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Ileocolonic schistosomiasis
resembling Crohn’s disease

GW GARDINER, A ZALEV, R WARREN. Ileocolonic schistosomiasis resem-
bling Crohn’s disease. Can J Gastroenterol 1995;9(6):345-348. A case of A 40-year-old Portuguese man who
ileocolonic schistosomiasis mimicking Crohn’s disease of the ileum is presented. had lived in Canada for nine years pre-
Surgical resection of ileum was performed in a 40-year-old man because of intesti- sented with a three-year history of diar-
nal obstruction with fistulas, which were diagnosed surgically and histologically rhea, characterized by four loose stools
as Crohn’s disease. It was only with tissue review six months later that the diagno- daily, abdominal cramps and periodic
sis of ileal schistosomiasis was made. The difficulties in diagnosis and recognition vomiting. Abdominal examination dis-
of this disease are discussed. closed a soft tender mass in the right
Key Words: Crohn’s disease, Schistosomiasis lower quadrant. Intravenous and
retrograde pyelography and ab-
Schistosomiase iléocolique ressemblant à la maladie de Crohn dominal ultrasonography disclosed
right-sided hydronephrosis and hy-
RÉSUMÉ : Un cas de schistosomiase iléocolique imitant la maladie de Crohn au droureter secondary to an irregular 4
niveau de l’iléon est présenté ici. Une résection chirurgicale de l’iléon a été effec- cm stricture of the lower right ureter
tuée chez cet homme de 40 ans à cause d’une obstruction intestinale accom- which was treated by stenting. An upper
pagnée de fistules, suivant un diagnostic chirurgical et histologique de maladie de gastrointestinal small bowel series
Crohn. Ce n’est qu’à l’examen des tissus, six mois plus tard, que le diagnostic final showed two narrowed segments in the
de schistosomiase iléale a pu être posé. Les difficultés relatives au diagnostic et à
distal ileum separated by a short dilated
l’identification de cette maladie sont présentés.
bowel segment. The more distal steno-
tic segment showed linear ulcers and
sacculations (Figure 1).

Air contrast barium enema and
LTHOUGH INTESTINAL SCHISTO- graphic features. Furthermore, at the colonoscopy to the cecum disclosed
somiasis is well recognized in time of operation and gross pathologi- normal mucosa except for a symmetric,
patients with a recent travel history, cal inspection, the opened bowel may slightly narrowed segment extending
an insidious onset and long periods look similar to Crohn’s disease fre- 13 to 18 cm from the anal sphincter.
of remission may result in clinical quently seen in North America (2). Mucosal biopsies were superficial and
omission of this entity from gastroin- We report a case of ileal schistosomia- interpreted as showing chronic non-
testinal differential diagnosis (1). sis that was mistaken for Crohn’s dis- specific inflammation. Ileal Crohn’s
Chronic schistosomiasis progresses to ease, and that resulted in surgery disease complicated by hydronephrosis
fibrostenosis similar to Crohn’s dis- and significant delay in appropriate and hydroureter was diagnosed. Predni-
ease and may assume similar radio- medical treatment. sone therapy was initiated and a short
course of trimethoprim-
sulphamethoxazole and metronidazole
Departments of Pathology, Diagnostic Imaging and Medicine, St Michael’s Hospital, was administered.
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Correspondence and reprints: Dr GW Gardiner, Department of Pathology – C, St Michael’s
Three months later, the patient was
Hospital, 30 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1W8. Telephone 416-864-5858, having one normal bowel movement
fax 416-864-5870 daily and the abdominal mass was no
Received for publication February 1, 1995. Accepted March 22, 1995 longer detectable. A small bowel series



Figure 1) Spot view of distal ileum showing two narrowed segments with Figure 2) Spot view of distal ileum showing narrowed segment with deep
irregular contours and sacculation separated by a dilated segment linear ulcers (arrowheads). Ulceration has caused a fistula (F) to the rec-
tum (R)

Figure 3) Overhead view of small bowel showing a normal terminal il- Figure 4) Spot view of ileocecal region showing linear ulcers (arrow-
eum (TI). The rectum (R) fills via a fistula (F). Ileo-ileal fistulas have de- heads) in the terminal ileum
veloped and the loops are separated because of mural thickening and
mesenteric inflammation

showed that the proximal stenotic seg- The ileorectal fistula was still present ceration and transmural aggregated
ment in the distal ileum had narrowed and an ileo-ileal fistula had developed. lymphoid hyperplasia histologically
further. Deep linear ulcers and a fistula The terminal ileum was spared (Figure was Crohn’s disease.
from this segment to the rectum were 3). Resection of the diseased segment Six months later, because of the re-
noted (Figure 2). Abdominal ultra- of distal ileum and appendix was per- currence of diarrhea, the patient was
sound showed complete resolution of formed and the ileorectal fistula closed. referred for a second opinion. Labora-
the hydronephrosis and hydroureter. The last 10 cm of terminal ileum and tory findings were hemoglobin 132 g/L,
Eight months later, a small bowel se- ileocecal valve were preserved because white blood cell count 6000/mL with
ries showed that the previously dilated they grossly appeared normal. Patho- normal differential, serum albumin
segment of distal ileum between the logical diagnosis based on fissuring ul- 3.9 g/L and serum globulin 3.2 g/L, with
two stenotic segments had narrowed. normal serum vitamin B12, folate lev-


