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Metro RESA K-5 Science Endorsement Observation Form

Candidate: __Lauren Ross_______________ Observer: ___Sharryse Henderson____________ Location: __Frey Elementary_____ Date: _03/23/2018__

I. Classroom Culture is Conducive to Learning Science The lesson was standard specific and appropriate for a 5th grade class
(S5P2): Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate
Science content is made accessible to each student. Content and instruction is based on the electricity.
GPS standards Science content is developmentally appropriate and scaffolded appropriately.
Content, processes and the nature of science are interwoven throughout instruction. Lauren started the lesson by reviewing terminology and concepts covered
in earlier lessons. As she asked probing questions, she was able to correct
Students are engaged in task(s) related to the GPS that incorporate the use of discussion and errors in student understanding and encouraged other students to explain
evidence based explanations. Students use evidence to inform observation and discussion. the error in their understanding rather than simply telling them the correct
Active engagement in rigorous and relevant learning experiences ensures students develop
the necessary science content knowledge. Like in the previous class I observed, Lauren established an environment
conducive to learning. She referred to students as scientists and used
technology (smart board and video) to ensure the content was accessible to
all the students. Students were actively engaged in the science process

II. Science Content is Intellectually Engaging Lauren then had the students consider a Paige Keeley Probe on electricity
and circuits. Students discussed in groups of two or three what they
The teacher actively engages students in science content that is significant, accurate, and predicted the answer would be to the question. Lauren and the teaching
worthwhile. aid circulated around the room to help monitor student discussions.

Science content is primarily focused on big ideas supported by relevant concepts, facts, and Both Lauren and the teaching aid asked questions to see why the students
terms. Explanations and clarifications are engaging, clear, accurate, and accessible to all predicted what they did. Lauren had the students post a sticky note on the
students. board of each of their predictions. She then pulled one sticky for each of
the six possible answers and had the student come up to EXPLAIN their
Science is portrayed as a dynamic body of knowledge that changes based on the best thinking. She then had them consider the importance of “What do
available evidence. scientists do with these predictions?”….THEY TEST THEM!

Science content builds on students’ prior ideas or experiences. Students reveal their
preconceptions about the science content, the underlying related concepts, or the nature of

Adapted from: North Olympics Cascades Science Partnership Science Classroom Observation Protocol
Metro RESA K-5 Science Endorsement Observation Form
Candidate: __Lauren Ross_______________ Observer: ___Sharryse Henderson____________ Location: __Frey Elementary_____ Date: _03/23/2018__
III. Instruction Fosters and Monitors Student Understanding
Instruction fosters students’ emerging understanding of science content. Higher order Lauren then had the student conduct a test of their prediction: Okay
questioning enhances the development of students’ understanding of key concepts scientists…see if you can make that light bulb turn on with just one wire. As
connected to the lesson. the students were investigating, Lauren and the teaching aid circulated
around the room again. After the activity, students who were able to
The teacher monitors students’ emerging understanding of science content. Student ideas successfully complete the circuit were called to the front of the room to
are recognized, even when they are not clearly articulated. Responses to student questions explain how they were able to achieve lighting the bulb.
or comments address the scientific idea expressed in their thinking and relate it to the focus
of the lesson. The students who were unsuccessful in completing the task the first time,
were then allowed to revise their technique after the successful students
explained how they accomplished the task. Frequently, students from
successful groups would come over and assist the students in finding the
error in their design.

IV. Students Organize, Relate, and Apply Their Scientific Knowledge

Students work on answering scientific questions or problems and objectively communicate Lauren next showed a brief video that defined electricity. ELECTRICITY IS
the students stand and act out the movement and they repeated the
Students reflect on their own understanding of the science content. Students discuss what statement as a group while doing the body movements (kinesthetic
they understand and don’t understand about the intended content. learning activity). She then required they recite the definition to their elbow
partner. Finally, Lauren called on individuals to define electricity to the
Students make connections between the science content in the current lesson and prior class. She encouraged students to use scientific terminology throughout
experiences in and out of school. the activity and correct minor misconceptions and accuracy in their
Students apply science concepts to real life situations and explain how science ideas
interconnect and build on one another.
V. Students are involved in scientific inquiry
Students investigate science concepts through structured, guided, and/or open inquiry The last activity incorporated a PATH FINDERS activity sheet that the
experiences. Students manipulate and control experimental variables. students were allowed to work with a partner to determine which system
would cause the light bulb to light up. Students then tested each system to
Students use science language and the language of the standards to communicate their determine which of their predictions was accurate. The groups then shared
science thinking and ideas coherently and precisely to peers, teachers, and others. their results with the class. Lauren confirmed the correct results and
students were encouraged to correct each other’s errors and communicate
Student use observation and evidence to challenge ideas and inferences. their understanding to their classmates.

Reasoning and evidence are a consistent part of a student’s science experience. Students At the end of the class, Lauren revisited the original probe to see if students
experience scientifically productive disequilibrium. changed their thinking after doing the activity. Students reflected on their
original predictions and explained why the evidence they gained in the
activity helped to support or disprove their earlier guesses.

Adapted from: North Olympics Cascades Science Partnership Science Classroom Observation Protocol
Metro RESA K-5 Science Endorsement Observation Form
Candidate: __Lauren Ross_______________ Observer: ___Sharryse Henderson____________ Location: __Frey Elementary_____ Date: _03/23/2018__
Students use their science understanding to evaluate and debate their own science
arguments as well as those of others. Students offer evidence based explanations to
support their understanding.

Discussions are based on scientific evidence and students use evidence to inform reflection
and discussion. Students explain, question, and debate their own understanding.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: As with the first observation, Lauren accurately conveyed scientific information in a fun and engaging manner. Although her second lesson plan did not
specifically demonstrate her understanding of the 3 Dimensions of Learning nor the 5E Teaching Model, it was obvious in her instruction that she was able to incorporate these
elements in a seamlessly fashion. She incorporated formative assessments that allowed her to gauge student understanding and misconceptions. Furthermore, Lauren was able
to demonstrate the dynamic nature of the scientific process and by revisiting the original probe, was able to show how knowledge gained should cause students to reevaluate
their earlier predictions and either support/not support those predictions with the evidence collected during the activity. EXCELLENT!

Adapted from: North Olympics Cascades Science Partnership Science Classroom Observation Protocol

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