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Pro/ENGINEER Release 2001 Update

Subject: Release 2001 Update

Lesson # 1


• Introduction and Overview

• New User Interface
• Sketcher
• Part Mode
• Assembly Mode
• Drawing Mode

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Tutorial Guidelines

How to Read This Tutorial

Below is a quick outline of how to read our tutorials. Underneath each item is an
example of how it might be used throughout this document.

All menu picks in Pro/ENGINEER are designated by #this text.

• PART menu: #Feature, #Create, #Datum, #Plane, #Default.

Explanation or comments about what you are doing are noted by this text
** To begin, we will create a new part with default datum planes **

Any file selection is noted by <this text>

• FILE menu: #Open, Name: <handle>, #OK.

Any input into Pro/ENGINEER will be displayed with [this text].

• FILE menu: #New, Name: [surf_1], #OK.

Disclaimer and Terms of Use

All material written in this document has been thoroughly reviewed for accuracy
and tested for the release designated on the title page. However, FroTime is not
responsible for any information that is incorrect or does not operate correctly when the
tutorial instructions are followed correctly.
This tutorial and all tutorials produced by FroTime are the property of FroTime
Inc. and may not be reproduced or reprinted in any form without the expressed written
consent of FroTime.
Pro/ENGINEER and the related modules discussed within this tutorial, as well
as all screen captures, are registered trademarks of PTC. For more information, please
consult their web site at

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Table Of Contents

PRO/ENGINEER RELEASE 2001 UPDATE .............................................................. 1

I. Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4

II. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 User Interface ............................................................... 5

III. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 Sketcher ...................................................................... 14

IV. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 Part Mode ................................................................... 16

V. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 Assembly Mode .......................................................... 25

VI. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 Drawing Mode............................................................ 36

VII.Summary ............................................................................................................ 47

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I. Introduction
The newest release of Pro/ENGINEER from PTC is being described as one of the most
significant releases in quite some time. Release 2001 has over 410 enhancements and
some exciting new functionality as well. One of the first enhancements that you will
notice is the 40% reduction in menu navigation. PTC focused heavily on streamlining
and increasing ease of use to create a simple more refined workflow. In other words,
PTC is making Pro/ENGINEER easier to use. NICE!

Some of the new enhancements that will be covered in this update tutorial include the
new toolbar functionality. New “geometry filter” icons for selecting features allow the
user to select datums, solids or surfaces. The new hide/unhide functionality allows the
user to hide features on the fly via the model tree. “Model Player” (replaces “regen
info”) lets you play back the regeneration of your part feature by feature. Users can now
compare two parts to identify the differences that exist between them. Features can now
be modified dynamically inside the graphics window. The detailing environment has an
entirely new look with most of the old commands imbedded into the pull down menus.
Right mouse click functionality has also been increased in all modes.

Overall, release 2001 is much easier to use than previous releases of Pro/ENGINEER and
it includes new functionality that will allow users to work faster with less mistakes. The
“workflow process” that PTC is trying to simplify and implement in this new release is
much more intuitive than before which will make users everywhere very happy.

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II. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 User Interface

The most obvious enhancement that you will see as soon as you open a file in 2001 will
be the number of commands that have been moved from the menu manager to the pull
down menus on the top of the graphics window. In particular, the Insert pull down menu
gives you the ability to create extrude and revolve features on the fly allowing you to
work much faster.

** To begin, open the part called “2001_test.prt”. **

• FILE menu: #File, #Open, Name: <2001_test.prt>, #OK

** The part should appear as shown below. **

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** Add two spokes to the test part using the Insert pull down menu. **

• INSERT menu: #Insert, #Protrusion, #Extrude, #Both Sides, #Done

** Select DTM_Y as the sketching plane and DTM_Z as the vertical reference plan. Then
sketch the elliptical section as shown below. Select Thru Next for both depth values. **

** Now add another spoke and this time select DTM_Z as the sketching plane and
DTM_Y as the vertical reference plane. Then sketch the same elliptical section you used
for the first spoke. **

** The part should now look like the image below. **

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There are three new icons (shown below) that have been added to the default toolbar in
release 2001. These icons are for filtering geometry and they control what feature will
highlight when your pointer passes over them. The first icon will activate datum features,
the second icon will activate solid features and components. The third icon activates
surface features.


Release 2001 now gives you the ability to Hide and Unhide features and components
using your model tree. Hidden objects will appear grayed out in the model tree.

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The hide setting are not saved with the model. When you exit out of the model and open
it up again the hidden objects will appear again.

