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Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546

DOI 10.1007/s12517-012-0725-0


Remote sensing techniques using Landsat ETM+ applied

to the detection of iron ore deposits in Western Africa
Andrea Ciampalini & Francesca Garfagnoli &
Benedetta Antonielli & Sandro Moretti & Gaia Righini

Received: 27 February 2012 / Accepted: 16 October 2012 / Published online: 30 October 2012
# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2012

Abstract Remote sensing methods enable the rapid and Introduction

inexpensive mapping of surface geological and mineralogi-
cal features. This capability proves highly useful when The extraction of metallic minerals (e.g. hematite, limonite,
working on isolated or inaccessible areas. In this study, goethite and magnetite) derived from iron ores is important
several enhancements of Landsat Enhanced Thematic for the product industries utilising iron and steel and for the
Mapper plus (i.e. band ratios, false colour composites and infrastructure requirements of agriculture, where the ores
principal component analysis) were used and evaluated to can be used as fertilisers. The determination of the spatial
obtain the best possible visualisation of iron deposits hosted distribution of iron oxyhydroxides becomes crucial in plan-
in the Devonian sedimentary rocks of northwestern Africa. ning for the exploration of mineral resources. In remote
In particular, two test sites were chosen: southern Algeria sensing, satellite and airborne multispectral or hyperspectral
(Djebilet area), where the literature mineralogical and geo- sensors are used to measure the properties of the land, sea
logical data on iron mine fields were already available, and and atmosphere. Compared to the most traditional methods,
the Western Sahara (the southern flank of Tindouf Basin), this technique offers the possibility of covering large areas
which was investigated during a field campaign and was quickly and often at a relatively low cost. This method is
where the occurrence of an analogous sedimentary succes- generally used to monitor the state of the environment, to
sion led us to hypothesise the possible presence of exploit- observe and study Earth surface processes and to map
able iron deposits. This work demonstrates the usefulness of lithologies and natural resources, such as iron ore deposits.
multispectral imagery in the detection of iron-rich areas The multispectral sensors carried by the Thematic Mapper
and establishes a full remote sensing procedure, which (TM) and the Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+)
can be profitably applied to a wider region of Western mounted on the Landsat satellites are the most used in
Sahara and can provide interesting perspectives on the mineral exploration (Salem et al. 2011). Interesting results
possibility of detecting new exploitable iron ore deposits were obtained using the TM/ETM+ data in mapping iron-
in arid environments. rich deposits (Dogan 2008, 2009; Ferrari 1992; Kaufmann
1988; Kenea 1997; Kenea and Haenisch 1996; Sabins
Keywords Iron . Western Sahara . Landsat 7 ETM+ . 1999). For instance, iron oxides were mapped in the
Mineral detection . PCA . OIF Zagros Belt (Tangestani and Moore 2000), in Sudan
(Elsayed Zeinelabdein and Albiely 2008) and in Egypt
A. Ciampalini (*) : F. Garfagnoli : B. Antonielli : S. Moretti (Ramadan and Kotny 2004).Various image-processing tech-
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Firenze, niques (band ratios, colour composites, principal component
Via La Pira 4,
transformation, intensity hue saturation decorrelation pro-
50121 Firenze, Italy
e-mail: cessing) aimed at emphasising band spectral contrast have
been used to map mineral distributions, such as those of iron
G. Righini oxides (Al Rawashdeh et al. 2006; Dehnavi et al. 2010;
ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies,
Madani 2009; Shalaby et al. 2010). Other more recent
Energy and Sustainable Economic Development),
Via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, remote sensing data have been used to enhance the detection
40129 Bologna, Italy of iron ore deposits but must be purchased, while the
4530 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546

Landsat ETM+ data are free. The correct choice of enhance- truth have been used to validate the remotely sensed images
ment method is crucial to highlight the target mineral. The that have been processed. We present the results as colour
research described in this paper has been conducted in the composites from the most suitable enhancements using band
framework of a project executed in cooperation with the ratioing, as principal component analysis (PCA) and to note
Cooperation Office of the Saharawi Arab Democratic the occurrence of possible iron ore deposits in Western Sahara.
Republic (SADR), which has the final goal of enhancing the ITTVS software ENVI® 4.7 and ILWIS 3.3 were used to
development and emancipation of the Saharawi population enhance the selected images.
through the discovery of new economic mineral deposits. The
aim of this work is to evaluate the presence of iron ore deposits
in the northeastern part of the Western Sahara using remote Geological setting
sensing techniques (Landsat ETM+ imagery). The selected
area (Fig. 1) is not easily accessible due to the present political After a preliminary interpretation of the ETM + multispec-
situation in that area and remains almost completely unex- tral images, two test sites have been selected. The first is
plored, with few detailed geological maps and other ancillary located in southwestern Algeria near the border with
data. To overcome these problems, a field campaign was Mauritania (Fig. 1). The second area is located in the north-
performed in the primary test area in the SADR. A second ern part of the Liberated Territories of Western Sahara and is
test site 350 km to the east in the Djebilet area of southern surrounded by the Moroccan defence wall to the north and
Algeria (Fig. 1) was chosen as a comparison and studied with the Mauritanian frontier to the south (Fig. 1). The Algerian
the same techniques; it was characterised by the same lithol- site was selected because it is formed by the same
ogies and hosted three well-known iron ore deposits. Two of Palaeozoic sedimentary sequence outcropping in Western
them (Gara Centre and Gara East) were considered in this Sahara. In Algeria, the stratigraphy and the location of the
study. The data collected in Western Sahara during the field major oolitic iron ore deposits (hematite–chamosite–sider-
campaign, the bibliographic data regarding the mineralogy ite-bearing formations with an oolitic texture and lenticular
and geochemistry of the Algeria test site (Guerrak 1988a, b, beds) are well-known (Guerrak 1988a, b, 1991; Guerrak and
1991) and the processed images of Algeria have been used to Chauvel 1985; Lubeseder et al. 2009), whereas no detailed
adjust the results obtained from the Western Sahara images. studies of the geology of Western Sahara exist. Both areas
This adjustment was made given the assumptions that the are located along the southern flank of the WSW–ENE-
same succession outcropping in Western Sahara has similar oriented Tindouf Basin, which is approximately 800 km
spectral properties and may host iron deposits, as well. The long (Fig. 1). The sediments deposited in the Tindouf
samples collected in the Western Sahara test site for ground Basin range date from the Cambrian to Quaternary

Fig. 1 Schematic geological map of Western Africa and locations of the study areas (modified from Guerrak 1988b)
Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546 4531

