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Young Water Fellowship Program

2018 Application form

Hello! Welcome to the application process for the 2018 edition of the Young Water Fellowship Program.
This program aims to empower 10 young leaders like you to turn their initiatives in social enterprises that tackle water,
sanitation and hygiene, water pollution and/or water scarcity issues at a community-level.

Before applying, make sure you are familiar with the conditions to apply. You should:

 Be 18-30 years old (born between May 17th 1987 and May 16th 2000).
 Be the founder or co-founder of an initiative that contributes to the solution of a well-defined water problem
in your country. The initiative should be in its planning or initial stages and have the ability to be turned into
a social enterprise (i.e. have a long-term sustainability component or business model).
 Be a citizen and resident of a low or middle-income country (see eligible countries here)
 Be available to attend a workshop in Europe from August 13th to September 14th 2018 (note that exact dates
might change).
 Have at least at a minimum an intermediate knowledge of English. You must be able to understand and
express opinions in this language (the workshop will be held in English). However, the form can be filled in
in English, French or Spanish.

All training costs (flights, transportation in Europe, accommodation, meals) will be covered by the organizers.
However, you are expected to cover only your visa expenses and local transportation from and to the airport in your
country of residence.

Application process: To apply, you will need: 1) to record a 2-min video describing your initiative and the problem
it seeks to address, and provide us with the link to watch it or download it (you can for example use YouTube, Vimeo,
Dropbox, Google Drive, etc). 2) To fill in the questions about your project and yourself. No answer about yourself is
right or wrong - what we value the most is honesty in the answers.

You can access the online application HERE. In the exceptional case that you fail to fill in the form online, you can
also send your application to However, we strongly prefer that you fill in the
form online.

Only complete applications (answering the 40 questions), with detailed answers will be considered. One-line answers
to questions are considered incomplete, and therefore not eligible.
Young women are especially encouraged to apply.

DEADLINE: MAY 16th 2018 (midnight CET time)

Questions with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

1. *First name: Click or tap here to enter text.

2. *Family name: Click or tap here to enter text.
3. *Where are you from? Click or tap here to enter text.
4. *In which country will your initiative be implemented? Click or tap here to enter text.
5. *Do you currently live in the country where your initiative will take place? (tick only one

☐No, but I will live there by October 2018
☐No, and I won’t live there in the short term

6. *How old are you? Choose an item.

7. *How do you identify yourself? (tick only one box)


8. *Email: Click or tap here to enter text.

9. *Highest degree obtained (tick only one box):

☐High School Diploma

☐Bachelor (or equivalent)
☐Masters (or equivalent)

10. *Current/ most recent professional position (if any):

Click or tap here to enter text.

11. *Are you the founder or co-founder of your initiative? (tick only one box)


12. *Will you be able to attend the training from August 13th to September 14th in Europe? (tick
only one box)

☐I’m not sure

13. *Are you flexible time-wise in case the dates of the training change? (tick only one box)

☐I’m not sure

14. *Will you be able to cover visa fees and local transportation to the nearest international
airport in your country of residency? (tick only one box)


15. *Do you have a valid passport? Expiration date should be after March 2019: (tick only one

☐No, but I can have one within 2 weeks

16. *What is your English level? (tick only one box)



17. *Initiative’s name: Click or tap here to enter text.
18. *Initiative’s location: Click or tap here to enter text.
19. *Provide the link to your video here
In your video you should explain in 2 min (max) the issue you are addressing, the solution you propose,
and how it can be sustained over time.
Click or tap here to enter text.

20. *To which category/ies does your initiative correspond? (tick all that apply)

☐Water Supply
☐Solid Waste
☐Other: Click or tap here to enter text.

21. *What local issues are you trying to address with your initiative? (max 250 words)
Please describe the issues (not the initiative) and be specific about the location where it will take place.
We are interested in understanding your local issues, not the world's water crises.
Click or tap here to enter text.
22. Please explain your initiative concisely. (Min. 200 words, max 400 words)
What solutions does your initiative propose to the problem described before? Describe key actions of
your plan (if possible add technical details related to its design)
Click or tap here to enter text.

23. *Describe the social, environmental and economical impact of your initiative (Min. 150 words,
max 300 words).
What solutions does your initiative propose? Include its social, environmental and economic impact,
as well as main actions.
Click or tap here to enter text.

24. *Would you say your initiative is (tick only one box):

☐A project with the potential of being turned into a social enterprise

A social enterprise is defined as a financially sustainable organization created to address a
social/environmental problem, where most profits are reinvested in the business itself to increase its
impact and sustainability.
☐An idea which is already a social enterprise
☐I’m not sure

25. *Who would directly benefit from your initiative, and approximately how many people would
you benefit in a year once it’s running? Please describe briefly. (max 200 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

26. *Does your initiative empower women and/or young people? Describe how. (max 200 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

27. *Do you have a team or are you on your own? If you have a team, please describe its members
and build up. (max 150 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

28. *Which stage are you currently at with your initiative? (tick only one box)
☐I have just developed the idea
☐I have taken concrete steps to put the idea into practice (i.e. business model, prototype etc.)
☐I did a pilot project/ I have tested my idea with potential customers and am now looking for support
to scale up
☐I have developed a solid customer base and am now operating at scale

29. *Where would your initiative revenues come from? (max 200 words)
‘’Initiative revenues’’ refers to the source where you get the funds from, to keep your social enterprise
going once it’s running
Click or tap here to enter text.

30. *Do you need financial support to set up your initiative? If yes, describe the approximate
budget needed (amount and main expenses): (max 150 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

31. *Describe when, how and using which indicators you are planning to monitor and evaluate
the success of your initiative: (max 200 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

32. *Describe the two main risks that could affect the success of your initiative. (max 200 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.


33. *Describe why you want to become a Young Water Fellow, what skills you hope to gain and
how your initiative would benefit from it. (max 250 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

34. *Please briefly explain your background and studies. (max 150 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

35. *Describe any previous social or water/environmental engagement you have had. (max 200
Click or tap here to enter text.

36. *Are you part of any youth or water related organizations or networks? Please name them.
(max 100 words)
Click or tap here to enter text.

37. Please attach your CV to this email (max 3 pages).

38. Please attach a reference letter to this email (for example from your University, professor,
employer, partner organization, etc).

39. Would you like us to eventually share your application with other organizations that
provide financial/technical support?
We are sometimes asked by youth or water organizations to share the applications we receive, so that
they can offer you support. But we will not do it unless you give us permission.


40. *Last one! Where did you hear about the Young Water Fellowship program?

☐In Young Water Solutions’ website/newsletter

☐I saw it on Facebook
☐I saw it on Twitter
☐I saw it on LinkedIn
☐In another organization’s website/newsletter
☐A friend told me
☐Other: Click or tap here to enter text.

Thank you for filling in this form.

Please send it by email to before the deadline, attaching your
CV and recommendation letter.
You will not receive a confirmation email.
Results will be released by May 20th 2018

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