Opening & Saving Files

There have been a number of enhancements in the “file management” capabilities with
release 2001. When opening a file you can now see up to 4 of the previous files that you
have worked on in the pull down menu. This is similar to the way that office applications

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In the above image you will also notice the import and export menu picks are gone. For
release 2001 this functionality has been moved to a few different places through out the
pull down menu structure. The “File Export” functionality has been replaced by “Save a

• FILE menu: #File, #Save a Copy

The “File Import Create New Model” functionality has been replaced by “File Open”.

• FILE menu: #File, #Open

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The “File Import Append to Model” functionality has been replaced by “Insert Data
From File”. This can also be used in sketcher when importing a section.

• INSERT menu: #Insert, #Data from File…

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Split Buttons

Release 2001 gives you the ability to create split buttons that can contain multiple
commands. To create a split button:

• Utilities menu: #Customize Screen, # Commands, #New Menu

** In the “Commands” tab under the “Categories list, pick New Menu. Then, under the
“Commands” list pick “New Flyout” and drag the box to an available toolbar. You can
now add commands to that button using the same technique that you would to customize
a toolbar. **

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Model Player

The “Regen Info” menu pick has been replaced with a much more user friendly and
capable command called Model Player. New for 2001, the model player allows users to
“step” through your model regenerating features or rolling past them to features created
later on. The Fix Model pick in the model player allows you to go into the feature
resolve menu anywhere along the regeneration path.

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The layers dialog box now remains open regardless of what operation you are
performing. It is now also possible to copy the contents of one layer to another.

Part Comparison

In 2001 you are now able to compare part files. You can do the comparison based on the
geometry of the parts or the features of each part.

Reduce Spin Flash

A new option for 2001 is the Reduce_Spin_Flash option. This config option
reduces the amount of “flash” that you see every time that you begin to spin a part and
when you finish spinning a part.

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III. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 Sketcher
Editing Dimensions

It is now possible to edit dimensions while in sketcher directly in the graphics window.
While in Sketcher simply double click on a dimension and it will appear in a white box
where you can edit the value.

This functionality is also available outside of sketcher when doing a dynamic modify to
an object (see the “Part Mode” section of this tutorial for an example).

Importing into Sketcher

In release 2001 it is now possible to import IGES files and DWG files directly into
sketcher. Under the Sketch pull down menu select Data from File…

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The Open dialog box appears. You can now select the type of file you wish to import.

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IV. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 Part Mode
Progressive Features

As we saw in the User Interface section of this tutorial, the Insert pull down menu gives
users the ability to create features much quicker with less menu picks. This new pull
down menu can also be used to create Progressive Features. Simply highlight a surface
on a part or assembly that you wish to use for your sketching plane, you can then select
an option from the Insert pull down menu. Pro/E will then automatically put you into
sketcher where you can complete the feature.

** Open the part called “2001_test.prt”. **

• FILE menu: #File, #Open, Name: <2001_test.prt>, #OK

** Redefine the radial hole pattern to be a General pattern. The HOLE dialog box
appears. Select the Pattern button. The REDEF PAT menu appears**

• REDEF PATT menu: #Pat Options

• PAT OPTIONS menu: #General, #Done, #Done Return

** Select the “Check Box” and regenerate the part. **

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** Set your selection filter to “Geometry”. **

** We will now add hex counter-sinks to the holes using a progressive cut. Select the
front surface as shown below. **

** Now select Cut and Extrude… from the Insert pull down menu. You will then be
placed directly into sketcher. **

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** Select axis “A-4” for a reference and sketch a hex section around the hole as shown
in the figure below. The hex section was created using 3 construction circles. **

** After you hit the “check” box in sketcher, you will return to the graphics window. The
section for the cut that you made will appear with a default depth and a Drag Handle.
The drag handles (represented by the yellow box seen on the depth of the cut below) are
new for release 2001 and allow you to dynamically modify the feature. **

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** Grab the yellow box with your mouse and adjust the depth of the cut to be “.5”. You
can complete the modification and regenerate by simply double clicking in the graphics
window with you left mouse button. **

** Apply a “Ref Pattern” to the cut and add it to the rest of the patterned holes. The part
should now look like the image below. **

** Make sure your selection filter is set to “Geometry”. **

** We will now look at another example of progressive feature creation This time we will
use the right mouse button to create rounds on each of the spokes where they intersect the
wheel. This technique is referred to as Object-Action. **

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** Select the edge of one of the spokes where it intersects the rim and then hit your right
mouse button. Select “Round Edges” from the pop up menu. **

** A preview of a round, with drag handles, will appear on the edge that you selected. **

** Use the drag handles to set the radius value to “.5”. Double click on the graphics
window to regenerate the part. **

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** Complete the part by adding rounds (.5”) to the remaining 3 spoke edges using the
above technique. **

