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1) A car is running for 20 min at 120 km/h and for 90 min at 90 km/h. What is its average velocity?
Solution: 26'5 m/s = 95'4 km/h

A 20 km B
2) When and where will these cars meet?

Solution: 60 km on the right of B, 1 h.

80 km/h 60 km/h

3) An onject started to move from the rest and is reaching 100 km/h in 12 s. Calculate:
a) The acceleration. b) The covered space in 20 s. c) The time needed to reach 200 km/h.
Solution: a) 2'32 m/s2. b) 464 m. c) 24 s.

4) An object is moving at 60 km/h. Suddenly, it is accelerating and travelling 52 m in 2’5 s.

Calculate: a) Its acceleration. b) Its final velocity. Solution: a) 3'28 m/s2. b) 24'9 m/s.

5) A shotgun is shot upwards in the vertical direction at 300 km/h. Calculate:

a) The maximum height. b) The velocity within 3 s. c) The time to reach maximum height.
Solution: a) 347 m. b) 53'3 m/s. c) 8'33 s.

6) Draw the graph of this equation: s = – 3 · t + 6

7) Draw the graph of this equation: s = t2 + 2 · t + 4

8) Find out the equation of this graph:





0 5 10 15 20 t(s)

9) Calculate the total space of a moving object with this graph:
v (m/s)

Solution: 1350 m


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 t (s)

10) A disc of 30 cm in diameter is spinning at 45 rpm. Calculate: a) The angular velocity.

b) The linear velocity at 5 cm from the centre. c) The linear velocity in the circumference of the
disc. d) The number of rotations in 3 min 20 s. e) The period. f) The frequency.
Solution: a) 4´71 rad/s b) 0´235 m/s c) 0´706 m/s d) 150 vueltas e) 1´33 s f) 0´752 Hz


11) From the top of a skyscraper, a stone is dropped. a) If it takes 10 s, what is its height?
b) How long would it take if you threw it downwards at 80 km/h? Solution: a) 500 m. b) 8’02 s.

12) An athlete (A) is 75 m from the finishing line and is running at 4 m/ s. Another athlete (B) is
100 m from the finishing line and is running at 6 m/s. Who will win and why?

13) A person left his house, walked 200 m towards the baker’s at 1´4 m/s. He stayed there for 2 min
and went back home at 1´8 m/s. a) Calculate the average velocity for all the process.
b) What has been the displacement? c) What has been the covered distance?
d) Draw the v – t graph. e) Draw the s – t graph. Solution: a) 1'07 m/s.

14) Two cyclists are running on the same road with straight uniform motions, one at 15 km/h and
the other one at 25 km/h. What distance advantage should they have at the beginning if they must
meet after 2 km of the faster one?
Solution: 800 m.

15) The radius of the Earth is 6370 km. Calculate the angular velocity and the linear velocity in km/
h that we have because of the rotation of the Earth. Solution: 7'27.10-5 rad/s, 1668 km/h.


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