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Integrated Data of Remote Sensing and

Geophysical Data for Iron Ore

Exploration in the Western
Part of Wadi Shatti District, Libya

Younes Ajal Abulghasem

School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Universiti Kebangssan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor,
Malaysia; e-mail:

Juhari Mat Akhir

School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Universiti Kebangssan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor,

Abdul Rahim Samsudin

School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Universiti Kebangssan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor,

Wan Fuad Wan Hassan

School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Universiti Kebangssan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor,

Bashir Mohamed Youshah

geophysical department, faculty of science Tripoli, Libya,

This study deals with the iron ore deposits and its occurrences in the western part of Wadi Shatti district,
Libya. An integration of Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images were used and processed by
using a Maximum Likelihood supervised Classification image and band ratio images to discriminate and
delineate different lithological units in the study area. Magnetic data were used in this study to identify any
magnetic response especially in the south side of the area which is totally covered with sand dunes to
discover any probable occurrence of iron ore. This study is supported with field study and geochemical
investigation. The results showed that the iron ore belt still extend from the west and southwest part under
the sand dunes. The magnetic data show a big anomaly located to the south of the study area under the sand
dunes which could be sign of iron occurrence. Finally new potential map for the new areas of iron ore
deposit was produced.
KEYWORDS: Remote sensing, iron ore, magnetic, geochemical, Libya

Integrated remote sensing, geophysical and geochemical studies were conducted in the
western part of Wadi Shatti, Libya. The study area situated in the Idri province, Libya bounded
by latitudes 27° ad 28° N, and longitudes 12° and 13° 30' E. The territory covers an area of nearly

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Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1442

16,500 sq km. The investigated area which lies northwest of sabha province comprises Paleozoic
shelf deposits of the Jabal Fazzan and Tertiary to Quaternary continental deposits. Remote
sensing technology can play a significant role in mineral exploration that large areas of land
surface can be covered for detailed geological studies. Satellite remote sensing images have been
used widely and successfully for mineral exploration in arid and semi-arid environments since the
launch of second generation Landsats in 1982 that carry a multispectral scanner called the
Thematic Mapper (Kargi 2007). Remote sensing techniques are used because of their cost
effectiveness, their ability to study areas that are difficult to access and because the data can be
collected frequently and rapidly on a large scale. The availability of the Landsat ETM+ data
provides a new digital geological mapping technique which can be used in this study to determine
new potential areas for iron deposits. The use of the magnetic survey has been increased since 30
years, especially in geology as a mapping tool. The quantitative interpretation of magnetic data
has increased in the form of models of the causal body, especially on the development of
computerized multiparameters inversion methods. Many of these permit interpreter interactions
by the graphics display system for computer imposing geological allows sensitive that resulted in
a significant increase in the use of the magnetic survey for mineral exploration over the past 30
years advances in measurement technology and digital recording of data, particularly on the
extensive use of the air-magnetometer as a tool for geological mapping, (Sharma 1987).

Study Area
Wadi Shatti deposit is a belt of upper-Devonian sedimentary formations, including iron ore
bearing layers, which extends over 160 kms, in ENE-WSW direction, on the northern border of
the Murzuq basin, in the province of Sabha. The western and eastern ends of the iron ore bearing
layers are covered by more recent formations, which completely covered the ore outcrops,
(Sterojexport 1977). The study area is situated in the province of Sabha, Libya, bounded by
latitudes 27° and 28° N, and longitudes 12° and 13° 30' E. the territory covering an area of nearly
16,500 sq. km (figure1). The study area lies to the south of the Gargaf arch, an E-W trending
anticline, built up of a Precambrian core and Cambrian to Devonian clastic sediments with Lower
Carboniferous Rocks at its southern limb, striking about 85° with 1-3° dip towards the south.
Paleozoic formations containing iron-bearing oolitic layers are reported to occur in several areas
beside the Wadi Shatti. The iron bearing horizons are mostly confined to the Middle and Upper
Devonian Awaynat-Wanin formation. In the Shatti valley, the Upper Devonian formation consists
of 140 meters of gray, tan and brown, fine to medium grained, well-rounded and well-sorted cross
bedded sandstone.
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1443

