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The Dark
Noe Pineda
A Message to Any
Person Reading This:

First, thank you. Second, I hope you

enjoyed reading this in its entirety
as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Last, but not least, I hope that
when you read this, you think about
how much you are capable of. Each
one of you has an unlimited amount
of potential waiting to be
uncovered. Get up and do what you
want. Do not take your time for
granted; we do not have any say in
how much time we have left. We can
only do as much as we allow
ourselves to.
Part 16 Part 1

Someday, when the time is right, our

We speak in an ancient language.
souls will meet again. Our vibrations are
Vibrations that caress us to each other. the only two alike in the universe. In
We echoed through the universe. this lifetime or the next. Our souls will
Cosmic winds and solar flares. meet again.
Nothing would ever dilute our passion. And when they do...I need a promise to
Nothing but ourselves. mean something. We let our promises slip
through our fingers the way sand sneaks
I miss the way you shake.
its way in between our toes. Forgetting
Behind my eyelids must be projectors. "forevers" was difficult at first but now
Every time I close them, I see you. I see it's second nature. Investing my essence
us. I see the way we were created. I see in something that I am always afraid will
the way the stars exploded to allow for steal what makes me, well, me. I tick and
their atoms to shape you. Mold you. It’s talk and tick and tock and tick but
still molding you. The stars give their somehow we never got around to figuring
it out. You spoke in Latin and I spoke in
lives to see you live another day. hieroglyphs so I can't blame you. I just
Supernovae at the brink of disappearing. hope that by the next time we encounter
And you haven’t disappeared from my mind one another we can say hello and
for a second. Space is so utterly understand the manner in which your lips
beautiful. You make it look so bad. curve and the way my eardrums beat a
You’re made of the same basic structures. melody so sweet every time you breathe. I
want to remember your feeling not so much
Yet you are so complex love. Strange how your face.
you’re made from the remnants of an
explosion but can be so peaceful in my
arms. It didn’t burn at all. Not until
you left.
Part 2 Part 15

And you will always be the most It wasn't your lips or your hips. The way
beautifully destructive storm of my you walked, or the way you talked. I just
life. knew, I knew it was you, I knew you. My soul
You came as quick as I could blink and ached the same way the first time we met.
you tore me apart like a pack of wolves
When I was Julius Caesar, and you were
who have been hunting for weeks. I can
imagine the way your teeth fastened Cleopatra. Then, I was Frederic Chopin and
themselves around my neck and you latched you George Sand. Now I am afraid to say, I
on for your own safety. We probably knew recognize you for fear of losing you.
that it would happen. Denial prolonged I’m afraid none of my words mean anything
the inevitable. Time was not on our side. anymore. I am afraid none of my actions
You were a storm set on a path and I just
speak loud enough. I am afraid that my soul
happened to be visiting the island you
had set your eye on. Blow me away before will ache for too many lifetimes for me to
I make another decision. We were not of handle. Love transcends all boundaries they
the same species. Maybe in the future you say, but so does the pain you feel at the
won't be as determined to feed yourself loss of love. It hurts to answer questions
and I won't be so determined to on inspiration. Heartbreaks should never be
extinguish the flames of a fire that an answer. Sadness should never be a muse. I
would have kept us alive for ages. But
again, you were the most beautifully fear so many things nowadays. I fear your
destructive storm of my life... smile. I fear your laugh. I fear the sound
of your voice. I fear the way you breathe on
my neck. I fear the way you smell. I fear
the way you whimper my name at the crack of
dawn. I fear all these things out of
selfishness. I fear them all because I fear
that someday I won’t recognize them. I fear
loss. I fear our past lives. I fear our
current one. I fear our future lives. I fear
knowing that you will always be an
inseparable piece of my being. I don’t want
to miss you for another millennia.
Part 14 Part 3

You are a universal idea. Figments in I can smell you on the strands of hair
many imaginations. Fragments of many you left on my bed centuries ago and I
datum. Fixed anomalies in the universe. can feel the pulsing of your heart on my
Fractures in time. And yet I loved you pillows when I sleep but I don't
like you were a cancer consuming my understand why anymore.
I remember the day you left, every day
that you left. I was a hopeful desert
Stars bound together by dark matter. And wanderer, hoping that your leave was
you still come up in conversation. nothing more than a mirage. Hoping the
Galaxies with black holes inside, creases on my bed still had some piece of
swirling and devouring each star by star. you and I could unfold them and laugh at
And you still turn every one of my the jokes you told me. Connections can be
thoughts into meteors, racing across my made with anyone and as easily as they
are made they can be broken. Your
mind, colliding, making a mess of me. heartbeat is out of sync with mine but
Terabytes of data compacted into you. somehow it still creates music for my
Flash drives, flash backs, fast forward, soul. Nothing is permanent they say, and
fast feelings, fast endings. In the grand maybe this is one of those things that
scheme of time, we were specks of dust in shouldn't be understood completely. And
a whirlwind of events. We came, we saw, maybe something between us still exists.
Not here of course. But in a different or
we allowed ourselves to be conquered. We
distant future. We made as much sense as
lost sight of why the sun shines. We lost colors do. We were cooling reds and
sight of why love glows. We lost sight. burning blues. Nostalgic yellows and
We lost ourselves. We were floating pensive purples. We could have been much
through space looking for stars that more but I'll settle for the smell of you
remind us of each other. We found stars in my bed and the pulsing of your heart
on my pillows. I don't want to
that felt like home. You found arms that
understand. Not anymore.
felt like mine. I found pain that felt
like this. I fear nothing. I fear
nothing. We were something.
Part 4 Part 13