(Villeneuve 2005), but the complete sedimentary succession The first Devonian sequence (Lochkovian) represents a
is exposed only along the flanks of the basin. While the progradation of the environments from offshore to a shoreface
northern flank has been extensively studied, detailed geo- and consists of mudstones with fine-grained sandstone layers.
logical findings about the southern flank have yet to be These sediments measuring 6 to 30 m in thickness are partic-
published. The sedimentary succession of the Tindouf ularly rich in fossils (e.g. Brachiopods, Tentaculites, Bivalves,
Basin overlaps the Reguibat Shield southwards along the Corals and Crinoids). In the Djebilet area, the uppermost
southern flank, where the succession is thinnest and almost sediments are characterised by the lenticular calcareous sand-
undisturbed (Guerrak 1988b). The Precambrian Reguibat stones of the shoreface environment, which are considered to
Shield is formed by Archaean terrains older than 3.5 Ga be local ironstones deposits (LOIDs) by Guerrak (1991; see
(Potrel et al. 1996). The sedimentary wedge deepens gently below) but are lacking in economic interest. The Lochkovian
northward toward the basin depocentre (Lubeseder et al. mudstones, which are notably rich in fossils, were recognised
2009). The sediments of the southern flank have been stud- during the field survey in the Western Sahara test site, but the
ied in detail in Algeria near the village of Djebilet (Fig. 2) sequence was lacking in calcareous sandstones.
(Guerrak 1988a, b), where a representative sequence crops The second coarsening upward sequence has a transgres-
out. The target of this paper concerns the Ordovician–Lower sive base and shows progradation of the depositional envi-
Devonian part of the sedimentary sequence, where iron ore ronments, passing from the offshore mudstones and
deposits have been detected in Algeria. The oldest sedi- siltstones to the shoreface sandstones (barrier island envi-
ments occurring in the study area consist of Cambro- ronment), foreshore sandstones characterised by tabular
Ordovician continental sandstones, which have a thickness cross-bedding (beach sediments) and finally to continental
that varies between 0 and 70 m (Guerrak 1988a, b). These deposits, which consist of aeolian dunes with tabular–planar
deposits comprise a coarsening upwards sequence deposited cross-bedding and fossil vegetation (Lemoigne 1967). In the
within shallow shelf environments (Guerrak 1991). The Western Sahara test site, this coarsening upwards sequence
Silurian deposits, 80 to 200 m thick, correspond to a fining is primarily composed of offshore mudstones and siltstones
upward sequence representing a marine transgression and shoreface sandstones.
formed by green and purple shales rich in graptolites The last coarsening upward sequence (Pragian), measur-
(Legrand 1969). The Silurian deposits are overlain by a ing 6 to 30 m in thickness, shows a transition from the
thick sequence (as much as 650 m) of Devonian sediments foreshore, parallel laminated argillaceous sandstones to the
(Guerrak 1988b; Villeneuve 2005). Within the Lower sandstones containing iron ore ooliths (Fig. 3), deposited
Devonian deposits, three coarsening upward sequences within a lagoon or embayment environment and character-
and one fining upward sequence were recognised (Guerrak ised by an upward decrease in quartz content to form rich
1988a, b). iron ore. The iron-rich sandstones are widespread in the
Western Sahara test site, where they were recognised and
sampled (Fig. 3).
During the Emsian stage (Lower Devonian), a new trans-
gression covered the entire Sahara platform, allowing the
deposition of a fining upward sequence (Legrand 1967),
formed by shallow shelf deposits (Guerrak 1988b) consist-
ing of conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones and organ-
ised in a 10-m-thick fining upward sequence. The last
coarsening upward sequence is the most interesting because,
in Algeria, the iron ores have also been found within it. Two
types of oolitic ironstone sandstone deposits (OISs) were
recognised by Guerrak (1988b) near Djebilet (Algeria): the
extensive iron deposits (EXID-OIS) extend over ten to
several hundred kilometres but are only a few metres thick
and the local iron deposits (LOID-OIS) characterised by a
restricted extension measuring as many as 30 m thick. The
OISs classified as LOIDs (Guerrak 1988a, b) in southern
Algeria are economically more important than the EXID.
From a mineralogical point of view, the iron ore deposits
consist of magnetite, hematite, goethite, maghemite, chamo-
Fig. 2 Schematic geological map of the Djebilet (Algeria) test site site, siderite and pyrite, but magnetite, chamosite and hema-
(modified from Guerrak 1988b) tite are the most representative (Guerrak 1988b). The source
4532 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546

Fig. 3 Iron-rich sandstones in

the Western Sahara test site. a
Overview of the Western
Sahara test site; b laminated
iron-rich sandstones; c collected

of the iron contained within the Devonian deposits was downloaded from the Global Land Cover Facilities website
probably located southward of the study areas in the ( and calibrated using the ENVI
Reguibat Shield, which was eroded by rivers flowing con- 4.7 Landsat 7 ETM+ calibration tool to convert digital
temporaneously with the deposition of the sedimentary se- numbers to spectral radiance. To perform a preliminary
quence. The mobilisation of iron can be related to a change chemical analysis, the samples collected during the field
in the oxidation–reduction conditions during the post- campaign were analysed using the scanning electron micro-
Silurian uplift phase, which involved the northern sector of scope of the MEMA (Centro Interdipartimentale di
the Reguibat Shield (Guerrak 1991). The dissolution of iron Microscopia Elettronica e Microanalisi of the University of
(III) in soils as iron (II) was favoured by reducing environ- Firenze). The results suggest that the iron content of ores
ments (Rajesh 2008). The removal of iron (II) in solution by ranges between 45 and 66 % in weight.
river action resulted in the bleaching of the Precambrian Several examples of processing techniques using the six
rocks and the precipitation of iron in the deltaic depositional bands of Landsat 7 ETM+ images have been proposed to
systems of the Tindouf Basin to form iron-rich, originally discriminate lithologies and to highlight the abundance of
chamositic, ooids. The presence of abundant chamosite minerals or natural resources (Al Rawashdeh et al. 2007;
(iron silicate) indicates a low Eh environment, which indi- Dehnavi et al. 2010; Dogan 2008, 2009; Elsayed
cates that intra-sedimentary processes of accretion devel- Zeinelabdein and Albiely 2008; Kaufmann 1988; Madani
oped around scattered grains dipped within iron-rich 2009; Ramadan and Kotny 2004; Rajesh 2008; Sabins
(chamosite) mud in calm waters (James and Van Houten 1999; Shalaby et al. 2010). Of the eight spectral bands that
1979). These coated grains were reworked and broken in form the ETM+ images, six have been used in this study.
agitated waters and were partially oxidised, enabling the Moreover, because the ETM+ sensor also provides a pan-
transformation of chamosite into hematite and of the latter chromatic band, the spatial resolution of which is increased
into goethite (Guerrak 1988b). from 30 to 15 m, the spatial resolution of each band was
artificially magnified through pan-sharpening. The false
colour composites (FCCs) of the ETM+ bands are often
Methodologies used to discriminate lithologies (Alessandro et al. 1997;
Shalaby et al. 2010). This basic technique uses three select-
Two subsets of many ETM+ scenes have been used to ed bands as the primary colours of red, green and blue
evaluate the best approaches for the enhancement of multi- (RGB) to emphasise the discrepancies between areas char-
spectral images to detect iron ore districts in arid environ- acterised by different lithologies. Furthermore, an FCC can
ments. The Landsat ETM+ 201/41 image (16 March 2006) be used to detect alteration zones (Dehnavi et al. 2010),
and Landsat ETM+ 203/42 image (12 October 2000) have especially by combining three ratio images in RGB
been used for the Algerian test site and for the Western (Elsayed Zeinelabdein and Albiely 2008; Sabins 1999).
Sahara test site, respectively. The difference in the date of Time can be saved using the optimum index factor (OIF)
acquisition is not considered crucial in arid desert environ- technique to detect the best FCC, which is able to show the
ments (Al Rawashdeh et al. 2007). Both images were maximum amount of information contained in the available
Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546 4533

