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Interdisciplinary Unit 2018: Science and Language/Literature

Predicted Tasks/ Internal Assessment

Collaborative tasks developed by Jessica Dubie and Jose Campillo

Task One: Advertising Techniques (10pt task)

Lang/ Lit A: Analysing
I. ​analyse the content, context, language, structure, technique and style of text(s)
and the relationships among texts

Part one:
● Label the pictures below with the most appropriate advertising technique. Note
that some of the images may represent the same technique as another, but there
may be alternative answers as well.
● Underneath each label, determine how and why the technique is used, along with
if it is effective.

Advertising Techniques:
Repetition Bandwagon Testimonials Pressure Appeal to Emotion Transfer
Association Slogans Card Stacking Fear Tactics Use of Color

Plain Folks

1. Technique:____________________
2. Technique:____________________

3. Technique:____________________

4. Technique:____________________

5. Technique:____________________
6. Technique:____________________

7. Technique:____________________

8. Technique:____________________

Part two: ​Justification​ of methods (8 pt task). Below, choose one of the advertisements
(Zentrofoam or Bates Method) and determine the following:

● Is the advertisement effective for its desired audience? In other words, do you
believe people would purchase or use the product based on the advertising
● Is the advertisement/ product ethical? Cite details or methods from the source to
verify your response.
Lang/ Lit A: Analysing
II. ​analyse the effects of the creator’s choices on an audience
III. ​justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology
Task Two: Scientific Experiments/ Methods (30 pt task)

Part One- Evaluation (10 pts)

Question altered from ​Ms. Jasvinder Kaur Randhawa

Evaluate the Bates Method for Better Eyesight- In your response you need to

*advantages of this method

*disadvantages of this method
*people/ age groups this method would work for
*consider the validity of the method and come up with a hypothesis for if this method is
effective or not. Consider the accuracy on applications and connect it to scientific
Part two Scientific Experiment (20 pts):
Use one of the products, methods, fictional experiments, or other information found in
the pre-release source materials to devise an experiment. (Crit B, C Science)

You may choose from the following (or another present in the pre-release material that is not
on this list)
-One part of the Bates Method
-psychological disorders associated with birth month
-Reanimation/ Frankenstein experiment (Galvanism)
- in-vitro fertilization
-smart appliances/ technology
-Indian Ayurveda
-plant medicine
-Chinese Medicine curing diseases
-Emotional responses
-stem cells

You must have the following:

● Three solid research questions based on the product, method, or information.-
consider the characteristics of a good research question.
● Methods you would use for each
● A hypothesis for the validity or accuracy of the product, method, or information.
● Materials you would need for your experiment
● How you will present your data/ findings- graphs, diagrams, reporting, etc.
Task Three (10 pt task): What Literature Predicts About Humanity

From References 4 and 5, we see that literature, in particular dystopian and science
fiction texts, has been able to foresee the events and circumstances we are currently
dealing with.

Look at the video in reference 5 and respond to the following questions:

1. What is the most impressive prediction made from literature about humanity
and/ or science? Specify the prediction and determine why it is impressive.

2. What events/ circumstances might an author observe about today's society/

current science that could lead to predictions of the future?

3. What predictions do you believe will result from those current circumstances
you mentioned in question 2?
Task Four (10 pt Task): Emotive Language and Psychology (Reference 9)

1. Determine how emotions represent a universal language.

2. What emotions represent the interactions between Frankenstein and his

creature/ monster and how were they the cause of the experiment's overall

3. Aldous Huxley proclaimed in his ​Art of Seeing​, “Do not frown when you read.
Frowning is a symptom of the nervous muscular tension produced in and around the
eyes by misdirected attention and the effort to see. With the achievement of dynamic
relaxation and normal functioning, the habit of frowning will disappear of itself.”
(The BMJ)

Is it possible to alter our facial expressions so that we do not display our actual
emotions? What other factors alter our emotions and expressions that
correspond with science (medicines, tests, technology, etc)
Task Five: Compare/ Contrast (20 pt task)
Lang/Lit Criterion A: ​ IV. evaluate similarities and differences by connecting features
across and within genres and texts.

Part one (10 pts): Informational texts- ​Reference 3 and Reference 7 ​in the pre-release
materials are both considered informational texts, but there are big differences in the
way the texts are presented. Determine three major differences in the ways information
is presented in both texts and determine which is a more effective piece ​(and why) ​for
finding information on the given subject. Use quotes/ details where appropriate.

Difference One:

Which text is more effective?

Difference Two:

Which text is more effective?

Difference Three:

Which text is more effective?

