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United Nations Office on

Drugs and Crime
Welcome delegates,

The CCMUN 2018 staff is honored to have you as delegates in our third edition of
the Model of the United Nations (MUN).In this event you´ll develop your leadership,
negotiation, and public speaking skills by participating to come up with a solution to
the power of drug cartels in America. Delegates, we encourage you to respect your
countries beliefs and participate to solve this outstanding issue that is happening
world-wide by taking into consideration the delegation´s beliefs and status.
Delegates, drug cartels in America problem has been a very devastating and
uncontrollable issue since the early 21st century and now is your duty to find the way
to moderate, control or even eradicate this problematic. We believe all the committee
can come up with a well structured plan to stop drug cartels and drug trafficking in
America. The American continent is in you hands delegates, now it is your turn to be
the best the United Nations can be and get rid of this obstacle, that does not let the
world be a safer place to our and the future generations.

I. History of committee

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime ​(UNODC)​. This committee is
focused in fighting against the illicit drugs and international crime. Which was
established in 1997 this means 21 years ago, in Vienna, Austria was considered a
United Nations Organization through a union between the United Nations Drug
Control Programme and the Centre for world International Crime Prevention,
UNODC committee act in all districts of the world wrapped up an extended network
of field employment . UNODC relies on voluntary contributions, for world peace.
UNODC was established to help the United Nations in better addressing a
coordinated, comprehensive response to the complemental controversial issues of
illicit trafficking in and abuse of drugs, crime prevention, international terrorism, and
political corruption. These goals are pursued through three main functions: research,
guidance and support to governments in the adoption and implementation of various
crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, and corruption, besides as technical and economic
assistance to help governments to solve their corresponding issues and challenges
in these fields. This committee is one of the most important now considering the
improvements in countries since UNODC was created.
Topic: Power of Drug Cartels in America

● Introduction
The illegal drug trade is a worldwide market consisting of the production, distribution,
and selling of illegal substances. The illegality of the markets who make drug trade is
relative to geographic location, and the producing countries of the drug markets.
UNODC is ​continuously monitoring and researching global illicit drug markets in
order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their dynamics.Violent crime
and drug-related trafficking pose serious threats to rule of law and development in
America and other places around the world.

The mafia obtains power from the civilians and authorities. They buy their drugs and
that is an illegal act that affects the society. The wealth and power of some drug
trafficking organizations can exceed that of local governments, allowing them to buy
protection from law enforcement agents, criminal justice institutions, politicians and
the business sector. In doing so, they further reinforce corruption.

Border controls are measures taken by a country to monitor or regulate its borders.
Border controls are put in place to control the movement of people, animals and
goods into as well as out of a country. The border control directly affects the drug
trafficking that a country receives thanks to border controls illicit substances can be
contained in its country of origin. Without borders and control most of the countries
would be corrupted by these illegal actions.

1. Saudi Arabia
2. Australia
3. Brazil
4. Canada
5. China
6. Haiti
7. Syria
8. France
9. Indonesia
10. Germany
11. Italy
12. Cameroon
13. United Kingdom
14. Mexico
15. Japan
16. Democratic Republic of Congo
17. Venezuela
18. Spain
19. Russia
20. Sweden
21. Belgium
22. South Africa
23. Ukraine
24. United States
25. New Zealand

● History of the Topic

Since the late 1980’s, the drug cartels in Mexico started to have a big role in the
country after US government agencies finally broke up the Caribbean networks that
were used by Colombians to smuggle cocaine. Mexican gangs or cartels finally
changed of being couriers to be the traffickers. Mexican government have been
having a bloody war against the drug trafficking organizations for at least a decade.
Some researchers have estimated that since 2006, the president of Mexico at that
time, Felipe Calderon launched a counternarcotics campaign by sending 6,500
troops into Michoacán and this action caused a war between the Mexican
government and the drug cartels where drug cartels have been contributing with
killing of almost more than one hundred thousand people in the fight. After two
months, almost 20,000 troops have initially attracted a lot of communities that are
tired of the gun battles, and the killing of people and the corrupt police has
incremented. After all the different attempts of bringing down the drug cartels the
government some of the most powerful and most wanted drug traffickers were finally
put in jailed, taken to US or killed. Also almost 110,000 tonnes of cocaine was
decommissioned and also almost 180,000 hectares of marihuana and poppies were
destroyed during the attempts Calderon’s order or term.

The use of different types of drugs are still growing through all the years that are
passing and with them the power of drug cartels. Most of the most powerful drug
cartels are ubicated in Mexico or in South America. Some of the most powerful
cartels are: Cartel de Sinaloa, Los Zetas, Cártel de Jalisco, Familia Michoacana, and
others. Mostly the most used and sold drugs are cocaine,cannabis and marijuana.
This drugs are the most produced in South America. One of the biggest and most
popular drug trafficker in South America was Pablo Escobar. Also called “The King of
Cocaine” he took the control of the cocaine trade in Colombia in 1975. He had the
control of one cartel named “ Medillin Cartel”. While he had the control of the cartel,
big quantities of cocaine were transported to some countries in South America as
Peru and Bolivia, later the cocaine was transported to United States.

● III. Current Issues


It has been known that since 2006, the year that the former president Felipe
Calderon launched an intensive counternarcotics campaign, drug cartels have
contributed to the killings of more than one hundred thousand people, including
politicians, students, and journalists. This event is known as the Mexican Drug War,
which not only involves the Mexican country. The U.S. government has contributed
with more than $2 billion in funding and intelligence resources to supplement
Mexico’s counternarcotics efforts.

United States

Involved in Mexico's Drug War, the United States illicit drug market is controlled by
seven Mexican cartels by trafficking meth, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana, and
according to the DEA these cartels won’t stop dominating throughout the country.


The illegal drug trade in Venezuela has been noticed since 2002, when it was
noticed an increase of cocaine trafficking. In 2005, Venezuela ended the relationship
it had with the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) of the United States, since
they were accusing them of spying. For this and the political instability Venezuela is
presenting its why drug cartels are mainly drawing their attention towards them.

It is worldwide known that Colombia is the world´s largest cocaine producer and it is
also one of the main distributors of illicit drugs to the United States. Colombia has
had four major drug trafficking cartels which eventually created a new social class
and had influenced in Colombia's culture and politics. ​The Colombian government
efforts to reduce the influence of drug cartels is one of the origins of the ​Colombian
conflict​, an ongoing low-intensity war among rival ​narco paramilitary groups,
guerrillas and drug cartels fighting each other to increase their influence and against
the Colombian government that struggles to stop them.

● . ​Focus Questions

1. ​ hat can you country do to help solving this problem?

2. How drug cartels are affecting your country?
3. What actions has your country take to combat drug trafficking?
4. Are drug cartels having a problem in your country?
5. How solving this issue could affect your delegation?
6. Is your country supporting drug cartels?

● Helpful links

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