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Steering Committee Scoping & Decision-Making

The City Council will make the following decisions:

 The voting eligibility and eligibility verification requirements

 The geographic boundaries for PB districts
 The members of the steering committee
 The amount of funding available
 The timeline for the PB process
 Any significant changes to the PB process

Decision points discussed by PB sub-committee:

Discussion around viewing this as a pilot cyclemay help us frame the conversation in
a different context.

All Durham residents and students aged 13 and older are eligible to vote.

Voting eligilibity for projects will be based on Ward system- you only vote for projects in
your ward

In order for to adhere the suggested timeline with voting for projects in May 2019 the
sub-committee suggests using the current Ward system. We feel the steering
committee may find it challenging to find a system that is as inclusive as the Ward
System. While our wards are not perfect they are racially & geographically diverse.

The Wards of very large geographic areas so in the future it may not be the best model
to follow

It could be in future PB cycles the steering committee could create a different process.

Members of the steering committee:

9 members plus 2 non-voting city council members (total of 11 members):

7 seats are based on the current City Council structure:

3 ward seats
3 At-large seats
1 Mayor seat


1 youth seat
1 seat from the differently abled community

Council reviews rule book after completion by steering committee

Steering Committee Scoping & Decision-Making

Potential funding structure

2.5 million for projects $750,00 for projects Greensoboro model--

$500,000 for projects
Broken down to about Broken down to Broken down to $100,000
$800,000 per Ward $250,000 per Ward per their PB districts (5)
Based on 1 million dollars City staff suggested based
per 100,000 residents on their opinion of feasibility
of completion of projects in
a given year

The City Council will consult with staff & steering committee on the following

 Process goals and measures for success

 Timeline for implementation of projects
 Outreach strategy

Responsibilities of the City Council

 Appoint an inclusive and diverse steering committee

 Appoint two council members as non-voting liaisons to the steering committee
and work cooperatively with the steering committee to ensure their work is
 Promote and support the PB process in the community
 Provide overall policy guidance
 Evaluate the success of the process after completion and make
recommendations for improvements

The City Administration will make the following decisions.

 Hiring of staff
 Vetting of projects for feasibility
 Timeline for implementation of projects
 Process goals and measures for success
 Voting technology

The City Administration will consult on the following decisions:

 The timeline for the PB process

 Any significant changes to the PB process
 The amount of funding available
 Outreach strategy
Steering Committee Scoping & Decision-Making

Responsibilities of the City Administration

 Work cooperatively with the steering committee to implement community

assemblies during idea collection, project review, and voting phases of the
 Provide sufficient staff for a robust outreach and engagement operation
 Vet projects in a timely manner
 Implement projects in a timely and transparent manner
 Evaluate the success of the process after completion and make
recommendations for improvements

The Steering Committee will make the following decisions

 Initial vetting of ideas

 Outreach strategy
 District-level sub-committees appointees
 Budget delegate eligibility and eligibility verification
 Budget delegate committee appointees

The Steering Committee will consult on the following decisions

 Any significant changes to the PB process

 The timeline for the PB process
 The timeline for implementation of projects
 Process goals and measures for success designed by staff with steering
committee and reviewed by City Council

Responsibilities of the Steering Committee

 Hold neighborhood assemblies/idea collection events in each district at the

beginning of the PB process.
 Work with city staff to create committees to review and develop ideas
proposed during the idea collection events into project proposals.
 Organize project expos to show these projects to the community. The
steering committee determines the number and location of these expos.
 Facilitate voting by the community on these projects.
 Communicate with city staff for guidance on any projects during the funding
approval stage.
 Provide recommendations/amendments to the next steering committee with
regards to how to improve the participatory budgeting process.
Steering Committee Scoping & Decision-Making

 Amending and modifying the participatory budgeting handbook based on the

lessons learned from the preceding cycle.


The voting eligibility requirements

- All Durham residents and students enrolled in Durham Public Schools ages 13
and older are eligible to vote.

The geographic boundaries for PB districts

- The geographic boundries will be the City Council Wards.

The members of the steering committee

- The city council will establish a PB steering committee and appoint 9 members
using the application process. All members shall serve for a term of one year.
The city shall ensure that the steering committee represents the diversity of the
Durham community.

The amount of funding available

- The city council shall allocate sufficient resources for staff and consulting assistance
in FY 2019 to ensure a successful process. The city shall also commit to allocating
funding for projects to begin in FY 2020. The city will evaluate whether to run
another PB cycle in FY 2020 and allocate resources for that during next year’s
budget process.

The timeline of the PB process

Pre-work: Process Design - 3 months (July-September 2018)

 Form Steering Committee

o Vote for steering committee at July 26th work session
o Council member Freeman will not be at this session so we could decide to
on Aug. 9th
 Set up orientation for steering committee
 Develop PB Rulebook process around data collection should be included &
provide examples from other cities
 Schedule idea collection events
 Recruit and train staff, facilitators and outreach workers

Idea Collection - 1-2 months (October – November 2018)

Steering Committee Scoping & Decision-Making

 At public meetings, residents and other community stakeholders learn about PB,
discuss community needs, and brainstorm project ideas
 Residents also submit ideas online or via other digital tools
 Residents volunteer to serve as budget delegates to turn the ideas into full
project proposals for the PB ballot

Proposal Development - 3-5 months (December 2018–Feb. 2019)

 Budget delegates go through an orientation, then meet in committees to

transform the community’s initial project ideas into full proposals, with support
from agency staff and technical experts
Proposal Feasibility Review by City Staff 1 month (March 2019)
Project Promotion 1 month (April 2019)
Vote - 1 month (May 2019)

 Delegates present final projects at science-fair style expos

 Residents vote on which projects to fund, at sites throughout the community over
a week or two.
Evaluation - 1-2 months (June – July 2019)

 Participants and researchers evaluate the process and identify improvements to

make the following year
Project Implementation Year 2019/20
Project Scoping Year 2020/21

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