Table 1 OIF ranking for the six

most representative band com- Rank ETM as RGB Algeria OIF Algeria ETM as RGB WS OIF WS
binations of ETM data for the
Algerian and Western Sahara 1 157 94.48 147 69.94
(WS) sub-scenes 2 147 92.81 157 69.61
3 137 91.02 145 69.27
4 127 89.12 137 69.13
5 145 88.93 127 68.81
6 135 87.01 135 68.57

bands (Alessandro et al. 1997; Chavez et al. 1982; Patel and multivariate statistical method applied to multiple correlated
Kaushal 2011; Qaid and Basavarajappa 2008; Zumsprekel bands to obtain new uncorrelated components (Loughlin
and Prinz 2000). The FCCs with the highest OIF value 1991), known as principal components (PCs), which can
statistically correspond to the more informative band com- be analysed and used to create FCCs in RGB (Al
binations, which are composed of the less correlated bands Rawashdeh et al. 2007; Alessandro et al. 1997; Kaufmann
with the highest standard deviation. The differences in con- 1988; Kenea and Haenisch 1996; Siljestrom et al. 1997;
trast and colour tones provide information concerning the Zumsprekel and Prinz 2000). The first PC accounts for as
lithologies and/or the occurrence of altered zones. The cal- much of the variability in the data as possible (i.e. it has a
culation of the OIF is based on the amount of total variance high correlation). Each succeeding component axis in turn
and on the correlation between bands (Chavez et al. 1982). “consumes” the highest possible variance in the remaining
The band ratios of Landsat ETM+ have been extensively data space and is orthogonal to (uncorrelated with) the
used to produce geological and alteration maps because the preceding components. The FCCs created using the PCs
ratioing procedure reduces the effect of variations in topog- obtained is considered the most revealing technique to de-
raphy and albedo, while this procedure highlights the differ- tect the areas characterised by superficial alteration
ences in shape of the spectral reflectance curves (Howari et (Loughlin 1991). The PCA transformation can be applied
al. 2007; Pease et al. 1999; Sabins 1999). The iron oxide and using different procedures. The most commonly used PCA
sulphate minerals associated with hydrothermally altered or transformation is the unstandardised PCA of the six reflec-
weathered rocks have been extensively investigated using tive bands using the covariance matrix for the entire scene
band ratios (Al Rawashdeh et al. 2007; Dehnavi et al. 2010; (Al Rawashdeh et al. 2007; Alessandro et al. 1997; Aydal et
Dogan 2008, 2009; Elsayed Zeinelabdein and Albiely 2008; al. 2007; Kaufmann 1988; Kenea and Haenisch 1996;
Kaufmann 1988; Madani 2009; Ramadan and Kotny 2004; Loughlin 1991; Zumsprekel and Prinz 2000).
Sabins 1999; Shalaby et al. 2010). Usually, the six multi- Alternatively, the standardised PCA using the correlation
spectral ETM+ bands are highly correlated and cause prob- matrix proposed by Kenea and Haenisch (1996) increases
lems in spectral redundancy. A reduction of the redundancy the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR; Ready and Wintz 1973;
allows for the compression of the amount of data required to Singh and Harrison 1985) by reducing the noise distribu-
describe a multispectral image. The PCA is generally used tion. Alteration maps can be obtained using the selective
to compress the multispectral data sets by calculating a new principal component analysis (SPCA) (Loughlin 1991),
coordinate system. This technique is a notably useful which involves analysing part of the available bands

Fig. 4 ETM+ 127 as RGB space of the Algeria sub-scene. The presence of iron oxides corresponds to the darkest zones. a Gara Centre, b Gara
4534 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546

Fig. 5 ETM+ band ratios 3/5, 4/1 and 5/7 as RGB, respectively. The presence of iron oxides corresponds to the reddish zones. a Western Sahara, b
Gara Centre, c Gara East

(usually four) related to the spectral signatures of specific suggests that the 157-band combination statistically con-
targets. tains the maximum information, showing a value of 94.48,
whereas for Western Sahara (Table 1), the best combination
is 147 (OIF069.94). Despite the slight variation of the OIF
Results values throughout the Western Sahara test site, it highlights
the lithological boundaries, which correspond to those
Compositing reported in the 1:1,000,000 geological map of Morocco
(Saadi et al. 1985) with almost complete precision; however,
Table 1 shows the OIF ranking of the six most significant it is not suitable to detect the iron ore deposits. On the
three-band combinations for the Algeria and Western Sahara contrary, for the Algerian test site, ETMs 157 and 147 as
sub-scenes. The OIF for the Algerian sub-scene (Table 1) RGB highlight both the iron ore deposits in Gara East and

Fig. 6 Negation of the ratio image of ETM+ bands 4/1 in southern Algeria. The presence of iron oxides corresponds to the brightest zones. The
rectangles represent the Gara Centre and Gara East test sites
Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546 4535