Dynamic Modify

** We will now use Dynamic Modify to change the radius value of the rounds we just
created. Set your selection filter to “Primary Items”. **

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** Select a round and then right mouse click and choose “Dynamic Modify” from the
pop up menu. **

** The preview of the round appears. There are two ways to modify the radius value.
You can either use the drag handles or double click on the radius value. If you double
click on the radius value a pull down menu appears and you can select old values. Go
ahead and double click the radius value and select “.2” from the pull down menu. **

** Double click on the graphics window to regenerate the round. Go ahead and change
the rounds on the remaining 3 spokes to “.2” **

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V. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 Assembly Mode
Find Missing Components

New for release 2001 in assembly mode is the ability to handle missing components
when retrieving files.

** Open the assembly called “frotime_chassis.asm”. **

• FILE menu: #File, #Open, Name: <frotime_chassis.asm>, #OK

** The assembly will fail. Go into the feature resolve menu and select the Quick Fix
option. **

• RESOLVE FEAT menu: #Quick Fix

• QUICK FIX menu: #Find Component

** The “File Open” dialog box appears. The missing part, “handle.prt”, is in the folder
called “handles”. Go ahead and open the part “handle.prt”. **

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** The missing part is brought into the assembly. Exit the resolve feature menu. Select
“Yes” from the “Yes/No” menu. **

** The assembly should look like the image below. **

Save A Copy

The “Save A Copy…” functionality has been improved in release 2001. It is much easier
to deal with all components in the assembly when you need to create a copy of the

• FILE menu: #Save A Copy

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** Enter a new name for the assembly, “frotime_prototype_chassis”. **

** The “Assembly Save A Copy” dialog box appears. You now have the ability to
rename all of the components or just selected ones using the pull down menus. **

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Component Placement

New for release 2001 is a totally revamped “Component Placement” dialog box. It is
now much easier to assemble components due to the reduced list of assembly constraints.
Gone from the list are the old constraints of “Align Offset” and “Mate Offset”. There is
now an editable “Offset” value that is incorporated into the dialog box. Also gone is the
confusing concept of “Red” and “Yellow” reference directions. This is replaced by the
very easy to understand “Flip” button which reverses the component 180 degrees about
the assigned constraints. A check box has also been added to allow you to turn the
constraints on and off without deleting them. The “Orientated” option has been placed
under the “Offset” column. This will make is easier to constrain the component when a
“Make Datum” is necessary. Below is an image of the new “Component Placement”
dialog box. Make sure you try out all the new features.

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** Let’s now assemble another handle to the right side of the chassis. **

• ASSEMBLY menu: #Component

• COMPONENT menu: #Assemble

** Browse to the “Handles” folder and open up “handle.prt”. **

** Add a “Mate” constraint between the front panel and the mounting surface of the
handle. Now add two “Align” constraints to the axis of the handle and the axis of the
mounting holes on the front panel. You can look at the handle on the left side of the
chassis to see how it was assembled if you are unsure of which references to use. **

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Replacing with Shrinkwrap

In release 2001, you are now able to replace parts and assemblies with their associated
shrinkwraps. This gives you the ability to work much faster in your large assemblies by
replacing all subassemblies and parts that you are not working on with shrinkwraps. You
can then focus on the area of the assembly that is important while still seeing the rest of
the assembly. When you are finished working you can then replace the shrinkwraps with
their associated master models.

** Replace the handles on the chassis with their associated shrinkwrap part. **

• ASSEMBLY menu: #Component

• COMPONENT menu: #Adv Utils

• ADV COMP UTL menu: #Replace

** From the model tree select the first “handle.prt”. Note: It is important to use the
model tree for this operation. **

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** Select “By Shrinkwrap” in the “Replace Component” dialog box. **

** Select “Browse”. The “Open” dialog box appears. Select the part called
“handle_shrinkwrap.prt” and open it. **

** Select “Apply” from the “Replace Component” dialog box and then “Done” from the
“Replace Component” menu. **

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** The shrinkwrap part should now appear in your model tree. **

** Repeat the procedure for the second handle. When you are done go ahead and
replace the shrinkwraps models back to the handle master model using the same
procedure (#Adv Utils #Replace #By Shrinkwrap) that you used to replace the master
model parts with the shrinkwrap parts. **

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Assembly Feature Intersection

The “INTERSECTED COMPS” dialog box allows you to handle intersection information
for assembly features. New for release 2001 is the “Auto Update Intrscts” setting. This
will automatically update any intersection information when regeneration takes place.