They told me once that energy cannot be What a pitiful thing our pride is. You
created nor destroyed but you broke me won't admit it and I can't. Beauty isn't
down back into the very dust I was made skin deep and that's a cliché phrase and
from and swallowed me whole. We didn't I can't stop thinking of us. We saw the
choose to love each other; we were just lights from a distance and chose to walk
trying to survive. the tunnel anyway. Look for me in the
Physics was modeled around the way you sky.
held me in your grasp. Always at a
distance but always the same distance. I’m so proud of you. I’m so proud of us.
The forces you imposed on me were I’m so proud. I have so much pride. I am
gravitational to say the least. Moments so proud. I am proud of you. I see you
of pain and pleasure separated by only moving on. I’m glad. I was no good. The
the memories that my mind chooses to same way acid rain makes our skin melt. I
remember. I don't know how many Decembers was the rain and the skin. I burned
I've blocked out. But I know I'll
probably be better off forgetting myself down. I let you walk away. I made
Christmas too. New Years is tougher, new you walk away. I’m walking away. Why are
beginnings surround us and old habits we walking anyway? I ask myself a lot of
die. You were always my favorite habit. questions in the dark. It makes it easier
But habits aren't necessary to survive... to think clearly because my eyes can’t
see anything so my mind looks for you. I
ask myself a lot of questions in the
dark. I’m not scared anymore. When you
realize how terrible you can be, monsters
don’t compare. Love isn’t scary. Love is
bliss. Love is considered scary because
we are fully aware that this bliss can
make us blind to the truth. Love isn’t
always marshmallows and campfires. It’s
the feeling right before drowning and
dying. I’m so proud of you.
Part 12 Part 5

You are the energy and mass and speed of When did love become so complicated? When
light that Einstein theorized about. You are we were nothing more than swirling
the flickering stars in the night sky as gushing stars in a distant galaxies on
well as the vibrant moon. You are the opposite ends of the universe we knew we
deepest oceans and highest peaks. You are belonged together. Yet now we don't know
the happy. You are the sad. You are the each other. I still feel your energy. I
unforgettable. still see your light. Can you feel and
E equals MC squared, whatever that means. see mine too?
Einstein was brilliant, but there were a few Complications are products of
things he didn’t explain. For example, why expectations and routine. We became a
do my eyes feel heavy at the thought of your lump of hard clay. Stuck in our daily
smile? Why do my feet trip over one another dilemma of the constant. Change is
at the thought of your eyes? Why does my necessary but I wish we were still
stomach forget to hold things down when I supernovas ready to explode. That was my
smell your perfume? Why am I still trying to favorite time with you. The way your
find the words to say to you? Why do I try molecules smiled back at me from across
to justify my reasons for being in love with the universe. Your energy beckons me but
an idea that was disproved long ago? I waste your light is still so dim. It's worse
so much energy on these massive thoughts and than playing Marco Polo in the complete
then came this idea; the big bang wasn’t a darkness of the nights I spent without
cosmic event that created everything that we you. I'm afraid you've really forgotten
are. It was the moment my eardrums vibrated my aura. The reason you were happy wasn't
when they heard your name. I watched the me. It was the recognition of each
universe unravel from your lips. I saw the other's souls as unique and individual
stars align themselves in the same pattern but still one. There are reasons that you
as your blinks. I saw the way the galaxy think about me at 2 AM but the real
wrapped around itself like it was trying to question is why do you think of me at 2
hold on. And if the stars, moons and planets PM.
couldn’t do it. What made me think I could?
Part 6 Part 11

