Saga of Salvation

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Saga of Salvation

Amina – An introduction:
Born and brought up in a middle class family. Only daughter to an Urdu speaking couple.
Mother, a home maker and father, less educated cotton mill labour wanted his daughter to
get the best education possible to his level. As my father wanted his dream come true
through me admitted in Don Bosco School in Nedungadu. By God’s grace and intensive
coaching of a sincere father who taught early rising from the age of four excelled in
school and could speak fluently in English when I was just seven in a remote village. The
ambitious father decided to admit me in the nearest Convent School (Servite,
Kottucherry) from third standard. I was the only student taking bus (only bus in that
route) to school. After seeing me going to school by bus and getting good education (the
best in those days) few more students joined in the bus. Again I happened to be the class
topper by grace.

In those days, Navodaya Vidyalaya was initiated all over India and all the 5th class
students wrote the entrance examination. I was again selected according to God’s plan to
study in a residential school. I had to leave my parents, and my Madarsa (religious
education in mosque) to pursue the only CBSE school (at that time) free of cost based on
merit. It was God’s training to be independent (away from the bond of parental care). As
an only daughter, I was not doing any household chores and not even my works, I never
helped mother in her works, but in hostel had to take care on my own, washing clothes,
cleaning the dormitory in turns etc. Again in 8th standard, I was selected based on merit
for Student’s Exchange Programme for National Integration. For which I had to leave my
home land and sail to Andaman & Nicobar Islands. There I was placed in Car-Nicobar
Islands for 2 years to study 9th and 10th. Returned to Karaikal Navodaya to complete 11th
and 12th. I got admission based on merit in PAJANCOA& RI to do my graduation in
Agriculture. Immediately after my graduation, the institute initiated their post graduation
programmes. I was one among the 5 selected candidates for Plant breeding and Genetics.
Before writing the final examinations of the post graduation course I had an appointment
order to join DHAN Foundation, Madurai. From my schooldays, I was good in writing
competitions and won prizes including state first and second places.

When I joined DHAN, Madurai my parents placed me with my relative’s house which
was nearest to my working place. That small period (3.5 months) revealed me how my
rich relatives wanted to avoid poor relatives, how self centered and exploitative they
were, they helped someone only if they believe they may get some benefits atleast in the
distant future, at least good name / opinion. But they will speak good doctrines from
Kuran (nothing in practice). Even I wanted to commit suicide to stop living such an
exploitative as I was also living a self oriented life. At that point I got admission in
University of Sussex, UK for my higher studies. I took a break of 4 months from DHAN
to prepare for the Ford Foundation scholarship examinations.
Fatal accident:
At the end of my fourth month leave, our family faced a fatal accident. Our house was a
typical village house surrounded by plants. Usually our dinner is in the backyard where
we had cement flooring for this specific purpose. One night, when we were there for
dinner, four thieves came and assaulted the entire family. All three were injured and
hospitalized. Mother expired on the 4th day and father recovered after a week but I opened
my eyes only on the 12th day. My recovery was very slow as there was severe head
injuries and right elbow fracture. I underwent 3 surgeries and miraculous recovery.
Gradually I got my memory back, recovered from fracture and all medications. Even I
attended interview in Indian council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Delhi for I was
one of the topper in the written exam of NET in Plant Breeding. During my suffering
days, no relatives and friends came to help me; there were many visitors but none to help.
This accident helped me to find the true colour of the relationship they had with me/ my

A family in Christ came front to help me, as I was living alone with my aged father. I was
cooking, washing clothes, cleaning etc. with one hand. Every evening I had to go to
Physiotherapy clinic in Karaikal for fracture in hand. She took the responsibility of taking
me to clinic for 3 months, leaving her 2 children and an aged mother. Often I stayed with
them in their house. The entire family showed a typical Christian self less life.

