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Unidad Educativa “Otto Arosemena Gómez”


2017 2018


Teacher: Lic. Ana Vélez Vintimilla. Area: English as a Foreign Language Grade: 3RD Class: A
Book: English A1. 2 Unit: 6 Objectives:
How many robots O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
do you have?. O.EFL 3.4 Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster problem-solving and independent learning using both spoken and written English.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs, games and graphic
short stories in order to foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and written literary texts.
Periods: 18, 3 class periods per lesson Weeks: From May 21 to June 22, 2018

Skills and Performance Criteria Evaluation Criteria
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an awareness of different cultures and identify similarities and differences
EFL 3.1.3 Exchange basic personal preferences with peers in order to express likes and dislikes. between them through oral and written literary texts

Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of the main idea, speaker and
EFL 3.3.4 Distinguish between fact and opinion and relevant and irrelevant information in an situation in spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
informational text through the use of mind maps/charts.
Reading CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate comprehension of most of the details of a short simple online or print text and
EFL 3.3.3 Identify the meaning of specific content-based words and phrases, with the aid of visual follow short instructions in simple experiments and projects if illustrated through step-by-step visuals.
EFL 3.4.2 Write a short simple paragraph to describe yourself or other people, animals, places and CE.EFL.3.17. Produce a short simple paragraph to describe people, places, things and feelings in order to
things, with limited support. (Example: by answering questions or using key words) influence an audience and use linking words to write other narratives on familiar subjects.
Language through the Arts
EFL 3.5.5 Evaluate literary texts (both written and oral, online, in video or in print) according to pre- CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and relevant information from literary texts using group or class
established criteria. (Example: completing a checklist, a chart, a personal response, etc.) brainstorms and/or mind maps in order to enhance collaborative responses to literature.

Methodological Strategies Resources Performance Indicators Evaluation: Activities / Techniques /

Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness ACTIVITIES
▪ New Curriculum EFL for I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an awareness of • Express curiosity about the world and other
Finding recipes from other cultures and making them share in class. Nivel Medio EGB different cultures and identify similarities and cultures by asking simple WH- questions in class
Writing a short descriptive paragraph about a country of the learner’s differences between them through oral and written after reading and/ or participating in
choosing. ▪ Teacher’s Guide English literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1) presentations or other group work.
A1.2 (including interactive • Understand and use common expressions of
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) version) Oral Communication politeness in class while working in pairs or
I.EFL.3.6.1. Learners can grasp the main idea of groups on projects.
Listening to a simple, straightforward story and ordering the pictures ▪ Audio CD spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts and • Exchange basic personal preferences with peers
showing what happens. (Example: Tom and Mike are playing soccer, the infer changes in the topic of discussion as well as in order to express likes and dislikes.
ball goes into the water, Tom’s dog gets the ball, etc.) ▪ Teacher’s Guide who is speaking and what the situation is, without • Recognize familiar names, words, and short
Listening to a short conversation between two speakers and deciding who having to decode every word. (I.3, I.4) phrasesabout simple everyday topics whether
is speaking, where they are and how they feel. (Example: two friends, at Reading heard in isolation or within short, simple spoken
▪ Posters and pictures
the library doing homework, confused because they don’t understand the I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can understand most details in texts describing people and objects.
about the topic
assignment, etc.) a short simple online or print text and can follow • Understand and use basic greetings, leave-
short instructions in simple experiments and taking expressions, and other simple everyday
Reading ▪ Photocopiable projects if step-by-step visuals are provided. (I.3, phrases to facilitate interpersonal interaction, to
Following the steps in a simple science experiment. (Example: making worksheets (TG) I.4) introduce others, and to name things.
yogurt cheese, growing a bean plant, etc.) Writing • Show the ability to use a simple learning
Putting steps in a recipe in the correct order. ▪ Quiz Time (SB) I.EFL.3.17.1. Learners can write short simple resource.
paragraphs to describe people, places, animals, • Make a simple learning resource, in order to
Writing things and feelings, with limited support, while record and practice new words.
Sequencing sentences by adding words. (Example: I wake up. I eat demonstrating an ability to effectively influence an • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
breakfast. → First I wake up. Then I eat breakfast, etc.) audience and to express everyday activities. (I.3, providing personal details.
Using question prompts to write sentences about a classmate. (Example: S.1) • Use audio, video, and pictures to respond to a
Where does he live? What food does he like?, etc.) Language through the Arts variety of literary texts through online or in-class
Combining sentences with conjunctions. (Example: I like to listen to music ICT activities.
in my free time. I like to sing, too. → I like to listen to music and sing in I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in groups to create TECHNIQUES
my free time, etc.) brainstorms and/ or draw mind maps to describe ▪Peer Observation.
Looking at a picture and writing a description of what you see or how it and organize ideas or useful information from ▪ Checklist.
makes you feel, then comparing descriptions in pairs. literary texts and create collaborative responses to ▪ Questionnaires.
literature through process writing groups or ▪ Interviews.
Language through the Arts literature circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)
▪ Dossiers.
Role playing scenes from a story. ▪ Project Assignment.
Writing the dialogue and stage directions for a story from class and
▪ Unit Game
performing it for an audience.
Discussing a scene from a video in groups and using the discussion to ▪ Glossary activities.
write a review. Instruments for oral and written evaluation
. ▪ Rubrics
▪ Portfolio
▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
▪ Essay Tests
▪ Practical Exams.
▪ Writing Tests
▪ Training Test
Students with Special Needs Specifications of the Material to Be Applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have developed.
• Physical Impairments Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by
tiers or learning styles / multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats; using review games to make
learning fun.

CLIL Components Transversal Axes

Science/Technology/Arts: To present a flash card show about feelings. Intercultural awareness, tolerance, respect, multiculturalism, responsibility,
solidarity, justice, innovation, etc.
Prepared by Teacher: Lic. Ana Vélez Vintimilla Revised by Lic. Delia Rivera Approved by: Subdirector Mst. Flor Maldonado
Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: May 21, 2018 Date: May 21, 2018 Date: May 21, 2018

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