The World This Week: Politics

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The world this week The Economist July 8th 2017

fallout from the Grenfell kindred spirit. His visit is ex- harsh conditions in order to lift
Politics Tower fire continued. The pected to encourage national- a partial blockade of the Gulf
government had already re- ists throughout eastern Europe. state expired. No further
lieved the council of its respon- actions were taken, for now.
sibility for supporting the The bloodied revolution
survivors after its inadequate The government of Burundi is
response. The chief executive purging its army of minority
and leader have resigned, but Tutsi officers little more than a
Grenfell’s residents are still decade after the end of a
angry, with some refusing bloody civil war and genocide
alternative accommodation. against Tutsis, according to a
They also blasted the appoint- report by the International
ment, without their consul- Federation for Human Rights
tation, of a retired judge to lead and Burundi-based partners.
a public inquiry. The army is now dominated
by Hutu officers and is becom-
North Korea tested an inter- A deadline passed without ing politicised, the report said.
continental ballistic missile, agreement between Sinn Fein
despite Donald Trump’s insis- and the Democratic Unionist Venezuela’s political conflict The head of the European
tence this year that it would Party to break the deadlock intensified, as a group of sup- Union’s team of observers for
never be allowed to develop over power-sharing in North- porters of Nicolás Maduro, the presidential elections in Kenya
such technology. The missile ern Ireland. Sinn Fein’s leader, president, stormed the Nation- warned of the possibility of
appeared to have a range long Michelle O’Neill, put the al Assembly, which is con- violence. Human Rights
enough to strike Alaska, but blame squarely at the feet of trolled by the opposition, and Watch, based in New York,
not Hawaii or California. There the British prime minister, assaulted lawmakers. Some of separately said it had received
are doubts that it has the neces- Theresa May, for agreeing to a the legislators required medi- reports of threats and intimida-
sary warhead. “confidence and supply” deal cal treatment. Military police tion in Nakuru county, which
with the DUP, which gives Mrs who were guarding the build- was hit hard by election-relat-
Japan’s ruling Liberal Demo- May a slim majority in Parlia- ing did not intervene. ed violence in 2008. The vote
cratic Party suffered its worst ment after a disastrous is scheduled for August 8th.
ever defeat in Tokyo’s local election for her Conservative At least 17 members of a drug
elections. It lost to a party set Party. gang were killed in a clash Jihadists from Boko Haram, a
up by Yuriko Koike, a disaffect- with security forces in Mexico. Nigerian group, kidnapped 37
ed former LDP member, now Italy’s new “code of conduct” The incident happened near women and killed another
the capital’s governor. limiting NGOs operating in the the resort town of Mazatlán. In nine people in Niger.
Mediterranean was endorsed the state of Chihuahua 14 men
Myanmar said it would not by France and Germany after were killed in a shoot-out Oh say, can you see
admit three experts whom the an emergency meeting in Paris. between rival drug cartels.
UN has appointed to investi- Facing pressure over a surge in Homicides are rising again in
gate atrocities against the refugees, Italy claims the pres- Mexico; May saw the highest
Rohingya minority. ence of rescue boats creates a murder rate since 1997.
“pull factor” that encourages
A Chinese hospital that is illegal migrants. In Brazil police arrested Luiz
treating Liu Xiaobo, a long- Carlos da Rocha, an alleged
jailed dissident, for advanced Emmanuel Macron’s new drug lord who had evaded
liver cancer, said it would government outlined its priori- capture for 30 years. Detectives
invite foreign medical experts ties for the next five years in used photo data to identify Mr
to help. Officials have refused France. The president called Rocha after he had his face
demands from his family that for amendments to the consti- altered by plastic surgery. He is
he be allowed to go abroad for tution within the next year, accused of heading a network
treatment. notably the introduction of a stretching to Bolivia, Colombia New Jersey’s Republican
form of proportional repre- and Peru, producing five governor, Chris Christie, and
In a speech in Hong Kong sentation. Édouard Philippe, tonnes of cocaine a month. the Democratic legislature
marking the 20th anniversary the prime minister, focused on reached an agreement on the
of Chinese rule, President Xi the need to reduce spending, Crumbling all around IS state budget, ending a short
Jinping said any attempt by and said planned tax cuts Iraq’s government was poised shutdown of some govern-
people in the territory to chal- would be delayed. But he also to take control of Mosul. Just a ment services. The shutdown
lenge the power of the govern- announced a costly plan to small part of the Old City was had closed state-run beaches
ment in Beijing was “absolute- improve infrastructure. still held by Islamic State, three over the Fourth of July week-
ly impermissible”. Shortly years after the “caliphate” end to New Jerseyans—except
after he left, thousands joined Donald Trump was welcomed seized it. In Syria, American- the governor and his family.
a pro-democracy march. in Warsaw by supporters of backed forces entered the They were photographed
the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) centre of Raqqa, the caliphate’s sunning themselves on an
London’s hurting party. Poland’s populist gov- capital. empty beach that was shut to
The British government sent a ernment, which rejects the the public, a perk of office. Mr
task-force to take over housing EU’s refugee policy and is A deadline, set by Saudi Arabia Christie is not running for
responsibilities from Kensing- suspicious of cosmopolitan and the United Arab Emirates, re-election in November’s
ton and Chelsea Council as the liberals, sees Mr Trump as a for Qatar to meet a long list of governor’s race. 1
The Economist July 8th 2017 The world this week 7