Part two (10 pts): ​Using at least two of the events​ mentioned on the timeline in reference
10, compare the use and implications of science from ​before​ Galvinism (the
Enlightenment Period) to the use and implications of science ​after.​ *Use the sources
Pak Jose provided to enhance your knowledge of the events. (Science Crit D)

150-200 words:
Task Six (30 pt task): Prepare a speech on one of the following topics in the specific
form mentioned:

Lang/Lit B, C, D

Informational or Persuasive Speech: How science has enhanced our lives- new inventions
and new developments in science are positive attributes to humanity.

Call to Action Speech: We must return to/ accept traditional medicine as a viable option for
sustaining humanity through illnesses in particular. *You may choose to discuss the
implications of modern science- i.e. the effect on environment and on human health as a
reason to return to traditional science and medicine.

Persuasive Speech: How modern man is being destroyed by his own inventions/ creations
(Frankenstein reference)

Choice Speech- You must verify your choice with Ibu Jess before writing.
In your speech, you must structure your writing properly (reaching 300-350 words) and
you must have the following:

● Use of at least 3 sources from the pre-release material, using some sort of citation
in your speech ("According to … )
● A balance of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to make your message clear
● The use of at least 3 strong rhetorical devices, listed below:
Alliteration Parallelism
Allusion Parenthesis
Anaphora Personification
Antithesis Points of view
Hyperbole Repetition
Hypophora Rhetorical Question
Litotes Simile
Metaphor Synecdoche
Metonymy Understatement
Narration Technique Tricolon
MYP Speech Writing Rubric- IDU 2018 
Informational or Persuasive Speech: How science has enhanced our lives- new inventions
and new developments in science are positive attributes to humanity.

Call to Action Speech: We must return to/ accept traditional medicine as a viable option for
sustaining humanity through illnesses in particular. *You may choose to discuss the
implications of modern science- i.e. the effect on environment and on human health as a
reason to return to traditional science and medicine.

Persuasive Speech: How modern man is being destroyed by his own inventions/ creations
(Frankenstein reference)

IDU criterion will be met in the following way:

A. Disciplinary Grounding (Science)- ​students will recognize the impacts science has
made on humanity and medicinal needs- they will mostly be addressing criterion D of
the science disciplines in that they will have to explain ways in which science has
been used to solve or create problems depending on the specific speech they choose.
They must also address parts of criterion A of the science disciplines in that they will
have to interpret scientific information to make their opinions and judgement clear.
B. Synthesizing-​ Using the content related to science and innovations in the source
materials, they will need to use particular writing tactics and language to create an
inspiring speech. They will be producing the speech using rhetorical devices and
balanced modes of persuasion to establish skills related to the language and literature.

Criteria 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 Notes

A: III. The iii. ​rarely iii. ​justifies iii. iii. ​gives

justify student justifies opinions and sufficiently detailed
opinions and does not opinions and ideas with some justifies justification
ideas, using reach a ideas with examples and opinions and of opinions
examples, standard examples or explanations, ideas with and ideas with
explanations described explanations; though this may examples and a range of
and by any of uses little or no not be explanations; examples, and
terminology the terminology, consistent; uses uses accurate thorough
descriptors some terminology, explanations;
to the terminology, uses accurate
right. terminology,

B: ​ ​ I. The I. ​makes I. ​makes I. ​makes I. ​makes

employ student minimal use of adequate use of competent use sophisticated
organizationa does not organizational organizational of use of
l structures
that serve the reach a structures structures that organizational organizational
context and standard though these serve the structures that structures that
intention described may not context and serve the serve the
by any of always serve intention, context and context and
the the context and intention, intention
descriptors intention, effectively,
to the

C: I. The I. ​demonstrate I. ​demonstrate I. ​demonstrate I. ​demonstrate

produce texts student limited adequate considerable a high degree
that does not personal personal personal of personal
demonstrate reach a engagement engagement engagement engagement
standard with the with the with the with the
and described creative creative creative creative
sensitivity by any of process; process; process; process;
while the demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
exploring and descriptors limited degree some insight, considerable a high degree
reflecting to the of insight, imagination or insight, of insight,
critically on right. imagination or sensitivity and imagination or imagination
new sensitivity and some sensitivity and or sensitivity
minimal exploration of substantial and
and ideas
arising from exploration of and critical exploration of perceptive
personal and critical reflection on and critical exploration of
engagement reflection on new reflection on and critical
with the new perspectives new reflection on
creative perspectives and ideas, perspectives new
process and ideas, and ideas, perspectives
and ideas,

