Drama Book

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Dec 2016 – The Start

Aiden Delmedico (SdSoccer24) and Brent Holze have a fallout. Aiden was trash talking
many of Brent’s friends behind his back, and was trash talking Brent himself. Brent didn't take
any shit, and immediately started a series of hate streams titled #AntiSdSoccer. Aiden cried and
left the internet on the first night of the livestreams. About 100 to 150 people tuned in each
livestream as propaganda was displayed against Aiden from the 10 people that hosted the
streams led by Brent.

March 2017 – The Return

Aiden comes back to the internet after his short hiatus. His return is met with acceptance
from everyone, thinking that he might have smartened up and was going to be nice again.
Everyone was wrong. Aiden made multiple livestreams on YouTube claiming that Brent, Pluto,
Vendetta, Beans, Luke, and many others
used him for attention. Maingout fired back
by making multiple videos against him. The
hate bandwagon against Aiden was stronger
than ever, but he did not bother quitting.

May 2017 – The Birthday

Gio was celebrating his birthday in peace, before Aiden went on Twitter ranting about
how Gio does not deserve any birthday wishes and how Gio is an awful person. All of
Maingout fought back on Twitter, posting photoshopped pictures of Aiden’s face. Aiden went
on for about 3 hours ranting on Twitter. Later that night, Brent went outside and recorded a
video of him destroying pieces of paper that read things like “Pray4SdSoccer” and “SdSoccer’s
YouTube Channel.”

The Video got over 3000 views, and Aiden tried to flag it, but failed. The hate
bandwagon finally won when Aiden claimed he was leaving the internet “forever” to pursue
better things.

January 2018 – The Finale

Aiden returned one final time. He claimed he was going to dox Brent and some of the
former members from the deceased Maingout group. There was no attempt to publicize this
event on either sides of the fight. Within a few days, Brent and Ecks were able to swiftly dox
Aiden and force him to quit being a moron. They legally found his address, IP, full name among
other things. After an extremely tiring few nights of research and detective work, Brent and
Ecks sent Aiden the full dox, which prompted him to leave forever.
The Go Animate Election of 2017
March 2017 – Disabled Politics
Nick Fischer, otherwise known as “TheGamerBrony” decided that he would be a great
leader for the Go Animate community. Clearly he was in no stance to do so as for he had more
autism in his body than blood. He went on Twitter claiming to be running for a non-existent Go
Animate election. Clearly he was met with harsh criticism. Nothing could stop this foul neck
bearded bitch. After a few days he posted his presidential running advert.

“I’m going to make the government pay all of the taxes!” – Nick Fischer, 2017

Brent, Bubsy, GoPlushy and Smirks decided to play along with Nicks extremely
juvenile plans of running a community full of special needs children. They all
made extremely elaborate and genius plans of destruction. They were not running
against each other, they were merely running alongside each other so Nick would
not win.

March 2017 – Judgment Day

Election day. Boyned was the person that was going to count all of the votes to see
who would win the 2017 Go Animate election. It was kind of surprising, something that started
out as a joke was turned into a massive event with about 200 people viewing the election


Boyned: “So, I’ll allow Brent Holze to make his election statement.”
Brent: “Alright, so.. Uhm. Bronies, nobody likes them, right? Well, if you elect me I will send all
the bronies to gas chambers like the dirty jews and then-“
Nick: “Woah! Brent, that’s not allowed.”
Brent: “Hey, my running speech, my rules.”
Nick: “You can get ejected from running because of that!”
Brent: “No I can’t, you can get ejected for interrupting, retard.”
Nick: “Are you calling me retarded because I have autism?”
Brent: “Please, shut up.”

Brent read off his election statement to the crowd of viewers, followed by Bubsy, GoPlushy and
then Smirks. The crowd seemed to have Bubsy and Brent favored. Then, it was Nick’s turn.

Nick: “All right everypony!”

Brent: * Laughing *
Nick: “Something wrong Brent?”
Brent: “Dude, just say everybody, not everypony.”
Nick: “All right, everypony. I am going to be a great leader for this strong and developed
community. I will do everything that you want! I will false report the other politicians off of
YouTube, Twitter, and more! I will wipe them off the face of the planet. I will force people to
share Go Animate accounts so nobody will be left out! If you do not abide by my rules I will get
you banned from YouTube, and Twitter.”
The livestream audience was speechless. This 400 pound neck beard just said he was going to
ban some of their favorite YouTubers if he won. It was clear that he was about to lose.