Figure 1: Location of the study area


Spatial integration of various data sets of Landsat ETM+ images and aeromagnetic data were
used in exploration for iron ores in the studied territory. Landsat ETM+ image (Path 187,188/
Row 41) of the study area was acquired on 04/04/2002. The spatial resolution and pixel spacing is
both 30 x 30 m. Landsat ETM + data were processed using the software ERDAS Imagines 9.2.
Two scenes for the study area were corrected geometrically and radiometrically balanced. The
IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field; AIGA 1996) was removed from the total
magnetic-field strength to separate shallow and deep magnetic sources and reduced to the pole,
using Oasismontaj software.

Remote sensing study (Image Processing Procedures)

Landsat ETM+ data is registered in eight thematic bands in order to produce a false colour
image. The eight bands are subjected to different methods of statistical analysis and lead to the
choice of bands 7, 4 and 2 assigned as red, green and blue. Landsat TM images were
geometrically corrected and registered. Well distributed control points were interactively selected
on both images. The coordinates of these points were compared to determine a polynomial
equation for adjustment between them. The images were thus rectified according to the
geographic projection (lat/long) and Datum WGS (84). Radiometric corrections were applied to
remove the effects that alter the spectral characteristics of land features. The two Landsat images
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1444

(187,188) were joined together using Mosiacking process after registered with the same
projection to set one image covering the study area.

Rationing Analysis

Ratio image are known for enhancement of spectral contrasts among the bands considered in
the rationing and have successfully been used in mapping alteration zones (Segal, 1983 and
Kenea, 1997). Ratio images were used in this study for lithololgic investigation and mineral
discrimination. They were made by dividing the digital numbers in a band by the DNs
corresponding to a different tape for each pixel aspect ratio of the resulting value and draw the
new values as an image. This method is used by Weissbrod et al. (1988), Cappiccioni et al,
(2003) and Edgardo et al. (1992). The study ratios of Landsat Thematic Mapper bands 3/1 for
emphasizing red iron oxides, bands 5/4 for iron oxides, and ratio bands 7/5 for clay-rich rocks,
were used to detect any potential deposit of iron ore. The ratio products emphasize differences in
surface material composition, in part by removing tonal variations due to topographic
illumination effects (Elsayed, 2008).


Image classification is a very important method in the interpretation of remote-sensing data.

The computer-assisted classification of an image automatically categorizes all pixels of an image
into land cover classes (Poovalinga et al, 2009). The selected bands (7, 4, and 2) have been used
in the image-supervised classification technique namely maximum likelihood classifier (MLC) to
classify lithological units. Geologic maps for Idri and Wadi Shatti published in 1984 were used as
reference ground data.

Geophysical study
The aeromagnetic survey data was obtained from the Petroleum Research Centre (PRC),
Tripoli, Libya, as grid data, with grid cell size of 1000 m. This survey was conducted along a
series of parallel lines with a flight distance of 2 kms, while the flight height was 1km above the
terrain. The regional magnetic field was defined by the international geomagnetic reference field
(IGRF) corrected for annual changes. The residual total magnetic-filed intensity was obtained by
subtracting the computed IGRF values from corrected measured values using Geosoft package
software 1994 and contour maps of the residual total magnetic field intensity were plotted.
Coordinates for the maps were defined by the international universal transverse Mercator (UTM).
The data covered approximately 16500 The Total Magnetic Intensity map shows the
anomalous magnetic field that could be interpreted in terms of geological features causing this
anomalous field, and therefore, information about the subsurface geology units could be obtained.

Total Magnetic Intensity map (TMI)

The Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) maps figure: 5 reflected the major tectonic features in the
study area; extensive anomalies in the south part under the Alzlaaf sand dunes can be represented
and interpreted. The anomaly shows the high values which presented with red colour and lowest
values presented by blue colour. Most of the maps of the total magnetic intensity and its
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1445

derivatives in this study are presented as shaded relief maps to improve the visibility of features
especially near the surface.