Fig. 7 Negation of the ratio image of ETM+ bands 4/1 in Western Sahara. The presence of iron oxides corresponds to the brightest zones. The WS1
rectangle represents the area investigated during the field campaign

Gara Centre (Djebilet) described by Guerrak (1988b), but The same results were obtained by replacing the ratio 3/1
the best combination for differentiating lithologies results is with 4/1 (Fig. 5) for the reasons described in the next
127 as RGB (Fig. 4). The FCCs using band ratios in RGB paragraph. A similar output was obtained using the com-
suggested by Sabins (1999) used the combination of the posite 5/7, 5/4 and 3/1 in RGB, respectively, as suggested by
ratios 3/5, 3/1 and 5/7 in RGB, respectively, to detect altered Elsayed Zeinelabdein and Albiely (2008), to detect the
rocks characterised by both ferric iron and hydrothermal altered rocks containing hydroxyl and iron oxides (ferric
clays. This colour composite proved to be notably useful and ferrous), whereas the FCC produced using bands 5/7,
in highlighting the areas characterised by the presence of 3/1 and 4/3 suggested by the same authors does not fit for
iron ore deposits both in Djebilet and in Western Sahara. either study area. Dehnavi et al. (2010) proposed an FCC

Fig. 8 Negation of ETM+ ratio 4/1 images with density slice. a WS1 sub-scene; b Gara Centre sub-scene; c Gara East sub-scene
4536 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546

Fig. 9 Ratio images of ETM+ bands 5/4. The presence of iron oxides corresponds to the brightest zones. a WS1 sub-scene; b Gara Centre sub-
scene; c Gara East sub-scene

based on band subtractions b1−b2 (R), b4−b2 (G) and b5− and goethite with high values (Al Rawashdeh et al. 2007).
b7 (B), but this FCC is not suitable to map the iron ore The high concentrations of ferric iron can be emphasised
deposits for the selected test sites. with a colour density slice, which transforms the value of
the 3/1 ratio in every pixel into a series of density ranges that
Band ratioing are assigned colours. The 3/1 ratio map and the related
density slice elaboration in both the Western Sahara and
The 3/1 ratio image is the most used to detect iron oxy- the Algeria test sites partially fit to the ground truth infor-
hydroxides by enhancing their redness in natural colour (Al mation collected during the field investigation for the former
Rawashdeh et al. 2007; Dogan 2008, 2009; Elsayed case and to the bibliographic data (Guerrak 1988a, b) for the
Zeinelabdein and Albiely 2008; Madani 2009; Ramadan latter, respectively. As a matter of fact, the areas within the
and Kotny 2004; Shalaby et al. 2010), as they usually test sites, which are characterised by the presence of ferric
exhibit low blue reflectance (band 1) and high red reflec- iron, correspond to the darkest zones in the 3/1 ratio image
tance (band 3) (Dehnavi et al. 2010; Sabins 1999). Thus, the instead of the bright grey as suggested by many authors (Al
3/1 ratio image usually highlights the presence of hematite Rawashdeh et al. 2007; Dogan 2008, 2009; Elsayed

Table 2 Correlation matrix of the Algerian and Western Sahara (WS) sub-scenes

ETM band Algeria WS

1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 7

1 1.000 0.982 0.926 0.910 0.840 0.768 1.000 0.968 0.936 0.935 0.918 0.863
2 0.982 1.000 0.953 0.941 0.886 0.820 0.968 1.000 0.951 0.947 0.932 0.878
3 0.926 0.953 1.000 0.993 0.954 0.882 0.936 0.951 1.000 0.994 0.982 0.938
4 0.910 0.941 0.993 1.000 0.977 0.919 0.935 0.947 0.994 1.000 0.987 0.948
5 0.840 0.886 0.954 0.977 1.000 0.975 0.918 0.932 0.982 0.987 1.000 0.966
7 0.768 0.820 0.882 0.919 0.975 1.000 0.863 0.878 0.938 0.948 0.966 1.000
Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546 4537

Table 3 Covariance matrix of the Algerian and Western Sahara (WS) sub-scenes

ETM Algeria WS
1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 7

1 661.879 743.260 553.400 682.395 425.700 318.742 440.569 500.366 432.109 349.417 196.041 106.947
2 743.260 865.544 651.401 806.750 513.346 389.533 500.366 606.438 515.476 415.207 233.636 127.928
3 553.400 651.401 540.046 672.882 436.431 330.860 432.109 515.476 484.073 389.272 219.900 121.928
4 682.395 806.750 672.882 849.468 560.600 432.247 349.417 415.207 389.272 316.682 178.779 99.622
5 425.700 513.346 436.431 560.600 387.624 309.803 196.041 233.636 219.900 178.779 103.532 58.040
7 318.742 389.533 330.860 432.247 309.803 260.429 106.947 127.928 121.928 99.622 58.040 34.876

Zeinelabdein and Albiely 2008; Madani 2009; Shalaby et al. test sites because other iron-poor areas show the same
2010). A simple negation of this ratio allows us to highlight response. No valuable results have been obtained using the
the presence of ferric iron. The usefulness of this band ratio ratios 7/1 and 5/1, as suggested by Kaufmann (1988). The
might be reduced for one or more of four main reasons: (1) band ratio 4/1, based on iron oxides, shows two main
the slope between bands 3 and 1 is usually weak if com- absorption peaks in bands 1 (0.35 μm for the ferric iron;
pared to the combination of the other short-wavelength 0.45 μm for the ferrous iron) and 4 (0.82 μm for the ferric
infrared (SWIR) bands (Kaufmann 1988); (2) the iron iron; approximately 1.0 μm for ferrous iron), resulting in the
oxides present in the test sites do not have a hydrothermal best band ratio to detect iron oxide-rich zones, related to the
origin, but they originated through an intra-sedimentary studied iron ore deposits, in both the Western Sahara and the
accretion mechanism developed around grains scattered in Algeria test sites. In the visual inspection of the 4/1 ratio
iron-rich mud in quiet water (James and Van Houten 1979; map, the areas characterised by the presence of iron oxides
Rohrlich et al. 1969); (3) the sandstones containing the iron appear as dark pixels. These images were negated (Figs. 6
oxides are characterised by notably low reflectance, as they and 7) and associated with a density slice to enhance the
appear very dark; and (4) the ratio of 3/1 is suitable for ferric occurrence of iron oxides (Fig. 8). The better result given by
iron, whereas the test sites could be characterised mainly by the 4/1 ratio is probably related to the high content of
ferrous oxides, although the chemical data for the Gara chamosite (Guerrak 1988a, b). The presence of iron hydrox-
Djebilet area actually suggest an high concentration of ferric ides shifts the reflectance peak toward higher wavelengths
iron (Guerrak 1988b). Other band ratios were proposed to be with respect to the ferric minerals that are usually charac-
related to ferric and ferrous iron. The ratio of 4/2 proposed terised by a reflectance peak corresponding to the ETM+
by Al Rawashdeh et al. (2007) to highlight ferric iron gave band 3 (Rajesh 2004). The 5/4 band ratio can be included
similar results with respect to the 3/1 ratio, displaying the among the most used band ratios for ferrous minerals iden-
smallest values in the iron oxide-rich areas. The ratio of 4/5 tification (Dogan 2008, 2009; Elsayed Zeinelabdein and
has a black image signature, as in the Bahrah area (Saudi Albiely 2008; Kaufmann 1988). This ratio shows better
Arabia) (Madani 2009), but it is not distinctive for the iron results with respect to the others mentioned, especially in
oxide-rich zones for either the Algeria or the Western Sahara Algeria, where it highlights the iron ore deposits almost

