Group Info Sheets

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Cleric Gunslinger

You are a true neutral tiefling (demon) that could pass for a human under the service of Cayden Cailean,
the accidental god.

“Cailean never planned to become a god, but when a drunk friend challenged him to take
the Test of the Starstone, an equally inebriated Cailean accepted, forgetting that only two
mortals, Aroden and Norgorber, had passed the test. Legends abound regarding the challenges
Cailean faced at the Starstone, but no one knows the truth of what happened. Regardless, after
three days had passed, the sellsword -- to everyone's surprise -- emerged as a deity.”

AC: 20

HP: 13

Weapon: You wield a musket at a +5 to hit for 1d8 damage.

Mass Heals: You can also mass heal people within 6 squares for 1d6 heal, or you can mass hurt undead
for 1d6 damage

Skills: You are highly trained in

 Acrobatics,
 Perception,
 Heal,
 Knowledge (arcana)
 Knowledge (religion)

Spells: You can use the following spells:

 Detect Magic (at will)

 Light (at will)
 Cure Light Wounds (daily, heals you or another for 1d8+1)
 Murderous Command (daily)
o You give the target a mental urge to kill its nearest ally, which it obeys to the best of its
ability. The target attacks its nearest ally on its next turn with a melee weapon or natural
weapon. If necessary, it moves to or charges to the nearest ally in order to make this
attack. If it is unable to reach its closest ally on its next turn, the target uses its turn to
get as close as possible to the ally.

Speed: You can move up to 6 squares.

Initiative: +4

You are a Chaotic Good elf alchemist specializing in creating bombs.

Languages: You speak Common, Elf, Celestial, Draconic, Gnome and Sylvan (the language of furry little
woodland creatures)

Weapons: You have access to the following weapons

 Bombs (5 a day, +6 to hit, 1d6+5 fire damage, Range: 4 squares)

 Chakram (+4 to hit, 1d8+1 damage. Range: 6 squares)

Skills: You are highly trained in:

 Appraise
 Disable Device/Thievery
 Knowledge (Arcana)
 Perception
 Sleight of Hand
 Spellcraft (identify spells and magical properties)


 Shield (Gain a +4 ac bonus)

 Bomber’s eye ( +1 to hit, add 10 feet to distance thrown)

Speed: You can move up to 6 squares.

Initiative: +4

You are a gnomish hunter, with his velociraptor companion. You wield an Orcish longbow you took as a
trophy from a raiding party.

Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan (the language of cute furry little woodland creatures)

Animal Focuses: As a swift action, you can gain +2 dexterity (+1 to hit) for the rest of the day.

Weapon: Orcish Longbow (+5 to hit, 1d10 damage)

Speed: 4 squares

HP: 9

AC: 20

Spells: You can cast the following:

 Create Water (at-will, conjure up to 2 gallons of rainwater)

 Detect Magic (at-will)
 Spark (at-will, you essentially create a spark off your fingers that can ignite flammable objects)
 Charm Animal (daily, DC11, you can convince one animal to become friendly to you for an hour)
 Cure Light Wounds (daily, you heal yourself or another for 1d8+1)
 Dancing Lights (daily, you conjure four floating lanterns for one minute that can move with you)
 Ghost Sound (daily, you can create a sound of whatever you want within 6 squares)
 Prestidigitation (daily, you perform magically any number of small actions)

Skills: You are highly trained in:

 Handling Animals
 Stealth
 Intimidate
 Perception

Initiative: +4

Animal Companion: Velociraptor


 Bite: +1 to hit, 1d4 damage

 Two claws (+1 to hit both times, 1d6 damage for both)

Speed: 6 squares

AC: 18

HP: 22

Initiative: +3

You are an elf white mage. On top of your crossbow, you can cast spells. You are the best of both
sorcerers and wizards.

AC: 15

HP: 8

Languages: Common and Elf

Skills: You are highly trained in:

 Using Magic Devices

 Acrobatics
 Stealth
 Spellcraft (identifying magics)


 Detect Magic
 Mage Hand (at-will, you can move items up to 5 lbs)
 Ghost Sound (at-will, you can create a sound of whatever you want within 6 squares)
 Prestidigitation (at-will, you perform magically any number of small actions)
 Color Spray (daily, you spray out a rainbow wave of color to blind and stupefy your foes)
 Snowball (daily, you throw a snowball, dealing 1d6 damage to one foe within 6 squares)
 Cure Light Wounds (4x/day, you heal you or others 1d8+1)


 Heavy Crossbow (+4 to hit, 1d10 dmg)

Initiative: +4

You are an elfish ninja, from a long-lost family. Now, without a patron, you seek out adventure and

HP: 10

AC: 19

Sneak Attack: When you are flanking, or are coming out of hiding, you can deal an additional 1d6

Skills: You are highly trained in

 Acrobatics
 Disable Device
 Perception
 Sleight of Hand
 Stealth

Speed: 6 squares

Weapon: You wield a dueling sword (+4 to hit, 1d8+3 damage)

Initiative: +4

You a human fire kineticist and are imbued with the power of fire. You are able to produce flames, throw
a fireball, or conjure a blade made of fire to swing at.

AC: 17

HP: 13


 Fire Blade: +3 to hit, 1d8+4

 Thrown Fire Blade: +4 to hit, 1d8+4
 Fire blast: +3 to hit (versus touch AC), 1d6+2 dmg

Skills: You are highly trained in

 Acrobatics
 Intimidate
 Perception
 Stealth

Speed: 6 squares

Initiative: +3

You are a dwarven warpriest. You are the person that churches send in to do their dirty work, who aren’t
as tightly-bound to their faiths as clerics or paladins are. You are a warpriest of Shelyn, the goddess of
art, love and beauty (think Aphrodite). You wield a large , two handed Warhammer called an earth

Blessings: Through blessings of your goddess You can empower your healing spells to heal 50% more
than normal, or create a land mine in any square adjacent to you that is invisible. It does 1d6+1 damage
if anyone walks into that square

AC: 19

HP: 10

Skills: You are highly trained in the following:

 Heal
 Knowledge (religion)
 Perception
 Sense Motive
 Survival


 Detect Magic
 Light (at-will, you can cast a lantern light on an object or person)
 Vigor (at-will, you give someone, or yourself +1 to damage)
 Cure Light Wounds (daily, you cure yourself or someone else of 1d8+1 damage, [empowered:1.5
 Ironbeard (daily, you grant yourself or someone else +1 AC)

Speed: 4 squares

Weapon: +4 to hit, 2d6+4 damage

Initiative: +2

You are the definition of a pugilist, the bar brawler, the arena champion, the drunken master. You are a
child of human and Genie parents.

AC: 17

HP: 13

Skills: You are highly skilled in:

 Acrobatics
 Climb
 Intimidate
 Perception

Weapon: Your Fists (+6 to hit, 1d6+5 damage)

Languages: Common, Draconic (language of dragons)

Initiative: +2

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