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The Neural Basis of Cognition

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Brain structure alterations associated with weight

changes in young females with anorexia nervosa:
a case series

Tone Seim Fuglset, Tor Endestad, Nils Inge Landrø & Øyvind Rø

To cite this article: Tone Seim Fuglset, Tor Endestad, Nils Inge Landrø & Øyvind Rø (2015) Brain
structure alterations associated with weight changes in young females with anorexia nervosa: a
case series, Neurocase, 21:2, 169-177, DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2013.878728

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Neurocase, 2015
Vol. 21, No. 2, 169–177,

Brain structure alterations associated with weight changes in young females with anorexia
nervosa: a case series
Tone Seim Fuglseta*, Tor Endestadb, Nils Inge Landrøb and Øyvind Røa
Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; bDepartment of Psychology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
(Received 12 March 2013; accepted 18 October 2013)

Structural brain changes associated with starvation and clinical measurements were explored in four females with anorexia
nervosa with different clinical course, at baseline and 1-year follow-up, after receiving intensive inpatient treatment at a
specialized eating disorder unit. Global volume alterations were associated with weight changes. Regional volume altera-
tions were also associated with weight changes, with the largest changes occurring in the nucleus accumbens, amygdala,
pallidum, and putamen. Largest changes in cortical thickness occurred in the frontal and temporal lobes. The results are
preliminary; however, they show that fluctuations in weight are associated with brain volume alterations, especially gray
matter. We suggest that these parts of the brain are vulnerable to starvation and malnutrition, and could be a part of the
pathophysiology of AN.
Keywords: eating disorders; anorexia nervosa; weight changes; neuroimaging; magnetic resonance imaging

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a possible fatal mental illness if patients before and after weight restoration. Some studies
left untreated, with a prevalence rate among community report that the brain normalizes completely at both a
samples of 0.3% (Hoek, 2006) and one of the highest global and regional level after weight restoration
mortality rates of all mental disorders (Arcelus, Mitchell, (Wagner et al., 2006) while other studies have reported
Wales, & Nielsen, 2011). Onset typically occurs during nonreversible regional changes in gray matter in the ante-
early adolescence. The illness is characterized by restricted rior cingulate cortex (Friederich et al., 2012; Muhlau et al.,
eating, an extreme fear of gaining weight and becoming 2007), supplementary motor area (Friederich et al., 2012),
fat, and is often accompanied by a distorted body image and precuneus (Joos et al., 2011). Collectively, these latter
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000). AN includes studies suggest that gray matter is more affected than
two subtypes that describe different behavioral patterns: white matter in patients with AN, and gray matter reduc-
restrictive eating and binge/purge. The relationship tions may be only partially reversible. The majority of
between AN and physical and biological manifestations these studies have focused largely on adults, however,
in the brain is complex and to date not fully understood. while structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) stu-
The most frequently reported structural brain findings dies including adolescents and young individuals with AN
in adult patients with AN compared to healthy controls are remain scarce. Adolescence represents an important devel-
brain alterations at a global level, which involves an over- opmental stage warranting additional study, as the teenage
all reduction of white matter (myelinated axons) and gray brain is still developing and undergoing major changes,
matter (cell bodies of neurons and glial cells), and such as synaptic pruning, dendritic arborization, and
increased volume of the ventricles and cerebrospinal increased myelination. Further, the onset of eating disor-
fluid (CSF) (Frank, Bailer, Henry, Wagner, & Kaye, ders frequently occurs during adolescence and adolescent
2004). Studies have also reported regional brain abnorm- AN samples are typically less confounded by a long dura-
alities in patients with AN (Brooks et al., 2011; Joos et al., tion of illness compared to adults. To our knowledge, there
2010; McCormick et al., 2008; Suchan et al., 2010). are five sMRI studies that have investigated adolescents
However, the results from these studies are inconsistent, and young females with AN. Gaudio et al. (2010) inves-
and there is no agreement upon which regions of the brain tigated morphometric gray matter changes in a sample of
are most affected. AN restrictive subtype aged 12–18 years in the early
Although the underlying mechanisms responsible for stages of the illness (16 patients with AN vs. 16 healthy
anatomical brain alterations in AN are not fully under- controls). The results showed a significant decrease in
stood, it is feasible that changes in the brain are directly global gray matter in patients, as well as a significant
attributable to malnutrition and underweight. However, region-specific decrease in gray matter volume bilaterally
only a few studies have investigated brain structure in in the middle cingulate cortex, the precuneus, and the