Table 4 Eigenvector loadings for the Algerian and Western Sahara (WS) sub-scenes

ETM band Algeria WS


1 0.42 0.55 0.19 −0.69 0.01 −0.07 0.47 0.52 0.71 −0.01 0.05 −0.004
2 0.50 0.42 0.25 0.71 −0.08 0.04 0.55 0.45 −0.69 −0.08 −0.02 0.01
3 0.40 −0.10 −0.55 0.06 0.62 −0.37 0.49 −0.48 −0.003 0.52 0.49 −0.002
4 0.50 −0.29 −0.41 −0.11 −0.34 0.61 0.40 −0.41 0.09 −0.03 −0.77 0.26
5 0.32 −0.44 0.17 −0.05 −0.50 −0.64 0.23 −0.28 0.04 −0.50 0.03 −0.79
7 0.25 −0.48 0.64 −0.07 0.48 0.25 0.12 −0.21 0.04 −0.68 0.39 0.56
Eigenvalue 3,359.52 161.13 30.55 10.51 2.03 1.25 1,913.59 48.72 16.03 4.95 1.76 1.12
Variance (%) 94.24 4.52 0.85 0.30 0.05 0.04 96.35 2.44 0.81 0.25 0.09 0.06
4538 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546

Fig. 10 Second PC images of unstandardised transformation. The presence of iron oxides corresponds to the brightest zones. a Western Sahara
sub-scene; b Gara Centre sub-scene; c Gara East sub-scene

exactly (Fig. 9). A notably similar result was obtained using the visible spectrum and the infrared (IR) (Zumsprekel and
the 7/4 ratio proposed by Kaufmann (1988). The successful Prinz 2000). Much of the variation within the IR is
results obtained with the latter band ratios could be related contained in PC3 (Loughlin 1991). PC4 usually contains
to the high content in chamosite in the analysed rocks. spectral/lithological information, whereas PC5 and PC6 are
usually dominated by noise and contain a low variance. The
Principal component analysis information on iron oxides is expressed in the ETM+ bands
1 and 3 for the ferric iron and in the bands 4 and 5 for the
A descriptive statistic (correlation and covariance matrices) ferrous minerals (Loughlin 1991). The PCs actually contain
of the available reflective bands is needed to evaluate and useful spectral information on iron minerals that can be
discuss the results obtained using the PCA. The bands of highlighted through the analysis of the eigenvector values
both selected sub-scenes are strongly correlated (Table 2). (Table 4). The differences in magnitude and sign among the
Most of the total variance will be represented in the first few bands can be used to determine which band mainly affects
components. the single components. Concerning the Djebilet sub-scene,
the highest contrast between band 1 and band 3 is repre-
Unstandardised PCA (covariance matrix) sented by the third component (Table 4), suggesting the PC3
image as the most suitable to detect iron oxides by their
The transformation was applied to both of the subsets— visible colour. PC6 enhances the ferrous minerals as this PC
Algeria (Djebilet) and Western Sahara—using the related exhibits the highest contrast between band 4 and band 5
covariance matrices (Table 3). PC1 shows the highest vari- (Table 4). Actually, the iron ore deposits located in Djebilet
ance (94.24, 96.35 %) and moderate to high positive load- are not highlighted by the PC3 image. The use of the PC6
ings from all of the bands containing the maximum amount image is avoided because, due to the high noise, it does not
of variation (Table 4). Generally, the values of PC1 depend clearly highlight the areas characterised by ferrous minerals.
on both topographic information and surface albedo, which According to the present study, the 4/1 ratio is the most
are highly correlated among all bands (Table 4) (Loughlin useful band ratio for detecting iron oxides. Band 1 and band
1991; Kaufmann 1988; Kenea and Haenisch 1996). PC2 4 have the highest values with opposite signs in PC2
generally highlights the differences in the spectrum between (Table 4), which results, after its negation (Fig. 10), in the
Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546 4539

Fig. 11 Second PC images of unstandardised transformation with density slice. a Western Sahara sub-scene; b Gara Centre sub-scene; c Gara East

best PC image to identify iron oxides where they appear as To improve the usefulness of the PCA, a transformation
dark pixels. Density slicing the negation of PC2 (Fig. 11) of raw data before performing the PCA can be used. This
clearly highlights the occurrence of iron oxides in Djebilet. enhancement allows for the redistribution of part of the total
Similar results were obtained using PC2 for the Western variance from PC1 to the other PCs, thereby increasing their
Sahara sub-scene (Fig. 11), which has the highest loadings importance. Loughlin (1991) suggested the use of the
for bands 1–3 and 1–4 (Table 4). PC6 contains the highest Gaussian-type stretch to standardise the mean and the stan-
loadings for bands 4 and 5 (Table 4) but, as with the dard deviation values of all of the ETM+ bands. A better
previous test site, has more noise. The evaluation of the result can be obtained using the histogram equalisation
loadings of the individual PCs of the Djebilet test site stretching, which emphasises the decorrelation among the
revealed that PC4 shows the maximum spectral contrast ETM+ bands (Table 5) with the entire brightness range and
followed by PC6 and PC3 (Table 4). In theory, this finding applying the greatest contrast enhancement to the most
suggests that the most suitable RGB composite is given by populated value ranges in the original images. This enhance-
PCs 4, 6 and 3, respectively. However, this combination ment produces an image with a better contrast ratio. As
contains considerable noise, mostly affecting PC6. expected, for the Djebilet sub-scene, the use of the histo-
Usually, PC5 and PC6 are often avoided in FCC because gram equalisation stretching allowed for the increase in the
they are generally dominated by noise. Considering the decorrelation between the selected ETM+ bands (Table 5),
contrast among the first four PCs, which contain more than determining a greater variance for PC2 to PC6, while de-
98 % of the total variance (Table 4), the best FCC is creasing that of PC1 (Table 6). On the contrary, the same
represented by PCs 4, 3 and 2 in RGB, which proved useful enhancement applied to the Western Sahara sub-scene
for detecting the iron oxides (Fig. 12). Following the same shows a small increase in the variance (Table 7) and a slight
considerations, the most appropriate FCC for the Western improvement of the decorrelation (Table 5). The PCA of the
Sahara sub-scene results in PCs 3, 2 and 4 in RGB, which Algeria sub-scene (Table 6), performed after histogram
generally fits for iron oxides (Fig. 12). equalisation, confirms the same results as the PCA on the
4540 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546

