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Research Proposal

Clara Selbrede
Intern/Mentor I
Research Title:

Overview of Research:
The researcher will be exploring Applied Mathematics under Dr. Bryan Gorman at Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (JHU-APL), specifically investigating using a
mathematical model of the intersection between Sheppard Lane and Route 108 to determine the
effectiveness of creating an additional turning lane.

Background and History of the Issue:

On a weekday morning during the school year, it is very common for Sheppard Lane to back up
as cars wait to turn on Clarksville Pike (Route 108). While one likely cause for this backup is the
proximity to 32, a relatively large highway, a left turn onto 108 is the last step for many student
drivers whose destination is River Hill High School. This backup increases the commuting times
for both high schoolers as well as commuters who must pass through this intersection.

Problem Statement and Rationale:

At this intersection, there are many instances of cars who wish to turn right, but are unable to due
to their position in line behind cars wishing to turn left. Based on prior experience, the researcher
believes that the addition of a turning lane may be an effective way to decrease the traffic
problems at this intersection. The researcher will analyze this intersection through a
mathematical model to support or disprove her hypothesis.

Research Methodology:

Research Question and Hypothesis:

A turning lane will reduce traffic enough to be worth the cost.

Basis of Hypothesis:
Qualitative data in the form of prior experience indicates that a turning lane would
improve commute times due to the frequency of right turners being trapped behind left
turners when there are gaps for them to turn. Because the majority of traffic coming from
the left turns into River Hill High School, there are plenty of gaps for right turners.

Research Design:
Research will be conducted through reading proposed models for traffic modeling and
attempting to apply them to data collected for the specific intersection.

Product Overview:
Hopefully at the end of this project, the researcher will have a conclusion about whether a
turning lane would be more cost effective, and a research paper and website to document the
work. The audience is comprised of the Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning.

Logistical Considerations:
Data collection must be completed relatively early and may involve cameras and/or missing
school in the morning, so the researcher will need to get prior permission. Additionally, the
Matlab software can only be accessed on site, so time to work on this project will be limited if
the method used requires Matlab.

Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

G/T Resource Teacher Signature: _________________________ Date: _____________
Mentor Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

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