Other notable Assembly Enhancements

Inheritance Features – Inheritance features allows the sharing of data (one-way)

between parts. An inheritance feature is an associative merge of part geometry to another
part. Once the inheritance feature is created in the target part, you can modify the
dimensions of the feature without affecting the parent model.

Copy Geometry – Copy Geom features created in a lower level assembly can now be
routed to higher level assemblies.

Shrinkwrap – There is now a “Cancel” button for shrinkwraps.

Explode States – Multiple explode states (including offset lines) for assemblies are now
available in the foundation package.

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VI. Tutorial Lesson – 2001 Drawing Mode
The detailing module has received significant enhancements for release 2001. The user
interface has changed dramatically. The “Detail Menu” has been removed from
underneath the “Drawing” menu and spread out under the EDIT, VIEW, SKETCH and
FORMAT pull down menus. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with the new
locations. We will look at some of the new functionality in these pull down menus.

** Open the drawing called “housing.drw”. **

• FILE menu: #File, #Open, Name: <housing.drw>, #OK

** Select the EDIT pull down menu. Features can now be redefined by selecting the
“Redefine Feature…” pick. **

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• EDIT menu: #Redefine Feature

** Pick on the isometric view in the upper right side of the drawing. **

** A separate screen will now appear where you can now redefine the feature. **

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** Select the VIEW pull down menu from the main graphics window . The “Check
Display Status” pick will make sure that all views are regenerated with the most current
model. **

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** Select the INSERT pull down menu. The “Object” pick allows you to import OLE
objects into your drawing. **

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** Select the SKETCH pull down menu. The “Parametric Sketch” pick allows you to
create parametric draft entities to be used in your drawings. The entities that you sketch
can be related to geometry features of your model. **

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In addition to new menu locations, right mouse button functionality has been increased.
Picking a view, dimension or a note and then a right mouse click will now bring up pop
up menus that are specific for the item selected. You can also multi select objects by
using the <shift> button while picking.

Drawing Views

In release 2001, you can now change the color display of your model while you are in
drawing mode between “model color” and “drawing color”.

** Change the color of the model in the isometric view. **

• DRAWING menu: #Views

• VIEWS menu: #Disp Mode

• DISP MODE menu: #View Display

• VIEW DISP menu: #Model Color

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Other drawing view enhancements include the ability to create crosshatching based on
the material of the model. It is also now possible to create detail views that can be
switched to general views. This will allow modifications to “edge display” and blanking
of components that will not affect the parent view.


In release 2001, dimensions are much easier to modify and move. Drag handles now
appear when you select a dimension making it more intuitive on how to move them.

The “Dimension Properties” dialog box now gives you a wide range of modification
options. To activate this dialog box simply select a dimension and then right mouse click
and select “Properties” from the pop-up menu.

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The “Dimension Properties” dialog box will now appear. Under the properties tab, new
options include a “Witness line display” settings area and a “Restore Values” option.
Notice that a “Text Style” tab is now included.

The “Dimension Cleanup” option now includes the ability to create automatic breaks
between intersecting witness lines.

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New for 2001 is the word wrap function. It allows you to control the margins of notes
that you create in your drawings. To use word wrap, select a note and then right mouse
click. Select “Wrap Text” from the pop-up menu and use the drag handles on the note to
change the margin.

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Another new functionality for both notes and draft entities is the ability to “undelete”
these items before final deletion. When you select a note or draft item you can right
mouse click and select “Delete” from the pop up menu and the item will turn gray.

At this point you can right mouse click again and select “undelete” from the pop up menu
to bring the item back. If you are sure you want to permanently delete the item you can
just left mouse click on the drawing. The item is now deleted.

Parametric Drafting

2-D drafting in drawing mode has been improved in release 2001 to allow for more
“sketcher-like” functionality when creating draft entities. Draft entities can now be
parametric as well as associative to model geometry. Draft entities can now snap to other
draft entities and constraints such as midpoint, perpendicular, tangent, horizontal and
vertical can be applied when creating them.

** We will create a parametric draft entity on the isometric view of the housing part. **

** Create a parametric ellipse on the isometric view that will represent an area to be
masked for a logo. **

• SKETCH menu: #Parametric Sketch, # Ellipse, # Axis Ends

** Select the datum curve that is between the two mounting holes as a reference and then
sketch the ellipse. **

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** The ellipse will now change height when the model changes height. **

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VII. Summary
After completing the FroTime Pro/ENGINEER Release 2001 Update Tutorial, you will
be ready to work full time in the new release. If fact, you will probably be working faster
and more efficiently than you ever have before. Be sure to check the FroTime website
for all the FroTime release 2001 tutorials.

This concludes the FroTime Release 2001 Update tutorial. For more FroTime tutorials
please visit!

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