Fig. 12 PCs 4, 3 and 2 as RGB for the Algeria sub-scene and PCs 3, 2 greenish areas in both of the Djebilet test sites. a Western Sahara sub-
and 4 as RGB for the Western Sahara. The presence of iron oxides scene; b Gara Centre sub-scene; c Gara East sub-scene
corresponds to the reddish zones in the Western Sahara test site and the

raw data. PC3 still shows the highest contrast between bands noisy. The FCCs created using the PCs characterised by the
1 and 3. PC6 enhances the ratio of 5/4, and PC2 contains highest loadings could not detect the iron ore deposits in
information about the ratio of 4/1 (Table 6). Despite the either of the sub-scenes.
increase in the contrast between the eigenvector loadings,
PC3 and PC6, as in the case of the raw data, proved to be Standardised PCA (correlation matrix)
unsuitable for identifying a possible occurrence of ferric or
ferrous iron (Table 6). PC2 highlights the iron oxides in light Standardised PC transformation uses the correlation matrix
grey, and the PC2 image obtained using the raw data still (Table 2) instead of the covariance matrix (Table 3) to
seems to work better in enhancing the contrasts among perform the PCA. Although this technique is less used in
bands. In the Western Sahara sub-scene, PC3 contains the remote sensing, it yielded valuable results with respect to
highest contrast both for the couples of bands 3–1 and 1–4 the unstandardised PCA (Kenea and Haenisch 1996; Singh
(Table 7), but it was not useful for detecting the areas rich in and Harrison 1985). In this case, the magnitude of PC1
iron oxides. Bands 4 and 5 are represented by PC5, which is eigenvectors is more uniform, but the contribution of IR

Table 5 Correlation matrix of the Algerian and Western Sahara (WS) sub-scenes after the histogram equalisation stretching

ETM band Algeria WS

1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1.000 0.937 0.842 0.802 0.657 0.467 1.000 0.966 0.935 0.935 0.917 0.861
2 0.937 1.000 0.923 0.893 0.775 0.606 0.966 1.000 0.959 0.955 0.938 0.880
3 0.842 0.923 1.000 0.989 0.923 0.787 0.935 0.959 1.000 0.994 0.982 0.936
4 0.802 0.893 0.989 1.000 0.958 0.841 0.935 0.955 0.994 1.000 0.987 0.947
5 0.657 0.775 0.923 0.958 1.000 0.948 0.917 0.938 0.982 0.987 1.000 0.965
7 0.467 0.606 0.787 0.841 0.948 1.000 0.861 0.880 0.936 0.947 0.965 1.000
Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546 4541

Table 6 Eigenvector loadings

for the Algerian sub-scene after ETM band PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 Mean SD
the histogram equalisation
stretching 1 0.37 0.58 0.57 0.43 0.03 0.02 125.09 73.65
2 0.41 0.39 −0.04 −0.81 −0.17 −0.03 125.29 73.59
3 0.43 −0.04 −0.49 0.14 0.56 0.49 125.32 73.80
4 0.44 −0.81 −0.39 0.25 −0.07 −0.76 125.76 74.08
5 0.42 −0.17 −0.02 0.17 −0.71 0.41 124.89 74.24
7 0.38 −0.03 0.52 −0.21 0.39 −0.12 123.77 74.66
Eigenvalue 28,134.83 4,016.15 397.34 230.07 59.87 22.31
Variance (%) 85.62 12.22 1.21 0.70 0.18 0.07

bands is increased for both of the subsets (Tables 8 and 9). standardised PCA, can be evaluated using the SNR,
The examination of the variance distribution shows an in- expressed in decibels, which represents the ratio between
crease in the values of PC2 to PC5 in the Djebilet sub-scene the first eigenvalue and the maximum spectral band covari-
(Table 8) and of PC2 to PC6 in the Western Sahara (Table 9) ance or the maximum correlation value (Ready and Wintz
with respect to the basic unstandardised PCA (Table 4). The 1973; Singh and Harrison 1985). The increase in the SNR
eigenvectors loading of the Djebilet sub-scene shows that (Tables 10 and 11), especially for the first sub-scene, indi-
PC3 has the highest contrast between bands 1 and 3, while cates a statistical improvement in the quality of the signal,
PC6 has the greatest contrast between bands 4 and 5 and thereby encouraging the use of the standardised PCA meth-
between bands 1 and 4 (Table 8). In the second sub-scene, od, even if the results from the visual inspection highlights
the information about ratio 3/1 is statistically contained in that the unstandardised PCA fits better compared to the
PC3, which on ratio 4/5 is represented by PC5 while ratio 4/ others enhancement techniques.
1 is described by PC6 (Table 9). A visual inspection of the
PCs reveals that PC4 is the best one for highlighting the iron Selective principal component analysis
oxide-rich areas in the sub-scene showing the highest con-
trast between band 1 and band 2. This result suggests that The SPCA requires the reduction of the number of reflective
band 2 and band 1 should be used together in a ratio to bands to enhance a particular spectral contrast related to a
detect the iron oxides, but this result is not directly related to specific mineral class (Aydal et al. 2007; Crosta and Moore
the spectral characteristics of the iron minerals. The best 1989; Loughlin 1991). This technique increases the reliabil-
FCC, removing PC5 and PC6, which are extremely noisy, ity of a specific PC to detect the target minerals. In details,
corresponds to PC4, PC2 and PC3 in RGB, respectively. the SPCA is particularly useful to map the hydroxyl and iron
This composite is useful to delimit the iron oxide-rich areas oxides (Kenea 1997; Kenea and Haenisch 1996; Loughlin
in both sub-scenes. The comparison between the statistical 1991; Tangestani and Moore 2000, 2002). Bands 1, 3, 4 and
data obtained using the standardised PCA and the visual 5 were chosen to map the iron oxides. This set of bands is
inspection of the single PCA images suggests that this the most suitable because iron oxides exhibit strong absorp-
technique must be used with caution because the results tion in Landsat ETM+ band 1 and high reflectance in bands
from the study of the single PCs seems not to be linked to 3 and 4. Band 5 and band 7 are almost equivalent in this
the spectral characteristic of the target minerals. The statis- analysis (Loughlin 1991). The SWIR bands were not con-
tical improvement of the PCA from the raw data to more sidered to separate the information on the iron oxides from
complex techniques, such as the stretching of the data or the hydroxyls. PC1 in the SPCA represents the albedo and

