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Magnetism and Electricity Vocabulary

atom: the ___________ part of all materials

attract: to ______ a material to another material
circuit: the path electrons move through by connecting a dry
cell, wire, and _____.
closed circuit: a ____________ circuit with a continuous path.
conductor: a material that electrons can move through
dry cell: a ________.
electric current: the movement of __________ through a
electron: the part of the atom that moves around the nucleus
and has a ___________ (-) charge
insulator: a material that electrons __________ move through
lightening: the flash of ________ during a thunderstorm
magnet: a _______ that can attract or repel other materials
magnetic field: the _________ area around a magnet
neutron: the part of the atom in the nucleus that has _____
nucleus: the _______ of the atom that has the neutrons and
open circuit: an ___________ circuit when the path in not
parallel circuit: a circuit with ____________ path for electrons
proton: the part of the atom in the nucleus that has a
__________ (+) charge
repel: to _______ material _______ from another material
series circuit: a circuit where the current can only flow
static electricity: a group of charged electrons that _____
______ move
wire: thin pieces of metal like copper that __________

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