Boyned: “Okay everyone, the voting session just started! Go vote for your favorite leader!”

The votes immediately leaned towards Brent and GoPlushy.

Brent: “This was fun, Nick. Wasn’t it?”

Nick: “Don’t underestimate me Brent!”

About 5 minutes later, the Nick started to get more votes. Then, he suddenly got over 60 votes.
He was forcing people that were not in the Go Animate community to vote for him. That was
against the rules that everybody had set up.

About an hour later, Nick had gotten the 100 required votes to win. Brent had about 20,
GoPlushy had about 20 too, and the other runners had about 10 each. Nick had bullshitted the

Brent: “Boyned, you’re the ref, this is clearly unfair right?”

Boyned: “Nope, it’s fair game. Fair votes means TheGamerBrony is now your next Go Animate


May 2017 – Make Go Animate Great Again

“Operation: Terminate BrentDoesGames” was launched on May first by Nick. He was
hiring people to hunt down and report Brent on literally every website he had signed up for.
Brent followed up by leaking images of Nick role-playing with people on a My Little Pony
website. Doing that only fueled the hatred Nick had for Brent. Brent followed up again by mass
spreading a video of Nicks mom getting mad at a group of children. This just added heat to the
fire. Nick blocked Brent on Twitter, so Brent could no longer get updates about “Operation:
Terminate BrentDoesGames.”

Clearly nobody wanted to follow Nicks bullshit rules. Because of that, over 10 people
were banned from Go Animate, including some notable people like Julian3535 and
OfficerPoop247. Nicks YouTube videos got dislike bombed from tons of people. Then, one of
his videos got copyright striked by Pluto. Nick was mad, and threatened to destroy Pluto and
her group, Maingout. By doing this, more people finally saw how bad Nick was. He was doxed
by around 4 anonymous people.

Brent decided to take advantage of this, he blackmailed Nick into shutting down
“Operation: Terminate BrentDoesGames.” It wasn’t until Migz stepped in that things got
extremely out of hand. Brent decided to stay out of everything since he had gotten what he
wanted. With Brent out of the way, Nick needed a new way to control “his” people. How else,
but by calling the police on the people who opposed him. Literally anybody that said something
that made him look bad was dialed up on. Then Brent finally stepped in after his short absence.
June – The Holy Month of Recognition
June 1st, 2017. What a great day. All attempts to stop the Fascist Nick were stomped on
by him and his brony crew. Maingout was going through turmoil because of the situation. Tons
of channels had been terminated, banned, and striked. Nobody could think of a legal way to
stop Nick.

Nobody, except for Brent.

It was finally over, and all it had taken was a “please.” All political power was
transferred over to Brent from Nick.

The war had finally ended.

June – Aftermath
Nick has gone into hiding, rarely uploading to YouTube, and only retweeting things on
Twitter. He lost almost all of his friends during the war. Nobody felt any compassion for him,
and nobody wanted to start anything with him anymore either, because of how tiring the
election war was.

He is rarely seen around the internet anymore, but clearly he has changed as a person.
It’s too hard to feel bad for him though, considering what he had done to everybody. He ruled
in a similar fashion to Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich being his brony assistants. He was a fascist,
which is ironic considering how his Twitter is full of pro liberal media.

It turns out that electing someone who is childish and autistic is probably not a good
idea, take notes America.
The Great Doxing War
Late 2016 – Before the War Setting
 Brent has recently joined the Go Animate community.
 Migz owns a group called Homepootis, it’s full of knowledgeable doxers.
 Maingout is a group owned by Pluto, it’s full of some smart people and some
know it alls. Nobody in Maingout knows how to dox.
 Everyone is getting along before the war.

September 2017 – The Beginning of a Devastation

Brent is fed up with Migz annoying him and his friends. Brent urges Maingout to push
Migz away and not be a friend to him. His efforts are successful. Migz gets backed off into a
little corner and gets made fun of. After a while, when everything seems fine, Brent tells
everyone to stop bullying Migz. They all listen. Everyone, except for Smoreo.

Smoreo continued to make fun of Migz as much as he possibly could. This pissed off
Homepootis. For a few days Smoreo got constant threats that he shrugged off because he is an

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