threshold for the alarm function. If the value currently received for a
channel is larger than the value entered into the corresponding Max Alarm cell, an acoustic alarm will
be sounded and an alarm message will be displayed.

Control Buttons
• Show Incoming Data: This functions activates the Incoming Data View screen.
• Help: This function activates context sensitive help for the Data Monitor screen.
• Close: This function closes the Data Monitor screen.
Incoming Data View Screen
The incoming real-time data records can be displayed in plain ASCII format on the Incoming Data View screen.

DataAcq - Incoming Data View screen.

Control Buttons
• Show Incoming Data / Stop Showing Data: This function toggles the display of incoming data on
and off.
• Pause / Continue: This function will "freeze" the display, and new incoming data records will not be
displayed until Continue is selected. This function affects only the display on the Incoming Data
View screen, data acquisition will continue.
• Close: This function closes the Incoming Data View display window.
Preferences Screen
You can set various preferences for the data acquisition process on this screen.

FracproPT 2007

DataAcqPT - Preferences screen.

• Units: The unit system for the data to be acquired can be set here.
• Sound Control (On/Off): When selected, a sound will be played for each record received. If you
have a sound card installed on your computer, you can listen to a .WAV file; a simple "ping" will be
heard with the standard PC-type speaker.
• Monitor Update Period: Lets you select how often the display of incoming data will be updated on
the Data Monitor screen.

Control Buttons
• OK: Accepts these settings and closes the Preferences screen.
• Cancel: Exits from the Preferences screen without changing the settings.
Select Channel Screen
The Select Channel screen is activated by double clicking on an ID cell in the table on the Assign Data Channels screen.
Here, you can select from various pre-defined channel names or define your own, user-defined channel names.

FracproPT 2007

DataAcqPT - Select Channel screen.

• Channel Group: You can choose whether or not you want to select a Channel Name from various
operation-type lists that contain Predefined channel name entries, or whether to use a User Defined
channel name. You may also select a Channel Name from an emulation ASCII file (if you are
running in emulation mode).
• According to your selection, a list of all available Channel Names will be displayed on the right side
of the Select Channel screen. If you have chosen to use a User Defined channel name, you will be
able to edit the name on the Channels Setting screen.

Control Buttons
• OK: Closes the Select Channel screen and enters the selected Channel Name into the table on the
Channels Setting screen.
• Cancel: Closes the Select Channel vscreen without updating any Channel Names.
Data Graph Screen
The Data Graph screen provides the capability to display and monitor incoming data from within DataAcqPT. The Data Graph
screen provides the same plotting functionality found in FracproPT’s. Most plot functions can be accessed through the menu bar
and/or the toolbar. A detailed description of the various plotting functions is also provided in the on-line help section on FracproPT

DataAcqPT - Data Graph screen.

DataConvertPT - Convert and Merge ASCII Data

DataConvertPT - Table of Contents
Convert and Merge ASCII Data

• Overview
• Functions: Menu Bar
• Functions: Input File Window
• Handling Time-Based Input Data
• Handling Depth-Based Input Data

FracproPT 2007

• Build Custom Input Format Screen

• ASCII Data Output

DataConvertPT - Overview
DataConvertPT is a utility program used to facilitate merging and conversion of treatment data from a variety of sources
into a single FracproPT database and ASCII file. DataConvertPT reads ASCII files (or DataConvertPT-generated FPA
files) in columnar format, and it can read a variety of different time formats, with either a fixed or variable timestep, or
depth-based data for importing logs.
DataConvertPT can also create ASCII files suitable for easy importation into Lotus 1-2-3 and other spreadsheet
programs. DataConvertPT's intuitive interface should be self-explanatory for most users.

DataConvertPT - Functions: Menu Bar

File Menu

• Open [Ctrl]-[O]: Loads an ASCII or database file into DataConvertPT. If you select a database file
(*.DBS, *.DBD), DataConvertPT will automatically convert the database file stored in binary format
back to ASCII format for display on the Input Data screen.
• 1, 2, 3, ...: Provides quick access previously loaded files.
• Exit: Exits from the DataConvertPT application.
Edit Menu

• Invert: Invert the currently active input data file and rearrange the data sets in the opposite order.
This is function can be used to rearrange log data recorded when running in the direction out-of-hole
to the regular running-in-hole format with depth increasing. This command is only available with a
depth-based data file loaded.
View Menu

• Toolbar : Toggles the display of the DataConvertPT toolbar on/off.