D. I. use The I. ​uses a I. ​uses an i.uses a varied i.​effectively

appropriate student limited range adequate range range of uses a range
and varied does not of appropriate of appropriate appropriate of appropriate
vocabulary, reach a vocabulary and vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary,
standard forms of sentence sentence sentence
and forms of described expression, structures and structures and structures and
expression by any of ii. ​writes and forms of forms of forms of
II. write and the speaks in an expression, expression expression,
speak in a descriptors inappropriate ii. ​sometimes competently, ii. ​writes
register and to the register and writes and ii. writes and and speaks in
style that right. style that do speaks in a speaks a consistently
serve the not serve the register and competently in appropriate
context and context and style that serve a register and register and
intention intention, the context and style that serve style that
intention, the context and serve the
intention, context and

A: The demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates ​demonstrates

Disciplinary student limited some ​relevant most extensive
Grounding does not relevant disciplinary necessary necessary
reach a disciplinary grounding. disciplinary disciplinary
demonstrate standard grounding. grounding. grounding.
relevant described Students use 1
disciplinary by any of Students use 1 or 2 of the Students use all Students use
factual, the or 2 of the given resources 3 of the all 3 of the
conceptual descriptors given and interpret requires requires
and/or to the resources but some of the sources and sources and
procedural right. don't really implications of establish establish
knowledge. reflect on the science general extensive
implications of presented but interpretations necessary
science may be missing of the interpretations
presented. some implications of the
information to presented in the implications
develop scientific presented in
significant research to the scientific
judgements and develop their research to
opinions judgements and develop their
opinions. judgements
and opinions.

B: The establishes connects synthesizes synthesizes

Synthesizing student few and/or disciplinary disciplinary disciplinary
does not superficial knowledge to knowledge to knowledge to
Synthesize reach a connections achieve demonstrate demonstrate
standard between adequate consistent, consistent,
knowledge to
demonstrate described disciplines. understanding. thorough thorough ​and
interdisciplin by any of interdisciplinar insightful
ary the Students will y interdisciplina
understandin descriptors have limited Students will understanding. ry
g. to the use of have adequate understanding
right. rhetorical use of rhetorical Students will .
modes and modes and have ​consistent
devices to devices to and thorough Students will
demonstrate demonstrate use of have
their opinions their opinions rhetorical consistent
and and judgements modes and and
judgements of of the scientific devices to thorough
the scientific research. demonstrate and
research. 1 mode clearly their opinions insightful​ use
not established and judgements of rhetorical
1-2 modes of the scientific modes and
clearly not At least 2 research. devices to
established rhetorical demonstrate
devices used All modes their opinions
Only 1-2 clearly and
rhetorical established judgements of
devices used though not the scientific
balanced research.

At least 3 All modes

rhetorical clearly
devices used. established
and balanced

3 or more
devices are

Science rubrics

Criterion A: ​Knowing & Understanding

Level Level Descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

The student is able to:

i. state scientific knowledge,
1-2 ii. ​apply scientific knowledge and understanding to suggest solutions to problems
set in familiar situations,
iii. ​interpret information to make judgments.

The student is able to:

i. outline scientific knowledge,
3-4 ii. ​apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar
iii. ​interpret information to make scientifically supported judgments.

The student is able to:

i. describe scientific knowledge,
5-6 ii. ​apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar
situations and suggest solutions to problems set in unfamiliar situations,
iii. ​analyse information to make scientifically supported judgments.
The student is able to:
i. explain scientific knowledge,
7-8 ii. ​apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar
and unfamiliar situations,
iii. ​analyse and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments.

Criterion B: ​Inquiring and Designing

Level Level Descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

The student is able to:

i. state a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation,
1-2 ii. ​outline a testable hypothesis,
iii. ​outline the variables,
iv. ​design a method, with limited success.

The student is able to:

i. outline a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation,
3-4 ii. ​formulate a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning,
iii. ​outline how to manipulate the variables, outline how relevant data will be
iv. ​design a safe method in which he or she selects materials and equipment.
The student is able to:
i. describe a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation,
5-6 ii. ​formulate and explain a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning,
iii. ​describe how to manipulate the variables, describe how sufficient, relevant
data will be collected,
iv. ​design a complete and safe method in which he or she selects appropriate
materials and equipment.

The student is able to:

i. explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation,
7-8 ii. ​formulate and explain a testable hypothesis using correct scientific
iii. ​explain how to manipulate the variables, explain how sufficient, relevant
data will be collected,
iv. ​design a logical, complete and safe method in which he or she selects
appropriate materials and equipment.

Criterion C: ​Processing & Evaluating

Level Level Descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

The student is able to:

i. collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms,
1-2 ii. ​accurately interpret data,
iii. ​state the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific
iv. ​state the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific
v. state improvements or extensions to the method.

