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Fig. I _..J:.......:...L.:...

(c) The mass of a machine is IOOkg. Its vibrations are damped by a viscous dashpot which
diminishes amplitude of vibrations from 4 em to I em in three compi ete oscillation f the
machine is mounted on four springs each to stiffness 250 Newton per em, fi 1 the

resistance of the das hpot at unit velocity and セゥI@ the perio die time of the 、 ・。ュー・ セ@ エゥ ッセ[I@

3. (a) Investigate the states of primary and secondary balancing of a four-stroke cle ur-cylinder
engine with a firing order of I-II-III-IV. What will be the change in o ta en the firing
is altered to I-II-IV-III.
(b) In the epi cylic gear train shown in Fig. 2 the arm A, carrying the comp u a wheels D and E,
turns freely on the output shaft. The input speed is I 0 0 r. P. cottttercl ockwise direction
when seen from the right. Input power is 7.5 kW. Calcul e olding torque to keep the
wheel C fixed. The number of teeth for different gear s as s tn Fig. 2.

pセR@ セ@
(c) The rotor of a エオイ「ッェ セ エ@ e · e as ss of 200 kg and a radius of gyration 25cm. The engine
rotates at a speed of 0 0 r. . tn the clockwise direction if viewed from the front of the
aeroplane. The aero lane V1'll flying at 1000 km per hour turns with a radius of 2 km to the
right. cッューオエ・ セ@ e •ro セ ッーゥ」@ moment exerted by the rotor on the plane structure. Also
determine whe e se of the plane tends to rise or fall when the plane turns.
4 (a) At an 1J asl:l c matenal the stresses on three mutually p erp endtcular planes are as
s I ane 50 MN/m2 tenstl e and 40 M N/m2 shear

Tlltrd plane No stress

(1) the postl:lon of pnnctpal planes and the magrutude of pnnctpal stresses
(ii) the position of pi anes on which maximum she as stress act calculate the normal and
shear stress on them.
(b) Find the ratio of thickness to internal diameter of a thick tube subjected to internal pressure
when the pressure is 5/8 of the value of the maximum permissible circumferential stress.
Find the increase in internal diameter of such a tube of I 0 0 mm internal diameter when the
internal pressure is 100 MN/m2 E= 200 x 10 9 N/m2 ; Poisson's ratio= 0.286.
(c) A shaft is supported by two anti-friction bearings with loads of 140 Newtons each acting at
points B and F as shown in Fig. 3. The portion of shaft between B and C has diameter of 2D
compared to a diameter D for the portion of the shaft between A and B; and between C and F.
Using the Castigliano theorem, determine the deflection of shaft at point B and F.

I t- QセPA@ jセq⦅」ュ@ セ@ セᄋ@
A bセ@ F
- セM -----1-
Fia.J. セ@


5. Answer any three of the followtng H・セィe]Mャョッエ@ ・ク」、 。セ 、 セ@ (20 x 3 = 60)

(a) What 1s meant by tool-hfe ? State vanous cntena セ@ tool-hfe, discuss taylor's
equat1on to explam the relationship between to ッ セ MQ@ d mal hi rung parameters
(b) Descnb e the ECM pro cess and explam how 1t セ ᆪ@ gm an ED M process
(c) What 1s meant by ABC Analysts? Des - be phcatlons for an automotive engme
(d) applicable to sing! e and multi -channel path
6. (a) What are the various lゥョ・。イ セᄋ@ ng techniques? (I 0)
(b) Define the terms obj ecti'4l セ 、@ constrains giving suitable example.
(c) A manufacturer has セ ウL@ both of which are made in two steps by machines A and B.
The process エゥュ セ@ J'o products on the machines are as follows:
Pro duct セ ャ ョ・@ A Machine B