• Status Bar: Toggles the display of the DataConvertPT status bar on/off.
• Source Text: Opens a new window with the plain ASCII input data of the currently active file
• DB Edit: Allows you to call up the Database Editor application to view/edit a database file just
created with DataConvertPT. This command is available only if you have selected Create Output.
Options Menu

• Default Year Offset: Lets you specify the default year offset when working with two digit year
• Define Time Format: Opens the Build Custom Input Format screen where you can define the
format of the ASCII time input data.
• Allow Only Digits: Instruct DataConvertPT to ignore all lines in the ASCII input data files which
contain non-numeric characters, e.g. labels, descriptions, names etc. If whole columns containing
non-numeric data are present in the ASCII input files, these columns will be ignored by
Windows Menu

• Cascade: Displays all currently open Input Data windows in cascaded format.
• Tile: Displays all currently open Input Data windows side by side.
• New Window: Will open a new Input Data window.
• Arrange Icons: Will line up all icons of minimized Input Data windows at the bottom of the display
• 1, 2, 3, ...: Lets you choose to put focus on any of the currently open Input Data windows listed here.
Help Menu

• Help

FracproPT 2007

• Context: Calls context sensitive help for the currently active screen.
• Contents: Displays a list of all available help topics.
• About Database Editor: Displays version and copyright informations about the DataConvertPT

DataConvertPT - Functions: Input File Window

All files loaded into DataConvertPT using the File..Open [Ctrl]-[O] command from the menu bar will be displayed (if
DataConvertPT could correctly identify the contents of the file) on a tab in the Input Data window. The file name and path
of the input ASCII file is displayed on the corresponding tab. To switch between the different ASCII input files currently
loaded into DataConvertPT, just click on the desired tab displayed at top of the Input Data screen.

DataConvertPT - Input File screen.

The table displayed on the Input Data screen will list the input file data contained in the (tab) selected data file broken
down automatically into individual data channels (if DataConvertPT could correctly identify the contents of the file).
DataConvertPT will try to locate and highlight the first line in the file containing data automatically.

Table Rows
• Name: The first line in the table will list the names of the data channels (if DataConvertPT could
identify the name of channel automatically). You can edit each individual channel name by selecting a
predefined channel Name from the drop-down box accessible in each channel name cell, or, by
double-clicking on the desired channel Name cell. This will allow you to edit the channel name. If
there is no default name for the data in that column, you may type one in.
• Units: The second line in the table will list the Unit for each channel (if DataConvertPT could identify
the name of the channel automatically). You can edit each individual channel Unit by selecting a
predefined Unit from the drop-down box accessible in each unit cell, or, by double-clicking on the
desired unit cell. This will allow you to edit the channel name. The units will be the default for the
system specified in the Suggested Unit for Channels field, but different units may be selected
from the drop-down list.

You MUST make sure that the units defined for each channel are consistent with the selected
unit system.
• ID: The third line will display the FracproPT channel identifier if a predefined channel name was selected.
FracproPT will use the IDs to automatically allocate channels for running simulations from database data.

Do not change predefined ID assignments, since this could interfere with the correct
identification of the channels by the FracproPT simulator.
The lower part of the Input Data window provides access to the various functions. The display of some of the functions will depend
on whether focus was put (by selecting the corresponding tab) on a time-based (typically treatment data) or a depth-based (typically
log data) file. You can switch between time-based and depth-based file functions by selecting Time or Depth in the Base field.

FracproPT 2007

• Time: Instruct DataConvertPT to interpret the currently active input data file as time-based (typically,
a treatment or production data file).
• Depth: Instruct DataConvertPT to interpret the currently active input data file as depth-based
(typically, a log data, well survey or spinner test data file).

Suggested Unit for Channels

Lets you select the unit system for the input data and the DataConvertPT-created database.

