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Lesson: Bee- Taste Test Subject: LA, Sci Grade: 1

Core Competencies:
In this lesson the learner will safely and respectfully explore their environment through a
nature-based learning experience. Learners will use their oral and verbal communication
skills to demonstrate their learning by participating in a science activity.

Learning Intentions (I can …):

✓ I can share my ideas and ask questions.
✓ I can try my best.
✓ I can use proper letter formation.

Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

Teacher Students
✓ Work sheet- copied, ready- special ✓ Pencils
helper ✓ Participation
✓ Honey- centres X 3 cereal, creamed,
✓ Garbage can
✓ Popsicle sticks

I will circulate the room to observe students progress. Students will have the opportunity to
ask clarifying question, or for help by raising their hand quietly. I will ensure to aid the
student to meet to expectations for the assignment and ensure student success.

Lesson Activities:
Connecting (hook, brainstorm, question, Reflection:
Greet Students Student check in
Explore/ introduce hives Explore, questions

Processing (active engagement) Reflection:

How Bees Make Honey Video Reflect on student engagement and age
appropriate, and correct information.
Transforming (closing) Reflection:
Honey Taste Test- student assessment Collect worksheets, compose a graph chart
using student information- use future
Assessment (formative and summative):
Formative: I will circulate the room to observe students progress, aiding students to ensure
success in meeting the assignment expectations.

Summative: I will collect the worksheet by having students insert the completed assignment
in their theme duo tangs. I will use students assessment to compose a graph chart, reflecting
their information.


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