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Nama : Dwi Safiurrohman Afif

Kelas : Manajemen B

NIM : 16510046


1. What are bad situation by Chris Gardner (family, environment, economic, hiself)
2. How does Chris Gardner solve the problem? How does he struggle


1. Begins in 1981 in San Francisco, California. Linda and Chris Gardner

lived in a small apartment with their children as young as 5 years old, Christopher.
Chris is a salesman who spend all the family savings to buy a franchise to sell
scanners bone (Bone Density Scanner) portable. This scanner is able to produce
better images than X-rays, but most doctors who met Chris thought that the price
is too expensive. Linda, his wife, works as a laborer in a laundry. This small
family began to break when they realize that they can not pay the rent and bills
were accumulating. Circumstances worsened by Chris habits are parked
haphazardly. Because it can not afford a ticket, Chris cars finally seized. The
climax, Linda left Chris and went to New York City. Initially, he wanted to take,
and Christopher, but failed at the request of Chris.

In desperation, Chris accidentally meet someone who brings Ferrari red.

Chris asked the man, what kind of work he did to afford a luxury car? The man
replied that he was a stockbroker. Since then Chris decided to make a career as a

Chris received an offer unpaid internship at a brokerage firm Dean Witter

Reynolds, promising the best jobs for apprentices. During the unpaid internship,
Chris began to run out of money. Finally, he was expelled from the rental home
and become homeless. For several days he slept in public places, but then he
decided to sleep in a halfway house Glide Memorial Chruch. Due to limited space,
they have to queue up to get a room. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes fail and
forced to sleep outside. Poverty and all homeless-an increasingly pushing Chris
determination to perform tasks diligently and get a job at Dean Witter Reynolds.

At the end of the story, Chris managed to become the best participant and
accepted to work there. A few years later, he founded his own brokerage firm,
Gardner Rich. In 2006, he sold a small portion of its shares and managed to get
millions of dollars from the sale.

Chris Gardner with in a desperate state, chris accidentally met someone

who took a Ferrari red. chris ask that person about what work he did to afford a
luxury car. The people working in the stockbroker. Since then Chris decided to
make a career as a stockbroker finally chris internship at Dean Witter Reynolds
brokerage firm without being paid. During the internship is not paid chris run out
of money to pay the rent and the house eventually became homeless chris. chris
and poverty and homelessness is increasingly pushing its determination to
perform tasks diligently and get a job at Dean Witter Reynolds. Chris managed to
become the best participant and accepted to work there. He sold a small portion
of its shares and managed to get millions of dollars from the sale.

2. Chris Gardner has its own motivation to realize tujuannnya. he always remembers
that God is Just and Wise. and he believes dreams and success starts from the hard
work and failure. he kept trying and working hard for his life, despite several
attempts, but he rose and rose again. no word of despair for her.

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