DataConvertPT - Handling Time-Based Input Data

The Input settings comprise a set of specific properties for the currently active input data file. If you tab to another opened input
data file, you can change the Input settings according to the requirements of the new input data file.
Time Step
Your (treatment) data file contains data with either Fixed or Variable time step.
Fixed If the data was recorded with a fixed time step (for example one data set every 10 seconds), select Fixed and enter the Time
Step in seconds in the time step box. You may optionally enter Start Date and Start Time into the appropriate
Variable If your data was recorded with variable time steps (typically, production test data run with a downhole memory gauge),
select Variable time step. You will need to select the column containing the time recordings by clicking on the
column heading and pressing Select Base Column. You will also need to select a time stamp format from the
Format drop-down list. You may optionally enter a Start Date in the appropriate field.
Format If you have selected Variable time step, you will also need to select a time stamp format from the Format drop-down list.
Start Time If you have selected Fixed time step, you may optionally enter a start time in the Start Time field.
Start Date You may optionally enter a start date in the Start Date field.
Time Shift You may also enter a value in the Time Shift box to (time) shift all data in the currently selected input data file to
synchronize your data between two or more files.
Select Start Row Allows you to select manually the first line of data in the currently active input data file by clicking on the row
number in the table and selecting Select Start Row.
Select Base Column If you have selected Variable time step, you will need to select the column containing the time recordings by
clicking on the column header and pressing Select Base Column.
Select Channel To select one or more channel for conversion to a DataConvertPT-created FracproPT database, highlight the
desired channels by clicking on the column header and click on the Select Channel button. You can combine
individual channels from different input files tabs into a single DataConvertPT-created database file. The Time
Shift function provides an adjustment facility to synchronize data between two or more files. All selected
channels and their corresponding input data file will be listed in the Output Channels display.
Delete Channel To delete one or more channels from the list in the Output Channels display, highlight the desired channel names
and click on the Delete Channel button.
Start/End Time The start and end time for the selected output channels will be displayed. A subset of the data may be output to the
database by checking Manual Start and entering values for Start Time, Start Date, and/or checking Manual
End and entering values for End Time and End Date, or, by selecting a start and end row using the Select
Start and Select End buttons.
Time Step You can select your output files to be Fixed time step or Variable time step. If Fixed, enter an output time step size; if
Variable, you can select the file name of the file containing the time recordings from the drop-down list. The
default file is the active input data file.
ASCII Output You may direct output either to an ASCII non-delimited file or to a Lotus style comma-quote delimited (ASCII) file
by checking Create File and selecting the desired file format option. The time value for each step may be
included. If you have selected Fixed time step output, you have the option to include the (fixed time step) time
information with the ASCII output file. Select the time format from the drop-down list. Variable time step
output files will always contain a column with the time information.
FracproPT Database Keep this option checked (default setting) to create a FracproPT database.
Create Output When you have selected the output options, click on Create Output to create the FracproPT (time-based) database
(*.DBS) and ASCII (*.FPA) files. A message will pop up once the output files were created successfully.

DataConvertPT - Handling Depth-Based Input Data


FracproPT 2007

The Input settings comprise a set of specific properties for the currently active input data file. If you tab to another opened input
data file, you can change the Input settings according to the requirements of the new input data file.
Depth Step
Your (log) data file contains data with either Fixed or Variable depth step.
Fixed If the data was recorded with a fixed depth step (for example one data set every 10 ft), select Fixed and enter the Depth Step
the depth step box. You may have to enter a Start Depth and optionally a Depth Shift value into the appropriate
Variable If your data was recorded with variable depth steps, select Variable depth step (typically, log data). You will need to
select the column containing the depth recordings by clicking on the column heading and pressing Select Base
Column. You may optionally enter a Depth Shift into the appropriate field.
Depth Specified as allows you to select the unit, m or ft, of the depth recordings in the currently active input data independently of
the units system used for the data channels.
Start Time If you have selected Fixed time step, you have to enter a start depth in the Start Depth field.
Depth Shift You may also enter a value in the Depth Shift box to (depth) shift all data in the currently selected input data file to
synchronize your data between two or more files.
Select Start Row Allows you to select manually the first line of data in the currently active input data file by clicking on the row
number in the table and selecting Select Start Row.
Select Base Column If you have selected Variable depth step, you will need to select the column containing the depth recordings
by clicking on the column header and pressing Select Base Column.
Select Channel To select one or more channel for conversion to a DataConvertPT-created FracproPT database, highlight the
desired channels by clicking on the column header and click on the Select Channel button. You can combine
individual channels from different input files tabs into a single DataConvertPT-created database file. The
Depth Shift function provides an adjustment facility to synchronize data between two or more files. All selected
channels and their corresponding input data file will be listed in the Output Channels display.
Delete Channel To delete one or more channels from the list in the Output Channels display, highlight the desired channel names
and click on the Delete Channel button.
Start/End Depth The start and end depths for the selected output channels will be displayed. A subset of the data may be output to
the database by checking Manual Start and entering a value for Start Depth and/or checking Manual End and
entering a value for End Depth, or, by selecting a start and end row using the Select Start and Select End
Depth Step You can select your output files to be Fixed time step or Variable time step. If Fixed, enter an output depth step size; if
Variable, you can select the file name of the file containing the depth recordings from the drop-down list. The
default file is the active input data file.
ASCII Output You may direct output either to an ASCII non-delimited file or to a Lotus style comma-quote delimited (ASCII) file
by checking Create File and selecting the desired file format option. The depth value for each step may be
included. If you have selected Fixed depth step output, you have the option to include the (fixed depth step)
depth information with the ASCII output file. Variable depth step output files will always contain a column
with the depth information.
FracproPT Database Keep this option checked (default setting) to create a FracproPT database.
Create Output When you have selected the output options, click on Create Output to create the FracproPT (depth-based) database
(*.DBD) and ASCII (*.FPA) files. A message will pop up once the output files were created successfully.