RTP Magnetics

Reduce to the pole (RTP) transformation of an anomaly in the Fourier domain was applied to
the data using Geosoft Package software 1994. The RTP aeromagnetic anomaly maps figure.6.
Show that both low and high-frequency anomalies characterized the magnetic field in the study
area. The elongated positive magnetic anomaly with a value of 219 NT was observed over the
location of southwest study area under the sand dunes. This magnetic anomaly characterized by
high magnetic susceptibilities may present the occurrence of Rich magnetite ore deposit.

Interpretation of the potential field maps

Two analysis methods were applied in this study for magnetic data to detect lithological
unites these were high- pass filter and low- pass filter techniques, high-pass and low- pass filter
techniques were used to decompose the Magnetic Intensity map into the components related to
shallow depths (residual anomalies) and those from deeper sources (regional anomalies).

Field survey and data collection

The initial field study was conducted in the potential areas of the iron ore deposit as shown by
the remote sensing images figure.9. Three- day exploratory field works were spent in the field to
get familiarized with the general conditions of the area. Few samples were collected from
suspected areas based on information from images produced by remote sensing data and from a
potential magnetic map of the study area


The field survey data were organized to be analyzed in tabular and graphic forms. The
samples were prepared for analysis using XRD and XRF techniques. Observation points were
downloaded from the GPS receiver and imported to Arc GIS format to be located in the satellite
image of the study area.

GIS work

Getting advantage of the power of GIS to integrate a various digital data sets in a single
unified database, the maps which extracted from band ratios, classifications and geophysical data
were digitized, analyzed and geo-referenced with same projection (geographic lat/long) to
identify the areas of iron ore occurrence and then combined in one map which present the
potential areas of iron ore deposit as shown in Figure .11
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1446


False colour’s bands (7, 4, and 2) in red, green, and blue of the study area were used for
surface lithological analysis. Supervised classification maximum likelihood method carried out in
this study. Pixels were initially selected from the image that represented land cover (different
types of rocks). Eleven different rock’s types were classified and confirmed with ground truth
verification based on the geological map of the area and Field trip. The results of image
classification show that the iron ore body extends towards the west and northwest of the known
iron ore deposit (Wadi Shatti) as shown in figure.2. Where the iron ore is classified in red colour,
the combination of Landsat ETM+ ratio images bands 5/7, 5/4 and 3/1 in R, G and B respectively
as shown in Figure.3 Display of three computed Landsat ETM + 7 band ratio raster objects for the
study area. To enhance the resolution of the ratio image 5/7, 5/4 and 3/1, panchromatic band of
the Landsat ETM+ for the study area which has 15-m spatial resolution compared to (30-m)
resolution for the multispectral bands was used for multi-resolution fusion to produce a highly
spatial resolution of the ratio combination. Another composite ratio image was produced using
band ratio 5/4, which has been computed to enhance possible ferrous oxides. The combination of
ratio image 5/4 appears with black and white colour whereas ferrous oxides appears with white
colour, and the rest of land cover appears with black thus this method is very effective at
detecting the ferrous oxides as shown in Figure 4, although this combination of ratio image
appears to be different from the previous one, the final result still same, areas of different surface
material are thus more clearly defined than in the RGB display of raw image bands.

Figure 2: Classification map based on supervised classification applied on Landsat ETM+ for
the study area .The iron ore deposit appears in red colour.
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1447

Figure 3: Band ratios map for bands 5/7, 5/4 and 3/1 applied on Landsat ETM+ for the study
area. The iron ore deposit appears in yellow colour

Figure 4 : Band ratio map for band 5/4 applied on Landsat ETM+ for the study area .The iron
ore deposit appears in white colour
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1448

