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RMS & CONDITIONS:EGR LOAN:RESTRUCTURING PROGRAM = {886 Rovolution Now. 424-8.2015 dated 26 May 2015, 795-x.2016 dated 4 Novemnbor 2018, 217-4.2018 dated 4 April 2046 and 259-4.2016 dated 18 April 2048) 7 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS setts tower uth any of flonng past ue shorten ane are etal ort proorgy 7 9 TYE Cota toan Emerge Lean”. Gf" -Vocalonl Technica Course Loans "Salary Lean Et Renova Program (SLERP) __- Edocaonal Loon ad) ak Loans ‘Salary Loan = Sudy Now Pay Laler Pn. “-Invesiments incenive Loan For past ce shorter loans except Calarily Loan and SLERP, metrberborrowor,qwst have previously ivadAvorked In a calaityissastor ‘Crickon ores dacares by tho NatonalDiseler Rsk Reduction and Meragement Counc (NORRMC) o the Nalenal Government the outetanding shorter lean must be past dv fra parc of at last sc (8) months as of he frit dey of restructuring peo. 4 Tae member-borower: see rt be felon er working in clamiyldseter declared arcs as of caster dato or at of application dale, “Living shell refer to the hore dress of toe mamber-oroner. 42. Must be onder 85 years old al he end ofthe lntaliment tor. 45, Hat not been grantad any fal baneft, a, otal permanent deadly o elroment 444 Hay not been daquafied due to fraud commited agen the SSS. 5, Momber-borronore ith final benef aim appicaton (Death, Teal Disabity, Rtiement) whosé cartngency date ison or before the last day of the avaeont eras ofthe eeteluing program ar oie fr tha progam, Said fel Daneit lan cst be fled within the avalimert parod 8 AREAS COVERED Covered eros are thote deeiaed by NORAMC or tho National Goverment as under he state of calamity due fo the fllawing calamideasisaster: 4. Ondoy 2008) 5, Laboyo (2013) 1, Behol and Cebu Earthquake (2018) 13, Mario (2044) 2, Sendong (2011) 68, Maing (2013) 40, Yolanda 2013) 14, Ruby 2014) 3, Pesting and Qua}(20%2) 7. Sant 2019) 41. Agaton 2019) 45, Seviang (044) 4. Poblo 2012) 1. Armod Confstin Zerboanga (2018) 12. Glenda 2014) 46, Lando (2018) 47. Nona (2018) ©. AVAILMENT PERIOD oan Resiacturing Programm may be avalos for one (1) yar from Api 28, 206 to Apr 27,2047. 'b. RESTRUCTURED LOAN AMOUNT AND PAYMENT TERM ‘The pripal and interests ofa ast dee short lafoens ofthe member bortower shall be consolidated ino one Restrucured Loan (RL!) payable citer nfl instaimoct paymect. ull payment payable wlthn 30 days rom the approval of reskuctureg apotication 2. Instaimant peyenant «payable In equal mani amartzaton over appleabie tem based on RL rage below. is 2,000.00 9 P 18,000.00 ‘2monthe B 18,000.04 19 36,000.00, 2 months 736,000.01 to # 64,000.00 38 months. # 64,000.01 t9F72,000.00 ‘8 monte ore then 72,000.00, 0 montie, "Fer Lt noun as than P 200.00 pela iis FULL PAYMENT Howover, the member-orrawer may let his preferred paymant tam but not © excend fv (5) yess 6 IRTEREST RATE AND PENALTY vr er instalment to, RL1 shall be subjct fo inlerest rate of 8% per annum computed on # diminishing principal Balanea over the apoiiatle payment term, ‘2, panaly of 0.5% por month shal be charged zoainet the amortization due for every menth unpaid during the approved a FF. CONDITIONAL CONDONATION AND INTEREST RATE AFTER TERM EXPIRY ‘emaiion shel be condoned aher ful payment of RL wihin ks approved tem, The balance of RLY should bo 2070 athe end ofthe tar. Otbervise the ual principal of RLt end the proporterate balance of candonable penalty shal become past of» new orncpal under Resiucured Loan 2 [hLay and chan ponenfn bu chergos ¢ 10% inlereet per ancur uetl fly paid. The unpeld inforests end peneties of RL shall tkewise be Vronsfened a RL2 G. DUE DATES AND MANNER OF PAYMENT ee orth inetaimen aha be dba fr paymant every {th day of he nant foFawing the aeration mont. Amoratin shal start on te month \ramassatly fling the approval date ofthe Resvuctired Loan ‘example: > Restnctred Loan Apsroval Month: APRIL > Sal amortization month: MAY > tstinstalimertemeortzaton fs ue on JUNE 10 12, Payinant calle made through any S8S branch wih tolrng facies or atherizedcoiecton agent of he SSS. H. OTHER CONDITIONS: ete the festwetured lon Te existing oF oustanding, the mamberberower cannot avail of cttor SSS shertrm lean programs inland [Educational Assisince Loan Program. ‘The member-corrower may aval of te SSS short-term loan programs afer sb (8) months fom fhe dats af ful rayment of he Restructure Laan, ‘The member berrercannetavelof any future eondonatonrestucturng programe of SSS once this restructuring application I approve using ine ton of the restated loan, tba rembn-borower shal soy thevnaareat SSS branch hisher updated contact information thru soeompishment of Member Data Chenge Request (69 Form £4) +5, t ewe of membor-borrowots death oa eal, or ratrement, hafta lean obligson or ary uneald amount of re loan as wl as the intrest

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