DataConvertPT - Build Custom Input Format Screen

You can handle various different time formats in your input data files by building a custom time input data format mask on
the Build Custom Input Format screen.
To build a custom time input format mask, select the column containing the time information in your (variable time step)
input data file using the Select Base Column button, mark the first line of data using the Select Start Row button, and
select Define Time Format from the Options menu.
To build the time format input mask for the time string present in your data, select the appropriate field descriptor from the
combo boxes on the Build Custom Input Format screen, starting from left to right. The breakdown of the time string
present in your input data file into the various time descriptor parts can be viewed on top of the selection fields of the
combo boxes. The description of the complete time format mask will be displayed in the Mask field. You can also directly
enter a time format description into the mask field, using the following abbreviations and separators for the various time
YYYY Year in four-digit format
YY Year in two-digit format
MM Month

FracproPT 2007

DD Day
hh Hour
mm Minute
ss Second
, . : ; / [Space[ Separators
To accept the custom-created time format, click on Update. To go back to DataConvertPT without using the new time
format, click on Cancel.

DataConvertPT - ASCII Data Output

The ASCII Data Output screen is where you print (either to a file or directly to a printer) ASCII-type input and/or output
You must first select the channels you wish to output by moving the cursor to one of the sixteen Variable Name fields in
the Channels For Data Printout table.
Double-click on the desired field to display the Select Channel screen. On this screen, variables are organized by
Channel Type and Channel Name; you may select any variable by highlighting it and selecting OK.
To delete a Variable Name, simply double-click on it and select "--" from any list on the Select Channel screen.

• Start Time: The model or database time at which you would like to begin output of the ASCII data.
• End Time: The model time at which you would like to stop output of the ASCII data.
• Time Step: The time increment between each printout of ASCII data.
• Load Database Channels: Causes the current database channels to be automatically copied into
the Channels For Data Printout tables.
• Generate Data Printout: Once you have selected channels, specified times, and entered an output
directory and filename, select Generate Data Printout to produce the ASCII output.
• Save to File: Selecting this option saves the report to a file in ASCII format. The file name is defined
in the Output File Location field.
• Output File Location: If you elect to Save to File, press Select... to display the standard MS Open
utility to define an output file.
• Continue: Selecting Continue takes you up one screen level, back to the Data Conversion And
Editing [Ctrl]-[F3] screen.

DataEditPT - Database Editor

Table of Contents
Database Editor

• Introduction
• Database Plot Window
• Cursor Editing Mode
• Editing Functions
• Edit Channel
• Channel Information
• Program Preferences
• Channel Preferences
• Plot Preferences
• Frame Preferences
• Menu
• Toolbar Icons

DataEditPT - Introduction

FracproPT 2007

DataEditPT is a generic application for displaying, and editing, time based data in linear coordinates. There is a rich set of
options (which can be accessed through the menu bar or by clicking on the icons on the toolbar) available to the user to
customize plots and edit data. These include line style, symbol, color, fonts, scale, zoom, aspect ratio, averaging,
interpolation, rescaling, etc. The DataEditPT can also plot up to eight Y-axes; this feature is very useful if the data sets
plotted have large difference in maximum and/or minimum values.
On each Database Plot window, the name of the database file opened is displayed in the title bar.

DataEditPT - Database Plot Window

Various editing functions can be directly accessed on the plot screen by mouse-clicking.