My Christian life begins:

During this period of treatment, I got introduced to a self less world (Life of Christ) and
started reading bible for the first time. Also I was reading a book “How to Handle
Adversity” - Charles F. Stanley, as I lost my mother and undergoing treatment. Those
days were very painful, loss of my mother, health, could feel the dirt (sin) in me. I felt
how selfish I was during the past and what a great sinner I am and felt not even worthy of
sitting in the church. When I look back, my past sins were stinking and started pleading
to Jesus Christ to cleanse me. I accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour and my strength.
Jesus Christ met me and cleansed my sins and decided to live as a living testimony to the
Lord. Then the Lord took my life in his hands and gave my miraculous recovery which
the medical experts were amazed. My recovery and salvation was simultaneous. I do not
know when exact date and time I was saved, it was during the recovery days in July
2002. The Lord removed all my sins and gave me a clean heart. Life with Jesus was so
light as I had cast all my burdens on Him. My life was turned very light, though I had
a lot of household problems to face.

Swimming in the troubled waters:

A new problem came through my father who is a Muslim did not want me to attend
church services and Jamath (religious leaders) people were also pressurizing him not to
allow me to church. To attend a Sunday service I had to get lots of scolding, later it often
resulted in beatings. There was objection to read bible and other spiritual books, so I had
to confine my scripture reading time to night at the mercy of a window which floods light
from the nearest light. This was for a period of 8 months. Then there was less trouble
superficially in home, but it was the turn of the relatives who wanted me to be a Muslim
again. The greater they stopped me, the thicker the relationship grew with Jesus. Despite
these problems the Lord was encouraging through his words. I got introduced to Bro.
Martin and gave me many Christian literatures as I had plenty of time. Many good books
were given to read like “The torn veil”, “I dare to call Him, Father”, and few more books
written by Bro. Zac. I was also reading “Baptism with the Holy Spirit” – R. A. Torry,
again reading this book revealed few more sins and made me to repent immediately. This
book pointed the pride in me – i) hair and ii) well chosen jewels. The first pride, the Lord
had broken through the accident and surgery in my head, the Lord was pointing the
second pride of possessing jewels with fine craft works. I kept it in my prayer and God
again emphasized to remove it. The next day I removed and gave the jewels to my father.
I got the baptism with the Holy Spirit, I may sin but I no longer live in sin. The Holy
Spirit in me guides me immediately to bounce from the sin.

As I was recovered fully but not going any where to work, I taught tuitions in evenings (6
months) to few children, it was a good diversion. There too I saw the Lord’s hand as
some weak students started performing very well in the examinations. At one point of
time, my father decided to discuss with a neighbour, the “Katta Panchayat”. He said that I
can live with my father as a Muslim, if I wanted to practice Christian faith; I have to
leave the house. I chose to leave the house, for which the Panchayat person was
cautioning that I would suffer for the want of money. The Lord put words in me to speak
boldly “I am the daughter of my father till I live in his house, if I leave the house I
will become Jesus’ daughter, definitely I will be living a good life.” I applied to
DHAN Foundation again explaining the need of a job. They heard my case and gave me
one more chance to join their organization (15th September 2003). I started living in
working women’s hostel. I committed my life to the Lord and got baptized by
Bro. Dr. Prabahar (Pastor of Christian Fellowship Church, Pondicherry) during
November 2003, as I had joined DHAN, Pondicherry and attending the church there.

My second innings in DHAN:

I started my life with my arrears in DHAN Rs. 2404, the salary when I rejoined was Rs.
4500 and there was gradual promotions and increment, and lead a spirit filled life,
practicing my faith with freedom. Till now I live a Jesus-dependent life, now I am
supporting my father’s family too. In job, after 3 months in Pondicherry, I was
transferred to Madurai. I started living in Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary (TTS,
Arasaradi) the next street to Mahaboobpalayam where most of my relatives live. It was
the Lord who made me to live among my relatives without getting any help from them. It
was a period of exhibiting a life with the Lord. Four years in Madurai have proved that
God’s hand is in my life to my relatives, colleagues, and my hostel mates (most of them
never knew I am a convert from a Muslim family).

Due to seclusion during his old age especially during his sick days, it was very difficult to
live alone, my father decided to remarry as he was alone and I had left home for faith.
During these 4 years my father and his second wife too observed my life and started
accepting my change in faith. Whenever I am visiting Karaikal officially, I stayed with
my father and his wife. For the past one year (since January 2006) I started supporting
my father’s family as he grew old and suffering from diabetics and asthma hence could
not do hard work any longer.

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