Do you remember when the pyramids were Mention me by name and watch the moon
being built? They built them pointing light up. It remembers our story far
directly at you, they worshipped you. You better than we do, love.
were their queen and goddess, as you are If you were to run your fingers over the
mine. surface of the moon, it would tell you the
And who gave you the right to be so story about us. Braille, telling anyone
beautiful. When my teeth grind together who were able to read it the story about
before my lips speak your name or how my how it tried everything in its power to
spine tingles when you would say, "I love keep us together. It would tell you about
you", was it real at all? My love for you the times that smiles sprouted from kisses
was eternal because eternity seemed to be and how there was morse code in the clicks
a reality but when that facade was ripped coming from our teeth crashing against
apart my reality had become eternally each other. It would tell you about the
void of immortality. It all ends at one way your goosebumps are pages out of a
point. I wish our point hadn't come so series of poems about the way our pupils
soon. I'd have enjoyed another lifetime dilated at the thought of each other. It
with you. I thought I knew you. You would tell you about the way that broken
probably still believe I do. A message to things can be fixed. It would tell you
anyone thinking about falling in love: Do about the way that lost people can be
it only if you must. Love is not kind or saved. It would tell you about how we
patient it is unforgiving and can kill tried. It would tell you about how we
you. But love can also bring new life failed. You see the moon isn’t there to
from within you. It can revitalize you. light up the night sky and steal all the
It can bring you all the treasures you attention. That would be selfish and
have ever dreamt about. If you're egotistic. The moon is there to remind us
thinking about falling in love. It's of the things we used to be, in hopes of
probably too late. inspiring us to remember what it felt like
the first time we made love. But gravity
wasn’t enough to keep you from running.
Part 10 Part 7

When did you become so distant love? We Rain clouds swelled in your eyes and your
meant the universe to each other and now stomach twisted with tornados and my
we hardly ever speak. We created the hands cracked like the skin of the earth
tides together and were the guide home and my legs crashed down like tsunamis
for so many souls. When did you become so and it was all because we were too
distant love? stubborn to speak.
We are beings of rhythm. Naturally Hello has become foreign to our tongues
inclined to analyze and reconstruct the and the "I love you"'s went back from to
vibrations spewing from our mouths. where they came from. We used to talk for
Understood that the air and gravity that hours about nothing and that used to be
interact with those vibrations form what enough. Substance was not the only thing
our thoughts beg us to speak. Lost in the we needed. But we shouldn't have allowed
sound waves maybe, or maybe you weren't emptiness to take over. We lost sight of
listening when I spoke. I love you must what used to be our foundation. We flew
have sounded like goodbye and you figured too close to the sun. We dug too deep
it was only a matter of time and so did into what used to be a sacred place.
I. We are beings of rhythm. Come and go Matters of the heart are as delicate as
and come and go. Hello. I love you. we allow them to be. The universe stopped
Goodbye. We are beings of rhythm. guiding us. Or we stopped following. I
Everything about us yells temporary. The don't know which one is more painful to
way our skin wrinkles. The way our eyes believe in any more. Maybe I was right.
blink. The way we wish we could take back Maybe I was wrong. Either way, a war
the words that broke us down in the first always leaves scars on the land it is
place. So I guess when I asked when you fought on. And I wish my apologies meant
became so distant. I should have been something.
asking why.
Part 8 Part 9

I still find myself stretching across my You are the definition of a muse.
bed searching for what used to be love Trancing and hypnotizing, eventually a
and it is no where to be found. Your source of pain for eternity. I'll love
energy is still present and my mind still you until my bones run dry and return to
wanders from time to time. Explanations dust.
are not due. I poured your body onto every canvas I
I wonder if you remember what it feels could find. I gave you all the colors I
like to be in my arms. I wonder if you saw when I thought of you. My blood,
still think of the times we would climb. sweat and tears mixed with every inch of
Axes chewing down the limbs we stood on. you. I made myself a weight and didn't
Shaking and trembling. The bed smells so think I was drowning you. Time didn't
much like you at times it's almost exist in the fabrics you dressed in. Love
unbearable. The moon won't stop mocking meant giving up our identities at the
me she smiles the same way you do. She time and sometimes definitions are wrong.
lights up the way you did. Why does she My bones filled themselves with gold dust
light up the way you did. I remember and I used to think it was a good thing.
smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. I wonder But now I am as heavy as your eyelids are
if you still remember the way it felt to when your alarm rings at 5 in the
feel. You got so cold so fast. None of my morning, and as heavy as your thoughts
sweaters could help you. Under the covers are when you think of me, and as heavy as
and no longer lovers but somehow we still your heart feels when you can't decide
managed to smother one another. Go whether you were right or wrong. I am
figure, everything has its expiration heavy. I am burdened. I am nothing but
date. My milk isn't sour. It's just the dust yet I cannot seem to just slip away
taste of you leaving. You don't have to into the corners of the room the way your
explain. I understand. love did. I can't imagine gravity
apologizing for keeping you grounded but
I sunk you into quick sand. I wouldn't be
mad if you hated me. I'd just understand
how you could.

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