Table 7 Eigenvector loadings

for the Western Sahara sub-scene ETM band PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 Mean SD
after the histogram equalisation
stretching 1 0.40 0.58 0.52 0.48 0.02 0.05 125.78 73.76
2 0.40 0.44 −0.06 −0.79 −0.09 −0.06 125.97 73.64
3 0.41 −0.03 −0.48 0.14 0.44 0.61 125.87 73.96
4 0.41 −0.09 −0.38 0.22 0.20 −0.77 125.61 74.05
5 0.41 −0.26 −0.15 0.16 −0.83 0.15 124.02 74.16
7 0.41 −0.63 0.58 −0.22 0.15 0.02 122.00 75.26
Eigenvalue 31,442.11 1,004.58 286.90 153.60 67.22 26.66
Variance (%) 95.33 3.05 0.87 0.47 0.20 0.08
4542 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546

Table 8 Standardised PCA ei-

genvector loadings for the ETM band PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 Mean SD
Algerian sub-scene
1 0.40 0.56 0.35 0.63 −0.02 0.08 122.87 25.73
2 0.41 0.41 0.26 −0.77 −0.09 −0.07 141.12 29.42
3 0.42 0.07 −0.58 −0.04 0.50 0.48 100.02 23.24
4 0.42 −0.07 −0.42 0.12 −0.08 −0.79 127.86 29.15
5 0.41 −0.38 −0.08 0.05 −0.73 0.37 86.71 19.69
7 0.39 −0.60 −0.53 0.02 0.44 −0.07 76.07 16.14
Eigenvalue 5.579 0.336 0.064 0.014 0.005 0.002
Variance (%) 92.98 5.6 1.07 0.23 0.09 0.03

topographic shadowing (Loughlin 1991). Ratios 3/1 and 4/5 ETM+ images to detect and map the iron ore deposits.
have their maximum contrasts in PC3 (Table 12), which Among the ETM+ band ratios used to highlight the occur-
should highlight iron oxides as dark pixels, but visual in- rence of iron oxides, the ratio of 4/1 resulted in the most
spection of this PC seems not to be useful as evidence for effective detection, especially if associated with the related
the presence of iron oxides. Once again, the best ratio to density slicing for both the Algeria and the Western Sahara
map the iron-rich deposits is 4/1, which portrays them in the sub-scenes. This ratio is not commonly described in the
negation of PC2 as bright pixels (Fig. 13). In the Western literature. On the contrary, the more common 3/1 ratio
Sahara sub-scene, both the 3/1 and 4/1 ratios have their yielded less satisfactory results, probably because of the
highest contrasts in PC2 (Table 13), thereby highlighting origin of the iron oxides: the 3/1 ratio is particularly suitable
the iron oxides as bright pixels (Fig. 13). This PC shows a to highlight the iron oxides associated with hydrothermally
good agreement with the field observations. On the contrary, altered rocks, whereas the iron oxides present in the study
the ratio 4/5 was not found to be useful because it is areas have a syn-sedimentary origin. Certain diagnostic
represented in PC4, which is notably noisy. spectral features of iron oxides are represented in the ETM
1 to ETM 4 bands. In particular, a charge transfer absorption
feature is contained in ETM 1, a reflectance ramp is in ETM
Discussion and conclusions 2, a crystal field absorption feature exists in ETM 3 and a
crystal field absorption feature is in ETM 4. The spectral
Two test sites, characterised by the presence of iron-rich response may vary as a consequence of the oxidised or
sandstones, were chosen to evaluate the effectiveness of reduced condition of the considered iron within band 4,
different image-processing techniques to map iron ore where the hydrothermally altered iron shows an absorption
deposits. The first test site is located near Djebilet, where peak, whereas the goethite and hematite contained in the
two iron mining areas (Gara Centre and Gara East) were regolith show a moderate reflection. Thus, the ratio of 4/1
extensively studied (Guerrak 1988b). The second site, situ- proves to be more appropriated than that of 3/1 and gives
ated in Western Sahara, approximately 350 km west of the better results if compared to the field observations and
Djebilet sites, is characterised by the same sedimentary mineralogical information available in the literature or in
sequence, and it was the target of the field campaign. previous studies (Guerrak 1988b). The ratio of 5/4 proved
Several processing techniques (band ratioing, FCC and useful in highlighting the presence of ferrous minerals be-
PCA) among those described as effective to detect iron cause the greatest reflection for ferrous iron is represented
oxides were applied to two spatial subsets of the Landsat within ETM+ band 5. Thus, the combination of ratios 4/1

Table 9 Standardised PCA ei-

genvector loadings for the ETM band PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 Mean SD
Western Sahara sub-scene
1 0.40 0.57 0.39 0.60 0.00 0.05 131.20 20.99
2 0.41 0.47 0.08 −0.77 −0.04 −0.05 146.75 24.63
3 0.41 −0.06 −0.51 0.07 0.43 0.62 95.38 22.00
4 0.42 −0.11 −0.40 0.16 0.19 −0.77 79.76 17.80
5 0.41 −0.27 −0.15 0.07 −0.84 0.15 58.81 10.18
7 0.40 −0.60 0.63 −0.11 0.27 0.02 57.41 5.91
Eigenvalue 5.716 0.186 0.050 0.030 0.012 0.005
Variance (%) 95.33 3.10 0.83 0.50 0.2 0.08
Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546 4543