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2014 Taylor & Francis

170 T.S. Fuglset et al.

inferior and superior parietal lobules. In a more resent assessment (follow-up = 14 months, range 12–17 months),
study (Bomba et al., 2013), 11 patients with AN showed regardless of weight recovery or treatment status.
decreased total GM and WM volumes. Mainz and collea- All participants signed written informed content after
gues (Mainz, Schulte-Ruther, Fink, Herpertz-Dahlmann, & receiving information about the study. The study was
Konrad, 2012) found in 19 patients with AN (age 12–17 approved by the Regional Ethical Committee in Oslo,
years) reduced GM in several regions along the cortical Norway.
midline, which were mostly reversible after weight
restoration. The strongest association between regional
GM increase and weight gain was found in the cerebellum. Clinical measures
In another study, 12 adolescents with AN (age 11–17 Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from weight and
years) had reduced global gray matter volume compared height (kg/m2). The BMI criteria for an AN diagnosis in
to a healthy control group at initial assessment (Castro- clinical studies is usually below 17.5 (BMI normal
Fornieles et al., 2009). Regional analyses showed reduc- range = 18.5–24.9; World Health Organization, 2005).
tions in several temporal and parietal gray matter regions As BMI is not a useful measure for children and young
in the patients. At follow-up, no global group differences adolescents, however, age and gender-adjusted BMI per-
existed; however, some regional gray matter reductions centile were also calculated for all four cases.
were detected in the patient group. Results suggest that The Eating Disorders Examination Questionnaire
gray matter is more affected than white matter, mainly (EDE-Q) is derived from the Eating Disorder
involving the posterior regions of the brain. Lazaro et al. Examination Interview (EDE; Fairburn, 2008). The EDE-
(2013) wanted to assess brain differences in treated, Q provides a comprehensive assessment of specific eating
weight-stabilized adolescents with AN compared to con- disorder psychopathology and behavior. It is a 28-item
trols. In a sample of 35 weight-recovered AN patients, self-report questionnaire covering a period of 28 days.
they found no differences in global GM and WM volumes, The items are rated on a seven-point Likert scale, and
and no differences in the regional analyses. The results higher scores indicate greater eating pathology. Research
suggest that there are no brain abnormalities in adolescents suggests that a 1–1.5 score increase or decrease constitutes
following weight restoration. clinically significant improvement or worsening (Watson,
In this case series, we investigated four young females Allen, Fursland, Byrne, & Nathan, 2012).
diagnosed with AN who underwent two MRI scanning ses- The State/Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) is a com-
sions. The aim of this study was to investigate whether monly used measure of trait and state anxiety (Spielberger,
changes in weight and other clinical measurements were Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983). The STAI is a
accompanied by alterations in global and regional brain self-report measure and has 20 items that measure trait
volume, and if so, which regions of the brain are most affected. anxiety and 20 items that assess state anxiety. All items are
rated on a four-point scale, and higher scores indicate
more anxiety.
Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) is a 21-item self-
report questionnaire used to measure severity of depres-
Participants and procedure sion (Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961).
Participants were four females aged 13.9, 17.7, 18.2, and The items are related to various symptoms of depression,
18.9 years at baseline. All cases were recruited from the such as hopelessness and irritability, cognitions of guilt, or
Regional Eating Disorder Unit at Oslo University Hospital, feelings of being punished. Higher scores indicate more
where they received treatment at an inpatient unit for eating depression.
disorders. The unit provides specialized treatment for com- The Body Checking Questionnaire (BCQ) is a 23 item
plicated and severely ill cases with eating disorders. The self-report measure that measures the global construct of
treatment is focusing on re-nutrition and weight gain with a body checking behaviors with three correlated subfactors
strict daily meal plan as these patients have not responded on that assess checking related to overall appearance, check-
previous treatment. The theoretical approach is based on ing of specific body parts, and idiosyncratic body parts
family therapy involving the parents in the daily treatment (Reas, Whisenhunt, Netemeyer, & Williamson, 2002).
of their child. One patient had already normalized her weight Each item is scored on a five-point Likert-type scale,
at T1; however, she was still admitted to inpatient treatment ranging from 1 (= never) to 5 (= very often). Higher scores
for AN since the cognitive symptoms of AN were still pre- are associated with more body checking.
sent. Diagnostically, this patient was eating disorder not
otherwise specified (EDNOS)-AN. sMRI scanning and clin-
ical measures were assessed at two time points. The first Image acquisition
scanning session took place during inpatient treatment, and Structural images were acquired at Curato X-ray institute
the second assessment occurred at 1 year after the initial in Oslo, Norway, using a 1.5 T Philips scanner. A standard
Neurocase 171