セ セN@
ing period, machine A has I 00 hours available and machine B has 8 0 hours
bl e. The contribution for pro duct I is Rs. I 00 per unit and for pro duct 2, Rs. 50 per
sing the method of simp! ex a! gorithm, formulae and solve the problem for maximum
ution. (40)
7. Explain Student's t distribution and the chi -square distribution in relation to sampling theory.
Explain how the tests hypothesis and significance are extended to problems involving small
samples. (3 0)
8. (a) A machine is employed to produce ball bearings having a mean diameter of 5. 74 mm and a
standard deviation of 0. 08 mm. To determine whether the machine is in proper working
order, a sample of 6 ball bearings is taken and the mean diameter is completed from this
sample. Design a suitab! e decision rule whereby one can be fairly certain that the qualities of
products are conforming to required standards. (4 0)
(b) With the help of a diagram describe differential indexing method. (20)
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 300


2. (a) gme erates on a cycle which when represented on a p -v

lower and higher pressures respectively. Vi and v2 are
cl y. Show that the thermal efficiency of the engine is

+ (40)
(b) ''" "'" '·r p-v and T-s diagrams compare the thermal efficiencies of otto, duel and diesel
e following conditions :
u n·- On the baSis of the same compreSSion ratio and the same heat mput
On the baS! s of the same ュ。クセ@ mum temperature and the same ュ。クセオ@ pressure
Show that the resultant fluid

(b) What do you understand by stagnation property? Air at a temperature 30 °C and atmospheric
pressure is flowing with a velocity of 300 m/s. What will be the total temperature? Assuming
the flow to be isentropic, find the stagnation pressure.

4. (a) Derive from first principles an expression for the heat flow by conduction from the inner to
the outer surface of a long thick walled cylindrical shelL
(b) A steam pipe I 0 em outer diameter, is covered with two layers of insulating material each
25mm thick, the thermal conductivity of one material being three times that of the other.
Show that the effective conductivity of the two layers is 15% less when the better insulating
material is on the inside than when it is on the outside.

Ox 3=60)
(a) Explain the phenomena of Diesel knock Suggest there different ュ・ セ エ セ@ ol it.
(b) Explain the phenomena of cavitation in centrifugal pumps and how ゥ セ ョエ・、N@
(c) Explain what are solar cells and how they are used for 。ー セ ゥ」。エッョN@ Discuss their
special advantages and limitations.
(d) Show that the work done in a compressor can be re ce b · ng intercooling between the

6. (a) Discuss the mixture requirements of petrol e g· · un er different conditions of engine

operation such as crusing, acceleration ゥ、ャ セ ᄋ@ , m · m power, etc., and explain how these
requirements are met with.
セ@ (20)
(b) An axial compressor provides 。 セ@ セ セ ウオイ・@ ratio of 4 : I with an overall total head
isentropic efficiency of 8 U GU セ@ .he. the inlet total head temperature is 29 0 K. Find the
polytropic efficiency.
£C c2o)
(c) ' · . jセ i
Explain 'surgin2 ウN@ How is it controlled?
7. At des1gn speed, セ ヲッャ@ ow1 data apply to a gas turbme set ernploymg a separate power turbme,
heat ・ク」ィ。ョ セ ・@ an ュエ・ セ ッャ・イ「エキョ@ two-stage compression
iウ セ@ QP e 1ency of compression m each stage 84%
1 effia ency of compressor turbme 9 0%
ic efficiency of power turbine 8 5%
e ratio in each stage of compression 2:I
Temperature after intercooler 295 °K
Air mass flow 13.6 kg/sec
Heat exchanger thermal ratio 0. 75
Maximum turbine temperature 900°K
Ambient temperature 288 K
Ambient pressure 1013 bar
L.C.V. of fuel 4 30 00 k.Jikg
Find the net power output, specific fuel consumption and overall thermal efficiency.
8. (a) (i) Explain in detail how you would determine whether a refrigerator is sufficiently
charged with the refrigerant.
(I 0)
(ii) Discuss the relative metri ts of freon-12 and Ammonia as refrigerants.

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