• Switch Label: To switch between the channels displayed on the plot, click on then Switch Label
icon in the toolbar or simply use the [TAB] key.
• Shift View Area: You can shift (scroll) through the plot by double-clicking with the left mouse button
on all four plot borders. For example, double-clicking on the right plot border will shift the entire plot to
the right, clicking on the left plot border will scroll the plot display to the left. You can also use the
arrow keys on the keyboard to shift the plot display.
• Change Scale Limits: Clicking on the X or Y scale with the right mouse button will bring up the Axis
Limit window. Here, you can enter new values for Lower and Upper axis limits. Clicking on OK will
rescale the plot according to the new axis limit settings.
• Edit Plot Preferences: Clicking on the right mouse button with the cursor placed anywhere inside the
plot area will bring up the Plot Preferences screen.
• Edit Frame Preferences: Clicking on the right mouse button with the cursor placed anywhere
outside the plot area will bring up the Frame Preferences screen.
• Edit Channel Preferences: Clicking on the right mouse button with the cursor placed on a data
curve in the plot will bring up the Channel Preferences screen where you can modify the display
style of the data channel selected.
• Adding Annotations: You can add an annotation to any position on a selected data channel by
placing the cursor at the desired position on the data curve and double-clicking the left mouse key.
• Moving Annotations: You can move any annotation text box to a new position on within the plot
frame by clicking on the annotation text box, holding the mouse key pressed and dragging the
annotation text box to the desired new position.
• Editing Annotations: Double-clicking on any annotation text box will bring up the Annotations
• Toggle Display of Annotation Text Boxes: Clicking on any annotation marker will bring up the
corresponding annotation text box. You can hide annotation text boxes individually by clicking on the
small square displayed in the upper left corner of each annotation text box.

DataEditPT - Cursor Editing Mode

With Cursor Editing Mode selected from the Edit menu (the default setting of the DataEditPT), puts you in a special
mode that allows you to edit and modify your plotted database data at any point on the curve.

DataEditPt - Cursor Editing Mode

Individual channels on a Database Plot can be examined by:

• Pressing [Tab] or clicking on the corresponding icon in the toolbar to toggle through all of the
channels on the currently active Database Plot window.
• Selecting the channel to be plotted from the Channel drop-down list at the bottom of the Database
Plot screen.
The cursor style may be toggled as a small downward pointing arrow or cross-hairs by clicking on the Cursor Type
button. The cursor may be moved along the selected channel data using the horizontal scroll bar or the arrow keys.
The cursor moves in small, medium, or large increments. The current increment size is displayed below the bottom-right
corner of the plot; it is increased or decreased by selecting small, medium or large from the Cursor Increment drop-
down list.

FracproPT 2007

As the cursor moves, the Time, Value and Slope for the selected channel at the current cursor position are displayed in
the fields below the plot.

Moving the Cursor

To move the cursor on the plot, use the horizontal scroll bar. The cursor moves in one of three increments; small (which
increments only one data point each time you press the arrow key), medium, and large. The current cursor increment is
displayed in the Cursor field and may be changed by selecting the desired increment from the drop-down list.
The cursor may be moved at the beginning and end of the current plot page by using the horizontal scroll bar. If several
plot pages are available, pressing Next Page or Prev Page displays the next and previous pages.

Setting Plot Scales

Select Scale to display a small dialog box where you may enter the desired page length to be displayed along the x axis
as well as minimum and maximum y-axis limits for the currently displayed channel.
With the exception of Auto Configured Plots, which you cannot permanently modify, any changes made to the plot
scales while in Cursor Editing Plot mode are also reflected on the Modify Plot [Alt] [F3] screen.

Switching Cursor Between Channels

To switch between channels, select the channel name in the Channel drop-down list or press the [Tab] key.

DataEditPT - Editing Functions

DataEditPt - Cursor Editing Mode

Mark Data Intervals on a Database Plot

To mark an interval of an individual (or all) channel data curve which you want to modify using the Edit commands, move the
cursor on the desired channel data curve to start of the interval and click on the Begin button or select Set Left Mark from the Edit
menu or press [Ctrl]-[B]. Next, move the cursor to the end of the interval and click on the End button or select Set Right Mark
from the Edit menu or press [Ctrl]-[E].
The data interval between the two marker lines displayed on the plot can now be edited using the editing functions provided on the
Edit Channel screen.
Edit Data Intervals
To edit an interval marked on a database plot, click on the Edit button to call up the Edit Channel screen.
Edit Entire Data Channels
To edit an entire data channel on a database plot, click on the Edit button to call up the Edit Channel screen.

DataEditPT - Edit Channel Data Screen

The Edit Channel screen provides accesses to all data editing function available in DataEditPT.

FracproPT 2007

DataEditPt - Edit Channel Data screen.

Time Marks
• Use Time Marks: Limit data editing to the interval selected graphically on the currently active
Database Plot window by having set the Begin and End marks, or to the interval entered numerically
in the Begin and End fields on the Edit Channel screen.
• Use Whole Channel: Apply all editing operations to the whole data channel. That is, to all data
present in the database.
• Clear Marks: Clear the Begin and End markers set on the currently active Database Plot window.

Channel Selection
• Perform operation for all channels: Apply all the editing operations to the all channel present in the
• Use Channel: To apply the editing operations to a specific channel only, select the desired channel
name from the drop-down-list.

