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ron oimpend appdata lock © Horizontaly @ Downward at 90° withthe horizontal @ What minimum force is required to stat motion? P= 400 sin 218° P=1485kN Fa =020 240) 82 eo ‘coefcet of fc and the pulleys are assumed tobe frictionless, p= 400 Gos 20° N2=3460N, rere le he tension T for impending othe tension T for img the max, tonsion that '® Tension for impending tpping: EMa=0 TSin60'24) T2765N @ Max. fnsion that can bo applied without ‘moving tho fog: Max. T= 626 © Normal reaction between fog and plane BFy=0 N+ Sin 60" = 135(981) ‘A fat circuiar plate les inthe horizontal (2) plane and is supported al the three circumfeental points shown. The weight of ‘the pla is 500 KN. ‘© Which ofthe flowing gives the reaction at A © Which of tie folowing ives the reaction at B (& Wich of te folowing aves the reaction at 6. Solution: © Roacton at A: M20 RgrCos4s"= Re Cos 30° Rg=1.205Ro TMaa=0 Ra (f Sin 75°= Rar Sin 60" a= 0.897 Ra 1205 R¢=0879 Ra a= 1.366 Re a+ Ra+ Re= 600 1566 Re 1225 Re+ Ro= 600 a= 128619020) a= 190.20kN Resdton at p= 088711920) a= 170.6hN In igure shown the homogenous Bock weighs 00 KN and the cooficient of eon is 0.40. f h = 5 m, Determine the fore P to cause ‘maton to impend, ‘Solution: neazocore-a (2) F=UN=040 (240) F=951N Dis =0 Ph =300 (2) Cos 6 00 Sin of) o@-40(8) 0 (2) by a wei * suspended ftom a cord wrapped around tho inde. slipping impends, determine P and N=P Cos 30" + 100.Gos 30° N=0.866° + 86.60 F=100Sing0"+P Sin 30" F=50 +05? 50+ 05P =P. 08° = 50 P=100P ’ N=0.866(100) + 88.6 N=47320 Fun F=05(109) +50 = 100 400 = (173.20) u=058 Block In the figure weighs 120 N, bio Welghs 200 N, and the chord i paral a Inline. Ifthe coefficlent of friion fof surfaces in contact Fs 0.25, determine! angle 0 ofthe incine at which motion o impenes, 'B acting down and wil start motion? What Ine chord attached o A? Ny= 1200s F;=0.25(120}C08 6 F,=90Cos@ No=Ni+200 Cos Nz=(120+ 200) Cos 6 Ny= 9200s Tension in chord T=120 Sin30'+F, T=60 +6235 T=12235N The thro fa blocks are positoned on the 25° ingned as shown and a force paral to the ai con Dotwesn 28 ky ard 45 kgis 0.30, between 45 kg and 36 kgs 0.40, and between the 3 kg andthe planes 0.45, ® Which of he following aves the tension of the cable supporting the 28 kg block, Check forthe ficion fore Fe F9= 252.50 +3598) Sin25° Fy=40175 Tension in the cable: 1 =28(981) Sin 25°+ Fy T=28(981) Sin 25+ 74.68 T=19076N Solution: @ Value of: and the ground u=0.10. =200 Sin2038°-40 Cos 20.8" T=3363KN Ea ‘The three blocks wth the weights as shown ‘are placed on a 20" Cos 20° 58.38KN Fru Nt F =0.40(6638) 7 222.55 KN Filion force at A= 22.5 kN Fon force at 8 = 11.28 kN Frilion force at C= 6.84 kN Ng=200o8 20° Ng=1879KN Np=40 00820" No=37.59KN Fo=uNy p= 0.30 37:59) = 1128 KN F5=UNs F5=050 (18.79) F5=940KN P2+940=20Sn 20°F Pp=-256kN ‘Since Ps negative will nat move, Solution: y= Ne WENN Ny= WEN, F, =040(71.43) Fp =2857 iN. Fy=Np = 7143401 Jn gure shown two blocks are connected by a solid strut attached to each block with filionless pins. Ifthe coefclent of fcton Under each block is 0.25 and 270 KN. Find the minimum weight prevent moton, Solution: fan o=025 o=s Solution: BFy=0 NotuNy=W BFh=0 UNZ=N 2{0384)00s 9+2 Sin 8 2388 Cos 0= 2 Sine 2 cota P=F +6005 30" P=97.83 + 378.25 Cos 30° P=42540iN A hrizontal bar 10 m. ong and + € Cos 30" = 400 Sin 20° t+ 