image acquisition protocol was followed: T1-weighted thickness. Results are presented in terms of change in
images gradient echo sequence were obtained in the obli- percentage for each of the four cases. Rather than making
que plane with a flip angle = 90º, TE = 4 ms, TR = 30 ms, a priori decisions regarding specific regions of interest, we
field of view = 24 × 24 cm, matrix size = 128 × 128, and opted to present the complete data set and highlight the
slice thickness = 3.0 mm. most affected regions for each case.

Cortical reconstruction and calculation of brain volume Results

MR images were processed and calculations of global and Case 1
regional brain volume were performed using Freesurfer
Clinical measures
(Fischl, 2012). A neuroanatomical label was automatically
assigned to each voxel in an MRI volume based on prob- Case 1 was 18.2 years old at initial assessment, with a very
abilistic information automatically estimated from a manu- low weight of 37.7 kg (BMI = 13.5). Global EDE-Q score
ally labeled training set (Fischl et al., 2002). The was above the normal range. Depression rates indicated
segmentation was performed in a series of steps. First, an severe depression. Measures of state and trait anxiety were
optimal linear transform was computed that maximizes the above normal, and body checking measures were also
likelihood of the input image, given an atlas constructed high. At follow-up, her weight had increased to 46.6 kg
from manually labeled images. Then, a nonlinear trans- (BMI = 16.5), which represents an increase of 3 BMI
form was initialized with the linear one, and the image was units; however, BMI remained in the underweight cate-
allowed to further deform to better match the atlas. Finally, gory. Global EDE-Q score increased and level of depres-
a Bayesian segmentation procedure was carried out, and sion had increased, as well as state and trait anxiety. Body
the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the labeling checking scores remained high (Table 1).
was computed. The segmentation uses three pieces of
information to disambiguate labels: (1) the prior probabil-
ity of a given tissue class occurring at a specific atlas Brain volume and cortical thickness
location, (2) the likelihood of the image given that tissue There were almost no changes in total white matter
class, and (3) the probability of the local spatial configura- volume; however, total gray matter volume increased
tion of labels given the tissue class. This latter term repre- with 10%. CSF was reduced by 17%. All the ventricles
sents a large number of constraints on the space of reduced with various degrees, up to 82% reduction, except
allowable segmentations and prohibits label configurations the fifth ventricle, which increased by 300%. Case 1 had
that never occur in the training set (e.g., hippocampus is the largest changes in brain volume, with large increases in
never anterior to amygdala). The technique has previously the accumbens 30%, amygdala 24%, putamen 16%, and
been shown to be comparable in accuracy to manual the hippocampus 12% (Table 2). In general, an overall
labeling. The segmentations were visually inspected for increase of cortical thickness was observed in case 1.
accuracy. The largest changes were found in the frontal lobe, with
We wanted to assess pre-post differences in (1) global an increase in the left frontal pole of 27%, and the tem-
brain volume, (2) regional brain volume, and (3) cortical poral lobe (Table 3). In sum, case 1 did not improve on