• Set Value: Sets the value for all data points for the selected channel (interval) to a user-defined
value, entered in the Value field.
• Average: Computes a simple average of the data in the interval and replaces the data in the channel
interval with the calculated average. You can enter the desired average x span (the x interval used for
calculating the average) in the Average field.
• Interpolate: Interpolates linearly between the first (Begin) and last (End) data points in the interval.
• Scale: Replaces the data in the selected interval by a straight line having the formula x=a*x+b where
a is the Slope of the line and b is the Offset.
• Least Square: Averages the data between the selected points using the Least Square method.
• Cut: Removes the selected interval from the channel.
• Shift: Left: Shifts the selected channel Left, by an amount equal to the length of the selected interval.
• Shift: Right: Shifts the selected channel Right, by an amount equal to the length of the selected
• None: Performs no editing operation.

FracproPT 2007

Control Buttons
• OK: Accept execute the selected editing operation return to the Database Plot screen and update
the plot display.
• Cancel: Clicking on Cancel will return to the Database Plot screen without modifying the database
data. All editing operations selected on the Edit Channel Data screen will be discarded.

DataEditPT - Channel Information Screen

On the Channel Information screen, you can edit individual channel names, channel multipliers and offsets.

DataEditPT - Channel Information screen.

Table Columns
• Channel Name displays the channel names for all channels in the database currently active. To
modify a channel name, double-click on the desired Channel Name cell and edit the channel name.
• Multiplier displays the multiplier value assigned to the channel during FracproPT data acquisition.
To change the multiplier value, double-click on the desired Multiplier cell and enter a new Multiplier
• Offset displays the multiplier value assigned to the channel during FracproPT data acquisition. To
change the Offset value, double-click on the desired Offset cell and enter a new Offset value.

Control Buttons
• OK: Accept all changes done on the Channel Information screen and return to the Database Plot
• Cancel: Return to the Database Plot screen without modifying the plot settings. All changes made
on the Channel Information screen will be discarded.

DataEditPT - Preferences Screen

You can select the unit system for your database operations on the Program Preferences screen.

FracproPT 2007

DataEditPT - Program Preferences screen.

• Oil Field: Selects oil field units (ft, psi, OF,...)
• Metric (Bar): Select metric units with pressure in Bar (m, bar, OC,...)
• Metric (kPa): Selects metric units with pressure in kPa (m, kPa, OC,...), according to the Canadian SI
unit standard.

Control Buttons
• OK: Accept all changes done on the Program Preferences screen and return to the currently active
Database Plot screen.
• Cancel: Return to the Database Plot screen without modifying the plot settings. All changes made
on the Program Preferences screen will be discarded.

Channel Preferences
The display properties of individual data channels can be modified on this dialog. All modifications will apply only to the
currently active channel.
Selecting OK accepts any modifications for the selected channel and closes the dialog. Selecting Cancel closes the
dialog without accepting any modifications that may have been made for the selected channel.

FracproPT 2007

The Channel Preferences dialog.

Channel Name
This field displays the active channel (that is, the channel for which preferences may be changed).
Channel Preferences

Channel Style
You may choose to plot data with Lines, Symbols, or Lines and Symbols.

Line Style
The current line style is displayed here. To change it, make a selection from the drop-down list.

Line Color
The color currently in use is displayed as a depressed field. To change it, click on the desired color.

Line Width
The current line width is displayed here. To change it, enter a new number or use the up and down arrows in the display
Symbol Preferences
These fields are active only if Symbols or Lines and Symbols is selected as the Channel Style.

The symbol currently in use is displayed as a depressed field. To change it, click on the desired symbol.

Outside Color

FracproPT 2007

The outside color of the symbol currently in use is displayed as a depressed field (it is also displayed in the Symbol
fields). To change it, click on the desired color.

Inside Fill Color

The inside fill color of the symbol currently in use is displayed as a depressed field (it is also displayed in the Symbol
fields). To change it, click on the desired color.

Distance Between Symbols

The value entered in this field controls the display frequency of the symbols for the active channel. Entering a larger value
reduces the number of symbols displayed.

Plot Preferences - Channel Info

This dialog has four tabs, all of which are explained below, where you access various options for plotting data.

• Channel Info tab

• Frame Style tab
• Axis Pref tab
• Autoscale tab
Selecting OK accepts any changes that have been made on any of the tabs and closes the dialog. Selecting Apply
accepts and applies any changes that have been made without closing the dialog. Selecting Cancel closes the dialog
without accepting any changes that may have been made.