42.56 0.886) =200 Dor wn A ladder 20 m. fong weighs 40 kN and its ‘center of gravy is 8 m. fom the bottom, The adie lcd agin vr wl oh Ny +uNp=160+ 40, Ny #uNo=200 Ny=200-uNp @ oso act surface, the magnitude of te couple required to stat the oylnde rotating courtercockuise, ‘2 (0.268 No (0258) + Np (0.966) = 300 P=0268 (77.88 + 280.6) P=985KN how cose the load P can be from point A before sipping, © Distance tom A: Re=P-Cos40" Distance fom B: Ra=PSin20" Raz 0942p 0.342 P Cos 70" (10) = Px x= 147m, ‘Angle that the plank makes with the horizon plane, ‘mass cenler is 1.2m. from one end. Both ‘ends ar provided with clones rl. fakes with te horizontal fo .® Which of the following gives the reaction at A | Which ofthe following gives the reaction at B Solution: © Valu of angle @: b Ticod n=118 Cos @ Cot 40" Coto" = ye (oi28'= T7058 y= 12.05 6 Cot 25° yehe3sin 112.Cos® Cot 25"= 1.8 Cos6 Cot 40" 1.2G0125'-18 Cot40"=3 tan 2573-2.46 =3tan 0 tan =0:143 ease Reaction at A: Ra=3310kg Ry= S207 Ry Q RX] Reason at Us Se Lave eT em Saas Hie a= 1399 hg p= 1972 Lae sn in figure below a homogenous in demeter and weighing 120 kN = 12040866), 0.868) (048 P (10) Cos 50" = Py y=281m. ‘A uniform plank of weight W and total ongth Ls placed as shown in gure below with ts fend in contact with the inclined planes. The angle of friction maximum value of sipping impends Del the angle 8 at which R,=0518W. Dip=0 \ Ry 008752. Cos o) + Ry Sin 75" 2.) Sno =WLCos 8 (0518 W Gos 75°.) Cos 0+ 0.518W in 75'(2l) Sin 9= WL Cos 9 0268 Cos + Sin = Cos 8 Sino =0782 C089 fan 0=0732 97362" BFy=0 Ry Cos = 200 Fh =0 RySinds'=T But Sind" = Cos 45° T=200kN Feo 200=P Cos 45' + Ry Cos 0" O BA=0 200 + PSin4S' = Rp Cos 30 P.Cos45°=200-RpCos 60" @ e260 200 +200- Ry Costa" = Rp Cos 307 400 = Ro (Cos 60" + Cos 30) Rp= 208 KN Cos 45° =200 -298 Cos 60° P.Cos 45° =200- 148.5 P.Cos 45° =$35 os 16.7" +Ry Cos 438'=P Ry #0728 Rp=P =132R ° in 38.74 Cos 36.949) = RyCos +720P=1199R) po + 0.604 P= Ry e he = 1.37 P 1.3224 Rp - 104530) | unitorm bar AB weighing 424 Dy aficonles pin toa bock web 15 show in gure belo {= 0.268 while under the block f = 020 Determine the force P needed to start the tion tothe right Maso waa -ri.cn6y tomas ivore Ge pices ana Wi dai ee Bryz0 Np=200+ 428 + Fy Nz= 624 +0268 200) No= 701.74 SFre0 Paige y P=020Np+Ny P=020(701.7)+ 250 P=430kN ‘A160 kg. man stands onthe mide rung of 50 kg ladder 2s shown. Assuming the foor ‘and wall ar perfectly smoot) and that sping {s prevented bya sting DE. ‘© Which ofthe folowing gives the reaction at 8, Wich ofthe folowing gives the reecton at A (© Which ofthe folowing gives the tension in Solution: Rescton at 8. 3Fr=0 Tos 30 = Rg BAO TSin30'+ 200= Ry Me=0 Rq= 12Re + 20043) Rat 29+ 100 eae TSin30'+ 200= 2Rg + 100 T=4Rp-200 ome (4a 200) Cos 30°= Rp 4-200 = 1.155 Rg= 7030 kg p= 650.64N acon at a= 2R +100 Ra=2(703) + 100 Ra=206K9 Ra= 29603" Tension in sting DE: Tos 30°= Re Tos 30°= 70.30 T=81.18K9 T=7964N weighing 35 kg is resting on Moor at A and on the wall at B fd between te ladder andthe the distance "x" to which the an limb on the ladder without Mi lacer to slip a its lower end the reaction a the wall at. the reacon at the horizontal Xx fo which the 72 kg man can Hon the ladder without causing the Ho sip alts lower end A. TFh=0 Fa2Ne (025 Na=Ne Fa=025(025)N Fe= 0.0625 Na EMa=0 No (10) Sin 60" + Fe (10) Cos 60° + 35(5) Cos 60" + 72) Cos 60 ‘8.66Na + 0.25N(10) Cos 60" = 87,50 + 26x 9.91 Ne=87.50+ 36x x= 45m, Reaction athe wal at 8. Fa= 025 Ne Fa=025 (25.18) Reacion at FaeNe Fa 25.1849 025Nk= Ne 0.25 Na=25.18 Nu 100.72 ig (Ra= (Far + (a (Rap = 25.187 + (100.722 R= 103.82 . Ra 103.82(081) Ra= 1018.5 A.wedge is a simple devic that suse for the same purpose asa lover that sto create 2 mechanical advantage. lo spit og. Ifo is he angle "@ wedge and the log, imum angle ofthe wedge so fombedded in he log, Using Sine Law: pera peed 0-10" tne= r = 15" (angle of friction} pcos * +Sin5 cos (00(508)(3) +001$ (Pease) =0 nee Fox bck A: Using Sine Lave Wi Rue S80" Sin 105° =, Wes in 80 Sin 2" In-figure shown, determine the minimum eight of block B that wil keep it treet while 2 force P sats bock A up the inclined surface Of. The weight of Ais 100 kN and the angle of fiction for al surfaces of contacts 15 Re 141.50 KN 3F,=0 Ry Cos 45° = Rp Sin 15° Wa + Ry Sin 45°= Re Cos 15° Wa =3732- 100 Ws =27326N 40014 Bock The angle o ton 20 ora contact surfaces, yoo 9c A itt P=419in 30" +386 Sin 20° P=2095+ 132 P=34150kN ried in fgure shown had a acting (othe lef that required to pul BN, Wat valve of P would be ‘wedge out from under the 400 KN block. Roe 35+ 400 y= 92881 P=601 Sin35'+ 923.8 Sin 15° P=5838KN Ry Sin 15 =P # +400 = Ry Cos 15° contact surtaces. What value of P is requied to stat movement ofthe blacks? P=2R Cos 60” P=2(732) (5) =7324N \Whatfrce P must be apie to shown i figure below o star he block? The angle of ficion for the 200g block Solution: @ Reacon between wedge and block: = Sine Ry = 9060.82 @ Horizontal force P: Sin 536° ~ Sin 68.2" P= 2661.19 N EM © Compute the force F to cause ‘mation of block B tothe laf. ‘moton of block Bf the right @ Ia force P = $0 Ns appted tthe © Valu of Pt cause impending Blk ote BFy=0 Noes 18°= 200402084 + 02N9 Sin 0916p =200+020Nt 3Fy=0 (02 Np Cos 151+ No Sin 15°= Nj (0.452Np = Ny (0.914 Np = 200 + 020(0.4521No) Np= 24280, Ny =0452(24280) = 10876 19° + 02Np Cos 16'=P Hise impending mation of right: 10.2N2 Sin 15'+0.2Ny =200 2N; =200 I) +02 Cos 5° #0.2No Cos 15°-Np Sin 15) 0855 Np 48) -0.0656(198.96) From the figure shown the coefficients of fiction are a flows: 0.25 at the floor, 030 at the wal and 0.20 between bods. © Which ofthe folowing gies th value of the reaction betwoon the two blocks, Which ofthe folowing gives the reaction ‘value of horizontal force P applied tothe lower block that wil old the system in equitoium, tan0=020 =n tena=0.0 a=167 oR sn73F Rie @ Minimum vaiue of horizontal fre P: P+ 141502 Sin 1404" = 564.68 Sin 48,69" Bae lock rests as shown onthe wedge of weight. Knowing that the coefeent frcton is 0.30 on all suraces of Rp=200 Cos 733° Rp S747N No=5747 Cos 16° Nr=55N D1 and 8 ar 42 kg and 50 kg | Between al contacting surfaces He the normal force exerted by io block AB moves upward. ‘he noma force exerted by the 4 lane to block A if B moves eth force required to stat bck 1 0 the ight 02 exerted by block B to block A = T1318 Cos 286° = 772.82 ® Normal force exerted by the inclined plane To block AifB moves upward. © Face eqiest stat back Ato move o te ih DFO +7446 sin 7.14 =77378n4786 © Compute the normal fore exerted bythe horizontal plane fo block B if Cis moving Upward. © Compute the norma force exerted bythe wali block A ing upward. © Compute the force F required to start ‘moving upward (0.83R=0:371R, + 488.60 (0.558 