The student is able to:

i. correctly collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms,
3-4 ii. ​accurately interpret data and explain results,
iii. ​outline the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific
iv. ​outline the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific
v. outline improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the
scientific investigation.

The student is able to:

i. correctly collect, organize and present data in numerical and/or visual
5-6 forms,
ii. ​accurately interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning,
iii. ​discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific
iv. ​discuss the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific
v. describe improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit
the scientific investigation.

The student is able to:

i. correctly collect, organize, transform and present data in numerical
7-8 and/or visual forms,
ii. ​accurately interpret data and explain results using correct scientific
iii. ​evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific
iv. ​evaluate the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific
v. explain improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit
the scientific investigation.

Criterion D: ​Reflecting on the Impacts of Science

Level Level Descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

The student is able to:

i. outline the ways in which science is used to address a specific problem or issue,
1-2 ii. ​outline the implications of using science to solve a specific problem or issue,
interacting with a factor,
iii. ​apply scientific language to communicate understanding but does so with limited
iv. ​document sources, with limited success.

The student is able to:

i. summarize the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific
3-4 problem or issue,
ii. ​describe the implications of using science and its application to solve a specific
problem or issue, interacting with a factor,
iii. ​sometimes apply scientific language to communicate understanding,
iv. ​sometimes document sources correctly.
The student is able to:
i. describe the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem
5-6 or issue,
ii. ​discuss the implications of using science and its application to solve a specific problem
or issue, interacting with a factor,
iii. ​usually apply scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and
iv. ​usually document sources correctly.

The student is able to:

i. explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or
7-8 issue,
ii. ​discuss and evaluate the implications of using science and its application to solve a
specific problem or issue, interacting with a factor,
iii. ​consistently apply scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and
iv. ​document sources completely.
Language/ Literature Assessment Criteria
A: Analysing
I. ​analyse the content, context, language, structure, technique and style of text(s)
and the relationships among texts
II. ​analyse the effects of the creator’s choices on an audience
III. ​justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology
IV. ​evaluate similarities and differences by connecting features across and within
genres and texts.

B: Organizing
I. ​employ organizational structures that serve the context and intention
II. ​organize opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
III. ​use referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitable to the
context and intention.

C: Producing text
I. ​produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring
and reflecting critically on new perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement
with the creative process
II. ​make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices,
demonstrating awareness of impact on an audience
III. ​select relevant details and examples to develop ideas.

D: Using language
I. ​use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of
II. ​write and speak in a register and style that serve the context and intention
III. ​use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation
IV. ​spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with
V. ​use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques.

Criterion A: ​Analysing
Level Level Descriptor Task-Specific Clarification

The student does not reach a standard described by

any of the descriptors below.
Add your own
The student:
i. ​provides limited analysis of the content,
context, language, structure, technique and style of
1-2 text(s) and the relationship among texts,
ii. ​provides limited analysis of the effects of the
creator’s choices on an audience,
iii. ​rarely justifies opinions and ideas with
examples or explanations; uses little or no
iv. ​evaluates few similarities and differences by
making minimal connections in features across and
within genres and texts.

The student:
i. ​provides adequate analysis of the content,
context, language, structure, technique and style of
3-4 text(s) and the relationship among texts,
ii. ​provides adequate analysis of the effects of the
creator’s choices on an audience,
iii. ​justifies opinions and ideas with some
examples and explanations, though this may not be
consistent; uses some terminology,
iv. ​evaluates some similarities and differences by
making adequate connections in features across and
within genres and texts.

The student:
i. ​competently analyses the content, context,
language, structure, technique, style of text(s) and
5-6 the relationship among texts,
ii. ​competently analyses the effects of the
creator’s choices on an audience,
iii. ​sufficiently justifies opinions and ideas with
examples and explanations; uses accurate
iv. ​evaluates similarities and differences by making
substantial connections in features across and within
genres and texts.

The student:
i. ​provides perceptive analysis of the content,
context, language, structure, technique, style of
7-8 text(s) and the relationship among texts,
ii. ​perceptively analyses the effects of the
creator’s choices on an audience,
iii. ​gives detailed justification of opinions and ideas
with a range of examples, and thorough
explanations; uses accurate terminology,
iv. ​perceptively compares and contrasts by making
extensive connections in features across and within
genres and texts.
Criterion B: ​Organizing
Level Level Descriptor Task-Specific Clarification

The student does not reach a standard described by

any of the descriptors below.
Add your own
The student:
i. ​makes minimal use of organizational
structures though these may not always serve the
1-2 context and intention,
ii. ​organizes opinions and ideas with a minimal
degree of coherence and logic,
iii. ​makes minimal use of referencing and
formatting tools to create a presentation style that
may not always be suitable to the context and

The student:
i. ​makes adequate use of organizational
structures that serve the context and intention,
3-4 ii. ​organizes opinions and ideas with some degree
of coherence and logic,
iii. ​makes adequate use of referencing and
formatting tools to create a presentation style
suitable to the context and intention.