Table 1. Clinical measures of each case from sessions 1 and 2.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

Measure Session 1 Session 2 Session 1 Session 2 Session 1 Session 2 Session 1 Session 2

Age 18.2 19.3 18.9 21.2 17.7 18.7 13.9 15.0

Weight 37.7 46.6 45.0 56.2 46.0 44.3 53.9 48.0
BMI 13.5 16.5 14.0 17.7 17.5 16.9 18.7 16.6
BMI percentile <5th <5th <5th 5 7 <5th 39 9
Global EDE-Q 3.7 4.7 3.8 1.7 5.0 4.7 4.7 3.9
BDI 33 45 20 11 47 48 32 34
STAI trait (t-score) 61 77 69 59 77 77 63 70
STAI state (t-score) 43 77 60 51 75 75 65 69
BCQ 102 100 51 40 111 100 92 99
Notes: BMI, body mass index; EDE-Q, Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire; BDI, Beck’s Depression Inventory; STAI, State Trait Anxiety
Inventory; BCQ, body checking questionnaire. BDI: <10, no/minimal depression; 10–18, mild to moderate depression; 19–29, moderate to serious
depression; 30–63, serious depression. The norms for clinical measures are based on mean scores of clinical eating disorder samples ± 1 SD and are as
follows: Global EDE-Q: 2,9–6, STAI, state: 24–39, trait: 25–41, BCQ: 32–46.
172 T.S. Fuglset et al.

Table 2. Volume changes (%) in each case from session 1 to session 2.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

BMI ↑ 3 BMI ↑ 3.7 BMI ↓ 0.6 BMI ↓ 2.1

Total cortical WM volume −1 4 0 0

Total GM volume 10 2 −1 −5
Corpus callosum 5 5 −1 0
Brain stem 4 5 0 0
CSF −17 −18 5 2
Third ventricle −30 −7 −3 3
Fourth ventricle −27 −14 7 3
Fifth ventricle 300 0 0 −62

Left hem Right hem Left hem Right hem Left hem Right hem Left hem Right hem

Lateral ventricle −36 −39 −19 −26 1 0 7 12

Inferior lateral ventricle −82 −51 −11 −6 −2 113 7 2
Cerebellum white matter 4 11 2 2 −8 9 −13 −1
Cerebellum cortex 9 8 2 0 0 −2 −2 −3
Thalamus proper 5 8 11 4 3 0 7 −6
Caudate −1 3 5 −4 −4 −2 3 −3
Putamen 16 10 12 5 −2 −3 1 −1
Pallidum 9 −7 20 −5 −5 −8 −3 −3
Hippocampus 12 8 4 4 10 −3 −6 2
Amygdala 24 4 11 8 2 −10 −6 6
Accumbens 2 30 −1 −7 −2 1 −21 0
Ventral diencephalon −3 7 −6 −6 −2 −2 6 1
Notes: The largest changes in each case are highlighted in bold. BMI, body mass index; Hem, hemisphere; WM, white matter; GM, gray matter; CSF,
cerebrospinal fluid.