Ry =0.928 Ry-90252 Ry=0487 Ry +9627 (0.558(0.447 R + 58627) = 0.92 0.249 Ry +32597 = 0928s = pitch angle L tno=5 L=2nrteno ‘An acrobat weighing 150 KN supports himself by a wrapping a rope around one fag 38, shown, From his lg there hangs § mo rope which welghs 0.40 kNim. What is the min. ‘oefcent of ction between his leg andthe rope, Neglect his pull on the rope. Tp1sOKN Solution: Ty=150KN T,=5(040)=20N ul q 8 =2rredians: ott 150 a 2 Te 15=6 4g0=%. xu 432=u2n) 0688 Ha ‘rope is looped ver the two fixed posts each ‘of 12cm, dia. as shown, Ifu= thn determine ‘he maximum and min. values of P that wit present motion of tolcad W = 1000 kN. Th Ty2377Te 4388 = 37 Tp T= 223.4 N Te gus Te 30 800 6=017 ey P. runs from A over the P, around the floating P to.a200 KN weigh. Weight W that can be supported 9 the pulley P or sping the belt 0 @)s020m@)-Mayel tov iaaw2sH wera ‘Aropemaking 1 8 tums around a stationary horizontal drum is used fo support a heavy ‘weight tbe coe of fcion i 0.40, what ‘weight can be supporied ty exerting a 80 kN foro tthe ohor end of the rope. ‘Solution: papal S9)+2temine Beisrodoe L..woesm T,=1150KN. Ree the cooficent of ricion, Solution: No oftums =2 B=2(2n)=4 radians Te 27° $000) 50 elm) =60 638269 f(4-n) =438 fe0300 A boat exerts a pul of 4000 kN on which s wrapped about a capstan on the coeficient offition fs 0.30, ems 2 No, of ums = 355 tums Ae Th, as hh < Hata ny=Woree } nef Faun foun) rth F-01860 3 teew) oF T2=0.60W+0.16W 1,2 076W mete we teem Bn=0 ae ° i Trtejof2=t000shn0 aa EE Ty2 1877) ‘A crum requires a torque of 200 Nam 72=076W ae i 7 ‘A relay car wegting 80 fons is supported by 1.87(076)W+0.16W + 0.16W+ 160=600 142 +032 W =600- 160, 17AW= 440 © Compute the value of 12 to ‘oe of roling resistance for stoel wheels on W=2534N Impending sfopage between b steel rain mm un. © Compute the value of Ty to impending sippage between b Solution: ye The coofcient of ricfon_botwoen the rope wereisoo ‘and fied post is 0.40, The rope is wrapped ti ‘only once around the post 1 Ee tas 4 ing vos the minimum at pint A ® Wich of the folowing gives the minimum {tension in the rope a point. Solution: ‘Minimum tension in the rope at poet A= B= 180 ‘= nradians 0.4(n) Fee oa) T2= 11484 Goson tA) vy zoe) ee tina sn ope a po W=98t00N tea EM, = 0. {ooefficient of rolling resistance 981000(0.6) = 1225(r) ‘exressed in mm 1 =4805 250. soem) 424005) « 12=20.25N aaa, ‘Area or Length » the centro of the shaded area hich s bounded by the xis, the ne W the parabola y? = kx. Poke J Area under spendiel aha fez0, Centers of Gravity: We Wy + + Wy + WR = Wan + Wa Wo + Waa Wy = Ways Wate Wars Ware Centroid of Areas: Ara that hat hy AR Aug haat Aa Ait AY=Ains Aaa Aas Ala CCentroids of Volumes: Vet Mtge VR = Vor Vato + Vata VW=Vor* Van Yara Controls by integration ax=[xdA ay =lyda ayeif ya LG or serves oer e zy =e reyes, S27 aK By aye yefeiexe ele whenx=a Yaa yakiae 3 yadaiaqte 8 Ss ay Ea Dotomin the conto of the quarter cicle whose aus" Solution: bare Ae Pe ae Beal sa ae [ VFR joce] aaa Bx} leo a gis gis = ole | 232 | Problem: Determine the cenrod of the quadra meen ee ‘an equation of the Solution: nS hb i) nef Wheax=b yk? Locate the centroid of the area bounded by the satan te se ene y= a SE fon Solution; ee F cal, sofxc L “Tf 2] A Fogg met dy a + (Cos n-Cos 0) v= av=sink xox 2k O99 %, veh cost fiaeat(va Ue ay Af xpos) mt x5 cos Ex+E sn Ex f 