The Channel Info tab of the Plot Preferences dialog.

Plot Title
This is the editable title of the plot, which is displayed in the title bar of the plot window. The Plot Title of auto-configured
plots is cannot be changed.

Channel Number
Up to eight channels may be viewed on any plot.

FracproPT 2007

Channel Name
To select or unselect a specific channel for display on the plot, set or clear the check box. To delete a channel completely
or insert a blank row in the table, select the row number and press [Del] or [Ins], respectively.
To add or change a channel for plotting, double click the Channel Name field to display the sELECT CHANNEL dialog
(as shown below) where you select a Channel Type, a Channel Group, and finally a Channel Name. The channel Color
is selected automatically, but you may change it here if you like.
If you want to plot a channel from a previously stored (but not currently open) model run, you can use the Compare
Simulations options located on the Select Channel dialog.
Additional Information: Compare Simulation Results

The Select Channel dialog.

This field automatically displays the unit for each channel.

Plot Color
The color used when plotting each channel is shown here. To change the color, double click the appropriate field to
activate the CHANNEL PREFERENCES dialog.

The button in this field may be selected by clicking with the mouse to plot the derivative of that particular channel: this will
be indicated when a red check mark appears. The parameters that control the how the derivative is calculated are shown
on the Frame Style tab of this PLOT PREFERENCES dialog.
If you select G-Function as the Frame Style on the Frame Style tab of this Plot Preferences dialog, you can also
select a second option in the d/dt field by clicking with the mouse a second time after the red check appears (which
indicates the time derivative) appears: The button will change to black to indicate that the so-called superposition
derivate of that particular channel will be plotted.

FracproPT 2007

When you select either of the d/dt options, you should also use the Use End Time option on the Frame Style tab to
limit the forward time span of the derivative plot calculation (as specified in the Spread equals…% of Plot X-Axis
field) to the X Axis Max value that you enter. This function is typically used at the end of a pressure decline period
(that is, at the time just before pumping starts and pressure increases suddenly).

X-Axis Limits
The X-Axis Limits (X Min and X Max) may be set individually for each channel by moving to those fields and entering
values. Alternatively, they may be changed for all channels simultaneously by entering x-axis minimum and maximum
values in the X Axis Min and X Axis Max fields in the lower-left corner of the dialog.
X Start corresponds to the absolute x-axis value where the plotted interval (as defined by Min and Max) starts. For
example, this function is necessary when looking at plots based on the square root or log of delta time.

X Unit
This field displays the unit of the x-axis.

Y-Axis Limits
The Y-Axis Limits (Y Min and Y Max) are set individually for each channel by moving the cursor to the fields and entering
the values. For information about plotting delta y values, please see the description given in the Plot Options section.

The x-axis may be changed for all channels simultaneously by entering x-axis minimum and maximum values in the X
Axis Min and X Axis Max fields.

Select All
This function selects all channels for display (as indicated by the check boxes to the left of each channel name).

Unselect All
This function clears the display check boxes for all channels.

Clear All Channels

This function deletes all channel information (names and axis limits) from the table.

Set Default Colors

This function sets the plot colors to their defaults.

Frame Preferences - Frame

This dialog has six tabs where you access various options for viewing plotted data.

• Frame tab
• Annotations tab
• Slope tab
• Alarms tab
• Cursor tab
• Grid tab
Selecting OK accepts any changes that have been made on any of the tabs and closes the dialog. Selecting Apply
accepts and applies any changes that have been made without closing the dialog. Selecting Cancel closes the dialog
without accepting any changes that may have been made.

FracproPT 2007

The Frame tab of the Frame Preferences dialog.

The display fonts in use for the various plot screen elements are shown on the right side of the preview window. To
change a setting, double click the desired field (in the white box) and select the font, style, and size.

The colors currently in use for the various plot screen elements are shown below the preview window. To change a color,
double click on the desired field and select a color.

Border Style
Select a choice for the plot-border style.

Use Plot Color for Y-axis

When this check box is selected, the scale factors and the channel name label for each channel will be displayed with the
same color that is used to plot the data for that channel. Otherwise, the scale factors and channel names will be displayed
according the to the color set in Colors.

DataEditPT - Menu


• Open [Ctrl]-[O]: Open a data file to be edited in the DataEditPT.

• Close [Esc]: Closes the currently active database file.
• Save [Ctrl]-[S]: Saves edited data.