any of the clinical measures, except for BMI, which had 2%. CSF was reduced by 18%, and there were also some
increased considerably, although she remained under- reductions of the ventricles, with up to a 26% decrease in
weight. This was associated with both decreased and the right lateral ventricle. There were some changes in
increased ventricles, no changes in total white matter; regional gray matter volume. The largest changes were
however, both total and regional gray matter volume observed in the pallidum, which increased by 20%, the
increased and cortical thickness increased. putamen had an increase of 12%, and the thalamus and
amygdala both increased by 11% (Table 2). Cortical thick-
ness both increased and decreased in various regions of the
Case 2 cortex; the largest effect was found in the frontal, tem-
poral, and parietal lobes (Table 3). To sum up, case 2
Clinical measures
improved on several of the clinical measures, and her
Case 2 was 18.9 years old at initial assessment, with a very BMI increased to an almost normal level. This was asso-
low weight of 45.0 kg (BMI = 14.0). Global EDE-Q score ciated with decreased ventricles, very small changes in
was within the clinical range. Depression score indicated total gray and white matter volume, some increases in
moderate to severe depression. State and trait anxiety were regional gray matter volume, and both increased and
high, as well as the level of body checking. At follow-up, decreased cortical thickness.
her weight had increased considerably to 56.2 kg
(BMI = 17.7). Global EDE-Q score was within the normal
range, and depression had decreased from moderate/severe
to mild. State and trait anxiety scores also decreased, but Case 3
still remained above normal levels. Body checking scores Clinical measures
fell within the normal range (Table 1). Case 3 was 17.7 years old at initial assessment, with a
weight of 46.0 kg (BMI = 17.5), which is underweight.
Global EDE-Q score was in the clinical range. The depres-
Brain volume and cortical thickness sion measures indicated severe depression. She had also
In case 2, there were some small changes in total white high levels of both trait and state anxiety. Body checking
matter, which increased by 4%. Even smaller changes measure indicated high degree of problems with body
were observed in total gray matter, which increased by checking. At follow-up, her weight had decreased to
Neurocase 173

Table 3. Cortical thickness change (%) in each case from session 1 to session 2.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

BMI ↑ 3 BMI ↑ 3.7 BMI ↓ 0.6 BMI ↓ 2.1

Left Right Right Right Right

hemi hemi Left hemi hemi Left hemi hemi Left hemi hemi

Frontal lobe Caudal middle frontal gyrus 11 15 1 4 −3 −1 −3 −2

Lateral orbitofrontal cortex 9 9 4 0 −7 −1 −2 −5
Medial orbitofrontal cortex 4 20 0 9 −2 −3 5 −4
Pars opercularis 11 9 2 1 2 −3 −5 −4
Pars orbitalis 19 8 −5 3 −6 −10 −6 −5
Pars triangularis 10 14 3 2 −13 −2 −10 −6
Precentral gyrus 6 10 −2 0 0 0 1 1
Rostral middle frontal gyrus 12 23 11 3 −6 −9 −7 −4
Superior frontal gyrus 18 14 2 5 −2 −1 −2 −6
Frontal pole 27 22 −6 −16 −4 −12 −10 −29
Frontal and Paracentral lobule 9 9 6 5 0 2 −2 −3
parietal lobe
Temporal lobe Entorhinal cortex 4 7 −16 −3 −13 −13 −9 4
Fusiform gyrus 13 19 0 0 −6 −7 −3 1
Inferior temporal gyrus 12 14 3 5 −8 −4 −2 −3
Middle temporal gyrus 12 12 2 6 −9 −5 −4 −4
Parahippocampal gyrus 3 7 −3 2 −3 −9 −2 −1
Superior temporal gyrus 11 14 −2 4 −6 −3 −4 −3
Temporal pole 3 3 −3 −2 −11 −6 −6 −1
Transverse temporal cortex 3 17 −1 −9 −5 −1 5 −9
Banks of the superior 19 24 13 8 −5 −3 −1 2
temporal sulcus
Parietal lobe Inferior parietal cortex 15 17 11 7 1 −1 −4 −6
Pericalcarine cortex 6 4 16 11 −1 −8 0 1
Precuneus cortex 12 15 8 4 −1 −1 −3 −6
Superior parietal cortex 11 11 8 3 6 −1 −7 −2
Supramarginal gyrus 11 13 5 3 3 3 −5 −3
Postcentral gyrus 14 7 4 4 −1 4 −2 −1
Occipital lobe Cuneus cortex 7 11 7 0 −1 3 0 4
Lateral occipital cortex 15 16 4 6 0 −3 −4 −3
Lingual gyrus 17 15 13 1 −3 −2 1 1
Cingulate cortex Posterior cingulate 10 14 3 0 −8 −2 −1 −5
Rostral anterior cingulate 2 13 4 11 1 −2 0 −4
Caudal anterior cingulate 5 3 −12 −4 −5 2 1 −3
Isthmus cingulate 10 13 7 −1 −2 −4 4 2
Insular lobe Insular cortex 5 5 −4 −1 −2 −7 −7 −4
Notes: The regions with the largest change in each case are highlighted in bold. Hemi, hemisphere; BMI, body mass index.

