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Welcome parents as they walk in, two students will be placed at the entrance, handing a flower to each parent.

Location: In Pre-Primary classroom. There will be chairs set up for the parents and children will sit on the mat
in front of them.
Materials: IWB, Music, prayer blanket, lyrics to song on IWB,

Children will be encouraged to welcome their parents and show them to their seats then come and sit down on
the mat

Commentator: Teacher
We thank you parents, and staff for coming to our Pre-primary liturgy. Today we gather to
thank God for giving us the gift of life. We thank him for providing for us, and to keep us
living. Today we are thankful for the sacrament of Baptism, which assists us in a new life
with God.

Please stand as we join together in our song.

I love to sing a joyful song

I love to sing a joyful song,
That turns my heart to God,
A song that fills my every thought
With love only for Him.
I love God,
I love God,
We love God,
Hallelujah, for His purpose.
He chose you,
He chose me
To be filled only with Him.
God, as we gather here today in your name, we thank you for bringing us together with your
gift of life. You chose us to be followers of you, almighty God, we thank you for filling us
with your gifts. We will now pause and reflect on what you have asked of us.

Reader: Educational Assistant will assist students

You have created us in your light and have provided us with the ultimate gift of life. We
thank you for your gifts.
Lord have mercy.
Lay respond: Lord have mercy

You tell us to spread the good word of yourself. We are sorry for the times we only think
about ourselves and don’t share your love with others.
Christ have mercy.
You have given us the gift of baptism, to guide us on a new life with your love. We thank you
for this gift.
Lord have mercy.

Opening Prayer : Teacher

Loving God,
You ask us to continue loving one another, as you love us. You have given us the gift of life,
which we must treasure in your name. Inspire us to love like you and your son Jesus Christ.
Light a fire in our hearts to make this world a better place.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,

First reading Educational Assistant

Galatians 3:25-27
A reading from the Galatians chapter 3
25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. 26 So in Christ Jesus you are all
children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves
with Christ.

Luke 3:16-17

A reading from Mark Chapter 3

16 John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come,
the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
17 His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn,
but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

The word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Student with teacher assistant

God has created life for us. He has given us animals, flowers and trees. We look at these
things in awe of what He has done for us.

Reader Children come to the front and display pictures of living things we are thankful for.
Lord, we thank you for the animals and trees. They are beautiful and make us wonder at your
Lord hear us. R Lord hear our prayer.

Reader : Child

Lord, we thank you for our families and friends. They are treasures to our lives.
Lord hear us. R Lord hear our prayer

Reader : Student

Lord, we pray for the people who are struggling in life. May you help them find your light.
Lord hear us. R Lord hear our prayer.

Reader : Student

We pray for ourselves. May you give us the courage to follow you until the end.
Lord hear us. R Lord hear our prayer.
Reader : Student

Today, we will reflect on God’s gifts. We encourage you to listen to our reflection song and
focus on your flower. We encourage you to give a personal thanks to God for the gifts in your

There will be a pre-recording of the students singing this song. Lyrics displayed on the IWB.
Song :

Once I thought the love of God

Once I thought the love of God was just for you and me.
Once I thought we were the only ones.
Now I know God’s love can find all those from sea to sea;
And when it finds them, they become His sons.
God’s love is warmer than the warmest sunshine,
Softer than a sigh.
God’s love is deeper than the deepest ocean,
Wider than the sky.
God’s love is brighter than the brightest star
That shines every night above;
And there is nothing in this world
That can ever change His love.

Education Assistant

God, of our lives,

Inspire us and lift us up,
Share our triumphs and our troubles,
Look down upon us as we look to you.

God, continue to love us in the way you have.

We will use this love for guidance through our daily lives.
We look to you for unconditional love and light.


Teacher: The children will share with you a performance, the song Once I thought the love
of God that you heard before, now live with actions.

Once I thought the love of God was just for you and me [point to audience and self].
Once I thought we were the only ones. [number 1]
Now I know God’s love can find all those from sea to sea [looking from left to right];
And when it finds them, they become His sons [pointing to audience]
God’s love is warmer than the warmest sunshine, [wrap arms around neighbours shoulders]
Softer than a sigh.
God’s love is deeper than the deepest ocean [bop to the floor],
Wider than the sky. [stretch arms wide]
God’s love is brighter than the brightest star [make star with hands]
That shines every night above [open up arms]
And there is nothing in this world [shake finger]
That can ever change His love. [point to heart.

Student with help from education assistant:

We thank you for coming to our Pre-primary liturgy. Please go forth and spread God’s love!

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