The student:
i. ​makes competent use of organizational
structures that serve the context and intention,
5-6 ii. ​organizes opinions and ideas in a coherent and
logical manner with ideas building on each other,
iii. ​makes competent use of referencing and
formatting tools to create a presentation style
suitable to the context and intention.
The student:
i. ​makes sophisticated use of organizational
structures that serve the context and intention
7-8 effectively,
ii. ​effectively organizes opinions and ideas in a
sustained, coherent and logical manner with ideas
building on each other in a sophisticated way,
iii. makes excellent use of referencing and
formatting tools to create an effective presentation

Criterion C: ​Producing Text

Level Level Descriptor Task-Specific Clarification

The student does not reach a standard described by

any of the descriptors below.
Add your own
The student produces texts that:
i. ​demonstrate limited personal engagement
with the creative process; demonstrates a limited
1-2 degree of insight, imagination or sensitivity and
minimal exploration of and critical reflection on new
perspectives and ideas,
ii. ​makes minimal stylistic choices in terms of
linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating
limited awareness of impact on an audience,
iii. ​selects few relevant details and examples to
develop ideas.

The student produces texts that:

i. ​demonstrate adequate personal
engagement with the creative process; demonstrates
3-4 some insight, imagination or sensitivity and some
exploration of and critical reflection on new
perspectives and ideas,
ii. ​makes some stylistic choices in terms of
linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating
adequate awareness of impact on an audience,
iii. ​selects some relevant details and examples to
develop ideas.
The student produces texts that:
i. ​demonstrate considerable personal
engagement with the creative process; demonstrates
5-6 considerable insight, imagination or sensitivity and
substantial exploration of and critical reflection on
new perspectives and ideas,
ii. ​makes thoughtful stylistic choices in terms of
linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating
good awareness of impact on an audience,
iii. ​selects sufficient relevant details and examples
to develop ideas.

The student produces texts that:

i. ​demonstrate a high degree of personal
engagement with the creative process; demonstrates
7-8 a high degree of insight, imagination or sensitivity
and perceptive exploration of and critical reflection
on new perspectives and ideas,
ii. ​makes perceptive stylistic choices in terms of
linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating
good awareness of impact on an audience,
iii. ​selects extensive relevant details and examples
to develop ideas with precision.

Criterion D: ​Producing Text

Level Level Descriptor Task-Specific

The student does not reach a standard described by any of

the descriptors below.
Add your own
The student:
i. ​uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary and
forms of expression,
1-2 ii. ​writes and speaks in an inappropriate register and
style that do not serve the context and intention,
iii. ​uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with limited
accuracy; makes errors that often hinder communication,
iv. ​spells/writes and pronounces with limited accuracy;
makes errors that often hinder communication,
v. ​makes limited and/or inappropriate use of
non-verbal communication techniques.

The student:
i. ​uses an adequate range of appropriate vocabulary,
sentence structures and forms of expression,
3-4 ii. ​sometimes writes and speaks in a register and style
that serve the context and intention,
iii. ​uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with some
degree of accuracy; makes errors that sometimes hinder
iv. ​spells/writes and pronounces with some degree of
accuracy; makes errors that sometimes hinder
v. ​makes some use of appropriate non-verbal
communication techniques.

The student:
i. uses a varied range of appropriate
vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression
5-6 competently,
ii. writes and speaks competently in a register and
style that serve the context and intention,
iii. uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with a
considerable degree of accuracy; makes errors that do not
hinder effective communication,
iv. spells/writes and pronounces with a considerable
degree of accuracy; makes errors that do not hinder
effective communication,
v. makes sufficient use of appropriate non-verbal
communication techniques.
The student:
i. ​effectively uses a range of appropriate vocabulary,
sentence structures and forms of expression,
7-8 ii. ​writes and speaks in a consistently appropriate
register and style that serve the context and intention,
iii. ​uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with a high
degree of accuracy; makes errors that are minor and
communication is effective,
iv. ​spells/writes and pronounces with a high degree of
accuracy; makes errors that are minor and communication
is effective,
v. ​makes effective use of appropriate non-verbal
communication techniques.

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