embryonic banking union, The European Union and large energy company and Iran
Business which seeks to avoid using Japan reached a political agree- since the international accord
taxpayers’ money for bail-outs. ment on the outlines of a in 2015 over its nuclear project
Volvo became the first of the free-trade pact, overcoming lifted sanctions. That accord,
world’s big car manufacturers Four former senior bankers at obstacles on agriculture and and the deal with Total, was
to announce that it will stop Barclays, including John Var- cars. A final treaty has to be thought to be in jeopardy after
making vehicles that run ley, a one-time chief executive, ironed out, but the agreement the election of Donald Trump.
solely on an internal combus- appeared in court to face char- in principle represents a big
tion engine. From 2019 the ges relating to emergency advance for free trade after Killjoys
Swedish carmaker will pro- funding the bank obtained Donald Trump pulled America
duce models that are either from Qatari investors during out of the proposed Trans-
pure-electric, plug-in hybrid or the financial crisis in 2008. Pacific Partnership.
“mild” hybrid, which use an Barclays has also been charged
engine but can also travel on in the case. A trial is expected Vantiv, an American proces-
battery power for short dis- to start on July 17th, at which sor of credit- and debit-card
tances. The car industry has the accused will formally enter payments, offered $10bn to
been revving up for the their pleas. take over Worldpay, a British
changes wrought by new rival that specialises in mobile
technologies, but Volvo is Quelle surprise payments made in shops and
taking a gamble. Although it is EDF said that its projected costs on phones. Worldpay tenta-
growing, the market for green- for building the new Hinkley tively accepted the offer.
friendly cars is still small. Point nuclear power station in Following criticism from Chi-
Britain had risen by £1.5bn The ban on passengers car- na’s state media for failing to
After several years of booming ($2bn) above its initial esti- rying laptops on flights to the be socially accountable for its
sales, the car industry in the mate. The French energy com- United States originating in the addictive content, Tencent
United States recorded a weak pany thinks the controversial Middle East was lifted on four said it would restrict the
first half of the year. Overall project will come in at £19.6bn. airlines. Etihad, Emirates, amount of time that Chinese
sales to the end of June fell by Qatar Airways and Turkish children can play its “Honour
2.1% compared with the same A $20bn proposed merger Airlines said they were now of Kings” mobile game. The
six months last year. This is in between Huntsman, an exempt from the ban, which Chinese internet firm is lim-
part because General Motors, American chemical company, America imposed in March iting players aged 11 and under
Ford and Fiat Chrysler have and Clariant, a Swiss rival, ran amid fears of a terrorist attack, to one hour a day and 12- to
drastically cut back on selling into opposition from a pair of because they had improved 18-year-olds to two hours,
vehicles to car-hire firms and activist hedge funds that have their security checks. though it is unclear how it can
government fleets in order to teamed up to scupper the deal. police the curbs. “Honour of
maintain brand value. The funds have taken a 7.2% Iran signed a deal with Total Kings” is played by 55m people
stake in Clariant with the of France and CNPC, a Chinese a day in China, more than
Short circuit intention of stopping it from state-controlled oil firm, to Pokémon Go at its height.
Tesla’s latest figures on pro- completing a merger which develop a huge, offshore natu-
duction were at the lower end they say will destroy ral-gas field. It is the first formal Other economic data and news
of its own estimates, a problem shareholder value. signing of a contract between a can be found on pages 76-77
that has dogged the electric-car
firm in the past. In the first half
of this year it delivered a mod-
est 47,100 vehicles, prompting
its share price to drop by 10% in
the three days following the
announcement. Tesla may get
a jump start with its new Mod-
el 3, priced for the mass market,
which was expected to roll off
the production line this week.

The Italian government’s

rescue plan for Banca Monte
dei Paschi di Siena was for-
mally approved by the Euro-
pean Commission. Under the
plan the bank will receive
€5.4bn ($6.1bn) of public mon-
ey, giving the government a
70% stake, and its toxic loans
will be bundled up and sold
off. Italy’s use of state money to
prop up its distressed banks
has been sharply criticised by
some politicians in Europe for
not living up to the spirit of the

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