44.3 kg (BMI = 16.9), which is severely underweight. hippocampus, and decreased amygdala, both by 10%.
Global EDE-Q score remained high and within the clinical The pallidum decreased by 8%, and the caudate decreased
range. Levels of depression, state and trait anxiety, and by 4% (Table 2). There was a reduction of cortical thick-
body checking remained the same (Table 1). ness, most evident in the frontal and temporal lobes
(Table 3). In sum, case 3 did not improve on any of the
clinical measures 1 year after the first assessment, and she
Brain volume and cortical thickness was slightly more underweight at the second assessment.
There were no changes in total white matter volume and This was associated with a large increase in the right
very small reductions in total gray matter volume. CSF inferior lateral ventricle, no changes in total white matter
increased by 5%. Very small changes in the lateral, third, volume, and very small changes in total gray matter. Some
and fourth ventricles were detected; however, the right regional brain volume changes also occurred, which con-
inferior lateral ventricle increased by 113%. There were sisted of both reduced and increased volume. Cortical
some changes in regional brain volume, increased thickness was reduced.
174 T.S. Fuglset et al.

Case 4 It is worth noting that the participants in this study

Clinical measures were severely ill, and the clinical outcome at the second
assessment was quite poor. Only one of the four cases
Case 4 was 13.9 years old at initial assessment, and her
(case 2) clearly showed improvements on both weight and
weight was within normal range, 53.9 kg (BMI = 18.7,
clinical measures. Case 1 also gained weight at follow-up;
percentile 39). Global EDE-Q score was clinical.
however, according to the clinical measures, she was still
Depression level was severe, and state and trait levels
very ill. Case 3 showed approximately no changes in
were also high. Body checking levels were considered
neither weight nor clinical measures. Case 4 actually
high. At follow-up, her weight had decreased to 48 kg and
decreased in weight after discharge from hospital treat-
she was underweight (BMI = 16.6, percentile 9). Global
ment and remained very ill.
EDE-Q score was within clinical range. Depression level
An increased global white matter and gray matter in
was still severe, and state trait anxiety had increased and
AN patients after weight recovery has been described in
was still above normal. Scores on body checking had
other studies (Castro-Fornieles et al., 2009; Wagner et al.,
increased and were above normal level (Table 1).
2006). However, we found very small changes in global
brain volume, both gray and white matter, in the two cases
Brain volume and cortical thickness that gained weight at follow-up. Our results further sug-
There were no changes in total white matter volume, and gest that global gray matter is more affected by starvation
very small total gray matter volume reductions, 5%. Very than white matter, which is in line with some studies
small changes occurred in CSF and the ventricles, except (Friederich et al., 2012; Joos et al., 2010), but contra-
an increase of the fifth ventricle with 62%. There were also dictory to another study that found reductions in global
some reductions of regional gray matter volume; the lar- white matter but not in gray matter (Boghi et al., 2011).
gest change was found in the left accumbens, which Besides minor changes in global brain volume, weight