2°50? Bi? xox coats) am z sions ofthe T-section ofa cast ron shown How fer i the centzod ofthe Wve te base? Determine the coordinates ofthe cenirid of the area shown wih respect othe given axis AR = Any # Ane 1.437% = 2712) + 14.1970) 2234 AY = Aun * Aa 44.1379 = 276) + 14.197(1027) y=TA7 EA © Which ofthe flowing gives the centroid wih espect tothe yan, © Which ofthe foloming gies the moment of inertia with respect the yeas, © Which of the following gives the radius of gyration about the ys, Solution: a Leen Bx 10° +805 x 108-267x 108 273(90)=60_ 10 mmt gytaton about the y-axis f tenet = 4500 gee gel ss ‘Ag = (20)? = 1256.64 AZAy+AQ+Ag ‘A= 4500 + 9180.86 + 1256.64 A= 042422 Aa eon Banc03 oy Sous) res551nm Manet fay a ° =! nen? ly = 1823108 2H 01844 4c) LY = Lays + Layo * Lays assy 80424] scusnn) y246h Locate the centro ofthe bent wire shown, ‘The wires homogenous and of uniform coes 2 HOR Uys =3t us? 28a y= 5-248 Cos 20°=-285 all . j= 5-248 Cos 90°= 2.85 LReLay tle tL 85) +20) + 3.14285) 8.289 = 3:14(248) Sin 30" +20) +3.14(2.48) Sin 30° 9 =084in. 1D Which of the folowing cives the total length ofthe crcular are and the straight ing gies he its centroid with respect tothe x-axis Solution: © Total engt: 02 0s 0=95 6=7083 neossansr wtssr 12= 092+ 0.565772 coasre Length of arc = R (28) Udit ans Length of aro= 1.4772 Total length =0.5 + 0.9708 + 1.4 Total length = 2957 m, CCenitld from y-axis: 0=7053 o- t80 0=1281rad Rsing Note: Cento of aro = "= o Rsino Cento of ar =F) 0.8Sin7053 Cenrid of are = S557 Cento of aro = 0.4595 Ly=05 xy -080 1g=09788 — x2>-040 Lgs14772—x3= 402595 tlaetlaxs 0.1382 Contid tom xs Lys0s yy=-025 Lg=o9res — yq=+0.28285 lgstar2 —¥3=0 centroid 25 in base. What value of 6 in: width of be change? 1 AY = Mays + Aye (8+ 9925) =105) +85) 20 +251=051+40 2220 a=10 Ea ‘The shaded area is created by cuting a som- circle of ciametorr from a quarter cre of rads. ® Compute the area of the shaded potion, ® Fin the centroid of shaded porton from ais © Find the centroid of shaded porion fram x: is, i ye=rt| rh PMY 3R=2ePa Solution: @ ‘Area ofthe shaded portion ; )£() © Find the area ofthe shades section Find the centroid of shaded sect the yas, D Find the contol of shaded seca tho xanis, Araactvangeets re ‘Ag=area ofa quarter ciclo Cent of shadod secon fam the y 428 y8 A= 21294) =22 AEA thy thy ky A=72+949-92 Az68 AY = Aaj + Rate+ Aaa Ady 587 = 72(8) + 912) + 9(2)-32(1.6) y= 3.48 owing gives the x iid in meters lowing gives the y coon of he canto in moos, Solution: © Arwain square meters AEA -A2-A2 A= 2643 sqm. ® coorinate of centroid meters: aad | y-coortinat of centid in mete oor © Which of the following gives the section area ofthe shaded scton, ® Which of tie folowing gives the foal the conoid from the y-axis. & Which ote folowing gives the loa centod fom the xs, R= Ay +A290-Ag 43 x=20(1) + 24(4)-12:566(6.) x= 487m, ® Centeid tom xa: AY =Atyi +Aoy2-Agy3 34.43 = 206) +243) -12.506(4.3) ‘Atbeam has @ cross secon shown, Compute the moment of area of the shaded portion about the horizontal centroidal axis x, af the entre section, Aastha ths AB12+1246 A= Q=Ayys* Aa = 6/1478) +73()(665) A a= 447208) Q=912i8 area isthe product ofthe engh of lng curve mulipied byte distance is contol, Ils revolved about an axis though eo area ofa cone with an altitude h fois wih lant height of:

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