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1. Authentic material

Topic : Make and Talk announcement

A picture about announcement

Teaching Procedure:

1. Teacher give a picture announcement which relate to students.

2. After that, teacher asks the talk announcement based on picture or video to students.
3. Then, teacher teaches using cooperative learning method and Walk Around & Talk Around
technique to students.
4. Students stand up and walk around the class, until teacher claps her hand to stop them.
5. Next, students talk he/she announcement .
6. It’s done for 4 times.
7. In the end, students tries to introduce their friend after do Walk Around and Talk Around
in front of the class to their friends and teacher.

a. Student can making announcement flight attendant with well
b. Student can understand about announcement
c. Teaching and learning situation is not bored because students enjoy the class.
d. Students feel learning while playing in the classroom.
e. In here, teacher is as a facilitator because students are asked more active and creative.
f. The teaching and learning situation is modern because using modern technology.
g. Teacher becomes more creative because she/he must prepare the authentic materials
well to stimulate students.
h. Teacher can assist student in knowing the announcement on the plane.

a. Students’ vocabulary and grammar are not graded.
b. Student have weaknesses in pronounciation

Created Materials

Course Objective : Speaking (student can understand about expression regret or apologize).

Topic: talk expression about regret or apologize.

Book: English book for Grade X Senior High School


1. It has structure and syllabus for material. So, teacher doesn’t need to set the lesson plan in
the class.
2. It has a variety of teaching and learning resources because it contains source from others
3. It is efficient because it saves teacher’s time to explain the material.
4. Students can look the example of the topic directly.
5. It prepares tasks for students after learn the material.
6. It can improve students’ vocabulary and grammar.


1. Students are easy bored in the class.

2. It is not authenctic because it doesn’t relate with real life.
3. Teacher doesn’t know what students need because she/he follows book’s direction.
4. Teacher can be lazy to teach the material to students because the books already explain all
5. Students and teacher must buy the book.
6. Students are not creative and active because the main source is from book.

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