reduced by 21%, left thalamus increased by 7%, hippo- gain was associated with reduced ventricles and lower
campus, amygdala, and right thalamus decreased by 6%, weight was associated with enlarged ventricles. This is
and the right amygdala and ventral diencephalons not a surprising finding as it is well established in the
increased by 6% (Table 2). There was a general reduction literature that reduced weight is related to enlarged ven-
of cortical thickness; the largest change was in the frontal tricles and vice versa (Golden et al., 1996; Neumarker,
lobe (Table 3). In sum, case 4 did not improve on any Bzufka, Dudeck, Hein, & Neumarker, 2000; Swayze et al.,
clinical levels besides EDE-Q, and her BMI decreased. 1996). Interestingly, a very large increase of the fifth
This was associated with very small changes in total ventricle was observed in one case who actually gained
brain volume and some reductions of regional gray matter weight. This finding contradicts previous research as enlar-
and reduced cortical thickness. gement of this ventricle was not associated with weight
When focusing on specific regional volume changes in
Discussion the brain, we observed that weight changes were accom-
The aim of this study was to assess pre-post differences in panied by alterations in a variety of brain structures. In
(1) global brain volume, (2) regional brain volume, and (3) general, we found that weight gain was associated with
cortical thickness in three cases with AN and one with increased regional gray matter volume, and weight reduc-
EDNOS-AN. The major findings in this study were that tions were associated with reduced regional gray matter
weight gain was associated with increased brain volume volume. Some regions changed more than others. First, the
and cortical thickness, and weight loss was associated with nucleus accumbens volume increased when weight
decreased brain volume and cortical thickness. Further, increased, and decreased when weight reduced. The
global gray matter was more affected by weight changes nucleus accumbens is an important element for reward
than global white matter. The largest regional changes and motivation as it integrates inputs from limbic and
were found in the accumbens, amygdala, pallidum, and cortical regions, linking motivation and action (Carlezon
putamen. The largest changes in cortical thickness were & Thomas, 2009). Likewise, amygdala volume alterations
found in the frontal and temporal lobes. were associated with weight increase and reduction. The
An overall reduction of brain mass is commonly amygdala is a part of the ventral limbic circuit and is
thought of as a result of starvation and malnutrition since involved in identifying rewarding and emotionally signifi-
starving the body will also starve the brain. Interestingly, cant stimuli required to generate affective responses to
we found minor changes in global brain volume, whereas these stimuli (Phillips, Drevets, Rauch, & Lane, 2003).
larger effects were observed at a regional level. This could Reduced volume of the amygdala in patients with AN
indicate that (1) these brain structures are more vulnerable compared to controls has also been reported in previous
to starvation and malnutrition than others, and (2) these studies (Friederich et al., 2012; Giordano et al., 2001). In
brain structures are a part of the pathophysiology of AN. addition, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Neurocase 175