Geophysical results

Data was analyzed using Geophysical Software, OASIS Montaj Processing and analysis
system (Geosoft 1994). Reduction to the north magnetic pole was performed at the first stage of
processing of aeromagnetic data. The Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) map Figure.4 reflected the
major tectonic features in the study area an extensive anomalies in the south part under the
Alzlaaf sand dunes which can be represented and interpreted, the anomaly shows the high values
which presented with red colour 219 (NT) and lowest values presented by blue colour -4 (NT).
The Magnetic Intensity map showed clearly intrusive bodies and a high magnetic anomaly
observed in that part of the study area probably caused by magnetic response of rocks is due to
the presence of magnetic minerals such as magnetite, and hematite. This variation of
susceptibility exists between different rocks types. The basement is usually very vulnerable due to
their high content of magnetite (iron), whereas sedimentary rocks have much lower
susceptibilities. High-pass and low pass filter techniques were used to decompose the Magnetic
Intensity map into the components related to shallow depths (residual anomalies) and those from
deeper sources (regional anomalies). The separation was carried out applying filter techniques
and a cut-wave number of 45 km. The Intensity map figure.4 indicates that the deep-seated
sources are deeper at the western part and become shallower towards the EST part of the study
area. Different trends of the structural elements were indicates as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 5 : Total Magnetic Intensity map of the study area

Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1449

Figure 6: Reduction to the pole map of magnetic data in the study area

Figure 7: Regional magnetic Map of the study area using high pass filter 45 km ,the anomly (A)
showed up in south west part of the study area
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1450

Figure 8: Residual magnetic map of the study area

Figure 9: Landsat ETM+ image for bad 7, 4, and 2 shows the location of collected samples
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1451



60 sample-no1
30 sample-no5


SIO2 Fe2O3 CaO P2O5 SO3 Al2O3 WO3 As2O3

Figure 10: The main chemical composition of the samples

Table 1: Iron ore mineral identification by XRD

Sample-no location name Concentration

1 13°20'15"E 27°22'.36"N Goethite 27.11%

2 13°38'.34"E 27°247"N Goethite 12.87%

3 12°44'27"E, 27°33'.39"N Goethite 10.37%

4 13°1'36.787"E 27°33'40"N Goethite 25.51%

5 12°44'5"E, 27°15'33"N Goethite 33.09%

Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1452

Table 2: XRF results showing the percentage (%) composition of the samples

S-NO-1 S-NO-2 S-NO-3 S-NO-4 S-NO-5

SiO2 67.35 83.73 82.68 71.02 45.69

Fe2O3 27.11 12.87 10.37 25.51 33.09

CaO 1.42 0.30 3.34 0.97 9.4

P2O5 0.39 0.27 0.04 0.05 0.72

SO3 1.55 0.27 0.80 0.79 2.61

Al2O3 0.21 0.59 0.17 0.25 3.61

WO3 0.12 0.06 0.05 0.14 0.02

As2O3 0.09 0.04 0 0 0

MgO 0.07 0.23 0.18 0.07 1.26

Cl 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.42

Na2O 0.04 0 0 0 0.14

BaO 0.03 0.04 0.1 0.67 0.07

V2O5 0.03 0.03 0.02 0 0.07

MnO 0.03 0.05 0.16 0.02 0.77

TiO2 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.19 0.48

Gd2O3 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0

CoO 0.02 0 0.02 0.01 0.03

K 2O 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02 0

ZnO 0.01 0 0 0 0
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1453

Figure 11: Potential map for iron ore deposit in the study

This study showed that remote sensing techniques are effective instruments for geological
mapping and mineral investigation. Different processing techniques were applied on LandSat
ETM+ to discriminate and delineate the lithological units. Remote Sensing has proven to be a
highly power tool in mineral exploration. The result of the study shows that Wadi Sahtti iron ore
belt is extended from its ends in western to southwestern parts, and that could increase the
assumption of the possibility of extending the iron ore belt under the sand dunes. Total Magnetic
Intensity (TMI) map reflected the major tectonic features in the study area shows extensive
anomalies in the south part under the Alzlaaf sand dunes which can be represented and
interpreted; the anomaly shows the high values which presented with red colour and lowest
values presented by blue colour. The most important finding in this study is the appearance of
new bodies of iron deposit in the western and southwestern parts of the known iron ore belt, and
the anomaly under the sand dunes from the south part and this could increase the assumption of
extending the iron ore belt under the sand dunes.
Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1454

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© 2011 ejge

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