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Experiment / Lab Work :

Name : Nurlysa Binti Jeffery Class : 4 Alpha Date : 5.2.2018

AIM To determine the melting point and freezing point of Naphthalene

HYPOTHESIS The higher the temperature, the more the naphthalene C H is to be melt. The lower the temperature, the
more the naphthalene C H is to be freeze.

VARIABLES Manipulated: heat

Responding: temperature
Fixed: naphthalene,C H
APPARATUS Boiling tube,beaker,thermometer(0-100 C),tripod stand,Bunsen burner,stopwatch,conical
flask,wire gauze,retord stand and clamp

MATERIALs Naphthalene,C H , tap water

PROCEDURE 1. One-third of a boiling tube is filled with naphthalene, C H and a thermometer is put into it.
2. The boiling tube is suspended in a beaker half filled with water as shown in Figure 2.5. Be sure the level
of naphthalene, C H in the boiling tube is below the level of water in the beaker.
3. The water is slowly heated until the temperature reaches 60 C. The naphthalene,C H is stirred slowly
with the thermometer.
4. The temperature and the state(s) of the naphthalene,C H is recorded at half-minute intervals until the
temperature of naphthalene C H reaches 90 C.
5. The boiling tube is removed from the water bath. The outer surface of the boiling tube is dried and is
quickly put into the conical flask as shown in Figure 2.6. The naphthalene,C H is stirred continuously.

6. The temperature and the state(s) of naphthalene,C H is recorded at half-minute intervals until the
temperature drops to 60 C.
7. Our results are recorded in our Chemistry Notebook as shown in Table 2.2.
1. Why is solid naphthalene,C H not heated directly with Bunsen flame?
DISCUSSION = Because naphthalene,C H is highly flammable
2. Why is a water bath used to heat the naphthalene,C H ?
= To ensure the even heating of naphthalene,C H
3. During the cooling of naphthalene,C H , explain why
(a) the boiling tube must be placed in a conical flask
= To prevent the supercooling and allow the even cooling of naphthalene, C H
(b) the naphthalene,C H must be stirred continuously
= Stirring it will prevent it from naturally crystallizes
4. What happens to the temperature of naphthalene,C H during
(a) melting?
= remain constant
(b) freezing?
= drops
5.The melting point of sugar is 184 C. The melting point of sugar cannot be determined using the apparatus
shown in Figur 2.5. Why? What apparatus can be used instead?
= We cannot use a thermometer which reads max 100 C to measure a temperature of 184 C. Thiele tube
can be used instead.

CONCLUSION The melting and freezing point of naphthalene,C H are the same. Hypothesis are accepted.

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