FracproPT 2007

• Save as...: Saves edited data to a new file. You have to enter a new file name.
• Print... [Ctrl]-[P]: Print current database graph.
• Pint Setup: Define graph position for printing.
• 1, 2, 3 ...: List the file names of previously loaded databases. For faster access, you can simply click
on any file name entry or press [Alt]-[1] (or one of the other numbers displayed) to load the desired
• Exit: Exits from the DataEditPT.

• Undo ]Ctrl]-[Z]: Undos the last modification to the current database file.
• Set Left Mark [Ctrl]-[B]: Sets beginning of interval (left mark) where the cursor is currently located
on the active database plot.
• Set Right Mark [Ctrl]-[E]: Sets end of interval (right mark) where the cursor is currently located on
the active database plot.
• Cursor Editing Mode: Puts you in Cursor Editing Mode (which is he default setting) where you can
view and modify the data displayed on the database plots.
• Edit Data: Selecting Edit Data allows you to move a cursor to any point on the selected data curve
(you can witch between data channels using the [Tab] key) and view the numeric values (slope,
channel (y) value, x axis value) for the data point at the cursor position in the status bar at the bottom
of the Data Editor window.
• Copy to Clipboard: Copies the plot on the currently active Data Base Plot window to the Windows
• Edit Channel Names: Selecting Edit Channel Names calls up the Channel Information screen
where you can modify individual Channel Names and channel Multipliers and Offset values.

• Tool Bar: Toggles the display of the toolbar on / off.

• Status Bar: Toggles the data acquisition status information displayed on the bottom of the screen on
and off.
• Switch Channel Labels: Selecting Switch Channel Labels causes the channel name shown at the
top of the plot and the vertical Y axis scale shown on the left edge of the plot to toggle between the
different channels plotted. You can also use the [TAB] key on the keyboard to switch between
• Select View: Clicking on Select View allows you to select a view area on the plot with the mouse
and zoom-in to view more details of the plotted data. Click on the Select View icon, place the cursor
on the plot, press the left mouse button and drag the selection rectangle over the area on the plot
which you want to magnify. The plot will be resealed and updated with the new limits once you
release the left mouse button.
• Autoscale: Performs an autoscale operation on all displayed channels.
• Autoscale Current: Performs an autoscale operation on the currently selected display channel.
• Zoom In [+]: Zooms the display on the currently active Database Plot window in.
• Zoom Out [-]: Zooms the display on the currently active Database Plot window out.

• Display Annotations: Selecting Display Annotations will toggle between displaying/hiding of all
annotation text boxes.
• Edit Annotations [Ctrl]-[A]: Selecting Edit Annotations will bring up the Annotations screen
where you can edit individual annotation texts and annotation display properties.
• Delete All Annotations: Selecting Delete All Annotations will delete all annotations from the
currently active database plot window.
• Draw Tangent Line: Allows you to generate tangent lines on the plot. Click on the Tangent Line icon
or select Tangent Line from the Plot Edit menu and place the cursor at the point on one data curve
where you of to draw a tangent line and click on the left mouse button. The Tangent Line will be
plotted at the selected position. You can modify/shift the position of the Tangent Line by double

FracproPT 2007

clicking in the center of the tangent line and dragging the tangent line to the desired position. Slope
and length of the Tangent Line can be changed by clicking either on the left or right end of the line
and rotate/drag the line to the desired position.
• Delete Tangent Lines: Selecting Delete Tangent Lines will remove all tangent lines from the
currently active database plot window.
The Setup menu provides access to all the screens dealing with the modification of plots:
• Program Preferences screen
• Channel Preferences screen.
• Plot Preferences screen.
• Frames Preferences screen.

• Cascade: Displays all currently open Database Plot windows in cascaded format.
• Tile: Displays all currently open Database Plot windows side by side.
• Horizontal Tile: Displays all currently open Database Plot windows arranged horizontally
• Vertical Tile: Displays all currently open Database Plot windows side by side (arranged vertically).
• Arrange Icons: Will line up all icons of minimized Database Plot screens at the bottom of the display
• 1, 2, 3, ...: Lets you choose to put focus on any of the currently open Database Plot windows listed

• Help
• Context: Ccalls context sensitive help for the currently active screen.
• Contents: Displays a list of all available help topics.
• About DataEditPT: Displays version and copyright information about the DataEditPT application.

DataEditPT - Toolbar

: Open a database file.

: Save a modified database file.

: Print current screen.

Switch channel labels.

Autoscale plot.

Autoscale current channel.

Calls up the Annotations list window.

Draw Tangent Line

Select View

Restore original view.

Edit channel names.

Show All/Current Channel

Plot Preferences screen.

FracproPT 2007

Frames Preferences screen.

Channel Preferences screen.


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