Ileocolonic schistosomiasis resembling Crohn’s disease

els, aspartate aminotransferase, serum

alkaline phosphatase and protein elec-
trophoresis. A small bowel series
showed new linear ulceration in the
terminal ileum (Figure 4).
Histological review of the previ-
ously resected ileum showed deep fis-
suring ulceration with aggregated
transmural lymphoid hyperplasia in a
pattern typical of Crohn’s disease; how-
ever, close scrutiny revealed the pres-
ence of schistosoma ova in the
granulation tissue of fissures and em-
bedded in the lamina propria (Figure
5). In spite of egg degeneration, the
presence of a lateral spine was most
consistent with Schistosoma mansoni in-
fection. The appendix did not contain
schistosoma ova. Flexible sigmoido-
scopy showed granular rectal mucosa
and mucosal biopsies of the rectosig-
moid revealed the presence of schisto-
soma ova.
In view of these new findings, retro-
spective review of the patient’s history
before immigration was carried out. He
was born and resided in the Portuguese
Azores until 23 years of age when he
moved to Lisbon for four months. He
then served two years of military duty
in Angola, living much of it in primi-
tive conditions. Bathing and recrea-
tional swimming frequently occurred
in inland waterways.
Praziquantel 20 mg/kg tid for one
day was administered and cholesty-
ramine 9 g bid prescribed. Six months
later the patient was passing two
formed stools daily, which would Figure 5) Photomicrograph of ileal mucosa showing an expanded submucosal plane with lymphoid
change to four loose stools if he discon- hyperplasia and ova in lamina propria. Inset: Schistosoma ova with lateral spine
tinued cholestyramine. He gained 3.6
kg and abdominal ultrasound showed
no evidence of hepatosplenomegaly. The blood flukes of S mansoni most tinal tract. At endoscopy, heavy egg
commonly cause gastrointestinal dis- burden may be associated with ‘sandy
DISCUSSION ease and reside chiefly in the mesen- patches’ of the mucosa. Histologically,
Schistosomiasis is a major health teric veins of the large bowel. They ova deposition incites a paraoval
problem affecting about 5% of the cause disease by deposition of eggs granulomatous inflammation with
world population (1,3). Broad geo- (ova) in the distal venous plexus of the lymphocytes, macrophages, giant cells
graphic areas including Africa, the colon. Ova deposition in the intestinal and usually noticeable eosinophils.
Middle East, South East Asia and the wall may acutely cause ulceration with The schistosome granuloma is a T
Caribbean constitute endemic areas; bleeding, diarrhea and protein loss. cell-dependent host reaction for which
with immigration and travel the inci- The severity of the disease relates to the detailed pathophysiology has been
dence of schistosomiasis will increase the intensity and duration of the egg well elucidated in experimental ani-
in North America (1,3). Clinicians, ra- burden which progresses from an active mals (3). With down-regulation of the
diologists and pathologists must recog- to an inactive stage. Furthermore, egg initial infection, only a small percent-
nize the lesions of this parasitic deposition is uneven and may ran- age of patients develop chronic compli-
infestation outside endemic areas. domly affect any part of the gastrointes- cations such as fibrostenosis,



fistulization and polyposis (1). Patholo- literature, done by Mynors in 1957 (2). granulomatous infections: schisto-
gists must be astute to recognize ova as His report was very similar to the cur- somiasis, tuberculosis and actinomyco-
a cause of the granuloma or a misdiag- rent case except that in Mynors’s case sis. The latter two infections usually
nosis of Crohn’s disease can occur, as is the disease process destroyed the ileo- show extensive cecal involvement,
evident in this report. Speciation cecal valve and involved the cecum. which was not a feature in this case.
should be attempted by position of the More recently, ileocolonic schistosomia- Amebiasis is usually limited to the co-
spine of the ova (lateral spine in S man sis mimicking clinical lymphoma has lon. Because of the patient’s exposure
soni), and Z-N staining may accentuate been reported, with resolution of a in an endemic area, schistosomiasis
the egg capsule. Negative stools for ova right lower quadrant mass after a nega- must be included in the radiographic
and parasites do not exclude the dis- tive fine needle aspirate and treatment differential diagnosis. Unlike urinary
ease. for schistosomiasis detected by rectal bladder schistosomiasis (Schistosoma
Ulcerative colitis occurring in a pa- biopsy (5). Iyer et al (6) have reported a haematobium), where calcification of
tient with chronic colonic schisto- case of intestinal obstruction in the dead ova is common, calcification of
somiasis has been reported (4). How- ileocecal area that was due to schisto- intestinal ova of S mansoni is rare and
ever, schistosomiasis superimposed on somiasis mistaken clinically for colonic was not seen in our case. Mural calcifi-
Crohn’s disease or vice versa has not, to carcinoma. cation of the large bowel in schisto-
our knowledge, been reported. The Intestinal schistosomiasis may have somiasis has recently been recognized
presence of a heavy egg deposition in many radiological features in common by computed tomography scanning (9).
the area of diseased bowel in our case with Crohn’s disease (7,8). Extensive We emphasize that schistosomiasis
excluded the diagnosis of Crohn’s dis- transmural disease characterized by can be an imposter of Crohn’s disease
ease. Only a single case report of intes- deep ulcers, fistulas and stricturing lim- and can easily be overlooked or misdi-
tinal schistosomiasis resembling its the differential diagnosis to Crohn’s agnosed.
Crohn’s disease could be found in the disease, radiation injury and three
schistosomiasis. J R Soc Med 8. Reeder MM, Palmer PES. Infections
1. Strickland GT. Gastrointestinal 1991;84:46-7. and infestations. In: Margulis
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2. Mynors JM. Intestinal schistosomiasis lymphoma. Am J Gastroenterol Toronto: CV Mosby Company,
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