studies have repeatedly reported abnormal activation in Although there is an increased knowledge about brain
this region in patients with AN (Ellison et al., 1998; anatomy in patients with AN, questions about the functional
Miyake et al., 2010, 2012; Seeger, Braus, Ruf, significance of this knowledge remain unclear. Due to the
Goldberger, & Schmidt, 2002; Vocks et al., 2010; Vocks, limitations of the present study as a case series, caution
Herpertz, Rosenberger, Senf, & Gizewski, 2011). Further, should be exercised when interpreting results. However, it
pallidum increase was associated with weight gain. In is of interest that the specific regions that appear most
recent years, the (ventral) pallidum has become of great vulnerable to changes in weight are related to reward and
interest as the mechanism for reward and motivation the reward system. These structures include the nucleus
(Smith, Tindell, Aldridge, & Berridge, 2009). The puta- accumbens, amygdala, putamen, and pallidum. Findings
men, which is a part of the striatum, also has an essential are noteworthy in light of prior suggestions that patients
role in the reward system (Haruno & Kawato, 2006). with AN have a dysfunctional reward system (Kaye et al.,
Increased gray matter volume in the putamen was found 2009; Keating, Tilbrook, Rossell, & Fitzgerald, 2012). In
in both cases who gained weight. In a recent study, AN addition, the results from a recent meta-analysis of struc-
patients showed decreased gray matter volume in this tural imaging studies suggest that AN is linked to reduced
region compared to AN weight-restored patients brain structure in reward and somatosensory regions
(Friederich et al., 2012), suggesting that this alteration is (Titova, Hjorth, Schioth, & Brooks, 2013).
state-dependent as it was only found in underweight
patients. Thalamus increase was also associated with
weight increase. The major role of the thalamus is to
gate and modulate the flow of information to the cortex Limitations and strengths
(Sherman & Guillery, 2002). Further, hippocampus reduc- This is a case study of four cases with different clinical
tion was observed in association with weight reduction. A courses. Due to the small sample size, our data are therefore
similar finding has been reported by Connan et al. (2006), limited to addressing the extent of the changes from session
who found reduced hippocampal volume in AN patients 1 to session 2, in what regions these changes occurred, and
compared to controls. how these changes co-varied with degree of weight gain
Regarding cortical thickness alterations, there was a and clinical improvement. No conclusions regarding caus-
clear tendency that the largest changes occurred in the ality can be drawn between weight changes and brain
frontal and temporal lobes. The frontal lobe has been alterations, and our results cannot be generalized to the
associated with higher cognitive functions, such as atten- entire AN population. We have emphasized the structures
tion, working memory, inhibition, and executive functions that demonstrated the largest changes in volume from ses-
(Foster, Eskes, & Stuss, 1994; Siddiqui, Chatterjee, sion 1 to session 2. However, this might be problematic due
Kumar, Siddiqui, & Goyal, 2008). Previously, it has been to the potential risk of overlooking smaller alterations in
suggested that the mechanisms involved in developing AN brain structure, which may prove equally important. There
are related to dysfunctions within frontostriatal circuits, is an outlier in age of the four cases; three cases are young
associated with either the strength of the connection adults and similar in age, but the fourth case is aged 14. We
between frontal and subcortical areas (Southgate, do not have information about medication, which is a factor
Tchanturia, & Treasure, 2005), habit learning as in obses- that could potentially impact the data. In addition, the
sive-compulsive disorder (Steinglass & Walsh, 2006), self- developmental structural brain changes could also impact
regulation (Marsh, Maia, & Peterson, 2009), reward pro- the results in this study; however, these changes would be
cessing difficulties (Kaye, Fudge, & Paulus, 2009), and of minor importance compared to structural brain changes
emotion processing (Hatch et al., 2010). The temporal lobe due to weight fluctuations.
is associated with auditory (Binder et al., 2000) and visual This study provided an in-depth investigation of cere-
(Doyon & Milner, 1991) sensory information processing, bral tissue alterations associated with different clinical and
language comprehension and speech (Scott, Blank, Rosen, weight outcomes in young females with AN.
& Wise, 2000), and storing new memories (Squire & Zola- Characteristic of case studies, a large amount of detailed
Morgan, 2013). Results from functional imaging studies information is presented, whereas in larger group studies
suggest that anorexia could be related to a dysfunction in valuable data pertaining to each individual might disap-
the temporal lobes as these studies have reported unilateral pear. Although the study is limited in generalizability, data
hypoperfusion in the temporal region (Gordon, Lask, could provide a basis for the development of hypotheses
Bryant-Waugh, Christie, & Timimi, 1997) and distur- regarding the pathophysiology of AN. Additionally, from
bances in the mesial temporal lobe related to altered ser- a clinical perspective, it might be useful for therapists to
otonin function (Frank et al., 2002). It has also been demonstrate for the patients that their brains are physically
demonstrated that lesions occurring in the frontal and affected by underweight and malnutrition. It might also
temporal lobes have caused characteristic eating disorder prove useful for AN patients to obtain an increased under-
pathology (Uher & Treasure, 2005). standing of their own illness from a neurobiological
176 T.S. Fuglset et al.

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