Table 10 SNR related to the

unstandardised PCA, equalisa- Technique Equation SNR (dB)
tion stretching and standardised
PCA for the Algeria sub-scene Covariance matrix of raw data 3,359.52/865.544 3.881
Covariance matrix after histogram equalisation 28,134.83/5,511.397 5.105
Correlation matrix of raw data 5.58/1.00 5.58

and 5/4 is particularly recommended to map iron oxides of the usefulness of single ratios. The equalisation histogram
having a non-hydrothermal origin. The FCC enhancement stretching was applied to the raw bands before performing
technique was evaluated using the OIF to determine the the PCA to increase the decorrelation between the bands. In
statistically most informative multispectral band combina- this case, no sensible results were obtained with respect to
tion for both of the analysed ETM+ subsets. Among the the unstandardised PCA of the raw bands, but an increase in
possible combinations, the 157 and 147 composites were the noise of the PC images was observed. The standardised
selected for the Djebilet and Western Sahara sub-scenes, PCA is usually used to obtain a significant improvement in
respectively. Regarding the spatial distribution of iron ore the SNR, thereby allowing a better definition of the PCA
deposits, only in the first case was there a good agreement images. The actual increase of the SNR from the unstandar-
between the information available from the literature dised PCA to standardised PCA seems to not be related to
(Guerrak 1988b) and either the field observations or the an improvement in the PC image quality. The PCs contain-
enhanced image. On the contrary, no correspondence was ing the highest contrasts do not exhibit a good agreement
observed between the field data and the imagery in the with the field observations. The observation of the eigen-
Western Sahara sub-scene. The use of raw band FCCs is vector loadings indicates PC5 and PC6 as the most infor-
generally suggested to discriminate different lithologies, as mative images to map iron oxides, but they are notably
well as structural features, but it is less recommendable in noisy, whereas a visual inspection suggests that bands 1
mineral detection because it is more interpretative with and 2 can be used to detect iron oxides, even if no direct
respect to other techniques. A better result can be obtained relationship exists between these bands and iron oxide spec-
by constructing colour composite images using a combina- tral characteristics. Valuable results were obtained using
tion of three ETM+ band ratios instead of raw band compo- three PC images to create an FCC in RGB. From a statistical
sites because this technique allows for the removal of point of view, the best colour composite is formed by the
possible brightness variations and highlights any spectral three selected PC images with the highest variance; thus,
difference between the bands. The 3/5, 4/1 and 5/7 in PC1, having the highest variance, is always part of the
RGB, respectively, resulted as the most effective FCC to FCCs. This large variance is partly due to the topographic
detect the iron ore deposits. The PCA is certainly the most information contained in the first PC, which should be
complex enhancement technique used in multispectral re- removed to avoid the influence of morphological evidence.
mote sensing. In this paper, the resulting decorrelated PC PC2, PC3 and PC4 were used to create satisfactory FCCs to
images were used to discern effectively the iron oxides and enhance iron oxides. The SPCA on bands 1, 3, 4 and 5 was
the related iron ore deposits with very satisfactory results. tested in both of the selected areas because it is considered
The unstandardised and standardised PCAs were compared the most appropriate enhancement method for iron oxide
to evaluate the best enhancement method for the mapping of mapping in that it reduces the dimensionality of the data and
iron ore deposits. A careful observation of the eigenvector minimises the loss of information. The observation of the
matrices and the visual inspection of each unstandardised eigenvalue loadings confirms that the PC image, containing
PC images suggest that PC2 is the most informative PC information regarding the maximum contrast between band
image because it contains the highest contrast between band 1 and band 4, is the most suitable for detecting the iron
1 and band 4. Thus, the PCA confirms that the latter couple oxides in both of the studied subsets. The obtained FCC
of bands are the most informative concerning syn- using these PC images are visually interpreted more easily
sedimentary iron oxides, as also suggested by the evaluation with respect to the six bands because the SPCA enhances

Table 11 SNR related to the

unstandardised PCA, equalisa- Technique Ratio SNR (dB)
tion stretching and standardised
PCA for the Western Sahara sub- Covariance matrix of raw data 1,913.59/606.438 3.155
scene Covariance matrix after histogram equalisation 31,442.11/5,483.59 5.734
Correlation matrix of raw data 5.72/1.00 5.72
4544 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546

Table 12 SPCA for iron oxides mapping of the Algeria sub-scene Table 13 SPCA for iron oxides mapping of the Western Sahara sub-
ETM band PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 Mean SD
ETM band PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 Mean SD
1 0.58 0.69 0.42 0.03 141.12 29.42
3 0.47 −0.06 −0.50 −0.73 100.02 23.24 1 0.65 0.76 0.07 −0.01 146.75 24.63
4 0.59 −0.31 −0.36 0.65 127.86 29.15 3 0.58 −0.46 −0.45 −0.50 95.38 22.00
5 0.30 −0.65 0.67 −0.21 76.07 16.14 4 0.47 −0.41 0.19 0.76 79.76 17.80
Variance (%) 95.53 3.28 1.12 0.07 5 0.15 −0.21 0.87 −0.42 57.41 5.91
Variance (%) 97.17 2.43 0.27 0.13

the spectral contrast between two different regions of the

spectrum. Furthermore, using only four of the six ETM+ presence of iron ore deposits and showing a spectral behav-
bands directly related to the spectral characteristics of the iour similar to the Gara Centre and the Gara East areas in
investigated mineral avoids the influence of the other min- Algeria. A field campaign assured the actual occurrence of
erals, such as the hydroxyls. This study proves the useful- iron-bearing sandstones, which may represent a new ex-
ness of multispectral imagery (Landsat ETM+) in the ploitable iron ore deposit. A detailed feasibility study is
detection of iron ore deposits, which can have economic needed to calculate the total available iron content and to
value. The Ministry of Energy and Mining of Algeria esti- evaluate the suitability of a potential utilisation of the ore.
mated the reserves of Djebilet (Gara Centre and Gara East) The application of a notably inexpensive method, such as
to be 1.7 billion tons, of which 57 % was iron. The iron the remote sensing procedure described in this paper, to the
oxide-bearing sandstones are part of a sedimentary sequence entire southern flank of the Tindouf Basin could further
that crops out for more than 600 km along the southern flank open perspectives on the possibility of detecting new ex-
of the Tindouf Basin and that allows for the likely detection ploitable iron ore deposits in arid environments. The use of
of other exploitable iron ore deposits along this structure. more recent and sophisticated sensors, such as the Advanced
Through several image-processing techniques, a wide area Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
was identified in Western Sahara characterised by the (ASTER), can be useful to detect iron oxides using visible,

Fig. 13 Second PC images of SPCA using bands 1, 3, 4 and 5. The presence of iron oxides corresponds to the brightest zones. a Western Sahara
sub-scene; b Gara Centre sub-scene; c Gara East sub-scene
Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:4529–4546 4545

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