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Final Examination in Basic Computer and Word Processing

Studying All Night Flyer Instructions

1. Center the headline and the signature line

2. Change the font color of the headline to blue accent 1 , darker 25%
3. Change the font size of the headline to 36 and the font style to ravie and put the text
effects that you want.
4. Change the font size of the body copy to 20.
5. Change the font size of the signature line to 22 point. Bold the text in the signature line.
6. Change the font of the body copy and the signature line to Rockwell, and change the
color of the signature line to Dark Red, Accent 6.
7. Bullet the three lines of the text above the signature line.
8. Bold and capitalize the text, Let us help you!, and change its color to Dark Red, Accent 6.
9. Italicized the word “or” in the signature line.\
10. Underline the text, Student Services Center, in the third bulleted paragraph.\
11. Put Borders on the page, any kind of border you want.
12. Put the title of this subject in the header while put your name, course and year on the
footer, any header and footer style will do.
13. Edit the picture by making its wrap text to square and its picture style into metal oval.
14. The entire flyer must fit on one page.
15. Adjust the picture to your desired size.
16. Save as the document with filename “SurnameFirstnameFinals”.
Computer Laboratory Rubrics

Skills Score
Enter Data
Under File use New to create a new document or Open to open existing document; enter text using
letter, number, and function keys including: Backspace, Enter, Shift, Space Bar
Edit text
by highlighting text to Cut or Delete;
edit text by using the backspace key
uses Spell Check and Grammar Check to correct spelling and grammar errors
insert clipart, picture from a file, or a drawing using draw and paint tools;
insert, move and resize graphics
Save Document
to a file using Save or Save As and creates a file name
Prepared by:
Christian Flores
Part-time Instructor
Prepared by:
Christian Flores
Part-time Instructor

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